4110 Oakbrooke TrPERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA128421 Date Issued:11/12/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Lot:18 Block: 3 Addition: Oakbrooke 3rd PID:10-53762-03-180 Use: Description: Sub Type:Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please leave printed pictures of house wrap on site for the final inspection. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Carolyn Oeltjenbruns 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Eagan MN 55122--420 Property Claim Solutions Llc 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature Address 4110 Oakbrook Trail Zip 5512? IAt 18 Blk 3 Sub Oakbrooke 3rd Addition THESE 1'TEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLLTfE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. Date: 2/ lt4/ 0 Q Yes No Inspector. j r U P?l Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) Pennanent driveway Permanent gas Sod/Seeded grass TraiUcurb damage Porch Basement finish Deck Please verify with the builder the temoval of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shuhoff of water supply to the outside lawn faucet befote freeze potential exists. Cantact engineering division at 681-4645 before working in rightof-way or installing underground sprinkler system. ? White - City Copy Yellow . Resident Copy Pink - Contractor Copy ? " .. . . ? Ct1'v. GF E,?.Gc1N []Asr1'EF,r ? 1s ? Tc:RAtNFt. Rr.,Yu .- 7(e0 ? . .riAr' v wor.r,:`:1 11ME2 a" ORM .. ? s. Tl?• n M . k? kA}dEt, !'LU..l6F. MRit•il't=..6: 1::J'4! PEi'r ? . ' i?c'52 41 :i1 q?4:kki3C14i1" 4i4?l PW14141'1rla: I :•?ai,ty ,-:??:? 4iiU OA ac1:4:(70irc , , xrlf.?„Of7 P•tc'??':?t'-}?:1.'?i1.tC1 I.ffac.;}c;q?e,? :q":iRb : 3?+.?; ^?;l'O:L 4?•l?Lt1 rJA?;?:6?'?;1::. ? ?.'iC?,.'313?:" ':)Ea; 4f1l; IArHti'YE:, ' r?.C;t].' ?;'^;•; I.:rii s- 11 ;'RRF'OGk](5F: ? 64A 15?'n 7.P• JfiN 2C)N?Iidt3F." . . . ? . 7 , , ? • . , y .?. ?klk:kAok°.?.?k7K:?7k%k'M#?ik?:'k?'iciPlkY;*W..k?C:%11?,k?* (;CN1YMiIE 'CITV GF ?`iGAN ?-;' Cli.rl7`:''fitt' Y/' ?,'AIhN.:NLT: 1i::H?Ji. ?'L4Y : nn'rEt :;oni99 rtmr,. , :w 13s;ia ' ' ?` ? ' K;? , • . , taAMF e :- FL!L TF 'MoSt'?:.li Pl1:iLLCfe ? . 3i3ia 92r_'C! 41.iL1 ':MFSKt{{;pC)iC..F.. . i.L?iCi13- ' s3f J.3 '=?r r?ll e.i, {ti flA':H?i"1'1V,1' ?, 4 ? `#36.:i 9k'2i) A41^' OlsKBRP!3F;E ? f34 ?S?,LiO , 2?2`° '9i'2?J`h110 f]A?(Yafi(];k'H' ' f3fm1'; 3110 2U0! 411.n L'AFcL?F.'UnKE' ,.: i 4(7:3r3.1_, _; 2E:66 :-;.'s'7, dtJ.O f}AY&h'tM4: - ? (7!).(70 3+22 :(?:rj 41.i.I Or,POROn,i=r `671.na L^1::{W 9220 Mrr UaYb,.-,:Oc.:;E- ? - t1031.50 2g40 DrU..-,,. .4tt.ti tiai.Dt:O::F at:,.sp ' . , ' ' . • t . r_ : M\t.i,,)L •fP . ` ?T ' A??V:-. f 'S•'! S IJG[F4 Irl: iuIAN ' ?t( 1 . y t ' ri?lK{11???. TT+** ?C?m?P*W?.TM-?`.T?,?X?.TTN-?FMR• ??'lµh?l`R?TT.T•p?+W?N.TTTT?TT y ' p . a ' ? . CI TY OF k:AGAN . . , . . . ',w ,7r•'e 1'1-"FiAINf'h6 t?fJC .h'r'.(-,'?_ 1.i.1'7:hfl;.S z4 o'?oai.g .? • ICiE ? NANE: F'LtLFE t1P-.S1"E 4" X3Ul LiVfi, 37*3 wf.?.(:f?.).4t.f.Cl OAfiB'riOnYiE . Jf..?MyPJj?' 2'i ib 9001 41# 0 oAF:t;!''tCi,:]l:c 54.00' . :,&E3 9'c'c'.Q 4li.q , (7AIiBR00KE 46400' ? ?a?:tE, :?s?2o a?.tcr qW0.411C1 CwiAF:ti:R0()KE - 5000Q 92}!C1 +41;.6! OCIZ}3fipC)KE! . {3c':`i.(]o .t ' .?. . F 091M.08 "Fo?.?7. bcee?:rj A?oni:?r,?;t a15.F..R Tue 7AN° ?. , .. ,? 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN s Dl ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ? ? (o L{ ? - ? 651-681-4675 ? New ConshucNon ReaulremeMs Remodel/Reoah ReaulremeMs D 9 regisiered sHe surveys showing sq. k. of lof. sq. R. ol house and all roofed areas (20% maxlmum lot eoveraae allowed) D 4 coples o1 plan: (show beam a window stzes; poured ind. design; efc.) ? 1 sM M energy calculaNons ? 3 coplea of hee preservaNon plan B lol plalled aMer 7/1/99 DATE: ?? ZAD- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREETADDRESS: LOT: ? BLOCK: ? SUBD./P.I.D. PROPERTY OWNER Last Street City F4f1 2 copies N plan 1 sei of energy calculaftons for heated addHlons 1 sife survey for exterior addHions i decks CONSTRUCTION COST: C\S \ 13-4? 0 ? Phone #: State: Zip: Companv:..t??? Phone #: b5\ °l?`lt - ?O`1`3 4 (area code) CONTRACTOR 3 3?ZCZ? 16? `2 R\ _Exp. Street Address:\?3 1??cYn? C? ?n S License # City State: Zip: S7'-3\z Z ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Telephone #: area code ( Sfreefi CiFy Name: ) Registration #: _ StaFe: Zip: Se?rer 5 water Iicensed plumber (reaulred for new conslrucfion onlvl: \ e • y` SX= 1? Peaalfy applies when address change and lot change Is requesfed once permR is issue . ?-Do I i I hereby acknowledge thaf I have read thls appllcoflon, state that the rmatlon oRect, and agree fo comply with all applicobl State of Minnesota Stafutea and Clly of Eagan Ordinances. Stgnature of Appltcant: Certificates of Survey Received ? Yes Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes OFFICE USE ONLY _ No _ No ?NOtRequired ? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 4-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) X 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 5-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea. ? 03 1 of _ plex ? 08 6-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 04 2-piex ? 09 7-plex ? 14 Apartments ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? OS 3-plex ? 10 8-pfex ? 15 Lodging ? 20 Pooi ? 25 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ,14? 31 New ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 39 Gas Line Only ? 43 Siding/Soffits/Fascia ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 40 Gas Insert ? 44 Windows/Doors ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Bidg.' ? 41 Wood Stove O 45 Fire Repair ? 34 Repair ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 42 Reroof ' Give PCA handout to applicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. / 7?• i Census Code (Allowable) Main level sq. ft . ?l 7- SAC Code UBC Occupancy Zonin sq. ft. ft ? No. of Units ? g sq. . No. of Bldgs # of Stories ? sq. ft. MC/ES System Length ? sq, ft. City Water Width Footprint sq. ft. 1,1 7e' Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklered APPROVALS Planning Building ?? Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ Surcharge ? Plan Review License MC/ES SAC it Y SAC Water Conn. z Water Meter Acct. Deposit ?/ c5 ? S/W Permit ? S/W Surcharge 1 Treatment PI. • Park Ded. ? Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: 4 ?4`aI ( SAC Units % 5AC Cities Digital The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. Y { T~ i '.dL' `- f ?.' C • ?//4L' y?:.? - .. 1Q? . _ . .. _. _.. _ ..._?-.. .. . . .. __.. ; t f E ^,Jnr.CS:, : ? 1 ? d ?'-t??p??1W(G...•-7-S4+zA----- ?----`-°- -----? °-'--'-_-.?.?.,.. -- ----' -"'-"-?.--- - ? ?`??___-? C^tn Pnr"?l?' Cp.N?-??n-E-'--??- -- DEiEnF1lrll: vo??r!'lr '?')ilds;E F!Ii1AG" nr E:1f.ll: i. To-t,:t_ e?^us?? „nL! nAea........ Z?J ? _-:, ?c x"?•: z. rar,L naur;?=i?iuc rtREA,....... sa rc x j. IOf?I? :;?P0?F7 4Pll A!1Ert 7?!al r.,V?c.d >+all ar^? ?b(lve f lnnr, ........ f r `. -, ---.-.'-..-...----- ?i Total HHiI Nlndot+ :n?a I n w ' i. ,J , • l?(:I.F='1_F 917zrJ.. . . .. ?•q (p •,I f L y Lqlazcd _ , . , . . ., _.. . - ---- - -' '?' (' ? . •_- ----'`] xEJ7 -- ?----•-? ----°"7 (; ) ivtal slldlnq qla,-, dwi r ar^,, : . ? ;i rt f [ al Totnl ffraplace aal) a-ae '----' go (• '? ????? .--..?------'-° " y) (nCal wall Framing n-a ?Averaor 10':)............ ? 27..v ' 1,4 f t >( "U" -'--- ('tc , _ fj Tnfal net 'aall ar-a :ihovr flour (InsuldtcJ)...... _ _. ..?(4Y7._. -- S? c? x ???,? __ _,?1ry•??' a , ?,? ....._- al Total rim ]alSt arpa. _ .v .' r C X ' To!al Foundat?^n ` '+''ry) ? ? "U f: /........ . afrA IE[pOSP,d . / _..?.. ... !?i 1?it.l? FL•It?lt?.it?p11 r` i ? `_// _" _ W ?n'?.;M dfq,8 .. .. . . . . . .. 4Y! I ° i.n.n 4 3 1 ? ':P 'p^la l_ _,. ,. .,.1, i? .! yntJ nJ?_ .. ., ..... _ . 1 ? ?'i?17 ,? Yvri 1). I!iiAi. 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Cx.r,til_r ai r_hllm [-tit11 7?7 TQ rAL R+ U - I/R ,- .' tlI(i !?9/l HIiiG '.:i.°.i (ON t InCCrfcr a(r fi?ia 7101 + i!iCCI'?V`f ?Ir f1 1Pl (iCil 1) 17 1 ?_"_--_ - _, a.Z TU T,1L R . - ?i-?-' P Intr.rior air film f v E.cterior air fiim fsiilll q.bl 7aTAL R = -^ U - I/R - PRAHIIIr ;Ef.;lOf+, 1 In[r.rior ai r f i[m (7.(+1 , •- -- ---• - F.<<r.rlor ai-r ri?3m ?.SCilll?n!+? _.~ Incher 5u?'t wacd -- y---?- - TOTAI fi ? --- U ri L'. , • ;???..i?)r d?r lii,??_.._ a . LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL. LOT I8 DAKbeCCX?` DATE OF SURVEY: ?J !L LATEST REVISION. OOCUMENTSTANDARDS ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ? • Building Permft Applicant ? ? ? : Legal descriptian ? Address 0 o • North arrow and scale ? • House type (rambler, walkout, split wlo, spli[ entry, lookout, etc.) ? a ? Oirectional drainage artows with slope/gradieM % a ProposeNebsting sewer and water services 8 invert eleva6on ? ?a ? • Sheetname gi?a ? . Driveway ? . Lat Square Footage q/ o ? • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS ? 6dstina W' ? ? • Sewer service (or Proposed) ?? /? ? 1 • Property wrners p? ? • Top of curb at the driveway ? • Elevations of any e?dsting adjacent homes ? Adequate footing depth oi strucWres due to adjacent uhliry trenches Prooosed ? ? • Garage floor m?o ? • First floor ? ? ? • Lowest exposed elevatian (walkouUwindow) v /? ? • PrapeM1y comers o? • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if aodicade) ? / h' li o ? ? • Easement ne P? ? ? • NWL m? ? a / • H4VL o ? • Pond # designation ? ?o • Emergency Overfbw Elevation ? b4 o0 ? p V3/ 0 ? ? DIMENSIONS Lot lineslBearings 8 dimensions Right-of-way and sVcet widlh (to 6ack oi curb) Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) Show all easemeMS of record and any Ciry utilitles within those easements Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent exissUng structures Retaining wali re Reviewed: March 1988 CRAIQ9LDGPRMf.FM a yhX(YF*:K 'M>XXiy,C7F'M"MYnNkc:vYFh(?1F)(ivin*)XhYMY,t>XY,tXtYF'/,t>XW,.XtX+ CASH:I.Fk: ,16IT'V 0!= EfiGFSro7:Nt11. NOr, Of:?E, DFi?'E: 03/23100 7T.M1_3 13r46r.i.:l 61AMEn KEUIP! I?fiqMt.?N17 3ZJA 9001 41.1.0 OAt.NhOUh 7 60.00 E05 9001 411.0 f.lA1;HF;001: 7 0.50 r ? Ia ThtA48Wei.p+, Amourtir,. 6Q,50 I15F:R 7:Lir JfiN YIW 4??4 W W W W N W WLL...bWJiW:pYi?p.Lara. L.pa?mwN.wwJ.a.a...ba.J.a.a.e. 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION lp0lb CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 851-881-4675 (RESIDENTIAL) #bor,? 3 reglstered file wrveya ahowing sq. fL W IoL sq. B. of house antl g( rooled areaa (211% rtwximum bt coveraae allowedf 2 coplea of plana (ahow beam 8 wlntlow alzes; poured Intl. design; elc.) 1 set of energy caleulatlone 3 coples of hee Pretervatlon Pian Il lot qalfed after 7/1/93 DATE: fie-'IGh ao -C)o I DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 2 coples W plan 1 set of energy cdculaBons br heatetl additlons 1 siro wrvey for exfedor addlNons & tlecks 3 ?N7 CONSTRUCiION COST: ??, e)U V STREET ADORESS: L/tID Q-4 kloc'kQ. Tlci l I LOT: A- BLOCK: %3 SUBD./P.I.D. t: GA6Y00Le ?'rA Name: A610 V'-/Z, _ Phone Y: PROPERTY last Flnt OWNER '/ /l- / Sheef Address: Y / / ? f?G? ? fOVK? /r? G° City 4 G v\ Stote: In? Zip: S S 1 a-? . comaany: /? sto ;., &, V T Pr,ooe s: /g?,. 7 b (area code) COMRACiOR / 0 7 / Sheei Address: l? 3!4 /01 Ilcense 4100 yI ytl Exp. (lsZ city l/V/vi srare: MI1/ na: SSI.? ? ARCHIiECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone #: ( Sfreei Addreas: Regishation #: qy SMte: Sewer/water licensed plumber (j(Jnstallina sawarfwaterl: Phone #: Zip: 1 hereby acknowledge fhat I have read this applkalion, slafe ttwl the infortnalbn is cortecl, and agree to comply wNh atl applicable Sfale of Minnesola Stalufes and CHy of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Appficant ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required KC z Q ?('"1 i?b OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPES ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 02 SF Dweliing O 08 06-plex ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? .04 02-plex ? 10 08-piex O 05 03-piex ? 11 10-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Repair ? 13 1&plex O ? 17 Garage ? ? 18 Deck ? 19 Lower Level ? Plbg _Y or _ N 0 ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3sea.) 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) 23 Porch (screened) 24 Storm Damage 25 Miscellaneous 30 Accessory Bldg. 13 36 Move Bldg. ? 43 Reroof ? 37 Demoiish (Bldg)' ? 44 Siding ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 46 Windows/Doors * Give PCA handout to applicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATION SAC Code No. of Units No. of Buildings Const. (Actual) (Allowable) Irz UBC Occupancy E3 " Zoning -90- # of Stories Length W idth Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Stucco/Stone APPROVALS Planning _ Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies ToWI: sq.ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Census Code MC/ES System City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinkiered Building WAY Engineering Variance Valuation: $ a LL f.?y?.?i6?' ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi 0 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 MuRf ? p? 3?0 14 SAC Units % SAC ? L BL 3 CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT#: f SUBD. Oukbrook? 3hd ? 8 0 0 RECEIPT DATE: PERMIT# 'lono 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT ICNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? tawnhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURES EACH N TOTAL Alterations to existing dwelling - minimum ?fee/ Describe: flnilSld 314/ A96dMlP?+?9 •?.'? ?? - $ 30.00 Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas piping outlet ' minimum - t 3.00 x = $ Hot tubJspa 100 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laundry tray 3.00 x = $ Lavato 3.00 x = $ Septic System new/refumisned • requfres MPC Iic. 75.00 x = $ Septic System abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ new installationlrepaidrebuild , 30.00 X = $ Rou h openin 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler 'rf dwelling is under construUion 3.00 x = $ Under round s rinkler if existing dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = $ Water softener if dwelling under construction 5.00 x = $ Water softener H exisnne dwening 30.00 x = $ Watertumaround 30.00 x $ State Suroharge .50 - > -> -> $ .50 TOtel -> -> -> --> $ o "a Reminder. Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. --------------------•------------------------------ - --•-••--------- -------------------------------------------- i hereby-acknowledge thet I have read this application, state that the irrfovnstion is correct, and agree to compty wkh all applicable Cily of Eagan ordinances. It is the appticenYs responsibiliry to notify the property owner that the Ciry of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages causetl by the City during (ts normal operetionel and maintenance activdies to the faGlitles construcled under this permit wkhin City property/right-of-wayleasement. SITE ADDRESS: y//O Oi9K B/4.8li K. 1?e9//` OWNERNAME:: p6?/?.2 TELEPHONE#: (AREA CODE) ?/? / INSTALLERNAME: N6r•?aC'h 04/4 G t!7/a TELEPHONEGn -A/S.t /rt j STREET ADDRESS: / J?S ?N?w???f?i iZQ (AREA CODE) cirr: F9?.9r? STATE: M?? ZIP: SJIo?3 ? SIGN URE OF PERIv11TTE CITY USE OAZY LOT I ? BL ? RECEIPT SUBD. Y RECEIPT DATE: ? / _ MECHAMCAL PERMIT # 9 qS 1999 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAIa crrYoF £nsax 3830 Paor xxos xn gAeArr 1yx 55t 22 Date• (651) 6$1-4675 Complete this section onlv if you are installing HVAC in a single family dweiling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner /occupied. r • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) State Surchazge Total S 30.00 6.00 3 "= .50 Complete this section onlv if you aze remodeling, adding to, or repairing an existing single family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or repair. New Alteration Repair _ Other Reminder: Ca11681-4675 for inspections. Furnace _ Air exchanger SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: ? INSTALLER NAME. 6" STREET ADDRESS: 1c)-Vf CITY: c Air condidoning Other $ 30.00 State Surchazge .50 Minimum Total Due $ 30.50 )rtE #: 6.T7 _ ?S? saoo (AREA CODE) PHONE #: lo /d- „ (AREA CODE) STATE?),-) ->"7 ZIP: 'J S3 7 SIGNATCTFtE OF PERMITT JtC ( '3ry L BL SUBD. APPROVED BY: CITY USE ONLY INSPECTOR CUNT2AC C P?tICE: 1999 MECiiANiCAL i'ERMIT (COMMERCI14L) C1TY OF £Afii4N 3$30 PILOT KNOB gD £A6AN, MN 55122 (651) 6$1-4675 Piease complete for: all commerciai/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dweiling unit DATE: WORTC T1'PE: _ New construction Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement Remove U.G. Tank (Minimum Fee) _ Processed Piping (Minimum Fee) *`NOTE: When installing/removing underground tank, ca11651-681-4675 for inspection by fire marshal and plumbing inspector. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: 1%of contract price OR $30.00 minimum fee, wluchever is greater. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PERMIT FEE STATESURCHARGE TO'IAL °--------------------°-------- SITE ADDRESS: OWNE& NAME: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI): INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CIry: RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: MECHANICAL PERMIT #: (5.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on all perauts.) PHONE #: (AREA CODE) PHONE #: - (AREA CODE) STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE OF PERMI'ITEE , ? sU6D.? Ott,??w??..? CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: PERMIT # 1999 PLUM$IN6 PERMTP (PXSIDENI7AL) crrYoF EAsaiv 3930 P1LOT KNOB RD £AfiAN, MN 55122 (ssi) e81-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit D backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTIlRES EACH # /D zi TOTAL Bath tub $ 3.00 x $ zo?o Floor drain -0.00 x. _ $ 3 Gas i in Outlet ` minimum - t 3.00 x = $ 3 Hot tub/s a 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laund tra ? 100 x = $ Lavato 3.00 x = $ Minimum fee alterations to existin dwellin 30.00 x = $ Private Dis osal S stem new/refurbished ' re uires MPC iic. 75.00 x = $ Private Dis osal S stem abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ new installation/re air 30.00 x = $ Rou h o enin 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Under round s rinkler if dwellin is under construction 3.00 x = $ Under round s rinkler if existin dwellin 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x 3 = $ Water heater 3.00 x / _ $ Water softener if dwellin under wnstrucGon 5.00 x = $ Water softener if existin dwellin 30.00 x ' $ Waterturnaround 30.00 x --- State Surcha r e .50 t .50 Li Total Reminder. Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. --------------• •------------------------------------------------------------------------------...--• ---------------------------------- i hereby acknowledge thal I have read this applicaGon, state that the infwmatlon is correct, and agree to comply with all appficable City of Eagan orCinances. It is the applicanYS responsibility to notify the property owner ttiat the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilitias constructed under this pertrlit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS OWNER NAME: : INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDREScl CITY: TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) . ?-?, SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 2000 STORM DAMAGE PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1 651-681-4675 Reaulremenis > ? ??L N 1 17 , DATE: P?-/ /-- oa CONSTRLICTION COST: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?L?C-E3 /NSUVL/, cnti I( mulff-famlly bldg., how many unitsl INDICAiE THE FOLLOWIfdG EAUIPP/iENTTO BE REPLACED AFID BY WHOPA: ` Piumbing _ Homeowner Qr Contractor Name _ Mechanical _ Homeowner gl Contractor Name "Note; If somebody other man the homeowner is performing plumbing or mechanicai work fhey must apply for appropriate permit. Only licensed plumbing contractor or homeowner may complete plumbing work. STREET ADDRESS: LOT; 11F? BLOCK: -3 SUBD./P.I.D. #: 00,I.-UJ YGb-L- ?V Name: ?o v,Tz. E2I c Phone #: G?SJ - 459- -?'ZI:? PROPERTY Last Fint OWNER Street Addreu: `}' IO qZ41 ?-- Cify C?A/v 5Farte: MN ZiP: S 12- Company: ?u Lll? y-aMfsS Phone #: ?v.S/ - 2- S2a1 (area code) CONTRACTOR p' Sheet Addreu: 1'3S? /%&WA7 //4 /1'67&4fS P-b License #/ 3 7! Exp. Zoo? CBy /yE(?4 #&1/-#Zs State: A4N Zip: S 5120 RE?????? AUG 2 3 2000 BY: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiication, state that the information is correcf, and agreeto compty wilh all applicable State of Minnesota Sfafufes and City of Eagan Ordinances. e Signature of OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPES ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Repair ? 13 16-plex ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage Plbg _Yor_N ? 25 •. .Miscellaneous _ ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 36 Move Bidg. ? 43 Reroof ? 37 Demolish (Bidg)* ? 44 Siding ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 46 Windows/Doors " Demolition permit - Give PCA handout to applicant GENERAL INFORMATION No. of Units No. of Buildings Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length W idth Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. Footprint sq. ft. Census Code MC/ES System City Water Booster Pump PRV " Surveyor's Certificate SURVEY FOR :PULTE DESCRIBED AS : Lot 18, Block 3, OAKBROOKE 3R0 ADDITION, City of Eagan, Dokota County, Minnsota and reserving eosements of record. - l OAKB DOKE TRAIL , ? ae.q,yJ 9282 J D SioRnl k? Y W ^1 ? 1? N ?9311 A ? S83'40'4111w21?4.00q3o ? ° pnn J ? ?. 9.6 93 24.33 21.00 4,a ?? o ?---- ? . Cl N ?, Nq31 W 12 66 Gornge ' t N N J U ? Q \ W N I ` 1 67 83 1T proposed Ho me Q ? T N 1 ? 4.50 Propose0 i lOB = q33,o QT Proposed Home u? ?0 Rambler TOB = 933.0 I O ^ `?? ? 1100 18. *" O I(.Il" porch o ` 16. 0 24.00 -? ? 9239 3 ?? ^ p 21 00q2q• 23,b? 23 24,D 3 . q2 3 q2,q' g83'40'41"`N 44.00 S ?. F OC' x cr EN LOT SQ. FOOTAGE = 3,432 HSE. SQ. F00 TA GE = 2,100 LOT COVERAGE = 61 1'o - ? R^ Plon (/ 77943 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Top of Foundation = 933.0 Garage Floor =q3l.s Basement Floor =q2q,o Aprox. Sewer Service = q2o.0 ± Proposed Elev. _ C=D Existing Elev. Drainoge Directions = - Denotes Offset Stoke = . ; POND BP-35 , NWLn912.0 HWL=921 0 SCALE: 1 inch - 30 feet BENCHMARK, Pb'n4lr e1eu: 952.50 - -4 MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Front - House Side - Reor - Garoge Side - JOB N0: H?Q???? I HEftEBV CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION 99R-566 OF THE BOUNDARIES Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS SURVEYED BY A1E OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIDN AND OOES NOT PURPORT TO BOOK: PACE: PLANN/NC 6NC/NEBR/NC SURV6YlNC SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACMMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 2005 Pin Ook Drive In /p Qp Eagan, MN 55122 DATE JJL/1_L/_!? CAO FILE: Phone: (651) 405-6600 Er Y O•LINDCREN, L D SURVEYOR Fox: (651) 405-6606 M ESOTA LICENSE NUMBER 14376 OAKBROOKE '`?E1.F1??Fn orT ( j'1?'ii"1I} PERMIT Permit Type: Building City of Eagan Permit Number: EA105946 Date Issued: 08/06/2012 Permit Category: ePermit Site Address: 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Lot: 18 Block: 3 Addition: Oakbrooke 3rd PID: 10-53762-03-180 Use: Description: Sub Type: e-Reroof Construction Type: Work Type: Replace Description: House & Garage Census Code: 434 - Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 If there is no ice protection inspection prior to final, the contractor must meet the inspector w/ a ladder and flat bar. Pictures are Comments: not acceptable in lieu of inspections. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Fee Summary: Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 Valuation: 4,000.00 Total: $105.25 Contractor: Owner: - Applicant - Krech Exteriors Inc Carolyn Oeltjenbruns 5866 Blackshire Path 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Inver Grove Heights MN 55076 Eagan MN 55122--420 (651) 688-6368 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA127438 Date Issued:10/01/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Lot:18 Block: 3 Addition: Oakbrooke 3rd PID:10-53762-03-180 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Lisa Nyberg Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Carolyn Oeltjenbruns 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Eagan MN 55122--420 Property Claim Solutions Llc 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA147226 Date Issued:12/18/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Lot:18 Block: 3 Addition: Oakbrooke 3rd PID:10-53762-03-180 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Justin Wright 4110 Oakbrooke Tr Eagan MN 55122 (612) 803-1376 Bonfe's Plumbing & Heating 455 Hardman Ave South St. Paul MN 55075 (651) 228-7140 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature