2975 Pilot Knob Rd     ñý    ðúû  ÿ ÿþþý üûüúû     ùýýþþ úðéý þ    ÿþ   þýüûúùö á  ø  ýûúù  ûúùö á  ÷öáíùô   ùâý  ø ý øãåýùú ä  þóý ë ôù çô òòô óý  ô ü ô é æ  ööù ÿæ æ ô   þ  ùéøæ æ ùæ  é ø üôè   óý üúö  æôúòô é  ëêãßêéé öù  þý ò  àýêãßêéïéï àýãÿé  õô  óò ùù íö Ý â ô ïøýúíø ï ßüí í çñ÷ã ñ÷ ðìîì ò üúö ò òç ò ùù òòæ ô   ôùúöòùùüþ æñ þý øúæ å  é ùùá  ôþ ý  ýúþ ý  PERMIT # MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # 67 o co CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE Site Address =-1-7 v Lot _I Block :? j Sec ? Name ? Address Zlas? 71 - T • c City Phone ? Name Z?Q c Address 7- 0 (;ity 4- Phone TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. Vent Gas Riping Outlets # Other M BTU M BTU M BTU M BTU CFM FEE /c: OTAL• BLDG TYPE . WORK DESC "7 RIPTION / Res. New Mult Add-on C ? - ' omm. Repair Other FEES w RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU - a24 00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU . - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU GAS OUTLETS COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE - 6.00 - 1.50 EA. MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) ;J•?T , S t7 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE /v • s ? FOR: CITY OF EAGAN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: , „ l ; t i<< i t td??i PERMIT SUBTYPE: INSPECTION RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: ?? ,.. ,.?( r. 1: } ?; t? 1 bf' TYPE OF WORK: ii; .1 i 1 I t 1 1111 Itll I I li 1 PIh 0. 1 {! 14 4) fhr. /N i/'1q N I 11 ( 1?t 1 At !l1 11 r A' ',L-FAI<q(t i-i kMI ( 1kFtlUli+El? t-Uli F1NY i.t.Ei il.ll AI I.Jll)Ir1, ,? Permit No. Permlt Holder Date Telephone # S/1N PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspecdon DsM Insp. Comments Footings I ? Foundation Framing ?j3 Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Pibg. Plbg. Inspector - Notity Plumber Const. Meter Engr.IPlan Bidg. Final Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN Addition Section 4 Lot ? alk owner L Street 2975 Pilot Knob Rd. X'i?.vuf fu.oc,n - se.. 10 OCL00 01 staiB Eagan,MN 55121 -.A_I=- L, Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SUR F. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK C(D 1 a 1 O.OO 30 Paid SEWER LATERAL - " WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL ? • O 45.37 20 P83.d WATER AREA STQRM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 00.00 6447 9-1$_ 2 BUILDING PER. SAC PARK RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 51.F0, Ob CITY OF EACAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 659-681-4675 Cqll{a q.1`01 .Vew Canstmction Reauirements RemodeVReoair Requirements ? • 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. fl. of house; and all roo(ed areas • 2 copies of pian (20°6 maximum lot coverage allowed) . 1 set of Energy Calalalions for heated additions • 2 rqpies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc.) • 1 site survey for extenor additions 8 decks • 7 set of Energy Calculations • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted aRer7lil93 • Rim Joist Oetail Options selection sheet (61dgs wiN 3 or less units) mo DATE `T `4"' 0/ VALUATION (EXCLUDING LAND) 2? 6 od JOB SITE ADDRE55 Z9 757 / K.uo h /?d • IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, PROPERTY OWNER G/,dd TYPE OF WORK ? APPLICANT eCorZ, ADDRESS 741 /d ?rGi PAGER # MANY UNITS? ZIP CODE T5 y.3 g NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETEIY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted PlumbingContractor: 14eS47 waylv/G? Phone#: ld? Plumbing System Iucludcs: Water Softener _ Lawn Sprinkler P'ee: $90.00 Z- f'60v? dr+i'?? ? Water Heater _ No. of R.I. Ba[hs I _ f'lr6Ze- G', ;r-.-'/ / No. of 13alhs Mechanical Contractor. /'<r'5 4 Nlcchanical Svslc m Licludes: Air Condiuonina 4?1-el / He:t[ Recovery System d?e' ? ?l -- Sewer/Water Contractor: Phone # AS9 ""14GZ P'ce: $70.00 Phone # All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is corre ? Ktd ?2jr? Nb Nk all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Applicant v Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 1/07 C E L L PHONE #(o,Z -Ad/-9Ti y3 FAX # GcS/- ?Fet+`-/lov`/ OFFICE USE ONLY O 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? OS 03-plex ? 06 04•plex ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ?v 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement Valuation Census Code SAC Units Nbr. of Units Nbr. of Bldgs Type of Const ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 23 Parch (screened) ? 24 Storm Damage 'F 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bidg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant ? T ? o? / l ? _ Footings(new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) _ Foundation _ Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Finat ? Framing Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test Final ?f Insulation Occupancy MC/ES System Zoning City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Final/C.O. ? FinallNo C.O. Sp Plumbing ? HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved By1,/-6_, Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Ntechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 09 07-ple;c ? 17 Garage ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N RESIDENTIAL ? /1??? / BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION # LfSI ?Jo 7 f f CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651•681-4675 70, LO NewCOnstructionReauirements RemodeURenairReuuirement5 ^all__I ri?io? • 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roo(ed areas • 2 copies of plan ` ?N J (20% maximum lot croverage allowed) • 1 set of Ene Calculations for heated additions ? • 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes: poured found design, etc.) a survey tor extenor additions • 1 set of Energy Calculations • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platled after 771193 147 ?G . Rim Joisf Detail Options selectlon sheet (bidgs with 3 or less units) ?o DATE O? VALUATION (EXCLUDING LAND) Z d06 ? JOB SITE ADDRESS Z 9 75 IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER C?O??o.rJ Z f TYPE OF WORK aPPLicar ADDRESS PAGER # ??i 9os/6oo ?`izz ZIP CODE FAX # -/6? 0/ NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor; Plumbing SysCein Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Vlecli.mic:il Svstein Inelticles: Sewer/Water Contractor: _ Alf COR(IIrlO[llflo Hcat Recovcry Systcm FIREPLACE(S) _0 _1 _2 _3 Phone # Phone # Fee: $90.00 Tee: $70.00 All above information must 6e submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with . uil appiicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan OrdinaI:: Signature of Applicant Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Requfred _ CELL PHONE # Water Softener Watcr Heater -- No. oF Baths Phone Lawn Spiinkler No. of R.I. Baths Updated 1101 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? OS 03-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 09 07-piex ? 17 Garage ? 10 08-plex W 18 Oeck ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lawer Level ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi v 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bidg)' O 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/DOOrs ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (Entire B ldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant ' Valuation o2 o a v Occupancy / V` 3 MC/ES System ` 13 Census Code Zoning R.. / City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units ? Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED I NSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) FinaVC.O. _ Foo[ings(deck) ?j FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing _ Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water ? Final Other _ Framing _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ A'u Tes[ _ Final _ Siding Stucco S[one _ Insulation _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved ByL?:d .. .-, Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Nlechanicai Permit License Search Copies Other Total p x. f 9,4 p e ? ?!< /r/O ?T9 S 2/25/02 Water/WastewaterISTS4.31 J?L Compliance Inspection Form for Existing Minnesota Pollution Individuai Sewage Treatment Systems '"w= Control Agenry Compfetton ol this form /u!liJls the minimal requiremenfs ol Minn. Stet. § 115.55 (2001) and Minnesota R. ch. 7080 (1999). Please refer to local ordinances for other reqWrements or inioimation, esoecialW for comoliance requirements for 6edroom additfons. Date of Inspection: Reason for inspection: P2a 'Y , R4A-6Pc& Property owner(s) P; "GcKj Telephone (0) zio -tSc:i c,,ll Person requesting inspection Telephone (V51 ) lle??5 1b00 e.,+ zzz w4-tc, SiteAddress '2fiZ'S i'?w7 w-03 Prajkb City Fire No./ Parcel No. legal Description Local Regulatory Authority Xh6? Zip Code County ??k?o's4 Township 15t64? Tr'^' L Date system constructed SPKIuV zw ` System tn Shoreland Area: yes 0 System In Wellhead Protection Area: yes o System serving a MDN licensed facility: yes 0 Local Permit #(if any) " Systems 6uilt prior to Aprfl 1, 1996 and not located in Shoreland or Wellhead Protection Area or Serving a Food, Beverege or Lodging Establ(shment Systems located in Shoreland or Wellhead Protection Areas or Serving a Food, Beverage or Lodging Establishment, or systems BuiR after March 31 1996 Is the svstem an imminent th a+ r., .,utilic hoalw, or Zs the svstem an immieent threat to oublic health sa feri? (a yes answeris an ITPHSsystem) or safetv? (a yes answer is an IIRHSSystem) - Discharge of sewage to the ground surtace7 YES NO - Dfscharge of sewage to the ground surFace7 YES - Discharge of sewage to dralntlle or wrface waters7 YES NO ? - Discharge of sewage to draintlle or surface waters? YES - Sewage backup Into dwelling? YES NO - Sewage backup into dwelling? YES - Situatlon with the potendal to Immediatey and - Sitvatlon wtth the potentlal to immediatey and adversely impad or threaten public health or adversely Impact or threaten public heallfi or safety7 YES NO safety7 YES ?O Is the svstem failina? (a yes answer is a tai/ing system) Is the svstem failina? (a yes answer is a fal/ing system) - Less than TWO feet of vertical separaUon between - Less than THREE feet of verticai separadon between system 6ottom and satureted wfl or bedrock? YES NO - system bottom and saturated soil or bedrock7 YES O - A seepage plt, cesspool, drywell, or leaching p1t7 YES NO - A seepage pit, cesspool, drywell, or leaching pit? YES 0 Is the svstem non-comoliant? Is the svstem non-comoliant7 - Is the system regulated under a monitoring plan or - Is the system regulated under a monitoring plan operating permit? (if no, go to page 2) YES NO operating permk? (if no, go to page 2) YES 10 If yes, ff yes - Has the required monitoring taken place7 YES NO - Has the required monitoring taken place? YES NO (Nno, the system k non-comp/ying) (1t no, the system is non-comptying) - Does the mpnitoring indicate that the system mests - Does the monftoring indicate that the system meets pertormance expectations? YES NO performance expectations7 YES NO (If no, the system is non-complying) (I/no, the system is non.comptying) Page 1 of 2 wq-wwists4.31 Property Owner(s) G°zOY P f'c¢.> Fire No./ Parcel No. „ System Comuonents (Please descr/be the system components and attach site sketch show/ng system /ocation): ? lr f` 6M-?aa 2 i:oAF'gtmj?? i4w? - 2ot? F€.t;i aF tZrl? `-t'4Fx?LNP/? -- -` metho :s were used to m-ke ttie det rminatlon for the mmolianae insoection? (Note.• No standard protoAO/exLsls. The falkw/ng /[st ls not exhaustlHe, or In .sequenda/ omer nor Indicates wk/ch comb/nat/ons rnay necessag'ta make a determ/natlon) Watsrtlght tank(s) Hydreulie Fundioning. Vertical Separatfon Distance ? Pro6ed lank bottom ? Searched for surface outlet Conducied soil borings . . .. .. >'lZ o O Observed low Ifguid level ? Performed hydrautlc test Depth to Ilmidng layer o Examined wnsL records /Zf Searched for seeping. in yard Depth m SYstem b°a°m d Examined emPtY (Pumped) tank ? Checked for hack-up In home :? E?wmfned records o Pro6ed outside tank for "black w0° o Excesslve ponding in soil system/D-boxes o LGU Limidng layer Veriflcatlon a Pressure/vacuum chedc ? Homeowner testimony_ . ?:.Other _ o Other ? Emmined for surging !n tank ? "BWck soil' above soil sysGem o Other Status of the svstem Based on the aompliance criteria, the system status is: (chedc one) 13 failing(to protect groundwater) O an imminentthreat to public health or safety (IfPHS), 0 non-compliant (monitoring issue) li(compliant (none of the 3 prevfous conditians). Therefore, this document is a: ,e5 Certiflcate of Compliance O,Notice of Noncompliance , . :. Is this system an EPA Class V Injection Well? 0 yes .e5 no °' - Certification I hereby cerdfy as a state of Minnesota licensed Inspector and/or Designer I or Qualified Employee Inspector and/or Qualified Employee Designer I that I conducted an investigatton that accurately determined tlie compliance status of this system and that my recorded observatlons are accurate as of this date. No. determinatlon of future hydraufic pertormance has been nor ran be mede due to unknown conditlons during system con4truction, abuse of the system, inad`quate maintenance, or future water usage. >. .: : Inspector'sname(print) GEa 2bE Lik¢oLdt dZ Phone L91) ucense and/or Registratlon Number *kvi Address Empioyed by SZvc.HtS i Wc. Address 1J,m- S?" ?• ?? Sfgnature Date Upeirade 11- emen (deiived from Minnesob Stalutes¢ I15.55) M 17AHS must be upgiaded, rep/aced, or Its use disrontlnued with/n ten months ofrerelpt of this notice or within a shorter per/ad if lWWred by /oca/ adinance. If 1he rystem faf/s to provlde su#&Ymtgroundwater profectlon, then tlre system must de upgraded, . repLviced, or Ks use d[swntlnuad w/thln the dme requlred by ni/e ar the /ncal ordinance. Ifan exlsdng systefn /s imt fa1/ing as defJnad In /aw, and has at least Mn feet of design sollseparaAbn, lhen dre system need not be upgraded, repalred, rep/aced, or /ts use dLsnontlnued, nofwithstanding any loca/ oro'inance tha[ /s more shict. Th/s aQaes not app/y to systems In shomJand areas, we/lheatl proteeriun areas, or thase u.sed !n ronnecUon wrbh foqd beverage, end Aodging estab/'?shments as derna+d in law. Suggested Attachments 1) Site sketch could also fnclude: well, well seffiack tn system, dwelling.or othar,buildin9s, tank(s),reserved soil treatrnent area, surface wateY and soil bodng laatlons. Tnelude as-bitlit drawing If availzhle: 2) Soil tioring logs, showing each horizon. Indicate the'texture, color, redoxfinerphic features depth to bedrock, standing water and whether the material is filL 3) A Iise of any and all requiremenls of ttie local ordinanceThat are d(ffarent from the staate requirements refeqed ta on thfs fortn. 4) A homeowner survey of system performance, signed by the hortieowner as being factuaL 5) Monitoring data as appropriate. . ' ,.. Page 2 of 2 SEPTIC TANK PUMPING CERTIFICATE , FUR OFFICE USE ONI.Y nwAval by Dala Map tl OWNER NAME DATE OF PUMPING PROJECT ADDRESS SEPTIC TANK MATERIAL• ,VConcrete ? Fiberglass 13 Plastic 0 Metal 0 Other TANK PUMPED THROUGH: ? inspection pipe ,VMaintenance access INLET BAFFLE: Material t'`*-Tlb Intact? d Yes 0 No Replaces!? O Yes O, No OUTLET BAFFLE: Material d'Lhs1G Intact? ,B Yes 13 Nu Replaced?[] Yes 0 Na SEPTIC TANK SIZE gallons ADDITIONAL TANK(S)? wo .' w.nRMYeTnW INSPECTION PIPES PRESENT ON TANKP d Yes ? No • .11 _or 0.n'T8 13 Added in / ft n e utle nter MAINTENANCE ACCESS PRESENT? 12(Yes 11 No C6 ACCESS WITNIN 12" OF GROUND SURFACEP,d Yes ?No "`?fz. uF ?s? cw?er?m? qut, i.6w;EZ nr= Z`^d Ccwf 11 Added in/flt Inlet/Outlet/ n e m The septic-tank 0:ES DOES NOT appear watertight, as of today's date. Commenfs' V`%AliY'TENkN(.L kLf,5S 4WQ..S w LKL I)i -(1}r LitN"(F? 6r- < Sts?tk i,o?F7sQ?MFr?CS `a?T?} b-?" a?F covEdZ, / hereby CerlNy wlfb my algnalure as a slale o! M/neeaota Ucensed Prrroper llia! my nbcsern!lons reaobed on !h/a larm are accvnle fo /ke besl olmy pro/esslona/ knowledge aa o/ /be dafe s/gned /ar /he properly slaled aboHe No deleris/nndon o/Ilufnne peiloimrrnae can be inede dae to gnknawn coal/t/ons sycb ae abase ollhe syslem, wnd/or Mndequale ma/nlenance, o/ wiiMh wi/l admnce/y a/7ed lhe /Ne a/!he syslem. l^.?cuQk,E .LAIZOCHr. J2. MPCA #802 4, PumpemNawt(PlRasa pMnt) Slate Llcense Nurober Dale Pumper LaROChe's Inc Company Nvne (507) 334-7745 Phone Number Logs of Soil Borings Ground surface -b C P? Horiion: A Depth: °-3 SoilTexture: Soil Color t"?K sz Moltling: Yes _ No ?Clay Hlms: Yes _ No A/ Soil Stuclure; +--ki, Roas: Yes _ No ? Car6onates: Yes _ No ? Horizon: f5 Depth; 3- it. Soil Texture: sAN?m "+i. SoilColor. 101? 5?. Motlling: Yes _ No ?pay filros: Yes _ No ? Soil3tucture: vr?,xj L-Y? Roots: Yes _ No ? Carbonata: Yes _ No ? Horizon: G Depth: Soil Texture: SoilColor; ?0-?e z MottGng: Yes _ No ?Clay 51ms: Yes _ No ? Soil Slucture: w %-? Rools: Yes _ No ?Carbonates: Yes _ No ? Horimn: p Depth: E-t.--I-z. Soil Texture: SV-t? $Oil COIOr: t`N2 5 MWtling: Yes _ No.LQay films: Yea _ Na ? $Oil$fUCfufe: *"'LA- Roots: Yes _ No ? Carponates; yes _ Nu ? End of boring at 1Z" feet Standing water table: Present at = feet of depth, - hours after boring: Not present in boring hole ?. Mottled Soil: Observed at ' feet of depth. Not observed in boring hole ?. Observations and comments: Location of Project Z.5'lj f»?o i K?ao?S l6`? County Ml?z? Boring Number Location of the Boring Borings made by LhQoI-4E> Date L1-21-V3 Classification System: AASHO USDCS Unifi Oth r Auger used: Hand ? Type: Bucket ? Power Flight_ Other Soil Type: Vegetation: L!-w h Elevation: 04- Slope: 01-l, % Site Drainage: Qx?.??' t Shc ChvMerlNa and Aequired Arcas far Sewage 7Faatmenl PaoolaimRnain Squue CuIWu Minuleaper Ineh ShcTeaww fedper perd.ype r (Afflj gdlmpv squuefMa d. PWathu 0.1- CousaSand -" "... O.IwS Sud 0.93 1.20 0.1 a 3 Fine wod ^ 1.67 0.60 6bi3 SWylaun 1.17 0.79 16m70 Inw 1.6'/ 0.60 71fo45 SiltLoun 2.00 0.50 41W Cl.y Lo.m 2.20 0.45 Slora0•u Chy '""_ ...«. w. SOIL TREATMENT SYSTEM SITE PI.AN DRAWING RSQUIRSD IIfFQRMATIOlf Chect boz i!' aompleted: ? NoslL nrrow 0 Lekes, Hvn:b slrsems> wsttsnds ? Aosd rIQLl-ot-aa7(s) ? Dedgmated wU tseatmset wa ?Ordiam7 hiYh wetar tsvel of pnbLo waben ? Lot Un" ? Lok dlmendoas - ? Allarnata wLL trsalmmt ares ??an-yser lloed davetlon ? Let awmanb ? 8oi1 borinp i psra teat ioeakloas a1tL heslsoalpl b vsctlod raEecea" polnt ? Yloodlag pataatlsi areu ? Leeatlon ef dlslarbsd or eompeeled erew ? Batbaab lrom balldinQs • Wells wlthln 100 faet .? Loeatlen ot roa-on peksatld arw ? Proposed i sabtlna bulldinp ? 8ewr Lnes altLin 60 fwt of wotls ? 8iwatlsa otbekWm of wil Matmient waa w1FL [oaadatlow ? DlnoNoe o( depe(s) ? Aa"w ronb tor faek eulebe?ao? SCALE: 1 inch -7 -- ? ? , -I --- -' --? ? -?- ' Hmdpw Slgaetukp- i NSn Cco2 Llcww Numbsr Dste PERMIT# 47 la ? (S Please complete for: RECEIPT DATE: Co ' I S• V / fnIDEPTIAL PL1JM$IA6 PERM1T AfTI1C1hTIOR crrY oF F.?em 3$30 PILOT KAOB RD EA&AA, DiN 55122 651-691-4675 ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for irrigation system SITEADDRESS: ? G ` ? OWNER NAME: : INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: ) Plate a check mark nezt tn the oermit wnrk tvno STATE: ZIP:7?Sl ? New residential dwelling unit under construction and not owner/occupied $ 90.00 Add-on, modification or alteration to existinq dwelling unit, including: $ 50.00 • abandonment of septic system • new installation/repaidrebuild of RPZ • lawn irrigation system • waterturnaround Nature of work: Septic System, new/refurbished - $ 225.00 • includes County & Consulting Inspector fees • requires MPC license State Surcharge D ? II C? .50 Total + 2S, `?;o Reminder. 8e sure to schedule inspections of alteretions, i.e. watI134eaters, water softene s; etc. I hereby acknowledge that I have read fhis application, state thatthe informatlon is covect, and agrea to complywith all applicable Ciryof Eagan ordinances."ItA?-- is the applicanPs responsibility to notiry the property owner that the Cityof Eagan assumes liability for any damages caused by the City dpf* g ils normal operational and maintenance ac6vities W 1he facilities wnstructed under thls pertnit wi in Ci propertylright-of-p?ay/easerperq,/' TURE OF PERMITTEE ( ?? ? yj/ ? TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE #: j ??? r `- `o 026 ?_ 1;1- (AREA CODE) Updated 1/01 Jun 7 '01 10:16 P.01 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Palicy & Planning Division 520 Lafayette Road ?r St. Paul, Minnesota 551 SS-4194 (651)296-6300 (voice); (651)282-5332 (TT"Y) FACSIMILE TRANSMITI'AL SHEET To: Company or Agency: E-mail: Telephone Number: Facsimile Nwnher: Subject: From: E-mail: Agency: Telephone IVwnaber: Facsimile Number: Date: Bruce Bruestie 651-681-4694 Bruce Kupfer ISTS Installer license- Kathy Layer Kath y. Laye r@ pca.state. rrm. u s Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (651)296-7789 (651)297-8676 6/7/01 Pages including this cover page: 2 If you have questions regarding this transmittal, please Contact me. ff you have any questions, please contact me at the telephane number fisted above. Thank you. Individual Sewage Treatment Systems A'on -TrafisferaGle ? License #74 L? ? Date of Tssuance: Jun 7, 2001 Installer Gicense Expiras: Jun 7, 2002 Bruce Kupfer Designated Registered Regis#ration ProfessionaFs (DItPs) Regisfraflon Type Expires Bruce W. Kupfer [nstaller Bec 31, 2003 ? Minnesota Pollutian Contro! Agency `4z =r 520 Lafayette Road No. Si. Paul, Minnesola 55155•4184 ? II.Karen A. Studder ; Commissioner iranesota Poilutioii Contro! Agertcy MEMORANDUM To: Fagan Budding Inspection Departmextt ApplicaM From: Ron Wasmund ISTS Inspector Date: June 4, 2001 5ubject: Plan Review Connnmts These cmunents aze basad upcxi review of plans submi[ted bv applicant. The plan review was peafornned fou compliance widh the latest edition of the Dakota Crnmry Oniina»c;e 113 and MN Rules 7080 as adopked by tlke City of Eagan. Omission or oversight by the Inspector does not relieve the applipnt from crnnpliance with all applicable codes. PROJECT ADDRESS: 2975 Pilot Knob Road Fagan MN OWNER'S NAME: Unlmoccn APPLIGANT: Bruce Kupfer CONTRACTOR: Bruce Kupfer for Klamm Mechanical PROJECT DFSCRIP'IION: Replacemaent ISTS for a 4 Bedpeoan Single Family Dwelling 1. All uisgections must be called for a min;r„m of 24 hours in advance. 2. Protact tlie uzatrncut area fi-an afl traffic before, during and after consttuction. Place smw fence or other appropriate barriecs to protect the treamient area, Failure W keen traffic off cwild daznage the systen and result m nmc soil evaluatien reqiurerrmts. 3. 'Illre perc test was nm at 12" below grade. Soil borinp were done to 48", 60", azid 66" below gade. Soil rype was classi6ai as sand (lOYIt 2/2,3/3,414 to a dpth of 48". Moad'mg was obserced 'm cach boring anvwhere finm 48" to 60". To maintam required separation the msamum depth of dhe trmch is 12". 4. 'Iht: treaUment area must be iustalled according to the design submitted. '[tie system is designed as grauoy Sed trench s}stem with 6 inches of rock below ihe distnbuaon pipe. Two hundied lineal feet of 3- foooR wide trench is pmposed. The trenciwd IateraLs must Uave a minimuai of 4-6 mches of caver over ttie geo-fabric to suppoR vegcxative cover. 5. Re-establish vegemve cover over drainfield as quickly as possible a$er completion of construexion. 6. A 1500- g,aLlwn double comparLnent tank minimttm is required. 7he first canpartnmt mus[ be aL least ln nuc mt moie d,ar, 2l3 of the total tmk capac;cy> a 1 s00-gauon rank is proposed. 7. All tanks or campafinents must be provided an access for cletuvng. A manhole of at least 20 incbes in diameter must be located withm 6' of all walls of the tank for ckanmg. 'Ihe cover af the manltole must be located at or above fmal grade. 8. Nsbll aminmmm 4" diameter nupaction riser above the mlet and oudd baffles far wspection of the batHes and one on the atxess cover to each camparhnent to mpsiue scum level. 7hese mspecticn risers must be maintainecl above grade. 9. Care shaild be taken to support the plastic pipe between tlhe adge of dre tank and the edge of dhe excavalion so dhat it will noi sag or break durmg 6ac1c61tmg apetatiaos. Schadule 40 pJastic is reconmxnded 10. The septic tank must be inspacted or Pumped ever}' duce years, rrare frequartly if oonditions or rnd'inance require it. 05l30/2063 08:38 19524450914 KtPFER PACE 02 QN-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT Sl'STEM " 1NSPECTI0N BllPORT pPPUpW amy pemd p; l? ( n .? ?.c 4?,0? • r? ? nars af Paced SiT ? p` ]g5pwied by; brlltssitiFel?h???? -_,> 4 Pta+c Test Z. `l Avexa,ge PeCRme fra7PD T,?ydtrack w.urw.me . i. a pcceptancz Rate (?a: iatep? Rewve Am: Yes /g?> ( Number of Sepac Tanks Capacty (i.oao & aa4) Pra4ab TankMndrl:(Vi> Tta Y ?- anp?s?.bo.+Gquidmfxcc) ? f 1.1QIId DCpSb (3a"VNa) Ai Pr?Lincstto•) i wCun$•3 ' La:geTras(ra) ??Ptopc+RY Linrs (ic •i 7 oucla a min. 3" ,xaow iula HomimnfalDimetuion(24"oi-) `I Taa6 is kvel ?I Int«a?te ch'e??x' . ` .Wv??aac?wJ / W3lCiQSfiI constrovdim .2, swtdirp (fo') Rxreation &c TributoY (rs') 'WGIl (50' a 10o') ?/ RiffiatlgLt Coosaucdon 7 IH? IIivCIiS (7°aboveamEct - ? __y Pipe Couw=dn ? Pipe to Drup Hox pW-mmd) 'r 0+61EtlnectG9f.v"*o.e8oot7 2 # of aodrooms l ? Potenti,m! Bad?ouro? ? Saspxiion Pipes (40mm.) --?Jf NJanftk (24"mxi) puqpiitg taitk Yes p -?DU+IOW WatfjPressure +h"' (m.) A11 othws exMPt Ree. & Txlb. (1sa-) BWItP.'d W3w PICSSB[C L13NC9 {1a) -?l Hox is I.em Aiseftsiun: P&.115 ! P[essuee 'a pepth te Resxiction Lp ?# Sal Borings (r,Ahw) G~ n'SP°89: Yes 14g:) ?$?? ?q.? -Ra:reation h Tn'MUazs' (?s7 ?"F?tothess exaepc Roc. 6c Trih. 05{30/2001 08:39 19524450914 14 Atws6ea of L.atcrais (c; Rl1Ck URdCT P1pe (6'-24'") s6' Lsrmai T.4wgffis <,oo? ?.r> Z.` Rack llvu Piye (+) 4 2= xotal Tretcb nqPch iac?a (.? nft Total Sq. Ft. Tranch Area SiM Drawing: FQIPFER ? Trrxicla Widtiu (zrW „ux.) ?7 1ZOCk 18 CBVCSCl1 -?? patou++w4e+er! ? LatezBl Spacing (T m ama ? Ixd,s^°d) PaGE 03 O $IopCOfPape i Z soil over 1.arrals tb" aim - 34" ? $j200fwSSLCdRo&(.1AC"m z?(--l 3,4. Aaiom of Trrnrh tp Wstc* ;,wus Tabie or Berirocc N SCAI.E: -• ? _ {OCt .:,. . . . . < ._<. . ?. ?:. ... ._; _.... . ? ? ..:t ? • . . . , , ,..,_... _-,.__. .,..»...f....-.,;.?L..c _..e,...._ .. ....._.. . _....... ._._.... _ . . , . . . ,. ... . s .,• -Y., ., ? t T i ? ' ..,. .., ., . ... ,... ,. .. . : . .-. ...... ... ..; .,.,...:.. ...e....... _ .. '?.. . ..,.. ...._. . .? .... ___,• . . . . . . , - ... . . . .._.. . . , . . ...... v. ?,.__A . . i . -.r. . ._.. . .. _ ?. ..> ,_........ __.. . ' ' . ...;. ._: _. ". .. . . . ; ... ...t , _ .s_ .. _ - _ . ` y. ? , . . f : . .. - . .... .. (? .,.. .... H...: ..w.. : ? .... ..? ->... .. ...,-.? ...«. ... _. .n. -.... .t. : ' ?. ... ???...... .. . .r . . : ? . ? . .. a,_..rF.. M..M ......: . . : a ...? ._n. ..d, . '. y ... . .. ....-.?.. ,.... ... ?. . ..3 _ ' . ; - .. _.... _t... o- .'. ,..,,... . , .,. ._.:... ... . ; • ._...... .... .__..,?_.. _......w...--e .._...... ? . . . :... ' . , .5. ? .». ? ?. . .. ... . • _, .... l . , _ . ' .w ? ? ' ? ? ...V:. .. . . . . . . . . . t . .. . . . , ......... .. . .. .. , . :. .. . _ . ; _',. ?- ^. - _ ? .. ..«.s- ..... .. - '. . .... ._. .... „ .,.?. . . . .. . ,. . . _.. . . Y [ ' • ' E .....::_...; s... .. __. . : .... ..,-_ ?.. - x .i ? ......._ . ..,......: .., y...? ? . ...e..?.... .. : ..r .t - : . .. . . ?..... . : . . ,..?e... .. , . .. ?t ' .. . . . , . . . . . ? . : ? : S i : : ' i : ! : a ... . . . _ . c a .. .?..,:.? . . ....,. ?..,,...... .._ ..,...,.... . .. ._. . .,. . _. ...... . nesigner. ?Approvea: Yes /rro I=auer: s,gnature: . 05l30/2001 08:38 19524450914 KLA'FER PAGE 04 PERCOLA'TI4N TEST DA'fA SHEFT Percolation Tes1 ReadinBs made h5' Tom Kiarickmik on MaY 9, 2001 starting at. 12:30 pm. Mar 9, 2001 Test Hole t,acatioa: 2975 Paot Knob Rd. Egan, Hole Number: P3, Date hok was prePared: Depth af hole tmitom is 12 inches. i]iametez af hoie is 6 imches. Meshod of sczatching sidewap is 2 x 2 with nsils. Depth of gavel in tole is 2 ulches Date and how ofinitial water ftlling 5/4, 12:10.j,%, Depth o€initiut weter S11ing is 12 inches ubovehole lmttom 1Ket, hod used to marotain at least 12 inches of water depth in hole for at least 4 ho+us is 12" drop in 30 ro'snutes. Presoak is Not Required. Mexitnum Water depth abave lwle bottom during test is 8 inches. 'I°une ?. T'mu Interval> Measurement, Dcnp in VJater Yeccoiauan tsate f Acemw" ? Minutes lnches I.e've1, Inc.hes ? ?'?' ? i ? ? ? 7" 8" R%ater I*ad 12:30 ----- r ? 8 ffi R 12:31 ! 1 A?ieute 5 SI16" 1 lf4" .8 to e ? 12:32 ; 1 a?u 6„ z??snto s ! 12:33 1 Nfmute b" k" 1-0 Refill to 8" ' 12:34 1 Minme 6" t E ? i ? Percolation Rete = 1.0 Mfeutee Per Irtc6 05f30l2001 08138 19524450914 14IPFER PAC-E 05 PERCQLATIOIV TEST AATA SHEEI' Percolation Tes? ?adings made by Tom Klanchnik an l?Tay 9, 2001 starting at 12:40 pm. Test Hok Locasion: 2975 Piioi Knob Rd. Egan, Hnle Number• P2, Date hote was prePaied: MaY 9. 2401 pepth of hole bottom is 12 incises, Uiazneter of hnle is 6 iuc}es. Method of scratching sidewall is Z x 2 with nails. Deptb of gravel ari hok is 2 utcifcs Dwe and hawr af initxal water 6lling 5/9. 12:10y, Deptti of iniYW water fillimg is 12 inches above hole bottom Met]wd used to msintain mt leasc 12 mches of water depth m hole for xt least 4 hows ic 12" drop in ] 0 minutes, Presoah 'vc Nor Ttaqufred. Mamnum Vdater depth ahove hole bottom during test is $ inctes. 'IIrrie! Time intervat ? Meas?uen?ent, ? Arop in Water 1 Yercumtxan 3caie ;?uQUa? Minutes f inches ? LeVe1, zncnes f NJir,utes Per l ? ------- ? 8" Wata Iieg 12•40 12:41 1 Zvlirnzre S 1/4" 3/4" l3 ? Rcfi41 to 8" ; 8" ` ']2:42 1 Mmute 6 112" If2" 2.0 ReSll to " 12:43 1 Miaitte 6 1l2" l" 2.0 Refl.l lo $ 12:44 1 Minute 6 112" i 2.0 , i I F ^ 3 1 .1._= ! t . . ; _J Perculatlon Rate = 2.0 Minates Per Ipch 85J30I2801 98:38 19524450314 KUPFER PAGE 06 PEitCOLATIOIV 7'E3T DATA 5flEET Pezcolation Test Readi?3Bs madz by Tom Klanchnlk- nn May 9. 24Q1 stattin8 at 12:50 pm. Tesc go(e Location: 2975 Piiot Kmob Rd. Egan, Hole Number: P3, Date hole was QrePared: Wy 91 2001 Depth of hok bottom is 12 inches, Diameter ofhole is 6inohes. Method of scratclain8 sidewaIl is 2 x 2 wrth xas. Depth of gravel in hole is 2 inches faatc and hour of imtisi water fi]}ing 519, 12: j o(? Aepth of ztritial wstar fillaxs8 is 12 inches above hole bottom Mahod wved to naintain at ieast 12 incties of water depth in hale £or at teast 4 hoius is l2" drop in 10 nadnutes, J'resoak is Not Required. Meaciaium R'sier depth abvN'e hole bot'toni durm$ test is 8 inches- T."ime ? 12:50 ?vf'mutet st?L Measureme[it> Drop u? Wate[ Inches ? LeVei, Imc2ies ? I Perco3ation Rate Nfinutes Per lrxh Remarks ! $" ?iater Head " 12•51 : 12:52 ' 12:53 1 Minute 1Nutt?te 1 Mwtue 6 it2" 1!2" 6 5/8" ? 318" s 6 5/8" I 3i8" # 2.0 ?.7 - 2.7 _ Refill W 8 Refill ta S" ! Refilt to 8" ? ? 12:SA t Mittute i 6 318" 2.7 s ? , 1 " Pweolation Rate = 2.7 ?41ia utes Per Inch 05l30/2001 08:38 19524450914 K.UPFER pq(,E 07 LOG OF SOIL BORINGS Location of Project: zs7s Pilot Knob 12oad. Eu??1n Botings made by Tnm Klanr.lt?ik Date; ?ak9. 2001 f3ther Ctassi£cation System: AASHO USDA-5CS Unified Augec Lsed (check rivo): Hand_XJ Fower Fl't$ht BucketY_Other h ? ? ? 92 Nwnbc ea?irig -. ? [n T?nring;?umber?8}-?-- ? Fee _ surfam Elevafion i ? Feet surbee Ekcvat;c, ; ? , + ' ] 0 YR 2!2 Sand Ii 2 2 10 I 10 YS 313 10YR313 2- 3 --- q... q_' I 3??4 i s-- ' 10 Ytt 414 sa,a i ' 10 .512 SAW ? 6 - ' " I Mottlcd at Gar ` 7 -- ? Clean to 66 { , __ ? I g-- i 8._. I 1 ? -? End Qf Borfrig at 5.5 fcet. 3tmding Water Tabk: present at feet of depth, hours after borin$- Not Preseat in boring hole X Hmt ofBoruig at s.s feet- Statiding Watez'S'able: Preseat at feet of depth, haurs after borang. Not Present m boring hoie X Mottied Soit: pbserved at f.eex of depth. Not Present in boting hole X Mottkd Soi3: Qls at feec of depth Not Pxesezrt in baring hole _,w, Observataon and C:omments= Obseruacion and Commexsts: 05(30/2001 08:38 19524458914 KLA'FEF PAGE 08 LoG oF sOIL soRuvGS Locarion of Project: ')Q75 Pilot Knab oaLh? t r ? Date: i?4 av 4. ? °„s " c Bvrings m?ade by Tmx ClaaSifiCB[ion 5ystan: AASHO t3SDA-5CS -- UniSed Otber _ Auger Used (claecdc two): Haxtti_ 7{? Power Fli ght Bucket X Other 17epth B3 ?? + ? H?ing 1Vmnbex 84 ! ? Bta?ing Nwnber _^ ? Feee ? 5urfaca Ekvatia3 Fe? ( ? S?vfacc Elevatian I i 1 JSl I'R 2:`2 5and j? Sat? 10 XR 3l3 ? 12u 2 , 3+ # 3 4- I Jo Y 41a SmW , ° - ? zo 414 - srz saw ' io ? sn s?a ? t {i S --- 5 -- { I ! Motc,ea ? as" l i i otttea ac 48" a? ? 1 ?-- '.- 1 ? ! ? ? i End of Boring at 4S feet. End of Boring at feci. Standing Water Table: Stamiing Water Tab1e: Present at &xt o£depth, Presm at fcec of depth, touxs aftes boring. hours aftm boft. Nor Present ns t+ozing hoie Z? Not Present in tsoring hok X- Mottled Snil; Iv[ottled Soil: fcet ofdepth 4.0 Obwrved at Observed at _4.0 faet ofdepth ____ _ Not Presexit m boring hale Nnt Piesent in twring bale Observation and Conomems: Observatmn arai Camments: 05!30/2801 08:38 13524450914 KUPFER PAC£ 09 SF.PTIC SYSTEM DESIGN Ufi5lCr?V CRII 13R1A; Existing 4 bedraom type 1 single family home, w'icheut aguazbage disposal. WATL•R l1SAGE; 600 gallatas p2r day maximum. PF:RCOLA'f70\ iLATE; 2.7 minutes per znch. SrFT1C TANK: Puz[ay, co3lapse and fip oxisting tanks with sand. Install oae 1,500 gallon double comparnnent septic iank. I7R.4TNFIF.,LD; Drainfield trenches. 448 square fect required_ 600 square feet proposed. Baeb irench is 36 inches wide with 6 inches of rock below die pipe. 2001ineat feet of trench proposed. Yiease see detail. GEAEItA1. CONS"IRUCTIOV PR.ACTICES; Diven a1i surface wa[er away from the drainfield area. Do not dismrb the drainfield area during construction. Fence aff ihe drain£4eld area before permit npplication ff there aze any qaestions regarding this design please coMact Gary Staber at 952451-23 56. 95/30l2661 08:38 14524450914 KUPFER PAC£ 20 EiSQi1IRED IAA?ORIdATIQA Check box t,f wmtpicsad: wiLnda ?wsw f.eM J l_t HoW e1ot.aflmq(N 0 lteepl vrow C'! DeaLynaGsd sa11 trnat?t .r.+ , , c.e, r Z) s.a Q Ordhnu7 h4p A°w> >ooa etp4LHa wwhrs iln" d ? •••..._. . d1 fteatmem seaa ' - iY4l 6bYFpp AA yn+a Mit 10aaatloxia 1MtL 2 Tan.yorr!l4od NuYSlMba ? 19o0ain8 Petaetld Mess ? ? ? kwiwafel6ristlM4.etonaw ytrlni ' ?'Weatlmt ad dlst4ibed ef aemWG¢hd Nw ] Locatlon at Yna? ps}ovFid AtMS ? Ml1aCW Rm 0 ptayeMd • w! Q AoW aithL ZOC 1 ? Mwt Lpn wlibin $9 faet o(w-ib Lsloyatloa ot bettPfP oF tc81 bratmmt s+.a d!L fvendmn ? C3 ss?ea?on d ? ? Aeays raaq Rar R?o# ?ba?eas SGALE' i*tCh _ (J LQ ELEvAnoxs ._.., -- ; ottdc ? -- _._. ? i . ? T_:_..... (\1.,j ?`??iervy; t• ; ...., ???L a a:?e:7? 3dt •; .- ? tlm?gn?Y se. ?t,e.ecl?w [aean.ea s3k Fv.lurcram.ae ?1 amw.p4?e?,y? di?eq0? ;dave rt"".,?„?-:'--? a?a:,?.?,u?,??rt?,m.?c?e??osa ?e?m?+k??*?•a?m?:+?n arratda0elrs ??he 4dum of7ldc ihm flr4a s+?;denciltee ie yrie rapwt. xo dMmiinuiw offiemcA.?+??F P??w? Eeauds -_ : N?Semaw?as?oac?e6@ahlxs?vrm. . ' Yo4 sa_L . _o Y z a ? ? C&+? a ? p a Y ` 4 ? z s i ra=: 4 ? : t ? & ^ n " y 3 c . ? u 1 ? C z 6 ? 3 . ? Z n£x P ? w L-n ? q .t 3?Q' 05l30/2881 08:38 19524450414 KUPfER PAGE il Trench and Bed Woricsheet qN ppxe,y rec4argtes must be enierad. ihe Bst wiil be ua7wlefed. 1. AYERAGE DEfiIGN FLQW q FsqTMted spp qpd isee Fgu!e A-1 i x?.5 (safety factorj = Q QPd 1000 gelbns Use a 1.50G Gallon Tark G I' 9a Nic? T? snlc'?C aNlit? ill! '? ? ? i} l V7113i?"+D? k1SGlR7?'i4 wicJSiEG' . e ?I i.i.IFk'::E?ldil y?'I??I ?!5 ?d:.'?' ?Px?.#?":? 4.:l?Ch' NV?41?.4': if y[:fxt ?IrY 6nl$ :1=i lisc} iA? e?y:t 2. SOILS (Site evaluatian date) Taet 0. DeDth fo resuicting layer = 4 D. Max:mum dspih d :tem C- 3 tt= t teet E i?ALHB $?3f1G PercdaGOn rate Y.1 MPI F. JVF Y.W • y\fgptl fSEB ligIJTQ D'15) G. 96 :atu# stape 4 % 3. TRENCH OR BED BOTTOM AREA H. Fcr tre.-iches +vrth 6 inehes of 24k belav the pipe: A x F= 600 gpd x 0 83 fU9pd = 498 tl#' ; ht_'cstie,aicdSn?qeHaasinf?xP??P Eedont 6 . ?sf ; i7`a? z €lascm; (bssiV 226 F ?':SII -5K U 30 YlA 3?9+a a ? ? ?•°; 2°5 ,a?es 6`4 - nCo [ ? f ' ? ? t 7 ? ! 1 ? i y tui 675 :OB : t7rZr. u L'?: ?cA3 %i.c ae4er5??3aca s? Seil seiSug - Fetl.?o(F53? t= S ?asaRon} ' emv wun: we. ?.v so. :?ad?atet:a:P?"-'• dail'bHsm ??n:e:rt---5a?Y.r? r.lr?y ? .ni etli'f:?.lt:t'? la1:<SYA3 {w 'JyS'YSS::?S I y ou ?±!'s'de' 1G? a< v?xn 3.,: ;Sb'i. LYa=- : i: v.+e<. .xc:sar_ ?.• %sr:pdiv } ( Q3 Yaw ? O jnaan?vS CR.-l' Q .?w°,:r•rS:..X•.3;?::ce.s7JiKt«:.i::r:^ j s ??9 r9l,d?.;6 <CS!;^a%9^C:d!? 3 f-:' Y WYCp r!%+th11` ..S`.?%:? _.`t?Y:2a'i S .«.fiJ..:Ge.: ?.h!rrxaar, :act^ ^?:L'?ea..;,ey i Use So0 L For uenches urith 12 rcches of rock Gci?w the pipe: A x F x 0.8= 60D gpd x 0.83 R/gpd x 0.8 = 39d 4 ft J. FQr trenches w'sl?1 'E in;,has o`: mck UeloW the pipe: A x F x 0-66= 60r gpd x 0.83 Ftlgpd x 0 66 = 3287 ft K. 7a trenches with 24 inches of rtxk bslaw Lhe 6ipe: A x F x 0.5= 6,31) god x 0.83 fUgad x 0.6 = 2988 tt` L Fa graviW beda with 6 or 12 vuxfies of rock baiow the pipe; 1.5 x A x F=1.S x 600 gpd x C.83 tUgptl ? 747.0 M Fct ptASSUre beds xith S or 12 inches of rock beiew the ppe; A x F= dOlr gpd x 0-83 fJgptl = 498. o f? 4. D}STRIBU710N (Checvr afr in9i 2pplY) ?9ed (t6°k slopa) nrop acucas tanr saowaf L?Roac DraP Boxes (anY sloRe) nietri;nrJen Baos t<3%l Chamber Pressure x Gravity C•ravWfess 05/30I2801 08:38 19524450914 KLFIFER 5. Sy$TEM WIpT17, LENGTM AND VOLUME M. Sdect widih = 3 0 it N. if vsine 'ock, dhrde cotiom area bv width: (!+, i: J or K) dNided by F-+ineal t" 8p0.0 fl, ! 3.0 tt= 200 0 litwai teat Ror* &IAr., bebw doMbUrypn piGa pus 0 5 foot fi mas 6ottor, area: (Rna dBPAh * 0 5 taot x fuea K. L) ( U.5 Y- 0 5 ft) x 80P.0 t?z = 6?3(? G k3 Votume m abic yatts = vomT"e in aubic teet dv+tled bY 27 60.0 1 "e'= 212 yd3 WeigFrt oi rocK in Wc = aufiz yard9 Umes 7,4 222 x 1.4= 37. 1 tonS p, tf using 70" Gravelless PiPe, ierVth' Flaw {A} x Grave!;ass SSF {me Sgwa a9) 60.0 gpd Y. 0.42 tUgpd = 252.0 finexi teek P. Nmzing a Chamber H;, J. Kpsea on 1'kxght af charibe; sia!s] ckvidad by vriftj tf Oemter ip fij 6660 ft` f 3.0 ft= 200.0 iinsel ise: 7. LAWN AREA R9: 'i?wl Charat?x?Mrc? anA 5oil+nu?.,e 158F3 Wr GrAveLLeic. P: _ ?....?-..,........p? .rmem?+cN' .4`??ee;ec dNi?+.?cx!? ,..._.?_.,y.,....,?""".?...,..,....'_ 01;..E F ).bMen:Wd i tl?= 'il:ni ? i;w:?u1•• : • i? :*a£ } !?H l.fsn?. :? y? i?l[ i, i...n ? cM?r I w? ?cU' n"+ ?ayzi_ d"^<.?::S?bF••? i.,? .. W...,51'?,n-.T?'I,rZ....:.........,..? ",Ci:1:Y•RYt: Yivl' CY'?l?jPit?'iCTtlX •. . GY?1?.(??*.`jACl??`.tO'•1'F?IM'CSMY. 11f'C sM1'?l? a?.¢Jn•:? d z -iw:A+n1 ir.gra.?a'.r«-a?'•. Q. SeW trench spacin9, cxx.fer to center = 10 {eet R. tulUl6pP( trenC1t 3y9aft9 bY Bneal (BBl R% Q= 8Q, fl. Oi 18Wr. am 10 z 200.0 = 2XG f?` d. tAYWT PAGE 12 5aw an amc{xiaie scale: ane irch - ??feei Show Penineet pepe1ly ba;ndaries. ri¢hts-of.way, eass'nerts. Srvw :ccation 5;iatrse. gar?e. c'rivewaY, and zpl pther improvernents, rxisGrg Or PmpOSed Snow Ixaw, end tay'iut ct sawage treehnent system, wdl and dimsnsions aF d Oevabau, setbacks enC asprabor: 3stances. ! hereby CV4 ttZ ! heae can&ted tivs WA in accordMte6 MFh aU ePdcOe ordnances: r,dss antl laws {signaturs) ?("cense#; ? E ? A 1. {date} ?513012201 9P:38 i9524450914 IFL'PFcR FIIv'ISHED GRAT)E dRFGII1AT.. GRAUE M°JUVI.TJM TRWCHDEPT'i# nvcims IlvO-IES G1F BACTCF'IL.L OVEELXtACK FABRIG 2 TNCHE5 QF 1tC1M ()VER PLPE 4 iNCFi PIPE (C?l IlVC13E5 OF 314" 'T'O ? 112' W.4SHFF) SE4VER itOCKS BII,bW XIISTRIBL"TIONPIFE I --2?s IrFCFlES TREN£H W-iT1T'Ei PAGE 13 dRICrIIdAI. (BLABI FILL SC3IL TO AAONM2i.T QF 6 IItiCHES OYFR ROCf 2" OF ROGK OVER PIPE a" IDiSTTt]BL"TIOi3 PIP£ ? 6 - 24 R+ICHES OF WASHEL3 ALiCK BELOW DI51'R1BLs"1T0'_V PIPE #;. INSPECTRON, INC. 15120 CHIPPENDALE AVE. SUITE 104 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 PHONE 651,322-6626 FAX 651-322-7580 June 8, 2001 Dale Schoeppner Building Oflicial City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Dear Dale; Enclosed please find the inspection report, As-built drawing, an,d my billing invoice for the sewer replacemem at 2975 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan. The system was installed per the approved design. The installation is approved. The house has 2 bedrooms with the potential for a third at some time. The detached garage on t6is parcel has a water closet and shower and is also connected to the new ISTS. The system was designed and approved for four bedrooms. Per our telephone discussion my total fee for plan review and one inspection for a standard trench system such as this one is $125.00. Please make the check payable to Inspectron Inc. It has been my pleasure providing this review and inspection service for you, I look forward m any future opportunities there might be. Thank you! Sincerely, 9 V"F? ? elt-K- Ron Wasmund ? Inspectron Inc S?r d- 14 e,lY .S(/S'F?.+... l h& /`?l(t!X ?9 h (9 ? d Q ? ( Daity Record of .inspection ,.;? . ;<. , DATE: TIME: _//;7 -?4!?2 _ aoe: 2 99S- P? I m F Kh? 6 R?. WERTHER: .<je:^,-a'u7 INSPECTION OBSERYATIONS: IItSPECTOR: V'-? TYPE OF INSPECTION: TSTS ?-?k CON7RACTORs INSP. LOCATION: i! - ?-.-° /'^ e/ " ,c/! iAronec.N..f CJ1G/7 i caee vioLAnoNS: ?i -?: ? , REMARKS: /?Ji , ON-SIT'E SEWAGE 7CREATMENT SYS"TEM-tNSPECTlOA'RF.PORT /_ 1A /;/0l nppiicanc ana P?to -t r: t ..? ?.,c t.-?•t \ netsaelnsPection: Inspectedbr: PattO Ifs: Q- wr..,.:..:..e.:«.rn,.....?w:,,? # Sai Bc+ciugs Deptlt Do RrsMctioA Hanse TSPc. Q A IA (L?lus) 3 4 pem Tast " Ca? Dispn3at: Yes 149> u?r„Kffi»r,d? w,urram? -1y?p?* AversgePeccRafe . j ? Z g afHadrooms (Mm) A??ce {? t pPOlcmlatHadtoums Reserve P.xea: Yes 1i!E> -1- ?^' J j L ktum6s af Septic Tsnka DnUet a min. 3" belaw iota .- ? InsPec+iunPipest4"mial ks---?_m capacaY ll.ooo &Mi.) ?` AorizQnmt T]imsnsion t2+" ?) _? ?'lsnho4e R4'mia) ['m4ab Tank Modr1:?7 No ? Tanl: is kvEt Pumping tau* Yes No y 00ft Hsllle(35xa£eon3Gqwff [nletRBffla(s'Ee?, &g+i41" dcpth-e°abovzliquidwd'as) aboMinktm?n) 7 ra(pd ucpn+ (w-?) c.ommactiou 7i??sZ,i,astto?} m2i $wkhw (}ly) =auriedwaterPfflavxePlpcs ; wcn (rs,) -?-Recmation ?@ Trtbiaazv {r3-? A11 otyets txcgpt Rec & Tnb. (t50') 21_ BuildiAgs (Yr) ; Rerrealion & TnbutY f7s1 -'"-AII others cwept Roc. 8.7rk. 0597 Lazge Ttecs p0) ?-_- WdI t30' m tuoy .^.--- 1 Bniied Water Ptasraue 1.iMs f%V watertight emmugfio. '?_ PIPO co u.op sox (..p.?) `?'smc u Le.? _7 Ia?rmmtsp-.bc?eanw "Y owalnvc+csc,".Wfian p;stn1wow fg7n% r rcasme ie.ut) .-.L RPe Canmxtins Tl?'2"C 1 ?- ? Num6eraFL.atcrals ?'hcnchWidths(arm.-as^ VII S1opCOfFipe me?c) ROCk UiHdcf PIpC (6`-24') +. t Z .5O OtRt [2DEralS (6^ mia _ 30'. Y! RO& 19 COVPdEd (+r*water enc7 SC1 Laze?a3 i.a?gths ?sro. ?) ^ 2°`°'°'?+'+pi La?st ?Cing (r ? amea ? Size of washad Rock ?w" w Rack Overr Pilx iT°) ptfw-d) rcaat rrexh ne}xb 2-c- pmtom of ltcarh m watez iaLra ?as 4q Total Sq. Ft. TcemA Area ;nam 'fabie orBalrodc ' QN-SITE SEWAGE 7'REATMENT SYSTE:VI - INSPECTI+DNR.EPOR7' • ?t: i - i?. ? ?eaelrapaWw'?l______ ?6` - agd ?t q'x°°a by" Parod IU'??#''t i' ?# Soil Bonup Ae.nV&m Rwrtcnon FloISe't}'Pe: Q Il III ?s 4 Puc Test G~ Aisposai: Ya 14§> 2.`1 Aveca?gcP?cR?e TY . ?'n?s wauza?e Z, 9 a(Becltoa+ns ? • ?'} Aaxptaaceftte PotcnOal Hat![wms ReservaAraa: Ycs1&7 +A ? ldumber af Septic Tan?s ePadtY ttAwrMia) Nc-ft Taak Mndel:<rp Na Y QWM?aMof ,.W nqe depth- 6"+bo-SWauth-7 1Squid DcPtL (30-0m.) OtNei a min. 3" betow IDkt ? I?ioa PiPcs (4"ae°-) ? H?iz0atalAimwsiaao.Cz`'mh+.} ?KanLole t2a"miv-) Ta-?L is kve[ Pt?aB EadC Yas CN-o) ?/ z?rlec&atnac?"???,:*?- .?--- a?rninktvown,l „___, (apacitp ?' wac?msnt r?a? PaopenyI.ims {l0') ? Buildiugs (to•) 'Burizd Water PmmeMpes --- (1o1) ? wan ns) ^---Ttecreauou ac Tdnutmy n3.> Alt otl,es exccpc jtec. & xr;u_ (i307 6L Bwup3sPo'i ?`Recrealion.ETnbWaxY(7s7 ?"-AIIothcrse.xxeptEim.Bk'h*. (tsa`) ? Largs Trecs(ia•) '?- We11(w• w too•) r, Buqed Waucr P¢esn:[e t..ilm 49L- PMPE+h'I.incstici (io') watcogra co,ar,auofl ? r'Pe co nMP aOI cump.?a ?'aM +s r.eFel ? Iat«Iuvoisa°.bo.e«ala ? ouUalnvercac•-.WsaM nisMIusiw a? / rces?e ?•? ? ?ipC L`Otu=t'109 Ll NumEe[aFi.au+als .3? 14wohWidt6s(ar,?-L-ss^ tN SiupcofPipe ? SO?1 OYGIj.BtC[8?5 (6"mis-36` C?? iiDCkCFndet P(pe (f^-a4"J '7 Rac2c is Cdvexed ??-? pordumtlm5al) --?+? Lfl(Cd21 LgngthS (i60' mnc) ?y 3$lDE Qf 1VaSw ROGkt314"b l LSiCi81 Sp0tt9$ (T m mRc Z' Rock(herPigeCr7 Mxk^" T0w T.[rnch Depch 3l- 33mtmm af Txeach to Waiei ? a? Tabie ar Bedta.'ic (?n w Totai Sq. Ft. Trex?ch Area in ELEVATiONS; tWOA o"ttd - x SCALE• ?o?tet: j`'= f?tc SeW- T=k Inlei ? ?teDraw?ng: ?'k TankOud EU?L DffiopB?CatIIi _ .._.... _..? . _ DnpBm #2 , .__ . ..; IkOg Bm 93 ?.. ,. <.. z - . , _ ;- l)"p 13oz#0 ? ,. -__ ,, _ • . ', . _... ? ^ .. 4. ??? _?'. ? ; .I ! i?F ? • ; ? ? 1 ` " , _.?_ ' Fi £ ? , ; j?,? R , , ,`?•! ` ' ?: :}? , a ; I ? ' 1 OF? ; oa ! , • ' ? • ' ' ? a. ? ?i ?.e.?..?`.t i ? . .;_ i '• : .?: , . y ? 1 1 ?_ ? • 1 ?[ .61 ? g• ? ? i ? ; • ? . . ,p ? ? ? -: _ ' ? . , , ° ? ? ? _. .. _. .. ? ?, . ...._.... ?.• _ .,....s- . .? „'? Designer ?Approvetl_ Y No ? I 7nstalier. ?74 _ S;goaturc; ?Z?? ?-?-- ?A };rgE:L? ??? ?y4" ..i"4t{ . y._w 'se* y `"?i^?Y ? ? P ?it'. .C?it ?:x?'Ff^'-'?il'?i:r ?S.Y ` ??.xi ?l??gh?+'4 °'?_: r?e 3'€,.?.:.?. v ?'?"..' 'tF i?+.%-."„'.,' . ? . . ? .. ? . . ? ., . .. } ,- . i' . . ' ? ? .. . , ? ?K?r? ?? ?G.?{ E•.?s? ?so ????- Yu? 5s4z.b qJ`z- 8??-7!&? Wt, ?°u? 19 l ? city, s[ate. ziP?? ? N dw ? f ?/zz /Y! /'t customerorderno. sold byn _ ?, _?.,_ __ __ J 75756 date ?/ 8/ ?? I l? ?/O i C E ship to address city, state, zip ? terrns f.o.b. ordered shipped description price unit amount ? ?? r ? ?? ??s ? l?f ?6 r?? ' ; ; ; ; , ? ' ; J , ? , ? U ? GAdans DC5841T tOt31 Z„rr(`i'O ,. ._ U • F u•n „???u•z_,? 7Uu•? I + I :? ?l • -? ?y•+ ?u• ?r ?U 7 U06 5 + 1 3 n• %'» 1) -,), alo i V Perml: #: , Receipt Datc: CITY OF EAGAN 2001 SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION AND AVAILABILITY CHARGES Address 2 C? ,- ` 'vl v ?r? l p Property Owner Telephone # No Plumber Sewer Latera] charge @ $22.85/ff C / L SAI Tntnk @ $925/connection City SAC Base SAC Date paid Receipt # Account deposit Septic abandonment Sewer permit & surchazge Total ts Water $ 3, 770. A s Lateral arge @$23.05/ff pd 6? RdJ?,t?/p?tif Trunk @ 65/connection 100.00 Water suppl storage 1,150.00 Date paid Receipt # Treatment plant 15.00 Watermeter '"*Inspectio re 50.50 ? ?g 50.50 Account deposit Water permit & surcharge $ Total Sewer and Water ewer lateral chazge @$22.85/ff i Gs f.f Wa eral charge @ $23.051ff Sewer trunk $925/connection Water trunk @ $ /connection Ciry SAC BueSAC Date paid Receip Water supply & storage Date paid Receipt # Treatment plant Water meter *'Inspections req'd prior to issuin, Account deposit Sepric abandonment Sewer and water permit & surchazge Total 1 VU.VV 1,150.00 860.00 516.00 115.00 30.00 50.50 100.50 S $ 860.00 516.00 prior 115.00 15.00 50.50 cc: Carolyn Krech, Financc Department EAGAN DDWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date: Sept. 18, 1972 Billing Name: Hines, Eugene P. Owner: same Plumber• same Number: 984 lv 60?/OcJ v/U 79/ Site Address: 2975 Pilot Ifnob Road. 55721 Billing Address Meter Size 518 Connection Chg.300.00 ud S373866 Acct. Dep. 15.00 pd Meter No.22222 6 Permit Fee 10.00 pd Meter j900 Readi Ong QQRpftr rn 8:M ppdd Meter _ Sealed: Yea_ QV Pcghg. 3•8" Pd 9/18/72 9/18/72 9/18/72 /1 / 2 s/c ?/1 /?z ?;??3? NO iTotal Chg. 403•50 pd 9/18/72 Building is a: Residence xx t-Iultiple N0, Commercial Industrial Other Inspected by Date Remarka: By: Chief Inspector In consideration of Che iseue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do tte proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulatioas of Sagan Township, Dakota Couaty, P4i.anesota. By: KJ ??c ? ? ?/?r7?41 Ehgene P. Hines Please notify the above office when ready for inepection and connectioa. Cih M Eoqan 030-73 n?.3o ..-'ii:" 4J775 - . _- \ R "n3r ? i J o ue i .. °• '? 9s i ? 063-00? •;' 062-00: s 't 1? R?J % !P_J Sf i I I 3 C O ? y n ? ?r 1 ? A t -OO - . ?----? 100-00 mo-oo oso-oo ? I I 063-00 " :c+ ? - i ? • _ isr ? .. ? /ss :.?.? ca.i ?? .i61k..d/O-'7t . . ti r. ?? T??` h ? ?• ` '+ ?? + ? ? ? _ nl_ ? 1 • •?` • . O O • F e w O i a? 4. ?i .a,I 'p . ?*a?s e s r. 010-00 x 012 -00 • !ir •1 b A • ?1 Q Y? • ? i . ,q 110_oo s ? ;uo 1 071 _oo ? -?.?-.?,,_,? ? ?:?o a) 060-00 ..?{ SION' I , ° C 052 - 00 ? 77 . 112 -00 ? 107-00 /06 ? 090-00 070-00 • ? ?SCi:Caca! Q.?TaL +1 ? iii-oo?? ioaf-oo:-:_?. "?-`• ° ?6 osi-oo 051-00 ? ' tl I . <, ? . .. ? ? ? ? -_ - -_ ?_.•- --' '.?' .• _ - ' ?? . ' ' -•'?' ,?J . .. ??-....?.?.... .?? No.-t/1r?? , Y ? ; .:. ... ', -. ; . . .. _ ..-_... . ,,... .. . . .. y :...' . .. ..'. .... ?.. ,.? . .'.. ?. ..i ... ..i. . . . . PERMIT CY. 9-6e?01 b-3-`W CIlrY CUF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Permit Num6er: 0 2 3 7 9 0 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 6 J 0 3 j 9 4 51TE ADDRESS: 2975 PILDT KNOB RD LQ7: 1 BLtlCK: 78 SECTION 4 p.S.N.: 10-00409-010-78 DESCRIPTION: (oEracwEO) &1?ai1di17?ermit Type GARAGEJACCESSORY muiltiinq W6.r Type NEW ??Buildinq Len 40 ? Builcting Width ? 90 f ? REMARKS: A SEPARATE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FqR ANY ELECTRICAL WORK FEE SUMMARY: VALUA7IbN Base Fee Surcharge Total Fee $108.00 $4.50 $112.50 $9,000 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - ROEMELING THOMAS 2975 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55121 (612)681-0560 I . : . . . . . . . .. .. . „ ', , : ';.'? T hereby acknawledgs zNaC X haus reod th1s applicafiion anct'state thaC tbe infiar.mation is correct anct agree ta camply wsth a11appticable 5'GSte ot•.Mn. L SCatutes and City af Esgah brda.nances. ? PPLIC?/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUE BY: SI NA7l1RE . 1994 BUIL NG ERMiT APPLiCATtON ? ? g? 681-4675 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, l copy of energy calcs. RECEIVE? COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. ------------- Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last wor rtontf in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date ? 7!y Valuation of work 4t?•_?.? 99 Site Address:_ „1975 ?ailas? 6r /'?d• STREET SUITE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT _L BLOCK _4L SUBD. ?. P.I.D. # Descri tion of work: k e The applicant is: fH*?O_wner ? Contractor ? Other (Descri6e) Name /t?AE.rr?L?.rs 7*4f Phone / 91-4,j'c'.g Property LAST FIRST Own2f qddress ?p7.SV alel` ` STREET SiE # City Ew?y State 14ee.- Zip S'6`/.Z/ Company Phone COf1tPaCtOY Address License # Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days ance area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apPlication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable 5tate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Qrdinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILD(NG PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex 11 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex UT13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace O 05 5f Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE P-13-1 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATIQN . .? ? 16 Basement Finish 0 17 5wim Pool ? 18 Comm./Ind. 0 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public facility O 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (Allowable) lst F1, sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required 2oning Sq. Ft. total Booster Pump # of Stories Foatprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler tength -7,--r- On-site well Census Code s8 Depth 3 p/ On-site sewage SAC Code o Census Bldg / APPROVALS Census unit ? Planning Building Assessments Engineering Variance REQUIRED INSPECTlONS ? Site L`?1 Footing ?-Framing ? Insulation ? Wallboard ? Final ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee vewat;a,: $ % Surcharge ? P1an Review Z o0 License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P7. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: SAC % SAC Units ? o i O Q ? O Ii Lo' ? . ?C . , .Q I cp ,o ? H y a ? ,oS ? V a ? I ? . k 'oE .? ? . , : 10 o 0 . cfl O 4e . r t% ? O 1 --: v ti v= -- - , : V V 1 N, 10 O O 0 o w o . 0 0 ? ti o ? r - - -a? _??• s a - - ' ?'?f ?r? `?i? r . ? ? ? •? Y , ?-? I " .. February 6, 2001 Thomas & Beverly Roemeling 2975 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mn 55122 D F (F,d) Samuelson 9757 123RD St East Hastings, Mn 55033 651-437-6310 RE: Septic System @ 2975 Pilot Knob Road Eagan. Ms 55122 Thomas & Beverly. The septic system at your home was inspected by myself on Febr.uary lst. The inspection of r.he septic system shows a 2 tank svsrem. The home w.ss bui.lt in 1945 and no recor.ds on t:he septic are available. This system is outdated and will need to be replaced wit.h an up to date code rompli.ant system. This system is NOT IN GOMPLIANCF,. See MPCA attachments. IF YOU HAVE FURTHER QUGSTIONS REGARDING THIS SUBJECT PLEASE FEEL FRF.E TO CONTACT ME. Thank Y"ou, ? ??r? ?AMUELSON MPCA 1i276 ? Compliaace Inspection Form for Eaisting Individual Sewage Treatmeat Systems This Jorm reJ!¢eu tGe requtremaus of the 1996 vusiort oj AflY Ralc Cliopro 7080 Minnesota PoIlutlon Control Ageney Note: Local inspation standards may be marc or less resuictive than the state rcquircmmu 1Lex diRerenas must bc mede evailabie by tho Loca1 Unit of Govemmenc Date of Iaspectioa: d Property Owner(s)_ Person requesting inspe Reason Tortnspecrioa: Site Addras 2 1 ]5'-. Zip Code !!?7C t 1l Fire No. TownsAlp than Ciry Tefephone ( ) Telephone ( ) Uult ot Governmeat Regnlating thb property Pareel Pio. ioeajo0p{a1 Q Towuahip Name _ Rsugr SeeBee Quaner (Check approyriate sewu rystan component and indkaoe loeation on site skNeh). TaIIk.U): _ tank Aero Septibeic tenk Pump tank _ Holding tank O'?thu /' ?b?j Sio99 L. qyJl Trotmeet Svshm• Rock uauh _ fuavelkss pipe trrnch Chamba trench ? Seepsge 6ed Mound ? At'6rade Other rietty, escri6el: Aitemazive sys[un _ ExperimenW rystdn Warrantied rysoem ExP. Date: I ._4Othu ',? IJ f? ,?,-SJ I!< Yes No If yes, _ System Built Prior to April l, 1996 and not Located in ShoreIand or WelIkead Protection Area or Serving a Food, Beverage or Lodging Estabfishment Any System located in Shoreland or Wellhead Proiection Area or Serving a Food, Beverage or Lodging Establishment, plus all systecns Huilt after April 1, 1996 'P (ingradS Islhe Syatem an iPHT? LJpgrade l. Dischazge of sewage to the ground surface? YES 10 mo [. Discharge of sewage to the graund surCace? YES NO IO mo 2. Discharge of xwage W dcaintite 2. Discharge of sewnge to dramdte or or surface wataft YES!1% IO mo surface watcs4 YES NO 10 mo 3. Sewage backup into dwell•ng? "ES•! } 10:r.0 3. S:wsge b:elmp inW dwelling7 VCS ?7C IC mc 4. Situation with the potmUal to immedistely nnd ? J 4. Siwulon with the paandal immedimely and adveruly impect or Uueatm public haft or adversely impaa w tdrmtrn public 1KaIN or safayT YESO!!) 10 mo sefely7 YES NO 10 mo R the Wlem failinq? [s the tySttID falliog? 5. Lut thart 7'WO fxt of vertical sepuatlon betwan S. Las than THREE fat of vertical seperatioa betwan soil or bedeoelc9 NO LGU'• sysam bottem ard ssduated wil a bedrock? YES NO LGU'• 6.?A?? e0, ar lesching pu? NO LGU•• 6. A aeepage qt, cesspool, drywell, a kaehing pit? YES NO LGU• • •• LGU - Locs( Unit oCGovernment ordinance muR spaify the time period wiUdn which the rystem must Ix upgraded. STATUS OF THE SYSTEM Based on tAe eompliaaee erlhrla obwe the rystem status is (chxk one) Q in tompliance (tunetioning)ting C3 an imminrne threat thereforc, ehis dotument is a(eheck one) 0 Certifieate of ComplianeeVNotice a[Noncompliance. Page 1 of 2 wero usedto make the PI et a neh the [ellewine: 11 Siee sketch. Suggested items for drawing indude: Wdt, well setbedc ro rystem dwelling or Mher establishmcn4 tank(s), soit treaancat rystem, rcserved soit tmtment vea, curtain drain, propary tina, waterways, aod buried linu (t6ose NOT insvlted by the uutity). fndude sixa and leng[h and appraximate diaanas from fuad reRtenoe poims wch as suoets and buildiags Soil boring logs, showing each horizon. [ndicNe ilu taewre, swdurc, wbr, depth of each diffaau soil rype, evidence of mottling, bedrock and standing wacer and whether the roaterial is fill. I.aeete esde boring en awahed sile akcmh 3) A list of nny md alt requiremrncs of the Ixal ordieaoa dut are ditkRnt Wan the sete mquiRmrnts rcfrned a on ttns form. A. 1 hereby certity that all t?tion [ Mve provjded regudiag the iodividual sewage tratmeot aystem is uue. eccurat0. and wmpicte. Propesy Ownu ?111 [! Li4&' ZZs; Date a"/!2 Dp / B. I hercby artify as s state of Mirtnaora licensed Inspecwr and/or Desifna I m Qualified Employee lnspeetor and/or Qualified Employee Daignc I Ihat ! conducted en invatigation in sccordma with applicabk rcquircmrnts tMt acueetely determined the wmpliance natas of this sysrem and thnt my observstions recordcd are acauate u of Otis dme. No daamination of fuwc hydraulie pufwmance has 6an nor can bc medc duc to unktrown conditions during sysrom constnctian, abuu oC the systan, ipadequate maintenance, or futurc weta usage. Inspeetor's name (priat? •?- Z?\lcFl ?91J Pl?one? ?? - ?. Lianse andlorRegimation Number:?4 Addras Q ? ? - ?iJL7 ?.a J _ ? • 1 ?? ---? ?--. s ?. Employed bY Addirss - Vatid untiA4 , unlas the rystcm beooma m imminrnt tdreat to pubtic ha1tA w safery st defined at Minn. R. 7080.0020, subP. ffiat time. Signawrc Mtnnesota Statutes § 116.65 ("Iaw') Upgrade Requlrements 5?433 19a, beCorc My sttoafiar with the potential fo immedialely artd adversely aAed w tlneaten puWic hea/th or salery, must be upgraded repfaced, or fts use dscontinued wifhin ten monfhs o/reeelpt o/thts ratioe or wrft a shorter perfod ol6ma if reqxdred by loeaf ord'menca. !tlhe kcal unit o(govemmenf w1lhWnsdicfia+overfhe system has adopted en ordinance eoMainin9 edemative local stendards. the exisfing system must wmply wifh the ordinenca. It fha system does rrof compty wi(h the ordinanee, Jt must be upgraded, replaced, or ifs usa discontinued eccording fo the ordFnance. /f a seepaqe pit, dryweR, cesspool, or leaching pif exists and the locef unit of govemment with lunsdicfion over the system has not adopfed local stendards fo 1he oonJrary, the system es laiteng artd musf be upqrsded, replacad, or ifs use diseontinued wiMin fhe Nme mquired by locaf ordinance. Il the sysfem falls lo provide suRdent groundwafer proleefion, fhen the loea/ unit ol govemmenf w ifs agent shal! order thaf the sys(em be upgraded, mplaced, or ifs use disconb'rtued within the luna iequited by rule ar the focaf oNinance. !f ert exis6ng system 15 not leifing as defrned !n law, and has at 1Bast Mso /eet o1 design soil separeGon, then the system need no[ be upgroded, repeimd, replaced, or its use disconNnued, nohvrthstendir+g any bcal ordJnance thet is more sfrrcf. This daes not appty fo systems (rt snoreland ereas, weflhead protection areas, or those used in connection wich /ood, beve+a9e, and fodging establishments as de6rted in lew. pAisu\prog_dcrlczinp9.doc • 6199 Page 2 Of 2 ? v ? D ?? - s ? T \? I M > ?1 \ ?- j! PERMIT # "I q"1 l7 RECEIPTDATE: `I ^1-3 OI RUIDEPTIAL PLUM$Ift6 PEiiMIT "PLICATION crrYoF EAsaLv S$SO PD.OT KROB RD EA6AA,INN 5518E 651-6$1,4675 Please complete for: > single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for irrigation system SITE ADDRESS: G? 7S P I I.OT YNO-B K-lJ/SC7 OWNER NAME: : GBRD?j k1-'s-9_5 TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) INSTALLERNAME: MAST?V_ IV4EGft*INICf -?I._ TELEPHONE#: ?o'51 - 905- STREETADDRESS: Ib'Z-] GEM 1 N( C-D (AREA CODE) EA6AN M N SS (ZI CITY: STATE: ZIP: Place a check mark next to the oermit work tvoe New residential dwelling unit under construction and not owner/occupied $ 90.00 ? Add-on, modification or alteration to existinq dwelling unit, including: $ 50.00 • abandonment of septic system • new installationlrepair/rebuild of RPZ • iawn irrigation system • waterturnaround Nature of work:6A ¢AGE D2791tJ 5AV O rtA UK FOpqn ?lC? ?lMG'yttsb C)WL?j Septic System, new/refurbished - $ 225.00 • includes County & Consulting Inspector fees • requires MPC license n ? /5 ?S State Surcharge $ 50 B y Totai '- Reminder: Be sure to schedule inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. txrZq I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state lhat the information is correct, and agree to comply ' all applicable Ciryof Eagan ordinances. It is Ihe appliranPS responsibilily lo notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assume y d m ges caused by the City during itsnormal operational and maintenance activities to [he facilities constructed under this ermit within ' property/ ? ht - y/easement. SI NATURE OF PERMITTEE Updated 1101