4153 Old Sibley Mem HwyMay 02 21 12:52p MAY 0 3 2006 LSamstadItascaEngineering (952)445-2106 p.l May 3, 2006 Mr. Bill Diedrich Diedrich Ruildcrs, lnc. 13223 Grand Oak Court Apple Valley, MN 55124 ITASCA ENGINEERING, INC. 1342 TENTH AVENUE EAST SHAKOPEE, MN 55379 952-445-7993 Re; Townhouse Residences, 4153, 4157, 4161 4165, 4169, 4173 and 4177 Old Sibley Dear Bill; Memorial liighway, Eagan, MN On April 27", I reviewed the townhouse residences at the above addresses, and find the following. The liesder for the double garege door was a 12W 19# Light Beam (steel) that provided approximately 5,500 pif support fnr the floor above. 7'he bcam waz also laterally supportod and encased in Y. " plywood. 1 consider ihis proper support for the sWcture above. The ends had adequale support on at least three Timbecsuand or equal studs. The transferred load to the footing below would be spread over more than three feet of 20 wide footings which would also give adequate support considering a minimum soil bearing prmure of 2,000 Ns per square foot of footing area. A question ofcomer brocing was considered. 1 detertnined the following: rl? ?r0t • The plywood facing on tlhe beam (ebove) gives the comer some support. rec ? 1 ommended that the corner be sheathed with 518^ CDX plywood fmro the 24" above the door to the comer ? and for 18" to 24° on the retum wall. This would give the corner adequate support for wind loads. ? The other end is at the enhance. There is a block watf on the far side of the entrance door hame wliich will ? J'a L give some stabiliry to the interior side of the garage door opening. The return wall should be supported as ind+cated io the previous item. ? 77iese extra bracings wiU give adequate 90 psf wind load su reductions. pport for at ground level including ground Ievel 1 noticed that similar situa[ions wero found at 4153, 4157, 41614165, 4169, 4173 and 4177 Old Sibley Metnorial Highway. The above considerations would apply to those units as well. Three p?mtos available, if requestad of dhe garage door lintel me . With t6is plywood correction, the townhouses are, in my opinion, are adequately supportcd by the reviewed cunsauction details. TH1S IS NOT A GENERIC RECOMMENDA170N OR APPROVAL AND DOES NOT APPLY TO AIYY OTHER IACATION OR INSTALLATION. I hereby certify that thb report has heen prepared by me or under my dlrect supervision and that I am a duiy registered Professional Civil Engineer under the Iaws of the Stete of Minnesota. Ifyou have any further questions or if I can be of any further assistancc, please do not hesitate to phone or write. Sincerely, 11'ASCA ENGINP ?GIS RED ? Lawrence E. San ta?, •$ ?,if??9 N%YlEBn n Mitm. Reg. No. 6220 . j? 6220 ???,i ? ?'JILDlfiIG INSPE YIO S ISIOftI _ City 0f Eapn Pat Geagan MAYOFl Peggy Carlson Cyndee Fields Mike Maguire Meg Tilley COUNCIL MEMBERS Thomas Hedges CRV AUMINISTRATOfl MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55722-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012fax 651.454.8535 TDD MAINTENANCE FACILRY 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol oi strength and growth in our communiry. May 4, 2006 Mr. Bill Diedrich Diedrich Builders, Inc. 13223 Grand Oak Coart Apple Valley, MN 55124 Re: Eagan Heights Townhomes 3rd Addition Dear Bill: I am writing in response to your letter dated Apri126, 2006 regazding a request to modify the front elevations of the buildings in Block 1 to add brick panels extending up to the 2"d story of the building. The Planned Development approval in 2002 included approval of specific building plans, elevations and materials. I have discussed your request with the City Planner and other staff and we have concluded that this modification can be administratively approved. We have filed the modified elevation plan in the project's Planned Development file for future reference. If you have any questions, you may call me at 651-675-5691. Sincerely, ?L ? Pamela Dudziak Planner cc: Building Inspections