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3170 Pilot Knob Rd
INSPECTION RECORD 'Gl-hAOF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 . ., „ 4. , ; r< <-,fllfj I NC, SITE ADDRESS• APPLICANT: „ , ,. 1 1,i1 !-.4 iin PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION .. . .• ri „ i; , , ;; , , , :i??i1 ; r? •i I r{ ; Rt MARK:,r : J: i,f PLHI F . ' __1 L -1 Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone N ELECTRIC S3? (4&r- akvl? PLUMBING 61 ??l 9?f' '/SIp-pOprj HVAC c- Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS /2 ?.ywr? 3s!/ er l?pr? ?('/p.y I4iX 0- ?uO?. FOUND xt.e«- FRAMING a 9 / 7l,?' - ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING J,// . f 1 PLBG AIR TEST Il r? C'?? ? ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL r- c? c G BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FlNAL -ft 3-?,?2-f.,?':,Y .r- •. ? ';i- _ t -?c. . .,r,.,y,:s CITY OF'EAGAN ? 681-4675 7_; n k,, DEPT. OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS' Correction Notice ? `d ??. I have inspected this structure and these premises and have found the following violations of city codes: . ( %) -,,- n :, -..4-- a l, W : -- ..:? ? -:? .? When corrections have been made, please call 681-4675 for inspection. Qate 3 ? &-7 # ' !?? Inspector City of Eagan ? DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG ? ?... . ??? _ ?NSPEUrI,IV 1 \ REUV KI) CITY OF EAGAN PERIIAIT TYPE: ? ?? ilot Knob Road Permit Number: 'r Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ' APPLICANT: ? ; i . „ i i IdnES Rfl .? s i l iI;! l 0 1 ,! .i; 1: J 314 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: F rti? L JM ! 1 1i [ i41.i R..i;'1y7 Hii j 4'Iti /q$ RF MaRk ?. : I- t AN kE v t C'1,1r- 1? t+'; r{ I 1 I :.lk nWo - rnf f 7n.r. .:?ffdbA NA f,nt.tilNh t I k i It; ti hi f'fRMI ! frtlFi fM ,PFf "iIf1W';. Permit Hoider Date Telephone # PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS ! O FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CONOUCTIVITY TEST HYDROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAZ DECK FTG DECK FINAL K-ibr::1? ? ?- E? ? Kertificate af Cccupanc? wit? of ftgan - . r..-???artiacttt ef ?9?i[bing ?n??ection r This Certifccate issued pursuanl to the requirements oj the Uniform Building Code certifyiRg that at tht timt of issuanct this strurture was in comp[iance with the various ordirrances of the City riegulating building corutrucrion or use. For rhe fallowing: ux classircatiom: SF M eeg. P...„it No. 28140 ? „ Occupancy Type U' u/?T I Zoeina Diwict R I Type Cons'. {N ' Owner ot Buildins (HEOM ROLIMS Addess 3 ?? = KNDB gnAD, F.J1r.AN ;. .4 euiw;o6 ,,aa.3170 PIIl7f IQM RcIAD Lwiy ? &uldiog Olficial , . POST IN A CONSPK:l1)US PLACE _ ! ( ?. Address 3170 ru,or tdvoB ?tM I.ot " Blk Sub Zip 5512 2 THESE I'TEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLfiTE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. Date: 7 Yes No Inspector: Final grade (6" from siding) x Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) j Permanent driveway Permanent gas X Sod/Seeded grass x TraiUcurb damage x Porch Basement5nish - 13,95'£A,.cN7 Deck o21?- TS 6u?sy •A! L t3 y 66,..V C/t - O ? feawL Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shyt-oH of water supply to v the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. ?},'££.YA f/ PgKWf" C? Contact engineering division at 681-4645 before working in right-of-way or installing underground sprinkler sy`tgtQ./J White - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink • Contractor Copy nj I'L tTJ 3 0 0- 5 31 1 OFFICE L;SE ONLY This requezf void 18 manlhs from volidafion date pnnkd in fiis bax. ;2(v/ le 09 e / 2 9 1 - . 0l G ,o PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE io - o1oe0- o3a -3z- ?99 Request DoM kovgh-in inspeci?on required2 ?Yes ? Na Inspection 01her Than Raogh-Irt 0 Reody Naw'?W'ill Coll (Yo? mml mll fie Inspectorwhen mody) Date Ready: I, ?K licensed ronfmdor 0 owner hereby request inspection of ihe obove elechicol work of: lob Address (Stree,, 8ox, w Roufe Na.) Cip_ Zip Code I'3sc 12 _ Seaion No. Tawnship Name or No. Range No. Fire No. Counry DAh'o-'A Occuponl ? _;-c, Phone No. PowerSupplier . Pddrese JA/<'o1 FL Fc; ?rc A`W oc -Z?311 w rijpm1,V6,%6.vmN?'soz ElMriml Confracb, (Company Nomel CoMmcbr Licenae No. Maebr Lic. No. (Plant Elee. Onlo .8 GJJ SGN q- JoNS CLFCl? 1 c C??? 6 Z`?I Mailing Pddress (Cantmdor or O,mer Per(orming Inskllotion) i G yy2 ?> '7 vl= /?1 C LA/?'L= /? ,??53? i- y7 `j' Au 'zed SignaNm (Gontmtlor o? Ownar Pedorming InsMllabon? `3 ?5 Phone No. ' 5 `' ?-2T GI'L-G4 S;?i l- n..rr/.?-c`?^ ? - j ? EB-OOOOl?-10 6/95 STATEeOAPOCOW-SEEINSTRUCTION80NBACKOFYELLOWCOPY I? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? , Minnesota State Board W ElecUicity 1821 University Ava., Rm. 5-y???? ul, MN 5510a O ?II) III III? II III 11111111111111111111 * 0 3 0 0q 3 L L* ph_:?";?.2-0???; ?-?• 1111111111111111111111Home Duplex Apf. Bldg. Oiher: New Addn Commercial Indushia) farm Remod Re oir Air Cond. Hig. Equip. Wafer Hh. Load Mgmt. Ofher: D er Ran e Elec. Heot Tem . Service "X" above the wark covared 6y this req/uest? pEnter remarks in fhis space and on the bock of the white mpy only. li15 /S A ?7/1lA T?G2li 1720DUI-1-\TZ WI41,i- Colculate Inspection Fee - This Inspection Request will nof be accepted withouf the cormcf fee: Olfier Fee aF $ervice EMrance Sae Fee # Circvih/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Pork Stall 0 fo 200 Amps , G U p 0 to 100 Amps . 001 Sheet Ltg./Traffic Sig. Above 200 Amps e 100 Amps Transformer/Generalor INSPECTOR'SUSEONLY TOTAL Sign/Outline Lig. X4mr. Alarm/Remote Conhol G $wimmin9 Paol ? hereb ceni 1hal l ins the ol' descnbed herain on the daks slaled Irriga}ion 8oom Ro?gh-i? . cot= O Special Inspedion ? Investigafive Fee F?nal ??e THIS INSTALLATION MAV BE OHDERED DISC ECTED IF O ED WITHIN 16 ON HS. 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERNII'C APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construction Reauirements RemodellFteoair Reauirements Office Use OnN 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of bt, sq. ft. of house; and II roofed areas 2 copies of plan Cert of Survey Recd - _ Y _ N (20°h maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated addNons Tree Pres Plan Recd _Y _ N, 2 copies of plan showing 6eam 8 window sizes; poured found desgn, etc. 1 sHe survey for additlons &decks Tree Pres Requlred _Y _N 1 set of Energy Calculations Addition - indkafe Hon-srte septic sysfem On-ske Septic System _ Y _ N 3 copies of Tree Preserration Plan'rf lot platted afier 711193 Rim Joisl Detail Options seleclion sheet (buildings with 3 orless unils) Date c5 / /3 n I ? I/ {? Con ruction Cost ? SiteAddress 3 ? ?Q /'i 1Q /?OQ. UniUSte # FnO Description of Work ? C lJ 7 eG Multi-Family Bldg _ YIX N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner ? q G?14 -e-I '' Ie?Y[1 ? i G r1 Telephone#((o)a) / 3Q" ConMactor O LV h e+" Address CitY State Zip Telephone # ( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residenlial Ventilation Category 1 Workshaet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculalions Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? _ Y _ N If so, 25% plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone # ( Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit_iat'd acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. pY_1C.h(_:::1?I rnehra,l i Qn ?a.? hQQ1?1Q ??Q? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of_ plex O 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex OP 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screenlgazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types * 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterafion ? 34 Replacement Valuation q) Census Code 404 SAC Units # of Units # of Bldgs Type of Const v J Footings (new bldg) ? Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Insulation ? Approved By: . O 30 Accessory Bidg ? 31 E#. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windaws/Doors •Demolitlon (Endre Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Occupancy P, '3 MCES System Zoning )G -I City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaVC.O. ? Final/No C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windaws _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total L°?(7, .. D ecle,- - Z 10 Le(- HO -? r- Oe4ac?n4 Gaca?c io 46 ? 3 v ? .. ? q y? N ew 0 ec1k NoUSe- GAraI G GI RaC?ae, fnc?ftliqn 3,?o Q,V xnab d ? l4no? R naA 1(a -a3_ 1CI t, t?r?1. M a.= 57 I ?. ? . ?; 195, 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please aomplete for. single family dwcllings & townhomes/condos when pennits are required for each unit Date/_/ // / _6 _? Site [&T Unit # -ff 7V.? Property Owner EA Gh? 9 L-, ?(?l"F IZA L( A? Telephone #( G?( )??/6 " z Q6 t Contractor AA 3+-2z. o?? ??? Zv Street Address ? 3 Z y P,4 y1-t C7- /,)'o u City Si • ???? ? G- State Zip Telephone # ( (7 ?( ) Bond #: ?v?s?Cl ? J ? 3 Expires: The Applicant is _ Ownet Y Contractor _fi:Other - ------ Add-on or alteration to existiog dwelling unit _ furnace air exchanger air conditioner other Yzop Additional _Replacement _New _Replacement _ Ll C) `"V-- ? O ?,k-y-f ti State Surcharge Total --k $ .50 $ 30''1'-. I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the wor will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. lU iGK ?1 t?G?l?(?f/? S?2 ` pp icant's ignature Applicant's Printed Name U\? -e ' `' ? $ 30.00 t '' 2004 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? l 7 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Crnrstrudion Reaulremenls RemodeVReuair Reauirements OiFice.Use OnN 3 regisle2d site surveys showing sq. ft of lot sq. fl. ot house; and all roofed areas 2 wpies of plan Cert of Survey Recd -V_N (20% maximum lot coverege allowed) 1 set of Eneigy Calculafions for heated addNons Tree PresPlan Reoi _ Y_ N 2 copies of plan showing 6eam & window s¢es; poured found design, etc. 1 sRe survey for additions & decks iree Pres ReQUired _ Y.. .. _ N 1setofEnergyCalculations Addition-indicafei(on-sResepticsystem On-siteSepticSysiem _Y _N 3 copies of Tree Preserva6on Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (bldgs wAh 3 or less unifs JT'? / /0A SiteAddress 1LJ nstr ction Cost ?? UniUSte k Description oF Work ?,LJ lY ?? ??1 ?cAt M1-l Multi-Family Bldg X Y_ N Fireplace(s) X_ 0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner ? Telephone #(LQr4 Contractor ? Address State City Zip Telephone #( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category Residential Ventllation Category 1 Worksheet . New Energy Code Worksheet. (J su6mission type) • Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted w Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? _ Y fee appiies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone #( Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residgntial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN •Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pernut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Rache,` MehrcA ? a Jr> Applicant's Printed Name OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Founda6on ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool }8C 02 SF Dwel ling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 0&plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gaze6o) 0 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N F? 254 Miscellaneous Work Types F0OJr5(f UW 9&v/.4 s dcQo"'Pl ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 A 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof ? 46 ? 34 ReplaCement `Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation ? Occupancy MCES System _ Census Code N 3 y Zoning City Water _ SAC Units Stories Booster Pump _ # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV _ # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered _ Type of Const ? Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addirion) _ Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Framing Fireplace _ R.I. _ Au Test _ Final ? Insulation Approved By: T -L Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC city sac Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 EM. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext.Alt-SF ? 36 Multi Misc. Siding Fire Repair W indows/Doors REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. ?C FinaUNo C.O. Plumbing ? HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Au/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Bnck Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector 15? ??+. --I 5 ? IYti'l v o 2 U uyv'1 ?l?? I?E?;IY`?Q _? Per[ni[ Number REScheck Compliance Certificate 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release le Data filename: I:\Energy Ca1cs\RESCHECK\IvIN\04-612.rck PROJECT TITLE: #04-612 COiJN7"I': Dakota STATE: Minnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Single Faznily DATE: 12/06/04 PR07ECT DESCRIPTION: Rachel Mehralian COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 114 Your Home UA = 86 24.6% Better Than Code (iJA) Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Tmss Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Window 1: Above-Grade:Vinyl Frame:Double Pane Door 1: Solid Door 2: Solid Floor 3: All-Wood JoisvTruss, Over Unconditioned Space Fwnace 1: Forced Hot Air, 90 AFUE Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA 160 38.0 0.0 5 728 13.0 2.0 50 16 0350 6 21 0.230 5 21 0.350 7 390 30.0 0.0 13 Checked By/Date Proposed xud Maximum U-Factor Averages Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors Includes Foundarion Windows > 5.6 112 Floors Over Unconditioned Space Praposed Average U-Factor 0.350 0.033 Maximum Allowed U-Factor 0.370 0.033 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calcularions submitted with the permit applica6on. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2000 Minnesota Energy Code requiremenu in REScheckVersion 3.5 Release le (fornierly MECchec? and ro comply with the mandatory requiremenu liste 7m? e RES checkInspe=?) Builder/Design ` Dat? ? ? ?U? FERMIT CJTY OF EAGAN e 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: susLorNe Permit Number: 0 3 2 7 7 7 Date Issued: 0 S/ 0 6/ 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: 3170 PILOT KNOB RD LO7: 32 BLOCK: 32 SECTION 10 P.I.N.: 10-01000-032-32 DESCRIPTION: Build?ing_,permit Type 9uildittg *W'e_rk Type ?'Gensus Code J` /i 1 `F `? [fr a J t \ \y,j(,.a t GARAGE/ACCE5SORY NEW 438 ALT. 6ARAGE 1 ?' E? .I ?. . . _n . . ? .. . _. ? t ? _?• ?.» -???? . ? REMARKS: PLAN REVIEWED BY BILL ADAMS. CALL 445-2840 REGARDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTIONS. FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $10,000 Base Fee $162.25 Surcharge $5.00 7otal Fee $167.25 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - ? ROUNpS GREG 3170 PI1.0T KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55121 , (651)454-8134 T hereby acknowledge ChaE I have read this application and state thax the informatian fs correct ahd agree to comply witfi all applicable State ofi Mn. 3tatutes attd City aF Eagan Ordinances. L ? AP LICA ER IITEE SIGNATURE I E e: SIGNA U E 1998 BUIJ.D"ING PEI2MIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 681-4695 New Conshuction Reauirements RemodeVReoair Reauirements ? 3 registered site su,veys ? 2 copies of plans (InGude beam & window sizes; poureO 1nd. design; etc.) ? 1 energy ealwlations ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan H IM pWtted aRer 7J1l93 required: _ Yes _ No DATE: G?-`o DESC TION OF WORK: T-7?tit.Ln' 0?74 S ET ADDRESS: ? 1? V 1?i LC? -i- K LOT: D3-?- BLOCiC: SUBD./P.I.D. # ? 2 coPies ot plan ? 2 ska surveys (ezterior addRions 8 decks) ? 1 energy wleulations for heated.adddions CONSTRUCTION COST;?t?6?111J_ ., . S-e c'A--i u V-, I PROPERTY OWNER Name: (? l.? ftJl? s ?? -?s ?? Phone #: ??C?? Lsst First Street ?p City llt-- 4 G&? ` State: M/-j + Zip: , CONTRACTOR Street Ad, Ciry ? ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company Name:_ Street Ad, City _ Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (new construction ony): and lot change is requested once permit is issued. Penally applies when address chang 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the infortnation is cortect and agree to compy with all applicabl State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates oF Survey Received ?es P.I - ?-' _ No Sestr: ?1 A.J ? Zip: Phone #: Registration #: _ State: Zip: CaL-/?tq " GQ? Phone #: n ?'?"-t' ` / 17 " 31998 Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes - No - Not OFFICE USE aNLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex 0 03 5F Addition ? 08 8-piex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex WORK TYPE A 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of SPories Length Depth APPROVAL5 0 11 Apt./Lodging ? ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? ? 14 Fireplace ? ? 15 Deck ? 36 Move ? 37 Demolition Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq, ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Planning Building Permit Fee 1& a. aS Surcharge 5.C) U Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump ? Census Code. SAC Code / Census Bldg -?- Census Unit Engineering Variance _ ? IU,Uc) cJ Valuation: $ _ 2 % SAC SAC Units L3---P-)?-CRV oF eagctn Contract No: _ Projeot No: Submittal Date: CITY OF EAGAN SEWER 6 UATER PERMIT RELFASE FORM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Substantial Completion of Sever 6 pater STEP 27 PERM2cSTON TO HOOK UP SANITARY SEWER _ Lines Lamped and Accep[able _ Deflection Mandrel Test Pasaed _ Hanhole Structures Properly Constructed (cstg. 6 cover, rings, cone, 1 fe, sections, final riw setting, & huild and invert) _ Inflltratlon Test SERVICES Date of Occuzrence Z-i Z-P?6 WATER MAIN _ Properly Ckilorinated & Flushed _ Entire System Pressure Tested _ Entire System Conductivity Tesced _ All Valve Boxes Accessible, straight 6 keyed _ All Valves Opened or Closed as Approp. _ Bacteria test completed _ All Wye Locations confirmed _ A11 Cuzb Boxes Exposed, Set to Proper Crade & Marked v/Fence Post Required Service Risers Teleyised , ?y5i/J`/?7 COMMENTS? ?„C 7`ZJ ? L%? O ne::7 /T{ e5 STEP II f FUT T 11CF PFAMTT (OrrrroeNrv) _ Lines Lamped 6 Acceptable _ CB S[ruccures Properly Constructed (cstg 6 cover, rings, 1 ft. section, invert, final cstg. setting 6 build, DL-DR correctly set rings 6 cstg. set in full bed of mortar) _ Aprons, Dissipators 6 Rip Rap properly installed COMMENTSi _ Material Tests Checked 4 Passed (Conc. compressive strength 6 Aiz Concent, Bitum. Extacc 6 gradation, gravel base gradacion). _ Utility Scructures 6c Lines Clear & Fzee of Debris & Cravel (Cace Valves keyed) RECOMMENDATIONi I herein verify that the tests and inspections indicated above have been successfully completed. Any deviations or excep[ions are described in my comments. WL[h this considered I recommend that permission to hook up or permission for occupancy be granced as appropria[e to the above indicacions. Signed Project In tor Confirmed bv: 6 ?'-v? a Public Worlcs Deparcmenc L/PS.ISBNP[RN.FM I ' city oF eagan THOMAS EGAN MCVOr PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN February 12 1997 THEODORE WACHTER , councii Members THOMAS HEDGES Citv Aaministrator AN OVERBEKE Greg & Marilyn Rounds Ciry e 3160 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 RE: PARCEL 10-01000-032-32 (3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD) WATER & SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONS Deaz Mr. & Mrs. Rounds: It is my understanding that you are proceeding with the installation of your water service for the above referenced parcel to be conshucted from North Jurdy Court along the south lot line of Lot 20 Block 1 Donnywood Addition currently owned by Juan and Maria Castellanos. I've had an opportunity to review the private drainage and utility easement survey and recording document. I wanted to bring to your attenrion that the five-foot width in description will be very difficult to work within if any repairs to your private water service should become necessary in the future. You may want to consider increasing the width of this easement accordingly. Also, it appears that the easement is conveyed to both of you personally rather than to the current and future owners of the above referenced pazcel. This may create a cloud on the title if and when you decide to sell or transfer your newly created lot. However, because your private easement document meets the bare minimum requirements, the City will issue a water connection permit when all typical permit requirements have been fulfilled. Sincerely, C?1144ill Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAGcb Enclosure: Easement and Survey Document MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 TDO: (612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GRON/TH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Emoloyer MAINTENANCE PACILIN 3501 COACr.MAN POINT EAGAN. MINMESOiA 55122 PHONE. (612) 681-4300 FA%' (612) o81-G360 TDD- (6121 1;4-8535 uis?r1801P lb`?Wunds 10 Eagan, NIlV ?55121 DELMAR H. SCHWANZi ? ? , . . UND SVOVEYORS.INC . ? . 0I.O1+1sntl Unlu Uws ef The SlIb ol MInnOwNI 11750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA SBOBB 812/429•1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ? I ? v Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet j' 3 p ? o ? Zo l0 5 E??o? ?c D, ?'70 O •, a ? `? y . 14 / '?s L U T 20 • (?LOCI< ? ? ? 0 ? -?- flcisting Drainage & Utility 1 O qc),10. t\a? y/ 3 , I o ', o L 0 -- 89°44'/3'"E ' q1? 5 e i Proposed Description: N, easement Por drainage and utility purposes over the southerly 5.00 feet of Lot 20, Block 1, DODIlVYWl70D, according to the recoxded plat thereof, Dakota Camty, Muuiesota. Said 5.00 feet beirg measured at right argles to the southerly line of said Int 20. 1 he.eey cerlily Ihet ihie lurvey, pisn. or revort wse prevere0 by me or under my tllrecl supervlsian snd Ihnt 1 em e duly Reglelered Lsnd 9urveYOr under ihs iewa ol Ihe Stets ol Mlnnesote. Ueted 01-16-97 \ N ?N ?O ? ww ? . 6 0. ?W G 6 ? / o 6 d w ? a lp X .? 6 ?- . \ o1v . , , LoT z 1, BLocK I :' (?ELAIAR hl. "ca itivF,tvz -- ?G25 - ^45t H. Sohwsnz ne Hegletretlon No. 9845 ? , ., ,. ,: 1 .,,,, . . I . .. ., .._ , , „ Individuel li) to Juinl 1 enm"ls 7 1 ) ,( +1 . . PlJ? l'C?at?l ' i i ? /II ? I No delinquent taxes and 6ransCer enter?d; Cerli[icaLe ? by of Real Estate Valife ( ) filed ( ? not required Certificate+of Real Estate Value No. _ ? '-?i.n 199 7 i ' /1?/GL$J??YILL..pV / ?u ?a.lC/ County nudiLor S'TA7'E DEEU'fAX DUE HEREON: $ ?S' Date: , 19 _ FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA'PION, JuBn and Maria Castellanos husband and wife , Grantor (s), hereby comey (s) and yuiLclaim (s) to Gregorv and Marilyn Rounds , Gran6ees as joint tetian6s, real property in Dakota __County, Minnesots, described as [ollows: r An easement far drainage and utility purposes over the southerly 5.00 feet of i,tit 20, Block 1, DOrIlVYW", WGbrdirig to the recorded p]at thereof, Dalcota County, Minnesota. Said 5.00 f(-et beinq measured at. right angles to ' the southerly line of said Lot 20. SELLERS CER1'iFY ZiIAT '17IE SELLERS DO NOT KN(7W OF ANSf WE'JS.S ON 7ilE Ai?f'JlrE-i)ESCRIM RFAL PROPIIt7'Y. 7HE RCtl'AL. C'OTISIDERATION FCHt 7}tIS TRANSPL'1ZOId WAS tiT'SS 7F1AN $500U00. COUNTY CONSERVATION FEE $5.00 THOMAS' V. NOVAK w R- DAIdpTA COUNTY TREASURER-AUDITOFi , (il more spacs is needad, continus on beck) together with ait hereditaments and appurtenances beloi ?-3 y7 - 0 87540 ? DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTAw,e- DEED TAX AMT.; l' bs STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Vd,QT /iL The fore oin instrument was acknowledged bsfore me is l%A'`" da ot ?_? by Juan andgMar-ia Castel.]anos, hu?band and wic: y --? a , Grantor(s). NOTARIAL STAMP 0A 9EAL (OA OTHBR TITLE OR RANK) i f ... CHNSfOiHEQJMICGMV7 ? . IlDtary Pldb j IAr'nwta j i -3 1!- Canm.ExdroaJanJ1.10W ? ? THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAM6 AND AUURE98): ! ? David F.ssliny ? ' 1217 WP.st $EVC]2t1 StC'FE:t. i j Saint Paul, i•88 55102 ' Tix 8utemm{? tor the nd DroperW dawHbod In thle Imtmmant shoWd bo unt tv prteludo nuno and addnn of Ovmbd): T& ,¢nJ ,F 1&1A2)a- - A-?v s GXs7-E241 3 (6s 3? GT-' IJO- S?/z? ? CITY USE ONLY p ? L BL RECEIPT#: LPapY7 ? fo/l SUBD. /O - D/!»U - 030? - 3s9- RECEIPT DATE: /z71n-;;? F?/U??f ? 1997 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 65122 (612) 681 -4675 Please complete for: . single famity dwellings . townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit . backflowpreventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURES EACH N-% TOT/1L Shower 3.00 x = Water Closet 3.00 x Z = Bath Tub 3.00 x ?- _ Lavatory 3.00 x Kitchen Sink 3.00 x = Laundry Tray 3.00 x Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 x Water Heater 3.00 x _ Floor Drain 3.00 x = Gas Piping Outlet ` minimum - 1 3.00 x = Rough Openings 1.50 x Water Softener ' for dwellings under construGion 5.00 x = Water Softener ' for existing dwalling 20:00 X = U.G. Sprinkler ' kr dweiling under const 3:00 31 • Q° _ U.G. Sprinkler `Porexlstingdwelling 20.00 Aiteretions ? toexisting residence 20.00 = cil? Water Turn Around 20.00 = Private Disposal System ' oak cry iic. 75.00 = (new and refurbished systems) Private Disposal Systems' Abandonment 20.00 ?,,p_/ = ' - c-It 00 u?'? STATE SURCHARGE .50 S0 TOTA L ? ? .p ? ? ' I O Gaf .?-?-c- J I hereby acknowledge thatl have read this applicaGon, slate that theinkmietion's corteU, and egree to compywRh all appllca6ie Eity of Eagen ordinences. It is the applipnt's responsiNlity tonoUfy the property owner that the City M Eagen easumes no liability for any damages ceused by the Cily during ils nortnal operational and maintenance actlvifias M fhe faGlitiesconsWded under this pertnit wi[hin Ciry property/right-of-way/easament. r p ? SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: ELEPHONE STREET A DRESS: CITY: -?L R 3&E:.!? 21P:- SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY q L BL RECEIPT#: LP ?1CPU / SUBD. /(>' 4/DOO - D3o?- 3.2-- RECEIPTDATE: ?.3119?I 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 6814675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? New construction y Add-on furnace Add-on air conditioning Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: t -30 -9 ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) 6,1,1!C v 9vC')q3 0 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU qO"dop a?7_?L Additionai 50 M BTU ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) ? State Surcharge TOTAL FEE $ 20.00 24. 