4641 Penkwe WayCASH RECEIPT CITY OF - EAGAN . 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE RECfi1VEG 19 AMOUNT Is ? a ooLLAws +ee ? CASH ? CHECK FOR White-Payera Copy Yellow-Pottinp Copy Pink-File Copy Thank You ?,-?? BY CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Additfm, JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE 3Y'd ADQITION Lot 1 wlk 3 Pefml#10 39802 010 03 owner street4641 Penkwe Way StatB Eagan hIN 55122 , Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Reoeipt Date STREET SURF. 1981 P • STREET RESTOR. GRAOING SAfY SEW TRUNK 1975 Paid UIld T OTl inal arce * SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL • WATERAREA ZZ,. 1980 Pa d d T or' ina c STORM SEW TRK * STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. 6021 sAC 525.00 20340 8/7/80 PARK dITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition JOEIIVNY CAKE RIDGE 37cd ADDITION Lot 2 Owner fouFf+ Ltai`,Dil Street 464111 Fenkwe 3 P8r,,910 39802 020 03 .._ __ Eaaan hIN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Peyment Receipt Rate STREET SURF, S 1981 Paid und r OI'1 inal arce STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1975 Paid U?ld r OTl inal arce ,t SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN * WATERLATERAL 1983 WATER AREA 1980 Paid und r OTl inal arce STORM SEW TRK * STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition JOEINNY CAKE RIDGE 31'd ADDITION Lat 4 Rik 3 parcef10 39802 040 03 Oyvner r't ?? f ; ; L v,01? r? street 4643 Penkwe Way state Eagan NAi 55122 Improvement Date Amaunt Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. ss 1981 Paid und r OTl 1ri11 arce STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1975 Paid llIld I' OTl inal arce * SEWER LATERAL 6- WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 42,7- 19$0 Paid Ulld T OTl inal arce STORM SEW TRK 60-06 * STORM 5EW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN, BUILDING PER. 6074 SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition J01-INNY CAKE RIDGE 3rd ADDITION Lot 3 aik 3 Pefcei #10 39802 030 03 Owner Cfc? 1-1101?_ 1I246street_4643h Penkwe Way StaLBEagan M 55122 Improvement Date Amouni Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, s's' 1981 Paid Wld T OY'1 inal arce STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1975 PS1.C1 11I1d T OTl inal arce * SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN ?c WATER LATERAL 1991 WATER AREA 42.2- 9$ Paid und r OY'1 inal arce STORM 5EW TRK ? STORM SEW LAT iggi CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUIIOING PER. SAC PAR IC INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: ,' I N'i 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 ?• ? j Oate fssued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: 't? ?! F ?., ! i hll• I II iiAY I ? Fdi i?f!•F r i r1f t tc l l:?l;t tIitl t?, i.' ? h.i ? /?SE,?t ? J PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: , ;,ii i;i ,,f. (,IE '.1Is 1 I? i P 1?(`i t f;l. ('1 Fl{ { il[I h) Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone 1f ELECTRlC PLUMBING NVAC Inapection Data insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL CaYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAI PL6G FIMAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAI BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK F7G ? ?r N OECK FINAL 1V V ? - t--- --- -- ----- ------- V INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERIIAIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ?; i M. Or r APPLICANT: ?? ? ? i:?.• i r N1,iar wAY j.I I itiiiNNY i Ak.F ki[?liF. :iRp (al? ) t-,.i/ ?bhA ? tti? ? i n r r?r? fifi /klsl /??[; -1 l? J PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: , . Idl IJ 1. r I .? r f it itl ( F? 1 i'' ! A f. F p'1 F: IV I) Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone N ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC inspectlon Date Insp. Commenta FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUM8ING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG ll! i DECK FItJAL -- -- ?O ? 1 Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN FiII in numbered spaces Type or Prini /egibly 1. Date 2, Installation Cost 3. Job Address ! Lot Blk. 4. Owner Permit No. Fee S/C Tot. - Tract 5. Contractor • ? ? 'Phone 6. Address 7. City i State Zip ? $. Building Type: Residential ? 9. Work Description: New ? 10. Describe 11. Commercial ? Institutional ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cess ool/Drainfield Bath tubs p Septic Tank Lavatory ft e S Shower n r o Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. t hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ? for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 't'-QA/Kut It Li 3F19_1 ; n . . , P EF MIT # .. eEt ,7 _a-/_& F MECHANIOAiL PERMIT RECEIPT # 9 -:2- P16 ? CITY 00 FAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55122 DATE CONTRACT PRICE , , : PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address `" t '. ; ' BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot r Block ? Sec/ ub, ' Res. New - ? Add-on Mult m Name m Address J Comm. Repair c Ciry 1'+;_..I It Vi i I ILc.! Phone Other Name FEES RES HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24 00 ? ? Address . . ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 p City Phone S'? ' f ?& KI (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW _ CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn - 1 50 EA . . TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 196 OF CONTFiACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLJES Boiler M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & Unit Heater M BTU REMdDELS - 12.00 Air Cdnd /8 = a ? M BTU MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 . STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 Vent. CFM (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # BEYOND $1,000) Other FEE - S/C: SI T EE TOTAL• FOR: CITY OF EAGAN - • crnr oF EAGAN 3795 Pilof Knob Road Eagon, MH 55124 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Site /1ddi Lot Pcrcel # Block ? Sec/Sub. 1'11V•Cak@ Rdg. 3 t _. . - "i)aUIl nou?s Name urriu liL W 3 Address ^M1712 HOp_'= i*13 Crsrd. ic_ c p ? Name ,o - Zu Address VI I?:... o,_-- Nome _ Address Receipt # Erect IL"Y Alter ? Repair ? Enlarge ? Move p Demolish ? Grode ? Water & Sew. Pol ice Fire Eng. Planner Council Pertnit $urcharge Plon check 5AC ' Woter Conn. ?- ' • ??? Water Meter Road Unit I hereby acknowledge that I have reod this application and state that gldg. Off. the informotion is oorrect ond ogree to comply with all opplicable Stote of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Engan Ordinances. APC Total -? Siyncture of Permittee ' A Building Permit is issued to: T l'-omSo"' ?"lanes on the expreu condition thot oll work shall be done in occordonte w(th all opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eagon ardinonces. Building Official N° 6023 Occupancy . Zoning T Fire Zone - 3 Type of Const. # Stories Front ft. Depth ff. fees ?emM # pate InMd P«wMlM Plumbing • nn!? e icol -7 7-7 INSPECTIONS DATE INSA. Rough-In Finol Footings Date Insp. Dute Insp. Foundation Frame ins. Plumbing Mechonical Firwl - _ Fy Remorks: _ s? 14 '2 y ?- C1TY OF EAGAN 3745 Pilot Knob Rood Eagan, MN 55122 PHOtV E: 4548 i 00 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # N° 6024 To be used for Est. Value Date , 19 Site Address - -, Erett actupancy Lot Block 5ec/Sub. •?- ''d',• Alter ? Zoning Repai r ? Fire Zone parcel # Enlorge E] Type of Const. a c Name Move ? ,# 5tories W 3 Address 1712 >:Opk=i.^. >;t ST'd. Demolish (3 Front f ft. ? f ':w. ".-i -,nn+nr?7ro II;/l _7Z1'2 Gfade ? Depth '?1 I ft. p Name _ ?? Address r r:w. Name _ Address t hereby ocknowledge thot I have reod this application and stute Yhat the information is correct and ogree to Comply with oll opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Woter & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Permit - ' ' Surcharge Plan check ' SAC Water Conn. ),? Water Meter Road Unit Total Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that oll work shall be done in accordonce with all applicoble Stote of Minnesotn Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 88w Building Officiol Paemit # DaM Inwd PwnltM Plumbing Wp.1z,1JA- - - Mechanical ?5?? INSPECTIONS I DATE INSP. Rough-In Firal Footings Dote insD• Date Inap. Foundotion Frame s Plumbing Mechanical ' Final fd-a/-dr'0 oe_ Remarks: ?.?e..? -y- ?-s? CITY OF EAGAN , . ` 3795 Wlot Knob Rood No. Eagan, Minnewta 55122 Pkowa: 454-8100 PERMIT Dote: Slte Address: Loc 4643 Penkwe Wag Bixk 3 Sub/Sec. -ThnY•CakQ Rclr--' 3 INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FQR ALL INSPECTIONS ?G794 Receipt No.: Single Residentiol 1 Of L, Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I Nome -.^'iTl ThOmp80A HOR1L3 New/Alter./Repair rF'e ? Address ?712 Hapkin8 Crerd. Cost of Instollotion City ' iIlri@t,OTl}ZA, ?`!(Il. Phone: rV1 -'71?? Pe?mit Fee ')V@SlZ@1 N.4@Q11AItiCii?. `.? Nume Suttharge . ? Address r){? Kennebec Dr. ? • i .' = -, 5 City Phone: Tota I This Permit is issued on the express condition thot oll work shall be done in accordante with OII oppliCOble 5tate of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordinonces. Buildiny Offlcial Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Fill in numbered spaces Type or Prini legrbly 1. Date _ 2. Installation Cost Permit No. Fee - S/C Tat- • 3. JobAddress . ' ,., I_;•?Lot Blk. 4. Owner Tract - . C1;3 5. Contractor ?1tn7C `i,eatin;' Phone 6. Address ' F'i'' `"• ` c^ s-n I'•. vP _ 7. City -,? State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential 1?3 Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New Q;• Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type 11. No, Equioment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM dli Ai H Mfg. r an ng: Boilers Mfg, Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: for s Rough Final • Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. .Approved CITY QF EAGAN 454-6100 :/ ' CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pitot Kno6 Rood Eogon, MN 55122 N? 6 U L ? PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT ReceiPt # Te be wnd for Est. Vafue Date - , 19 Site Address ' Erect ja Octupancy Lot Block Sec/Sub. _ .? Alter p Zoning Pnrcel # - Repair C] Fire Zone Enlarge ? Type of Const. W Name Move ? # Stories ; Address Demolish ? Front b Ci '.,or!•:a . phone Grade ? Depth ' R. Approvats Fees p Name _ Assessrnent - --'? Permit ?? Address Water & Sew. Surcharge F Ci Ph°^e Police Plan check ? W NQme Fire SAC 525•' i? Address E n g. Water Conn. ?5 • ??` ?W c ph Plcnner Water Meter ??• n? i orte Council Road Unit lF"' S • ??? ( hereby acknowledge that I have reod this opplicotion ond stote thut gldg. Off. the informotion is corred and ogree to wmply wiih all applicable Stote of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinantes. APC Toto! $iQncture of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that oll work shall be done in occordance with oll cppliwbie State of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinnnces. Buifdirng Officiol rorwlf # Dste Irwd IeeditM Plumbing - Mecbonicol ;7 INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rouph-In finol Footinqs M-43. Date Insp. Dute Insp. Foundotion Plumbing Frome ins Mechaniwl (p -JU Fincl ot? Remarks: /?-;z Recaipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numb8red spaces S/C ' Type or oiinr legibly Tot. 1, Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address ? Lot B lk. Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor n r Phone - ' 6. Address ; , , ?.1? •1 ?. Y . . . , 7. City i's State Zip ??z-c!'1 8. Building Type: Residential Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New P Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type 11. No. Eauioment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. EquiPment CFM dli Ai H Mfg, an ng: r Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that tfie above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for • Rough Final ' Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. . Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464$100 No. 1912 CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilet Knob Reed Eogae, Minneaora 55122 Pheea: 454-8100 PERMIT Dote: ?1-8n Site Address: 464li P@I1kVf8 V!Bj+ Lot Block ? Sub/Sec. S? • C??' R?' • 3 Npme ?'lr2'iII Th0M80I1 HOme3 ; Address 1`71? l:OUkiriB CI'82'd. O City 'UI1rietOIlk9, M21. PFwne• 54 f: Name ?C'1:,@l I'IBCti8I1tCH1 r ? Address V 1;10 Ke'Y122@bBC UY' . " -1 "6 City ? - Phone: ?r52? 5 This Permit is issued on the express condition thot oll work shall be Minnesota 5tatutes nnd City of Eagon Ordinonces. INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS ze7<-?4 Receipt No.: Single I Residential 1 O.i 4 i",: Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repcir Cost of Instollation " Permit Fee ? Sj?rrFv?rna Tota i done in accordance with oll applitable Stote of Building Officiol • • cIrr oF EAGAN 3795 Pilet Knob Rood Eagen, MN 55122 N? 6021 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To w wsd ior Est. Vclue Dcte . 19 Slte Address Erect ? Occupancy Lot Block Sec/Sub. • Alter ? Zoning Repoir p Fire Zone Parcel # _ E l f Con t T n arge ? . ype o s W Nome Move 0 # Stories ? Address Demolish ? Front h. Ci Phone Grode ? Depth ft. p Name Approvols Feea Assessment u? Address - ~ Cit Phone Water & Sew. °C Pol ice Name Fi F W m ?? Addreu Eng. a W Ci Phone Planner Council I hereby ocknowledfle that I hwe reod this application and state that Bldg. Off. _ the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicuble State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. APC Permit Surcharge Plan check _ SAC ' i,n1 Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Totol ' Signature of Permittee _ I A Building Permit is issued to: ?on the express condition thct oll worlc shall be done in occordance with oll applicoble Stote of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Officiol Perwit # DeM hwd ?ars1MM Plumbing // Ll Me onical ? l -/ - 1NSPECTIONS DATE IHSP. Rouqh-In Final Fpptings ? D Dote Insp. Dote Insp. Foundation Piumbing Frame/ins. Mechonical ? Final -? ? Remorks: b?. ? Reoaipt ' MECHANICAL PERMIT Psrmit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prini /egib/y , T t o . 1. Date -- 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address LotBlk. "j Tract .T?r,y,??'-• 4. Owner ",c. n3o:, 5. Contractor yr ;": Phone `%25-6"67 6. AddresS 4637 1"Zi 7. City . ? '5 51 State Zip , 8. Building Type: Residential Commercial ? institutional ? 9. Work Description: New 0 Add ? Alter 0 Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type 11 No. Equi2ment HTU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. EQUiament CFM Air Handlin : Mfg. g Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for I Rough Final • Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 No. Date: cin oF E?GAN 3795 Pilof Knob Road Eogan, Minnesota 55122 P6one: 454-8100 PERMIT Site ^ddress: 4641 Fen?rre ',;'ay Lot i Block 5ub/Sec. ,2?nL'. C3ke Nome ??,in nicmU80A HOL^.@9 . ? Address '-71:' hO-pkiI18 CxBrd. ? City ir]net,ollka. I'fr1 Phone• 5,,?4-733`, Nome P_`LPZ ?'jCC$@ILiCal- p. L ? Address '1) Kennebec Dr. 3 CitY -, "In- Phone: 4: '-_565 This Permit is issued on the express condition thot oll work shall be Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinonces. INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: ' 'n94 $ingle I Residential 1 C'r ? T'Trx Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repair vlei Cost of Instollution 2; Permit Fee Surcharge Total done in accordance with oll applicoble Stete of Building Official ?CITY QF EAGAN 1NATER SERVICE PERMIT F 7'15 Pilof Knob Rood agon, MN 55122 o ning; Owner: jAddress: Site Address: Plumber: M r N er o. , Connection Charge: Size: Account De posit: Reader No.: Perm(t Fee; ' ( dgree fo comply with the City of Eogari Surchar9e: Ordinonces. Misc. Charges: ToYol: 8y Dote Poid: Date of Insp.: Insp.: CITY OF EAGAM SEVI/ER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Piiot Knob Road - Fagan, MN 55122 PERMIT Na.: Zoning; DATE: Owner: No, of Units: Address: S+te Address: Pl umber: ? agrea b eomply with the Cify of Eagon O Bi Connection Charge: r nonees. , Account Deposit: Permit Fee: B Y Surcharge: Misc. Chorges: Dote of Insp.: Ins : Totol: p. e • Dote Poid: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pitot Knob Road PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55122 DA7E: Zoning; No. of Units: Owner: . PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: Address: - hpr, IVo.: to eomplY with the City of Eogon Dote of Insp.: _ Connection Charge: _ Account Deposit: - PermiY Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Charges: Total: Date Paid: - 1 nsp.. ¦ CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 105 Piloe Kno6 Road PERMIT NQ.: Eagan. MN 55122 ? DATE: zoning: No. of Units: Owner: ? Address: W Site Address: I ogroa ta eomply with the City of Eagan Ordinances. By Date of I nsp.: CJonnection Charge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Charges: - Total: Date Paid: WATER SERVICE PERMIT ITY ^i EAGAN 795 Pilot Knob Road :S; PERMIT NO.: yen, MN 55122 DATE: . .Zoning: No. of Units: . - Owner: Address: - - Site Address: ?. +Plumber: Connection Chorge: Meter No.: _ Account Deposit: Size: permit Fee: Reoder No.: 1 ogree fo eop+plY with the City °f Eagan 5urchorge: Misc. Chorges: Oedinoncep. ' Totnl: Dote Paid: '8Y : Date of Insp.: InsP': . SEINER SERVICE PERMIT CITY Or EAGAN PERMIT NO.: 3i 95 Pilof Knob Road DATE: Eogcn, MN 55122 ?•10. of Units: Zoning: Owner: Nddress: ' Site Address: Plumber: ?- ree bcomP}Y with the Cfir of Eagan 1 C.onnection Chorge: ag Acoount Deposit: _ Qrdinanees. permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Chorges: - BY Total: _- Date of Insp.: Date Poid: Insp.: ClTlf flF EAGAN 3795 Pilof Knob Rosd E,9ar., MN 55112 Zoning p mer: Acldress: Site Address: Piumber: Meter No.: Size: Reader No.: I a9me to C'mply with the Cify of Eagon Ordinonoes. By - Dote of Insp.: CITY OF EAGAN $7q5 Pilof Knob Road Eoynn. MN 55122 zoning: pwner: Address: Site Address: Plumber: WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERAhIT NO.: DATE: _ No, of Units: Connection Charge: Account Oeposit: permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Char9es: Total: Date Paid: I nsp. : gEWER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: _ No. of Units: ree M eomply with the City of Eagan Connection Charge: ag Account deposit: rdinanees. Permit Fee: Surcharge: 1V{isc. CFxirges: y 8 Total: Dute of Insp.: `.I nsp.: Dote Paid: ?. • ? ? E. r y ?. , ^ .. . s H .n.?;':'?e?' .?.. •''?`}, ' ' ? -?. ???:' '<r r •. n, ? V 1 ? - ' . ?,? . . . . . . . •. ' . . ' ? . . . ??. .?"r . .. ? - . .¢I" ? _ ' ' ' _ _ ' _ "? _ •.u 4_ ? J . . ? - r ??G...'. --?? J. .... ? s9 3 ? b`5?9 5°° 3'?' ,C3 3 - 5 Request Dale 3-? 3 FtYNO. Ro - Inspedion qe ?? eatly Now C Will Notity Inspector nR tl ? Wh jYas N. y e ea I>61censed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Aaaress (SVeeL Box or R ute No 1 ? ? Giry ?' y f Ll c G Sec1ion No. Township Name or No. Range No. Coun?y O OCCUOdnI(PPINT) Phone No. Po Sup iier L Atltlres ' N Ele cai Conv tor ?COmOany Nam CD , Conlractor5 Licanse No. C OGc? 75 Ma?iin aearess ?COnacmr n Owner Making ?ns?a afion ? n? v ? Awhoriietl SlgnaWre IComracto ner Ma' ing Installationl ?y P one Number _7 3 MINNESOTA STATE BOARD Oi ELECTRICITY THIS INSPEGTION REOUEST WILL NOT Grigqe-MlEway eldg. - Room 5470 8E ACCEPTED Bv THE STATE BOARD 1821 Unlvereliy Ave., 5t. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(812)6a3-0800 ENCLOSED. 3ja'.5/7c3 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION t"?'"'-k ? ee.ooom- d 0792 4 See instmo??ons for co =peting ihls lorm on back of yallow copy, g' "X" Below Work Covered by This Request e Ad9 iiep: ° TypeoBUilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplez Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Othea{Spa Comm./Industrial Furnace / Farm Air Conditioner Other(syecily) ConVacror§ Remarks. Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Olher Fee # ServiceEntranCeSize Fee # Grcults/Feeder5 Fee Swimming Poal 0 l0 200 Amps o to 100 Amps Trensiormers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs Inspeciw5 Use Only: ? TOTAL ' Irriqation eooms ?j - OCJ s 'S Q Special Inspection AlarmlCvmmunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORD RED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby if Rou9n-in oate cert y that the above inspection has been made. F;nei oa? OFFICE USE ONLY This request voitl 18 momhs trom ?? no This;eyuest void 18 months from ISateof is Request 3 11-71 sI Fire No. T 33v57 I, as?'t?Q Licensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal N?(ring installed at: Street Address or Route No. '1w3 PrZNKW6- lL\k"y City aw' Section Township Range CountyDAMTA ,Which is occupied by Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? YeK Ready Now ? Will CalJXf Power Supplier Address F*' Ujl4w Electrical Contractor ??-`'? ?`' Contractor's License Nb'? (COmpany Nam<) Mailing Address _ I?1 ( ? • o-.{fj`- "M. Authorized tractor or Owner Making This Installatlon) -74n- ' Phone No. or Own Meking This Installatlon) ????f ? ????? ?(??? This inspection request will not be accepted 6y the ?J ? State Board unless proper inspectian fee is enclosed. mmnesoca niace aoaro or oiecvici y Griggs Midway Bldg. - lioom N191 '3+327 l(piversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - PFwne 297•2711 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION C EGA13ELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST EH-00001_02 ?f T 3355'l 7ype oP Building New Add. Rep: -Check Appliances Wired Em Cheek Fquipment W¢ed For Hotne ?- ? Rangc Temporary Wiring Duplex ? ? Watet Heater Lighting Pirztures Apt. Bldg. ? ? ? Dryer ? Electric Heating ? Commeicial Bldg. 0 ? ? Fumace Silo Unloader ? Industrial Bldg. 0 ? ? A'u Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? List List Other ? ? ? Hehers? - 1 Oeh?ers? H 1 LOMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW ecvice Entiance Size: # Fce Feedeis& Sub[ceders: # Fee C'vcuits: # Fee 0 to 300 Am . 0 to 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am ies 101 to 200 Am s. 31 to 100 Ampeces 31 to 100 Am eres q,tJd A 00 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. T ?? s-'. RemoteContxolCirc. Partialoiotherfee 5 Special lnspection Minimum fee 55.00 Re ks ' TOTAL FE I, the Electrical Inspectoi, herehy (Final) Ttus request void 18 months from has been Date Cy?? )Date s? - This request void 3 18 montFi&from Date o this Request Fire No. I 3 3 5 5 6 I,%aLicensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal %Yiring installed at: Street Address or Route No. l/Z City Section Township Range Countypb"Tk Which is occupied by Is a roughin inspec[ion required on this job? No ? Y Ye?t Ready Now ? Will CaUX17 Power Supplier ps,?- Address llpm4aUN Electrical Contractor UtL- 6-&Tf4? Contractor's I.icense NA-,f7_5V (COmpany IVame) Mailing Address _L , -C-.1 f f _?? Authorized or xo. (eiecVlcal ConVacror or Owner maKln9 rnls InstallatlonJ This inspection request will nat 6e accepted hy the &iS ?"? State Boerd.unless praper inspeetion fee is enclased. • Mfnnesota State Board of Electricity . Griggs Midway Bldg. - Room N791 ? EB-00001-02 7821 U Paul, Minn. 55104 - Phone 297-2111 a? BEQUEST niversity Ave., St. ELEC THIS EOUEST INSPECTION 13 T 3 3 5 5 6 CHECK BELOW WORKOCO ERED BYRICAL Type ot Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliancea Wired Foi Check Fquipment Wired For Home ? ? ? Range ? Temporary Wiring ? Duplex ? ? Water Heater ? Lighting Fixtuies APt. BldB• 11 El D Dryer Electric Hea[ing ? Commemial Bldg. ?? ? Pumace ? Silo Unloader ? Industrial Bldg. ?? ? Av Conditionei Bulk Milk Tank ? p? 0 E] 0 Lis[ List Other ? 0 0 Reh?rs? R?ers# COMPUTE 1NSPECTION FEE BELOW Secvice Entzance Size: n Fee Faeders&Subfeedets: # III Fce Cvcuils: n Fce 0 to 100 Am . 0 fo 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am eres ]Ol to 200 Am s. 31 to 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am eres Abov ;f qbove 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Trans Remote Control Circ. Pa[tialorotherfee Signs ' Special [ns ection Minimum fee 5. Remazks? ?= TOTAL EE -,? ' eq,010 I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certif h t the o e iRspection has bee ade. (Rough-in) Date (Final) /' _ ? Date This request void • 18 months from This renuest void 18 momhs fmm 643821 ?IC1 c"97 `,$`/D °';) ? Lmensetl Electncal ConVacrot 1 M1ereby repuest inspection ol above Owner elechical work installetl aL SveetAddress.BOx L7 ?P ?I orNOUt o.' I ( ? ?W e City , 0 /-_- A-,Lr- 14- eMron o. Townshio Name or No. RanBe No. Cou.jnt?y Occuuant (Pp?T) ? l/ Phone No. v Power Supplie, Address EI Contr ctor ICOmoanv Namel 7 Contrar,lur's License No, ? z?1?v MailinB AtlJress IConVactm or Owner Makinp Inscailationl s xs ;4 C?7- Au ' ed SiBnature nVacto OwnRr Makiny Installationl Phone N umber ? p ( O ?P-7 MINNESOT TpTE BOAPO OF ELECTNICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILI NOT eE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAflD Grigga-MidwaY BItlB. - poom N-191 1821 Uaiversitv Ava.. St. Pnul. MN 55100 UNLESS VROPER INSPECTION FEE IS en..?v iarn aaanann ENCLOSEO. ; SQUESTuFOR E LEC?TR?I CA 91this NSP?E m o?Onaok oi vaiiow coov. #Vh 1'J6 E' 4 3 8-2 1 "X" Be1ow Work Covered by 7his Request New AAd Rep. Tyoe uf Builtling Appllances WireE EquiunieN Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhtin Fixiwev Apt. BuilAinq Dryer Electrlc Heabn Comnercial Bldy. Furnace Silo UOIOAdP.t Industrial Bldy. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm om" -mE„ Snw;fv) ? e.r SUCWfy ther Other Comnute lnspection fee Below p Fee ServiceEnVanceSixe k Fee FendArs/SuGleedars 4 Fex Circuits 0 to 200 Am 5 0 to 30 qm s 0 tn 30 Amas Above 200 qmps, 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 700 qm s Swimming Pool Above 700_Amps Above 100_AmPs Transiormers Irngation Booms ,,$?' Partial-Fee Signs SUecial Inspection TO AL FEG Remarks , ? flooph-in D:rte 1, the Electricnl Inspeclor, heroby rtily thqt the above Fi^al inspection has been metle. Thia request voiC 10 montM trom ? • °° This request void 6 Ae? 3 ' ] 8 month; from 3 . Date o this Request Fire No. 133555 I, as1 Licensed Electrical Contractor 0 Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal winng installed at: Street Address or Route No. City (5?6k(4 Section Township Range County? Which is occupied by HCJt'q (Name ot ?Oc.cc,upant) Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? Ready Now ? Will Calys( n(,, v Power Supplier Address fWA41I+14 Electrical Contractor atd"c' Contractor's License Nk3% e (COmpany Name) Mailing Address E? f1°` V6ue (EI Ica ontratt r or Owner Makln9 ThIs InStallation) ?,q Authorized Signature Phone No. 3/V'J 5x (EI9Ctric con ctor or Owner Makln9 Thls Inztallatlon) ME 39 /? ?? Fl???? This iMpection requert will not 6e aecepted by the (r`?`,{ ?? SWte Board unless proper inspection fee is enclosed. minnesoca brace noara or meccnciry Griggs Midway 81dg. - Room N791 ? EB-00001-02 'r 182t11niversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - Phone 297-2171 Ck}ECK BELOW WORK CO EREDTBY'THIS EQUEST'ON a 3 y? T 3 3 5 5 5 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliancea Wired Foi Check Fquipment WiredPm Home ? ? Range 621 iemporary Wiring ? Duplex ? ? Water Hexter Lighting Fixtures ?v Apt. Bldg. ? ? ? Dryer Electric Heating ? Commercial Bldg. ? ? ? Furnace Sdo Unloade: ? Industrial Bldg. ? ? ? Air Conditionei ? Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? List List Other , ? ? ? p Hehels ? p Reiergj COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW Semice Entrance Size: # Fee Feedecs&Subfceders: # Fee C'vcuits: s Fce 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am eres < 101 to 200 Amps. 31 to 100 Am res 31 to 100 Am eres 00 Abo . „_Amps. Above 100 Ampa Above 100 Amps. Tra s r rs: RemoteConGOlCirc. Partialor otherfee Sign - Spe cial Ins ection Minimum fee $5.0 Rem - : TOTAL FE . fp I, [he Electrical Inspector, hereby certify e a speEtion has been e. (Rough-in) ?ate ? (Final) - -Date >- 4lr --Ft This request void 18 months from .. . t, , , , , .... , _. . ? ? ??,??#tf?rtt?r ?uf V9rrU;Pa1tr# ?. ,.. .. Citp uf (Eagan P}ttTfritPYlf ? Bltil?ltrii? ..?1t9}1PtfiDYl Tbir CMifrtatc inued Qurtur{nt to tix +equiremtntr of Section 306 of the Urtifo.m BuiWing, Code trtif)ing tbat at tlx timt of iss rtanrt tbir rtructure wac in compliance with thr variour ordinanrer o f the City ngulating building connrurtion or uJe. For the f ollawing: U.Cn 1 of 4 PLEX BIdB. Pemut No. 6OtZm3 ??YiYPa fl3 'h•PCm+wctlon V FireZOne 3 Zooi?Dinrict . r? . . o _?? Y-1, 1981 ? , ? .. „ ?IC,;ow?...« '. . _ . ??rr#i#irtttie nf..(Orrixpttnry : .. ° Citp nf (Eagan . , Dr}rartmrni af louildittg lnspertimt Tbi.r CMifitatt issuud purruant to tlx nqsiremrnu of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Codt artifying that at tlx timt of iatuantt tbis strHausc wur rn compliance witA tbr variout ordinaarrr of thr City rrgulrrting building connrurtion or rur. For tlx following: UmClutlOuGw I Ol 4 P•.••.• BIdg.PemitNo. "0u4 o-war'iYa R3 'hwc?uw V Fl. Z. 3 zminsowma PD o„..f&,,,d?a Orrin ThOIDpson ,,,,,n,1712 HOD7rins Grerd., Mtln By 3 amo.i Julx-l:-19$, ,? .,_., J? .;;, `?rr#iftr?#? nf (?rru?ttnr? Citp of eagan Drpttriment nf lgutlbing Insprditm ;Tbir Cnti fitate irtued Psrsuant to tht rrquiremenu of Sertion 306 o f thr Uni farm Building Code rrrtifying that ru tAe trmt of itanana tbit Jtrurture was in compdiunre with the variour ordinaruet of the City rrgHlating burlding aonrtnution or utc. For the f ollauing: u?cwum?.n? 1 of 4 PLHX Bi?Nu,,;,Na 6022 ' awwMr'rvw R3 rrwcn,?? v FiRz 3 zom% mw« PD ?dftfl?s Orrin Thompaott ,,,,,g 1712 Hopldns Crard., Mtka. ASn& ft 3 R.Wfta,,,? Mu, June 30, 1981 Z?z . .M . CdifM1<6W!'.C[ i i . omrrup "ari'r? " titp of Cagan Drpttrhnrnt uf Btti1D'mg Jnsprrtimt Thu Ccrtificaty itsued pursttant to the reqeirementt of Section 306 of the Uniform Burlding t`=Codi urti f ying that at tix timr a j.ittuana thia ihuaun was in rom pliance with tlx variout ? ordirutnrrt af the City ngulating 6uiJding conrt+uaron or ure. For the following: U. cIII.u,ogum l. OF 4 PLER ema. Ponoit No. 6021 zomv o:,ma ?mar'nv? R3 V ryroc?n? F? z,o. 3 PD 0.? a.e Orrin Thompaon 1712 Hopk2na Crsrd., Mtlfla. Add= 461r1 Penkwe LYey ?,,,YLot 1,Block 3,J1m1Y.0k.R1dg - 16 io P(,By: _ 3. ewwmgomdwd3{?. .Tl1I1C 30J 1981' . .• •. ' M} Ix A CpxpncVWf MC[ ' se+ LRN?IN u.5 P. i CITY OF EAGAN ' 3795 Pilof Kno6 Road Eagian, MN 35122 N2 6021 PMONE: 4548100 ,L ?(J oF? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Rewipt # 3 To be usad fo, 1 of Ci p1eX Est.Value 46,490. pwe 8-6 , 7980 Site Addrew 4641 PenkWe W3Y Erect 'Mx Occupancy E0 Lot 1 Block3_ Sec/Sub. JhTXY.C21i2 Rdg.3 Alter ? Zoning PD Parcel # un ecorded Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge p Type of Const. V c Name (lrrin TYLnmignp Hnmec Move ? # Stories w 3 Address 1712 Hopkins Crsrd. oemu5n ? Fronr 22 n. ° ci Minnetonka, MpMo„e 544-7333 Grade p oePrn 44 n. ? Avvw.ab Feea p Nome 0 ?U Address As:essm F -- Water & Sew. ~ Ci Phone Police Name . Fire ?? Addreu Eng. . aW G Phone Planner , Countil I hereby ackrwwledge that I have read this opplication ond state thot Bldg. Off. the informotion is mrrect and agree to comply with oll opplicable Stote of Minnewta $tatutes and Ciry of Eogon Ordinonces. AP? Signmure of Pertnittee A Butlding Permir is issued ro: Orrin Thompson all work sholl be done iri ocwrdol?te wit¢ oll oppttyable,5tate of Permit 141.1V Surcharge 22.00 Plan check 62.75 snc 525.00 Water Conn. 305.00 Water Meter 60. 00 Road Unit 185.00 l'orul 1,285.25 Homes on the express condition thm MinnesoM Statutes and City of Eagan Ordirwnces. Building Officiol 0 p f 6a;l CITY OF E]aGAN BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/e]evations 6 1 set of energy calculations. 'Ib Be Used For ??1PLu??_ Valuation-4 4611490.00 Date 'X4LY 30. 196 0 Site Pddress: 4Qjj QEpK4,aC Wq-y OF'FICE USE ONLY Lot ? 91ock 3 sec./sub. ?""flyEY gl Parcel Oaner: Pddress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Contractor: unnuv i nvrvirSUN HOMES PJ3dless: a Division of U. 5 F'-.-,o 1712 HOPKIM1S CFOS£ROAD C1ty/ZlP COCI27 flINNFTnNKG reliy'"j Phone #: syy- `7333 Arch./Eng.: Pdclress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Erect -/._ Occupancy Alter Zoning f?-IJ Repair Fire Zone Enlarge _ Type of Const. Nbve # Stories Desrolish Front ?a ft. Grade Depth y/ ft. APPROVIiIB F'EES Assessrents ?Pesmit /a?Sd?._ Water/Sewer Surcharge ;::7-zTOE Polioe Plan CClzzeck 2?f Fire SAC mriq, Wates Conn. 13 !h5` Planner Water Meter ? 60 Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. APC TO'PAL . C'rY EAGAN ? 3795 Pitot :-06 Rond Eegnn, MN 55122 N-0 6022 PNQNE: 454-8700 Y?d BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION I Re<eipt # _ Te be used for 1 0£ 4 plex Est. Vniue 46,490. Date 8-6 1910 Site Address 4641; Penkwe Wa.v Erect }k Occuponcy B,3 Lot-2_ 81ock3_ Sec/Sub.jhny- C:akP RAq,3 Alter ? Zoning PT) parcel # unrecorded Repoir ? Fire Zone 3 Enlorge ? Type of Const. ?? rc Nome Orrin Thompeon Homes Move ? # Stories ; Address 1712 Hopkins Crsrd. oemoiish ? Front 72 tt. Ci hone 54+-73 Grode ? Depth lil? ft. ° ??_ ? Name Avvrovale Fees u? Address Name _ Addreu I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informotion is c»rrect and agree to comply with oll apPlicable State of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Water & $ew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner - Council _ Bidg. Off. - APC Permit 147. JU Surchorge 22 • 00 Plon check 62.75 snC 525.00 Water Conn. 305.00 Water Meter 60.00 Road Unit 1$5.00 Totol 1,285.25 Signoture of Permittee - I A Building Permit is issued ta: OTY'lri ThOIIIpSOn Hom23 on the expresa condition that oll work shall be done in accor nc? ith all,epplicqble innesota 5totutes ond Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Building Officiol ?? .? same CJTY ` r? , 41 1 site plan w/elevations 6 BUIIDING PEfq ION 1 set of energy calculations. 'IU BC' USC'CZ FOr RpLu Gp Valuation-?y6.49o.00 Date 7'uw 30 1980 site Address: 464 1 y,? Q eN?w e WrW oFFIcE usE oNLY ? ? t ? Bl? ?dM"?„ 3 SCC•?Sil}J• ?OGNEy .3rd Parcel #: O.mer: Address: City/Zip Cocle: Phone #: Contractor: vnnilv i nviwr?)UN HOMES P,ddT'2SS: a Division of U. S. F!nne r---- ,;;;ieii.,_ 1712 HOpKIKS CFOSSROAD C1i.j7/Zlp COde: NINNf7flN1 ca FR1M1in? Sr?a3 Phone #: syy-'7333 Arch. /Eng. : Pddress: Erect X Occupancy Alter Zoning Repair Fire Zone 3 Enlazge _ 'Iype of Const. r/ Nbve # Stories Dennlish Front ?a ft. Grade Depth y?ft. ? APPROVALS PEES Asses9nents 8516 Pennit ? Water/Sewer Surcharge aa Police Plan Check ? Fire SAC Enq, Water Conn. ? 0,5-- P1annPS Water Meter 6 =° Council Road Unit / 6? Bldg. Off. APC City/Zip Caie: Phone #: CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Piiee Knob Road Eagan, MN 3571= N9 6024 PHONE: 4 54-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # Te be uxd for 1 Of /a. pleX Est. Value 46,490. Date 8-h , 19E0- Site Address 4643 PnekwP Way, Erect ? Occuponcy R3 Lot 4- Biock3_ Sec/Sub. ShTV•Cake R de.3 Alter ? Zoning PD Porcel # unrecorded Repair ? Fire Zone 3 _ Enlarge ? Type of Const. v w Name OTrin ThompSOn Homes Move ? # Stories 3 Address 1712 Hopkins Crsrd, Demolish ? Front 22 ft. ° Ci hone 544-7333 Grade ? Depth 44 fr. ° Name Approwls Fees 0 z? same 8- $0 125.50 Pertnit Assessm?F ou V? Address - Woter85ew. Surcharge 22•00 Ci Phone 62 75 Police . - Plan check Fw Nome Fire SAC 525.00 _Z Address _ Eng. Woter Conn. 30 5.00 QuZi Ci phom Planner- Council _ I hereby acknowiedge thot I have read this aDP?ication and stote that Bldg. Oft. _ the information is correcf and ugree to comply with oll applicable APC State of Minnesoto Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Water Meter 60. 00 Rood Unit 185.00 Total 1,285.25 Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issma m: Orrin Thompson HOIDES _ on the express condition that ull work sholl be done in a?cc7or__ ?dalrKe wit/hvyJ) ap IicJ p able State of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eogan Ordirwnces. Bullding Officlal 40 CITY OF EAGFIN Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevatfons 6 r5 ?' SUILDING PERMIT APPLICATICR4 : 1 set of energy calculations. 7b Be Used For RuLo ???F Valuation ? ybj 490•00 Dete S4L11 30 i 1980 Site Address: 4,643 40rakW& 1A)&%1 OFFI(E USE ONLY Int 4_ elocc sec./sub. Parcel R: O.,mer: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Erect X_ Occupancy ??- - Alter Zoning ? Repair Fire Zone 3 Enlarge _ 'Iype of Const. Nbve # St,ories DeJrolish Front ft. Grade Depth =Yy ft. APPIbDVALS F'ffS Contractnr: M AddreSS: M ES a Division of U. S F'^,-,= Ci 1712 HOPKINS CFOSSROAD t7'/ZiP Cpde: MINNFTl1niK6eIPJM, S?i3 Phone #: syy-'T333 Arch. /E.lng _ : Address: City/Zip Code: Assessrents Pes.'mit 1,42S ;E:? Water/Sei.er Surcharge ,?stza Polioe Plan Check 6 a?-= Fire SAC Erig. Wates Conn. Planner Water Meter - - Council Road Uni.t ] ?? Bldg. off. APC Phone #: > CITY OF EAGAN ? 9795 Pilet Kno6 Road Engon, A{N 55722 N2 6023 - VHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Site Address 4b432 renxwe VVBY Laf 3 Blxk _3 Sec/Sub. 'n1I?Z' • Ce.$e Rdg . 3 varcei # unrecorded ? Name Orrin Thomnson Homes W Address1712 Hopkins Crsrd. 3 n' Nome _ 0 Address Name _ Addreu I hereby ocknowledge that I huve read this application and state that the infortnofion is mrrect and ogree to comply with all upplicable State Of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Receipt # Qw?(! Dote _ Erect g]C Occupancy R?- Alter ? Zoning PD- Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge p Type of Const . 11 Move ? .} ! Stories , Demolish ? Front 22 fr. Grade ? Depth 44 h. Approvals Feet Water & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Plonner _ Council _ Bldg. Off. - APC Permit ? Surchorge 22-00 Plan check 62 _ 75 SAC 5?5 _ (10 Water Conn. 305 "no Water Meter hfl . 00 Rood Unit 185 - M Total l ? 995 _ 95 Signature of Permittee ? A Building Permit is issued to: ()rri n'f'hm=enn Hnmas on ihe express condition that all work shall be done in /p/ccor?d/ance wi all applicable Stote of Mlnnesota Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordirwnces. Buildirg Officlal . CTI'Y QF F.AC',AN BUILDINC; PERMIT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations 6 1 set of energy calculations. Zb Be Used For ?r<ie?u?E Valuation-?ybp 490•00 Date TL,Ly 30.1980 site Address: 116 Li3 s Pamv.wE W94 OFFICE USE ONLY IAt 3 Blocc 3 Sec./Sub. g?QyEY 3rd Parcel # : Oaner: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Contractor: ?+ix??uv i nLiwrJUN HOMES Address: a Division o/ U. City/ZiP Code• 1712 HOPKINS CFpS5R0AD MINNFTl1NKt?e?hin? 5-?q? Phone #: syy-?333 _ Arch./F.ng. Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Erect C( Occupancy 3 Alter zoning P Repair Fire Zone 3 Enlarge _ Zype of Const. t/ Nnve # Stories Dennlish Front W 2 ft. Grade Depth yy ft. APPRCVALS FEES Assessnents Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge -- a a ;° Polioe Plan Check 62 Fire SAC Enq, WatPS Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. P.PC 7bTAL ? ?Q s?Q Q ]? C. R. WiNDEN 8 ASSOCIATES, 4NC. , ? tj ????L LAND SURVEYORS i*l. 645-3646 For: V 1381 EUSTIS SL, 5T. PAUL, MINN. 55108 U. S. Home Corpora tion scale N so' this date Johnny idge Third Addition t been recorded. Lots 1 through 4 inclusive, Block 3, Johnny Cake Ridge Third Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TMIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATIQN OF A SURYEY OF T41f 80UNDARiES OF THE IAND ABOYE DFSCRI6ED AND OF THE IOCATION OF ALL 6UILDINGS, If ANY, TMEREON, AND ALl VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS. IP ANV, PROM OR ON SAID IAND. Dotad this23 doy efJ.L.IX_A.D. 19BD C. R. WINDEN S ASSOCIATES, MC. bY P-s?= -k Sur.ayo., Minn*solo Rapiurotion No.77Cc. PERMIT ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 'UZO BUILDING 027775 06/05/96 SITE ADDRESS: 4641 112 PENKWE WAY LOT: 2 BLOCK: 3 JOWNNY CAKE RIDGE 3ftD P.I.N.: 10-39602-020-03 DESCRIPTION: (REPLACE DECK) ermit Type SF (MISC.) ?6r?k Type REPAIR 434 ALT. RESTDENTIAL a X ?? ?: A ,?"?,t` 3 ? Wt 4i?. ? , .^.?.'t ?^+a.$ ZE xv REMARKS FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Surcharge Total Fee $45.00 $.50 $45.50 CONTRACTOR: _ qpplicant - Sl". IxC.OWNER: SUNDANCE CONST INC 15377564 0005670 RUKA DENNIS 6922 42Np AVE N 4641 1/2 PENKWE WAY CRYSTAL MN 55427 EA6AN MN 55122 (612) 537-7564 (612)683-9609 ? iriformatibn.is e04*e6t aP4 ac StaCu?e?...?r?€l; G??,?.cn,f .E?gan .EYt APPLICANTlPERMITEE SIGNATUFE ISSUED 13YFIGM4TURE piqg CITY OF EAGAN t144 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 6814675 New Construclion Renuirementa RemodeUReoair Reauirements ? 3 regislered site surveys ? 2 copies of plan ? 2 copies oi plans (include beam 8 window sizes; poured Tnd. design; efe.) ? 2 site surveys (exterior addffions 8 decks) ? 1 energy calculalions ? 7 snergy calculations tor healed additions ? 3 eopiea of tree preservation plan if lot plaHed after 711/93 requiretl: _ Yes K- No DATE: ?- Z9 -9 C_ . CONSTRUCTION COST:? z-9 5-(::' .?? DESCRIPTION OF WORK: to ? Z. L i STREET ADDRESS: LOT BLOCK ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: u PROPERTY Name: Phone #: OWNER Street Address• city; State: Zip: 5 5 ?? Z CON71L4CTOR Company: 5`?"` `'?• C `? Phone #: -7 S6 Street Address: `-!Z'-? Ave PQ License #: 5 G 70 City: C°'ys-?' _ State: f'''` ti Zip: 5-"? -z ? ARCHITECT! Company: Phone #: ENGINEER IVame: Registration #: Street Address, City: State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber: change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change and lot I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the infoRnation is correct and agree to comply with aii appiicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes - No nFCINMED ' MAY 2 5 1996 ; i ---------------? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex 0 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 03 5F Addition ? 08 8-plex 0 04 SF Porch o 09 12-plex 0 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _ plex WORK TYPE 0 31 New ? 33 Alterations 2 Addition ::F"4 Repsif?- ?A?>/9L 2?PL?ru GENERAL INFORMATION ConsG (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace ? ?15 Deck ? 36 Move ? 37 Demolition Basement sq. ft. Main Ievel sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Building Engineering Variance c3 D Permit Fee Surcharge Pian Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S!W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded, Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: Valuation: $ ' ?IN MA .u •' 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous MC/W5 System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code Census Bidg Census Unit °k SAC SAC Units . . PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: e2os(v s/ V BUILDING 027502 05/09/96 SITE ADDRESS: 4643 1/2 PENKWE WAY LOT: 3 BLOCKa 3 JtlWNNY CAKE RIDGE 3RD p.I.N.: 10-39802-030-03 DESCRIPTION: (R,EPLACEMENT) e r m i t T y p e 96GK S 1'L?,t,a-C.J 9?q rYPe NZ44- ? 434 ALT. RES DENTIAL ;': ? REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: 9ase Fee $45.00 Surcharge $.50 Total Fee $45.50 CONTRACTOR: - Flpplicant - sT. LxC.OWNER: SUNDANCE CONST INC 15977564 6005670 PRSKETT JIM 6922 42ND AVE N 4643 1/2 PENKWE WAY CRYSTAL MN 55427 EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 537-7564 (612)452-0299 ? A . 3 h4'rVby, ?ckridw?ik;4gi that,I ?d .? tlo 6k y?R0;G??rp at APPLICANT)PEAMITEE SIGNA7UR %.j- ISSUED BY: SIGNAT CITY OF EAGAN 11§01 3830 PILOT KNOS RD - 55122 + ?? ? 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDEN7IAL) 681-4675 New ConsWetion Raquirements RemodeUReQAfr Reauirements ? 3 reg(stered site surveys ? 2 copies of plan ? 2 copies of plans (indude beam S window sizes; paured tnd, design; ete.) ? 2 site surveys (exterior addRions & decks) ' ? 1 energy caiculations ? i energy calculatione tor heated additlons ? 3 copies of Uee preserveHon plan if lot plattad after 711/93 required: _ Yas No DATE: CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Li?Ve 10x/odecK ?\C31 Jax'w STREETADDRESS: q6-73(Z -PenkWe- WO1'Y LOT BLOCK ? SUBD./P.I.D.#: ?J? `1nW?(ARL?,1IX4L -2x11' -?)aS KeTc Phone #: 415-Z-0 z'? ? PROPERTY Name: owNER • ? a`? Street Address City: EE2 at^ State: V?j? Zip: 5Sl ZZ CONTRACTOR Company: ?Vv?A??C2 ??'?`71?VG`1??0r ?"Phone#: Street Address: 6 9ZZ LiZ? Avle N License #• S??U City: 5tate: W?N zip: 55?-4 Z`7 ARCHITECT! Company: Phone #: ENGINEER Name: Registration #' Street Address* Ci{y_ State: Zip: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber: change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change and lot I hereby acknowledge that i have read this application and state that the infortnation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. GU.?. UtJ? ? ai Signature of Applicant ? OFFICE USE ONLY ?FrPqVED ? Certificates of Survey fteceived _ Yes _ No ? ?a3 j9g6 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No 1--- - OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch a 09 12-plex ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex WORK TYPE ? 31 New ,,Ja"33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Permit Fee Surcharge Pian Review License MCNVS 5AC Ciry SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pi. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? ? 12 Multi RepaidRem. o ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace o L41 5 Deck ? 36 Move ? 37 Demolition ?i??.• .. . .. ? 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous _ Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System _ Main level sq. ft. City Water _ sq, ft, Fire Sprinklered _ sq. ft. PRV _ sq. ft. Boaster Pump _ sq. R. Census Code. _ Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Building Engineering Variance Valuation: $ ?- ?._ ? ? % SAC SAC Units U L gL I? CITY USE ONLY ?I RECEIPT #: SUBD. / a nn U RI? r(A RECEIPT DATE: 17' *0U PERMIT# 4NOSJ 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT fINOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: D single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit D backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system Alterations to existing dwelling - minimum fee $ 30.00 Describe: Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas piping outlet " minimum -1 3.00 x = $ Hot tub/spa 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laundry tray 3.00 x = $ Lavato 3.00 x = $ Septic System newlrefurbished ' requlres MPC Ifc. 75.00 x = $ Septic System abandonment 30.00 x = $ RpZ new installation/repair/rebuild 30.00 x = $ Rough opening 1.50 x $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Undefgr0und Sprinklef if dwelling is under wnstruction 3.00 x = $ Underground sprinkler if existing dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = . ov $ Water softener if dwelling under constructlon 5.00 x = $ Water softener if existing dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water turnaround 30.00 x $ State Surcharge .50 -> -> -> $ .50 TOtal -> -> -> _-> $ c?v??ioce Feru # TOTAL Reminder: Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. 1 that I --------is--------------------------------------------iry - ------------------. inances- hereby ecknowledge have read this application, state thet the infortnation corcect, and agree to compty with all applicable C of Eagan ortl It is the applicanPs responsihiliry to notity the property owner that tha City oF Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and m^inten-nc ^cCVit- m tn facilitie? mn?tructed under this permit within Ciry propertylright-of-wayleasement. SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME . INSTALLER'NAM : STREET ADDRESS: ANDERSON, THURSTON/I<ATHY 4643 PENKINE WAY EAGAN, MN 5.?.122 . (sst? 68e dt57 TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE #: . . (AREA CODE) CITY: 2M GAkFIELO AVE. SOUTH STATE: ZIP- '- • SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE s CITY OF EAGAN EARLY UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT 4& yl &Aug u1a?'' ? Address 61 u division/Parcel I hereby request permission from the City of Eagan to connect to the sanitary sewer and water lateral line in the public right-of-way. I understand that the City has not yet completed, inspected and/or accepted the sewer and/or water lateral. I agree not to use, test, or connect these individual services to any interior plumbing and understand the require- ment to cap the sewer service to prevent any unauthorized use. In accepting this permit, it is agreed that I will hold the City and its agents hacmless from any damage [hat may occur due to this early connection. It is understood that no Occupancy Permit will be issued or water allowed to be turned on until the City utility system has been declared operational by the City Engfneer. ? I?u? ?^-?' `^?.? (??ioe?Cpp?yE, EAGAN.N91?04Si{?Z Signed by - Plumber• ?.? -•? Owner: Develaper: Bui der: Dated: %/LO 0 . ? CITY OF EAG.1N EARLY UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT `&Y I44-d?"R?? dil.eiv? ? Address Subdivision/Par I herehy request permiasion from the City of Eagan to connect [o the sanitary sewer and water lateral line in the public right-of-way. I unders[and that the City has not yet completed, inspected and/or accepted the sewer and/or water lateral. I agree not [o use, test, or connect these individual services to any interior plumbing and understand the require- ment to cap the sewer service to prevent any unauthorized use. In accepting this permit, it is agreed that I will hold the City and ics agents harmless from any damage that may occur due to this early connection. It is understood that no Occupancy Permit will be issued or water allowed to be tumed on until the City utility system has been declared operaeional by the City Engineer. wEn+zeL ?? ?? ? VWF. Signed by - Plumber?./(hp?-!tA?"v' 7665 Owner: Developer: Builder: Da[ed:??0 V , R CITY OF EAGdN EARLY UTILITY CONNECTION YERMIT yl? y3 ?,??icuF ?2+.?' ??/,???2 3 2 , Address Subdivision/Parc I hereby request permission from the City of Eagan to connect to the sanitary sewer and water lateral line in the public right-of-way. I unders[and that the City has not yet completed, inspected and/or accepted the sewer and/or water lateral. I agree not to use, test, or connect these individual services to any interior plumbing and understand the require- ment to cap the sewer service to prevent any unauthorized use. In accepting this permit, it is agreed that I will hold the City and its agents harmless from any damage that may occur due to this early connection. It is understood that no Occupancy Permit will be issued or water allowed [o be turned on until the City utility system has been declared operational by the City Engineer. V6M WE(uZEL MECHANICAI .JI 12ENNEBEC DAIVE, EA3AN, MINN.5612Z Signed by - Plumbery? 452•1565 Owner: Developer Builder• Da[ed: "/*V ? CITY OF EAG.1N EARLY UTILITY CONNECTION PERMIT V10 07' Address LZ4?'-Su-bd ivision/Parcel ? I hereby request permission from the City of Eagan to connect to the sanitary sewer and water lateral line in the public right-of-way• I ' understand that the City has not yet completed, inspected and/or accepted the sewer and/or water la[eral. I agree not to use, test, or connect these individual services to any interior plumbing and understand the requir'e- ment to cap the sewer service to prevent any unauthorized use. In accepting this permit, it is agreed that I will hold the City and its agents harmless from any damage tha[ may occur due to this early connection. It is understood that no Occupancy Permi[ will be issued or watez allowed to be tumed on until the City utility system has been declared operational by the City Engineer. 1`f?? WEN2 t?aw. MECNANICAL ?, Mn?e1. 66122 Signed by - Plumber: ?"?" 2'?SBb Owner: Developer: Builder: Dated:?%? T?v 2006 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KPVOB ROAD, EAGAN A1FN 55123 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing res"n4l dwellings. U U FEB 2 1 2007 U oete 01 1 Site Street Address I Kl`? ? N)/lWe (.l.)A ?j unlt # Property Owner Vi, Telaphnne #WI) _L05 _-bn Cuntractor N w? ? lX vJ Telephone #?)?6?? Address Clty ' State? iip500?. The Applicant is: _ Owner xContractor _Other Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submft 2 sets of plans and MRC license Includes County fee $ 100.00 Per ss-built $ 10.00 Alterations to existing dwetting $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes installstion of a water saftener and/or water heater at the same time. !f you are instaflFAg on e`water softener anJ/or wafer heater, do nat complete this section; move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment _ Water Turnaround (add $130.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: _ Water Sottener Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new ? replacement _ Lawn Irrigation ,RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ 50 ToWI $ I hereby appiy for a Residentiai Plumbmg Permit and acknowiedge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that. I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, ork is not to a without a permit and work wiil be in ' accordance with the a?FoYed plan in the event a plan is required to be revi e an?d pr6vd, ??i??? J ?a?, , Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Clty Of EaaaIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan AAN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 I ? Pertni[ Fae: _ j Date Received, i I Stafi: ?------- ?---------- i Esirot?ce.?s? ------ ? j Permi[ I I I I I I - ? I J 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: SRe Address: Tenant: 4/5u 2n44cg ?-[6Yl YZ, r y 6 4-t 3 ?-fe Y3 / ?C , suite RESIDENT/OWNER I Name:JG?NYlny ?? 12 i?75L ??v vn _ ,.yr ifc ?Phone: Address 1 City / Zip: Applicant is: _ pwner _ Contractor TYPE OF WORK COMTRACTOR Description of work:?Ie14f C'j Construction Cost• lo?, -7 s20 Multl-Family Building: (Yes ?_ / No ? Name:/V(J+?(:3?-.?j1? CIj,7-T ?TL?S b?GC License #: ''( 73 Address: py6-9 z•?/?-7: f? ?t _ / ?.?. ? n_ Cdy:l14221L 6L?1 L State: t2id.- zip.55 3// Phone: Con[act Person: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING b NEW BUILDING _ Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Mjnnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code • Residentlal Ventilation Calegory 7 Woricsheet • New Energy Code Worksheet Category submmed (4 SUbmission typ0) • Energy Envelope Calculations Su6mitted Submitted In the last 12 months, has the Cify of Eagan Issued a pertnit for a similar plan based on a master plan7 ._Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contrector: Phane: Sewer & Water Contractor. - Phone: NOTE Plans and supporting documents'that you submrt are,consi`de_red to 6e,putillc lnformation:. Partlons'of ihe lnformatlon may,3ie classlfied as nonpublic if you provide specific reasons ihat would permit fHe Ciry to ` °- ='.qanclude#hat thevare irade sec,??c_ - I hereby acknowledge that this InformaGon is wmplete and accurate; that the work will be in confortnance with the ordinances and codes of the City of E3gan; that I understand this is nol a pertnit, but only an application for a pertnit, and work fs not to start without a permiY, tha[ the work wili be in accordance with the approved plan in ihe Case of work which requires a review and approval of p)$}is. 190 'r //?ti?" ' ApplicanYS Pnnted Nama b IlcanYS Sfanature? P3g2 1 Of 3 Clty of Eap 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Q? + 0'5 C"?& L Fax: (651) 675-5694 ------------------ , I j Permk #: ? j ? Permit Fee: ? ? Date Received]MAy0 4 M09 j I ? I Staif: I I ----------------- 2009 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: '" 1 Ivi Site Address: 4 (04 ( 'Pt-A Q KVV4 1A1 Pk .(49AI, !' 1!k Tenant: 1iFL6C /?rlR> 441:E'ih°jE/4 JGd-rlUGI54 Suite #: RESIDENT I OWNER Name: i)4A-N1.7 K4PL-W??6HnI5A? Phone: o?i '"452 a,daress i ciry /ziP: ^f&q1a" nL?q,(?y .6"it/i /'N Applicant is: 4KOwner _ Contrector ?o51 - 4,Z7 8 _ 09&e ? TYPE OF WORK Description ofwork: gm??Sc ZA6K w „5gI/k2 7z) ??nia c? Construction Cost: A?'LZo Multi-Family Building: (Yes 4 ! No ? CONTRACTOR Name: ? f? Address: !? / ? city: _ Phone: License #: State: Zip: Contact Person: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUIL Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Minn a Rules 7672 Energ?'?.,, . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet ew Energy Code Worksheet C8t@90ry Submitted Submitled (4 Submission type) • En - velope Calculations Submiped In the last 12 moMhs, has the City of Eagan issued a perm imilar plan based on a master plan? ? ? '4 ?;y .{e. ? '?" fl'? I#a es i Y {;.? • ?F I hereby acknovAedge that this iMortnaGOn is complete and accurate; that the work will be in coMortnance with lhe ordinances and codes of ihe City oF Eagan; ihat I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start withou[ a pertnit; that the vrork will he in accordance with the approved plan in ihe case ot work which requires a review and approval of plans. Yes _ _NO If yes, date and address of mast n Licensed Plumber: : Phone: fdechani ca??y Phone: r SeY?er & Water Contractor: Phone: x 11Fia?i )C'HAhrmW x A ApplicanYs Printed Name Applic Si at e Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation ? Single Family _ Multi 07 of Plex _ Accessory Building _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Stortn Damage _ Garage Porch (4-Season) Exterior Alteration (Single Family) _ Deck _ Porch (ScreeNGazebo/Pergola) _ Exterior Alteratlon (Mufti) Lower Level Pool Miscellaneous WORK TYPES Z3" L ?Qy? y (o?T? _ New _ Interior Improvement Addition Move Building X,Alteretio _ Fire Repair _ Replace _ Repair DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Revfew (25%_ 100% Census Code # of Units # of Buiidings Type of Construction Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Footings (New Building) ? Footings (Deck) _ Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof: Ice & Water Final _ Framing Fireplace: _Rough In _Air Test _Final Insulation Meter Slze: Siding _ Demolish Building' Reroof _ Demolish Interlor Windows _ Demolish Foundatlon Egress Window _ Water Damage 'Demolitlon of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers Sheetrock Final / C.O. Required X Final / No C.O. Required 7 ? HVAC Other: Pool: _Footings _AirlGas Tests _Final _ Sitling: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick _ Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Reviewed By: Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC city sac Utility Connection Charge S8W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies TOTAL S? l°w I For Offcme Permit# Cite. of Eaaali Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 1 Date Received: l Phone: (651) 675-5675 l Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: - 2009 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: - Oct Site Address:y `Tl G, / ,~2 Cfd 3 - el. '2_ Tenant: j4"" Suite RESIDENT I OWNER Name: , .4 /4~-~~yn 'hone Address I City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work:/ Construction Cost: Ia 5490 Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No CONTRACTOR Name: •J ~gfYyF~a7 C4/~~?'?,ec ~e~rs ~'x- License #k fi471,514-1 7.3 Address: City: St-a-te: /7~ Zip: S Sall Phone: Contact Person: ''yam G~ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Category 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Category Submitted ('1 submission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan Issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be p ,,5 is information Portions of the inform anon may be classified as non-public if youprovide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are' trade.secret I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confo the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is n 9 to sOrf without a permit; that the work will bein accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of pla x (rn "rte x Applicant's Printed N~ e A ' ants Signature Page l of 3 ,r' - G f 6 q - W£ tea 9c 7 l ~ ~/Ul C. R. WINDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS Ts1. 645•3646 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAUL, MINN. 5510$ For: U. S. Home Corporation C9 N Sca l ' 22 At' D~u Note: As of this date Johnny sP Cake Ridge Third Addition has not been recorded. Lots 1 through 4 inclusive, Block 3, Johnny Cake Ridge Third Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LAND ABOVE DESCRIBED AND OF THE LOCATION OF ALL BUILDINGS, IF ANY, THEREON, AND ALL VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, FROM OR ON SAID LAND. Dated this ~day orJL C-A.D. )9Bd C. R. WINDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. by Surveyor, Minnesota Registration No: 7 � � � � � � � �(v!l l , �v� ( � �I7-, �l.a `�3 , ��'�3 ` l�-• , Use BL.#��or$LACK Ink � FwOfficelfise--------- I � �i, �n �f � j Permit#_ : '�� ` �I j ����<��L��ILLll � � 5"� � i Permi�Fee: � � 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 � Date Received. � Phone:{65tj 6T5-5675 � � Fax:{659)675-5694 ! Staff: � I 1 �----- ----------' 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDiNG PERMiT APPttCAT10N Date:�°'��`j� Site Address:���1 "_ yLa � �!/2 ��i��-' � Unit#: Name: ��/Tl�i��t' ��� I t�tvr��ls�i Cr- � Phone: � Resident! � 4wner add�ess i city i zip:���t-- ��-�' �plicant is: Owner � Contractor Description of work: ���'�` �'�� �� l �� ���� T�Re of work � Construction Cost: l�,d�0 Multi-Eamiiy Buiiding: (Yes�/No_� � / a'J� � Company;�VC'JYZ��°��i �'4c��!%i�i4�C��Ur''S '� Cor►tact 1�t� f���ri'o�% Contra�tor ,4ddress:g�`�2 Z✓�vJ�f��� Lr,�-�� �' ciry:�J��'� �!�t�L� . State:�Zip: ��3'`� Phone:����"�'Emaii:t��m��1Js�'LJ�S`7��.c�Y�"�✓�4��t�Y - License#:�C ��� �7� '���-C:��r� i�ad Certificate#:/V�i.r'...1=r>yl1�3 -� If the project is exempt from lead eerti�catian, please exptain why:(see Page 3 for additiona!inforrr3ation) COMPLETE THIS AREA ON�Y 1F CONSTRUCT'fNG A NEW BUILDING ' In the last 12 mont , t!�Ctty of Eagan iss�d a pertnit#or a similar plan based orr a master pfan7 Yes No )f yes, date and add f master pian: ttcensed Ptumber: Phone: Mechanica!Contractor: - Sewer�Water Gont r: Phone: ,�"F�: °s an;tl su�pc�cfing dQCUmer��s fha#you sr�bmif are cor�sider+ed tv tze public infctrm��:, Pa�#i�ns of r�rfe�ra�atior�rnay#�e�la��r#as r►c��tr pubii�if yc�u pror�de sp�i���iearsr�rts th�f wau/d pe�mit"tl��e"��! ' : c�clud+��tta�t�e" �ne�-ad�,seccei� � GA�L BEFORE YOU D1G. Ca�t � � � , � � ���� �� � � I Gopher Stat�One Caii at(651�45�F-0002 for proieciion against underground uflin+damage. CaU 48 hours t�efore you intend to dig to receive locates of undergrourrci utilities. wvvw:oonherstateonecali.ora i heret�y acknaMecige that this ir�formation is c�mmplete and acq�te;#hat the vuork wili be in tt�nfamarace with the ordinarwes aral codes of#he-Gity of Eagan;fhat I uncterstand this is not a permit,but anly an appiication for a permit, and work is�t to start withou#a psrtn�t;that the work wili be fi' a�ance with the approved plan in the case of vNOrtc which requires a review and�pproval of plans. Eute�ior work authorized by a buildlr�g petmit issued Fn accorc�nce with th�R1Itlnesota Stabe iiding Gate m�t be complebed witMin 180 days csf pQmait issuance. t r� �� � �� XL! ' � G L� . , x , Appiicanf's Printect Mame anYs Signature Page 1 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink. For Office Use I I J :::: �'�c�Cityof Eaafl ��: / �6 i ;d 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received Phone:(651)675-5675 RECEIVED I Fax:(651)675-5694 Staff: Awl MAY 222012 2017 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 05/22/2017 Site Address: 4641 Penkwe Way Unit#: Name: Helge & Karen Johnson Phone: 651-452-7745 Resident/ 4641 Penkwe Way, Eagan, MN 55122-2727 Owner Address/City/Zip: Applicant is: X Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: Replace Deck joists, floor boards, and railings Construction Cost: $600.04 Multi-Family Building: (Yes X /No ) Company: Contact: Contractor Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: License#: Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes,date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information maybe classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. Applicant's Printed Name Applic s Sig :ture Page 1 of 3 L/1 LIJ(4' *..47&11/ 1G DO OT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /`7c 7 SUB TYPES — Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch(3-Season) _ Exterior Alteration(Single Family) — Single Family _ Garage _ Porch(4-Season) — Exterior Alteration(Multi) Multi )( Deck Porch(Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Miscellaneous 01 of_Plex Lower Level Pool Accessory Building WORK TYPES _ New — Interior Improvement T Siding i Demolish Building* Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration — Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation _IX�j(, Replace — Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage , Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation f„ S 0 Occupancy (,,] MCES System Plan ReviewCode Edition , 14 of( SAC Units (25%_100%y ) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Suppression Required Type of Construction Vo Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) Meter Size: — Footings(Deck) Final I C.O. Required Footings(Addition) �c Final/No C.O.Required — Foundation Foundation Before Backfill / HVAC_Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test — Roof:_Ice&Water _Final Pool:_Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Drain Tile Fireplace:_Rough In _Air Test _Final Siding: Stucco Lath Stone Lath _Brick_EFIS — Insulation Windows — Sheathing Retaining Wall:_Footings—Backfill_Final Sheetrock Radon Control Fire Walls Fire Suppression:!Rough In_Final — Braced Walls Erosion Control — Shower Pan Other: Reviewed By: '' '17 ,Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES r Xe57-fiqr- Base Fee /`" Surcharge n "., 1/1, A / ` Plan Review �` v elm MCES SACit ,, /°a'` c City SAC V f 0' Utility Connection Charge Ks) S&W Permit&Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies . 0 4P c TOTAL til 1 I:`° I 7 Y Page 2 of 3