4279 Moonstone DrCITY OF EAGAIV Remarks C2dar Grove Acquisition Addition -- Ced2T Grove #2 Lot 1 8 aik 2 Parcel 10 16701 180 02 Owner /'.f ' Street 4279 Moonstone Dr. State Eagan, Mrr 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREETSURF. 985 1985 1266.95 84.46 15 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL 1972 1304.00 52.16 25 7 WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL 1972 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUII,DING PER. SAC i PARK EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT n - Ownex _._. S??---vC ?? -? ? L/ 7q - - - -- - ? ---- Address (Presen2) --?"'s?r.._--{.----' ' -- ' -- -- -'----------- ------------ Builder --....//.?p ?? ? _ . `...i,l??--'r--'?"_------------ ._' Address --------'-??""`-? ------------ ..____..-'------ DESCRIPTION N° 1211 Eagan Township Town Hall Dale T ................... Sfories To Be Used For Froni Death I Heighf Esl. Cosf Permi! Fee Remarks _ LOCATION Sfreei, Roatl or oiher Descripfion ef LocaTion I Lo! I Slock I Addi4ion or TraeY /e I ';?- I ? ? ;&- ?)-- This permiY does nof aufhoriae the use of slreeYs, roads, alleps or sidewalks nor does i3 give the owaer os his agenY the righ! !o create any sifuatian which is a nuisance or which presenls a haaard io the healih, safety, aonvenienee and general welfare to anyone in the communiYy. THIS PERMIT MUST ., KEPT ON TIi P19EMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is 2o cerlify, ihat?r.---- ------- 63_-6.ce-?has permission io erect a........ ..-- ........... ........ .. ........upon She above described premise subjec! !o the provisions oI the Building Ordinance for Ei Townohip adopled Apxil 11, 1955. /f/J ..--'---....--'--------YS.ty-"'-`?-`--=?.-¢`??.fi?-- ............. Per .---------..... ..(?C_...r.?.t:?__.(/?- -°--'-'°°- Chairman of Tnwneo,?zd 8uildin Ins ecYor 'r5 EAGAN TOWNSHIP BLJILDI?VG PE921r11T n ?_ Address Builder Address DESCAIPTION N° 678 Eagan Township Town Hall ae:9/Z??--°?--- ._....-- SSaries To Be Used For ? Froni Depih HeighS Es1. Cos! I Permii FeeI Remarks ^ Sfreei, Road" or olher DescripSion oi Loeation I LolS I Elock I Addifion or Trac2 1'his permif does not auihoriae the use of slreels, raads, alleps or sidewalks nor does if giee the owner or his ageni the sight io creafe any situation whiah is a nuisance or which presenls a haaard !o the healYh, safety, convenience and general welfare fo anyone in the communiTy. THIS PERMIT MUST PT TH E FsSKHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRES , This is !o ceriifp, fL . .,e? .M..?.has permission !o erec! ? .:. . .......... . . ...?p _......._.p ..upoa the above described premise subjeet fo the provisions of the Building rdinance^ for !ed A ril 11. 1955. Chairman of Town Board