4734 Narvik Dr. CIT'V OF EAGAN ? 3795 Pltot Knod Road Eegan, MN 55124 ?,, ?? PHONEs 454-8100 _ Receipt ?£ Site Address+ /3 4 iv arv 1 tc !1r . Erect xg Occupnncy 12.1 Lot?- Block 7 Sec/Sub. Park Ridge Alter p Zoning g1 Parcel -()- Repair 0 Rre Zone N11 Enlarge ? Type of Const. J,( W NameY.evin 3: Dianna Hirsch Move ? # Stories z Addreas 2044 Oakdale #218 Demolish ? Length_5I? r-:... /St. Pniil nL-___ 451-8924 Grode n Depth 24 Sa. Ft. =p Name ! Address ?- r:.,, Ri Name _ Address Permit 9A3 _ ,l() Surche?ge 1) 5 - c7n Plon check ] bt _ Sn SAC )5_r?n Water Conn,G Sn _ 00 Water Meter 60- 00 Road Unit ? 5?0 I Total 1.1734 - 50- Siflnoture of cll work sholl be Buildirg Official State on the exprcss condition thm Stofutes and City of Eagan Ordirmnces. Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder Plumbin9 Co£ pz H.V.A.C. Well Watar Disp. Sewer - EleM.it waqg8 b.?L ?i dc? -r z?3 Inspection Date Insp. Other Footinga -3 Foundetion r Freming Rough Plbg, ? ?;/_ ? Rough HVAC Inwlation ? Final Plbg. d_ . Finat HVAC . Final Wator Desafbe Location: VYell ? Sewer , Pr. Disp. Receipt l' MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee (i Fill in numbered spaces S/C ' Type or Prini /egib/y Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address 'f ,: -% L*z__ Lot ? Bik. I? Tract 4. Owner • ? 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential Q Commercial O Institutional ? 9. Work Description: N ew El Add Cl Alter O Hepair ? 10. Describe - ; ? Fuel Type ' ; -_? •. : 1 11. No, EQuioment STU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Air Handlin : Mfg. g Boilers Mfg. 4 Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other - Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. t hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for RouOh ; Final Inspections: Date ___ Insp. Date Insp. I This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt fz -7 PLUMBING PERMIT CITY aF EAGAN Fill rn numbered sioaces Type or Print /egihly 1. Date 2, Installation Cost /) 3. Job Address ,'?i, X?Lot i Blk. act 4. Owner 'Li)'=' - cli iI/ r?j 5. Contractor h Phone?T `f <L_ 6. Address 7. CitY `z State :17 1l_/ Zip - r ? 8. Building Type: Residential Gi:- - Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New e'fAdd ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11 No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield % Bath tubs 5eptic Tank Lavatory $oftner Shower Wel I ? Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other ? Laundry Tray i Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. ! Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. 1 hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for • '' Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN Addition n,.,.. DGE 1ST ADDN i c.. Lot 1 Blk NARVIK 9?111116 Parcal 10-56750-010-07 Q+- EAGAN hIIV 55122 ---_. ......,.. skw ..,.,... Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. t'? t 1985 491.99 d Tt 32.80 15 102.91 C00 902 10-23-84 &ft*Mt"G' Sff 1985 389.0 25.94 15 SAN SEW TRUNK 71 1982 147.21 9.81 15 117 1--83 SEWER LATERAL C 120.23 C009902 10-23-84 WATERMAIN WATERLATERAL yc 396.35 C009902 10-23-84 WATER AREA 1982 147.21 1 15 117-78 3 12-9-83 STORM SEW TRK 517 1,985 370.93 24.73 15 370.93 C009902 10-23-84 STORMSEWI.AT 985 109.58 7.31 15 109.58 C009902 10-23-84 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD IAVI'T 250.00 37374 7-21-83 WATER CONN. 00.00 BUILDING PER. SAC 5.00 PARK TY OF EAGAN WATER SERViCE PERMIT 130 Pilot Knob Road 0. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: - -r!-? 1'4 gan, MN 55121 DATE: ci-17 ? ni^fl: , ., No. af Units: 1 Addresc 4736 :?arvik Drive L1 B7 Park Ridae iber: Star P No.. No.: h eMPlY whh fle Cih? ef Eegoe Connection Chcrye: 450.00 pd Account Deposit: Permit Fee: _ 10. Qn pti_ Surohorge: _ 50 ?l Mtsc. Chorpes: 60. 00 pd Total: ? Dote Poid: CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Zanirg: RZ Q,,r,ner: Ruscc Address: 4734 Site Add Plumber: I eQroe M eomolp w!!li tiw Ckp of Eagan Ordinenoes, By Dcte of Insp.: SEINER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: . No. of Units: 1. Gonnecrian Choroe: 425. 00 P?_ /\coouM Deposit; Permit Fee: - ' SuKF10rp0: . ' ?Misc. dharpes: Totd: CITY OF EAGAN BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION Include'Z sets o? l?s, "'7? 1 site plan w/eleyationp & 1 set of energy calculations. D, Zb Be Used For Sin le il-v 4-GaValuation ?rss.n Date Site Pddress: 5AWlarvik Drive Iot 1 Block 7 Sec./Sub. vark uidgP Erect ? Parcel #: Alter Repair Osmer: Kevin & Dianna. Hirsch Enlarge - - Nbve Pddress: 2044 Oakdale #218 Demolish City/Zip Code: St. Paul, MN 55118 Grade `7 -f R-S' '!k OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy 3 Zoning / Fire Zone Type of Const. # Stories ? Front ft. Depth ft. Phone #: 451-8924 APPROVALS FEE'S Contractor: guscon Homes Address: 1000 E. 146th St. City/Zip Code: Burnsville. MN 5q37 Phone #: 432-1433 Arch./Eng.: phillips Pla.n/ Probe Ensineerin? Address: 1000 E. 146th St. City/Zip Cocie: gurnsville pho.e #: 432-2044 / 432-3000 Assesst[ents Pesmit Water/Sewer Surcharge ? s - Police Plan Check ? Fire SAC Sa Eng. Water Conn. t/SO ? plannps Water.Meter ffi 60 Council Road Unit tf SU `'? Bldg. Off. - 7,10 " APC 'IbTAL ? ?? " CITY OF EAGAN ?T 1795 PSt Kno! Rood Fegen, MN 53112 l? v PHONE: 454-8100 • BUOLDIAlG. PERMIT Rece+or # 2?jxl ?? Te be aed fer SF DWG/GAR Est.Volue 50,000 pote 7-lp a ? 1 y 83 StM Addrcss4734 Narvik Dr. Erw 9 U Occuponcy R Lnt 1 Bloek 7 5oc/Sub. Park Ridge Alrer ? Zoning R7 Pnrcel # 10- Repoir ? Fire Zone NA Eniorye ? Type of Const. u Na?Kevin & Dianna Hirsch Move ? # Stories = qddmss 2044 Oakdale #218 penmUsh p Length 56_ 9 Ci /St. Paul phone 451-8924 Grode ? Depth 24 Sq. Ft._ o N? Ruscon Homes Avvrevab Faea ?? Addfett 1000 E 146th St ? ci Burnsville phoM 432-1433 GW Name Phillips P1anAYProbe Eng Address iooo E iabcn sc x? o-1W .,_. Burnsville e..___ 432/20441432-30D 1 hereby acknowladgs that I hove reod this oOPlicatim and stote that the informotion 7s corcect ond agree to comply with oli upplicoble Stote of Minnesota $tatutes and City ot Eagen Ordirwnces. Asseument warer & Sew. Police Fire Erp. Plannar Council Bidg. Off. APC Permit 283.00 surcno.ge 9 S . n0 Plon check 1 47 _ 5(1 yAC 525.00 Woter Conn.450.00 Woter Meter F()- ()() Rood Unit 25n nn Totol $77 1, 50 SlpnMurc of Pertnittea 1 A Buiiding Pertnit is i ro: on ths exqfress Condition Ihoi oll work sholl be do i rd ith limbla 5 qf i newta StMUtes and Ciry ot Eapon Ordimrxes. Buildirg Offleiol ? ? { This request'void Q -? Z ra n,oncns rrom W098539 L1, g? Parl! 2? c1Te- 3?' S &.