2930 Pilot Knob Rd     íü     ûû  þýýü ûúðú ÿ     ùüüýý  ðêü  úÿüõó  í ð   þý   ÿþýüû ù÷à úÿýüû ùýüûù÷à  ø÷àêûõ ûÿ úÿúîî äÿûü Þ ôÿë õûæõóóõôÿõþõè å÷÷ûååõ  ý ûèúååûåè úþõçôÿþü÷åõüóõè  ëéâéííè í èî í öù  ÿó Ýÿéâéè ð èð Ýÿ è  õó  òñ ûû ê÷Üùøì ð ð  âþê êæòøòø ñáïáî îããã óþü÷ó óæóûûóóåõõûü÷óûûþ  åò ÿúüåäè ûûà õ ÿ ÿü ÿ TY OF EAGAN Remarks Additi Home Hei hts Lot 9 Bik S iQ, L Owner Street AMN Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Re pt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER N, 6U1 ING PER. AC PAR K CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Country Home Heights toc 9 ssk 5 parcel 10 18300 091 05 Owner_, Sfreet 2g30 Pilot Knob Rd. state Eagan, MN 55121 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. S 1984 1556.80 155.68 la STREET RESTOR. GRADING SPSAN SEW TRUNK 1968 $100. 00 $3. 33 30 PAID SEWERLATERAL & StUb 1972 &2163.00 $108.15 20 PAID WATERMAIN nN WATER LATERAL& STUB 1972 ZO WATER AREA r STORM SEW TRiC Q? 1984 495.00 33. 00 15 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LlGk{T WATER CONN. $320.00 855 8-5-75 BUILDING PER. #3742 855 $-75 sAC . 85-5 8-5-75 PARK YILLAGE 3795 Pil Eogan, M Zoning: Owner: Address Site Add Plu?r: 20 00 Ad Meter No.:? Connectlon Chazge:j- i Account Deposia ?-- Size: Reader No.: permit Fee: ' ^ ^? `''? - nr1 1 ogree fo compl.-w,i?fh /t?/e Villa9e of Eagan SuTChazge: 50 60 00 PC1 Ordinancm./? "'" Misc. Charges: Total: 11 30 *+d B ? Date Paid: Insp.: Da[e o?sp : SEWER SERVICE a4RMIT VILUIOE OF EA011N S .: NO PERMIT 3'95 W.!-t Kaob Road Eagan, MN 55121 ii DpTE: No. of Units: 1 2oning: Owner: Address: Site Address: Plumber: nnection Chazge: 425 0__ ? p__ ?a C o p ?emyiy wifh Ma Villaqe ? Eagon I a9? Account Deposit a-S-B0--Pd-? Ordinanus. ? - ---? o Permit Fee: I 0 ? Surchazge: Sn pd Misa Charges: By' Total: Date of Insp.: Dace Paid: Inap.: OF EAGIIN WATER SERVICE S2ERMIT ot Knoe Road PERMIT NO.: 9/15/75 N 55722 DATE: No. of Uni[s: 1 019 ?RWh0 1691, 5 ReQUe als Flre No. Roug?dn:os cl squlred I ection Other Then Rough-In V ,(?? I (YOU m t ce epector when reetly) ReaGy Now rYl WIII Notly Inspector r? ? Yes ? No Deia Reetl I'4licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspaction of above electrical work at: Joo naare ? isr?t, eo. o Roure Ne.? cny? 0 Sectlon No. Township Nema Dr No. flengB No. Co Occupant(PRiNT) Phona No. Power Suppller Adtlress ElacVical ontrecim (COmpany Neme) Contracmfs License No. e Pin ? li Atl ress (COntreclor wner Meking Instelietlon) i ? ? ` Authorizetl SiBnahre (COntracror/Owner MaklnO Installetion) Pho NumOer ? . ? C I ?.- ? • MINNESOTA STqTE BOAflD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION FEQl1EST WILL NOT Grlgpe-Mitlwey BItlB. • Room 5-128 8E ACCEPTEP 8Y THE STATE 80AFD 1841 Univarslly Ave., St. Peul, MN 66704 l1NLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phena(612) 86P-OB00 ENCLOSED. kMfflX0 ,` REOUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Poo See Inslructiona lar completing Mis fofm on Geck o( yelbw copy. "X„ 8elow Work Covered by This Request N ,? lo. ee-oooo,-os ?`? c!wa p. Type of Bullding Applfances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Du lex Water Heater Electric Heatin Apt. Buildin D er Loed Management Comm.llndusirial Fumace Othar (Specify) Fertn Air CondiBoner anar (sr»ciy) Coni1rectof?s Remarks: ? Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service Entrence Size Fee # Clrcuits/Feeders Fee Swimmin Pool 0 to 200 Am s D to 100 Am s Transformers Above 200-Amps Above 100 -Am s Si ns inspeaofs Uw Onry: ? TOT Irrigatlon Booms i??? r ? S ecial Ins ectlon c Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY B ED DISCONNECTED IF NO7 Other Fae COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electdcel Inspector, hereby ? aouqn-in oata n made.he above inspection has that bee Finai e?e OFFICE USE ONLY Tnis requast voitl 18 monlhs Irom 09/?05 , CITY OF EFSGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, P'Iinnesota 55122 PERMIT NO.:- 663:_ The City of Eagan hereby grants to o£ so. a PunMmitaG Permit for: (Owner) s me at 2930 PiloB taiob 1td. , PUx'suant to application dated 4/1z/75 Fee Paid: $5.00 dated this _15_ day of c:ppt_ , 19 75 • .50 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: . ? > 09/- os cyt/ PERNIIT NO.:_79S The City of Eagan hereby grants to C-asv xelson - czTt oF EAcaN 3795 Pilot Knob Roaa Eagan, Minnesota 55122 of 249 _ 1 et AVe So So St Pai+l a HEATING Permit for: (Owner at 2930 Piio .+ xd. 9 Pur'suant to application dated q/1 N575 Fee Paid: S5.00 dated this is _ day of snyt. t.19 75 • .50 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: ? CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT `?.......? Ownex ..... .l...°.`.''..`C.... ......................... °`."'.? - ? ................ ........... ? Addrese (Presenl) .......`?.?-?----.L ................::......'.?.,d7.-...?............... Suildes .....?:.."?".Z,.??. .?..-"-t ............................................... ........:.. .. Addren ..........................................°----.............--------..................°---' DESCRIPTION . . . N4 3742 3795 Piloi Knob Road Eagan. Minaesola $5122 459•8100 p _ r Dslo ....Q..-.`?._.._? ...................... Slazias To Be Usad For Froxt! Deplh Heigh! Eai. Cost srmit Fee Remarks _-_ _ ?-?-?. ? ?? . r•lY?? ? ??.!} ? ?? a `?'4? `sl-? O C74 , oKa, cz, ' LOCATION 1_3: ,.So oz ? g?• c? i ?/ .c.Cj,?' ?y?,?a??? I 9 I S I C. . J`rrl - ThL permit does not auShorise the use of slreels, roads, alleps oz aidewalks aos doee it give the ovaaas oe hU aqea! the righ2 !o erea2e any siluafion whiah ia a nuisanae or which praseafs a hezasd !o the heallh, safelp, coevealsan nnd geaesal welfara to anpone in !ka communily. THIS PEAMIT MUST BEICEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PAOGAES80.J This is !o eeslify. ihal..s ..N..:.'.'.'..'.`..`} .. .?.`.!-e~.'.:.? .................has permuelon io ereek-a.7!:`.!::'.`.5..--•--....?::-f ............?....?upoa the above described premise suk?eat !o the provisions of all applieable Ordinanees foe the Ci2p of Eage?L ....................... ..................... ?r-r. .................. . ............... Pex ................................ x..--:-........................................ .................... Mayor ? Sufldinp Impxtor Z3 MASTER CARD OWNER STRUCTURE AND IAND USED AS Permit BUILDING PlUM81NG CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK No. i? ??- ' ? -p.=?- Issued a r I Issued To Coniractor I Owner I 1,4 YJELL ELECTRICAI HEATING 7.9 f sr?t GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER I OTHER I OTHER I I Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIEID FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING ? DEPTH OF WEIL GAS INSTALIATION I SEPTIC TANK I CESSPOOL I DRAINFIELD I PLUMBING I WELL SANITARY SEWER O'19-71 c7'?r-- / Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: Community Development Department Building Inspecdons Division City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Fax: 681-4694 TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MAY 20,1997 RE: 2930 PILOT KNOB ROAD CLQT (191, BLOCK 5, COUNTRY HOME I3EIGHT5 In follow-up to the complaint received regarding the home at 2930 Pilot Knob Road, staff has found this home to be vacant, unsecured and several windows broken at the rear of the building. The original owner, Mrs. Winnie Nelson, has remarried and is now Mrs. Winnie Noack. Steve Dorgan contacted her by both telephone and letter (attached) regazding the City's concerns. Mrs. Noack said that she did rent the home out for a while, but it is unoccupied at this time. Steve offered to assist Mrs. Noack with concerns she may have regarding her property and asked that she contact him within a week of receiving his letter with her intentions. Chief B ding Official DR/js 1S/DouW2930 Pilot Knob Road U+ 0q 1; BILi , I1-13-95 To: Tom Egan Mayor City of Eagan ? pc ' U vv ?OUr? r me i1? g4 ?? RE: Code violation regarding land usage at 2930 Pilot Knob Rd and other residences near that address on Pilot Knob Road. This letter is in response to our conversation last week regarding the above matter. This is a formal notice requesting that tlus location(s) be reviewed for residential code violations. This particular location at 2930 Pilot Knob Rd. is the location of a earth moving and landscape business. There has been dump trucks, loaders, piles of processed dirt at this location. Recendy the owner has installed a partial stone hedge with a for saIe sign on it for custom work. This location is hardly a residence with this type of activity and appearance. The stone hedge may even be on the easement right of way. The piles of gravel and black dirt has been observed to be sold out of that sight. I am requesting that inspecdons and monitoring be done, as I understand that a written request by someone is necessary for something like this to be looked into. There are aiso commercial type velucles continually occupied at 2860 Pilot Knob Rd. This issue affects the aestheric value of the residential area on a main artery road of the city. I would like to request confumarion and results of any follow-up regarding these locations. Sincerely, Lacry Poppler 3030 Poppler Dr. Eagan, Mn. 55121 cc: Tom Hedges City Administrator ?Qx,c,?•?,f?pp?b%?/p 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD vU00 EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. NEW CONSTRUCI'ION ADD-ON A/C _x ADD-ON FURNACE Replace FIREPLACE INSERT DATE 11-2-94 FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1@ 53.00 EACHj ADD-ON/REMODEL (EXISTING CONSTRUCTION) $ 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE .SO TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: 2930 Pilot Knob Rd. OWNER NAME: George Noack TELEPHONE #: 457-7072 INSTeAI.LER: FPEDRICKSON HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. ADDRESS: 3650 Kennebec Dr., #1 CITY: Eagan STATE: MN ZIP CODE55122-1003 TELEPHONE #: 452-2775 ? SIGNATU OF PERMITTEE 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. DATE: N$W BUILDING INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PRICE: $ FEES 1% OF Q{3KUC"1" FEE PROCESSED PIPING: MINIMUM FEE: STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL crTF $25.00 $25.00 $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE. $ OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: CITY: TELEPHONE #: STATE: ZIP CODE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPEC'I'OR CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT ............. .......... n Owne= ..... ......."'.... ..... .................. ........" '......'-" Addsees (Prasent) ......?.?....... jR'Z.-...??..?r.....? Butldee ..... BtS.:?.t......??.`..."7::?....?..?..-.:.?.'?.."?.:.5.?:.'.?:'..`..`..`.?'?... Addraaa .............................................................................................. DESCRIPTION • i• N2 3742 3795 Pilo! Knob Road Eagan, Minneaofa 55122 954-8100 Dele ....[1.... -? ............ .......................... 6toriea To Se Used For Fron! Deplh Hsig&! Eef. Cw! Psrmi! Fea ? Aemarlu O-V ' LOCATION 13<-1,5-10 or a93 ° cR-?? ,?, I .7 I S I ?? N H- ? This permif does nof aulhorize the use of sfreeb, toads, alleys or sidewalks aor does it gtve the owner or L4 aqen! the righlfo ereale any siYUalion whieh is a nuisence or whlch presenfs a hasard !0 the healfh, safelp, tonvsaisats and ganezal melfare to anpone in the eommunifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE EPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WOAS IS IN PROGRESB. / ya? J This is 3o certifp, thal .. ............. ........ ................. has parmicalon !o eree"7?:.. . t:....!B`. the above desexibed premise su ci to the provisions of all applieable Ordinances for the Ciip ot Eag? ? ............."'............ Per .........................-""'-IU`-..ti??! ......_!.`xti.`.:a^:?.................... ....................•?. --.-.-'-'-"'".Ma?°?e.?..... -.?'--°-- -B Buildinq Impector-le MASTER CARD LOCATI ON OWNER STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS Permit No. Issued Issued To Conirador Owner BUILDING s- 7 S PLUMBING ? 4r ? jI I f CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK _ - _-- WELL ELECTRICAL HEATI NG GAS INSTALIING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATI ON CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HE.4TING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLA710N SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL ' SANITARY SEWER . Q,-- Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS 70 BE USED ONLY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. DATE OF INSPECTION ? ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTION$ OR DEVIATIONS. ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. NON{OMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. AS FOLLOWS: ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION REINSPECTION REVEALED CERTI FICATION - I certify that I have carefully inspected the above in which I have no interes[ present or prospective, antl that I have reported herein all significant conditions oLserved to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any specific require- ments for off-site imprwements relating [o the proDerty inspected. 1-1 ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED DATE COMMENTS: ? za '?.?FROM ''HE OFFICE OF ? ?e? ??C??? ' r?lPA?JL R. 19IdcLAGAN & SON ? 737 Dakola Aveeue WE.SS ST. PAUi., MINN. SSI IB . , ? o? ???L ,U?? . ' ' Minneeota Reqieterad Land Survayora I Hereby Certify that thia plat ahows a survey made by me of the prop erty deacribed on this plat, and that the corners sre correctly placed as ahown ---- and that all locatione, encroachmente, etc., have been correctly shown. Surveyed For ..._fial'vey-A. _P.ellerln ......... ........ _....................... Date June..5. 1970 _ . . .. ........... ... ... _ ..__ ._..........:......:.. scale .. 1 . incn = 50 ...reet ..... . .. UIiSCItI!'TIOXS WAYNE MeLAGAN, Consultant -11?sir_e J?I .... ...... Lot 7, Illocl: 5, Country flome Heights, according Lo the recorded plat thereo fjLnt '), Hlncrk 5, i;nnntry Ilomr. He.ighta, eccording to the rpcorded plat thereo? except, beeinning at tlie tioiithwest cnrner oT Anid Lot 9; thenr.e F;astPrly aii the SouLh ]iue ttiercof 260 Yect to the Southeast corner of said Lot 9; thr,nl North xlong thc F,asterly line thereof 18,0 feet; thence Southwe4t.erly to , point of heginning, - Lot 17, Hloek 5, Country Nome iicighta, ar.cording to the recorAed plnt thare' .. togecher xitir tFiat part of Lut 9, Iilock 5, Country Iloma HelQhte, beginning.i . 'Lhe Southwest oorner of sa1A Lot 9; thence Easterly along the South line thi of 260 feet to the Southenet corner of sald Lot 9; thonee North along the F.o erly line thereof 18.0 feat; Lhence Southrresterly^ to the point of.beginnl.ng' --- " ? . 298.5 So ? I ? ? Z r- N Kl u W ? 0 I? W I ? r ? t ? ? ? I ? I I . , ' _ --? 260 _ (7 ? ---? . ? .. IA. I b , at .. _ , 3s0 ?.• t .. ; • ???'? ? ? G, r ? • . I .; ? . U 0 lfldlf`ALe4 ? cnA\x T'yF. OFFICE OF ,?. _ . OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOWN OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD ST, PAUL, MINNESOTq 55111 CONTRGL STATEMENT PLEASE RETURN W17H PAYMENT' r THIS IS A STATEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, YOU Y1AVE THE PRIyILEGE OF PAYII THE TOTAL AMOUNT q5 SHOwN (SEE BO% S) WITMIN 30 OAVS wITMOUT INTEREST OR THE TOTAL AMOUNT wILL BE CEFiTIFIi TO DANOTA COUhTY AUDITOR AT MASTINGS IN ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS AND APPEAq ON YOUR TA7( STATEMENT. TNE COUNCII OF TME TOWry OF EAGAN HAS COhFIRMCD T11E ASSE75MENT ppq (SEE BOX 1) WMICN IS NOW qi? AND PAYABLE. IF THE EM1TIqE ASSESSMENT IS PAIO ON OR BEFONE DUE OATE (SEE BOX 2) TME SAME CAH 9E PA10 WITMOi IhTEREST, IF THE ENTIqE ASSESSMENT IS NOT PA10 ON Oq BERORE THE 11BOVE OATE, THEN, THE ASSHSSMENT MAY 8E P/ 4M AhNUAL INSTAILMENTS ISEE BOX 31 WITM INTEREST AT g?. ON Tl?g UNPAID BALANCE PqOVIDEO; MOWEVEq? TMAT T? FIRST INSTAL?,MENT $HALL BE WITM INTEfiEST AT B e FROM THE DATE OF TNE COUNCIL'S CONFIRMATIONOF TF{IS ASSE? MEN7 wHiCN IS fSEE 80X a? TO DECEMBEH 37, pF TMAT YEAq, THE LAW PqpV1DE5 TMAT UNPAID ASSESSMENTS BECOMg IIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTV, 1i . ?i °;4 JSF =09 h.??.? oE I?L •SSESSM !JT 15 LEVIE • •. I Seue^ and water laterals 1972 o. farvey :,. &Ya;gaz.et Pellerin Oct. 21, 1971 r21 20 2550 Pilot Knob Road , . S'Ci• P$1]l, Y-7. 55118 (?.Oll71LTV Hnme I1 f3I Sept. 21, 1971 (a ;2163.00 ?s PLEASE PAV ABOVE AMOUN7 I District < DAKO7A COUN;Y HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Hwy.No. •Route Perm .° APFLICATION FOR ACCESS DRIYEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERMIT Section'_ No._t s-75 • (Applicant to be (wnished with proper s[andard.plate) Fcint or type application. FiII bur 4 copies, sign and mail to County Highway Uepartment. Sketch property, pcesent and proposed driveways and relation to County Highway on back of II four copi s. ST?A?t ?507? 'J' Name of <' Applicant ? ??•?? (11 ? ?T.?` .? Address ? 1 I ?> Tel. l? 1 7/ g Name of L? Properfy0wner ?. Address Sel• Location: I y? Co. Rd.L?7L_ in CountyL?&ilesN-SE-Wof 'j??1 (CircAe One) ( peclfic oed, landmark, o eoad in[erscctlon) (egal Descripi n of Property ) ? -{- ? ) ? ? OIJ? 1 ??,?\ as shown an our Tax Stotement ? 1 ??1 ?U L?M`i Purpose of Driveway Residence Q Commercial (spec+fy type) Is a Building to Wh°t Ol ?-?c?? ??l '?S• be Constructed [] No FVI Yes Kind ?A ? (check ) Will the Building be ? Temporary or fC71 Permanenf (proper ) {s the Proparty in [gf Platted or 0 UnplatTSd Areo 7r ( squares ) ? Distance from center of highway to fr,Qnut of' building, or front of pump island is feet. Is land higher? lower? 4 e1,1 IC52??level? with highway. Show feet d ie?chea Show ayet h inchee Number of Present Driveways to Properiy hO Y'41 Date Proposed Drivaway will be needed v Give Exact Locafion of Proposed1 ` `_ Drivewoy to Property h(9 {>-3 4 t )CQ C o Give Exact Location of Present ? ? U US ?? ?l 10 wKuk CtW SS (? P U? • f2''h Y? Driveway to Property "- I, We, ffi¢ underaigned, nerewith make epplication [or permission to wnstruc[ the acceas drlveway et the ebeve location, seid ddveway to be constructed m corJorm with the eCandards of the Highway Depnrtmek end [o any speciel Drovisiana inctuded ln the permit. I[ is egreed [hat ail work wili be Cone to the seiisEaction of the Highway Uepartmen4 It is twther agreed that no wwk in connection with this applicetion wtll be star[ed uniil the appliCation iv approved eM (lve permi[ Lasued. - ?nl s4 ? L . Tate _t- $i nature of App icanT Do Not lYrite Below This Line tiot valid unle?s ACCESS nRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERMIT Signed and nunbe.ed " C--7`S- Permit Number Permission is here6y granted for the c?nstruction of the drivewoy as described in the above application, said driveway to be consTrucied an accordance with the Minnesota Higtiwoy Departments Driveway $tandard Plote No. . and subject to the requirements on reverse side and the fallowing special provisions: It is expressly understood ihat this permit is conditioned upon replacement or restoration of the trunk highway to its original or to a satisfactory condition. It is further understood that this permit is issued wbject to the approval of local city, village or borough authorities having joint supervision over said street or highway. AFTF.R PERVIIT IS AYPROVED: DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT G Ai'hile to Applican[ D Buff to Cen[ca1 Office G Pink to Area hiainL Office ? Green ro M1funicipality or Sec. Crew nn'P Cnuntv Trnffic Enoinaer L * R E Q U I R E M E N T S 1. No work under this application is to be started until application is appcoved and the.peemit issued. 2. 14'here .cork on traveled roadway is necessary, traffic must be protected, and flags, flares and proper ha;ricades must he placed in accordance with the standards of the Minnesota Highway Department. 3. No foreion matenal such as dirt, gcavel or 6ituminous mateiial shall be left or deposited on the road during the construction of driveway or installation of drainage facilities. 4. i:oadside must be cleaaed up after work is completed. i. After driveway construction is completed, the permittee shall notify the County Traffic Engineer that the work has been completed and is ready for Final inspection and approval by the Minnesota Highway De- partment. 6. No changes or alterations in entrances may be made at any time without written permission from the County Highway Department. SPECIAL PROVISION CONTINtiED No Deposit Required . FoR Deposit in amount of S required and attached here[o. DfSTP.CT . 31ake checks payable to Treasurer, Dakota County. u5e I oNLy I'his deposit made by - Applicant Name or . P.ddress Party doing Name Address ., Ske[ch Property, present and proposed Driveways and relation to Trunk Highway on all copies. . z3 zz 2i 20 ? i9 . ? cv os.so r?s.i. ze.r '', ?5 GO I f eJv 1 Y ec Y ? ? 0 s ?a+a ?? ?- d • ° ; • 2 7 ° Y f z 8 ? ? iL e ._ ` f > ? " " 5 ^ 1 s ? , ? -I ? E O M p ? R Y .t ?y I y 3au ? y ^ . e u i ''• S ? V !' I? a ? ' , J`y' ? ? ] h' 8 `y ?oY // D? t _ o S , oa l rv / N(? !5 N ? .rM vz ? ¢. ` ro 9 ? M ? ? • "' ' a 1 Z . J x< i ir \ / l2 ; 2 c ? ? ? . 0 i .r? 8 p m a i a . ! a? ti / J• .s I < 4 J) . ' . a •rs.r f i 3 ? ? f b ^ /4 A a.. S ? ? w ri? r ? ° v 4 ti ? ,.,o ? 9 ? ^ 3 W , I ? o q • n ' ?? •t . ? ^ e s ry , v C.aNi« ew.ve , t 17 ` D z.e I y , ? ? • e / - ; ? . o 3 e?* g s tl b' ' ?e u : fi f ? . ? y C , 8 > ? a 's i f . ? ? z } ? • ? f . ? ? ? , ? ? r ? 8 9 y ? / • .?????. c ? . ??. . S?G _o1'6 tJ O DAKOTA COUN7Y HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Hwy. ?/ ?o tncc .?--' APPLICAT(ON FOR ACCESS QRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERMIT s ?t; ?o`.?`tf3s '7S . (P.pplican[ to be twnished wich proper stondard plate) . - Frint or t}'p° application. Fill our S capies, siga and mail to County Highway Depaltment. Sketch property, present and pcoposed driveways and relation to County Highway oa 6ack of ll four copi s. ?a ST• A?l S07s tJame of ApplicanE 1C1?I_ Address NQ?. ?cj Tel. Name of ? Property Owner ? Locotion: Co. Rd.- J 7 / in Legol Description of Pr ( as shown on your Tax Address Tel. CountyL?hiilesN-&E-Wof (Cirete ana) ' ( ecilie 6ad. lendmerk, o raad P=e intmsactlon) ??-- - - - - of y ? Residance Is o Building to 6e Consirocted [] No ? Commereial (specify type) Whot Yes Kind ` (check Will the Building be Q Temporary or ? Permanent ( propec j Is the Property in ? Plotted or Q Unp{atted Areo (squares) Distance from certter of highwey to front oE building, ar front of pump island is I-1-)o feeY. Is land higker? lower?q tt ?ft7?%c lavel? with highway. Show fset b inchas Show f'Aat b inches ' Number of Present Dtiveways to Property ?10 `+\? Date Proposed Driveway will be needed kV Give Exact Locetion of Propased Driveway to Property ()«?tOYi U?i)\ \lS ht bQSc?, `76 C 14_? 16}y o? u5a'C- 1?11c?lo-)N L? sSt,? P opl:,r?tg Give Exact Location oF PresJenT Driveway to Property I, We. the undaraianeA, Oerewieh ma4e aeelieatioa for pennias:en to c mtruct the pecexx dNVeway nt [Fa wbove tocatioq said detve-ao to be epnser,cen.d m coeJOrm with the ataMarda of the Hi¢hway DepuemeN and to eny syecial provisions included in the permit. Ie is agreM that aIl work witl be done [o the satisfac.ion of the Highway Department. It ia [urther agreed that no mork in comaetion with thia applieation witt bc started untit the applieation is apBroved and I?e petmit iasueE. - DaTe uo Not 5ti[lte Below "Ihis Line "'ot valid L'nleas ACCESS DRIYEWAY OR ENTRANCE PfRM1T G Signed and lanbeeed . . Peraic Nua.ber Permission is hereby granted for the cinstruction of the driveway as descri6ed in the above application, said drivewoy to be consiructed an accordance with the FAinnesota Highway Departments Driveway $tondard Plate No. , and suhject to the requ+rements on reverse side and the following special provisions: . IY is expressly understood that this permit is conditioned upon replocement or resforoT{on oF the trunk.hiyhway ro its origina{ or to o snfisfcctory condition. It is Furiher understood thet this permit is {ssued subjecr ro t6e epproval of loca:-city, villoge cr borosgh cut6orities havmg joint supervision over said str=et or highway. Af'TFR PERLI2T I$ AYPkOVED: ?Wn<<? co a?Pi,canc DFKOTA COUti7Y HiGHtir?,'f C-Pr?PTMctiT ?l Aatf ta Can!ral Ot:'ce ` -'. Pink to Area idainL OfFice G:een to S]uniCipali:y or 5ec Crr? . Daie ? Countv Trr.Eirr ? ?'v . ..:. .. ?......? ? ? I J \ Z i ei 2o 19 iP /l /< 7 E a ^ _ /,? z sc) ?nsic _-• ,.? r?? , ,. y ?f ?? ' = ': ? ' ` .. ' z.p i7...: 1 ? = . . ? e ?r..s? ?? ? S a ' ia " ? 5 ` J P If • '4 j ` j a * - -? ' t ? ? e ` ./ I?C? J • •' l • I ? y P ?1 2 ? : 5p' CP ? Y f Y J o, ?? ` k N w S JO. O t e 1 /L ° Q p" ? F P f ? 9 ? ? 0 { \ r 3)s a I o r 4 q ` . ??? • 7 ? ] d i ? ii ? L 1 ? ? 1 = ` j -1 1' 0 ? 6 ' z.. It ?srt u T ?, •? 1 ? ie : ? ? 1 1 ° 1 . .s• . g6 s r .a° p a "I • , + A i3 ? y, f •D i '1 // . ` 2 ? J6 ', ?' ? }' ? ?' ? ? o p ? A ? ?? Pf?? ! "? ,s ' f " Y p ? ? ` ' _;• , ,.<' - - ? . ` 'w ° 0 ` ? : r a? sf J? a. e ew Q, 3 ? /f ?T s h' J yy ' h A ?. , 7 ; O •, ' _ ` a 3 S ? 8 a • p ? ie y • . ( ? h f 7 ? 3 44 It a 2 , H K w a 9 ii. ..w ua.> ^ ? .--? _ / _'-?• •- -__. . ??p ? , . a e26 ? U LEO MUPVHY MAYON THOMAS EGAN MAFK PARRANTO JAMES A. SMITM THEODORE WACNTEH COUNCIL MEMBERS / 35- ? d;ez?-? 9?m ?. CITY OF EAGAN 3788 PILOT KNOB ROAO EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PNONE 454-s+oo June 25, ]979 930 Pilot Knab Road Eagan. Dear Mr. Nelson: n rHOr+ws Heoces CITY ACMINISTqATOq •LYCE BOLKE CITY CLERI( You may not be aware that you are in violation of several Eagan ordinanoes that must be coxrected imrediately. #1 - Oxdinance 31, Section 202, UHC-76 - Hazardous Buildings: Garage #2 - Ordinance 36, Section 2907, UBC 73-76 - Eburxlations: Garage #3 - Oxdinance I- Jimk cars and durping We have been vesy patient with your not oonpleting the dwelling, garage and landscaping on your property. Do not caipel us to institute legal action tn attain oonplianoe with the City of Eagan oxdinances and State of Minnesota Statutes. Respectfully su}ndtted, Dale S. Peterson Building Insgector ASP: tlp oc: parcel file July xecheck file TNE LONE OAK TREE ... TME SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. ?U% f? q zorRESIDENTIAL BUILDING rEa'v`TnrrucMuaN City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Conshuction Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showim3 sq. ft of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 Soils RepuA H proposed building is to be placed on disWrbed soil 2 copies of plan showing heam 8 window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 717193 Rim Jdst Detail Optbns selection sheet (build'mgs wifh3 orless unils) Minnegascomechaninl venlilation form RemodeYteoair Reauirements 2 copaas of plan showing footlngs, beams, joists 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated addNons I sde survey for addNOns & dedcs Addition - indicate if on-site septic system ?i OffxxlUse Oniv Ced of SLrvey Reoj :Y ` N SoilsRepod I _Y _N TreePresPlan:Reai _Y N. 7ree Pres Required _ Y-N On-slte Septlc System Y_ N Plans are considered public information unless vou state thev are trade secret and the reason. Date Y 144- lQ? Site Address -In P/ L e5- Construction Cos[ 31 dOd OA Unit/Ste # Description of Work ?C=, ? /?C>??" Z N / Mu1G-FamilyBldg x Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner Telephone 4(:::G/) alo- 9z y7- Contractor Address ? 5tate CiTy Zip Tetephone M ( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUI4DING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Enefgy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (4 submissiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has The City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractpr I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and is complete and accurat e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to star[ without a perxnit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approvai of plans. Telephone #( Telephone #( Telephone #( o?e?? ?. Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanY ? ature ?? DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bidg O 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 09 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Ait - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screenlgazebo/pergola) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 24 StormDamage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Tvpes ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building* ? 43 Reroof ?. 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Repl2c6ment •Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applfcant DBSCI'iqt1017: Water Damage _ Yes Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Code Edition Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const WidYh REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(new bldg) _ Sheetrock. _ Footings(deck) _ FinaUC.O. _ Footings (addi6on) _ FinaUNo C.O. Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Ofher Ice & Water Roof Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ _ Framing _ _ _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick Fireplace _ R.I. Air Test _ Final _ Windows _ _ _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MClES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total Building Inspector