3160 Pilot Knob RdCITY OF EAGAN Remarks 11 a<' W/ ' ? Addition Section 10 _Lot eik Parcel 10 01000 030 32 Owner 44P-t/f/ ct.aa. 3160 Piln Knob Rd_ State Ea9an.MN yr",5121 -01 31aR - ?r° Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSUFF, qiYj 1984 2219.89 221.99 10 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SANSEWTRUNK jM. 1970 186. 2 Paid • SEWER LATERAL :2 9o 1975 2 149.96 20 WATERMAIN • WATER LATERAI 4 1975 • WATER AREA 1975 STORM SEW TRK ?? 1984 495.00 33. 00 15 STOFiM SEW LATQo r,. r?Z 1984 495.00 ? 4,6 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PEfl. sac 375.00 9 01 10-2 -73 PARK ?J i ,- /'?s, " / "_ fi?• of5 /3?_?'. ?? GL.ao-tv.?t.:2 .???1 ?E'?. "--?a,_--t?i.?.?'<:.t? ^ ?/ p- Y nLuraE oF ¢aaaN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 37aS Pi!ot Xnob Rood PERMIT NO.; _2d84 2102 Eogon, MN 55112 DATE: _?/24/73 Zaning: Nu. oF Units: 1 Owner: ROdnev Schat9nhurg Address: Site Address: 3160 P11ot Knob Rodd Plumber: _ 1 ugrea ro comply wiM rha yfpogo of Eagan Connec[ion Charge375.00 pd O.dinon<ec. Account Deposit; Permit Fee: 10.00 pd Surcharge: .50 p$ By' Misa Chazges: Date of Insp.: Total: Insp.; Dare Paid: YILLAGE OF E4GAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knoti Rood PERMIT 1V0.: __L334 Eagon,MN 55141 ? DATE: 10/24/73 "Loning: R-]. No. of Uni[s: 1 Owner: Ro_?ngl? SCh81U0buTq : Address: SiteAddress: 3160 Pilot Rnob ROdd Plumber: Meter No.: Connection Chazge:130.00+60.00 pd Sizec Account De posit Reader No.! Permit Fee: 10.00 pd I agree }o comply wi}h fhe Villoga af Eagon Surcharge: • 50 pd O.dinoncea. Misc. Chazges: To[al: Hy Da[e Paid: Date oF Insp.: Insp.: ?? I EAGAN TOWNSI-IIP N°. 1279 BUILDING PERMIT /,? .. . ?.... '--- - - -. ... ---'----- Ownex .------- ---------------------- Eagaa Township Address (Present) ----?,7G?._`?.?f..%.?.P.f...?._? ......................... ... Town Hall . ?/ Builder t'-",?" ' ....... ._---- ? . ? Dale ...°..? . ?Z ...............---"-'- Address ..... ....?..... -------' ------- -------........ DESCRIPTION SSOries To Be Used For Froni Depih Heighi Esi. CosS Permif Fee Remarks G'?(,C • Q.?-?-u-- rs?(r }cL ?O-e ?, ? LOCATION Sfreel, Road or olher Descripiion of Locaiion I Lo! Eloek ? Addifion or Tracf This pesmit does not atilhorize the use of sfreefs, roads, alleps or sidewalks nor does if give the owner or his agenf the righf fo creale anp siiuafion which is a nuisanee or which presenfs a hazard !o the healih, safelp, convenience and general welfare to anpone in the eommunifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is fo cerfifp, thal.-Ial - _-- . . - - - - ---_-_.has permission !o erect a ............... ................ upon the above descsibed premise subject fo i e provisions of the Building Ordinanae fos Ea Towns ip adopied Apsil 11, 1955. - ................................ '??__" .. Per _............... . ............. ..----- ---"-'-""_?-.- Chairman of Tnwn Board ? Bu Inspeclor °- •6. EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownes ......? ..... .............. .................. _.' '--------'.........------" Addsess (Preseni) .... ?_Z.K ...Q.""'C1?-?.'_._.._ Builder ........ .A .:-:.py.:'.-' .................................................... r Addrets ................................ ..................'-'-.-. '--.... DESCAIPTION N° 1867 Eagan Township Towa Hall De:e ...................... Siorias To Be Used For Fron! Deplh Heighf Esi. Cos2 Pexmi! Fee Remarks -7, =v io ? U ? LOCATION or -?? I J6 This permit does not aulhorize the use of sireels, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his aqeat the righ! !o erea2e any situation which is a nuisence or which presenis a hazard !o ffie heallh, safeip, convenience aad general welfare !o anpone in the eommuni2y. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE PT N THE PREMIS£ WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. This is !o cerlifY, lhaf..... I.?_...._ ..-t......."-' ...........'.y? .' ............ 6as permission 3o ereei a..... °-- ---'--'_'--. . ........"'-'---"_"'._upoa the above described premise subjeci !o l?hpffvons of the Building Ordinance for gan T nship adopied April 11, 1855. J ...-'_"'-"-"' -'-'- -----IS:?:S..!-,?..."""""_...-°... Per ------ ....... ....... .?!......_.?g'-"-__.......'-"-"- "Ch Board Buildin Ins eofoz ? man of Tnwn ? g. EAGA1lI TOVO/N S HI P hrc 115 BuoLDeNG PERMoT Ownex??.GP!?. Eagan Township _.... ??^ . Address (preseni) ..... .?.?^'?r/' /.-:...._-?...? . .- .- +? Town Hall Builder -----......._...::...._.-??.cLC-'-'.'--'--.....------------- / Address .... ..------------ ---............ --------- --------- ------- ------.......__...--.... rrernrn?rrnwr SYOries To Be Used Foe Froni Depih yHeigh! Esf. Cosf • Peemit Fee Remarks TYON Sireef, W"oad or ofher Deseripfion of Locaiion I Lo! I B1ock I Addifion or Traci ? 030 1 3.;, 1 /d D/ooo 010sa, This per es rtoi auihorize the usb/ o ireels, ds, alleys or sidewalks nor daes ii give the owner or his agant the =igh to eaie any sifuation whiah is a isance o? which presents a hazard io the heallh, sefefy, convenience and general welfare !o anyone in the communiip. THIS PEAMIT MVST BE N TH EM E WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGA . This is !o ceriifY. Shai.. ' . . ..._. ... . . '. .._ ....._..has pesmission !o erect a------ ---- ....._..........'_...._..upon the above describ emise suhj provi s of the Building Ordinance fox Eagan To ip adopfed April 11. % 1955. ? . Per .__.._._.............---..._._...._---°------9----......_..........._.-.------... °-°-°-°--... . ...............------- Cd ---- Chairman of To Buildin Inspecior CM-41B NORTH CENTRAL AIRLINES 115 Rev. 2-5-66 CV-340/440 OPERATION S. ROUTINE CARD 1 OF S A/C STATION DATE AREA Eng,, Service - Oven Cowling TYPE WORK L4echanic LEFT RIGHT X INSP. MECH. A. Open engine cowling and remove aecessory section acceas door and shroude B. Remove #8 and #9 cylinder front and rear plugs, C. Reinatall #8 and {k9 cylinder front and rear plugs. ? /1'l6 7 ?? `-3/6 U-30 - .? 3- .?z. ^\? J y ?\ \ ?v u ? v , ,440le - 5/x RES[DEVTIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan `1 C? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Consiruction Reauiremenis RemodeLReoair Reauirements OKce Use Onlv 3 registered sfle surveys showing sq, fl of Im, sq. tl. of house; and all roofed areas 2 wpies of plan _ Cerl o( Survey Recd (20%maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set ot Eneigy Calculatlons for heated addNOns Tree Pres Plan Recd 2 mpies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured fouM design, ek. 1 site survey for addifions & decks Tree Pres Not Reqd 1 set of Energy Calcula6ons Adddmn - indicate il on-site sepfic sysfem _ On-site Septic System 3 copies of Tree PreservaUon Plan if lot platted afler 711193 Rim Jaist DeNail Optlons selectlon sheet (bldgs wifh 3 or less uniLs Date Site Address 1[O ? ,r? Ar9 Construction Cost ?(/OQ r T-- ?/,2 7-?'I'?UniUS[e - DescriptionofWork j41_1,0V/W,- ar e.,OALLI' )VO Mul[i-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner ? ?i? ? l? ?? ?(?;?8"•??-? Telephone # Contractor Address ??/ State i•°G ? -? /i City,6 Zip S-?/Z L Telep6one #15",?, COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission rype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( J T phone I Telre??hon ve#, ( ( ? 'j? ' l j' ,) jli-? 2 3 J L- I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge thathie=infotmation-is-w?plete and accurate; that the work will he in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? A ?ty, `/r-;?'? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Sigtaiure OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool I - 1 L 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 Ot of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex PI6g_Y or_ N? 25 MiSCellane0us Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ,J% 33 Altera6on ? 34 Replacement Valuation 00ef) Census Code 1/3 SAC Units ? Nbr. of Units 0 Nbr. of Bldgs ? Type of Const _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final _ Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review - MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 EM. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Founda6on) 0 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors •Demolition (Entire 81dg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy MClES System Zoning City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ FinaUC.O. _ FinallNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final . _ Sidiag Stucw Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Retaining Wall Approved By Building Inspector D ?? PLUMBING (RESIDENTIAL) Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 ` r-7 j q, 3 Teiephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Please complete for: Single Family Dwellings Townhomes and Condos when permits aze required for each unit Date Site Address CJV ?l LOT fa? `f.,a? ?? Unit #/4 C/-Cz- Property Owner <=?+ ?26ee, Telephone # Aj7) ??5-4 7-47 Contractor l Address R/"; City State Zip !04 Telephone ?:,.i t+` ? / 7 The Applicant is AOwner Contractor _ Other Septic System New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license $ 100.00 Includes County fee. Additional consulWnt fees may apply. Alterations To Existing Dwelling Unit, Including $ 50.00 _ Adding f?c[ures to lower levels or room additions, excluding water softener and water heater _ Abandonment of septic system _ Water turnaround (+ 5/8" meter if neede d -$121.00 ) ? , r _ Other: ?`Ga?" ??'e?? 1 T??T?'???? ?tcsilti ??? _ RPZ _ new installation _ repair _ rebuild $ 30.00 _ Lawn irrigation system _ Water softener _ Water heater $ 15.00 _ replacement _ additional State Surc6ar e $ .50 g ? 1ij Total _ $ I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Pernilt and ackuowledge that thLWosmatioq is-camplete=d accurate; that the work will be in conformauce with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and witb the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pemvt, hut only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a perxnit; that the work will be in aceordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval oFplans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's igna re bcc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Mike Ridley, Senior Planner Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Official Mary Granley, Code Enforcement ?--? ? NJ ?0 0 ?V LARRY S. SEVERSON MfCHAFLG.DOUGHERTY' MICHAEL E. MOLENDA# LOREN M.SOLfEST*i SHARON K. HILLS DAVfD L. KNUTSON ROBERTB.BAUER" CHRISTOPHE[i A. GROVE TERRENCE A. MERRITT$ April 29, 2003 David Essling, Esq. 1217 W. 7?' Street St. Paul, MN 55102 SUITE 600 7300 WEST 147TH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124-7580 (952) 432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER (952) 432-3780 www.seversonsheldon.com Re: City ofEagan v. Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds Court File No. 19-C7-02-011563 Our File No. 206-20628 Dear Mr. Essling: ANNETTE M. MARGARTT STEPHEN A.LING KRISTINE K. NOGOSEK CHRISTINE J. CASSELLIUS# MICHAEL D. KLEMM EMILY FOX WILLIAMS BRANDON D.DERRY OFCOUNSEL JAMES F. SHELDON Enciosed herewith and served upon you by United States mail please find Findings of Fact, Order, Order for Judgment and Judgment pertaining to the above-referenced matter. Ve y yo s, . Sharon K. Hills SKH/lak Enclosure SEVERSONg SHELDONg DOUGHERTY R[ MOLENDA9 P.A. A PROFFSSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS A'C GA W INOIVIDUAL A'ITORNHYS ALSO LICENSED IN IOWA AND WISWNSIN #QUALIFICD NEUI'RAL UNUER RULE I 14 OP TfIB MINNESOTA GENERAL RULES OF PRACCICB •CCRTIFIED REAL PRONERTY I.AW SPBCIALIST. MSBA LARRY S. SEVERSON MICHAFL G. DOUGHCRTY* MICHAEL E. MOLENDA$ LOREN M.SOLFEST*$ SHARON K. HILLS DAVIO L. KNUTSON ROBERI'B.BAUER+ CHRISTOPHER A. GROVE TERRENCE A. IvtERRITTt SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY RC MOLENDA, P.A. A PROFESSfONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW SU1TE GW 7300 WEST 147THSTREET APPLE VAL[,F.Y. MINNESOTA 55124J580 (952)432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER (952) 4323780 www.seversonsheldon.com April 29, 2003 Court Administrator/Civil Division Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Re: City of Eagan v. Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds CouR File No. 19-C7-02-011563 Our File No. 206-20628 Dear Sir/Madam: ANNETTF. M. MARGARiT STEPHEN A. LING KRIST(NE K. NOGOSEK CHRISTINE 1. CASSELLIUS$ MICHAEL D. KLEMM EMI[.Y FOX WILLIAMS BRANDON D. DERRY OFCOUNSEL IAMES F. SHELDON Enclosed herewith for filing please find Notice of Filing of Findings of Fact, Order, Order for 7udgment and Judgment pertaining to the above-referenced matter together with our Affidavit of Service pertaining to the same. Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $10.00 for which we request a certified copy of the Findings oFFact, Order, Order for Judgment and Judgment. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me. Ve urs, ? aron K. Hills Eagan City Attorney SKH/laa Enclosures INDIVIDUAL A'ITORNEVS ALSO UCENSED IN IOWA AND WISCONSIN IQUALIFIED NEUTRAI. UNDER RULB 114 0F'fHE MINNES(7fA GENERAi. RULES OF PRACTICE •CGRTIPIED REAL PROPFRTY LAW SPECIALIST, MSBA ' STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNCY OF DAKOTA DISTRICT COURT FIltST NDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Other - Civil Injunction City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, Court File No. 19-C7-02-0 1 1 5 63 Plaintiff, V NOTICE OF FILING OF FINDINGS OF FACT. ORDER. ORDER FOR Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, NDGMENT AND JUDGMENT Defendants. TO: Defendants Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds and their attorney, David Essling, Esq., 1217 West 7h Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55122: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Apri128, 2003, a Findings of Fact, Order, Order for Judgment and Judgment was entered in the above-entitled matter. A true and correct copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein as proper notice pursuant to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure and is given for the purpose of limiting the time for appeal. Dated: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. B. azon K. Hiils, I.D. #202496 Michael G. Dougherty, I.D. #134570 Attorneys for Plaintiff, City of Eagan 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, v. Plaintif? Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, Defendants. Court File No. C7-02-11563 FINDINGS OF FACT, ORDER, ORDER FOR NDGMENT, AND NDGMENT The above-entitled matter came on for a Court Trial on April 3, 2003, before the Honorable 7oseph T. Carter, Judge of District Court, at the Dakota County Judicial Center, 1560 Highway 55, Hastings, Minnesota, .pursuant to Plaintiff's cause of action for injunctive relief. Plaintiff is represented in these proceedings by Sharon K. H'ills of Severson, Sheldon, Dougheriy & Molenda, P.A. Defendants appeared personaliy and with their attorney in these proceedings, David Essling of Essling, Ltd. The parties reached a final sett(ement of all issues, except one remaining issue, as submitted to the Court for determination as set forth below. The terms and conditions of the parties' settlement agreement aze set forth herein and are to be made as an Order and Judgment of the Court. The outstanding issue for the Court's defermination is interpretation of the Eagan City Code regarding the definition of "family" in regard to the number of people that may reside in the single family residence at 3170 Pilot Knob Road. Based upon the parties' settlement agreement, and all pleadings, files, and records herein, the Court makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The City is a statutory city and Minnesota municipal corporation, situated within the County ofDakota, State ofMinnesota. F1LED ONV?COUNTY VAN A. BROBFAOM, Caue MmW.WMbr APR 2 $ 2003 oy DISTRICT COURT FIRST NDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Other - Civil Injunction 2. The Defendants, who are husband and wife respectively, own residential properties located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road, in the City ofEagan, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises"). The property located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan is legaily described as: The North 100 feet of the South 515.76 feet of the west 228.2 feef of the Southwest Quarter (SW '/.) of the Northwest-Quarter (NW '/.) of Section 10, Township 27, Aange 23, according to the duly recorded plat thereof. 