745 Mill Run Cira- (ilex#i#irafit uf (IDrrupttnry titp of eagan Ervttrtnteltf uf IudbiYtg Jtts.pPrfimt Tkis Ceru'ficate issued pursuant to the requiremenls ojSection 306 of the Uniform Building Code certrfying thar ar the time of Wuance this structure was in compliance with tlre variores ordinances of the City regulatrng building construcdon or use. For rhe jollowrng.• t, cwrmi,, ? IWG/GAR eWS. Ptrmit rro. O-UP-y Ty,a --?, / el , Zoning nanicc Bw7d'mg Addreas •. .• _ . L.ontiry „' p "9 - •. ?. ., • r11`;il;(;'1,1 1?' ICS?jo Buld'mg QRicial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE RECTIVATE XUR DECC-PLAN REVIEJm 6/26/89 CIN OF EAGAN Mi(]NW &:;t',ARON VELIN 452-4750 ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road P Box 21-199 O Eagan MN 551 21 , . . , , PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# To be used #or Est Value • Date ,19 Site Ad&ess OFFICE USE ONLY i.r - . - Lot Block Sec/Sub On Site Sewage Occupency . s . MWCC 5ystem Zoning , Parcel No. On SHe Well (Actual) Const City Water (Allowable) a Name W z Address PRV Required # of Stories ? City Phone Boaster Pump Length Depth °Co , Name S.F. Total ? g Address Footprint S.F. P City Phone APPROVALS FEES ' va Engr./Assess. Permit . ? W W Name _ z Address Planner Surcharge , 6 W City PhOne Council Plan Review - . Bldg. Off. SAC, Ciry ' I heraby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the VarianCe SAC, MWCC intormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Water Conn. ' Signature of Permittee Water Meter Road Unit A Building Permit is issued to:_ Treatment P1 ' on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Parks applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ,----r-. ` ' Building Official TOTAL . Permit No. Psrmit Holder Date Telsphone i Plumbing l H.V.A.C. • ei S' E lect ric Softener Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Footings II Foundation Framing ? ? Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. 7?S /G ? ;'d It/ S (O IsuL Fireplace /e<. DS Final Htg. Plbg. ? a?L? ? NaT Final 7 n (' OCC. f J p. LP ! Ft9• 6- 2G P! $ . t Final Deck 7 ? ?' 001 ? ? . Well Pr. Disp. - - - f-/.? i?I.?r. i7 ? u'1•: %i :-v -?C.- Ci GC? - - _ ? PERMIT # ' MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN ' 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: _ r_nNrRerr pRirF• ownuc• aad_a,nn Site ? Name ?g Addre c Ciry _ ? Name c Addre 0 City , ; :v C?., :< L iL„ BLDG. TYPE Sec/Sub ? Res. Mult ?'?.,?. ;? Comm. ti; ,I:.,-; uL, . !-ty Other ione TYPE OF WORK Forced Air M BTU Boiler M BTU Unit Heater M BTU Air Cond. M BTU Vent CFM / Gas Piping Outlets # Other FEE: S/C: TOTAL: ? . ?.. fe>:; WORK DESCRIPTION New Add-on Repair . FEES RES HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24 00 . . u- ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 8.00 , (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEke+Aln - 1 50 EA . . a COMMIIND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPL.IES TaWNHOUSE 8 CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 REMODELS - 12.00 MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES ADD $ ! 7 ( . BEYOND $1,000) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ; C!'J FOR: CITY OF EAGAN ities Di i?tal _QualitX Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. ,• ?PERMIT # ^ PIUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: - ' ;ONTRACT PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 7 ? Name v a? ?c Address ' ? - c Ciry Phane Name c Address p Ciry Phone FEES COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLI#S MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES SIGNATUFE OF PERMITTEE FOR CITY OF EAGAN BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. ?- New Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL ? Water Closet - $3 00 S ? Bath Tubs - $3.00 ' ' Lavatory - $3.00 ' Shower - $3.00 ' Kitchen Sink - $3.00 ? Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 ? Laundry Tray - $3.00 t Floor Orains - $1.50 ' Water Heater - S1.50 Whiripool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMin Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: STATE S/C: GRAND TOTAL• Date: CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: `ytDate: 3830 Pilot'Knob Road B/P No: P.O. Bex 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Owner: _ Site Addi Plumber: ftomes sia Zoning' MWCC: - City Ghg: '??'' . i?t?p?•. No. of Units: .; f) Acct. Dep: I agree to comply with the City of Eagan Permit Fee: Ordinances. • iji Surcharge: Misc.: 8y SEWER SERVICE PERMIT - ' OF, EAGAN Permit No: 3 i Pilot Knob Road Meter No:?4 Box 21199 Reader No: g:? 5: 6.9 on, MN 55121 nn. Chg; 550. 00lid ct. Dep: 1 5- 0 nr, r," mit Fee: I ?' - C"Ir d .- rcharge: Plant ;l? ?ter. 2oning: _ No. of Units: Date: Size: Date: R1 I agree to comply with the City of Eagan Ordina e . By WATER SERYICE PEFtMIT CITY OF EAGAN N° 1514 9 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55127 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-5100 qeceipt u? ZS To be used for SF DWGIGAR Est. Value $85 , 000 Date JUNE S ,? g 88 Site Address 745 MILL RUN CIR OFFICE USE ONIY BRIDLE RIDGE 15T Lot 4 Block 10 SeGSub On She Sewage _ Occupancy R-3 M-1 . MWCC Syatem X Zoning PD R-1 ParcelNO. V-N OnSiteWell _ (ActuapConst a REYLAND HOMES Name Citywater X (Allowable) V-N w z Address 14450 BGRNSVILLE PKWY PRV Required _ # ol Stories o City BURNSVILLE Phone 894-2636 BoosterPumv - Length 50' Depth 50' p Name SAME S.F.TOtal , ?Q Addr05S FootpriniS.F. z? City Phone ppppOVALS FEES ?a Engr./ASSess. Permit 514.00 ?W Name 42 50 =W z Planner Surcharge . i u Address Council Plan Review Z57.00 a W CitY Phone Bldg.Off. SAC, City 100.00 I here6y acknowled9e that I h e read this application and state ihat the Variance SAC, MWCC 550.00 information is correct antl r e to comply with ! ap icable State of Water Conn. 550.00 Minnesota Statutes end ' y Eag n Ord' a e. waterMeter 67.00 Signature of Permittee . f . Road Unit 325.00 A Building Permit is issued to: KEYL D HOMES Treatment P7 204.00 on the express condition that all workshall be tlone in accordance with all Parks applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ol Eagan Ordinances. 609.50 2 A e ? TOTAL . . fuAq A P?1 ' R Builtling OHicial ? /S` J 5 547 Request Dale Fire No. Fough-in Ins ction Requiretl? KReady Now ? Will Notity Inspecror R Wh tl ? ` G Yes A. No en ea y I ?q licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job AOGress (Street. Bax or Route No.j Ciry 7?{S /Ll,`L.L u L° / ?ra4?. .?'Q n-rt Section No. Township Name or No, Fange No. Counry Occu0an11PRINTI L ? ? V Phone No. :, ti c Power Supplier AtlOress Elenncal ConVactor COmpany Namel j ' COnVactor5 License No. ? R Mailing Atltlre SICOnVacror or Owner Making Inslallat.io?Gn?) ? , J / ? 1 L ? l !K ! C.Cj ( ?t.Xt \ / ?T L. L 1/O lJ? Aui ignaNre IConirector/Own Making Inst ationl ? M1one NumDer _ 'f 23 77-Y3,? MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF EL?CTHICITY / THIS INSPEGTION qE0UE5T WILL NOT GrlggsMitlway BIOg. - Room S173 BE ACCEPTEO BV THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univenity Ave., 51. Paul. MN 55104 UNLESS PROPEF INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(61Y)642-0800 ENCLOSEO. U REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-00001-08 J lir 97547 See inslmctmns br comple.ng ihis form on back oi?ellow copy "X'%Below Work Covered b This Request e Atld Rep. rypeof8uilding AppliancesWirad EquipmemWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./Intlustrial Furnace FL Farm Air Condilioner OtOer(syecily) Gonllactor's Remerks: Compu(e Inspection Fee Below: # . Other Fee # Service EntranceSize Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 l0 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps 7ranstormers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs inspecti Use omy: ?\ TO7AL ?.?.Q Irrigation Booms Special Inspection ? AlarmiCommunication TXIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the above inspection has been made. Rough-in oata Farnal oeia / i 6 OFiICE USE ONLY This repuest void 18 moNhs Irom 2005 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION U' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Date 6 1 21 ! b c5 Site Sfreet Address N1i I l ?Wn (:,Ir C-l-C Unit # PropehyOwner Telephone# (LLA) ?1:5 S'-E?-b H.P. PIPEWORKS Contractor 3620 nnnn cnen Telephone# ( ) Address EAGAN, MN 55123 City State Zip The Applicant is: _ Owner Contractor _Other Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures (excludes water softener and/or water heate r--complete next section if installing these appliances). _Septic System Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $125.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: Water Softener ? Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new ? replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ 50 Total $ I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. \.hvnrl?j 1-I-zw Applicant's Printed Name Applican`t`s Signat'ure JUh 2 7 2005 ? ??. R4' 1989 Bi1ILDI9G PEBMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN 7 7 SIRGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADD&FSSE4 FO& CORNBR LOTS - CONTRACTOR/$OMEOWNER MtT3T DESIGN9TE WHICH ADDRE6S IS DFSIRED. NO C9ANGES WILL BE ALLOWfiD ODiCE BtTILDING PERMIT I3 ISSDED. MULTIPLE DWEI.LINGS BfiNTAL ONITS F08 SALE ONITS # OF 08IT3 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECB WITH HLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS CONII9ERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTliRAL & STRU(;TURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 7 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be IIsed For: Valuation: fOO(D - Date: 't'laddai Site Address OFFICE USE ONLY Lot ? Bloek Parcel/Sub Owner `T-HOkJF?s a-5!-?QON 0EUhl Address -?-`}S ti-lkl, iZIJN CI2CLf-- City/Zip Code L-F64?N cf' I? Phone 45o? - 4--Y50 Contractor .ShME ,45 _ OwNER Address City/Zip Code Phone \1 Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone 8 Occupancy Zoning Actual Const ' Allowable # of stories Length 2'dt Depth JY' S.F. Total Footprint S.E. On site sewage_ On site well _ MWCC System _ City water _ PRV required _ Booster Pump _ APPROQALS Planner _ Couneil Bldg. OPf. Varianee Couneil FETs.4 Bldg. Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SACp MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Acet. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Copies TOTAL NOTEs Sesrer & Water Permit fees and aeQOUnt deposit fees xill be included in the building permit Pee. Processing time Por aesrer and water permits is trro days onee a licensed plumber has applied for a permit at City Hall. Cities Diaital itv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. Sl1RyEYOR'S ?(1i,n ??f, E RT I F t C AT E SIENNA CORPORATION ? • -REVISED 4-19-88 TO SHOW PROPOSED HOUSE BY (? ?`?V ? ?1' n J?? e?) I KEYLAND HOMES ,••ww?,t?,?,,? " I l/2 8? ,?o i / t J I ?J _ 5 I???SA'N4C? W ? OD Z$ O !?-" ?9q e 2 0 6. O 22.O M 0 h I ? O 30,0 ? N ? f 9osa o ? ?• ? ? ? ? O SI - o ? N 7/°25?pw . S 39.9 ? ? 1 ? 1 C J , ryN O ? ? ry = ? i- .i \ - -. N v? O ? .O 29.93 0 59.43 S86°I2'52"E MILL RUN CIRCLE 1 ? a+ss /Se30D S? ?Sa No-- DENOTES PROPOSED SURFACE DRAINAGE O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET SCALE: t INCH - 30 FFET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR - 905•3 FEET X000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION PFOPOSED LOWEST FLOOR - 9oa. 5 FEET (000.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION PFiOPOSED TOP OF BLOCK- 905•7 FEET 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN - ., 1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS I 5 y q INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OE ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WfiICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BIIILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SIIRVEY - CHECg WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS__AWL_1 SET, OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used Site Address "2 Lot 44- Block Parcel/Sub ?.?. Owner Address Date: ? JUN 3 ? 5DOO T_--- ? On si9 re sewage_ Occupaney MWCC system ? Zoning ? On site well Actual Const City water 1L Allowable et? PRV required 1i of stories ? Booster Pump _ Length Depth FEES S.F. Total City/Zip Code Footprint S.F. Phone ? ? ?lr? j Ip APPROVALS ? Contraetor Engr/Assess Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. ) ? / Address City/Zip Code Phone # Planner Council Bldg. Off. Variance '(Z-3, NI-I V-N T. Permit Jr/yloo Surcharge -2150 Plan Review 00 ?t,/b SAC, City lOp,no SAC, MWCC 560, o0 Water Conn -1550 .Oo Water Meter 6rj, °o Road Unit 3-45,00 Treatment Pl Zut1,00 Parks Copies TOTAL c9, c Qr ?K - d vaL u,a-c I o N ? X 22 -??-? ? ta x 1 y=('ol?D `?SX2?= IZU?X 13= /?ZZ? H?-? Bsm-r ? ?zu? 11774 X4q= ?2 a yv v SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE SIENNA CORPORATION REVISED 4-19-eB TO SHOW PROPOSED HOUSE BY KEYLAND HOMES ly; I I- ' i ? J I ? J o ??2• 81 N S w . PpP'`?4T c'/? o , ?9ef r.1 ? s / r 2 Kf 6.0 ? ? cu PROPOSED r ? N HOUSE N I 30.0 ? f 9050) 2.0 o ? / to o i ° i NiGAR. N ? I N /N ' ? ?• ' ' _ 20.0 . 9oso),, 5 ,j . 59.43 S860I2152"E• , MILL (9n9, W CD 0 ti ? e ? Z 0 tV V* RUN CIRCLE ? DENOTES PROPOSED SURFACE DRAINAGE O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND X000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (000.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION 1 ./ ` \ -? N O ? IV I vf WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO SIENNA CORPORATION THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARIES OF: Lot 4, Block 10, BRIDLE RIDGE I ST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat fheraof, Dakota Counry, Minnesota. IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, EXCEPT A5 SHOWN. AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVI510N THIS 21 ST DAY OF JHNIAWRy , 79aa nrrnovr:n r•na sir:rIrin rORI'nnnrrON IlY t1ATEf1i SIGNED: JAME5?1?1} INC. ? BY: ? - HARO D C. PETER50N, LAND SURVEYaR MINNESOTA LICENSE NUMBER 12294 m W D O ? ? .n -n O ^ ? O m v, a lD ' ? O mZ O ?? D O m z ? M DO m N O?D W James R. Hill, inc. PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS 9401 JAMES AVE. S. • BLOOMINGTON, MN. 55431 • 612-884-3029 399fi - %h ? ? ryN ? 25.93 S 0 EAGAN ENGIIVEERING DEPT SCALE: 1 INCH - 30 FFET PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR - 90 5•3 FEET PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR - 90j. 5 FEET PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK - 905• 7 FEET ?y t _EXTERiOR. ENVCLOPI: IIUfRA(7F "II" r..nMrIlrnrin" ? h ?? ' UWN ER: 1'1111 : /-30 - ? 7 x :'? ?? _ . _ _----.-•--- , $1TE ADDRESS:? .,OT PIIOMI: ? CON TRACTOR:P< ?Gnrl J?•/c?rna? ?'??1? 1'CI'D(r'?? .; Determine workiny square footage of each ? 1. Total exPosed wall area..... ''?r ?1.'L----- l' -.2Q<i-7 2. Total roof/teilin area..... • ? s(, ft, x ' y -Le?-?---- ? _O?b d t ll b I'l = T l expose arra i ovr. o a wa onr a. Total wall window area ................ . . . . .... . . . 15_ ? ?r b., Total door area ..................................... . .: .: ........ _ ? 3? c. Total sliding glass door area ...................... ....:......... ? ? s - d. Total fireplace wall area......................................... ?- --- . . • _? : , e. Total wall framing area (averaye lU') ............. ............ `a,zyJ f. Total rim joist area .............................................. lE30 9•,gx mnet walt area above floor ..................................... h. r_w*41 area aibue floor.:.?r.Bual..??U.?.,;;.. .?............ i a floo ea ab C1: ? a C -wa4} a "6 0( J 21 . l F7 r ev r... c ... (. sa Z.... s? .........:. - 7. ? 3. frame wall area at foundation ................................... -? lUtal exposed foundatiun arca=_ k. Total foundation window area ...................... 1. Total net foundation area a6ove grade .............. -j? c' ------ -- ?'?:. Determine "u" value of each wail segment (e.g. window, (loor, each sep.irate wall sectiop) 0' x Hull : b. 4G = X c. q g?? , d X l,u" rk y `? - -- - ------- - - e. x ??U"- J( $lUll ?u e• aa=?413 x o.ul, h. s/?l. R X Mull _ x „u„ ` X „U„ - _ -- ;. ' -'?? --?-- C f i tem 03 i s the samE V. -"` X "U" as, or less than item --"-??A- - -? -?- ? ql , you have met the `' 1. c X °U" = intent of SBC 6006 (C; 3 . ................................. .._._ . ......? . .._..._..._.-,....?:..?.r.,.? ._.. _ -•,,? Total _.._.._.....?..._...__.. ? ..... ....... .. _ ..._.. ?. :. !DCtr.rioz Envelope Average "U" Computatio» Page 2 of 9 • `.: " Total exyoaed mof/ceiling area = /oly6 f 2 m. 7bta1 sl:yli.ght area ........................... --- n. Total roof/ceilirxJ framinq area(aver.agc 10e)... o. Total net insulated roof/ceilinq :area...,....... Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segmeiit M. i- _ X "U" _ n. j.a4,B x 11V.1 a. X .,U„ 9a. L4 to , 4 ........................... 'ibtal = 96.q Zf total of #9 is the same as, or less t:han N2, you have met the inCent of SHC 6006 (c) 1. Alternate Building Enve].ope nesign 7b uY.ilize the totai envelope syskem method, the values established by the s•am of items N3 and #4 shall not be greater than the sum of items 81 and #2. ' . . 1. 1-7 '{. 'l. 3. a70. 7 + 4. ; m x_ !.eo- ? ei .; .<i•..4.::? - _ , , =1dc? ?ULL? ? ac0+a-+-a-+-L,?_rr3+aCa+i-+- 1 R.. ? ?` . !F V Ll. 2. ? ' Vlv?EPl...AC.E ; .- ';.lZIM: M SML. P-r, r=x.P)a:SeD WALL. ,4i?-EA 3Lac.K.', -7c> = tC S' = =? __r . ? 1?M EE i ! O LI - . . . Y V .O • I --• /L ?./ 'r?' -?-?- PuLL I k g Fu LL Z i - k 6 = F, P , , CRAwL sPACE ?ax Aw 57,;Z To-t'AL_ = a74?7 /at48 ¦5Q,i:t , FiKa05pD GEI l,f Uq ? W DWS IDoae.5 r?1 1( I I a?? 3Co SLD <,a) y8 ? 13t,X?? a? ?Bcoo (zs) 1r . ' I.QW¢D ? i auam /0 <0 0 ?ATl o D?S i) ?:-)?.,uO sw (,4m7) - a9.341 , f L?'.rcuH c/? ?SI`I85Lp I i8.[n7 ao o 3 i ? ?J'SM? UI?JI'f-'S C o ?l [8-33) aN,9tJ /,17 ----- r? t, y.. , YlAl.b ?Cr.T:ON7 of oyw?IUa wall nrcn far ` frnma cunl;trucllE)n ___...._p SIC ?u•icrr i .s?. ,i i ,.1 . I Con:,Wucl inu It_V.,lu,: 4 i _ UlLT?1T?' ` •? Z$? . ?tDli.Lb... _... ...._ ..--- -.....__. 6. E>:terii,r i1r (iln, V? .abN INISUI. . 1. inCrrlnr nirl!ilw --. .. ` t).GN ...-?-----'---......_.. ._ _ __ .. . .. . -- -- - . .. ?. ?t 4•4.. a. " s. ?.??Ty ?aStc t.o _.-"- '? ?? G. Ex?IC t? 1f.'i111 llll.i )• ;rucai RW U t .c4 . . (L%M ? 1. '1 [ ripr nir filin ? t).G!1 . . ... s. .??DtN..s?..._._ ,roeai Ita 2.4.4 U= .o4c Btrt? • ' 1. (ntun1.r Cili?i_..__....._._......_.n. (,n 2. ,_____.__.____._. . _._..._..___...._..._.._._..._ ?. _...t???_so,?c....acr?., ._........:..._c.??.S n. ._.--..- ---....._.-- ---•...__.......__..__ 0. - 1'! . . _..-•----...._._. _..---- .,,. U= .47 ...... .? e . ? : sIAi, ar, cINOE ? , ;•• ?. FlG. N4 ffl t4. , :r .r - i y •. ? d . /,I, `-??r . rcr I ? ..llf ,r ? • , ? ? ??c, tw•1'L: InSIcat.e ty ?.? c m)l•h nnd ^tY' v?lu? • ? , pl,icenanC o( in :ut..ltinn. i , . ,? _ w.??-r _.. .. .. . . -_^.. rtd ---•._.__(? ?cy-,!4JC l•• ?.?%? t ' ` •?, {fI{%?l`%fj ?? ._M.._-''_1--?-1,-. ,.,`,` t • " ? ,?. I(?R?r? _ ' 1!%/?-! " ' e?• ' ii ? ? -` . r B: Uor ,t of oieayuo wtl l nren lor ? . Lr.iau: can::truct tua -----Q lc • ?^ _.-_--L? ALL P1C. 11 TGI'VIE14 OF FIWtE liALl. . ? ' .._.•_"_0 . - --?=? FIC. 12 r----?--?(J T 1..?. ulL ?' - -° ° -:-. T.-101 \TiCli `^ ;,iL. ' __....._._._(.'? ?a. c1% 1 / • 1' ?O : ""'? . + ?^ J : u • ? C • ^ y , ? ?' %'• ••• `---.. , • , ??.1^?.. . ? . •' ` ? c•?:?i?.truct k,., Y..:v?tn.: -l. -°•. . . .... :..A' •..... --•?....__ .._ .... .._ ............. { ?iu?_? a. zG#7....6NT.Ga.. ....... . .Z.oC? s. S?c.iNG,..... .. .: ... . _ ..VZ. 6. t:r.lurii;r aIc Iilm ? 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Gm 2h(AEs, GRAV) - Sf ACES) ... .? , caKTs_ _ :. . . ?. , APFLICATION FOR PERMIT 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION oF ecigcan TFY:AT• DFSCRIPTION:. Lot Bloc S vision or Tax Parcel ID IF EXISTING STRL'CT[7RE, DATE OF ORIGINAL B[?ILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE: mbnt Year PRESENT ZONING/PROPOSID USE: Q COD'A7ERCIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE Q INDL'STRIAL Q. I NSTI TGTI ONAL/GOVERNMENT 1?R-1 SINGLE FAMILY ? R-2 DLPLEX (Trro Lnits) Q R-3 TOWNHODSE (Three + Units) ( Lnits) Q R-4 APARTMENP/COAIDOMINILM ( Lnits) 2) ? NAME: ADDRFSS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: 3) ? :?• ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: • ? ?- 4) NAME: ADDRFSS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: ? MASTER LICENSE ., .. _ , .*k NJTE: PAYMFNP OF FEE AT TiME OF { ; aert.icaTTaa ooes taar cort- x SfIN1E APPROVN, OF PERMIT. ' ? i ; iNsvncriaa or EEWmt t,rn/CR vmTm ?. ; irsrnc.Mxoris wna. Nam ea scmUr.m ; ,*k [T7PIL PIItMIT HAS BFIId APPFtOVm. ? 4iiii441fi1Yffflfy?fY1*fffff#iJltffi*fi - I? Active Expired Not recordec -...L_ St Initia 5) N'-?NNECPION TO CITY SEWR ZR'?CTION TO CITY WATER Ej O'PfM ) 6) ..>SDO.UI ?SN - *?****?*****??*+***.*************?*?*,t*****+*?**.***?*****,,.??****.??**********,r********?****?+****„ ? THE GOLD COPY OF TM PEE2NIIT WILS, BE SIIJr DII2DCTLY TO PUBLIC WORKS TD FACILITATE MEPER PIQC-UP. f * PLEASE ALIAW 1[vn WORICING DAYS FOR PROCFSSING. SOMEONE ERIXK 7M CITY WILL CONPACT YO[l IF 7fIERE i * ARE ANY PROBLEMS. 1 FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISS[JED Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ 16, Sb SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE ) $ $ / D• S-D WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SCRCHARGE ) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ ACCOONT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ?S^U? ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER $ ???CJ • ( Jz $ WAC $ ,SrD L9 o $ SAC $ $ TRL'NK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRL'NK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRQNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRL'NK WATER $ -c G y' C) ? $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SDRCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $ / `7` 7/` O O $ 45-111 0fl-) TOTAL l-l q ,f- dJ 7 S- RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES OTILITY CONNECTION REQOIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? F--j YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC Q ROADWAY" MOST BE ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SIIBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: /?J` cl-z?? u'rathvslrips A.', .H.dV.t., Cuie 1L?indo??s I Doors Re(crence ?ut. Wall 1?s-No. Ycs-No 19__ --- -_ rLengch ) Wid?h - ?--- Windowa and Doors-CrackaQe aod Arra Cunstruction No. lV Int. Wall Ceiling RooF E Sn ?CI.IIL .?( {•n ILiy,Fl ul ??qn.• Kn "( IiRlite i.lrNnl ll. af ?? . k Art> eq (t. ,7 ' Coe(. Btu Infiltration QO Ci?ass ?? p 113S Fap. wall 1 +/Q X y N'et exp. wall 2a6l /577 am-waH R,rn / (c Cclling /Qxl-? -Fttsm^ 4oiai oIu. 00 Requircd sq. (t. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. L.eader area 6q4tiRoomjLengih 13 Width and Doors-Crackaae And Arra Nom Wl?f?n at oane ll.IRnt ot nane No.o! Illbu Wnealf?. o[ crack Aru .a, ft. /0 A Coef. Btu In614ation p GIA?a O O Exp. wall Net exp. wall OQ 4ftl:-,"u , G Cciling X *'?ODF Iotal n[u. Required sq. (1. E.D.R. ot eq. ins. W,A. l,eader area Ft 16 v,w* Room I Length / Width / Windows nd Doon-Crarlae. ....! e.--I No. Wldfh of Dsne 11,1,ht of pane No. o[ Iltht• Linesl fl. of er.ek Area ?p. ft. 1 ,7a 6 o yy,y Coef. Btu Infiltration y O (e 3 P,11 `U D Zi. Lcp. wall Net exp, wall 4 jae.-wau Ceiling ? -1?loot 10131 ntu. ired aq. !t. E.D.R. ar • ins. W.A. Leader ares 119631 Total Btu. Required sq. (t E.D.R. ar sQ. ins. W.A. L;eader arc• oor Kind FI.?VIp ?, Room ? Lcngth " Width Windows-and?Doors-Crackaae and Area Na RTup ar a.n• Lei¢n[ nl pan• No.a[ uRnte I.11n<n' tl. nt ne?k etee n?.tt. .SG.D O S ya. Coef. Btu 1n61tralion ?l) QL Q Glaee D v Ezp. wall D I a / Net up. wall a 7 lqq .l"? 021m Ceiling D / d Ffoor Total Btu. 1N ? Required aq. Ft. E.D.R. or eq. ins. W.A. Leader aree , FI.I I54 * 8K/5rRoom I Length FGJ Width Heightsj Wi ndowe an d Uoora- Cracka ge nnd Are a No. Wltllh ol Dane Iltl?1t e! pans No. of 11f?t. Llneel fl. of cnak Are• ?Q. tl. I .711 6 0 ! IS, ' iI' 6 ? d d9 I .? / a ? Coef. 13tu Infiltration (m y 13 Gleaa o p?V . wall Eap k Net ezp. wall 3? I Ceiling i I / ? (e Fieor - ! /a 1 Olal BIU, b Required sq, ft. E.D.R. or eq. ins. W.A. l.eader eres Y •I F'nva 2 Room 1 Lenath 4 Width / 3 Heish? III' Windowa end Doora-Crackage and Ares Ne. Wldth o[ O..e 14e1gM e[ o.?* No. of 11{Mf Llm?l tt. ol cr.ck Aru s0. it• - $ / "; i?,9 7100? -a ? Y ? if,a ao Coef. Btu Infiitration 3 a f) l? Glaas 3 I S D (VQD Etp. wall q x - (. c Net exp. wa11 4«F..„,m41 Ceiling 8 x 1 lD?? 3 3? X .?{? ? Weatherslri s A•S.H.V.E, P Conelruclion No. Guide Windows _Doors Re(erence Out. Wall lnt. Wall C.eiling Roof Yes-Na ' I Yee-No 19_ - 767FO ZeeM Room Length / Width j Hdght fr I? tFy Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area W• A?'IAili u<1qni nn. at Llneal (t A,p No. nf nnnc af rnne bRhte ot t,nck eo. [t. 1 . BW lnfiltnlion Glaes / O I Fap. wall /Dy n'et exp. wall `O V _MLL ?Int, wxB %? n , / Ceilinq /i k/i Total fe. E.D.R. or npeM Rwm and Doors? W.A. L.eader ares i / Width / e end Area Na. WIJep ofD?ne q?isht of0. ne No. o! Ilfhl? Llne.l fl. atnack An. p.fl. ' . ? av Uy 1 a.a Coef. Btu In6ltrstian epq y S Glaaa 11.3 O 0 ExP. we11 13 +13 x 1209 Nel exp. wall /f?7 132 f 4nt,-wall R.,r? Z4 (. / (? Ceiling u? / 07 Floor lotal tStu. Required sq, ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. l.eader srea ,? L1 gpq??en?- Room ILength Q/idth Windows snd Doon-Cnekaae and Area Na. WIdN ot Dan* Helght et p?no No. ot Il??b Llneal tl. ef eneM Area p, tl. ' D /pp 7b CoeE. Btu Infiltution 00 a 0 Glaw Exp. wall G ?J4o+?(e h tdq Net exp. wall ?1.wa1L Ceilm9 ??°°' ao ioui aIu. 0164 Required iq. Et. E.D.R. or eq. ins. W.A. Leader area Insulation Floor Kind Hox Room iLeneth ,]? Width muowa a na voors -t,racra ge sna Hrea Na. WIJtn at Dane /lrl<nt of pane No. at IIRhU Uneo l Q. oI v.ck Are, Coc(. 9tu lnfiltration 301 f. ? 31 Gl_« so 9so Exp. wall 0 Net exp. wall ,Sqi 7 ' 'im:'wa11 igeiliag Floor Total Btu. 71 y ; Requrced iq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ine. W.A. Leader ares FlA Room I Lxngth Width Height winaows sna voen-t.racra ge ana nte a , Ne. wlClh ee o..• Helfhl o[ wn. No, ot Ilrnts Llwal tt. et cnek Ana .a. «. ' . . CoeE. to In6ltration Glsa+ F?cp. wall Net e:p. wall Int. wall Ceiling Floor I 7ots1 Btu. Required sq. fl. ED.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Lesdet ares Fl.1 Room I l.ength Width Height I Windows end Doorr--Cnckaae end Ares Na wlAtn ot p?*? H?I?nt at w?? Na eI lisbtb Llnetl [t. af eraek Ana y It• Coef. Bt, Infiltrslioe Glea - - fsp. wall- Net exp, wall lnt, wall Ceiling Floor II I otal Etu. Repuired sp. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. WA. Leader axa PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA124735 Date Issued:07/09/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 745 Mill Run Cir Lot:4 Block: 10 Addition: Bridle Ridge 1st PID:10-14996-10-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Craig Angell 12253 Nicollet Ave. S. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Michael Kasper 745 Mill Run Cir Eagan MN 55123 Angell Aire 12253 Nicollet Ave S Burnsville MN 55337 (952) 746-5200 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA173445 Date Issued:11/12/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 745 Mill Run Cir Lot:4 Block: 10 Addition: Bridle Ridge 1st PID:10-14996-10-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. We encourage you to retain an electronic copy of photos until the project passes a final inspection. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to Valuation: 10,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $10K $191.75 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $10K $5.00 9001.2195 $196.75 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Thomas R Haynes 745 Mill Run Cir Eagan MN 55123--168 Highmark Restorations/platinum Restorations 8720 Eagle Creek Pkwy Savage MN 55378 (952) 641-3519 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature