830 Northwest PkwyCITY GE EAGAN Permit No: Date: ? Size: 3830 Pllot Knob Road Meter No: rtAZ??-S? P.O. Box 21199 Reader No: a 3 Date: - Eagan, MN 55121 WATY'" e Address: `3t1 r'o; th?aest Partcway trueter ner. l.rte` I.221C?SC`i?E' /Con'?L,?ctor umber. nn. Ghg: '?d- Zoning: ct. Dep: No. of Units: ?T". rmit Fee: rcharge: 1 agree to comply with the City of Eagan Plant 7rdi?tances. R Pf t? p? ? ?20, oand. -•7 " furbo 5!3 7. 2 V- By? WATER SERVtCE PERN i Site Address: '_'arkway I 3. _° ? •''?tr?-Ric?--? Plumber. 6.'t=cu " ?J Conn. Chg: Ip ? Zoning: - Acct. Dep: No. of Units: ? i Permit Fee: Surcharge: I agree ta comply with ihe City el Eagan Tr. Plant ?e lc"O '0 dOrdinances. ? Meter. D -, 7'R ` ? I -a., i,.. nnisc.: WATER SERVICE PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: y"?'a Date: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Meler No: Size: ? P.O. Box 21199 Reader No: Oa?te: 1 Eagan, MN 55121 , !"N sP&OKM ?iZTLR pgOff r ? Conn. Chg: Zoning: - Acct. Dep: No. of Units: Permit Fee: Surcharge: •?? 3,r? I agree to cc Tr. Plant Ordinances. M eter. Misc.: By the City Tlt OF EAGAN Permit No: Date: 30 Pilot Krtob Road Meter No: Size: 0. Box 21199 _ Reader No: Date: x•,._,', ' ?dan. MN 55121 WATElt CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGA , INNESOTA 55122 DAT ` 1 19 ? AMOUNT FUND I OB.IECT I I I AMOUNT 1-77/ 4 1 1 1 /a k) u Thank You B 1?T° 83724 "'hi`?ey?°?, Yelbw--Postlng Copy Pink--Flle Copy CITY OF EAGAN Remarks AdditioLQN'R OQK QnT)N Lot rn,t.? Ot. r. glk Parcel lo-1{.?5'7?-a?o Q-o X' Owner Street State Ea an MN 5121 /z) Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SUR F. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1968 _,,42 52 • 02 30 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1977 379 • 32 15 STORM SEW TRK 19 1544, 5 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET UGHT ? WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PAR I 1? Mike Maguire MAVOfi PaulBakken Peggy Carlson Cyndee Fields Meg Tilley COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas Hedges CITV AUMINISTRATOfl MUNICIPAL CENTEH 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012fax 651.454.8535 TDD MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 Coachman Poin[ Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol o( strength and growth in our community. September 15, 2008 CSM Properties Inc. 500 Washington Ave S Suite 3000 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Re: Landscape Deposit 830 Northwest Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121 Dear Sir or Madame: CSM Properties Inc. submitted a landscape security deposit to the city in conjunction with the building permit for the facility 830 Northwest Pkwy in July of 1999. After inspecting the site we found the landscaping to be in satisfactory condition. Consequently, the deposit can be released. The refund will be forwarded to you under separate cover. During this inspection, we noticed a few shrubs that appear to be missing. These are located adjacent to the building. While we are releasing the security deposit, please note that the property owner continues to be responsible for maintaining the health of all plantings on the property, and must replace any plants that die or are removed due to disease. If you have any questions, please call me at 651-675-5684 or Sazah Thomas at 651-675- 5696. Sincer ly, ? Fran Doherty Planning Department cc: 5arah Thomas, City Planner /o y 5%r? O e lD cD J . CITY OF EAGAiV APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION *Turp?: PA`m?nTP OF FEE AT TINII; pg APPLICATION DOES NOr CONM? APPROVAL OF PII2NIIT. P ease Print ? 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 9 2 e .4' IR . lbi, ..i •- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: and Outlot C/Lone Oa sion or ax Parci_ _ IF E7QSI'ING STRC'CZSJRE, DATE OF ORIGZNAL BL'ILDING PERMIT ISSL'ANCE: ,4(87 {MOn ear PRFSENT ZONiNG/PROPOSID L?SE: CONY+]ERCIAL/REPAII,/OFFICE ? IbIDC?STRIAL n INSTITUTIONAL/GOVERAAg,'NP rl R-1 SZNGLE FAMILY " 0 R-2 DLPLEX (Two Cnits) ? R 3 TOWNHOUSE (Three + Units) ( Units) q R-4 APARZAEN'P/CONDOMINIUM Units) 2) ? - NAm L. A. Laukka Development Co. ADDRFSS: 3300 Edinborough Way - CITY, STATE, ZIP: Edina, MN 55435 PHONE: II96-1971 3) • i: ?- NAME: Unknown at oresent ADT)RESS: CITY. STATE, ZIP: PH0NE: MASTII2 LICENSE# 4) First Nationa an o inneapo is, ADDRFSS: c/o L.A. Laukka Development'Co. CITY, STATE, ZIp: 3300 Edinborou h Way, Edina, MN 55435 PHONE: 891-I971 • Plurt?bers License: Q Active H EScpired Not recorded S?Initlal NAME: Bank and.Trust Company, N.A. as trustee for its diversified retirement trusts and rts authorized representatives r 51 " ?' ' ?' • ? - ?? n CONNECTION ZO CITY SEMR ?CONNECTION 7U CITY WATER C] p7]EEE2 6) '? •' • i? PLEASE IIOLD APPROVF9 PERMIT F!DR PICK-[Ip BY ONE OF AHOVE - [3 PI,FASE MAILZ aPPR?OVED PERMIT TO 1. 2. 3r 4. ?BRW, Inc. 1Circle one) ? 7) ? For.W.Lau kk aelopment ?o. ? October 6, 1987 ' iNSnncriON oF sENM ANro/aR MM 7NZSTA?ATTOIIS YiIIL 1V0'P BE S(7HID- ULID qNTB, PERMIT AAS Bffi7 APPFtOVID. : FOR -CITY USE ONLY . . PERMIT # ISSUED Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLLDE`SURCHARGE) $ $ WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCL[.'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER $ $ WAC $ $ SAC $ $ TRONK WATER ASSESSMEIVT $ $ TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLRCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $ TOTAL J'J 7 a RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQLIRE EXCA VATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? Q YES '.'IF YES, THEN A" PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC Q ROADWAY" MUST BE NO DIVISIO ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING N. LIST AS A CONDITION. SDSJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE : ? TstAI'd4At:;"t':[(:]N :!:Iiy f:rE;Fs ',3!"'t..l;.I.i-il_. F1SS£i:S-3MLiP.4'?"S iFF4'7:AL.. f-'i;3::i51'll._:I?I'(',3 4ik?:A='tC':ti ::i1J!"IMf1FtY _.. P;:.;L.ir'I_F;;TY I.D. ,..i=11::AYS I)A7'E° 01;26/88 __...-SF'ECIAL F-1_tifaS.........._. 1'-":a[-"3-4_.r_i..•Es"''j-..2__r.)•_ 10 j_ Ci-4;YS J f i0._0_.:;0...:,"'10 _ . _......_.._ ._..........___...._.."_'....._._.___...__.........._..._._.._.._.....?__.'"'""_..'_"_"""_'_.._ . .._.. _......_.._.._ ..... ....__......_. Ei.t=i.# ASSi_SSC•1E1`dl I7ESC:;i{„ YR Y'FiS kA"iE l-i:!'i-t11.. ANN.Pl'iiN. I`AYLII=I %OMMcNY' 1017040 SC.;i+J S6'J TRk:: 67 "';(_i 6.00y% :i.;.-f.70.=+::? 52.02 469,21 :I.{ir).^;iEti ItJAI"E:R Afil-f=i %'„ 15 8.00'1. :.`6E39.7b 379,34 1.1..?8e07.4 #.ittic;0L 5;:--'iF:it<'. tt?.: 1::; 12.50l 20712.00 I.:>`tC;. F3O 13808, 00- #wu*** L;iJI'?I'1r`,FiY OF Ar:; TI'•/f.: °?'i'db'?, 9.?3 i.E3].^. 16 15414.22 .p;..Pc.}{.}{...?. ?II"I.I.Ci YF.CY_}IJ`C? ..'._J..I. f'?Kr.L 3863.38 Pr.:=._.ss i='1 nr f--:? thiea.de.r- fut-rn? or- k=! (Re.,=>tart R76E:1) J --? 1 ,5_---- / ??? `- e, TR,,:;C ,,.,1-? .: . I.? %C,t3 ? ,?I?t'?.?.=?-1L. t1?. r..;r.'{.?'.r?i,c! _ L :: " '.= i ,. F...(;'.:. ?=? !: u.... ?'.. ... ....?._ .."`C'.?..? ... ..i 7._?: ,I::tv-...-I c- . ,.._.._.._ ._ ...,._ :. ;::,::.r-,?di.:h-i `:ii_ . . fl''ilWi;_yic?.r: .. {_it? v _. PI... ?..?.? .. ?... . . .f,?:... }s: `( .. r _ : e' :...?. x.:?i?4'. .. i.li.??-?- ? 1•i ?.i..? ?.. ??.7 .. _ _... ,SI?...:?'71 .. i'i AC+,, .._.. y. _?::,_. _;;.....14....?:? . ?.. ....:.......?;?...c?....q.... ._?;; . .._ .. .. r?ii ? . . .. . . ?i`_`.f= .ill.hil? ... .. r.t.` v ... . . ._. ??.,: "4' .._ . . . . ?+_' v'' `" ' I.?sF. . _ _. ? il.'.Hi. ... .. .... ... Nr`.i:: 1-`(? ]Na - , " {":;`r i'6 f ' " i, f:M;°'.: ",i r I00040 -. :. I Tr.Ii. 67 30 ; !)rii. K80.42 ,.. .. 520.22 ' `? 1 10034r. WAI- i: ,,Ri,A 'C'• 15 "t ni% i?`l. _? ? y?. ., i ?I J j k .? T?\ ? Y I I rt-:.,,,,... h... ;"r.ik: ,._ i'. 9 MOX ; 071..:. r.:U 7 .rtne St; ?5a t?') ?I , , ,... .:.Jl-il^1:=i1.:;;Y (:if=' ;; AC:<3: '•'L: .; ??,-.?::.. ...,? .,. ... ? .,... I:':?.? 1812.15 17226.35 c ;:.....v. ? 1`I ...., ..f. i_: ..; r._ ,' , ?...i??71?•:: ....? i:( .........?. ... 7 l.i . I"'t_<i. 4069.42 P_ ..... . ." " _!'.?i.?. . . t=it "? _ r... r. ..? t?..;E.?,:S'::.i1I'i_ _. _ .... . .. ?.. ..... , ..? ?. I,::ir' ...:. i?'!??.i=?il:iil:- a... r-f.l .. , ? :. .. I't, ..??...; ) .o - Ti?ansmrttal (612) 938-9000 5800 Baker Road, Minnetonka, MN 55345 LANDBCAPE ARCHITECTS/CONTHACTORS 7O; (`i Yy nf uayan 3830 Pilot Knob Road EacLan, MN 55121 qTTN; Craiq Knutson ,JQB: "Tha Wa arc^ REF: idct.-.yarrseal i @zmiz- DA7E: 5/4/88 gy_ WE ARE TRANSMITTfNG THE FOLLOW/NG: ? PRELIMINARY ? FINAL ? aRrnrrs ? OR/C,lNALS NO. OF COPIES DATED u.,. ..,..?,?.. LA DESCRIPTION ] 5 2 88 Arteka Ck# 34185 in the amount of 1 227,41. TNE ABOVE COPIES ARE TRANSMITTED: Cg AS YOU REQUES7ED ? FOR YOUR HEV/EW & APPROVAL ? FOR YOUR fNFORMATION ? PLEASE RETURN ? FOR YOUR APPROVAL ? FOR BIDS DUE 19- REMARKS: COPY TO: SlGNED. ? , 2 3 a 5 7 a 9 ,o ii iz 73 14 15 16 17 ?L 18 ,9 zo 21 22 23 24 25 Zb 27 26 29 30 31 ;z 33 34 35 36 37 30 39 40 -{ f PflEPwqEUBY ? MPFOVE09Y z a .__. ?: ---- - __-- - -? -- ? ' - - ? I .. ..- _ ? '?f?P?' Y_?g1 /ov. ?t}y C'? Grr,? I? ?? ? 6rg? ? I I II -??I ',I-- .?,,, ? r ? _??o? ,?, ' I SQ 0 ---- -i , --- -- - ? - i - ? - - - '' - ? - ? ? i -- i ?og ? ! - ? ---- - __ ? _ -- - ---- - - - r - - - - - ? f i ? ; I I i '- ' - I I I ? I I ? ? ? ? ? ?1 PJ ._. I.Hd.. .[?_r ?' --Ir ? ' ? _ - - .. . I ? - _. 6 .? ? i ? r ? -l y ` /3; .. ?I ? ? - _I I I ._.- . ---- --- - I II I l i .. I ----i -- --------- -? -- - -- - ?, I i ? I I iil j ? ? ?? ? y f f II' i . . I I ... ? . --- - ? __ __ .. ... _ !i . IJ .._ _.. _ _ ? . ? ? ? ? I ? £ . ' . . ;? - -- -- - i --- - --- -- - - - - - - - ' - . ? - - il -- - - -ii-? ? ?i .- ? i ?, ? . 7iransmittal A/ teft LANDSCAPE ARCNITECTS/CONTRACTORB *6800BAKER HOAD a EDEN PRAIRIE, MINNESOTA55345o 612/938-9000 TO: City Of Eagan jpg; "The Waters" 3830 Pilot Rnob Road qEp; Mechanical Permit Eaqan, MN 55121 ATTN: Craig Knutson DATE: 5/20/88 gy: WE ARE TRANSMITT/NG TNE FOLLOW/NG: ? PRELfMINARY ? PR/NTS ? FiNAL ? OR/GINALS er, .. -..Chack 411119 NO. OF COPIES DATED u ..........?.. ?, .....?.. DESCAIPTION 1 26 8 Arteka Ck. 1112 in the amo meter THE ABOVE COP/ES ARE TRANSMITTED: /-4S YOU REQUESTED ? FOR YOUR REVIEW & APPROVAL ? FOR YOUR /NFORMATION ? PLEASE RETURN ? FOA YOUR APPROVAL ? FOR BIDS DUE 19- REMARKS: COPY TO: 1 APFLICATION FQ'R PERMIT SEWER AND/QR WATER CONNECTIQN RV OF cC'9C'an i> PROPmTr aonREss: i,Ff;AT• DFSCRIPTION; _........................._.._............?.,. N(7PE: PAYb? OF FEE AT 1IME OF t APPLICATSON ppFS [J(Yf CpC]- ' ? 3PITS77'E APPRGVAL OF PERNIIT. w e +*, TNSPFX•f'ION OF SIIWM HNID/OR WA7II2 .*t ? INSTA[.IATIONS WII,L tyJ1' gE SCFDUI,FD * ? l?[dPIL PIItFIIT HAS Bffii AppROVfII. ;. #:!**1W'k*14ftf1t}\#**l3ft}t{y??Y3fliiifR IF EXISTING STRCCTURE, DATE OF ORIGIIVAL BUILDIW, PERNffT ISSL?AbX'?E: Mont Year PRESENT ZONING/PROPOSID USE: Q COnIERCIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE Q INDLISTRIAL Q INSTIT[JTIONAL/GOVII2NMENT 2) NAME: ( Xr ADDRESS: S?t>-a CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: R-1 SINGLE FAMILY ? R-2 DL?PLEX (Ttao Units) ? R-3 TOWNAOL?SE (Three + L'nits )( Units ) Q R-4 APARTNIENT/CODIDOMINIUM ( Units) /? n) s-s .3 ys 3) iy!= NdIP9E: '41-1 ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: 6 S? ?- i 3 9 r MASTER LICENSE # 4) ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: riuiwers i?icense: I? Active i Expired Not recordec Sta In?itial 5) i? '!4 ?!? •?+:u ? ..:a??ifa?.tYam a CONNBCTION TO CITY SEWER Z-CONNECTION TO CITY WATER a dffIII2 6) „?? ? • i x ?'?6 ?F fr -?,r**:t;t:t:r***+*,?*****A?*??*** k?'*?*?**+**,r*****?*+***?**?+*?**?*???*+***,r****?,t*:r**+*?**,r*:r*+*******+**? * * THE GOLD COPY OF THE PERNLiT WILL BE SENP D2RFX.TLY 7O PUBL,IC WmKS TO FACILITATE ME1ER PICK-LP. * PLEFISE ALJAW M WORKING DAYS FOR PROCF.SSING. SONEONE FROM TfECITY WILL CONPACf YOL? IF TfERE * ARE ANY PROBIEMS. ' ?t*t,t*?,t***,r****?:t**trt*:txx**x**,r*r?**t***t??,txr*?*?*,t,t**+*t*,tt*+***t**t+*tt,?*****?,rt*,t*+e,t***++*,t****S l FOR C0TY US? ?NLY . PERMIT # ISSC'ED el e?) Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ 714 SEWER PERMIT (INCLCDE SURCHARGE) $ WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE oSL'RCHARGE) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOL'NT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ACCOC'NT DEPOSIT - WATER $ $ WAC $ $ SAC $ $ TRL'NK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRL'NR SEWER ASSESSMEND $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK?SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRCNK'WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SORCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $ $ ?D S7D TOTAL ?6 -2-3 RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PL'BLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PU;BLIC ! ROADWAY" MUST BE ISStiED BY THE ENGZNEERING ?J NO DIVISION, LIST AS A CONDITION. SDBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: . APPROVED TITLE: DATE: 74r?0 'L fiiIYIIt OF HEARING #254 ' Special Easeasment Authorizatioa I/We hereDy request and authorize -the City of Eagan, HN (Dakota County) to assess the folloxing.described propertq owned by me/us: '. , . Water Fountain. 10 45700 030 00 for the benefit received Erom the folloxing improvementse . ITBM @IIANTITY RATE 9lSOUNT PROJECT ' . wTK .3377 A $1315/A 444.00 492 WAC . .3377 A $2015 680.00 ,492 ' ToTAy 1124.00 to be apread over 10 qeara at an annual interest rate of 9 % against any remaining unpaid balances. The undersigned, £or themselves, their heirs, executorst administrators successors and assigns, hereby consent to the levy of these assessmenta# and further, hereby waive notice of anq and all hearings necessarry, and xaive ob3ections to any technical defects in any proceedings related to theae assessmentsp and further waive the right to object to or appeal from these assessments made pursuant to this agreement. DBtCd: Mav 31, 1988 PREPAID : -State of ) sa. By; Coimty of ? I t S: ' On this daq of 19 , beYore me, a within and £or seid County personally appeared and to me personally known, who being each by me duly aworn did ' eay that they are reapectively the President and.. the of the oorporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal af£ixed to said inatrument is the corporate'seal o£ said corporation, and that siad - instrument xas signed and aealed in behalf of eaid corporation by authority " of its Board of and said and acknoxledged said • iastrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public • County My commiasion expires ? 19 . Notary Public . d `- . ? ` Q ?• 'I i Tr-Y o; ?` 1 0 ? ? ? ??? • ?.., ?-? ?, 'o ? ,?• ?., I . ?, .?-,,._,? . .?._: ?•' - ? _ 4 . •``? .. :?? ' • C `? f.me I 1 , _.. .i -- '- -- -=--?? ?- ?'F-/ ? _ II ? -? I n?. / un ?1 11f 1' ~()) ? ? ? l+YU S!? ? ' N?fz: +?e??..•y u-xv. Nti-I.1 f nff' :. . A e?f! u ? A ? W ? ? rrs ?-rw.r .?• ?ws x nv.?:s?.r... ?fi.?%?n n4 ?I' o?%J .••f(/^.+.r Of . %Y1.'M..a?ry.? !u•1 tf ?+i .a-.s rev+? r?-•s. ?.wv'.+ rvi.?f9?ra N?5 ]t ML,??4. ! CNStq50 ]f Sri rVV4-.S+ ^.•N c s..-v. ee a•nu-i? n r?r.+ t-i .?rr. r• l. ?.Y-l r i. 6....! u.?N'i. n.J e'.a I??5.•?•I? •. ? a? ?? .t? Jl il? ? ?50 Y.?+ ?n 4? I 1" . . . _ ... . 1 .. _. _ . . . ... _ . ' . .. .._ .. . __. _ _ .... I ' ?- . 1 1 1 i, y.? itateHwy:.No. 149 ! ,/ / // ? . .? I W.wa ?? I /:i`/ Ylo? bnd ??y. ry RYM 1 ?w•- ? / ._ `. 3?a S?wo ? _ lfOmr S?wo _ O?I WM . • .Tw?loMll?mewf ? ?p LM1nlb9f Cmrom N CASH RECEIPT ? . -' CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KN08 FOAD EAGAN, NESOTA 55122 DAT ? ? 19 `? ???"%\C2J qMpUNT $ ?2 ? 6? t?00LLAHS ,m ? CASH ? CHECK 2 FliNn I O&IECT AMOl1NT ?? .38?.5 a C ?b OO Thank You BY Whi1e-Payers Cwr N? 84220 '." ,?? P k ,, , ?- - - f? .? N ( :.} ? `. F q`? '( ... , ? ? . .. . __. - e ._....,.. -.. t p CASH RECEIPT ? CITY OF EAGA,?Vi?-r5 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAO??? ' ?l ) EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 onTe PECEIYFA '. fNOM AMOUN7 & DOLLARS m , ? CASH ?CHCCK (f ?/ / , ? W Thank You , e? N° 87186 We;?a,?,s ,?,, :.....;;?? 4'\ t li_ _ crr?Ul-- ?J , t I? ? oF 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 September 15, 1988 Arteka Landscaping 5800 Baker Road Minnetonka, MN 55345 To Whom It May Concern: According to our records, a 2" Turbo meter was issued to you August 26, 1988, for the fountain at 830 Northwest Parkway in Eagan. Noble Nursery, also, was issued a 2" Turbo for the same property. If you would like a refund on this meter, please return the meter to our Public Works Department and, at that time, I will request a refund of $420.00 for the meter. If you do not plan to return the meter, please notify us so that we know the situation with tfie meter. Thank you. Sincerely, VIC EILISON Mayor iHOAAAS EGAN OAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMEL4 McCRFA 7HEODORE WACHTER COUfiCil MBmberz THOWS HEDGES Cily Administrotor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CiN Qeik Diane Downs City of Eagan Water Department THE LONE OAK TREE. .. THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH tN OUR COMMUNIN