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4051 Albany Cir - Site Survey
Pioneer Engineering 6819488 P.02 2422 Enterpris@Drive ~a++oau~tvcvoas.aw~,Ns Mendota Heights, MN 55120 ~l engineern ~wrva !''t.wllfERB • iAFID9CME ARCMTECT9 f(612) 681-1914 Certificate of Su v+ey f+c?r: TilE ROTE WORM 4T Ootl ae~ VIA By Date EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPT Jaw Denotes Existing Elevot Dende5 P^D?osCd EIBMtT tpr~S + ~ 14~CXxs~' f, >x Ii..r Dtni~f ~s 17ro,rt e '~Iyillf~yy ~crsernan~ Tonnes f l*vr evk A Derafts Draii how xrows o~Bl+xk Elevr~fiarT s4~, y Deflotes ,Ffcyrce*;t S, d rera~ria~ 7.43 &rtls .S % W7 m c &ct nW o Dm,/C5 f el If6r6 LOT5 OL- A, &.,,r 5 OF STOAIIB ID ` ` 3DD AGE priif~. t+r~t ch,s O4KOT9 CcVJM7Y, M111/NE OT.4 L 7a a levee of ON Sian of Mjn Y Pb+ ow report yin Pr by ins qr wry direC[ t ti. Do" this icr+d fiat I sm dWy Ae#ixt*rwd ~W ga„„Y~ n F.TtT . SIKPCN l 5. NO. IA691 Pioneer Engine_riny 6819488 P.02 ~ ?422 Entrrprisf Drive * ~~+++oauitvcvo~ c~v~L rat AS 4Mendot*WMN 55120 ~i B Since n a tnno RMrNiLR3 . iAF10c9f,~'E ARCMTECTT7! 010~~ f. e. 88 ? ,y~.~s qu, G4rtificats of Six"y fart; T111 Rorri UND IN ti fta f J b 'i'' A? s 'P',Ro P. y f, 0 4, i pct / f~ „e By Date .S q EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPT 31e.oo Denvfics Existing EIcvol Le?x s ~4 s5U LIfVM fiats r ver><nu o DOWolor rs1~? ,1,r»ws'?ac Etevnfren s9~. t : Ga~r» Slad Elic B9., 0 DEf~s qefysv g f~s g / ID] rU HALS OF SrOA EBRID ( 3A ?D r4smrQ c Myy Lt ADD' (+1? e.r:ifr ti+at tots wnKr. P~+ a ~'~R+o•t t "itIViVESO7;c~ xmkr ws v c of ON state of wmivlrm. veyla WtM tMit ~ by "V fir Orly Oka" $vO*vkt,,, and that i em dtoy RetistOrld *V of L WW Sorv p 3QI R -I a 4 ,:L R Im "t-S.(7. tAtElt Pioneer Enoineerine 4- y 68194gg P_Q2 2422 Enterprise Drive LA&Os rRVevola -OVIL97OWNe>Etrs Mendota Neights, MN 55120 11 @>i 1~~ft78tE?r`itr>tc~ ~.,..a r,-Anr+atgi • 1 Arrox. PV ARCrn'Mcrs ,iK (6121 681-1911 Certificate of Surrey for: f ~"i ROTTLONDCo. IA1 uORru lb~ :ems a~ A KEVIEWEU E fist. a :s: ilt+ DEPT E.A.GAPI ENGINEERING DEPT' 399.arr Dertvfics £x'-5t nS Elevatio Dena 5 9 seO(E/eva ion( a>rros~© s~ F Ftr, rroNS Dtnofes Dro'n ~l f Fcrseme, r O" rla~r /e v 1 • e r Dew ley Q of rou~d~ /ow ,7~rmws Blrack Efetrofiort 597. o L o/ey Miq ,4 t ; 51426,61"llon Abliqjs shower a-c c ,,,,ad 0 QEr2bilcS ok f S tT kuf LOT-? Cw 3 , HILLS or 5TONL8RI D L~ 3PD ADD. DUMP tr.,t,,, owiit that Ivw this r M E~ vey. Pbn a m iQ "Port ?wsa PrOpered by m4 Ot mY tfirmCt {ut?.trtir>sitwr avid that t am Au1 p •Rkr tfie i~rrn of tM Seta of Minnsoet. Data! this y 'Qnt~red l.t.rrd Sro+eryar deYOt' R _L rarJ~ _ 4f t~ CRY c 9iK?CN l S. q .140. TRw41