-', S a Request Date ' ?, ?? ? fire No. Rflo yuiugh r -i edn? Inspection ?ReaAy N'o . lnspec- w ??I Nptitv. Wfi ? ? J es ?NU ?r en ReadY LicenseA Electrical Gontrecmr I hereb y request ins0ection of above 0 Owner _ electncal work instellad aY 5Veet Addre ?a or oute No. ? ? Ci[y ' ???%%- ?C/ / G?•• . ecLOn o. Tow ship Name or No. . Range No. County OccuVan1 INT) Phone No. q Power Sup er / / C. Address Elect?i?ai C a?tor (?moan N???? C CO ??s LicyCngN } ?-- J 0 Mailing Address ?ConVacto or Owner Making Instail tiooN / 1 AuMorized Si? wre onha/ctor/O ner Ma//kI???' B Installali ) Phon umbGr ??? ? ?Z?:? MINNESOTA STATE BOF ELECTRICITV . THIS INSPECTION flEQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Mitlway Bld9. - Room N•791 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOAND 1821 University Ave., St Paul, MN 55704 UNI,ESS PftOPEA INSPECTION FEE IS _, ,-,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ' See instmctions tor comoleting this form on back of yellow covV. Be(ow 4York o?red by This Reyuest . EB-OOWt-.•? a? 3%S3S Add R.P. Typ¢ oi Building Apnliances Wiretl lquipment Wired / Home Ranye Temporary Service Dupiex Water Heater Li( .3htiny Fixtines Apt. BuilAing Dryer Electric He2tin Commercial 81dg. Furnace Silo Unloade.r Industrial Bidg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm otner peo v Othm (suuciN) ( P.f S4ICGIIY OLhC( 01111:1 Compute lnspection Fee Below q Fea Service EnbaneeSize q Fae Faedars/SUbfeetlur # Fee Circuits U ro 200 Am s 0 to 30 Amps 9. 0 tn 30 Am>s Fabove 200 qmps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 qm s Swimming Pool H Above 100-Amps Abuve 100_Amps Transiormer5 Irrigation Boorr?s C Partidl'Other Fee Signs Special Inspection S 0 ` - T Rerrorks 3$ ? i flouBh-in r D";41 cepBCtor, hetehy rtify that the nbove Final r pection has been r ae. rmxranuastvolel8montRStrom ? . W60E coNSULriHa lNOtH[tllS PNGINEEAING PLAHN!!fS end LAND SUAVIYOIiS COMPANY, lNC. L .I000 [AST ?46% iTRCCT, SUIINSVILLL, MINNCSOTA 43313T PH 43Z-3000 cep-,r f Qz su.f-x-c y ;d?r ,?leLt'?p?fass ; L-oT I, 8 Lcc9. -7, PARV- R,We DAic.ora, ?.ounl N, rHi.J??eS,rq, _ . L7,o? .._.. . _ . ..... - ?• 9Z8•o? L?y ,` , • L? 304?icpiN6 S[T3ACY. ? a d / ? ? L ?i 17 ?- i The <1 V-? \0 ? 4 ?s \ ?? i. .. `71 4 3, ?o Q •82 ? ? o . ?6,a ,h-=t ? \ NoRT+h ?. ? SCALE: I"= 30' i ? ?S3 fG` ? \ 913.0 BEa2rtiv1 srrowO tlpE ASSVMFD > >DENOTFS MONUMFNT SET ? ? 9Z3 n? 04 ?-? is ' D£NG7"ES MON V rn Erd7 r?JU p DFNOT[S DIKi-cY?ON OF uKUlNA?oc ? \ -Lil 1nli5tt bA067E FtOotf ELGJATION 'aa OFnIOTES EXIS'IiNi9 E?-E?• OEN ?t'fS p+?0?oZ?? FIFV. ??rs i7Y EaSe?neni?- ? ,- '?pi\\ \ . - ?? I httybr certify lhat this iN 4 true and carrtet r+presentAtion ot a traet ot land at shown' and CeRCriDed her*on,. hN prepared by me on this i0- dar ot svLy ? 19 !93 1. Total exposed wall area ...... 1JJ 6 Z sq. ft. x .if3 ° 3 3 5•/6 , 2. Total roaf/ceiling area ..... 9614 sq. ft, x .04 ° y?S Tatal exposed wall area above ftoor = I66I.2 a. Total wall window area ..................:........ I Z 9•2 b. Total door area ................................. 3 S ' c. Tatal sliding gtass door area .................... . B? -- d: Total fireplace wall area .................'.:..... -- e. Total wall framinq area (average ifl%) ...:........ i'V/.2 __ f. Total net wall area`abave floor ................. i= 7 0•8 g. Total rim joist area ............................ 99. L Tota] exposed foundation area = q S-2 , . h. Total foundation window area..................... ? t. Taal net fovndation area abvve grade ............ q S• Z Determine "U" value of each wall segment. a. /29•2 X "U" .SS = 9/.06 b. 3 8 X"U" •/39 = S• 29 c. - S 9 xliU" . S = Ny d. " X Ituil _ e. /?II•2 X "U°./2 = /6•94/ f. 1270. $ x"U" • OS = 9y-97_ g. 99.6 Xlou,t . 05 = y•98 h x „u„ i. 95•2 x "u" •469 =- y4v•65? 3 ......... ............ / 8 ...........Total = 2 6 J• ? Ff item 03 is the same as, or less than item #1. You have meL the intent of SBC 5005(c)2. • Total exposed roof/ceiling area = B 64 . Total gross roofJce9ling area = 8 6y ". , .? . ?. J. Total skylight area ..:. :........:....... - g ........ _.. k. Total roof/ceiling framin area . 8 6•'/ 1: Totat net insulated roof/ceiling area..:.... 47 7 t. Z Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segment. _.. _ ,:,--. .! ... X ssUli _ •_ k. ?6. y X liu" •w35 3 •02 1. 7'I2.2? }( 11 u??. ,O3 = 23.2 4.....................?? y.........Total ° - Z2 if totai af #4 is the same as, or less than 02, you have met the intent af S8C 6006(c)i. ? To utilfzed the total envelope system method, the values.established by tfie sum of items #3 and $4 shall not be greater thars the sum of itens #1 and #2. 1. + 2. _ 3. + 4. _ MATERS6LS Therm. &esistance "R" Exterior Air - .I 5lding MateTial •yS Sheathing 2. 06 Insulation - ?? SheetroCk • y5 Interiox Aix • i. g staes 4.3 9 Rim /. B 9 Conc. Blks. /•Z 8 WENZEL ` MECHqNICAL & HILITE ELECTRIC \V mt L) i BT 3600 Kennebec Drlve Eagan, Mlnn¢sota .55122 452•1565 TO: ?i±19 OP `t` ""_ f?D ATTN.: E_ SUB.iECT: 1 Gentlemen: ? ENCLOSED ? UNDER SEPARATE COVER DATE: ? 0=&:: B-3 --,T?I,WE ARE SENDING ? WE ARE RETURNING -I!].FOR APPROVAL ? FOR FABRICATION REMARKS: ? APPROVED FOR SHIPMENT ? FOR YOUR INFORMATION VERY TRULY YOURS L ?j CA-7ZO ? ) \1 Bv rwr}* ?`"3tr'r w?po?`?Re? ? ?ey? Y r ? waa? ` 3.. . OWNER ....., . . . , FIHi171056' bATk NT6. INST: 3i11.D BY . . ... ' . ^ , , . .. , _ _ INSTALLED BY ? ?? ? ?19 4 Elechleol Wwk By - . . . ?.. :. Gas LiM By TYPf OR HEAT GA --FA-_HW -STEAM -SPACE MTR. -UNIT HTR. -.07HER GAS DES16N . CONVERSION MAKE ?? ? . MAKE OF BURNER Mad?i ?LIA f'?817 n Modsl Serial R Max. BTU Rot{np INPU7 MAKE OF FURNACE Modal A CONTROLS THERMQS-TtAT Heat PI Wm Size .Vefw 1N"? ? KIND OF LINER SIZE NONE `T? ? ! iMt Drah Nood . Ragulamr .L . • o Lim$S?MM?Filf?rs ${zs Numbar fan Settinp Chimnay Lxotfon Inaids Oufaida Pilof lype . Chimnay CooatruNion . Pllor Make - Pilet Modd - 1 . Smoks Bomb ?-~ Wiring l/ Pilof Timing Drdh TeaT Taq ,f L.W. Cuf Off . Dex Prossurs ?QL'iqhtinp lnst. Procaun PereeM C02-??e?! Da» Tesred ?????/ Irpuf CFH Q , ?P.revnt O2Fm w_ ?mpany Teafing-.== 4_Sbek T?m?. ?--Pwmnt CO lrJ.? Nams of TesNr Fwm 235 ,f "? y.. , . ? ) 4 Y a yy j,.?'i?.? F 3 4 s? ?? ?Q? P` 4.: 1? •? :€ tr p .e H''??' • N . . 4 ?` ?? } ?i ! f ?'? ? .Y ?'?4 1'?. .. . . . . ?„' ??` x ?', ?1? . . . . - ?.." .. ? .'< ? . . . . . , . .?-. - . .,. . - .. . - ? . ? ? PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA117463 Date Issued:10/18/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4734 Narvik Dr Lot:1 Block: 7 Addition: Park Ridge PID:10-56750-07-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Ted Mckinney Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Eric M Larson 4731 West Wind Trl Eagan MN 55122 Cityside Exteriors 1623 Norwood Dr. Eagan MN 55122 (651) 379-9899 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature