3863 Mersey WayCITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PI t F: • . ; '; PERMIT SUBTYPE: IN5PECTIUN RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: i4i I. io t;I t,k t. APPLICANT: WAY flilptri ? TYPE OF WORK: `- t•tI ti 0 j(7f 0411 ? ._ _ .?, ? Pormk No. Permk Holde? Date Telaphone # SNV PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC fnopecKion Dsb Msp. Commenta Footings I Foundation Framing ' Rooting RDUgh PIDQ. F Rough Htg. j + . Isul. ? ? Freplace ? Rnal Htg. Orsat Teat Fnel Plbg. Plbg. Inepector - Notifyr Plumber Const. Meter EngrJPlen Bidg. Final Dock Ft9. y?s 9? u??S Deck Fnal l Well Pr. Disp. ^ INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT• . •?Ntl Ii',F"Y 4lAII ??ii?•?? i t? ??I ! iJ!'1 ? IIVF iV I N Y NA'; ;:ik;) ( fa'li' ? l??YtR-0E?t3A . . , . .. ?.. . . , -. ? , , ... . ?:.. . ? ? ? I : - _ ? .. ?. . ? ... .. ??. ... . .:.., . ... „ . . ... .... ... . . J ,.. ?. PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: Mrw f 6 AS ) Permlt No. Pertnit Holder Date Telephone # ELF-CTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspsetion Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST FiOUGH HEAtING GAS SVC TES7 INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE 7,(P FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FlNAL ..?, . . ..? . -. , .. . . .. . . : . . .:: _ •-e- ? A.,.;..+.-••4-'S. -p..T -. "_i?r «? F+NIS?i 11/17/92 CITY OF EAGAN ?? ' ?+?, ?9 ? Q ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21-199 MN 55121 Eagan . ... `" , , , PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for $F aiiG/GAR Est. Value j92,000 Date SEP 1 7 , 1991_ Site Address 3M3 M8RSEY WAY LOt 10 BIOCk .2- Seo/Sub. OFFICE USE ONLY Parcel No. RD Occupancp it-3 !fe1 FE ES ? Zoning ? Name ?'? ROTn-IMD CO INC (nctuai) Const ?N Bldg. Permit b04.00 W ; Address 5201 E gI VLB BD (Allowabie) ?-? " ? o Surcharge • City Phone 571-0304 * of stories _ Plan Review 39Z.? Length o Name SAME Depth SAC Ciry 100.00 = . U Address S.F. Total ? City Phone S.F. Footprints _ SAC, Mcwcc 639-m Water Co 6?.00 • On Site Sewage _ nn ? ? ? W W Name on sae weli W t M 95. 00 ~ W Address MWCC System ? a er eter u a W Clty PhOf1G' Ciry Water .?_ Acct. Deposi? 30,00 3o op PFiV Required _ S/W Permit • I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump - S/W Surcharge information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry, oi Eagan Qrdinlar?. ; ' 7reaiment PI 276,00 Signature of Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit 370,? A Buiiding Permit is issupd to: ?M IMj.M CO ZM Planner - park ped. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordanCe with all Council applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. gldg, pfi, Copies Building Oificial -? ?' Va^ance - TOTAI 3,253.50 Permit No. Penmit Holder Orie Tekphone X WATER qp 9 5 ?. 5 y V- PLUMBING q;1 !?6 ya- /. 0, / ?' fi?? lk H.v.n.c. ° y / 5 - /G lo E?CTRIC ?% 91 Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I &? Foundation 1v ' Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. ? v Z Rough Htg. 7-l. `9 I5ul. Freplace Fnsi Ht9• Z. 1.7 -17 Orsfat Test _/ 7_ Final Pibg. ? Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber ConsL Meter Engr./Plan Bbdg. Final Dedc Ftg. Dedc Final • ? Well Pr. Dfsp. . . .. .. ?. . . .. .. . _ .: .- : v,?.• „ _ ?. ? . ? ?. ?f?? • . ? T.erfifiratt of (Orrupancy (Citp of Cagan Erparbuntt irf wuioittg jmwertiun This Certificate issued pursuanl m 17ie requiranents ojSection 306 oJlhe uniforne Building Carle c+erlifjing lhai at tJre linae of rssuairce thisslruclure ww in camplimrce wilh the variaus ordinances oj[he City regulaA'vrg building constr:ution or use For the foUowing. - uK a.siscation qF M/r.au ak ea rrm t9690 0-v-7 TyM R3/M I z,,jm pu;u R 1 TNmC,..g ? Ownrf o( 9mwie6 THE R(7TII1M M TNl^. Ad&.. 57(1 I R RIVFR RD ' b= SY ma?A&I,v .. 3863 I',R.SEY WAY LCffiq i.10- R2_ !YWFMrav paR.S Wn POS71N A CONSPIGUOUS PLACE ? lot Knob Rd. ? MN 55122-1897 . ' DATE -?- MF-TER #"IJKVyO?7 7 PERMIT DATE 09/19 f 9]. G CHIP # ?I7? ?a / l PERMIT # 12294 METER SIZE ^ fe'f) H B.P, RECEIPT # C 15419 ISSUE DATE r 2?I?o B.P. RECEIPT DATE 09 11 % 91 ^ PRV _ BOOS7ER PUMP SITE ADDRESS MeL se? ?qaY- _ PHONE: ' +'--???? PLUMBER: U?l] ?,? LOT1u-BLOCK % SEClSUB ?,4?y0ht??Y APPLICANT: C?Ir?? ADDRESS: 52Q 1 CITY, S7ATE ZIP ' S7A7'E .:c,r<<an, Mn. Z!P E: =?:2-Ll<1 STATE ZIP PERMIT REQUESTED SEWER X WATER TAPS - COMM/IND X RESIDENTIAL X NEW - EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. Credi V}11?L bl6?-be given for Deduct Meters. ?. 1 A¢REE''TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF WHEN METER fSSUED PROEESSING. CALL 54-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM EPT. ,vr RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 New ConsfructSn ReauiremeMs • 3 registered site surveys showiig sq. ft. of lot, sq. N. of house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allaxed) • 2 copies of plan showing beam & window saes; poured found design, etc.) • 1 set of Energy Calculatlons • 3 copies of Tree Presenation Plan if bt platted after 717/93 • Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheel (bldgs with 3 or less units) RemodellRenalr Reauirements PJ5 Calld y-fl-b • 2 copies of plan y r • 7 set of Energy Calculations for heated additions ?H''n, ? • 1 site survey for exterior addiFmns 8 decks • Indicate H home served 6y septic system for additions DATE VALUATION (EXCLUDING LAND) A5? ZOQ OO JOB SITE ADDRESS???3 IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER CYlev.r. 1? • Qc,rd, c.k TYPE OF WORK /-tbpoe lrrpuj Poo I FIREPLACE(S) _0 _1 _2 _3 APPLICANT C.]NQAv? u.6wl A PHONE # Co51 -698 -0(08Y ADDRESS 3e63 rA QcSQV ? ZIPCODE ?23 PAGER # FAX # NE1Y RE3IDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category MINNESOTA RULFS 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet S?i' - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted /? !2 ?s _ MINNESOTA RUI.ES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted By_ / Plumbing Contractor: _ Plumbing Systcin Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mechanical Syslem Includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: CELL PHONE # _ Watcr Softener _ Watcr Heater No. of Baths Air Conditioning Heat Rccovery Syslem All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to complywith all applicabie State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Phone #: \\ Iawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 No. of R.I. Batlis _ Phone # Fee: $70.00 _ Phone # Updated 1101 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex O 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex yx 31 New ? ? 32 Additian ? 33 Alteration ? 34 R ent 20 Paol ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF. ? 36 Multi ' ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. 0 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)` O 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire 81dg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Val Occupancy MC/ES System _ ensus Cod Zoning City Water _ SAC Units Stories Booster Pump _ Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV _ Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered _ Type of Const W idth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Other _ Framing ? Pool ? Ftgs _y Air/Gas Tests Final _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Insulation _ Windows (new/xeplacement) Approved By:j?2-, Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC Ciry sac Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N lt?c?z?Z S?? ° Total , • ' CITY OF EAGAN Ng _ 1 g690 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 /? A71 BUILDING PERMIT To be used tor SF DWG/GAR Receipt # 'j 2,000 Date SEP 17 .1991 Site Address 3863 MERSEY WAY Lot 10 Btock Z Sec/Sub. COVENTRY PASS Parcel No. 3RD W I Name THE ROTTLIJND CO INC o Address 5201 E RIVER RD City FRIDLEY Phone 571-0304 zF IName SAME g? Address City Phone ? Ow Name ?,?