4. The property located at 3170 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan is legally described as: The NoRh 99.63 feet of the South 415.76 feet of the West 228.20 feet of the Southwest Quarter (SW '/<) of the Northwest (1/4) of Section 10, Township 27, Range 23, according to the duly recorded plat thereof. Neither Defendant occupies or resides at the property located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road. 6. The Defendants occupy and reside at the property located at 3170 Pilot Knob Road. 7. The Premises are zoned R-1, defined as a single-family residential district for a one-family detached dwelling under the Eagan City Code. The property located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road consists of, at least, two dwelling units in which each has separate, but comp(ete, independent living facilities for one or more persons. One dwelling unit is located within the two-stall detached gazage on the property, which consists of three bedrooms, a kitchen,'/< bath, and washer and dryer. The second dwelling unit is the sepazate living facilities in the primary residential suucture (main house) on the propecty. 9. The Property located at 3170 Pilot Knob Road consists of four (4) attached dwelling units in which each of the dwelling units provide separate, but compiete, independent living facilities for one or more persons. Two of the dwelling units are located in the attached garage of the primary residenrial home: one dwelling unit is constructed above the garage and the other dwelling unit is constructed next to the garage stall, both consisting of a bedroom,'/a bath and kitchenette, including a sink, refrigerator and hot plate. The third dwelling unit is in the lower level or basement of the primary residential home, consisting of four bedrooms, full bath, 2 and kitchen, including a kitchen sink, counter and cupboard space, gas stove and refrigerator. The fourth dwelling unit is in the upper level ofthe primary residential home, consisting of a full kitchen, full bath, three bedrooms, and a living room. Defendants reside in this upperlevel portion of the home and rented the other dwelling units. 10. The Defendants, individually or jointly, maintain, operate or use, or otherwise allow or permit the maintenance, operation or use of, the property at 3160 Pilot Knob Road as detached multiple-family dwelling units. The Defendants; individually or jointly, maintain, operate or use, or otherwise a13ow or permit the maintenance, operation or use of, the property at 3170 Pilot Knob Road as attached multiple-family dwelling units. 11. The Defendants, jointly or individually, created, maintain, operate or use, or otherwise allow or permit the maintenance, operation, presence or use of, the Premises with numerous violations of the Minnesota Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Fire Codes as a result of the actions taken by the Defendants and the conditions of the Premises as described in Paragraphs 8 through 10 above. 12. Defendants have agreed that the Court may enter an Order and Judgment against Defendants, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns and heirs, jointly and sepazately, , enjoining the maintenance, operation or presence of more than one residential dwelling unit on the Premises and mandating specific action by Defendants to bring the Premises into compliance with the Eagan Zoning Code regulations and the Minnesota Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Court makes the following: ORDER A judgment shall be entered against Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns or heirs, jointly and separately, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Defendants") enjoining and prohibiting the maintenance, operation and presence of more than one residential dwelling unit at each 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota. 2. Ajudgment shall be entered against Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns or heirs, jointly and separately, enjoining and prohibiting the maintenance, operation, presence, and use of the Premises at 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Minnesota, in violation of the Minnesota Building Code, Minnesota Electrical Code, Nfinnesota Plumbing Code, Minnesota Mechanical Code, and Minnesota Fire Code. A judgment shall be entered against Gcegory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns or heirs, jointly and separately, (hereinafter collectively refened to.as "Defendants") mandating the Premises at each 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road be operated and used solely as a single-family residential detached dwelling unit as required by Eagan City Code, namely: no more than one (1) dwelling unit is permitted on each parcel. 4. The Defendants shall construccually convert the dwelling unit located in the detached gazage at 3160 Pilot Knob back to a garage structure, specifically removing all walls, bathroom facilities, and kitchen facilities from the structure and Defendants shail seal ali plumbing fixtures in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code and shall comply with the Minnesota Electrical Code. Defendants shall comply with this Paragraph no later than August 31, 2003. 5. Defendants shall not permit more than five (5) individuals, untess each and every individual is related to ttie other as set forth in Eagan City Code, in the single family residence home at3160 Pilot Knob Road. Defendants shall take all action to bring the single family residence home located at 3160 Pilot Knob into compliance with the applicabie Minnesota Building and Fire Codes. In regazd to the lower IeveVbasement unit at 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Defendants shall immediately comply with the following requirements: a. Defendants shall remove the gas stove and any and all kitchen facilities, appliances, utensils, or the like, except Defendants may maintain the sink and counter and cupboai•d space provided Defendants comply with the provisions of this Paragraph. b. Defendants shall apply for and obtain building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits, and shall be required to have all wall structures, the bathroom, and the kitchen sink/counter area meet all building, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical codes. c. Defendants are prohibited and shall not use, or permit others to use, the lower level/basement area as a separate, independent dwelling unit from the primary residence/home. 4 8. In regard to the two dwelling units located in the attached garage at 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Defendants shall immediately compiy with the following requirements: a. In the upper unit, Defendants shall remove all kitchen facilities and seal all plumbing fixtures in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code. Defendants shall correct all building and electrical code violations and bring the property into compliance with State Building Code. Defendants shall seek and obtain a final inspection and approval on the construction work in connection with the upper unit, including: the interior stairs and platform located in the gazage, the outside. deck and stairs, the support beams in the attached garage. b. In the lower unit, Defendants shall remove all bathroom and kitchen facilities and fixtures and shall seal all plumbing and electricaVmechanical fixtures in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing and Electrical Codes. Defendants shall apply for and obtain building, electrical and mechanical permits and all structural construction work (walls) previously done shall comply with or be brought into compliance with the Minnesota Building, Electrical and Mechanical Codes. 9. Defendants shall not have, or permit to have, more than 5 unrelated persons, including Crregory Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, live in the house at 3170 Pilot Knob Road and all individuals residing in the house shall (ive as a common household and shaze all common facilities and not with separate dwelling units. M. Defendants shall permit employees or agents of the Plaintiffto enter in or on the Premises, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with 24-hours notice to Defendants, for purposes of inspection to determine compliance with this Order and 7udgment and City Code provisions. Plaintiff's right to inspect shall exp've when the Premises are in full compliance with this Order. 11. The City shall cooperate and use due diligence in reviewing and approving Defendants' permit applications, which are submitted with this Order. The City shall cooperate with Defendants in advising Defendants as to compliance cequirements under the Order and the State Codes and Regulations. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY Dated: M ?40j Y 0 6?z, ,09jddA ofDistrict Court ' ?mmwmomm Allh ai.??zCcr-- r f- .---7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated: SEVERSON,SHELDON,DOUGHERTY MOL P ?u` IK- Sharon K. Hills, I.D. 202496 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 Dated: // U 15 ESSLING, LTD. ? . By David Essling, I.D. # a?6p L_ 1217 West Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 224-4818 6 (v y. - > T0: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF EAGAN Our names are,Gregory and Marilyn Roundsl We are both retired and disabled. We own a home at,3160 Pilot Knob Roa'd which we purchased in 1989. I(Gregory) worked in,Eagan for over 40 years, rimarily as a barber. Marilyn worked as a ?pn47^p IA4cfor Northwest Airlines. In 1996 I split our lot and built another home at 3170 Pilot Knob Road. This was done over the considerable opposition from Tom Coibert. It was ultimately necessary for me to appear before the mayor and council and ask that Mr. Colbert be directed to provide the necessary permits so I could proceed. The mayor and council did direct the issuance of the permits. Subsequently, in,$000, I applied for and received permits to improve the garage at 3170 with a recreation room. This required permits for plumbing for the bathroom, framing inspections, insulation inspections, and plumbing inspections. These were done by inspectors Barry Grieve and an inspector with the initials C.J.K. I asked Mr. Grieve about any further requirements and he gave me guidelines for removing.the garage overhead door. He said that he would send me registered letters with any further requirements. I never received any letters from Mr. Grieve. 3160 and 3170 are zoned R-1, which permits the rental of sleeping rooms for up to five unrelated persons per unit. 2 have rented sleeping rooms at both 3160 and 3170 for many years. The mayor and City Council have been aware of my rental of sleeping rooms since at least 1997. In fact, it was Eagan building inspector Jim Sternum who suggested to me that the property was suitable for sleeping rooms. I have regularly maintained a sign in my yard advertising s2eeping rooms. The rental of sleeping rooms, including converted garages, is quite common in my neighborhood. I am aware of at least six residences where rooms are rented within one mile of my home. We live at 3170. My adult son lives at 3160. During the years that I have rented sleeping rooms there have been no police calls or complaints by neighbors or anybody else. The tenants have usually been short term rentals for people on assiynments at Unisys, Northwest Airlines, Lockheed or Brown College. In October of 2002 Z received a letter from the City of Eagan stating that my property had code violations that I might be unaware of. Apparently a tenant I had evicted had complained to the City. My.attorney David Essling immediately contacted the City and asked for a meeting in order to learn what we had to do to comply with the code. , . . -- My attorney and I met with Mary Granley of code enforcement and Pam Dudziak of Planning. We agreed, 2 thought, that there would be an inspection of the garages on the properties so that I could make whatever changes were necessary to comply with any code requirements. Four personnel from the City then came to our properties (Pam Duclziak, Mary Granley, Dale Wegleitner, and J. Craig Novac2yk). They had no warrant but made a wide ranging inspection of our entire properties, even including an outside camper parked in my yard. They took over 65 pictures. On October 31, 2002 we received a five page letter demanding, among other things, that several of our renters vacate the premises by November 18th. On November 15th my lawyer wrote the City and said that we would evict the specified tenants as quickly as legally possible (January lst), "and proceed to make the necessary repairs and changes to the property to meet the code, zoning and UBC requirements." In his letter my attorney said we will apply for the necessary permits "and will seek your cooperation and assistance". I went to apply for the permits to make the changes demanded by the City and was told that no permits would be issued because the matter was in litigation. The City served us lawsuit papers the day before Christmas scheduling an injunction hearing for January 7th in Hastings. The City also wrote us arid said that no permits would be issued. At the hearing the Court issued a temporary injunction prepared by the City. Trial is scheduled for April 3rd. I am writing to you because I assume this matter has proceeded without your knowledge and because I think you should know about it. My attorney has written the City's attorney asking for a six month continuance so we can make the changes demanded by the City and sell the properties. We cannot afford to litigate with the City of Eagan, and do not wish to live in the City anymore. I would suggest in the future that the mayor and council should be consulted before lawsuits such as these are initiated, and that these matters may be considered at some point on the council agenda. This was not an emergency situation. From our point of view this was a situation where the City personnel involved refused to try to resolve this situation in any type of reasonable or cooperative way. Thank you. . , , 1,l___r 2i f °Fe ? I HAVE LI'v'ED A2dr iiOFcN.i.ri Zki SAC;Atd M:ST OF h?Y i.iFB. ?id 1989 MY WIFE ANU ? HOUGHT A HOME A: 3164 PILGT KNOH F.D, EAGAPd. WITH EDTH OF OUR CHILDREN kAISED WE gECIGED TO HUILD A NE41 HOME MOBE C+]NVEtdIEhT FOR A SEMI-RETIF.ED COIIPLE. AF?EB TWO 3EARS GF LEGAL 4i0FK • COCiPdTY AP.D CIiY, P°P.MITS A13D 5LRVEYOF.'S, TC:TALLING MAAIY THOU5ANDS OF DOLLAF.S iGVEP. $ZO,GDO;. !a'fi AGP.EEP QbI A SUILDEF., FOUND P.NL CLOSEO ON THE GODISTRIICTIOPI LDAN. WE THEN TOOK THE PLANS TO THE GITi' FQH A HLIILDING PHRMIT WHICH WE WERE TQLD W4ULD ONLY iAKE A WEEK. BI1T IT TQOR OVER 5I3' WEEYS TO GET A RESFONSE. THEf;THE BUILDIt3G PEP,MIT DEPARTMENT SAID WE MUST GET WFTER AbID SEWEF. TO THE LOT EEFQRE P. PERMIT WOUL? HE I55UED. TAERE WAS A QUESTIOYd AS TO WHERE THE UTILIT?ES COME FRDM AND THE 5I2E OE TNE WATEF MF.IN. THE CITY OF EAGAN AT THIS TIME HAD ELfiCTRONICALLY LOCATED $OTH 5EWER A2dD WATER ON THE ERST SIDE QF THE LOT LEEDING TO JURDF COURT BEHIND MY PP.ESENT H4ME. ON QR AHOUT 5EFTFMHER 15. 1946 I HIRED HQGER WIEREKE OF ERGATd TO DIG T4aD TRENCHES POP. A'•FISIBLE INSPECTI4N OF THE PRESENT WATER LINE AAiD SIZE (DIRMETER). WITH LANE WP.CtdEk FROA° THE CITF OF EAGAN UTILITIE5 ETdGINEERI.NG DEPT. THERE FQR Aid QN 5ITE OE5ERVATIOtd. WH?Cu HE DID. A ONE INCH WF.THR MAIN k'AS D?SCDVEP.EL SEftVINCI MY PkESfiRT ADNE P.idL ?i_' NEZGHEOR TO TAE jdpR;H SFLZT ?N A i GN TkE EAST PF.QPERTY LSNE. W:?H P:bF:. DEFP SEWr,F. L??dE AND A4F+idHGir. AT THIS :IMF A OD1E ?*ICH S:NGLn WATER LITIE FROM ,TURDY COUR?. HOP.?ZG:ITALLi P?BRCED UNLEKGROUND, TO THE LTEW .'1GIJSE WA5 RECQMMENDED. BECAUSE A THIRL HOUSE C4ULD tdOT HE 5PLICED TQ THE PRESENT WATER 5ERVICE. WE WO[7LD PAY 5Z,500 WITH THE CQtITRACTGR ROGER WIEREKE, LANE WAGPIER AND bIAI'NE SCHWAtdZ FROM THE BAGbP1 JTILITIE5 ON COUC*1MF.N RO:D OrFiCn AGGREEI*IG TO THI5 PLAId OF ACTION. THEN IN OCTOBER SUDDENLY THE DIRECTQR OF Pi1BLIC WORK5 PULLS THE IlTILITIES PRDJECT OUT FROM UNDEF HIS OWN PE4FLG ANO SAYS tilz: CA:d'T DO IT THIS WAY. THE CITY QF EAGAN APPF.OVED THiS LOT b7?:H WATEk CCMING FkON PiLQT KbIOB P.D. BUT, MR EGkN MAY+DR AtdL? THE Et•IGiNSERib;v LHFT. NAVE TOiD US MANx TIMn5 TiiP.T IB WE COULD ?kOVE :HiiT THE WiiTEk COMES FBOM JUR?x CQURT 6)E wOULL PUT 0'JR WATER THn.iR Aiau. JUST D?G AND SNOW US THE WATER LIYdE, TAERE WIiL &5 Nun ?RDBLEM. MR CDL&EAT ASSUMES THAT THE PRESENT WATER WAS PUT IN rkIVATELY ?N THE EAkLY SEVENTIBS AND THAT T.HIS WOUii) EF. P. GOQD TIME Tf7 STkAIGHT.E41 OUT THI5 LITTLE bIEIGHBORHQDD "rRuBLEM. WHICN UP T?LL tl??iv WYST!'T A PP.OPLEM. :N uRDck, Tu Dfj iEiI, HE WODilLL 2dEED AAIOTHER 1uFT. EASEMENT MOP.E THAN THE 1OFT. THAi I3 ALkEAPY PP.ESntdT, 'xr:iIi:F: 4E WP.S lD1A"viARE QF 3cING TaERn. ALSO Tn' PIu? A FOUR IbiCN WATER MAIN FOR SERV?CE TO THE THREE :irll5ES. EE WOULD ALSO NEED UF TO SI7: MQNTHS TO 5TUDY THE ?RCJECT(MAii957i AAID THAT THE ROUhDS' SHOULL PA': TWQ THZP.DS OF THE TOTAL H:Li. W4?CH IS 51h,000 F'Jii THE iI.IE. PIOT iNCTIULING THE CG5T Tv GQ:iDEMN THE EXTRA FOGTAGE, THE TIME T4 5TUD`i THE IDEA, AND THE COST TG kESTORE THE LAND EACK TO IT3 ORiG:HAL FORMATION. BEIPIG T4LD THA? WE COULD HAVE :rUR BUILDING PHRMIT IF WE WOUiD AGREE TO THESE TERM5, AND Y.?IOW?NG OUR HCUSE W4ULD BE CCMIAIG IN LESS THAPI THREE WEEKS. THE P.Otit1D5' SIGNFL TAi5 DOCUMEN: rkOM MP.. CDLBEP.T ANL HAVE RECEiVED CUR EUILDING FERPtIT F4R $4366.00 AND 50ME ODD CENTS. NOW OJER iW0 MGtdTHS HAVE ?ASSEL. iJE HRVE TRIED TO GET HZDS ON THE u'ATER LI?dE AND AS 5002v' AS Mk. CQLPERT'5 ..=ME ?= MV`ii':xr..''D ?.!:E C' 0, ",._3AC T _=RS D L.'d14. P.VE "r.A...mv7t;r' W;7 ;. T:tiFy cA; C.4L' THE ?:'."„ ng ?hr_l..d. ''NEY T?0 NQ?, kF'"'_`?;` ---• ?ALLS. MP. CGLBERT SAsc NE HP.S Nn RF;.Ck4 OF OU= P??ESE`?T 'k'ATEF. LI'dE C?G :; MllET N9VE BEEN INSTALL=D PRIVP.TELY. ?!'ALLEP THE OWNEES C?F ?i?E TWn N.0USE° A? THE TIME T:?Z UTI.iTl". '?FPF I;.IST?.TLED. !!:. F-E_.•- 3140 piLOi K?dQR P.D, Ai;v MN. STC.:IMSYR'.a 3:6? PIlCT K:SOE . _..E. r":PE ROTH LIVI?dG ;t7 THE WA.LKER AREA. TNFS ECTH f?AVE THE?P. CA.*;- CELLE.rr CHECKS A1dD TAX ETP.TENE2•ITi P9?``IT2'IS ?'.?ki E.4GAN INBTA1' Tug t;TTLIT.E=. WHrru .? i•Ezg DOa5 P p=c,.;YC ?,.t;.?,EEp:.*' -,icL'ir,- . _ 7? -`.? `?" - - I..'? _.-? THE SEVENT?ES. MF.. COLEEP.T cA°.5 ?Y.AT 4'E SHOULP FE MABE TO ?UT THE WAiFP t rpTE 0!JT TO PILOT Ki3,r,R BD. TNAT 'ti'=.?EP. LINE IS J*?LHR. T??? "nliTu R:U?1D LaNH. 'x'u:Cu MEA:1- '"!?AT WE HP.VE :C RU? T;.j TWn Tggp1CHES ?.,,'z cnOv ?`_'F" CQL'RT FOR THE SEWER ht?D Q.`dF FRQ1A ?ILOT KNQB P.D FCR THE 14ATER. I SPOK.E WI?H Tt7M S'AAN50N AT DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DE??. AND HIS DBFA4iMEATT WILL NQ: ISSUE A FERMIT TO DIG UP ?ILC1T KNCB RP_.. 4.'HEJd AU:L11:T`: T_S AVAILA9LE FB'?M APd EAGAh' STRFET. 4iE HAVE vOD'TP.CTED CE'R MORTG?.GE CQNP4tdY FIRST F9'D-R.=.L ^F A.°P:.E 'IALLEi A*IP P.FE k!CAtDERIrIG WHAT WE D4 GlITH A HQl'8E 5?E C't.2dti0T L?VE ?2d. SELI. QP. PENT? WE ALSO CAN'? AFFCAD T8E ;:.000. A"!CNTN :^-AiME:•iT. WE 4;pULD L:KE ?0 K:TDW 4'Hr.; IS P.UPiNIt1G ^.'uc tirT? '?G EAGAN C;1 'J.?F Cai: r?C,? :.vIE JUR pFCCBLEM. H A :; K : O U . _7=1 ?.137 M.'?s'i:LYT:1 F.0"2dDS .::'^ FILO: uAfOB FD. ?r'.G A1l . M141 t 4i r^_Z-454-3444 zr: PFA ATT9CHED L?ST Cr; E A. GAN CI T t C O'!'S;. I L M E M EE9S r .ED WAvWT.... S?NUR4 MASIN PA? AWP.DA SHAWN !iUNTF?t °EA RL40MQU?S': EAG?DT• CIT? MA:OP. TCM EGAr1 CT.?Y ADMINSSTRATOP. '"^_M HEDGES SJIL-n7 -h.r^ ' - PCGMIm PEPAi'tT1!_}:tT D0'JG .T?EID ^SF.fiCTOR CF ?UBLIC '.J,Au; TOM CuLBERT EA.GP.',. SkaLL S!JS?2dE5S :;ES4CiP.TIG.*I "iFST FFI?EP.it:. MO.^?.TvASEC AN;vE EGP.DIE D:.'liD ES5? IDIG A?TOR:dE:' .._ Lp'r? ?.Dt'ISCR° ?LA':d':.?IxrG ;-pt±;v,j;cIOt? CAnIRPERSO".' MA.T?K M:LLER 1?17'71-$ EAC;AN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTE3; NOVEMBER 4, 1996 PAGE 7 sense of continuiry for efficiency. Councilmember Hunter said he feels requiring property owners to remove snow from the side yard and, especially the rear yard, are onerous to lhem and believes ft would be hard ta get full cooperation. He noted that nearly half of the parcels along Johnny Cake that would be afFected by the ordinance ffi into the ptegory of having side yard or rear yard sidewalks. He further noted that the ordinance should either require every property owner to remove the snow along the sidewaik since it dces not make any sense to have a contractor clear part of it, or the City shoutd clear all the sidewatks. He sqted he feels the Cily should dear all the sidewalks during the piiot program and evaluate it next year. Couneilmember Awada noted that there are two speafic areas which have mainty side yard or rear yard sidewalks while other areas have mainly front yard sidewalks and that, by distinguishing between the areas, the ordinance could be appiied to certain areas. She said a good argument vould be made for residents not clearing rear yard sidewaiks. Councilmember Wachter said the sidewalks should be cleared from point A to point B regardless of whether there are side or rear yard sidewalks. He said rather than dis8nguish between the location of the sidewalks, they should all be deared Gose to the school by a contractor. Colbert stated it would be helpful to determine what areas the Councii would want the ordinance to cover and the other areas would be taken care of by a contrector. Councilmem6er Masin said that when this issue was discussed originally, the properly owners were to be responsible for dearing the sidewalks from the beginning of the program. Counciimember Wachter stated he was trying to simpliiy the areas to be plowed by a contractor vs. the areas to be cleared by property owners. Mayor Egan said that this is a pilot program and that it should be kept simple. Ccunalmember Awada stated she felt Hawthome Woods and Denmark, which have mainly front yard sidewalks, should be Geared 6y the homeowners and the area by Oakridge and Thomas Lake, which have mainly rear or side yard sidewalks, should be cleared by the City. She added the quadhomes do not iall into either category. Hedges asked if the quadhomes shoWd be cleared by City staff. Counaimembers agreed to. include those homes with what is being done in the immediate area. Counalmember Awada said the Tcur additional properties along Denmark to Deenvood should be Geared by the homeowners. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Hunter seconded a motion to Continue this item to the November 19, 1996 City Council meeting for consideration with tfie nated modifications. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Wachter stated he was voting in favor of this item, but that this progrem is a pilot program and will be in place for one year. cREIILtESL"HY_GREG_!?lVQ=MA;!?IiTNx?OIINDS-iO.-DtSCi]SS l1TIL17Y HOOK UP cF9R=P_ROE'Ett'LY-tJDGATED--AT. 3S60:P_ILOT=KN06-ROA'D City Administrator Hedges gave an cverviaw on this item. Marilyn Rounds, 3160 Pitat fCnob Road, addressed the City Council and stated they are requesting a waiver ta put in a one inch water fine from Jurdy Court between Lots 19 and 20. She sfated they have permission fiom both of the homeowners to pierce in a one inch line. She added they have worked with the Engineering Department and had initially been told it would be okay to pierce the line in, but when they found out the line serviced iwo other homes and was not a four inch main, they wanted them ta dig a trench. She further added chat this land is uncompacted and, if a Vench is dug, there would be the possibility that the sewer line wuld collapse. She stated that they have received bids from $12,000 to $40,000 to put the water line in. She mentioned that when they first got their building pertnit they were supposed to get their water from Pilot Knob Road. 5he ? ?. EpGAN C1TY COUNCII MEETING MINUTES; NOVEMBER 4, 1996 -_ • PACaE 8 said they received a bid af $6,000 to put in the sewer and water from the existing main (in the rear yard) She She went on to say theY were told they would need a wai f??en?d?ti 9,t ?uld take to the proPe?Y• she had to sign a an ag and noted that in order ta get the water to their property to condemn the land and 19 20 up to six months to get the water because we la^d between L?uld ha e to p yht need to be condemne for an easement. She added that the agreement states theY also two-thirds of the cost to put the new watertnain in. She went on to discuss the existing easements on Lots 19 and 20. pirector of Pubiic Works Colbert stated that the one inch service that comes between Lots 19 an that the 20 splits off and serves two different properties, one of which is ow^ed bY ?e Rounds. He noted existing situation does not meet Code and would not, in many casea, meet the requirements for finanang Ommodate thre same e one inch ProPBf?Y by banks. He stated the Rounds S'? onot enfo gh qpac ty ?^ ?e the ??"e ? new a? lot into the. watermain. He added there is phy Y to run a sePerate water service out to Jurdy c utility esseme^t f°r a Public sanitary sewer owners. He further added that the Rounds are now requesbng Court. He mentioned they are within what would be a p and there will then be two private water service lines, one of which services two parcets and the secon one would service this new parcel. He said the staff has suggested the City cortect the situation Y installing a City watermain from Jurdy Court back to the propertY line and at that po)nt, came off with three ? installing the water lateral, it individual water services. He further said that at the same time the City '5 would he appropriate to construct the sewei seNice °Onnection, since the equipment would already be there to handle the extra depth. He noted that staifs recommendation would allow each of thes We property owners to have their own individual sewer and water services. He ?of the G?ty s sanitary u?d be to have several private water services within a City easement, next to or on top line, one of which is substandard and services the present two lots. He mentioned that staff is uncertain to what extent the Rounds would be abie to obtain financing once the curtent water service sftuation is roosed to have the water discovered. He noted that originally, when the lot sptit came through, ft was p service come off of Pilat Knob Road and the sewer service from the backyard, which wouid have met all the requirements. Councilmember Awada asked why the Rounds have a problem with uP9rading the existingwater R arate water line ?m JubY CouCourt line. Mrs. Rounds stated that it wauld be rtw?e e?°^°?^?? to put in a to Put in a seperote one inch water service fram Jurdy Colbert indirated the Rounds are requesting o fix the ???t either over or adjacent w the other private water service. He added that would not solve th e? n and have with their current house. Councilmember Awada asked rf the Ciry ?uld ?ui? them t house when that is a separate issue. Colbert indicated that staff offered to extend the City then spread the cost as an assessment to help minimize the financial burden. Councilmember Awa a asked what the City could legallY re4uire the Rounds to do in regard to coRecdng the current situation. water was City Attomey Sheldon stated he was unsure if the Rounds had?b?o ?ea hpermit o Se in g89eCity me wa er on their existing house. Mrs. Rounds said that when they mo already connected to their house. Colbert indicated he was unsure how the water service Was installed two He fu?+e dded there was shutoffso know e ge water Nrith the shut off fo hmme e were twondid al w' added was probably thoug they shared a common 1ine. Mayor E ga n s t a t e d the two issues before we Council are separete issues. Sheldon also stated they are 1we sePBr?? issues. Mayor Egan asked what the re la t i v e c o s t i s compared d was with what the Rounds are proposing and stafPs recDmmendation. Colbert indicated the Ciry has no ro nd, Rounds stated the out for bids because of the dynamics of the ationshe added that becau e th? s s uncompacted g uote " $12,000 to bring the City fine back to their p P rtY• laced. She sai d it would cost there is the possibitity that the sewer could break and would need to be reP approximately $6,500 to bring in an additional line. Councilmember Wachter stated that what the Rounds are proposing will impact all three lots and, . • EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; NOVEMBER 4,1996 ? PAGE 9 someday when any of the three lots are sold, it may affect the potenGal financing and also the fact that the problem would then need to be cortected. He added that a one inch pipe is too small fo service two homes. Colbert stated the correct way to soNe the problem would be to involve all the property owners, investigate cost estimates and propose finanang options. Mayor Egan noted that these are totally separete issues, but stated it would be in the Rounds' best interest to have this issue resolved all at once and would probably help them with financing of their new home and would also benefit them with better utility service. Mrs. Rounds stated that all finaneing has been taken care of. Mayor Egan said it couid affect future financing for the Rounds, as well as the neighboring propeRy owners. Councilmember Awada 2iterated that these are two separate issues and the Councii could not force the Rounds to eompty with the Code based on their request Colbert stated the other issue relating to fhe Rounds' request is that before they can proceed with obtaining individual water service to Jurdy Court, the Rounds would need permission from the adjacent property owners. Mrs. Rounds stated she had written permission from them. Colbert said the water service is a condition of the waiver af plat that was already approved. Councilmember Wachter said it does not seem proper to dig the ditch next to the other one when a larger line could be put in to satisfy all three property owners and they would then have adequate service. Mrs. Rounds stated they do not want to dig another ditch, but rather they want to pierce the line underground. Councilmember Hunter added that the condlff5-n_of_the-wW vef of_plat is that the Rounds connect ?co Pifot9Cnob Road and the Council has the right to enforce that condition. He agreed with Councilmember Vllachter that the pro6lem should be corrected to affect all three property owners and the cost should be spread to each of them. Mayor Egan recalled Mr. Rounds appearing before the Council and felt.fie should r r -- -__._ `have understood the intent of ttie condition of the waiver of p1at.,,Mrs. Rounds noted that they uGere told > if tFiey couid prove there was water in the back of their lot,they could connect. Colbert indicated"there is? " no water there-for them to connect to since it is a:private service line. • Counciimember Masin asked who bears the responsibility for what happened originally in regard to lwo property owners being serviced by a one-inch main. Councitmember Wachter stated they have no idea. of who did it and it may have been the builders of the two lots at that time. He added that:the_water_line should be a four-inch wst ireapipe' -and-service-the fhree-lots. Counaimember Hunter-darified that wouid appy ony 'rf the property owner proposes that or-else ttfey_tould get service from k11ot-Kno6Road. Mayor fgan noted that they have ?signed an-agreement- Colbert said staff dces not understand why there is resistence to connect to Pibt Knob Road since the distance is shorter by one-third compared to the distance to Jurdy Court. He was not sure why the cost difference on the Rounds' estimate would be so high. Mayor Egan noted that this wiil be financially challenging and said staff should work with the Rounds to come up with the most cost- effective way of obtaining water service for them. City Administratar Hedges acimowledged the duress Mrs. Rounds has been under due to her husband's illness. He also commended staff for the many hours spent in trying to find a solufion to the problem. He asked if Mrs. Rounds requests that the Engineering Department go ahead with the plan recommended by Director of Public Works Colbert would the waiver of plat need to be amended or shoufd staff be allowed to proceed. Colbert stated it woutd be helpful 'rf the Council indipted whether they would be receptive to amending condition no. 3 to allow a connecfion from the rear if k were updated to City standards. Councilmember Wachter said that would be acceptable to him. Councilmember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada seconded •'a-rrrotion -to -reeffirm the - 6conditions approved with the 1993 Waiver of Plat allowing thebackyard pian, ff upgraded !o City standards. :fas an-amendment to Condition-No. 3 of the 4Vaiver of Wat Aye: 5 Nay: 0 COMPREHENSNE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT, SCENIC ENTERPRISES, INC. City Administrator Hedges gave an overview on this item. Senior Planner Freese gave a staft report. Mayor Egan commended the detail of the staff report and also the detail provided by Senior Planner Agends Information Memo November 4, 1996 _ . A. GREGORY ROUNDS' WAIVER OF PLAT ACI70N FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERAITON: To address the wncerns of Mrs. Gregory W. Rounds and to provide direction to City staff, if appropriate. FACTS: • The City Administrator has received a letter from Mrs. Gregory W. Rounds requesting an sudience with the City Council pertaining to a water service to a proposed new house. No further information is available regarding the details of this request. • On October 5, 1993, the Ciry Council approved a Waiver of Plat for Gregory Rounds allowing a lot split of an existing parcel to accommodate a new house. • Condition #3 of the Waiver approval required the new lot to connect its water service to the existing watermain on Pilot Knob Road. • Mr. and Mrs. Rounds have been working with the City staff to investigate the feasibility of obtaining water service from the rear yard area. The nearest public watermain available for a water service connection from the back side is N. Jurdy Court. • The Public Works Engineering and Utilities Division have been working with W. and Mrs. Rounds to pursue an option of extending the public water supply from N. Jurdy Ct. to the rear lot line. However, this option requires the acquisition of temporary construction • easements &om adjacent private property owners, and the Rounds have ageed to accept the wsts of this public improvement. • It is believed that the Rounds' present house structure and the northerly adjacent private property owner currently share a common 1" private water service from N. Jurdy Ct. contrary to City standards. • City Code Section 13.30, Subd. 14.B.2 (a) states "where available, municipal water facilities shall be provided in the development of a subdivision". Section ] 3.20, Subd. 14.A, states "in plats that are to be served by municipal water ...., the City shall not issue building permits until the contract has been awarded for the installation of said water.... by the City or by the developer .....". Section 13.30, Subd. 143 states "... the building .... shall not be occupied ..... until said building is provided with public water service". Section 13.30, Subd. 14.C. states "when a building pertnit is issued under subpazagraph B above, the person to whom the pernvt is issued proceeds at his own risk and the City assumes no obligation to provide public services within a specified time limit". ISSUES: As speciSc issues are raised by Mr./Mrs. Rounds, staffwill attempt to respond. A graphic of the area in question will be available to help in referencing any issue so raised. ATTACHMENTS: • • Rounds' letter, page 90 • Waiver ofPlat report, pages ? throu h • Rounds' agreement, pages r) b & -27 • Recorded resolution for lot split dated 10-29-96, page ?. °69 RECFJvED ocT 3 r SS ? 5-siAa- 1897 ?- ? a- eJt ?? Wa C . . , ?I 7?2h• • LC.l?a.c.c.,???.J 3 t&? 46 70 susJEcr: wArvEx oF rIaT APPLICANT: GREGORY ROUNDS 030 -32 LOCATION: P.I.D. #10-01000-93?91 EXISTING ZONING: R-1 (SINGLE FAMILl) DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: SEPTEMBER 28, 1993 DATE OF REPORT: SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 COMPII,ED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMIIVT DEPARTMENT APPLICATION SZTNIIMARY; An application has been submitted requesting a Waiver of Plat for 3160 Pilot Knob Road. The site is zoned R-1 (Single Family) and is located north of Jurdy Road, east along Pilot Knob Road. BACKGROUND: In May 1943, the applicant received approval for a Preliminary P7at by the City Council; however, the Dakota County Plat Commission denied the application, a Variance request, and an appeal by the City for the following reasons: 1) The existing access does not meet current Dakota County spacing guidelines; and, 2) The proposed plat did not meet the County's right-of-way guidelines of 75' half right-of-way. LOCAITON & ENIISTIIVG CONDPITONS: The exdsting parcel is located east along Pilot Knob Road, west of Donnywood Addition (North Jwdy Court), north of Jurdy Road and south of Quarry Lane. The sunounding wning districts are R-1 (Singie Fam7y) on the north and east; A(Agricuiture) on the south, and RD (Research and Development) west across Pilot Knob Road. The current Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan designates this parcel as D-II Mixed Residential (0-6 units/acre). The proposed Waiver of Plat complies with this designation. • COMMENTS: The applicant currently resides on the proposed Lot 1, Block i. The existing house and gazage were built on the north side of the exissting parcel, allowing for the potential development of the south half of the lot The Waiver of Plat shows two lots; Lot 1 is approximately 18,520 sq. ft. and Lot 2 is approximately 18,451 sq. ft. Both lots exceed the minimum lot width of 85'. The eacisting house and accessory bw7dings meet, or exceed, all setback requirements. Access to both lots is from separate existing driveways on Pilot Knob Road. An existing Maple tree remains near the north praperry line of Lot 2, Block 1. Carefv] grading for the proposed house and driveway could save the tree. Pi l J u / f GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL: No grading will be required on the ? proposed north lot where the existing house is located Grading for the proposed house on the south lot will require 2' of fill to be placed in the front yazd. This will allow the front yard to drain out to Pilot Knob Road. A minimal amount of grading will be required in the backyard of the south lot. The drainage in the backyard area will drain in a southeasterly direction out to 7urdy Road. WATER QUALITY: Staff will recommend that this development be subject to a cash water quality dedication. The amount of tbe dedication will be based on the area of the undeveloped lot only and is estimated at $360. There are no wetlands on the proposed developmeni pazceL T'hese recommendadons aze subject to approval by the Advisory Pazks, Recreation, and Natural Resources Commission. UTILIITES: Sanitary sewer of sufficient size, capacity and depth is readfly available in the backyazd azea of the north lot. 13e existing 9" sanitary sewer line flows from Quarry Lane through this backyard area io North Jurdy Court. As shown on the preliminary utility plan, the proposed new house on the south lot will construct a sanitary sewer service line through the backyards of the two lou over to the existing 9" sanitary sewer li.ne. Watermain of sufficient size, pressure and capaaty is readily available to serve this development from an existing 16" watermain located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road. • STREETSJACCESS/CIRCULATION: The preliminary development plan submitted with this application shows that the proposed house on the south lot will connect its driveway to an existing driveway opening on Pilot Knob Road. The exisring house on the north lot has its driveway opening along the north edge of the lot out to Pilot Knob Road. This section of Pilot Knob Road was upgraded with concrete curb and gutter by the City and the County in 1980, and it was at this time that two driveways were provided for this site.. The Dakota Counry Plat Commission does not recommend approval of this plat The Count}rs spacing guidelines do not allow individual driveways connecting to Pilot Knob Road and the existing driveway was in place before the current guidelines were established. The driveway for the proposed house on the southerly lot shall include a turn-around as shown on the preliminary development plan. RIGHT-OF-WAY/EASEMEIVTS/PERMITS: The development shall provide a suf5aent utility easement for the proposed sanitary sewer service that will cross the east edge of the north lot to serve the south lot 'Ihis development shall be responsble for ensuring that all regulatory agency permiu (MPCA, MWCC, MaDept. of Health, Dakota County, etc.) aze acquired prior to buiidiag permit issuance. The construction of the water service across Pilot Knob Road for the south lot will requ'ue a Dakota Counry Highway Department permit. Also, the developer shall obtain a driveway access permit from Dakota County to allow the south lot to connect iu ' driveway to Pilot Knob Road prior to City authorization for recording of the proposed Waiver of Plat and issuance of a building permit. ?? FINANCIAL OBLIGATION - WAIVER OF PLAT 10-W-54-93 PARCEL ID# 10-01000-030-32 Based upon the study of the financial obligations collected in the past and the uses proposed for the properry, the following charges aze proposed. The charges are computed using tbe City's existing fee schedule and conneciions proposed to be made to the City's utility system based on the submitted plans. Impmvement Use Rate Quanttty Storm Sewer Trunk S.F. .071/S.F. 20,471 S.F. $1.453 Total 2 53 There are no pending assessmentson this pazceL Ixvied assessments are paid WAIVER OF PLAT CONDITIONS FOR ROUNDS ADDTITON 1. These standard condiaons of plat approva] as adopted by Councfl action on February 2, 1993 shall be complied with: Al, B1, Cl, C2, Dl, El, Fl, Gl, and Hl 2. The existing maple uee near tbe north property line of L.ot 2 shaU be saved 3. The proposed house oa Lot 2 shall connect iu water service to the existing 16' water main in Pilot Knob prior to building permit issuance and City suthorization of recording the Waiver of Plat 4. The developer ahall provide a private utility easement across the north lot for the proposed sanitary sewer service that will serve the south lot 5. The developer shall obtain a driveway access permit from Dakota County to atlow the south lot to connect its driveway to Pilot Knob Road prior to bw7ding permit issuance and Ciry authorirarion of recording the Waiver of Plat. 6. The driveway for the proposed house construction on the southerly lot shall include ; a turn-azound to alleviate the necessity for bac]dng onto Pilot Knob Road. 0 . u ?3 19524' 213.45' 18825' 4 - __ _' ___- - __ _____ QUARRY __- _- LANE a .__ ? _ _____ Z8- _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ ?- ? ? ? 1001 ? I ? 1 7 p ! 4 11-5-98 I ? 01 32 n ? ? - )T:50'- 86.OOT' 9-d0'- - - 62?0'- - ' r _ _ _ _ - - I I O Y 1 524' 17 18 ,s ? p N I ? i $ ? 1 ? m +e \ L ? 14 010-32 ?3 84 • 1 I E I I CURB STOP 5 in I 19 ?i.Y 19523' I , I 1 O i I 030-32 I P 12 ? ?'+ E ? COPPER 20 ? 2 ? aR°a°sE° ^ I 195 22 L - Q . ? 22 I ? > >.?• ? L - I - - zs ? . I / 010-32 OSO-32 Pa ? . ? ? 24 ? 131.00' 153.3 ' 134 • ^ " 6 pP -?-----J_URQY R9AD---- - ? ? 210.00 ? ,os.,.• I x ? o1aso 1 1 ? 33 0 • • IMnti M? 1 ?w M 4w ? ? ? 3 1 i u 1 \ ?- ? ??. .? ? .. ; ? ? ? ? i y' \ ? ?`. •`? TvIDy ? ? 2d?9D • ? \ ? f ip<??4 c:ut i tvnI ru ,?; L`- ?wC UM lM??M ?IM?? `?J }IRM M ?sl??nt l] ? ft"? ?.wo . ONN Waiver of Plat Gregory Rounds ?? ? FIGURE No. STORM SEWER MAP CITY OF EAGAN 17 LAYOUT • 9S ? 1029i96 14:09 DAKOTR CO-qUI'---"' I 61-Z 438 4391 602 OCT 29 196 02:58PM ' ' • -? •,e:.. STAI7PR OP PLAT ' YB S OLIITIOx WSE8EA5, a re2ular oaesiag o! Lha Citp Conaeil of the Cisy of Eagsn, Dako'ta Couacy, litaanaou, vas hsld on October 5, 1943.. at =na Eagan !luaieipal Caatar at 7:00 a'ciock; and MMRZAS, + heasiag 'pursuaa= co aocicn var baid ac said msetfng cooesraiag • Lho appliasLioes o! Gregory and Marilya Rounds for rsivsr of plas toz ttie la2loviaa pusposa: to s ip it go= individual ownership. oa Cha lal.loviag daseribad preaisu: P.1.D.#10-41000-030-32 (Sae attached exhihit A) HOIi TSSSEFOBEt ttpoa moC3on by Awada I Hoanded yT Waehter it vaa 2E3OL9ID that aaid appliaacien' !or raiver of pist of sbe abovs daaczibed psamieas beg sad it hsseb7 ia$ appraved. Shose ia larer: A1Z • , Thoaa aguaar• Nong Daeed: Or.tober 5, 1993 ' A2ZESS: Ia e ' CISY COUYCI1 CSiY Ol tAGAg IIY . Its !lsyor . . RECEI 'C D F.ILER DA7E D 9 4'G . TH AS V, NDVAK '/. ? ?' GN(OT/4 COUNiY TREASURER'H ?}I SEtiT"BY . bl_ 4Sc 3'80 10-28-96 : 10=10 : SEVERSON SHELDON- 681 46944 2/ 2 ACKNUWLEDGMENT OF YOSSIBLE DELAY IN EX'PENtiIUN OF VPtLIT7E5 ANn AGItEEiNENT TO CONTIUBUTF. TO U1'1LITY COSTS WIiEREAS, GrCgory Rounds ;uid ;Liarilyn Rounds, husband and wife. (hereinafiter "Landowner") azc the f'ee owners of pruperty la:atui in the City of Fagun, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, with Property idcntit3oation Number 10-01000-030-32 (hereinatler the "Property"); WHEREAS, Landowaer wut;ht and ohtained approval from the City of Eagaa (iiereinafter "CiTy") to obtain a waiver of Plat ro split the Pnperty for individual awnership; WHERLAS. Landowner secks to construct a residence on the Property aztd ac;knowledges that the availability of scwer is on the most easterly corner oC ffie Propcrty; W H FftEAS, Landowner ac;lawwlcdges that the City muy need to acquire utility easements • in order to provide sewcr and water to the I.andowner and I.andorvncr further uc]cnowledges that the City may need to initiate eminent domain praceedings and this may result in s dciay uf up to one hundred eigkrty (180) ciays before sew•er and water is available to the Property. NOW, WHF.REFORE, in consiJeration of tbe City providrng utility services to the i.widowner, the rcceipt and sufliciency of w}?ich is hereby aeknowledged by Landowner, Landowner hercby acknowledges and flgt;c+ as follows: Landowner acknowledges that scwer and wuter may nut be availablc for the PropcrlY f'or up to one hundred eighty (180) days as a result of the City's need to scyuire easemcnts. ?• Landowner herebY acknowledges that a drlay of up to one hundred eighry (180) days is rcasonable and will not interfere with any other consuvction plans. 0 / 6 Lacuiowner fiuther agrees to pay w the Ciry the cost of the instsilation uf a saaitary . sowtr riser, and co pay to the City aixty-six percent (66%) of the cost oF the in.stallation of a wacer lau;rat from North Jurdy Road to thc servics lines for their Properry and to rciraburse the Ciry for ail cosra aristing out ofor ralating m the Ciry's acquisition of the easemcrtu; inetuding, buc uot liraitrii to, any eompeasation paid !n ProPenY owncrs. 4- F,andowner agszcs to pay the G;ty immcdiately upon iawicx focall sums duc for the cusrs idendiied under Yaragrapli 3 hcxcof as calculuxci by the City riaance Depattmeat 5. Upcm i.andowncr's 2'aiiure io malcc payment to the City aridiia thirty (30) days of the mailing ol'aa iavoic.r, I.m+dowaer docs ha'eby expcdssiy attthori2ethc City tn levy the casts as =asscssmentm the-Pmpcrty in a marme:randupoatrstos as dct=ined. by the City_ landowners do hereby waivc their objections ro-aay noticcof hcsrin& hesringmdobjccsioa m any asaecsrncnu lcvied ia:ccordaace witht6is?igremmrnt Duted: _ ? ? ?IL / a.E ? Gregory naftd;- rS74 Marilya Ito d.v , .. • ?q Jt? I' tiY ., ? . i 10-28-96 : 10:10 : SEVERSON SHELDON- 681 46844 Q, ACKNQ WLEDGMEN'I' OF POSSIBLE bELAY in EXrENSIUN OF TYrILITIT5 ANn AGREEMENT TO COlYTH1HUTE TO U1'1LITY COSTS WHEREAS, Grogory Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, husband and wife, (heruinafier "Landownu") arc thc: fce owners of proporty ta:atui in the City of F.agun, County of Uakotu, $tate of Minnesom, witPcroperry Idcntitication Number 10-01000-U30-32 ereinalinr the "Proprrly"); WHk.REAS, Landowner u,ught and obtained approvni from thc City uf Eagan (hereinafoer "City") to ubtaiu a waiver ol'plxt to spiit the Property for individual ownemhip; VI/I-IERI?AS. Landowner secks to cunstruct a residence on the Prceperty and ac:knowledgCs that the availability oCscwer is on the most easterly corner aCthe Propcrty; WHFREAS, LandnwnCr :u;kuowlaiges that the City may need to acquin utility easemenfs City may need to ieitiate emineni domain proceedings and tUis may rasuit in a delay of up to one in order to ptvvide sewcr and water to thc I andowner and I anclowner further ackaowledgea t6at thc hwtdred eis}riy (180) ciays beforc cewtr and watcr is available to the PropeKy. NUW, WHFREFORE, in consiJeration of the Gity providing utility services to the T.midowner, tlu: receipt and sul7iciency of which is hcreby acknuwledged by Landownar, Landowner hereby ackaowlydges and agrcc+ as follows: 1. L.andowner acknowiedges that scwer arni water may aut be availsblc kx the Pmparly f'or up to one huncired eighty (180) days as a ra.iult of thc City's need to su:yuire easements. 2. Landowner here6y acknuwledbes that a delny of up ta one hundred cighly (180) dtsys is rcasnnable tutd wiU not inlcrfcre with any uther construcliun plaus. / 6 Luadoamer fiuther ag:ees to puy w che Ciry thc aosc of the ioseaiJatwa nf ammitary scwes risnr; and ca pay to the City sixty-six pereeat (669A) of the eost of the ? iastaliation vC a water lauxal from IVoNi Jurdy Ri?ad w thc aervice liap Par thok ' !'soperry aad to rcimburse the Ciry far all r.oato addng out of of eciatiog oo che CEcy's aaquisidoa of the easr,menrs inciuding. buc noc limiusd k?, u?y coinpenmrioa paid w ProPenY owncrs. 4- [.aodownet a*s= w gsy the City imrrudiateiY nPoa iawice far all aums duc Eor dm watg ideati$ed under l+ucagraph 3 hcsco& as oolautuoed by the City tinance DaParemmi- 5. Upc+n T.andovvtur's fsiiuro w makc paymart tc> >!te Ciry wit6in thitty (30) deys af tfis maiiing o I' aa iavoice, Landawaer doa haebY wcpea3lY authai?ethe City w tevy the eosa av an asscsmmcm tlust?eopcety in e n+amror andvpoa remms at debenmirnd. by dia City. laodowners dn hereby waive thdr objecoionsto.aaY noticcof beaeing6. hear+ng smd objadon romy asommcm leviad in accordancc with thia Apecmdn`, Dated:.. I Gregory g b' ? _ naiira Ro aa -:. . -- - - , .. ? -/ ? s s city of eagan MEMO TO: MIIKE FOERSCH, ASSISTANT CTTY ENGINEER FROM: TOM COLBERT, DIItECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: JANUARY 8, 1997 SUBJECT: PARCELS 020-32, ?3 21& 032-32, SECCION 10 UPDATE/REVISION TO UTILITY RECORD ASBUII.T PLAN, PAGE 213 With the building permit issuance of Parcel 032-32, it was discovered that the water service to 020-32 and 030-32 actually comes from N. 7urdy Court along the side lot line of Lots 19 and 20 of the Donnywood Addition instead of from Pilot Knob Road as shown by the record asbuilt plans for City Project 113, installed in 1973. Also, those record asbuilt plans incorrectly . referenced the location of the dedicated drainage and utility easement. Please revise said record asbuilt plans to accurately reflect the location of public utility easements and water service lines as we know them for future reference. It would also be helpful to identify the locadon of the water service to the newly created lot (032-32) when finaily determined by Greg Rounds. (,. Director of Public Works TAC/y CITY OF EAGAN Addiiion SenLion 10 Lot ^Ik Parwl 10 mnnn ogn 3p owmor?rf?IFJ' I i) ? FJrnG?streei 3140 Pi1of? Kri(bRd. state ''1+aean`1 55121 / ?l.,?ar i :zlJff - w Imprwement Oare Annuel Years t// ayment Receipt Dero STREETSURF. . 1984 2219.89 221.99 10 STREET RESTOF. GRADING W SANSEWTqUNK ?a3 ':1970 U? . 6 2 120 96 (1 006278 ' ' #SEWEfl LATERAL 97 5 "=A Og 1Z ZO 7-6-78 ,. - WATERMAIN # WATER LATERAL ? 1975 - ZO ' # WATER AREA ' 1975 - ' - ZO sroAn+sewTRK -1984 495.00"'°-= 1-33.00 15 sroaM sEw i.nr .ID M1984 -, 495.00 t '?33.00 15 - - ' CURB & GUTTER - - - ' SIDEWALK - - - STREET LIGHT - - " - WATERCONN. 1 ' 16 1 10-26- a. 6UILDINGPEF. - - snc 9316 1 _26_ 73 PARK ' . . - . ' CITYOFEAGAN :`Remerks'4^?- •-?'??== ? -_.. • ? ' '._,10 y?_,?t?-_ , . . ...,,. . - Atlditlon ?. S ?IO????" . . ` Lot ' .. wlk Percel - ??O 01000 O3O 3Z ' ?? . ... 1n+. Rnokf iiA_" ? . ... . Swte F.agan? Improvement - - Datt Annual Years Peyment qeceipt ' Datt STREETSURF. 9$4 2219.89 221.99 10 STREETRESTOR. M GRADING SANSEWTRUNK -.? O . 2 Paid .?c SEWER LATEFAL 1 2999 -'1 ZO' WATERMAIN . # Nb1TER LATERAL 1975 • . • WATER AREA ' 1975 . STORMSEWTRK 1984 495.00 - ?33.00 15 SiORMSEWLATda?.? VIA 1984 495.00 Ik -- - ' ' "- ? CURB & GUTTER . - . .- . - . . . . . - - . . . . SIDEWALK STflEETLIGHT WATER CONN, 6UILDING PER. SAC 375.00 Ot 93 10-2 -73 PARK REC6IVED OCT 3t M 3 g 30 ?..c:Qe.-T`?-•? Q? 5-siaa- /847 .A) s??4 ? ? ? ? i i ' atoUd I b ' U I Oo0 - 030 - 3'Z OF 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. 80X 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55127 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 September 21, 1983 STEVE PFLAUM LEONARD STREET & DEINARD 1200 NAT'L CITY BANK BLDG 510 MARQOETTE AVE MPLS MN 55402 WARREN BECK 3510 W 70 ST EDINA MN 55435 Re: Rezoninq & Plat a C BEA BLOM9UISi Mayor THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMIiH JERRV iHOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Camcil Nemhers THOMA$ HEDGES Ciry AtlminBtrotor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cny cle'k Dvals for the Laukka-Beck A Aorse Race Track Faci: Dear Mr. Beck and Mr. Pflaum: an In official action that was taken by the Eagan City Council at a regular meeting held on Tuesday, September 20, 1983, the rezoning and preliminary plat for the Laukka-Beck Eagan proposed development were given unanimous approval. The City of Eagan will be working on a draft development agreement that will be considered at the time of final platting. My office will coordinate the development agreement with Mr. Peter Jarvis of BRW as well as with your two offices. It is also our understanding that the Minnesota Jockey Club, Inc., will be requesting industrial revenue financing and tax increment financing for the horse racing facility portion of the Laukka-Beck Eaqan plat. It will be necessary to present an official application for both tax increment financing and industrial revenue financing to the office of the City Administrator nrior to September 29, 1983 to insure Council action at the October 4 meeting setting a public hearing for either the November 1 or November 15 City Council meetings for the purpose of considering both the tax increment financing and industrial revenue financing applications. S'tc, Ii, THE LONE OAK TREE.. .THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN City of Eagan/Laukka-Beck Eagan September 21, 1983 Page Two It is important that we coordinate time tables and review any infor- mation that is required as support documentation for future consi- deration of the development agreement and the two methods of fi- nancing to be considered for this development. If you have any questions regarding action that was taken by the City Council or any action to be taken in future months, please feel free to contact my office at any time. We are looking forward to working with you on this proposed development. Sincerely, \ \ tT-w`-- Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator. TLH/hnd cc: Peter Jarvis, BRW All City Department I3eads ., C?!? ?i • MINNESOTA JOCKEY CLU6, INC. 1200 National City Bank Building Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 August 22, 1983 Mr. Dale C. Runkle Eagan City Planner 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: Proposal to Develop a Horse Racing Facility on the Laukka-Beck Site Dear Mr. Runkle: Attached are our responses to several questions and concerns which were enumerated on page six of your "Afternoon After" memorandum surtenarizing discussion at the July 26, 1983, public hearing on the above. We are providing this supplementary information now in the hope that it can be distributed to the Planning Commissioners for examination prior to the August 23rd meeting. Sincerely, MJ-NNESOTA JOCKEY CLUB, Inc. Peter Pflaum Vice Chairman PP/md , LOCAL LAND USE & REAL ESTATE TAX IMPLICATIONS I. Regional Shopping Center Use The question has been raised, because the site of _the proposed racetrack is zon.ed for a regional shopping center, whether such a shopping center could ultimately be developed. The facts of the situation strongly indicate that this opportunity has been permanently lost. Historical Perspective Eagan's was a viable regional shoppin9 center site before environmental challenges led to an almost 10-year delay in the completion of 35E. When Dayton'.s opted instead to build its store in the Burnsville Center and sold its Eagan landholding, the message to other-developers was that Burnsville was to become the retailing center of northern Dakota county. 1983 Environment There has been a complete standstill in the development of new regional shopping centers in the metropolitan area since the start of the Burnsville Center in 1975. This is a reflection of national trends, of a changed environment with respect to interest rates and money availability, and of retardation of the rate of population growth. Real growth in the population base and a retreat of interest rates to a more feasible level are prerequisites to a renewal of this activity. When a renewal does occur, there is a substantial likelihood that it will be in Woodbury, not Eagan, that a regional shopping center is -1- ?_ constructed. The Woodbury site would have all of south suburban St. Paul as a support base and would attract clientele from deep within the Eagan location's primary market area. Eagan, on the other hand, is already handicapped by its proximity to the Burnsville Center, whose peripheral growth has outstripped that of even Southdale during the 1960s and 70s. The Burnsville complex now contains 1.1 million sq. feet of commercial development in addition to the 1.2 million sq. foot shopping center which was started in 1975. Its trade area includes most of northern Dakota County, and it is continuing to attract new retail and office development at a time when the development of such uses in Eagan la9s far behind expectations. With Burnsville's present size and momentum, the likelihood of marshaling the commitments to develop another regional facility within its area of dominant influence seems remote. II Alternative Land Uses The alternative uses for this site, assuming that it will not develop as a regional shopping center, would be for some form of industrial park or office/retail application. Given the City's current inventories of un- developed lands in these use categories, it seems improbable that the loss of 240 acres to development of a racetrack would have any significant impact. Eagan Industrial Land There are at present 2,545 acres of undeveloped industrial land in Eagan, and the City's Comprehensive Plan projects the absorption of only -2- , approximately 239 acres of this land by 1990.1 Two thousand, three hundred and six acres would then remain available, which at the same rate of absorption (240 acres per 10 years) would last for nearly 100 yea rs . Recent history has demonstrated an absorption rate which is actually some- what higher. The three largest new industrial developments over the past 3 years are the Sperry Univac expansion, at an estimated 18 acres; the Coca Cola expansion, at an estimated 22 acres; and West Publishing, at an estimated 61 acres. This 3-year total (101 acres) would equate to almost 340 acres per 10 years, which, if sustained, would result in exhaustion of the current supply of industrial land in about 70 years. Eagan Commercial Land There are at present 1,167 acres of undeveloped land available for either retail or office building use. The total area of all the land in Eagan whicfi is currently in commercial use is 228 acres. 'rlith the development of a regional shopping center improbable, but with support for more office and infrastructure developments anticipated, it is estimated that there is, at a minimum, a 10-year supply of commercial land remaining. Competitive Land The land available in Eagan for industrial and commercial development must successfully compete with sites in nei9hboring communities. Notable lThe Comprehensive Plan's projections are in square feet of floor area. A lot coverage factor of .30 has been used to convert these figures to gross acreages. -3- ? ' amon9 these sites are the 160-acre Mendota Heights Industrial Park, the 147-acre Metropolitan Stadium site in Bloomington and approximately 300 acres of peripheral land which is zoned for similar uses. The absorption rate of Eagan's commercial and industrial lands could be negatively impacted by aggressive and resultful promotion of these,sites. III. Real Estate Tax Implicatio_ns If a regional shopping center is not likely to be built, it begs the question.to compare its potential tax contribution with that of a race- track. What is important is to recognize that the tax contribution of a racetrack would itself be significant and that its development would be a stimulus to the development and increased valuation of surrounding properties. Hospitality businesses--e.g., hotels, motels, and restaurants--and retail specialty shops are among the commercial uses which are expected first to follow, but the creation of a high quality racing facility could have a broader positive effect, as it would produce name recognition for Eagan throughout Minnesota and the neighboring states, and perhaps heighten the community's appeal to businesses preparing to relocate. LOCAL ECONOMIC IMPACT Instead of attempting to construct a mathematical model based on a set of assumptions, the validity of which might be uncertain, an attempt has been made to provide data from an existing racetrack which would indicate the kinds and degree of economic benefit which the Minnesota Jockey Club's -4- , proposed Eagan track could be expected to produce. Fortunately, such data is available in the 1982 study by Killingsworth, Liddy & Co., Inc., of the Finger Lakes racetrack in upstate New York.2 The Finger Lakes racetrack is in its 21st season of thorough6red racing. It is located in Farmington, New York, seven miles north of Canandaigua Lake and approximately 20 miles from Rochester. It has a glass-enclosed clubhouse with a dining room and is fully air conditioned during the summer and heated in the spring and fall. Both Finger Lakes and the track proposed for Eagan are one-mile ovals with a stable capacity of approximately 1000 horses, parking for approximately 4000 cars, seating for 5000 to 6000, and the capability to handle a total attendance of approximately 15,000.3 - There are differences in the length of the racing season and the size of the daily attendance, however. Over the past five years Finger Lakes has had an average racing season of 153 days, an average daily attendance of 3525, and an average annual attendance of 539,325. Its five-year average of the amount wagered daily (the "daily handle") is $337,435. This computes to a five-year average annual wagering total of $53,652,165 (the "yearly handle").4 2"The Economic Contribution of Finger Lakes Racing Association to the County of Ontario.and the State of New York," Killingsworth, Liddy & Co., Inc., June 4, 1982. 3"7horoughbred Racing Associations Directory & Record Book - 1982," Thoroughbred Racing Associations of North America, Inc. 4"Daily Racing Form" and "The Racing Manual," Daily Racing Form, Inc. -5- 1 Because of the severity of the Minnesota climate, the Minnesota Jockey Club is proposing a racing season which would initially be between 60 and 90 days. Its average daily attendance is higher, projected at E000, because the Minnesota Jockey Club's potential market has a greater population and encompasses a larger geographic area than does Finger Lakes'. The estimated average daily handle at the proposed Eagan racetrack is $800,000, which would equate to an estimated annual handle of between $48,000,000 and $72,000,000, depending on whether a season of 60 or 90 days isadopted With the shorter season, the annual handle and total attendance of the Eagan track would be approximately $48,000,000 and 480,000, which are close to the Finger.Lakes averages of $53,652,165 . and 539,325. Thus, despite the differences in the number of racing days and daily attendance, the net results--i.e., the annual handle and annual attendance=-are similar enough to suggest that the economic impact of Finger Lakes, as documented by the Killingsworth study, should provide a good indication of the type and degree of benefit which may be anti- cipated from the proposed Minnesota Jockey Club racetrack in Eagan. It should at the same time be noted, however, that because Minnesota and New York have different tax structures, both at the state and the local level, there will be differences between what Finger Lakes contributes in cash payments to 9overnment and what the Eagan facility would likely pro- duce. It is reasonable to assume, however, that the other economic effects would be similar over a period of time. P1oreover, minor differences in the -6- • two circumstances do not alter the fact that Finger Lakes and the proposed Eagan track are sufficiently similar to justify use of the Y.illingsworth study to demonstrate how the,proposed track would economically benefit its community. The following is a summary of the major contributions of the Finger Lakes track to Ontario County and the State of New York in 1980: I. Economic Contributions of the Racetrack A. The direct cashflow contribution of the racetrack to the New York economy was $12,728,234, of which, $9,903,446 was spent within Ontario County. The total expenditure was divided as follows: $7,066,673 in total payments to other industries for goods and services; $3,057,186 in total payments to state and local governments; $2,604,375 in total payments in salaries and wages paid to households. 1. The $7,066,673 in total payments to other industries was broken into three major categories: $5,358,359 in payments to other industries for food and services; $1,404,000 in fan travel expenditures; $304,314 in capital improvements at the track. 2. The $3,057,186 in payments to state and local governments was broken down as follows: - -7- Pari-mutuel commission $2,129,879 Breakage 191>878 Franchise fees 15,800 Payroll taxes 134,969 Sales tax 187,565 Unclaimed tickets 57,849 Thoroughbred breeding and development fund 11,071 State admissions tax 20,777 State income tax 75,000 Real estate tax 154,484 Local admissions tax 77,914 $3,057,186 3. The racetrack paid $2,604,375 in salaries and wages. Since the track operates at f ull employment only during the racing season, the study converted its seasonal employment figures to a full- time, full-year equivalent. The result was 251 full-year jobs in the following de- partmental categories:5 Estimated Full-Year Equivalent Department EmploYment Pari-Mutuel 92 Food and Beverages 48 Security 19 Maintenance and Cleanin9 - 28 Actual employment for the racing season was 583. -8- Racing 16 Ushers, Admissions, etc. 13 Parking 7 Other 28 Totals 251 II. Economic Contributions of Thorouahbred Horse Owners Who Race at the Track A. The annual amount spent by the thoroughbred horse owners who raced at Finger Lakes was $11,044,434. This total was the sum of the following: 1. $6,146,171 for the annual cost of maintaining a thorough- bred in training at the track. (This was arrived at by determining the average daily training cost, which was $22.97 per day, per horse, and multiplying it times the full-year equivalent of the average number of horses trained at the track, 733. The $22.97 consists of payroll costs for grooms and stable help, feed, equipment and supplies, veterinary care, farrier service and vanning.) 2. $1,553,951 for additional owner expenditures (trainer bonus, jockey fees, lead pony fees, backstretch pension fund, and H.B.P.A. administration fees) 3. $3,344,312 in additional annual expenditures by thorough- bred owners while their horses are laid up or training at New York farms and training centers. -9- B. The $11,044,434 paid by thoroughbred horse owners who raced at the track can be broken into three components: $5,424,416 in salaries and wages; $5,571,676 in payments to other industries; $ 48,342 in sales tax on claimed horses. C. The estimated full-year equivalent employment for the training of thoroughbreds at the track and on farms is 909. For the track, this is computed by multiplying employees pe.r horse in training (.79), times the average number of horses (733), which equates to 579 full-time jobs. There were an estimated 330 additional full- time training related jobs on farms. III. Economic Contribution of the Thoroughbred Breeders A. Thoroughbred breeding is a large and growing industry in New York. The total New York thoroughbred foal crop has grown from 280 foals in 1971 to an estimated 2,000 foals in 1481. B. An estimated $13,469,700, spent in 1980 by the breeders on operating costs for mares, stallions, yearlings and weanlings, was attributable to Finger Lakes. Of this amount, $2,622,419 was spent in Ontario County and $10,847,281 outside the county but within the state. Of the $13,469,700 total, $7,463,113 was for payments to other industries, $5,522,550 was for salaries and wages, and $484,037 was for payments to local and state government. °These figures are derived from estimated annual costs of $7,000 for stallions, $3,200 for weanlings, and $3,900 for yearlings. -10- C. An estimated 361 full-time equivalent thoroughhred farm jobs were attributable .to Fin9er Lakes in 1980. Of these jobs, an estimated 70 were within Ontario County. These employment figures are based on a total of 3281 horses on the thoroughbred farms. IV. Suirmiarv of Emplovment Generated bv Finaer Lakes Racinq Association7 Within Outside Ontario Ontario County Count Total Track Sector 251 -- 251 Horse Owners 909 -- 909 Breeders 70 291 361 1,230 291 1,521 V. Summarv of Total Cash Flow of Finqer Lakes Racinq Association to Local and State Economies Within Outside Ontario Ontario County Count Total Track Sector $ 9,903,446 $ 2,824,788 $12,728,234 Horsemen 11,044,434 --- 11,044,434 Breeders 2,622,419 10,847,281 13,469,700 $23,570,299 $13,672,069 $37,242,368 TOTAL ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION $53,033,173 $30,762,155 $83,795,328 (2.25 multiplier) 'New York permits off-track betting (OTB), which has not been legalized in Minnesota. The Employment and Cash Flow summaries of the Killingsworth study accordingly included OTB data which is here deleted because it is inapplicable. -11- According to the Killingsworth Study, the economic impact of Finger Lakes Racing Association is much larger than the direct cash flow of $37,242,368. The multiplier effect is described as follows: As the cash flow enters and passes through the economic system, it creates waves of economic activity in the form of secondary and tertiary demands for goods and services. For example, salaries and wages paid by the various industry sectors associated with finger Lakes are used to purchase food, clothing, household goods, and housing. Similarly, payments to other industries by Finger Lakes are used to pay salaries and wa9es and to make purchases from yet other industries. Economic "multipliers" which reflect the additional economic activity created by an industry cash flow are frequently used to estimate these secondary cash flows. The magnitude of the multiplier which is used depends on regional economic characteristics and the nature of the expenditure. If a high proportion of the spending is on locally-produced goods and services, then the multiplier will be relatively high. A lower multiplier is appropriate if much of the spending is "leaked" to other states and regions. In the case of New York, the New York 5tate Department of Commerce ty.pically uses multipliers ranging from 2.0 to 2.35 in calculating the total in-state economic impact of local expenditures. The New York State Division of the Budget uses multipliers in the range of 1.8 to 2.25. Assuming a multiplier of 2.25, the total economic contribution -12- of Finger Lakes Racing Association.is estimated to be $83,795,328. The same multiplier applied to the cash flow within Ontario County yields a total economic contribution of Finger Lakes to the county of $53,033,173. -13- DEMAND FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICES I. Seasonal Usage Intensive use as a racing facility will occur only during the summer months. Ouring the remainder of the year the track's executive offices will remain open and the boarding of horses and convention use of restaurant facilities will be promoted. The result is that the 240-acre site will see comparatively light usage--and commen- surately reduced demand for public services and utilities--for most of the calendar year. II, In-Season Fire Protection and General Securi The Minnesota Jockey Clu6 has retained as management consultants the executive officers of Longacres Race Track in the Seattle suburb of Renton, Washington. Longacres has been in operation since the early 1930's and enjoys an excellent reputation within both the racing industry and the community which it serves. Many of the systems which the Minnesota Jockey Club would implement in Eagan are presently in successful use at this track. One such system is the fire protection and security control program outlined in the following pages. Since Longacres' systems closely resemble those which are proposed for Eagan, officials of the City of Renton have been asked to relate the impacts which they feel the operation of Longacres has had on its host community. Their responses are attached. Captain Don Persson is the Operations Officer of the police force, and David Clemens describes his position as analo9ous to P7anning Director. Renton has a population of approximately 32,200. -14- , ' A. Fire Protection The greatest potential threat of fire is in the stable area, where flammable materials such as hay, straw and manure piles are present. The stable complex is a restricted area to which, only licensed or otherwise authorized personnel are admitted. Rules of conduct which control the use of flammables in critical areas will be strictly enforced. All of the barns will have built-in sprinkler and fire alarm systems. For further details on surveillance and security in this area, see "Stable Security," below. The grandstand complex is to be constructed of fire resistant and fire retardant materials, and the number and capacity of its exits will meet or exceed building code requirements. In the event of a fire, the openness of this structure would contribute to the ease with which firemen could direct water to the affected area, and open-airventilation would significantly reduce injuries caused by smoke inhalation.$ Eagan Fire Station #Z is approximately 1.25 miles from the site of the proposed racetrack. B. General Securitv The structure, organization and procedures of the on-site security force will closely follow the system which has long $If the grandstand is enclosed, all primary and secondary structural members will be fire-proofed and a sprinkler system installed. . -15- been in successful operation at Longacres in Renton, Washington.9 This system contains three elements: Representation by the local law enforcement agency, an industry sponsored independent in- vestigator, and a private security force of uniformed guards and plainclothesmen. The objectives of the system are to provide for public safety and the efficient operation of the facility, for the protection of private property and of the monies wagered, and for the prevention and deterrence of any activity which could defraud the public, the state or the racetrack. Municipal Police Two officers are assi9ned to the racetrack each day of the session. One acts as liason to the local department and is available to take custody of any violator whose activity demands criminal prosecution instead of ejection. In such instances, the apprehending security guards become "complaining witnesses." The second officer's assignment is to assist in peak period traffic control. The racetrack reimburses the municipality for its cost in providing the services of these individuals. TRPB Investigative Agent In 1946, the horse racing industry's major national organization, the Thorou9hbred Racing Association (TRA), created a professional 9 Renton, Washington, police statistics for 1980-1982 reveal that there is no significant difference between the average number of criminal offenses per month during the racin9 season (May-October) and the average per month figure for the remainder of the year. -16- investigative agency whose primary responsibility was to protect the integrity of the sport of horse racing. Today, this organization, the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau (TRPB), serves as an information clearinghouse for member tracks and law enforcement agencies and as an independent investigative unit with the freedom and resources to examine any situation which may be a cause for concern. A TRPB agent is assigned to each member track and supervises the activity of its plainclothes security (see below). The agent is the employee of the Protective Bureau, not the racetrack. Private Security Guards The Longacres facility has an average attendance of approximately 9,400 patrons and employs from 30 to 36 security guards, depending on the day of the week, for the grandstand side of the racetrack. All but five of these employees are active or retired police officers or police investigators. Three or four (again, depending on the day of the week) are in street clothes, and the remainder are in uniform. All have specific duty assignments, and all are armed. Communications There is a communications base station in the grandstand area, through which any of 23 radio-equipped security officers may be summoned. The communications officer also controls the audible alarms for the mutuel windows, money rooms, and key office areas. In the event of difficulty, a switch activated in the trouble -17- ? • area will cause a light to flash on the master panel in the communications center. The communications officer may then sound the alarm for that area, summon guards to investigate, or take other appropriate action. Traffic Control Three uniformed security guards and one municipal police officer are employed by Longacres to direct traffic entering and leaving the track. Dependin9 on the size of the crowd, one or two uniformed guards patrol the parking areas. Picnicking is permitted as long as no alcoholic beverage containers are visible. Stable Security Access to the stable area is controlled by gates which are manned by security guards 24 hours a day. Admittance is restricted to those licensed by the State Racing Commission and the authorized guests of horseowners and trainers. All horses are signed in and out by stable security. At all times there is at least one security guard on "roving" patrol in the stable area, and, when races are being run, an armed guard is stationed to maintain visual contact with the horses as they are led from the stables to the track. The security guards assigned to the stable area are primarily off-duty or retired firemen and are instructed to be particularly vigilant of conditions which could produce a fire. -18- OF O t*; z 0q e- P 9?TfD SEPS&O? 0 August 18, 1983 THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, MAYOR o POLICE DEPARTMENT ALAN L. WALLIS, CHIEF Michael A. Pflaum 935 East Wayzata Blvd. Wayzata, Minnesota 55341 Dear P1r. Pflaum, Thank you for givinq me the opportunity to comment on the security system at Longacres Racetrack: Lonoacres Racetrack is located entirely within the city limits of Renton. This means that the Renton Police Department has full jurisdiction over criminal activities at Lonnacres. Over the years Longacres and Renton Police Department have worked closely together to coordinate security in law enforcement functions. The particular security system in place at Lonaacres at this time is one designed to be preventive rattier tfian reactionary. Thu;, Longacres does not present a particular "police problem" to the Renton Police Department. Unfortunately, as with any industry, we do have to respond to Longacres occassionally. However, it has been my experience that calls to Lonaacres are minimal and do not place an extra burden on our resources in comparison with other businesses. In reviewing our bookina/arrest print out for July 1983, I found we have not made any physical arrests at Longacres Racetrack. Hopefully, Y have answered your questions. If I can be of further service, olease feel free to call. Sincerely? % Don ?erssan Capt. Renton Police Department OF RA•? ,'?• >' o •o- o94rf0 SEPtEo0?P BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH MAYOR August 15, 1983 Lundgren Brothers, Inc. Attention: Michael A. Pflaum 935 East Wayzatta Boulevard Wayzatta, Minnesota 55391 Dear Mr. Pflaum: THE CITY OF RENTON POLICY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • 235-2552 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 The following letter is in response to the questions raised in your August 9th correspondence regarding Longacres Racetrack. As noted in our earlier telephone conversation, the City of Renton has found the Longacres thoroughbred horse racing facility to be a"good neighbor" exhibiting few, if any, specialized problems for the City of Renton. ' As noted in your letter, the City of Renton is in the process of completing a cost vezsus revenue study for six distinct land uses within the city of Reuton. These land uses include single family residential, mulLiple family residential (all types), public and quasi-public facilities (including churches), commercial uses, industrial uses, and undeveloped land. Originally, our intent was to separate Longacres from the general commercial category to evaluate its direct impacts. After a thorough review of the available expenditure iaformation from all City departments, we concluded that. Longacres as a commezcial recreation activity was not that significantly different from other commercial land uses with one exception. That exception relates to traffic entering and leaving the site. Enclosed for your review is an serial photograph of the southwestern portion of the city of Rentoa and the neighboring cities of Tukwila and Rent. Noted on this aerial photograph are the three freeway routes located in the vicinity of the Longacres Racetrack. These include Interstate 5 running in a north-south direction west of Longacres, Interstate 405 nuuiing in an east-west direction immediately north of Longacres, and the Valley Freeway running in a north-south direction east of the Longacres facility: As you will note, the Longacres Racetrack abuts the common city limits between the city of Renton and the city of Tukwlla. Until the middle of the 1982 racing season, only two access points were available to the Longacres facility. The first, and most significant, connects Longacres Track to West Valley Road, which is State Highway 181, and connects to Interstate 405 vis an interchange located a few hundred feet north of the Longacres access road. The second major access is via S.W. 16th Street, providing access generally to the north and east. Based upon the traffic count provided to the City, we have found thatin excess of 80% of the vehicular traffic entering and leaving the Longacres facility accesses via the West Valley Highway. Y ? Lundgren Brothers, Inc. Attentiou: Michael A. Pflaum August 15, 1983 Page 2 During the summer of 1982, a temporary access was provided south of the Longacres facillty towards the Valley Freeway. This has now been establlshed as a permanent street access with recent completion of the S.W. 27th Street roadway construction. This southerly and eastezly exit from the Longacres facil{ty provides good access to the Valley Freeway. I have not seen any recent traffic counts which would evaluate any revision in the distribution of the traffic trips experienced from the Longacres facility. fiowever, since the city of Seattle is located to the north and west and generally serviced by Interstate 5 freeway, I would anticipate that most of the traffic using the S.W. 27th Street exit would be traffic that previously utilized the S.W. 16th Street exit. One final note on traffic--the City of Renton and its sister cities of Tukwila and Bent experience traffic congestion problems related to major residential development to the south and east attempting to access major employement both to the cities themselves and to the north and west in the general Seattle area. As a result, these three cities face extremely high peak hour traffic loads in the p.m. period extending generally from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and resulting in serious congestion in the Interstate 405, Valley Freeway, and local street corridors. Fortunately, the Longacres facility experlences the bulk of its inbound traffic )ust before the evening peak hour period, and the outbound ttaffic commences generally shortly after the end of the evening peak hour period. As a result, the Longacres facility does not d'uectly affect homeward bound employment trips during the p.m. peak traffic period. , To summarize my. comments, the City of Renton requires Longacres to provide on-site security addressing the bulk of the public safety issues directly attributable to the track itself. Other municipal services such as fire, utilities, etc., have beeu found to be generally similar to other large commercial uses located in the City. Lastlp, although significant traffic problems do occur during the inbound and outbound periods resulting from this track, the majority of these impact the adjoining city of Tukwila at the entrance intersection with the West Valley Road and in the vicinity of the West valley Road/Interstate 405 freeway interchange. Due to their timing, these traffic congestion problems do not further exacerbate the p.m, peak traffic problems in this general vicinity. I hope this information will assist you and the local decision makers in their deliberations on your proposal. If I can provide you with additional information, please feel free to contact me at your earllest convenience. 3avi l, ?t ' ? !?L ?%R. Clemens . Policy Development Director DRC:0259G:wr Hnclosure cc: Barbara Y.Shinpoch, Mayor , ?v v t 1 wy ? ;7i7 i i'?? ?'?,• .J?J#?''v ?xl?. .? '9&6 ?.; , ' "?? "y • _ ' ?? .a ? i ' .fi 13?r???C '?u' p ra= t?__J ^`.`-"7V?u IIJ ? . ?w_. - ? ..w+kFtj?l; .q { 4 ?f ' '?':.?`T ?'? xs '`L??'ii."?._p,A'?[?'??t'B1'L?;7 ?? ?b?trs?(?,?? ? .?`f 'Wr?•' ?' aJ,ti? ??± "? _ ?-?, ? ? ? f 'py? .??'.t? ?`''???` ?> ?•" ??`??? ? ? ??. -t".rl j ?? ??"i *?yi 1 lc'I Ir •: / ? .:? ? ?. ??? ? ? d .??? _? ? xr=?? t ??w.? . t...d?.etl ?+"?. ?? ,-? ? r ?'',t ? ?"'Y a?i?.?d s' / "1? ?..a?L9 ? • j. '? "?..dti??y i y ? y:? ?y '??7 .??4.?ffiYllif''9P3'!4`!?? t l!:??:`q5.,, ??w,ry '. ,?(,?p{? ? a `t??"/ L, d .e Jj - r :.._4-i + C, •.? "+ `?•-p----rxr ?i t ?, [Tii`n .- I ?? ???????J (?{ r ?a a .? . . -? •, J j. ,Ly_ `?l? ? ?'? •' ? ??? _ .+ p ` .d ow ys ,??b;?.??•-••!'?1'! ?1 _??? sai`?$t? S•P,?_ a r ?_ ?,.:,? sae? ?'?'.y,'.?ii ?? . ?f ?,;. ?oy* „?-• `F}A . (? ` y?y?E...?R? yi r?' r .?.?.rti?{fw•I?.t•?y, .. "'.Y?.: .<,? ?. ? .. ?{ ,,,j???ssyy,,,?,?,,, w ,.n f-? } )! . CO ? 1 ?St ?M '{?C_ .?? r? ....._v4? ?"f S .t { tti ?? 4 F ?( L ? ? ? ? pJy ? '7! ? [•r?i?i'..C .?. ?. , ?-A`?3,?t,??-yC'^_!?,y?'?1"7'?t CI t'9 ex'?t-s?.j;w'}p?`??-1Gn?l'?w a! ?: s e•? u ?Srl }. •',l"?'. a?e•,,? G. ? ,?a.. f' 1 ?X' ?n<?.a.?-'SK 1 J-tc -tC?<?(Y1?1 < 1- ?'r a 1 ? .f ? ? . . !:? a -?? ^ . ' ' ? ?. .. . rl'?•v' . `?i .. ... .. . . r -..r . -"'1 i .? CITY OF EAGAN , ' OFFICE INFORMATION MEMO TO DATE TIME FROM • OF PHONE NO. RECEIVED BV H Was here to see you PIBaSa Call Will call a9aln Returnetl youf tall ACTION 11 REMARKS/MESSAGES Review anE see me n n •? ReVlew antl comment PreOare repry fm my sig t -r . Reply LnG SBnE me COpy For your aVProval For Your informatlon F -??'??? • or si9nature As wo tll5tussed ns vou requestea /Q 0/,0OD ?30 ?- Take aDProptlate action NoSlfy stafi FIIE 0 DISPOSE ? OVER PHOTOCOPV: ONE SIDE ONIV COLIATE NO.OF COPIES H HEAD TO HEAD STAPLE DATE NEEDEO NEAD TO FOOT (Othor) - TVPING: ROUGHDRAFT PUSH DATENEEOED SINGLESPACE FINALCOPV DOUBLESPACE CARBONS- '7 May 24, 1984 M[AIICIPAL OFFICES 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Attention: Mayor Bea Blcmciuist and Eagan City CoLmcil,mn IJear Mayor Blomquist: I attended a City Council Meeting on or aroimd July 5, 1983, regarding assessment on the upyrading of Pilot Knob lbad (County Imad #31). I cor;plained to the City for not obtaining an easement for upgrading the road, stArm sewers, etc. I was told to submit a letter within ten (10) days of my conTplaints, which I did. Not receiving any response to my letter I called City Hall aroimd the lst of the year. After several phone calls I received sare response fmm the City that there would be an adjust- I[12rit on the storm sewer and nothing more on the other cw.plaints. I was then advised the easement for the road was a Coimty problem. I talked to Dakota County ann they said it was a City of Eagan responsibility to obtain an easement. In the past I have written the City with no response, leaving me with the feeling these matters are not being pmperly reviewed. I am requesting a letter from the City of Fagan within thirty (30) days as to why they can trespass on private property and upgrade a road without obta;,,;,,g an easr ID2Ilt. Also, I never received an iter.uzed assessment statement from the City on the upgrading of Pilot Knob. I would appreciate your attention in this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, *ePiL. Schaot Knob l?ad Fagan, Minnesota 55121 RiS/blw cc: Mr. Fred Joy COUNPY ADMINISTRATOR 1560 West Highway 55 °_stings, Minnesota 55033 ?YiI avC' Jla9? ?3 ? 7?sm . : . +? uJ '- _ ---- - / 9z.' G?J-or..U-?c?z? -- ---- --- -- - 01- y9 --- -------- ? --- - - a 999 3 ?- -- __ -- -- - ---- -- -- - - -- -- --- ?- - -- - - -- /,? y, ao - -- --- --- ------------ ? ?t??GC?Ls???euJ _ -- ?`? -- - -- -- -- -- - ? -- - -- -- --- . _ ? i/'.?:?h;? _ _. _ - -- - - - - ---- --- --- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - ?o? _.?c <?. _. _- - -- --- - - -- --- - - - - - - - w ? )?)Sp • ? •' ? a?, iq,79 .4 f;? a , 67 y/iL?vv ?n.??cr??a?'-?^--./?_?ta.s?L,???,?--e,. ,?- l-? 9's . 5'a' ' ? d?c e ?Z? ?t???o-?. al??..? lb.-I _3a7• Go - ? ? ?/s p?-,.a?-?. ? a-9 ?'i'• ?5`, Fr- /8?5'? • ?s? Sd BEA BLOMq1t3T MAYai THOMAS EGAN AUPK PRRqAryTO JAMES R: SMITH THEOOORE WACHTEF ?GDUNCIL MEM9ER$ Apri1 8, 1980 Nr. Rodney Schaumburg 3160 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, h1N 55122 CITY OF r:AGAN 3796 PILOT KNOB- ROAD ' EAGAN. MINNESOTA . aadxs ? . . ? ? . y .. PXONE asu-stoo . ' . . l ' ._.._ .... _. TMOMAS HEOGES GILY NOMINISTiiAtOfl ALYCE BOLKE CIiY CLERK RE: Pilot Knob Road Street Improyements Dear Mr. Schaumburg: Reaardinq our. discussion of approximately two (2) weeks ago, I have re- searched the following questions: 1. Will there be a me.dian on Pilot Knob.Road? 2. Where is the bikeway or walkway planned for the East side- of Pilot ' Knob Road and how will that affecC the trees in front of your property? 3• W hat is the assessment policy for residential property that has access to Pilot Knob Road? 4. What is the residential assessment policy for those residents that do not have access to Pilot 1{nob Road? 5. What is the status of utility assessments (wafer, sewer and storm sewer) for your property? First of all, ' regardin,g the medians, the City of Eagan has been on record in opposition to the construction of a median on Pilot Knob Road with the exception of a six inch concrete median in the general area of Pilot Knob Road and Yankee Doodle Road intersection. It is true that the City re- ceived plans, as you did, approximately three weeks ago that defined the median on Pilot Knob Road north of Yankee Doodle Road extending past your property. The City Council took opposition to this plan and informed the County that. this was not the original agreement, and Dakota County has therefore changed the plan and the median will only be constructed five hundred feet north of the intersection. of Yankee Doodle Road and Pilot Knob. Road on Pilot Knob Road. . Therefore, there is no median planned in front of your property. Regarding the bikeway or walkway that is planned on the East side of. Pilot Knob Road in front.of your property, since the median was eliminated, the proposed walkway will be located approxim:ately eleven to' twelve "feet further west from your property and thereFore will result in no, or little, distrubance of the trees in.front of your property as well as your neigh- bor, n4r. Moser's, property. With the median planned, all trees }long TME.LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROWTN IN OUR COMMUNITY. Cit f of Eagan/Schaumburg April 8, 1980 Page Two. the frontaee of youc residence and h.r. N?oser's residence would have been eliminated. Therefore, according to the Public 1Jorks Director, it is felt that with the revisions the County will be able to. save approximately 957o of those frees. Regarding the assessments for residential property that has, access to a County .road,. the assessments are made on a front foot basis on the basis of one-hal; of the then normal residential equivalent assessment. Because you are unable to_ park cars on the County road and the traffic is greater than the, normal residential road, the Council has adopted the policy of assessing only or.e-half of the normal residential equivalent assessment. For those property owners whose residential property. does not have access to a County road, they will not be assessed for the County road improve- ment, however, would be assessed,the' full residential equivalent for that steeet to which they .have access. ReQarding the utility assessments, your property wouId be assessed $990.00 for trunk and lateral storm sewer improvements. The. water and sewer assessments have been satisfied, according to the Assessment Clerk,which is explained as follows: The -sewer and water laterals, water area and service stubs totalled $2999.34. Street restoration w as $1393.42. This w as assumed by the Cify. The assessment5 were levied in 1975• If you have any questions regardin.g this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time. I hope this is helpful in answerina your questions and certainly appreciate your =bringing these items to my attention. Sincerely, Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/hrid SPECIAL NOTE: Enclosed are the drawines and other information you left in my office. Po 01000 030 3z BEA BLOMOUIST M0.YOR THOMASEGAN JP.MES A. SMITH JERRYTHOMAS TMEOOORE WACHTER fAUNCIL MEMBEPS July 21, 1982 BETTY SCHAUMBURG -A160 P1LOT KNOB RD,. EAGAN MN 55121 Re: Paratransit Committee Dear Betty: CITY OF EAGAN y, ]]95 PILOT KNOB ROAp ' P.O. BOX 21199 ` ' - EAGAN; MINNESOTA stiu ..,?,,. PMONE 4548100 ? _ . ,. .,.- . . a . ,r , ':, ...,. ? 1aK; THOMASHEDGES CITY ADMINISIRAtpq EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIiY CLEflN I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your attendance and participa- tion at the City Council meeting last evening and also for the time and effort you gave to the City of Eagan as our representative on the Paratran- sit Task Force Study Committee. Your dedication in attending the meetings, studying the facts and reviewing reports so the City Council was properly advised as to the proper decision at this time regarding paratransit was greatly appreciated. lt is always rewarding when a resident of our community will make such a time contribution; it is so important to the short term and long range planning for our community development. Sincerely, \ 1 ovv?- Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/hnd TNE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. ._. •:, - ? ffi?X <ity oF eagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 9EA BLOM9UIST EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55721 MOyOf PHONE: (612) 454-8700 THOMAS EGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRV THOMAS iHEODORE WACHTER May 30, 1984 Counca Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlmin5lralcr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIlv Clerk Mr. Rodney L. Schaumburg 3160 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 RE: EPiRCEL #10-01000-030-32 PROJECT #200, PILOT KNOB ROAD UPGRADING Dear Mr. Schaumburg: Your registered letter to the Mayor and City Council dated May 24th has been forwarded to my attention for review and response. In your letter, you indicate that you have contacted the City but have never received a response leaving you with the feeling that matters are not being properly reviewed. Maybe the documentation in this letter, to your attention, will again remind you of the review per- formed by the City and the action taken or decisions made in regards to your complaints. In your most recent letter, you indicate that you have not received an itemized assessment statement from the City for the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road_ Enclosed please find two copies of the "Statement of Special Assessment" for Project #177 which dealt with the installation of storm sewer and Project #200 which related directly to the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road and of surfacing. These statements were sent out to all property owners who were assessed under these projects informing them of the amount of the assessment. As you will note, it delineates a pay schedule with interest rates and deadlines, etc. In addition, you will note that subsequent to your complaint submitted at the assessment hearing of July 5, 1983, that the amount of the assessment levied on your property's tax statement, due and payable in 1984, did not contain the $495.00 for the storm sewer laterial assessment. This was a direct result of an investigation of your complaint and a determination made that your property did not receive the benefit which was originally pro- posed to be levied at the assessment hearing on July 5, 1983. You also indicate that you talked with "Dakota County" regarding the easement problem and you were informed that it was the City of Eagan's responsibility to obtain the easement. It is difficult THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GROWtH IN OUR COMMUNIN e„- _, RODNEY L. SCHAUMBURG MAY 30, 1984 PAGE 2 to believe that the County would inform you that it was the City's responsibility to obtain the easements when it was their legal de- partment who acquired all easements necessary to initiate County Contract 31-05 (Pilot Knob Road). The City had to reimburse the County a certain portion for the right-of-way acquisition costs that were incurred by the County. Therefore, as you can see, it was the full County responsibility to acquire all necessary ease- ments. As you have been informed in the past by several different agencies, the County determined that it already had legal right to the existing 33 foot half right-of-way which you do not agree with. Whether you agree with it or not, it has been determined by the County Attorney's Office that that property was in fact County right-of-way and no additional acquisition was necessary. As you can see, there has been considerable response to your numerous and continuous complaints to both the County and the City regarding this project. It appears the problem is not in receiving a response from the City or the County; but rather, receiving the response that you want to hear. Therefore, I feel that the City and County have properly responded to your concerns and in the City's instance has taken appropriate corrective action where necessary. Unless any new concerns are brought forth that have not been previously discussed, I will con- sider the information contained in this letter to be the final response from the City of Eagan. Sincerely, Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC:jbd Enclosure cc: The Mayor and City Council c/o Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator j - ? + a ?; ?? t, _ ?ylri ? - ? ?Y4 May 24, 1984 /O - Dloau - a 3a 3?L MUNICIPAL OFFICES 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Attention: Mayor Bea Blanquist and Eagari City Coimci]men Dear Mayor Blomquist: I attended a City Council Meeting on or arotmd July 5, 1983, regarding assessment on the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road (County lbad #31). I coriplained to the City for not obtaining an easement £or upgrading the road, storm sewers, etc. I was told to submit a letter within ten (10) days of my complaints, which I did. Not receiving any response to my letter I called City Hall arowid the lst of the year. After several phone calls I received scre response fron the City that there would be an adjust- ment on the storm sewer and nothing more on the other ca*.plaints. I was then advised the easetrent for the road was a County problem. I talked to Dakota County and they said it was a City of Eagan responsibility to obtain an easement. In the past I have written the City with no response, leaving me with the £eeling these matters are not being properly reviewed. I am requesting a letter from the City of Eagan within thirty (30) days as to why they can trespass on private property and upgrade a road without obtaining an ease- ment. Also, I never received an itemized assessicent statement from the City on the upgrading of Pilot Knob. I would appreciate your attention in this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, C%?L lltlil?L L. Schatmiburg 3160 Pilot Knob Road Fagan, Miruzesota 55121 RLS/blw , cc: Mr. Fred Joy COUNPY ADNffNISTR}1TOR 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 4% 1e/29/96 14:e9 DAICOTR CO-RUI------ 61Z 438 4391 002 OCT 29 '% 02:56PM QAI7ER OF YLAT ' 88 S OLIITIOti IiHZBEAS, a regular aeetiag oF ehs City Couaeil of tha City of Eagsa, Dakota Couacy, b.taaesou, vas hsld an 'October 5, 1993., ? ac tlle 8agaa Municipal Cnater as 7s00 p'elocfc; and . TiEEBEAS, a heariag 'purauaac to aotice vn held at •si.d msotisie wncaraing Lhe applitsCioa oY Greqory and Marilyn Rounds for vaiver of piac for cAs lolloving parposa: Lo split fo'r individual ?. ownership. on che folloviag desesibed premisaa: P-Z•D.#10-01000-030-32 (See attached exhihit A) NOW S7iSREF08Ei upon moCion by Awada ? weondsd br Wachter , it eaa BESQL9ED ehat said applieation' fos wivsr . of plst of the above dsscsibnd prnm£ae¦ ba, aad iC Lareby fa, approved. These in farer: All Thoae agdnan: None Daced: Ortober 5, 1993 A2iESS• AAAh. 's-oois •IC o cm wvecu CISY OY SAGAbI 6 . . ?? SY• Its Msyos •.. ' RECEI ED D F.ILER DAVD 9 <i'G TH AS V, NOVAK cnKora courrn rREAsuept.qu.u= ,? 1629/96 14:10 DFlKOTq CO-RUI "" "'.?12 438 4391 003 ' OCT 29 '% 02:58PM ? . ... . . . • ,. ' lticate of Desaription Por: "fiX8I8IT A° Gruq Rounds . ? 316 0 Pilot ICnob Road - ' Eayan, 1!N ,ri5121 • . DELMAA H. SCHWANZ . .,,kO .U,V..GA.. I»M /?vM Un?w L?w M tM Wx M YM??Y . 1475060UTH ROBERT T(iA1L ROSEMOUNT, MINNH80TA 6bM O1T/42b/f00 I ? I n o ? $ ' ? g I ? o) o>? Nd . V ? v ? a3 l ?\^ v ? . . SURVEYOR'S CERfi1FICA7B • F- ,P1,?96W7- Scalet 1 inch 50 feet Ho ? jo Q - - 2za.2o - - - ? g 0 Na? r.r, ht ; ?..__ ,R N. ?r. (??lzO I I ' /?99 °9V ITB , t , Paseel Af , - I I. . 'qf.9??RtY?i,?Y?M?\'•'w. . M- The norih 100.00 fesz oltAe -south 515.78 leet of she vest 22e.20 ? feet o1 tha Southrest-Quarter oE L•he NoreArast Quartar of Sect4cn 10, y?? lbvneAlp 27, Fanga 27,'Dakota CountY, N3nneeota. Containing 22,820 squate feet.• Parcel H: TAe nozth 99.63 PceC oE tha south 415.76 Peetof the wst 228.20 .i teet oi the Sauthvest Quarter of the Nortfiv.ast Quarter oP Se«ion 10, luf?,?(,{??4 4 Torn¢hip 27, Range 7?, Dakocs Councy. Min4arota. ontain nq , 3*-`cqu8're"feeti'. 1 AereEY prllfy IhN IIJ@ wn*r, ylon, w rpOrl wu . - ? • ,yrop.n0 b1r me or yndermr dl.ea gupeMdwnond - tMt 1Gm A Oulr pepUieroA Un0 Suneyw untln IM Iaws OI IM 81a1e ol Mlneros01e. OoIaO lo-OS-93 -Mumesotm p pbnulon No. R026 ' . ' , 1029i96 14:16 DAKOTR CO-AUL'-'- " 61Y 438 4391 004 ? OCT 29 '96 02'58PM . SCREENS 26,2900 REAL ESTATE INQUIRY - NAME/ADDRESS/LEGAL XINPN003 PARCEL ID: 10 01000 031 32 PLAT NAME: SECTION 10 1WN 27 RANGE 23 LEGAL: N 100 FT OF S 515.76 FT OF PENDING NEW 10 29 96 NWW21842 FT OF SW 1/4 OF 10 27 23 FIRST DIVISION: 021467 LAST DIVISION: FEE CURRENT OWNER: GREGORY W & MARILYN ROUNDS 3160 PILOT KNOB RD SAINT PAUL MN 55121-1350 TRANSFER TO SGREEN NUMBER: PFS•SCROLL FORWARD 10r29/96 14:10 DRKOTR CO-RUI'---" -61Y'4-3g 4391 005 OCT 29 196 . 02 : 58PM .. , . SCREENS 26,2900 REAL ESTATE INQUIRY - NAME/ADDRE55/LEGAL XINPN003 PARCEL IU: 10 01000 032 32 PLAT NAME: SECTION 10 TWN 27 RANGE 23 LEGAL: N 99.63 FT OF S 415.76 FT aF w 228.20 FT OF SW 1/4 OF PENDING NEW 10 29 96 NW 1/4 10 27 23 FIRST DIVISION: 021467 LAST DIVISION: FEE CURRENT OWNER: GREGORY W & MARILYN ROUNDS 3160 PILOT KNOB RD SAINT pAUL MN 55121-1350 TRANSFER TO SCREEN NUMBER: PF8•SCROLL FORWARD ? ??.? -? ?? ?? y " ? `?V _w ? /?L+? `rL/?/?i?iU' V \ ', \ ' q p ??/? ??? i.? ?? ? Q ? / !`/i , 1 ?? -C.?L? ? / ? ?A,/ L S- { _ ??`?r V- ?? ? ? j_a ?-?? CITY OF EAGAN OFFICE INFORMATION MEMO TO DATE TIME • FROM OF Y PHONE NO. RECEIVEDBV H Was here to 5ee you Please call WIII call agaln Raturnatl your call ACTION IIREMARKS/MESSAGES Revlew ane ue me ReView antl Comment Prepare replv for my sig. Reply antl SenC ma Copy Fof your aPProval For your Informatlon For sl9nature As we tliscusuA As you requastetl Take approprlate action NOtify staff FIIE F] DISPOSE ? OVEF PHOTOCOPY: ONE SIDE ONLV COLIATE NO.OF COPIES H HEAO TO HEAD STAPLE DATE NEEDED HEAD TO FOOT IOther) TYPING: ROl1GH ORAFT HUSH OATE NEEDEO ? SINGLE SPACE FINAL COPV oOUBLE SPACE CARBONS- • ?r? ??-u-,?--?.??`ye ?-?-.?.?u,?? S ????° ' ;? ? G?`? `.d-"-? ,.???..Q.?.?e ?p ? ? ?,.?' ?Q?? -?-? z'o- ?/?uf ?,u,.?,a-?,?-? ?, ? ??? ,? j .? ? ? Gti ?, l/?.e?t6 ?, / - s' ? ? _ n/? ??? ?? ???? O ? ?y I D /c.v '? ?,?',?-??,,??.p z- L1l CJ CITY OF EAGAN OFFICE INFORMATION MEMO TO DATE TIME . FFOM OF I PHONE NO. RECEIVED BV H Was hela to see you %ease call WIII tall agaln Returnetl your call ACTION REMARKSIMESSAGES Revlew antl 39e me RevleW anC comment Prepare reply for my 519. Reply and SenC ma copy Fof youfappfoVal For your informatlon Far signature As we tlluussetl A5 yau requested Taka apProprlate actlon NOtlfy Staff FILE 0 DISPOSE ? OVEP GHOTOCOPY: H ONE SIDE ONLV COLLATE NO.OF COVIES HEAD TO HEA? STAPLE OATE NEEDED HEAD TO FOOT (Other) TVPING: ROVGHOFAFT FVSH OATENEEDED SINGLESPACE FINALGOPV DOUBLESPACE CAFBONS- RECEIVED ? ? ? ? ? 1983 OLc 2odney Sc/wunbulcg, 3160 %iLai K,wb 2d. ' &,aan,M.innen.ota 55121 -: " C*"y of //, I983 i'ub.l.iC GlonfA ?epL a iooo-o3o-3a i . Di n.asi-oa J/wmaA A. Cv.LG eaz' 3795 ! iloi K,wb 2d. &8wi, M.i.nueeno#ci 55I22 vea/L mm, col6e&;?, Any cvmp.Lct,i.nl- an pen #he ci#.y cnwscdL me_e:?.i? oa apecla,L onn.emmen#ii. oa paicceL 10-01000-030 32 fvn. atoivn aemP-& curd Aun.?ac-cng• vf i'i..loi Knvb %2d. be conveyed #n you, CvmpLa,ini oA ?? newec pnject i.n. #/a lwicd,Lc? cvry, urrten on mV plwpeltty gowen. on tv %i.Lv# Kavb 2d. 6efaice %'.i.lvt Knob ?d. ecr« icer?ruatvccW rw ruzien Pcoia "'y /wPe,4 Aoured fo on. on #he n.oad. 9 u,UA #a?cL a;t #he mee;b? #1a,f. 4 50% of YouIL pnaPeA4 gou.dd on #he the Aoad yvu we?+.e alnedn.en' the AuU wweuLt.if .LeMjit u,nn ¢cGpuhted acccoicdingC6. 9 uvcc(d .Li/ze io /znvw Avw yvcc mahe #li%A ad j.uatiaeni-7 7he necvnn.tAuclion of /^'i.l.of Knob 2d. the Coun4 highcrry dep#, tite,a.panvied vn my P^-OPeluE6 and dentwyed and dUmaged #iceen., nlvucbe.z a7d #one oer;t ayrcvey atahe.z and neven ob#ained an eaaement. Aa fvn #he cunG.u% and cln,iveurcy #he ceme?zt in pee,Gizzg vf? Jhe bo,Levrucd avd thmt. +rmA .La,id on top of n#Onee4 meq n.and. Jhen.e u.CA no coinp.Cefion of #he job " faA aA .LundAcap*'ng ta conceAned. Jhen.e ueAe aenv ena.L.letfervz u&ote #v the /)crkofa Coun#y lfig?yl Dep;t. fo Aenvena,L pAobLem and a Le;tzen. #o #he Coun?Ey cvn?ionen. Sene A#h;,u A.ul lnayo2 6erz Q.Lomcdu,iat. Jhey u,eAe rfle.vene annupned. 9ruou.Ld Lihe ar+aweA A. Sen.vena,C pwb.Len+& u,e-+.e n.e.Caful and dirl den.enve an cur?lw2n.. l2o?ScluwmGu,u?. ysq --z.Li -? Lt , . ?L GL .. . ' . . . . ".5 S- C_L?, Z33??S?c(O> F?a z ?vdney L. SchauinbuAg 3160 r^•t.&t K.wb 2v. Sf. I auC, lriinn. 55I21 /nay 29, /98/ n4. t?y -7iW:n& DctAo;6a Coun?-y yovennteaf Centen. /560 ffwa 55 flan;L-in?, D1ina4 55033 l7eVn. DLc. 3ig.g,irr4, 9.''have nv;E n.eceived anud icenpon.a.e tv #he le,tteM 19 vAo;te y.Ou daterl Apn.e,C /, 1981 aA zlo my cqncenn o€ my ptopen.fy and #lae rc/' gnad?tr?, °r c°unby i2d. #31 (PiLo;E Knob 2-d. ) Sha,ve .ta,lhed tv iAe Ci.tY Adnun.:4?6ir." Abou-t "y ('iu'Pen?'y and advin.ed lum Sam nof ArY'Py w?lr. #he uxcy #he cvunfy .i.a. landlAng tlaiA rnat?en zn negand&.?`o. my p2vpeA4eSince #Aen.e 2eem fv be nn concenn #v yvrc vn #he cvunfy fligAuxuy Dep#. wft,Ec/t yau nepiceAen.fi 4 do nvt uxur;6 anw cvnLuuci,ivn done oa on. nwtt my pjLopeA;Ey un,te.C an4waA& #.o qcen.ti.oru 9 have aafzed can be antiuen.ed and n.P-&oLved .in g.ood 4iV4 S.irace/ce4 2odney L. ScltawnbwEg f1A(d ro ? n i.o , Date 4f Time WHILE YA,OU WERE Ol1T M fI v l • ..L]I'C.?.(,t7'?2111?P? ? Phone No.- ? TELEPHONED PLEASE CAIL WAS IN TO SEE YOU WILL CALL BACK WANTS TO SEE YOU RGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Message / / O ra or ? TNANSCIIIPTO BHAND No. 01461 A OUALITY PARK PRODUCT 44 D/ODD 030 3? - • ? ? /l? - 1'CLi.c? o _ /l/ B/D00 Q30 ? 2. l 99. ? ?rmr.?i ?? Qr.?ce ;2G , 1979 O ?y -?wla/^L-7i9t?ad? 3 a . oD a 999. 3 0`- ???LLj ?JLriiG(/1? A:5- _ 'f 3' .5?y, gD Cct/?ed . ?G?? /b - vlv aa - o3a-3D_ .. L . .. .: L= .. .?.TL =t•i A- 7 7 ---- ,Ji =I.? N-L 3 =C._!:, OJ? H':+.E Qr :.T_''ir;?= ?Ai A ?AaAii CCMMUDi?T iqi'._KliLR : v'C i' i4':k;: y.. r-iO.?EF L_F. . Is=. .,: =?.a,.... 1 : i : E ? S?UT. ri T r ? Or T'?c ?'I.z':N Li_.E_ \ c7n__ .w _L° L"LI`:c yT ;$11f". P. F r ?] a . ..i L' T( L ? E JE"?:'.?? .._._..i C:..a ,?^, . •. .,: . ?:. ,..? . .. . " L:.: ? iiAE 0 . . ..J '.' _ r,ri' .,r g >x; ? . - `? .?_. 4 II"_. T._-z . :xQ ?._ ?\ . - - tt` "---- . . 2?..t ._._: ^. _i ..??_::._ --- - __-•' -- T -??, tiq. J' 'T - - ?lEv i?.a=... 7'/...... r t.__ ?- ! . ?7 3 ' ..' ?_... ui1 .?..?: _ _ ... .It?E ,.. E .... _ _ " ?Y. .. _. ?. _1 -E^i, .Nn _._- ..EaL_ E73 OPEM-1'i' E..izEl.IVi , -1PE. .; MY L1: E ._?::J 9'.i?:_.._,_ N'72' _,. _'. _"' ? i5 vUR it=t= `r.vME Wv4;H TuE pBI"E >_? .-n,- S4 i1.'J.4 .. . ,•A.y.T.1 _ ' r:^::{?R pF...?Ei' fi(?'"M^FR7 ^ •l^ TrS :_..G.. ? ? . ?..! . _.,J?..?si(+._i--iT?i F T'_ i_ ?C WHll tiAVCC Cl}t`jE DlJW.`J itT NYT'7 uFFOk.E ME. ',:E W:LL ,UIE1`.. SErL O::I? DwC.=M F1 :t LU:'_+ LF.';'.`%:i`I'1 ,....ShC". BU1T -,,ia,j'2 . 7uAiTT iPI Tti.: '=`iT`i O; FnG=.?3. - =C F. 7!I L" 17 '';_F 1,7 T:T rn;L; ?.-'.:.C:: 1}. 'xlrCK , _'cT ? ._ . ... ..._ _EE.°,. = ?;?r:? _r7 TY= ?i.tiCJ ?-CPZE5 CIF iHE HJ) JvE ?' A ?•IS. AFTrP ..AHOk DA'i WE T1LKEn b1I'";! MR Milifi BF.?,CK W'HO TQLL ii8 WE TdFFDED Tn H=.;iE THF E4GAN E?;_Aid ENGIiiEERS =?? THE UT£L_Ti?c: DE?T. GI'?E US A:"?'E AAiD DATE W"n'" ? N. 7 !I`i'";?v ':?_? 9R Q ?'JH: I'•;. p.T T:a,c_T T;pqE ',)g K",tE;?l T_^ ''•E EA-ST gQTH 4!.,'_'r>: =.'.I r: ?-;u=.F: _?.'._? =k?:M _:r^.P: 1 "- ?F ,,. .. :?v ' .?l'it1= "? .. T^ih-? ^'F ..t,_ r.'v?!L 1.Jc lv? ?:i7 F,.I ( ...'':?F SQU1:: 1=; r:+1F D?5'ri H1n;G y=.; `.d".TEF: Arl: :RWFR. ?.T T'r.A: .TTM: 7 7 ._r T ... ._._ _r * ?? ; F Ji:•,s T4E.._ H=.: - - trr ..,._ . __ _ --- _- • -- .- -` L'- -- ` '- 1'- y= - -- ? - _ =r W47 P -l-E ?.t•iD L?t'7 ,v r?•• AI DU , m tr,, . ac•:<r'r. - E _""'t? i E. P'__ .'? 7'1 d? I .- ? . .p,.;}q --- ?i. -C.tV_'?[ n., p7F.ChjT W,_M c T!:iTi] TtJ? ;SJ?:TN. _.. . _._._ ?. .?uv _ T? -+u :T? ___ -- _• `- - -- 5 FF ?3 n ?17? I=^ --° --` '-. ;r1^`: vit *E!.., .4_, 11E ..A.n a.I1»'4E 'A,L= ALL:.= _:' ....__.Z. W ??RY.? ;•I?L :.=AL Tv ::E=I?P. ??E 1=: ._=HI?C,i•i°r.L ' -'r. ?RE S-_.. ,_.n:. . .Mg'c._ r.Yiv ?. ?r ?r;L?. SLDDEtdLY TuF E'rgErTLq Og E},',;LAIEER.i7;? PliE:,:C !?TiLITT_r5 :?;,_SEC; 0 li; r?rJ '.d UbIDEfi _3 .4.Piu SA:'S WE CA;d': DD IT_ SSIO*d ROM ::!!F PdEi?E?!4-5 ?4I5 WP.'l. '?? «AVg ?.?R:TiEP; rrR:?I ' MF. CUL`JEF.: WANTS TO CQbiDEM MORE LAND. PiG A TFEidCH A'dD i.ISTALL A FOUR ItdCH LINE TO 5ERVICE THE THREE HDMH5. UDiLER A FFOMISE THAT WE COL'LD HAVE 0`JR RUIL^ItiG °FF.MST .T- WE SIGNED TO HAVE U? TO :in MONTHES TO S:UPi AI?L, 'a'E tJILL rA' ii'3 rF THE PRICS OF ?J3 ?Rv7EGT. WF FFC_i.=CL THF. PUILDING PEr^.M?T. , C/o17 ?? ? ? ? ??? z1411t) ? ? 3j6Ll ?IZ67- A?o ?,9-?-,?,?/ PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA109767 Date Issued:04/03/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3160 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:000 Block: 032 Addition: Section 10 PID:10-01000-32-031 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:If there is no ice protection inspection prior to final, you must meet inspector with ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not acceptable in lieu of inspections. Windows/Doors: If altering the opening size, a framing inspection is required. Smoke detectors are required in all sleeping rooms prior to final inspection. When wall studs or ceiling joists are exposed, Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Gregory W Rounds 3160 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan MN 55121 (651) 454-5444 Reroof America 10740 Lyndale Ave S Suite 10W Bloomington MN 55420 (952) 888-8440 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use Penn it#: V I lion City of Ea I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I 3 ?a I Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: 1 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 Staff: I 1 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: J) D P) I ~ JKYND p K~ (o Unit Name: A 0'e- I ! r, ko LX_ f 1 ~1 S Phone: Resident/ Owner Address / City / Zip: 3 ((o o A'I o l i t w~ RG A 5 S~~ 1 Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: LV t n 1 o U-) S 2S Construction Cost: ©o®. co Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No x.-) Company: Contact: Contractor Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: License Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) 05~__ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org i I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exteriorwork authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. t x J .__ROcx h ~S X _ Applicant's Pri ted Name Applicant's Sign re Page 1 of 3 101 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA121049 Date Issued:03/11/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3160 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:000 Block: 032 Addition: Section 10 PID:10-01000-32-031 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Boris Sharkevich 10830 Able St Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Ctw Group Inc 5353 Wayzata Blvd Ste 201 St Louis Park MN 55416 Heating & Cooling Design 10830 Able Street NE Blaine MN 55434 (612) 328-7172 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature