1523 McCarthy Rd C I T Y O F E R G A N CER`PIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPSCIAL ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 9, Block 3, Oslund Tinberline Addition COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: POSTPONED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: 10-55300-090-03 Utility Assessment $ 2,090.32 Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 5600 Section 51 I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. Dated this First day of ,-ruly, 1987 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS This Document Drafted By: City of Eagan , 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, N,N 55122 ? E. VanOverbeke Cit Clerk/Finance Director Certificate I, E.J. certify Exempt from Dakota Count b J Y Deed Tax ?ko? County T?e88urer VanOverbeke, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, do Hereby that the fore9oing is a true a Urect copy. I jjt9----- E. . VanOver eke, ity Clerk COUNTV CONSERVATiON ?+ --_. 1??') ?r DAKOTA COUNTY TREASIiq6p9R Il ? ; OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER-DAKOTA COUNTY, MlV. CERTIFIED THAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON AND AT DOC. NO. JuL 10 9 17 Q?1'97 dS o"? a?3 4? JAMES N. COUNTY BY: DEPUTY FEE CASH ? CHECK ? ?iARGE A CHARGE WHOM REFUND ?-? i ? .. 9 -i° !?'jb - O 3, /O 5:5 3 bo ?p0 03: ' HAUGE & HOEY, P.A. Attorneys at Law 3908 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY : EAGAN (ST. PAUL), MINNESOTA 55122 .. PAUL H. HAUGE Area Code 612 GEORGE H. HOEY NOV07IIb2T lI, 1977 TelephonC 454-4224 Mr, Tom Hedges City Administrator 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Tax Forfeited Property Dear Tom: You will recall that in late 1976 the City Council decided not to pursue the reassessment of tax forfeited property in Oslund-Timberline Addition. You will remember that we had several agreements, including the following: 1. Agreement dated July.S, 1975 between Svenn Borgersen and wife and Eagan. 2. Agreement dated April 6, 1976 between Steven Rutzick and Eagan. You suggested that I get hack in touch with you toward the end of 1977 to review the issue as the Agreements provide that we must give them notice of our intent to assess in the case of Borgersen bp August 1, 1978.and in the case of Rutzick, by October 1, 1978. It appears that there have been no new cases concerning the Laws, 1976, Chapter 259. However, there is a recent Attorney General's Opinion on the issue of the statute's retroactivity. OAG 425c-15, July 15, 1977 decided that neither 429.071 Subd. 4(on reassessment) nor 444.07 (on fees and charges) authorizes a city to reassess or charge formerly tax-forfeited land for cancelled special assessments if the land was purchased from the state by a private owner before April 14, 1976, the effective date of the act. The opinion stated five reasons for its decision: 1) The language of the statute is in the present tease, not the past tense, and this indicates lack of retroactive effect, 2)- The statute requires notice of possible assessment to potential purchasers, 3) The legislative history indicates a concern for preventing purchasers from being "blindsided", 4) Retroactive effect would alter the rights of purchasers and raise constitutional questions regarding impairment of contracts, due process, and taking of property without just compensation, and 5) Since accrued rights would be altered by applying the statute to sales befvre the effective date, this meets the definition in Black's of retroactivity, and there is no clear indication that the legislature inteaded retroactive application. It is not clear whether this opinion will affect any court decisions if any are . pending or will be started. However, it is safe to say that the land in question in Timberline Addition cannot be assessed under e Attorney General's opinion. If you have questions, though, please call. i Ve ruly , . ,. PHH:ww %.J L aul H. Hau e B3y4 Mrs. Alyce Bolke City Clerk City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re:Notice of Assessment Hearing Dated Ju1y 20,1976 Proposed Reassessment of Lots 9& 10, Block 3, Oslund Timberline Addition Mrs. Bolke: As per the decision of the City Council on Tuesday, Sept. 7,1976 to continue this matter until the next Council meeting set for Sept 21,1976 at 7 p.m., I am assuming that this allows an extention of the appeal date for this proposed assessment until twent,y (20) days after the Council resolves the issue. If this assumption is not correct, please notify me in writing within three (3) days of this date, September 20,1976, so that there will be sufficient time allowed to notify your office of u?y intent to appeal. Th nk vea.'.?,.` tr`- 9/%76 Svenn E. Borgex? 1529 Mc Carthy Road Eagan, Minnesota 5$121 CC: Fi2e ?-lI:L. Hedges/A. Goers P. Hauge ? , -r•??,,c- ?=?::: . u 7.97 ? .... 4 _ ' - _ T FF F _ _ __ .? If"/?] ?_ 45 - ? - I I ? ''> I rn a I gb . • Jo l/ - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - l i ? I I ,? x? ? P? ?,? s i ? I -- -- - -- b ;- - -- - -- a , - ? , - - -- -- - ? - i A ? . I I xj ?/_7r.t ?/?/tJ L?lr1P ?St I - - - -- ?- -- I I i .x,?,,r.f._;?e g?}? O? ,??? .r-?iL - . ? ? ' 9, ' ? 5 ? o0 c? - - -- - .1 ? ? ? ? - - - - ? 'C2" I r -- -- ' ?/ai4-y-?M+ 3 I T T R ? I 3 - _ - 3 - - 1 4 ? ? ? - - -- -, !i ? . . . ? ? . . . . ? . . ? , ? ;,. I;,,II s ? 1+,. ? .i I ^J •? 2 ? 7 1`C 4 ? 9 ? . y :. o: P?? •• 1 4 j ' i 15 i ? 8 9 o z a r } ? 3 4 ? d 'S 5 5 ? ,~ 5 . ? T. ? .. ? • 3 :: i \ ? ?? ?- • , ? , ? ? rl i; ?r ..t..??.- . . . . - . ; favor, it t?as F.ESOL?IED to re3ecti aii t;.ds ax?? L-o re==d•;ra;t:t?.^. for bida a£ter rev:icw- ing and rev{.sing thti pIans so that the estim2te could comz closer to Ci:e estlria`^d `. budgeted cost oi $200,000. Upon further notion by Fo :_ ln, oeccndzd P.alx:a, a'3 l membzrs voting in fss;or, ifi taas RESOLVED that the Ctty Admin".stYaior b.^ au7_-hori.?.?ad to dat-ez-mine whether there wrnld be additional ostside funding sourres thae na}• b-a ava3tabis for constructioa to assist in the financing of the police facilitt;.. Yr:F:U i?zFA,.'iT?'.::TdT. Upon motion by Smith, secanded Polzin, a.ll me.mbexs cciiZg S*ea, it t.••as RE30LVF'D that Jarry Adams be approved as the Diatrtet Fire Cllief fp2' Star?.OIl 1 r_alecfiP.1 tiy tr.e F3re Depa=ment members. PAim DEPpaT:{,AIT -- STP.'i'? irdDING. The Park Director had requested ttEt Y.nP c_L} apply for state funds to help finance construction of cross-countrq ski braiis covering ths a?pror.i..tste tiiree miles that have been inste?1ed. Upcri ma`:Con by Lzha, sscanded [?aCtiter, all memuers voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the City be .^•.the-r3zed Co apply to thF Depzrtsen*_ of Natural Resources for funding to assj.3t 3n cCit_.::. •?. r.3oz•. e{ the coot of the cross-cocntry ski trails, and further to authorize the ap?ro::•_,7*c officials to execute the necaasary anplicztion. TAX FOP.FEIT.n PP.OPE:TY. The Mayor next reconvened the public asa°ssr.ent hearing 0 concerning 10 lots in Timberline Addition consisting of tax forfeited proper~.q. A r2stm,3' prepared bp the Citq Administrator was distributed to the Council and the : a:Lteriiai'ives fcr assessment of the lots was reviewed in detail. P4r.. Svenn Borgersoa a prop^_rty coraer was present as was Mr. Sheridan Buckley, atrorney for Pir. Poferl anc: Pir. T.utyiclc, Zot owners. After considerable discuss3on, upon notion b;* Sm.irh o?{J seco:zdel Wachter, all members voting ia favor, it was RESOLVED that the Couneil loa on recc.rd droppir.g the present assessment against the tax forfeited lota in T3mberline A!ddition with the understanding that the Coun:il naq at a future time deY.ei-taine wh?ather to recommence the asseesment proce3s again in li ;ht of. Fo::enfiial changes in the lav or a favorable court determination concerning tne 2^w ? A3?:?TFtE:3'i5. Pir. jake 0'Toole of the County Assessor' 3 c'f3r.A . npa::;;.ail- ;a. t,z tcvu req::ests. L'goa =sti.n L-y rolzin, seconded Smith. all rmmbore var_ing ye&, {t •raa . -2- .