4415 Oak Chase RdCITY OF EAGAN AdditionOAK CHASE AI?DITION Lot-n61 Blk-o.Z owner ?' ? <•' =-_? ;' ? - -- Street 4415 Oak ChSSe Road c- `-t"AX E IFrn i,?T 1210 Wilderness Run Road Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING See arcel 040 07 fOI' SS85 ments a21 assess ents a um SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT . WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK OF EAGAN Remarks Rli. lt? 10 I ? 1 ? C AL n 41. 1 . .-, Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Rece' Date STREETSURF. ? IO-I$-T STREET RESTQR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK " f 1 75 20 a umed b lt 10-18-77 SEWER LATERAL assumed b lt 10-I8-77 WA7ERMAIN WATER LATERAL 1972 WA7ER AREA 1977 160.00 •6 L Asswned b 1'C 10-18-77 Assumed b it 10-18-77 STORM SEW TRIC Assumed b ].'C 10-18-77 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WA7ER CONN. BUILDIN R. SAC K ..? . ? v. ?..vn?• nemarKS - ? Addition 03k Chase Addn_. r Lot ? oik 7 parcei_ 10 53500 0]r.i0r 07 Owne? ?/l"l?'?] ?-??l1.:iU-CZ. ?'kr??? Street ?17 O8g (?i?'1838 ?. State Eagan,I?N 77123 ,?; n r 9a17*) iA,nA on,.,., 'k-) . -) ?, a l IrTiprovement . Date Amount .. Annual . ,,. Vears , PPayment - fieceipt Date STR E ET SUR F. 1 -1$-7 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SANSEWTpUNK --1 973 175-00 , 5 assumed b 1L 10 -1$-?? SEWER LATERAL 355U111Cd U lt 10-18-77 'WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL - WATERAREA 19 ] 160.00 10.66 1 Assumed b lt 10-1$-77 Assumed b it 10-18-77 STORMSEWTRK ASSl3ID0a b 1L 10-18-77 - STOHM SEW LAT . CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT - WATER CONN. . . BUILDING PER. SAC PARK -:? PHONE 454-8700 CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAO EAGAN, MINNESOTA 54122 January 31, 1978 MEMO TO TOM: RE: Lot 4? Block 7, Oak Chase lst Addition Cancellation of Special Assessments The following is the breakdown of the amount of assessments that were assumed by the City as part of the park dedication for Oak Chase First Addition: 1978 unpaid balances Data Processing # 368 Data Processing #221 Data Processing #225 Data Processing #341 Data Processing #240 Data Processing #153 TOTAL 1978 UNPAID DELINQUENT INSTALLMENTS Data Processing #368 Data Processing #221 Data Processing #225 Data Processing #341 Data Processing #240 Data Processing #153 TOTAL DELINQUENT street $1556.80 sew trunk 122.50 sew lat 340.00 wat area 138.68 sew lat 880.70 stm & wat 1 1508.29 $4,546.97 $ 391.14 108.89 272.00 28.74 704.52 2384.01 $ 3889.30 TOTAL AMOUNT OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS $8436:27 These assessment have been cancelled at the County as per letter by Alyce of December 13, 1977 according to Phyllis in the County Auditors Office. cc: Barb Sckidt a 441'--' January 31, 1978 MEMO:TO TOM: RE: Lot 4, Block 7, Oak Chase lst Addition Cancellation of Special Assessments The following is the Lraakdown of the amount of assessments that were assumed by the City as part of the park dedication for Oak Chase 17irst Addition: 1978 unpaid halances bata Processing # 368 Data Processing #221 Data Procossing N225 Data Processing 9341 Data Processing t1240 Data Processing #153 street sew trunk Sew lat Wat area 8ew lat Wtn W Watiml 81556. 80 122.50 340.00 13&,48 880.70 -1's0II.29 ;OTAL 197C LiQPAID DELIYOtiEIaT ISJSTALLh1Eh"I'u Uata Processing #368 Data Processing 15221 Data Procsssing #225 Data Processing ft341 Data Processing #240 Data Processing #153 TOTAL DELINQUENT TOTAL AMOUNT OF UMPAID ASSESSMENTS $4,546.97 $ 391.14 103.89 272.00 23.74 704.52 _ , 2.384.01 ,p 30^39.30 $8436.27 These assessment have been cancelled at the County as per letter by Alyce of Decembar 13, 1977 according to Phyllis in the County Auditors Office. cc: Barb Scmidt 3Z CITY OF EAGAN Remarks?-- -- Addition Oak Chase Addn. Lo, l? Bik 7 Parcel 10 59500 040 07 Ov+ne,- Street 4+15 Oak Chase Rtj. state Eagan,MN 55123 _ ,.? ?- t?l Improvement Dare Amount Annual Years PaYment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1 • 75 20 . SEWER LATERAL WATEFMAIN WATER LATERAL 1972 15 WATERAREA - 1977 160.00 10.66 15 ; STORM SEW TRK . STORMSEWIAT . CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK ,14 `` /? City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, M 55122 ` oate: October 12, 1977 ` ` SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH RE: Lot 4, Block 7, Oak Chase lst Addition Hauge & tiovy Atty, Parctl #10 53500 040 07 3908 Sibley Mem Hwy. Gagan, MN 55122 Enclosed herein is tke searcH which you reqiie8ted made on the above described property: Kind of Improvement Runs Beginning Original Nnt. IIalanoe Due STRLCT 10 Yrs. 1977 $1946.00 1751.40 WATER AREA 15 Yrs. 1977 160.00 149.34 Water Lat. & Stm 15 Yrs. 1972? 2824.00 1696.32 SEWER TRUPIK 26 Yrs. 1973 175.00 131.25 SEWER LATERAL 15 Yrs. 1974 510.00 374.00 SBWER LATERAL 15 Yrs. 192V. 1321.00 968.76 ---- ?,, ` ? a ??i, I further certify that according to the records of said offi et following i.mprovements are contemplated or pending af ter having been approved, and are now in the process of planning or completion. Kind of Improvenent Approx. date of completion Approximate cost NONE WAIVER: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the accuracy of the above information oahich was reguested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City of its employees assume any liability for the correctness thereof. In consideration for the supplying of the indicated infozmation in the above form, and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever, any claim against the City of its employees rising there from is hereby expressly waived. ' Levied assesmments to be paid to the•Oounty Auditor at Hastings, Minnesota 55033. ' Very truly yours, SPECIAL ASSESSMEPiT DEPAR7MENT ;