-? Address a W City Phone I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the inlormation is correct and a ree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ) Eaqa rdina Signature of Permitee / - ? A Builtling Permit is issu to: THE ROTTLIIND CO INC oo the ezpress condition ihal all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota StaWtes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building OHicial OFFICE USE ONLY Otcupanty R- 3 -1-?. FEES zoning R-1 (AcNaq Const V-N Bidg. Permil 604.00 (Allowable) V-N Surcnarge 46.00 M of Stories - 392 00 Length 55' . Plan Review DBPIh 46 ' 0 SAQ City 100.0 S.F. Total - 0 SAC. MCWCC 650.0 S.F. FaolOrints - On Site Sewaqe _ Water Conn 660 _ 00 On Site Well - Water Meter 95.00 MWCC System X City Water x ?. Deposil 30.00 PRVRequired _ SMlPermit 30-0 n Booster Pump - SMf Surcharge - 50 Trealment PI 976_ nn APPROVAIS Road Unit 'A 7n _ nn Planner - Park Detl. Council ' - Bldg, ON. _ Copies Variance - O TOTAL 3,253.5 N 02505' REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See insimctions lor completing fiis form on pack ot yellow copy, "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Requesf `? ?y Ee-oowi-0a ew TypeofBuilding AppliancesWiretl EquipmentWired Home Range Temporery Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load Menagement Comm./Intlustrial Furnace Other (Specifij) Farm Air Conditioner Olher (syetity) Conlrector's RemaMS'. Compute lnspection Fee Below: n Othar Fea # ServiceEntrence5ize Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ AmpS A Amps Signs , Inspecrors Use Only: 11 TOT S? Irrigation Booms / ??j . G U - Special Inspeclion ? alarmiCommunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY B D DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETEO WITHI MON S r I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby ti th t th b i Rough,in oate cer ry a e a ove nspection has been made. F;nai o?te . ? - OFFICE USE ONIY e \ This reqvest voitl 16 months irom ii, ?) / /7 /1, n /.l ..,4 / 1 p Sj's/ I 002505 ?/o 6a ,? D °" Requpst Date S ,/ ` " F' e No. - Poughln In un ReqoneE (VOUmust inspCMrwhenreatly) Inspettion Other Than Roughln ? Rae4Y?w WIIINOtHylnspector f Ves ? N. DetaReaO I] licensed contractor xwner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atltlress (Slreet Box or Route No) City 3 C ? ? w ? ? I ??e w. a ?. Secuon No. Township Name or o, nge No. Counry D' k6i Occupant (PiiWT, Phone No. ) G i2 (.88 l Pawer Suppiier ? AtlOress Eie ?? ss Eleancai Comractw (Gompany Name) Contrector5 License No. Mailing Atltlre ss (Conpactor Or Owner Making Instailetion) n '5 W Y-n e-- Autborrzetl Signawre i CO nrc a c !onOwner Makmg Installetion? Pbone Numoer ^ ? ,? ^ / MINNESOTA STATE BOARO OF ELECTPICITY Gdgga-Mitlway Bltlg. - Foom S173 1821 Universiry Ave., 51. Paul. MN 55100 Phone 161]) 6024800 THIS WSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT BE ACGEPTED BV THE STATE BOARD UNLESS PROPEii INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSEO. 3863 MQSEY WAY Lot 1? Blk 2 Sec/Sub COVENTRy pAS5 3RD These items were/were not complete at the time of the final inspection. 12 I$ 91 Yes No Final grade (6" from siding) ? Permanent steps - garage Permanent steps - main entry y Permanent driveway ? Permanent gas Sod/seeded grass Trail/curb damage Porch Basement finish ? Deck ? Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. J,?k ? ucxieovuen White - City copy Yellow - Resident copy Pink.- Contractor copy • , S , -1991 BIIILDICR?ZAPCATION CITY OF EAGAN ? BINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS MULTIPLE DWELLTNGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL\? 3 REGISTERED SITE SIIRVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PIANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS _# OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES LiHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY IAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER IATS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALIAWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For: ' Q Valuation: E Site Address mz? Aq2eef a2ky Lot _JI!:> Slock "I_ Parcel/Sub P ? Owner Address S7C--p] E. 1?/UFt A!'44 City/Zip Code 73401 cx 4121 Phone cl Contractor, 4??j1rE. Addres City/Z Phone Arch./ Addres City/Z Phone Sewer/Water Licensed Contr. n i init OFFICB U S+ LY FEES Occupancy R-3 M? B g, erm Zoning Surcharge 6.00 Actual Const V-N Plan Review 00 392, Allowable V-N SAC, City 00,0O # of stories SAC, MWCC ,SO.PJ Length $,$", Water Conn. (p(oO.OQ Depth HG' Water Meter 95,00 S.F. Total Acct. Deposit 30,00 Footprint S.F. S/w Permit 30.00 S/W Surcharge .SU On site sewage _ Treatment P1. 2176,00 On site well Road Unit 3'70100 MWCC System ? Park Ded. City water ? Trail Ded. PRV _ Copies Booster Pump _ SIIBTOTAL APPROVALS Penalty Planner Council Lot Change TOTAL ?? .°??lr ) ."5. Bldg. Off. Variance ?i??lao agrees that all woTk shall be done in accordance with c Signatur of Contractor) V all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. . ?. A Ll.t R'C'I,s'? GA z? x2o, yoo ?ei? ,? gooo &SNIT', ___--.--- ?ie , I-I nu s? - ?---- HSM?r .- Ix1ti = 17-48 1( Z? 12 S i x 03 = (,','7, et3 7)/ 36 S' C 1c \ \ ; g21po0 ? , J ?? ** Me dota t f it1hts?MN551 * PIONEER ?nnownvcrom. DSCciv.Pl,tcnciHecrr? 9 h ?er n/~ • L20 ? eh/y ANOOLl1NNfpS?LANFR?1111[Ci5 J* J {612168tet9i4 ? 4t ? / Certificate oi Survey for, r141 k9OrTLUND QqPA• -/ , 1 NC_ /?? ?v ? • 9ov.o Deno%s ExiVin Elevafion PROPUS£O HouSb EL£VA - oo.o Ucrx?es Prnpo?ed Eleva/ron Lowes loor Elevv ior? a s I.qL -?------ Dennfes Urv;ncr e r Ulili/ fvsement Top of''Block ElFVafion S 8?i. Uc, -f---- Denvlrs Drrri ?e F/oDirPClion Garo?t Slab flevafivi? ss9.ai 0 Dpno"es Monu?3en1 BParils 5hown are assun76d o pe,oes oj e f4i6 LoT io 131 ocA/ 2, COVENTRY F'495 31;20 AflDI TION DAKoT,9 [bf/NTj'I MINNfSOTA 1 herebv eerllfy Ihnt Ible farveY. Plnn or reporl ef Dr reA hY 7X2 n or mY dl.ect eunervislon nild Ihnl 1 am dulv nP9iVereA Lend SUrvlYUr unAer 1he Iawe of the State ol Mlnnnote. Oaled thbw? ! ev nl q,0, 1g.-.gL. 17 ? Scale:1??40f 'I --'rtr 1tFRIP 51 Vr', IIn FnPIcI'IA11l 4 NORTH qy? _ 94.0 I ? w?sTwcoc . , . • ?1'Frrion i-:r+vr•.t,rn't: nvi?rncr: °u" c.urrru,rn•riom oWrnFR P-077ZvNZ) ca? sTTE ??Rr-s5 LQ,- 10 , 8L6 r- k 2, Co ??,.,T,ey '.aSs 3 na Av-0 ' Av. CONT-R,1CTOn DATF. PHQNE Dete:-min uorkinr; squnre footaite of ench. l. Tatal expesed vall area scl. ft. x 0'?'- _ I8q 2. Total roof/ceiling area sq. ft. x 0,026 _ 1510 2. • Total exposed vall arca above floor =(-7ZLJ•C4 a. Totsl ua12 srindov area .......................... .. . b. Total door area ................................... c. Total sliding glass door area ..................... d. Total fireplace vall erea ......................... e. Total wall framing area (average lOp) ............. t3'? , 4- P. Total net crell area above floor . .......... . Z ?17 g. Total rim joist arec ................ .........,. ? D Total eaposed fai:ndntion arca 2- „ •--- h. Tot21 foundetion uindov zrea ...................... ? i. Total net foundation area above grade ............. c ? . Deterrr,ine "U" value o; esch vall ;rc;ment. e. ( ld-,;? I "J X „U„ a , ? S b. ? -c . 3q,R' X,,,,,, a?,Z = IZ,?9 d. ?- C X ? e.. J ?? x .?,U?, ?. C?? 1 = . ; -P r. 1 zt ?, 7? x„U,. . e. i 2v a,?t,,. 4-? -?- h. X 'lUll X .,U„ 3. ............................... 'Cota] ? L ?O•?a .. a/L _ ?. If item H3 is the same as, or lesa t.ti:,n item Nl, you nave meL the intent or sBc 6oo6(c)2. f, • Total exposed roof/ceiling aren = I L?? -- Total gross roof/ceiling area _ ?. Totel skylight area .......................... k. Total roof/cei2ing framing area.............. r Z?- 1. Total net insulated roof/ceilinF area ........ (/?'? _ • Determine "U" value for cnch ruuf/ccilint,. seb•ment. , x "Ult . k: r Z1 X„U„ 1, ? f 4-3 X„U,, u . ............ ................:. Total If total of N4 is the same as, or less than N2, you have met the intent of sac 6oo6(c)1. . . To utili2e the total envelope system method, the values establi:hed by the sum of iteas d3 and dk shall not be greater.thxn the sum of items Nl and N2. 1. + 2. - . 3. '+ L = . , r. U _ . .. ? . ° . . . PERMIT # REACTIYATE )C 14491) CITY OF EAGAN 1992 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 68f -4675 SINGLE 6 Ml1LTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets af architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 capy of energy calcs. Penalty applies when typing of permit is requested, but not picked up by last working day of month in which re uest is made or lot than e is re uested once ermit is issued. Date Kio., /'I (' / 144Z Valuation of work Site Address:?S8L3 NleUL„ SiREET SUITE f Tenant Name: (comnercial only) LQT ? BIAC% SUBD. ^ At Descri tion of work: The applicant is: 0 Owner ? Contractor ? OtllE?' (Deaeri6e) Name &„«3A GlO„ Phoi-ke l?W -nGAV Praperty L.sT FIRST Owner Address 38G3 Mer WC ; ? &c ? . STREET STE A City State Zip 551ZS Company Phone Contractor Address License # Exp. City State Zip Company Phone ArchltecU Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip Sewer 3 water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area as een approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informatian is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordfnances. S ignature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BU1LDlNG PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 6arage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. O 15 Deck WORK TYPE ;d 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) lst F1. sq. ft. UBC Occupancy P. _0>_ 2nd F1, sq. ft. Zoning Sq. Ft. totai # af Stories Foatprint Sq. ft. Length On-site well Depth On-site sewage APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Yariance REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site ? Footing ? framing O Mallboard ? Final O Draintile '1?16'iaseme.nt Flnish ? 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Camm./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility O 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRV Required Booster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code /C?a«??t4s b fs ?'+?4%t`6/ Kw,Assessments ..-d?- - ? Insulation ? Fireplace Permi t Fee N (? Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Nater Conn. Mater Meter . Acct. Deposit 5/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pl. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies ,So Other Total: ' SAC 96 SAC Units CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55723 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ; . ? . . . 1 .? _ j y., .1 u: ` 1 ?n ?.i . ia ?, PERMIT ???? r- ??a t's t_ o??:? i•: : 0 1? PERMITTYPE: ,;,? ?, ,? ?,,• Permit Number. Date Issued: DESCRIPTION: j?LA?Llr.ll?}i•..f':ffi i1_ t'1 ?' f17 n? k ft , : ir J - ? ?F? . a+f 1...:X REMARK$ FEE SUMMARY: ??••; ?:?,.?ra?? ____ . _. .?,? ..r,? CONTRACTOR: OWNER: ? 0?I!R[JC1LF.hI?U. .?t'a ;I;?Of I :iJl'd , ' , . • . ,,, r,l , .?;.,,ig•; 1- '.dteh.: c:kr,':wlc':y-, :kla.. .' frctv,.•:? 1'„zt3.1?'7.= arp p l;.c,ai:ie ri Y<r k.; ;isr1 r,.,.ar* r' c. Cl t;r?t^, raor;t'1?' •?r.?.i? ,.11 , il?:-?1- ".?c .?f pt'. ?Ot1A ??zi I Yh.? - APPUCANT/PERMITEE SIGNATUfl&,, ISSUED Y: IGNA UTRq RencTtva?T _ CITY OF EAGAN ? PERFiIi # '' W?????ETD 1993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?/!??q APR 0 9 1993 681-4675 ?? SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural 8 structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy ca7cs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last rorking day of month. in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date A2'<? Yaluation af work 'W?_?Sc?? Site Address: 7 eC3 Mrr?5y c,i/r/ STREET SUITE 0 Tenant Name: (commercial only) i.OT 10 BIACK ? SUBD. Cw , P.I.D. * Descri tion of work: zyc ' The applicant is: ? Owner 0 Contractor ? Other (o.s«;be) Name _9"46ccr C'LWk) Phone -tD6B`( Property LAST F[RST Owner Address 3S?(?3 ??05?< kiti; STREET STE N City State ? Zip 5572 ? Company Phone Contractor -. ?. Address o te'A,<. License # noc-ayW Exp.3 W City "-&k State `^^^}Zip SSZc? Company Phone Architect/ Englneer Name Registratian M Address City State 2ip Sewer 8 water licensed plumber ' . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this app1lcation and state,that the,information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances., Signature of Applicant: --?? J e a:%Kk Ok:'M:r. j'V ( . •?1? ?.?,;::;{..i!IiF:;• ' 7iii:Iii1:ifJR;l... NO,. 8, 8 1.11...::?/,. r, . -:,?,:M:., .'i':•:'r'i!:?:e '?`3?`i4„(7? ;i..,l...; ..: . ,.... !." ., r.t;f::?'•il::.,: l:li..?_f! ?, I.??..!I•.:.?.i..... ...'?:?:i.'... .`.9!.)C):!. ,:':`•.:ri::?`i f9k_,t???:i!::?'r' i;J?fi4' t:`f) it,50 r5 ?1!'50 R:3:' . ;':":';r:Kyi ?S:7k %;?f•?;:V;k';PF#?:<:4:"'=':;* ?F`'Fy?4F?1K )k?kyki'F?%?'F.?FX+9F??Ymt(Sk?' . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Kno6 Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT 3863 MERSEY WAY LOT: 10 BLOCK: 2 COVENTRY PASS 3RD p.T.N.: 10-18402-100-02 PERMITTYPE: euzLnxNG Permit Number: 028847 Date Issued: 0 9/ 17 / 9 6 DESCRIPTIaN: (6AS) ermit Type FIREPLACE o,r,k 7ype NEW 434 ALT. RESIpENTIAL ? ?a 3 n m `l s?? ?0 VJL r "wr "71' REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Swrcharge Total Fee CONTRACTOR: $25.00 $.50 $25.50 ? • ? Y Y: T hergd,y, ackidcrUi`e4,g?& infarrtl-AtaisSn,ie?,?:Crfi.?Gt and aax s-tatur-e,s aa&, c?a.?y af ? mga? R'I _9n A LI ANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE OWNER: - Applicant - BURDICK GLENN 3863 MER5EY WAY EAGAN MN 55123 (612)688-0684 4. ? th2t ..-1:i{3?, . b5.ee ??aste ?'?r Mn. _ { ? -- R:e I'd I? ?SSti YISIGNATUFTE ` CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ? 1996 FIREPLACE PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 Da,TE: 5ep?- l 7 ?J44 C? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: v' CONSTRUCT NEW FIREPLACE: _ WOOD BURNING L,---GAS _ INSTALL GAS INSERT ONLY IN EXISTING FIREPLACE _ INSTALL GAS LINE ONLY IN EXISTING FIREPLACE OTI-ER: ROOM TO BE INSTALLED IN: STREET ADDAESS: ?Z"lli? 1 lers?i v-r Q??/ LOT 10 BLOCK ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: } ' APPLICANT: (cirole one only) OWNER CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. PROPER7'Y Name: Vi.ey.n Phone #: L8 ?C&4 OWNER Signature: --?• ?" &Aj 3treet Address: City: State: Zip: 55123 FIREPLACE INSTALLER Company: _ Signature: - Street Address: City: GAS LWE Company: INSTALLER Name: Signature: - Street Address: City: Phone #: Phone #: License #: State: Zip: State: Zip: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 14 F'veplace WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code. SAC Code REMARKS Chimney/flue must be inspected before concealing. * t?tONEEF? * er?g ne r ng . Cer " cat 11 ? ? J •?us 21 ?2 '76 - .f _ Lu.o.LAMMM. ? , ????? ?IN"M I BQa?.s 2421 Entertnise Drive S M.nAota lleights, MN 55120 -- ---- 1612l681-1914 " Tl?f CoMPA?,_INC. ? SurireX, tor : QorrcvN,o -- NORTH Ok y? ?1? f Z3'2 `(, 733 - ,? 0 ? ? l.. • ?^N k M ? Z ro / ?\ ^ ? M \ , S 73.3727 ? \ A7/ a 4 `, 107?? ,'??1 ,y k ,? ? ?• n ` ?/O _i n q' 4b ?9.a? tir h n 4/ro m? j ?? 98b % n^?p? ?r(0 ? - ?? v? Le ?. 0 `• 900.o Denotes EXiVin? E/evafion PRbPUSEO NouSE ELfVATION ? oo.o Uux?fes Propo Ed Eleva/ian Lowes /oor Elevalror7 s s 1. sL -------- Oiennles Caitimer l/fili1y £asemeni Top o,?'B/oekE/Fvalion --*----- Denolrs Dizri FIo?J'DirFCfion Garoy?t SIaG E/eva>ivil 8 s9.;3 o Lknades iVf onu enf Bearings shown arp ossunx-d o pP,oes g7e hEib ? LOT 10 , BL OCAI 2, COVENTRY PQSS' 31;'0 ADDI TION Df7K0T/-1 CbfJNTY, MINNfSOTA 1 hrn6v eeitlly Ibet thh survev. pIen cn reporl 10 rM AY m nn er my di.eel mpavision ei?d Ihn1 I nm eluiY npgialnnA LenA Sur.lYd ?er the I*vn ef Iha Sts1e of Mlnnnate. DeleA Ihttey nf n n. 19-IL h ? `-n eni n.aiUr?ll.t.qfr,.qn.1?1191 Scale : j?.o?: -?a-?- e? , '• ? . ?. i _ .. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New ConsCUCtbn Raoulremenm • 3 reglstered sMe suneys showing sq. ft of bt, sq. fl. of hause; antl II roofed areas (20% maAmum bt Gnverege ellowed) • 2 copies ot ptan stwwing beam & window sizes; poured toun0 desgn, etc.) • 1 set o1 Energy Cakulations • 3 copies ol Trea Preservation Plan if bi plapetl after 7l1/93 • Rlm Jolst Deteil Option5 selectron She6t (61dgs wiN 3 or less units) DATE Ild /- SITE ADC TYPE OF APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS 21P yl TELEPHONE # CELL PHONE # 6fz-371FAX # PROPERTY OWNER . 1,, TELEPHONE # 6-??-1-097OE8! ----°---------------------------------------------°---------°°°-------------------°------ COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ••NEW° RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 MINNESOTA RULES 7672 (J submisaion type) • Resitlential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submined • New Enargy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Conhactor: Plumbing system includes: Mechanical Conhactor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Conhactor: _ Water Softener _ _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths Air Conditioning Heat Recovery System Phone # Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatlon, state fhat the with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Org Signalure of Applkxmt OFFICE USE ONLY AULTI-PAMILY BLDG _ Y ? N nemoaeuneoxir nwwromwns . 2 copies of plan • 1 set oi Energy Calculatbns for heated addltWns . 1 sAe surrey tor exterior add'Abns 8 decks • Indkate'rf home servetl 6y septic system for atlditions VALUATION i-5t z?- ` FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 ,_ 2 I a-R . Fee: $90.00 MAY 3 1 2002 is correct, and agree to comply Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updeted 4/02 OFFICE USE ONLY ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplaca ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Muki ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage [3 22 PorchlAddn. (4sea.) O 33 EM. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) O 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-pVex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement O 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. 0 42 Demolish (FOUndation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Atteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)" O 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicaM Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bidgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const W idth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) _ FinaVC.O. _ Footings (deck) _ FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total . Building InspecWr RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 ? 651-681-4675 New Conatruetion Reouirements . 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all rooted areas (20% mazimum lot coverage allowed) • 2 wpies of plan showing 6eam & windav sizes; poured found design, etc.) • 1 set of Energy Calculations • 3 copies ol Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted afler 711193 . RimJoistDetailOptionsselectionsheel(bldgswilh3orlessunits) DATE ?/7/ Z SITE ADC TYPE OF APPLICANT iULTI-FAMILY BLDG _Y ?N FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 STREET ADDRESS `17.2 //Lt.V zrrfi? CITY ??i"LQJd? TELEPHONE #?i/Z'331-L??S CELL PHONE # 61Z-3?'? /Z19 FAX # PROPERTY TEJZIP ?-I TELEPHONE#0I- 68b'66B '7 --------------------------------------------°°----------------------------------------°----- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNGSOTA RLJLES 7670 CATEGORY 1 MINNFSOTA Ri.JI,ES 7672 (4 submission type) . Residential Ventila6on Category t Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Su6mitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Su6mitted Plumbing Contractor: ____ Plumbing syslem includes: Mechanical Contractor. Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: _ Air Conditioning Heat Recovery System --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eagan Or? Signature of Applicant Phone # Phone # Fee: $90.00 l n JUN D 7`t002 ----- ?-"_-p-- _-----°----- y°-- is co ct, c?uud agree to comply ?L2?a? -------- - - --------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY WaCer Softener _ _ Water Hcater _ _ No. of Baths _ Phone # . Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Ballis RemodeVReoair Reauirementa • 2 copies of plan • 1 set ol Energy Calculafrons for heated additions • 1 site survey for exterior addilions & decks • Indicate'rfhomeservedbysepticsystem(oradditions VALUATION ?I3CQ. ? ? Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4/02 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage O 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const W idth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) _ Final/C.O. _ Footings (deck) _ FinaVNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ AidGas Tesu _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA112389 Date Issued:08/12/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3863 Mersey Way Lot:10 Block: 2 Addition: Coventry Pass 3rd PID:10-18402-02-100 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. John Bolte 22050 Redwood St Nw Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Glenn H Burdick 3863 Mersey Way Eagan MN 55123 (651) 688-0684 John Bolte Residential Heating And Cooling 22050 Redwood St NW Cedar MN 55011 (763) 234-8000 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA112350 Date Issued:08/08/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3863 Mersey Way Lot:10 Block: 2 Addition: Coventry Pass 3rd PID:10-18402-02-100 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Glenn Burdick 3863 Mersey Way Eagan, MN 55123 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Glenn H Burdick 3863 Mersey Way Eagan MN 55123 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature