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1600 Pacific AveCASH RECEIPT \--? •CIT'Y OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINI;IESOTA 55122 DA7E 19 ReC6iveo FROM AMOUN7,,,, -$ I ' & DOLLARS too ? CASH ? CHECK AQR BY White-Payers CopY Yellow-Posting CopV Pink-File Copy Thank You BLDG. PER-MIT ,i0. , 01-3210, /G9ldg1. Permi 01-3422 „Plan Check 01-3445 Surch./Adm. 01-3446 SAC/Adm. 01-2155 Surcharge 17-3860 Road Unit 20-2275 SAC 20-3865 Water Conn. 20-3868 Water Trmt. 20-3716 Water Meter 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permi 20-3743 Sewer Permi 79-3866 Sewer Conn. 11-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL ? Z- / L ?,. ' l C ? Un ??' ?J CITY OF EAGAN A? .? ?3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 13035 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # f - To be used tor SF I)WGjfGAR Est. Value $67'000 Date DECEMBEit 2 9 y 9 86 SiteAddress 1600 PACIFIC AVE Erect 6 Occupancy R3 Lot 5 Block Sec/Sub. HAttilPTON FtZ`S Remodel ? Zoning R1 Parcel No Repair ? Type ot Consl V . Addition ? No. Stories rvame FRONTIER COMPANIES Move ? 50 Length 1 - 3948 SIBLEY i?lFM HWY oemolish ? Depth 40 3; 0 Add ress Phone 454-0433 Cit Int. Impr. I ll ? ? Sq. Ft y nsta o Name SA14E 0 < Address '' City Phone z ? W Name ? ? Address g z W City Phane I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of?Ordinances. ' !j r, Signature of Permittee • ?K 't A euilding Permit is issued to: FROPiTZF.R ^.OT1PANIES all work shall be done in aceordance with all applicable State of Minneso Building Official Fees Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. 1 Z 2 y t Permit " - • -- Surcharge -?.? 00 SAC Plan Review--37rOQ Water Conn. 5UU. 00 ?_ SO Water Meter_?_ 00 Road Unit ' T_ ,,, 40 Var. Date Copies ' . 00 Total on the express condition that Statutes and City otEagan Ordinances. '. Permit Mo. PermN HoWN Dab TNaphom M Plumbinq . . H.v:n.c. ebctric l • ?? , /C?. ? ' ?.,(,c "? <?/??? '?`a?? . ??t_.' SoMensr inspecna, oate in.p. comnwna Footlnys 1 ??-zU CL?? Footlnqall Foundatbn Framiny RootinQ Rouyh Pibq. Rouyh Mty. I7 6J Iraul. ? Fkeplaee Final Hty. L rO Ffnal Plbp. ? &dp. Final c«e. ooo. P,p Dack Ftq. Doek Frmy. weli Pr. Dbp. PERMIT # ? ?. ? PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # GTY OF EAGAN ,- ? 3930 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE: - CONTRACT PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block -S Sec/Sub Res. New m Name L % ? " c C /y ltlle°i"? Mult ' Add-on ?o Address N /L/ Comm. Repair c CiN Phone Other T TAL Name ,L?j NO. FIXTURES O Z Water Closet - $3 00 Address . BBth Tubs - $3.00 p Cily Phone ? Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 ' ' Kitchen Sink - $3.00 FEES COMM/iND FEE - 1 % OF CONTRACT FEE MINfMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE _$10.00 -?--Urinal/Bidet -$3.00 ? Laundry Tray -$3.00 Floor Drains -$1.50 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE _ 20_00 ?Water Heater -$1.50 r STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT _ .,rp Wh'rlPool -$3.00 _ - (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES ? Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 BEYOND $1,000.00) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10 00 . Private Disp. - $10.00 ?Rough Openings - $1.50 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE FEE ? STATE S/C: GRAND TOTAL: << - ? FOR: CITY OF EAGAN Site Address ? Name d Driti Address c City Phone Name L c Address p City Phone TYPE OF WORK Forced Air "'u . Ouk) M BTU Boiler . M BTU Unit Heater M BTU Air Cond. Vent - Gas Piping Dutlets # Other MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 $1800.00 ounuG. eae_ninn BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION PERMIT # RECEIPT # DATE Res. -` New Mult Add-on _ Comm. Repair Other FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M 8TU -$24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 GAS OUTLEfS - 1.50 EA. GOMM/IND FEE - 196 OF CONTRACT FEE MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 MINIMUM - COMM/iND FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S!C IF PERMITPRICE GOES QGVIINIII 01 MA M1 - - SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE .... ..? ya?? ? $_ ? . 5 C} FEE: S/C: . 3li TOTAL• ?-16.00 FOR: CITY OF EAGAN 1 . a , (gertif iratit af (Orrupanry Citp of (tagan lorpu#tturnf o# louning jns.prrtiun This Certiflcate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Urriform Buflding Code certrfyrng lhai at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance wilh the various ordinances ojthe City regulating building construction or use. For the following.• I)x Claseifinuou ';,'' =GAR Bldg. Rmdt xo. - 0-vft--r TYM P..3 Zoning DWimi :Z I Type Cow . OWMIOfBLm10g MIY'. li..'l An??? ' ?? N_Al J•7 kf;l ?U'T• gdN,..1 . BUIbIDB Addftd6 Lmali[y - ' Bwlding ORi 'cul Dan: 1T7 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pllot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Zoning: 'd Owner. i zontier , Address: Site Addess: 1 600 pac ? Plumber. Star Plui Meter No.: 'Y746S6S/ Size: Reader No.D '0 ` _ ? Til't Cherge: 3U 1 wposit: m•. , 1 1 sgree to comply wit? ihl!`"dty F?? ?rc??v . 50pd Ordinancse. REQ?I??'? Misc. Charges: Z 5? • ?Opd T'F Total: `'3.5?pd meter? BY Date Paid: Date M Insp.: Insp.: 3 - ?/- r7 (OF EAGAN I Pilol Knob Road Box 21199 on, MN 55j21 WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: u 315 No. of Units: WATER SERVICE PERMIT :' 31_ C, PERMIT NO.: DATE: 2-_ -o No. oi Units: 1 Frontier MidweBt CITIf OF EAGAN 3830 Pllot Knob Road SEWER SERVICE PERMIT ,??r? P.O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: -'' Zoning: 71 Owner. ?`ront f er '?id-west No. of Units: Address: Slte Address:_ 169 8C C venue , r,amp on : e.r 1 s Plumber: I agree to comply with the Cify of Eagan Ordinances. BY Date of Insp.: Connection Charge: 475.00pd Account Depoait: 15. OOpd Permit Fee: 10• QOpd Surcharge: - Misc. Charges TotaL• _ ? Insp.: Date Paii i CITY OF EAGAN - 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N2 13035 = PHONE:454-8100 /_G BUILDING PERMIT `• Receipt# YA? 1 SF DWG/GAR $67,000 DECEMBER 29 86 7obeusedtor EstValue oate 19 1600 PACIFIC AVE Site Address 6 ect ? R3 Occupancy Lot 5 Block 5 Sec/Sub. HAMPTON HTS Remodel D Zoning R1 Parcel No Repair ? Type of Const. jJ . Addition ? No. Stories a Name FRONTIER COMPANIES Move ? Length 50 z 3908 SIBLEY MEM HWY Address Demolish I I ? ? Depth 40 S FI o City EAGAN phone 454-0433 nt. mpr. Install ? q. o Name SAME z? 0 p Address ? City Phone a F W Name Address a w Ciry Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of E n Ordinances. Siqnature of Permittee? A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in accordance with all epplicable Building Otticial Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Planner Council eldg. Off. 12 / 2 9/8 var. Fces Permit 9 »Y • vu Surcharge 33.54 Plan Review 167.010 SAC 575.00 Water Con n. 500.010 Water Meter 63.5C Road Unit 290. 00 Tr. PI. 156.010 Copies 7otal $2,119.010 on the express condition ihat Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. /J/ This request voitl 18 months (rom C 8 4 6 2 7 Ne9? st Date? 7 J(y^? L Fire No. Rough-in Inspection Requ}e InsPec- ?Reatly Nuw ty, ror Wh R d L ? Q s _ _QNO_ _ _ en ea V __ CgolICensed Electrical Contractor I hereby request insoeetion of ebove ? Owner electricel work instelled af: Str t dOress, Box or RtutgAllp. ? CitY ^ ) cLO o. Township Name or No. anBe No. ? Comn # Occ ?t INT) Phone No. Po r ier Adtlress Elechical Convactar (COmDany ame) ontraclo's License No. Mailing res I akinB instaitationl 14540 PENNOCK LAR p?4 tallationl A PLEB 1'7 ?Fe11Qo2}18F?,o1r99ij .l+LL 1 Phone Number TMIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTflICITY Oripps•Mitlway Bldg. - 11oom N-197 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STA7E BpqpD UNLESS PROGER INSPECTION FEE IS 1827 Univeraitv Ave.. St. Peul, MN 65704 r`Phonef6121842-0800 _ ENCIOSED. -31?,11,s;' 7 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION E?Bf-00001-0{5 ? Sae inslmctions lor completina this form o. back of vellow copy. r ?Ar,97 "X" 8elow Work Covered by This Reques! t New d Rao. Type oi BuilCing -Apoliancea Wired Equiu?+ent Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater L? PC ?ghtin,y Fixtures Apt. Buildinc? D er Electric HeaLn Commercial Bldg. umace - Silo Unloader - Industrial BIAg. Afr Conditioner Bulk Mi Ik Tank Fa?m ther Oeci y OthAr (SPeufy) t r ucu y t er Oth.r Compute Inspeciron fee Be?ow # Fee Service Enlr9nceSize ll Pee FeeAers/SUbteetlers # Fee Circuies (1 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s 0 tn 30 Ani s Above 200 qmpy. 31 to 100 qmps 37 to 700 q 5 Swinuning Pool Above 100-Amps Above 100_Am 5 - TransPormer5 rngation Booms Partial,'Other Fee Signs Specialinspection TOTA pemvrks L F ? Rough-in Oate 7 I, xhe Elactneai ' ? ?j Insoec?oq heraby certily thet the above Final ( 7 ? spection hta been I ? tle. TLis repueal vo1018 manfha hom S? ? a 9 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EACAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 Naw ConsWCtion Reauiremenq • 3 registered site surveys showing sq, ft, of lot, sq. fl. of house; and all roofed a2as (20% maeimum lot wverage allowed) . 2 cropies o( Dlan shaxirg beam 8 wifMOw sizes; poured found design, etc.) • lsetofEnergyCalculations • 3 copies of Tree Preservatian Plan if lol platled after 711/93 • Rim Joist Detail Options selecGon sheet (bldgs with 3 or less unAS) DATE lo - bZ RemodellReoair ReauiremeMa • 2 wpies of plan • i sel of Eneqy Calculatbns for heated additions • 1 site survey for exterior additions 8 dedcs . Indiwte il home served by septic system Far addNons VALUATION ? 6qS,0lSQ -nw SITEADDRESS ??vOO?ac??G *J'? MULTI-FAMILYBLDG _Y 'b* TYPE OF WORK FIREPLACE(S)"-'_ 1_ 2 APPLICANT Catastrophe Restoration Services Inc STREET ADDRESS 2489 Rice St Suite 70 CITY Roseville STATE_bQflIZIP 55113 TELEPHONE # 651-734-9433 CELL PHONE # fAX# 651-d84-0919 PROPERTYOWNER TELEPHONE# l o? 1- r COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNCSO'1'A RULES 7670 CA'1'F,GORY 1 MINNCSOTA RULFS 7672 (V submission type) • Residential Venlilatian Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted . Energy Envelope Calcula[ions Submitted Plumbing Contractor: ___ Plumbing system includes: Mechanical Conhactor: V[ svstem includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: Air Conditioning HcaC Rccovery Systein Phone # Pee: $70.00_, Phone # 2 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is corr, with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordi ce . L Signature of App ._---------------- __.....--------- --.... ..__.... ___.......... _.._...-------°--------- --......... ..... ...._............. OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ _ Water Softener Water Heater No. of 13aths _ Phone # Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths Fee: $90.00 to comply Updated 4102 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION ".? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 851-881-4675 New Conevuctbn Reguiremenm • 3 repistered s0e surveys showing sq. tl. o} bt, sq. il of house; and II roofe0 areas (200% mszimum bi coverege alWwetl) . 2 copies ol plan ftwing beam & window shes; poured lound design, etc.) • lsetofEnergyCakuletbns • 3 copies of Tree Preservatbn Plan tl bt pla8ed atter 711/93 • Rim.bislDetailOptionsseleclionshaet(bb]gswith3orlessunfts) DATE /e SITE ADC TYPE OF APPLICANT ? STREETADDRESS 1&51? 1-', Ai CITY S? Pd-aI STATEMili ZIPS? TELEPHONE #9S? 695- 36S'C) CELL PHONE 111 15-1,2 `f$ SS"YS- PAX # GS/ 28' ? B/`I S PROPERTY OWNER Si.t e. 1?e te-r s oA TELEPHONE #/S/ 6 S?14 COMPLETE THIS SECTION fOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNFSOTA RULFS 7670 CATEGORY 1 MIIv'NESOTA RULFS 7672 (J submission type) • Residential Venlilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Warksheet Submitted . Enargy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Conhacior: _- Plum6ing system includes: Mechanical Confractor: Mechanical system includes: ^ Air Conditioning , Heat Recovery System Phone # Fee: $90.00 ---,? Fee: $70:0T, ^ - )1 Sewer/Water Confractor. Phone # ----- ^----------° --------- -°°----------°°-------------•---------°---°--°------------------°-----------------" t I hereby acknowledge that I have read ihis application, state that the information is correc , and agree to comply with all applfcable State of Minnesota STatutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. SignatureofApplicant jJ1,121. OFFICE USE ONLY _ Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths HemodeVReoelr Neauirements . 2 copies of plan • 7 set of Energy Calculaiions Mr heated addNions • 1 s8e survey lor e#erior add0bns & tlecks • IndMate A fwme served by seplic system for addMhns VALUATION `? ? g??6 AULTI-FAMILY BLDG _ Y PSN FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Phone # _ Lawn Sprinkler _ No. of R.I. Baths Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4/02 4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? ? ? CITY OF EAGAN ? .? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 ? C- - U U 651-881-4675 New Cons W ction RenuiremeMa RamodeUReoair Raauiremenb • 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft of lol, sq. ft. of house; and all rooted areas • 2 copies of plan (20°k maximum bt coverege allowed) • 7 set o( Energy CalculaUore (ar healed ad0i6ons . 2 wpies of plan showing besm 8 window s¢es; poured found design, etc.) . 1 sile survey for exterior additions 8 decks • t set of Energy Calculations • Indicate if home served by septlc syslem for additions . 3 copies of Tree Preservatbn Plan if lol platted after 717193 • Rim Joist Detail Options seleclian sheet (bldgs with 3 or less units) DATE rl G I( VALUATION AS fl/1/'? - SITE ADDRESS ?& 0 o?('AC V P MULT/I?-FAMI,gLY BLDG _Y ?N TYPEOF WORK rw Cn?.? ??Y"Arli/Pn`?' FififPrlr/CQ FI?EPLAC?"B Oeleto 2 APPLICANT E"C i jD Cjarin AV' ?? II !acD I` S /?,?0 STREET ADDRESS 3E5Z) (/Z,I?W f., I3 CITY BuCNSdiIIe- STATE461 ZIP TELEPHONE # ?I5o7??1(J-d ?Sg CELL PHONE # FAX # PROPERTY OWNER TELEPHONE# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION POR NNEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNLSOTA RULES 7670 CA"1'EGORY l (J submission rype) • Residential Venlilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculatlons Submitted Plumbing Confractor: Plumbing system includes: _ Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. oF Baths Phone # Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths Mechanical Conhactor. 1\ 1?`Q t\ 14,0 &Zrn E 1" Vlechanical system includes: Air Conditioning Heat Recovery Syseem Sewer/Water Contractor: Phone# -06K r0 25-8 Fce: $70.00 Phone # I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan O/qnancqs. n A,,_7 J A Signature of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received - Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4102 INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: P'i'N.: 10-31900-050-05 APPLICANT: LOT: 5 BLOCK: S 1600 PACIFIC AVE PE7ERSON HAMPTON HEIGHTS (612) 687-7000 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: pECK DESCRIPTION F surLozraG 025983 e7/e7/95 DAVIO NEW (FUTURE GAZEBO) . REMARKS: FOOTIMGS AT OCTAGON-SHAPED DECK ARE SIZED FOR A FUTURE GA2EB0 PERMIT Z0 9s ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 025983 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 7/ 0 7/ 9 5 SITE ADDRESS: 1600 PACIFIC AVE LOT: 5 BLOCK: 5 MAMPTON HEIGHTS P.I.N.: 10-31900-050-05 DESCRIPTION: _ (FU7URE GAZEBO) BLilding.-Permit Type DECK $uilding Work Type NEW r F ,, i, t•' .?c.;Z REMARKS: FOOTINGS AT OCTA60N-SHAPED DECK ARE SIZED FOR A FUTURE GAZEBO FEE SUMMARY: CONTRACTOR: L Base Fee $30.00 5urcharge $.50 Total Fee $30.50 OWNER: - Applicant - PETERSON DNVID 1600 PACIFIC AVE EAGAN MN 55122 (612)687-7000 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the 3nformatian, is correGt and agree to comply wi:th all applicable State Qf Mrt. Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. LICANT/PERMITEE SIGN RE 11(PPA &0 ti, I M4 - I ED B : SIONATUR9- ` _j CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ! ! ! ? ? 1995 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681 -4675 NM ? 3 registered site surveys ? 2 cropiea M plan ? 2 copies of plana (include beam 8 window sizes; poured fid. design; Mc.) ? 2 ske surveys (exterior addiGona 8 decka) ? 1 energy celculatlons ? 7 energy calwlations tor heated addidona ? 3 oopies M tree preserva6on plan 'rf lot platted after 7H/93 required: _ Yea _ No DATE: ?'?' llo CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: AeC1_I; `'"f? b°n^'yt e f4EO r*.? lfl?teo ? __ ' OcrAym? I,s?9pce b?. - STREET ADDRESS: ' /?na Pa(7', -A'n #Vr' ? a./2? b LOT ? BLOCK ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: ?? Z ha) PROPERTY Name: Phone #: OWNER - 11 0 0 P A L t4Ve Street Address 1 a0 12 -S I City: ?agGCY1 State: f"N Zip- (S-5/22 CONTRACTOR Company: .Goarrr'ce pP?60 Phone #: Street Address: License #• City: LaqGi-/) State: mN , Zip• ARCHITECTI Company: Phone # ENGINEER Name: Registration #' Street Address, City: State: Zip:_. Sewer 8 water licensed plumber. change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change and lot I hereby acknowiedge that i have read this application and state that the infortnafion is correct and agree to compty with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY Certifiqtes of Survey Received Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Yes _ No J U 1. 0 3 1995 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation a 06 Duplex 0 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex a 03 SF Addition o 08 8-p!ex 0 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex 0 05 SF Misc. 0 10 = plex WORK TYPE ,0=31 New ? 33 Alterations 0 32 Addition o 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const (Actuai) • (Allowable) UBC Occupanqy ' Zoning • • . - , r # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning 0 11 Apt./Lodging o 16 ` Basement Finish ? 12 Mufti RepaiNRem. ? 17' Swim Pool ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 20 Public Facility ? 14 Fireplace o 27 Miscelianeous k6-15 Deck `0??3 e ?CTAC? o.v fNypd? ?.G CK S/? LD Fa/Z /'?s Tui2 C 0 36 Move 0 37 Demolition GjAa£/jo, Basement sq. ft. Main level so: ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Buiiding Permit Fee _ Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC _ Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S!W Permit SMI Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies ? Total: , MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. y3Y SAC Code Cer,sus Bldg ' Census Unit o _ Engineering Variance s Valuation: $ 12oD ? % SAC SAC Units SIOP1NA SUFaVE vicEs BEa 3908 Sibley Me Eagan. Minn Phone:(612 ycaLE' 11'R401 , i._. . ,. Y 19i1 G morlal Hlphwsy eaota 55122 ) 452•3077 .RTIFICATE i •? HpME PU4 DE NS UNDO[VF.LQITaS AGI fUA+ ? coMPaNiEs MonEi: MCdO > W Lz, •.. ?l' . : ' . . a ? x 057.0 ry? ^k 654.0 , 4 ,??ti~ ?6;j.2JR.1aI,jo/) ,. ' RA IW AGrs l'f'y'' ry• EA?iN1'T• b%.i,''. LO T 5 i ' ,???+ sL ; X tn to. Z ? ? t?? ?ot ? :.:J Y ta. ` wnvriE p.' COFiDES -- 1R6'l5 - ?••._ . . -LEGE O Lenotes fra+Alarxpent - a Ltirwte3 I?ocd NL6 Sef x865.oDeno}es Existirg Spot Elevation Qerates Proposed Spof Elevat ian ,,-?penotee Droinage DirecfiOn _PMRTY OE9CltlF''flON- LOT 5 , BLCrK 5...- tHAMPTON HEIGATS accordirg to the reccrded plat lheroof, oakota [rxntv. Mimesota i t I ; a ? g?s1D ! , X. ? .,..,...• . --r ' _? ? ? O?lrt'O?jJ. `•1 - tayy; ^m ' _ vr 14 V aQ =S ; PROPOSED 6ARAGE FLOOR EL£VATlON? pAOPOSED Top of 91ock ELEVAilON-? 86S'-U PROPOSED BASEIfENi FLOOR ELEVAiIONr' M71 T : Verify all fioor heighis vith firol House?Plaro. ,??a?wxn CFRTIFI,,,? 1 yareby cert/fy that thie surveY, prsn or , POrt wes preperad bY ms or urider ery dirert supervisia+ ard fhet 1 am a duly Heqisfer+ed Lerd 5'"'r'e? wder fha lews ot ti+a Stato of Yrmesota• l.?o« Oete: 9/19_ 18 ---- Nayne 0. Conies. Yim. Req. No. 1*75 ? "00 CITY OF EAGAN ?• 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1995 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 Phone #: ? 3 iegiatered site surveys ? 2 copies ai plan ? 2 coPies of Plans (6itluda Eeam 8 window s¢es; r f poured fid. design; etc.) ? 2 aite nuneys (exterior aEditions 8 dedcs) ,? ? 1 enerpy calculatbns ? 1 errergy calalations for heated addiNons ?,? 1 ? ? 3 eopies M tree preaervation plan 'rf lot pletted after 7M/93 ,U, l ?? Y? t required: _ es _ No DATE: I-L o CONSTRUCTION COST: ?2 ?•? 7`? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? STREFT ADDRESS: ;qdruas LOT ? BLOCK 2c SUBD./P.I.D. #: w OWNERTM Name:_t,?,? M. Street Address:,/?/ CONTRACTOR ARCHfTECTI ENGINEER ? fEl?lE.'t' i`c>e: Fcn ?67D-(03? ???-o S-? ?- I City: .? '? irz-c.s'?l State: ? Zip• Company: -44-?e?? ? s6? Phone #: ??-- d?r ?]T?- 31?i 96 Street Address: 2201 .., A License #• S7DO City: ZZa- State: Zip: Company: c .,en c v Name: Phone #• `?SZ- 0i Z-`-? Registration M Street Address- City: State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber: Penally applies when address change and lot change are requested once pertnit is issued. I hereby acknowiedge that i have read this appliption and state that the iniortnation is correct and ree to ly with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY / ???ENED Certificates of Survey Received Yes _ o JUI 2 0 1995 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes o _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ -_ --_ OFFICE USE ONLY 01 0 .. BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation o 06 Duplex a 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 ' Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dweliing o 07 4-plex ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. 0 17 ' Swim Pool 0 03 SF Addition o 08 8-plex o 13 Garage/Accessory o 20 Public Facility a 04 SF Porch o 09 12-plex o 14 Fireplace o 21 Miscellaneous 0 05 SF Misc. 0 10 = plex o 15 Deck ! WORK TYPE 31 New ? 33 Alterations o 36 Move ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) 0-/,/ Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System (Ailowable) ?-n Main level sq. ft. / 354-,_ City Water ? UBC Occupancy a_i ? sq. ft. ?°y Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. PRV e s # of Stories z w A:.?r sq. ft. - Booster Pump Length G 3 sq. ft. Census Code'. !Q/ Depth sJ Footprint sq. ft. z, /Li SAC Code o/ Census Bidg / = Census Unit APPROVALS / Planning Building Engineering Variance Perrnit Fee Valuation: $ /sZooo ? ' Surcharge Plan Rev'rew License cAdr Zx ia MC/WS SAC City SAC ZG r`/s =/, yy8 zy/o = ?'O7 W8t8r COnn. Water Meter 5-1 z s' Acct. Deposit Z S/W Pertnit /, 3 9G x s'/ = 7S??s `? Z x? ?l 136° "5 . S/W Surcharge G?-- Treatmerrt PI. Road Unit Z Park Ded. Trails Ded. 3? x z y ? ,r S Other u lF ?z.a3 = lz ?x ? Z ;??o Copies ? •r1 F1l,? ?u ie41 ?- 2 x ? ??--- Totat: i?- ?y3? % SAC ? SAC Units E c--- 12 C-1 ? / ----- - _ - ? axi..?•. . . . ?? ? . E,/? T6?* ?'? ..? ? • \ ??? ?5' ?3 1 r HE b F? ' ?ooerns 42a7 ,NAW;h?,ueN. Guca.e , ` . QQ, ?r ? ,-oP E?ed.- qo l?O ° To?ena?/ , RE v E M1 4 3 t7 ? - ??.a1,•904.IQ .?j , : ,A7E . ?'?p ?'0 ' r,,(D • ? ' ? '?;' ? " " 3??• ^""'"'_._i F?Jv= ?q?? :y t.•'/y ? t? r a??::? h,Y.., , 11 )-76 -?;"', ? ? ,, ?.,•? ? ? ?' " o p 4 ?+•?t b _ JI % i ? a°- ? } o Te ?a Ca ; ???. ? (? (r ?? -? ?/] ?- d Q ? bA4 ' •`. N ? ? ?. ??? ? ? ? r ,? r'k? + S r?'. `` ,L 'p 'N -, ,? N 'c 4.0 a 10 m.o N ? 0 --=?? ' r. $?, oo 34 5 ?? ?11 'Sf - .5 3. 22 S 88 ° 56' I?',?/ 22,I.OZ ?,=9345± To I+Ve> ???w Top lan) ?'??Q?.uR?` F. aU 90 S.?F G?-e g,Rg 9(3? ,?xl, ,? "g , F?ai? 90'i.l$ v??? r ^ , M1 1 L QF.NNCHNi?42Y? s-['oP I?1UT ?-t4?RRrJT .-g earinga?are asauned Sub,]ect to eaeemente of record ii any •:, r?? ? O Denotea set or found iroa p3pe` monuments $ Denotes eet wood hub end teck proposed garage, iloor elevation 'Ye4.0 Denotes existing elevation ° . r 10. ?5 Propoaed top of block elevation Denotes proposed finiah grade elevation fat I Rmtfod$'d Yatui\i l?ion Denotes direction of surtace drainage ' ? ? i 7R .. ???.J?(! IJ ?1 ..? 4.1/. 8?¦?¦? :? h 1 'y?? ?li / ?i J I? rl C/ In`)rET#%fl?t6r .Ar ?YQVfbYV 'LYUU?tl? IVB:lB 8? . .. . . .?2n1 I hureby certity that this is a true and correct representation of a survay of the boundaries ,,t?j LRKot?0. . . of Lot L?. , Block 2, Nqy,JTyaORNE 1ryppQ5 ( nW Ap(2t"0A1,NCounty. Minneeote as on Yile and o1 record , in the 04fice of tha County Recosder in and tor eaid County, also.showing the.propoeed r , locatioa' •?..;? 3e ? :? ;.;? y.. 3d A of a house ae staked thereon. "a . , d - .l?C That I am a duly Regietered Land . . . . , - `;a.. Surveyor under the Laws of the State of Ninnaeota, µ* ' J A *ft n8tea: FeseOAtH 27, 1R9s Y 1? ? ? ??V;:?O M?C14 8? 4a95 To S?M??J ''' ,,; r„? GcA,aw k SueFnce pW0A" Pce. ew,w KaucusJ ? s: j ` ?UuY Z5 l9?95 Allan R. Huatings , Minaesota Registration No. 17009 _ 121 Lewis Street S. .SUite No. 102 Shakopee, Minnesota 85378 Phone 612 448 4027 ? ,A , ?. :'; ' .. y : ? . LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITAPPUCATIO PROPERTY LEGAL a w U a s W : DA OF SURV Y a ? a W m E E : 2 LATEST REVISION: .?? ? o c s n s DOCUMENT STANDARDS ? ?' ? ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ?? ? • Building PermitApplicant C3 0 • Legaldescriptian. Er'a ? • Address • North arrow and scale (]K?0 ? • House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, splR entry, lookaut, etc.) • Directional drainage arrows wRh slope/gradient % ia' [3 lly'?O o 0 • Proposed/eristing sewer and water services & invert elevation ? • . SVeet name _ O ? • Driveway ELEVATIONS Existin 13 u-'O o • Sewer service ?? 0 • PropaAy corners [] . M m?? 0 • Top of cur6 at the driveway O • Elevations of any exdsting adjacent homes Pro ose 0-11`4 0 • Garage floor ?q 0 • First floor ?o ?0 El 0 0 Lowest exposed elevatian (walkouT/window) . --? • Property comers ml o 13 • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA fif aoolicable) ? E3 • Easement line o e---/o ' • NWL 0 C? ?' ' • HWL 0 /? • Pond # designation ? C? ? • Emergency Overtlow Elevation DIMENSIONS Q 0 R?-O cl • Lot IinesBearings & dimensions • Right-of-way and sVeet width (to back of curb) • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 7, ?O ? porches, etc. p.e. all sVuctures requiring permanent footings) • Show all easements of record and any Ciry utili6es within those easements ? ? • Setbacks of proposed sVucture and sideyard setback of adjacent eristing structures «? 0 0 • Retaining wall requirements, if a Reviewed: Jury 1995 , . SaW 0+f0 S&W0+35 ? s80',w94` W0+45 S8 , S&W1+45 s55,w67 893 3 ? i9W0t35 s 38,w52 s40" w50' 893.7 . •5 ;38.w48' 902.6 896.7 912.7 2 4 25.'0' 28.0 3 44. r•? 1 2 EL. v ? 26.0 M.H. 14 46.01 570` / u .n?.2 W H.13 1 46.0? ? 0? ? -0 5 4 291.0 11 ,. -I/16 BEND 6 1 12 I I ?? S9WIt15 S&W0+35 s40;w30' 542?,w32` ? 908.8 902 o SEI ...................... +...............I...I.....,............ ... . .................. ?................ ..................................... ]??o.o' ? ? 52.5 ? 1 ? 10 1 saw i+a2 s40',w30' SNEET N0.9' 8967 87.0f," -1?1? 6;.0 ? 6 - I/32 BEND- 9 SQW 0+25 s 62',w48' 893.0 ?f ? f' ... ? '. . ( sn-E xonness pIIIL[]ER 1&2 Family Itcsidcnlia l "Coo1<book" ntC n,o0 cty f ??S?G • D,I c hfinimnm Crilcria: Rim Ioist: R-19 Snsulaiion Pomidamq \'/inJows: InsulatcJ glass, 1(2' air zpace, uw,1 or vinyl framc Entrv Joors: lii inch solid vvaod wilh slonn or bcllcr STEI' 1 Nti'indoiv & Door.lrca Total Window & Door Arca In Sq. i-ccl VJITIDOVlS (lacluding fcundation win;lows): Dimcnfions Qnty. . P.rca z/?u x3r6°N - ?? Z!o" x 3? (DN '7S x x S?a? ll?1 y D X 4-'p ?D x x % _ x I x fffl?---oo---Rs_A ? / 1 / v ? Total Arca of Window & Doors _3-77 A Total Wall Arca in Sq. Pt. Wall Total Pcrimacr Ilciglil ^,rca •roi:ii ?.«, L_?rw,ii ----- _-gq!!. STE'l' 2 Calcul:ile arca as a percenl of «'all flox A(wlndow 3c (loor arca) dividcd by Tioz A(lotal wzll arca) [itncs I(Hl cqi:xls ilic wlndow and door xrca as a pcrccnt oF wall arca (Doz (?. 11oz A '777 --- x 100 = LK t3ox13 ?_ J I srr:.i' 3 Design rcalurrs nssr_t.Ti3t.Y orTioN 1=RAhiE VJP.I_L: STP.IJDP.RD 1•liP.1.II1IG. ? - ADV.a.IdCL-I) TR A1•IIl IG njsuI_.4rt0ii s t tr_.qn rn u;: r? I.[SS'I I I!.l l It-5 R-s ou i.trnae I V.'117DOWS (uccpl fuuuJatiou w'indows): i, r.-,c-roii (_ T l-, 3L Prom ilic tablc, dctcnnine ilic maximum 1?crccnl windaw i door arr.i for Ihc dcsij;u opiions sclccicd and cnlcr ilic I valnc in boz D lxlow: ------- ---. - ---- , Tlox C tnusl br. Icss Ihan or cqu:il In Uux 11 , ? 11ie buililinr musl nol excr.crl Ilie ntaxlmiun tvindow and dnor area ,i; ;i percenlagc nf nverall exposcl lval) irea lisled br.low for Uit! coml)in,-jiinn • of framinr, lechnlqiic, It-value of insulalion wiiliin Uie insiilalccl cax-1iv, shealhini; IZ-value, and wlndniv 11-factnr. Ollier componenus n,iist lhe reqniremenls of Ihis enb??ari. 1?fAxlh lUpl 11hNI)MV Al lD l-)nnR AIU:A _ AS A PIi I1CI:Pl"I' OI' nVIi1lAl I , a . I:XPp S1:1) 1V:111. ` Caallti? . • lVindm?? U? P;?clor _p,aming • _L?e•e.::: nsul?illnn Shcall?ln ?::e:::cu..:::e:::::::.: 0 .49 (1.3h STANPARf) R-13 :1;-7 17.q9t 17.13;L 21.3;;, STANpAltp I1-15 21(-5. 12.91 L 1%.1°/ 20.I;L 2 3 11 STAIVPAIIp It:ill '. .:R?S . I1.1;? :160? 11111;L . ??.?l•;? STAhInAKP ADVANCI:I) , It-lfl •;1:-5 I I.1 ?L `17.1 ?? ?u I';;. 23 i•;t. AnVAWCIiI) ' It-11! S 5;L 19.2;6 22 51L 26 S fAhll)Alil] 1i-=1 •:1( 5 II.H;w ;' 170;: 1'J!l';L ::I 1 ?; srnrinnun n-?i ?i;-5 I I.O:L 19 ]•t. ?? 514 . . ?i: l :: APVAHCf:D I:-2, •:ILS Il.fl;? lll.l% 21.2;i. . , '?I ?;;;. A(]VANClil) St 11)1). 3. Perfnrnta nec crLcria. cnnil,lncil Ihermnl Iririsiiiiu;uia: (C I') faetors for walls, roof/ccllings, antt flonrs ovr.r nnhealed spaces nuisi Iic Ics:; iluui ni equal Io: A. 0.11(1 ptu/1t fiz °l. F?jr 1%,,Ils; Il. O.1126 Diii/It flz `I; (ur rnuf/rr.llin?;s; ,?n?l C. n ni nw/h P'r• r(,i nkmr:,. STATAII7'll: Alsgtl6r_.19 Ii15'f: 18 S1l 231i1 %ol00IG(! lta??cnlcd, 7H SR 23f1 ? . CITY OF EAGAN APPUCATION FOR PERMIT - SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION *1MWI: PA3T7R.KP OF FM AT TIME OF APriscAazoN ms rior 1OoNa-7T= APrPxwat, oF PERMmr. INSPBcMCN oF ssWER AW/CR NAM TnSrnr.r.MONS V= r70rr sE SCHED-- aff.m vclra. PMUuT xias BM _ APPRovm. P ease Print ?1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1600 Pacific Avenue, Eagan, MN. 55121 •- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 Block 5 Hampton Heights _- ?. _ Lot B ock Sub ivislon or Tax Parce ID , ( If' FXI5'1TNG STROC'lVRE, DATE OF ORIGINAL .BC'II.DM PERMIIT ISS[`ANCE: . : hbn Year . F PRESENP 2ANING/PROPOSID LSE: . ` 5 ? OF£ICE ? .R-1 SINGI.E FAMIILY . . . r Q IPIIX'SIRIAL • _ R-2 DLTPLgC (RWu Lhits) " ...::._ .. . . _..., ?? . h , _ Q INSTIIL*PIONAI./G WEE2I?Il??t? _: ? R 3.ZOWNi0L?5E (Three + Units) .( _ ° Unifs) R-4 APARTMEN'P/COAIDCkINIOM .. ? '.2) ? _ .. .?_. €. NAME: FRONTIER MIDWEST:,HOMES CORPORATION . z ADDRES5:_ 3908 Sibley Memorial Higfiway Bldg. E :;.. . : CITY. STATE, ZIP: . _ ...., . _ Eagan, MN. 55122'':` .,, _ .. ._._ ",- *i ,. > PHCk1E: 454-0433 . . ...,,_., - ,., ., ' , ,. . . ,.,.. ; _ . _...._ ... ._r3 : .._ t 3) • y?: ?• ., For G.ty..Use ., ? NAME: STAR PLtMBiNG . Plimbers License: • . ' ADDRESS: 1018 Mound Springs Terrace . Actlve . . ??d CITX. STATE, ZIP: Bloomington, MN. 55420 Not. 2ecorded `- ? PF10NE: 884-4149 RASTER yICENSE# 3329 Staff 4) •.&u•_.i?..?1''+?',s -:IIAME: RYNDA, TERRY & NANCY ADDRF55: 8415-13th. Avenue So. . ' ? CITY, S1'ATE, ZIp: Bloomington, MN. 55420 ? PHONE= 854-3657 f -5) I'Mr• ? : a • ? - ?s ; OONNECTION 1l7' QTY SEWF3t ? CONNIDCTION M CITY WAZEt [3 . dl'flEEt '. ., 6) ; F? • O• r ? P7,F1aSE HCII.D APPROVF9 PEE2P7IT FCHt PICK-UP BY OIg OF P,BCn7E . _---- PLEASE MAII. APPROVID PIItMIT TO 1, 2. 3. 4. ABC7VE . (Circle one) r' 7) r. i. . ? '+'?' ?= • ? . ? :t _..a.!?.?. . .. . , r1 ?i : FOR -CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSUED ? a r Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SLRCHARGE) 9 {n S r% $ WATER PERMIT (INCLDDE SURCHARGE) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OC'TSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLCDE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ ' SEWER TAP $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER $ .7D1)x o $ WAC $ S7S'O0 $ SAC $ $ . TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ , . ._. s :.` ._. TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT - •- S' S LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEWER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK WATER_ Cc ? S_ /??f., p Z7 $ WATER..TREATMENT PLANT SLRCHARGE OTHERd - , .- $_ I??'. 5- s C3 S ... TOTAL i RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES LTILITY CONNE CTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PIIBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? Q YES IF YES, THEN A"P ERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN POBLIC ROADWAY"-MLST BE. ISSLED BY THE ENGINEERING Q NO DIVISION.. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUSJECT TO TAE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: 12-1,3I ???' 0= city oF eagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. F.O. BOX 21199 eEq BLOM9UISi EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 Mwor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 THOM0.S EGAN .NMES A SMITH VIC ELLISON S ecial Assessment $2dICt1 P 7HEODOREWACHTER coumu me?r: rr{onvs HeoGes Date: August 20, 1986 CiN/amiitlshota EUGENE VMl OVERBEKE GN cien Requested by: Re: Hampton Heights ? 10-31900-050-05 DAKOTA COUNTY ABSTRACP CO 1250 l3WY 55t P 0 BOX 956 HASTINGS MN 55033 On the attached form is the City's response to your search request on the identified property. The information includes the original amount of the assessments and the payoff amounts of the assessments on the parcel. In addition, pendinq assessments are included for improvement projects that have been ordered to be installed by the City Council if there are any on this parcel. The City's policy is to levy assessments based upon the current or existing use of the parcel, as reflected in the above assessments. If, and when, the parcel is rezoned or developed to a higher use, that parcel shall assume an additional assessment obliqation as a condition of development approval. The City Engineering Division can provide further clarification of this policy if you desire. WAIVER: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the accuracy of the information which was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City or its employees assume any liability for the correctness thereof. In consideration for the supplying of the indicated information on the attached torm and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever; any claim against the City or its employees rising therefrom is hereby expressly waived. Levied assessments can be paid to the CITY OF EAGAN. Very truly yours, SPECIAL ASSESSME Attachment THE LONE OAK TREE. .. THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNItt TnANSAC?'ION ID: Ii768 SF'ECIAL ASSESSMENT5 SF'EC1'RL FSSESSMENTS SEARC.H SUMMAIiY PPOF'fRTY I.D. TODAYS DATE: 09/:20/26 ---SPECIAL FLAGS---- T -2-3-4-S- b-7-8-5'-1 0 10-31900-050-05 , r S. A. # ASSESS'MENT DESCR. Y,: YRS la'ATE TOTAL ANN. PRIN. PAYL7FF COMMfN7' 100124 SAN SW TRK 69 25 8. UU"/_ 59.81 2.39 19.14 ???w X?!1 t?C?8 S'TREET .?7T 35 10 11 . C??:1% 36.73 .°.. 67 33.06 10I109 S7'REET 86 15 I0.50'f. 14.89 .99 14.89 /. b 19 I0I110 SAfJ SEW LA 7 Sb 15 I0.50% 58.21 3.92 5:7.31 101112 S'TUIiM 9EW TRk: 86 YS 10.50"/. 445.07 29.67 445.07 I01I13 STOrM SEW LA'1 46 i`i 10.50% 20.55 1.37 20.5J 101168 W!TR 36 15 9.00% 277.27 18.49 277.27 c 1OF'451 NATEIiM(iI1V CaU U .00"/_ 627.94 627.94 627.94 TEND SL1f1MARY OF ACTIVE 91•a'. 13 60.49 268.79 COMM 7HIS YEHR' S TQT F&I 12.s'4 SUI`1MARY QF FENDING 627.94 627.94 Fress EPd'TER (C.ommerrts ), FS or F2 (Header Form) or F7 (Restart li765) 1986 BIIILDIAG PEAFIIT APPLICATIOH - CITY OF EAGAN N01B: 9LL CONTBACTORS MOST BS LICENSED ATTH THE CITY OF EAGAN BYNDA CO[RlERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONSJ $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND SIAGLS F9NIILY Di1S[.LINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 61, ?? To Be Used For: Single Family _ Valuation: -&9? Date: 9-26-86 CONCORD L Site Address 1600 Pacific Ave. OFFICB IISS ONLY Lot 5 Hlock 5 Parcel/Sub HAhIPTON HEIGHTS Owner Rvnda, Terrv, & Nanc Address 8.415-13hh:FAve. Sm. City/Zip Code Bloomington; MN. 55420 Phone 854-3657 Contractor FRONtIfR COMPANIES ?908 Sitrley emoria t Address Eagan, MN 55122 City/Zip Code Phone 454-0433 Arch./Engr. _ Address City/2ip Code Phone # Erect ? Oecupaney _ R3 Remodel ? Zoning (Z•I Repair ? Type of Const ? Addition A of Stories Move ? Length ? Demolish _ Depth 4-cl Znt.Impr. Sq Ft Install APPROVALS FEES Assessments Permit 334 Water/Sewer Surcharge 3 3.50 Police Plan Review I(o'1, Fire SAC 57 S, Engr Water Conn 5ca5)•_ Planner Water Meter (031'-9 Council Road Unit 2? 0. Bldg Off Treatment Pl 15(c, APC Parks Variance Copies TOTAL / NOTE: ADDRFSS&S FOR C06HER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMFOYNEE MQST DFSIGPATE WHICH 9DDRFSS I3 D&SZRED. NO CHAHGES WILL BE ALLOW6D ONCB BDILDING PERMIT IS ISSQED. -?JJ, ?? EXTERIOR ENI+ELOPE AVERAGE "U" COMPIITA7tON C?L?2? , --- _ _ . ?C?et w4?- OWNER: __?___.._... DAT?:---? -?S?aS SITE ADORESS: ' PriONE: CONTRACTOR: FK?NT?I??. 1 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. 9• h. i. J? , 6 Determine wurking square footage of each Totai exposed wall area..... ???4 sq. ft. x.11 = ?9.?? Total roof/ceiling area..... (?? sq. ft. x.026 = Z 7, C?'? Total exposed wall arca at±ove Floor t??4" Total wall window area ........................................... Total door area .................... .............................. Total sliding glass door area .................................... Total fireplace wall area ........................................ Total wall framing area (average 10%) .............. .............. Total rim joist area ............................................. net wall area above floor. 2,?:4 .............................. wall area above floor ..................................... wall area above floor ......:.............................. frame wall area at foundation ................................... Total exposed foundation area= G y k. Total foundation window area ....................... ?1. Total net foundation area above grade .............. ? Oetermine "u" value of each wall segment (e.9, window, door, each separate wall section) a. I 37 x b. ? `(.(o Z X ?. 4 Z x d. 4?= z e. ( `?C'.9 x f. ? ? Z z 9._?'.514,9P? x „?„-? ? ?. „?„ _ 3 (? „??, 3?_ . ,??„ • 3? ?,?„ ,oe v „?„ , 0 3 „?„_?_ =?3 .Ssy _-! `? . '?.fo _ =_I S.? '---?? = t S. 'Z 3 -_3 . ?? ??_ 3 9. ?S _ h. X ????? ? 1. x ????? _ j, X ????? _ k• X °?" If item ?3 is the sam? _ ? as, or less than item ? • ?aG X "U" ( S N1, you have met,;tFie:a = ? ? ' i t . _ . , _ n ent of 58C .600 - .?- s . ..................... ........ ....rot?i = I 59.?? irt???? - ?<<<?? ...a+r ;r:. .u.a . .: j ;• Vint.r, frr1:aia1 E: Cl r?,t oP t potlun witill nrcn [ur . frow. arn truct.iun • ???. '?_ ?'j IC ALL I' i ,, i , , , I ! • (/? ?w ! PIC..II1 'PC4'VS(Sl OF ' . i '. FINtlB t4ALli ? • . . , .,...... FIG.'tl2 - ?-`-?O Iyr ? - ?- -? . -(?/? ., • i.?u.?. • ??? 1? ? ?C-., ..?? i • ".? _?=. J. I).. V L.ICI.1 ?, •?'? `°._n.. _--....__...? ?,?, 1. ? , ??. 1 •Q: ?.._._......?.-0 ( ( ? _ J{ ?? ?' '. ' i %•``. . . ; " " •,, (1) R?1/ yl?•?•`• ? • ? ??. -:, ( ?. oi! { . , ?. ?•? ;y V •r ? _ _ . : ? ? C<?n^lCni.t inu I:-V.?lu ' t 'w??. J. in hC?, • ??? .,...? Fr ?n??fi _ . . _._ . . . . . .. .. , 4 , '-- P`IR ?Pi?GE . ... ,.l08 ?, 6. F:>.larii,r.?l?. fi:w • U.I'7 ? ?Si?,ss1 F?..?:. J „ '..''I K1 zfe?" k*`?M 1. Tntrrl.nt' nie' .'Sl111 ?. 3. ?__...?..--._..... ._._....___..___..v_. . > 4. 5. _...___.__....__ . _.._....... _ .._.._.. i , 6. F.slcrinr ,tic• lilia , .._....._ ? ?? . . ;:.: ?•,i a... 1. ]iiteiior nir_film__..__-T_---•,-?_6:1 'g}? 2 • _. . _ ..__ ._.._ _ .._ ,?. - ? ?.. ?? `1? a. ?_ _ . ..?._-•------ ?? ?, 6. };xti?rSor nir film i1•11 r 1. (nti•i{nc .1Ir (Iifn 2. -....--•---- - ?-?----_-. _....._._ ,.: S . _._-- • - -- --_ -• _°• - ••-- -- ?ra. G, l:.?Crriue .1ir?;ilri _.?_ ____.___.? -• -- , ? sr.ntI_Ori ,Rv+oi: _??11?1f?"'?flf?F . '., , ,. t ? H l ? ? • `' . 'a . , l ii, ? ? ? • , ? ? ? 5':? Ftc:. i!A xy ^ Rx ll??•CL': indicate cy,wv, v.jiwi, ?1epCh nnci swo,r•/cEiLxyc Const? en , R-Value Intcriar air fi2m .0.61 ' 2. 9?1--) .,5? 3. 1Al5UL. ' 44.Ub 4. Extcri.or air Eiln (still) 0. - TotaLl r? 4s8o - • . . - 0_ .o? . :nted I3eac flov - up FZG. r p? .. F"•rr c . . 1. Interior air Pilm 0.62 2. ? f3D , a. ?4.4 , 1"5uL 38.35 4. F.xl-.crio: lir filn (sti Total 2 ' ilQ.?s .? ? V coA. vrAt'?cri ? 1. insidc air film 0.61 , 2' 3. 4. ?• 5, putsidc air fi.lm 0.17 - Total • ? ? L(D LG . '• . ? ? Eeat flov vp • =•v¢nted • /\ -/-? ---?-?• - ' ! ?J ! 1J 1 `J 'v L--1J2 • '. ` .: ,.: •?••` xo:r-v?:rzn . ... ' • . . . $eat flov up . . . ? • . . - • $Ir,_ !7 . . +' ?.C?'/?'?' F . ' • ' . Tnside air Eilm ?.61 2. " . 3. 4. g. Outside air film 0.17 Tota1 1. Insidc air film • 0.61 2. 3. ' 4. Outsidc azr film 0.17 . I Tota1- . • Note: Use additianal sheees if more :pacn i: AOCClecl fo= details snd calcu3ations. • • , . , I?x,?tcior ]invelopo Avcr..z9c "U" CompuCat:ion Pttqo 2 oE A . ? • J • Tot•al expo:,•ed root/ceiling arca = (U m. Tbtal skylight arel ........, ` ..t ............... n. Total roof/cciling framinq arca (;ivcraqe lO%)... o. Total net insulated roof/cciling area........... (w . Determine "U" valuc for each roof/cciling segment M. 1?- x ..U.. ?.... = r.. n. x"v" ,Q Z.. o. 3Lw_ x„U„ U Z 7z 4 ........................... 2bta1 s ? Z Z If total of ;14 is the same as, or less t:han $2, you have met the intent of SHr 6005 (c) 1. Alternate Buildin Envelope Desiqn _ To utilize the total envelope'system method, the values established by the s•,un of items if3 and t;4 shall not be greater than the sum of items Itl and #2. 1. Za9 •4 9 t z. 2`7-??1 = 23?• 48 s.__I. +a. 2.IZ.Z = I$I.10 ? ? ' . , klAI.L f.I'fJ'1'ION;1 I".. U:'r jyL ul? t???aniu• w?tll nevh Iu r ?IC AQ/hSI frnm?: 1 rt, ci lun ? C,Iv._t t ur' i:." I:. l,'.i lu.'. ,_....._ ,r•-- --{i) i. ???s?,.?:,? ?tca?M._ _ .._.._..?.(??8 ,-- `?_ ..4 s -----? ,, 3???„ 4.36 4. :00000M t±+ea?._. . 7.? icx) ?\, ' +,-"?? ?, }:r,t,.r 1?.._?1?.V?IA...... ..... ... •1iT ? .,?I „ ?• U.1? T..._....__._._.__.... . .??13. L? Y J ? U.N'6' YIG. ql TOt'VIf14 OF FIW16 l9ALl, . Inl'rr?nt' 1iC •'11m 4.Gf1 ' 2. 3. . . ? , ' • ti. S. G. F.xkrriur ai.r FIC. 92 ,-1'u1.11 ^ •L? {? ? ? ?-'? ? • ' . ]nt,qrior air f'iLn 0.6a11 2. 3. - ravcr!""-. _ ?7T v v - yr:al ` }: ----Q ?. xCr.rlor nir iilm 0.3'1 '??- ::-r.i? .. ----=--------- .I'oenl .. . n1r fita. .. i•?. . A °? ? 2' 8.W ._._._.. .aplS. ? i.1TICti .•• C ?? : ____,.____{,'? J • l. _.. 1'?_?I`.?.?9 ... .. ... S.-.C?.. ? ,. . _ ..- --._- , • . . ..?. s . ? o . ? ? • . .P'ekr. ? cwc?.. . P•s?tt?M.... ?? • u ' ?-'-L?iaC 5 --------__----••-- _"- . . ..--° ?--- -. . •17• ' r?':?•%`,`'? . G. t::atw'?it,r. ,iii' Ii!r? __ _0_17 ?- •h ? ? • ??' r'? tr""'?f`f st.nt?_c?r? r,tu,ur: '? l.• f,? • u . ,Y? ?^JI? ? ? ? Y• , ?, l?I ? ?? ( Itl ?Flli. 114 1(t . • , • • ' ? ? ' ' S. • :> ??.......? ? al C. t3 ? ' ° ' • ? ? ; _ v . .... /? , nncl ' pl.?crn?n[ qf In?tul.iCir.rn. PLaN ii: M L1 NJF 4 L FT. 'EXposED WALL BL.OGK. I? f- Z?tLS f-J = (3z zs f 130 , qULLI : ?a+SZ< 13Z Put?? -2:?-; - '?:t P?EPLAG.E ; G IZtM: t;`z t3Lock', 13 Z. , ?PuLL I ?..- F, ?.- SKP'oSeD WA L.L AZEA x,s=6? x s = ? sca ?C g = to5co --?--8---= ?C 8 = 45 X 1 :- r; Z. rtA l._. = 19 5 Z ??JGL,Ft. EKaoSFD GEILIUq 1040 0 4v DxrS 1? ?-Cy36= I = S ' ZAi-44z? (o = aq 2c?/bc,= ? = ZS z4??, a = a? D oosz.5 .9 ° 71 0 ?A-t-i o i 6 31.4a DRS , ? 4Z. -?-?'?.---?a?+s -- -?_?-----? F YINO AL morlal Highway esota 55122 2) 452•3077 810MA suAVE BEAVICEB 3908Pho Sibley Me Eagan. Minn ne:(61 ? f .RTiFICATE FOR; 1 HOME PViI IIENS IAMs DEVEt4fTpS AEAltUaS I COMPANIES MOUEli: ONCOb `m ^X as4.o aszo ? x • ? ? ?Qi ? .. ? RA?1.lACsfs ` ?? ? `-``??+"' " -- t: 1"?' . ?- -' ev:A BAU7SM'T• j--m ? LbT 5 ,ox,..?-- ??o e ;.. 5L ? ebs,e gp ' Q / 1 W ....z?g• ?? ? ` ??/ ` ?? y? ? 'S 4¢ ?IL3? ? -. , * . (. z, ? . . . . '..,. o ,.iw . . . . ?A ?Q . LC?'i' r2:b ' ? B69.p X v 14` K Bn,o ? : V ,, ^°;s?,,,,, ? ; ?.• .,,9 ,, . f' wAvnae o.`-011; ?s _ COFtDES -'-• ,•?,.?1"N;..........•;:? ,aa` -LEGEND_ PROAOSED 6ARA6E fL00R ELEVATION= $??•1 O CLrwtes Iron Mawurent PFdOPOSEO Top of 9fotk ELEVATION- 368-0 ¦ Ol•notes Wad Nub Set PROPOSED BASEMENT fL00R ELEVATION? 8105•0 w' xg65.00enoies Existing Spot Efevatian i Verify all flaor heights with Finaf Naae Plaru. Derwtes Propased Spot Elevation ,.-Qenotes Drainage Directian qfFi/E93S (EN(IFICATI?- i 1 hereby cerfify tMt this survey, Plen a' rcPort ? -PICPERIY LESCRIPfILrI- was prepared by me or ur?dtr iiry dinect supervisian LOT5,BLfX'K15_ ard tiat I am a duly Registerad Lerd 5urveya' 'HAMPTON Hrecorded EIGHTS uder the laws oi the Stats ol Yinnssota. accordirg to the pfat thereof, ? ??fe: ? nakota C?ty, Mimesota Wayne D. Cordes, Wirm. Reg• No. 14575 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA141687 Date Issued:03/24/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1600 Pacific Ave Lot:5 Block: 5 Addition: Hampton Heights PID:10-31900-05-050 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Scott A Ranstrom 1600 Pacific Ave Eagan MN 55122 Benson Property Llc 6989 Washington Ave S Minneapolis MN 55439 (612) 669-9000 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA152968 Date Issued:11/13/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 1600 Pacific Ave Lot:5 Block: 5 Addition: Hampton Heights PID:10-31900-05-050 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Overhead Garage Door Description: Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 1,500.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $1500 $62.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $1500 $0.75 9001.2195 $63.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Scott A Ranstrom 1600 Pacific Ave Eagan MN 55122 (651) 346-9515 Twin City Garage Door Co 5601 Boone Avenue North Minneapolis MN 55428 (763) 533-3838 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature