4632 Parkridge Dr• CASH RECEIPT ? CITY 4F EAGAN 3795 PII.OT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 19 RE«,,,EO FROM ? ??i . i . , AMOUNT $ & DOLLARS ?oo E] CASH F-I CHECK BY White-Payers CopY jYellow-Posting CopY ?/ Pink-File Copy Thank You CITY OF EAGAN ,-C' 7.1 ?-? .R 3795 Pikt KAOb Roed Eogon, MN 55122 1 ? PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Recetpt 5 Slte Addrcu _ 4b31 Yarkridge Drive Erett )n Occuponcy _ R-3 Lot 5 Biak _.3Sec/Sub. Park Clif f Alter p Zoning R-1 parcel # 10 56700 OSO 03 Repoir p Fire Zone idA Enlarge ? Type of Cor?st, V ? Nome ??zm?in--Pederson, Inc. Move p # 5rories ? Address 7700 145th St, WeBt Qemolis h p Length-W- CiryA le Valle p},on. 431-5000 _ Grade p Depth 3-S Sq. Ft. o ? Nnme _ , uu Address f- r:... Nome _ Address - I hereby acknowledge that I have reod fhis application nnd stote ihat the informnfion is Correct and ogree to comply with oll applicable State of Minnesoto Statutes ond CiFy of Eagon Ordinances. Slgnnture of Pertnittee /1 Building Permit Is issued to: ? all work shell be done in accordonce Buildinq Officiol Assessment Permif Wnter & Sew. Surcfw Police Plpn c Fire SAC _ Eny. Water Plnnner Woter Bldg. Off. APC Totnl $1834• 5f) Road I of Minnesoto Statutes on the expresa cendition ihat y of Epgon Ordinances. ?- ? Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Parmit No. Holder Plumbin9 PI Sc??D3 H.V.A.C. ? LP zfD 43 Wa1l waee? Disp. Ssvwr Electric t,?o 1? ZIoB? (AkEVi (l EdF4 b-!q-Ss3 Inapeetinn Data Insp. Other Footin}p Foundation Framing ou Pibg. /3 •8? . Rouph HVAC ? Insulation Final Plhg Final HVAC r? ?}4 Final Water Describe Location: MYall Server 1 Pr. Diap. , CITY OF EAGAN - 3830 Pilot Knob Raad, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, M1V 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 , eU1LDING PERMIT Receipt # SitaAddreat r" F.°% ??! •'?:':? TT) Gr: D.P•, I`,'P, ereee LJ Oca,Rancy ? Remcdel ? Zaning Lot !:•I3i,`•: i_T.7 i Blxk ?/Sub t.. . Repair ? Type of Const. Parcel No. Eniarge ? No. Stories IK Name Move D li ? ? Length h z emo sh Dept a Addres s Grade ? Sq. Ft. City Phone 454"2172 Instatl ? Z? ? Name ru? Address ?- Citv Phone ??++ Name W Addresa OCW City Phone ( hercby ocknowledpe thot I hcve read this application and stote that the inlormotion is correct and aqree to comply with oll applicoble Stcte of Minnesoto Statures ond "Ciry of, EoQon Drdinances. Sipnotun of Permittee A Build+ng Permit Is luued to: all work sholl be dons ia atca 1lssessment Woter b Sew. Police Fin EnG• Plonner Council Bldg. Off. 5 / 2u,/ 6!" APC Var. Date Surchorge Plan Review. SAG Water Conn. Water Nkter Road Unit Parks Total ' -p on tM express conclt{on lhar Stote of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Ecqan Ordinorxes. Permit No. Permit Holder Date Tels hone it Piumbing H.V.A.C. EMctrie So}tonsr InspeMion OaM Insp. Other Footinys Faundatian Frsming Hooting Rou9h Plbp. Rouph HVA Insutation Final Plbp. Final HVAC Fina1 - ? COt/Oee. Wmr Ooscribs Locstion: YYeli Sswer Pr. Disp. Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fil1 in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prin[ IegJb/y Tot. 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address Lot Blk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address A,:. 7. City State 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter O 10. Describe 11. Zip Institutional ? Repair ? Type No. E.quipment STU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. EQUipment CFM Ai H i Mfg. andl ng: r Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg, Qthe Air Cond. r Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt - ' MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN . fill in nL Type or 1. Date 2. Instal 3. Job Address Fae = ?d spaces S/C legib/ y Tot Cost Blk. ? Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor, Phone , 6. Address 7. City State, ^ - Zip - 8. Building Type: Residential L7 Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter O Repair ? 10. Describe :.•-_.? - Fuel Type - 11. No. Equipment STU - M. Ea. Forced Air %?' - • ' ` No. Eouipment CFM Ai H li , Mfg. r ng: and Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater _ _ '. Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Flnal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt 41 k f' PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fea I - - ?- ? ? fill in numbered spaces S/C L' ? Type orPrintlegibty Tot. _'C) 1. Date ? •'.:'C .',_" _ 2. Installation Cost C. 3. Job Address - - Lot Blk. ? Tract ? r? 4. Owner ," 5. Contractor 6. Address 7. City 8. Building Type: Phone'??t - - ?` State Zip 10 Commercial O Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New 0 Add ? Alter O Repair ? 10. Describe 11. Na. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well ? - - Kitchen Sink ? Urinal/Bidet Qff?er. d. t Laundry Tray , Floor Drains , Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough F inal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition PARK CLIFF ADDN. Lot 5 Blk 3 Parcel Ain= 56700 050 Q3__._? Owner Street 4632 Par Ri dqP flrive State Ea9an, MN 55123 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURFV! W 1323.00 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAIV SEW TRl11UK 224.02 C008182 7-28-83 * SEWER LATERAL 97 7-28-83 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 19,91 WATER AREA 2 7-2$-$3 STORM SEW TRK 3GG'' I98 5 2 40I. F76 C008I82 7-28-83 • STORM SEW LAT 1951 CUFi6 & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT 250,00 45655 WATER CONN. 450.00 of BUILDING PER. 7991 SAC to PARK CIn OF EAGAM WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilof Kno6 Road PERMIT NO.: tagein, MN 55122 DATE: ' Zonin9: , No. of Units: Owner: an Pedersen Ir,c Address: Site Address: . `•id$e Plumber. - "ltlr,L ' n •, _ Meter No.: Connection Chorge: ? ? ? 4 J ' `• J p? Size: Actount Deposit; Reader No.: Permit Fee: % 1 agree to cmnply wilU 11o City of Eagan Surcharge: Qrdiwanat. Misc. Choroes: •: . -t, Total: By Dats Paid: Date of Insp.: Insp : . . CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 9795 Pilot Knob Raad PERMIT NO.: 'eogaa, MN 55122 DATE: , ZoninD: No. of Units: . Owner. Ar4lwee• Permit Fee: Surcharge: BY Misc. Chorpes: Dote of Insp.: Total: Insp.: Dota Paid: ? Zb Be Used Fbr ; site Address _ 3 CITY OF FAC,AN Include 2 sets of plans. 1 site plan w/elevations & ? ILDING PERMiT APPLICATION 1 set of energy calculations. Va uation _ ?•c7D? Date '*/7 7 , I/ e2 j OFFICE USE ONLY Lot S siocx 3 sec./sub. r11t4,( --t- Parcel #: / D 'f &7C;) 6 D S ca C) -?? Erect OccuPancS' Alter zoning Ranair Fire Zone - Enlarge _ Type of Const. Nbve # Stories Address: Demolish Fmnt ,5-6 ft. Grade Depth ?S ft. City/Zip Code: Phone #: ?g , APPFtOVALS Assesmmts ' Penni.t Contractor: ?4ater/Se,aer Surcharge 33 Address: 'Z ;?CJ 4- 5- TH 5T w Police Plan Check / 7/ ? //N Fire SAC s-01 6, ? City/Zip Code: g31 Z¢ ?3• Water Conn. y5d f?' Phone # : 4- ?J / - ,S DO b Planner Water Meter /"d Council Road Unit Arch./Fh9.: Bldg. Off. ,.f-9- 73 Addrnss: APC City/Zip Code: Phone #: R?TAL ? ' ?? b 7 ? .2 e20 a ? ? ? ? CITY OF EAGAN nJ2 'I O 2 8 4 3830 Pilot Knob Road P O Box 21-199 E n MN 55121 . age . PNONE: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT RewIM # Te M mrd fm DECK Est. Volue 1.100 Dare EGA° aR , 19_91; SiteAddreu 4632 PARKRIDGE DRIVE Ereee ? Occupeney 5 3 e P T2K T TFF annNRe'"°ael ? Zoning Block Lot ec/Sub. Repeir ? Type of Conrt. Percal No . Enlerge ? No. Stwies Mpve ? Langth Name FLETCHER FTNn .F.V Demolish ? Depth ? Address SAME Grede ? Sq. Ft. City Phone 454-2179 Install ? App.ovah iea Nema SAME ? nae.ess ? Clty Phone wssesvnenr _ Waror S $ew. Polica _ Firo Erig• Plonmr _ Couneil _ Pemir I o n n Surchorya 1.00 Plan Review SAC Woter Conn. Woter Meter Rood Unit ParW Total 20.00 Neme Addreu Clty Phona 1 hereby ockwwladpa fhat 1 Iwva reod ihis opplication and store thct Bldq. Off. S 2 8 8 S tha informotion Is correct and o ree M co?ly with all apPlicabls A? StoN of Minnew ta Stotut Enq ? irqntes Ver. Dete Sipnaturo of Permitt ? A Buildinp Pemir Is issueb-ro: LET on el,s expreas condirron ohot dl work shull be dona in oem ?nci w,lth?,?II cble Stata of Mlnrxsoto Srotures and City of Eopan Ordinoncea Bulldrq Otfldd /.?-??foTy CITY OF EAGAN - 3793 iilet Knob Reod Eayan, MN 53121 ?7 l?l ? 7991 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT R¢ceip} # 25??>3' To bs wsd for SF DWG/GAR Esr. Volue $70,000 pate May 4 ?q 83 Sire Address - 4632 ParkridQe Drive E R-3 rect Mg Occupancy Lot5- Block3_ Sec/Sub. Park Cliff Alter ? Zoning R-1 Portel # 10 56700 050 03 Repoir ? flre Zone NA V Enlarge ? Type of Const. w Nome Ozmun-Pederson. Inc. M S ove ? # rories z Addreu 7700 145th St. West Demolish ? Length 50 Ci pp 10 Valley phm 431-5000 Grade ? Depth_3g Sq. Ft.- p Nema OwneY Approvalf Fees ~ ?? Addresa Assessment Permit ?' Cif Phone Water & Sew. 35.00 $urcharga `. Police 1?1.5? Plon check ""' N°'TB Ftre SAC 525.00 ?? Address Enp. 4SO.OO Water Conn <W Ci Phone Planner . WaterMeter 60.00 Council Rood Unrt 250.00 I hereby ocknowledge that I have read ihis applicotion and state that Bldg. Off. the in(ormotion is correct and ogree to comply with all opplicoble APC $1834 50 T Stote of Minnesoto $tatutes and City of Eogan Ordorwnces. . otol Sipnnture of Pertnittea zmun-Pe ersorL. Inc. A Building Pertnit Is issued to: on the express condition thnt all work sholl be done in accordorxe withpll o l iwbe ie of Minnesoto Statutes ond f Ciry of Eaqan Ordirwncea. ? ? - Buildinp Oificial -1! , D'W. - renuest void 18 monffis fmm W062689 Ls? 133? ?o't?)'/- Cl iP t - ?(eq oZ s7 , oc) Request DdtW 6-13-83 fve No. RouAh-in Inspecbon Reauired, E)Roadv Now PgXJill NoLfy Inspec- ?Yes ?No Iur When Ready M Lwensed Electrmal Convacmr 1 hereby request inspection of above ? Owner electncal work mstallad at Street Address. Box ar Rouce Na. City 4632 PARK RIDGE DRIVE EAGAN ecuon o. Township Name or No. Range No. Cnunty DAKOTA OccupantlPRINTI Phone No. OZMUN - PEDERSON, MDJC. Power Sup0lie1 Atldress DAKOTA ELECTRIC FARMINGTON Electnc2l Con[ractor ICompany Namel C.ntrar,tor's Lmense No. LAKEVILI?EDGDO ELECTRIC, INC. A041302 Mailine AdJress IConuactor or Owner Making Instailabonl 20480 JAC UARD AVE. W.• LAKEVILLE MN 55044 Author¢e ienatur. ICon[racmr Owner king InstallauoN Phone Numbor 1 469-4938 MINNESOTq STqTE BOAPD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midwey Blde. - floom N-191 BE ACCEVTED BY TME STATE BOARD 1821 Univers?[y Ave., St. Peul. MN 55104 UNLESS PqOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS o._..., 1.1111.1 ?'ll ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Ee-ooooi-oa ' See inatructions br complabng this form on back ot Yellaw copy. .f?w62-689 "'1(" BeY?ow Work Covered by This Request ?(0 qo Mire AAA Hap. Typ¢ 01 Bmidmg Appbances Wiretl Enuipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt 6uilding Dryer Electnc Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unioader InAustnal Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Omei iS) oeo v ?her Isner.ifyl t nr Sucu y ther Other Compute lnspection Fee Below N Fee ServwaEntrenca5ize k Fee Fqxders/SUbfeeders Fee Grcmts . ? 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 qm s 0 . 0? 0 to 30 Am ?s Above 200 qmps 31 to 100 Arnps 31 to 1G0 Am Swimminq Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100_Am s Transiormers Irrigation Booms Partial- Other Fee Signs Special Inspection g57,50 T Remarks O FEE ' , ' Nough-in Daie t' ' ncal N ^soectoq nereby certity [het the above Final nte irispection has Oaen (? ? ?? made. Thls reaueat vold 18 months fmm C?rr#ifirtttr nf (Orrupttnrg Citp of Cagan 33rpbrftttent nf Bui[hing jJnsprrfimt Tbit CMifiratc irrurd purruant w tbc requinmrnu of Section 306 of tbe Unifosm Bnilding Codc catifying that at the time of ittuarue tbir ttrutturr wat in tompliance with tbr variour o,dinararr of the City ngulatrng building ronttruaion or utt. For the folloutinK: SF DWG/GAR 7991 O-warTYa R3 7Ywc?? V e;,?. NA z, w,, Rl o,,,?.,fB„od;,6 Ozmun-Pederson, Ing.K, 7700 145th St. W. , Apple 4632 Parkridge Dr. L?,, Lot S.Block 3 Park Cliff By aI July 14, 1983 .a.. ?» . ?....?wa. ..,? ? ? ? YF-- o?yRa -?`_c"i q;l ?. f• ?"?-a ? \\ 7 Or 'ELeVAT1 oN3 g Ex1sT. /! o" -. PROPc7eP ? Z-JII.fl ?-...._.__ /o --o -y" ,64Z: - a ? - zd-?' ? ? f !'-'"' F?-*` ..--_i ???.-?t?-? ? ??r-r-?- ? r-?c? I' ° ?---- -.c.?ut---? , .? I i ? 1?-----_? CI-4 3!? lt-4c_.. 7x_x-:> r.zrv aF r_neAn r.FlSiia:rr;: ., , zERMzNAi.. no. bs-30 nArE: 08i09i99 rlMi-n 0:3033 ID; MAME.: I1Al1f"MAN' SFIEL1' ME.TAI.. E= It(:)DF]:NG :320 9001 4632 f'AFiF.RDG DR 1.1.102 i 205 9001 4Er:3C^ I"Y'IF\F:RUG DFi 2.50 ? 'rpt.--.i:l. 4teceip+, Attiount; K3.75 CF05028 lJSfTt ID: 7FlN ??Y??Kk? ?Y?Y?Xt ??C??7K?k7ktX?k ?%?k?F?kYFM?FSk?kM?%k # ??K ?k?X?F? Xt?C 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAM 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 681-4675 New Construdion Reouirements • 3 registered site surveys ? 2 capies of pWns (inUude beam & window sizes: poureC fid. design; Mc.) ? 1 energy talwlations ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan N bt platted after 711/93 required: _Yes _ No DATE: ?? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: K ridqQ . Z) ,- Q LOT: ? BLOCK: 3 SUBD./P.I.D. #: V (Ja`? ? J PROPERTY OWNER Name: 1\ u l IffitI( o, 'S1cv)e? Phone #: w-QI S-(1 (-Q`V 1 Las[ First Street City >3a RemodeUReoair Reauiremants ?S. 9 - 99 ! ? 2 copies of plan ? 2 sRe surveys (ezterior adCRions & decks) • 1 energy calculatians for heateC addittans CONSTRUCTION COST; H i 5l?« ? 1 '' n?1 cIa Stau: W `1 ?1 Zip: CONTRACTOR Company:_Y?m Caw P(Js\ 1 one#: ? IS l ? ? 1, Street Address: aS ?\ ?? IYf IJ?X- License # -J-a? 4 City ?1 Q 1S^ State: Zip: S314o to ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone ;:artsa: R;;gistra.:on #: Street Address: City State: Zip: Sewer & water Iicensed plumber (new construcbon onry): and lot change is requested once pertnit is issued. Penalty applies when address chang .I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicaGon and sfate that the infortnation is correct and agree to wmply with all applicabl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes No _ rvoc rcequirea OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Dupiex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-piex E3 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-piex ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _-plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? O 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace ? ? 15 Deck ? 36 Move ? 37 Demolition Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Zoning sq. ft. # of Stories sq. ff. Length sq. ft. Depth Footprint sq. ft. APPROVALS Planning Building Permit Fee 1? l_2S Surcharge r^isn Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Wafer Conn. VHater Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Pecmit SNV 5urcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: 1 \ -t Engineering Valuation: $ Variance 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. 5AC Code Census Bldg Census Unit ? , % s,ac SAC Units i^ r NOTE: 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN ALL CONTRACTOftS MUST BE LICENSED NITH THE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS d? To Be Used For: Valuation: 0 Date: Site Address: (/ ? 3al q r f,;q/4 o 1-)(`. OFFICE USE ONLY Lot: ? Bloc? Sect/Sub?A" lC Cb D?ect emodel Parcel # Repair - Enlarge Owner Move Demolish Addre: Grade City/i Phone ? Contra Addres City/Z Phone Arch./Engr. ? Address ?r City/Zip Code I/ Phone # I / APPROVALS x Occupancy Zoning Type of Const ll of Stories Length Depth Sq Ft Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council d Unit Bldg Off Parks APC Treatment P1 Variance TOTAL ao,o() %. { IiS9'F:R70H ENVfLOPE AVERArg ^l' COMPUTATION wner??f?(??????/ hV N?T_r -Address - - -Plione-^-_----? y- «al DescriPtion of Froperty: Lot rj__elock 3 Addir:ongjf2jG G(r/?? _Da[e q'??/ ite Address AVERACE LINEAL FEE9 OF EXPOSED WALL ARF.A ABOG^: CRADE ain level , p?? Lineal ft. of framed wall ahove grade/ q'B x height :( wall ? v?L /? r'o- im joist area Q Lineal ft. of rim x height ..___?_??` ?- ,ower level 3'S 6.0 Lineal ft. of framed wall above grade sj x height wall ty. ?{ Lineal ft. of masonry wall above grade 6 p x height c-t,ove grade / TOTAL wall area above grade including ,iindows and doors 1IM1DOk'S: Area x "U" value lake & type MGO 6:?M'T? „.?f?4 9. „ It Sq .t 04 S- ZOX 3 6 S, .? sq. „ „ . ? ?,?X36 r?.sq. „ „ _ -7- - z.anaz 71_0 SQ- It s{,zoXbo 6,.33 Sq• I. I _ ZO 1C kZ S, 8 59 • .. ?? SQ sq sq. -- n n ____' _?SQ• sq. sq. `-_ sq • sq Sq n n gq, S9 :)OORS: Area x "U" value yake & type J' OX (, 8 b rL•10dK. s9 " ?? f- 2@XG 57G• 7J[rD'R- 54 r1rLd A'(JzIUM 59 ?c 3_6_s1 Da. i r6 5q OPAOUE WALL CONSTRUCTION; Area x"U" value sq. 5q. Detail refer^ Am?,y'WALG Sq ence from "12 -wn i b ,Y A Qt;-? 8q attached -,Mg-to CN W_ Y w aLJ? Sq sheets Sq sq. Z6?,a = ZS .S = i;894.? ft. X ?fUll _ -- (U) (A) ft.` X ?lt)(A) fe. z 5,0 X ??U???,?^= 11. z6 (t,) (n) _ ft. "U" , 4r = L?.LO (U) (A) ? fc. 6.,3 (r? (n) ft.! 33.3L x L'? '?- (U) (A) fc.- 9?1=X v,?-?? = Z.61 (u) (A) ft. __ X nU„ _ (U) (A) ft.? X IIUI1 _ (U) (A) ft.- X IOU,, - (U) (A) ft.! X O.U11 _ (U) (A) fr.? - x ? (u)(n) ft. - -X 'lull _ (L') (A) ft.? X "U., _ (Ci) (A) ft.? X (L'•) (A) ft. ?- X (Ll) (A) ft. x itU'. (D) (A) C f ^ ? (U) (A) . fc. z, o x ??U?? , oGG = J,38 (u) (,a) ft.- X .?U?? 3, L-_ (U) (:t ) ft._ ?0 33 x nLr" - • ?'s ? (i') (' 1 ft. X Ilull ft.^ X 5z I ?t,`? o ! 3 6' ? ? __L-- ---- "3- cv> c'? ' ; ft..LZX ::v:l (LT)C.,) ft. ?? X ft. .-- o X G . ??U????_- -- Z 7, 60 (?`) (,?) ft.? X U_ - (ti} (.4) ft. ? X ?lUll _ (ll) C,11 1'OTAL Wall Area Including Windows 5 Doors TOTAL (ll)(A) ???•? 7U'1'AL (U) (A) VALUF.S AVG. "0" -- DTVIDED P,Y 1'OTAL WALL AREA r g'{ AVERAGE "1'" Minimum .ll or less for 1& 2 family :3wellings Minimum .22 or less for all other bu:ldings NoTF.: !f avrraRe "U" values as calculated above do nr,, meet the Energv Code requirements, the "Hlurnate F.nvelope Ilesign" as fndicated on Pagc 5 may be used. . , iew MdLL SmCTIuAo Top V NOTE: Use lUyo , of opaque wall area . ? £or framin?l??? membera ?--'-'-'-- R-Value FRAMING MEMBERS I'; WALLS _Exterior air_f tim _-.•• - -.._ -. _---- -_ _ Siding Sheathing V 5? ° soft vood Y^ dry wall Interior a3r fZm '68 ?- TOTAL R = ? Z U=1/R U? rd? _ FRAME? WALL (2) Exterior air film Siding ---- -- --• G 7 u 1, 38 .45 - 6 7 1,36 .45 Sheathing Cr batt inaul<:'r_ion Y" drv wail Interior air f'Lm u = 1/x p = •O RIH JOEST ARF.', Exterior air f lm Siding • (° 7 Sheathing t 3U - _° 1.88 1?" soft wood , Ins,lta to „??? f, li• ._. ? y' ? - .68 Interior air ---- TOTAL H = ? 7j• ?O u= i/R u= MASONRY WALL _ Exterior air f; lm I ?/, 12^ concrete b locic ?"-"----- Insulation Interior air iilm U = IiR .68 TnTAi R = Z Z' 37`12 .68 TOTAL R LT 4& ? - ; ROOF CF.ILIN(: ? - __ _ ' _ Out:.ide'ais film __. _ __ _ _ .bl • . Insul:ition ,-= - - - -4- = - - 31" Di.7wall .45, Intertor air Hlm U = /R Inter:or air film Outs'3e air Insu) stion Dr,?wall __45 --??- U = ' /R ? i (. _ 1 Outsile air €ilm .61 TOTAL R = 4 ?" _-___ ?• - -7 . U =--- .61 TOTAL R = U = .ll Suilt up.sncaPilw Insu:stion Wood Aecking InterCor air film .61 . ' TOTAL R = U = I/R U ----- --- - ROOF/CEILING: TGTAL AREA: sq, ft. Detail reference "U" , OZ x sq, ft: _ ?(II) (A) from above. "U" x sq. ft.` _ (L')(A) Describe openings x sq. ft. _ ?U??A? in roof "U° x sq. ft. _ ??» ?A? - -- ??Un x sq. ft. _ (17)(A) ---- ?.Un x sq. ft. _ (t)(n) ----- ??U?? -,c sq. ft. _ (U) (A) ; OTALS (POD sa. ft. U_(lt) (A) T'OTAL (U) (A) VALUtiS p nIVIDED BY TOTAL P.UOF/ AVG. "U" CEILIAG AREA AVE}tA(:E "Il" .OS for ventilated roofs ,10 for all other construction N(l'CE: ] f aver:+y.e ". " va] ues as calculated above do no _ meet the Engerp,y Code requirements, the "Attcrna[e I:naelope Design" as indicated on Pa??.;, 5 may be used. l3) PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA166752 Date Issued:02/02/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4632 Parkridge Dr Lot:5 Block: 3 Addition: Park Cliff PID:10-56700-03-050 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Pete DeGrood at (507) Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ossama M Issa 4632 Parkridge Dr Eagan MN 55123--213 (612) 868-4439 Bonfe's Plumbing & Heating 455 Hardman Ave South St. Paul MN 55075 (651) 228-7140 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature