4242 Moonstone Dr Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use I f I Permit#:City of f Ea I Permit Fee: Ina 3830 Pilot Knob Road _a I Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: I Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 L Staff: - - - - ----_I 2010 RESIDENT(I)AL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: SO i ~3' Site Address: "i Z U Z~ f ~f (1U3~ 5~ 0 Tenant: Suite M RESIDENT / OWNER Name: (-~hr L c t Phone: Address / City / Zip: CONTRACTOR Name: lb-d- YA h /1 fa t License j -cam Address: ) 7 S l ~l C~K1'y! City: ;.i.t ecy-ee_ State: /00 Zip: 65179 Phone: 70'6 92-7-,5- (V t t Contact: jT^ on Email: %K•C ~y 60 G() ~U!» TYPE OF WORK _ New T Replacement _ Repair - Rebuild Modify Space - Work in R.O.W. Description of work: PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL Water Heater Water Softener VA e ev, Lawn Irrigation RPZ PVB) T Add Plumbing Fixtures Main Lower Level) Septic System Water Turnaround _ New Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $30.50 Lawn Irrigation (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround* (includes $.50 State Surcharge) "Water Turnaround (add $166.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) $100.50 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES $ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.clopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 8r( VV p x Applicant's Printed Na a Applicant's Signat r FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In Air Test Gas Test Final Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use Permit#: r~~ LAY/ .2 7, j City of Ea~dI I Permit Fee: /X ° &9 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Q~Q I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I I 2010 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION' Date: ! do< d Site Address: /I Tenant: Act s/GV /71 C Suite M RESIDENT / OWNER Name: A`Cn 177ci t` y- I ac-'ZA ~ Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: 60~h ro6w1 fSe/i'e dam` Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes No °Q ) CONTRACTOR Name: t%vi2S uG~~~i `License #:O to`~ Address: 73-0z A~uACCrLi'I ClWe-C- city: State: 214,~ Zip: 553 ~f Phone: - 557 - oO g [ Contact: Email;~ L'6y1-1 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of ans. Applicant's Printed Name ( p i a ature D ~ Page 1 of 2 JUN 1 2110 D 0 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 7 SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Storm Damage Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) _ Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Multi _ Deck Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) Exterior Alteration (Multi) _ 01 of Plex _ Lower Level _ Pool _ Miscellaneous _ Accessory Building WORK TYPES New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteratio _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review Code Edition ' . SAC Units (25%100% ) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other: Roof: -Ice & Water -Final Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final ~C Framing Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Windows Insulation Retaining Wall: Footings _ Backfill Final Meter Size: Radon Control Erosion Control Reviewed By: Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC C,9,(-2 tJ Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 2 I CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Cedar Grove Aequisition Add;t;o„ Cedar Grove #2 Lot 24 B,k 2 Parcel 10 16701 240 02 Ownerlz iLa-ic? Street 4242 jAoonstme Dr. State Eagan,,MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. `5 1985 1266.95 84.46 15 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 3t- SEWER LATERAL ((f(p 1272 1304,00 216 2 Paid WATERMAIN # WATER LATERAL 1972 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. i . , BUILDING PER. 5AC ? PARK EAGAN 'YOV1/N SH I P BLlILDIlVG PERMIT Ownex -----L?-?--?Y'?!!-?....L..d.--34?OG -----'------------ Addsess Buildex Address .._... ---------------- --- ------------- ------ DESCRIPTIOI3 N° 763 Eagan Township Town Hall Dafe ?u? /fi?6/ ?---- ---... .? ------------- Stories To Se Used, For -' Fron! Depth Heighi Esf. Cosi Permit Fee Aemarks or LOCATION ?aaulon o: '1 rac2. 3 j C.;LE?/ ?'Y • -?+ a`L+ This permif, does not auihorize fhe- use of streefs, soads, alleys or- sidewallcs r.or docs i1 ?give the owner or nis a.?;sni !he' righi !o create any sifuaYfon which is a nuisance or which preseats a haaard fo !he healih, safely, convenience aad general welfare !o anyone in the communify. .. . THIS PEAMIT MUST BEQKEPON THE PREMISE WHILn THE WORI{ IS IN PAOGRESS: . ? .. This is !o ceriify, fha! _ ??:'__.__._______,___has permission io ereei? _ upon ? .....?.___... the above deseribed prem" subjec o!h v5sions of the Suilding O*d"ananc.= for Eeoas 9'ownship adopled APzil 11. 1955. "'_........ C--?'------ -"F?.- _-.-?----. Pez -------------- .----_.--????--------`°""?--?..--------- - . Chairman of Tnwn Board Bnilding Inspecior - E RESIDENTIAL 4 a BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 NewConahuctlon ReoufremeMe RemadeVReoeir Reaulremenh . 3 registered site surveys showing sq. R ot U. sq. tt. W house; aM all mofed am,m • 2 coples of plan (200% maximum lot coverege allawed) . 1 set af Eneigy Calculatiam fur heated addttbns . 2 copies of plan showing 6eam & window 5¢es; poured tound desgn, elc.) • 7 site survey for odedor addiions 8 decks • 1 sel W Ereqy Calculetbns • Indicale if home served by septic system for additbns • 3 copies M Tree Preservatlon Plen if lot platted afte17/7193 . Rim Joist Oefeil Option.a selection sheet (bldgs wilh 3 or lese unfts) DATE la-c9-0 a VALUATION I IFIo07a? JOB SITE ADDRESSLI?44a -1'?1?QQ 4I-Dnn (Jt2 IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER lZon `4" Li 2. E1/ 1 . TYPE OF APPLICA REPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 PHONE# 7&3-12S • Az,?7 ? ADDRESS 8q0Q- 'k9]* A)e .14 ScAtF 4 n[1- RlWtlue-vrr ZIPCODE SSY-'/S PAGER # CELL PHONE # 7423-39/-93i3 Fax # 743 • 39/-/,3&0 rrEw RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential VeMilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted _ MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumhing Contractor. Phone #: Plumbing System Includes: _ Water Softener _ Lawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 Water Heater No. of R.I. Baths _ No. ofBaths Mechanical Confractor. _ Mechanical System Includes: Sewer/Water Contraetor. _ Air Conditioning _ Heat Recovery System Phone # Fee: $70.00 Phone # All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comph/ with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciiy of Eagan inances. -- ---_----- ?- ? Signafure of Applican ? Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ -` " - Updated 20021 fiLED D:? ; .. ; 2002 OFFICE USE ONLY ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 76-piex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg 0 02 SF Dwelling O 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) . ? 36 Multi C] 05 03-plex ? 11 10.piex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04plex ? 12 12-plex PI6g_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)" ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement "Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handaut to appliwnt Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bidgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width . REQUIRED IN5PECTIONS Footings (new bldg) : Footings (deck) FinaVNo C.O. Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Other Framing _ Pool _ Ftgs _ AidGas Tests _ Final Fireplace , R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Siding Stucca Stone Insula[ion _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved By . Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Pertnit License Search Copies Other Total FinaUC.O. _ Plumbing HVAC 6 9 ?3? 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PII2MTC APPLICATION City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX 111651-675-5694 Telephone # ( New Construdion Reouiremenis RemodeUReoair Reauirements Office Use Onlv 3 registered site surveys showing sq. k. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan Cert of Survey Recd _ Y_ N (20% maximum lot wverege allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculalbns for heated additbns Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N, 2 capies of plan showing beam &window saes; poured found design, etc. 1 site survey foradditions & decks Tree Pres Required _Y _ N i set of Eneqy Celculadons AddRion - indicate Hon-sffe sep&c system On-sde Sep6c System _ Y_ N 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan rf lot platted after 7/7193 Rim Joist Detail Optlons uledian sheet (6uildings with 3 or less units) Date-(? 4,061/05 ConstructionCast LQ,3@ 10/ Site Address y a y a M00Yl,<' n:P _,r)fi l, L.l _ UniUSte # Description of Work 11?a- zlrxli- ? Multi-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ l _ 2 -1 C4,b-< 4A'l G V t O P 'e hone # (L'S 1) q Tele _ roper y wner ? -_ p Contractor RMA I IOME SERVICES, INC. Home Depot Installed Sales Address 3200 Co6b Galleria Pkwy., Ste. #200 City Atlanta, GA 30339 State 763-542-8826 Telephone # ( ) BC-20268257 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submitted Su6mitled . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Nave you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? _ Y _ N If so, 25% plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor 4;? ,?- Telephone #( ) Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved p an in the case of work which requires a review and appr al of plan r?l I p i? ? T L; c o? ' ?R??'? ' k o5 ApplicanYs Printed Name Ap canYs ignature f ??1 OFFTCE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OB 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) O 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. AR - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 38 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MCES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) _ FinaVC.O. _ Footings (deck) _ Final/No C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final _ Framing _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ AirTest _ Final _ Windows _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Pertnit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ,.,-. Installed Siding and Windows LIMITED POWER.OF COiJNTY OF COBB STATE OF GEORGIA KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS: ATTORNEY THAT I, David N. Katz, a resident of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania ("Principal"), and a licensed contractor of RMA Home Services, Inc., DBA Home Depot Installed Sales located at 660 Mendelssohn Avenue North, Go?den V211ey, MN 55427, having a license number of BC- 20268257, do hereby appoint, name and constitute Elder-Jones Building Permit Service, Inc. ("Agent") as my true and lawful attorney-in-fact and do authorize and grant said attorney-in-fact for me and in my name, place and stead the power to execute, acknowledge, sign and deliver (in such form as may be required by the municipality) a permit application, or any other instrument(s) which may be necessary and appropriate, in order to obtain the proper permit(s) from the City of Eagan, Minnesota for the instaliation, maintenance and repair of windows and siding (the "Work"). The powers conveyed to the Agent by this Limited Power of Atterriey are limited solely to the express powerS delineated herein and apply solely to the Work. This Limi*,ed Power of Attorney shall expire and automaticalIy be revoked on the 21st day of May, 2004, which date is one year from the execution hereof. Further, the powers conveyed by this Limited Power of Attorney may be revoked by Principal at any time by express revocation and shall also be revoked by the Principal's death, disability, incapacity or incompetence. IN WI"1'NESS WHEREOF this Limited Power ef Atterney is e:cectrted tfiis 21st day of May, 2003 David . Katz S WORN TO AND 3UBSCRIBED BEFORE ME by David N. Katz on this 21 st day of May, 200? Notary PWic in for the State o eorgia My Commission Espires: January 21, 2006 396816.v3 Proudly sold, furnished and installed by RMA Home Services, Inc., a Home Depot authorized contractor. 3200 Cobb Galleria Parkway, Suite 200 • Atlanta, GA 30339 • Phone (770) 779-1300 • Fax (770) 984-0709 • Toll free (800) 79-DEPOT 1 _7J 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX 9 651-675-5694 New ConsWc6on Reouirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq. R of IM, sq. ft. of house; and all rooted areas (20 % maximum lot coverage allowed) 2 copies of plan showing beam & vrindow s¢es; poured fand design, elc. 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 7l153 Rim Jd5[ Delail Options selec6on shed (buildings wiM 3 or less uni6) Minnegasco mechanical ven[ilation form RemodeN2eoair ReouiremenLs 2 wpies of plan shaving footings, beams, joists 1 set oi Energy Calculatlons for heated addifions 1 sile survey fa addifions & decks AddiNon - indkafe il on-sife sepfic system 4 -I(D OU Office Use Onlv Cert of$urveyRecd --Y"_N 7ree Pres.PoadRecd Y .,. N TrcePresRequired'-Y _N On-sileSeptic $ystem ?. .. _ Y: _N QfI? - u' _ .?R Date 09 66 Construction Cost 000 Site Address ? Z-7 Z Hoon 5'lon r Lri v e UniUSte # Nqn 551 Lz Description of Work LaWer Leioe,I Fin;SL Multi-Family Bldg _ Y4N Fireplace(s) ? 0 _ 1 _ 2 + 612 PropertyOwner ?6?J'0t? an,l Na1? ( ?/ ?IGl.4... q t it! Telephone#('"a) Contrac[or Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheel • New Energy Code Worksheet (V submission type) Su6mitted . Submitted • Energy Emelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 monihs, has ihe City of Eagan issved a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber T?,p?r?#( \) 111? Mechanical Contractor v Telephon?( Sewer/WaterContractor Q 1T1eph*one#( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. AGco,n " (e), ? /Yc." Applicant's Printed Nam Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvoes ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex Work Tvoes ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ^133 Alteration ? 34 Repiacement ? 13 16-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 17 Garage ? 18 Deck 19( 19 Lower Level ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 33 EM. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors •Demolition (Entlre BIAg) - Give PCA handout to applicant DBSCIiptiOfl: WaterDamage_Yes Valuation -3" b U 0 Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code ? SAC Units ? # of Units ? # of Bldgs 1 Type of Const .S - 8 Occupancy & ' 5 Zoning Stories Sq. Ft. Length Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Foo[ings (addiCion) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ? Framing Fireplace R.I. Air Test Final Y Insulation MCES System City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklered REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Sheetrock _ Final/C.O. ? Final/No C.O. ? HVAC Other Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone La[h _Brick _ Windows Retaining Wall Approved By: Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S8W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 07 05-plex ? 08 06-plex ? 09 07-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 12 12-plex ?D?a? x?, zooo RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAI, PraMrr Al'rLzcATIoN Ciry orragan 38311 Pilnk Knob Road, 1'sngRn NTN 55,122 Tclephone # 651-675-5675 I l;i ti ? i? t'he Adt ? -C Aoi 19?a,v; cnniplclc liir: siu!,Ir, Iautily dwellin;,s k' Iomihoine.0cmidns when perinilx :u'c rcyufreJ Ibr c;ac6 unit ??50 c VV ? ? pen)' O?rner jl'i?l`f? ? dL (??Y 6???rFt?- - ? ----------- ----------- I'elep6one # _ ,/ ---- rtrarfnr - ---- ?,ed Add,e,s _ (:i,Y ' !:ilc ?/?---- -------- . - -- ';,, / ??le,,ho,le ft ,9b3 , 5?v-_1L6 fouut: eai,ii•e,: ------- ------- ----- 11 -? - ---- ' _ .-------------- -------- ------ ------ - .. :\ppiir:mtis Oxi?ner rnuimctor (nhcr ????? I -on or alfcratinn fo cxisfiu? d?yelling miif / ;p.pp ? rumace -? Additional _Replacement New Fiir exr,hanger sjircanditioner ? heat pump `4-o 1 IQ'Y-r- U Q0-01_ 1 WPA -? ? --- - ?•.tin???n:???e?, - - ? ;o ------ - - ? i - --- -- ,h . . ?O S? , I hri,.h, opply liir 9 Reeideminl Machanicid Permit ,md ncknowledgr. that ihc infnrma[inn is compiete and accurate; that the work will 6c, iu confinniancc xvillt llia ordiuances amd codss nf Ihe ('.ity nf F:agau ind wiih the Mechanical Codes that I unders[and this is nol a iwimit_ hut only an npplici[ion foi i pumiL and wak is not to starl utthnui a peimrt; that tLill be in accordance with tho i i?veJ ??I in in ihe c;tse. ol wnrk ??hich iequites i ifview nnd approval ul l?- - - \ pp! icanl :s I'rinted Name pplicanl's Si!?natmre ?S3o? ? so. so Qd v t-SA 2006 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PiLOT KNOB ROAQ, EAGAN MN 55122 651-67:f-587S ?.px GSs1, 6-? 4 Plcacc completg for rtwdifications to wxisting r?es ??ti ellings. Date??-? Z.D4 (P Site Street Address, A(2, q 2 PropeAy Own.w contruMor V\ ¢. JilP? Address l l02 S "-""4, \D N E- The App?icant is: „ Owner ,Dri?f- unn a 7elephone # ( ) i. Telephone# (7?? ?$3- 90?0 _C???AYL ?at1C gtate riLr? r'P ?ry3z ?ortractor _UMer In sfurbished SuDmit 2 sets 01 plans and MPC tfcense GudE 0County 0.00 plteratians to enistlntl dwelling ? Add plumbing fxture5- This fee includes installation of a water softaner andlor water heatsr at the same tlme. H you are fnsta8?n9 onlv e?vater softener and/or waier h82tC?, d0 not CAmpl8t0 (hls secliun; mo`ie tc the ncM soction and cheCk tha appllance(s) you are installing. Septic System Abandonmerrt +Water Turnaround (add $130.00 if a 518" meter is required) Other: Water 5oftener ? naw 1Plater Neater _, reptacement rP? lnQW ^repair ,rebuild Lavvn Irrlgdtlon _RP2 B?+T?_ ? State Surcharga ? ?A *400 $ 30.00 $ .so ToWl ?and accurate; tnac uie ? t hereby aPP Y ?j for s RaeidenUal Plumning Nermn and acknovaledgg that tne mformanon ?s v' ` the work will be In ?ntormance with the ordinal es?n ?r ?p ?' W? slt?o` t s? ?W?th ut a pg?m alnd work vnll betin codes; understand this Vs not a pem'ut, but only an app' ? accordance `?'??? ttte approv?ed plan in ehc ovent a plan is rwqu;icant's bs reYiewed and a roved. ? OZ. M<<Gn?L?l.d' ? ?m Q Z Signature ApplicanYs Printed Name O -? $ 50.00 29 . . ? $ 15.00 T0 39C7d NI SMI112135 9NIHWfI-id 180608LE9L TS :Z0 900ZI8ZJ60 580608L£9L Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use 1 I Permit City of Eaon(an Yt ' W Permit Fee: 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 I Date Recei e 1 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Staff: Fax: (651) 675-5694 I - 2011 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Tenant: Suite RESIDENT OWNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: CONTRACTOR Name: `A--e1►,4-aV i P1 Vr-161 ~ License 0677 16S3_~5_ Address: Q, 1F V ~ 51" e ~ L I D ~ City: State:, A) Zip: $y ZJV Phone: 5 5-A-2161-®12-$ ,t,t Contact / I i Email: TYPE OF WORK _ New _ Replacement Repair - Rebuild V_ Modify Space - Work in R.O.W. Description of work: PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL Water Softener Water Heater X Add Plumbing Fixtures Main Lower Level) Lawn Irrigation RPZ PVB) Septic System Water Turnaround _ New _ Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimum Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $35.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $5&WAdd Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround* (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) *Water Turnaround (add $166.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) T0xiol $105.00 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $5.00 State Surcharge) $95.00 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES $ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aopherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work i t to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval pla . x U~~ . /`1 nfi1 x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In Air Test Gas Test Final Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use I j Permit CA/ 5 City of Eap I Permit Fee: V I I I 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 I Eagan MN 55122 - i Date Received: l Phone: (651) 675-5675 1 staff: 1 Fax: (651) 675-5694 i - 2011 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1 rn / Date: ZZ 61 - Site Address: 4ay.2 Dawg Unit#: SI - 6 $(o ' S~ g Name: H ftgO N + 1~1 0"J e&4 Lky Phone: 10 RESIDENT / ~ OWNER Address / City / Zip: Z 4t Z dilly g~OA) E Q r2\ U~ L► V9 Crt9 N APplicant is: Owner Y Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: K I = tj'sti nG YYto Wr' L._ ) Construction Cost: 3S ~ Multi-Family Building: (Yes No-)( Company: L-LtJ J AC 1~ S Contact: S tq R~ Lill p-&-Nr rd Address: 02 f C1 S ~-CJ . ( 3 - sr City: E CONTRACTOR State: AAA Zip: 5 53 ° Phone: - '~&q 0 - '!57 800 4o3-! License / -s- -:3 6 Lead Certificate N 4T If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes -No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: I Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www oopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that 1 understand this is riot a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exteriorwork authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 se days of permit issuance. 1l ~ 6 x N Iw S,ple~s 6y S~w* )-otac)-ir x / L., S Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Sig tore Page 1 of 3 ' r v! ~ooo DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES _ Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Storm Damage Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) _ Exterior Alteration (Single Family) _ Multi _ Deck _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Exterior Alteration (Multi) _ 01 of Plex _ Lower Level Pool _ Miscellaneous _ Accessory Building WORK TYPES _ New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building" _ Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof Demolish Interior Alteration Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage Retaining Wall "Demolition of entire building -give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation Occupancy n%/ 4- MCES System Plan Review Code Edition od j6~ 2a? V-7) SAC Units (25% 100%)C) Zoning city water Census Code Stories Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Meter Size: Footings (Deck) Final I C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation HVAC , Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Drain Tile Other: Roof: -Ice & Water -Final Pool: -,Footings iAir/Gas Tests -Final Framing Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: -Rough in -Air Test JFinal Windows Insulation Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Sheathing Radon Control Sheetrock Erosion Control Reviewed By: , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge jVwfi~N) Plan Review Ze` MCES SAC tip Al City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit 8 Surcharge ~ Treatment Plantf C~ Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Mechanical Eagan. Permit Number: EA101579 Date Issued: 10/14/2011 OR Permit Category: ePermit 40~ it~ of E3 E Site Address: 4242 Moonstone Dr Lot: 24 Block: 2 Addition: Cedar Grove 2nd PID: 10-16701-02-240 Use: Description: Sub Type: e - Gas Line Work Type: New Description: Stove Comments: Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to Mark Anderson. State Electrical Inspector. (952) 445-2840 Mike Lutz 15021 Manitou Rd NE Fee Summary: ME - Permit Fee (Replacements) $50.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 Total: $55.00 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Genesis Heating & A C Aaron McCauley 1021 lolanitou Rd 4242 loloonstone Dr Prior Lake NIN 55372 Eagan NIN 55122--204 (92)447-3762 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Cite of Eagan Ordinances. ApplicantiPermitee: Signature Issued Bv: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Mechanical Permit Number: EA105563 Date Issued: 0711912012 itj of 0n Permit Category: ePermit R Site Address: 4242 Moonstone Dr Lot: 24 Block: 2 Addition: Cedar Grove 2nd PID: 10-16701-02-240 Use: Description: Sub Type: e - Furnace & Air Conditioner Work Type: New Description: Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments: Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to Mark Anderson, State Electrical Inspector, (952) 445-2840 Fee Summary: ME - Permit Fee (Replacements) $55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 Total: $60.00 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Apple Lake Heating & Air Conditioning Aaron McCauley 207 150th Street West 4242 Moonstone Dr Apple Valley MN 55124 Eagan MN 55122--204 (952) 431-4328 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA115697 Date Issued:09/30/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4242 Moonstone Dr Lot:24 Block: 2 Addition: Cedar Grove 2nd PID:10-16701-02-240 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Jolene Mehle 17484 Goodland Path Lakeville, MN 55044 Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$55.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Aaron Mccauley 4242 Moonstone Dr Eagan MN 55122--204 Dakota Water Treatment 17484 Goodland Path Lakeville MN 55044 (952) 953-4643 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature