2981 Pilot Knob Rd PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type: Building Eagan. Permit Number: EA095823 Date Issued: 09/09/2010 OR Permit Category: ePermit 41~ it~ of E3 E Site Address: 2981 Pilot Knob Rd Lot: I Block: I Addition: George C Williams PID:10-29100-010-01 Use: Description: Sub Type: e-Windows iDoors Construction Type: Work Type: Windows Doors-New ; Replacement Description: House Census Code: 434- Occupancy : Zonin,: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openin,s, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. Fee Summary: BL - Base Fee S3K $88.50 0801.4085 Valuation: 3.000.00 Surcharge - Based on Valuation S3K $1.50 9001.2195 Total: $90.00 Contractor: - Applicant - Owner: Flmmerv Construction Anatole Simin 137 St. Anthony Avenue 2981 Pilot Knob Rd St. Paul NIN 55104 Eagan NIN 55121 (651)225-110 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Cite of Eagan Ordinances. ApplicantiPermitee: Signature Issued Bv: Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r I For Office Us~ej~ City of Eagan I Permit#: I I I , I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: j Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: L-----------------~ 2010 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ' l Site Address: r \ \ C11 ; ` Tenant: Suite Cc t 96'- otc~a RESIDENT/ OWNER Name: t'►yvC10 0, '~,t h1\ V... Phone: Address / City / Zip: f CONTRACTOR Name: (uns tti k V )Mhl j.cjt -TVN& License M Address: 09 q 1(a'1 City: A c„ lu Lt n~ State: ~ Zip: Phone: Contact: Email: TYPE OF WORK New replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL PERMIT TYPE Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement _c_,Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank Install / _ Remove) p 9 1 When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire i-^ Other W+wl 6L4 k_uml_ Marshal and Plumbing Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $95.00 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES: $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contract Value $ x1% $55.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) Permit Fee - If the Permit Fee is less than $10,010, surcharge is $ 5.00 - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee Surcharge (i.e. a $10,010-$11,010 Permit Fee requires a $ 5.50 surcharge) TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wo is not to start without a rmit; that the work will be in accordance with the appr ved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of pi s. Nfyu n, x` L y ~L~~C ~JlE+lnl Vt x Applicant's Printed Name eT Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground _ Rough In -Air Test -Gas Service Test -In-floor Heat Final Exterior HVAC Screening Inspection - .,. cNGAN Remarks sewer stub assessed no water stub. Ad 'tio ?DER ACRES Lot 3 Blk 1 Parcel 10 88$00 030 00 Owner -'J? ? d- Streec 2981 Ailot Knob Road State Eagan, MN 55121 Improvement Date Rmount Annual Years Payment Recei - Date STREETSURF. 1984 2224.00 222.40 10 STREET RESTOF. GRADIMG SAN SEW TRUNK 0 1968 100.00 3.33 30 *SEWER LATERAI 1972 2 . 00 132.75 20 ' h v Sew ? Wat, Service 1984 2085. 208.54 1 ?'- WATERMAIN *WATER LATERAL & Stlib 1972 20 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. R-3-71 BUILDING PER. sac % 240.00 4979 11-22-7 PARK ? RESIDENTIAL BUILDING . •., C?I ?? 5 Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675. FAX # 651-675-5694 zt I 1?i ?-, jy AtAAn j oI/ New ConsWction Reauirements RemodeUF2eoair Reauirements Office Use Onlv 3 regislered s'rte surveys showing sq. fG of bt, sq, ft of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan _ CeR of Survey Recd (20°h ma;cimum lot coveraqe allowed), 1 set of Energy CalculaUons for heated addiGons Tree Pres Plan Recd 2 coVies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 7 site survey for additions & decks Tree Pres Not Reqd 1 set of Eneigy Calculations . Add'dion - inAicate ifonsfte sep5c sysfem _On-sile Septic Syslem 3 copies of Tree Preservatlon Plan 'rf lot platted after 711193 . Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (bldgs with 3 or less units Date C ? /!6 / 0 3 ,/' / Construcfion Cost Site Address i-9a / !'i GD Y Ktio /IUnit/Ste # Description of Work 461dV/d(? Multi-Faroily Bldg _ Y x N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner /v Telephone J g,/ 7 ? Contractor Address ? City State Zip Telephone # ( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CG Energy Code Category - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 • Residential Ventilation Category 1 1 0 submission type) Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Subi Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7672 V?i ?•.. New' En ergy Code Worksheet l i ,J '-Submitted Tel hone #( -I Tele one #'('- ) Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pernut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. 7-lO /Y ? ?ly1 i?L Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Pibg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? A 32 Addition ? ? 33 Aiteration ? ? 34 Replacement Valuation Census Code SAC Units Nbr. of Units Nbr. Of Bldgs Type of Const a !'7&V I VN ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndation) ? 45 Fire Repair 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors •Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Giva PCA handout to applicant Occupancy u L MC/ES System Zoning City Water Stories ? Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV i Length Fire Sprinklered Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Plutnbing _ HVAC Other _ Poo] t s Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Stucc Stone _ Windows ( p'"lacement) _ Retaining Wall ? Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) Footings(addilion) ?. Foundarion Drain Tile Roof Ice & V?ater Final Framing Fueplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation Approved By , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MGES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S8W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total l,( -Srva?5,0.+ X I 2D x / D(, I?? a. ,ub st« >,:dr_». pt-LOT ?41.?r??'3 "CATEGORY 1" ALTERNATE FOR 411 c-ity O`E & T`ti"O FAMILY DtiVELLINi GS 40 l9 irsutanon<•R•: sheu'vn I 9.38 dl036 0?9. 0.?6 I 0.?3 0.?? 0.21 oF eaq, INSTRCCTIONS: This alrernam'e may be used Cor ane- and twafamiiv dwel6ngs built (o meet the Categary ( requiremenu o( Ntinnesoca Rules, Chaprer 7670. Compla:e Parts A. B. and C. Clesrlv mark plans wi[h: insu!ar.un R•vafues; «indow utd skylight U- :slues; siza and rope ot tquipmant: aquipmtnt controls: and locacion oi vacor remrCe: and winda35h bamers. -*Vlorc deniled infurtnation :at: be tocnd in he Minnesara Energv Cadr summuy shtta avaifa6lr from the Mi.-tnesoca Deoaenten[ of Commerce. Part A. BUILDING ENVELOPE nak p'opomd envelopejoin[ snling opaan 4 O Preseripdve.(eaullong, gaslcea..n<.) -,7 Pe:?brmanc: (»s: per 76%O.O470 su6p. 7.C.) C9eek lersal curgy nlc:ladon op6on used + O"Cookbaok" (compie:e wnrksheec Selow) , N(nC;ieck ,r.e•Sod (,meh Rpor.) . . . O Perfotmmce (auach !i•vaAoe deilations) ? Systemt Analysis mahod (atich anaiysis) "Cookbook" `tiorksheet MzUMoNs Scep f. Chec;c item(s) ?hac Cesign mr.s on.L&nimrun Rrquinmena!is: :o :E:a igt:c N(•,sc .^r_: all :crms :o uR "Caokbook" optioa S;ep _. InCica:e orecosed •+ai! }pe on table 6e!aw. S:t^. i. L^.di.a:t R'i:.dow C.cal_e ar:d soc,:. S:G] 4. V aC:: :0f1I 'A':.LCW i ir,c!uCing .uea or ill i011ftd3[10I1 K'NdOR'SJ md dcor area 's ecul or !ess than al(cuabie pemrnrage. 3MTKIIN1 REQL=10f5 • (tor °Cookboak" o doa o*) 0 C:iiing Insulauon: Ntinunun R-33 with 7:4" enagy heet: or ?finimum Ra-i ,.Vich fow rlss 6ee1: ar Minimum R-13 wic4 R-i sheachina wheano attic. 7 Encv Doors: Mar. U-?afle ur 0.10 or t." salid wood wich scorn O Rim7ois.Guc:a:icn: :Gri^icmR-f9 JVC: 1'.p^d:::OC 2C? iC1C05: N?fLL.:d:1:: R-24 r.on !rscia:icn: %lininum R-l0 M don wir.tows: :•_' inrula¢C zas;. wood or vinvl ¢ame Fomda TABLE FOR DETERNM'L`iG hL4.'d?R,( RTNOW A.YD DOOR :1REA • ?? Allowabic i oral Wincow and Door .am az COfcX905GQVr']1] 1??s li Yo 16°,?i I a8°.1s 2O°.!° II?s :S°/a 26°s 2$ f5?+:c'ard crsminq): Nfaximu m Avmse 0. mdow C-va!c: (ecc-?t fouedation wiedows): t -l3 irsuta:ion. -">^aachin¢ O.iS O.J? O.st 0..6 0.33 0.?0 0.37 02i 0.23 -(i ir.s;:larca R•: shnc4in 0.52 O.i: 0.39 0.3i 0.31 013 0?6 0.24 012 19 insula¢on. R•i shaathin 036 0. .l 3? 0.3I 0?8 0?6 0?i x. •? l i?sulanoa < R•i shea[hin 0.51 0.43 0.33 0.34 0.30 028 0.25 0.23 0._? 7 2r6. R•:I in,uladoa R-i shnchin 0.58 0.50 O.s.i 0.39 0.35 ? 0.32 019 017 015 ' R'all Typc Advaneed Framia¢ : Maxim? Avaa Wiadow U-value ezcrnt fouadation wiadows): ? 2c6. R•l9 insulatioa <R-S shea[hin 032 0.45 039 033 031 0.28 016 024 022 ? 0 2z6. R•19 insularion R-5 shearhin 0.38 OSO O.al 0 0.35 OJ2 029 017 025 : O 2z6. R•21 insulacon. <R-S sheathin 0.53 0.47 0.41 036 0.33 0.30 017 OJS D]3 _ ? 10. R•21 insulauo4 R-S sheaEhin 0.60 032 0.46 0.41 036 03 3 030 0.28 026 ? Window U-value: FJTA--1 $outce: ? NTRC ? ASFIlLaE 1993 Hand lwok 10ox, 2-1_ 1 y = /.?° <! • ? window & dooc am goss e[pescd wall an DESIGY LO WABLE (@om mbk abave) MINNESOTA ENERGY CODE - WHIcN RucES Ma r! Use ? TYPE OF RESIDE.Y'['f.aL BUILDING APPLICABLE RQLES - Denehed R-3 oetupanry 1- and ?-(atnfly dwetlfaQf Clupier 7672; ar Exun lts: sin le Futtil , nvin homes, du lesa Cha oer 7670 "Gte arv 1" with iumtorv deeressurinrion and ven[ilation requiremcnts Attached R-1 ucupancy dweltinYs Chapter 7674; or E.arn les: tti lex cownhauses and row houus ter 7570 with eifher "Gleaorv t" or 'Cace orv ?" rovisions R-t xeupmey buiidlaQs of J stoAa or less Clupter 7674: or Ezam ler. condominiums or amnents C ta 7670 with either "Caee orv l" ar "Gare arv 2" rovisions R-I acnpaoq buildinYf over J storia NQ4 Clupar 7676 . Ezarn In: hi h rix eondas or 2 arcneno ?? . Summary of April 15, 2000 Cnergy Codc )Zcquircmcnls for Uctached 1&2 1+.?mity 12csidcnti:il 1311il(jings le requiremenl Op11oa A- Ch?pter 7670 Celegory Ias amcnJeJ by I.aws uf MN 2000, Ch. 407 Optjon I{ _ Mlnnesola Ilules Chentcr 767) Plam and Plsns end specificalions musl show design criteria, exterinr envelupe Samc excepl with adJiliunal requireJ items: locutiwi uf iwrriur air banicr, specificaiions componrnt maierials, U-values of the envelopc syslenu, R-VilI11C5 UP II1511I8I1116 vapor relardcr, anJ winJ wash barrier, idenlilicatimi ul' air sraling rryuircJ; malerials, size anJ rype of apparalus and eyuipmenl, an(i eqnipment aiid U-values of windows, dours aiid skyliglils aiid oihrr iul'ormation needrd to s stems controls. dc(emiine com liance (such as re uircd vrntilatiun s slrm & make•u air). 2. Foundatioo wall Insulation Cookbook requires R-10. Trade offpennilted wilh MNc6eck. Cookbook has oplious for R-5, R-l0, ur R-19. '14 ade-ulYpemiittcd wilh Protcction of Exlerior iiisulatimt fmm top oCfoundation waU to 6" b¢IUW b(BIIC II1lIS[ hC S m?'CCIC IIUI 110( It33 1I1:111 R-S. exterior insulation rotected a ainst UV and h sica! abuse. Protection of imeriur Moislure bartier rcquired between insulation and foundaiion wall Gom flnor io Seme. .?...????.... sir R- N'j(il rranung oplfous include 2 x 4 or 2 x 6 walls, aiid o(her framing oplions as IoR walls, panalized walls insulgted masonry walls, aiid odhers. I eaienor wan comera rnd interxctions of interior paniiiun wulls with Eztttior and interior exledor walls are not addrcssed. Exterior juinls in the building that may be sources of air leakage musl be eealed. Snme. unrcrwr wan comers and Intersecliuns of interior parliliun walls wilh exteriur walls aro frameJ so 16at insulation can be insialled after the exterior s4ealhing is installed. Wlienever imeriur Gaming meas an insnlatal ceiling or exlerior wnll, a cominuous iuterior air 6arrier must 6e veunca cemng eookDOOk oplion requires R-38 between Gaming plus !t-5 shenU?ing. Cuokbook optiun requires R-38 between &aiuiug, no insulrtcd she Anic acceu panels Not addressed. re uired. R-38 for ceiling panels and R-19 for wall panels, and umst be wea s[ri ed Floors over Recommend R-30. . unhealed s aces Maximum U-0.033 or minimum R-10 sprcifiad (uaJe-o11 may not slrin ent fhat thae values . Window themiel Rating must be National Feneshation Rating Council (NCRC) or pS111tA1i Rating must be NFRC or Jefault 1a61e in the coJe. Windows musl rformance Nsndbook of Fundamenlsla. No meximum U-velue. labeled. Maximum evera e U-value for windows is 0.37. i. Pagt l of 4-- Source of imnmary: Minnesola Department of Commerce Energy Infonnaiion Ccmer GS 6296-5175 or 800•657-3710, www.commorcasiok.mn.us. 4100 /75/5 7 Certificate of 9onae Location For: Anatoly Simin 3271 Dodd I.ane Eagan, MN 55123 DELMAR N. SCHWANZ ?'1_NO. 31 (PI L- O T KA/D B 1404D) PAgwtwed??u..arn.s?.NaMiMwa. - C. S. A 14750 SOUTH ROBERT THAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 65068 812/123-1789 SURVEYOR'S CEHTIFICATE r . h O h - nl O °o / ?/a"vA/ 9t. ??• - ? I 5 ? X? ? V o la I .?1 ti V ' 66 'a p ? rl o-i et. y 26 ? ? U-P 1 I u, w ?o? ? 1 I I S ? k oIn It- - NORTf 119.W. 1 hsnEy esrllly Ihat thb survsy, plan, or roport wu proparsd by ma or under my tlfract supsnislon und lhal 1am a Guly Reg4teroA LanO E6rveyor untler . Ihs Iaws of lhs Sula o1 Minnssota. o„,, /4-95 Oslmar H. Schwmnz MinneWta Reglsintlon No. 6025 Scale: 1 1RCh = 30 feet o= Zron pipe monument. Legal uescription: Lot 1, Block 1, GEORGE C. WILLIA!lSDIVISION, 8ccOidlnq to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota Cotulty, Minnesota. ) prY o f RAPrmrY DELMAR H. SCHVJANZ - 8625 - 2004 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. DateQ?l -31 10 L4 ,/` Site Street Address 217( ?? ? f GC h?o lo 1,?Rl Unit # 7"' Property Owner Telephone # (GS/ ) 7SG .9-?'37 Contractor Telephone # ( ) Address City State Zip The Applicant is: ? Owner _ Contractor _Other Alteretions to existing dwelling $ 50.00 Add plumbing fixtures. If you are only installing a water softener and/or water heater, the fee is $15.00 pius the state surcharge - see next section. _Septic System Abandonment Water Turnaround (add $121.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) n (?p? ier: ??vOuJi nc. ?"C? ?pf I, ( -I O i-N Water Softener Water Heater $ 15.00 _ replacement _ additional Lawn Irrigation System _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ 50 ? Total &cyvi Y\s'?. AUG 3 1 2 04 $-2? I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowled uu that the informatio is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the or f the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. ApplicanYs Pr nted Name ApplicanYs Signature " 3/3.5a EAGAtI TOWNSHIP 3195 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMLT FOR WATER SERVICE CONNSCTION Date: 8-3-71 Billing Name: Georee Williams Owner: Plumber: Ron KislinQ Inspected by Meter Size Coanectioa Chg.$280.00 pd 8-3-71 9995 Reiid out? pccount Deposit 15.00 pd 8if3-71 Meter No,zl 08258 permiY Fee 10.00 pd 81/3-71 .50 s c pd 8-3-71 Meter Reading00000 Meter Dep. Meter Sealed: Yea_ lAdd'1 Chg. 8•00 pd 8-3-71 NO i1bta1 Chg. Suilding is a: Residence X Multiple 90. Commercial Industrial Other Date Remarka: Number• 685 3 - 7i•tq' Site Address:2981 Pilot Knob Billing Addresa ae ai?ir?JLC-Y•?t0 ?i\S1F1-- 4?i;FP.OPr„Lf By: Chief Inspector In conaideration of the isaue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Sagan Township, DakoCa County, Mi.nnesota. BY: , F Please notify the above office when reedy for inspection and connection. ._ . EAGI3P] TOWNSffiP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 L PERMIT FOR SEWBR SERVICE CONNECTION nAT'S: Nnircmhcr `)')? 1Q71 NEMER 01l1 3 2.A. OWNER: Geonae Wi113ams Address 2981 Pilot Knob RoAd, Eaaan 55121 PLUMBER Ron Kissling TYPE OF PIPE Heavy Cast Iron DESCRIPTION OF BUITDING Iuduetrial Commercfal+ Reaidential Multiple Dwelling No. of unfts xx Location of Connectfons: Connection Charge 240.00 pd 11/22/7 Acct. Dep. 75.00 pd 11/22/71 Permit Fee j non nd 11 9p /77 .50 pd 11/22/71 Street Repairs Total Inapected by: Date Remarks• Sy Chief Inspector In consideratioa of the issue snd delivery to me of the above pexmiC, I hereby agree Co do the proposed work in accordance with the rules aad regulations of IIagan Tox•mship, Dakota County, Minaesota By Ron KisslinR Please notify whea ready for inspection and coanection asbd before any portion of the work ia covered. ADDR$SS PIAT GEORGE C. WILLIAMS DIVISION . . .,.?.: 2981 =. ? _?- ._... ...._ . ?... _ , , _. 2983 "?.? ----- i ?, _• i?• •- - ' I ' ? - ----- ---- °.. ? _ _._...?..__,..__?._.__.,..._.._..,__._...__..-. .._. _ -?-- i . .... .._ ? .- .....e.?. . __- _'., 4• - `J L ? Sca2e: 1. inch = 200 feet u.e s1ho.Ma`"?i ic. --•_. . c • ? a 15' RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING Permit Apptication City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: Single Family Dwellings Townhomes and Condos when permits are required for each unit .?s' Date Ab / o2 0 3 Site Address ??--/ a / / ?'/O t lf"b AG Unit # Property Owner /{ n?+ y' M i Telephone #(4,`? 3'7 -7 Contractor /"CJ-Ut J I(,,? . Address City State 1111-?L-) Zip S?; Yy ? Telephone #(G/-? h?9d? i?710 y The Applicant is _ Owner ?,_ Contractor _ Other SepUc System New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sels of plans and MPC license Includes County fee. Additional consultant fees may apply. $ 100.00 Alterations to existing dweRing _ Add fxtures to lower levels or room additions, excluding water softener and water heater $ 50.00 _ Abandonment of septic system Water tumaround (+ 5/8" meter if needed -$121.00) ? Other: Grcu n? cti1 pc1! b1)I v PLC nl eLd A d?, i kro ^ _ RPZ _ new _ repair _ rebuild $ 30.00 _ Lawn irrigatian system _ Water softener _ Water heater $ 15.00 _ replacement _ addiGonal State Surcharge $ .50 Total OCT 2$ 2003 $ , ?fb I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Pemut and acknowledge that th Y? be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with the P permit, but only an application for a perxnit, and work is not to start without a pe approved plan in the case of wark wluch requues a review and approval oFplans. /ua 70-;t4c?- j -? -? ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant's ileTe_ accurate; that the work will -odes; that I understand this is not a work wilLbe in accordance with the 2005 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. ,? ? Sc7 Date (9? I 2 g I C'? site street address 2- unit # Property Owner Telephone #(4 Contractor Telephone # ( ) Address City State Zip The Applicant is: X Owner _ Contractor _Other Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes putting in a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. If vou are insfallina onlv a water soffener and/or water heater, do not complete this section. Move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment Water Turnaround (add $125.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) )e Other: Water Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new _ replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total $ 50 50 I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. Applicant's Print d Name Appli nYs Signature ,x 1% ?-------???---; ? ForOflioe.Use ? j Permit #: A'P i Permit Fee: ? Date Receivetl:?' I ? I I Stafl: I I 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Date: g -29-08 7enant: Site Address: kg Q 1 RMIT APPLICATION &4,LP,cd 10' 1 Sufte #: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: '1 10 l ? f'y? ' !%-j Phone: r?Sl ?S6 gJ Y? AddresslCiry/Zip: 04? ( Ruoa `^ n°ia Po'm AlN .)`-S/Z ( Applicant is: _)?_ Owner _ Contractor 612 N 8 0 I ntD TYPE OF WORK Description of work: (' 1"I fAl'\:t'if k'? r?? r n L'`? ?f rolo ????` ? I Construction Cost: ?? - C) O Multi-Family Building: (Yes No )<. i CONTRACTOR Name: License #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residenllal Veniilation CateBory 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet Category Submined Submitted (4 SubmisSlon type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes )( No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Conirector: Phone: Sewer & Water Controctor: Phone: `NOTE: Plans'and supporting documents thatyou submit are constdered to be public information. Portions o/ the information may be classified a's non-publlc if you provide speclfic reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. I hereby acknowiedge ihat ihis information is complete and accurate; Ihat [he work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City oi Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application tor a permit, and work is no1 to stah without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in Ihe case of work which requires a review and approval of plan X h /v t)??? X Applicant's Printed ame Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 a '(( 1 . 't DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES ? Foundatfon ? 05-plex ? 16-plex ? X Single Family ? 06-plex ? Fireplace ? ? 07 of _ Plex ? 07-plex ? Garage ? ? 02-Plex ? 08-plex ? Deck ? ? 03-Plex ? 10-plex ? Lower Level ? ? 04-Plex ? 12-plex O WORK TYPES ? New ? Interior Improvement ? ? Addition ? Move Building ? X Alteration ? Fire Repair ? ? Replacement ? Valuation Plan Review (25%_ 100%? Censuscode # oi Units - # of Buildings - Type of Const. 73 Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width Accessory Buflding Porch(3-season) Porch(4-season) PorCh (screen/gaze6o/pergola) Storm Damage Miscellaneous ? Pool ? Ext. Alt. - Multi ? Exl. Alt. - SF ? Multi Misc. Siding ? Demolish Building' Reroof ? Demolish Interior Windows ? Demolish Foundation Egress Window O Water Damage ' Demolition (entire building) - give PCA handout to applicant / C -l MCES System ,2CV7 SAC Units R _ r City Water ? Booster Pump ?O ?yQ PRV ? Fire Sprinkler: ? o^xy/ 4ow5 s ? ? ,"i o,v.wf, ."?oT i2'„vr REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) Footings (deck) Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile ? Roof: ?y ice & Water h-Final Framing Fireplace:_R.I. _Air Test _Final Insulatlon Reviewed By: RESIDENTIAL FEES: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC Ciry SAC Utility Connection Charge 5&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies Total Sheetrock Flnal/C.O. Final/No C.O. HVAC Other: _ Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Building Inspector a.3G ? /h31?49 Page 2 of 3 2004 Application for fireworks Snles And Storaqe City Of £aqan 3830 f'ilot Knob f2oad, £nqan, MN 55122 Telephone #: 651-635-5635 fnx #: 651-635-5691+ Applicant requirements 1. This application must be completed and returned at least 30 days prior to sales and/or storage of freworks. 2. A letter from the property owner granting permission to the applicant to sell and/or store fireworks on the property shall accompany the application. 3. A floor plan designating the area where the fireworks will be sold andlor stored shall accompany the application. 4. A list of the fireworks that will be sold and/or stored along with the name, weight, quantity, and material safety data sheets (MSDS) shall be included. 5. A copy of the certificate of insurance coverage as per City of Eagan City Ordinance No. 378, Chapter 6, Section 6.53 Fireworks is required. 6. Fee upon application for retail sellers selling exclusively consumer fireworks-$350; all other retail sellers-$700 per vendor annually payable to the City of Eagan. 7. The fire chief or his/her designee will inspect the proposed location for selling and/or storing freworks to determine if it is a suitable location. 8 A criminal record check will be done on all applicants. 9. A copy of the City of Eagan license (permit) shall be displayed by the register. Date: -5--z7-'0Y Applicant Name: J W M l..AA C-0/ G-0 lo !(i Street Address. ?/ ? I f'hNMV /TVG N E City: M! AttPQQ7U5 *? . i State: HIV Zip: ?? Telephone #: ( IlZ) ? ?`3L44 Business Name: Pel?{?S,?J'? '0 . TALi Telephone#: Display Address: Retail seller selling exclusively consumer fireworks: XYes _ No _Indoor Sales %O'Outdoor Sales (See Outdoor Sales of Fireworks) Fee: Outdoor Sales -$350.50 All other retail sellers -$100.50 Fireworks are regulated by MN Statutes 624.20-624.25. In addition to these state laws, all displays, sales, storage and use of fireworks shall comply with City of Eagan Ordinance No. 378, Section 6.53 Fireworks. 1 understand and agree to comply with all the provisions of this application and the requirements of the issuing authority. Applicant Signature FirewoYks Application Page 2 of 8 TEllT1ESSfiT1 WQi'T11T1Q License Applicntion Minnesota law requires that you be informed of the purposes and intended uses of the information you provide to the City of Eagan (the City) during the license application process. Any information about yourself that you provide to the City during the license application process will be used to identify you as an applicant and to assess your qualifications for selling fireworks within the City. If you wish to be considered for a permit to sell fireworks, you are required to provide the information requested in the permit application. If you refuse to supply information requested by the City, it may mean that your application will not 6e considered. All individuals in the City who need to know information will have access. Applic' gnature Date Authorization nnd ConsEnt for f2elease of Intormntion '. ,,I,? , I, ?" /?A ?U,16- , freely and voluntarily authorize the City of Eagan to conduct an Name of individual authorizing release investigation to obtain the following information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for a permit to sell fireworks: Name: G4Zsr/'?,G //'/c AdIlPGci Last First Middle Date of Birth: Driver's License #: L 7 State I also release the City of Eagan from any and all liability for its receipt and use of information and records received pursuant to this consent. I further acknowledge that I have carefully read this release, fully understand its terms and legal significance, and execute it voluntarily. Executed this2? -tk day of a , 2001. 7 -Tignature Fireworks Application Page 3 of 8 The Police Department has conducted a criminal background check on the aforementioned applicant. Comments: ,? ? 1A Police Department Representative Conditions of Issuance: Background check completed and approved by EPD: Zoning approval Facility inspection complete and all violations corrected Insurance policy approved "W1 Date ? Yes No 117 Yes No ?/ ? Yes Yes No No License approved by \ L MAAAU Date approved: UpP u i d~ 3 z ~ y u ~ 02 <s- J O 4 C~ Addendum #2 to permit 86689 Scope of work Install new shallow foundation building. Relocate existing front door R408.1 Ventilation. The under -floor space between the bottom of the floor joists and the earth under any building (except space occupied by a basement) shall have ventilation openings through foundation walls or exterior walls. The minimum net area of ventilation openings shall not be Tess than 1 square foot (0.0929 m2) for each 150 square feet (14 m2) of under -floor space area. One such ventilating opening shall be within 3 feet (914 mm) of each corner of the building. 2981 Pilot Knob Rd APPROVED PLANS MUST REMAIN ON jos SITE to match existing foundation)flush to the front of the existing BY: SECTION R408, UNDER -FLOOR SPACE' EAGAN j RE \Yr� ,_i✓YiED :CTIONS DIVISION R408.3 Unvented crawl space. Ventilation openings in under -floor spaces specified in Sections R408.1 and R408.2 shall not be required where: 1. Exposed earth is covered with a continuous vapor retarder. Joints of the vapor retarder shall overlap by 6 inches (152 mm) and shall be sealed or taped. The edges of the vapor retarder shall extend at least 6 inches (152 mm) up the stem wall and shall be attached and sealed to the stem wall; and 2. One of the following is provided for the under -floor space: 2.1. Continuously operated mechanical exhaust ventilation at a rate equal to 1 cfm (0.47 L/s) for each 50 ft2 (4.7 m2) of crawlspace floor area, including an air pathway to the common area (such as a duct or transfer grille), and perimeter walls insulated in accordance with Section N1102.2.8; 2.2. Conditioned air supply sized to deliver at a rate equal to 1 cfm (0.47 L/s) for each 50 ft2 (4.7 m2) of under -floor area, including a return air pathway to the common area (such as a duct or transfer grille), and perimeter walls insulated in accordance with Section N1102.2.8; 2.3. Plenum complying with Section M1601.4, if under -floor space is used as a plenum. R408.4 Access. Access shall be provided to all under -floor spaces. Access openings through the floor shall be a minimum of 18 inches by 24 inches (457 mm by 610 mm). Openings through a perimeter wall shall be not Tess than 16 inches by 24 inches (407 mm by 610 mm). When any portion of the through -wall access is below grade, an area way not less than 16 inches by 24 inches (407 mm by 610 mm) shall be provided. The bottom of the areaway shall be below the threshold of the access opening. Through wall access openings shall not be located under a door to the residence. See Section M1305.1.4 for access requirements where mechanical equipment is located under floors. R408.5 Removal of debris. The under -floor grade shall be cleaned of all vegetation and organic material. All wood forms used for placing concrete shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose. All construction materials shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose. R408.6 Finished grade.. The finished grade of under -floor surface may be located at the bottom of the footings; however, where there is evidence that the groundwater table can rise to within 6 inches (152 mm) of the finished floor at the building perimeter or where there is evidence that the surface water does not readily drain from the building site, the grade in the under -floor space shall be as high as the outside finished grade, unless an approved drainage system is provided. openings shall not be located under a door to the residence. See Section M1305.1.4 for access requirements where mechanical equipment is located under floors. R408.5 Removal of debris. The under -floor grade shall be cleaned of all vegetation and organic material. All wood forms used for placing concrete shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose. All construction materials shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose. R408.6 Finished grade. The finished grade of under -floor surface may be located at the bottom of the footings; however, where there is evidence that the groundwater table can rise to within 6 inches (152 mm) of the finished floor at the building perimeter or where there is evidence that the surface water does not readily drain from the building site, the grade in the under -floor space shall be as high as the outside finished grade, unless an approved drainage system is provided. 2-M PGDt Pof t ic,s22 L v( Ecwigg AA/ T 4-- - Skit. S'e.-014. cc.its5 144 / 7 1.07-141.; L� 0 t'} 2cisgl PA,14 Pq Eft o86G �5 1' • 2'Cofq ��rN,v�v I/v'yl ALLIED N INEERJ - COMPANY AN ALLIANCE OF INSTANT TESTING COMPANY AND ALLIED TEST DRILLING Jobsite and Laboratory Testing, Geotechnical Services, Commercial. Residential and Municipal (� / , 7125 West 126' Street, Suite 500,. Savage, Minnesota 55378 LS ll/ Telephone: 952-890-7366 Fax: 952-890-5883 September 24, 2010 • Attn: Tony 2981 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55121 RE: 2981 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota Cell: 612-968-0100 As requested, a site visit was made on September 24, 2010 at 10:17 A.M, to evaluate and test soils for an addition to a residential structure. Our surficial geology reference indicates that the site is located within a region of a Demoines Lobe Deposit. These soils consisting primarily of, sand, loamy sand and gravel, with a coarser texture near lobe edge. We would classify these materials as Class 1 (Group 1) — unified soil symbol: SW -SP (sands, gravelly sands with fines). This material would be expected to provide, good drainage characteristics, low frost heave potential, and a low level of expansion. It is our understanding that a shallow foundation design has been proposed for the new construction, similar to that of the existing residence, which was built in 1953. It is also our understanding that the residence has not suffered any settlement or structural defects based of the foundation design, relative to frost or other soil related issues. We would therefore anticipate acceptable soils for construction, when determined to be within allowable limits of moisture and consolidation. At the time of the inspection, a limited excavation had been completed to a depth of approximately 30" from top of foundation, at the front or east side of the residence. To investigate the subgrade soils, a 1 518th inch diameter fluted hand auger probe was put down to a depth of approximately 4 % feet, at the low paint of the excavation within the northeast. The probe indicated a moist, uniform, well -consolidated medium sand at depth. The bad bearing capacity of the sails were evaluated with a dynamic cone penetrometer conducted near the northeast corner of the excavation. The dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), employs a eight kilogram (17.6 pound) hammer to drive a 20 millimeter diameter conical point into the soil, with the penetration recorded in millimeters per blow. From the DCP readings, a per blow, penetration average was recorded and a N -value derived. This N -value is an empirical relationship we have established to equate the dynamic cone data to the more familiar blows per foot (BPF) standard penetration soil boring test. d dib2 :TO 0 T LZ de DCP Depth 755 MM (29.7") Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test Per Blow Avq. / N -Value 28.5 MM/N-11 Estimated Load 3750 PSF In our opinion, the observed and tested sub -grade soils are acceptable, and would be expected to meet an assumed minimum bearing capacity requirement 2000 PSF for the proposed construction. Our observations and subsequent soil evaluation on this date is limited in scope to soil conditions observed within the completed excavation, and to the depths achieved by a shallow probe and a dynamic cone penetrometer test. Therefore, we are unable to assess sub -grade soils at depths, which may be encountered by soil borings conducted as part of a standard subsurface geotechnical investigation. Sincerely, Itco Allied Engineering Company Cary Sta dish Senior Inspector Reviewed By: Robert P. Sullentrop, P.E. Minnesota Reg. # 17823 CC: - City of Eagan Building Inspections #701 - 1 / #605 -- 3/4 / #610 — I / #304 — (1) DCP / #612 — 26 1/2 z•d dS2:TO 0T La das v o 0 ofl7.3 ti z OQ i 04 Gov •` A V t .D 0; tri cut Cn-Po f2J (r)rC 0 z *1Z m 0 33 m m 13 G3 CO 0M nom 33 33A mMI mm 1 D x 0 va'i> rt r,�rt4 �7c'<o Cr'W y�c m0C ce) �r1 tri trl r G .-, C cx7 kay '9'o „3( 7J?''t A `63- 7 --a 0 0 JAN -07-2004 09:17 EBL::: w O •m wN�n S[o1 O , ilm' e1 M O b .4.91"41 $ a— + • t O 0 0014 O iia N 0190 UO ON AM ag8&4 ai L Job Name: SIMIN a Ni1 dmCM tlf L .1 dpH �} 1tCay1 '.1iI+ m 3 ariWu..I �okA uuw2. N gbh lk!OIr VVPA ggTnv 0 7i��y tlnymul Y EI R ' 0qg In - a w'4 � 6i : k iL a.'m Md y 14040040/4 Omoki.9 MWOVe 3:11919493 Gaori �Ul ff a+,a01444m15 .i Yx m 4 Y ,mm L L O ri yr m 44 14 IIA 1 p a 44 INct1 W1403c sou •.MMO�V1.'Sn my tl , 144411414044M N 0 7 4 4L 1 u{2W i P, Ou..MV l d -as0 Gl *0 04 14 ..b '40 -qy?27�� ,uq C. m,mr 4 L C1 [r a g IC eima:31 m O :00000000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 f Q4' rti0F1 .y Oq. MNNe1 4 4,4 O .Y.1Nn.-i Bra, y �Oq yo�Pr.O L o ORO .1,11.1111 Mr,. ar•RWPwnn NNNP'. {AAA i\ 1 f .4(4P44404-8. 1014848.440000 11104,r11. 4.4 b 1 Fl R R R 1 T, UN -1448 VN4014 4 NN r1.NY.. o L'{P �.1N.'. Y; 0O 640404040m.lM 40ir. 4001L1 .1. h uq0 PP RAneRq A c dm ppQ{{I.~.IR601 Ar4 .44.- 1441 04 A..I H.+A 04 1 0.00.0 H 0144 1 0 r+. ib N.~i .moi 1Y M1 0 C• H 4 v7 T CY 8 9 0 952939043 P.01 W cc 0 � I 41" red Et 3 g $ m A f 4f OI C O O a a a at p 4� Q 0 9fi 40 r'H f r1; _go a0- i21j m CC L. n E i .r 1'e o -Oh 1J-40 a gr illi '8 E'-' ; E ,tilr, rt',.; E $P i Op 4rn $V 4x11� o1 az1Z 1e'W lvL .L�v � r i t @ ` .. 4gA x a 4 ti it i 14' 14 14 g a ff ag 4 41 Gdfiikv 4...x1 s l,Eelp._ ii 3 0 d 02! 41:1A1 2 W 00 E (952} 9354902 TOTAL P.O1 HNSTo° o0.w 4144 %+ 3 54 n ^1, b• oor,,t3^1 . �44. 2 -' '0..0 O 00- F o D. 90 c E A. 00100 � '•-s <, -0x-SO w 22 0 pO 40 017J.2,4092'."',;2° m.5.00 0 n ^$ "it. , ss a 'acg qh y1.2.3 3•<E>a'64§.- .65 tof44 a 0.'c,^ o >-C°P-o -• 4.0.^5- _. -4 0mg •.�a. 3moAa 44 0)4 c c.5 41. c o.0 S 0)_. ^�2"0 °-O''d^.�000 k ��-0 � Q ` ▪ 0 7.00 -i • r' c n ''. 0.,w rt ▪ E,O W Sp'm 5 0. 0300 2 ! �fi0- 5..°C) VP- 0.3wcI o _nEF_o" 0P-0- g w g n O I4'f orp 10 H 00 0 0 0 O r 0 r a 01 a m r 0.. 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R 00.30\UA0Nrp ▪ g 00 110 CI 710 0 a...Alias a 0 O 0\ Y - 000 0, 0 O O WNNNHH n . 0%C' s W w 00 W J m O A W J O tl0 0 00 * 0' 4 . 0 N U.3 A Y Y m 0(3 .0 z 0 a x R W ro K t 001.0003))00 00.0.0 n p '7. m N Or u.%O 1-' p 0 N r. O 11 ,. HHHHHHH W .Nx 010041 ^ O. U,PWNr010R O .0,r 1...00 p .s. 4030)0)0' .0 O. 00 0 m • OW • 11 00.300310000 �(, M. r II 00100 O.00 0.0005 H R H <.. ttt O p 000000000 0 w 0 ' SECTION R806 ROOF VENTILATION R806.1 Ventilation required. Enclosed attics and enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters shall have cross ventilation for each separate space by ventilating openings protected against the entrance of rain or snow. Ventilating openings shall be provided with corrosion -resistant wire mesh, with 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) minimum to' inch (6 mm) maximum openings. R806.2 Minimum area. The total net free ventilating area shall not be less than 1/150 of the area of the space ventilated except that reduction of the total area to 1/300 is permitted, provided that at least 50 percent and not more than 80 percent of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the space to be ventilated at least 3 feet (914 mm) above the eave or cornice vents with the balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or cornice vents. As an alternative, the net free cross -ventilation area may be reduced to 1/300 when a vapor barrier having a transmission rate not exceeding 1 perm (5.7 ' 10-11 kg/s x m2 x Pa) is installed on the warm -in -winter side of the ceiling. R806.3 Vent and insulation clearance. Where eave or cornice vents are installed, insulation shall not block the free flow of air. A minimum of a 1 -inch (25 mm) space shall be provided between the insulation and the roof sheathing and at the location of the vent. AUG 0 2 2019 BY: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER i, XL ct at " ] 11Q , understand that the State of Minnesota requires that all residential building contractors, remodelers and roofers obtain a state license unless they qualify for a specific exemption from the licensing requirements. This license requirement applies to owners of residential real estate who build or improve such property for purposes of speculation or resale. By signing this document, I attest to the fact that I am improving this house for my own use and am not building or improving this house for the purpose of reselling it. I hereby claim to be exempt from the state residential building contractor licensing requirements because I am not in the business of building or remodeling on speculation or for resale and that the hour for which I am applying for this permit, located at _Z ,i� p'/sAn , /at' , Eagan is the only residential structure I have built or improved in the past 24 months. Furthermore, I acknowledge that I may be hiring independent contractors to perform certain aspects of the construction or improvement of this house and I understand that some of these contractors may be required to be licensed by the State of Minnesota. understand that unlicensed residential contracting, remodeling, and/or roofing activity is a misdemeanor under Minn. Stat. § 3266.082, subd. 16 and can also result in a fine of up to $10,000. I further state that I understand that the filing of a false statement with the City of Eagan may also result in criminal prosecution and/or civil penalties pursuant to applicable city ordinances and/or state statutes. I have also been informed and acknowledge that by listing myself as the contractor for this project, I alone will be responsible to the City of Eagan for compliance with all applicable building codes and city ordinances in connection with the work being performed on this property. I also understand that if I hire an unlicensed contractor, my only recourse in the event I have a dispute with my contractor will be to pursue private civil action (lawsuit) against the contractor, and that even if I am successful in a lawsuit, I will not be able to make a claim for compensation from the Contractor Recovery Fund, the state's consumer protection program for licensed contractors. A/CGi ✓1c C &V) Name 07 - 2 .'/ Date For questions or information on contractor licensing, or to check the licensing status and enforcement history of a particular contractor, call the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, Construction Codes and Licensing Division, at (651) 284-5069 or 1- 800-657-3944, or visit their website at: www.dli.mn.gov/CCLD/RBC A V cç ( Fr Office Use `� EAGAN i i ; •• Permit#: / -7/� .�.. ,I :/ 19 -7_ b Permit Fee: '^ ►Ai&i E C E I F E Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 AR. 1 6 2019 Staff: 7-16- /9 buildinginspectionst cityofeagan.com J 2019 RESIDENTIAL BUIL► APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Unit#: Name: Al et v) J i\ ch9`1 Phone: 612 ?2(5)2261-9- Resident/ 2c 2Resident/ Owner Address/City/Zip: ,el do.i- A-40R /2.)el 11 Applicant is: Owner Contractor JC(C Icy C iie'✓i aZS C A..`?eve (i) II a r s', . , . / J F .Type of Work Description of work: 2. ()OR /I i 5 / f1, A I u�J < , ,•0 i- Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes /No ) E.; Company: (---.7, I Contact: I Contractor Address: City: Ct---Dreffefill, 1 f 1' 5li`t/ #O State: Zip: Phone: Email: License#: Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes,date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: Fire Suppression Contractor ' ., Phone: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be publioinformation. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. i x Xr ( 1�e v i x iv/ < <4,61 Applicant's Prin d Name Applicant's Signature A /64 /S ��� )2647/�.6 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE I SUB TYPES Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch(3-Season) _ Extei for Alteration(Single Family) ir Single Family Garage _ Porch(4-Season) _ Exteiior Alteration(Multi) _ Multi _ Deck _ Porch(Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Miscellaneous 01 of Plex Lower Level Pool Accessory Building WORK TYPES _ New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition — Move Building _ Reroof _ Demonph Interior At Alteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation if 3c�' Occupancy 7Z> —1 MCES System Plan Review / Code Edition £9/i SAC Units — (25% 100% // ) Zoning n^/ City Water ^ Census Code 4131 Stories A., Booster Pump #of Units / Square Feet PRV #of Buildings / Length — Fire Suppress on Required Type of Construction 73 Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) Meter Size: Footings(Deck) Final I C.O. Required Footings(Addition) k Final/No C.O. Required Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Ji HVAC Service Test Gas Line Air Test Hood Roof: Ice&Water F11 - Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Framing 30 Minutes1 Hour Drain Tile Fireplace: Rough In Air Test Final Siding: Stucco Lath Stcne Lath Brick EFIS f Insulation Windows Sheathing Retaining Wall: Footings Backfill Final Sheetrock Radon Control Fire Walls Fire Suppression: Rough In Final Braced Walls Erosion Control Shower Pan Other: Reviewed By: 41V , Building Inspector . 77 RESIDENTIAL FEES 39ot thg X40 At9e0 7 s ' Base Fee CO Surcharge Kr 14 / re ft.@,49* / 7 /Go Plan Review cgqiL3 g- j DRQ p.49/0 /7 �Gd MCES SAC '`TT' City SAC -----------------T–;. Utility Connection Charge 12/ t /GO S&W Permit&Surcharge Treatment Plant Radio Meter Read Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 3 j PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA157599 Date Issued:08/28/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2981 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: George C Williams PID:10-29100-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Alteration Description:Fixtures Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (miscellaneous)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Zi F Pan 9725 Oak Shore Dr Lakeville MN 55044 (612) 328-2789 ACI Plumbing 4829 Minnetonka Blvd, Suite 203 Minneapolis MN 55416 (612) 269-3736 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature . ii •• • For Office Use �/ 1 ����, /���_� Permit /.5- O v I EAGAN........ ...... o • cam Permit Fee: �I 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 Date Received: (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Email:buildinginsoectionsacitvofeacian.com Staff: Commercial Plan Submittal:eolansecitvofeaaan.com L 2019 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 11 I S I I Cl. Site Address: `8 1 S( tot kl,to J ` Eg a 0 Tenant: Suite#: Resident/Owner Name:la C b t^ ll�Y� I-c V(\\ Phone: G I -3D-6—i-7 8 q Address/City/Zip: 1 I ( IDIl ko Ea() a IA Name: Pr '1 V► Il a IN Ha�r\.1 C r s tt License#: 11\1 1 d-t S0 U Contractor Address: I�Jc A I U �rQ 1 / City: r -g State: M v Zip: 2 i.7- Phone: CPS 1- 3 (5 L Contact:4 CA rrkl kff 4 Email: eA 'CAk ke t f V d 5 IC ktMns' tel 4L S.kot•CCM RESIDENTIAL XFurnace Air Conditioner Permit Type _Air Exchanger Heat Pump Other ,a, New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Type Work RC- ()C 6\b( V\ 0 1 L Description of work: UG 11)1 RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit,includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New,includes State Surcharge =$ itI Di;" ---'' TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.oitvofeagan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which I,. ires a review and approval of plans. X ge1\ckb Ccrrcsqudo IIr.:1& ) Applicant's Printed Name Applic nt's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Reviewed By: Date: I r..ae...........+ C......k r., e:.Terms Rc,..i PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA176851 Date Issued:06/03/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2981 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: George C Williams PID:10-29100-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. If water damage is encountered, please call (651) 675-5675 to schedule a site visit to verify the extent of the damage. Any repairs must be inspected prior to covering. The inspector will determine if an additional permit will be required to repair the water damage. Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Zi Fang Pan 9725 Oak Shore Dr Lakeville MN 55044 (651) 328-2789 New Life Contracting Inc. 9050 Highview Lane Woodbury MN 55118-5512 (651) 336-9966 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature