1034 Kenneth StINSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Qate Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ? ?? ? ,? ? ? ?Y I. NNF- 11,11 M(:KEE PERMIT SUBTYPE: F111[i fi LNI 0.'Hy97 1Al.i6/9i APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: Af rfRnrrf'IK MiAG 5Olt14fl l) U. `A Ft T F' 1! l1 N INSPECTION D• • rA 1. WARK`.ia SEPANpt'F !>[-Flqli`. KfQlliltl-i1 i+)k ANY flP I fN1lA1 F112 I'1 Ul7ftiN6 Wl7RK Permit No. Permk Holder Det* Telephona N ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inepectlon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG • FINRL HTG ORSAT TEST BIDG FINAL G BSMT R.I. . BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition McKee Addition #1 Loc 2 Blk 2 Parcel 10 47750 020 02 owr,erStouc)a s,,/'sa%uiaA screec-1034 Kenneth St. siat? EaQan, Mn 55121 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTaR. paving 1969 $311.50 $31.15 10 GRADING cyb SAN SEW TRUNK 1968 $100. 00 $3. 33 30 43.39 A014015 6-8-84 • SEWER LATERAL 1968 20 WATERMAIN .jA/ WATER LATERAL bc $EW 1968 $850. 00 $?i2.50 2? 12]. SQ A014015 6-8-84 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1984 403.00 26.87 15 376.14 A014015 6-8-84 STORM SEW LAT CURB 8i GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. sa,c 200 . 00 850 7-12-68 PAR K CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eo9an, MN S5122 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT To be oaed for 5ite Address Lot Block Sec/Sub. Porcel # W Nome ? Address 0 Ci Phone ? Nome ,o ?? Address ? C1 Phone I.- w WW W Name r =Z Address I hereby ocknowledge that I hove read this application ond stote that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicuble STate of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinnnces. Erect ? Alter ? Repoir ? Enlarge 0 Move ? Demolish ? Grode ? Assessment - Water & Sew. Pol ice Fire Eng. Plonner Counci I Bldg. Off. _ APC N? 6150 Qccuponcy Zoning Fire Zone Type of Const. # Stories Front ft. Depth ft. Permit ' 5urcharge Plon check SAC - Water Conn. Wnter Meter Road Unit Totcl Si9noture of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that oll work sholl be done in occordonce with all opplicable $tate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Officicl Receipt .# 5.000 Porwk # Dew lNwd PomMfw Plumbing Mechonical INSPECTIONS DATE INSP• Rough-in Finol Footings - f3 fU ??D - Date Insp. Dote In?p. Foundation ? Piumbing Frame/ins. Mechonicnl Finol Remorks: CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pflot Knob Raad Engan, MN 53722 PHONE: 454-8700 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # N"_ 6150 ,2U 79 To be uud fo. 2=CAR GARAGE Est. Value 5,000 Dote A=$ 19-22 Site Address 1034 Kenneth St. __ E,ecr ? Octupanry- ni t L 2 Blo k McKee z 5 /s n Alter p Zoning R-1 o c ec . u Repair ? Fire Zone Parcel # _ V Enlorge ? Type of Const. W NOTe P8U1 S. AndeY'son Move -? # Stories 3 Address 1034 Kenneth Demolish ? Front 22 ft. ° G_ Eagan, Mn. Phone 454-2985 Grade p oepth 22 fr. ? Aoorovab Faea p Nome Goreo _ ? ?? Address Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge thot I have read this aDPlicotion ond state that the information is wrrect and ogree ro wmply with oll applicable State of Minnesoto $tatutes an Ity of Eagan /Or'dinances. Signmure of Perm ittea -1107, ???r++"e'4-4"?- A Building Permit is issued to: GOT'nn oll vrork shall be done in cccdddance with oU-noalicabie State o4.Mir AsSessment _- Permit 125. VU Woter & Sew. Surcharge 2.50 Police Plan check Fire SAC Eng. Water Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Rood Unit Bldg Off . . APC Total 20.50 on the express conditfon that Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinonces. Building Offitial EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownex ".... o-?------- ------- .. Address (Proseni) __L??.?--.-...L?'?.!7..K.L.T.-?'Y.-.................. .. Builder Address DESCRIPTION N° 1288 Eagan Township Town Hall Dale ""'------- 5lories To Be Used For Fronf Dep1h Heighi Es i. Cos! Permi! Fee Remazks ?r???y?? w ?.? . a 'T ? .?..., ? ? %Z e•.o-fl l ? i !v LOCATION Sireel, Road or ofher Descriplion of Locafion I Lo! Slock Addition or Trac! I eL ? ?-l?-ze? ? This permi2 does noi auihorise the use of sfzee2s, roads, alleys or sidewalks nos does it give the owner or his ageni the righifo creale anp siYuaiion which is a nuisance or which presenls a hazard So the healYh, safelp, conveniance and general welfare !o anyone in the communilp. THIS PERMIT MUST SE /K?EPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRES3. , ., This is !o ceriifp, !6al.../.^.:.!._............. haspermission !o erecY a..... c-?._..._._...___..__...upon the a6ove dESCribed premise subjee! !o the provisions of the Building Ordinanee for Eagan Township adopled April 11. 1955. / //7/? ........................ ............. ....... 9 p ......................... .....---------._...._.?.,?c.l...../..c'._ per (?-?. -?---?-?-?-----?----?'---` Chairmen of Tnwn B?r? Suildin 7Ins eelor EAGA!V °I°OV1/NS H I P Ownex Builder Ahdreess4*?e- BlJILIi?IG PERNIiT ?" _ ? .- DESCRIPTION N° 215 Eagan Township Town Hall Da! .?. J.?J..?_`??.?.......... Siaries To Be Used For FronY Depih Fie9ghi Esi. Cos! Permi! Fee Remarke / [ /'/ / ??17?- I (45 .'I ' or ? or i This pexmit does not aufhoxise the use of slreeis, roads, alleys or sidewalks nos does i! 9ive the owaer or his agent the righlio create any sifuaiion whieh is a nuisance or whieh presents a haaard io the healih, saielp, convenience and general welfere !o anyone in the communiiy. „ THIS PERMIT MUST B?£ K,EPT O REMHILE TH£ WORK IS IN PROGRESS. ' Thia is !o cerlify, ihaf?r.a..•e?+(? a/J.?-has permission !o erect a../:...?'.t?7.^. .?..?.,ld -... .. ...........upon the abov described premise subj ? isions of the Building O:dinance for Eagan Townsh' adopSed April 11, 1955. n' , . ....___"..._ Per .-------...---?-?-?--'-.-.----------------------------`----......-----------`--_.. / Chairman of Town ? ord Building Inspecios CITY OF EAGFIN Include 2 sets of plans, ? 1 site plan w/elevations & BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION 1 set of energy calculations. 'Ib Be Used For Valuation Date Site Address ? e 4 4 Lot A Block _??- Sec./Sub. G? Erect 4moif Parcel #: Oaner: Address: City/Zip Code: ? A/ 5 2 Phone #: g'% ? 7e S' Contractor: Pddress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./FSn9. . Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Alter Repair Enlarge? Nbve Deimlish Grade OFFICE USE ONLY Oc-'cuPancy zoning Fire Zone Type of Const. # Stories Fmnt 2, y ft. pepth 2 y- ft. APPROVALS FEES ASS2S5R12RtS PPYifllt c . T4ater/Scaer Surcharge ? Police Plan Check Fire SAC Fng. Water Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. APC TdPAL .Z d 9S1 Z I c o ?, ?- ?' CITY USE ONLY LOT ? BL ? PERMIT #: SUBD. MC Fe,CJ RECE[PT #: 4wi RECE[PT DAT'E: I z?1?V0 2000 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) Date: _ l7.. jlkAI t?U Complete this section onlv if you aze installing HVAC in a single family dwelling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner/occupied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) $ 30.00 6.00 State Surcharge .50 Total $ Comptete this section onlv if you are remodetine, addina to, or repairiae an existing single-family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. _ New X Alteration Furnace Air exchanger Reminder: Call for inspectians SITE ADDRESS: Repair _ Other Air conditioning ? Other ? l Je ? i 112`l' Fee $ 30.00 State Surchazge .50 Total $ 30.50 J OWNERNAME: __S?QVe? T?Gh?dQ PHONE #: L-o 17- - la?B • Cod(c2 (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: Expert Sheet Metal, Inc. PHONE #: '7ln i -'-l 1zu •31Q5' 30 West Main St. PO Boz 90 (AREA CODE) STREET ADDRESS: 6ethel, MN 55005 C[TY: CITY OF EAC.AN 3830 PIIAT IINOH Rn EAGAN NID7 55122 651-681-4675 STATE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTE L BL SUBD. APPROVED BY: CITY USE ONLY INSPECTOR PERMIT #: RECEIPT#' RECEIPT DATE: 2000 MECFiANICAL PERMIT (COM[dL+RCIAL) CITY OF EPaGAN 3830 PZLOT RNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for. all commercial/industrial buildings mulG-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE WORK TYPE: New construction Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement , Remove U.G. Tank ! Processed Piping When installing/removing underground tank, call 651-681-4675 jor inspection by fire marshal and plumbing inspector. Descripfion of work: Fees: 1% of contract price OR $30.00 minimam fee, whichever is greater. Underground tank removaVinstaliation = minimum fee Contract price: $ x 1%= $ (Base Fee) State surchazge calculaze at 5.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL S SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: PHONE #: (,uREw coDe) TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI): WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN-THIS SPACE? Y N. NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE #: - (AREA CODE) STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE OF PERMITT6E **X* ik:kik:tt?Yk::;:;;;: '.7'? f.1P?' Fr"d:,T;id t;,?FiFi:f.?'R° '..S T'E.i+?`i7.:t.A1.... ??!l'.• 3::i?? Tn . l i'? ; I...A\1ji 3121ii ,arlr.'.li. 9.r..iN. ?,.. ... ? I i ,.? 1 26i2.. 2.5 4?.. 9001, I.[13.? .,r. i?,C..r?,ap?.?_ ? .. ...?i, t:? . C •- r,a _ ...,;... ':1`..5 ^!Ot_.[. 1.034 ? K::NNf::rF.l 5'" ,.,,i)(3 ?102.,;3E', .,.?.,....:.?, " + ?.r.p :.:.?. ,,...?:., ,,r,:>,< o X; k .krlr??.rk'KY6 -?'CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-47750-020-02 DESCRIPTION: PERMIT PERMITTYPE: BuzLozNG Permit Number: 0 2 8 9 9 7 Date Issued: 10 / 15 / 9 6 1034 KENNETW ST LOT: 2 BLOCK: 2 MCKEE ;--? MAC SOUND Bu?il_Permit Type Auilding ab.rk Type r"Census C o d e % l ? J SF (MISC.) ALTERATION 434 ALT. RESIDENTIAL ? t REMARKS: 3EPARfl7E PERMITS REQUIRED FORANY ELECTRTCAL OR PLUMBTNG WORK FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $18,000 Base Fee $262.25 Plan Review $131.13 Surcharge $9.00 Total Fee $402.38 . CONTRACTOR: - npplicant - ST. Lzc OWNER: LAND & HOME5 INC 14216868 2001112 TSCHIDA STEVE 13001 REVERE LN N 1034 KENNETH 5T MINNEAPOLIS MN 55316 EAGAN MN (612) 421-6868 (612)688-6062 T hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agres to comply with all applicable 5tate of Mn. Stetutes and;City o--f,Eagat7`.qrdin 46a,es.;°<.`?"„-' ? _ _ . `. . ` . P IGAN TIPERMITEY SI ATURE ISSUED :-$I55N?P} ATU E ? J CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB FtD - 55122 1996 BUILDING PEftMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 t.Gx?KQ.?'iL New Construction Reauirements Remodel/Reoair Reauirements ? 3 regislered sfte surveys ? 2 copies aF plan ? 2 capies of plans (Includa 6eam 8 window sizes; poured fnd. design; elc.) ? 2 site surveys (exterior additions 8 decks) ? 1 energy calculalions ? 7 energy calculations for heated eddilions ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan if lot platted afler 711193 requ'meC: _ Yes _, No DATE: /'O -/ • `J(o CONSTRUC3ION COST: 17 -? ?. ? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: / /LOr--? &r? f-AV7L'v,?? Z ? STREET ADDRESS: % d 3?/ V'' LOT BLOCK SUBD./P.I.D. #: --/')I C PROPERTY Name: 70c;6? S Phone #: OWNER """ StreetAddress: 32Z City: State: ? Zip: ? 1rz Phone #: CoNTRAcroR Company: 5treet Address: /X=! olee??I.- W License #: City: ! a-.,X? Stafe: 10;e Zip: 5,5319 ARCHITECT/ Company: Phone #: ENGINEER Name: Registration #: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber: change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change and lot I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informatio ' correct and agree to comply with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes No Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes No OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE o 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex a 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 17 Swim Pool ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 20 Public Facility ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace 1?iK 21 Miscellaneous ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE M'`rG &&-4 ? 31 New xl 33 Alterations ? 36 Move ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System ? (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. City Water / UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. PRV # of Stories sq, ft. Baoster Pump Length sq. ft. Census Code. ?13'f Depth Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code 01 Census Bldg I Census Unit p APPROVALS Planning Building tV425 Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Waier Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: Valuation: $ 05 .000, -? % SAC SAC Units EAGES TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot :Cnoh P.oad St. Paul, Minnesota SSlll Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT FDR SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIOI3 DATE: .A, l,X, l 9p l QFif? OWNER: prir7arsnn NiJMISER 198 _ P.ddress 1034 Kenneth St. C;)"?4 HC.R' -1,? PLUMBER,.g1L Cta+P Pi?_ TYPE OF PIPE cast iron Mi.nneapolis, NLinn. DESCRIPTION OF BUIIA ING Industrialj Commerciall Residentisl I MulCiple Dwelling I No, of units x Location of Connections; Conaection Charge 200.00 Pd 7/12/68 Permit Fee 7.50 ° Street Repaizs Total 207•50 Inspected by: DaCe Remarks: Sy Chief Inspeceor En considezatioa of the issue aad delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree Co do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulatioas of Eagan Tox.mship, Aakota County, Miunesota ?AlY ate bx. , Please aotify when ready for inspection aad coanection aad before anq portien of the work is covered. EAGFN TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St, Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERNIIT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date: Jul.y 12, 1968 Numner: 103 0703 /yGk ._ Billing Name: Baul S. Anderson Site Address; 1034 Kenneth St. Owner: Billing Address Plumber: All State Plbg. Location of Connectioa Meter Size Connection C 7/12/68 11g. Pnn_on p,? Meter No. Permit Fee 7•50 " Meter Resding IMeter Dep. 15.00 " Meter Sealed: Yes` IAdd'1 Chg. NO Total Chg. 222•50 Building is a: Residence__ Multiple n*o, Commercial Iadustrial Other Inspected by Date Remarks: Bp: Chief Inspector In consideration of the issue and delivery to me of the abave permit, I hereby agree to do ttp- proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Eagan PoFmship, Dakota County, Minnesota. BY: -??/?i AY State Plbg. Please notify the above office when ready for inspecYion and connection. ,Z v. V C O U N T Y ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GROUNDWATER PROTECTION SECTION 14955 Galaxie Avenue • Apple Valley, MN 55724 952.897.7557 • Fax 952.891.7588 • www.co.dakota.mn.us MUNICIPAL NOTICE OF WELL SEALING PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: November 3, 2004 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz (EM) RE: Well Permit #: 04-H23022 Municipality: Eagan Fax 4:(651)675-5694 Well Type: Domestic Environmeutal Specialist: Luehrs The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County Environmental Management Department has received the following permit application for the well described. If you require further review of the application or if you have any questions or concerns about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or our office at (952) 891-7557. If there is no response from your office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we wi11 assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the permit. Please note that permiY issuance is always conditioned on the permit applicanYs observance of and compliance witli all applicable state, county, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: Thein Well Company 11/2/2004 Time: Time: Date Application Received: Anticipated Drilling Date: Anticipated Grouting Date: Property Owner. W ell Owner: WELL LOCATION: Steven G Tschida Steven G Tschida PLS Coordinates: 1/4, NE 1/4, NW I/4, S W 1/4, Sec 2 Town 27 Range 23 Street Address: 1034 Kenneth ST PIN Number: 104775002002 W ELL INFORMATION: Diameter: Casing Depth: Total Depth: Static Water Level: Aquifer: COMMENTS: Fi1e Kdik View Tools gppiications Help w...: _-.?...qm ..,...._._, ._w__.... ? .., _.. ...._..m ._,.,m? _..?_. ? A K. ?y Gannec#ion I Camments I Eagan Buiiding ? Eagan Developmerrk ? Permiks Owner ? Eagar? AssessfSalcs I Eagan Rropenty I Eagan parcel I D ???rr?aazaa? _ __?.. Addresa 1034 KENNE?H ST Owner 1 Oavruer 2 Owner 3 Owner 4 1034 ? ?_ H ST data updaked August 27, 2004 TSCH[DA STEVEN G 17231 SUNSET AVE _ 5H,t1t;OPEE. MN 55379