2239 Mahogany Way Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r-----------------i For Office use t MY Of l Evan 1 I PermitFee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 i Date Received: t I Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 star. J 2010 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: /o t4 - /a site Address: Z Z 3 t M A 0 4 G A N Y L t. rA Y Tenant: Suite RESIDENT / OWNER Name: M K E { 1119 7-fi Y A- G V ~ t'_ Alone: 10- 4.52-- AT 74- Address/ city /zip: 2 2 3 EY76116 6A w ® 1-4-114 1/ Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: ! D % R' G - 5O f;T j''ASel' A Construction Cost 1000 Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No CONTRACTOR Name: 6hA.,-C6- &M C fMPft verMl;".~?S; Lccense * 7456 3 S gr_ +t,~ A f~ city: CA G,A Address: Jlp / ang w State: -"Ill Zip: Jrs Z Z Phone: 44~2 L le-'"S Email Contact COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes _,_No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor. Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE. Plans and supporting documents dlat you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Cali Gopher State One Call at (661) 464-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I herebtt acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confDra the ordinan codes of the City of Eagan; that ! understand Phis is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work a the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the lose of work which requires a review and approval of a x 52 s~ a . x Applicants Printed Name Applican s Si#nature Page 1 of 2 ? CASH RECEIPT . ? CITY OF EAGAN - P. O. BOX 21-199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 ^.J 4 .' . / DATE ? .? 19 R<C61VCD F110M !.? .,__• AMOUNT $ lc.. DOLLARS ? CASH n CHECK ? FOR F. ., ?.. ??? ? . . ._ y ? .. FUNO CODE AfAOUNT .. / j Thank You -? ' - l I y BV;"?; ; ?.'I.I,{_ White-Payers Copy Vellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copv - CASH RECEIPT -`? CITY OF EAGAN ? P. O. BOX 21•199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 DATE 19 ncesIvec AMOUNT $ & ooLLwRs ?eo ? CASH r_? CHECK J_ FUNO COOE AIAOUNT ?. • , r ? Thank You BY White-Peyers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy CITY OF EAGAN ` 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 " . BUIfeDING PERMIT Receipr # T: L_ ..._. g.. 1 /2 mwiN einMR. SiteAddreas .l'y ..;'S..•(??- A`I Lot Block ?Sec/Sub. ' "riK ::LIFN Parcel No. Name _ . . . .. . _ . . ? . . ; Address b CitY Phone . . . ,9 Name " ?? Address City Phone Name _ Address City _ Phone I hercby ockrawledye tFat I how read this opplicotion ond stote that fha information is conect and agree to compty with.oll opplicable Stata of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagan Ofdinonces. Sipnoturc of PermiRea L'_!? '. /1 Bulldinq Vertnit Is issued fo: oll work shalt be done in occordance with all applicable State of Mir 90813 85 Erect 0 Occupancy Remodel ? 2oning ; t) Repair ? Type of Conat. L? ; Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length ? - Demolish ? pepth Int Impr. ? gq, Ft. Install ? Apyrovols Fess Assessment Permit 373 • ? • Water & Sew. Surcharge 4 0 . i"v Police Plan Revlew 1b6.'.' 0 Firs SAC 525. :%C Eny. water Conn. 500•00 ' Plonner weter Meter 63. 7 p J Council Roed Unit •' f` a• i) U Bldg. Off. • ? ? ?? ?? Tr. PI. APC Parks Var. Date Copies - ' Total on the exprcss condition thoi uwto Srotutes and Ciry of Eopon Ordinonces. i Pwmit No. Pxmk Holder Date Telephons ik Plumbinp jkl j H.V.A.C. /g5 Yd.Sb Softsmr Irqpoction Date Insp. Othar Footinys 1 Footings 11 FoundaUon Framiny -??- WC Roofing /ae _r 04 Rouyh Plbg. Rough Ntg. Insul. Flropiacs Flnal Htg. Final Plby. Flnal CaNOcc. - ' , d'i Water De+cribs Loeation: Wsll Sewer Pr. Dlsp. l l I? Roaipt ? MECHANICAL PERMIT Psrmit No. CITY OF EAGAN 7 ? f FN Y ! J / fill in numbered apecet S/C TYPB or Prinileg/dly T ot 1. Date ' 2. Imtallation Cost • ? 3. Job Addreaa Lot - Blk. Treet 4. Owner 5. Contractor `' • Phone 6. Addreu 7. City State 2ip F` 8. Buiiding Type: Residential ?... 9. Work Description: New, , I 10. Describe 1 11. Commercial ? Institutional ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? Fuel Type ` ? No. Eoiinment 9TU - M. Ea. Forced Air ?-- ' No. Eauipment CFM Air H ndlin : Mfg. g a Boilers _ Mfg. _ Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that tfie above information is true and correct, and I agree to wmply with all ordin ances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Oate Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 CITV Of EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. 8ox 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagsn, MN 55121 p/,TE; Zoninp: No. of Units: OWMI: ".'?• Address: Site Address: Plumber, c .. , i.,r.. ro eem.y .uh o. ck, ef B.,e. ca,rori«, aa,ge: Ordiuenea. Account Deposit: Partnlt Faa: ? Surcharpe: BY Misc. Choryes: Date of Insp.: ToMI: Insp.: Dote Poid: CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road WATER SERVICE PERMIT P. O. @,„c 21199 PERMIT NO.: Ea"n, MN 55121 DATE: Zontrg: - No. of Units: OW11Qf:- AddflSS: . ?.R'} 722P Site Addrcu: Qg-'I:ey Plumber: :?czaht,e ^.i umbinL - Metsr No.: Connedion Charge: Size: _ •-'v, ij AceouM Deposif: Reoder No.• Permit Fee: 1?sno ts oasyly wkb !IN City oF Eaymw $urcharye: OdiMeAm Mlsc. Chorpes: TotoL• BY Date Paid: Date of Insp.: Irup.: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMR 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. t?. P-ox 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Z?in9:. No. of Units: .`. Owner: Addron: Slri Addrcss: Plumber: r-ena.uie. ']u:: i: i.t AAeter No.: e 7 Eonneetion Chorge: siu: Clg"R4-4-' AccouM oeposlr. Reader No.: O(> "7 a,;?-O Permit Fee: 1:; .• 1syew M ampy wMr 1M Clfr ef Eoyen Surcharge: . 50Dd Ordlwoner. Misc. Charpes: i_ ::? , Oflpc' , aal: , _?.u?. . .._ . BY Date Paid: Oate of Insp.: ? Irmp.: ' J!-/3 _ 5 ; CITY OF Ei4GAN Remarks Addition OAK CLIFF ADDITION Lot 5 RIk 1 Parcel 10 53550 050 01 Owner Street 2239-41 Mahogany Way State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years k7 Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 1951 250.88 25.09 10 125.48 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 199 1973 104.12 6.94 15 13.90 A015872 08 SEWER ATERAL 1981 541.76 54.18 10 WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 19$2 161.31 10.75 15 STORM SEW TRK y0"1 1979 350.52 17.53 20 227.88 A015872 7-30-85 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT . Road Unit 280.00 54659 8/16/85 WATER CONN, 500.00 if BUILDING PER. 10813 " SAC n n PARK CITY OF EAGAN N_ 10813 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 . BUIL PHONE: 454-8700 PERMIT ????G ? Receipt ?! Te ?be wed !or 1/2 TWIN HOMF? Value $$0 ,00 0 ?te AUGUST 19 Iq 85 SiteAddress 2239 MAEiOGANY WAY Erect Im Occupancy R3 OAK CLIFF Lot 5 Block 1 SeclSuh Remodel ? Zoning PD . . Repair ? Type of Const. V Parcel No . Addition ? No. Stories DEVELOPERS CONSTRUCTION Move ? Lenyth 38 ? Name Demolish ? Depth Q$ Z ? Address 1101 CLIFF RD Int.lmpr. ? Sq. Ft. - City BU RNSVILLE Phone 890-6194 Install ? ? SAME ADVrorals Fees ,o Name Zu Add Assessment Permit 0? ress City Phone Woter 8 Sew. Surcharge 40.00 P I' PI Re iew 186.50 Name Address City _ Phone oice_ Fire - Eng. _ Plonrrer Council I hereby acknowledge that I hove reod this opplicotion ond stote that gidg. Off. 8I?-S/HS the in(ormation is torrect ondc ee to comply with II applicable APC State of Minnewta Statute ti City of Eo an O nces. Var. Date Signoture of Permittee A Building Permit is i d to: DEVELOPERS CONSTRUCTION on olI work sholl be done in occardance withl opplicable State of in esota Statutes and City of an v snc 525.00 Water Conn. 500.00 WaterMeter 63.00 RoadUnit 280.00 Tr.PI. 132.00 Parks I Copies Total $2.099.50 tha express condition Iha+ Eoqon Ordinontes. Building afficiol r)(o 36-? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION O ?? ?? ?? See instructians for completing this f? ? back oi ? Ilow copy. "X" Below Work`Cavery.., b This Re uest ? E13-00001-04 lo??c l?5' Nev, JA dd Rep. Type of Building Appliancea Wired Equiumenl Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightin,y Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm tner Peci v Otner lsuecitvl t er Specify Other Olher C0117D!!(E IIISOEC[IO/1 FBB BP.IOW p ^Fee ServiceEntfenCeSiza t! Fee Fnederg/Subfeeders Sl Fen -CirCUits . /e; U to 200 qm s 0 to 30 qmps S? zZ? I 0 to 30 Am s 00 qinpy Above 2 31 to 100 Amps _ 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 100-Am s Above 100_Am s Trenstormers Irrigation Booms c Partial-'Other Fee Signs Special Inspection ' $ TOTA FF '?? ? Remarks V.? L Ef rn yj\ r r i ?a RouBh-in Date r I.the Ela 42 l(?`.y? Inspector, here6y c fit th t th b Final ? %?? y e a ove r a inspection has been m d a e. Thie request void 18 moNBS from ?fi f? 1,4x/ ., ?eUUest void 5 3 ? 18 months !rom ° 0 7 0 8 9 8 LS??_i h u.Fc Ct.:J, lvl9(k5 Ll C? ,5.6 RequeSt pa1Q"?. ire No. Rough•in I ,tion Required? t?.„n ?Ready Now}?•• ill Noufy. InsPec- I ' l??r li5'es ?No !ur When Ready icensed Electrical Contractor I hereby request inspection of above ?wner eiectrical work installed at: Street Address, 8ox or Route yo. City "?; 3 /v?a aohk ecLOn o. Township Name or o, nge No. County h er ? ;,- Occupant (PRINT) e Phone No. <' - • ? rs n _5?+. 51 o- 617 ? Power Supplie r Address / ? L / D K ? ?lt c.7 rK ?GIY/Y!/YIC c1 ? Electric I Contractor (Company Name) l? ?s 1'e, Contractor's License No. 6z7llj ?V8 - 3 Mailing Addres?s /IContractor or Owner Maki Instailationl ?7?t-t>?GG ;?-? S S cLrJc7 ' Authoriz - Signature Contractor/Owner Making Installationl Phone Number 44 g790= 3 S55 ? , MINNESOTp STpTE APD OF ELECTflICITYq THIS INSPECTION REQUES7 WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg' Noom N-791 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55109?? UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone 012) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. F ?1-?;?_ 0 2 S 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Constmction Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq. fl, of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all rooted areas (20% maximum lot coverage ailowed) 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservalion Plan if lot platted after 7/1193 Rim Joist Detail Optiorts selection sheet (buHdings w'rth 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodeUReoair Requirements 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, joists 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated additions 1 site survey for additions & decks Add'rfion - indicafe if on-sife septic sysfem Office Use Onlv Ced of Suivey Recd Y_ N Tree Pres Plan Recd N. Tree PresRequired : Y, _ N On-site Septic System _Y N Date / -to- / q& Construction Cost ?t 4-7- f -- Site Address A 3 9 ? .2- 1? /1 Np (W A//} Unit/Ste # ,5-S-1 L Z Description of Work A - A [c a? Multi-FamilyBldg L?_ Y _ N ?4 pLf-x Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 x 2 Property Owner LA?AR/} ? -n*VVI J-VAlck?/L Telephone # (?S'? ) ?gO2 ? ?/ 0 ( L (?, / Contractor 4 Z??J/el,f .?;?/ Adclress city STU(/ State N Zip s11 (2- Telephone # To COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF C.ONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 ? ---=?,Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet - New Energy Code Worksheet (d submission type) ? Submitted ' - _, Submitfed • EnergyEnvelopeCalculaYionsSubmitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: i Licensed Plumber Telephone # ( ) Mechanical Contractor 5ewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ?S?pff 7 - ?1F,tAi9-?oR? ? Applicant's Printed Name (plicantfs Si n ure ? v ti 2/84 CITY Or EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PEMMZT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIODT (PLEASE PRINi) 1) PROPE4I'1' AG0.R=SS: r.Fral, D:..IP':'IC-J: Lai?. 0° C.-c.T_Gi^.AL F1pEC?? ?e?=v?e. -ipo..Cm uzz.?'..: ? R- 1 5Z.=- -Z7?Yn.Y PdI=2-Z DLTP';.. (T.,.0 L':IITS) [3 R-3 ZCr,%-?CrJSE (?HLD.= 1 La;7'i'c) ( U,71.,.C!? 0 R-4 A:=AP,=, TMy'f/CC:.?--i.G_'.ir.;rtil p CCi•L??C?AL/RE''.?II,/Cr 'I? ? m'DliS-L 0 L\STITLTIO:lt1L/CC4=-?i!•M?r Ll A=-'Y:...:C==T (PLEasE rRiNr) -? ?1 ? 13?i?: CJ: Cr-^=' ' Zi ip: PFONE: el -7? - 4' c? s-G I 3) PLL:•=--:,, (PLEASE rRIYi) ?„??FOR CITY USE OYLY rDL`.^-u,SS: PLUH LICEVSE: : ? • Active CIT'_'' ST"?-,'', ZIP: Q E:pir d P?'OVE: "" `" Q of R card PLUMBER LICENSE fi a in1L1a 41 a-?C,'Pp1?1'i/C?•n:? 0 (PLEASE PRlNT) i NF11?IE: ? G I ADDRESS : CITY, STA-m. , ZZP: . . PhaNe: ?'yd G / f? y 5} IIVpIG*,TE :v'HICH PER:•liT IS BEID.'G RF]QUESTID: aCCILL MN 'Iti CITY SETrIER aCL::ti'DTICN TO CITY WP.TER - Q U.'IE2 (PL?.?' DESCP.IBE) - / u-Vit{]1. t/, y`?; 7) SZCZ.,-RE: ? PT--°-751SE FrOID ApPRWFD pgRmIT FOR PICIi-UP BY ONE OF ABGVE . ?J PZEASE ;'AIL APPR(NID PERMIT T'J 1; jo. 3, 4 AB(JVE . (Circle one) ? nATE: ?! R OI:?I?lfA ? i!i !?f??l1? ! S A?i ?1?i/ ?? r YFS=7:a a! Y! fi_!? Mi?! fl 1? Yt !?l liq?y . , . . . . . . .. . . y,_. F O R C I T Y U S E O N L Y PE'MIT °- ISSUED F F_°MS : $ $ $ Z- C,0 ? SnALR nERMTT (I`1CL?L?. JU°CH?aGL) WATER PERA4IT (IiICLliDE SliRC:iARGL) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSID° READ'R $ WATEP. TAP (INCLUDE CORPORATION STOP) S SE;dER TA° . $ l.??c?0 : r^?`i,:t•T ?__ r.ci_ - ?_:.?? $ !C''v c-' , ACCOtiNT DEPOSIT - PIATER $ WtiC $ Sr?C $ c; C) TRli;IK WATER ASSESS:+.E:IT $ TRuNK SELvER aSSESS,iE:IT +S L'nTE?.:aL BENEFIT/T.°,UI`IK SE:• TE-R $ LA:E2AL BENEFIT/TRUNK S4ATER $ 13A. vo WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ OTHER: $ ? $ Z?l - Ucr TOTaL .AMOL'.L'T PAID/qECEI?T ? -!?- Ov-r DOES UTTLITY CONUECTIQN REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGiiT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN n"PERMIT FOR GdORIC WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE ? NO ENGINEERING DIVZSION. LIST AS A COUDI- TION. SUEJECT TO TfiE FOLLOZ9ING CONDITIONS: ;. .' APPROVED BY: TI:LE: DATE: ?. +Hm wsm Ra Ra wt loialmf7 w_a sww ?a ..? .ow wk m Me .?s? I. .. , ? :??_:. s , ?:.,P=._• ? ' . _ . . ? -. . - .. . _ . - . - . . . . . . -_.?... ? ._.?_ .. _. .. ._ ?_ -. . . _ ! 1985 BUILDING PER!!IT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS NUST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF S URVEY r 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULA TIONS 80 C?00 `? Ta Be Used For: i aluation: Date: 22? Site Address: OFFICE USE ONLY ?iz. oF c?l4e%? Lot: ??Bloek ? Sect/Sub 2JfErect X Occupancy + 12-3 Remodel Zoning rD Parcel # Repair Type of Const 7S:Z Addition /b of Stories Owner Move _ Length 38 Demolish Depth 4g Address Int.Impr , ^ Sq Ft Install City/Zip Code Phone Contractor Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch,/Engr. APPROVALS FEES Assessments Permit 313. 2! Water/Sewer Surcharge ?a°° _ Police Plan Review -- 1125G,so Fire SAC -?S m Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter (a?.m Council Raad Unit 2€:0.°° Bldg Off $.-/ Treatment Pl 32. =° APC Parks Variance Capies Address City/Zip Cade Phone II TOTAL . ? -t? Z.0 Y• ZD -? o(D K` l l = 4 4v o SZ?b Q K Co - Z? x f? ? 2??-- ZC,?ZG 754 x54" 4-c??lb 80C x 4? " 33°4? ? E5c5 ? 1??54 J r I _ 16flv . 1985 BUILbING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL COH'IRACTORS MUST BE LICEN3ED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF S URVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULA TIONS ? oon . st Ta Be Used Far: Valuation: Date: ?r Site Address: /2 OF W?ST ??QFFICE USE ONLY 7? (? ?"__ / Lot; ? Block Y L Sect/Sub !!!? rect Occupancy Remodel Zoning Pp Parcel # Repair y Type of Canst ' Enlarge ll of Stories Owner tI 4;2 Move ' Length ? - ? ? Demolish Depth 34 Address Grade ' Sq Ft City/Zip Code Contractor APPROVALS Address City/Zip Code Phone 4E Arch./Engr Address Phone # Assessments Permit 3-? 3.°° Water/Sewer _ Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC 5Z5. °° Engr Water Conn 5 pp. "-' Planaer Water Meter (P3.=° Council Road Unit Bldg Off Parks APC Treatment Pl t '32 °-' Variaace Tornt. ? •- ?? 20 1? 2( = 4 2c7 x i ?= ?(?2c7 =-7 54 2cp ? 3? " ooc??G( ? 330?? I I ? i&2 `"''y? . Ex'rrttiofz ErIvELoPE nvERnGr "u" cc>hi"urnTIuN .' ot-fti E rt : , 41 SITE /IODRESS: /- / CON7RAC70R: DA7E r - PNOME :?0???9 y URMINE 41 0RYINC SO,U1IRE F00 GE," 6F?E?S 1.. TOTAL EXPOSED 41AL1 AREA ........ s ft • 1 . x 'lull q // 2. TOTAL ROOF/CEILING AREA ,,. ..... ' sq ft x iiuii 3• TOTAL EX.P05ED 14ALL AREA CALCULA710NS: Total exposed wall , area above floor .,...... sq ft • : a) Total wall window area: ., • : • 91 azed...... _ /G'7 D sq f t x "Uii giazed • . . • • • s q f t x "U" b) Total door area ......... ?p O sq ft x"U" c) •Total sllding glass door area:' •, , glazed.:. .. s ft tluii q x - ` glazed.* ..... sqt ft . x liull d) Total fireplace wall area • 0' sq ft x"U" C • e) Total wall framing area • " (Average 10;) . .. ... . ... sq ft x liult ' f) Total net wall area above floor (Insulated)....... ? sq ft x"U" g) Total rlm )oist area,...,. ?. sq ft x"U'! ` Total foundatlon area (Exposed).......... f sq t h) Total foundatlon wlndow area ............. Sq ft x iiuil e I) Total net foundation • . area above.qradei ,.,.,, R? sq ft !Q?° ( x"U" ?i . 3. , TOTAL a) t h ru I) tf'item /13 Is the same as, or le • S.13.C Sectlo ( 00( ss than Item /11, you h ave met the fntent of . , n , (c) 2. . . - .., • . Z N r,' 4.. 70TAC EXPOSED RQOF/CEII.ING f,ALCULATIQtlS: , `'•, . '1\ 'Total exposed . .' -..- _ -- :: .;:.:',::. .• roof/celllng area,,,.,,,. U ' sq`ft J) ? 7ota1 skyl ioht, area....... sq ft x'aU" k) Total roof/ceillnq framing ?., ? . , area . (Average 109;) ? . . ..?? sq ft x "U" 1) 7ota1 net insulated - roof/ceiling area...... . (9 sq ft x"U" ,('lA ° •(J j. l?, • , , TOTAL J) thru 1) . , ::. If totalof u?i is the same as, or less than 112, you have met the intent of S.o.C..Section 6606 (c) 1. . . . ,.. .. . .. . z:?, ,.., :, ,:.; , • . :,:. .,. .. .. ., . ALTERNATE.6UILQIFIG ENVELOPE bESIGN • ' To utilize the total envelope system method, tlie values established by the sum •.' of I terns #3 and #14 shal l not. be greater than the sum of i tems /!1 and u2. + 2. 3. ??- A-7 G + ?? . ,Z . :2 ,. , , C E R 7 I F,1 C A T I 0 I hereby certify that I have calculated the "lJ" factors and "R" values herein and that the buildinci here descrihed meets or exceeds the State oF Minnesota Enerny Conservation Act. • . i ? • ' Ignature ' • ?,, ? .-. ? ?- , , , AOB tOHSULTIHb EHbIHEE1IS ENGINEEAING PLRNNfRS ond LAND fUAVEY08t COMPANY, INC. ? ? 1000 EA57 1461? STREETt BURNSVILLE. AIINNESOTA 55337 PH 432'3000 J:'i caI -?.J Cerz Lgg.Ql I2CJ_ crLA?? GTL % NoR7H scaLE /" = 40 ; Xo; o; pgA/OTES EXI ST/it/6 ECEVqTIORI (%0 , a) pCn/oTES PRofOSED ELEVATIDIV -•--- IIJDICATES pfRECTIO/J OF SuRF'ACE DRA/NAGE F/A!/SNED GARAC--E FC.DOR ELEVAT1W = 9fo5,0 ?OT 5, BLOCK l, OAK GLIFF, OAKOTA COUAITY, Mr"tiESOTA z,o? 9 N 89° 9+3 ' 04" E o 3 . i34. 54 ?, J L? ? T o T r 4U m : ? v 1` 9 Q ? ?yS7,1? &5-7•6) I h p ,`, ? I 9SL_SJ F6W0 s s .W 4.o d. I??? ? , r i- Z24i ?mrE I ze.e ' e I 22 3? --1 7 i 6ae?E U I; ???? 0.0 9,e , .bl 17,6 a 30' FRoniT BUiLDIA/G SETBACK L/NE -- DRAINAGE A1JO - UTILlTY PASEMEUT 0 ? _ ?1 ? Gof+K,C ?'Y .y, t Lo.3 2.7 ,T? ? n ah(?A r•, n S I 65.0! 96??? , ? . 58.00 ?= 40.65 • ?3,?? :x., N 187° /6' SB??W ? Q=lp° 07R???3p,?3J ? MA NOGAAAY Wq Y ? - I hereby certify that thia ie a true and correct reprnsentation of a tract.of i?T day of land as •ham'and deacribed hereon.. Aa prepared by me on this SS . 1teS. No. v ?% . 'M ; SUBJECT: WAIVER OF PLAT DUPLEX LOT SPLIT APPLICANT: WINKLER DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: LOT 5, BLOCK 1, OAK CLIFF EXIST'ING ZONING: R-2 (DUPLEX) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: JUNE 16, 1992 DATE OF REPORT: JUNE 9, 1992 COMPILED BY: PLANNING & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS APPI.ICATION SUMMARY: An application has been submitted requesting a duplex lot split located at 2239/2241 Mahogany Way (P.I.D. #10-53550-050-01). COMMENTS: The applicant is proposing a duplex lot split to allow individual ownership of the existing twin home located on this lot. The existing twinhome meets, or exceeds, all minimum building setbacks and separate utilities have been provided for each unit. If approved, this Waiver of Plat-duplex lot split shall be subject to all applicable Code requirements. I * * )f 2422 Enterprise Drive * Mendota Heiglils, MN 55120 * PIONEER -- ,,,„o S,RVE,IX,S - c„L E,,C„EERS (siz) 681-1914•Fax 681-9488 * enginee?ing LAWD GUNNERS • LAHDSCMF APOIIiEGiS 625 HIOhwOY 10 NorIhCaSL Bloine, MN 55134 1(612) 783-1880•FaK 783-1883 Certificate of survey ror: Winkler Development House Address: Mahogany Way Eagan. MN N 89'48'04" E 134,54 " 48.7I 85.80 I ? ! I ? ! I ? I I p I 4v I I I QP' S?° P ? 3 ? a?P Q I r- / I M o i i r N ?., ag ? U) I o S 06:59'SR` E d d / N N ? I I 25.9 ? 18.80 ? I 42 ° ensnuc ; rvnu HauE 20.0 B./ 7.0 B.3 I 14.5 GARAGE o! /? I GMACE Je flJ e rv "' bl ?"I i 70.0 ? C;' fN ? I B 7 7p.3 I 7 / 'T 1 10.11 I - . f? 1... ori?wn, I ?x,i. I?Is I^? L? ---- ---- I nzvtwnr y(0 _. n Si4aC?-110.33 47.87 SERHCE - TV- - - -_1y_ ,r -- ? ry -58 00-_ c?.-L=40.65. ° _- _- --- ?- `?- N 87'16'58" W a= 10'07'14" - - -- - MANOGANY- - ---R_= z3o.,3 vVAY PARCEL A: That part ol Lot 5, Blnck 1, OAK CLtFF 13T AbDITION, eccortling to the tecoiAeA plal Ihereot. Oqkoln County, Minnesde lying weslerry d the lotlowing described Ilne: Cqmmencing at the soulhwest corner ol seld Lol S. Block t; thnricc In en easterty cflhedbq ebng the soulh Ane 1hBreol, a distance o147.671eet to tfm actual pohd ol beginning ol the tlne lo Ae descrlbed; thence noNhary fo a poN on the rqrth Nne ol saM Lo15, Hlock 1 cflslaM 48.74 leet east Irom the northweyi cother Ihereol, 99 hieegtned ebng Eeld north Ilne, erd Ihere lerminating. PARCEI B: Thet pad W Lot 5, Bbck 1, OAK q_IFF iSt ADDITION, eccarding to Ihe rec:orded plal Ihereol, Dakola Camty, Mlnnesote lying eesterly o1 Ihe tolbwlnp described flng: pormnencing et the southwest comer d seM Lot 5, Fliork 1; Ihence In en easlety dhecibn, ebng Ihe Soulh AnC lhereot, B dlslence ot 47.671eef fo the Actual pohl ol beginning ol the IMe to tie described; thence northery to e polnt on the north Brx! of spk1 t.ot 5, Alock 1 dlstaM 48.741ee1 easl hom the northwest canar thereol, es measured ebng saa nath Hne. end Ihere lerminathg. 1 hereby certily Ihal this survey, Ofen or report w/Jn?s ?p?VT?Yrt?pered hy me m under my direct supenvision end that I sm dWy Replste.ed Lnrni Sorveyor ander the lem ol the Sleu ol Mlnnesola. Da1ed IhhF_' day al MA.D. 19gL-. J / ?-? r.>>v Scale: 1?^?h-30'°?t ? "no?Ea e.?,?,?, sner.HO.ineg1 M , . r Ghbi nnn. c n. SUBJECT PARCEL DUPLEX LOT SPLIT • s.oru .ix wc? or[wr rouro urcv m?awa ?ew p C(MOT[f i/t xKM ?? ?\ IYC1? ?1011 Yp1UY[M? 4? YRI[0 wtn ?1wsi???an ?o. Na! uY[ss mht?'YU[ r?owi 1M Kfl UYl O?T1?( Il?i/? Q!?[. \I n?{ Y?Oi?m -.-•_ ooimcs rrt s?cros mrmc ro o?wu mrrr INSET SC4LE t VICINITY MAP , ? l N i?O SfJLE gC !i . T.21. R. ]S OAK CLIFF ?ru•wr•i?H??Y ??..._ ?_.. - - '._= ? ?.N-_'nJ?_,Yl._ _ _.?. ?? ? { ? •~y ` • [. _I. : % •.''r?. ' Ce . . 1 Sa ;; ..._?....«n ^?;?:. 4<?`:: .?r?• ' ?`?4?'4S`C~ ? , i. 'f4 ?? .?. r t • . ?. ? .wr..: ? arttar e '.t : ? `• .,? L ? ?:. artLor c - ==` •?. i . ?:. ' =a F ? ys ? • y 1 f ??\ AM?•'/? ?'` ,J.'? •• ' , • ' • ` - t ? i ?. jr 17'`' 1? f •???_Y????. •I ,I`. ? • ? ~ _ ' ` L 't \ .• `? i I ? .` .?? ??f?n• 7 i +l' . OUflOf I ? y .v?.. •`w' fEE IItlFT •' T. '..... r WTIYr • ? :.?` , • i ' .?. .• ;;• j OYfIAT G ' wM ' ?? ? ?1 r.?•... .nr• ' ' N?? r .-.?ri??.,t-x ... • f ouw?a uo ?ru.in t?E?rlrts _ "" ??' • - ;• ??_N = i . 3? ? ? sy: _c ? , r _ ;. • L .? L \ r ? ? ?.?. .. .... _ ;?:?_ rtiw- f rtr ix u?vn, wuss vn¢rv?u - umun?. ua .mu?n?w ?c a?a_, w ?c rtc n ?im. ?uus orxou?:: ixoiun:. YL ?41YI?IYi. !!?[[: LIYf N{I?lu? u? iY[ 14 . r ?? ? SnEE' 2 0= Z sNt_