1448 Kingswood Ponds RdINSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: ,---Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (651) 681-4675 ' 7w- A?'4)F.i ? 6l?INN SITEADDRESS: t sit arr , ?; . ,?,•. , , .,??i: ?i?? PERMIT SUBTYPE: APPLICANT: , TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION .. . .. ikfla711cb'; fI AN I^tfV3E4i1 17 HY a:RFATf; W(IVAC iVk I . F LJ PiiSP'IHd'{t 1'± F711f" Sl'A{7 PItIMftlWfr I?+i!1PlI #4Fi'4-fiiFtN Permit Holder Date Telephone ri SEWER/ WATER PLUMBING HVAC 9 Inspection Daie Insp. Comments FOOTINGS `?1,ljf ? . . FOUNO 'I ? ! i D4J [.'..31? FRAMING ROOFlNG RGUGH PLllhdB1NG PLBG AIRTEST J?? '? t? •? ------ ROUGH HEAZING GAS SVC TEST ,S INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE C FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CONDUCTIVITY TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL Address 1448 KrrcSuroon Pcmms xDaD Zip 55122 Lot I Blk z Sub KEcMon rOms zrD THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL WSPECTION. Date: WIj-r Yes No Inspector: W6 Final grade (6" from siding) i/ Permanent steps (garage) ? Permanent steps (main entry) t/' Permanent driveway ? Permanent gas ? Sod/Seeded grass v TraiUcurb damage l? Porch C? Basement finish ? Deck Please verify wit6 the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contact engineering division at 681-4645 before working in right-of-way or installing underground sprinkler sysrem. ? W6ite - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink - Contcactor Copy ? WertijiCate ot cCCUpanC? Kit? of Cfagan 5Npa?rtmeat of Zui[bing 3a3pection This Certifcate issued pursuant to rhe requiremersts of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the variaus ordinances of 1he Ciry regulating buildireg corutrucrion or use. For the following: Use Classifiotiore CW TWI Bldg. Pcrtnit No. 7 14 Occup-y Type R3 Zoning Oistrin R I Type Const. UIQ Owner of Buildin MCDCMn OMMff11l1N nomn- 7 501 I451H Sl -ta ABPLE VALLEY _ g ? . Addicss 1448 KTI1YwSWOi1 PCRVD4 RD Ladiryi Bwlain KTPT(?YYNI PMRK' m 1 R2 g } 9 ?J" , . POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLAC£ _.'i :t'.`':,; •; . ?????D JV 15 ?69D 2006 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERnniT aPPLicaTioN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. c;? , Ep 14 2006 ? /? S Date 1 ? /. vK/ D Site Street Address W 004 i d - Unit# Property Owner ?K.L?YII/ S ? ? (?Yl Ct ? Telephone # ( 05/) V - 63N Contractor t'! 1" p(l S Telephone #(b5() 31p5-S.2,y,O Address 3 City ? State 4 N Zip S51 z-3 <:; I The Applicant is: _ Owner A ontractor _Other - Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Septic System _ New Includes County fee _ $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes installation of a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. If you are installing onlv a water softener and/or wafer heater, do not complete this section; move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $130.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: Water Softener ?Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new ?replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total $ ? 5?"v I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete anq accurate; tnat tne work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City gan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, wor is wn ou a per " and work will be in accordaFt-t's with the approved plan in the event a plan is required t iewed an proved. vt-e?n ApplicanYs Pnnted Name Applicant' Signature ? J.ili'.11JV'1 ?I?..I:.re.?? ?.:e.:?.. ?. ? ?..? I.a':?1?4 ?•:?a.l 1 aM:J "1/ 1 I? ?•.;r:? .?Ji(.iv.r!lJi:)n?tiry.?.?;1<}?:i )?.i;.:? '.?)?f ?.?i;i ?t,)?O?:4,,,p?)?: ; )r.Qi){:,`:?;.45 ii C.,.Ylf t.ir 1=AGLJ,fy ... ? „ _. _.. ? r'/l:'.JT7:-1''v . n..! '}?r ? ...IR.1 ?.l..vl "l: . 1 .1 ...)I 1 ?.?...u?.. .h?..I... '` 70 ?.?!<<t3 T???.li..,r?::,, " ! k??.,{.',?,°:_t.; L•F';TL.:, i.'ci/iG!';'?: TD ?; n'E;i!F ;s W: IlONAI...D ('t.',•ilSTRtJC TIfltd :f.:•dC': ,.}r.?r... rlfj( ?I i448 .. ?,r. ?,, ,?•it '. re? 1=i'<,_? i t}::.' ....,]:. I;, a.,..?F,:.? ? i...?46 c.c.,.:t., .j ;',ta.i. RE3i_?:i.p': AmiJuYt'. ;' 4.04646 CF W(.l:":'i`.) 1 Ir:?1::' '. 'r f"tu .II??•.?.:?' :. f " ? '.?ti:`.?ti. .:..: ?, ? ?1 l:??i?tiJia':'.ii'.I?J.?. vi:'t ri??i'.L?.V'.?:..1:'I ' 4'?IeJiV? .. y-UY: IS ?1f X CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road EagaQ, MinnEFsota 55122-1897 (651) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMITTYPE: R«T LD .rrar Permit Number: 0 34 u? 14 Date Issued: 12,116198 SITE ADDRESS: P,I,iv.; 10-42051-010--02 DESCRIPTION: 1448 K 'L t?G S [,?l 0 0 0 P oN ras R D L0"1'e 1 E3LGi:Ke 2 KT«GsiaOoD POn??)S zND 8uu3.mti s`F_??>?rin.i.t 1'Ype y p e r?1`?? 47C?GI?'3+?t"l4;Y?''>sa i:OM,strUo,tzrsn Tw#*,, Zoniric , t3tt3.ldit1q, Width ? s t qF UW[a NEW R -- 3 VN ft--1 52 3?_ 2 101 1 - I'AM. DETACH rx py? ? ? Ty :'?"` "s?` e ?S l ;,?' P" .?,§ x( %s?u,. 614 '°?. i ???: e ??e^a y ?. a^?, r3, "t..=? 3 i ? '?? ?Pa i? ,??..:- - a??..:;s? REMARKS: FLNN 4EVlCWEn S & W PLl1M$Ei? FEE SUMMARY Base Fee PJ.an I?eview Surcharcte SAC SFlC 910 SAG Ur7i.ts SubtaTai t3`f CFAJG NdVACZ1'K. CS FIVE STAR PL.UMBTNG PNONE #q59-8180. VALURT'IiJN w1.,307,25 1849,71 $°2 ,00 $1 , fi7 Q) t? 00 1P?i l $ 3, 2 48< 5 6 $184 000 MISC. FFES _?_ 1"uhal Fe? ??4.8Q1 e46 CONTRACTOR: - Appiicant - 5r, Lxt:. OWNER: MCOONFILD CONS"I` TNC 14327601 0002376 hiCllONALD CONSTRUC:7IC1N 7E?'?Q1 i45TN ST W 7601. 5451'li STftEs T bd APPLE VAL?I.EY MN 55124 AF'PLF VF,LL.EY MN 55124 (F12) 432-7601 (551)432.._7601. T heretsa acknowiecfoe.tha? I have €??ad. tFtis apgLication ar€d s'???? that the infQrmatian is corrieet anr1 agree to crar?ply with ??? applic:able Statfa'of Nirtia Statutes and CitY o't` Eoqert Ot^d.i.rtances. . ,----"`".__.T-?- .... • : . . . .. . ? . PPLICA RMITEE SIGNATURE / UED BY: SIGNATURE 1998 BUILDING . 3 4 -:?- i q New GunsWdion Reauirements PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN . 3830 PII.OT IfNOB RD - 55122 ? ?? 'S L4 ( _ q (p esi-467s RemodeURenair Reauirements ? 3 registered site surveys ? 2 copfes of plans (include beam 8 window saes; poured fid. design; etc.) A 1 energy calculations ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan if lot platted after 7h/93 requirerl: _ Yes k No DATE: ? 1 -- CQ.S = qX DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: ? 0 2 copies of plan ? 2 site surveys (exterior addRions & dedcs) ? 1 energy ealculetions for heated addRions CONSTRUCTION COST; )&3 900, ce LOT: f? BLOCK: StJBD./PJ.D. #: K.'n i? r. ?mar? Nno e+dS Name: Phone #: PROPERTY Last F'vst OWNER Street Address: City State: Zip: Company: /nC Dr+u.YJ LC9?5?1 . Phone #: (9191 - I/3 C9761CA CONTRACTOR Street Address: 7 (o D! l?s"7? ,$ T' !.t/ License # 0 009326 City State: Zip: S5 r49 Lt ARCHITECT/ n1 ENGINEER Company: V"Iw+. W q, , Phone #: --4 7 02 L/ Name: 4L Registration #: $tT2Ct Aad7CS5: ? 4i„7s W 0-3 h ?w.a *O? /JQ: I?rL. City State: Sewer & water licensed plumber (riew construction ony): ?, Le. L, C r(! atl c4j-t Penalty applies when address chang and lot change is requested once permit is issued. y" . 3341 I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to oomply with all applipbl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Qrdinances. OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received ? Yes Signature of Applicant: id) 14??- nPc7?1 ?7 F-5 _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No ? NOt Required NOV OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation O 06 Duplex X 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex 0 03 SF Addition O 08 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex O 05 8F Misc. ? 10 = plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New 0 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition O 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION ? 11 Apt./Lodging 0 ? 12 Multi RepairlRem. ? ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace ? ? 15 Deck 0 36 Move ,? 37 Demolition - -. , 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous Const. (Actual) 5? Basement sq. ft. Q MC/WS System (Allowable) ?/?! Main level sq. ft. 3 City Water UBC Occupancy PL?3 p . sq. ft. 0 Fire Sprinklered Zoning 2-! -sq. ft. '7 D3 PRV # of Stories sq. ft. Booster Pump Length sq. ft. Census Code. /0/ Depth Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code _V/ Census Bldg Census Unit APPROVALS • ? Planning Building 1.. ? Engineering Variance Permit Fee J 30a--as Valuation: $ 83 Z7 / 496 Surcharge 9 a -O O Plan Review '-1 - ? License MC1WS SAC I O0o-O c7 ?[f 33x S'?- _., _ 7..j, 3?,b City SAC Water Conn. v ?f ,x ±5? '7v 3x Water Meter Acct. Deposit YV? C S L S/W Permit , . . . S/W Surcharge . Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: 5'??? 9 l. C/ L, % SAC SAC Units v NOU-25-1998 08:28 PLRNCO, INC. 1 612 452 3659 P.02/03 . `ENERGY CODE WORKSHEET FOR 1& 2 FAMILY DWELLYNGS sxxa AnoRSSS I f'?d NL. ?l cI2Y COmPLETED BY; M??JjdLp c.p fJS.T? P1fOD16 p DATE BUILDItiO CLnSSIFICATION: ? aategoiy 1(etacdard) or >r eaeagory a(Muet,iaalude ventilation) 2lINIlSUM 'CRITERIA Foundetion Ineylation-R10 Halle re Y7ladowa aoof Actic Iaoulatioh: (See table on reveree eide S2ab on Grade Insulatiop-R10 Eor allowable pcreentagea) R44-With Areie No Heel Floor over unheated epaces-R24 R38^With At[ic Raieed ]ioal Poundation Windowe 1/2" R3e & RS-Solid Rafte'rs ineulated G1aeB, -Wood or Yinyl Frame I STBB 1 Wiadoa Tc Door Area ST6P 2 Calculate erea'se s porcent o£ r+all A. Total Window & Door Area 1n Sq. Feet ' HLNDOws lIncluding Fnundation Windowe): WINDOH MANUFACTUAH NA!!8: C167 ILKvC- C. From Step 1 divide box A (Window & Door r 45? r 2 Area) by box B(tocal wall area) timeo l00 a d d d HiNDOW HANUBACTURB TYPB: 1? n• ow n oor area as a equala [he win ? p¢rcent of wall area (box C). ? WIHDOH MANIIFAC'I[JR8 II FACTOR: k R. O. Quantity sq.fC.Aiea @OX A(?? 3 X 100 = C- Dimensionb Box B 13.5 S7EP ] Dooign Features 2,0 ` x LZOn 2Z ASSEt-IBGY , 2i /p? %3t4yM ?I 16 $RAMINC TYPE: h Lu 7{ L(/M /)L 9TANDARD FRNIING ? sCUds 16" o. c_ '51.0 4 Xrjr(pA ApVANCED FRNtTNG atude 24" o.c. lUk X I?H ? z 7 D I CAVITY INSULATION Ii l X? 1(OM 7 137, 9HBRTFIING TYPH: 1T40 X4. -'p ? 0 1 S LESS THAN c R-5 ? ? pM X(?? y ) 7j() R.5 > OR MORE g U-FACTOR ? DOOR : From tho [able, (reverse side) deeerminc the 8 W?(Q maximum percent windou 6 daor area for the e d and enter the t value doaign optiona eelect D X ? In Box D bolow bused on tho window mEg. U- 3 ? factor: (P' x(? a T'otal Area of T= eq.EC. Wi»dows & DooYs B'. Total Wal] Area in Sq. Ft. Tlit Y value from the table In Box D ehall bo equal to or greatet t4an [he t In Box C Wall Total Fleight nrea Perfineter -Sz 4v 387 ? O?lp /0 / 4, 1-7 /J A..Q3 1 Area of wa12s NOU-25-1998 08:11 ? , 1 612 452 3659 P.02 NOU-25-1998 08:28 PLRNCO, INC. 1 612 452 3659 P.03i03 ? ONE- & TWO-FAMILY RFS[DEN7IAL DUiLDING PRESCRfP1TVE (CQOK-DOOK) APPROACFI MAXIMUM WINDOW AND DOOR AREA AS A PERCENT OE OVE '[YALL WA1.L - AREA Frvm Mtnn. gKIet Fart7670,2§7,5,9SibVart 2_ jlem F • Cavlt Extarior Wlndow U-Factor Frsmin lnaulalion Shealhin 0.49 0.36 0.31 017 STANDARD R-13 Z R- 7 13.49e I7_89'e 21.39/. 24.3% STANDARD R-13 R- 5 12.4% 16.4% 19.7% 22.59'0 STANDARD R-15 > R- 5 12.996 17.1°/. 20.19'0 23.4% S7ANDARD 1i-18-19 < R- 5 12.19'e l6_096 18.8% 22.0% STANDARD R-18 -19 R- 3 14.096 18.6°j'e 21.8% 25.3% ADVANCED R•18-19 <[t - 5 12.9°I` 17.1°/a 20.1% 23.4'/a ADVANCED R-16-19 >R- 5 14.59'0 19.2% 22.59'o 26.1°/, STANDARD R-Zl c R- 5 12.8°h 17.0% 1:9.9% 23.1% STANDARD R-21 > R• 5 14.5°/s 19.396 22.59'o 26.1°!o ADVANCED R-Zl < R- 5 13.696 19.1°!o 21.2% 24.6% ADYANCF,O R-21 R- 5 15.090 19.99'0 23.2g'o 26.9% STANDARQ R-11 < tt - 5 11.9% 15.79'0 18.4% 21 _S% STANDARD R-17 CZ - 5 13.8% 18.470 21.5% 25.09'e ADVANCED R-17 < lZ - 5 12.6% 16.6% 19.696 22.4% ADVANCED R-17 R- 5 14.3g6 I9.079 22.2*0> 25 Notes: Window mres equals rough opening minus InalallaUon clearances. Window U-factor musl lx deterr?ined by elther the National Fent9trallon Iiating ? Counctl standard 100-91, or ASHRAE 1993 Handbook of Fundamenl'als. Chapter 27, Table S. POaMt' FIX Nots 7871 ? y?? n . - trmw CoJdpl ` Co. pfiwr • Ph? • rt TOTAL P.63 NOU-25-1998 08:12 1 612 452 3659 P.03 ** * * * PION1mmA * on g'rieer ng * * * * Certificote of Survey for. .-?.? a?nvcrana . ciH? [ IAND PLANNEp$• IANnSCAPE MCDONALD ( CLIEN7-THOMES rL 6c? _ S'?S.D $$2 14j,24+10 _ el ? F.ASEMENT TO BE VACA1'ED BY OTHERS 854. 1 <J / 1??' ? ?L c R 84a? 4 0O 85 Fi[NCH MARK d 47 1? \ TOP OF PIPE ELEV., 839J5 ?? v ? r ?0 ?? ? 6?5•g °4 a u ? , wh • VaCANT F.r.S. INV.=B26.2,--`v' ? 6 ? F.E.S. INV.=826.2 4 4 F.E.S. 1NV.=82 6.2 VACANT `1 ? ? LVI ?- - 7 ,? 5p ?? C D?+CK p0R ?.G? ? `•" ?,?i5 g e47,1 / I SG .? 843.Ix r,ogpq? h 11 ? ? 2422 Enterprise Drive MendOtO Heights, MN 55120 (612) 881-1914 FAX:881-9488 625 Highwoy 10 N.E. ? Blaine, AAN 55434 (812) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 :?1VST. '?? / 14 8 n c??5 c??? ? •z ds RoA..d 9 EE.? BENCH MARK TOP OF PIPE ELEV.=852.73 ^-I TREE LINE ? ? ?! ,-, .1 a t? ; , ?? n .?. ?,?,.. _ . . .. , ? ? , A3 EOGE Ur' POND PER PLA7 PRS2POSED HOUSF EL EVA7ION 7^' p : LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: ; TOP OF 9LOCK ELEVATION; ST• 2 NOTE: PROPOSEO CRa0E5 SNOWN PER IX2ADINC LAn 8Y: ; CARAGE SLAB ELEVATION: S.?n• I NOTE+ BUiLDINC DIuENSIONS SNOwN ARE FOR 110 IjONTAL AND 4ERTICAL LOCATpN ? OF STRUCTURE$ ONLY. SEE qRGiIT[CTUAL PLAH$ FOR BUiLOit+G aND ' N 000.00 DENOTES E)OSTiNC EL[vanON iOUNDAT10N DIMENSIONS 000.00 ) DEnlO7E$ PROPOSED ELEVATION NOTE: NO SPECIfIC SOIIS INVESTIGATON tlA5 BECN COMPLEtEO ON fHl$ lOT BY THE SVRVErOR. THE SUITAAIUTV OF SOILS TO SUPPORT THE SPEtliiC HOUSE i --- DENpI[S ORAINACE AND UTUTV EASEMfNT -? OENOT Ral vROflOSED iS a0T THE RESPON9BiLrtr af 1ME SURVEYOp ES p µAC£ FLOw DIREC7iON . NOTE! Th15 CER7IFICATE DOES NOT PURPORT TO SMOW EASEMENTS OTHER THAN • OENOTES MONUMENT -E3, pEN0TE5 OFfSET HUB Tr+0.5E SNOWN ON THE RECORDED aLnT, rvOTE: COr,TRaCiOR HUST VERiFY DRIVEWAY DESIGN, NOTE: BEnRINCS SNOWN ANE Bn5E0 ON AN ASSUUEO D47UM WE HEREBY CERTIFY 1'0 MCDONALD CONST. THA7 THIS I$ A 7RU E-AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE DOUNDARIES OF: LOT 1, BLOCK 2, KiNGSWOQp PONdS $ECOND ADDITION DAKOTA COUNiY, MINNESOTA 17 DOES NOT PURPORT TQ SNOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCHROACH M?NIS EXCEPT AS ' UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERviSION THIS 23RD OaY OF SEPT 1998 , OWIV, AS SURVFYED BY OR ' ., . SCALE : 1 INCH = 40 FEET SIG ED, ONEER ENGINt NG, n. ? 91 984$1.00 SWK BY: ? f - ' ' ` .. 24222 Enierprise Drive Men?1p?0 Heights, MN 5513Q * PIO muA LANO 9UNK1011! r CINL E49pICFl15 (612) 891-1914 FAX:881-9488 * eng neer ng LAND PLANN[R5. LqNqXqpE qRLNI7CCiS _ ?. 625 Highwoy 10 N.E. .? 7?. Bloine, MN 5543a (812) 783-188U FAX:783-1883 Certificote of Survey for: MCDONALD C0ICIST. CLIEN7-THOMES /TT A,/ p trN5_SW&n4 Z-t $$2143,414 10 eel Pa n d5 2o" j0' w - 859.9 EASEMENT TO BE S ? 854.7 6f ? VACaTED 8Y OrHERS ? , G? '?1?` $ + pb? ? J BENCH MARK 3? ? 1 ? p ELEV ? 852 73 -? eaaa D? R uA apo?E s2? °Y? q. o•- N ?y. . C)ry 6 . s: ,o> 854. > .n ? ?WO P y`'''o ?1ENCN MARK 47 TOP 0F PIPE v ? - 5.00 ELEV.,839.75 ????? . t0/? g 8853.7 Li 'osiC?' O?cK ! l? ?i ??f g847,1 P ?gG ? VACANI' VACANT 2 I 2? ? ,rG ?15• 'P'G? .F.S, INV.=826.2,=u' ? -nc°? / ?-kG 843.Ix TREE LINE ?v F.E.S. INV.=826.2 44? !qr _ -. ? I F.E.S. INV.-826.2 ` A ?- l , , i ? 1 i -.?;' ?? ? ? ? y ?•? , ?? 14 ? U?? i vaCnNr .3 p? ? `?°I ___.. -- ? ? ? 4 -- ?Mw PROPOSED HOUSF ELEVATION EDGE or POND PER PLqT LOwE57 FLOOR ELEvA710N: 74a%_5 : TOP OF BLOCK ELEVATION; 7570 / IF NOTE: PROPOSEO GRADES Sf10MiN PER WADINC LAN BY: , GARACE SV+B ELEVATION: 405 . NOTE+ BWIOwC DiNENSIOrrS SHOwta ARE FOR li 20NTqL AND VERTICAL LOC4TpN i OF STftUCTUNES ONLY. SEE ARpilYECTVAL PLANS FOR 8UiL0iNC awD x 000.00 DEn07ES EwSTNC ELfvsnON FOUNDATION DIMENSIONS. 000.00 ) DENQSE$ PAOPOSED ELEVATION NO7E: NO SPECIFIC SOILS INVE571GAT10N Mn5 BECN COMPLETED OM Mi5 I,OT Bv THE --- DENOTES ORAINACE .w0 unLitr EnSEMEnT , SVRVEYOR, THE SUITABIU7Y Of 501L5 TO SUPPORT THE SPEGfiC HOUSE v -'? DENOTES RRAiNACE fLOW OIRECTiOM RODOSEO IS Npi THE RESPONABiuTV Oc TME SURVEYOR , NOTE! MIS CEFlTIfICATE DOES NOT PVRPpRT Tp SMOW EASEMENTS O1T1fN TNAN --?---- DENOTES MONUMENT T1i0.5E SMOwN ON THE RECORpED PLaT -F}- pENOTfS OFPSET NVB NOTE: CONTRaCTQR MUST VERIFY ORIVEWAV DESiCN. NOTE: BEARWCS SHOwN nNE BoSED ON AN nSSUMED OatUM . wE HEREBY CERTIFY TO MCDqNALD CONST. THAT THIS tS A TRUE-AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE DOUNDARIES OF: LOT 1, BLOCK 2. KINGSWOpD PONDS $ECOND ADDITION OAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENT$ OR ENCHROACHMtN15, E%CEprED: ?, AS $URVEYED AY?1OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION THIS 23RD DAY OF SEPT., 1998. : $I G ONEER ENGINESfiiNG, A. SCALE : 1 INCH = 40 FEET BY:? l _.Z ohn C. Loraon. L.S. Reo. No. t l ' LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT191V . •? ? Jp? W a --? V U F ? z ?? O 0?-O C?' ? ?? ??? 0?? PROPERTY LEGAL: ? N > ? m ? ? ? ? O ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . . • • . DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: DOCUMENT STANDARDS Registered Land Surveyor signature and company Building PermitApplicant . Legal description Address North arrow and scale House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient °k Proposed/epsting sewer and water services 8 invert elevation Street name Driveway ELEVATIONS Exn'stina 5,-- O ? • Sewer service (or Proposed) Firl ? o • Property corners / L9? ? ? • Top of curb at the driveway ? ?? • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes Prooosed Q,??O 0 • Garage floor Ca--, o o • First floor ? Ef ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) / [? 0 ? • Property corners 3--? ? O • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if aoplicable} ? 0 ? • Easement line ? ? O • NWL ? ? 0 • HWL ? ? ? • Pond # designation ? ? ? • Emergency Overflow Elevation DIMENSIONS ?? ? • Lot Iines/Bearings & dimensions C3? ? ? • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) [Y ? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ? a---? • Show all easements of record and any Ciry utilities within those easements rJ-?b o • 5etbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent existing structures ? ? • Retaining waii requirements,if any Reviewed: January 1998 CRAIG 19081BLOGPRMT. FM me V CTfY USE ONLY • LOT ? BL vG RECEIPT #: SUBD. GY n? RECEIPT DATE: - , 1996 H1ECfIANICAL P£ftMIT (ItESIDENTIAL) CITY OF £!lfiAN 3$80 PILOT KNOS iiD E1k&AN bIN 55122 a g _q ? Date: (612) 6$1-4675 Complete this section onlv if you aze installing HVAC in single family, townhomes or condos under construction and not owner /occupied ' • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) (p -(DD • State Surcharge: .50 • TOTAL: '361SO Complete this section onlv if you aze remodeling, adding to, or repairing existing single family dwellings, townhomes, or condos. Note: Mechanical permit is not required for alteration/add-on to ductwork in existing residential units; but is required for the following: Install furnace Install air conditioning Install air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Other Minimurn fee applies to alI remodei ar add-ons of exis4ing residences $ 1210:00 State Surchazge .50 Total: $ 20.50 SITE ADDRESS: , -1? -?, P) Y-1 1 n a S lal("Sn (AA, 1?8 OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: STREE ADDRESS: CITY: o?,? I ?dl ? JS/FORMS BLD/MECH PERMIT (RES) - 1998 IHorE #: lnl 0?j 4 ?too ? PHONE #: 61S ( ` 4A V) V 40O @ dj 0 STATE: VV 1 yJ ZIP: ? ? t) G ?RE OF PERMITTEE L BL SUBD. APPROVED BY: CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: 199$ MECfi"1CAL PERMIT (COMMEitCIAL) CITY Of ElkfiAN 3$30 PILOT KN08 KD £AfilkN, Mlv 55182 (618) 6$1-4675 Please complete for all commerciaUndustrial buiidings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: ]% of contract price OR $25.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Processed piping - $25.00 CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE STATESURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: ($.50 per $1,000 ofpe?'t fee due on ap permits.) OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME (UNAPROVEMENTS Or1LY): _ INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE #: PHONE #: STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE X CITY USE ONLY BL RECEIPT #: / iv ?2 ? 3 g SUBD. B??OCCJ ? RECEIPT DATE: 1999 PLU14I$llNc PERMiT (ftESIDEVTIFtL) Cf!'Y OF EAfiAN 3830 PiLOT KNOB fZD Ek61kN, MN 551 E8 (BSU 6$1-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when pertnits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURES EACH TOTAL Shower 3.00 x 3 I 1 00 Water Closet 3.00 x T76F Batn Tub 3.00 x = .3 . 0 Lavatory 3.00 x = Kitchen Sink 3.40 x 0 Laundry Tray 3.00 x = -7, dd Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 x 00 Water Heater 3.00 x 1 = a, oa Floor Drain 3.00 x -?. 0a Gas Piping Outlet • minimum -1 3.00 x = ?• 00 Rough Openings 1.50 x Water Softener " for dwellings under construction 5.00 X = Water 5oftener ' for existing dwelling 30.00 x = U.G. Sorinkler ' for dwelling under const. 3.00 = U.G.Sprinkler ' for existing dwelling 30.00 = Alterations ` to existing residence 30.00 = Water Turn Around 30.00 = Private Disposai System ' MPC iic. 75.00 = (new and refurbished systems) Private Disposal Systems * Abandonment 30.00 = RPZ (new installation/repair) 30.00 = Reminder: Call 681-4675 for inspections of water heaters, water softeners, alterations, etc. STATE SURCHARGE .50 S3, ao TOTAL -------•------------------------------------------------------------------------- •--•------------------------------------------------------.. I hereby adcnowledge that I have read this appliqtion, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable Ciry of Eagan ordinances. It is tlie appifcant's responsibility to notify the property owner that the Ciry of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this pertnlyeyithin City propertykjghtof-way/easement. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CD/PERMIT FORMS/RPLBG PERMIT (RES) - 1999 For Office Use tt,k 0 , t# //-- -7,0.8 1rAppr 1 t 0 , Permi : E AG .41' Permit Fee: / 7.2, „,.......,,,,,, Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 RECIEVED ifyi (651)675-5675 i TOD: (651)454-85351 FAX: (651)675-5694 I Staff: ail buildinginspectionsacityefeagan corn JUL -112018 L _, 2018 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 7111/18 Site Address: 1448 Kingswood PondsRd. P 6 I47..5' Unit#: Name: Chris & Nicole Lawrence Phone: 952-334-6390 • Resident/ i Address/City/Zip: 1448 Kingswood Pond Rd. 1: owner i , 1 X ! Applicant is: Owner Contractor m.....,.....„,..._--....—.....—..........4,___---- . ; 1 Deck addition, Re-Deck & Re-rail ! 1 Description of work: Type of Work ' i 11, 1 , Construction Cost: 786.75 X Multi-Family Building: (Yes /No Contact ! Company: Outdoor Spaces Design and Build Co. Jon Hassenfritz i 4 5378 193rd St. W. Farmington Contractor I Address: City: 'i i State: Zip:MN Phone: Email:55024 952-457-0597 . jhass415@gmail.com i t License Lead Certificate# BC689582 NAT-F168253-1 #: : t If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: r'l ijit,0'5 WAY SLot-t /N .ii9i14‘ __ .............._„,.......____ __............. _._ ....___.m.,,__.__.____..., .''------ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING t In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? i 1 Yes No If yes,date and address of master plan: i Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: .; 5 i , i Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: , _-. . i i Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: ,, NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of die information may be Lciessilled asitpn2dblic if ye vide specific reasons that would permitibtatytp conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaqan.comisubscribe. Exterior work authorized by a building permit Issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. my i,i. opherstateonecallorq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approv of pla S. ' .-- x Jo”( NA seA)icrierrz-- x 1 ' Applicant's Printed Name App errs S nature itiq . . DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation Fireplace Porch(3-Season) Exterior Alteration(Single Family) _....... _ Single Family Garage _ Porch(4-Season) Exterior Alteration(Multi) Multi '7'Deck Porch(Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) Miscellaneous 01 of Plex Lower Level Pool ..... _ Accessory Building WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement — Siding Demolish Building* — )<,Addition Move Building Reroof Demolish Interior Alteration Fire Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace Repair Egress Window Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building-give RCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION 9 1 0 7) Valuation .) rk _ Occupancy 1)"\Ci- MCES System Plan ReviewCode Edition yvr,q, i /) SAC Units (25%__100% y, Zoning itiCi City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Suppression Required Type of Construction V Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ — Footings(New Building) Meter Size: 1,. Footings(Deck) Final/C.O. Required Footings(Addition) Final/No C.O. Required Foundation Foundation Before Backfill _______ HVAC Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Roof: Ice&Water Final Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Drain Tile Fireplace: Rough In Air Test Final Siding: Stucco Lath Stone Lath Brick EFIS Insulation Windows Sheathing Retaining Wall: Footings Backfill Final Sheetrock Radon Control Fire Walls Fire Suppression: Rough In Final — Braced Walls Erosion Control Shower Pan Other: Reviewed By: L'''' , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC 1 City SAC Utility Connection Charge sam Permit&Surcharge (.2 GT 0y( (--..... )9, 9 00 Treatment Plant 1 Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 3 r.ti r4Fia..• • • g . JUL 192018 * tilas kt i * 2422 Enterprise Drive , milk MencotQ Heights, MN 55120 * PIQ grq LAND 9UIIN,OI S •CIVIL COHEIRS (812) 881-1914 FAX:881--9488 . ens neer ng LAN°PLANNERS. LaNnscApEn++CHJTtc1S — - — _ 625 Highway 10 N.E. 1111 * ** Blaine, M14 55434 (812) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 Certificote of Survey for: MCDONALD C,0KiST. CLIENT-THOMES -� /44 ' !t r h,5_1(-,.44 �j� �. S .�rvIC.-� .j" a u_ r45..6 SS2I R,ro r a8.7„4,r- -,-,• �o i ds Rte.d W �a 4P. t/.- 859.9 G [js EASEMENT TO 8£ i 854 S m VACATED BY OTHERS �--,_� d d Q� i ,ig ' t t9V o�%l QS '' 1*4.�%' 460•.�� ©OP CO MARK °�� K‘ c '� ,3 ELEV.-852 73 V. 1 R',',,'' ost0.52. — - 777,\''S.48,4 t / LQ V'•. 'N t0.- if S r /. tZ BENCH MARK __c �4i t ` it $74*, 9 $ tAG�`a E.Ka J io,J TOP OF PIPE to v `f Ot 10/('',",poo% 6lis•g• 1,%.. ; A ` �-x 5.00 10 s) 1 ELEv._839.75Ft- 3.Ct v t! 01\j #61 $A .1. J�ti ► 00 :µ0v3 : 4 6 es 4�to a GS 41.eirreatl 42(46.6 0 i ` `�S\ ' 8�* I 847.1?0 s �� VACANT fit+ VACANT i S�, qty,+ S '� _ + 411D), \ 8 F.E.S. 1Nv 826 2 0 �', i 4/ 146.4:\ ...s", o § F� +e__`lea>. NN- l 4/1), 843.1x `1 �'`- TREE UNE Qs 14 F"* qi F.E.S. INV.=826.2 4 4 F.E.S. p'Q,o-4C�, fyd'` N INV.=826.2 Cgi,-t4M 1 1 It i � t ,` u- D I?.... ' I VACANT 3 �1 ._........ . .._ _. __.....-- ul EDGE OF POND PER PLAT -''�-- 6''1e sirti PROPOSED HOUSE ELEVATION LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: }'45>- • • TOP OF BLOCK ELEVATION; 572 NOTE: PROPOSED GRADES SNOwN PER GRADING 'LAN 8Y: GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION: SSG. I NOTE' BUILDING OIUENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR II.-IONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCArnN , PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA165406 Date Issued:10/29/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1448 Kingswood Ponds Rd Lot:1 Block: 2 Addition: Kingswood Ponds 2nd PID:10-42051-02-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Christopher & Nicole C Lawrence 1448 Kingswood Ponds Rd Eagan MN 55122 Quality Heating & Air Services Inc 12912 Ventura Ct, Suite 21 Shakopee MN 55379 (952) 403-1110 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA178400 Date Issued:08/16/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1448 Kingswood Ponds Rd Lot:1 Block: 2 Addition: Kingswood Ponds 2nd PID:10-42051-02-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Air Conditioner Work Type:Replace Description: Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) 210-0754. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Christopher & Nicole C Lawrence 1448 Kingswood Ponds Rd Eagan MN 55122 Quality Heating & Air Services Inc 12912 Ventura Ct, Suite 21 Shakopee MN 55379 (952) 403-1110 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature