848 Northview Park Rd? . r-1 CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 . . oAre moM j? ? L- o-? ?- `--Lt. ? / //!/???-L? ( , -?f?i/ ?G? ?AMOUNT 8 DOLLARS • '°° ? CASH 'O CHECK .' BY I C WhN-P? ?GY Yelbw--PoaNn9 CaPY Plnk--Flle Copy Thank You _ SEWER & WATER PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 ? ;.i?, ` SITE AFRESS E.AGAN, M,; - -? " LOT ?BLOCK SEC/SUB STAFE''•:2f] PI II(' F APPLICANT: rr,)nt;er Midwest Hames Corp. ADDRESS:'110 e arva e ?? . CITY, STAT1, ag -ar?, . ZIP PHONE: '' -? PLUMBER: ,ta r P 1 umb i nq ADDRESS: J18 MQUnd Sprinqs Tl,-:rr. ZIP 4 CITY, STATE 100fTi1flofQCt ,'• ., PHONE: ` ,r., _, ' PERMIT REQUESTED SEWER --_WATER _ TAPS - COMM/1ND ?RESIDENTIAL ._!.!NE1N EXISTING 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCES: / 4 61 _ ? c ! !n C.L f-I '? ?? owNER: Coster, Frani:ois and Glaria ADDRESS: 3480 GO1 fv iew Jr. SIG R ISSUED CITY,STAT? E?gany '04 ZIP ?) - PHONE: r r' PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. FOR STORM SEWER PER6AITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. ?• ,,. ; ?<., ; ... ? - - ? , , OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT DATE f:? '_ l i! c ? WATER PERMIT #? SEWER PERMIT # METER ??4 41711 I 's Z B.P. RECEIPT # ?? 5?:? REX'E)ER# ;?CSyZLG ? 'B.P. FiECEIPT DATE ` ? 'i METER SIZE ISSUE DATE ? d G c? _ PRV _ BOOSTER PUMP SEWER & WATER PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knab Rd. P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 OFFICE USE ONIY PERMIT DATE WATER PERMIT #? fl? ? SEWER PERMIT # METER # B.P. RECEIPT # = READER # B.P. RECEIPT DATE 6:120! ,34 METER SIZE 15SUE DATE - PRV - BOOSTER PUMP SITE ADDRESS?. LOT f, BLOCK rSEC/SUB ? " ?',"rC.!%:? P?_ "•.-= APPUCANT: ADDRESS: °'`?V a 1 e r. CITY, STAT? . '•"` ZIP r PHONE: - PERMIT REOUESTED If SEWER - WATER _ TAPS COMMIIND - RESIDENTIAL I _SGFIEW EXISTING PLUMBER: -ar, Plumbin,; ADDRESS: ?'ouC1d pCl r?c? ,7 ;,,?i"r. 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF CITY, STATE ZIP ' '''L" EAGAN ORDINANCES: PHONE: OWNER; . Francois and Glorfa ADDRESS: rc1 f V 12w ',)r. CITY, STAT? ZIP r, f'.? PHONE: SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. FOR STORM SEWER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. ? .. CITY OF EAGAN 4L .. 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for S1' LW/GAR Est. Value $ 76, WC Date JLIKE 14 , 19 8'9 Site Address ?49 ?,'QPTYiVT Ei+ Lot 7 Block -^ Sec/Sub. Parcel No. " City ' R?•'..` Phone 410?433 ¢ Name z° oQ Address ? City Phone Name _ Address Phone I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permitee A Building Permit is issued to: x? ?{?'F '••`: ? P?':?T >lOF?1F. ? on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable Stale of Minnesota Statutes and Cdy of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R-3 -m---l FEES zoning JL-..1 (nctuaq Const _-11 Bldg. Perrr+it 532.00 (Albwable) Q?"'? Surcharge 38 • OO # of Stories Length 40, PlanReview 266•00 Depth ? SAC. City 1 ? ? 00 S.F. Total - SAC, MCWCC 5 ???00 S.F. Footprints - On Site Sewage _ Water Conn 5?•? On Site Well Water Meter W•00 nnwcc sy5,em XXI 3Q.? Ciry water A?? ??°sit PRV Raquired _ S!W Permit 20.00 Booster Pump - S!W Surcharge 1•00 Treatment PI 7 2Q .(X) APPROVALS Road Unit 340 . nr Planner Co cil - park Ded. un &? Off. - _ Copies 8M' 00 2 Variance , - TOTAL Permlt No. Permit Holder Dete Telephone # WATER SEWEF ? PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Int"ction Dats Insp. Comments Footings I b S ndation Fou W Framirg Roofirg Rough Plbg. 77'7-9f Rough Htg. ISUI. ?,?,h ?? /'? ..?I.lMG/? Y .'!/fr?..?? Freplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Const. Meter Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Engr.lPlan Bidg. Final Deck Ftg. Oeck Final Well Pr. Disp. t d (tertifirafe uf (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan ale#rwr#mrnt a# lidtding j,apPrtimt This Cenifrcate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code cenifyrng that at the time of issuance thrs structure was in complrarree with the variaus ordirrances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the jollowing: Usc Clacsifintion 0-44-Y TYPe Bidg. kbrmit No. ? 16666 t)Lr Owner of Buildiog . ?...???..?. . ?......,..,? ...?..... AddRSS ..... ???M,.t-...?.? .s? euftng naarm 8k8 r10!rIIaVIFW PARK RaP,D LoW;ty L7, B61SMMFM A#E D,tc AtIQIST 16,1989 Bmldiqg OfficiaO?r POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT # RECEIPT # MN 55122 DATE: Site Address 5? ?/? Lot '2 ^ Block m Name ? ? Address c City Q, A AI Phone ? Name ; Address ? O Cih+ Phone COMM/IND FEE - 1°r6 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE 8 CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 {ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTIOM Res. l? New v Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL ' Water Closet - $3.00 _4-Bath Tubs - $3.00 t Lavatory - 53.00 D Shower - $3.00 ? Kitchen Sink - $3.00 3• ? (0 Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 ?Laundry Tray - $3.00 • ?Floor Drains - $1.50 ? r O Water Heater - S1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 -7--Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 . Sn (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMM Softener - $5.00 well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 _JLRough Openings - $1.50 FOR: CITY OF EAGAN FEE: .33. () D STATE SlC: 50 GRAMD TOTAL: 390 5-C .. ' - ? PERMIT # --E 7 "' MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # , ' • • CITY OF EAGAN ? S1966 CONT 00 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: • RACT PRICE: PHONE : 454-8100 Site Adqress G TY BLp . PE WORK DESCRIPTI ON LOt BIOCk SeC/Sub ?C ? . Res. New y,? ? & A/C _ Mult. Add-on ? Name 19531 S' Comm. Repair m Address ? 5 2-15 5 Other c aqwn City Phone 6 17 tj= R O?I MPANIES EES ' Name RES HVAC 0-100 M BTU $2400 3908 aibl M 1 Ii . c c: Address emZ iJY. ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 p City Phone 45 4-04 3 DES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS 1 PER PEkhlllI) MINIMUM 1 50 EA ( - - . . TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1g'o OF CONTRACT FEE i' f' ?,? Forced Air r'?,;M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPUES Boiler M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU $ MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 Vent. CFM ? (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # s ? • ?'t BEYOND $1,000) Other R FEE: S/C: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL• FOR: CITY OF EAGAN DATE: b/zoJs9 RE- 848 NORTHVIEW ROAD, L7, B6, STAFFDRD PLACE ? Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed. It will-be held at the Public Works Garage (3501 Coachman Road) until the meter is picked,lab. BE SURE TO CALL PUBLfC WORKS (454-5220) FOR YOUR PERMANENT WATER TURN ON. ? t ? Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property cannot be completed for the following . reasons: ? - Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed, but the meter cannot be issued or occupancy allowed until further notice. , COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ONLY: Please pay for meter at Ciiy Hall. Meter size must be confirmed by Bill Adams or Dirk House (Plumbing Inspectars - 454-8100) before issuance. WARNING: BEFORE DIGGING, CALL LOCAL UTILITIES - TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, GAS, ETC. - REQUIRED BY LAW. CONTACT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT0DEPARTMENT FOR WATER TURN ON POLICY. Secretary, Building Inspections Dept. DATE' 6/20/89 RE: 848 NORTNdiF.Ti aonn 1.7 R6, STANFORD PI.AC@ xB Your Sewer & Water Permit for the a6ove property has been completed. it will be held at the Public Works Garage (3501 Coachman Road) until the meter is picked up. BE SURE TO , CALL PUBLIC WORKS (454-5220) FOR YOUR PERMANENT WATER TURN ON. r ? L?our Sewer & Water Permit for the above property cannot be completed for the following asons: 1 _ - Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed, but the meter cannot be issued or occupancy allowed until }urther notice. COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ONLY: Please pay for meter at City Hall. Meter size must be confirmed by Bill Adams or Dirk House (Plumbing Inspectors - 454-8100) before issuance. WARNING: BEFORE DIGGING, CALL LOCAL UTILITIES - TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, GAS, ETC. - REQUIRED BY LAW. CONTACT COMMUNIT.Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR WATER TURN ON POLICY. Secretary, Building Inspections Dept. ?av/89 P 25249 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See instmctions for completing this fomn on back W yellow copy. "X" Below Work Covered by This Request r EB-00001-07 " y.3aa a ew Adtl Rep. " Type of Building AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Olher (Specify) Comm./Indusirial Fumace Farm Air Conditioner aner (slpsay) Conlradw§ Remerks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEntranceSize c Fee # Circuits/Feeders Swimming Pool 0 to 200 00 Amps / O fo 700 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Amps Signs Inspector§ Use Only: TOTAL ?,5? Irrigation Booms i ?J J ? Special Inspection Alarm/Communication Olher Fee I, the Electrical Inspector, hareby it h Rouqn-in Da?e 71 cert y that t e above inspection has been made. F„ai oai / .. 1 OFRCE OSE ONLY This request voitl 18 monNS fro. ? 2 2494, r6? , Request Oale e No Raugh-in Inspection ? R uired? ? Ready Now ill Notiiy InspecWr Ves ? Na ?' ti"?han Reatly7 Ilgiiaensed coniractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Adtlress (StreeI Boa or RpuJe No Ciry ? ? a %? ? SecUOn No. Township Name or No. Rarge No, oun Occuparn IPRINn phone No. V Power Supplier ACOress ' Electrical ntractor ( aery Na e) Coniractorg License No. G ' Mailing A dress ontreclor or Owner Making Inetallation) ANborizetl Sgneiure ( Mraetor/ Makiig Inslnllation) Phone Nurybe / ? Y MINNESOTA STATE BDAflO OF ELECTRICRY THIS INSPECTION flEQUEST WILL NOT Grigge-Mitlwey BWg. - fioom S173 BE ACCEPTED BVTHE STATE BOAftD 1821 UNVenity Ave., SL Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phare (612) 842-0800 ENCLOSED. • CITY OF EAGAN N? 16666 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8700 n & BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # C ? ? To be used for SF DWG/GAR Est. value $76, 000 Date .TUNE 19 g 89 Site Address 848 NORTHVIEW PARK RD Lot 7 Block 6 Sec/Sub. STAFFORD PLACE oFFICE USE ONLv Parcel No. occupancy R-3 ML-1 FEES R 1 Zoning - a Name FRONTIER MIDWEST AOMES (ACtuapConst -vL-N BIdg.Permit 532.00 o Address 3902 CEDARVALE DR (Allowable) V=N S 38 00 urcharge . City EAGAN Phone 454-0433 notsrodes 401 Plan Review 266. 00 Length F Name 9AME Depm -4$_' SAqCiry 100.00 i g Address s.F.rocai - 575 00 ¢ snC,MCwCC . i- Cify Phone S.F. Faotprinis - water Conn 580.00 On Site Sewage _ ? ww Name On Sire Well - Water Meter 90.00 z? AddreSS MWCCSystem ]LX_ 30 00 aw Clty PhOn2 City Water Acct. Depasit . SNV P it 20 00 PRV Required _ erm . I hereby acknowlege tha[ I have read this application antl state ihat the eooster Pump - SNJ Sumharge 1.00 information is correct and agree to comply with all pplicable State of 00 22$ MinneSOta StaWtes and City of ?qa Ordi es. ? Treatment PI , ? ? Signature of Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit 340.00 FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES A Building Permit is issued to: Planner - parkDed. on the ezpress Condition ihat all work shall be done in accortlance with all Council - applica6le State of Mi nnes ota Statutes andC f Eagan Ortlinances. i ty o Bldg. OIL _ Copies ? }? f /? ? y ? ?? ' ? y ? 2,800.00 I I I LI 1.01 . ?? ? 8uilding Otficial ? 1 Varianca _ 70TAL ' RESIDENTIAL BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATIOIV ? yq? 9D CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 851-881-4875 # 70 -oo C?.'(.Qeo1 q-aj -o.? 9413 New Constructbn BeoulremeMa RemotlaVNeoalr Reaulrements • 3 registered site survegs showing sq. it. of lot, sq.8. of fwuse; and aII roofe0 areas • 2 copies ot plan (20%maxlmumbtcoveragealbwed) • lsetafEnergyCalculatlonsforheatedadtlitions . 2 copies of plan shaxing baam & window sizes; poured found desgq etc.) • 1 aite survey for e#erbr adtlitions & decks . 1 set of Energy Cakwiations . Indicate if home served 6y septic system for addttions • 3 copias of Tree Preservatbn Plan il bt platted aNer 7/1/93 • RKn Jolst Detall Optbns seledbn sheet (bitlgs wfth 3 ar less unAS) DATE 11 19 fo Z" VALUATION 0 S, Uo o SITEADDRESS gTR 06tivkv,¢.,,,, PAic.k 4hp MULTI-FAMILYBLDG ,Y _N NPE OF WORK b S.? FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 APPLICANT 9b S 1fl4...vc &rT' T..40.(6A- 444-al woec$ S F /vlrcTivd STREETADDRESS (?I l$ Woop leo.a-O CIN E' ? STATE NZIP Ci?l'u. TELEPHONE # kYj-'i9t(-?q CELL PHnONE # G 4rZ-'2o4-(6n2-_ FAX #(Ps t- 95 cf-4o e 3 BJq yOA./?44 PROPERTYOWNER G-00-r?7 TELEPHONE# COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINIVESOTA RUI.ES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (J submiaeion type) . ResideMisl Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envetope Calculations Submitted Mumbing Coniractor. Plumbing system includes: _ Water Softener _ _ Water Heater ? _ No. of Baths _ Phone # I.awn Sprinkler No. of RI. Baths Mechanlcal Contractor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Wafer Conhactor: ? Air Conditioning ? Heat Recovery System Phone # Phone # Fee: $70.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state ihat the 'nfor atfon is orre sz z comply with all applicable StaTe of Minnesota StaTutes and City of Eagan Or a es. Signalure oP Applicant ' OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ APR 19 2002 0) Updated 4/02 OFFICE USE ONLY •- ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OSplex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool I ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea) q ? 31 EM Alt-Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garaga ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.)'I ? 33 EM. Alt - SF O 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex `? 18 Deck i? ? 23 Porch (screened) ^? 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10.plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04plex ? 12 12-plex Pibg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New p 35 Int Improvement O 38 Demolish (Interior) ?. 44 Siding 32 Addition )k ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndation) IO 45 Fire Repair ? 33 AReration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)" ? 43 Reroof O 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire Btdg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy r? -p J` "Il MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units ? Stories Boaster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV l Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprin lklered Type of Const Width ? REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bidg) FinaUC.O. ?i ? Footings(deck) ? FinaUNo C.O. ?I _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing ? Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ AidGas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stonel _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (newheplacement) i _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall I Approved'By -----='------- Building Inspector ------ ------- ------- Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total 04z,« ?6 651W ? 7c) .? lml.G4I v.a.ia uz ct:a:s I0:61oomirQtorL551 Fq7C:952 884 3985 PAGE li 1 Sflreefor?s G'ertif?c?ite SURVEY FOR: Frontier Ffidwest ltnmes Corp. DESCRIOED AS: i.at 7. Black 6. STAFFORA PI.ACE, (:ity of Eagan, pakota Couniy, Minnesota ana reserving easements of record. ? l :x, y- .7 i ?. ? PR0P09ED 84lVATi0N8 ?._?Qqr?y P4,9 k ?4? ` 7 _ ??FNAIARK ? r . i 1989 WII.DING PBBlIIT EPPLICATION -'C1TT OF EAGAN SIAGLE F9MII.Y DWSGLING3 I (o L ` L 6/ INCLODE 2 3EfS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SIIRVEYo 1 SET OF HNERGY C9LCULI?TIONS ? 60TSs ADDE&4SE5 FO@ ODRNEB IAlS - C09T8ACTOE/HOlEOWNSR !lOST DESI6HATE WHICH ADDRSSS I3 DFSIEED. i HO CHANGFS fiI1.L SE ALLOtiED OMCE HpILDI6IG PE&+IIT SS 283DED. MQLTIPLE DiIELLING3 HSNlAL DBITS FOR 3ALS OHTf3 # OF ONTLS INCLODE 2 SETS OF PLAN3, CERTIFICATE OF 30FVEY - CSBCS VITH BLDG. DSPS.9 / SEf OF ENERGY CALCQLATIONS COIRMESCIAL INCLIIDE 2 SET3 OF AACHITECTURAL & STROCTURAL PLANS, 1 SEf OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF fiNERGY CALCOLATIONS I? JIJy 12 1989 ,2 C, am4 ' To Be IIsed For: new construction Valuation:- 50- Date: Site 9ddress 848 Northviewa-BR-?Eaaan, MN 55123 OFFICE 05S 06LY Lot 7 Bloek 6 Pareel/Sub Stafford PLace Ormer Coster, Francois and Gloria Address 3480 Golfview Dr. City/Zip Code _Edaan, MN 55123 Phone 456-5638 Contractor FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES CORP. Address 3902 Cedarvale Dr. City/zip Code Eaaan, MN 55123 Phone 454-0433 Arch./Engr. Dick Charlier Address 14103 Gardenview DR. City/Zip Code Apple Vallev, MN 55124 Phone # 432-5492 OQCUpancy R-3 M-/ Zoning kt/ Actual Const Allowable S of atories Length o Depth / S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sexage Oti site well lRiCC System 17- City water ? PRV required _ Booster Punp ` FSBS Bldg. Permit S3z Surcharge 7? I? Plan Reviev z &? S9C, Citq /oa SAC, MWCC S7S Aater Conn S 80 iTater Meter kcct. Depoait 30 S/N Permit a0 S/A Surcharge i Treatment Pl. Road Onit 3 ' .9 Park Ded. Copies ?OTAL 1PP80ViL3 Planner Council Bldg. Off. variance Council " N ?c,/14 ? ?- ? --? HOTE: Sever 8 iiater Permit fees and acooimt depoeit feea xill be included in the building permit fee. Procesaing time for aerer and srater permits is two days onoe a lioeneed plumber haa applied for a permit at City Hall. 9' .. i ? °r Y G/z8k ?s`? vu r- _----_ f?at Y? .? lI D& ?- 5? ? ss ?soo L__--- iijil LR,? ". ;;... . :. , . ? ' &w6t N ? tnLEL MECHAHICAL '"N 1 Ammono 3600 Kennebec Drive Ea9an. MM 45122 . HEAr ?oss aLCUI?tTIONS orPnRTMe?n?r oF ?sPEc• ir oN ------__I Guide Con?truclioa No. Iwul?tio? 'indo..? Doou f Re(uma (I Out. WiilU In6 Wall Ceilint Roof Roor Kind t1-?To' ( n- o ? 19__ I How Applied Fl.? Raom Length Wid?h 1 II Wndo... .,,d Doeto---CF.A.o. a„d Arn ? ho FI. 4 ROOm lAaelb Widtb I ,s1 tgp. w?11 ^ ZI nl, w?U sdm? , Q loor e41 Flt%. :eQuired sq. li . E.D.R. or ?q. int. W.A. Leadsr are• Fl.? Rnom LenpA / ,S Width winJowt and Poor?...Cr&cb.e .nd Area ?. •1 r?.• ?t ?ie? b??u M uu 1. k ?n? - ZU ¦ .? .. ^.11. • i6hr.?wn ' J•?? - ? ? xp. w.l I?? 2! b •!I fl?l. M?I I w • ,i'?M?? a O L ?DOf i1 4481 &Y. , eQuired s ins. WA. Leader aroa, a Jus ,P. ,..u - 4t ezp, wdl --?_ nt. w?y ed?n? lou? `'? ` -------------- :equnsd .a. h. E.D.R. or .y. io.. W.A. La&dsr area !! ? %Z 0 -?..? ? ..r rw. 110S Y ?6 ?IIY N !? h. In611r?tion GI?N ' F.ap. w.ll Ne1 sap. wall ' - Inl. wall Ceilin? ? ? 3 ( Floo. . u.u uiu. Requi«d .q. h. E.D.R. or iq. in.. W.A. Luder ue• Fl.I - Room I Len th Width Height Windows and Doors-Cnekya and Aro l MI4sA. ?.1 •n H??I 1?. • ??? q. •??? ` L r Ns. 1 0,? ?. 1.I i 9• 3 In6ltntion GI... Fio. wall 0 Toul Bw. " ReQuired 4Q. f1. ED.R. or sq. pis. W,I?. ("der ar" 1 Fl. l.IV Rosm I lsngth I WidtA 14 Fisyht a -Window? And poom-Cr?ckage &pd A ' na Na . Mletn af O?u• M.1/ t et Mb N. U. • Ilt\N IAu111. •f grasY wn, N. ft. ? 1o.e ? ' ? L - 1 L--~ 3 ' 4 Cosl. BIY Infiltration yY, ' GIa?s ? ry EsP. wall - ?- lb Net erp. wall Inl. wall CeJing Floor . Zo ' o ? S Tot,l B?u. u[ q. ilks. Y//?. Ltadrr , n• ?'1 ?.. IrM NErIT LOSS C?ILCULaTIONS V!e6J141011iq A mid@ Jqdowl Doo 11 Rela oa .??- `1o ( e??e I 19_ ? _Fl. D1w.7 Room l.en??h L Wmdor? aed OoMon-.Cracka e ? 1\lu? N?q M? • {.le • No-n, N M 11 ? CJsu E.p. w•II Nd up. t Im. wall f-.iiins Flovr Nane I n. ?ddr???? ?.?ii1VR"'? I.t..? i? wC_"" DEPARTMENT OFINSPECTION CoPstruclWp No. . q ?if &I a2. IO4I d1Y. -- Hrquiud .y. h. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. 4ader .gw •? a,, I Fl. k ouW.m Lenph ( Width ? Hsithl WanisawS eed Deen-Cracka s end Aru 1/0 ??. •w144% M pu M•yM N ne • II . f?U Llmol h. of oBeY ?n? .i1. ?? •? ? ??• BIY 1?3hn?we ? s u ? 4 +- J Gl?w ?-?L wall. •V (n?0 No1 up. MaII _ . . . ? . . BIW ? (t. ED.R. or •ad and IwLhm:o. Ca 59,: /{ 7 g E.p. r?4 WI ?ap. W?U 1? (wt. waY Cnlmg Fl°°. I 040 Ta•I 8w. Reav61ed p. It. L.D.R. ef p. ins. W.A. Uadat 411e41 { O O 4 II KIOd 'NEnLEL MECNANiCAL 3600 Kennobec Drive . Eagan. NM 55122 . InWlalion -_ - wv wpf OGY gi \Iq Af lS N?. ie?• a1 "so M•Is?i 1 N. t 11.1,64 i.w n. deraeY ?rw .n. aaa? ??. BIY In61tr.?ion GI\M Exp. wdI Nsl sap. wall ' Int. w.u Csiling Floor 1 OIa1 tl1Y. Requved sy. h. E.D.R. or .y. in.. WA. l.e.der .re. I _ Fl.) Roomll.enich Widih F4;.Al Windows aed pcorr-Cneka p and Ana No. Nldi• of n? HgA1 !f ke o 1,0646 ?f ormY • . 14 ¦ In611ralioa ' Glau Eap. wall Me1 tip. wall Inl. wall Ceiliay Floor I otai tltu. Required p. h. E.D.R. or p. idg. WJ?. Lesdsr uu ~ F1•I-- Rwei I ltaath vidtA 11.ur1u Windows ad pean-Craekr e sod Are? ' Na. leth ef ?u? NchI ?f Noo N?. 11 \N IMU 11. A! efatY An. . p. Coel. BIY ?n611u{ion ? Clats F..p. M.U Net exp. wap iFA. M.u ' CeJing I Floo? . II _ R•y??r.d p. 1?. ED.R. e..a. i... pA l..dr..R. -- . ? - f -- c ?V-_ Smrrelors Orlificate SURVEY FOR: Frontier Plidwest Ilomes Corp. OESCRIBED AS: I.ot 7, Block 6, STAFPORD PLACE, City of Eagan, Dakota County, blinnesota and reserving easements of record. ADA Ao A p 876.g Aa R 94 v . o0 6 ?.$ ? ?- se? 6 0o 0 1 N \ 0 . t ? a, ? ? ? ?z zQ6 - ? ? ? /? 00 g $ a77, ? Ji? ? !ll af / ? ?n "+ 1• lj tR pp ? I ? 'rp DA? g f0 ? ?r aobn o Ed ° ? °# ` ?Q oe.? o ? 87? e x r¢ ? ? o ;"y ! / / ? ??- B?'?\\\?? E'.-z Ss?.0 0 'BY . PROPOSED ELEVAiIONS iop of Foundollon • 8? 8'.! (Iarope FIOOr • g?'1.? Basamenl Floor ? 8 74.0) ApproR. Sowu 9ervlte Elw. • Propoud Elevallons 4 ? Enslino Elevollans . _ Orolnaqe Dlrectlons ? ?r OenoNs OIhN Sloh• . D 9f T" t3 8?UAN EIVGINFER 'G .: E-i''i ?On u G? ? SCALE: 1 lnoh • 30 Flaf rB?ErNCHrMA?RwKs} r 8i1.23 I MIN. 9ET811CK REQIREMENTS Fron1 - 30 House 81de - lo Reur - 15 6oroye 6Ws - 5 I henhy eortllY Ihol 1Mo wrvOY. Fla^ er foperl wos prpefeA W 06 JOB Na.; /?IEDLUND oi undu my dlrecl 9uq?dJon ond Ihel 1 em a dulr q@qbl*n0 a9K-Iq'Z land 8wwyx under IM Mrs d Ibe lloN Of Mlnaesole. YODK: FAOE? Plqnnlrrp EngineeNng SuMyhig tA00FIlE• - ?awnaw?inr Dal?: b f ?Tff4r In qj96n, Linnq N {37! . ?.i ?. .,. 1 3i , ' OWPiER of SITE AOORESS E v.Tc i0R .VVET_0?c kVERAGc "ll" COMPUiATiON kv rl?" e, o ("s ? G l 0"- «. S? 1IR 4 ) ,?,.4? v?e?? CrAvn ??t?G E. KncWEll1 Z X ?o CONTRACTOR FRON7IER MIDWEST HOMES CORP. DA7't 3! ??`( PNOYE f:?&PT(C?? _ Ce±ernine working sGuare footage of each. 1. Total exposed wall area ...... 7 Z$S_?!o sq. ft. x .t l- ?? 2. Total rnof/cziling arQa .... I DS t9 sq. ft. x Total exposed watl arEa ahove floor =?2 R 8,(?Co a. Totai wall window area ..................:........ Iafi .?? b. Total doar ar2s ................. .. .............. 34. 4, 41 c. Tatai s7iding giass dcor area .................... . ya d: Total fireplac_= wall ar=a ....... ... .. ........ ?IS e. Total wa77 framing area (a?rerage l0A)...:........ ?? 8.R(a f. Total ne_.wa'.1 area abave floor ................ t(e5L.88 g. Total r?m Joist area ............................ I48 Total exposed foundation area = -15,3 3 h. Totai foundation windaw ar=a ..................... . i. Taat net foundation area above grade ............ -I, -5, 33 Detet-iine "U" value of each wa17 seyRrtent. a. 1 ot5.-s X ??u" .35 = ? 5. 3a.(Oa X „U„ „y5 = i -I.83 c. ya X It U„ , 4(5' _ L8.9 d. y? X „u I, e. X „U's ?f. lia S(o.$?C X uu" 03 = Lrl.? 9• (?-1 8 g ,.U„', ?o3te = S 3? h. X %,. _ „U„ 3 ...................................... Telai If item #3 is the sar,;e as, er ]ess than it=_m pl, you have met tFe intent of SBC 6006(c)2. Total ezposed raoflc-iZina ar=a = [ O 8S Total gross rcof/ceiiing are3 = j. Total skyiight arEa ..............•• o, • k. Tota1 roo-F/czilinq framing area .... 1.O.? ?.- -$- 1. Tata1 net insulated roof/cei7ing ar2a....... Oeternine "L'" value for e;ch raaf/ceiling segment. X "Ua - ?• k- - Ib$ .?S xlsUll .O z 1 = Z`b X "u" . O 19 = ( 8 , (o 4 ........................ .......... ?otal = Z. .8 If totaT oT 744 is the same as, or less t5zn r2, you have met the intent ofi SBC G006(c)1. To utilized the total envelope systrn method, the values-established hy the sum of itams a3 and #4 shall nat be gr-=tzr than the sian af items #i and 712. l. + 2. 3. 1Ct1.o5 + 4. ZO???G = Z11.93 MATMIALS T` erm. Basistance "R" Ext e_ ior 9i= _ l-1 Sidi^z Xater_al .4e2 _ Sheathing 5- Insulatioa Sheetroc:c . Sg Interior Ai.r Studs 2x. L.S 1 Rita i `Q °i Conc. B1SCS. - ? -- , • ' ? ..:t?:?C1S?? :tJ t???GDFj.?. . • I ?q? ? ? ? O i. 1 _? ?t?? ?i:?iYll,rC? ?8?..? ^ c?t7?L? :i,'.?. ? I ' 1 ? . ? ? •' . ' ?l? r T X S X X ? . DL• Ef ; ?? . o • ,. '- p _ y¢ •?y: ? : `' ? ,1( . ??1 . 4 ? i?i ' • ' u? ? Il ' ' ? • : . • / ? < ; - .. , . . ? ? -?, n ? , ? -, ? - •• •Q ? , 1i ? = (af ? ? K • `' •. - ? '` • ?? " ' ' " `2 ° ? ? ' • ? _I]/ _ • / ' ? .? ,,, , .: , . • tt = ? . , , c; . ? . • ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . • .3uGC:+. aw a.++ . . ._;:. ... ??' L ? `z:?y • ? `??'"•: : ' : ? ? r ' ?'o L,?.s =-E ?c:_ t?C _ s ? • • • ? : . ' - • • 5 -? • ? . : n . a •.tT? ?s-? c'l -??o? . _ y , . ? ? ? ? . _ ? • ? . ^ . 1 ' Q . ? M °9'0. ?r? ..rz ..,YotuZ •Z . : .. • ? e.?P ? • `Z.p ? '7 r?• y' ' ? 7 I ?? h ? - ?? ?S ? - ?-. ?v X ,? ? - 'E ?G--?--.'- ? •? X2 ? 510 0 ? on i ??' • ? _o:?v -:E z . . T?? Y-? ? l?Cy• I.-L. 0? rTz: ?ce : c:?ox ' 9 ? NIC '"f., ,S _ -X-t/w??d3??.1.l?' b . , . o'b1 1tsS?vZ' ?,?, "E ? ?y• • Ga11.? ? .y . ng•p b 1'1?+.1 ??c• _ ' LT'0 `. ' -? f• D tY I C i S ' S h X?11u?ri1 ,?h(s ' '> L8'O? . :;?:,M ;;=s s:- Z? 's , • • „ ?71;. -:? - .--•-? 7Z I? ?11 \ 1SY:w\VLL 771 ?,•:: . ? . z? •?_? . :. ... , . ? . . :?. ? - ??nt.t. r.r.c•?:;:;:, ?:r jSt ?I t•??nnu?t W,ill nccn for. f:ar,r. c?n:.t r?c? !un i F1G. !1 TGPVIEN OF . F1Vvti HALS. ? • . ?TG. 92 1SICl( ??. , a _.°.?•---?..?._.t,? ?.?. y . ?` • t? •. , ??. , •q• ..?_-??.-0 .4 I , ' ? . `. . . i l i i .. I , . woCD - t- r ?- cc.ir .truit ir,.? t::Y.tl??•:. ? axy R ?i =us?l - . _ ( i.a ,. ?xLl's 4. _ A!R ?7?.C.E ,_ . ....-- • .-- `fcS 5. ???GE. .Bi?1LK ... , :._ .. .••-- . . _ ..l l G. F.r.lcrii.r .tlr li7?M ? U.17 ib.99- v= 058 1. Intrc Imr_ a i r--1 i tln .• ---•-^._• --n. GIl 4- __-??..-•- -- -°---°--- --. 5 : .. . _.. . _._.- 6. Ex[crivr air Cilix ,' ?.17 ?-?- 1blA1J 1. lptcriur ??ir_film_...---•----•-b;f,:t _.?_---- 4. 5. ._------- ---.. . -- --'- _' 6, gxtr,ri??r niY iilnt _?J_L'1 ' . ^1'atal. _ 1. (ntcti_,c nlr_ttln..---•---•°-•P.Gn • J. _.__ ?..-_. .... . ? 4. . ? "-- •' _-.Y-- "'• - M-_'-._?...?? 5. .._---- _ • G. l:sCaricr .?ir t i!n a.l'1 ___------ -_-'_'. '"i•o-u?C . gl,,Uf fIN ?:1tn1)Y. ? ? _ _ "- - "I --.-- • , ` ??? ? ? ?? • ? lf .1 ? . ? ' _?,?y;?? ?r? ' • ? : • ' .. .'._. : . ., - ,ri?- . • : ' ': " .• '-. . Ilj ?g"D •, - /?? 1•r _ • " , • ? . . • t ' ? i ` . ? ? } / • Flt:. BA f(1 ' .a S? /!( i 4 • 'Ir ? . r': . lI ' J d,_nelx ar.ct ' ' ? I ? i o ? ' n_ ; I . ' ?ii.t:: rnc•?C q? irc:?il.t!inn. 1 " . PL..G ?! . F ? , ?pos_0 WALL L.J G K; C .? Sc, c. -F ao qot?? * Sz, i- ra = w = t s? ?`? tVG, Cci ?:U L L f' , r 1 ^7 r i?tr v J4?a . D WA! L. t3Loc4?', 1c5b. X, S = 7,5. 33 ; ._lr. x 5 = 83?• ? 1?? ? ' 1 ? ! e AZEA - - -?s 'P:uLL'.1 ; 14:3 r t C 'TO ? v a I•: ?•, ? w17w5 -:)!I 44 s 4 = Zcl?C, = Z. = z=(3?? ? 7-,V 7ap ? ? e GE1 LfUC{ Z'9. 3 Iv$8 = ?a L c Doo?.S ?1 Z1 ?__ Z- ? ° ?hT10 D(?5 , ? ( Z.5•'3 ?. , _ ' , :? 4-Valt:c CMn:s . --.?`??l' 11 ?` • 2. ,,, 3F."/-`!r' ?D .? !A1«L. SO ??'t Ex'cr_cr a: •:?,. fsu2lf 6. ?;?1111? ?.}?,?'????????i' - - - ??: 22 . 7?% ?-QQ -? . . . . . . . Zntcrior sir f'.l= ? 0.53 ueac f1:.u z_ J G-r R_? .Sr , ? ?P _ 3. `Zxy_ I1.f?--UL • K?J 3S - ' . . d. ?Y?C?=O? c 1L F11L1 (5tZ1 • , : • . • . . . . TotaL 2 . Lf6. . . T?G. ?5 .. , : • , ? • . .? _ , ? . ? • ? , . . ? • ? ? ' • , • , - . . ? ' • : • Go.i.yrK?cri e? . . ZAsul ; y. Tnsidc air film 0.6: Z. ' , . . 3. . . . . q. ' 1. ? 5. Gvts:de air fi'n Total 0-_. •'' . ?X???? .. ' . . •. Z Insi2c air tilas 0:e • ? ?. • . Ilov up . , ? =•vr.?ia3 . •. 4. . 0- , . • • _'• . • ?? Cutsidc sis film ' . . ? . , . : _ , To Ca], . 71C_ 16_. . . .•, _ ? , • -: . _ . . --_""?_" 5 . :,; 1. Inai?e air tila .. . . • 0. c : ? r.•'? ? ?- • ' ? .v.??s.?r+.,l'i= •: - 3? ' . • - . ' - • ?'?=?,-y «:: ? 41 O . ... .-• f•}•;:. •.':'•' ? g. Gtitsidc ?ir fiLa ?1-??Y.;-•.• . /? ', . SDta7- ? . ?? • : ? _ ? . ? ... ' .. • ? ? •? ? '?'•.?' . s , . • ' ?• . i? ? ' - ? ? •? ' ' Hotc U=a a2c'itianzl shetG. .t . • ? HC;:-i, ? •? • . ' , .r.scs?asi fa= Aeui'r s:.?' calc _-_ ?• •. , 2iest . . • . . . . . • . • ' : , tlcv cp .' . .? • . _ ? . • : ? . .. ,• • • , ba ._ -t-7 CITY USE ONLY LOT 1 BL Y RECEIPT#: ? Lq0 SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: ? -30' qq_ MECHANICAL PERMIT # '2%-l (17 ? 1999 M£CHANICAL PEft14tIT (MSFDEN1TAd.) crrY oF F-ts,vv 3$80 ?ILOT KNOB $D £neAu Mu 55122 Date: (651) 6$1-4675 Complete this section onlv if you are installing HVAC in a single family dwelling, townhome or condo under constrvction and not owner /occuuied. • HVAC: 0-100 MS"I"L?. ADDITIOidAL 50 M BTU • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) $ 30.00 6.u0 State Surchazge .50 Total $ Complete this section anlv if you are remodeling, adding to, or repairing an existing single family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. X, New _ Alteration _ Repair _ Other ? Reminder: Ca11681-4675 for inspectrons. _ Furnace ? Air conditioning _ Air exchanger _ Other $ 30.00 State Surchazge .50 Minimum Total Due $ 30.50 SITE ADDRESS: E4Ly / 6U° c) / ?? ? 0?9 OWNERNAME: WQ?j PHONE#: ? (AREA W E) INSTALLERNAME Sz?(,lil s2lUi/?P ? rL? ?77 PHONE#: S7REET ADDRESS: ??- 5/?j :?? (AREA CODE) /? d o CITY: STATE: /* 1'1 ZIP: SIGP ATURE OF PE ITTEE ?? `,S"3/U CITY USE ONLY ^ L _ BL _ RECEIPT#' SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: I APPROVED BY'. , INSPECTOR MECHANICAL PERMIT#: _.,_. ? 19991HECHAPICAL P£ftMIT (CO1NM£itCIAL) CITY QF £ftfiAN 3$30 P1LOT KNOB fiD ? EAsA1v,1auV 55122 ? (651)681-4675 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATk;: ^ONTRACT?RICE; - WORKTYPE: _ NEW CONSTRUCTION _ INTERIORIMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: 1% of conhact price OR $30.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Processed piping - $30.00 ii CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE STAT'E SURCHARGE ($.50 per $1,000 of nermit fee due on all permitsJ TOTAL ? SITE ADDRE55 OWNER NAME: PHONE #: - (AREA CADE) I TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY): INSTALLER: ADDRESS: PHONE #: - (AAEA WDE) CIT'Y: STATE: ZIl SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA121427 Date Issued:04/01/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 848 Northview Park Rd Lot:7 Block: 6 Addition: Stafford Place PID:10-72500-06-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Windows/Doors: If altering the opening size, a framing inspection is required. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Son Q Nguyen 848 Northview Park Rd Eagan MN 55123 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature