4557 Oak Chase Way. -+ ? r 6UILDING PERMIT •'1d^ Receipt * SiteAdd?ea Erect ,[?J Occupancy Lot ' Block ? -------?Sub Remodel ? Zoning j . Repair ? Type of Conn. Psrcel No. Enlerge ? No. Stories Move ? Length ` W Neme r`' DemOlieh ? DBpth - ? Addres s -- -? ? Grade ? Sq. Ft. Citv ^ Phone 72- f+ Install O ..vv.o.o.. ? Name tu Addreu Assessment u ? City phone Water 3 Sew. ? Polict ?W Nsme Fin i3 Addreis Enq. u ? Z. City Phone Plonnx Cauncil 1 heroby ccknowledpe thot 1 how reod this appliwtion ond stots tF?ot Bidg. Off),".'. 1,' .. , the inlormation is cor?ect ond oqree to comply with oll opplicabl• A? Stah of Minnesoto Statutos and City of Eo9on Ordinonces. Var. Date Siqnoh+ro of PennittN A Buildinq Pennit Is issued to: dl work sholl be done in atcordonct 8uildinp Offkial Plan Review, ? SAC Woter Conn. Woter Meter ' Rood Unit Parks Total On the •xpnss COnditiOn thal all applimblo State of Minnesotc Statutes ond City of Eopen Ordinancm CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagsn, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 PKmR No. Pwmk Holdw Dab Tele hone ? Plumbi?g a.?A.?. S 5 0 ? ? 5 a?'s" yl?o- ?oZ F E?? A ? Irapection pato Insp. Otha Foo:,ngs ,1(( IR5' K ??t E y44 y Y<?? s Foundation Fnminp Roofing Rouph Plbo. Roud+HVA ?3?Cp5 (,(J Inwl?tion Q Final Plba Final HVAC f Final CKt/Oa. Waar Dftcribe ?j Location: ? J YYall ? - Sower Pr. Disp. Raaipt ° MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EA(iAN fill in numbered speces Type or Print /egibly 1. Date 2. Install,ation Cost 3. Job Addreas Lot y• Bik. 4. Owner Pe?mit No. ? Fee, SJC Tot. Tract .i 1 . /. " 5. Contractor ? Phone '-a ' ? - - 8. Address ' 7. City ? State ' ! Zip ',-r 8. Building Type: Residential 11 Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New .? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type ' 11. No, Eauioment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Eauiament CFM Air Handlin : Mfg. g Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfy. Gaa, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and 1 agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governiny this type of work. S'igned : ; - _A:'- ___. - ---- for Robgh Finel Inspection:: Oate Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered end approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt ? . -' . ?. PLt1MBINQ PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Frll in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prini legibly Tot. ? -- ' 1. Date ??2. Insta(lation Cost -1--?- ' • <: ?,? : . . 3. Job Address LotBlk. ? Tract 4. Owner , `? i l-) , _ ' ' f t „? `? _, )I .f5 1v .?, 5. Contractor Gf i Phone 4-2 lv/1 o' ? r-•1 -? ?.- , ? ?. 6. Address ri)/, -r 7. City j i State Zip C;P t:., 8. BuildingType: Residential\E:] Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New',Q 10. Describe 11. Add ? ,, Alter ? Repair ? No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield ` Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray , ? Floor Drains , Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby c:ertify tat the above. information is true and currect, and I agree to comply with all otdinanoc$ afrd codes gov rning this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved ' CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 CITY OF •EAGAN Remarks 1 ier .?? stJeet 4557 DAK CHASE NAY Improvement Date Amount Annual Years c..? Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. 9QRNlFM Sewer Lat2 p 1974 172.50 11.50 15 34-50 A015604 6-7-8 San Sew Trk ' 1984 27.89 5.58 S 16.75 SAN SEW TRUNK 2 Z 1973 253.37 0 12.67 20 88.79 SEWER LATERAL $L 1984 78.51 1S.70 S Sewer Lateral SZ 1984 202.25 40.45 5 121.35 ?rMIEg(DO)I](X Water Lat 1972 153.37, 10.22 15 10.2 • WATER LATERAL %7-L 1984 303.25 60.65 5 WATER AREA 2.3 1984 31.39 6.28 $ 1 18-85 1' Water Area 1984 623.25 41.55 15 981-70 * STORM SEW TRK 19$4 5 STORM SEWX? T??C g70 1984 1093.88 72.93 15 8 , p Se?rer Laterai z7?5 1974 76.66 5.11 15 it CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT C.rx.;tZ44 -" WATER CONN, 500.00 a n BUILDING PER. 10174 SAC 525.00 PARK CiTY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition •OAK Cf1ASE 8TH ADDITYqN Lot 1 slk 1 Parcel 10-53505-010-01 owner +rj -12 : ;screet 4557 OA1C CEi11SE NAY state F.11G/W M 55123 , ' ti- Improvement Date Amount Annual Years g< Payment Receipt (Astt STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA tf 1985 623.25 1 S5 IS 70 STORM SEW TRK 1985 1093.92 72.93 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' 51DEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. n n SUILDING PER. SAC 525.00 PARK 3830 Pilot Knob Road 7360 P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN r-r-?721 DATE: «??6-85 Zoninp: No. 04 ltnits: Ownar: =?'r scm Const. Address: Site Address: 1 agree to comPip wi16 !i» G!p of fep¦ Ordinaeaes. i 8 Y ? Date of Insp.: Conneetion aorgs: .. - . - r- Acoount DepoWt: ?.5.00 Pemdt Fee: pp Surchorpe: . 5 AAisc. Chorgss: Total: Dohe Paid: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMR 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning: ? No. of Units: 1 Owner: _ . . ?n''n <•. ?ti Cl?n6? . _ Address: 5ite Addrcss: T. ?.-.:? Plun,bar: =rta-"'•- AAeter No.: Connection Chorga: 5ize: AcoourM Deposit: ' ' . )' ) ' Roader No.: i Permit Fee: i 1 egm to wmpip wilh IM Gty of Eggsw Surchorge: ' . S ( 4rdtwonea. Mlsc. C}arges: Totol: IIeC @1" ? By Dote Poid: i Dote of Insp,: G Insp.: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMR 3830 Pilot Knob Raad P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN1 55121 Dh7E: y` Zoning: No. of Units: Q Owner: Add?ess: Ei i te Address: S - {? _ YB1bBf: 5 .. ' J`P? ?` r. . eter No.: 3q? Connection Chorge: ?M ? . . ( ? ' `5ize: Aa-ll?b? Atcount Deposlt: ^ Reader No.: 5 } Permit Fee: I ym M eomplp with tIN Ciryr of Eegan Surcharge: .?' -I'd 5; C Or1iM Misc. CFwrges: Totol: By Dote Paid: Date of Irtsp.: Irap.: S Z ?/?s CITY OF EAGAN No 1017 4 BUILDING PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•198, Eagan, MN 55721 - PHONE: 454-8700 ?/3s7 Recelpt # Shsndmen 4557 OAK CHASE WAY Lot 1 gIock 1 c.xrcub. OAK CHASE 6TH Parcel No. W IName M.W. .70HNSnN CONST. _ ? qddmy SOX 730 Ciri FARMTNr?TON phone 419-6918 ?ff $` Neme SA*?+,.?- Addreat ? City Phona _ Name City Phone Ereot IA Oxupsncy R-3 Remodel ? Zoning R-1 Repeir ? Type of Const. V Enlarge ? No.Stories Move ? Lerlth 3 $ Demolich ? ? Depth 5,6 Gratle ? Sq. Ft. Instau ? Aooreveb Fea Aasessment Wahr 6 $ew. Police firo Eno• Plonnar Courxil Pertnit 4 `i S _ t1U SurcFnrpa S d. 0 Q PlanReview 776 -50 5qC 5 9 S (1 Q Woter Conn. S DI" 0 Wmer Meter 639 0 Road Unit ?_&^eQ I hereby cekrowledge that I how rcod this applicotion ond srore that Bidg. Off.Al 1/R 5 ?g{y? TP 1 -49_ n n the inlormotfon is correct ond agree to canply with oll oppl'coblq A? Total 2. 233 _ 50 Stnte of Minnewto Statutes Ciry of Eogon Ordin nces. - ? Var. Date Sipnaturo of VenniMn A Buildinq Permlt Is issued fo: M_ W_ .7nHNS f1NRT on ryha expmss eaditlon 1Mt all work sfall 6e doro in/Qccor4orKe wiJh oll applimbls State of MinnewM $tatuhs ord Gty of Eopon Ordinancsa BWidinp OHidel This reQUest voitl 18 months Irom t (QG 1 5, 1 5 A.: 4 2,0 8 5 L1 ('a r v a.k. 5Y.50 APnu aie Fire No. ftnup_-in InsUec[ion q Rep ed? Rently No INmifv Inspec- ? Yes ?NO r When Readv icensed Electrical Contnctor -T heraby request ins0ection ot above Owner eleclrical work installed at: Street Address, eoz or Route No. Ciry I e Lon o. Township Namo or No, flange No. C?y Occupant (PftINT) /? 1 ?' `" ?' VS-ej 4-/ Phone No. Powe, Supplier Address EI Cri /onVacior omp??any? 1 f 114 > ?r.leZ .. , rtracmr"s License No. e7 lye MIfS'FJESOTA STATE BOARD UP ELEC BICITV ?-' THIS IfCSP€CTION flEQUESTWlLL NOT Griaes•Midwey Bltlg. - Xaom N•191 BE ACCEPTEO BY THE STqTE BOARO UNLESS PftOPEfl INSPECTION FEE IS 1821 Univarsity Ave., S[. Paul, MN 55104 _ Phone 16121297.2111 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION es-ooooi.oa See instructions tor comoleting this form on back of Yellow copy. •. ?° ? ,Y"' Below Work Covered by Thrs Request . +.e lJ i? ? Add Neo. Tvoa of Builtlina Aooliancee Wiratl Equipment Wired Water Farm c 0 p Fee ServiceEntranceSize # eeders/SUbfeeders k Fee Circults L Oto200qm s? O30qm s 7. o Om30Am Above 200 qinps a to 100 qmps o 31 to 100 q y Swimming Pool ove 100Amps A Above 100_A?nps Transformerg igation Boorcis o Partial-'Ot r_Eee-... aigns apeciai mspecuon pem»rks - $ p TOTAL FEE / i LJ?JT? / ?y? I /'lB??I ? tha Elecvical? I / In?pBpW?{he?aby that the above final ? 1e sOection hes baen /f. A\ n? made. (Ma requeal vmd 18 mhs from ?tl A _ 4 206 3 L tMr _ .._. ___.._.. equi? d? E:]Ready Now ' NotifY InsPeo- S nN,, ? nr When Ready K_Licensed Elec[riml ConVacmr I hereby request insoaction of above ? Owner electrical work instelled et Streec Address, Boz or Route No. ' Ciry s . ( 3 G. ???-,? ec ion o. Township Name o. No. Range No. Co/u?nty OccuV.ntIPflINTI -? Phonx No. ., W. -J S U Power Sup lier Adtlress Ele rical ontracmr (Company Name) / Cont actor's License No. ' !i'.'.EcT2CG , F MaiIine.4ddress ICOnVactor or Owner Making InstailatioN . t / 4 -- o 7 /t re?n L-? Authorized iBnature IContractor ner Making InstallaYio Phone, Number - - - MINNE Tq STATE BOANO OF ELECTflICITY TMIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT G1499s-MiEway Bltlg. - ftoom N•191 BE ACCEPTED BY TME STqTE BOAHD 1821 UniversityAVe..St Paul, MN 55104 UNlE55 PROFER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone 06721297-2171 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Es-oo? ?a J O r See instrvctio.s (or comoleting this iorm on back of vallow copy. A- "XBe/ow Work Covered by This Request w AAtl Rep. TyDe ot Builtling Apolinncen WireO Equ ument Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhting Fixtures ApL Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commerciai BIAy. Fumace Siio Unloader Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tnnk Fyfm Othe,r Speo v cherl$l>erify) t 5-vr-Tg ueci y Other Other Compute lnspection Fee Below p Fee ServieeEntrance5ize k Fea Feaders/5ubieetlers # Fe.e Circaits D to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s 0 tn 30 Am s Above 200 qmpyi 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 qm s Swimming Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100_Amps Transiormers Irrigation &ooms Partial:'Other Fee Signs Special inspection $ T Pemack?' ?• S? OTAL FEE VL r I- / Rough- n ? Da[e . I, tha Elec rical . soec'oq hereby ? certify that ffie above i Final _ ? u??e inspection hes Geen i i _ A\ f??3made. Ttlie re0uest wi018 moniha trom ? . ? ? z/aa CSTY OF EAGAN aPPLZCATION FOR PE:LMIT ? SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIODI (PLEASE PRINT) 1) PF.OP_.FT?TY ADDPESS: r.Fr,,Z, DESGtIPTIC:1: (LOt/ 1'/Subdi isicn or Tax Farcei I.D. N=beri S?':C;CP 7Z , DaT:' G'ORIGi.lAL Eiiii..^,I.`:G :=__.5=• 1. SL= L a1i_„T Y ELPLE.`. ('Tti:O L1II1J) CI R-3 ZCdv17HLY?SE (Tfa2EE + LNITS) ( UzII'*_'S1 ? R-d PPAR=;'n/CC`.SJCi== ? U.il.?i Q CUI_7..CT=,L/'F2ETASI?OFFT_C`. ? I'i?'DliS=-u ? NSTIT'?'PIO.''?.L/GC?'E,R:??1?;•:• 2) ?PLI= (PLE,7SE pftI9T) NP?E: AD?RESS: ? D• ,? X ??d CITY, SI:y'I':.'. ZIP: Pr-:o:,M: 3} =L3E? CFN7CfIYANr)P?lH FOR CITY USE_O,4LY aDO?ss: , ]:4745 SO ROBER7 TRPy I?L PLlIHB ICE45E: , . . a?tiYe CITY, sTa:E,,zzP: ROSEMOUMT MN 55068 0 Expired - PHONE= xsicrt PLUMBER LICENSE Q .MSt ord ? Carr tn1[ aL 4) ()a_-[J-21y`.]'j'/Gf-z;F7 NAMF. (YLGAJt YHltll ) ADDRESS: • CITY, STATE, ZIPa PHO:;E: - / ' 5) ZNDICy'I'E WHIC:: PEP.^•LIT IS BEP:G REpUESTv.:C: tC:?T'r.CTZON 'ID CI'PY SE,7m C.'.=ICDI TO CIT'i SJATEit ? OTcTa2 (PZ.Fl1SE GESCRIBE) 6) =IG:: C:z: ? P7.u7%SE F?OZD APPRU,/p PER.''SIT FOR PICK-UP BY ONE OF e1&)VE `IKPL.EASE MAIL AP°ROV") PEEr.LiT 'R0 .1, Z/i , 3 4 APOVE . - -- (Cirele-one)- --- - J 7) SI(MATC3E: " i?. yJ1f?L2i?? DATE: 4! !! Ol?aFil+lA:f? ,i ! l?s?:a ! _? ?-? ?.?:a ? Yf s s:sa:a:? ? : ra?J?:r ?!? ? a1 s! ?s F 0 R PER}tIT " ISSliED I C I T Y U S E O N L Y F°E5: $ r!?l Sv $ /O. S v $ ?,3uu $ $ ?z $ /S.vu $ S $ $ $ $ -?• ?`? $ S°_i'i?_. ocn%jTi (I`_iCL:iD: S??CH?F?O) WATE? PERf1IT ( Ii7CLliDE SURCI:ARGE ) WATER M.ETER/Cv^PPERHORN/OUTSID.: REauE3 waTER TaP (rycLoDE coRPoRaTIcN s-IcP) SE:lE4 T^,P ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SE?:ER ACCOliNT DEPOSIT - S^]ATER WAC SAC TBUVi: WAT°R ASSESS.`-:E:IT TRlii1F SEivER ASSESSMENT LATE°.AL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEWER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRU:Iii WATER OTHER TOTAL AMOUNT PAID/RECEIPT ; J?/JG S? DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLZC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"'PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIAI " PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST.BE ISSUED BY THE ENGZNEERIDIG DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- TION. SUBJECT TO TfiE FOLLOWIDIG CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE : ? sw ?f? ?? se ?w ?? ?a fs? w_+ r.?? re ?? w? R+? wt? w?r! ?r? ta E? i? ?l+ w? ?c? w?1? ?.? , F ' . . , . . .. .. '. • ' . . . . . . . . ' . ? . . . ' . 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF.EAGAN HOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS FlUST BE LICENSED.WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN ,`.INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY . - 1'.SET,OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS ,:- To? Be Used For: Valuation: ?08 co ;n-'- Date.3 Site ,Address.: 7 5 5-7 Z??K C???6-,ZJI' ?9 ,; OFFICE USE ONLY Lot: Block / SectlSub.? 6?'`Ereet'')C Occupancy Q-'3 Remodel'; . Zoning Parqel_OI Repair ! Type of Const Enlarger'. # of Stories Owner, • • ?. (,fJ• cJohnSaPA Move . ? -' . Length 3g n Demolish Depth ?(o Address • Grade ; Sq Ft. . . . `FCZ' ..- . .. . . . ' iy/Zi, p Code Farm -=-------------- ------- Phone 413a -(??3 APPROVALS, , Contractor ssessments ` Permit s? Water/Sewer. Surcharge Address ;.-.Police' Plan Review" .=Fire • _SAC City/Zip Code Engr. 'Water Conn C300? Planner Water Meter b3. Phone , Council Road Unit 'Bldg Off - Parks Arch./Engr. '•pPC ?? Treatment Pl 132.°%' Variance Address " TOTAL ' ????? a City/Zip Code: Phone li .,r,•,? , . . l./i . ' : .. 7 p ?---x ? ?. , . f . . . - . . , f F ...j. ' . 44 • . . . . ';[. ,.:.i . . . . . , , . , . ? .._ ., . . _ ' ' . .. .? . . - . . . . • De*_ermine working square footage of each. 1. Total exposed wall area ...... ci lj?sq. ft. x???, 747 2. Total roorlceiling area .... , l O q 3 s4. ft. x 1,= "-!I Total er.posed wall area above floor a. Total walla window ar°a ............... :............ ZLlS- l.o b. 7ota1 ceor area ................................. --Z, fa ' c. 7o*a1 s?idino ,Tass door area .................... Y 4 :. :• d: 7cta1 r"ireplace wall area ........................ V8 e. 7ei:a] wall r"raming area (averaq? 10a) ..,:........ 7,0Z' ILo . i'. Tota1 ret wall area above rloor ................. 1P?nq .y 4 g. 7o"al rim jeist area ............................. Ziops Total exoosed foundation area = 8G, rll-o , ? • h. Tetal foundation window area..................... '. ToaT net founda*ion area above arade ............ fSG.'1u Deterraine "U" value of ez:n wall s°g:°nt. a. Lo x ituit , SS = 135,08 ? b. 38 X ,tu,, i3 _ 5 Z8 1 44 X „u„ , 5 = Z Z d. ?g x „ui, , 31.a = I'1, z8 e. Zpz,l r..? X "U" Ocf Co_ = IQ?y _ . r. ' 609 .4 4 X uUn X liUip ?c?y 1_= 10.9 h. -- X lluti • - _ - null , 1 `? = IS.SIv ? 3 . ...................??? :?'I'.i.?-S?.. .Total - ?0'-I?38 !T lt°m r3 15 the 52(P° ZS, O1" l°SS tnan lt°m 11, ,yOU hzve R1_t tfle intent 07 $jC . ' , . . . • ,'. . . _ . . ?? a • - = Total exposed roofJceiling area -' ' -- Tot.:. - : . • al gross roof/celling area Total skylight area .-..•••• . - i k. Total roofi/ceiling framing area........? _ IG7?t?3 _ ' Z. 7ota1 net insulated roof/ceiling area....... r7 Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segment. _.. .. . . ... _ X „Ulf j , --- ?- - k. i o9 .3 xllu,i , 02 = 2. Lo x Pun ??Z? a .?1• ? 4 .................1 U ci? ..........Total If total of #4 is the same as, or less than #2, you have met the intent of 5BC G006(01. . . . ' . ? To utilfized the total envelope system method, the values.established 6y the sum of items #3 attd #4 shall not be greater than the sum of itens 81 and #2. + z. 2?=_ 330,35 3. + 4. ZA ,Z = ?Z2,55 MATERIALS Therm. Resistance "R" Exterior Air slaiag Material Sheathing Insulatian - She6?o??c Interiox dir Studs Rim Conc. Blks. ,11 ?45 0LO ,45 ? Lo ? 1,8 1,2 .. . .. • • . , . ! :. , ?r ' CERTIFICATE Elevations shown are existing grades and are assumed datum. Proposed garage Eloor elevation = 99.0 OF SURVEY ( 92•2O ?k cHo,sE wAY p R= 93,g1 N89°5o09E 95 ??SZ bS.ib ?- ? 0 I hereby certify [ha[ this is a correct representation of a survcy of: W ? Lot 1, Block 1, OAK CHASF. SIXTH °j n y ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota, ? m 2I according to the recorded pla[ thereof. e ? rh F and that I am a duly registered land ? W surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ? .1 ? W Gene L. Jacobso inn. Reg. No: 7734 Q Dated this 14th day of March, 1985 x ? ? JS ? ?. o ? ? y ? M ,93e 94•`2??2 C? I 3 0 0ti? p?'o G44 ?2 a ? ry. P , ti?se eo ? . 0 3 o ? 0 4i ?en (?f O ry O L oT ! gLOCK I °_ ORAINA6E L(TICI7Y EASEMEN? °- i 39. "I 8 w sT Ca. No . 32- = GLtFF ROAO z DR. BYGCP SCALE - I" = 40` o DENOTES IRON MON. BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED DATUM. PtEPAREO FoR: JACOBSON SURVEYORS ,7ohnson Construction P. 0. Box 130 LAKEVILLE, MINN. 55044 Fannington, Minn. 55024 PHONE _ 469 - 4328 /G) - S' ?50 S' - C<< b- C? ' OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD 7HOnM5 EGAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55124-1897 WY°f PHONE (612) 454-8100 DAVID K. GUSTnfSON FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMFIA McCaEn TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHiER CounCil Membzrs June 27, 1990 T"°""^5"E°GEs CM1y Atlminis[rator EWENE VAN OVERBEKE Crty Clerk rR Dox sMimx 4557 OAK CHASE WAY EAGAN MN 55123 Dear Mr. Smith: Thank you for your informative letter dated June 19, 1990, I appreciate you bringing this issue to my attention again. I have spoken with Craig Knudsen and, as a resu2t of this discussion, we have directed our consultants to evaluate the situation. The engineering firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates will investigate the grading and local development impacts on your property. You can expect a response from the City concerning their results by the end of next week, July 6th. Sin ely, \ \ cr? Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/JJO/jeh THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity/Affirmative AcTion Employer oF 3830 PILOI KNOB ROAD THOMAS EGAN [AGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 pmyOf PHONE: (614) 4548100 DAVID K. Gl15TAFSON FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMElA ti1cCREA TIM PAWLEMY THEODORE WACFIIER AllCJllSt 6, 1990 Council htembers THOMAS HEDGES Crty Adminstrator FUGENF.VAN OVER9EKE Ciry Glerk MR DON SMITH e?57 OAR CHASE WAY A??N-tRN__,_..` Dear Mr. Smith: I am sorry for the long delay in responding to your letter, but this has been an especially difficult problem. Since you wrote, City staff and consultants have made numerous visits to the site, consulted the qrading plans, building permits and City Code. I am aware of the problem and have personally viewed your yard. I was especially concerned after that last hard rainfall on Saturday, July 28 and appreciated your subsequent call. Monday morning, July 30; I inspected the water damage to several properties around the City including your home. Accompanying me were the Assistant to the City Administrator, Jon Hohenstein and the Assistant City Engineer, Mike Foertsch. From this review, I ascertained some of the difficulties the City is experiencing dealing with various builders. Consequently, I have directed Doug Reid, Chief Building Official, and Steve Hanson, Assistant Buildinq Official, to press Joe Miller to clean up both yards downstream from his development in your area and to install a siltation fence to prevent future damage. Legally, the City has no official power to enforce compliance with our request. And, thus, to you I must say that beyond our request, the problem you have described is not within the City's ability to correct. By way of explanation, our engineering department reviews the development gradinq plan for compatibility with the City's overall comprehensive drainage system. Unfortunately, it is beyond the City's authority and resources to review each individual lot grading plan. Conflicts regardinq individual lot grading are considered to be between homeowners, and the City encourages you to work with your neighbor to resolve the issue. To assist you the City does have a requirement for a utilities and drainage easement for five feet on either side of the property line. The house next to you appears to have not qraded to utilize this easement. I would encourage you to pursue this for a resolution. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportuniry/AflirmaTive AcTfon Employer DON SMITH AUGUST 6, 1990 PAGE TWO To address your concerns relate$ to erosion onto your property from the adjacent development, this again is a private matter. As a city we have erosion controls for overall development grading plans. At Lhe present there are no requirements for individual lot erosion control. We are in the process of amending our regulations in order to hold builders more accountable. But for the present, this issue should be pursued with the builder or developer. If you receive tto satisfaction and you feel you can document damage incurred to your property, there exists the possibility of litigation. I can't answer your question as to why the lots were not graded together in the rear but it should have been done if the developer had access to your land. Nevertheless, this concern needs to be pursued with the developer or homeowner. To answer your concern about Joe Miller and his crew crossing your yard, usinq your electricity, and dumping their dewatering water from the basement across your yard, without your permission, yau do have a recourse. Your land is private property and the Police Department is able to enforce your property rights. in the future please consider this resource while an incident is occurring. If this is an ongoing problem, please contact Shannon Willey, Zoning Administrator. . In closing, I don't think any resident'should be disproportionately impacted because of new development. Granted some inconvenience will be experienced because of the nature of the development business and the City is working to tighten controls for builders in order to lessen the detrimental impacts of development. Unfortunately, it is a slow process •and we are only in the beginning stages. In the meantime, please pursue these complaints with your neighbor. I hope you can follow them through to a satisfactory resolution. Respectfully, ` Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/JJO/jeh . ? CITIZEN'S REQUEST FORM EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE : NAME: S"?vL J??.xti, ADDRESS: -457 q- ( (?U?- Q.?? Ul! U,? PHONE : q S 4- 6939 µ - ZR(o - 7 36?b uJ NATURE OF REQUEST: TAKEN BY: REFERRED TO: , rL, ! ACTION TAKEN: 7 8" 0.nn?dl JUt'\ Y" ' , U ?j BY: DATE: q - 7 - $ CERTIFICATE Elevaiions shown are existing grades and are assumed datum. Proposed garage Eloor elevation = 99.0 ? ? ? I hereby cer[ify that [his is a correct representation of a survey of: Lvt l, Block 1, OAK CHASF. SIXTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota; according to the recorded plat thereof and that I am a duly registered land surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. V • ? , Gene L. Jacobso inn. Reg. No. 7734 Dated this 14th day of March, 1985 q-SS-'7 Dak G1no.se u&y W 7 ai ? ? o m ? ry z OF SURVEY ? 92-20 ?k CHASE WAY a ? p R?9381 N89°5o09?E I 9 5 ?152 6$.16 Q_ ( ? S ~ 7- ? I M ?'` S 9 Z? '4ry.?'h ?6 9? 34 ? ¢?o I A ? I ?II 30 m ti? 4'e '?'• i2 bti N . i o _ I o ? N ? L oT ! ( N Z SLOCK I ORAIHABE ? yrltlTy EASEMENT °- l 39.1 S wm.s-r CO , lAw `{. N O. 3 Z = GLIFF. ROAXD DR. BY CCN SCALE - 1" = 40` o DENOTES IRON MON. BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED DATUM. PREPnRED FoR: JACOBSON SURVEYORS Johnson Construction P. 0. Box 130 LAKEVILLE, MINN. 55044 Faimington, Minn. 55024 PHONE . 469 - 4328 71D ? ?l O c, I? ? $ , ? `??? ? ? ? t' ,??` , ? ' ..-----E-?''ff .."?..- `' / 1` . ' ? e J r .i i ? i ? dp 1 / i 7 6 1 / ? v ^ ? - - ? - ? ? a1?- ????? ;? ', f •? ? ? fi ?, . ? , ? ? \\ ? ? ? , ' r u Mo ? ? ? ? -' ? ._ Lr - `?L' i ? / ?I , , ._ _ ? ? ? . ? ?: ? ? ? ?. .? ? ? • ? .1 r J /a s 3 E?0is? D/a o( 3830 PII.OT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 51 2 2-189 7 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FAX: (612) 454-8363 OF July 11, 1990 MR DON SMITFi 4557 OAK CHASE WAY EAGAN MN 55123 Dear Mr. Smith: THOMASEGAN Nayor DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PM+ELA n.kCREA TIM 7AWLENN THEOD02E WACHTER Couricil Membzrs THOMAS HEDGES CM Atlministrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Crty Clerk The City of Eagan has asked our consulting firm to review your lot, grading plans and water flow through your yard. At this time, we are still waiting for a response from our consultants. I will inform you of the results of this review upon receipt. Thank you for your patience. Respectfully, Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/vmd THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNtTY Equal Opporfunity/Affirmative Action Employer A kg? ?• f ??Y1;'ufS y' cIIT*%l 41-D;Mtn?_v..????R ., .. v S 2?'-) 7:F?t c.c?...Il,navB rn _n1_ z. 2 p nd? JUN 2 01990 bl r?? iC) ?i? ?? k{? -" ? •, • ?Y!Y.Y..?1.?,??"'? ?.,' - --- ----=--?x.,,w.. ?-4-gSL; . ywv?o!P???.._ .. ? i ?,... YW ?j?.lSE' O'f 7'_ G.drJ"C'iniJera 3;Q... Cse<aC ef i?E-i lU!`ti 81/ `F-Cl`ti-F'"? c, 1-ty DF ?.? irv :_-._?SS"7 e??tc.. ?Sr? ?.a.{? o . M.? L6 -3- tl P..rt. y .Si'c-t-,f' ? ?4,>-r .7 1-0 rzetjr.?. ? <e . .. . L-<,Z_ :'?cs_o.c e :..' . , : . w,v,e-?w rG c7; .n v., ?-. ...4if .,,?.?..? Y:??. _?;?_'f- . ??? ?u?u??? U-? CQ? - R:. ?3Y 1.¢r W .w-a?YbR-.??51?SJn??..?»i,?-rb?--?- • ..... . . . V? lVdjp; i /1!]? ? 71 ? ?'Ill,s,yw?a? .x ? .. ,.. ? gy 'en No P?`? ` :??a?X •• ??1'??J, ... '?.?..?.y.,...o-.+-'.-%-?;-..-??-^-??-_---- . . .... . SE ?iS . .?R "?'? •"'r`?"_^^'!?a+i ?*;"°a. "'"f .. 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PrIo 09 !?-s P?e? 0 D -A-P? 0- 0 6Q- (`(1-W era - -T-Ae ?-/6-j (.O,7T6el- tY' -- ?????-Y 4h2i-ue i3Q-o oki w?.L`t?- l ?? ? ?'r ?c?s ?f:-2 Fv- T2?>rz -?-?? yeA{2-;_.. - > . _Cvo<?,_ 4Ac.r . A-<j` . `Fbl t--l ILIcv -7-6 _Geca,Qu(,= rn `? ?? .?.? ?'^-:5 W b tU L- cc f?'e c,`?'en s r_ 4? Kt' . 4+?.o e 44 / M ?- C-4" GC? ?T 'Oa "' C'- gU ( :::r_ N ?z---t--? ? - - -- -- -?9-E.?? b $_ r'hl m i n.1.D -7?, `no f.)0a/t-le_.n ?f--?'-PITe J, ?? `.s C`,-0 I ^s t,u' ?ZA-c(. *C_? C&o ? c? ?- • - ? _ /?)z> T"-t?-/ N? ?- ? ? )cuy Mt?,'7 PD At;e o w ArQA- WUYUG P+}8?rQ 29b^-736,?- 6I ns c.e*?&i--y? ?ujr,j J rYt 6--r`4 ? ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THOnMS EGnN - EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 Mayor PHONE (612) 454$100 DnVID K. GUSTAi50N fAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMELA McOiFA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHTER August 6, 1990 c°°""l Wmee5 THOAMSHEDGES Ciry Atlministta[or . EWENE VAN OVERBEKE CM Clerk rgz Dorr srtiTx 4557 OAK CI-IASE WAY EAGAN MN 55123 Dear Mr. Smith: I am sorry for the long delay in responding to your letter, but this has been an especially difficult problem. Since you wrote, City staff and consultants have made numerous visits to the site, consulted the grading plans, building permits and City Code. I am aware of the problem and have personally viewed your yard. I was especially concerned after that last hard rainfall on Saturday, July 28 and appreciated your subsequent call. Monday morning, July 30, I inspected the water damage to several properties around the City including your home. Accompanying me were the Assistant to the City Administrator, Jon Aohenstein and the Assistant City Engineer, Mike Foertsch. From this review, I ascertained some of the difficulties the City is experiencing dealing with various builders. Consequently, I have directed Doug Reid, Chief Building Official, and Steve Hanson, Assistant Building Official, to press Joe Miller to clean up both yards downstream from his development in your area and to install a siltation fence to prevent future damage. Legally, the City has no official power to enforce compliance with our request. And, thus, to you 2 must say that beyond our request, the problem you have described is not within the City's ability to correct. By way of explanation, our engineering department reviews the development grading plan for compatibility with the City's overall comprehensive drainage system. Unfortunately, it is beyond the City's authority and resources to review each individual lot grading plan. Conflicts regarding individual lot grading are considered to be between homeowners, and the City encourages you to work with your neighbor to resolve the issue. To assist you the City does have a requirement for a utilities and drainage easement for five feet on either side of the property line. The house next to you appears to have not graded to utilize this easement. I would encourage you to pursue this for a resolution. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIlY Equal Opportunfty/Affirmative Action Employer DON SMITH AUGUST 6, 1990 PAGE TWO To address your concerns related to erosion onto your property from the adjacent development, this again is a private matter. As a city we have erosion controls for overall development gradinq plans. At the present there are no requirements for individual lot erosion control. We are in the process of amending our regulations in order to hold builders more accountable. But for the present, this issue should be pursued with the builder or developer. If you receive no satisfaction and you feel you can document damage incurred to your property, there exists the possibility of litigation. , I can't answer your question as to why the 1'ots were not graded together in the rear but it should have been done if the developer had access to your land. Nevertheless, this concern needs to be pursued.with the developer or homeowner. To answer your concern about Joe Miller and his crew crossing your yard, using your electricity, and dumping their dewaterinq water from the basement across your yard, without your permission, you do have a recourse. Your land is private property and the Police Department is able to enforce your property rights. In the future please consider this resource while an incident is occurring. If this is an ongoing problem, please contact Shannon Willey, Zoning Administrator. Zn closing, I don't think any resident should be disproportionately impacted because of new development. Granted some inconvenience will be experienced because of the nature of the development business and the City is working to tighten controls for builders in order to lessen the detrimental impacts of development. Unfortunately, it is a slow process and we are only in the beginning stages. In the meantime, please pursue these complaints with your neighbor. I hope you can follow them through tq a satisfactory resolution. Respectfully, Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/JJO/jeh 4S(O1 ? cERT1F/CATE qF ?r Oak covwse WA Y pR ? ' R r 93sc z C? a .0 ? Ld w ? z A? .L Q, • R?c 5cale: 1" = 30' ???F ??'o ? ? N 89 ° so z6'?- O ?s??-- ?, ? IS' ? NJ P,2o ftrc m Nousc. z ?J ?^1 ul ^o- i ? 4,V t . " I l 6RQ sCAB i I;L 919.0 ? ? ?.----- wt ? y ?- ? Js I ? ?s ? ? R=33D,t70 4iA O , .':7-9f' S , o,' 26= ? - ,oc-, ?Qp b6oza' .-, /1EAEBY CERT/fY TlIAT TM/,f I !4NS PqEPAREO SY ,yf qq ?,? ? yY q?T ?? D TH,4T ! AN A W LY AfGYSTEi9Fl? L AI,tNO/NAV?IDTA. ?yq?Zr1tM YAER TNF LAMS Q? TATE LP' TNE S 1TE?-? 1- - ? ? Bla,n u-- DESCR TION Lot 1, Block 1, ?Y`? CLIFF RIDGE ? L`'pr Dakota County, Minnesota Plat bearings shown o Denotes iron monument r`Exi?r?n?? PPOposed brandt an9lnearin 8 lurvayln9 9 2105 uroodi trail burnivil1c, mtnnaiota 55337 (blZ) 435-1964 te /VISL-19g-P'j`) /'?l32-- 1-33 -Er9 ALGH•!AY EASrMZ^T DEED Tk1IS IMENTURE? made atul. entered into this daq of November 0 ig 83 ? by` aod betwaen HOUSTON CONSTRUCTION INC. a Minnesota co oration ea Grant_, anl the C i t y a Eagan, Dakota CounCyo Minaesota, ae Grantee, r ' WITNl:SSETH 41HEREAS, said Grantor is/xecec the ownor? of the trecte of Lacd ia the C ity of Eegaa, Dakota County, Plinneaota, legally deacribed as follawa: A temporary public right of way easement for purposes of a temporary turn j arouad at the:end of the platted right of way for Oak Chase Way near the East ; line of Oak Chase Sixth Addition, over tfie following described property_;____ • Those parts of?Lot 1,-BSock"1 and Lot 1, Block 2,'Oak=Chase_Sixth-Addition=, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying within the circumference of a circle having a radius of 40.00 feet, the center of said circle being at a point on the center- line of said Oak Chase Way 60.00 feet westerly of the East line of said Oak •Chase Sixth Addition. (OVER) Na•1 THCREgORL, the said Grantor itt coasideratioex oE One' ($S_, 00) Dol3ier ' ' aced other good and valuable copeideration to it paid.b}r GranteeF receipt; whereof is hereby acknawledged, hereby conveys, vrarranta and dedicACes to ssi.d Graatee, 1ta aucceesora aad asaigns, for highoray purposes, tagethesr with the ' unrestricted xight to imprave the same, the aboae described kracCa o£ landr, together with the right to lay, maintain, opesate and repair uti2ity lines ovor and throuah eaid above tract, free and clear of all eneumbrancea; except €c+r reatrictione, reaervatSons and easementa of record, if aay. . • Anr] said Grantor_ for itsalf j its heirs# executore, adminisCrators' and a3signs, do es covenant never to cut, damage, destroy ox semove any 'tree or schrub or oeher natural gra•yth upon the hereinbefom described premisea foz CUe continuance of this easement and do es }ereby grant and convey 6:o the said -ity ' of Lagan all grasaea, achrubc, trees and natural grarth noca existing'on said lacrls or that may be hereafter planted or grown thereon. ? And the said Grantor_, for it self , its heira, executors, admini- etrators acd assigna do es hereby release the said C i t y of'Eagaa, ita succea- ! eors and asaigas, from all cLaims for any and all damagea reaulting to the i premises hereby comeyed by reason of the location, grading, construction, mai.n- , tenanca, and use of a public highu*ay over and upon, the removal of materia3s ; from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses iacident thereto; it be3ag understood said release shall not apply to atty damage to aay property abutting I the premises conveyed hereunder arising because of the use of the premises ; conveyed hereunder by the Grantee; and said C i'ty of Eagan ehall have the right , to use and remove all earth and other materials lying within the parcel of Zartd • hereby comieyed and the right to conatruct and maintain, upon the laculs adjoining the parcel hereby conveyed# such porta6le enow fences during auch montha as •weather conditions malce necessury; provided that such enow feacea shall not inter- fere with any access roada noca or ia tha future leading from the property abutting the premiaes conveyad hereuader.. And the said Grentor , for it aelf ' its heirs, executor3s Ad7RLR- istraCOrs and aesigna do_ hereby waive the right to any and all notice for the resoval of trees or hedgea within the limitc of the abmie deacrihed hig1na9p under the provisions of Section 160.22 Piinneaota.Statutes Annotated or otherwise and hereby expressly,waives any claim for dameges on account thereof. , IN WIT[iESS WHEREOFS said Grantor has hereunto set its hand and sealr tne day and year first above writte. - Ia Presence of; HOUSTON CONSTRUCTION, INC. ' By' ? ? lkiCA ? ? And• Its STATE OF MINPM.,OTA) COUNTY Og ) e8, ElCfi:+YT FP.OP4 ST1T6 DEED TAX STl119PS Oa this day o£ 19 before mas e No bfc vrithin and for eaid County, personally appe to me kn . khe person dsscriL•ed in, nnd ceho ? executed the for.egoin and aclcnxvle o., •hat he_ er.ecuted the , 'r'?. sam ae ree act and deed. This,iastrument draftei by; .Paul H.Hauge„ pttorucp3-at-La.i 3908 Sibl.ey I4,:mrial Fla-r, . , Eagep, ttlnaesota 55122 Said temporary easement expires upon extension of Oak Chase Way East of Oak Chase Sixth Addition. ? Na. 1005yq-CetHBute of Aeknowledpeent-By Corpontloo _ .................. ?tate of MINNESOTA .............................._................... , Caunty of ..............................DAKOTA ...._......_. .................. Yi1W.Dati Co.. NiunupoliM 1[inn. On thie... ?1?.?..?.`...?..day of........ N.Rxetmbe.x ................, 19.,8.I..., I ........withiR and for said Cou7otj/ peraonally ¢ppe2red i beinQ taah hy me duly Preaident and the. say that .. HOUSTON CONSTRUCTION,._INC ................................---.........................................the:corporation namtd in the ................. ............................... farogoinF inatrument, ¢nd that the seal a flEscd to said instrument is the corpnrate aeal of said corporation, and that anid instrurnent uaa signed and aea.bed i be Lf of said a,o •poratiari by muEhority of iEa Board . of.......... _.....P?reCXBFs ...........................a?ul said........... ........ ..............-....A'...y....?_.......................................... and ................. ................. .............................. ............. ...ack?ww g?,d said inatrument Eo be the frce act mntl deed of aaid onrporation. / I_ •nr n.tivw?.vw„ s•.•^..?W.n?'??nnnr Nota,ryPublia....... ?.....,?? ....... County ... ..... f 4 . ^" }.. lll^IiN CHAFfEE . • a..? ? oZ ..... 19 ?w.. s .Ny commtsaioa usptres................. . _.. 401k;dY P0SLIC'MiN7i?S0TA My Conmissbq ExGiresMz;^_h, 12, t988 TEMPORARY RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this z 9 n4 day of November, 1983, by and between HOUSTON CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Minnesota corporation, as Grantor and the CITY OF EAGAN, Dakota County, State of Minnesota, as Grantee. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, said Grantor is the owner of the tracts of land in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follous: A temporary public right-of-way easement for purposes of a temporary turn around at the end of the platted right of way for Oak Chase Way near the East line of the Oak Chase Sixth Addition, over the following described property: Those parts of:Lot 1,__Block l, and Lot 1, Bloek 2,'bak Chase Sixthl Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying within the circumference of a circle having a radius of 40.00 feet, the center of said circle being at a point on the centerline of said Oak Chase Way 60.00 feet westerly of the East line of said Oak Chase Sixth Addition. Said temporary easement expires upon extension'of Oak Chase Way East of Oak Chase Sixth Addition. NOW THEREFOAE, said Grantor in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other good and valuable consideration to it paid by Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, warrants and dedicates to said Grantee, its successors and assigns, for right-of-way purposes, together with the unrestricted right to improve same, the above described tracts of land. And said Grantor, fnr itself, its heirs, executors, administrators and assigns does covenant never to cut, damage, destroy or remove any tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the hereinbefore deseribed premises for the continuance of this easement and does hereby grant and convey to the said City of Eagan all grasses, shrubs, trees and natural growth now existing on said lands or that may be hereafter planted or grown thereon. And the said Grantor, Por itself, its heirs, executors, administrators and assigns does hereby release the said City of Eagan, its successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to the premsies hereby conveyed by reason of the location, grading, construction, maintenanee, and use of a public right-of-way over and upon, the removal of materials from the premises hereby conveyed and from the uses ineident thereto; it being understood said release shall not apply to any damage to any property abutting the premises conveyed hereunder arising because of the use of the premises conveyed hereunder by the Grantee; and said City of Eagan shall have the right to use and remove al'1 earth and other materials lying within the parcel of land hereby conveyed. And the said Grantor, for itself, its heirs, executors, administrators and assigns does hereby waive the right to any and all notice for the removal of trees or hedges within the limits of the above described right-of-way under the provisions of Seetion 160.22 Minnesota Statutes Annotated or otherwise and hereby expressly waives any claim for damages on aceount thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. HOUSTO CONSTRUCTIONa6e_'? By. Its• ? An State of Minnesota ) Its: County of Dakota )ss. On this ,19 day of November, 1983, before e, a Notary Publie within and for said County, personally appeared -l=and who being each by me d6ly sworn did say that they are respectively the Pcesident and the of HOUSTON CONSTRUCTION, INC., the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said cor- poration, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said cor ora i n by authority of its Board of Direetors, and said and acknowledged said instrument to be he Free act and deed of said corporation. This Document Drafted By: Hauge, Smith, Eide & Keller, P.A. , 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Notary Public ?--------??^"" "? Eagan, MN 55122 LpRENE A. LEE '(612) 454-4224 EXEMPT FROM STATE D?TARC-"?sou CWNiY My commi:sion ea?:?s No?Z3• 1997 Apr 21 2013 2:32PM BRUCKMUELLER PLUMBING INC 6516882160 City 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675.5694 L page 1 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use ilDp(c)3 Permit Fee: Permit #: Date Received: 42Z-(3 Staff: r/rij INFLOW & INFILTRATION PERMIT APPLICATION Plumbing / Sewer & Water Date: �' a s -/ 3 Site Address: 4456---7 O d k' f! /1616c. Watt Tenant: Suite #: • ;rill rr 3r ,s moi. ?iii " il,, ' n f p� 4 Name: OD SJnlr Phone: 65/' LiSy- �3 9 . Address / City / Zip: �5 i Oak Chi W ctgf £ agar rnu 66/9.3 t' il c. , , u 'lc a# Name: g1N4l'kint4 ,t'../ & Pi“relbt.fig, ,%ne. License #: 19 Co./'i 1- PM t . City: ITt Address:3q9Pe,i 1 Jt/r. iG3 )1V?I c a Cir? l .., State: inZip: ¢...1� S 1 .3 Phone: et .) l' o`G 1.0 - 4' CeCi C.P 1 Contact !'i C, or :71,(,111 6 Email: ., I _ AS ,! i I C .0 rr1 'i, ,l -'t'µ' 5� 4YF4 YY.'y4)i�..YY ' `1 PLUMBING (Within the building envelope) ✓Sump Pump Repair SEWER &WATER (Outside the building envelope) Repair Other: Other: 6K �t ` s f.l f Description of work: Arrng luny j) p it %)'1 r �i� e %l r7 � LT 11 ;f j roc', r 1 l FEES $60.00 / Each (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEE $ % Q • c)U * 'Permit fees will NOT be reimbursed by the City of Eagan. If you plan to submit Ill repair costs for reimbursement, two quotes from qualified contractors must accompany this application. A list of contractors can be found by visiting www.citvofeastan.com/Inflow, or City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gooherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this Is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x lull e. !3r aCk,rij ei F Applicant's Printed Name icant's Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I For Office Use I I q~j(~ I City of NOR j Permit ~ / T I I I I Permit Fee: ~ I 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: -7 q Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I I I 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: "7 Site Address: Y _55~ 7 DA' k_ (2 4AS, Unit Name: -,PQi, Stv 14 \ Phone: 40*9- 7 S -6f 3`1 Resident/ _ Owner Address / City / Zip: 5 A- dkia-si G-j Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: S1 of ~_l Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No ) Company:12i+[ei)v 2A6;A.) lgsAtadlio ~ U_ ontact: Contractor Address: (pQU3 City:4'-mac y= C L' State: Got Zip: S~ O L/~( Phone: 3 33 G -~5 -1 License Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aooherstateonecall.oro I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. xAhA,bt R,hf IhJ x Applicant's Printed Name Applic nt's Signature Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA124122 Date Issued:06/23/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4557 Oak Chase Way Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: Oak Chase 6th PID:10-53505-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Randy Bradach Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Donald Smith 4557 Oak Chase Way Eagan MN 55123 Bradach Roofing, Siding & Seamless Gutters Inc 18267 Italy Ave Lakeville MN 55044 (952) 892-6015 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA149221 Date Issued:05/14/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4557 Oak Chase Way Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: Oak Chase 6th PID:10-53505-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:One Window/Door Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 1,500.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $1500 $62.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $1500 $0.75 9001.2195 $63.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Heather M Boyko 4557 Oak Chase Way Eagan MN 55123 (206) 200-4011 Pella Northland 15300 25th Ave N #100 Plymouth MN 55447 (763) 355-1300 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA151587 Date Issued:09/04/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4557 Oak Chase Way Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: Oak Chase 6th PID:10-53505-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Heather M Boyko 4557 Oak Chase Way Eagan MN 55123 Renewal Andersen 1920 County Road C West Roseville MN 55113 (651) 264-4777 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature For Office Use % ` i ••• EAGAN Permit#: / -7 g / ♦� ,,. ./ moi •, • rr„i!) ' CO Permit Fee: Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Staff: buildinginsoections(a?cityofeagan.com i_ , 2018 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: )1)-1651 Site Address: 1 S) ? t )tt,K Ci'llit5e (A Tenant: Suite#: Name: � rL�t % , L v Phone: " /72 Resident/4wner I 7 JL �'rr/ Address/City/Zip: ..5> / j7 Ji:. . S� j�JG1� � infel Name: i � f ••• (Lt,Pff/ License#: Yi ( J6 1 fb I Contractor Address: • � ti. � tS �� City: 1r/d ie r 619-1 Of..-. State: / 1 Zip: � Phone: -2f2 3 : 5 Contact:' JC � �tJ'i t r� 7� //1 ��'"r4 , Email: (j�c S�lc �6' / v �r'�?r? (!yt Type of Work —New .Replacement —Repair —Rebuild _Modify Space —Work in R.O.W. Description of work: RESIDENTIAL P Water Heater Water Softener Lawn Irrigation(_RPZ/—PVB) Permit Type Add Plumbing Fixtures( Main/—Lower Level) Septic System New Water Turnaround Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $60.00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment,Water Turnaround*(includes State Surcharge) *Water Turnaround(add$280.00 if a 3/4"meter is required) $115.00 Septic System New(includes County fee and State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES $ I 60 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.comisubscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X �� ili�_ir_ Applicant's� iPrinted Name; X.�" `i .1"�t s ignature FOR OFFICE USE Review: .Pr-y Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground _Rough-ln _Air Test _Gas Test Final Meter Related Items: Meter Size Radio'Read Manometer Staff PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA175048 Date Issued:03/09/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4557 Oak Chase Way Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: Oak Chase 6th PID:10-53505-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Heather M Boyko 4557 Oak Chase Way Eagan MN 55123 Renewal Andersen 1920 County Road C West Roseville MN 55113 (651) 264-7052 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature