3195 Neil Armstrong Blvd? - • INSPECTION RECORD 7 •?R1! Ltilrl?i '?? CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: y 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: APPLICANT: , f R AF1M•; ? aa?a?? Hi vrt I Atif+Nl?At E, C Ol'tf1rlf+ATF i i" NT f ft i 46 7-??9??"c . PERIIAIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION .A • DA rr e e4 n tt k?: :'; ?- e., F• t ri P ? `j1g7 ? l C44- ? D ? e Permit No. Partnit Holder Date Tilephona # ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC ' Inapection Dats Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBiNG PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVG TEST b- . INSUL GYPBOARD FIHEPIACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FiNAL PLBG v FINAL HTG C LG ? /? ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL 30 ? y7 sp y g GO ? GI t/-? % - o ? TeS ? c0'?14 1CIA f.-.. ?o re 6 ,fi °? INSPECTION RECORD ` CITY QF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: '`g q 7 f, Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: ' (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: i N! 11 AkM:";1'R11Nti NLV11 -:,k'.. . ': ., f AhANitR1 F t tfkPORA1t. (;F'NTF R ( bi;zi 4SI-b993 . PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: ? • ? r ! i '? ? . ! I : ? i :( I ? 1 ? ' . INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPTR. INSPECTIO / • ! . f 7 f 1 1 ? _ ? - _.. .. . ? 14 U e t , r Pertnit o. Permlt Holder Date Telephone N ELECTRIC 116 9pQg G C? u.6. Gpft PLUM8ING HVAC . Inapectfon Dats Inap. Commanta FOOTINGS ?"Il/f ? l ? (°? G; eOl FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUI GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL T ??(6 liiy _ Ll BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTQ DECK FINAL ,, - l5 7 ?o?iec ?o ?rw 1 swn.f Ql -71`17W' SITE ADDRESS 8 Sect./Sub. Unit # Permit # INSPECTION INSPECTOR DATE CQMMENTS- ., T/F 2 T y" y7 - - G' Ci •? f?/ / Ll i- G ??uJUfer Seiy?G? oott, /-97 510 • . G Ah- oc, /? ii ., a- ?• 1?! ?' ? . `_ ?slJ-r! e ? I3v-P . /j' r•.? / ,es s /7 OFFICE USE ONLV This request void 18 monlhs 6om wlidaHOn dole prinled in Ihis box ? / (n'irn n IIIII I?IIII?I?IIII I III IIII III II Ill??,a??l(Cit ?' ? ...-?... , V , * 0 4 6 9 0 02 0* PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Ree,oe`t DOne Roughin inspection reqoired? ? Yes ? No Inspaclion Oihxllion RaugMn: eody N. Q Will Co0 I ?You mus! call Ihe inspecror whm reody) Dak Reody: I, elicensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of the above electriml work aY. .01 , 8ox, or Roob No.) Ciy? 2 G't??L_ Zip Cade Seclion No. iowns Ip Name or No_ Range No. Fire No. Coony Occopom Q Phona Na. ier Addrev echim a acror mporry Name) Canha<br ticense No. AMsMr Lic. No. (Plom Elen. Only) ? AAOiling Address (Conimctw or Owner Parlormbg InsmlloNOnl "G.? Y V` w C Amhaized Signalure Convacbr or Ownar Pe o n InsMllo?lon? Phone No. E 8/96 -1/STA116 -SEEINSTfiUCilON50NeACKOiYELLOWCOPV 469-0Q2 ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?I ? Minnesota State Board of Elec[riciry 1821 University Ave., Rm. 5-128, SY. Paul, MN 55104 '1Q6one (672) 642-0800 Home Duplex A t. Bld . Other: New Addn Commercial Industriol Farm Remod Re air Air Cond. Htg. E uip. Water Hh. Load Mgmf. Ofher: Dryer Ranye Elec. Heot Tem . Senice "X" obove the work covered by this requesf. En er remorks in Ihis space and on the back of the white copy only. Colculate Inspeclion Fee - This Inspection Request will not be occepted wilhouf IFie correci fee: Ofher Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuifs/ieeders Fee Mo6ile Hame Park Sfall 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps ? Sheef Lfg./Traffic Sig. Above 200_Amps Above 0-Amps Tmnsformer/Genewtor INSPECTOH'S USE ONLV ?,ql TO T/1? r?O Sign/Oudine Ltg. Xfmr. ? ti ? T r ?J Alarm/Remofe Control C Swimming Pool ( I hareb certi Ih /t I in le elecMC Ilalion dexri6ed herelo on Ihe doks sloted Irrigafion Boom paah4„ Poie S ecial Ins ecfion p p Investigalive Fee Final Dak 3 THIS INSTALLATION MAY 8E ORDERED OISC ECTED IF NOT C ED WITH 8 MONTHS. * Clty 0f EapIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone:(651)675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 n rE-- VE ll V [Er? OCT 1 7 2003 J ? _ _ __ _ __- _ _ ' _ ' _ _ _ ; I For_Office Use . ? 999 ? ' ?,? ? Permit I Pertnit Fee: ? I ? I Date Received: I ? 1 j Staff: L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2008 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: IDI I(OIOSS Site Address: '319S V36\ r,v t1?S! yUN1 vb Tenant: ?lrn Nt.A: ZtC . SWte#: 4 ro 'V -zr?c- Phone: N PROPERTYOWNER ame: Address / City f Zip: 145 e! I mo-k-Un t r V C t o on rac Applicant is: _ Owner TYPE OF WORK Description of work: ? ? 0'?QQ 0?? L7Y( u? (? LD 1CD) - T) Estimated Completion Date: ????L0& Construction Cost: ' ^ l ??dN IV1?Jt License #: N ( F CONTRACTOR ame: -- Address: 15M -f- City: State: Zip: Phone: _L?7"5Sr33a)ContactPerson: <,::?HV/ U 1'IC,Y) E,pERMIT TYPE IR WORK TYPE / F V Sprinkler System (# of heads ? -NeK' ?? Fire Pump - Addition - Alterations Standpipe Remodel Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _ Commercial _ Residen6ai _ Educational FEES $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) OR Contrect Value $ X 1% = g Permit Fee - If Perrnit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50. - If Perrnit Fee is >$1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each =$ State SufCharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a$1,001-$2,OOD Pertnit Fee requires a$1.00 surcharge). $ TOTAL FEE ?ya. o 314" Displacement Fire Meter- $183.00 $ Fire Meter $ TOTALFEE *Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fre Suppression System pertnit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurete; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesofa 8uilding[Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a pertnit, but only an appliption for a permit, and work is not to start without a pertnit; that the work will be in accordance with }he approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. n/? ^ XKl Po nrn? A A imev, ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Hydrostatic _ Trip Conditions of Issuance: Flow Alarm _ Pump Test _ Drain Test CenVal Station ? Rough in Final Permit Reviewed b • Date: _10 / ad /(OR ? CITY.OF..EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.c 10-22515-010-01 PERIVIIT PERMIT TYPE Permit Number: Date Issued: 3195 NESI. RRMSTftONG BLVQ LOT: 1 8LOCK: 1 • EAGANDALE CORPORflTE CENTER C ?- '7 41 3- ? y BUILDING 030076 06/02/97 DESCRIPTION: r?y?-„y OWOBOPTE 13,?6ildinV.-permit Type 6uild4ng LJ&rk Type ,`??$C Ciccupa?ncy'.? Gnnstr?uc?it+fa T?t"?;e ? Zoning • --.? , Building Le:ngth ? I?uz?.,#Yr+g Widtl=a BuiT4"irsg stari2s 'J"° C $10,617.?5 ir ? ? REMARKS: S & W PL6R - FEE SUMMARY: vALuRrr.oN 6ase Fee Surcharge SAC SAC q SAC Units 5ubtotal. ,Landscape C vkar V'ia Tt ?553 0. INDUS7RIES FUUNDATION NEW F2 81 S1 ZI-N I-1 4oo 21m i 61,432 3245 TNDUSTRTAL $10,000 CITY snc $1,10e.e0 S & W PERMIT $100.00 5 & W SURCi1ARGC $.50 TREATMENT PLANT $4,620.00 PARK OEpICATIQN $15,984.00 TRRSL DEfJ]:CA77:ON $4 ,39S• ee LANDSCAPE GUAR ?917-,3s Total Fee •? ? O!4 P? ps tranJerred +o Qlqn Qeu;ew Pae o., Sldg. Perm;? #?3oa77 o-F G^ecl;+ aeeepfee, Ror Iardscape 614ar CONTRACTOR: - Flpplicant - ,L/-iN6ER CONST 24575933 54 E MORELAND W ST PAUL MN 55404 '(612) 457-5993 OWNER: OWOBOPTE INDUSTRIES INC 3195 NETI ARMSTRONG BLVD EAGAN MN (612)586-0405 z hersby acknowledge [hat`Y 17au-e relod this .appl%caCzcan and state that the information io ?;nrr6Ct and a94e tb compjy: wit? al2 sppifcable State of NYn. StaCutes and City af Eagan Ordinances. ( A IC /P EE SIGNATURE 'ISSUED : SI VA UE ? $162.25 $5.00 $10,450.00 100 11 oofL1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 687 -4675 The following are required wRh appropriate certifiwtion for all new wnstruGion: 2 each: archdedurel plans; rtrech. 6 elec. plans; fire sprinkler plans; structural plans; site plans; landswping plans; grading/drainagelerosian wntrol plan; utility plan t each: set of specfications; set of energy calwletions; electrical power 8 lighting form; Speeial Inspections 8 Testing Schedule Letter from MGWS (phone #222-8423) indicating SAC detertnination Code analysis indicating: codes used; occupancy classifications; setbadcs; maximum allaweble area as per Building and City Codes along with sq. ft. per floor; type of construGion (synopsis of construction components) & any occupanq or area separation walls; occupancy loads; exit synopsis with a diagram indicating exking loads from each room or area, trevel paths & all reted cortidore; plumbing fixtures; and parking. DATE: '7 "'-4? 7 ' / 7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? WORK TYPE: ? HEnr i / av6<Y? /9A _ REMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST: ?j 700? ?Od TENANT NAME: ?Ll• ??'? ??? *P. ?n???S?,'?5 ZnC. SITE ADDRESS: LOT ? BLOCK ? SUBD. L69°^?Ie. Cdrn 6-7- ? P.I.D. # PROPERTY Name: _c 1--nG Phone #: OWNER ?* FIaa* Street Address: 3 1L 1221"r;a ( PGc>?? City: State: MN Zip: CONTRACTOR Company: GOn sa-,-uc.t-?o,-? Phone #: 'V57-59 9 3 StreetAddress: S?/ E More,la.fld- 40e ciry: I,A?, st, Arca-I zip: nrtCHITEC71 Company: 'j?-n [.. Phone #: '? 3 0-/ y 7p ENGINEER Name: /t-22,rJ Registration #: 3 z16) 0 Street Address: ?o D+-"ve- 42, 00 City: 57; ,?1?.U,/ State: mN Zip:ss/)a Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer & water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read tfiis_application and state that the information ' orrect and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Gity of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ;- OFFICE USE ONLY ? BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ,t^ 01 Foundation ? 19 Comm./ind. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE /110??,,,??,, dh ? ,?' 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL, INFORMATION Const. (Actual) ? Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System k' (Allowable) O?A/ First Floor sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy L<1 ?S--f sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. Census Code # of Stories sq. ft. SAC Code Length yoo sq. ft. ? Census Bidg. Depth 2/,p Footprint sq. ft. ,?/3Z Census Unit APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee IL2.1h Valuation: $?? Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC / 6 City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit /DD S/W Surcharge o 7reatment PI. Park Ded. 15 'Ry 3 Sz v o -?-,g«e . - Trails Ded. 4- Other Copies Total: % s,ac SAC Units Meter Size ¢1, LLOI? /06 15;.7 PERMIT .. 0- C?-/`q?3 y3z? ? CITY OF EAGAN ?a/?,7 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 0 3 0 2 7 7 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 7/ 01 J 9 7 SITE ADDRESS: 3195 NEIL ARMS7RONG BLVD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER p.T.N.: 10-22515-010-01 DESCRIPTION: OWOBOPTE Bvildin?l,,Permit Type Building-Wo.rk Type Occupancy":? r' Construction Typ,e z Q n°i:ng Building Len-gth Building Wiflth Byai'diit?g -t t :o,ries " Squd,re Feet z- Ce`"sl??? `d INDUSTRIES COMM./IND. NEW F2 B1 S1 II-N x-1 400 210 i 61,432 320 INDUSTRIAL ?V \ e t?Jfd ? ,. . f 1:e i. REAAARKS: S & W PLBR - FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $2e390s000 Base Fee $8,834.75 Plan Review $5,742.59 Surcharge $1.017.00 Total Fee $15,594.34 OK ee,^ Gu,c k. 9- Z-g "' 6S', $Sp000-0-f'rqnsf`errCcl Porv% 61d5. perrKi+#JCO74 ViA J G! 5530 I I?I _j_f?v1S7 rr L1tnd5c4 e u r'+'o n 1^ ? .eW. L.'eT'rrx o? rd-4 QeC cc? Y' CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - ' OWNER: "'^ se'04p-E LANGER CONST 24575993 OWOBOPTE INDUSTRIES INC G'A4M 54 E MORELAND 3195 NEIL ARMSTRONG BLVD Ia'ST PAUL MN 55404 EAGAN MN (612) 457-5993 (612)686-0405 I hereby acknowledge th:at I have read this application and state that the infcsrmation is corjrect and agree to c4mpl.y,with aiS.applicabla State af Mn. Statutes and C3ty of ES9an Ortlindnces. L APPLICANT/P EE SIGNATURE f\Nin R?akfYh'd ISSUED 6 SIG ATU-?? ? oa?? ? 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL)l? CITY OF EAGAN CeXJ 681-4675 The following are required with approprfate aertifieation for ali ngw consW ction: • 2 each: architectural plans; meeh. & elec. plans; flre sprinkler plans; shuctural plans; site plane; IandscaPin9 plans; grading/dreinagelerosion control plan; uGIKy plan ? 7 each: set of spedfiptions; aet oT energy nlwlaUons; ebctriwt power 8 lighting form; Spadal Inspections 8 Tesdng Sdedule ? Letter from MCfWS (phone #222-8423) indicating SAC detertninatlon ? Code anatysia indicating: codes usad; oaupanry daseiflcatlons; setbadca; mazimum ellowable area as per Building and City Codes along with sq. R. per floor, rype of conatruction (synapsis of tonstrudWn componenb) 8 any occupanq or area seperation welb; oaupancy loads; exd synopsis with a dlegram indieatlng exiting loada fran each room or eroa, trovel paths & all rated cortidors; plumbirtg flxtures; and parking. DATE: /I '_2q -17 WORK TYPE: _Y, NE1N _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -?GaJ Gtz?: I 1?-? CONSTRUCTION COST:jR?i DOQ ^'TENANT NAME:. SITE ADDRESS: k?tva .? ?!' LOTBLOCKSUBD. ?a 6s?& .c.orn ??`?• P.I.D.# .?;... PROPERTY `. "' NarY1B:°?.. ?,oE;,??Tn?.??f.?-.. r 7"r,c• Phone#:-<e g(o-(?YQS _.._OYYNER ..........__ ........_ _. _.___ . . ..,,,., ._. ._ . ? _ __ __ . . .__..__ .. ...-_ __ Street Address: 3??? S,'ble,r Me„or,al JVCVy City: ? n h rx,n State: mN Zip: I- ,v CONTRACTOR Company: La.ng,p_,r Gon s?-,-uc.tn?, Phone #: 17s7-S9 9 3 Garr? Rls??u. Street Address: Sy E!'1'Id,%6/a,0d_ 40e ? City: /.J. 1 Zip: SSJ/8 ARCHITECT/ Company: Phone #: ENGINEER Name: ?,r ?2?-? Je SS,'n 4 Registration #: Street Address:1a A,no City: state: MN Z;P:SSiI a % Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (ony ff installing sewer 8 water): 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read tFiis application and state that the information ' rrect and gree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Cily of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./lnd. 0 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Pubiic Facility 0 21 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ,* 31 New 0 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair ? 35 Tenant Finish a 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) :5;:A1 Basement sq. ft. - MClWSSystem (Allowable) ?,1/ FirstFloor.sq.ft. City,Water UBC Occupancy r 2?81;S-t sq: ft. ' Fire Sprinkiered'"" Zoning sq. ft. Census Code # of Stories ?_ - sq. ft. SAC Code Length yo? sq. ft. Census Bldg. ?/. Depth z/a Footprint sq. ft: "I , E-r z. Census Unit l _APPROVALS Planning Buiiding Engineering Variance ..... . ..._..._.. . :_ _ .. _ .._ . _ ___. ... _ _ _. . . ; ..... : ,. Permit Fee -- YS34'?, 7S - valuation: g - 2,3 ?'o ? Surcharge / 0/ 7. 06 Plan Review- s-2 (?a . .5. MC/WS SAC City SAC. Water Conn. S!W Permit /Od SNV Surcharge So Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. .S, 6 UVater`8 . Other o 0 o Ca..??c.? •> ec ?,•.: t Copies y ?'s9?C• Total: % SAC -TCIO "' GmlleGl a 0/7 ?QVHGYf?/??OS? verw• i ?f' SAC Units Meter Size 'Atkl /ak. sic:uAL BANh Wr:s r sr. P.aU 1. ioo si,n:,i t[iu, icest si. P.«il. M ` 35118 Fiix:til°_'SU6-1790 SOUTHVIESV 2060 South Rnbcr[ Su-eet \1'esc St. Paul. }f\ 55118 Fas: 612/306-I830 Fa(:AN 1270 1'ankee Doudlr Rd. Eagan. MX )5191 Reiail Fac: 6121;306-16I0 Commercial Fac:61?/106-16:i0 June 30, 1997 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 5549 Ciry Clerk Ciry of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 S.a\ AGF 12302 Prince« >n A%e. Su. Re: Sacage, }IN 53378 F1x: 612/306- I S80 Owobopte Industries, [nc. We hereby authorize you to draw on Signal Bank, Inc. of 1270 Yankee Doodle Road, Eagan, Minnesota, Five Thousand and no/100 ($5,000) available by your drafr at sight. A(1 drafrs drawn must be marked "drawn under Letter of Credit No. 5549, dated )une 30, 1997." The purpose of this Letter of Credit is to act as a guaranty to the City of Eagan that the terms of that landscape plan prepared by Damon Farber & Associates, dated April 10, 1997 on behalf of Owobopte Industries, Inc, are fulfilled in their entirety and in the event of the failure of Owobopte Industries, Inc. to do so, then the City of Eagan may draw against this Letter of Credit to ful£11 said terms. We agree that the Letter of Credit shall expire no sooner than 10/01/98, unless sooner re(eased by the Ciry of Eagan, but in the event that the terms of the above-mentioned Contract are not fulfilled, this Letter of Credit shall be automatically extended at its expiration date on an annual basis unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date we have notified the City Clerk by certified mail that we elect not to extend this Letter of Credit. Upon receipt of said notice, the City of Eagan shall be entitled to dnw at sight, by presentment of a draft or drafts prior to the date of expiration hereof, up to the full aggregate amount as set forth herein, less any reductions. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holder of drafrs drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored on due presentation to the drawee. SIGN NK, INC. l Nancy J. Aune ' Vice President Commercial Lending NJA1pam 6I 2/457- U i 6 ? CI1'Y USE ONLY L B SUBD. ?,?k . Gen,1L'?+Tl APPROVED YINSPECTOR RECEIPT #: / DaGJc?5 RECEIPT DATE I`3S- (j D PLUMBING PERMIT # 38 3 2000 PLUMSING PERMIT (COML CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT RiOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: all commerciaUindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate building permiB are not required for each dwelling unit installatlon of bacMlow preventer in coromercial areas or residential boulevards Date: 1-13-2000 Work Type: _ New Bldg. _ Add-on XXRepair _ U.G. Sprinkler Descriprionofwork: Install water softener and circulating pump To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call 681-4646. r4x-*j 1% of conlract price or $30.00 minimum ContractPrice: $ 1780.00 X 1% = g 17.80 RPZ Base Fee Water Meter: 2" Turbo - $897.00 unless plan approved for smaller size 1-1/2" Turbo - $ 726.00 Service: _ existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ new If "new service". contact Jerrv Wobschall. Finance Consu[tant, to confirm addin2 fees for: Water Permit & Surchazge - $ 50.50 Water Supply & Storage - $ 840.00 Water Treaunent Plant Charge - $ 492.00 cc: D3aneDowns, U1U11yBilting •undergraundsprLrklnparnuts $ 30.00 $ $ State Surcharee $.50 minimum; calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee Owobopte I 6ereby acknowledge that I have read [his applica[ion, state thaz the information is conect, and egree to comply wi[h all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibiliTy to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its nonnal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities consrtucted under this pennit within City property/nghtof-way/easement. sITEADnxESS: 3195 Neil ArinsCrong Boulevard TENANT NAME: INsTAr.LE1tNAME: Bredahl' Plumbing, Inc. STREET ADDRESS: 7916-73rd Averiue North Base Fee S 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Totel Fee $ 30.50 TELEPHONE#: 651/686-0405 (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE#: 612/424-2646 (AREA CODE) CIT'Y: Brooklvn Park STAT'E: MN j_ Zip; 55428 ? Ik"Z -ioVrUIRE n , .. . I ? OF PERMITTEE L BL CITY USE ONLY RECE[PT #: 0p/;?7az? '/? SUSD. (f/A.l?e"QX_ ?C?+"• RECEIPT DATE: 1997 fLUM$INfi PERM1T (COMME$CIiRL) CITY Of ElFfii4N 3$30 PILOT KNO$ RD ERfiAN, MN 55128 (612)681-4675 Please complete for: aIl commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate building permits aze not required for each dwelling unit backflow preventer to be installed in commercial azeas or residential boulevazds Date: f' 2-5-- qf/ Work Type: `? New Bldg. _ Add-on Repair Y U.G. Sprinkler Is Water Meter Required? Yes No Water Flow GPM To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11 68 1-4646. PEES 1% of contract price or $25.00 minimum Contract Price: $ x 1°/a = $ COMPLETE THIS AREA IF 1VSTALLING LIIVDERGROLIND SPRINKLER SYSTEM Service: ? Existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ New Backflower Preventer Permit Fee $ 25.00 $ z-?•O0 ' Water Meter 1" @ $185.00 or 2" Turbo @$846.00 $ Ig`n.O° !f "new service" add Water Permit $ 50.00 = WAC $ 780.00 = Water Treatment $ 420.00 = City Installed Tap $ 300.00 = Permit Fee State surcharge is $.50 per $ I,ODO of eD rmit fee or minimum of $.50 per permit State Surcharge $ 071.°0 3'o Total Fee $ g7l` ? I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibiliry ro notify the property owner that the Ciry of Eagan assumes no lia6ility for any damages caused by the Ciry during its normal operational and maintenance activiries to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITEADDRESS: c3199- NErL f?2?-+?srlLCa?l6 Igf-VD OWNERNAME: OLJOQOPT'ev` ZN,0 INSTALLERNAME: SLEtD4NL /'LH.'+?l3r+dG Zve, TELEPHONE#: 1.2-4-Z446 STREET ADDRESS: R4 AE'. 46e2r.I CITY: 73,4bptc(.ynl Awk. STATE: yYl n/ . ZIP: 5`? ?}2$ 15h SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY L BL ? RECEIPT#: F/ff a (?a SUBD. ?X3 • ? RECEIPTDATE: -2 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (672)681-4675 Please complete for. ? all commerciaVindustrial buildings. ? multl-family buildings when separate permits are ngt required for each dwelling UIIIt (3o DATE: 16 ' G' 7 CONTRACT PRICE: 2310600. WORK TYPE: X NEW CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT FEES: w $25.00 minimum fee gr 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 . State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of 2gM31 fee due on all pertnits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1 % PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL a3o. no ,6C) a3o.sn SITEADDRESS: t'-'z1gi L- ?0iihi 57?v-zl? '&1/0' OWNER NAME: O wQ 11b &T 0- Ta O VBIWqo'ELEPHONE #: TENANT NAME: (innPrtovetaerars oNLt) INSTALCER: ADDRESS: '=7 cirY: ?T• r /1?L STATE: ? ? • ZIP: ?- PHONE #: K;, SIGNATURE: 2er,? ? /d SIGNATURE ERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR 1'1_? L BL OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT #: W4(!P/ - SUBD. l?Cdci RECEIPT DATE: s?? 9 1997 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 5830 PILOT KN08 RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (812) 6874675 Please complete for: • all commerciaUindustriel buibings. • muRidamiy buiWin9s wMn xparate permits are gq= required for each dwellinp unit. • backflow preventer te he installed in commerGal ereas ar rosidential boulevards Dnre: s- 13 - 9? WpRK TYPE: New Const. Add-0n Repair DESCRIPTfON OF WORK: ?Ew ?oL"e.eT JeOCMf Q2a7PK ?PoaM trn/ks KX66NCY 6'"r60.n#rj rd.j w.r, IS WATER METER REQUIRED7 ? Yes _ No. ARE FLUSMOMETERS TO BE INSTALLED? ?C Yes _ No UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM INSTALLING METER? _x Yes _ No. NEW SERVICE? _ Yes _ No WATER FLOW: GPM. Pressure Reducing VaNe may be required A instslling new service - eonWd City's Engineering Department at 8814646. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE pBOVE INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN A DELAY OF METER ISSUANCE FEES Mlnimum fee of $25.00 or 7% of contract priee, whichever is greater. Mtnimum State Surcharge of $.50 due on all pertnits. CONTRACT PRICE: E 'It-9.0 6 00°6 x 1°k = $ S9? ?u COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF INSTALLING UNDER6ROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM BACKFLOW PREVENTER FEE $ 25.00 = $ WATER PERMIT (new service only) 50.00 = S WAC (new service only - par connection) 780.00 = S WATER TREA7MENT (new service only - per connection) 420.00 = $ CITY INSTALLED TAP 300.00 = $ METER: 7" = S785.00 , 2" TURBO = S846.00 = S PERMITFEE y FIOURE SURCHARGE AT 60 CENTS FOR EVERY $1,000 OF PERMR FEE DUE STATE SURCHARCaE $ • rU TOTAL $ I Asreby edcnowbdge that I have read this epplication, state that the irrtortnation is eorreU, end agree to compty with all appliceble City of Eagan ordinances. tt is Ne epplicanPs responsibilfly to notHy the properry owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liebilily for any damages ceused by the Clty during iGS nortnal operetionai and meintenance activitbs W Me taalitieAs wnstnicted under tAis permH wRhin City property/ripht-of-way/easement. SITEADDRESS: .7/ 9161ECt i/.?msTiZaJ4 Bcr.-, TENANT NAME: O W O I30PTE r'NQ u.ST7Qt E S STE. fl : OWNER NAME: INSTALLERNAME: IIP.81DA11L PLU7'3'IQ.r/V6 SNG. TELEPHONE#: 264(y STREETADDRESS 79/L 73 ?? /Q?e-, N+Rrq CaNrncr; CITY: 9400Kt-v" l0N-QK STATE: A.I. ?ZIP: SS4z? ??LI?S SIGNA? OFflCE USE ONLY • REVERSE SIDE OFFICE USE ONLY PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) METER SIZE Pl3Y Yes _ No !i Domestic ii Irrigation ? UTILITY CONNECTION IAPPLIES TO NEw cFavire nui vI 6EVfEWED BY Building In pect? To determine meter size 7 /???? Date • See if it is indicated on back of Building inspections card • Enter address in PIMS Screen 301 to obtain S&W permit # • Check PIMS Screens 110 (Remarks) • If gallons per minute are less than 25, a 1" meter will be required. If gallons per minute are more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. Consult with Plumbing Inspeetor It Lleensed Plumber does not know GPMs. Before sellina meter Check PIMS Screen 320 for aooroval of inspecdon results. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new serviee lines are not required, one check may be written for meter and permk costs. Write meter type and size on receipt, code to 3716-9220 (meter portion only), and forward copy to Utility Biiling Clerk. Eriter meter size, type, receipt #, date & amount paid on PIMS Screen 110. Copy of receipt should be given to Utility Billing Clerk. SAiscellaneous Infortnation The installer is to contact Building Inspections at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Public Works Department may be reached at 681-4300 for water tum-on. If ineter is over 5l8, call Public Works and let them know so they can tell you if they have one in stock before plumber goes over there. cirr use oNLY LBL ? RECEIPT#: / 7'a 7" 9 SUBD. RECEIPTDATE: 5cfs/9 7 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CfTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55722 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for. w all commerciaUndustrial buildings. P multi-tamily buildings when separate pertnits are IIQt required for each dwelling uniL 00 DATE: s - ?P 5F 7 CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: ? NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: fj U"g ? FEES: . $25.00 minimum fee g 1°k of conVact price, whichever is greater. • Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of °ermR fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% 16-/e ' d 0 PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL 1,60 /So`? 0, 0 d SITE ADDRESS: v / / S' Iv?EI-G AeMS/ /20 k) 6 OWNERNAME: CCOOF30`P7-L 12K9+, TELEPHONE#: TENANT NAME: (iMaaovEnnErurs oNLv) INSTALLER: • ADDRESS: ciTr: -5- ?i- ;?4 l•L? sTATE:1W /yj ziP: =629-" PHONE #: '41-s ? f?'fl SIGNATURE r /?fi SIC.,I ATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR 41, 131, ka?anJQde OArp. C4-I'. city of eagan MEMO TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAI. PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MIKE RIDLEY, SEIVIOR PLANNER DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK ROD JOHNSON, UTILITIES FROM: BILL BRUESTLE, SEIQIOR INSPECTOR DATE: Sep}. 117 1997 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION OF ? wo ?o -T Afe ?-hc? u s tr, e5 The Protective Inspections Division will be performing a final inspection of Ne;i llrmsTronG ??vc?• on Oc}. I 5 ? 1997 If you aze requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to retum the hold request form will be considered your approval. The person, or department, requesting the hold is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. /js 1S/forms.bid/tinal insp - comm bldgs it L Minnesota Department of Human Servites OCTOBER 7, 1997 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 - o RE: Zoning Notification of Application for Department of Human Services Program License This is to inform you that we have received an application program license under Minnesota Rules, parts 9555.9600 - 9555.9730, and 9555.8000 - 9555.8500 from adult, OWOBOPTE TRAUMATIC SRAIN INJURY PROGRAM - 3195 NEIL ARMSTRONG BLVD. NIId to provide adult day care services. for a EAGAN, Issuance of this license is subject to compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, 245A.11, as amended by the Laws of Minnesota, 1990, Chapter 568. If we do not hear from you within 30 days of receipt of this letter, we will consider thie facility to be in compliance with your local zoning code. Sincerely, ? Sheree er Division of Licensing 612/297-3528 ???di C7???[4--?. (.?• ? G7/CG? O G'L?' U? 5 r s. t ? ?IA?p g'?Pr fik ° ?? f {oi? ? 444 Laf¢yrttr Rnad Noirh • Snint Patd, Minnesutu • 55155 • An E'gualOppornrnity Employrr 'O'bicitVoFeagan THOMASEGAN Mayor June 11, 19I7 PATRICIAAWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMembers MR WARD A SESSING THOMAS HEDGES SESSING ARCHITECTS INC ary naminiso-otor 190 NORTHPARK CORPORATE CENTER E. J. VAN OVERBEKE 6 PINE TREE DR cirY clerk ST PAUL MN 55112 - - -RE: OWOBOET-EJ LOT 1, BLOCK 1, EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER Deaz Mr. Sessing: We have completed our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive and comprehensive report. It is our goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore, requesting that the following items be addressed: 1. Revise Sheet A-2 to include: 1) all occupancy classifications; 2) allowable squaze footage indicating method and code section allowing increases; 3) total building occupant load; 4) occupant loads of the raited and non-raited corridors; and 5) occupant loads of vocational rooms, conference rooms, DTH room and production room. This sheet should also include all the information provided in your June 2"d letter. 2. Verify that Room TS is provided with a minimum of 3/4 C.F.M. per square foot - Minnesota State Building Code, Section 1305.1202.2.7. 3. . Be advised that M.S.B.C. Section 1340.1105, requires an altemate height of drinking fountains. 4. The doors in Rooms R7 and A2 must be provided at least 18" in latch side cleazance - see CABO-ANSI A117.1, Section 4.13.6. 5. A minunum of one accessible pazking sign must be provided per space as per MN State Statute 169.346. 6. Verify that 42" clear floor space from the center of the accessible toilets to the wall is attained. Ml1NICIPAL CENTER 3830 PIL07 KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122-1897 PHONE (612) 681-dry00 FAX(612) 681-4612 iDD: (6) 2) 454 -8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYPABOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunify/Affirmative Action Employer MAINiENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POWi EAGAN, MINPIESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 68I-4300 FAX: (612) 6E 1-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 7. Exit signs must be installed as required in U.B.C. Section 1013.1. 8. Provide details of any penetrations of the one-hour corridor. Any duct openings must be provided with a smoke damper - U.B.C. Section 713.10. 9. Provide details of how the one-hour wall around Room TS is sealed to the flutes of the roof system to maintain its raiting. 10. Provide the anticipated layout of any assembly lines in the building. 11. Provide mechanical and plumbing plans. 12. U.B.C. Section 1506.1 allows a minunum of'/." per foot for roof slope. This section also allows less pitch when the design for water accumulation is in accordance with Section 1605.6. The structural engineer should provide a letter indicating that this section is complied with. 13. The Minnesota Energy Code requires foundation walis to be insulated with a muumum of R-13. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 681-4699. Thank you. Sincerely, ? b'z AA Dale Schoeppner SeniorInspector DS/js 1S/Dale S/Owo6opte ,U, /J, tfasLn? ce.r et?V. . 'A?-, Ir S[GNAL I3r1NK WH's'rsr. Paul. ioo sig„ai Hiu, Wes[ Sc Paul. MN 55118 Fas:fil4/306-I790 SOUTH V I EW 2060 South Robert Street West St. Psul, M1IN 55118 Faz:612/306-1850 Fr1G.aN I270 Yankee Doodle Rd. Eagan, MN 55121 Retail Fax: 612/306-16I0 Commercial Fax: 612/306-1650 SAVaCE 12302 Princeton Ave. So. Sacage, biN 55378 Fax:612/306-1880 I June 30, 1997 IRRFVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 5549 City Clerk City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Owobopte Industries, Inc. We hereby authorize you to draw on Signal Bank, Inc. of 1270 Yankee Doodle Road, Eagan, Minnesota, Five Thousand and no/100 ($5,000) available by your draft at sight. All drafts drawn must be mazked "drawn under Letter of Credit No. 5549, dated June 30, 1997." The purpose of this Letter of Credit is to act as a guazanty to the City of Eagan that the terms of that landscape plan prepared by Damon Farber & Associates, dated April 10, 1997 on behalf of Owobopte Industries, Inc. are fulFilled in the'v entirety and in the event of the failure of Owobopte Industries, Inc. to do so, then the City of Eagan may draw against this Letter of Credit to fulfill said terms. We agree that the Letter of Credit shall expire no sooner than 10/01/98, unless sooner released by the City of Eagan, but in the event that the terrns of the above-mentioned Contract are not fulfilled, this Letter of Credit shall be automatically extended at its expiration date on an annual basis unless at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date we have notified the City Clerk by certified mail that we elect not to extend this Letter of Credit. Upon receipt of said notice, the City of Eagan shall be entitled to draw at sight, by presentment of a draR or drafts prior to the date of expiration hereof, up to the full aggregate amount as set foRh herein, less any reductions. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holder of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored on due presentation to the drawee. SIGN NK, INC. Nancy J. Aune ' Vice President Commercial Lending ' NJA\pam 612/457-1776 ?., ....../ ? Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Planning for the Future Environmental Services April 21, 1997 Joe Voels Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Voels: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has detemuned SAC for the Owobopte,1ndustries to be located at Neil Armstrong Blvd. within the City of Eagan. This project should be chazged 11 SAC Units, as determined below. Charges: Office 8680 sq. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit Conference 2188 sq, ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC Unit Production 24024 sq, ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Warehouse 11136 sq. ft. @ 7000 sq. ft./SAC Unit Shower 1 shower @ 1 5AC/shower If you have have questions, call me at 602-1113. Sincerely, ? ?. Jodi Edwards Staff SpeciaGst Municipal Services Section JLE: 97042155 cc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Ward Sessing, Sessing Architects Inc. SAC Units 3.62 1.33 3.43 1.59 1.00 Total Charge: 10.97 or 11 230 East FiRh Street SL Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 Fazc 229-2183 TDD/TTY 229-3760 An Equul Oppnnunth/ Em&Jer v A, . Sessing Architects, Inc • 190 Northpark CorporaM Center • 6 Pine Tree Drive • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55112 •(672) 490-1470 June 19, 1997 Mr. Dale Schoeppner City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Re: Owobopte Industries, inc. Dear Dale: Thank you for your letter of June 11, 1997. Your valuable insight into this project is appreciated. Per your request, I am submit- ting the following information. 1. See revised sheet A-2, enclosed. 2. See mechanical plans 3. A minimum of half of the drinking fountains will be set at handicapped height. 4. Door A-2: there should be adequate room to provide the neces- sary latch side clearance for this door. Door R-7: The Owner will not place files adjacent to the latch side of this door to pro- vide the necessary clearance. 5. Signaqe is by the Owner for this project. They will provide the necessary signage. 6. It is the intent of the documents to provide the necessary 42" clear floor space required. 7. See electrical plans 8. See mechanical plans Mw City of Eagan -page 2- June 19, 1997 9. See attached. 10. See attached. li. These plans have been submitted. 12. Upon review of the steel bearing elevations on the structural drawings, it allows for the 1/4" minimum roof slope. 13. The foundation walls are insulated precast panels. ,?? ,? °?? Again, Thank y,cu;'?`£or yg?r" cooperation on this project and if you need any additj;on4l ixte$r-TffQPion, do not hesitate to call. Sincere W a? X. Sessing, AIA ` ?. cc Langer Construction i f% Y ? RE6IDLNTiAL COMMEACIAL MEATINB L 530MpEM o ?oa oa? ViZRNDITIONINO Junc 18, 1997 LANGkR CONS7'R[1CT10N 11TTN: Ri1SS 54 ]: Morel and Avcmuo W. SI_, Pzul, MN 55118 RE: OWOBOP'PE 1ND. Russ, pcr aur tel.c:phonc: d.iscussion this a1tCTnnon: We will pzovidc 7- 8UU CFM F.xhaust F,n to koom T" ducLed t.o wit=hin 18" of flnor_ Al:;o, I am Paxinq ynu a dc:tail of smoke and ii.rv d.3mper for one hnur ratcd wali. Sinccrely, 2ca?c-?-- 'Genn Ri nder QaQ NnoMMAN qVF N. S ST PoUL. MN 56075 4137-9781/9798 r no i. u?xwcv i. nu"u?i v f'"_tlVC fW.l. • blG UCO 67744 MDSFF'DMP AI_LOW FOR 1/8" LXN 0} SI.EEVE IN SE f7;NG HNGt (.`i AIJGLES TO LAP SfRUCTURL A MIN Of` 1" kROUVD E:NTIRE OPtNING -? DUCT LINER, TYP.----,, I ", •_ WAII UR F' Ai,' I I TIC)Pd 1? 1/2"X 1- 1/2„4../8„ /-VIIJ. RCTr11NiNt; AM;! = / A:I AR(.)I.I";G, TYp ? gpTH 51UF:, UF bV& l ? ,_-_•__:....`Z i -14 GA SI. F C VL r FIRE/;MOKF DAMPEh FALI. AWAY S-SLIP COVNECTOR, TYI'. . f 6?? MAX. TYr', ? t" MIN. - - NpTES: t PROVIpE ACCESS PANF ( IN WALLS OR CHAS(', wKeRE NEEaEu 2. ,41i SLCCVE AND COU_AR CONNECTIUNS SHAI ! MFFT NFPA 90A & UL 555 REQUIREMENTS, DA%I'-)[l\ ACC? ";:?; I - J •- F':2U4'ipt ACC? 5ti I-?!t(,yr.' 1 X1? FIRE/SMQKE UAMPER OETAIL CX_x_; SCALE; N,T,S. 4 % r 08;2Q/97 08:01 FAS 812 770 5418 1[GLCAHT IKC. +++ 4tYGER COtiST. IZ002,002 . JfiV 03 '95 03; 19PM G0.D HGM TECH S7'i'YCE P.2 ? STA-SMOOTH FS 90 ?. FIRE-SHIELO COMPOUNb ----?,/T-?? ., --------- IMAX. 3" ? FLOOR SI.AB - OR ROOF DECK ASSEMBLY CEILING MINERAL WOOL SAFING 5/8" f'IRE-SHlELD GYPSUM waLLBOARD (NOTE: UL U465 REQUIRES 5/8" FiRE-SHIELD G WALLBOARD.) TRACK - ATTACH WITH r',.ANCHORS 2'-0" Q.C. MAX. METAL STUD FLEXIBLE SEALAN7 T ST REF. ('OLO BONp Gq OSU T-1770 OSU T- 3296 1 /4" NOM. FM W1A-1 HR. NJ?-1200 FM W18-1 HR. WP-1340 UL U465 WHI 495-P5V-1067 (1 HR PAR7ITION/pECK JUNC7URE) 001MIM CAL : ONE HOUR FIRc PARTITION 3"=1'-0' PERPENDICULAR TO fLUTES A: lU41WNR GIPSUY C9YPNlY a? 1994 mp po eeas warcry 09250 02 Sessing ArchitecLs, [nc • 190 Northpark Corporate Cencer • 6 Pine Tree Drive • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55112 •(612) 4941470 June 2, 1997 Mr. Dale Schoeppner City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Re: Owobopte Industries, Inc. Dear Dale: Thank you for your prompt review of the referenced project. Per your request, I am submitting the following information. 1. Allowable Areas , ,'r' ; 'f ,'? ?yP ? ?QO t r ? ' . Occupancv Allowable Increase Sprinkler Total Allow F-2 18,000 S.F. 9,000 S.F. 54,000 S.F. 81,000 S.F. S-3 12,000 S.F. 6,000 S.F. 36,000 S.F. 54,000 S.F. B 12,000 S.F. 6,000 S.F. 36,000 S.F. 54,000 S.F. 2. Actual Areas F-2 41,108 S.F. / 81,000 = 0.507 S-3 960 S.F. / 54,000 = 0.017 B 19,364 S.F. / 54,000 = 0.358 0.882% 3. Site Coverage 217,548 S.F. Building 61,432 S.F. 28.2 % Hard Surface 65,120 S.F. 29.9 % Green 90,996 S.F. 41.8 % City of Eagan -page 2- June 2, 1997 4. Parking (10' stalls) Required Office Space 19,364 S.F. @ 80% = 15,491 / 150 = 103 spaces Warehouse 6,000 S.F. / 400 = 15 spaces Warehouse 36,068 S.F. / 1,000 = 36 spaces 154 spaces 5. Parking Provided 67 spaces Future Parking 87 spaces Total 154 spaces 6. Envelope calculations (see attached) Again, Thank you for your prompt attention to this project and if you need any additional information, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely: SESSING ARCHITECTS, INC. Ward A. Sessing, AIA cc Langer Construction ' Exterior Envelope Thermal Transmittance Worksheet S(TEADDRESS Crry NAtvtE OF PERSON COMPLEfING FORM • DATE Assembly Area (Sq Ft) U-Factor U-Factor x Area InsulatedArea Framing Area Skylightsl 0 °, Other a? ? U Totals 2- 1 Average U-Factor: (B) Zt9 6 L{ ? !a l ?'?f' ?' ? ffi?? (D WT@Nqm Kequired U-Factor (from Energy Code): a , ? Insulated Area2 Z-40 1 lo?j . d?6 Framin Area2 ?7?!'.E.. U Y 6G? . 0& w?,aoWSl i s Doors 4/l1 ! r f?ttV 3 • -a? ? 1 B. ? 0 Above Grade Foundation Wall - ti. c i Foundation Wuidows Other Totals 03-+ 2.z Average.U-Factor. M 34,7 Z Required U-Factor (from Energy Code): ? If V is greater than (D), or 0(; is greater than (a), revise the design as necessary to meet the envelope criteria of the ? Energy Code. 1.) U-faccor for skylight and window must be de[ermined by the National Fenectration RaNng Coun[il Standard I00-91 or ASHRAE 1993 Handbook oE Fundamentals, Chapter 27, table 5. - 2) Thersnal Transmittance of opague components (including integrally insulated masonry and metal stud haming) - use part 7670.0450, su6part4. V[I ? _ city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POUCE JON HONElJSTElN, ASSISTANT TO TNE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FlRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSlENGINEERINGlUTILlTIE51STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIREC70R RIC}i BRASCN, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATaR MIKE RIDCEY; SENIOR PIANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCHQEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR i DATE: y? 3 O.-9 ? SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW MEMO The preliminaryconstruction pians for (i) 0 b o,Q f'C ?h ?C v5 f"?f GS -+'?+ C. are in _ our pian reviectian for your review and comment. Please notify the Protective Inspections Ofvision if you have any reason that these plans shauld not he approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you a2 requesting that issuance of the building pertnit be held, please fiit aut the proper "hold" request fortn. Commenb: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: Amount ? Yes ? No landsqpe security required ? ? Yes Ld No water quality dedication COA S1?1? Yes ? No park dedication,?j,Z?l? 24' Yes ? No trail dediqtion ? Yes v No tree dedication ? Yes ? No m Signature Date ZONING ?: MEMO _ city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POUCE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSiSTANT TO THE C1TY ADMINISTRATOR OALE WEGLEiTNER, FiRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSIENGfNEERINGlUTfLITiES13'fREETS GENE VANOVERBE3CE. FINANCE DIRECTOR RIC}i BRASCN, WATER RESOURCES COQRDINATOR MIKE RIOLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OP PORESTRY PROM: A? SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR ?. OATE: SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEYV The _preliminary consiruciionpfansfor 0n i?CvSf'?I GS -+?hC are in our plan revi se?ction for your review and eomment -? Please notify the Protective Insaec:ions Division if you have any reasan that these plans shauld nat be approved and resolve any problems with the af?ecied parties, ttycu are requestlng that issuance of the buiiding pertnd he held, please fill out the proper "hald' request fortn, Cammenis: OK -15X i h¢as? lat , y¢e Indieate any fees that are to be colleeted with the huiiding pertniL Amount ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? Na water quality dediptian ? Yes ? No park dedicatlon ? Yes ? No trail dedicabon ? Yes ? No tree dedicavon ? Yes ? Na ? 5-lS 9 ? Signature Date pian+ev.rw ZONlNG ?: ta _ city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CNIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY AOMINISTRATOR DAIE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICAL I NSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERINGlUTILITIESISTREETS ;GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR ? RIC}i BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER G , VPERVISOR9F•E.ESTRY FROM: ALE SCtiOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: O.? , . SUB.IECT: PLAN REVIEW MEMO The _preliminary?constructian plansfor (a? 0 ba?t? Lh /JCvS fr/ GS -E'y C are in our plan revie section for your review and comment. Pfease natify the Protective Inspections Division if you have any reasan that these plans should not he approved and resolve arry prablems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building pertnit be held, please fill aut the praper "hold" request fortn. Comments: w //"al. Indicate any fees that are to he collected with the building permit: s// /'f 7 ? Yes ? No landscape securily required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedicadon ? Yes ? No traii dediption ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No 5lix Signature Amount 5,1-- q? Date Plan+w.isv ZONING ?: ? - city of eagan APR 2 9 1997 T MEMO 70: PAT GEAGAN, CNIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE C1TY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, F1RE MARSHAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WaRKS/ENGINEERINGlUTIUTIESlSTREETS / GENE VANOVERBEKE, FlNANCS DIRECTOR RICH BRASCti, WATER RESOURCES COOROINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ?-- GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCiiOEPPNER. SENIOR INSPECTOR i i DATE: SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW The _ preliminaryXconstruction plans for LrJ D b o,? f? ??vS f??` GS -??+ c are in our pian revie`N seaian for your review and comment. Pfease noMy the Protective Inspections Division if you have any reason that these plans shauld not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building pertnR be held, piease fill out the proper "hold" requesc fortn. Commenis: Indicate any fees that are to be wlleded with fhe building pertnit: ? Yes ? No landscape securiry required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedipdon ? Yes ? No trail dedicadan ? Yes ?a No tree dedication ? Yes ? No /? c., 1k, Signal r Amoun ?.-30 -tl1 Date Plan+m.iwv ZONING ?: APR 2 9 1997 D - city of eagan BTO: PA7 GEAGAN, CFIIEF OF PaL1CE JON HONENSTEIN, ASSIS7ANT TO THE C1TY AOMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLElTNEft, FiRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSAECTOR PUBLIC WORKSlENGINEEli1NGlUTILITIES/STREETS' / p GENE VANOVE32BE3(E. FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCN, WATER RESOURCHS COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE. SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY Fi20M: ALE SCNOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR i OATE: y? 3 0._9 9 SUB.IECT: PLAN REVIEW The _ preliminary consvucfion plans far l/ Li) D b o.p f C ?h ?Y v5 & S are in our plan revie?ctian for yaur review and commen MEMO Ptease natify the Proteciive Inspeeiions Divisian if yau have any reason that these plans shauld nat he approved and resoive any problems with the adected parties. If yau are requesting Ufat issuance of the building pertnit be held, please fill out the proper'hoid" request farm. Comments: / ) J4- 4na./L l" _ .z.IL _ 9 O_ . Indipte any fees that are to be collected with the building permit ? Yes ? Na landsqpe security required ? Yes ? Na water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedicadan ? Yes ? No Vail dedicatlan ? Yes ? No tree dediption ? Yes ? No Signamre Amoun ? p? q7 of?.. ZONING ?: Lf7 2006 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING rExNnT arrl.acaTTON CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 ' tiU bl .?(-?/ 2 Date F) / / ?Vl,.Y Site Address Zj 1"I '_?? I`?`?r /?? v? I nY f? 1?' b?? I I1/ UL CL Unit # Tenant Name Former Tenant Name Property Owner V V U\ Telephone #( ) Conhactor Address ?'_1? City t/t JY I' D V? State MN p Zip Telephone#-7L// /- 10U) License # I D''1 C'I YY?U Expires: 3 U The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Work Type _ New Bldg Modify Space _ Irrigation System•* Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? _RPZ _ PVB: New _ Repair/Rebuild AReplace _ Remove Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation s stems Description of Work I p I O.-l,l, ;), `I / aJ e-r n C0UCA To mqwre if Pressure Reducing Vahe is requved on new service, call 651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 ro verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to oickine uo meter. Irrigarion Size & Type Avg GPM 2" hubo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Pu61ic Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" meter $167.00 Domesric Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers Yes No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minEmum (includes State Surcharge) Conhact Value $ x 1°/a = $ Pemrit Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation sys[ems $ Radio Meter Read $ State Surchazge If nermi[ fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 If vermi[ (ee is more [han $1,000, surcharge is 5.50 Cor each $1,000 owed. Foltowing fea apply when installing new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Call the CiTy's Engineering Departrnent, 651-675-5646, for required fee amounts $ Treahnent Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge $ J?:S C), 50 TotalFee f hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and aclrnowledge tha[ the information is complete and accurate; tha[ the work will be in confortnance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Fagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pertnit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start wi out a permit; [hat [he work will be in aceordance with [he approved plan in the case of wor c wh? A requires a re iew nd appmval o(plens. V i r?ir? - ApphcanPs Printed ame App ' an s Signature Clty of EapIl ?,"_ 4 1 2008 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55722 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 2008 MECHANICAL PERMIT Date: (Dkl0g Site Address: Tenant: ; Perr„it? R7?`? I ? ? PermitFee: i ? ? Date Received: ? I ? ? Stan: ? -----------------? TION Suite #: v Phone: ?5I'o2? -3I b? N RESIDENT / OWNER ame: Address / City / Zip: ?LUY W CONTRACTOR Name: RINIlER1iFATING&Av^,&iU^ License #: 222 Hardman Ave N . . nddress: au, N 55075 City: 65,11457 a7a1 StatZip: Phone: Contact Person: T!!ii 1c?t?? TYPEOFWORK -New _Replacement _Additional _Alteration Demolition Description of work: ; NpTE: Bofhroof mounted and ground mounted meclraoicaLequlpment /s,required to be screened by City Code. Please confact the Mechanfcal lnspecfor or one of the: Planners for information on ' ermitted screenin methods. ' RESIDENTIAL COMMER¢IAL PERMIT TYPE New Construction ? Interior Improvement - Furnace - stall Piping _ Processed Air Condilioner Air Exchanger _ Gas _ E#erior HVAC Unit ' _ HVAC units must be screened _ Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank L Install /_ Remove) Other " When installin9/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbin Ins ctor RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fif2 fepaif (replace burned out appliances, duciwork, etc.) (inGudes $.50 State SUrchBrge) $ TOTALFEE COMMERCIAL FEES: $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contract Value $? x 1% $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) _ $ . lJ V Pertnit Fee - It Pertnit Fee is less ihan $1,000, surcharge is $.50. - tl Permit Fee is > $7,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each =$ • State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,001 -$2,000 Permit Fee requires a$7.00 surcharge). $ TOTAL FEE I herZby 2CknoWletlge ttla( tllls lntoftltdtlon i5 CORIpIE[¢ antl 2CCUfdie; [tlai IDe W011e Nnil oe In Conlormance wim me uiuinances m.u wecs oi ii.e "._' I understand this is not a pertnit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a per it; ihat the work xnll be in accordance with Ihe approved plan in the as ot work wphich requires a review and approval oi plans. . x ! ?(?'? x Aoolicant Printed Name App ican s Si9nature ' FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: ' Date: 10 Required Inspections: Under Ground V'Rough 1n _)?(jr Test Gas'SService TesG _In-floqr Heat Winal n®pW Use BLUE or -BLACK ----I- I--- i For Office Use Permit l 1 1 j City of Dian I W 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Fee: Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Date Received: 1 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: 2013 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. / Date: 101 ~ Site Address: 'S1 IV Q~ AYY \ /t' U' Tenant: prv a c,-f Suite Name: Phone: ~~1 Resident/Owner Address / City / Zip: qS Name: T7C License _ Address: C~~'Y~GC~ Ity: Contractor State:yy ll V Zip: S Z - Phone: w J~ ' ~ ~lJ 3 Contact: ~~'~[-Ttr Email: j New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Type of Work Description of work: -I IN- ~-Dn (L7- L'~, NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Furnace New Construction _ Interior Improvement Permit Type -Air Conditioner -Install Piping Processed _ Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit 1 Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank Install Remove) Other RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $100.00 Residential New (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _ $ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value $ g 2m x .01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 S7,0l/ Surcharge* **If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 ***If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge = $ TOTAL FEE I hereby ack owledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with a roved plan in the case of wor ich requires a review and approval of plans: x (I)W~ x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Reviewed By: Date: L h_i LI;2 Underground Rough, In Air Test Gas Service Test In-floor Heat Final HVAC Screening Use BLUE or BLACK Ink .� , � For Office Use I I � ��t �i j� Q�, i Pertnit#: ��� i 4� Q�lJ���ll � � I Permit Fee: �� I 3830 Pilot Knob Road \ (' � � Eagan MN 55122 (�j� \� I �a"j g-) I Phone:(651)675-5675 � Date Received: � Fax:(657)675-5694 � � � I �(� � Staff: � I . _����_���_��__�__J 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION � Please submit two(2)sets of plans with ail commercial applications. Date: it A r . �� S e dd ess• � � Tenant: �(��� � Suite#: . , ". ' . � - �°_, � � . . . �ReslderlllOWller ���� Name: f� Phone: Address/City/Zip: - `� I� n V 2 ,., � _ _ ; Name: License#: � � � ����� CO,�1tf�G'k4C �, � ,�� Address: City: c � State:��Zip: r Phone: ' Contact: LSr� r\ Email: � � . ew �Replacement Additional Aiteration Demolition ;, Type of Wc�rk Description of work: � � O�- � NOTE:Raof mounted;ancF ground maunted rtiechanicat equ,ipm�nt��s .. u�red�o be s ened by Ci#y ' Code.i Pleas��onta�t the Mechani"cal lnsp�etor far��foerrtat�c�ri:on permittect screen�n�m�ths�ds. RES/DENT/AL COMMERCIAL ' Fumace New Construction �Interior Improvement ����}�-�P�; _Air Conditioner _Install Piping _Processed �Air Exchanger _Gas ,�Exterior HVAC Unit �: � , _Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank �Install/�Remove) �� �-, _Other 3 � �: RES/DENT/AL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) $100.00 Residential New(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) _$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES � � Contract Value$�:Qn� x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum � $70.00 Underground tank instal�ation/removal =$ ��� Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than$10,010, Surcharge=$5.00 �a **If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 -$ Surcharge' ***If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ �`„� �-s' TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is no4 a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of wo k which requires a review and approval of plans. x x Applicant's Print Name Applicant's nature FOROfFfCE 41SE � � = ,� ; , � I�equ�rec!lnspe�tians �� : Reviewed By � � .� Date �� "� � .:.: , .. ; � � �;>. - � ^���ryderg�aund. "�'� t�a�h In �'���. � "Air`Fesf �,': �..Gas�ServF�e Test = t�;=�oor ti�a� �in�! '��� F�VA��c�'r�in j���;� � Nov. 8. 2016 11:18AM City of Eap 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675.5675 Fax: (651) 675.5694 koAL,&LPr PG. p v No, 2969 P. 1 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use C� Permit #: Permit Fee: c 1 ` g 0 Date Received: t 1 J Staff; (kJ 2016 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Site Address: ;1 9 5 %1'/ CU vii( 9 f/ %�l� &(uL Date: Tenant: Suite #: .1 •,:.:.. •:.•..:::::,:::::.::; ............ •.: Re4 eki Qvirn:er:;;S,' fi �,, r Name: � ��Cr � . •`r, /^ �tE✓ �� Phone: (o ' �' ---O--ale Address / City! Zip: i" e._ Gtr,. %. 01)2, arteae ' e:r.= `r'I.: :'• m. ':r ":^};. ''� G^iSJ?'1 BINDER R HEATING & AC, INC. - Name: License YaQ 3a -t5 (-1, Ave. N. Nd mail A 222 ar Address: ess: 55075 City: So. St. haul, MN 1457-878 651-457-8781 State: Zip: 65 A n p. A . 1 A _� r. A 1. iL ... . r......4...1,)11 1 rr/ll*94't rwYJ v/i It rk c,.:i .. il .. .. n 1.w1:/1 1/0, Jr 111.%.4111.A /VLPA!IYVJI Jl/VI '`-DescriPtio ,YP••m'•e.. :>`'o�' 'ii•: .::•:::::::.••'::•�; �.,,,...:,•:,.•;•;.::;-:•:::••.::: ,.;.•,••...,,.;._•:::••• :•.,•..,;..:•,:::::;.;•••r.•,.,.::••.,.:,.:..•...•,.,:;r::•NOTE.Ro ew Replacementl acem n —N t Additional tionaI Alteration Demolition Description of work: i atTA.14LNddliUe.S b -D-• f•mou. .; •::: ,'?...,,...4.............:n�e�•;�,nd; ro�rti ;trrquhted• . echamcaf:.e ut ent:.ls:•. • uared to:6esc sued b.: •Cit :::, C,easecon•cerMechamarns ectoro. n:on:'erRa dl0e61n lethods....:..x.;.:..;..... T".:::';iii^' ..: '`!' „.r•.;ar it �%�¢"" .... •.... •..,, ..... RESIDENTIAL Furnace COMMERCIAL New Construction Interior Improvement p ement Air Conditioner _ Install Piping Processed P 9 oC SSed Air Exchanger Gas s Exterior HVACU it _Heat Pump ground Tank Install! Remove)) other _Under/Above , RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration Yro to an existing unit, includes State includes State Surcharge vve. 5w e + l-0- &ac" P.,:'Ct.L. a-9 ed 000 A TIA. Surcharge ti dO = $ W V V . TOTAL FEE $100.00 Residential New, COMMERCIAL FEESOCA $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value $ x .01 • = $ 2%,W 6D Permit Fee $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal, includes State Surcharge Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge _ $ !3• SD Surcharge �Q� = $ f• 0 D TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this Information Is complete and accurate; that the work will be In conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit: that the work will be In accordance with tapproved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Jun. 7. 2017 10: 11AM . • No. 0419 P. 1 @Q .6061L. OY pa UiVAT Use BLUE or BLACK Ink �L. For Office Use � "' Permit#; ��/ � C-- City of Eaian Permit Fee:1//,:,,!_—_,-?__ J � � 3630 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone:(651)675-5675 Dale Received: f=ax:(651)675-5694 ' Staff J 2016 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION • 0 Please submit two (2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. / Date: s y 117 Site Address: 2 "5 A / Li 9')'l ` Tenant: (0 Suite#: sa � � ;;; t�� , rName: jig.k���� I ' i a12tl �(L� � Phone: CP12' i} f , . erig ;;:i:...argio.f:iwzioinglAk Address/City/Zip: . r:.t y,;V•t,. : � ; .,. BINDER HEATING&AG, INC. License#: N18 00323a�e � n,K•'s ��si>.i, '� Name: . %y� . . ; � t�; Ax , 22 HafdmanAve. N, . • x ; }ts22: ;ar Address: Co',.StPaul,MN"55075 ' city: b. Y :•`£ ;:; ,...: , '� �=. h: State:Olfit'w We • Zip: • 551.457-8781 le: ..2 ,•' 3f•Yb,�r�l�r �v:�:r"+lecr:;:7).:}..f.�. ,I n ,, 1 em ,.� 1:,a.��:��; �>}�.,;,�",,a.r..::-: Contact:•A6Mail: . 4I E • fit. � wKY7s >,d•:nt New Re la cem ent . ... Additional.dr Alteration Demolition a4tY' MitlY41� VvZJj�Ciigkipiigt>�e�t�I.avimcp:'> inr�/Typ �t �YICff Description of work: fee otee, I A[ j-v\ 45 �/ r) »:;� milto z:%. 4vWim"'•, :.... rokr.:,,o,c,-ry----A� v^S', ',.. 9Y.n:.t:r.;::'g"••"a:::9:., i�:v,,:&l trvj:xacr.>rri:Jrwo•:xom..�y;,:ny > r } ,.; m: .a ;u:;r.'x..tim` 'wnxes O.FOOmt ,� 74114.4' Rd �p91r,oele:nait,L19a92,01bewceend: �CNAu~ waxSxwimo YT g 00•09 acM490 Nsic ^sfi"Qnano wt . s 1 heRo. e n • R}� dY4ytitea_:M3 _ ��~ 4**yva=:� RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL L1im�Y;Yt �yggo* 'V4 . y „\ .Vtet>vO: (l Furnace New Construction Inferior Imrovement,s � �Grr '� av �!rov :» Y( _Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed •s•k4.• `"•4• v., Y•A'4. ;t. —Air Exchanger Exterior HVAC Unit ! '��� ��;�,;,.,,,� ,:,:• l• Gas .1,x"•..4'•P)}Y.>•i:,Wwiw.�,..ns i�.!.iii`{.:. degNA..i, xgis.L'r I: 'u.1 r F Sa,1",. :, M;!w�vo:o:: Y�,,dfi+.i+ rY Heat t,:ix?;': ' t;�:.�;, . — Pump . , Under/Above ground Tank (,.Install/Remove act, i�,�:¢�.�'�?:�?�.:.e;�;�E;�'x•'.'*Zia —Other RESIDENTIAL FEES Yrs Hibh,+ 3o5g. (OQ 8`G(, $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit,Includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New,includes State Surcharge =$ - TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ /60 3t' 0 x.01 $60,00 Permit Fee Minimum / $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ .1 CiPOD� Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =6 1, ' Surcharge if the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ , 7/4i 5 TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this Information is complete and accurate;that the work will be In conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be In accordance with the approved plan In the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans, 4, Ri‘ (11.04.,14 ihfOis N • ' ,, -44 PI Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature • ~• ..;�::�:w):s,; `>:L1•.. •..w.�x. .w,wuwY..}.in•s�»Y+. x,kiut'e:un1 r•,t: �fvl'�'M•', .aAr!..S '+T.4+r:'ri4::'zidfry ..(.,”- •Y'N„ "�r :}. •.:i;:i Y.:�r,.°r'�t.:o:.rt,•w:.itw.x> `::o. •t. .t:r•i%aK`" %So.,..r3:1;>w,u�w'. 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Date: 10/31/17 Site Address: 3195 NEIL ARMSTRONG BLVD Tenant: PROACT Suite#: Resident/Owner Name: OWOBOPTE INDUSTRIES Phone: 612-686-0405 Address/City/Zip: SAME AS ABOVE Name:BINDER HEATING AND AIR, INC. License#: MB003242 Contractor Address:222 HARDMAN AVE N City: SO. ST PAUL State: MN zip: 55075 Phone: 651-457-8781 Contact: AUDREY GRAVES Ema,: COMFORT@BINDERHEATING.COM New X Replacement —Additional —Alteration Demolition Type of Work Description of work: REPLACE RTU WITH NEW TRANE 6 TON RTU NOTE:Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on,permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Furnace _New Construction Interior Improvement Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed Permit Type — — Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump —Under/Above ground Tank ( Install/_Remove) Other RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New,includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$8,255 x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ 82.55 Permit Fee ,$ 4.13 Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ 81• o-STOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaoan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this Information is complete and accurate;that the work will be In conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in t e case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x l0/f/tet- billibA x /e—'.4.---, •A ...., `.� Appl cant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE ! ' Required Inspections: Reviewed By: Dater r 1 i Underground Rough In _ Air Test Gas Service Test In-floor Heat Final HVAC Screening lu Minnesota Department of Human Services November 14, 2018 Zoning Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Zoning Notification of Application for Department of Human Services Program License License Number: 1068985 NOV 16 2018 This is to inform you that the Department of Human Services, Division of Licensing has an application for a program to be licensed under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245D from ProAct Inc, 3195 Neil Armstrong Blvd, Eagan, MN 55121 to provide day services to persons with disabilities. Capacity is 270. Issuance of this license is subject to compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 245A. If you do not contact the Division of Licensing within 30 days of receipt of this letter, we will consider this facility to be in compliance with your local zoning code. If you have questions regarding the facility or its location, please contact Kim Feller at 651-289-3144 or kfeller@proactinc.org. If you have any questions regarding this letter, contact Brittany Radatz at 651-431-6591 or fax information to (651) 431-7673. Sincerely, Jill Slaikeu, HCBS/ADC Unit Manager Licensing Division Office of Inspector General (651)431-6544 slp PO Box 64242 * Saint Paul, Minnesota * 55164-0242 * An Equal Opportunity Employer http: //www. dhs. state. mn. us/licensing PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building 3830 Pilot Knob Rd°�;` �,`, Permit Number: EA153053 Eagan, MN 55122 ., ---EAGAN Date Issued: 11/16/2018 (651) 675-5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us 'r Site Address: 3195 Neil Armstrong Blvd Lot: 1 Block: 1 Addition: Eagandale Corporate Center PID: 10-22515-01-010 Use: Proact Description: Sub Type: Commercial/Industrial Construction Type: Work Type: MN Dept of Health Inspection Description: Adult Daycare - Updating capacity Census Code: - Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Stephanie Skordahl 651-289-3166 or 651-210-3286 Fee Summary: MN Department of Health/Human Service $59.00 0801.4093 Surcharge -Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 Total: $60.00 Contractor: Owner: Owobopte Industries Inc 3195 Neil Armstrong Blvd Eagan MN 55121 - Applicant - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature r' For Office Use Y ��I (( Permit#: /��. /f 2 f� , ,k2' ,,,,, °_,#, :tF7/ zd / .EA ••--m 3830 PILOT KNOB ROADPayment Recvd: Yes o I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810C �VE I �/ � (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675- I Plans: Electronic/ Paper 1 Plan Submittal: eglansecitvofeaoan.com NOV 3 0 2018 L 2018 COMMERCIAL B LDING PER IT APPLICATION Date: /�/1: //3 Site Address: r/ < Al/17--rg> /r0 g/!/G/, ,,��JJ c4 f !r, /27ir/ Tenant Name:�/—D f7 - 7 //7(' • (Tenant is: New/ Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: i - Property Owner / Name: Pk 40_11- Jvlt^ Phone:.1D5/QI-c5/ � Address/City/Zip: / `. 1 / / // A// dA . • _/e 1 Applicant is: Owner Contractor T e Of Work Description of work: G( / / f`[ �j 0 U1 yp ea Construction Cost: / .00" Name:/ 90Y7 L o/7f, UG,7in �c tv/(iS L/[License#: Contractor Address: /yy9.1/-".�,..-� a�/4,31 • City: „cif-VA-6'C State: ////v Zip: ...5-3-3 2 S Phone: 5--Z- Z 3 9 -6 // l __� Contact: //7211 /977 -Email: /70L7i/7.Sh-O674a/I GG e8 e 41 C•i`7 Name: Registration#: Architect/Engineer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information maybe classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.Qooherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. j x /4,949 ii,-!/.-lL.7-- x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature 1 DO N T WRITE BELOW THIS LINE / 3,/ SUB TYPES / q. E('I Aidl-- -kzciriel(Jri. _ Foundation _ Public Facilit _ Exior Alteration-Apartments ✓ Commercial/Industrial Accessory Building Exterior Alteration—Commercial Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration—Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae — WORK TYPES New ✓Interior Improvement Siding Demolish Building* — Addition _ Exterior Improvv(ngltt.., ' , 't Rerdif _ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage* 2`'. Fire epair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION j Valuation 5,D00.A-0 Occupancy f'Y MCES System ✓ Plan Review ✓ Code Edition 20 ISMbt- SAC Units D/LETT (25%_100% V) Zonings City Water V Census Code Stories I Booster Pump #of Units D Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers t./ Type of Construction 1r'B Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck_Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control V Framing 30 Minutes ✓1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace: Rough In _Air Test _Final Final/C.O. Required Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests ./Final ✓ Final/No C.O. Required Final C/O Inspection: Schedule F a Marshal to be present: /Yes No Reviewed By: `,!�' ` t , Planning New Business to Eagan: ND in Reviewed By: Ne, , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality Base Fee /1$. ego Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge 7.5"-D Sewer Trunk Plan Review 7( • le Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit& Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: "P/q7• Za Page 2 of 3 A • MCES USE:`Letter Reference: 18121769 Address ID:5218 Payment ID:417344 Date of Determination: 12/17/18 Determination Expiration: 12/17/20 Greetings! Please see the determination below. Project Name: Proact Project Address: 3195 Neil Armstrong Boulevard Suite#/Campus: na City Name: Eagan Applicant: Stephanie Skordahl, Proact Inc Special Notes: na Charge Calculation: Mixed Use: 57,909 sq.ft. @ 3800 sq.ft./SAC= 15.24 Total Charge: 15.24 Credit Calculation: Owobopte Industries(SAC 06/97) Mixed Use(Non-Conforming GSF) 57,909 sq.ft. @ 3800 sq.ft./SAC= 15.24 Total Credit: 15.24 Net SAC: 0.00 —or— 0 SAC Due The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size,a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at:cory.mccullough@metc.state.mn.us. Thank you, Cory McCullough SAC Technician Please visit our SAC website by going to: http://www.metrocouncil.org/SACprogram 390 Hobert Street North St. Paul. MN 55101 1805 Phone 651 602 1000 I Fax 651.602.1550 ( TTY 651 )91 0904 I rnetrocouncil.org METROPOLITAN COUNCIL For Office Use S3,L.11 �C Permit#: a E AG A N o • r r: to • s' ::itF ..., r Jr l 1 Payment Recvd: Yeso 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 JAN 16 2019 (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 V��� ��p Plan Electronic Paper buildinoinsoectionsta cityofeaoan.com I 2019 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION '"149' 6i Date: 1/14/19 Site Address: 3195 Neil Armstrong Blvd / P'11.4q Tenant: Proact in Suite#: a �"/ 0 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components .,, 7 r ,,,-Akh,?..„,,,,,,,,,,r Name: Phone: � • Address/City/Zip: Applicant•is. Owner Contractor 7, Add 2 heads in new ADS 3 room. ' Description of work: Construction Cost: $00'00 Estimated Completion Date: 1/25/19 Viking Sprinkler t • _ Name: License#: • 301 York Ave St Paul Address: City: MN 55130 651.558.3300 2 4' State: Zip: Phone: ;ry.Q i . Contact: Dan DelMonico Email: Dan.delmonic@vikingsprinkler.us FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE _Sprinkler System (#of heads ✓) _New _Addition Fire Pump _Standpipe I Alterations Remodel —Other: _Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ✓ Commercial _Residential _Educational FEES 800.00 Contract Value$ x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum _$ 60'00 Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ •40 Surcharge $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) =$ 60.40 TOTAL FEE VAPPI:ii, a' V .;`a;;"Si =$ Fire Meter , , . 9F 1i -slag =$ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.cityofeagan.com/subscribe. I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with_iti rdinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand thmis is not a permit,but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a..review an royal plans. x Dan DelMonico x - Applicant's Printed Name Applicantts gnature Perm . a d •yLp N4 = ra , i -3 7) Li -7,7,7%'.,r, 7^"rn � rt tvz r n arAnsPkx� 1wa %-k�a= n s `vta !; :II • .rw , 3' P e:, h 111„ , k . ,,7,., R�. § x ' � *a t iT�s1Final M dwJDI6 'fOR / � "4 "t1n��t ivlStat►on u_ s v � `centrae d wkt w n �V�q '�' ', .Lt,r9r .di w"�T�R9-"Tmp Test . 'r ,4� 1 rl,,n,,;1r , d FTrip r,ce i, ; p iConditioo ,,, l 1 � 4 w < *r H 7 r e late r n�usa,d,, w -7,1,40,47,7.7-,,,,,,-,,v,,,7,,,,,,,, „ J a 0 bitReview -' ' '-.=- ''' i t•