2077 Marble LaneCITY OF EAGAN Remarks Cedar Grove Acquisition Addition Cedar Grave #2 Lot 3,3 Bik 7 Parcel 10 16701 330 0Z7 Owner -1? '.'''' ''' i; ' 'l- ?street 2077 Marble Lane state Eagari.MN 55122 J4ri 1.r-, Improvement Qate Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 198-, 94 46 15 STREET RESTOR. - GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK '#' SEWER LATERAL 1972 1304.00 2.1 2 WATERMAIN # WATER LATERAL 972 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER 510EWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. ' u BUILDING PER, SAC PARK INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: I Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: r)r?itHf F I RNF I ? IIAR 6i2UVC- <'NL1 r;?+ i r ?? ? r? 1QlJ'.'?J?)i 33 fsI b f: IC i APPLICANT: 1 t.lz 1 4t.d ' PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: nl? `;t;R.If T I.fIN i 1' N F ( t r At 1"FitATIUN EGkESS 41lNU(1W, RAT1] INSPECTION .. • .• 1 ;4:???;;i ? r? ? ? ,.,, ? ??. , I 11A17KSt SFVARAIE PF'RNIT'y RF(71/IRE[3 FO!< ANY Flf:Ctkl.l'AI. 1lk f'111MN1Nli lJ11t7k Permit No. Permk Holder Date Telephono N ELECTRIC PLUMBING /00 HVAC 7 Inspecdon Date insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ) ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING 4Q PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL !?-?D'°J4 H{?3 GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPIACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG QRSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL / DECK FfG DECK FlNAL HOUS=HEAT1 EST RE CORD ADDRESS Q?/ T.- FLOOR CITY OCCUPANT OWNER HEAT LOSS DATE HTG. INST SOLD Bv HOME ENERGY CENTER INSTALLED BY HOME ENERGY CENTER Electrical Work ey HAHRISON ELECTRIC Gas Line By TYPE OF HEAT GA -FA X HW- STEAM- SPACE HTR. UNIT HTR. OTHER Model Serial OO THERMOSTAT? Valve Heat Plugyy Limit Limit Setting Fan Setting Pilot Type Pilot Make Pilot Model PibtTiming L.W. Cut Off Pressure ? Percent COz Input CFH Percent OZ_ Stack Temp. 4? Percent CO Form 235 MAKE OF BURNER _ Model Max. BTU Rating _ MAKE OF FURNACE Model Vent Size KIND OF LINER_ DraR Hood Filters Srze Chimney Location Chimney Constructia Smoke Bomb Draft Door Press Date Teste Company Te. Name of Test _ SIZE NONE Regulator Number Wiring - Test Tag Lighting Outside EAGAN TOWNSH0 P BU4LDING PERM1T Ownex Suilder --------'-------------------- .---- ---------- -----'-------- (- ? Address ------------- ------------ .-'_'-'------------- ........ ..---------------- ---------- DESCRIPTION N° . . 735 Eagan Township Tawn Hall Dale ....--°--.----? -- SYo=ies Tu Be Used Fax Fxon! Dep1h YieigLY Est, Cos3 ermii Fee Remarks LOCATION 75Rree1, HogN or omer nescr%prion oi i.oaasien I Loi I Plock I eaainon or -rract ? v This permii does no4 authorise the use of sireeYs, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give f owner or his ageni the rightfo creafe any sifuation which is a nuisance or which presenis a hazard fo the healih, sa !y, convenience and general welfare io anyone in the communify. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. This is fo certify, lha3--------------- ............._"'._._._..._._.____.........._has permission !o eree3 a-------------------------------------------------------------- upon !he above desczihed premise subject io the pzovisions of the 8uilding Ordinance for Eagan Township adopYed April 11, 1955. -----------°--- ----.._--°---. . Pez -----------------------------------°-----------°°-°°------.------.----.. Chairman of Tnwn Soard Bvilding Inspecior EAGAN TOWNSHIP T UILDING PERMIT ?/? < Ownexei. 4';:? / / Address (presenl) ..---4?Ll..?..-' -.......?._.?G??4??? Builder ._.......------------------------ -- ---- Address .... ------------------------ ---- ------------- :--------------- --------------------- --_- DESCRIPTION '. N° 668 Eagan Township Town Hall Siories To Be Used Fos Froni Depih Heigh! i Esl. Cosi Permi! Fee ? Remarks ---------- or LOCATION ox This pexmii does not aufhorise the use of sireels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give !he owner or his ageni the righifo creaie any situafion which is a nuisance or which presenis a hazard So the heallh, safely, convenience and general weifare io anyone in i communify. THIS PERMIT MUST P N T RE SE- E THE WORK IS IN PROGRES . ermzss?on fo execY .[? 'This is fo ceriify, ih' .-a'-I ---. . . __.?a.. ?A. Lhasp ?'..?.? ?m _. ?.. _. ..._ _ ------ _upon the above described premise subject fo the provisioas of the Suildinq rdinance f a3 hi ?lopted April 11, 1955. ? i • i ??? _-- - ?- ?'- - --- Por . . Chairman of Town Soard 1%s/9?0 416-128 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONG0?0'? r ?? y Minnesota State Board of Electriciry 1827 University Ave., Rm. 5-728, St. Paul, MN 55104 PF? (612) 642-0800 T ome Duplex Apt. Bldg. Other: t ``, New Addn C ommercial Indushial Form 5. -Tkemod Re ir Air Cond Htg. Equip. Water Htr Load Mgmt. Other. D er Range Elec. Heat I Temp. $ervice °X" above Fhe work covered by Ihis requesi. Enter remarks in this space and on the back of fhe white copy only. Colculate Inspecfion Fee - TRis Inspecfion Request will not be accapfed wiihouf the correcl fee: Other Fee # Service Entrance Size iee # Circuits/Feedero Pee Mabile Home Park S1all 0 l0 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Shee1 Ltg./Traffic Sig. Above 20Am s _? - -Above 100-Amps Transformer/Genemtor INSPECTOH'S USE ON Sign/Oudine Ltg Xfmr. ?'•'`?? ? j5? Alarm/Remote Conhol Swimming Pool .. L?,eb cere 'cal msMllanon descnbed herein on the dales whd Irrigofion Boom p.,gMe pak Special lnspedion - Investigative Fee F?wl Da ? THIS INSTALLATI6N MAY BE ORDERED DISCONN T COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. Med in ?his box. OFFlCE USE ONLY Thu reqoe9 void 18 monihs hom mLdoM1On dale prii 7 I II IIIIIIIIIIIiliillllllh?lllllllllllllll?33, ???.,? ?. ? ?, * O 4 L Ia L 2 8 7* pLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ?D Roq1B9! ???C? f?J RougMn mxpenion reqoiredi CKY, ? N. (Yw must mll Me irupecbr when reody) Inspecrion Oiher Thon RougMn: ? Ready N dl Call Date Ready. I, ? licensed conhacror wner hereby requesl inspecfion of the above electricol work ot Jo6y ?dre,s?s lSneet,?°?,?s? No) Ciy LpCOda Setlion No Ta«nship Name or N. Ranga N. Fire No. Counry uponr Fhone No. l / 1 ? 0? Power upplier Address Eleclriml C n cror (Compony NameI Cono-udor L<ense No. Maslar Gc. No. (Plont EkcL OnFy) 0 YVI l () W )) eV Moiliig ddreu n croro r P w ?r Pedoemmg Inslvllmion) ' , p o V/ C.?- AWhorized ignamre (Connalar w Owner Perfwming InsMllanonl PMrre No. 475 ---?g?__ ---- 4sY-?l7 s-7 EBA')OOIA-11/8/96 arete nnevn rnov - eee wcrmsennue nu weer nv vai I nw enev L.le', 4L ?1' ?rf ?Y M *1:•9FA*Y,C°{Yi.Ah >.. W ..:`,.0 C7:?'`! l7F WAN t:;(hf3,j'.u '1'i=!"'i1?:NFd.. N"Ja 6fj .i /?. Dr.w Y7' ?„ ?I f)i??_..1. .JC. 1?'.6 T7.P... ?.-?? 14;'1<_ J i•o-:1 _ ID„ WnNf.:r G01'rjit:)t,' Yl LiYI_:'i'tc; .)1r nrj . ?? ,?_._?? ._..?..?i. E077 .n?'? r? C r??-?,•.r,?...,... .. t n? ? rr. , ,.. , :0 •, ? ,.:.- 900t r_:.?? ,., ,cC},, ,i . ,:, !?,.q„X:.I 0 ,. ,: . . :<1 WiP 900: 2077 Mr,i,B Lr ,r,, ?.F ?to„nn 2?.,.1?1 `il.l(Ij. i\L?7( v NY?IV'ifil._?'. ? L.I'i?? (1 Ci..JtJ 342" 'Jpri 2nW Mt`d.r;Ll: LAn! (.,,(in ?? -?- a 9C7.?i %3.`?.; ???,-? 2?)? r ?;n,r.;?,? I..?_L. I.. tr. a, ?? Cl.:.?.;L --''; 900t 207? Mfi'r'F+I i:: I_.Ar' 40..00 . ?,,,_ 0171 _ .:,:+, n???????,..? ? ?..?..5_ Cc,:r,,.6:3 Q, WG: W:: NAtd(',` PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: 2077 MARBLE LANE LOT: 33 BLOCK: 7 CEDAR GROVE 2ND P.I.N.: 10-16701-330-07 DESCRIPTION: Base Fee $50.00 Surcharge $.50 Total Fee $50.50 , EGRESS WINDOW, Buildinj-Permit Type 8uilding W-ork Type =Census-Gode ?,. ' 434 ,^- : , I,a. -p (f/^'..°?„!°^' I ( {nd f••?} 30,..??f' ?tl ?w??"+'`sy REMARKS: SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ANY ELECTRICAL OR PLUMBING WORK FEE SUMMARY: CONTRACTOR: ? PERMITTYPE: suxLoiNG Permit Number: 029118 Date Issued: 10 / 2 9/ 9 6 aarH BASEMENT FINISH ALTERATION ALT. RESIDENTIAL OWNER: - DEBOER 2077 MA EAGAN (612)454-2954 Applicant - LYNE7TE RBLE LANE MN I hereby acknowledge that T have read tihis -applicatio,n and state thaC the information is correct arrd agr,ee to eamply=with-all epp2ice61e StaCe 6f Mn. 5tatutes and City af Eagan Ordinances. 4TU:::::::- APPLICANTIPERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED BY: CITY OF EAGAN ?e? /lp 3830 PILOT KNOS RD - 55122 ? 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 RamodeN?eoair Reauirements A 3?''t fe'nM ? 3 regisiered site aurveys ? 2 eopies ot plan ? 2 copks of plarro (indude beam 6 window saea; poured Ind. design; etc.) ? 2 aHe surveys (exterior addRions 6 decks) ? 1 energy caleulations ? 7 energy calalations tor heated add'Rions ? 3 eopiea of tree pieeervetion plan N 1n1 Wetted aRer 711/93 mqulred: _ Yes _ No ?- DATE: IU f 2-4. -IL CONSTRUCTION C05T: ??• g0O DESCRIPTION OF WORK: t? 6-4- STREET AUDRESS: Z ?L ? LOT 33 BLOCK so, 5C) Co,?.Lei 0 -Z sueoJP.i.D. #: s-?),A,c CAIWAf ? Name: d G Phone #: 4'y'y- 44"-7,5 7 PROPERTY OWNER ? W. rwer S? 7i1 Street Address• /'" Ad eg City: State:ll?ln? Zip. vL coN7w?c7ort Company: sr L.F Phone #: Street Address: License #• City: State: Zip. ARCHITECTf Company: Phone # ENGINEER Name: Registration #, Street Address- City: State: Zip: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber: change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change and lot I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiication and state that the infortnation is correct and agree to compiy with all applicable SWte of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Appiicant: ? ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes No OCi 2 21996 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No ?? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation o 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging -a' 16 Basement Finish n 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex o 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 17 Swim Pool 0 03 SF Addition o 08 8-plex o 13 Garage/Accessory o 20 Public Facility a 04 SF Porch o 09 12-plex o 14 Fireplace o 21 MiscelianeoL+s n 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _ plex o 15 Deck WORK TYPE 0 31 'New .J 33 Alterations o 36 Move 0 32 Addition o 34 Repair o 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actuai) Basement sq. ft. MClWS System ? (Allowable) Main tevel sq. ft. City Water ? UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. PRV # of Stories sq. ft. Sooster Pump Length sq. ft. Census Code. q 34 Depth Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code cz, i Census Bldg f Census Unit v APPROVALS Planning Buiiding Iw3 Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Pian Review License MC/WS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Pertnit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Parlc Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: Valuation: $ °h SAC SAC Units L S3 BL / CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #: 6 SUBD. 1.Q,jt.o Wa-? iy%, DATE? IcOAg 1f(l' 1996 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 661-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit FIXTURES EACJj NQ, TOTAL Shower 3.00 x = Water Closet 3.00 x = Bath Tub 3.00 ;< _ Lavatory 3.00 x = Kitchen Sink 3.00 :c = Laundry Tray 3.00 :c = Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 :c = Water Heater 3.00 :c = Floor Drain 3.00 :< _ Gas Piping Outiet " minimum -1 3.00 ;c = Rough Openings 1.50 :< _ Water Softener 5.00 !c = Private Disposal ' Dakota Cty. license 65.00 = (new and refurbished systems) U.G. Sprinkler " home under eonst. 3.00 = Alterations ' to existing 20.00 = Water Turn Around 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: ao-? YYlairlolc L n, OWNER NAME: L 4 nL-Le- a-e--b0e,' INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: a 072 YYl A-ble- t-a CITY: Ea Ap„' STATE: Yr?N< ZIP: 55 !'?2 -? PHONE #: (W 2 ) y 5q- y7 5? tiMNA I UKE Ul- PEKMI I I ??? LOT J3 BL Z_ CTTY USE ONLY suBD. ('Pda,- Crave, ?- 9 3c,50 PERMIT #: 404b ?- RECEIPT /f: ?) -70a _ZD RECEIPT DATE: '" ]' )0' a G 2000 MECHANICAI, PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT tINOH RD l EP,GAi7 MAT 55122 L.? 5 651-681-4675 Date: < <`/ Complete this section onlv if you are installing HVAC in a single family dwelling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner/occunied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) State Surcharge Total $ 30.00 6.00 .50 s 3° . D-0 Complete this section onlv if you aze remodelina, adding to, or re airin an existing single-family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. _ New _ Alteration Furnace Air exchanger _ Repair _L,,69er ?47A? Air conditioning C/ Other OCA4 ? Fee $ 30.00 State Surcharge .50 Total $ 30.50 Remixder: Call for rnspections SITE ADDRESS: _42? U ???//?,r 4 OWNERNAME: PHONE#: ( co e) (INSTALLER NAME: PHONE #: I -???( (AFIX CODE) STREET ADDRESS: 1=0267NAYE. N. 9128 CITY: STATE: ZIP: - 1 SIGNA O PEfkkft LT'?EE U _ ?i