4000 Northview TerINSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: • ? ragan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 i f H +--4-4', 0f', 6a ?,N 4" SITEADDRESS: InI (. 1t1 APPLICANT: ?4-14, N1. i i!...' t[ W IEtr li ?IJi l!tf,l PERMIT, SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: HU ei 11 iWo e:?a 0.1 {, {'+6 L Permit No. Permft Holder Date Telaphone k ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC lnapection Date Inap. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING FOUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ? '"e",tzj - ? •?- a-- OR$AT TEST ? i -- - -- - -- BLDG FINAL --? ??/I ? ?/ ? 777? BSMT R.I. ' ? C67- 1# ? 6SMTFINAL 10 CASH R6CEIPT '0 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD ' EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 4 DATE 19 NECErvEO v < < /' l. F110Y ? ? . i s l '?.1 /'/ I _ AMOUNT ? #I ? J?i11)ar4'?-? ? CASH '-+-?---? . - . 7 _.. 8 DOLLARS '00 CHECK ?S FUND OBJECT l T AMOUNT Thank You BY C 41 ?6 W,it°--P°,?? Y.??ng Copy Pwik-Fft cW„ SEWER & WATER PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 DATE . ? METER # CHIP # OFFICE USE ONLY METER SIZE ISSUE DATE PERMIT DATE ! ,-?/11/8g PERMIT ? icc43 B.P. RECEIPT # 4116 B.P. RECEIPT DATE 13V'81-i SITE ADDReSS ' LOT ? BIADCK '` SEC/SUB- r- APPLICANT: ADDRfSS: CIIY, STATE ZIP PHONE: PLUMBER: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE ZIP, ,-, PHONE: OWNER: _ ADDRESS:_ CITY, STATE PHONE: - PRV - BOOSTER PUMP PERMIT REQUESTED SEWER WATER -TAPS - COMM/IND RESIDENTIAL NEW - EXISTING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. Credit WILL NOT be given for Deduct MeterS. I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCES SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM SEWER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. SEWER & WATER PERMIT C1TY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122-1897 QATE 2 OFFICE USE ONLY METER # ? V ti I pERMIT DATE 11) ? CHIP #,QdgSd2, PERMIT # 10993 METER SIZE C B.P. RECEIPT #C 413E ISSUE DATE /a-!5(4 ! B.P. RECEIPT DATE 10,161189 - PRV - BOOSTER PUMP SITE ADDHESS LOT ?BLOGK _,?_SEC/SU8;4 4 " . - . ? i APPI.ICAKT: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE P • r PHONE; ?' J4- PERMIT REGIUESTED X SEWER Z_ WATER - TAPS - COMM/IND ,'?C RESIDENTIAL ZIP X-NEW PLUMBER: V , AQDRESS: ` CITY, S7ATC 4 ZIP ?i PHONE: 4 ? 3 ---),5 ;? I OWNER: - ADDREBS:_ CITY, S7ATE PHONE: - ZIP EXISTING Lawn SprinklQr Meters are to be Installed Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. Credit WILL NOT be given far Deduct Meters. 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EA ORDINA S SIGNATURE WHEN METE ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 4545220 FOR INSPECTIONS., FOR. STORM S?1NER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGtMEERING DEPT. - '' ?' +?(;' . _,...T ,.?.w? ... .. :...,. .. . ? .. . r....i.s......r..+. ? . ? : • _:_ ' . "t(" e ..'?; r,Tl..A.?_.C.B'iT?, . ?C? . . . . . . , . CITY OF EAGAN A. 17143 ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # TobeusedEor SY DWIGAiI Est.Value =115,000 Date O-"r S , 1949-- Site Address '?? NORTMEW TEaR Lot s Block 3 Sec/Sub. ?XINGTON OFFICE USE ONLY PdfCel N0. PAX"Urw Occupancy &-3_?? FEFS PD & 1 - - Zornng W Name SRU1'1 L 2lIORSON (Actual) Const _ V-* Bldg. Permit 692•00 AddfeSS 4?6 ?? (Allowable) -?? h s7?? O Surc arge City LAGAX Phone 454-0644 # of Stories 4 700 Plan Review 3 6•90 Lengih ? Name Sm Depth 340 SAC Cit 10?010 Z y , O ¢ AddreSS S.F. Total - 573 00 Q SAC, MCWCC . ? City Phone S.F. Footpnnts - water Conn s?• ? On Site Sewage _ r W Name On Site Well - Water Meter ?•? F _ Address Mwcc syst? ? ? U ; <W Ciry Phone ? aty walar _ Acct. Deposil S/W P it ? 2Q?? PRV Required _ erm I hereby acknowlege that I have read fhis application and state that the Booscer Pump - SrW Surcharge i•oo information is correct and ee to comply toith all applicable State o1 '? ZZ? ? Minnesota Statutes and Cit Eagan Of inapces. ? Treatment PI • t- Signature of Permitee 1 ?-`'?/' I APPROVALS Road Unit 340.00 '? A Buiiding Permit Is issued to: b$jM L Planner - Park Ded. on the express condilfon that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council applicable State of MlnneSOta Stalutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. Off. _ Copies BuiidingOfticial ' • ? ' -- Variance - TOTAL 3?059•30 Permit No. Permit Holder Uate Telephone # WATER O C 22' f 9 SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC - ?? j Inspection Date Ins . Comments F??ingS I ra y & i F (? PIlbg. ] g. Final Plbg. 1 / Const. Meter Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Ergr./Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. (gtrfi#irafit nf COrrupanry Citp of Cagan appaimmt of luiiding jwrrtimt This Cerlifuate issued pursuant to tlre requirements of Section 306 of tke Uniform Building Code certifying [hat at the time of issuance tlris structure was rn coinplrance with the various ordinaRCes of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following. u. a..?.i. SF DWG/GAR Bklg. Pmria ,,o, 17143 „Q.?, rya R ? 314Ml Zonies DWW PD/Rl Type C005L VN owur or e?g EPIAN L. 'IIHOR.4Qd ,dd.4466 WEDQ,i0C0 TJRIVE, E1aGAN BuW;,,g ",? 4000 NCRIHVIF]d TERRACE B3, I.EXUCIC1V PA13WIW 1;,?? n,te: DDMffiM 14, 1989 ,?-7 ?- &W&Rj owicw POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE . ?? ir - V •' , •, • PLUMBING P CITY OF EA CONTRACT 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, PRICE PHONE 454 Site Lot. - .._.. ? Add c City c I Add ? City FEES COMM.lIND. FEE - 196 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE b CONDO - RES. RATE APLUES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM.IND./FEE $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT .50 (ADD $.50 S/C PER EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE) For PERMIT # 55122 IRECEIPT # Res. 1k New ? Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other _ RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: MO FIXTURES 00 ' ? TOTpL? $ ?o ? ater Closet - $3. ?l?Bath Tubs - $3.00 avatory - $3.00 -? Shower - $3.00 ?- ? Ktchen Sink - $3.00 ` UrinaVBidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3_00 - ? 7 Floor Drains - $1.50 ' -? Water Heater - $1.50 ? Whiripool - $3.00 ? ? Gas Piping Oudets - $1.50 (MINIMUM -1 PER PERMIT) Softener - $5.00 WeA - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 0 ? Raugh Openings - $1.5 ? PERMIT FEE: ? STATES SIC: GRAND TOTAL: PERMIT # • . MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # ?'- - ' 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE CONTRACT PRICE: ' Site Adoress ' ' j ? Name m Address c Ciry Phone Name :domee TYPE OF WORK ?.;.) Forced Air M BTU Boiler M BTU Unit Heater M BTU Air Cond. M BTU Vent. CFM Gas Piping Outlets #i c ur,1. ).-:1y Other FEE S/C: TOTAL• BLDG. Res. _ Comm. Othe? WORK DESCRIPTION . New ? A.1.1 .... Repair FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTIOH) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEkMIT) - 1.50 EA. COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPUES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & REMODELS - 12.00 MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50- (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE FOR: CITY OF EAGAN t DATE: 10/11189 RE: 4000 NOflTFIV1SG1 T.fi6RACB. LS, 113, LERINGTOAI PARRV1BGl 0 . Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed. It will be held at the . Public Works Garage (3501 Coachman Road) until the meter is picked up. BE SURE TO o CALL PUBLIC WORKS (4545220) FOR YOUR PERMANENT WATER TURN ON. - Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property cannol be completed for the following reasons: " Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed, but the meter cannot be issued or occupancy allowed until further notice. - COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ONLY: Please pay for meter at Cily Hall. Meter size must be confirmed by Bill Adams or Dirk House (Plumbing Inspectors - 454-8100) before issuance. WARNING: BEFORE DIGGING, CALL LOCAL UTILITIES - TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, GAS, ETC. - REQUIRED BY LAW. CONTACT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR WATER TURN ON POLICY. Secretary, Building Inspeclions Dept. CITY OF EAGAN N2 17143 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. 8ox 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 ? 2; Receipt # 7 `/?_! n 'o be used for • SF DWG/GAR Est. Valu $115,000 Date OCT 5 Site Ac+dress 4000 NORTHVIEW TERR Lat 5 Block 3 Sec/Sub. LEXINGTON Parcel No. PARKVIEW w Name BRIAN L THORSON ; Address 4466 WEDGEWOOD DR ° City EAGAN Phone 454-0644 o Name S? ? g Address ? City Phone ww Name ? ?-, Address ? a W City Phone I hereby acknowleqe that I have read this application and state that the information is wrrect and ee to comply ith all applicable State ot Minnesota Statutes and " Ea9an O i ces. Signalure of Permitee A Building Permit is issued ta: BRIAN L THORSON on Ihe express contlilion that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of M(i?nnesota .SQtatuteIs anWdyC!iry of Eagan Ordinances. Building Oflicial .!?.1411 I\.PAfA•I I I'2 OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy R -3 ' - J. FEFS Zoning PD R-1 (Acwap Const V-N Bldg. Permit 692.00 (Allowable) Surcharge 57.50 # DI Stories 70' Plan Review 346. 00 Length Depth 34' SAC,City 100.00 S.F. Tolal - SAC, MCWCC 575.00 S.F. Footprints - On Site Sewage _ 'Nater Conn 580.00 On Site well - water Meter 90.00 MWCCSystem -XX 30 00 City Water Acc1. Deposit . PRV Require0 - sfN Permil 20.00 8oosler Pump - S!W Surcharge 1• ?0 Treatmenl PI 228, ?0 APPHOVALS RoadUnil 340.n0 Planner - park Ded. Council Bldg.Ofl. _ Copies Variance - TDTAL 3,059.50 ? DATE: 10/11/89 RE: 4000 NORYflV1EW YERRAGE. LS. B3. LEXINGTO `\PABKVISH . Xx Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed. It will be held at the Public Works Garage (3501 Coachman Road) until the meter is piclied up. 8E SURE TO CALL PUBLIC WORKS (454-5220) FOR YOUR PERMANENT WATER ifURN ON. -; Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property cannot be completed,tor the following reasons: - Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed, but the meter cannot be issued or occupancy allowed until further notice. - COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ONLY: Please pay for meter at City Hall. Meter Size must be confirmed by Bili Adams or Dirk House (Plumbing Inspectors - 454-8100) before? issuance. WARNING: BEFORE DIGGING, CALL LOCAL UTILITIES - TELEPHONE, ELECTRI GAS, ETC. - REQUIRED BY LAW. CONTACT COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR WATER TURN ON P LICY. Secretary, Building Inspections Dept. ir /? 89 f? 6 913 5 Req st oate Fre o. ougMn in ion equireE? ? Ready Now IL.WinAotiry inspeaw I ? No Wlien Reatly? I censed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Jo?A ress Slr or o leNO.) .. Ciry fr ?, I ? V? $a ion No. Township Name or No. Rarge No. Caun ? Occ ? A) Phan No. _ Pow2! $II?f ` AAtlR55 Eledncal Corhractor (COmpany Neme) Comracrorb Licer sa No. O Mailing Address (COntraclor or Owrier Malting Insiallafion) AuCwiized SignaNre (COntraclor/Owner Melcing Inslallaiion) .?I Ptw Number MINHESONP 99PTE BOARO OF ELECTpICfTY THIS INSPEGTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grigga-Mitlway Bbg. - Room 9-113 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAFlD 1821 Ilnivaslty Ave., St. Vaul, MN 55100 UNLE$$ PFOPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (872) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. ri3%d'9 r- 6 91.3 5 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See ins[ructiona br completing this form on back of yelbw copy. IC" Belaw Work Covered by This Request ^ Eaooam-m u 9s191&11 4- e Rep. TypeofBUilding AppliarwesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service . Duplex Water Heater ElecMc Heaiing Apt. Building Dry r O[her (Specity) ' Comm.Andustrial umace Farm Air Conditioner Ofher (speciy) Contreclor5 Femarks: Compute lnspectron FeB Below: # Other Fae # Service ENrance Size Fee # CircuitsiFeedere Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps TransfOrmels AboVe 200 _ Amps A6ova 100 _ Amps SignS Inweeior's Use Only: TOT L Irrigation Booms Special inspection AlarmlCommunication Other Fee ? I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby tH h h i h Rough-in owe ?.y (/ cer yt at t ea6oveinspect on as been made. Final p 0 FFICE USE ON W This request voiG 18 monihs fmm 7aF35 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING rExnziT arrLrcnTioN A yGa&X City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone 9 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Conshuction Reouiremenis 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft, of lot, sq. ft. oi house; and all roofed areas (20% mazimum lot coverage allowed) 2 wpies ot plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 set of EneTgy Calculafions 3 copies of Tree P2servation Plan'rf lol plaqed aNer 711193 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (buildings wifh 3 or less unAs) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodellReoair Reauiremenls ? Office Use OnN 2 copies of plan showing foofings, beams, joisGS Ced of Survey Recd _ Y_ N 7 set of Energy Calcula4ons for heated additbns ? Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N. 1 site survey for additrons & decks -? Tree Pres Requ'ved _ Y_ N AddAion - indicete if on-site sepGc sysfem On-site Septic System _ Y_ N LilLA Date),?/_/ M6t- / SiteAddress ? 06 ConstructionCost Unit/Ste# Descriptiono(Wark Qc[?GQ?'{'?'?T Multi-Family Bldg _ Y? N Rireplace(s) ? 0 2 Property Owner iJ G Sc>An Telephone #(/ S/ ) h? S.L ? S J L? Contractor J> )?1 Address State _mn /,j/ St /'"t _ Zip City ?cJ Ok P Telephone # (612 D I IS' COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissionrype) Submilted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Fn) 1P= vf E q 4 7= Telephone #( Mechanical Contractor ( OV6 Telephone # { Sewer/water Contractor MAR 2 3 2006 Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ?)a?1 ,? 4 E c? e f ? Applicant's Printed Naane Applicant's Signafu DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvaes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling O 08 06-piex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) O 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 Ot of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage '??_ 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck O 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work TVpes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior O 44 Siding )0- 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair 1 ? 33 Afteralion ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire Bidg) - G ive PCA handout to appliwnt DeSCripfiOn: WaterDamage_ Yes Valuation /7 l7 Occupancy aA_ U? MCES System Plan Review ? 100% or _ 25% Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bidgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const v Cz_ Width ' REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bidg) _ Sheetrock Footings(deck) FinaUC.O . ? Footings (addi[ion) ? FinaUNo C.O. Foundation _ HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof Ice & Water Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final ? Framing _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone La th _ Brick R.I. Air Test Final Fireplace Windows _ _ _ ? Insulation = Retaining Wall Buildi Ins e r d B t A p pprove y: ng ------------°-- ---_ -_- c o Base Fee Surcharge 5 L/vu Plan Review MC/ES SAC Ci SAC ? 6?L/ ty Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant ? License Search Copies Other Total TRI-LAND C0. SURVEYING SERVICES 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 LEGAL .. ._ ?..? ? /r?q ? . 00 ? 10 ? ? 5 0 N p -50 DESCRIPTION: LOT?S ,BLOCK3, LEXINGTON PARKVIEW ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF noKnTO COUNTY,MINNESOTA ?-?? ? Wz???? I II I ? a av i ? ?'?/ ?(1-(-f j SITE PLAN FOR- THORSON HOMES N ' I - Paopes6v ? Aq Mo?sc 5 qpV' ? S2I 4AR ?--1---- ZZ? - g? ? NI M ? _ _ ? ?q o N 0°00'02 ????q 14.4A 0 M ? I ,; ,.. `: AIflC1•'? 'pt.CA ? W ? Q W I H -0 SCALE: I"-30' LEGEND PROPosEO Fo?-?- BASEM6N T- IJALKOUT INVERT ELEVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION= o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION o DENOTES WOOD HUB SET PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION 904/9 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR = 902? ELEVATION ELEVATI ON (9os.?!)DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION I hxeby csrtity that this survey,plan or report wos prepared by me or undar my direct supervision and ihat I am a duly Reyistered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the State of Minnesota. IRpP.? ? -fl /5? V CD ? Z y ?V? I a ? o ? ? ?pq (0 V' --?--- -0 15•,? ,, o / A qp59,1 $90 tk NOTE'• VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLARS Bradley J. c Date -_ Rsp. No. 13235 7°?035 zoos RESIDENTIAL BUILDING rExMrT arrLicaTiorr I tiqa.?E'1(4 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX 9 651-675-5694 New Conshuction Reauirements 3 reg isfered sile surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq, ft, oi house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 set of Energy CalculaGons 3 wpies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist DetaO Options selection sheet (buildirgs vrith 3 or less uniLS) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodellRepair Reauirements ? Office Use OnN 2 copies of plan sMwing footings, beams, joists Cert oi Survey Recd _Y _ N 7 set of Energy CalcuWtions forhealed addifrons ? Tree Pres Plan Recd _Y _ N. 1 site survey for additions & decks -? Tree Pres Required _Y _ N Adddiort - indicate if ons'rfe sepfic sysfem On-site Sep[ic System _ Y_ N 'i!LI (`a0uii -??- Date),?/ / mdr l Ob SiteAddress ? ConstructionCost yDOV /)OrAV`wj TE//• UnitlSte# Description of Work Q rXC.Q? ?' ? Multi-Family Bldg _ Y? N Fireplace(s) ? 0 _ I _ 2 Property Owner A U e 3J h rt Telephone #(6S/ Contractor J-)O?I _? '.e'aa.,,r' Address L ?tI y State rl /,j/ "t Id- Zip City (!?GJQS p Telephone #(6/z ) c! 7 A` d 1.2S COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv I Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 7 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculalions Submitted In the last 12 monihs, has the City of Eagan issued a permif for a similar plan based on p master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber [E (Do Eqv s Telephone # ( Mechanical Contractor A- AM Telephone # ? Sewer/WaterContractor MAR 2 3 2006 Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ?V a Yt S 4 E ? e? ` i UYX Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signatu DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes 0 07 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 37 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 oi_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage 7i,-' 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF O 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 17 70-plez ? 19 LowerLevel ? 24 StortnDamage ? 06 64-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvnes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior 0. 44 Siding ?k 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building" ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowsfDoors ? 34 ReplaCement 'Demolitlon (Entire Bldg) • G ive PCA handout to applicant DeSCriptI0I1: WaterDamage_Yes Valuation a V Occupancy -L41 MCES System Plan Review _4 100% or _ 25% Census Code 2oning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width ' REQU IRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) _ Sheetrock Footings(deck) FinaUC.O. Footings (addition) ?C FinaUNo C.O. ? Foundation _ HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof Ice & Water Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gaz Tests Final Framing _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone L.a th _ Brick Fireplace R.I. Air Test Final Windows _ _ ? Insulation _ - Retaining Wall ed B A Buildin ector I y: pprov ------------------------------- g nsp ---------------- ------------------ ------ Base Fee Surcharge ? C L/vu Plan Review MC/ESSAC Cit SAC ,`,,,???_` ?'?l ?•?Y?? 6 ?° ? . y Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit&Surcharge j?/. ? Treatment Plant ? License Search Copies Other Total Permit# Pem?it Oate / REScf?eck Software Version 3.7.3 0/ Compliance Certificate Report Date: 04102ro5 Data fllename: C:1Program FileslChecklRESchecklApril2.rck Energy Code: 2000 IECC Location: Eagan, Minnesota Construciion Type: Single Family Glazing Area Percenlage: 10% Heating Degree Days: 7981 Construction Site: OwnedAgent: DesignerlCoMractor: 77? ? ? z 3. v.,. Ceiling 1: Flat Ceitirg or Scissor Tfuss: 1700 38.0 38.0 24 Wall 1: Wood Freme, 16" o.c.: 3055 19.0 19.0 94 Windav 1: Metal Frame:DOUbie Pane with Low-E: 304 0.300 91 Basement Wall 1: Masonry Bbck with Integral Insulation: 632 0.8 5.0 95 Floor 1: Slab4n-Grade:1.1nheated: , Insulabon DepM: 1.0' 193 0.0 201 Conrpl(ertce Stafement The proposed Wild'mg design desrn'bed here is cmnsistent wiM the buikring plans, specifications, and other calculatians submitted with Ihe permit application. The proposed Cuilding has been designed to meet the 2000 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 3.7.3 and fo compy with Me marMa[ay requirements lisled in tlie REScheck Inspection Check45f. ! )r.^s? faFS ?Y'? 'j]C/?'1. BuilderlDesigner? ?- CompanyName Date 6y2•I)U+ ?'! --) U+ 94G•UUr 7 >9 6 4 •U?r -4?UiJ•hU?: Page 1 of 4 ??1 ?-6 1 4 / 6. 2006 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PeRnniTAPPUCa,rooN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Date 1 I ? J ? Site Street Address 4{Ood No rfh V;eW T?-,r(Qfe, Unit # Property Owner uQVl C{ Zn h n Q, Telephone #(?'? 1) u S?'??I ContractorCNAMPIONWaTCOitr.R)ACs Telephone# (b5t) 305-1340 Address 212N•RlverRltlgeCir City State Zip The Applicant is: _ Owner ?Contractor _Other Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Includes County fee $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Alterations to er.isting dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes installation of a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. !f you are insfa!ling onfv a water sofrener and/or wafer heater, do not complete this section; move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment _Water Tumaround (add $130.00 if a 5f8" meter is required) Other: Water Softener ?ater Heater $ 15.00 _ new Zreplacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total $ /15:541 I hereby apply for a Residentiai Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to staR without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature ?(C Lti u?? n ii u JUL 0 9 2001 ?u ?445 fp ?F 35.`'j oa?-?o So 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION C?. n o. 030 3 39 City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when permits are required for each unit Date 4 0s Site Address `fG0D N0rUu1c4,j 7efY C,n Unit # Property Owner ``.A1)q n.a?1 6v h ne- Telephone # h?,) Contractor Street Address Jrv?l ? fihP rf)Pe" CitY I Ia'm t-r fi?? State Zip Telephone# (740 )113Y 7 Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Contractor _ Other Add-on or al[eration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 ? furnace _Additional ?Replacement air exchanger ?X : air conditioner _New ?Replacement other State Surcharge $ .50 TOtal I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Pennit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit; but only an application for a permit, and work is not to staR without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of ans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature I ' i i APR 012005 ? 2005 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICA'I`ION City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete foc commerciaUinduslrial buildings mul[i-family buildings when sepazate permits aze not required for each dwelling unit Date Site Street Address U¢it # Tenant Name (if applicable) Previaus Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor Street Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove *`see below Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _ Processed _Gas Nature of Work: **When installing/removing underground tank, call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbrng Inspector Permi[ Fees: $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal $50.50 Minimum (includes Stare Surcharge) ' or ContractValue $ x 1% _ $ PemtitFee • If ep rmit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ State Surchazge If eo rmit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for every $1,000 aermit fee $ Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a p8rmit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanCs Signature Approved By: , Inspector . ? /55 i 5 2004 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION (D City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 \, '7,0, o d New ConsWction Reauirements RemodeVReoair Reouirements 3 registered sRe surveys showirg sq. ft ot lot sq. iG of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan '(20%mazimumlotcoverageallowed) lsetotEnergyCalculationsforheatedaddNOns 2 copies N plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, efc. 1 sRe survey for addifrons & decks isetofEnergyCalculaGons Addidon-indicafeiions8esepticsystem _." .. . . . ?-'? 3 wpies of Tree Preserva6on PWn'rf bt platted aflar 7/7193 Rim Joist Defatl Optians selec.tion sheet (bldgs w'rfh 3 or Isss untts Date Construction Cost ?4w7 ? Site Address Zd?? /uigR- ?i"/ ?/?) ??mcc? UniUSte # Description of Work /-),l7 m-& 605 Multi-Faroily Bidg _ Y? Fireplace(s) _ 0 1 _ 2 Property Owner Telephone # Contractor Address Zkp)52 c-J, CitY State ? Zip Telephone # (qS Z) ?'ZJ 'vZ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Ivlinnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Workshcet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? _ Y _ N If so, 25% plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor ? T #4UL #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Pertnit and aclrnowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of tfie City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an applica6on f a pernut, work is not to start without a permit; that the work will e in accordance w' the appro lan ' e e f o which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Pnnted Name Appli ant s SignagrJ/ OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types 0 01 Foundation O 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 EM. AR - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. 0 OS 03-plex O 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ' O OB 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 ReplaCem@nt "Demoiition (Entire Bidg) - Give PCA handout to appllcant Valuation Occupancy MCES System Census Code Zoning City Water ' SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings(new bldg) _ FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) _ FinaVNa C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water Final Pool Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final _ Framing _ _ _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Bri ck _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ..? SIIiQLE FAMILY Di1ELLINGS 2 SSTS OF PLANS 3 REGISTERED 3TTE SOR4EYS l SET OF ElEAGI CALCS. 1989 B[1ILDIAG PSAMTT APPLICiTIOH CTTY OF ElGAN L13 FDJLTIPLE DftELLINGS 2 3ET3 OF PLANS BEGISTfiAED SITE 3UROE23 - (CHECB tiITH BLDG DID.) 1 SET OF F1i6RG2 CLLC3. COHREACIAL 2 BETS OF 1RC8TiECTURAL i Si8DCT9RAL PLLNS 1 SET OF SPECIYICITIONS 1 SET OF ENEAGI ClLC3. MULTZPLE DiiELLINGS AEtiT9L ONIT3 FOB SALE OBITS f OF OBITS i0T8t iDDRE33ES POB COAIQER LO?3 - CUATRACTOABOMEOWNEA !lOST DESI(iNAiE iiHICH tDDRES3 IS DESIRED. HO CHAlTRFS SiILL BE ?LLOiiEA OaiCE BUILDING PERMIT IS I33QED.. 3EHER 6 itATER PERMIT FEES 11iD lCCOiTNT DEP03IT FE6S UTI.L Bfi INCLODED i1IR'H !HE BDILDIN(i PERHIT FEE. PAOCESSING lII+M FOA SEfiER tAD WATEA PEf?lI25 IS TiiO DAYS ONCE ! PERNIT HAS BEEB COlfPLETED INDICATIAG d LICEN3ED PLOlIDER. PENALTY APPLIES WHENt PERMIT IS NOT PAID FOR IN S9ME MONTH IT IS REQUESTED. LOT CHANGE IS AEpUESTED ONCE PEAMIT IS ISSIIED. To Be Used For: Sibe Address . Valuation: 1154 OCO Date: Lot ? Bloek 3 Parcel/Sub ??L.?,r?, Owner , dddress _ City/Zip Code Phone ?Tit ?0 6 'y Y ContraeLor ,.,. , Address City/Zip Code Oceupaney R 3 M-1 Zoning PD SZ-I Actual Const %/-N Allorrable M-N f of stories Length Depth 3y S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On aite aewage On aite well MWCC 3yatem 17 City water PAV required _ Hooster Pump _ 1PPAOYIIS Phone Planner Council Arch./Engr. Bldg. Off. tE'rtl04 qariance Address Citq/Zip Code 8EP. 2 9 19&9 ?es Hldg. Permit 6&,00 3urcharge 57.50 Plan Aeview 3 6,00 SAC, Citq 00 100, SAC, MWCC 5715,00 Water Conn -5,%0.00 ilater Meter 4a,ov Acet. Deposit 3n.oa S/N Permit 2 0.00 3/W Surcharge 1 1 A' Treatment P1. &799.00 Rosd Unit D, ou Park Ded. Copies SOBTOTIL Penalty !0lAI. ? . S* w `_' Phone 1 _ va L,u Y GARAFrC- .4 .r?+?.? '- _ •q ZZ xZ2= y x 8 = 3Z ?xr?e r) „ Il?xlq= 3? r 666 X0y= z 35z'4 ? S+T Floolt 135MT = I 66 6 9 ,. . ?1l41:`l TRI-LAND C0. SURVEYING SERVICES 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 LEGAL F- ,. ? i? SITE PLAN FOR: THORSON HOMES DESCRIPTION; LOT ?`1 ,BLOCK3 , I FXINGTON PARKVIFW ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF nAKnTO COUNTY,MINNESOTA i. o' N`? \sA N 0°IF'9i7" F N w? ignnn Naoq ?? I? ,? / I 41• N r vo. I" ?q ? I 5 ? l m !„ l OAK. 'qw5e / v 1 I 0) 1: o ao 3 0) a M d' e ? OD .. la ? ? ? s ( 9? I QI/ I Q d_ 3/.oOj ? Oq (D I O O / '({ Q DKAFAS?E.M?EWT t` ;N 0°00'02" , 74.48 : iq ;, ? ? • a ? B °-y t N4RTHVIEW LEGEND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT a DENOTES WOOD HUB SET 90419 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION (9os.e)DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ,?-DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION I hsrsby certify that this survey,plan or rsport was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am o duly Raqistered Land Surveyor undsr tha Laws of the State of Minnesota. DEY'i SCALE: I"=30' PRUPoS?b ?u:_c_ BASEHF-IJT:- 4/A1,K00T ? INVERT ELEVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION= PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION = PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION = ? PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR = «j - ELEVATION NOTE'• VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS Brcdley J. Dafe 5q Req. No. 15235 si. m 1 EAGt1N EN MI?MNt?V ?^ BA! 1y `'t ;wner "' rw ^ . ` a L E EYEN(.i. ??ue i?? lop:l4ie EEf?cciv• U; ?.? . .? "04 .. .. `; . . ;t , , • ,, _.. . . ._ . 1 cC . , ... : . _Phane ;1 te Address ? .. . , :ontractar Type rA2 (ResidenNal :uilCi.ng Classlflcetion TypQ Alh(Single fa:nily 3 Ouplex)? \L:(3°stories ar ess ? T ` (Other) (Orer 3"3Ystories) I .:'s•?. ?i ? ;3: 'a 4 . 'n , r '' i . '^ ,...?'.. t _,.. .r.._: ' I ,. ;ENERAL INFORHATION.??" , • ? ..,. „ .? .. , ...I. 9uildSng. Per.lmeter •' Z-C) $9 ft. x`3g , ?. Wall? heightr(groun4 w eave)= 1-1 y '70 z' 3. 1. a 2. (above) gross.+all ?r?a:Z?? ft •?Iess'ro5,? ? x ( y?) ? `<= ft.Z roof S floar area i., 8u11din9 dimenstons,;(L)'"` i. .5quare,fco.t area ot rim joist - Floor joist size i2 1-0 x Perimeter -Qim:.]o sf.area •, Zp ' f t ? A42.a ? " . . 1 J F,?? `Y ??•. ? _ • ? . . . f ? Y •ej ' ` • S • 6. Doors - Area Thit ness n.?ctor . \? . ft. Type oi Canstruct onriawter& -3\? qR Hanufatturer _ ,. 1 . Totnt doar's perimeter ft 8 , utndo«s: Manufacturer State app u factor_ ,.. , . ....? . _, ? 2 . TTPE ' A REA (f: Z) SIZE '"?UP18ER Of `TOTAL . , ? FEET . . ., .. cACH . -.,.... UNITS- Io «? ?'.48 'Z ' ° Z \?93 (o ., w54 >.03 to .. -7 o. 03 _ 0 0 ?? .?, Z Go.oo 9. Totat, ft.Z Glass F ?_ --8- FC.Z ? 106 FlreplaCe area: Width x heiaht ¦ -?-' x_._-- ' ? ? Z l 1. E?cDOSad foundatlon: Hel,ght x Pertmeter .?-.x ,? a ? l0-4• o FL• :)nPt£TION OF THIS FOR?1 IS REQUI?E'D FOR All NE-bi CO?157RUCTION,'?USJOR REHOOELtNG AMO BUIIDIHGS BEING; 13vE0 wHERE ENERGY. OTMER THAN THE MININAL CODE ALCOHANCE,'IS USED. I i '.rea ? lOS of gross r+alJ area. ,. Gross wall area z? ??,, -. ?;? 2. .,? -windaw are a A -- Z4,?`'i ft. 11 windows 'J x R= 111 •?3._ Rim?Joist area A : A 2 f. ?. ? -;>U rim joist • .04-- U x A? - ?, 5 ?---, Oaor area A -t ,=L ' J door`area •• ;\?'3 U x A??? ` ? •? I Fireplace area A -?- Z ft, U rire Tace ? _ _?.P UxA=_? ExpoSed foundatian q,: \ p f, '- ' I ; J faundation •?? U r. A¦ l\. 44 ? ^ .. Framing_3.rea A ZA Z p ft.? J franir.a area =..Og U x A? ? .- net kalt area A' •.. - `t . ,., 7:wa 1 1 u xA • $ i , (t,c _`% -'-?L . . . . . . . . . . z???o.`I( U x a Gross wall area x 0.11 (A-l single famiTy S dL.:.:=x =.al.iowa4le U;A ALCode - (13. a6ove) x 0.23 (.i-2 other residentia'.; x .23 (OEhec.building_; ?c .2E:{?ve? i.sto?•;e;) ? ,., rIJH Nust be larger than _ x lCcde:,.__ 138 2bove ,,... ttilin9 framing area (Af) aQuaTS 10.`. nf c_,.??? ;rea' or the same as) Gross ceilinq area.-, `(l)+--r. x (? `r -C??ssT a ? _I 6-7 S fc.Z Jaist area (Af) ' 10-: ceillnq area ft.2 ye: ceitina area (.4C) (15A - 158) • I? O-?r _?O ft.z U tei]ing x A • . c 8 fo U framing x A f= _ 0Z, C, 4 x ;eTaL u x a ..................... .............:. :1 7 .a, B ? Ceiling area (15A) x 0.026 (A-l sinyle `amily S Cuplex " o -.vable U x A x O.C33 (A-2 other residz^;ial ) ' . . . ! . x O.Cb (other) A ?15?) ! n-7 F 8? H?Yust be larger Chan tED (above} ) ? X!?(co?•0?'CF (or' the same as) J . . -... ? , ? r i . ti - ? H07E: Use U and a,values obtaineQ from nps 1, 3 and 4. i , ? v ts1:M TRI-LAND C0. SURVEYING SERVICES 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 LEGAL SITE PLAN FOR: OESCRIPTION: LOT5 9 BLOCK3 , LEXINGTON PARKVIFW ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF DoKnTa COUNTY,MINNESOTA i ? ? '" ; ?., • 1 (J I W? ^' ?\t \ A AI llolC?7r inn ?? ..[I ?? I _ ? ( ul 90.A7 31.00 \ ?,.?q yq 5 ao? ` ? -. ? 4 // t9 5, ? pROPessir.v {{ou 7aip _iotAA CaAR. ?-1-1--- g w M? - - N 0°00702 74.48 - h-- 0 n Y? .- ?:?s LEGEND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT 0 DENOTES WOOD HUB SET 9o4/9 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION (90s.e)DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION I hereby certify ihat this survey,plan or report was prepared Dy me or under my direct supervision and ihaf I am a duly Reyisfered Land Surveyor under fhs Laws oi the State of Minnesota. t ?-- ? io m ad°+ ? p ?o ? 'J ? ? vcib•c%f I ? 3 ? ? Oo --13 ,15 o Z (Iq d aN' 0 9 op ?Tb THORSON HOMES ? ?`l-l??l (a w I? L_ -9 ?5•,(?7 ? ? ?. v -? 1 O? O? qo5$? 9° ? I ?.0 I$.M'^'" SCALE: I"=30' STC:, 17EPT PROPoSEp FuLL BASEMEN T- 4/ACKOUT INVERT EL.EVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION=T._ PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR EIEVATION = rv%-_ PROPOSED FIRST FLOUR ELEVATION = ?„ PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR = 902? ELEVATION NOTE'• VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS Brbdley J. Date - Rap. No. I5235 ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: . DECK NEW 434 ALT. RESIDENTIAL SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-45035-050-03 DESCRIPTION: 4000 NORTHVIEW TER LOT: ? BLOCK: 3 LEXINGTON PARKVSEW xldiltq,?Permit Type ? tluiiding Work Type --? aa l rw .z" !5 \? ?l? •17 .i -?n.?-1? ! " `+?'' ?"n Ui ' i r ia 4-.???1 ` I REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee $45.00 Surcharge $.50 Total Fee $45.50 CONTRACTOR: BUILDING 028026 06/21/96 OWNER: - APPllcanc - BOHNE DAVID 4000 NORTHVIEW TER EAGAN MN (612)456-2339 I I hereby acknawledge that I have read'this application and state that the- ? infarmatipn is cqrrect and ag'ree to comply with ali appl'icable State af Mn.= Statute& and City ot Eagan prdinances. ` , .,. APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED B.51 N URE - CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) ??_? ? 681-4675 / ud(?t?l?? yew Construction Repuirements RemodeVReoair Reaofrements L ?' P99?' ? 3 registered ske surveys ? 2 copies of plan - ? 2 copies of plens (include beam & window slzes; poured fnd. design; elc.) ? 2 site surveys (exterior additfons ' ? 1 energy calculatbns ? 1 energy calculalions for healad additions ? ? 3 copies of kee preservetion plan if lot platled after 711193 required: _ Yea No ?s DATE: ??- 13, 1 Cn ? CONSTRUCTION COST: Z1 'npfl DESCRIPTI ON OF WORK: ?? 1 LD )" E'IA/ D E C K aN $A Ce D F N 0 USIE STREET ADDRESS: *oD N 0RT H U I FW TEF-fPA CE , LOT J? BLOCK 3 SUBD./P.I.D. #: LEX wGTW rA?g u I E761 5 -a335 (W) PROPERTY Name: BOI4 N? ZAUlD Phone #: ?5Z'gS6 ? OWNER ""' ""°T StreetAddress: 4obo NDF-TNUIF-1? Tf,2gAdF City: State: ' w Zip: ?51 Z 3 coNTRacroR Company: Phone Street Address: License #: City: ARCHITECT! Company: ENGINEER Name: State: Phone #: Registration #: Street Address• City: State: Zip: Zip: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber: Penalry applies when address change and lot change are requested once permit is issued F i hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to compiy with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No ? A..t'C(6L 601,49- Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes No OFFICE USE ONLY I - ? .?. . BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 03 SF Addftion ? 08 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 ; plex WORK TYPE ,W"31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowabie) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of 5tories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Pertnit SIW Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: ? 11 Apt./Lodging o 16 Basement Finish ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 77 Swim Pool ? 13 Garage/Accessory o 20 Public Facility 0 14 Firepiace a 21 Miscellaneous ?15 Deck ?l ? 36 Move i ? ? 37 Demolition Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Building Engineering Vatuation: $ 1 I' MC/WS System City Water' Fire Sprinklefied PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Codei Census Bidg Census Unit Va'riance y3/ O/ / 0 °k 5AC SAC Un'ds 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 LEGAL ?'u enni i ?r?nn c, $0}}NE #noo N0)e7H1i1Ew TE7j> . QA C,5 DESCRIPTION: LOT `,BLOCK3 , LFXINGTON PA VIFW ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT 7HEREOF naKnTn COUNTY,MINNESOTA ' ? ? 1 ? JN ?.. I Y I_.?? I w? N \? ?v o°is'57?$ E i2o.oo qoq.'° ,y P ? ?_^ 90. AO __ 3i. oo qf? . qd? I? UJ co or) LO 0 CD N /r?q ? ? I I f ?I ? 5 eI .i \ SITE PLAN FQR: ?- I 10 q . 'J I??t r ?n • 2\ ? . r PRoPesEa 3t ? ? " 'DEeK u? Ix? ? ----o /5m ?J m m 0 3t M 0 iM d' zn co ? PROpo ca o F?ousi ? gqoVft -- x ci -' 1, tvAFC gl . ? W M? o . aD? N 0°a0'02 74.48 Z ?- --- . - -a is' ?• ii o`' o°/r ,.,• I ??? I d L ? ? w _ 2? _ e9` qo60.1 9e D?? ??. aoy - :Iq i n - q?- ? I ? ? NORTHVIEW ,-_?L E_G E N D o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT a DENOTES WOOD HUB SET 904•19 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION 1905.e)DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION l hereby certify ihat this survey,plan or report was prepored by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duty Reqisfered Land Surveyor under ths Laws of the State of Minnesoto. I bo I 'ICt3 •ch ? W ?U < w ? 5q ? $CALE: I 1"=30' PROPOSEt> FuLL BASEMEN r- 41ALK00T INVERT EL.EVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION= PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION==[ri/; PROPOSED FIIiS7 FLOOR ELEVATION = }ifi_ PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR = 902. 7' ELEVATION NOTE: VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS 8radley J. Svlqspn, Date ' `I_iz' n. Rep.ldo.15235 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA124312 Date Issued:06/26/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4000 Northview Ter Lot:5 Block: 3 Addition: Lexington Parkview PID:10-45035-03-050 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Ann Hoffman 505 Randolph Ave Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - David A Bohne 4000 Northview Ter Eagan MN 55123 (651) 452-8561 Bonfe's Plumbing & Heating 505 Randolph Ave St Paul MN 55102 (651) 228-9071 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA155187 Date Issued:05/02/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4000 Northview Ter Lot:5 Block: 3 Addition: Lexington Parkview PID:10-45035-03-050 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - David A Bohne 4000 Northview Ter Eagan MN 55123 Air Mechanical 16411 Aberdeen St NE Ham Lake MN 55304 (763) 434-7747 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA168222 Date Issued:04/14/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4000 Northview Ter Lot:5 Block: 3 Addition: Lexington Parkview PID:10-45035-03-050 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. We encourage you to retain an electronic copy of photos until the project passes a final inspection. *Roof permits issued between December and March will be inspected in the spring or when weather warms up. Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - David A Bohne 4000 Northview Terr Eagan MN 55123--155 Norwest Contractors Inc 1370 Crestridge Lane Eagan MN 55123 (763) 420-8268 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature