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1551 Antler Pt - Site Survey CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY for GOOD VALUE HOMES PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS Top of foundation t •`JFront, of house Garage floor Q•Rear of house g0_D•7b Lowest floor t a--- Walkout !~Z~_----- arrow denotes drainage direction per development plan. 890E denotes existing spot elevation 890P denotes proposed spot elevation O ~9CZ7.Cv ~69 p aS O 630 rv eenemy Envelope ~4, •Sg ry ~s ° 00048 F 15' O/S to 0. lt. „ .,~3 ~ ploy N 3s O l9 h _ [V ryo 2808 17 13 ^ ds~/ ppR 0.9 cy p „ 8 U 'N Sep 18 p 00 Detail (typical) a 53 rRppa Not to Scale 4&y Me l5 B 5.0Envdope 8 o~O. o' m ~ CIO sg, / S\ zt\ 15, 0/s to Building Envelope Pis \ b~- 4)~ry ~n D~ S>a~'~ AcF co P a ~ NCO T 0 3 2p4j c RgCeep GJ o / - aWl~ O° h 2pg7 ry / -Mus 6303 O° 4, By. st8.. E 5 O T a~ ~r ~v D 0/5 to L", n,f~~tl U', G DEid Q •'l o~ BjOdln9 Envelope 5 Y1dLLf 51~ix,. 56RV• ~C = ~(~.5~ UJ \J~~`.~ ENCHMA K USED: Aep~~ aOG~ TOP O4 R.o.Li. T7ONUmot So.5ioE 04 ,.woofer Dt. OSA37 PLAT LINE t5(TSNU6 NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FOUNDATION DISTANCES LEGAL DESCRIPTION ( ) = RECORD INFORMATION O DENOTES 1/2" IRON PIPE & CAP SET Lots 17 and 18, Block 1, DEERWOOD L.S. # 23945 TOWNHOMES, according to the plot of DENOTES IRON PIPE SET - record thereof Dakota County, Minnesota. FOR BUILDING OFFSET I hereby certify that this survey was ? DENOTES WOOD LATH SET prepared by me or under my direct FOR EXCAVATION ONLY supervision, and that I am a duly DASHED LINE DENOTES DRAINAGE Licensed Land Surveyor under the AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS PER PLAT. laws of state of Minnesota. PASSE ENGINEERING, INC. Donald E. Si et MN L' o. 23945 REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL•LAND SURVEYOR ) 9 y, 9445 EAST RIVER ROAD, SUITE 203 Date: 1/ /o~j /cS COON RAPIDS, MN 86498 I TeL )512) 755-6240 Fax, 18121 756-1962 JOB NO: 93-34 ISCALE: 1 INCH =20 FEET FIELD BOOK: PAGE: IDRAWN BY: CKP DEERCRT2.DWG