4122 Pennsylvania Ave Use BLUE or BLACK Ink { For Office Use { ity ~Of Eatan Al j Permit I I Permit Fee: __6Vt:zV1_ I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 RECEIVED I Date Received: ~ Phone: (651) 675-5675 1 Fax: (651) 675-5694 SEP 15 1010 Staff- - - _ j - - - - - - - - - J j 2010 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: V~ Q Site Address: -l I ll~ h+a- 624"e. . s Tenant: k~ Suite RESIDENT /OWNER Name:c Phone: /J11j) )0 h ✓t'''~'` Address / City / Zip: (16W -7 CONTRACTOR Name: (011J 410-* V11 'U rce in se -4 W Address: 30 g Sw J T ` City: State: Zip: ~;SQD',S' Phone: ~O S Contact: Email TYPE OF WORK New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact theMechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Furnace _ New Construction _ Interior Improvement Air Conditioner Install Piping _ Processed Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit _ Heat Pump _ Under / Above ground Tank Install ! _ Remove) When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Other Marshal and Plumbing Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $95.00 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES: $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal Contract Value $ x1% $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) ~ sad I . Permit Fee 1 - If the Permit Fee is less than $10,010, surcharge is $ 5.00 ~ keel - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, surcharge increases by $.50 for each , 0 Permit Fee jj~ Surcharge - 11 1,010 Permit Fee requires a $ 5.50 surcharge) T (i.e. a $10 010$ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 464-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.-gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start hout a rmit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x 30VA/\ n"qx Applicant's Printed me Applicant's Si nature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: _ Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground Rough In -Air Test .-.-Gas Service Test -in-floor Heat -Final Exterior HVAC Screening Inspection CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN , . 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE =D AMOUNT $ #1- & DOLLARS ioo ? ? CASH qCHECK wn ..l r? - ??Ft ?Lcill L•L??=^??':_ Gv?l' ' ., ?l FUND OBJECT f' 1(„ ' Thank You BY ??---?.--- Whft-Pey- Copy Ye1b-PosUng Copy Pink-Flle Copy ( J , ?}? , 7r ?; ? ???i :7? BLDG. pERMIT NO. % ? -- ?t/ ? ' r ' 01-3210 Bldg. Permit 01-3422 Plan Check ? 01-3445 ' Surch./Adm. 01-3446 SAC/Adm. 01'2155 Surcharge 75-3860 Road Unit ? . 20-2275 SAC ? ., 24-3865 Water Conn. ? ? rJ 20-3868 Water Trmt. 20-3716 Water Meter 67 I ' G' 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permit 20-3743 Sewer Permit 79-3866 Sewer Conn. 28-3855 Park Ded. TOTAL I?r ??:• ? o?, 7ydro &,) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 ` PHQNE:454-8100 • , BUILDING PERMIT Receipt ? - To be used for SIP U"GrCAR Est Velue $98sVLL Date St.i j 7 Site Address 4122 PENN$YLVANIA A1?$ OFFICE USE ONLY Lot 4? Block I SeclSub. S??? A'?U On Ske Sewage Occupancy R -? ?? 1 L l MWCC System Zoning `" Parcel No, l W ll A t l t V-A On S te e ( ua ) Cons c a PRONTIER M«31PV8l?T BOdES Name City Water ? (Allowable) V-N W z Address 3902 CFDA1tVl1LE DR PRV Required X ? of Stories b? ? 3 o ? E14y E?? Phone ??54-? ?13 Booster Pump Length ' peatn 2$ o Name rAME S.F. Total , 0 4 Address Footprint S.F. ? City Phone APPROVALS FEES SG? ? ?s F N3me Engr./Assess._ Permit ? ? Z _ - Address• planner Surcharge 83.oo a? " Council Plan Review °' Cit Phone y I00' Ckj ? 81dg. Off. SAG City 550. 00 I hereby acknowletlge that I have read this applicalion and state that the Variancs SAC, MWCC 550 00 with all applicable State of information is correct and agree to comply Water Conn. • , Minnesola Statutes and City ot Eagan Ordoances. Water Meter 07•W Signature of Permittee --------- ? ------.-------- -- RoadUnit 325•W AAuilding Permit is issued to:__ _--- _ ? Treatment P1 Z'.Jfi•QQ on ldie express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Parks applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. tiQk• UO 2 Buildihg Official _ TOTAL 0 -vrK.J`?,'V?R'!i'w;2^ -T"r"'......r? CITY OF EAGAN ??fl 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Tn be used for FIREpLAGE Est. Value $i s00U Date FEa 27 Site Address 4122 p?sn`v`4NIA AYE ?d Block SeGSub. Lot Parcel No. occupancy Zoning a Name (Actual) Const W t Address (aJbriaaie) Q City Phone # ol stones Length Q? Name MIt}iJEB? FYREPLACE CO De th ?? Address 5205 I?1 ?ii?PY 169 S.F.7otal ? City PLl!lAM Phone SS4--5900 S.F.Fooiprints O i S n S ewage te f- W W Ndn1@ On Site Weil W ? ; Address MwcC system <W City PhOne Cdywater PRV R d equire I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the eoosfer Pump information is correct and agree-jb comply with all applicable State of Minnesota 5latutes and C?+ty'o1 E?an Ordinances. i. Signature ol Permilee APPfiUYALS HIDWS? FIR$PLAC£ CO Planner A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Courtcif applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. gldj, pry. Building Official Variance 18744 1 1991 OFFICE USE ONLY _ FEES - Bidg. Permit - Surcharge Plan Review - sAe, ciry _ sAC,MCwcc _ Water Conn - Water Meter - Acct. Deposit S/W Permit - S!W Surcharge Treatment PI Road Unit - Park Ded. -- Copies - TOTAL 9S_f1[1 . W 25.50 Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephane # WATER SEWER PLUMBING H.V.A.C. fLECTRiC Inspectlon Dste Insp. Comments Footings I FoundaGon Framing Raoling Rough Ptbg. Rough Htg. Isul. -ireplace Fnal Htg. Final Pibg. ConSt. Meter Plbg. Inspectot' - Notify Plumber Engr.(Plan Bldg. Final Deck Ftg. Dedc Final Welt. Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN ` r. ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ? ;";. $5"•' ° ;- PH ON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt? To be used for -:IF -??ri?Va'Ft Est Value $?'S,OCn Date Site Address 4122 ???VANIA AVE OFFICE USE ONLY STAFFRD t1rArT k 1 S b Bl S On Site Sewage accupancy . Lot oc ec/ u x MWCC System Zoning Parcel No. it w 11 n t l A C t V"N On S e e ) s ( c ua o FIe?NTI£8 ?iIUi?ST ?? 5 City Water ? (Allowable) . Name W = Address 3902 iEnAQVALK nx PRV Required of Stories t D 'V 434 A 0433 ?r ??ter Pump Length ? c - i City Phone Z? ? Depth p Neme tiAAE S.F. Total , ? ? Address Footprint S.F. ? City Phone APPROVALS FEES 566 00 ? a VW Name Engr.lAssess. _ Permit . . ? Planner Surcharge ?? Address Council Plan Review i W City Phone Bldg. Off. _ SAC, City I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the Variance SAC, MWCC ? information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of es Stat tes and Cit of Ea n Ordjnances Mi t Water Conn. ? ga . nn o a u y Water Meter Signature of Permittee _ ___ _ - _ Road Unit 2 ??.(`i ' A Building Permit is issued to:__- Treatment P1 ?1?.? on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Parks applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Z?69a.? Building Official___-._ TOTAL . .* Psrmit No. Psrmit Holder Date TeIephone x Plumbing ?li• ? ,,L?;,. :j . ?j ,?, ? , y / ? H.V.AC. ?" ?l(?• ? ? C /F??1? ' Electric u ' C9,42 Softener Inspection Data Insp. COmm6ntS Footings I Footings II Foundation ? Framing / Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. rs ? Isul. G ? Fireplace Final Htg. ? Final Plbg. Bidg. Final // L Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. • + ? - PERMIT # -- MECHANICAL PERMIT Sk =; ,- . r ,, ; RECEIPT # ' CITY OF EAGAN 1, 700. 00 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: ITRACT PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 Site Ayg ress 11L Lot Block ? Name ig Addre c City _ Phone Name r nvir i taac %.vnrlur icO c Address39d8 Sibley Metaorj 0 Ci? Eagan Phone TYPE OF WORK Forced Air $0•000 M BTU Boiler M BTU Unit Heater M BTU Air Cond. M BTU Vent. CFM Gas Piping Outlets # Other FEE: S/C: TOTAL: BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. xx New )a Mult Add-on Comm. Repair Other FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU (RES. HVAG INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEkMIT) COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDaS - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & REMODELS FEE $24.00 6.00 1.50 EA. - 12.00 - 20.00 - .50 50 , . '' ',? ? SO SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ' $26.00 II FOR: CITY OF EAGAN Site ? Name m Address 1959 Shawne c City N:tgen Name _ 3 Address p City _x ??? /. PERMIT# '?`'?t PLUMBtNG PERMIT RECEIPT q ? CITY OF EAGAN - 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: PHONE: 454-8100 BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCFi1PTiON SeciSub Res. y New Mult. Add-on u1 Comm. Repair FEES COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BIDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $,50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES FOR: CITY OF EAGAN Other RES. PLBG. ONIY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: N FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3 00 $ -' < ! Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 I > • ? ' ?? Shower - $3.00 ?. GU Kitchen Sink - $3.00 ? - cf?) Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 T-Laundry Tray - $3.00 _ 7 FloOr Drains - $1.50 - ? 7 Water Heater - $1 50 Whiripool - $3.00 =Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) So(tener - $5.00 Well - S 10.00 Private Disp. - S10.00 -:5r - Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: U STATE SlC: GRAND TOTAL: ???? CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 DEPT. OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS Correction Notice Located at Z z I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of city codes governing same: r?1 /-J X '3 sh, ?. Ile-• 'OC"(%` -2 ;/4, ( Cf f SS ?0[.`CM Rq X- _? -/a_ Y"/ C?! s s" ?! a /.? s.? ? u s r When corrections have been made, please call 454-8100 for inspection. Date Inspector Ciry of Eagan DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG (gtr#tftrate of OrrupaMry tirp of (ilagart EPpgl"bIIPttf of g11itbtug Jt18}tPtliQit This Certificate issued pursuant to the requiremenu of Section 306 of the Uniforr» Bui[ding Code certrfying that at the time of issuance this strucrure was in compliQnce with the various ordinances of the City regulating buifding construction or use. For the jollowrng: u. a.ffir.,.i. a?Gi'CM, ews. ramiii rb. 15570 oaw-r TYvw R3 /MJ zooing aWjxx R' TAX cDW. oww of ewMu? FRONfM MIDJNST IDEC Addrm 3902 MAIZVEU.E DR, FX'?AI3 BuMm Adcb= 4172 PPld1SYI.VANIl1 AVE. L-hty L26, B I, STAFEORD PIllCE . /; uci tJOVlfiM 23. 1988 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: 3830 PjbtlCnoll Road g/p Wa; P.O. Box 21189 Eaqan, MN 55121 Owner. ?`- Date: Date: -R fi SiteAddreSS: 41,2?' AAinitYlvania Av *tiip 7^E R1 rtaffo„-A 1!1sCf, Plumber. Star Plumbintt MWCC: 550.00pd Zoning• City Chg: ??? ? 00pd No. of Units: '- Acct Dep: 15. Qopd ? ?. ?? I agree to comply with the City of Eagan Permit Fee: Ordinances. Surcharge: Misc.: ^r,,,TnF,) gY SEWER SERVICE PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: 940b Data `11'-$'811 - 3830 PUoi Kno b Road Meter No: Size: P.O. Box 21198 Reader Na: Date: Eaqan, MN 55121 . Owner. ?`roatiR,?- !'ids.rcat Cora. Site Address: 41,22 Pe=sylvaAta Elveave L26 Bl Staffore P] ecz Plumber Star Plunbing Conn. Chg: •' ?,? . 041 Zoning: ?-'- ' Acct Dep: •ocp? No. of Units: ? Permit Fea 10.00pc Surcharge: • Sop3 1 agree to comply wlth the CHy of Eayan Tr. Plant 2.04 • O0Qd Ordinances. Meter. ",,7 Mlsc.: rlp;?.',JIr.^", WATER SER By VICE PERMIT . ? CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: ' j 11) ti Date 9-8-88 3830 Pllot Knob Road Meter No: ,{)? Size: ?k P.O. Box 21189 Reader No: E Date: - agan, MN 55121 Owner. r rnn ti'ar rfi r1west Cora SiteAddress: '?" Ppnnev7v Avenue I,26 Bl Stafford DI3 Plumber. * Conn. Chg: 550 _ nnn?? Zoning; Rl Acct Dep:_7 50[3Pd No. of Unils: ? Permit Fee: 1-0 _ OOnd Surcharge: I agree to comply with the C(ty of Eayan Tr. Plant_ M13c1 Ordinances. Meter. ' Mi sc.:_ r - _,' - t By WATEA SERV ICE PERMIT i ? VZ41411 2??lcu 1" ? - Z(2,4 lql . , CITY OF EAGAN Na ? g744 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 ?p 2 ?Z J3 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # l._ . Tobeusedtor FIREPLACE Est.Value $1,000 Date FEB 27 , 1991 Site Address 4122 PENNSYLVANIA AVE 26 Block 1 SeGSub. STAFFORD PLACE Lot OFFICE USE ONLY Parcel No. occuvancy - Fees Zoning - w Name (Actuap Const - Bldg. Permit 95-00 ; AddfQSS (Allowa6la) _ Surchar e - 5n o City Phone s of stodes - g Plan Review Lergih _ o Name MTDWF.ST FTRF.Pi.ACE CO Depth - SAQCity , 0 Address 5905 N HWY 769 S.F.7otal ' ¢ G2y pT.YMOIiTH PhOf18 559-590f1 = S.F.Faotprints SAC,MCWCC Water Conn On Sile Sawage _ ? ww Name On Site Well - Water Meter t, AddfBSS MWCCSystem ?i5 Accl. Deposit a W City Phone city waier - i S/W Permit red _ PqV Requ I hereby acknowlege that I have read Ihis application and state that Ihe Booster Pump - Siw Surcharge iniormation is correct and agree P comply with all applicable State of Minnesola StaWtes antl C f E an Ordinances. 7reatmem PI Signature ot Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit A Building Permit is issued to: MID ' ST FIREPLACE CO Pianner - park Dad. on ihe express condilion that all work shall be done in accordance wilh all Council applicable State of Minnesota Statules and City of Eagan Ordinances. BIdg.OFl Copies BuildingOfficial n,(Hi?' n7? l Variance - TOTAL 25.50 CITY OF EAGAN . 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55721 N? 15570 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt # tZ P n h /J? /) ?- To be used for SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $98,000 Date SEPT 7 ,108 Site Address 4122 PENNSYLVANIA AVE Lot 26 Block 1 Sec/Sub. STAFFORD PLACE Parcel No. : Name FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES w = Address 3902 CEDARVALE DR 0 City EAGAN_ Phone 454-0433 , o Name 0 a Addre ? Cify_ OFFICE USE ONIY On Site Sewage - Occupancy MWCC System 7C Zoning OnSlteWell _ (AcfuaqConst City Water X (qlloweble) PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump _ Length Depth S.F. Tofal Footprint S.F. R-3 M-1 R-1 V-N V-N 64' 28' "w w Name_ w f iz. Address U aW CItY- I hereby ecknowledge that I have reatl Ihis application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with a I ap plica6le State of Minnesote Statutes and City of Eagap Ord4anoed / Signatwe of Permittee _-WiL( ?1S^?+yJ1L_--_.- A Building Permit is issued ro: FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES on the express cond ition that all work shall be dona in accordance with all applicable State of. (M?i,,n.n?e-sot?a] Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building OfficiaLlJJMd1.1__L?AVA-VAL _--- APPROVALS Engr./Asseu. Planner Council Bldg. Of(. Variance FEES Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road lJnit Treatment P1 Parks TOTAL 566.00 49.00 283.00 100.00 550.00 550.00 67.00 325.00 204.00 2,694.00 This request void lr/3/O$j? 18 rtnn[hs tmm a u D 30092/-c-,v&_/ ?:=•?a? ?.a...? •.,... ....?..,,,....,? I hereby request inspeclion ol abova ? Owner elecvical work installad at Slreet A dress, eox or ?9 ule No. City /?? Jrv vCl}'ir ecu n o. wnshi0 Name or o. RanBe No. Co ry Occu ' nt 1 TI Phone Nn. Power Suvof r Address ? u uw Ele lricaJ C?t ctor ICo ipa Namel Cn har. ror's Li nse No. ? ? 3 ? ,, Maiiing AJress 1 onvaclor or Owner Makine I s?ailationl Auth ri ?gn e (Contractor/Ownar Makinp Installation) P hon e Number ,? / ?'7V If / f MINNESOTA STATE BOAXO OF ELECT8ICITY THIS INSPECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT Grigge-Midway Bldg. - Room N•197 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOAHD 1871 Universilv Ava.. $t. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPEF INSPECTION FEE IS PhOne(61216420800 ENCLOSED. 䕒啑卅⁔但⁒䱅䍅剔䍉䱁䤠华䕐呃佉⁎敥漭潯楯漭൳䤊Ⱪ匠敥椠獮牴灵汴湡⁳慬⁲慣潭敬椼杮琠楨⁳潦浲漠敢正漠⁦敹汩睯挠灯⹹਍⁄∳兑㈳∠≘䈠汥睯圠牯潃敶敲⁤祢䤠牨⁳敒畱獥൴上癭䄉瑤६敒⹰吉灹⁡汯䈠極瑬楬杮䄉噶楬湡慣⁥楗敲।煅楢浖湥楗敲൤ऊउ潈敭उ慒杮॥吉浥潰慲祲匠牥楶散਍उ䐉灵敬ॸ圉瑡牥䠠慥整ॲ䰉杬䝨祮䘠硩畴敲൳ऊउ灁⹴䈠極摬湩१䐉祲牥उ汅捥牴捩䠠慥楴൮ऊउ潃浭牥楣污䈠摬⹧उ畆慭散उ楓畬唠汮慯敤൲ऊउ湉畤瑳楲污䈠摬⹧उ楁⁲潃摮瑩潩敮ॲ䈉汵楍歬吠湡൫ऊउ慆浲उ瑏攠䐠捥⁩ॹ伉桴牥⠠湓搿祦൬ऊउ‱牥匠㽵楣奦उ⁴牥उ瑏≨਍潃灭瑵⁥湬灳捥楴湯䘠敥䈠汥睯਍क़匉牥楶散湅牴湥散楓敺瀉䘉慥䘉硡敤猬㔯扵整摥牥ॳ䘉敥䌉牬畣瑩൳ऊ唉琠〲‰浱猠उ〉琠〳䄠ॳउ‰湴㌠‰流猠਍उ扁癯⁥〲‰浱獰उ㌉‱潴ㄠ〰焠灭ॳउㄳ琠〱‰浱猠਍उ睓湩湶湩⁧潐汯उ焉潢敶㜠〰䅟灭ॳउ桁癯⁥〱弰流獰਍उ牔湡晳牯敭獲उ䤉瑲杩瑡潩潂牯㽲ॳउ摐瑲慩ⱬ伢桴牥䘠敥਍उ楓湧ॳउ灓捥慩汬獮数瑣潩८ഉ攊牲特獫उ佔䅔⁉橪唧൶䠊畡桂椭䤿ㄿ⁥‬桴⁡汅捡㔠偌਍‿‡㼧‿湉潳⁥潴ⁱ敨慲祢਍楆慮牄嘠琠慨桴⁥扡癯൥瀊捥楛湯栠獡㘠慥൮礊昷搠⹥਍丨⁡敲畱慥⁴潶瑬㠱洠湯桬⁡牉浯㼠Ⱜ䰮 MECHANICAL PERMIT DATE: 1/30/91 BECEIPT: 101239 SITEADDRESS 4122 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Unit# Permit# 12772 L 26 B I Sect.lSub. STAFFORD PLACE W6lVL6L ri6Hl lqb h H',. 43G-L003 INSPECTION INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS ? ?G 7 ^ INSPECTION INSPECTOH DATE COMMENTS 53q 5 ? RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 Naw Conatructbn HeauiremeMs • 3 repistered site surveys showing sq, tt. of bt, sq. R of house; and ALI rootetl areas (20% masenum bt caveBge ellowed) • 2 ooples af plan showing beem 8 wintlax sizes; poured found aesign, etc.) . 1 set of Energy CeMwlatbns • 9 copies ol Tree Preservatbn Plan It lol plattetl efler 7/1/93 • RIm,bISlDetailOpfbnsselecUOnshBet (bldgswith3orlessuntts) DATE ? SITE ADO TYPE OF APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS TELEPHONE #qG707-6?'Lh`9 CELL PHONE # aa????-:;> BemodeVHeoatr Heaulremante • 2 copiesaf plan • 1 set of Energy Cakulatbns for heated adtlitbns • lsttesurveyforexlerbradtlAlons&decks • IMicflte tl hane sened by septic system for addBbns VALUATION Ut 1 /F STATE glUZIP FAxx # 953 ? 9- - gqf f & PROPERT`lOWNER ?J((Il? ?QIeSLl9lC../? iELEPHONE# --------------------------------------- -------------------------------°--°-------------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR -NEW• RESIDENTIAL BUIIDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 MINNESOTA RULES 7672 (J submisslon type) . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitled ???,f Works7a e($u ? l?7 i' }?- LI 7 • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted D- ??J , ? JUL 2 2 2002 I?'! Plumbing Conhactor: Plumbing system includes: Mechanical ConhaCtor: Mechanical system includes: SewedWater Conhactor. 12,ft? IULTI-fAMILY BLDG _ Y XN FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Phone q Phone # Fee: $70.00 ----------------------------------------------°-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state ThaT the information is correct, and agree to comply with all appBcable State of Minnesota STatutes and City of Eagan Ordinance Signnture of Applicanf OFFICE USE ONLY _ Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. of Baths Phone # Lawn Sprinkler No. of R.I. Baths _ Air Condirioning _ Heat Recovery System Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ updaiBd aroz OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Aft - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex [3 17 Garege ? 22 Poroh/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Ait - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi 13 05 03-plex ? 11 10.plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage 0 06 04plex 0 12 12-plex Plbg_Yor_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bidg. O 42 Demolish (FOUndation) O 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Aiteration ? 37 Demolish (Bidg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (EMire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning Ciry Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) _ FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) _ FinaVNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone Fireplace R.I. _ Ai r Test _ Final _ Windows (new/replacement) _ _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Piant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total Building Inspector w ? ? • ? V,o %.?Ip ?6 5•uj + r<9 .U'J+ ?a s•ou+ ?a?:•pU+ 2 ,,;9 4 .uu* . L 1988 BUILDING PERMIT 9PPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 16910 INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SUAVEYp 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOA/HOMEOWNER M[1ST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS TS DESIRED. ND CHANGES WZLL BE ALLOWED ONCE BOILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL IINITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECS WITH BLDG. DEPT., 7 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS CO[•MEACIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS; 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULA'fIONS To Be Used For: NEW CONST. Valuation: $i"Date: 8/25/88 Site Address 4122 PENNSYLVANIA AVE Lot 26 Block I Parcel/Sub STAFFORD PLACE Owner Rnrupr.iRnru nnN Addresa AC, F_ 9th ST BCIX 179 City/Zip Code ST _ PAIIL, MN, 55101 Phone 292-9897 Contractor FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES Address 3902 CEOARVALE DRIVE City/Zip Code EAGAN, MN. 55122 Phone 454-0433 Arch./En8r. PHILLIPS PLAN SERVICE y Address 14530 PENNOCK AVE urrl On site sewage_ MWCC system v On site well City water ?/ PRV required Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Oecupancy R3 M -f Zoning R -l Actual Const V N Allowable V -N # of stories Length T Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES Engr/A9sess Planner Council slag. Of£. ?/z9 Variance City/Zip CodeAPPLE VALLEY 55124 L Permit .J66.Oo Surcharge 4k , 06 Plan Review 283+d0 snc, city o 00 SAC, MWCC 55'Z4 00 Water Conn MOp Water Meter Road Unit -12$',OO Treatment P1 7pyj 00 Parks Copies TOTAL Phone li 4-59- o44 EXTERIOR ENVELOPE A4ERAGc_"U" COMPUTATiON__ OWNER: ?r,nk?n?et?, Dz?n nnrr: SITE ADDRE55: 41A2 P,?F/Il16V4l1AAIPr A-i/C- PHONE:-/S"y)9Bnt;,?? ? n CONTRACTOR: DIUTI ?c*?P- ( YYtDG?t?rES PLAN ? SUI'L12?Y PL??l A ? Determine working square footage of each 1. Total exposed wall area..... 233?1 sq. ft. x.lI = 25'1.Z?1 2. Total roof/ceiling area..... S5? sq. ft. x .026 = ZZ. 1"18 Total exposed wall area above.fJoor= ZoZ? a. Total wall window area ........................................... I 48.?1, b. Total door area ..................... . . . .......................... . 37 40 ' c. Total ........ ................... _ s-liding glass door area ......... ? d. Total fireptace wall area ........................................ '.- e. Total wall `raming area (average :OA) ............................ 1'1q. Sl f_ Tota7 rim joist area ...........................................:. ?.S 3 Z9 ( 8' g. net wall area a6ove floor ..................................... I o1 : h. wall area a6ove floor ..................................... i. wall area a6ove floor ...................................... ..,,. -=" . ?. frame wall area at foundation ..................................: - ,a Total exposed foundation area= (o?- - - _ k. Total . foundation window area....................... ;, .: .. l. Tota7 net foundation area above grade .............. S 3 Determine "u" value of each wall segment (e.g. window, door, each separate wall section) - 9 X v ,4-1 = Coq.ci83 _: 148 a • . . b. 3-7 x ??U" c ? X liu„ . . d. X Hull _ e. X ??u" .a9 = 1?.fez. -. - f. 253 x,??„ , a4 = lo. x „u" Dq- ; y, n. X „u„ - ;. X ,iui, _ - : - , . j- X 1. U., = If item #3,is the.. C? x"U" 148 _ 4. 3Z k as, or 1 ess than `i . al, you have met,?f ? S3 xllu'l intent of SBC:600§. 3. ..... ............................Total = ?13 Z.U 7!0 :;?'? Tota1 exnosed rcof/ceiling area = S 53 m. Tbtal skylight area • ............................ n. '?'otal roo`/cei'in, franing area (wcrage 102)... ? o_ Tota1 net i^sulate.a, roof/ceiling area........... Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segnent M. X "U" _ n• .__e5.3 x IlU" ? OZ? = Z.04-1 x "„" .oZ = IS. 3s4 4 ........................... Total ,:` total c= `d is the same as, or less than $2, you have met the intent of SAC 50::5 ic? 1. _ A1ternate Buildir.o Enve'_one Design Zb uti1_ze the total envelope'system method, the values established by the s-.un of items 43 a-nd ;4 sra11 not be greater than the sum of items RL and T2. + 2_ Z2.1?(S = 2Zy. Q?bS 3. zoZ.0 7G + a. 1-7.4oi_ = 2l 1,4 PLAN # SueR.,(-,( ? LINFas., FEET EXPosID wP.z.L BLOCK: W.O.: FULL 1: FULL 2: PT_REPLACE: R?"1 * SQUARE FEET EXPOSID WALL AREA BLOCK: x .5 = KNEE: x 5 = W.O.: x 8 = fUI.L 1: x $ _ FULL 2: x 8 = FIREPLACE: x = RL'r: x 1 = * SQUARE FEET FXPOSID CEILING „ ijTm'?r,,s ^ DOORS ^ PATIO DOORS * BASIIMENT UNTTS * ?.?.T'dFAL FF`T A'?OSD WPLL gLocx: 34-t- I i+(O+1-7 + 13 +4+ I St 24= 12?- =: tiA w.o.: NR r ?71-Lj: 34+3f 24-=I 2cp FZ,2.L, 2: 34-1-14-S+btlSt f3+4t IStZS.S =12?7 FIREPLACE: OPT'OpP"'-' RLM: 1 Z,(o -r r Z-7 = Z53 ° SQUARE FfEr FXPoSID WALL ARFA BIACK: I24- x .5 = (02 x5= W.O.: X $ _ r7JLJ. 1: l2b X $ = 1oo8 Zoz FUTIL 2: f 2'1 x a= 1 a i?0 ? FLREPLACE: ZrM: x = 'ZS3 X '- = 253 ?LAN # 5U ze?`( PL'?r?) a ro'I'AL _ = z 33q ? SQUARE FEET EXPOSED CEI?.ING 4 t9'1+52 =853 nooxs 3°-1 - zo ?.??uoo.us Z&- ? ? 37 PATIO DOORS 0 1 - 2 0 36 - I I 1 40 2448 --rt-H ?o4v- I z4bo - rit Zo r0o -l I tl /S 64 (o.4a 30 53•3 /4-6.9 * PASII= UNITS Z?110-i1l = 9 :zse ;? e= cpa4ue '.h l 1 arPA tvr fv'amP. c4a'?strUGc ion a o;SZC l4A ?.L t'SG. *1 p" NAE.t R- VAi1JE CONSPA[JCTIDtd=- FRAtffNG - ' 1. INTERIOR AIR PIIM 0.68 2. 2 GYP9D 3. 5 1 2 SOfT 4+bOD 6.8 4. S. SIDIM .8 6. MCMOR AIIt FnM 00.17 ? TO R= 10.8S- M U= .09 TET 1. INTfItIOR AIIt fZIM 0.68 2:'_ " 2 BD .45 3. ? 4. 25/32 SHEATHING 2.06 5. SIDING .6 6. EXMRIOR AIR IM 0.17 rl U= .04 - w 1 IINfER20R AIR FIIM 68 0 . . 01 2. 6 SUL. 19.00 S;LL SEkLS,91 3. 0 , / 4. 5. S ?- 6. MTMOR AIR FILM . 7 Uo U= .04 1 {txNOhTICxJ l n o •' ___? .Q3 BLOCK W 4LL • < e , ??? , Q ? 1. IfiTERIO& AIR FILM 0.68 2. ?r?. • ' ? ?. 3. 5.00 ? n 4. PROTECT'IVE BARRIER 5. 6. TOTAL R= 7.13 U= .lk ? SLAB ON GRADE . : ° ?• ? ' r +\ ?- '1' l N ? ? ? 1 _ ? ' ° c I, ? , = , ? .,\ " II? . ? f l / f{? ', • ? ? l?' ??? • FZZ.. A4 ? S c • _ a i I?.? i _ ? G ? r10'?'E: IPIDICATE T`I?E , ??R?? VAIIJE. DE.oT:3 P1?ID ".EtJT OF PLP:CII INSULA'_?TON. A i?'_.AT FIX)Td u LP G. i€5 FI CONSTRL'CI'ION ' R-V 4T-^-'=- 1. II?1TF..'?IOR AT.R FIIM 0.6& 2. s/a" urr. nu. •-- 3. 4. ?.A.. • U = .02 FRAME 1 ZNT'£RZaR p T...R F'ILM 0.61 2. 3. : _ 4. l7 = G.024 CONSTRUCTION f ? ?EAT FiAW W Ll ,zc. #E 3 4 ir ?• ?.v??? i1??G3 I? •? ? • ?? ? ( ^7 • ` V 7 . ? VENT'ID ? r , ,. ,? .? ?•?.,? ?, L-?Jl 1- r? NON-Vc'21'I'FI) '.:AT FLOW l;? 1. INSIDE AIIZ FIIM 0.61 2. 3. 4. 5. F'RFME 1, INSIDE AIR FILM TOTAL U = • 0.61 2. 3. 4. 5. c. . 1. INSIDE AIR FILM . u = 0.61 2. 3. 4. 5. U = NpTE: USE ADDTTIONAL SFffETS IF MRE SPP.CE SS pIEEDID FOR DETAILS PND CALL'UTA?'T-ONS _ R4" 1991 BUII.DING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS lfULTIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - 6 STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCOLATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS _# OF RENTAL UNITS _# OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY IAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER IATS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MiIST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALIAWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For Site Address ? cL Valuation: ,22 PEIVtiOUNk,?A F- Lot ?J, Block I Parcel/Sub J fWAAAA AbLP, Owner Address City/Zip Code Phone Contractor X dG/ES r 1 I 4-E pl4 cE eo, Address City/Zip Code AU6y10ak S t/ a Phone SS1?11 ` 5C?00 Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Date: Occupancy Zoning Actual Const Allowable # of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sewag On site well MWCC System City water PRV Booster Pump APPROVALS Planner Council Bldg. Off. Variance OFFICE USE ONLY FEES Bldg. Permit Surcharge n0 Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/w Permit S/W Surcharge e_ Treatment P1. _ Road Unit Park Ded. Trail Ded. _ Copies SOBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL Z?.Ir, Phone # ??z ? _ agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with ( ignature of Contractor) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. OF 3830 VILOT KNOB ROAD THOAMS EGAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55144-1897 MayOf PHONE: (612) 454-8700 DAVID K. GUSinF50N fAX: (612) 454-8363 DAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHTFR CaunCil AMmb¢rs THOAMS HEDGES March 19, 1991 CiryAdminatrator EUGENE VAN OVFXBEKE ' Ciy Clzrk DON ROCKENBACK HOME BUII.DERS ASSOCIATES P O BOX 21426 EAGAN MN 55121 Dear pon, I have received your request to vacate a portion of Murphy Parkway in front of Lot 35, Block 1, Blackhawk Ponds Addition. The only way the City can vacate or turn back property is through a public hearing process held before the City Council. Enclosed is an application for that process, which is scheduled through the City's engineering department. Mr. Bruce Allen would be the contact person. This letter is also intended to act as written notice that all signage for the home at 4122 Pennsylvania Avenue in the Stafford Place Addition must be removed immediately. Single- family wning districts do not allow advertising signs other than one 4 x 4 for-sale or for-rent sign. The use of a model home is also not a permitted function in a single-family district. If you have any questions regarding either of these items, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jim Sturm City Planner JS/mg cc: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director Bruce Allen, Engineering Technician Donna Rollins, Sign Inspector THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROVJfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opporfuniry/Afflrmative Actfon Employer A , ? t L L? ? ? i, 3Io+OroL P I G,C.e Or 3630 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-7897 PHONE (674) 454-8700 FAX: (612) 454-6363 March 19, 1991 ?? DON ROCKENBACK HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATES P O BOX 21426 EAGAN MN 55121 Dear pon, TFiOhNS EGAN M3yor DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PMnELA MkQiEA TIM DAWLENiY THEODORE WACHtER Couricil AAeait+e4 THOAMS HEDGES Ciry Administra[or EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cily Ck,k I have received your request to vacate a portion of Murphy Parkway,in front of Lot 35, Block 1, Blackhawk Ponds Addition. The only way the City can vacate or turn back property is through a public hearing process held before the City CounciL'`Enclosed is an application for that process, which is scheduled through the City's engineeringadepartment. Mr. Bruce Allen would be the contact person. \ This letter is also intended to act as written notice that all signage for the hom t 4122 Pennsylvania Avenue in the Stafford Place Addition must be removed immediately. - ingle- family zoning districts do not allow advertising signs other than one 4 x 4 for-sale or for-rent sign. 'I'he use of a mode] home is also not a permitted function in a single-family district. If you have any questions regarding either of these items, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Jim Sturm City Planner JS/mg cc: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director Bruce Alien, Engineering Technician ? Donna Rollins, Sign Inspector ? ?? 'br? ` ??? THE LONE OAK TREE.. .THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GRONRH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equol Opportuniry/Affirmative Action Employer APFLICATION 1=0R PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIOfV #x xxx??v???xx??Rexxxxxwxa:?sRe *;• F NOTE: PAYP4W OF FEE AT 1'IME OF ? ; nPeiscaTTOe, ooFS Nar cau- ; ? SiT'N1B APPfiCJAL OF PIItFIIT. ? • ; sNSeacrrav oF s31ER nrn/on wnna « i i INamar.ral'IONS WIIS. L]OT BE ^s'M= ? t ITR'IL PERPIIT HAi HFEd ApPRCNfD. ? CRV !f #f #*#*44f kf ty#l?tkf 1lRMf 1 irF! 1tf f f?f?f f'M oF eagan (P E PRINT 1) PROPERTY AL7DRFSS: 4122 PENNSYLVANIA AVE LF7GGPS. DFSC;[tIPT20N: LOT 26 BLOCK 1 STAFFORD PLAGE Lot B oc S vision or Tax Parcel ID IF EXISTING STRC'CTURE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BLILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE: PRESENT ZOP1Ir7G/PROPOSID USE: Q COMMII2CIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE Q INDL?STRIAL Q INSTITUTIONAL/GOVERNMENT Mont Year ?;J R-1 SINGLE FAMILY E-1 R-2 DUPLEX (34ro Cnits) M R-3 TOWNHOOSE (Three + Units) ( Lnits) Q R-4 APARTMENT/CONIDOMINIUM ( Dnits) 21 ? NAME: FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES CORP ADDRESS: 3902 CEDARVALE DRIVE CITY, STATE, ZIP: EAGAN, MN. 55122 PHONE: 454-0433 3) ' ?? NAME: STAR PLUMBING ADDRE55: 1018 MOUND SPRINGS TERRACE CITY, STATE, ZIP: gL00MINGTON. MN. 55420 PHONE: 884-4149 MASTER LICENSE # 3329 Use i? Act' ve Expired Not recorded -gt-af Znitia 4) e ? NAME: ROCKENBACK, DON ADDRESS: 66 E 9th ST BOX 172 CITY, STATE, ZIP: ST.PAUL, MN. 55101 PHONE: 292-9897 ?J? d ? ? y •?, •Pil .C.?0 Q CONNMTION TO CITY SEWER XX CONNECTION 'IO CITY WATEF2 a OTFIEE2 6) * TfE GOLD COPY OF 2HE pEE2NIIT WIIS, BE SEPTP DIRFx`1Z,Y DD PUBLIC WORKS 7l7 FACILITATE METER PICK-tiP. x" ? PLEFISE AISAW 1FA WORKING DAYS EY)R PROCESSING. SOMEONE FROM TM CITY WILL ODNrACT YOU IF 1YIERE *. ARE ANY PROBIEMS. ? . FOR -CITY USE ONLY ? PERMIT # ISSOED . Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ D Iv -S $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ lb ? $ WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SIIRCHARGE) $ $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ' ACCOLNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ACCQUNT DEPQSIT - WATER $ $ WAC $ $ SAC $ $ TRCNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRONK SEWER ASSESSMENT $` $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRCNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $ 45-2Z $ TOTAL ? 7 2- O `Z- RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES LTILITY CONNE CTION REQUIRE EXCA VATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ED YES IF YES, THEN A" PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC F7 IVO ROADWAY" MUST BE DIVISION. LIST ' ISSLED BY THE ENGINEERING AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWI[VG CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: ? ? S'U A:Z.?? Wh, oIe HQ?seWarksheet ? li?'^? -.--??.__... ?? . ' , ` _ ZMi •r ,'l7•r?.,, , - Gry ' . . . . ' ..: _ . , . Suw Z+v TeM+Wwiw Nurt?6er , WINTER: Imide OrsipnLmp _29_r .. .. . F-OutciQaD"ionTemP "?•F....NwunyTwmPDAfroti*i,..V g •?. •p ' SUMMER:Ouuide 0esipn7amp . ` qS . ?F-Inaido0eaiynTamp •p-""? `••'•?"'°•'4. HEATING ?olinY TNmp0it4nnte Tp'+r+'v+q .?? ME?T?Na..?. _COMMON'DATq5ECTiON ?. ¢COOUNG . _ FAC70A'. _wu...?41?_ • II'A'.S?'!O tC/?:T.s?_ddr?... ...,.... J .. .. ... ??T? . - ?' y OOORS & WINDOWS ITeWi .• ' 6? '(0 0 NET WALL 17 ? 7- Z Zp 1o v--a 6 ceiuNC I 4 fi .d Y FwORS . % ZO% 1.t/m % W4ny Vdunr - .. . . . S o?/ .$ . - F r x??„ ? - • xo.1e333 x?l ls . - : .- ' x? x y_ l ?.I 1 x. 0.o1 a33 SU8•TOTAL BTUM ° SS (per 10 Fl gigIg ADJUSTMENT FACTOR lTapla C) 70TAl. BTUH LpSS PEOPL?.{Z x 300 HTUH GAIN ? 2".ar .!.l ?. . . . r _.. ,... ...? .., ADDi........ .. . ,.. . . •.. ', . , T I uNin hACTOR ITable Fl BTUH (Sensible Gain) iicMOVAl.,(sub total : x?-.== rp7AL BTUH I.pSS/G, 1'?ULE A-4IEqTING-DOOHS 6 WpOD FRqW?E yyINDpW$ IPEe 10"Fl FW a4UM?U ylJ?a WSWi • YiC IiClO/i 10f (Ile Wp1/ lyqo WIOdOW .obu? ?un . u Du.x Type y Frarnns -'- . , ?m?IdVaip?w- IM M?I xA?ea . BcuhLoss l?r.ai .. 9.90 10.45 11.56 ? . w'm s??.???? r 7? 5 ?5 ?IUJLIC Vt,Cq . • • ??.? w u ? ? s.si c.os 7.25' 79 OQ ? ?i.. = ai • tt ° 90 . - ?•+? 3.J0 4.35 5.46 Ioy1n. ?? e?.?Mw lW T ? :.ylylhla - • _ '" S.?! • •n.w n.c» 4YuoJU..'y 4.Gp _ - K uUw' o n • ? a? n ------.?.? 3.20 - - ?. . 1.? r nc Curu .S U?l'I?I.I?IY COIr I•'? r IH 5?hrilOlpl . - .? ?.]Q . TO7ALW a a ----?- - -- lAliLEl: - ADJUSiMGNTFACTOHS- IHL'AfING1.? 'r IYIU?cUNl?Od! 3p T ip? 5p ( np ?0 -Co 7 y? ? 9 O ?ISIb?O'Wl?y) . a 1.31 TABl.E B- COOIING ,-'OQORS b 1AI,INAGVyS'?' =Fnctaa aauma windu Wi ws htw.iriwW :nadi?9 W Wap?r'!N? . . . o. mu sliuina Lbcs aqr,n ato u.nea awu cwc Pwra_ tw?.? tu!uoai,u `., .•, . TlW.04A iW? IM S?Wpli. ' i?rT__T w r n• ?r b• w s? r . . L M ;N . ,y N M - Yf?NW ii ?1 • ?1 L ]{ ? ?A ? .. ibw q M o'w w•r! i ' . v? ru w W. hi ?]/ NP .. ..'M'?+?' IA i0.Y ?]J N qa ?l.i N Ma K! ..• . rxrtl? Y? •.a t? 1.> a? ??, l? ?\ ?? vr7 ' NW ww? ' TAtlLF D - INFil7H,yTiON Mii?1?F{t5 . "' Win}rr Ayr Chwip?s.P?r Muur . F4.n. n... ...... . .: . ' Summu /y ca„„ a,w. . wn a i..s Loa/ 4.2 y' O.D ?a a CAMp9?# U.= 05 ,. x a t.3 a vwt?n . ?lYw 4w?w Z Wu kou. ? isw"' o..1 4.Y J 2 4i y . O O .y. y. . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 mpmao7;;;,"m FEES S?D?N1`?A;2,,,+: PLEASE COMPLETE IIPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & ??.....,::.:,.,.<?.. _......,.., TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WkiEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACIi UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST _ ADD ON ? REPAIR _ OWNER NAME: (2A /2oG? SITE ADDRESS: S//.Z.Z ?.?N!?e{f/.El?/S??i%f /??. ?/ 6si ?s?,f LOT:g? BIACK ? SUBD. ? INSTALLER: _WT?ViZFiL 7 ADDRES S : / 9T.? _I??t????'L '&?CJ_ CITY: ZIP: Z PHONE #: S/S-Z , 1 66.5? 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE - $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. PROCESSED PIPING - $25.00 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR 1T.ACH DWELLING UNIT. ---------- _________________' WNTRACT PRICE: ?,/190. oa OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: IAT: BIACK _ SUBD. INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: PHONE #: FOR: CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL: FOR CITY IISE ONLY PERMIT # RECEIPT # DATE : Z=LO 9 FEES ADD-ON MINIMUM 15:00 HVAC 0-100 M BTU 00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM 3.00 OF 1 PER PERMIT SUBTOTAL: $? STATE SURCHARGE: 10'fAL: IG ff OF ERMITTEE $ (SIGNATURE) CITY OF EAGAN Hed'lund Engineering Lan1 Surwyon Clrtl Enylnsns ? SURVEY FOR; Frontier ?"idwest I?omes Cc>rp. oescAIeEo As: Lot 2E, FSlock 1, STAT.?+'qPD PLACF, City of Eagan, Dakotry County, t•+innesota and reserv easemen ts of record. PROPOSED EIEVATIONS Top ol Fountlafion -420.3 Garopo Floor .919.8 9060ment Floor ' 91t. t Approa. Sewer Service Elev. . iod.s ProDOSed Elevalions ? Q N E=istina Elwafiom Oralnoqe Dincrions penoln Otfser Staka ? O iIB• a? ? ° 9?4 7,3,3p ?••.+,.? ? n g O °2G? 00 9/.7 Sr ?j ..- ? i ? 919.7 M t ;Ld I' iPi Ga„ • ? ? h a Po??d _ ?. h li BENCHMARK, nc s ... To?> N.+ Nyd.Q L.4 l"c a4?ts _'I / us., Day?? ia 8?< 1Elw. = 920.67 V l 9?s 'sQ -' MIN. SETBACK REOIREMENTS F=3a ? eac . 5 r 6 q R: i5 / • - i ?\ ? J / 0 / ? FEEr ? ?l 30 . b? t GH ? / . R?V ED ? By ? ? Date ' P Z- EAGAN ENG:NE???..s ? ?r?T p° S / pS p0R0V0 REQUIR' ?? I hwnpy urtity lhat fAis s ru y?y. plbn or nport wos pnpared by me or under my Alncf sup?rrision anA tAuL?m Sduly Reytstend Land Surveyor under fhe lors of tAis State of Minni??? -w .. y'S d Date: iz /i1 / Y-) . ? R"'' 8/7O ¢g Jeffrey . p , Licenie No. I 3T6 ? I! ?.? i ?^. •V I' I I' ?- ,. . . ? ?O ;O N ? s r., ? ? Services Land Plonnen 9201 ea.t eloomirwwn Fr«m" Bbominpton, llirwsota 56120 PAone: 080-0269 sur?v??or?? G'ert?f "?cate BOOK _ PAGE a8Q- 4,7S ?; Joe No. Q? 12 O PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building Eagan. Permit Number: EA092669 Date Issued: 01/26/2010 OR Permit Category: ePermit 41~ it~ of E3 E Site Address: 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Lot: 26 Block: 1 Addition: Stafford Place PID:10-72500-260-01 Use: Description: Sub Type: e-Siding Construction Type: Work Type: Siding Description: House & Garage Census Code: 434- Occupancy : Zonin,: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. Fee Summary: BL - Base Fee S3K $88.50 0801.4085 Valuation: 3.000.00 Surcharge - Based on Valuation S3K $1.50 9001.2195 Total: $90.00 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Window Concepts NIN Jolene Nlever 990 Lone Oak Rd =114 4122 PennsvIvania Ave Eagan NIN 55121 Eagan SIN 55123--157 (651)905-010 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Citv of Eagan Ordinances. ApplicantiPermitee: Signature Issued Bv: Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use 1 j Permit City of Eapn I g C1s ' Permit Fee. . ~ , ~ I 3830 Pilot Knob Road a Eagan MN 55122 RECEIVE Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 ED 1 rrl~ _y_ Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 Staff: I V %f APR 13 2012 ' ' 2012 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Dl~ Date: Site Address: Unit M Name: r ti: r 7 ie, Phone: RESIDENT / 4 J OWNER Address / City / Zip: 4 ail l~ apt" i Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: F Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No g _ Company: Contact: JAI n 54 I CONTRACTOR Address:U',C-City: State: f CiAll Zip: J Phone: I 1 , License ~3 ,~7& Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) C COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of _ the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. - - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aopherstateonecall.oro I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance Pp 'cant's Printed Name Appli ant's Signature /qPage 1 of 3 Z11aO A0VO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES - Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Storm Damage _ Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) _ Exterior Alteration (Single Fami1j) - Multi Deck _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Exterior Alteration (Multi) _ 01 of - Plex _ Lower Level _ Pool _ Miscellaneous Accessory Building WORK TYPES _ New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior - Alteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation 54vdd Occupancy - MCES System Plan Review Code Edition SAC Units (25%_ 100% P-~ Zoning ,.l City Water Census Code tf Stories Booster Pump # of Units / Square Feet 'HOC PRV # of Buildings / Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Meter Size: Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required Foundation HVAC _ Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Drain Tile Other: Roof: -Ice & Water -Final Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Framing Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Windows Insulation Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Sheathing Radon Control Sheetrock Erosion Control Reviewed By: , Building Inspector L' RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review 7G 70 MCES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies 7~ TOTAL Page 2 of 3 Hedlund Engineering Services 92,11 ~a~taafr~~ f~aaiytoyors Civil Engineers b01111"10% a ~wG 5"20 Land Planners Phone: 88$-0$$9 i6 er~~ I rr e of 0r: 1300K PAGE 4 -757- ~/l~~ JOB NO. $ N'idwest Pomes Corp. 9• 17.7. SURVEY FOR; Frontier DESCRIBED AS; Lot ?E, Block 1, STAPPO .D d J s q4 09ve/ u 9r4.: PLACE, City of Eagan, Pakot. pie. County, ?+innesota and reserving ~p 7~ O 2lXj pp 9!•7.. easements of record. S * PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Top of foundation : r}2d, a •5 , Garage Haar =919.8 ' '+a Basement Floor :91Z. l uv ;err Approx. Sewer Service Elev. jw jod.S In s' Proposed Elevations I CD Existing Elevations . M Gar ; a a7 Drainage Directions , Denotes Offset Stake + t] S - pQ K ; " 40 3~ 2-sue ~'d • , BENCHMARK, ~ 1 h `Q r~C s ToF+lu} Nyd. Q- LeI I.."{ a4 ~ t s ! +o i L'tti< f , E1w, = 914.67 k v +sa y-•~} rt MIN. SETBACK REOIREMENTS g . = 30 s=io ' R = ~5 j 69 r / r N I f to J f• 1 / E GAIL RE 1E ~ J / 16y EEf l . - ~ ' ~ `"ONS DIVISION Q1 G AF% ROVED By ; / Date E ~ Ole EAG ;E..ET s ✓ . AN ENG.N ..A Z $I ` ~ • i~a a$ l~ w C+ 1 / O ® W a REQUIRED I hereby 6"i y that this B AO, plan or report was prepared by me at under my direct supervision and tha'tr'am-srduiy Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the state of fl11inat:saatt c Date: ii f IZ Jeffrey g , License No. 1 376 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA118340 Date Issued:10/31/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Lot:26 Block: 1 Addition: Stafford Place PID:10-72500-01-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Lisa Nyberg Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jolene Meyer 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123--157 Property Claim Solutions Llc 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA120257 Date Issued:01/29/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Lot:26 Block: 1 Addition: Stafford Place PID:10-72500-01-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jolene Meyer 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123--157 Property Claim Solutions LLC 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA120886 Date Issued:03/05/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Lot:26 Block: 1 Addition: Stafford Place PID:10-72500-01-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please leave printed pictures of house wrap on site for the final inspection. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jolene Meyer 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123--157 Property Claim Solutions LLC 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA153257 Date Issued:12/04/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Lot:26 Block: 1 Addition: Stafford Place PID:10-72500-01-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Fireplace Work Type:Gas Fireplace (new) Description: Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home may require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. Chimney / flue must be inspected prior to concealing. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 3,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $3K $88.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jolene Meyer 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123--157 Glowing Hearth And Home Llc 100 Eldorado Dr. Jordan MN 55352 (952) 492-9276 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD 1- EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651) 675.5675 I TDD: (651) 454-8535j FAX: (651) 675.5694 . ildingins tipnsc7a, jiofegg ran <rn DENTIAL BIM If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: WIS4 i%t». POo COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDIN In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan Issued a permit for similar plan based on a master plan Yes ;,�No If yes, date and ad ,of master Phone: 1 Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Phone: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Fire Suppression Contractor c Information. Pontius of the fnformaflpf may be conclude that they aretrade secrets. ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's. Building Code must be cam within t80 days of permit issuance. NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are consldered.to be pu classified as non-public if you provide specflc reasons that would penult ttie CIfy You may subscribe to receive an electnonic nodflcatlon from the City of proposed wobsite at www.citvofeaaan.comisubacribe. Exterior work authorised by a building permit' issued .In CALL WM Intend to dig to rc I hereby acknowledge that this inkinuation rr tste auui accurate; th an application Eagan; understand appr'o�i plan in the case of work which requires a • -vl Moe Lter Applies Printed Name aud d' warlc I not to start without raaretof plans. licarrs Signabtre anti codes of the City +o pant that the work will be DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE • SUB TYPES Foundation Fireplace Single Family Garage Multi Deck 01 of _ Plex Lower Level WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement _ Move Building _ Fire Repair Lip a/1/I5 /Ociai9 Fitg Porch (3-Season) _ Porch (4-Season) _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) Pool Addition Alteration Replace Retaining Wall DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100%_) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction _ Repair lobo v1 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) _ Footings (Addition) _ Foundation Foundation Before Roof: _Ice & Water _Final _ Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour _ Fireplace: _Rough In Air Test Insulation Sheathing Sheetrock Fire Walls Braced Walls Shower Pan Reviewed By: RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Radio Meter Read Copies TOTAL Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Exterior Alteration (Multi) Miscellaneous Accessory Building Siding _ Demolish Building* Reroof _ Demolish Interior Windows Demolish Foundation _ Egress Window _ Water Damage *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant "%- I aOae �sgC -I MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Suppression Required Meter Size: Final / C.O. Required Final / No C.O. Required Backfill HVAC Service Test Gas Line Air Test _ Hood Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests pinal Drain Tile Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick _ EFIS Windows Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Radon Control Fire Suppression: _Rough In _Final Erosion Control Other: Building Inspector Page2of3 61ed'lund Engineering Eaet ala.ltdrwtalFr«roe Services 8loatnlnptar,, Irtrltl..als 65420 Lead 'homers Clvil Ea9las.rs Land Planners Phone: 888-0259 1111, Srveqor'sCertifreate SURVEY FOR: DL$CRlOED AS: Existing Elevations ,CD Drainage Directions , ....p.,r Denotes Offset Stoke , e 8O0K PAGE �. / 8Q8- 475— �t / / l 0 WIV)61/(1141114)e, v JOB NO. 87R- 630 by Frontier ?fidwest Yomes Corp. Lot 26, Block 1, STAFFOPD PLACF, City of Eagan, Dakot County, Minnesota and reserving PROPOSED ELEVATIONSasements of record. Top of Foundation s 920. 2 Garage Floor .914, g Basement Floor .41Z.1 Approx. Sewer Service Elev. a sod. s ± Proposed Elevations BENCHMARK* Iola Not Ilya, LI 4..,c 1, Elw. t 92.a.G7 MIN. SETBACK REOIREMENTS e 1a. F 30 s 10 gay 5 R= 1$ EAGAN REVIEWED v-- DATE: 0� c.:V.ILDIN INSPECTIONS DIV / EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPT, / BY: I herebyerti that the 'Any, pion or report was • ared byme or underdirect ty � � y.. Po prepared my supervision) and that, aR (duly Registered Land Surveyor under the taws of the State of M i natisvi •• , y'S P pate: rt./ 11 / v� e.►. 8 / zo / a A2n�,ti cPr.4 E GAN EW -ONS DIVISION VE By Date EAGAN ENGINEER.' r.: R E U RED Po v Jeffrey License No. 1 3� 76 EAGAN r For Office Use Perm": /6?59 b �� Permit Fee: / / O� -3 6 )1` EcEi 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 .L (651) 675-5675 I TDD: (651) 454-8535 I FAX: (651) 675-5694 4 2020 staff: buildi noinspections@cityofeagan.com BY: 2020 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date Received: co ip 1 Date: Site Address: Unit #: Resident/ Owner Type of Work Contractor Dustin Meyer 612-849-3019 Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: 4122 Pennsylvania Ave Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Deck addition addition between existing deck and above ground pool Description of work: $5,800 Construction Cost: Multi -Family Building: (Yes / No 'I ) Exterior Expressions John Company. Contact: 1335 Parkview Dr. Chaska Address: City: Mn 55318 6128597150 jmrbirchcrest@yahoo.com State: Zip: Phone: Email: BC627376 License #: Lead Certificate #: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: Attaching to existing deck not the house g Y X COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor. Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor. Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor. Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non • ublic if • u provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at wvv w.cityofeagan.comisubscribe. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. CaII Gopher State One Call at (651) 4540002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval • • Tans. John Richardson_ / i DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ Single Family Multi 01 of _ Plex WORK TYPES New V Addition idAlteration Replace Retaining Wall DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100%y) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction _ Fireplace Garage )( Deck 7�' Lower Level Interior Improvement _ Move Building _ Fire Repair Repair Iti4A sylVM Porch (3-Season) Porch (4-Season) _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) Pool Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Roof: Ice & Water _Final Framing 30 Minutes Fireplace: _Rough In Insulation Sheathing Sheetrock Fire Walls Braced Wails Shower Pan Reviewed By: RESIDENTIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Radio Meter Read Copies Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Exterior Alteration (Multi) Miscellaneous Accessory Building Siding _ Demolish Building* Reroof _ Demolish Interior Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Egress Window _ Water Damage *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Suppression Required Meter Size: Final / C.O. Required XFinal / No C.O. Required HVAC Service Test Gas Line Air Test _ Hood Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final _ 1 Hour Drain Tile Air Test _Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick _ EFIS Windows Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final Radon Control Fire Suppression: _Rough In _Final Erosion Control Other: TOTAL Building Inspector 0 6-AAJ` fira'Jk-il y 0 Page 2 of 3 Hedlund Engineering Services / &`D I:and Siineyers Civil Engineers Land Planners East 8loomingtonFreewoll 8ioomington, MMlneseto 66440 Phone: 88S-O889 SURVEY FOR: DESCRIBED AS: Siawqors Ccrtifleate BOOK PAGE ais e - 47s- `� q/ D &165tfiefoliP U° .oJOB NO._$7R- 630_ Frontier V!iciwest Pones Corp. Lot 26., Block 1, STAFFORD PLACF, City of Eagan, Dakot County, ?Minnesota and reserving PROPOSED ELEVATtONSasements of record. . Top of Foundation a 920. 2 Garage Floor . q19, s Basement Floor :91Z. L Approx. Sewer Service Elev. w iad. `; ± Proposed Elevations Existing Elevations Cf:) Drolnoge Directions Denotes Offset Stoke I 17 BENCHMARK Toil Nub 4L1: i, E1eJ. MIN. SETBACK Q. L•l Lknt 9ta. G7 REOIREMENTS n EAGAN EVaE WE'' DATF. .li!_D!i:(a INSPECTIONS DIV LAGAN ENGIN1:ERLNG DEFT To / / / / /• 44. N BY: By , Date pr2��li clZa;.4 E RE r ONS DIVISION Z VE Pea 474,1 EAGAN E1TG:NEEE..' J )EPT - •y I hereby erti(y that �I_h�i4 sirrvsiy., pion or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision andthaL,Tom (dilly Registered Land Surveyor under the taws of the State of - • j a• . f cygy LOW t_ /11 / w. /zo/4s C4le Jeffrey ra . License No.1 Aav 376 r