1758 Forssa Way, GAS 1NORK ORDER . 1082 Payne Ave. STAN DARD 410 W. Lake St. St. Paul, MN 55101 9 Minneapolis, MN 55408 6511772-2449 b H EAT I N G0 612/824-2656 & AIR CONDITIONING A Blue DoC: Service Co. EQUIPMENT INFORMATION LAST ?'ulrtPr\ FIRST ADDRESS ) 7 s? ? o?S'Sa WaIf CITY SG an ZIP S Slzz HM PH Sl ?/Sa- ?71,? WK PH TECH DATE I I I Z7 10'2 TYPE ? ah t ?f MAKE ?r R? r MODEL 3'12A,4?63-1°-7Q A,4JW SERIAL 5' _ 1NPUT '? G % of ,II 1 11 11 ORSAT TEST RECORD = j C02 °16 METERED INPUT Cfh CHIMNEY TY4-`/ Ve'l 02 °/6 UMIT SETTING c'-crr o n ° FLUE SIZE Ifl. CO C) °r6 PILOT OUTAGE n S-ia n sec CONNECTOR SIZE in. NET STACK TEMP .Sc? ? 0 '? v• 1?, TOTAL CHIMNEY INPUT hlvl- f btuh ?-???h?,, :.? . CITY OF EAGAN r, . ..-.- „ ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-1 99, Eagan, MN 55121 ?•? ??' ? BUILDING FifRMIT PHONE:4S4-810 0 Receipt # To be used for '4"SEASON PORCH Est. Value $9.000 Date MV 14 , 19 91 Site Address 1758 FO HS5A WAY , LOt 3 BIOCk 6 Sec/Sub, RID(IRCLIFFE lST OFFICE USE ONLY ? Parcel No. occupancy R-3 FEES ? ?" 1 PD Zoning ? w Name A LIC£ 8??11 (Actual) Const Y' Bldg. Permit 108000 o AddreSS 11? FO BS3A {JAY (Albwable) Y-N Surchar e 9 4'• ? City ?N Phone 452-8772 # of Stories 121 i Pt R Length an ev ew o Name PATIO E 1?CfA3URE8 oePm id? SAC,City ?s ? Address 5120 CE City S? 1AUIS P DAR LA1Ct RD [ Phone 525-1494 S.F. Total S.F. Footprints _ _ SAC, nncwcc ? On Site Sewage _ Wa1er Conn ? W W ?+ Name or, site wen - Waler Meter v?=-y AddreSS MwCC System _ i W City Phone ciry waier - ncct. DeP°s't PRV Required - SJW Permit I hereby acknowiege that I have read th?I ication and state that the information is correct and tQ'"L""m 7 ith i 'a Booster Pump SNV Surcharge p o y w AFI ppl cable State o( Minnesota Statutes and Ci oi E agan Ordinanced. Treatment PI Signature oi Permitea-'' • ?F `?' APPROVALS Fl . , oad Unit A Building Permit is issued to: pATIO ZKLOSUM Planner - Park Ded. on the express ccmdition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council ? applicable State of Minnesofa Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. gldg. pff. _ Copies Building Official ' Variance - TOTAL 112 •? Permit No. Permit Holder Date Tekphone N WATER SEWER PIUMBING H.VA.C. ELECTRIC Inspectlon Date Msp. Commants Footings I Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. G?D c!! /T' ' ir Freplace ? i Final Htg. Orstat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final DeGc Ftg. Dedc Final Well Pr. Disp. ??`??• . .:,? . r;..,?.r....,,..,,-.c-?;,vF, ,47 Y+es ..,•'?+r'I , ' . . . , . ??,? CITY OF EAGAN 17734 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Bax 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 . SUILDING PERMIT Receipt # --- To be used for FIREPI.ACE Est. Value ;1.000 Date APR 19 ,?PQ_ Site Address 1758 FORSSA WAY Lot 3 Block 6 Sec/SubRIDGECLYFFE 1ST . OFFICE USE ONIY Parcel No. occupancy - FEFs W Name $O??T & ?'ICE ??N Zoning (Actuai)Const - Bldg. Permit ZS•?Q Address 1758 FO?tSSA iJAY (Afiowable) - S .50 ? City ??N Phone 452-8716 #otstories urcharge - Plan Review length _ Name s?£ Depth - SAC Cit Z p , y ?¢ Address S.F. Toial - SAC, MCWCC ? City Phone S:F. Footprints - Waler Conn ? On Site Sewage - F W Name On Site Well - W t M t a er e er _5 AddreSS MWGC Sysiem - Q Z a W City Phone City Water Acct. Deposit - S/W P it PRV Required erm - I hereby acknowlege that I have read this appiication and state that ihe Booster Pump - SNV Surcharge information is correct and agree to comply with ail appiicabie State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 7reatment PI Signature ot Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit A Building Permit is issued to: ROBERT OR ALICE BAKICEN Planner - Park Ded. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with aii Council applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. gldj, pft. _ CoPies 25.50 Building Official t Variance - TOTAI Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone aY WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp_ Comments Footings I Fourxiation Framirg Roofing Rough Pibg. Rough Htg. Isul. Freplace d p Fnal Htg. Final Plbg. Const. Meter Pibg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Engr./Pian f .2 - Bk1g. Flnal Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN 1795 Pllof K"b Road Eoyaw, MN 35122 PHONE: 434-e100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Site Address Lot Block 5ec/Sub. Porcel # aWc Name ; Address A Nome ?? Address - , 1-2... nL___ 'J. _ . 4 Erect ? Occupancy Alter ? Zoniny Repair ? Fire Zone Enlarps p Type of Const. Move p # Stories DemoHsh ? Length Grode ? Depth Sq. Ft. Approvals Ftes Assessment Woter & Sew. Pol ice Firo Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC I hereby acknowledpe thot 1 have read this opplication ond stote that the inlormotion is corred and ogree to comply with oil opplicoble State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eogan Ordirances. Permit Surchorfle Plon check SAC Water Conn. Woter Meter Rood Unit Total Sipnaturc of Permittee I A Building Pertnit is issued to: on the express tonditbn thn+ all work shall be done in acoordance with oll applioobla Stote of Minnesoto Stotutes cnd Ciry of Eapon Ordinonces. Buildirg Officiol Permit No. Parmit Holdar Misa Permit No. Holder Plumbing 2 ? W?'./?ZZ j H.V.A.C. 3O 3 Wall W?ter Disp. Sawer ' ENctrie (,J 0$1(0li Inqkction Dete Insp. Other Footings ? c Faundstion Fnmina RouQh Plbq. Rou? HVA Inwlation ? Final Plbp. ? Final HVAC Final Water Describe Location: NNII . ? Sovwr ' Pr. Disp. . Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN : . Fee rdt Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legib/y Tot. 1. Date4- 21.,-1`? . 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address 17 5,-" F o r s s a'w a,ytot B Ik. ? Tract 4, Owner Cikf; I ti THOMPS0N' 5. Contractor Wen2e1 MQCh Phone 452-1565 s. Address 3600 Kennebec Drive 7. city tagan State M inr Zip 5?1>% 8. Building Type: Residential Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New M Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 1 10. Describe 1 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield ( Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well / Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet ?! Other •?? ? Laundry Tray . / Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify tfiat the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 I Recefpt ; MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN ' Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C ° Ty,QB or Prinr /egibly Tot. • 1. Date - '- 2. Installation Cost ' • ? 3. Job Address -1Q.ot ' Blk. ',.' ' Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor • Phone ' 6. Address 4637 Cl-dcago ; 7. CitY State Zip 5.5407 8. Building Type: Residential El Commercial 0 Institutional O 9. Work Description: New '0 Add ? Alter ? Repair ? ' ;?? :: 10. Describe c ' ? - - -- ••- Fuel Type 11. No. Eauioment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Ai Handli : Mfg. r ng Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: ?- for Rough Flnal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved _ CITY OF EAGAN 464.6100 CITY OF EAGAAI Remarks Addition Ri dgecl i ff Fi rst . Addn„ Lot Owner 6 Parcel #1(L639sl1 (13(1 flF, street 1758 Forssa Way stateEagan., MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK ? 1982 298.08 S 298.08 C007616 12-23-51 SEWERLATERAL 19$2 1305.42 5 1305.42 C007616 12-23-$1 WATERMAIN WATERLATERAL 1982 1260.?9 $ 12.?9 C007616 12-23-81 WATERAREA 1982 298.08 5 298.08 C007616 12-23-81 STORM SEW TRK 1982 638 , 24 5 638.24 C007616 12-23-51 STORMSEWLAT 1982 955.45 5 955.45 C007616 12-23-81 Services 1982 637.75 S 637.75 C007616 12-23-81 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD UNIT 240.00 #29588 4-13-82 - WATER CONN. 420.00 ? o BUILOING PER. 7177 sAC 525.00 " " PARK ClTY OF EApAM WATER SERVICE PERMIT 9795 P11ot Knob Road PERMiT NO.: Eogon, MN 55122 _ Zoning; DATE Qwner: . No. of Unirs: lldcircss: - Sife Address: % - ., - .. ., • _ _ Plumber: AAeter No.: Sixe: Connedion Chorge: Reader No : Atcount Depostt: . ? ? a9? ? Ply wit6 tln Cit f E Permit Fee: p o ayan Oedinancu. Surcharge: • =i Mlsc. Chorges: B Y Total: ; Dote Paid: CITY OF EABAN 8795 Pllof Knob Road 6ogan, MN 55122 Zoninp; _ ., Owner: Address: 5ite Address: Plumber. I eyrss to eomolp wfth the City of Eoqan O?diaaneer. 8y Dcte of I nsp.: SEINER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: Connection Chorge: I . Account Deposit: Permit Fee: Surchcrge: Misc. (hwrges: Totnl: _ zi Date Pcid: CITY OF EACaAN 3795 Pilet KnoA Road Eayee, MN SS122 PHOHL: 454-8700' BUILDING PERMIT RewiM # Site Address ilao cva?oo .a, Y %,aio.a iv,/ Lot 3 Blxk 6 See/Sub. R'dgeelif{E 13t P„roi # 10 63980 030 06 ac Name Orrin M= SOn HmeS ; Address 1712 Hppk tnS (rOSSYo8d, b p Mtka. 55343 pho„e 544-7333 o Name OLT711 Mv mSdLI HomeS ?? Address ?-n2 ?p? 717s GYOSSLVaCl 1- r:... Mrka _ 5531i'3 0k..,. 544-7133 Name _ Address I hereby ockrwwledga that I have read this application and state that the intormotion is mrrect and ugree to wmply with all oDPlicable State of Minrxwta Statutes and Ciry of Eayan Ordinances. Sipnature of Permittee A Building Permit Is issued to: all work shall be done in eccordance wlth all Buildinp Officfal ix N° - 7177 ays?? Ered OccupancY ? Alter ? Zoninp Repoir ? Fire Zone Enlarye ? Type of Const. Vn Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Length 60 Grade ? Depth 24 Sq. Ft.- Aoor"als Faes Assessment Woter & Sew. Police Permit GJ4.W Surchor9e 24.00 Plan check 137.00 Firo snc 525.00 Eng Woter Coan.42LD(L . Planner Councll Bld Off WaterMeter 6Q"()() Road Unit 740-00 . g. APC Totcl $3 6Rn-00 on t he exprcss cadiNon 1hat wto Smtutes and City oi Eognn Ordinonces. CITY OF EAGAN N2 17734 3830 Pilat Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8106 Receipt # ??--3 n Tobeusedfor FIREPLACE Est.Value $1,000 Date APR 19 11990_ SIfO AddIB55 175$ FOR$SA WAY Lot 3 Block 6 SeGSub.RIDGECLIFFE 1ST OFFICE USE ONLY Parcel No. occuPancy _ FEEs Zaning - a Name ROBERT & ALICE BAKKEN (Adual) Const - Bidg. Permn 25.00 w ; Address 1758 FORSSA WAY (Allowable) - S h . SO ? Cdy EAGAN Phone 452-8716 xorstones um arge - Plan Review Length _ F Name SAME Depth - SAQCdy i aa Address S.F.TOtal - nQ SAC,MCWCC • City Phone ' sF Footpnnts - Water Conn On Sne Sewage _ Name On Sile Well - Water Meter Ful Address MWCC SYslem - l City Phone atywacer - Acct Oeposit S/VJ P it PFV Requved erm - I here6y acknowlege that I have read Ihis apphcation and state that the Booster Pump - SIw Surcharge intormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable Stale ol Mmnesota Scatutes and Ci of Eag an Ordi nc es . Treatment PI ,, ? ?n 1 / ?i SignaWre ot PermRea APPROVALS Road Urnt ROBERT OR ALICE BAKKEN A Bmlding Permit is issued to. Planner -parkDed. on ihe express conddion ihat all work shall 6e done in accordance wilh all Gouncil applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and C it y of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg Off _ Copies ?y ? ? Bwlding Official -4aA Vanance - TOTAL 25.50 Request Date F?e u9M1-11 inspect?an e rzetl> Featly Now ? Will NoLty Inspectar n Reatl ? N'h ? Yes C No y e I)0Censed comractor ] owner hereby request inspection of above electncal work at: Job Atlaress (SVeat Box or Rou1e No ) Cny I 7 " a Secuon No Township Name or N. Range No Counry 4 L - n t I RWT) Occupa P PM1ane No , ? ? j /'/2.. / Power Suovior Aaoress E1eciric0i Co?lrador (COmpany Name) Conhactor5 L¢ense No ! C- Maiiing qaaress ICOmracmr or Owner Making Inslallaei N Ih ?rze lore nh o wnBr Mehing Instellet,ooj FhOn'e'' 7Nu?m-Osar wwl . /? ?_d-(,,c9L1 MINNES TR STA E BO OF ELECTFICITY THIS INSPECTbN REOUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bltlg. Room S-173 BE ACCEPTED EV THE STATE BOARD 1821 University /.ve., St Paul. MN 55104 UNLESS PFOPER WSPECTION FEE IS Phone(612)66]-0800 ENGLOSED REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION :^"'?`•"'1?' ee-ooooi-oa b, Sea in5lrucL005 fOr.GOmpl¢fNg Ihis lorm on DecN of y611ow COpy 041443 "X" Below Work Covered by This Request ew? Tfiepj. TypeofBuiltling ApphancesWrced EqwpmentWtred i HOme ;Range ITemporary Service ? iDuplex Water Heater Electnc Heahng j Apt Bwiding 1Dryer Other (Specity) ?Comm./Indusirial iFumace I I TFarm IAir Condrtroner _- ? ' Olherispeniyi = ' ` Conlraciors Femarrcs A , ?/? ? '?-rc ? 4 J / ~'P6+?• /?^? A,a - -- --- ---------- j Compufe Inspechon Fee Below? . a e ?- y> / E" °/Os?.? -?-- --------------- - - aT Omer ? Fee ? ? ServiceEncranceSze ? Fee # Ctrcuns/Feeders Fee Swimmmg Pool 10 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transtormers ? Above 200 _ Amps Above 700 _ Amps F •SIgnS -? Inspectars Use Oniy TO L S j 'IrngationBooms ' + 1 O ?•? -------- -- - Special Inspeclion +AlarmlCommurncaUOn THIS WSTALLATION MAY BE ORDE DISCONNECTED IP NOT ?Other Fee ? COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONT 1, the Electrical Inspector hereby RDO9n?," oa?e ? certify that the above inspection has Date ? been made _ OFFICE USE ONLV This raquest voi0 18 manihs imm ? 2 11G?_-5 91 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE OFFIC USE ONLY This requeel vmd I B monihs fram vaLdanon date pnnted m Mu bax ????,? s77?? Reqoes? Qyy. ?/ J I Rw9hm inspernon reqm (You must mll iha msperor when y) IvpMion Oiher Than Rough-In-ETIZdy Now Q WJI Call Date Ready. I, ' se ?confractor 13 owner hereby requesY inspeciion o1 }he above eledri<al work at. Job Pddreu (SVni, Boa, or Roule N. ' Gry bp Coda Seclion No To»nship Nome or No Ronge No Fve No. Cojn Occ?Pan PM?e Na _?^ ^/? s o? Power upp wr Addresz Eleclnm) Co rc r(Co ny Na e Con nor Lmnse N. O? O Mas1er Lc N. (Planl Eletl Only) Mailing Ad ntmcMr or O«n<r Peho ?fall?on?on)/? ? / ?(/VVW Avihonxed SiqnaNre ( r or e? edorm?ng Ins11olloean) n V Phon N EB-0000)A-10 6/ STATEBOAqDWPY-SEEINSTNUCTIONSONBRCKOFYELLOWCOPY ? REOUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION I?I I I? ?I MinnesWa State Board of Elecfriciry 1827 University Ave., Rm. S- 28, t. Paul, MN 55104 * 0 2 7 2 ? g 1 9 s Phone s z) saz-oeoo /?j ?RD om e Apt Bldg Other: New Addn ommercial Industrial Farm Remod Re air ir Cond. Htg. Equip. Wafer Wc Load Mgmf. Other: er Ran e Elec. Heat Tem . Service "X" above the work mvered by this requesf Enfer remarks in this space and on ihe back of the white mpy only. Calculate Inspection Fee - This Inspecfion Requesf wdl nof be ac<epted without the correcF fee: Olher Fee #E $ervice F.Mrance Size Fee # Circvils/Feeders Fee Mo6ile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Sireaf Ug./Traffic $ig. Above 200 Amps Above 100 Amps TfanSFOfrttef/CienemfOl INSPECTOP'SUSEONLV TOTA Sign/Outline lfg. Xfmr. Alarm/Remote Control ? $wimminy POOl I hareb wtli thot I ins acxd e elern?ml mswlloHon desnibed herei ilre dafea swred Irrigafwn Boom Rough-In Dte $ ecial Ins ecfion p p Invesfigahve Fee Final ? ??? C G TNIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDEHED 115ISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. This re.quest vmd 18? months (+om C { t"V ' 6861 30 q z7 ,30, oc-? flequnsUate ly K Z Fire No, Roudh-,n InsVecuon Feq ired? ? ? Readv Nuw Will Notify Inspec- 5 Yes ?NO ?ar When qeadv Licenscd Elecvical Con[rflctor 1 hereby request inspection uf above ?wner electrical work installed at. i ArJdress, Box or qoute No, C uy O 43'A VV 1%wq ection o. Townshio Name or No. Fange Nu. Couiyy?? i? Occu ant IPflINTI 49 ?.Psati OokSs Phonc No. Power Supplier R-A I Atldress Wktr`obnO ElecVic?al ConVacto/r (Com/p1a'ny Namel Con/V?acmr's License No, T 41, "?4a?? 4?' IF • V / wner Making Instailanon) MailmO ? +ddr ess (ConVac or o r O t p ? ? @ { 7 4J fl{ l: -cl?f 6 ry)u ' Auihorized Signa C re( nNactodOwner Making InstallaLON Phone Number -S=b ? ' MINNESOTq STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY TMIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL N07 36998-Mitlway Bldg. - Noom N•191 BE ACCEPTED eV THE STATE BOARD 1621 U?ivers?cy Ave.. St. Peul, MN 55704 UNLESS PflOPEX INSPECTION FEE IS ENClOSEO. ?p7T/1??'1 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-00001-03 u v8?6 7' Seu instructions (or complehng this form on back of yellow coov. ?'"X"2?elow Wark Covered by Thrs Reqtrest gp Atld flep. Type Of Building ApprancBb Wired EquipmBnf WirBtl Home Ranye Temporary Servicc Duplex Apt. Building Commercial Bidg. Water Heater Dryer Fumace Di . Lightin Fixtures 'clectric Heatin Silo Unloader Industnal Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank FaIf11 Other poGfy Offiei ISVBrilyl tierlSper.rty piher Othor Cnmpute Inspectmn Fee Be(aw p Fee ServiceEntrnnceSize p Fen Feeders/5ubtextlws Fee Circuits tl 0 to 100 qm s 0 to 30 qm ps 0 to 30 Am 101 200 Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am s 1 Abo200 Amps A6ove 100-Am s Above 100-Art?Ps Tranrmers Remote Contml Circ. Partial%Oth Signs Speciallnspection TOTA F Re?nerks L Hough-in /j ? /?? Da"? t?ha Elactnwl sp ? ector, hereby cerbf ihat the 56ov Final Date y e 7 / ( inspection has been ? This request void 18 months fw. CITY OF EAGAN NO 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55127 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 Coj??5' Receipt # To be used for '4-SEASON PORCH Est. Value $9, 000 Dat, NOV 14 SiteAddress 1758 FORSSA WAY Lot 3 81ock 6 SeclSub. RIDGECLIFFE iST Parcel No. w Name ROB & AI.T('F RAKKFN ii: o Address 1758 FORSSA WAV' City EA(:AN phone 459-8771 o Name PATIO ENCiOSURES $Q Address 5120 CEDAR LAKE RD ,- City S A r PK Phone 525-1494 Name _ Address Phone I hereby acknowlege that 1 have read thispy i " n and state that the information is corred gree-t0'?y apphcable State of Mmnesota Statute C' of Eaga rdi . Signature ot Permn ? A Building Pe it i ssued to: 1?ATIO ENCLOSURES on ihe expre ntlition ihat all work shall be done in accordance with all applieable S of Mmnesota StatutesI andy ?C,iry of Eaqan Ordmances Builtling OHicial OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R=3 Zoning R-]. PD 19 91 FEES 1o8_on 4.50 (Actuap Consl Y=N Bldg. Permit (alwwable) V=N SurCharge X ol Stories Lengfh 12' Plan Review DeDth 14, SAG Cny S.F. Total - SAC, MCWCC S F. Footprints - On Site Sewaga _ Water Conn On Site Well - Water Meter MWCCSystem _ City Water _ Acct. Deposil PRV RequireA _ SAN Permit Booster Pump - S/W Surcharge Treatment PI APPHOVALS Road Unil Plannar - park Ded. Council _ BIdg.Oil. Copies Variance - TO7AL 112.50 19884 --1? CPI'?' OF EAG?.? Include 2 sets of plans, ? p ?? w 1 site plan w/elevations 5 ? G0.?BUILDIN(; PEIZ•tIT APPI.I ?TI 1 set of energy calculations. 'Ib Be Used For Valuation ? Date Site Pi3dress: 1'1 SR Forss4 W4V ( P'07 1 OFFICE USE ONII.Y Lot slock ` sec./sub. R?C\'Erect Occupancy ? Fi ?? Zoning Parcel #: r v l? 34 SO C3U c) ?st Repair Fire Zone Enlar4e ZYIe of Const. I/ Oaner: _ Move # Stories Pddress: Derplish Front ft. Grade Depth ? ft. City/Zip Code: Phone #: Contractor: (1RRIfti TNr1MPCnN unnAES__ AddresS: a Division of U. S. Home Corporation City/Zip Code: MINNETONKH, MiNN. 5r,143 Phone #: 5A t1-1333 Arch./Dng.: Pddress: City/Zip Co3e: Phone #: Assessments Water/Se-wer Police Fire En4 - Planner Council Bldg. Off. P.PC Permit Surcharge ? Plan Checlc SAC S Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit TCrrL a 1758 ? i?? "C.R. WINDEN b ASSOCIATES, INC. ? ? IAND SURVErORS T*L 645-3648 1381 EU5TI5 ST., ST. PAUL, MINN. SSI06 lea& : U. S. HOME CORPORATION ^' IV Er1T ? Scale: 1" = 30' 5:ASE? • O Denotes Iron J-(1 l-?T ? ? \ O A E N° 5°° EO?_, ? = 24 3 m \o V (Y1 ?'- ? p ' Q • O p1 ? ?0 \ r / OC ? 5o y' 1A5 ? 0 Lot 3, Block 6, Ridgecliffe First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE HERE6Y CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECI REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEV OF TME tES Of THE IAND ABOVE DES CRI6ED AfD ANY, LOCATION T ON SOAIDA ?AND.IIDINGS, IF ANY, 60UNDARTHEREON, AND All VI516LE ENCROACHMENTS. I ??? F A- p??I A. D. 19B2 ?' R' WINDEN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. Dorad thi.?__-doY o ?j, . ?E(/4..?1p...? bv SurvYyor. Min"eb010 ROqifIMtiOn No 11101 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EACAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Construction Requirements . 3 registered site surveys showirg sq. ft of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas (20 h mazimum lol wverage allowed) . 2 copies o( plan showing beam & window sizes; poured fourM desgn, etc.) . 1 set of Energy Calculations . 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted aBer 711193 • Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (hldgs wilh 3 or less units) DATE c'sS?I?.7'O9 SITE ADDRE: TYPE OF APPLICANT -- STREET ADDRESS TELEPHONE # RemodellReoair Reauirements . 2 copies of plan • 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated additions . 1 site survey for extenor additions & decks . Indicate if home served by septic system for additions VALUATION RENEWAL BY ANDERSEN 1920 COUNTY ROAD °C" WEST ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 LICENCE #20130983 ` - --- ? i IULTI-FAMILYBLDG _Y _N FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 ' STATE_ZIP FAX # -_? PROPERTY OWNER TELEPHONE #?S) COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULLS 7670 CATLGORY 1 MINNESOTA RLJLliS 7672 (4 submission type) • Residential Ventllation Calegory 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted ' Plumbing Contractor: ____ Plumbuig syslem includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Contractor. _ Air Conditionin; _ Hcat Recovery Syslem Fec: $90.00 ?7 Phone # ` . ,? ? ?, ??•?Fec: $70.00 1,1? 4 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the iryformatio ' correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Or tnances. S(gnefure of Appllcan OFFICE USE ONLY Water Softencr Water Heater No. of Baths Phone # , _ Iawn Spankler No. of R.I. Batlis Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ , Updated 4102 ??,?,,.?••? ?u? ?a..,o ran. toa aia .caoo msrusltA? tsxenutslt?tsct re al . ? rune?, 200? . City of Emn . 3836 Pilcrt Bteob Raad . gaSen. MN 5S122 To Whom Tc lyiay Gorwern: IIder Jones is authorizmd to pail buiiding permlts Por Ra»ewal by Andm=. Plesss atlow Slder Joncs to pmvide this sa'vica for us in Bagmi. 'nia MMMzacian #.a valid FoT any date bcyond 6/6/Ol: uatil at6notWa1 by Andcrsen mamager c4xeWY revokea it in wtidue to the Gity - I reqnest this autliorization bc accepted-expedIdotuly, av to not delny in rhe pocassing of our baildinS Paxmita aay Rqxther. PFcaac caII mc If thctG ero etrp qutactona.. I iaui be contactod at 763-502-4706. ? , .. Your immpdiatc atication to $is mattcr ls Sinaeivly, R Rau non Mana?r Renowat by Andeusen Corporation C'r.: Kwrn-Ftde.r 7onec off ? ?aa?aai. , wuw Received lime Jun. 7. 1,07pid CITY USE ONLY PERMIT C) ? RECEIPT DATE: 2002 #$E.SIDENTLAL MECHAN1CAL PERNIIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAfiAN S$SO $ILOT KNOB $D Eik6AN MN 55122 651-8$1-4675 Please complete for ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: Ob [o y SITE ADDRESS: r5 OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #:' INSTALLER NAME: TELEPHONE#: STANOARO HEATING 8 AIR CONDITIONNU • STREET ADDRESE? 410 WEST LAKE STREET 61 2-524-9R86 CITY: STATE: ZIP: Place a check mark next to the permit work type ? Add-on, modification or atteration to existin dwelling unit • furnace repiacement L' ? q 9 • airexchanger • air conditioner By • other 'r `$ 30.00 i / Nature of work: -? ? State Surchar e $ 50 rotal 52^ -5 J ISIGNATURE TE vn: ell? RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New ConsweNon Reawrements • 1 registeretl sAe surveys showing sq. tl. of bt. sq. R. of house: and all roofed areas (20%maximum lot coverege allowed) . 2 coDies of plan shawmg beam 8 window srzes; poured found Gesgn, eta) • 1 set of Energy Calculations • 7 copies of Tree PreservaUOn Plan it lot planeA after 717193 • Rim Joist DeWtl Optlons selection sheet (bldgs wifh 3 or less wuls) DATE ? ? SITE ADDRESS \15 TYPE OF WOR APPLICANT Ut'c??_ ST ? L STREET DD?ESS 3°;''f~ CITY TELEPH?? # "0O CEIL PHONE # V,Q PAX # PROPERTY OWNER Vk:1Q'G .?' it-Z` O-L ?0_??r1 TELEPHONE # 2 " / /L Energy Code Category (J submission rype) ? ? RemodellRenair Reauirements • 2 copies of plan ; . 1 set of Eneryy CalCUlations for heated addition5 . 1 site survey for extenar addifions & decks . InEkate if hwne served by seDtic system foradtlihans VALUATION I - I ?Q 00 10,J U COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY _ MIVNESO'C:1 RCI.l:S 7670 C:1"fEGORI' t bII\VESO'C.1 RCLES 7673 • Residential Ventllation Category t Worksheel Submi[ted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submittetl Plumbing Contractor: Plumbing sys[cm includes: Phone # Water Sottener ? Water Heater _ No. of Baths . New Energy Code Worksheet Suhmittetl _ Lawn Sprinkler Fee: 890.00 \o. of R.I. Baths Mechanical Contractor: Phone # ?[ccho-uiic,il syslctii utcludu: Air Condiuoni??g ?U.UO -- I-[cat accovcry• S}stcm i. I?-? }?????; 2 9 1?"? •,? Sewer/Wafer Contractor. Phone ? ? . '? ?- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this opplication, state that the information iscarr-ect, and agree o with all applicable Stafe of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinan(?es. n n Slgnature of Appllcanf OFFICE USE OYL MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _Y ZN FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 TE /ZIP c 0 Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4/02 1 111-1.54 1990 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS MULTIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS # OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, SUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES IdILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For Site Address r,Yr- c Valuation: I7SS FOYS?.? ?/G{?( I Lot 3 Block ? Parcel/Sub ?JPAU4 Owner P'&64f'r1IGz Rnke,Y1 Address 17?? ?DrySG ?i(?Gt? City/Zip Code beiGtYt,/??? SS?? Phone `? - ?-71 L Gontractor Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. _ Address City/Zip Code Phone # Date: '`? S S O Occupancy Zoning Actual Const Allowable # of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. OFFICE USE ONLY On site sewage_ On site well _ MWCC System _ City water _ PRV _ Sooster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner Council Sldg. Off. Variance FEES Bldg. Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Acct. Deposit 5/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Copies ? SUBTOTAL Penalty •SJ TOTAL oZ5 5t7 2 CITY USE ONLY L BL (-p RECEIPT #: 546, ? SUBD. Yio /.Cf DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit New construction Add-on furnace x Add-on air conditioning Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: s-9-96 FEES ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) $ 20.00 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required Q$3.00 each) ? State Surcharge .50 TOT01 $2050 _ SITE ADDRESS: 1758 Forssa wav Eagan OWNER NAME: sob Bakken PHONE #: 452-9716 INSTALLER NAME: Apple-Lake Heating & Air Conditioning STREET ADDRESS: 17100 xamil on vrive - CITY: Lakeville STATE MN ZIP: 55044 PHONE #: ( 612 ? 431-4328 iN6 1991 BUILD PLICATION CITY OF EAGAN . SINGLE FA4fILY DWELLINGS 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS H[TI.TIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PIANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL REGISTERED 9ITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PIANS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET QF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUI.ATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS # OF FOR SALE UNITS YBNALTY APPLIES AHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY IAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICN REQUEST IS MADE. LOT CHAN6E IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER IATS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH A?DRESS I5 DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. 4? $p-^o111 , To Be lTsed For: X?ge' G'x Valuation: Date: Site Address Lot 3 Block G Parcel/Sub Ri DCtsCLIf4;-; lSI /Qb;,;N, Owner Address / 7-rk Gv/a.,. City/Zip Code .L c q r^ z Phone Contractor i? 7? o Address o t' c ?/r ? /? Ee 4? City/2ip Code 14-7h SS? Phone S ' Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone # Sewer/Water Licensed Contr 90D0 ' OFFICE II5E ONLY Occupancy R'S Zoning 9-1 P D_ Actual Const V-N Allowable v-N # of stories Length 12 ' Depth lN? S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sewage_ On site well _ MWCG System _ City water _ PRV _ Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner _ Council Bldg. Off. !i•/Z 91S Variance _ FEES Sldg. Permit (dB.oo Surcharge 19,So Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit 5/w Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Y1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trail Ded. Copies SIIBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL ? ?1 . ? n ( agrees that all woik shall be done in accordance with Signature of Gontractor) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. //w. ?.4 A.T! / 2'`t v = l6cr k S"3 = 4 . ^ a ? ct v ? a2 103•00+ ? C? ?'? " '' ' 0? ??- 1" • 5,? r S> .a I . . , NOV 04 '91 04:12PM P.4i4 N' \ z 3\n ,89" g P7 t F0255A vJAY ,w o7 , hltE PI.AIJ sos e aLia eai nsa Fozssa wl 06m, Mlu#I. 5: SLALE I":ZO' [?, , 5 la I ?-e- l T0: ID1dVA OLSCN, (TfIISI1' IIIILL% CZE..'4R BUIIDII9G INSPDCi'ICN DEPARI.ME:1T BIIS, BRANQI, SUPERIN1fSIDIIVT OF PCMLIC 14ORK5 F%M: 1fiaAS A. COIBERT, DIRECIC)R OF PUBLIC WORKS . DATE: SEP'PIIMffiIIt 10, 1981 RE: RICGEC= LST ADDITIIN , Because the following list of lots in Ridgecliffe lst Addition does not haw gravity sewer outlet at this tirme, the following proce- dises will be initiated Lmtil further notioe: VPILITY BILLING No water turn-ms will be allv,ved prior to 8-1-82 or tmtil sewer is available in these azeas. ' BUIIDL?IG LVSPECPICN Building permits can be issued for these lots, but the builder should be inforrred at time of peanit issuanoe (perhaps staping the building peunit with "NO OCC..L'PAVCY PRIOR TO 8-1-82 OP. UNTIL SE+]ER IS AVAILABIE") the restrictions cn sewer availability. MALVTE`MCE DEP.AE2I.?= See both utility bilLing and buildirg inspectim above. The lots with these restrictions are as follaas: L(7i5 1-9, BI,C(IC 7 LO'IS 1-6. BI.OCK 8 I.O'P" 1-7 S71X..?c 9 I.OTS 18-23 BIC)CfC 9 LC7I5 10-16 BLOCK 10 LC7PS 1-10 BI,OCK 5 Lc7I5 1-4 BIlJQC 6 717P5 1-6 BI,OCX 12 Lc7P'' 1-17 BI,OCIC 13 an@ az2 also indicated on the attached maps. . Jac . `Ib: 7AIL'V11 OISON, [IPILITY f3ILLI"]G CLG1tK DALG PEPERSON, QHIEF' BUIIDINC; OI'FIC7AL BILL BRANCH, SUPERINTENDIIVT OF PUALIC WORKS FT20Nt: THQ`1AS A. COLBERT, DIRECT'OR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE : NOVFi+1BER 17, 1981 RE: RIDCECLT=- 1ST ADDITION - SEhTER AND N7ATER CONNECI'IONS On Septen-ber 10, 1981, anenn was distributed listing several lots in the Ridgecliffe lst Addition which wnuld not be issued sewer and water permits tmtil sanitarv sewer service had been made availahle. Because it is not anticipated that gravity sanitary sewer will be available to provide service to the affected lots until July/August of 1982, Orrin Thonpson Hoires has agreed to install a teniporarv lift station from Man- hole No. 37 to the 4" service line for Lot 8, Block 9, Ridgecliffe lst Addition. Attached to this r,em is a cooy of the letter we received frcm Orrin Thompson Hames whereby they indicate that they will perform the installation, maintenance and liability of this tenporary lift sta- tion/f'orce main sanitary sewer until such tise gravity sanitary sewer can be extended across.the future I-35E durina the spring of 1982. There- fore, with this terrporazy system being installed and maintained by Orrin Thonpson Homs, the terporazy hold on se:ver and water permits and occu- pancy for the following lots has ncw been lifted: Lots 1-9, BlOCk 7 Lots 1-6, Block 8 Lots 1-7, Block 9 Lots 18-23, Block 9 Ints 10-16; Block 10 Lots 1-10, Block 5 Lots 1-4, Bloclc 6 Lots 1-6, Block 12 Lots 1-17, Block 13 This tenporary sanitasy force main will still not nrovide service to the follaaing lots: Lot 1, Block 8 Lots 1& 2, Block 9 Lots 18-23, Blodc 9 Lots 11-17, Bloc7c 10 Therefore, the restrictions as referenced in my previous nerto will still apply to these lots. These lots are referenced on the attached map for your information. If any'problems arise pertaining to sanitaxy sewer availability, back-ups, etc., please refer those calls directly to Orrin Thcx*ipson Fianes for the proper resolution. If vou have any questions to this release of the re- striction on the building and sewer/water permits, please mntact M. Please insure that all personnel in your departmnt are acvare of these restrictions. TAC/j ach cc - Bob Carlson, Orrin Thcspson Hanes TO: LORNA OISON, LTPILITY BILISNr CLIIZK DALE PETBRSON, (?iIEE' BUIIDING OFFICIAL BILL BRANCH, SUPERINTENDIIVT OP PCTBLIC [^ORKS Ff2CM: THC1'NAS A. COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC V70RKS &C/ DATE: NOVIIMBER 18, 1981 RE: RIDGECLIE'FE 1ST ADDITION - SE[VER P,ND WATER CQNNECTION RESTRICTIONS On Novenber 17, 1981, a rrnim was fonaarded listing several lots witlun the Ridgecliffe lst Addition that had restrictions plao=_d on the issuance of any sewer, water or occunancy pennits due to the Lmavailability of sanitary sewer. There appeared to have been a duplication of lots that were refer- enced for future restrictions as mnpared to those whose restrictions had been listed. Please be aware that the following lots anly will have rr strictions placed on the issuance of sewer, water or occupancy pernuts: Iot 1, Block 8 Lots 1& 2, Block 9 Iqts 18-23, Block 9 Ints 11-17, Block 10 Please insure that these referenced lots are not granted any peiznits that would allaa their occupancy or use of the sanitary sewer system. Please insure that all personnel are made aware of this correction as stated in this imsm. TAC/jach cc - Bob Carlson, Orrin Thrng>son Hcares 1758 ? I FOR: U. S. HOME CORPORATION ? DQ',-?'lNP6E A?O 5 0 / o; O 1 p -3?77 ~ ? ?-` 1A5,00 ? Scale: 1" = 30' O Denotes Iron W 0 ` ' O i Lot 3, Block 61 Ridgecliffe First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE MEREBY CERTVfV TMA7 ' BOUNDARIES OF iME IAND THEREON, AND All VIStBLE Dolad 1his 7 +? da, of- ? N O ( ? ?o ?O P vSURVD ORS & el 6403•36465, INC. aND 1361 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAUI, MINN. 55108 N EASE?r`N? ` \O / ` P ? ` s ti 24.3 o ? ' ?i O II A'BOYE DFSCREBEDNANDOOFEiHE R OEPRES CATEIONTOF A 6UIlDINGS, OIF ANY, ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, FROM OR ON SAID IAND. ASSOCIATES, INC. AprA.D. 1982 C. R. WINOEN 8 ? )r.6 by Surrayor, Minnesoto Ropinrotien No 11 lro 1758 019, I FOR: U. S. HOME CORPORATION ? E ?0 1 p ? CA ? ?O O 1A?,0 Lot 3, Block 6, Ridqecliffe First Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE MEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND COURECT REPRESENIATION OF A SURVEV OF TME ION OF All 6lJIlDtNGS, If AN , IAND. LAND BED BOUNDARIEA ?F Ai?EV15 B E EB ROACHMEN 5, IF AND AOFNY, FiMEROM LOC OR AT ON SAID THEREON, ASSOCIATES, INC. 7 +? dor oF A-A.D. 1982 C. R. W - INDEN 6 Dorad thi? ? ? J?_- `yr,/ a,?•?/`?•/.. br '1l 16 S,rrayot, Mieneato Ro9isvahon No 1 ?1? q PN?S? / 3 ? 0 ? vSUND ORS a ?L ASSOCIATES, INC. AND 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAULP MINN, 55108 N ? O' ` ? Scale: 1" = 30' O Denotes Iron ? .? \ 0 ? ,o ' O i 52 ? ? ? a N. ? P 1 p \ P , Z4.3 +O y' ' o // 1758 ------------ FOR: U. S. HOME CORPORATION o / ? C. R. WINDEN 3 LAND SURVEYORS 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST ? c a o O \0 P 1 '1 ' \O ?' `A/ J ASSOCIATES, iNC. Tel 643 • 3646 PAUL, MINN. 55108 Scale: 1" = 30' O Denotes Iron \ ?a 0 ? Lot 3, Block 6, Ridgecliffe First Addition, Dakota Countv, Minnesota. ANO OF THE IOCATION OF All 6UIlDINGS, If ANY, BOUNDARWE HERIE6YES CE OF RTI TfYHE ITHATRND THIS IS ABOVE A TR DESCRIUEBED AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF TH OR ON SAID LAND THEREON, AND All VISfBLE ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, FROM . ASSOCIATES, INC. +? C. R. WINDEN 8 of A---- ?-r??---'A D. 1982 _day I Dotad 1hil ?? ? ? fKXQ. ?L ? by R Surrayor, Minn?soto opistration No ll 1? O N 2007 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? vo City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Constmchan Reauiremenls 3 registered sile surveys showing,sq. R of lot sq R of house; antl all mofed areas (20 % maximum bt coverage eliowed) 1 Soils Report if proposed bulldingis to be placed on disturbed soil 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 window srzes, poured found design, etc. 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies o( Tree PreservaGOn Plan if lot platted a8er 7f1193 Rim Joist Detail Ophons selection sheet (buildings wiN 3 or less uniis) Minnegasco mechan¢al venhlation fomi RemodellReoair Reouirements O(fice Use Onlv 2copiesofplanshowingfootings,beams,joists Cert ofSurveyRecd 1 set of Energy Calwlations for heated atldi6ons Soils Reporl 1 sice survey iw addifions & decks Tree Pres Poan Recd Add'rtion - mdicafe rf on-sRe septic system Tree Pres Required On-site Septic System 0(D •1`t ", 4. 0 _Y _N Y N _Y _N Y N Y N Pfans are considered public information unless vou state they,are trade secret and the reason. >s -- ) Date ? Cons[ruction Cost Site Address 13S9 FO(' SSo°- 0 Unit/Ste # ff???? M? SSS??LZ? Description of Work RE6? ??.??w? W+?'? ?L. {?7pQ } ?t? ? (? t?A,?+r?( Multi-Family Bldg _ Y'?6. N Firepiace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner &oki --b-kM1 KFO Telephone #((OSI )'-t S Z^' F?S1I b Contractor N(?E {?QyJtUc??t.s? ? Address City Yvki,y.V•4w1' h??.l.S State r 7.ip S?c7? Telephone # (612) 9_1?7^ K?? COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Catceorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Enefgy Code Category • Residential Venlilafion Ca'egory 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculai:ons Submitted In the last 12 monihs, has the City of Eagan issued a pem-tit for a similar plan based on a master plan8 _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of muster plan: Licensed Plumber Telephone #( Mechanical Contractor f Telephone #( Sewer/WaterContractor _ Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the inform4ion is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved atrii-fh se of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? -?C?V?? Applicant's Printed Name ZAeantfs Signature ' DO NOT WR[TE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory B ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 EM. Alt- M ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 EM. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex p 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screeNgazebolpergola) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvpes p 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Damolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to appliwM D¢SCfIptI0I1: Water Damage _ Yes Valuation ?i E) JPO• o p Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code Zoning Ciry Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump ' # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV I ---rl # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) _ Sheetruck ? Foo[ings (deck) Final/C.O. _ Footings (addttion) iP FinaUNo C.O. Foundation HVAC Dram Tile Other Roof _]ce & Water _ Final _ Pool Ftgs Air/(jas Tests Final _ Framing _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Srone Lath _Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows _ insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By? _ ----- --------- ------ , Building Inspector --------- ? -- - ------ ---------- ---------___----- ---- Base Fee ---------- -- - ------------- ---° - - Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S8W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search ? Copies Other I Total •175k3• FOR: ? U. S. HOME CORPORATION ????N FlEvIEWED Bv:_---/ 6 1??n? C. R. W iNDEN b LAND SURVEYOR$ 1361 EUSTIS ST., ST D,?v[?:?- ? Ns \ BUILDING INSPECTIOW? DIdISSO? `0 C?P05- t'N40?7 .o i 1? N "4 N ? ° ° . 0 ` L i P .? ' ?-c 50 ? ?k AS50UATES, INC. Tel 643• 3646 PAUL, MINN. 55108 N Scale: 1" = 30' O Denotes Iron ? 0 ` ? + ,o OR1 / O o0 Lot 3, Block 6, Ridgecliffe First Addition, Dakota Countv, Minnesota. WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT BOUNDARIES OF THE LAND THEREON, AND ALL VISIBIE T ABO E DESCREBEDMAND OOF ETME R OCAT ION T OF ENCROACMMENTS, IF ANV, FROM OR ON SAID Dotad this 7 41, -dor osf--p'---a" _A.o 1982 OF A SURVEY Of TFFE ALl 6UIlDINGS, IF ANY, IAND. C. R. WINOEN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. by Survayor. Minnesota Roqutrotron No. l1 76 Rpr 23 2008 9:14PM HP LRSERJET FAX Cit? of ?a?n 9830 p11o/ Knob Road F,apBn MN 55722 ?: (8.51) 87S?8T5 Fax:(B51)875-5H?4 p.2 Pemdt #Y. 7S ?? ?? U ? Fa.: Sn ? S?? pffie Recdvaa: 2008 RESiDENT1AL PLUMBING PERIwIT APPUCATtON oa?e• '[??-?o Sr s?re nam?: / stin. ?: re?: RESIOENT/OWNER Neme: `' ? - L?t'? • Phone: G-?1-.?5? -P7/? ? ACdress / Criy 1 COI?ITqACTOR ? ?dame: TypE pF WORK PEFWIT TfpE LloBrrse 1: Address: ?' ' ?: 'YM ,. /? Staler' ,? aP? -?rS-Y!L '-1- `/??--?.' ?tdiPi_c? / r?w?e• ?P<) -5?9-/c7 Z ? ?^: _ ? N?,,,, X ?,? - ? - aeaaw _ ?Nr sa? -wo? m r?o.w_ _ .. . ? ? i ? 1 r RE3/OENTL4! Water Heeter Lewn Irrigatlon - ? RP2 / ? PV B) _ Septic SYster" Mear - P?rtr?ent Water Sorierrer ` Add Plumbirg Fixturea -? umm ., wwe. ?en Wate? 7umarourd RESIDE'NTIAL FF.ES: y?p,5p ? Watar Heater. Water Softener, or Water Heater ?^.wner?er McN?s 5-50 Stme Surd?a??) g30,5p Lpwn IrtigaBon {includes i•50 S1etm 8u?rge) $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixwres? SePtic 5?1?^ Abandomme?t. WaterTurnaround' (6icludes S.SO Smee Surd+e?) wvam? Tumara?nd ?add t?ss.oo if a s?a• m?r is rey?ared) St o0.5o seW?o sra?em ?pc (s? o.oo ve. as buaq (?ndudes co?mv ?ee a?e s.5o sm?e surc?eroe) S90.S0 Fre Repeir (?eda? ?? out appliarices, ductwork? etc.) {tridudes 5.50 91ate 3umher?OTAL FEES j Ae?Bpy acknpwletlgB B18t V?9 Hnam?un ?s ow?y?w.e .?.?. s....._..? _._. _..' _._.. work is ro? ta 8t9R Ea?K Met I underete?d thia ia rot a pe?mN. but aAY e? ??m ta a petmlR end ?rd?nee,dy,lne approved q,n In 1ne oase o+ vAOA[ wNa? requ?res a ?eWa. enu or . =??J? ?? ?/?Ir[%LILSI???- ny MWro Applloa E Na?ne in ?ed B!I_ ?:-?"'----- -19eq?yry?('?: Und?rCamund _R4ugh-In AirTest .rtC,as7'9st _? ? City of Eapn 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 r' _ _ _ _ ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ I For Otfice use ? I ? ?J I ? Permit#: I Permit Fee: ? ? Date Received: I j Staff: ? I ? ---- I 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: I- 1 dU Siie Address: I-iss Tenant: Suite if: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: Bbb a,,,J A<<ce Phone: - L492 - E3771 Zv Address / City / Zip: ( Z5R Rcr-S5e (.17a-r . 6 qGNI 122- Applicant is: _ Owner ?Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: ? "vtocL W 41c6J iiA5-01 Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes_/ No!T CONTRACTOR Name: ?tovhP ??0\1"6VIS License #: 2-?? ?CJ 7 D 1 Address: 25 (:?6BtaCLAn S'• City: m, i Vl.In9G-0 iS State: rl Zip: ?J ?J?CJ J Phone: ?D[Z'" S39 ' 3?9 Contact Person: ST2.4e- l.l JR4 LS COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet Category Suhmitted Submitted (d submission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 72 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permii for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Cantractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents thaf you submit are considered to be publlc Pn/ormatiort. Portions of the informatlon may be dassified as non-publfc if you provide specJfic reasons that would permit the City to conclude ihat the are trade secrets. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that ihe work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of permR; that the work will be in start wihoua Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and Pf accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and appro? x?.4-L'1 V? 6' x 11 ^ VV Applicanl's Printed Name ApplicanV Signat Page 1 of 3 -? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES ? Foundation ? 05-plex ? 16-plex ? Accessory BUilding ? Pool tO Single Family ? 06-plex ? Fireplace ? Porch (3-season) ? Ext. Alt. - Multi ? 01 of _ Plex ? 07-plex ? Garage ? Porch (4-season) ? Ext. Alt. - SF ? 02-Plex ? 08-plex ? Deck ? Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ? Multi Misc. ? 03-Plex ? 70-plex ? Lawer Level ? Starm Damage ? 04-Plex ? 12-plex ? Miscellaneous WORK TYPES ? New ? Interior Improvement ? Siding ? Uemolish Building* ? Addition ? Move Building . ? Reroof ? Demolish Interior 3W Alteration ? Fire Repair ? Windows ? Demoiish Foundation ? Replacement ? Egress Window ? Water Damage ' Demolition (entire build ing) - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION: Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review Code Edition ZoQ 71 SAC Units (25%_ 100% Zoning City Water Census Code ? Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Const. Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) Footings (deck) Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tiie Roof: Ice & Water Final ?(1 Framing -t? Fireplace:_R.l. _AirTest _Final Insulation Sheetrock FinaI/C.O. _)6 Pinai/No C.O. ? HVAC Other: Pool: Footings _AidGas Tests _Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath Brick Windows Retaining Wall Reviewed By: _ '7:2?2J , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies Total Page 2 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I For Office Use t Permit 1 City of Eap I Permit Fee: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road j t Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 t 1 Fax: (651) 675-5694 i Staff: - - - - - - - - - - - - INFLOW & INFILTRATION PERMIT APPLICATION Plumbing / Sewer & Water Date: A 4 b 1 tZl1 Site Address:/ -7 577 A0 R 1 54 W /O ( ~j (J A) r 'r f I" J v Tenant: 4p, E l,-r 4- AL. / S )q k k E Suite RESIDENT / OWNER Name: A'o 8e-Rr 4--4 JCP- &#r`- Phone: & 7 ! - 7 qZ 7-7 16 Address / City t Zip: 175E A'd g y5-4 WA q &46,4A) M 1V SS I Z z' Name: c , a c: 01 t,, v~, G s j4 rc_~ T'n,- License 0 S9 S,, ;5" CONTRACTOR Address: P 0, City: State: t"'t N Zip: _S` ~z j Phone: t, r - 51 a 2,S ZContact: 01; 4 c S c + 1 !z Email: 01 i Kk to, h r 8 ,p / r. PLUMBING (Within the building envelope) SEWER & WATER (Outside the building envelope) TYPE OF WORK Sump Pump Repair Repair Other: Other: DESCRIPTION Description of work: I n J r 4 c-„ r FEES $55.00 / Each (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEE $ S,5* • 4 0 *Permit fees will NOT be reimbursed by the City of Eagan. If you plan to submit III repair costs for reimbursement, two quotes from qualified contractors must accompany this application. A list of contractors can be found by visiting www.cityofeaclan.com/inflow, or City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstaateonecall.org i hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. XA3n" K 1;L S 11,; ) +-I-,- x ~L A Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date Required Inspections: Under Ground -Rough-In -Final