2983 Pilot Knob Rd[,y -md"AGAN $EWER SEtNdCE PERMI? 3830 Pflot Knob Rwd pERMIT Np.: P. O: 6o&21199 W DATE: I-85 Eagan, MN 55121 ? ? ( - No. of Unit:: ?inp . OwrN?: 1lddress: . 5ite Addmss: Plumber. 100• 00pd ?Q ta e..ry wiik w.q? .fu'se ?e?O"_"1GS?S?????P???tj• • `? adi?A? --.reF.lf1?L•L.`.?- _ ? ._1W yn nn?a 8y Dote of Insp.: CI_TY OF FAGAN 3830 Pi:ot Knob Road P. Q. 8ox 21199 ' Eagan, MN 55121 Zaninp:_ Owrnr: Addres:: Si» /1ddrom Plunbsr. Mebr No_: 3 7 b 5, 9?. Sixe. " o k Rea No.: a 1opm /o p"* wilr Nw pfy BY -,- oore of rnsp.: !114 - ia=,Fb CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pifot Knob Rosd P. O. Box 21199 Eayan, MN 55121 Zonlnp: _ Owner;. -! , :Z::•-?tolc Addreas: Sttr /lddreas; 29E3 Pi 2o r;'ialo b "- -.? umbar. O t z F uT:: a ir' ? Meftr No.: Size: Reader No.- - I elm? ah *f Ep.? BY Date of Insp.: Suiancrp;. Misc. Cl+orom Totol: Darte Poid: wATER sEtcvicE PERM PERMIT NO.: ' DATE: ' No. of Units: 0" 5 i, 0. _-n_Crt_ iS. %kl Chorpes: - 156. JUT*<? "?P Totol: ',' . SQpd metes Dah Paid: insp.: WATER SERYICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: l C ? r'f - No. of Units: I Connoction O,orps: Account Deposlt; ? ,•, PennFt Fee: ? SI/fCjiCfflR: . S(3T.?(7 MISC. C110fQa: `P 110^.C1 Total: DOta POId: Intp.: • ' `?'`" CITY OF EAGAN ?; p, j? r?C ?37 1c 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 ? ` PHONE:454-8100 ; ' ? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt# -4.Lr?? 7o ba used tor S[a DWG/GAR Est value $82i dOO Date AUGUST 29 19 86 Site Address 2983 PZLOT KNUB tiD Erect ? Occupancy ri3 Lot 2 elock 1 Sec/Sub. GEURGE C WILLIAMSmodel ? Zoning R1 Parcel No ADUITION Repair ? Type of Const jTA . Addition ? No. Stories ¢ Z Name >; r+LE B kEYNOLDS Move ? Demolish ? Length Depth 44 57 o Address P- G. F30X 716 Int. Impr. ? Sq. F+ ciry 'tnFNT)Op?none 725-5774 (W) mstau ? , o Name SA?lE 4 54 --94 Ft 5( H) Approvals Fees 0 0 a AddreSs i- cih` - Assessment Pnone Water & Sew. h Q ? W Name ? z a Address i W City Phone Police _ Fire - Eng.- Planner Council I hereby acknowledge that i have read th is application and state that the Bldg. information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Ea n Ordinance APC_ ) Var ? ?? Signature ot Permittee' A Building Permit is issued to: DALE gREYNOLDS all work shall be done in accordance with all aDolicable Stal6Jof Minnesota Stat Permit • 00 Surcharge 41.00 Plan Review 189 . 5C SAC 575.4a Water Conn. 500.0c Water Meter 6.3. 5 fl Road Unit 290 .OC Tr. PI. 15 6. 0 C Date I Copie ?? T-*.i i 19 . on the express condition that Ciry ofEagan Ordinances. Building Official - PrrmM No. Pwmll Mo1dK DNe TNephons N oA z_ pf bc , 64 , H.KA.C. 7rI 37 ? P . ?- son«+e. In."caoo osb. Irup. comm«?a F°°u"qs i FooWps u Foundalion Fnmin9 Roawno ? I Nough Plbg• Rough Hro• lnsid. ? FkoplaCf S7fI 6 ?? r Final Nly. Fl" Ptbg. ??- G. ? v- ?s7 - ? Bldp. FMal 7,17 7 ? Cart.Oec. Dock F1p. Dmdc Frng. lllhll Pr. DNp. 1 . Y s r PERMIT # 7r7 -; -4 RECEIPT # ', ?? t? ?I ck CITY OF EAGAN FEE - MECHANICAL PERMIT 454-8100 siC ? MIMIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE -=10.00 + $.50 TOTAL DATE MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - $20.00 + $•SO 1. Bldg. Type: Res ? Comm Inst 2. New ? Add Alter Repair 3. Total Bid Price 4. Job Address ?'``??-3 f?, '' •- r ?i?,' j /ed Lot Block 11 Sec pwner qN?)n rJ L, 6. Contractor /1'1f-0 1 t.. l?'L l',:- i-) r ; NL. y? 7Ci S 1 1;./ (Neme) (Streeh (Ciry) (ZIp) 7. Contractor Phone # y';? ' S1g:, RESIDENTIAL HEATING - 01-100,000 BTU's -$24.00. Each additional 50,000 BTU's or iraction -$6.00 RESIDENTIAL COOLING - 01-24,000 BTU's -$12.00. Each additional 6,000 BTU's or iraction -$6.00 MODIFICATIONS/ALTERATtONS -$10.00 minimum fee ? HEATING VENTILATING HOT WATER STEAM AIR COND. IR PIPING PRQCESSED PIPING AIR HAND. EQUlP. RtFRiG. RES. GAS PIPING OUTLETS -$1.50 TANKS: LP. UNDERGROUND OTHER COMM./IND. RATE - 1% OF TOTAL BID PRICE PLUS $.50 STATE SURCHARGE FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE. Signed: for Approved Inspections: Date Rough Insp. Date Final Insp. ., PERMIT # CITY OF EIetGAN FEE PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # 454-8100 S/C MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - $70.00 + $.50 TOTAL DATE MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - $20.00 + $.50 1. Bidg. Type: Res ? Comm Inst 2. New X_ Add Alter Repair 3. Total Bid Price 4. Job Address /; Q Lot Block ? Sec 0 L '_ ? ' • = 4 Owner 6. Contractor (Name) 7. Contraetor Phone # NO. FIXTURES Water Closet - $3.00 ? Bath Tubs - $3.00 ? Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 -T-Kitchen Sink - $3.00 -Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 (Stree? NO. FIXTURES LLaundry Tray - $3.00 1 Fioor Drains - $1.50 _TWater Heater - $1.50 Whiripool - $3.00 ZGas Piping Outlets - $1.50 -Softener - $5.00 (City) NO. FIXTURES -Well - $10.00 _Private Disp Syst - $10.00 -Rough Openings w/o Fixtures - $1.50 RiP1 COMM./IND. RATE - 1% OF TOTAL BID PRICE PLUS $.50 STATE SURCHARGE FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE. Signed: for Approved Inspections: Date Rough Insp. Date Final Insp. I -A el? (gerfif ira#P p# (Orrupanry Citp of Cagan Erprtntpttf v# lufld'mg jwenim[ Tlu's Cenificate rssued pursuanl to the reqairements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the vnrious ordinances of the City regulating building construcuon or use. For the following.• Use cwmdicudon SF DWG/GAA ft. Fbcmit No. 12537 0-p-cy Tym H.S 70m8 Dism 7ym CamR uT! Owm of BuMng DALE B BEYNdi.ll? Addm c- •o• 'w llb, HLNDOTA, CN BuMn,,mrm 2983 P1LOT K:101+ K') ??, L.'_, 1;i, GEORGB C WILLLA??.? ADr . , n.u: :U:vE 17, 1987 Bmlchng Otfictial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE r` CASH RECEIPT -' . CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE , J R6C61YCO ? ` //? 1l / ? _ _ FROM I?_? ?'x,• , ?J }C?L[/?'?. AMOUNT r f y ? CASH N CHECK `I . `• ? n af ?1 .?_- G?.D_G ??-?--;f-/? l:??-C. ???(tN/l? •' ? '*' l.?-?-T?? ?G-u.liL- FUND COOE AMOUNT 7 0 ? z -c ??- ? iu 6 s ?? o ? a ? v /7 3 L O Z 3 s71 Zo 3i-z' / 4:2., o ? Ac? Thank You :f.? , • BY? }--`--? _ 66107 ?' 4Vhite-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy DOLLARS CASH RECEIPT ? CITY OF EAGAN . 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 19 Recaiven FROM AMOUNT $ I a ooLLwws ,oo ? CASH ? CHECK POR PUND GODE AMOUNT y L? ^ - -- ? ?, ='7' S Z ?? Thank You BY J UVhite-Peyen Copy Yellow-Postin8 CoPY Pink-File Copy This rapuest void 18 months fmm Reques[ Date - Fire No. Rmeqgh-in 1 poction Pw ?FeadY Nuw [ff ill Nolify, InsOer,- - es ?No tor When ReaGy icensed Electrical Contractor 1 hereb rey quest insoaction of above ? Owner elecbicel work installad at SVeet Address, Baz or Route No. City 9?3 ' ection o. Township ame or No. Fange o. Cou t O upantIPPINT) Phone No. -aL ,S S' ower SuOPAddress Elec ' al ConVactor (COmpanv Name) ConVactor's License No. C-i, OYZ27 Mailing Address ( o tracmr or wner Making Ins flation) O L?-/?+ v oSrU Lc. " Author' i0nawre (Contractod0 ing InStallation Phof e Number ^?' J 'y ? l0 ` c? !O (3 hl STATE BOARD OF ELECTIi1CITY THIS INSPECTION XEQUEST WILL NOT Grigga-Midway Bldg. - R.O. N•197 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STA7E BOAHD 1821 UnivarsitY Ave., SC Paul. MN 5510A UNLESS PROPEH INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (812) 287.2111 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi:on ' Sea insfructions far completing this form on back ol vellow caDVL???? ? "'K"" Below Work Covered by 7his Request eII. Typp of Buil0in9 ApPliancee Wiretl Equipmen1 Wired Home ange Temporery Service Duplex Water Heater Lighting Fixtures Apt. Building ryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. rnace Silo Unluader Industrial Bldg. ir Condltioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Othe, 5ec7,y Dthe, ISUCCiIyI [her U.ciFY Ot er Other Compute lnspectian Fee Be/ow M Fee Sarvice Entrence5ize k Fee Feeders/5ubleedars N Fee Circuits 10 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s t+ 0 to 30 Am ps 6 Above 200 Am ps 7 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 q y Swimming Pool Above 10Am s A6ove 100_Am s Transformers Irrigation Booms Partial:'Other Fee $igns Speciallnspection S TOTAI Remarks ?- EE ? , .U? floueh-in Date \ / the ElecVicel spectoq hereby Final ( 7 '??? cerHly that the above insoection hes been i _ . ,/I 1 rt '?(7 made. rma reaomt ww 18 2004 RESIDENTIAL BUII.DING PERMIT APPLICATION r?7 City Of Eagan !W,) lo f ??° ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConstruGron Reauiremenls RemodeVReoair ReQUirements Office Use?OnN 3 registered sile surveys showing sq. ft of lot, sq. ft of house; and all rooted areas 2 copies of plan Certaf Survey ReW ._..V _ N (200% maximumlotcoverageallowed) lsetofEneqyCalalalionsforheatedadditions TreePraSPlanRecd _Y _N, 2 copies of plan showing 6eam & window sizes; poured found design, elc. 1 site survey for additions & decks Tree Pres Reqwred _ Y_ N 1 sel of Eneyy Calculations Adddion - indicate i/onsfte sepfic sysfem On-srte 5eptic System .`_ Y_ N 3 copies of Tres Preservation Plan'rf bt platted after 711193 Rim Joist Defail Options seleciion sheet (bldgs with 3 or less unifs Date -/Q-//YOO/ 04-1 Construction Cost y-S B? Site Address ?7- P; Jp 'f )(-Fy-e UniUSte # - " a-V- L4--N 2) Description of Work /} e- );;?B ? ? Multi-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner yk" Telephone #(6 Contractor 42a Address State City Zip Telephone # ( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category , Residen6al Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (4 submissiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? Y Y fee appiies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone #( Telephone #( N If so, 25% plan review I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informatiopgs_?oin lete-and arcti ate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wark is not to start without a permit; that the wark will be in accord ce with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval o?pl?? ? ?/? Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement Valuation Census Code §AC Units # of Units # of Bldgs Type of Const _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addifion) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final _ Framing _ Fueplace _ R.I. _ Air Tes[ _ Final Insulation Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies 01her Total ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? OS 06-piex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 11 1 0-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25. MiSCellane0U5 ? 30 Accessory Bidg ? 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Raroof ? 48 Windows/DOOrs 'Demolltion (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy MCES System Zoning City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ FinallC.O. _ FinaVNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Au/Gas Tests _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTfON r10T5: PAYMF?7T OF k'EE AT T.IIM OF AePLxcAazON oors rxrr mrsrr.TUTE APPROVAL OF PERMIIT, INSPEC.TION OF SEWFR 1NID/OR FMM INSTAr.raTIONS WaS. NOT BE SQED- UIkD UNTII, PEEtMT HAS BEIN APPROVID. :xxx?xxx,.:x,.xxxxxxxxxxx?x?f.x?x,.xxx Please Print) 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2qp73 Pi J8?" }?jy/prt3 I?G1 '" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: "- . Lot Block Subdivision or Tax Parce ID ) IF EXQSTING STRCt'IL'RE. DATE OF ORIGINAL BL'ILDING PERMiT ISSC'AN('.E: (Mbn Year } pRESEBTI' 7ANZNG/PROPOSID L'SE: Q COMRCIAL/RETAII./OFFICE Q ZPIDLISTRIAL n INSTITL'TIONAL/GOVERNMENT ? R-1 SINGLE FAbIILY " R-2 DL'PLEX (Tro Units) ? R-3 TUWM00SE (Three + Units) ( Lfiits) R-4 APARTMEDPr/COPIDOMINIL'M Units) 2) Q'?Y• NAME: ADDRFSS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHQNE: -,L r)r iW Q- ? ?'•;,tJ 3) ' u?: ?• NAME= M 6 7 LT ?fl C, For City Use Pl s License: .wDxFSS: L f i,Sri? 1 SD7`A 5? :u) Active i CITY. STATE. ZIP: /'.?? U u-'f' ired Not recorded PHONE:_??,3 MASTER LICENSE# ? St?a ?al q) r.• •:,? ?.v.i?• ru,ME: uN O %D ?f, ? _ AnnxFSS:- PD BttX, l ? ' . QxY, srAxE, ZIP:1 21 PHONE: • .5) n v ? ? r •?- _ roNNECT=oN To ciTY SEpam ? CONNECi'ION TU CITY WATER ? a= . 6) ? • ?- • r ? PLEAaE HOLD APPRpVID PEE2pIIT FOR PICK-C?P BY ONE OF ABOVE PLEASE MAIL APPROVF.D PERNLZT TO 1f 2,(D ¢. pWVE . • (Circle one) ' 7) c7 i. . ? / 4-6 _.r6 FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSCED Pd w/Bldg. Permit $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 C' C? c? C7 $ ? % S , ?r t3 e $ $ c FEES: $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLLDE SURCHARGE) $ WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SL'RCHARGE) .. $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER $ WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION 5TOP) $ SEWER TAP $ /.j C` C' ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ C> ACCOONT DEPOSIT - WATER $ WAC $ SAC $ TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ TRONK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ ` LATERAL BENEFIT/TR[!NK SEWER $ LATEI2AL BENEFIT/TRLNK WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLRCHARGE $ $ ' OTHER: $ 1 2- $ c -6 TOTAL -21 ?_ RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN P[JBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? Q YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC Q ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSOED BY THE ENGINEERING NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: i - APPROVED BY: , L A_ TITLE: DATE : ! CITY OF EAGAN N° 12537 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan,.MN 55121 ' Al PHONE:454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Feceipt# i / G, / ? SF DWG/GAR T b d f $ 82 •000 86 AUGUST 29 o e use or Est. Value Date 19 SiteAddress 2983 PILOT KNOB RD Ered C? Occupancy R3 Lot 2 Block 1 Sec/Sub.GEORGE C WILLIAMEemodel ? Zoning Rl ADDITION Parcel No Repair ? Type oi Const. Vn . Addition ? No. Siories ¢ tvame DALE B REYNOLDS nnove ? Length 44 Demolish ? Depth S 7 3 Address p- n- BOX 716 I I ? Ft S o nt. mpr. q. Ciry MFNDOT&hone 725-5774 (W ) Install ? o Name SAME 454-9485 (H) Approvals $a Address Assessment ? Ciry Pnone Water & Sew. ? a Police W Name Fire F Address E ng. W < Ciry Phone Planner Council Fees Permit '' Surcharge 41.0C Plan Review 189.5( SAC 575.0C Water Conn. 500.0( WaterMeter_ 63.5( Road Unit 290.0( Iherebyacknowledgethatlhavereadthisapplicationandstatethatthe Bld9.on. 8/28/8 Tr.PI. 156.0( information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry of Ea an Ordinance /?PC Parks -+?P?Var, Date Copies SignatureotPermitteec '? Total 2r194.0( A Building Permit is issued to: DALE B REYNOLDS on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable.Stat? qfvt?sol? S?htes an. ? d City of Eagan Ordinances. ?X 8uilding Otticial c3- - ;Z 3 o b?? ?0-o 0'-? , a s ? 1986 BOILDING PERKIT APPLICATIOH - CITY 0 EAG1 HOTE: ALL COATRACTOES MIlST BS LICfiNSED IIITH THE CITY OF EAGAN SIHGLE F9lQLY DWELLIAGS c ??'?tJ'??a?? ? y? ?-ornarro? INCLUDE 2 SETS OE PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OE SURVEYp 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS PfQI.TIPLS DSiELLINGS - RFSIDENTIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CSR 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS RENTAL 06ITS FOH SALS ONITS OF SIIRQEY - CHECB ftITH HLDG. DSPT., INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND A To Se IIsed For: Valuation. Date: - ? Site Address OFFICE DS S ONLY Lot 2 Block Erect Occupancy Bemodel Zoning ? Parcel/Sub = Repair Type of Const p Addition # of Stories ? • Owner ?d 1.2 a li f •/ ?2.d ?? Move _ Length ? ? AddressP (7• ,? p X 71a DntoImpr. _ SqpFt ?? r_ City/Zip Code m 4_?°l J7JN ,S' s/,$?O Install _ Phone APPROVAIS FEES C ntraetor ,2c(/4 Assessments Permit 3? Water/Sewer Sureharge Address ? QOX Police Plan Review Fire SAC 5'T ?J J City/Zip Code /?yr? o?arct',ITji(/ SSU Engr Water Conn fis;!? - Planner Water Meter Sob%Q Phone 7 2 S-_S' 77 Council Road Unit ?40 Bldg Off Treatment P1 Arch./Engr. APC Parks ? Variance Copies Address TOTAL City/Zip Code Phone If NOTE: ADDRESSES EOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOHEOWNER MDST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGSS FiILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. 24X Z, PO n' foZg X f-Z.Z 74 e6Q7 fo 1c 1 O sqp0 x(2Z 7'ZO ?yu c? .z ?}b x 44 z Z,?lZ 2ceti4 4l4 1Z tic 'S? a' ? ???? s Oo -7 -?r'' ° S' Da, 1,e B -,?Ye-o lG{,r . ?Z g9-3 f? /o t I-?•tid ? R?( .__ 0.h / M i rnn ? , ? on ?G 74- 0 l' o ? Lo t ,r'Wra; .? . ? (r ? 1 M A .Di.rti a? y, prai n ?0 C O . . '?o? , 20?.- 29•, AQO t' ?E ? y 9ilv. _;,. _ , •? 1 ? ? . • < ? aac? ? ? ' ----9ao__ ? ' i? ( r` ?• '' . ' ? , ? ? ? I i . :' ' , r ' ? '`• ?' ? ?? r'?,? .?90 ? ? . . i r ? x O ? ? • . i _ + „ _ k , . ' ?,/ ? `, ' ?/ ';.;?i.? ?Y ' , T9231 9O ? 0 ? ? . . • . ?; T p. . ? . •;?? !-- ? . x ? -- ? z - - ? - - - ?-- r % rO- I y T%:•!T . ? 910._ :? '? \ '? . ,- r:' '.' ? '?,? •: •? ' ? ?. ?? ? ? ?i"`. ? ? ? •---- ??. •;Ef,__ ' ? /i? il f " ?_• '? 1 , 2ov' / , I '•?/?a'? - - ro ? ? i ? '.1 .?. .•? _ I \ / / • ..? .`? '?\?!?,b'?-,_ ?* ? .:,,\ ?' }I ?? 1\ ' j ; ?.. ? . ` \ \? ' 1. , 1`?? `? I • • W?//??? W ! / ' ?\. `? \ ?\?? 1 'r ? ? 1? ? \ ; 1 ' . " R' : , I ?i. 1 ,\ ? II? ? ? I \ ?..1,? ' ) I .?? ????, . ?._ ,I/? `?\\ . ? ? ' .? C , ." I ?_J ' ? . ?\. • \: . i i T 9 5 , ?' % ?3 . ? • ? \ `, T935( ?l' ? ; .? ??, ? ?' ? ? \ . . ? ? J ? ?.. iy ? •\ \ ,,' ? - ;' • ..? ? - ?}30 - -'?' .•? ; ? a ` , - _I ..? _ 1 `- ?--` ? . : . ._ . I ? 4 - -?'- --•- .??.-?;c.1?-? ?.? ?t .._ ,? ?---?...?'c. --.--?... ....-- ?? ? ? - -. - - - - - _ - - - - ---- - ?----- ' x T 9 3 1 3 ' PI W'l K40(3 P-0Tt --- ? I \,( --- - --- -- ---- -:? ??? - -. ?? . --." ?I 'l??- ' ; LO(A?iON f? ' ?Z?S'" )RNEk i ? 9 9 • 9E N + ? ; y'`L) s1f?.?a ; Fv ?G( /'e ? . ?e/?`?) ?G,? ? A? ? ?C/ jo _' 1 1 WILUAN(? Dlu'15(on1 ' ?' ;`rY SZ 9?3 lo R? ... ? t? : 1 • i l ? f', r. a r? ? R-y -+t ; 07 ,?- . -.-_- " ,. . HFAr uoss cnuManoNs Weat6eraryx A i e Gu d ; Wiodows Daon ( Refineuce ,_' et- o e o 19__ / .F1• Lin.r wo7 Room Length , ,. ?. ?.. , . . Windom aad Ans ?op s DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION Cenuruetton No. No. wiatn of pae, x.treL. of pam o. ec IlFbt. wew? n ot eraet wn• p. tt. O + A I Q ?? Coef. Btu In6ltration ?i 991 _ Glea 560 E:y. waU Net e :p. wall kL-wou l CeJing T? ?!L Floor ] 6 Total Btu. S Od' 2- ? Requir . ms. der ercs Fl.l kle Room Length / Widt6 / Height Wiodows aed Doon--Creakex end Area ?Total &u. ' Required aqr(t-ED.R. or q. ins. W.A. Leader arce Fl. ??noh 43 WidtF. Height Windows and Doon--Craekax end Aroa ?? . ?. .; ' Na Wldl! ef p?e? Hal9?t et qn? No. of 11/hb Llmal [L et teset Area M. te. ? y Coef. Beu lofiltration 021 CJau Ezp. w,l NN up wsll S 97 6 ka?mu .? . S . :ceains . S oor fl • - N0. iatn xagai ot we? . No. er Ilfsb mW n. ef maek s... p. tt C«f. Beu In6ltration Glw Exp. wan rkt an. w.u z {nt:.xrall Ceiling i4 ' Floor O TOW &W gequired w lneulation & Room I uogth ia wiath and 6oors--,Craekaee sad Area No. wmm o[ pd n? x•ee er wntr• No. ot urne. nm.at re. e1 er.cr wm w. Eo C«f. Beu In6ltration -74 -.. A a 12 g l sw G Fsp. wsll N« exp. W.u i s y -tm-irgil Gr ?1 S Ceiling f7oor i Totel Btu. Gl Required i7q-1e,?r_sq. ins. WA. I.eader arca )/ p Fl.I ..P RoomlLeneth r w maows sn a ?? racee ge ma nn e No. wIEt4 ef pa*. Nd'4t. e[ Wne No. ot Il?hu Lle.al [0. et eroek An? p. tl. e . lu lnfiluatioa ?7 Z cr.W 'S y Esp..,au y Net esp. wall S .. aetawb?l `c t / Ceiling Floor ?" Toul Btu. Requ'ved tq ft F n,R..or sq. ins. WA. Leader arce F7. Roomll.ength? Wideh / Height Windowa and Doen--Crecksx and Arcs NO. iain O[ 0\IIo x.iiet Of m0\ Na a 11eots n..l n. o[ CKOt w... p, n. y Z Coef. &v Infilt:ation'. ' ? Clau . O Exp. wdl p Net ap. wdl llst? ` ? Ceiling 2 Floor /2 3 / Total Btw ttequired .4-tMrso.& oT w. Mi. w.a Le.der .K. /09 4 ijr?F ?1'J? t? «'??nw: HEAT LOSS ? West6eruriq Guide e.:. ' ;Windows Door? Refenne 19- ? ?'.;. G ai. .oa nn. ConWuetioo No. N0. wwtn ef p?vn x?irA?. ot wn? e. o? Il??b Linul t4 o[ eeaet A. p. tl. . f ' ? t CoeF. Btu lafiltratiou 3 1,9,6 [?/ .cr.»- d ex,. Wau ai Neteep. wnq IRLms11 Ceiling 71 Floor ' ? Btu. Fl.1 Room Length W Windowa and Doon--Craekage and Arcs Na wmie ot yam Asl?At of p?n? Na ot II1hN un.ai n. oi crack wm q. !t. Coef. Btu Ic6ltration CJau Fsp: wall Net ezp. wall Ipt. WeII . Ceiling . Floor Total &u. ' ? Required sq. ft. ED.R. or p. ins. WA. I.esder area Fl.1 Room lLengt6 VPidt6 Height p/iodow? and Doon-Craekaae snd Arca I ?' . . ;. ; =sTotal &u. Required w. R ED.R. or p. ie.. WA. lader axa T Ie?2 Na latn et p?n? NN?et ef pae? No. ot IIglts eo1 [t, et m4eY wrn p. tL . Coef. B?u Infiltration CJau Fsw «sp rk? ?: w.u lot:'wall Cciling Floor [NSPECTION lwulation tww widt, No. WIEtA of p?n? H?Ifpt e! pn? Ne. et Hfhtm Llv.al tt. e[ eraet Aru p. fL CoeE. Btu 1n61tration - Glau " Eip. wall - Net esp. wall Int. wall Ceiling Floor Total Btu. Required rq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. WA. I.eader srcs FIA Room I Length Width Heigid w maows so a voo ?acea ge soa nr es N. WIEM Of ytnl Na1gTF of Dan? No. ot Il??b Llnul tL p[ Ct?t4 An? p. f? ? lu Infilu.tioa Crlao ' Fsp: wsll Net e:p, wsll ? Int. wall Ceiling F7oor Totel &w Required p. h. ED.R. or sq. ins. WA. Lesder arcs F7. Room I Leoeth Width Heieht Wiudows and Doon-Craekax and Arce Ne. WWts A01(Ot et yde, Na W IIcAu UeW tt. e[ eraek Ar.a p. tt ' Coef Ba lofiltation Clw Eap. wall Nete:p. w.p lnt. well Ceiliog Floor Twal &u. Requircd p. k. E.D.R. er sq. mL WA Leader area :.-..,?SOUTHERN YELL-OW:PINE:. . : , LOAD DESIGN ` 40# Live load ` 10# Dead ?Load ? _.?, : •::? ° 5# Dead Load =. 55# TOTAL.LOAD with 1.00 increase. -- - - - - - ?---?-? -- ?. $25AO?Net set up?charge on orders o(10 of,fewer irusses of ihe same depth and length. - `-. :An eztra 2% discouni on flaortruss orders o( 20 or inore ot,the same depth and lenglh.' " ; ,. MQXIMUM SPAN TABLE - DEPTH OF_ ---12"-ON-. --? .-.-16" ON ?19.2" ON - ? 24" ON - PI ' TRUSS.' ` CENTER '.. CENTER CENTER . CENTER :.? LIN °12" 251 0°' = :Y3'5" 20'0" 20'0" .. 14„ :: c= 29'1" , ::264„ f " 231„ 217" ° _ . ...._._16"- - . ,._ 30'7"- 234"...._,.- 161> 337 BO'11" 28'5" . i 25'5' -- ., :'20" .: . = 36'11" 33'0" 301? 26'11"; :..:. .... .. 3011".- -- 28'4" ___227 ....___ . .__36'11.7 ..___.: ? 34'27 24" 397 " . i 36'2" : 32'4" • 29'8" _ . .t_:• - '-ri': Maxlmum apan table based on KU Southern Yellow Pine and boriom chord hearings. .?? ? . Pricea above are for atandard BCB sonditiona. Maxlmum apan_table dlmenaions are irom outside ln outside of 6earings. ._. ;:. 6?- y = Standard B ttom Chord Bearing Condition . L ? .illa?2i Ew. ?"1?'.. ?.k+f ? y ?1+? . 1. . .?t 4 w .? 4.? ..f. •?„ ? ( c..w.. ?".sbk:.....???G!.,wM . . ' ... ' . . I . ? . .' ' S. . ? . . f ?. ?2x4.notch_ `standard : .-: :? .,.. ??. ? . . 7d' l _ ? ??? ? n,•- - . ? ! :.xnY4+I : .J - ' t' ?¢,.A?.? L > ?k •4 YCM ?y SPfCIA L CONDITIONS ,`' , ? ? F?` p Chord Bearing;C.?r?dlilon ? -ErgiTop ChordBearfng Mid Blocl IL a ??•?,- ? >? ?. -? ,-?.y??oek?",.. ? ? , `? t. ?KA5 "" W.r? ?. ..a. C 3 t? A S .. . . ?..,. ?...., _w....?....?.a.,...? .s.: ?.r-• ?..... _ _ EFF'EGTIVEMAY23;1986 ?,5':?-/•° Y?A?iE`i3 _ . . . . , , . . ..?.._,-- 1. fN ' ? • PRNtL POINT , SPLICE PLRTES 6 3.5X5 g 5.5X6 d 3.5X5 f 5.5X6 8 ' TOP CHORD 2X4 165QF :.3E HOT CHORD 2X4 165OF 1.3E WEBS 2X3 S.P.F #3 except as noted on dwg, Min Brg: L-3,5 R-3.5 TOP FORCE a6 -3136 bc -2685 cd -2685 de -3136 ,. SPLICE PLR"f PLR'fE BOT 3X4 a9 3X4 gf 3X4 fe 3Y,4 ING WEH FORCE PLRTE FORCES . 2975 3.5X10S bg -606 gc 774 2002 3.5X4 cf 774 fd -606 \ 2975 3.5X10S ? MsMn ukWtnes ue eMAi[G x cenbrmm? le ifce?M WnAards lor cmdRbns a thtrQ, ne I?neO :rtUl !o Eet: sAe.n Eercon. tM Oo noi ?mM w:hbl41la ? Pencekl cades a e:r.ESmm eL•NeeeE 6v o?.".-n n tte 'eur.uba.y N c!tMr.f utt. temiuae c?tn accj cs tlrc tr 1411 a tv.% Ees:..:.,. Dn ;-.7' T.'. C2fyn ?9K111 L??. CGIIE7Nld u?p9 t`:6o11t:: t:LU $. ?'atr.te??!?r. •;.:ta4f a,_ ?.,ty;J:C¢ a:O::aR:fn?stdeen)Q:k?.,?'._d!ttllASiilA .{i51ia9u,rp2flv"Ye?_ .:Oaf M W`.eueehA•• ='C? e! t:eT I?t Drtan? iM Mswn? a trru I?Onu!pr, u?ry. I:KxeleO E:::rq q ?p?rred la Ipp?il ee.w?' ?,?p,? ?`? iO ?'TM °*bl a tee ieronudlQr e1me em?e,n, Ou6YCMen BM 76 8l 24' Span 8' o CHRIS70PHER ; G. DJDEK L W 25931 a repal .n YlOxM ? p? oI RERCTION UrJIf.LORD L. D. 02/25/86 a-1405 Top 40 IO MIDWEST e -14e5 Bot 0 10 24"0/C 15%INC ` . FPI-lO1M 3920388962 . 1, (*4 ?PRNEL POINT SPLICE PLATES b 3.5X4 i 6.5X7 c 3.5X4 h 6.5X7 e 3.SX4 f 3.5X4 .: SPLICE PLR?ING TOP FORCE PLRTE HOT FORCE PLR7E ab -3575 3X4 ai 3392 3X12SH bc -3094 3Y,4. ih 2178 3.5X4 cd -3e94 3X4 hg 3352 3X12SH de -3094 3X4 ef -3e94 3X4 fg -3575 3X4 ? ,De4+n[WWaa we cer6lKd p eeMarmng ro me0kd t4nGrOS la roiMRani n flateE. ne ImIM , sA;f ta eite Shmm Wcm. eM 6o nd ir.py gertjN:p la a penrcv?u use. Comdu+ee nan ceae a. .. . ':aC:4tt:snaOF.fhM:RCkMrs+SIReros?a?h7F.Ac7eM;nfsacAt:1!HSd.!,vte:l•ued::.":;i . . ' . . . Le:qnSpeetaeNeMer.l.t.DS.d7e!:?dr_.^.^I?!es. ..::+iD puQc (x u tft.n) CyrxelrvG p:¢1 CS-,tl II.fe 5 1 ia 0 'n h: Cr.lier n.:t_ l;td n:.`.aa : cn 111:1 • . :;C:s et Cxh p.rl &u+ne TMS Ori.uj n fa trw Impnnlwn on;y. lat¢nrJ Srepnt ?s r;p_,rea la .. . Wuciwtl flRnpH. Petmi"M aM kmWHT W+aY Wnp rMWONI n ft rn7uiuEJdy d Ihe DuMmg . . .. Etyirr an0 wsp 6e entMlM acta0mg M M lsdMnes ar 1M OoWrtACn BMf 76. ' REGISiERED PROFESSIONAL ENGtNEER ? OF / WEH FORCES bi -508 ci -369 id 1074 eh -369 dh 1074 hf -508 .11 ?. gy - ........_.,-. * CHRISTpPHER a c, ouocK 0E-16286 ? INDIAN MILLS ?A_ NEW 1ERSEY 5' 1 3/4' 3' 6 1/4" 4' 4` 4' 4" 3' 6 1/4" 5' 1 3/4' ? ? 4?4 5.5 c i 1 X3 e ? 1X3 6 1X3, 12 \ f ? 4 ? . 1X3 .? 3X9 g ( 6X7 6X7 h B1 B. 140P CHORD 2X4 1650F 1.3E BbT CHOP.D ZX4 1650F 1.3E WEHS 2X3 S.P.F #3 except as noted on dwg. Min Brg: L-3.5 R-3.5 8' S. 26' Span D2/25/86 MIDWEST 8' B" .. . .? ? ' CHRISTOPHER *. ? G. DUDEK W 25931 ?•" ??j o ,.''?........-• ?? ? ? ROfFSLti? •r ??N'AV?A't? . •^; ? . ? Mee, Ce.ua mtl ttaf 0w ?pcir?B?' u nzn .n wewrM p, me a uMn " ap wper??ucn a IMI 1 a0 I E* ,pyapy . w4ft me em a m. eevmnon Me pc R C' "'Y? '?p G v' `cs 8949 ?•t?^ w' i ? RERCTIUN UNIF.LORD L. D. a -1525 Top 40 10 g -1525 Bot 0 10 24"0/C 15%INC - FPI-101M 4120380876 w - --- -- _ _ .-, -,? 1 -.- -- .. •? PRNEL POINT ? FORCE SPLICE FITE I'I PLFiTING 705CE B 'SPLICE PLRTES i 7x7' TOP ab -3916 . 3.5X4 01 3 6 3.5X4 c 3.5X4 h 7X7 bc -3276 3X4 4 ih 2363 hg 3715 e 3.SX4 cd de -3276 -3276 3X 3Y.4 { 3.5X4 e{ -3276 3X4 fg -3915 3.5X4 ? ? ? GO .. Q ? O ? pmtn akYaMft ue aM&M n eeetannnt la $MOW wnlvM la eeMAem n el+ted ue Iwted yyy tp EMC tAern EoFen. anE 60 fet impt wRObdM la A puEtoMu M. Wmpurct wCh cda a 7 uIC!AOm effib:SMA 01 oilien n tRe rnDG:v}MT et oLaas mcn u t!+e CuLEm{ x trca Cfsrp?sr. Oeux? t,ca? T?I OmM SD!c la q+tetennMrJ a:;A snd Irares e;xl:{DS. f??t c:?M :sl. ilstr. ??tle lx nt Iron 70y?K Iar as fMa? gahietkd tl;Fi 4'STtf A-M61 r.tG::t t7 M I:i1} e'.:LCY..lcS fA0c1 Cc SG:F yEey el tuA pnl. &&wL TM dnnn4 n bi trw IsErrzalmn eNY. InGUeM Gear.B 15 rNnred fw fkothnr ?A Merwnl,M Mnpnry hwnt (oMntoW•AI n lEe re9cmblAt d tEt WAOm= eeaeie? W vua ee raree scaant ro aa twdebnn a m oubknm Brn 76. S' 4' 9" C SX3 / 12 4C7-? b ( ?. . 3XIO TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS ex?ept as Min arg: 9' 9" 2X4 1650F 1.3E 2X4 ' 1650F 1 .3E 2X3 S.P.F *3 noted on dwg. L-3.5 R-3.5 4' 3" 4' 3- d 12 5 . SX?114 1 X3 e WEB PLRTE FORCES ' 3X125H bi -643 ci -431 3X4 H id llll eh -431 3X125H dh 1111 hf -643 91 ... ........... ``I 1 X3 ? ? 6 X7 --------"- ro ' ? ?? O F ?1/?C ?pNER Ngl ? 95 ?G b`? ? ' CHRISTOPNER 354 * Z 'k, CHRISTOPHER ?C ^ • • REGISTERED G. OUDEII a ? G. DUDEK ? PROFESSIONAL ? E-18286 )ct:a -? INDIAN MIlLS W3 ENGifrEcrt , NEW JERSEY ?tu; 25931 OF , cy?S?, ?.._??V?\?? ° P a.......•' ??`.r ......p? - .?OQN.R v;<; : 8949 1W; 4' 9" ? i G.?._.!Owr$ 1X3 I 6 X7 h i .? 9' 6F 2g' Span 02/25/86 MIDWEST l.,w.... ? xo 13851 RERCTION UNIF.LOFiD L. D. a -1645 TOP 0 10 g -1645 Bot 24"0/C 15%INC FPI-101M 4220380965 I ne,ea eem. mn m, qm soeut r repyt r- meo+w 6. *e a mOn wr wpnrwm ?iM tnN 1?m ? eW,?,. ?r r , c+oMn ? i. 1 ' City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 2983 Pilot Knob Rd Lot: 2 Block: 1 Addition: George C Williams PID:10- 29100 - 020 -01 Use: Description: Sub Type: Work Type: Description: Census Code: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Fee Summary: Valuation: 3,000.00 Contractor: Home Depot At Home Services 656 Mendelssolm Ave. N Golden Valley MN 55427 (763) 542 -8826 e- Windows/Doors Windows/Doors-New/Replacement House 434- PERMIT City of Eaan BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K Applicant/Permitee: Signature - Applicant - Construction Type: Occupancy: Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: A framing inspection is required when installing a Bay or Bow window or if the opening is altered. Smoke detectors are required in all sleeping rooms prior to final inspection. When wall studs or ceiling joists are exposed, hard -wired detectors are required. Battery operated types are acceptable if the wall/ceiling finish (i.e. sheetrock) has to be removed to install a smoke detector. Total: $90.00 Owner: Terrance L Ayd 2983 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan MN 55121 $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 Issued By: Signature Building EA079537 08/30/2007 ePermit I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State      ï  ÿ    þî  ÿ þ  ÿ þþýýþ     üÿÿ îñ éÿ Þ ÿ äõ ï     ú  ýüûúùø  õó á  ä üúùø  õúùø õó á  ô óáî ø  ï  øü ä  ü ä ííãüø ù Ýÿ ýÜü  ÷  ïøå ï  ì ìï  Üü  ï     û ï é ð  ÿóóø ÿ þ ðð ïÿ    ø éä ðð  ø  ð    é ä ûïö       Üü ûù ó ÿ ð ïùìï é  ÷ æÛæééí ÷ü  ýüì ÿ  ê ü æÛæéé ê ü þé  öô ú óò øø  î  ó   ú   ù äüùî äõ  Ûûî î å òô ÿ òô èëçëíí ì  ûù ó ÿ ì  ì å  ì  øø     ì ì ðï     ÿ ïøùóì  øø û ý   ðò  ý ü  äùð ÿ ã  é øø á ï ýÿ ü ü ùýÿ ü      ï  ÿ    þî  ÿ þ  ÿ þþýýþ     üÿÿ îñ éÿ Þ ÿ äõ ï     ú  ýüûúùø  õó á  ä üúùø  õúùø õó á  ô óáî ø  ï  øü ä  ü ä ííãüø ù Ýÿ ýÜü  ÷  ïøå ï  ì ìï  Üü  ï     û ï é ð  ÿóóø ÿ þ ðð ïÿ    ø éä ðð  ø  ð    é ä ûïö       Üü ûù ó ÿ ð ïùìï é  ÷ æÛæééí ÷ü  ýüì ÿ  ê ü æÛæéé ê ü þé  öô ú óò øø  î  ó   ú   ù äüùî äõ  Ûûî î å òô ÿ òô èëçëíí ì  ûù ó ÿ ì  ì å  ì  øø     ì ì ðï     ÿ ïøùóì  øø û ý   ðò  ý ü  äùð ÿ ã  é øø á ï ýÿ ü ü ùýÿ ü PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA150365 Date Issued:07/03/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2983 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: George C Williams PID:10-29100-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Daniel J Wolf 1928 Gadient Pl Red Wing MN 55066 (651) 428-2688 Standard Heating & Air Conditioning 130 Plymouth Ave. N Minneapolis MN 55411 (612) 824-2656 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA152214 Date Issued:10/03/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2983 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: George C Williams PID:10-29100-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Daniel J Wolf 1928 Gadient Pl Red Wing MN 55066 (651) 440-4931 Property Claim Solutions Llc 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA158745 Date Issued:10/29/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 2983 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: George C Williams PID:10-29100-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Daniel J Wolf 1928 Gadient Pl Red Wing MN 55066 (651) 428-2688 Krech Exteriors Inc 5866 Blackshire Path Inver Grove Heights MN 55076 (651) 688-6368 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature