1052 Keefe StCITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition MCKP_P. 3 Lot81k 2 Parcel 10 7752 4O 02 Owner ? A? ?6"-?-u-QStreet 1Q„IL KAP'FR Gt?. State F„ab'a ??ri? ?? Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK * SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1985 437.010 29 . 13 is STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 200.00 803 6-17-68 BUILDING PER. S14C. 200.00 0 "•11 PARK Site Address : Jc neei c 3 4 eio? ` Sec/5ub. `tc?:ee ?or paro,l # 10 47752 040 02 ac Nome W z Addrr °C Nome 1.? loe t arn ('.nn rY_ ,o ?` qddresa 6950 G;avzata f31.vd, ce r,«.. 'P1 s oi- 546-3385 Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge that I hi the information is correct an Stcte of Minnesota Statutes i Signoture of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in acco Buildirg Officiol Erect px Occupancy '-{ Alter ? Zoning Repair ? Fire Zone i Enlarge ? Type of Const. Move ? * Storles Demolish ? Front h. Grade p Depth ' ft. Appeo vol: Fees Assessment - Wcter & Sew. Police Eng. Phone Plonner CAUnCi I reod this opplicotion nnd state that gldj, pf{, gree to comply with all applicoble AP?! Ciry of Eoflon Ojdinante"s! . . r -L_ ?__- •? - Permit ' 5urcherge ? Plan check _ SAC Wnter Conn. Water Meter Toto120. Q ?,:, . •_ .. , .U «:, w. on the express conditlon that all opplicoble State of Minnesota Stetutes ond City of Eagan Ordinonces. ..., CITY OF EAGAN 9795 Pilet Keob Raed Eogen, MN 55122 N? 5180 PHONE: 4544100 a?w w??ri+ wrwurr .,-----` u . Pomk # pete Ismad h?w?ilfw . Plumbing Mechcnical INSPECTIONS DATE INSp, Rough-in Final Footings Date Insp. Dote Irap. Foundation Plumbing Frome/lns. MecFanicol Final Remarks: PERM4T # PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CANTRACT PRICE PNANF, 454-810n , ` Lot _ i ? c ` City ? Name , c Address O CitY --G Sec/Sub FEES COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CQNDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MfHfMUM - RESIDEIVTiAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADp $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES OF PERMITTEE FQF: CITY OF EAGAN BLDG. TYPE WaRK DESCRIPT{ON Res. New Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3.00 $ Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Ki?chen Sink - $3.00 Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1,50 Whiripool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 , (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) _Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: STATE S/C: GRAND TOTAL: INS CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 CTION RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: rrii1 , 11 1 n A 'l. ''4 9 t,i ? A;?/Ifif`7 SITE ADDRESS: .9 • N.: a. N- 4 116.7 -e o 0 4 !ti 1 c 4 B L kt I; M ? ? . . ? z Er- F b a?: ? t: t? t2 t:? ? PERMIT SUBTYPE: , , . APPLICANT: . !, i:. • . I 1 i'1 . i ili. 1 I V I( t I 1l 1 f i;12 ) +364-lb82t4 TYPE OF WORK: AI 1'EaAf 11)N ' l1F.' p I C!?M MAC 1) N11 7 N`.;Ut.A'f I t11i; INSPECTION r• • DA Permk Mo. Permit Holder Date Telephone li ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Data Inep. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST fiOUGH HEATING GAS SVC 7EST INSUL GYP BOARD FlREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLOG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownex ----- a...:__I--'--/-`--- /1,, Address (Pzesen2) ...... ?G..._.?.:•:!.....?^.... - /??`'G„ Builder ... Addresa DESCRIPTION N° 1'764 Eagan Township Town Hall Da:e ............... Siories To Be Used For Fron1 Depth Heighf Esi. Cos! Permii Fee Aemarks / fd a `! ?3? ? /? r-+-a /ti'• ? /d / ,Q.e,.Lc ,?a.Z-i?'-,t-? LOCATION This pexmit doee aot aulhorize the use of slreels, roeds, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agent the righ! !o creale anp sifusiion which is a nuisanea or which presenis a haserd fo the healih, safely, eonvenience and general welfare !a anpone in the eommunily. THIS PERMIT MUST BE, rK?EPT?ON THE P REMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. This is fo eer2ify. Yhal---.?11.:`.-='?t?.`.-?? :-..........hes permission !o erect a.-. :......__.-.--._ -.......__.---_-.._upoa the above deseribed premise subjec2 !o the provisions oi the Building Ordinanee for Eagag Townshi r adopYed April 11, 1955. ? vq -""' . ................ . .................?:.-"'_""_"-"""----. Per ........--"--....... .?..%.?..??-??'----='?. ""F -""- ,f Ch rman of Tnwn Soard Buildirtg Inspeefor 4- B cIrr oF EAGAN 3795 Pila Knob Road Fagae, MN 55122 PHONB: 454-8100 BUILDIkG PERMIT APPLICATION Te 6e used for Garage Est. Volue $4,600, N° 5180 Reteipt # /T4? _ Site Address " °"' Lor 4 61ock 2 Sec/sub. McRee 3 Parcel # 10 47752 040 02 W Name ? Addre o _ r p Nume kip tnrn (' nct Addreu 6950 Wavzata Blvd r ci Mpls Phone 546-3385 G W Nome F Address Ci Phone 1 hereby acknowledge thot I hove read this applicotion and stote that the information is correct and ogree to comply with oll a plicable Smte af Minnesota Statu'tqs ond City of Eagan Ardino" A Erect Ek Occupancy pL Alter ? Zoning R,1 Repnir ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge ? Type of Const. --V Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Front -.-2-- ft• Grade ? DeDth 24 fr. Approwls Fees qssessment _ Woter & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner _ Council - Permif K S0V $urcharge Plan check SAC Water Conn. Woter Meter 7orar20. 50 Signature of Permittee? ?"?'"-`'' I A Building Permit is issue to: Weste COIISt, on the express condition that dI work shall be done in acmi e wit all ' oble STate of Minnesotn Statutes ond GitY of Eagan Ordirwnces. Building Official ? OFFICE USE ONLY This request wid 18 monihs fran wl'idoM1On daM prm/ted? m fhJ s box 8?; ??`' 3'° J`"?fl IIIIIIIIIII IIIII ?? II? IIII II III IIIIIII f?{? I * El 4 3 4 22 2 6 Y PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE 4 D R ue Da?e Rough.n inspenion rcyoved? ? Y. Impechon Olher Than RougMn ? Reody Now O WiII Coll ?'!o? m.st mll Ihe inspecbr when reody) Dale Ready I, licensed mnhacbr Q owner hereby request inspecfion oF fhe above electrical work at: Job Address (Srccei, Box, ar uta No.) ? Ciy ? ?4-4? Zip Code 2. $eclion N. Township Nome a N. Range N. Fire No. Cmny oT?4 ,L- ?/Zts l * Mon? r?, ??un naa,a. I - .n/ E ' i o?nk?acror (Co"?° y N ??/ ?/ ?- ?L? .C? " C.-E/ T ?LV'-C/ T L. Cm^nacbr Lcense No. ?! , ?° Masrer Lic. No. (Plam EkH. Only) AAOdi d s?C o? Owner Perfo?min Insbllatron? Au ignol?P g Insmllafiw) %wne No. F/ .? iWdmULL`WH/9v0W- STO? C(fPV - SFF ItLMN11CT1[INS ON BGCK OF YELLOW COPY a/a6/99 -WW 434-222 -B REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 70 Minnesota State Board of Elec[riciry 1821 Univereity Ave., Rm. 5-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 - Phone (612) 642-0800 Home Du lex Apt. Bldq. Other: N ew Addn Commercial Induslrial Parm emod Re ir AIr Cond. Htg. Equip. Warer Hh. Load M mt. Ofher: Dryer Range Elec. Heaf Tem . Service "X' above the work covered by fhis request nEnfer remorks in Ihis space and on the back of Ihe whde copy only. (il,J[d'?P 'S??-?ri4P?F? 'cP_ .11?P+?t4- '?-l1S f? t 72. Cakulate Inspecfion Fee - This Inspedion Requesl will nof be accepfed wifhout the rorrecf Fee: Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Park Sfall 0 to 200 Amps 0 fo 100 Amps Sheet Ltg./Traffic Sig Above 200_Am s Amps Tronsformer/Genemtor INSPECTOP'S USE ONLY a Sign/Oufline lig. Xbr. ? f Alorm/Remote Conhol $wimming Pool I he.eb cem ar I n,: mwnonon deun6cd hercm on ihe dares :mied Ifll9afion Boom RoughAn Dare er fion S ecial Ins . p p Investigafive Fee fino1 Daie " ? THIS INSTALLATION MAV 6E OR?ERED ISCONNECTED IF NOT caSPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. m Ihis 6oa. G? OFFICE USE ONLY This requestvold 18 monlhalrom wlidahon d H ota ?l Q prinled/.'?] * 0 4 5 6 7 4 4 2* PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ?Q R i Dafe RugMn impecnon requireda ? yes ? N. inspechon Olher Thnn RougMn. ? Reody Now Wili Coll ?Yau m?stcallthatnspeclarwFxn ready? D.e Ready I, licensed contracror ? owner hereby request inspection of tfie above elecfrical work at: lob Address (Sheel, Boz, w Rau W. ) ??- Gy Zi Code j ?- r L'.L' G J • {.... Senion No. Township Name or No Raoge N. fira No. Couny Y Occu nt Pho ne f?{o ? `v 4 P Suppliar Address ??4 LnT EI col Co?clo (Com ny No ?^ • ? • Conkacmr ' nseNo. Masier Lic N. (%om Elxl Onlyl ??T ?? L ? ? Mm n dd a a Owner Perfarmirg In IlanonI ^ • 'Aoffnx SignoNrc er rmiig Installonan) P No 52 -?., -5/ ,pM00 I A-1 O"' SiX996DABDCOPY-SEEINSTilUCT10N50N8ACKOFYELLOWCOPV f/a 9?97 450-v44 12 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Minnesota State Board of Electricity 1821 University Ave., Rm. 5-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone (612) 642-0800 Home Du lex A 1. Bldg. Other: - ew Addn ommerciol Indushiol Form Remod Re ir Air Cond. Htg. Equi . Water Hh. Lood Mgmt. 1 Other: Dryer Ran e Elec. Heat Temp. Service "X" above rhe work covered by this request. Enter remarks in this space ond on the back of fhe whife copy only. ?'e}?-i'CUI.???14D Calculole Inspecfion Fee - is Inspecfion eq f t be epted wdhouf the correct ee: Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feedere Fee Mobile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps 0 fo 100 Amps Sfreet L1g./Traffic Siq. Above 200_ Amps ove Amps Transformer/Generator INSPECTOF'S USE ONLV TO ? Sign/Oudine Lty. Xfmr. ? Alnrm/Remote Controi Swimming Pool i here cem that I,1ns laiion daxri6ad h«ein on thu daks smied Irrigafion Boom eciol Ins $ ection p p Investigotive Fee „ Finol Dot? d THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORUEH IS NN ED IP COMPLETED WITHIN 1 MONTHS. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 ?? ?7_7 t.4 651-681-4675 New ConsUUCtion Reauirertrents • 3 registered sAe surveys shrnnng sq. fl. of lot sq. N. of house; and all roofed areas (20%macimum lot coveraqe allowed) • 2 copies ot plan showirg beam 8 wintlow s¢es; poured found design, etc.) • 7 sel of Energy CaIcWa6ans • 3 copies M Tree Presenation Plan if lot platled aRer 711193 . Rim Joist Detail Options selec6on sheet (bldgs with 3 a less unrts) ?DATE ` 1/3I 0-'? 1CSITE ADDRESS Y., TYPE OF -(, APPLICANT RamodellReoair Reauirements • 2 wpies of plan . t set of Energy Calculahons for heated additans • 1 sflesurveyfarexlerbradditbns8decks . Indicate d home served by septic system for aCdilions '7CVALUATION -!b 2" 5 V 0 Y\ YI I r 1 MULTI-FAMILYBLDG _Y _N FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 STREETADDRESS 1 OS?_& 14,e 2IP e CITY t32)'OsAf TELEPHONE # 65I CIqeI13$ ) CELL PHONE #(hS I) Z30ZZ cl aI FAX # TE mnZlPSl,_ 1C J )( PROPERTYOWNER ?'?Y51e, TELEPHONE# COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MIVNESO"1'A RULES 7670 CATF.GORY l MINNE50"CA RLJLES 7672 (J submission type) • Residential Ventilation Category i Worksheet Su6mitted • New Energy Code WoAcsheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Contractor: _ Plucnbing system includes: Mechantcal Contractor: Meckianical systcm iiicludes: Air Condilioniug Hcat Recovcry Systcm Phone # SrP 1 3 2002 Sewer/Water Contractor: Phone # II Ih ? I hereby acknowledge ihat I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. . ? Slgnature of Applicant ?\f C ? Q OFFICE USE ONLY I oSz Ke eP e Sk - ta ?2Y'Oo -" _ Water Softener Water Heater No. oF Baths _ Phone # Iawn Sprinkler No. oF R.I. Baths Fee: $90.00 cr?; a?p.vu ? ? ?,I u) ,? Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4102 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 78-plex ? 20 Pool 13 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt • Muiti ? 03 07 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Parch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 EM. AR - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 78 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 MuIU ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex O 19 Lower Level ? 24 Stortn Damage ? 06 04-plex O 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement 0 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repafr ? 33 Alteratlon ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof 13 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement `Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) _ FinaUC.O. _ Foorings(deck) FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ elir/Gas Tests _ Final _ Franung _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windoars (new/replacement) _ Insulariou _ Rebining Wall Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Pertnit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total Building Inspector %r:Y";Y,c>Y;??: 'M:S<a:::7;'?i'%??;:;4;>k?k>:?':'1„W;k?°; ?k91•?Sik:?r:;?9riY<?+:N,:,Cx'?:,ck C'f.TY rAGAi! CASH.T.f:K; :I i TGRrqfNp' 09, 3.1 r,A7S: 02/18/97 T7.i'1E:. 15139e3t ,> NAMEe I;A'TFIV'c; C!'iNSTG:UCTl:ON &(; ..?..,1 .3.,r Ilc_? f... 212.25 , r? _;t.?•1.4. . ? ??•.r ??-G -r c•. ai :,,..3^h.='P 90'J2 cl.';!`.'ic. "EeG'I:" ^aT 017,96 °_^'i`r :300: 'l.f'l:ic i4FEr}:: ST 7,.00 '4 "i TI>-:i.'. 4ie3cn:l.prl; 4ilsiri!+"'F I' W,' E3i "Po"nipi; WR .,f,ji: ,1t1N m., . .. "'!$t;:';Y"....;ti;:,i. "•y..? , PERMIT ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: 1052 KEEFE ST LOT: 4 BLOCK: 2 MCKEE 3RD P.I.N.: 10-47752-040-02 DESCRIPTION: MAC SOUND B?uilding?^?-Permit Type ,Huilding:Wd,r?k 7YPe Census CQde 1 ,'" ? ? . • ? ?. . ? (5' ' . ? ZNSULATION 5F (MISC.) ALTERATION 494 AL7. RESIDENTIAL ?Wi j .. REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee $212.25 $137.96 $7.00 $357.21 $14,060 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - sT. Lzc OWNER: j0ATHY'5 CONS7RUCTION INC 18545884 2004502 KEATH ERIC 1621 E 79TH ST 1052 KEEFE ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55425 EAGAN MN 55121 'k612) 854-5884 (612)688-3293 , ? , . . . . „ . , I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state thaY the information £s corrdat;and agree, to eamplywitta aill a{rplicable 3tate_of Mn.; Statutes and City of Eaqan Ordinances. ?u,e IQ,?,?P,l APPLICA ! ERMITEE SIGNA7URE ?SU D B: SI?IATUFAE PERMITTYPE: euzLoxNG Permit Number: 029485 Date issued: 0 2/ 18 / 9 7 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 A416 1996 BUILDING PEaMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 New Construdion Reauiremenls RemodeVRaoair Reauirements ? 3 registered aile surveys ? 2 copies af plan ? 2 copies oi plans (include beam & window sizes; poured (nd, design; elc ) ? 2 sile surveys (exlerior additions 6 decks) ? 1 energY calculations ? 1 energy calculations tor heated additions ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan H lot platled aRer 7I1/93 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: .1am1a3qr 1S, `!gq7 CONSTRUCTION COST: $13,958.00 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: MAC Part 15o Sound Insulation Program STREET ADDRESS: 1052 Keefe Street Eagan M LOT BLOCK .1- SUBD./P.I.D. rne) D0 PROPERTY N8t11B: Erik & Kris Keath PhOne #: 688-3293 OWNER `"°* "M'T Street Address: 1052 xeefe Street Clty: Eagan State: MN Zip: 551')+ CONTRACTOR COITIpany: Kathy's Construction Inc Phon2 #: 854-5884 1621 East 79th Street, Suite 120 Street Address: License #:90045071 Clty: Minneapolis State: M Zlp: 55425 ARCHITECT/ CompBny: Dovolis. Johnson & Ruggieri Inc phone #: 871-6009 ENGINEER Name: Registration #: Street Address:llzi E. Franklin Ave City: Minneapolis State: MN ZIp: 55404 Sewer 8 water licensed plumber: Penalty applies when address change and lot change are requested once permit is issued. I hereby acknowiedge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to compiy with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinance,s.? ,?-- .n i I E Signature of OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes ? RECEIVED No FE8 10 1997 No BY: ? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ?.? ? ? . . ? ,? a 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 17 Swim Pool 0 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 20 Public Facility ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace p' 21 Miscellaneous ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE ? 31 New 2r""33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length r-ath APPROVALS Planning Building fLA-'?) MCIWS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Engineering Variance / / ?I 3 ?I o? 0 Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S!W Permit S!W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: ,M a-c,- ? 36 Move 0 37 Demolition Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Valuation: $ I V o_ o?„_ o•'- % SAC SAC Units 9 LeA o6 CITY USE ONLY L ? BL rs?- suBD. g RECEIPT #: ? DATE: 40F 7 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit New construction 7C K Add-on air conditioninq Add-on furnace Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: FFFC ? 4, Minimum Feec. Add=on/Remodel (existimg:r,esidenceMonly?)=y V-20.00+ ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU z Additional 50 M BTU • ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) ?? ? State Surcharge .50 TOTAL ? a0 ?o SITE ADDRESS: lS2 OWNER NAME: PHONE #: 6?8 - 3 aq-3 INSTALLER STREET ADDRESS: Mpls•, MN 55416-2625 cinr: STATE: ZIP: PHONE#: r &-QQ -Lz vI ?- 1 ? ? CITY USE ONLY L _ BL _ RECEIPT #: SUBD. DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) • CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 687-4675 Piease complete for: ? all commercial/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are = required far each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: w $25.00 minimum fee 4C 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. • Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of oermit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: ADDRESS:_ cirY: PHONE #: STATE: ZIP:. TELEPHONE #: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR FJSGF.N TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St, Paul, Mfpnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PEMaT POR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date• n,rp;r 27 o5R Billing Namet RrnharY Ri rlrq _ Owner: Number: 9/ Site Addresa: inF2 Traat'A `-/ c; Billing Addreas Plmnber: Won7,p1 Plit-hinr 9- Haaiiytg ..°l00. n ?i ?a( "?76,* Meter No, ' Permit Fee 7.?Pd?_ Meter Readinp_ IMeter Dep. Meter Sealed: Yes_ lAdd'1 Chg. NO ITotal Chg. Suilding is a: Resideace YX!' Multiple A*o. Ccrmnercia 1 Industrial Other In conaideration of the issue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the pxoposed work ia accordance with the rules and regulationa of Eagan Toumship, Dakota County, Minnesota. Inspected by Date Remarks: Hq: Chief T.nspector By: Plea;se notify the above office when ready for inspection and connection. EAGE14 TOWIVSHIP :795 Pilot Knob Rcad 5t. Paul, Minnesota 5a5111 Telephone 454-5242 PE?iT1IT FOR SF&7ER SERVICE CO:V:7ECTIO;I DATE• nrta?. ?7,1 l QF,ft 04lzIER: Rr„ha„jr R] i„? N'JM.3P?t ? 1-1 .. Address ln?? TZPPPP ?? -o Nc.'-i PLDMBF,RIJon..ol Pljjmhi., ,¢A2;a-tjTqF-Lp PIPE DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Indastrialf Conm;ercial) Reaidential Multiple Dwelling No. of unit3 ^ Localion of ConnActions: Connection Charge . M G%? 4'j- Permit Fee 7.90 0 SCreet Repairs Total Inspected by: Date Remarks• By Chief In:cecCOr Zn conszdQrstion of the issuP and delivery to me of the above p^*-:'.t, I herpby agree Yo do the preposed work ia accordance with the rules a:d reyulatioas of fiagan Tot•mship, DakoYa Couaty, Minnesota VVEIdZEL PLBG. & HT6., $y 1????", , --?---raut Plezee ^ot;.f.y vhr_n ready for irspecCion ar.d conns.ct.ion ar.d ba:owe any port:ca ef, che wcrk is ccrvex?a. 5w-;? l v?? ? DATE qfl a -? _ BL'IT.DItiG PE3`!'.T AP°LICaTIO Include 2 sets of plans, 1 si[e plan w/elevatiuns and 1 set of energy cai,;ua[ions. 00 XNXl'1 f L)Ae/i Valuation Ar ( To be used or p ,_ Site Addre ss: Lot Block Sec.!Sub. Parcel Suc.ber 1p ??J 75a y' p+.rzr 1?hurN CbPNOU4(f Telephone 4Sz-35>3 Ad3ress ? ?? 2' 1\1%h-I'L'• Contractor 1/Lr'9- r,?M Co aul 1 te5s b9S0 -WP-Y-2-tirti ?LVh Arch/Eng Address Telephone Telephene OFFICE CSE OvLY Erect _ Ai[er _ Repair _ Enlarge _ Kove _ Demolish Grade Da[e of A coval and I tial Assessment Water/Sewer Police ? Fice Engineer Planner Cauncil Blc'•. i'ff. l-..??2??./]_..--------- p ' Occupancy ' /V1 Zoning ?- ? Fire Zene Type of Const 11 of S[ories Ftont Z?7 Depth ? Fees Yermit Surcharge ? Plan Check SAC Water Connection Water Meter ---- ' -- ? ---• - z .. . _ . ?_ . __... . _._.?. 0 Eeatember 15, 1969 Dakota County 6uditor IiLiGti.ngC, I'.i;r,e_a,utb 55V33 l1cetr '4rs Thic letter is being sent to e3vise you of a correction that need:; to Le aiade cegardinF as>seesment Qards for the street im- prcvement i.n the r:cKee ,lddition. The follawing liat of legal des- criptions aere sent to yo•a incoreotlyt ` Lote 5& 6, 13loak 19 t40K#e Third Addition T,c ta 44J, 5, ], & g, lo v McKee hird Addition We xill rehetA thia overpayment ditftSly to Eberhardt Company? As per :;;ar tcleprc•ne ciaIl on Friday.. Please null thece cards from your files. r.nclosed fiiid the cards that ehwld be put in their plaoe. 7'hey are zhe Sollowingt Lots 5& 60 Block 1, MoKee Second Addttion Lota 4,5,7, & 8, Alock 2, M.aKee Seoond Addition Zf you have any questione regarding this matter plen.se feibl free ta call this office. 5lnaerelrg (Mrc;.), ==1yco nolke ulork, :.?:.n Toxnship .?5: ag linc. i;C ?reasurer ? J? 7- Cities Dijzital itv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. DAKOTA CII[,'VTY ?COURT HOVSE • HASTINGS. MINNESOTA 55033 sr ?wu? Mel3? ;eptember 18, 1960 ;tr.^ Goers Eagan Town i? i].1 305 P-':lot hnob ;:o d :>t. Pri:l, i4innesnt: 55111 ile?r Ap0m: 'fhis is to certify that the first h.lf t a for 1909 on the follovring lots h-s been p:id in the _mount of p49•29 per loL o£ which 131.24 per >t is for special assesements: Lcts 5'-nd G,Block 1,:4cKee 3rd iddition/and LotsM 5, 7 and ° in Block??c?Kee rci'?_ i,ion 7-.s very tru1, , ?i / , ? rl Ykc t C^un+,y Trensurer EARL V. ZEHNDER TREASURER TELEPHONE 612-437-319I EXT. 53 & 54 ? ? . . . .._..? _r_T'-" .. • __S:'. J . ..:.. . .?. . ._ .. ... ? . I ?1 October 9, 1969 ' ? ::ber2iardt Company ? 1C16 ?arquette Avenue :?inneapclis, Minnesots Dear Sir: ' Check number 579 in the emount of $187.44 wtiioh ie a payment.,you Tade for special a;sesements at the time you paid the first half of the taxes on the following legals: e I Lbts 5 and 6, Block 1, McRee Third Additio i Lots "T"-?rv ' M 59 7 and 8,loc&-2, Nfio eel?`x T? Addition ? i Special assessments on thesellots had been paid by yau previouely and were sent to the Gounty Auditore 6ffice by mistake. S!e tliank-you for your co-operation in this ciatter and if you have ar?y questions feel free to call thie office. , Sincerely yaureg (Mre.) Alyce Balke Clerk, i:agan ^townenip AA/ag a ; J' Fa6ruary 10, 1970 Earl Y. Zetmder, Treasurer DaH.cta County Court House iiastings, Minneaota 55033 L`eer Ms. 'Lehnders . It hns comt to our attention that the laat half of I the 1969 taxee have been paid on Lots 5 F. 6 IIlock 19 P^,cKee ?rd Additian and Lotstg 5, 7& 8 BlocCM -r-,?--_ rMeP:ee '?rd `,`id?i'ion, a portion of which ic for Special ?s:;essmen s. Could you pler.se send us a certification in this reg.,rd? T:,an4: you. ? Very truly yeur3, (P4rs. ) Al;,ce Ilolke Clerk of Fa;an 'Pcwnehip b J r PHONE 454-8242 ' EAGAN TOWNSHIP 9796 PILOT KNOB ROAD 8T. PAUL, MINNESOTA e677f Febru=ry 10, 1970 Lasl V. Zehnder, Treasurer Daketa Ccunty Court House iiastings, Minnesota 55033 Dear Mr. 7ehnder: It has come to our attention that the last half of tne 1969 taxes have been paid on Lots,S & 6 Block 1, McKee jrd?"vddition and Lots m, 5, 7 & 8 ? ?:ee on a portion of which is for Special Assessments. Could you please send us a certification in this regard? Thank you. Very truly yours, (Mrs.) Alyce Bo1ke Clerk of Ea=,an Township b ? l , 3F7 ? AS 3?s5?? a 6?.?4 ? 60'4 QAA &'? .45. (2a.aRa4 . 1 6 Cities D itv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. ;)k' ?•?;I?)'?'1 . 6 : . . ' ) .? Go'ie.:,,, AjdiCOr ' . . . „ . ? ; ,., ;. t?'.A?G ? Yl:3V@ w Eagan cti . i_e in n. ifi z ce E ? ' _. i:? ? _ . .., - . - .- ,?.,r,>,.a,?.;:':???.'; «3 c? ? ???? ?s'?•T ?' : nk °ke 5 ?d ° 1 Nic e Addit3 o 3r Lots 4 5,.7,L$ _Blpc 2 ez? ?d Ad ition` ? . . . , . . . .: . :z. ? ? L-?: . .;E.>. . ldu,J1i',; u41pald 1959 taxes ...Faid in full ASSESSMENTS: lot 5/1........62.4$ Lot 5/2 ,....62.48 lot 6/1........ 62.4$ Lot 6/2.00...None :; . - , _ , . :,:. , t. ?..:i-j ?.. ?.=.r,.7,.?. 8eb._ _y L') 70 W.x.OTa eC'UN°r Y,, ? "INNISscTA ?...?epu ,?. --- ? tlovembor ;', 1470 F'herhardt Com;any 1016 Plarket hvpnue minneapolist Idinnesota kTTE".TIO'd: ioyee Miller REe Lats 5 and 6, i71ock1 i6Ckee 32d `:ddi+.ion L,ots ??oc.. `i',eY.??e ?rd r,iiorl ?{ 7-^.'n S'1T'9: IncloseA please _`ind o r chec;r No. 718 in the arnr,unt of $187.44 which ia a rehate of the s=cond half of 5=.eeial F.sse: smer,ts for 3tre_* Improv,cer,ts wLich was pai<9 by your firm in October 9969. n These a,sessments hnd previoiisly been zx+icl in flill* ar,b the first ralf in t7" cur.•"nt of $18704 was rebated to you on October 9, 1)69 3q oui che& N(A 579, We ttatst you will credit the abave Lots ++ith this nverpny?-nt, <_ r•e sorry for any difficulty thia may have caused you and wi3h to thank ycu fo, your cooperation. 1er, trul;r yours, b"ss. Aiyce Solke ". oo.n:3hip Clerl: ki v,r 1lzclc,sure i ; ? 7 J Fc? 0 FROM TH£ O£FICE OF PAUL R. 1VICI.AGAN & SON 233 Dakota Rvanue WEST ST. PAVL 18, MINN. ' ?? ?????? M[NNH30TA AEGISTERED LAND SURVEYOAS I Hereby Certify that this plat shows a survey made by me of the property described on this plat, and that the corners are correctly placed as shown,and that all locations, encroachments, etc., have been correctly shown. Surveyed For .... ... h:-, ..ld , D.i.eKe e? Inc. W. R. ARcLAGAYd EAtkS1Q61YA9" Date .....Seote.m _ b<,r :_U. 1967 ?eNetMs' . .. .............. Scale .?.. . i n e h = 3 p f e. e t -4? 7t` nescription Lot 41 Aiock 2, AIvKe:e 3rd Addition aecording to.the plat thereof, o indicates iron ° K E F FE ST. EC •/000 CURB,? I I 7E ? ?d I 1 J Z I 1 ? `I . M ?Min Mi? I? ro ? r I ? b !V ?Q W Q ?l^ „ 3 r- p ID28=FNb.EC N 1p35° +i'Ft.EI ? G R EL- 102 Q M E-? 40' -.y ? E( - Y J 0 IK I ? W i Z d) ? ? U PLUT PLAN - j' 78 eL =ioo.o ?