6.00 9. ?? .50 33 SG? SITE ADDRESS: '?? 7to ?_au / t- ?? OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: ciTV: P" /6 f iCv?vh ?2? 7?i' PHONE#s??&3'-OIO0 fiv1q-e{ cJG'IC • PHONE#:o-?"c7 '3v o1 y?-i-rd ? STATE: ZIP: Grc?%??- SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE - city of eagan MEMO TO: COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT BEA BLOMQUIST C/O THOMAS L. HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A. COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: DECEMBER 18,1996 SUBJECT: PARCEL?7.0?1AOD-032-32 (3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD) ROUNDS WAIVER OF PLAT - WATER SERVICE During our meeting on December 17, you inquired as to the issue associated with obtaining water service for the above referenced parcel. Enclosed is the background information that was presented to City Council when they considered this item on November 4, 1996, along with a copy of the minutes from that Council meeting. Also enciosed is a letter recently sent to Mr. and Mrs. Rounds Garifying the options and requesting their response indicating which Council option they wish to pursue. I hope this provides the background information that you were interested in. Due to my pianned vacation leave until January 6, any questions regarding this information can be addressed by Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer. Respectively submitted. loev- irector of Public Works Attachments: November 4, 1996 Council Packet Information December 18, 1996 Staff Letter cc: Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer ,nvQ&S*W310M.MEKCB ; ? City of Eagan 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (651) 675-5675 PERMIT '" - Permit Type: Building _ ` -:• Permit Number: EA041938 " Date Issued: 07/28/2000 Site Address: 3170 Pilot Knob Rd Lot: 032 Block: 32 Addition: Section 10 PID: 10-01000-032-32 Use: Description: Sub Type: Single Fam WorkType: Alteration Description: Convert room over garage Census Code: 434 UBC Ocwpancy: Construc[ion Type: Zoning: Square Feet Remarks' Plan reviewed by Barry Greive. (ld) ? Separate permit required for any plumbing wotk. Call (612) 445-2840 regarding electrical permit and inspections. Base Fee 12525 3210-9001 Fee Summary: State Surcharee 3.00 2155-9001 $128.25 Valuation: $6,000.00 Contractor: OWriCI': - Applicant - St. Lic.: Gregory Rounds 3170 Pilot Knob Road 55122 l hereby aclrnowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ApplicanUPermitce: Signature Issued By: Signa[ure I DATE 03/20/2003 City oF Eagan Pe°"'Res.rp` pERMIT INSPECTION RESULTS Permit Number: EA041938 BL Address: 3170 Pilot Knob Rd Sub Type: Single Fam Work Type: Alteration Description: Convert room over garage Date Inspection Type Inspected By Result Comments 02/21/2001 Insulation Barry Greive Partial Inspection see remarks 09/13/2000 Insulation Barry Greive No Show under floor 08/01/2000 Insulation Barry Greive Pass 07/31/2000 Framing Barry Greive Pass see remazks PAGE 1 Date 03/20/2003 Page Permit Inspections Entry Comments Identification: EA041938 - 3170 Pilot Kno6 Rd Comments: electrical was done previously at time of garage build. using base boar d heat / framing and insulation upper level only / stairs not corr ect wil] fix / need footings for balcony and stair landing informed Gregg that room is not to be occupied and cannot have a kitchen in there are many correcrions, told him it would be easier to block garage door and use it as a storage room. needs to fix cut truss and many other obvious corrections al so informed him to get a electrical permit and submit new plans for storage are a. also needs to fix exterior stairs and interior stairs PLIJMBING (RESIDENTIAL) Permit Application City Of Eagan f J q?``?. 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Please complete for: Single Family Dwellings Townhomes and Condos when permits aze required for each unit Date Sit Add - :31-7 O Pai? A& e ress ? iT Unit # Z ,v *•?- Property Owner r+ ? ? Telephone # 4v ? ?? ? ?Cii i V,& Contractor ? , ? t Add 31 n ?IW 7 l?0r:i5 / 674 5 041 { ress 1 CiTy 4? 4 6 Sta[e &/V * Zip Telephone# 6S)/ The Applicant is ? Owner _ Contractor _ Other Septic System New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license $ 100.00 Includes Counry fee. Adtlitional consulWnt fees may apply. Alterations To Existing Dwelling Unit, Including $ 50 00 _ Adding fiMures to lowet levels or room additions, excluding water softener and water heater . _ Abandonment of septic system _ Waterturnaround (+ 5/8" meterifneed - $121.0p0)" ,? ?? ` 9 v t!a _ Other. ??/??[{/?r 14/?/s 2?? 0* ( _ RPZ _ new installation _ repair _ rebuild $ 30.00 _ Lawn irrigation system _ Water softener _ Water heater $ 15.00 _ replacement _ additional i ? ? ? • _ State Surcharge .50 Total i8Y I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Pemrit and ac}nowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformauce with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. k"r? r..l C}?? ?•.'°?tjww CG: Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs S7?{a?ure RESIDEPtTIAL BUILDING Permit Application City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 11 New Construdion Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showirg sq. R. of lot sq. ft ot house; and all rooled areas (20% maximum lot coverage allaxed) 2 wpies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured found design, etc. t ut ot Energy CalwWtions 3 copies of 7ree Preservafion Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist Dehail Opfions seleGion sheet (bldgs with 3 ar less uniLs RemodeVReoair ReauiremenLs 2 copies oi plan 1 set of Eneyy Calculatlons for heated additbns 1 sde suney for additions & decks AddRion - indicafe if on-sde sepGc system ct `] O,C?C? Office Use OnN Cert of Survey Recd Tree Pres Plan Recd Tree Pres Nol Reqd _ Onsite SeOk System Date / 1 . Construction Cost Site Address ?, Lo'?' ro 0(?'? A?, vo ? UniUSte # C! Description of Work I. b.d 6 4f2"', f? ._ ? .. ?.? ? ?_/ ,_6 ,- Multi-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 Property Owner cJ AJ}aS Telephone #??? 4<4i.541M Contractor Address ?/ ????!??oO? 1<I.J City ?'??J?A? State Zip '_? Telephone #d.,51) ???'. ?9• _`,? ?'' Fd ``: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential VentilaGon Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calwlations Submitted Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor o # ( f i; . ,?i 1 ?ii?? i, 3 , • i;)` - ? I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and cod43of the C-ity-of Eagatrand the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Aeg ?? , ?? Y? t'{ .?? .ta ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant' 4 ature Telephone # ( Telephone # ( OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex O 20 Pool p 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 Ot of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screeNgazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plhg_Y or_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Eut. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FoundaUon) ? 45 Fire Repair ,b-- 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 ReplaCement •Demolition (Entire Btdg) - Give PCA handoul to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code yj Y Zoning City Water SAC Units I Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units d Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const /z Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) . _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final _ Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Insularion Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review - MC/ES SAC City SAC Utiliry Connection Charge SSW Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Fina]/C.O. Final/No C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final . _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (new!replacement) _ Retaining Wall Approved By ? ? , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConsWCtion Reauirements RemodeVReoair Reauiremenls 3 registered sRe suneys showing sq. ft. of bt, sq. (t of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan (20% maeimum lotcoverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated addilions 2 copie5 of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 site survey for additions & decks 1 set of Energy Calculations Add'dion - indicate'rf ofmite septlc system 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist Defail Options selection sheet (bldgs wtth 3 or less unRs J? p1 W r df oP ?V, ?? o,6 () Office Use Onlv Cert of Survey Recd Tree Pres Plan Recd Tree Pres Not Reqd _ Onsile Septic System ('1 '\A ? I _ p a,. Date ?'VI / ? / ? t ti C C t :Zno0 c ? ons ruc on os Sit Add L0 ??0T?_ 2 0 V e ress , y i Unit/Ste # EA-& Descriptionof Work J?;??J!?6 S ? 44p Multi-Family Bldg Y N - - . ?s)- - - p . -=-1 -- -Z I6?J B t':& Property Owner _(5?Ras 2pVN Telephone#(65? ?S?•.S4'Q'¢ Contractor ?2E-G 20 C>H.1?? ' Address 3170 Pl LOr Vq.VX /"QO CiTy ?F46141U State ?M /I Zip 5-572i/ Telephone#(657t COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code CategOry , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet . New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephon I?#( ' Telephone;*( i ?--, L! I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the informarion is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I undersYand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. C??Z? ?D?ti(.?S .?''(J??.??'?9 ? /'+-^`",,.??? ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs STglfafwe OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex x 18 Deck ? 23 Parch(screen/gazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 OMplex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition x 33 Alteration ? 34 Reptacament Valuation [,?vv w Census Code SAC Units Nbr. of Units Nbr. of Bldgs Type of Const V' f3 Foorings(new bldg) ? Footings (deck) _ Footings(addirion) Foundation Drain Tile Roof _ Ice & Water Final _ Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation Occupancy ,Q ' 3 MC/ES System Zoning ?(, • ? City Water Stories Booster Pump Sq. Ft. PRV Length Fire Sprinklered W idth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Final/C.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tesu _ Final _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Retauvng Wall Approved By to* -> , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total 1 ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 6ct. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ect. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (FOUndation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof p 46 'v4indows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bldg) • Give PCA hantlout to applicant ;_. . . 317e M20212!7$Pilot Knob Road Main deck at north side: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Qct.c- CP?vth To o&x«f fler-m t-F. A review of the city's pazcel file for 3170 Pilot Knob Road found no permit applications for deck construcrion or basement finish at this address. Verify the existence ofpost footings supporting the deck. [Chap. 18, UBC] Provide engineering that the beam supporting the deck is adequate. [Table 16-A, UBC] Deck stair guardrails do not comply with 36" minimum code height above stair nosings. Currently, the guasdrail height is 30" maximum. [509.2 UBC] A gripable handrail is required on one side of the deck stairway (34" to 38" above stair nosings). [1003.3.3.6 UBC] SH*LL_ SC- CoIA pa.erSf-5 'FtwAc- ow °rt+ts t>ftk- ?l? ?•G?o°? 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) cinr oF eacAw 3830 PILOT KNOB RD • 55122 l? I Ot -5 a-? 651-681-4675 ? J nQ pyeo '1 _U New Conskuction Reauiremenls v( Q?1?j RemoHel/Renair Reaul eme? nf§ """ ?? l ? ? S registered alfe wrveys almwinp sq. ft. of bf, aq. fl. ol Fause (11 copies of plan and gJl rooled areas (2Q96 maximum lot coveroae allowedl 1 set of energy calcuWtions ta I?eatetl addlMOns ? 2 copies ol plans (ahow beam 9 wintlow alzes; poured Ind. tleslgn; efc.) dte wrvey for exledw atlWtlona & decks ? i set ot energy calculaNOru ? S coples of tree Prese on plan it lot plaNed atler 7/1/99 DATE: ??? ? CONSTRUCTION C05f: ?Q Q CoNUL'2.ri'N6 SMLPc6(--- (ZcSertj DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I jo j22 /¢ rceGflig? A r-Ld/) 0? It multi-famiy bldg., how many units? STREE7 ADDRESS: p??? AT7-4c?? ??GC- 311a i?c (.or l60 0, 2p LOT: ?-BLOCK: ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: SC-C-4 U Name:?0 Cl? 0s ??Phone ?454- J TT4- PROPERN Last Firot 7?(? OWNER ?V Sheef Address:?`] _L (, bfi' YfU??- 1?-1 CONTRACTOR City State: Zip: Comppny:_ \ J ? r= Phone #: (area code) Street Address: License # Cly State: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone #: ( Sfreet Address: ReglshaHon M: CBy State: Lp: Zip: Sewer/water licensed plumber (H insWllina sewer/waterl: Phone #: (? I hereby acknowledge Maf I have read this applicotbn, afafe that tha Infortnation is correct, and agree to compty wtM atl applicable Sfafe of Minnesota SFatutes and CNy of Eagan Ordinances. Signalure of Applicanh •-7- OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No JM 17 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required ?' OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPES O 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex [3 21 Porch (3-sea.) X 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex O 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 18 Deck O 23 Poroh (screened) O 04 02-piex ? 10 08-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 05 03-plex O 11 10-plex Pibg _YOr _ N ? 25 Misceltaneous ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 43 Reroof O 32 Addition ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 44 Siding ,Iit?--33 Alteration O 38 Demolisfi (IMerior) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 34 Repair ? 42 Dernolish (Foundation) ? 46 Windows/Doors • Give PCA handout to applicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATION SAC Code 01 # of Stories i sq. ft. No. of Units o Length ao sq. ft. No. of Buildings i Width #I6 Footprint sq. ft. Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. Census Code (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. MC/ES System UBC Occupancy K 3 sq. ft. City Water Zoning sq. ft. Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklered MISCELLANEOUS INSPEC110NS ? Stucco/Stone APPROVALS Planning Building e)G Engineering Variance ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi c/? Permit Fee ie?1-211113- Surcharge 3.c) Plan Review License MC/ES 5AC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S!W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: l & . -a-. Valuation: $ ?.OrT SAC Units % SAC A ENERGY CODE I-1 Fami[y Residential Bui[ding RESiDENTIAL "COOKBOOK" WORKSHEET ? '? • G w F-U1 Cr (?a r? ?7/70 ?/ 12 DAj Dw Oropoud building design teprcsenOed in Ihqe documenis is consishnt with Ihe buiiding plene, specificeUons, end olher ulculations submiped with the permlt applicetion. The proposed building hu been daip,ned to meet the MIIVIMIIM REUUIREMENTS for "('nnkhnnk" flnt:ne• Entry Doors 1-3/4:" solid wood w/ stortn Ceiling with energy Wss R-38" Rim joist R-19 door br equivalent (Min. 7%" top plate to sheathing) Foundation Windows' Insulated Glass w/I/2" gap in Ceiling with low heel truss R-44'* Floor over R-24 wood or vinyl frame • unconditioned space Include square footage in calculation of Window/Door Ares Ceiling-no attic R-38 w/ R-5 sheathing to detamine above grade Window U-Value. ?il.. .J..ti,... D..?c . ive_. ................ ...........u..w aa "macm ucslgn wnuinons Wlndoa and boor Area 100 :=C400_ + S75 /0 "/o WINDOW U-VALUE : As % of Eipased Wall Aroa lbove Grade Wiedoa ond Grou Wall Areav Wlndow ADoor Area 3ontee: NFRC or ASHRAE 1993 Handbook FoUndationWindow/Door Area ? y w.f A visrrifi ?vr?.......... .. I - . Check Wall WAI 1 TYPE - +vrv?anavna vvi{lLV?'1 U-YALUGJ . . MAAIMUM WINDOW.AIVD DOOR A REA % OF EXPOS ED WALL AREA 12% 14tl/o "16% 18% 206/o .: - 22% 24% ' : 260/d 2$0/o 306/6 32°/s 34% TYPE A ' 2x4 framing, R-13 insulation, sheathing R-7 or greater. 0.55 0.47 0.41 036 033 030 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.22 0 20 0 19 7 YPE B 2x4 framing, R-IS insulatian, sheathing R-5 or greater. 0.52 0.45 0.39 035 0.31 0.28 0.26 024 0.22 0.21 . 0 20 . 0 18 TYPE C ' 2x6 freming, R-19 insulation, sheathing less than R-5. 0.48 0.41 0.36 032 0.29 0.26 024 0.22 0.21 0 19 . 0 18 . 17 0 7 YPE D ' 2x6 framing, R-19 insulation, sheathing R-5 or greater. j 0.56 0.48 0.42 037 034 031 0.28 0.26 0.24 . 0 22 . 0 21 . 0 20 7 YPE E 2x6 framing, R-21 insulation, sheathing less than R-5. 0.51 0.43 038 0.34 030 0.28 0.25 0.23 0.22 . 0.20 . 0 19 . 0 18 TYPE F 2x6 framing, R-21 insulation, sheathing R-5 or greater. 0.58 0.50 0.44 0.39 035 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.25 0.23 . 0.22 . 0.21 ''`'- •-"- - This is a summary only. Otha i QueslionsT CaIlDepartmrntoC ••••? ?•? ??...a.... ...... µ?muuns vf mc vamcs m the nnergy Coaq Yart 7670.0475, Subp, 2. nrnts may epply. Sa the Minnesota Energy Code. Servia lnformuion Center m 612f296-3175 or I-800/657-3710. 2/5/96 QP ? oo :•.7 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUII.DINGS PACKET 1-2 Family Residentia! Buildings SUMMARY OF BASiC REQUIREMENTS BOOF! . .IN. WA . . . OOR : • Either meet "Cookbook" criteria as outlined in Residential "Cookbook" Worksheet OR meet U-Value criteria as outlined in Exterior Envelope Ll-Values Worksheet. O R ENVELOPE TTF' ia: • Slab on grade floors must have continuous perimeter insulation of R-10 to depth of frosttine. • Foundation walls must be insulated with R-10 minimum from top ofwall. • L.oose fill insulation installed must provide the required performance at winter design conditions. EFFECTWENERS OF FO TiRFD THERMAL INS TI ATION• • Building design must meet Category 2 requiremenu for vapor retarder, air leakage and wind wash barriers, and ventilation. D T T INn ATION Nil A IN• • Insulation for ducts encased in cement or within ground must be R-5. Insulation must be installed on bottom and side of plenums. • Ducts installed in attics, garages, exterior walls or unheated crawlspaces must be R-8, minimum. • Remm air ducts conducting air into a fumace through the same space as the fumace must be sealed continuously airtight. • For ducts running outside the vapor retarder or of geater than 0.25 inches water gauge pressure, all transverse joints must be sealed. HVAC PTPE INSULATION: Insulation Thickness, Inches Pipes I" and Pipes System Runouts• Less 1!/:'to2" Heating %: 1-!/2 1 -% Cooling (Suction) %, ?/. 'Applies to nmouts not exceeding 12 feet in lenqth to individual tertninal uniu. CFRVICE WATER HEpT1N • • Either the first eight feet of both inletand outlet pipe must be insulated with % inch thick pipe insulation or heat traps must be installed. • Energy requirements for swimming pools and spas are in Part 7670.0710, Subpart 5, page 55 of the code. MATFRiALC AND INn ATION INFORMATION• • Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. Completed insulation receipt attic card must be supplied near access opening. • Manufacturer manuals for all installed equipment requiring preventative mainunance for efficimt operation must be provided. " • Insulation R-Values, window and door U-Values, and heating and cooling equipment efficiency must be clearly marked on plans. This is a summary only. Otha rcquirements may apply. Stt the Minnesota Energy Code 2/5/96 Questions? Call Department of Public Service Information Center az 6121296-3175 or 1-800/657-3710. ?• ? SUMMARY OF BASIC CATEGORY 1 AND CATEGORI' 2 BUILOING REQUIREMENTS FOR INSULATION PROTECTION, AIR TIGHTNESS, AND VENTILATION MINIMUM: All buildings must meet the following minimum code requirements: VF.NTIi.ATION: A Category 2 building is one where infiltration and passive ventilation (operable windows) are relied on to provide necessary yeaz-round ventilation. If one or more of the Category 1 measures below• is incorporated into the residential design, 6owever, s residential mechaoical ventilation system as specified below must be installed. VAPOR F.TA .R: A vapor retarder, also known as a moisture barrier or vapor barrier, must be installed on the warm side of insuiated ceilings, walls and floors. Polyethylene vapor retarden must be 4-mills or.thicker. The code requires a vapor retarder to 6e installed only on rim joisu that are susceptible to condensation from moisture diffusion. A1R BARRTFOR: A barrier against air leakage must be installed to prevent leakage of moisture-laden sir from the conditioned space into exterior ceilings, walls and floors. • Plumbing and heating penetrations must be sir sealed. An air barrier must be provided behind any tub or shower that is located on an exterior wall. • Air sealing must be done at all dropped ceiling azeas, chimney flues, ventilation ducts, and other fire stops that penetrate the vapor retarder. • Holes in the building envelope for elecuical and telecommunications equipment must be air sealed, including the service entrance, wires, conduit, cables, panels, recessed light fixtures, and fans (where vapor retarder is penetrated). • Joints in the building envelope must be sealed, including around window and door frames, between wall cavities and window or door frames. •'fested air infiltration rates must not exceed 034 cfin/square foot of operable sash crack for windows, 0.5 cfm/square foot for residential doors and 1.25 cfin/square foot for commercial doors. WfND WASH BARRiF.R: An air-impermeable barrier must be installed at the attic edge (baffles must be rigid material resistant to wind driven moisture); and overhangs, such as cantilevered floors and bay windows. OPTIONAL: Category 1 Buildings meet all requirements as listed above p/us t6e fotlowing: RFSIDENTIAL MECHANI A NTI ATION C1'4;?TFAR FOR RF ID ]`"; IAI RITIT-DINGS: A system that, by mechanical means, is capable of inuoducing and distributing outdoor sir to all habitable rooms and removing indoor air at a rate of not less than 0.35 air changes per hour or 15 cfrn per bedroom plus another ] 5 cfm, whichever is greater. AIR LEAKA GE BARRiF,R: A barrier against sir leakage must be installed to prevent leakage of moisture-laden air from the conditioned space into the building envelope: • Electrical boxes and fan housings must also be sealed. • All rim joisu, band joists, and where floor joists or trusses meet outer walls must be sealed. • The top of interior partition walls that join insulated ceilings must be sealed. •)oints must be sealed between wall assemblies and their rim joists, sill plates, foundations, between wall and roof/ceilings, and between separate wall panels. WiND WACH BARRTFR, All exterior joints in the building envelope that may be sources ofair leaks must sealed. This is a summary only. Other requiremrnu may apply. See the Minnewta Energy Coda 211W Qumions? Cstl Deputrnmt of Public Smice Infortnatian Centa u 6121296-5173 or 14100/657-3710. 0 LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA ION ADDI-LS.J ` 3 _ I 7O G T ?Ct6 zf ' : / O Gwinz ? DATE OF SURVEY: /?,? '9 LATEST RE1/ISION: /OLz Z/?j ? QOCUMENT STANDARDS 14 3 ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company W?'13 ? • Buiiding Pertnit ApplicaM Er'D ? • Legal description Q-'13 ? • Address R"?0 ? • North arrow and scale ? ? • House type (rambler, walkout, spiit w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? ?o ? • Directional drainage artows with slope/gradient % a ? • Proposed/eristing sewer and water services 8 invert elevatlon G? ? ? • Street name ?? ? • Driveway ELEVATIONS Ebstlna e"/ O ? • Sewer service (or Proposad) ? • Property comers • Top of curb at the driveway ? ? • Elevations of any eristing adjaceM homes Proposed ? c • Garege Hoor ? ? • First floor ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (waikoutNvindow) ? • Property corners ? ? • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA fif aoolicablel ? W-'? • Easement line ? [Y'? • NWL ? ET' ? • HWL ? Cd' ? ? • Pond # designation ? ? • Emergency Overtlow Elevation DIMENSIONS O-' ? ? • Lot Iinesl8earings & dimensions, ? a,-'CI • Right-of-way and street NridUi (to back of cur6) .ff, ? ? • Proposed home dimensions including any ptoposed decks, ovefiangs greater than 2', ? porches, etc. (.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ? ? • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements • Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setbadc of adjacent exassting structures ? Q ? • Retaining wali requiremenls, if an I Reviewed: 161Z3 - ?? r ? Jenuary 1996 CRAK37WBRLDGPRMT.FM . lflip?dtvoFaacjan THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA January S, 1997 SHAWN HIIMER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Gouncil Members THOMAS HEDGES 1VIR t$11M$ CrREGORY ROTJNDS Ciry qdministrator 3160 PILOT KNOB ROAD E. J. VAN OVERBEKE EAGAN MN 55121 cin aerk Re: (Parcel-10-01000-032-32 (3170 Pilot Knob Road) Water & Sewer Service Connection Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rounds: At the City Council meeting of January 7, the City Council authorized an additional alternative to Condition #3 af your Waiver of Plat (approved 10-5-93) to allow you to obtain your individual water service from Jurdy Court if it is constructed along the common lot line between Lots 20 and 21 of the Donnywood Addition. The water shutoff valve should be located on the right-of-way line for N. Jurdy Court. This alignment is shorter and should be the least expensive alternative. However, it will be necessary for you to obtain a private easement from one or both affected property owners for this private water service. Verification of this private easement dedication should be submitted with your application for a water service connection permit. The City Council also reaffirmed the City's standard for connecting to the sanitary sewer line and did not suthorize the installation of an "inside drop" to the sanitary sewer manhole located along your rear lot line. The Certificate of Survey prepazed by Delmaz H. Schwanz, dated 1-26-95 (revised 10-22-96), should be further revised to show the alignment of the water service option as approved by the City Council, a detail of the sanitary sewer service connection, revised finished floor elevation of all struciures and a revised driveway design thaY would ensure that all garages comply with Condition #6 of the approved Waiver of Plat: "The driveway for the proposed house construction on the southerly lot shall include a turn-azound to alleviate the necessity for backing onto Pilot Knob Road." The City of Eagan certairily understands and regrets the frustration that you've experienced and hope that the latest Council action will facilitate your ability to move into your new residence. I have asked Craig Knudsen, of our Engineering Division, to assist you with any MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3S5c.^Ii Oi HNOB ROAD 3501 COACHMAN POINT GAGAN, AitINNESOTA 55122-1897 THE SVMBOI O' 3TRENSTH A46 GRO\V1H IN OUR :;GqtiMJN!iVC.;EA6AN, MINNf.SpTA 55'22 PHONE: (612) 681-4000 • PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(512)681-4612 EqUalOppOflUNiy(AlfifTOlIVeAClionEmpioyEfFAX:(612)681-4360 iDD:(612J 454-8535 TDD:(612) 454-8535 . % 44 b Page 2 questions or guidance in revising the Certificate acquisition of the private utility service easement. further assistance beyond that, Mike Foertsch, accommodate you. rel omas A bert??J41'Vo' Director of Public Works TAC.jj o£ Survey for your building permit and the He can be reached at 681-4646. If you need Assistant Citv Eneineer. will be hanov to cc: Mayor & City Council c/o Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer Wayne Schwanz, 5uperintendent of Utilities Craig Knudsen, Engineering Technician Doug Reid, Chief Building Official Enclosure: Summary • , , , . i (... i ( v 6/ i??I?'?yJ! ? /?L? /$c9? ?'if= I- l?? 3 G Z16 C . Form Nu. 28•M-0UIT C'4AIM DEED, , M1Lnue.oto Unlfonn Indifduellzl to bin7 Tenenle No delinquent taxes and trans[cr entere?l; Certi[icate of Real Eatate Valde ( ),filed (?) not required Certificatefof Real Estate Value No. ? ?'t.?w 1997 County 'tluditoi by STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ 6 S? nace: , is _ FOR VALIJABLE CONSIDERAI'ION, Juen arrd Maria Castellanos husband and wife _ , Grantor (s), (marital staws) hereby convey (s) and quitclaim (s) to C*-egorv and Marilyn Rounds , Grantees as joint tenants, real property in Dakota _ County, Minnesota, described as follows: ? An eascment for drainage and utility puYposes.uver the souttierly 5.00 feet of Lbt 20, Block 1, DMOlYWOM. WCtirdirig to the recorded p]at thereof, [kikota County, Minnesota. Said 5.00 fr-et being measurEd at. right angles to the southerly line of said I,ot 20. SELLERS CQzTIF'Y '1HAT THE SE'r.r.F:ttS DO NOT IQNl7W OF ANY W&J SS ON ZfE Ali(7VE-DEWRIW REAL PROPEIYl'Y. 711E TcMAL C'CMmERAz7orr FCR Triis TRANsacl7oN wAS zirss UM $SODuoo. COUNTY CANSERVATION FEE $5A0 ' THOMAS V. NOVAK ?J I"- Od11dpTA COUNTY TREASURER-AUDI70R lit more speca ie naeded, con[{nue on bBCk) together with all heredifaments and appurtenances beloi _3.Y-7 N_ 87540 ? DAKOTA COUNTY MI NNESOTA w,e_ )DEED TAX AMT.S I' 65 ? --- -- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 22,-rqr ? 1 ? The foregoing instrument was acknowled ed before me t ia ?day of Q ? , 18?.]., by Juan and Maria Castel.l anos, hu.?and and wi e Grantor(s). NOTARUL eTAMP OR SEAD (OA OTHER TITLE OR AANK) ( CH0ifOP11ERJMOCARVY ? . Mnrwwt° Ii i ' v, canm."nn.la,a1.som I I THIS INSTRUMBNT W AS DRAFTED BY (NAME ANO ADORE38): ? ' David Fssliny ? ? 1217 wESt severtn stzE-et i j Saint Paul, M 55102 ; Tax 9tat?meot? tor the n.l vroMrtr d rlbod 1n t6u Inniummt .hoWd be pnt to (Ineludenunes M addnu o! Stwmtn): _T& gd ,?- 1L4`1V2JA- C?sTELL/{-nJV S 316s 5" P__ 0q 4!?:j¢-G ifk,/ M 'e?, Gi • rJa . 57 la' ( D@sk-xipt'on N'or: ? ?6 p ?t x?ao?Zl 9 . 1 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ! ? , 111NU 9URVEYORS. MC ' - ' . MeONbnG UnO*r Uws ef Tb SIIb al Mlnnoel. 14750 SOUTH NOBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 59088 812l123-1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ? I Iv Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet ? IY i ' 1 1 , i y . O ,p \7X3 a LUT 20 I F?cistiny nrainaye s'otility Easements / ° O ? \` p' ? y+Gl . ? `P •% , , . . "So ? "P? . / J \ ' LO7 ,2 1' ?q 1yk ? O•I ? a BLOCK I h ?5 vo a?, b L R / . .... ....._"_'_'_ ? 01 9./1 N 89°44'/3"E " proposed Description: M easenent for drainage and utility purposes over the awtherly 5.00 feet of Int 20, Bloc9c 1, DO[aIYWC)OD, acoording to the reoo='ded Plat tliereof, pakota County, Minnesota. Said 5.00 feet being measured at right anqles to the smtherly line of said Iot 20. I hereby certily Ihat tbb survey. plsn, or report wse preDSreO by me or unAer my dlrect supenlflon entl Ihat 1 em e duly f1eglDleretl lend Survlyor under Ihe Isws ol Ihe SIa1e ol Mfnnaeole. 01-16-97 Da[ed .i DrInnnR H. ` SCHWANZ . . - t3G25 - H. Scnwsn: Ne Reglstrstlon No. e625 7?f? , • ? • ---. • __ _ -, PARCE1,I10.0100.032-32 (3170 Pilot Knob Road) GREG & MARILYN ROUNDS' R'ATER SERVICE ISSUES 1. Property owner wants to construct new 1" water service between Lots 19 and 20 to Jurdy Court instead of to Pilot Knob Road or upgrading the existing 1" water line to City standards. 2. Property owners wants to connect sanitary sewer seivice directly into existing access manhole with "inside drop" to sewer flow line. OPTIONS A. Water Service 1Q. Allow new 1" water service to Jurdy Road between Lots 20 and 21 if private easement / acquired by property owner. \p?p,,,? 2. Upgade existing 1" water service from Jurdy Road to 4" City standard with 3 individual .?, '^ 1" service connections at reaz property line. 3. Reaffirm requirement for new water service to come from Pilot Knob Road. 4. Initiate acquisition of public utility easement between Lots 19 and 20, Donnywood Addition. B.\ Sanitary Sewer Service 1. Allow connection to eatisting access manhole with inside drop to City specifications. 20 Require connection to sanitary sewer line with riser pipe to City specifications. FACTS 1. Council condition #3 of Waiver of Plat (10-5-93) requires water service connection to Pilot Knob Road. 16" water main located under westerly southbound lane. Dakota County will reluctantly issue permit if all other options are deemed unfeasible. 2. Condition #3 reaffirmed by Council (114-96) with additionat option from rear yazd if upgraded to City standazds. 3. Properry owner agreement to participate in rear yard utility upgrade signed October 28, 1996. 4. Building permit issued October 30, 1996. 5. Existing City sanitary sewer and 1" water service line (#3140 ౘ Pilot Knob Road) located between Lots 19 and 20 (Donnywood Addition) with no dedicated easement. 6. Sanitary sewer is approxrimately 16' deep. 7. Water service from Jurdy Court between Lots 19 and 20 would be approximately 295 ; from Jurdy Court between Lots 20 and 21 would be approxunately 235 ; and from Pilot Knob Road would be approximately 140'. 8. No City records could be found documenting the installation of the existing 1" water service line between Lots 19 and 20. A question remains whether this is a public or private utility ?ine. 9. If the City acquires a utility easement for the sanitary sewer, the City will assume responsibility for all utilities that may happen to lie within the easement area. The eatisting and proposed 1" water service line would then become a substandard water lateral. V , ? I 195 24' 213.45' 188.25' 4 \ ' - - - _ __ _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ - _ - - _ - _ _ - _ - ' N QUARRY LA E ? 795.38' r 78.8 ' ?00' _ $Q,WO_ ? _ -0.00' ? ? 2 7 4 11-5-96 I m at -32 f I m I 79.507- - HS00' - -65U0'- ' -82.00'- - r - - - m I I 0 ?. y ? 195.24' 16 ? I I 17 15 r ? N c ? I p ? N I , trO0. 1 I / GI _ I I I I 1 u g r / 7J • - ? 020-32 - ? o 3.93. ? r 1 I CURB J I 13 I STOP 19 195.23- I \ y? 72 I Q 03D-32 I I T ? ? y /? i ? i LEX. ,?• zo ? ?. COPPER ? ?°' l ? w i I ,g36S \. ? \ 71 / I 2 ? , \? y0 195.22 IZa't0 99.11' I 22 ? - - ^ L ? 131.00, ? I I ? I L --- za ? I / I 0 N 040-32 030-32 ? ` ? ? 26 ? ? 771.00' 753.32 . 1343 ? ` ? - _ _ - _ - - - - - - -J 8" pP ? 0 _ _ _ _ _ JURDY ROAD _ _ _ _ , . ? / z,o.oo- 102.14• - I \ I 34 Ot0-50 11? ? / i Z I-A Z/Z O6?' F?? Z /, G / al1rhll,30/ Xgo ob7- ?? 17-14- ?r?? 4 T=ur -???f/J' l3alIKO 139-111" o I/c- PL- T? o 410 Ole- gLae1Z114J6 ,¢AI-l /p-cts.S' I`0 G?i2?r-G? ?i? •???? %rc?C?s' 62 G4s- ?u?iwG e?Gi?v?.S? F//-/.s Se? u?i,?L T???owt? ,f I-91V 5/-04A. 6t /f??4-47 '?? ??TUTE ? FEB 21 2001 r . :r: . -3170 ? ...-------?--- x S7-v D ? w A-LL ?. Tl? 6'7os? ? ????e ,?-S) AcE Il FEB 21 20Ut ? Lw 30- +r.?a s« io , . CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT I' PERMITTYPE: BUyLpxNG Permit Number: 029140 Date Issued: 10 / 3 0/ 9 6 SITE ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: 3170 PILOT KNOB RD JO- 01000- ?i3,t?y.n?Permit Type SF DWG dino_LAVk 7ype NEW ?#G Dbit3p 4Vt?? R-B U-1 0-oYtf6t rUGt,?CYi T?'?e v-N ? 51,3. n.g ? ., R -1 f, Builcia?5? ul?ti?tl? ? 52 r ? ?tsx]:dan;c?° 4,ladth ? 3e ? :. u. - .??' 1 es F e°? ? a? ?;?="`rxX 2> 3 6 3 101 1-- FRM. DETACH ? ??,. ? &e 3? REMARKS: S & W PLBR - FEE SUMMARY: . VALUATION $119,000 Base Fee $982.25 MISCELLANEOU5 $1?923.60 plan Review $491.13 Total Fee $4,356.38 6urcharge $59.50 SAC $900.@@ SAC % 100 5RC Units 1 ' Subtotal $2,432.88 ? CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicsnt - ROUNDS GREGDRY 3160 PILOT KNOB RO EA6AN MN 55121 (612)454-5444 , . ., ,. . ,. r _ . I herehy atk,r+awl4cfge,- that' 1 have read` th-i,s -ao t?iott'.and st?tce that tMe' 5?ate aP Mn. infc?rmatEsan i's, qt?wre?st Attd a.g.'?ee- t? cwi?t4Y w?.;th at1: appllcaFSTe Statuie s and° Clty af Qrdinanc-`s: ; ? ?`,z .. _ . . . ....? ? ? AP ICA /PERMITEE SIGNATURE FRSOED B: SI NATU E I CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 'f } .?4J j0q,j 01996 BUILDING PEaMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 0 New Canstrudion Reauiremenls RemodeVRaoair Reauirements ? 3 registered s@e surveys ? 2 copias of plan ? 2 copies of plans (include beam 8 window sizes; poured fnd. design: etc.) ? 2 sile surveys (exterior additlons & decks) ? 1 enargy calculations ? 1 energy calculatians tor heated additions ? 3 copies of tree preservation plan if lot plaUed aRer 7l1193 2quired: _ Yes X, No . DATE: r? CONSTRUCTION COST: n ,j?-- - DESCRIPTION OF WORK: %,`` c, STREET ADDRESS: 3«? o{ ::? tiO 6 " LOT BLOCK SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY Name: ?Z 0?g? nQu Phone #: OWNER wr mer ?- Street Address* '3 P `ok City: r? A *3 State: iW Zip: `? S(3 ! CONTRACTOR COmPanY: esoN S &I g Ph Street Ciry: ARCHITECTI Company: ENGINEER Name: Phone #* Registration Street Address• City: Sewer & water licensed plumber: change are requested once permit is issued. State: NU _ State: Zip: - Penalty applies when address change and Ict I hereby acknowledge that i have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to cromply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. OFFICE USE ONLY ` Certificates of Survey Received Tree Preservation Pian Received Signature of Applicant: /Yes N _ Yes No G?f?C?L?ONIi?f? __sEP o s t9ss 1 ILDING PERMIT TYPE 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex 03 SF Addition ? OS 8-plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex WORK TYPE X"31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Aiterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION OFFICE USE ONLY ? 11 Apt./Lodging o ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? ? 13 GaragelAccessory ? ? 14 Fireplace 13 ? 75 Deck ? 36 Move ? 37 Demolition ?: : .. 16 Basement Finish 17 Swim Pool 20 Public Facility 21 Miscellaneous Const. (Actual) \/ Ai Basement sq. ft. 1,7 31 MC/WS System ? (Allowable) y?(_ Main level sq. ft. ? City Water ? uSC Occupancy fZ?, u - + h?_ sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning 12.? sq. ft. PRV # of Stories I sq. ft. Booster Pump Length 5i sq. ft. Census Code. Depih z, s" Footprint sq. ft. 2- 3 -? SAC Code ? - Census Bidg Census Unit i /?PPROVALS Planning Building 9ws Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ o9. ooo,- Surcharge Plan Review License ?. y s,? s Z = ? S 3r .?/ rp 4171.- MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. -? VVater Meter s??- ? S 3+ y rb d sy =F2. G 5 S, 4 Acct. Deposit S/W Pertnit SNV Surcharge G? Treatment PI. Road Unit z? Y3z = e32- lb? Park Ded. ? 7P. ? o Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units e, ._ s 1 i `ciW: ..2i ,. FitiV.iZ.c7.i7!`I , .Ui''I(_''_ .1'u',!mC'n: ttiLll_{l.fDS Mr:.ii3=. 29_CO » ; ._ :?Lic-:Ht:11"i i=iHi`?It.;i-? .: ... I .M,,. y 1...::'f si' :.". ;: ;'cF:; .., i" . ??!'-;' . ? _ ..-,:? ..- ` .._. _.._.._... ._.......... . i:': . ;::k r\Ft!'.A .:A._ ;i_...i=ii .tj7 S_'hltif-tl=;`c s:%i. k .'ir=Iit•I ai/:,i.._. .. , -,..,... , ,. _........ i?::;;'.i r-. .i:.; ? :... . . :... . .._ : r• i {- ?..;i?.?. ..:•s - ?' ?: .,i_i`i: _?.._ . ._;. _. t;. .:...?,. ...:.- ? ? .. ...:_;.__.. 1.' . . ..... ...... ...?.. .. _,_:?Gi? ..._ ... _. , ; ... . . .., ? ?,. . . . . t. (:) i?- . .:-, _. ......._.. ., ,? 1. ..... . . .,_ . ..:iii .... ? . „ _. . . . .y .i . ? :. ? ?.. . . . ._ . I ,'. C::i : ? .... r _ ._ .. . .i. . . . ?.,:?.? ... .,?. I :? ... i . . :..,..::C? . ... .? ..?.'i.'...._? !. l ..: ` !.?lit::'lB 0:647 _`'_. -;l; . , .' 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SILL SEAL INSULATION \ FlBERGIASS EXiERIOR PA1NT OR EQUAL ? ?-,R-19 f18ERGL0.SS INSULATION STAPLED EYERY 1G' o.c_ IN THE RIM JOIST qREA BY SRE CONTRACTOR c a_ ' d t' SiYROFOAlA BOARD - R 5.27 _ $ CONC. WALL g' x.08 = R.64 ? R-VALUE FOR WALL IS 6.75 U=.148 c '. ? v a 4 CONC. FLOOR e . . q- : ?•: - a?•• ? ? :.:?..:?•:'": :??':.:: DRAIN T1LE wf BIEEflERS . • • : ? 12'-Cf O.C. TYPICA' 15' X94 CONC. FOOTING 6 MIL POLY VAPOR BARRIFR (OPTIONAL) TYPICAL BASEMENT FOUNDATION WALL SCALE -- 3/4n - l'-T /o ` /0- 0l000 - city of eagan TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: JANUARY 6, 1997 SUBJECT: 3770 PILOT KNOB ROAD GREG & MARILYN ROUNDS MEMO After returning from vacation and reading through a letter from Greg & Marilyn Rounds, I felt I should give you the following details: In approximately September of last year, I was walking through the lobby area and noticed Roger Wiereke standing at the counter. I asked if he was being helped and he said he was meeting with the Engineering Department about utilities for 3170 Pilot Knob Road. He then asked if I remembered anything about services for this lot and I told him I remembered the water came from Jurdy Court between two houses. I asked him why he wanted to know and he said that the Rounds needed to tie into the service as they are planning to building a new home on this lot. I told him I believed there were two homes on that service already and did not think they could add more demand on that 1" service. Mr. Wiereke then thanked me and said he was going to get locations from the Engineering Department and try to find it. I am also attaching, for your information, a background memo prepared by Dale Schoeppner outlining events leading up to the issuance of a building permit for this property. If you would like further clarification of anything, please let me know. a'L-z Chief B I ing Official DRfjs attach. s ? I obzl _ city of eagan L° DOUG REID, ?CHIEF BUILDI?:N_ « G OFFICIA r. .__.. . _.._..<.. _. ..?_ . ... ?......-.?zarY__- ....: FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: JANUARY 2, 1997 SUBJECT: 3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD SECTION 10, 032-32 MEMO You recently received a letter from Greg and Marilyn Rounds regarding the application and subsequent issuance of a building permit. After reading Mr. Rounds' letter, i sensed that he was implying a lack of contact between the Ciry of Eagan and himself. I, therefore, spoke with Engineering Tech. Lane Wegener and after reviewing his phone log, it was discovered that on August 20, 1996, Mr. Rounds was informed that the new structure would not be allowed to hook up to the existing one inch water service. September 9. 1996: Mr. Rounds applied for a building permit at which time the Certificates of Survey were forwarded to Engineering Tech. Craig Knudsen. Craig requested revised surveys from Mr. Rounds' surveyor, Del Schwanz. September 9- October 22. 1996: Engineering and Protective Inspections staff reiterated to Mr. & Mrs. Rounds that a building permit would not be issued until the water supply issue was resolved. October 22 1996: The requested revisions were forwarded to our office by Del Schwanz. The blueprints were then acceptable to issue a building permit; however, the water supply concerns were not resolved and thus, the permit was not issued. October 28. 1996: An agreement was executed between the City of Eagan and Mr. and Mrs. Rounds. October 30. 1996: Subsequent to this agreement, the "hold° was taken off and a building permit was issued. November 4. 1996: The City Council addressed this issue (see notes attached). If you desire any further information, please let me know. Senior Inspector DS/js attach. % ; : HAt'E LI`TED APiD 'afGRKED iP1 3.4GkPd MQST OF M's L?F5. ?N ,aaa M?l WIFE A2•iD ? BLLGHT A HOME A: 2160 PILOT_ KNG9 F,P, EAGAP7. WITa FC?H 0^ OUR CNILDPEAi BAISED WE DECI%Eii TD BUILD A r?EG; HGME Mn.F rOidVgTI;ENT FGF. A SEMI-P.ETIP.ED C?UFLE. HF?EB TWl1 SEARS OF LEGAL WOpu . COUN?° ANII CIT: , PFPMTTS A2dP SUP.VE11"vF.'S, TOTALLING MAN`i THOUSADID5 OF DQLLAR5 !QVER ;.:C,:.?OOi. 4TE AGRcEP ON A EL'ILL?Ek, FCUND P.tdL GLOSED Ob? THE CQDISTRUCTIQr1 LOAN. WE THEN TOOY. THE FLANS TO THE CITT FOR A PUILDING PERMI? WHICH WE krEkn iQLL WQULD ONLi TAKE A lt'EEK. HUT IT TOGK 04ER SI}' WEEN.S TO GET A =L RESFONSE. THEt•ITflE PUILDING PEP_MIT DEPARTMENT 3AID 4JE MUST GET WP.TER ADIP SEWEP. T4 TEE LQT 9EFQRE A. PEBMIT WOULU bE ISSUED. THERE WAS A QUESTIQN kS T4 bdNERE TEE l1TILIT?ES COME FROM ADTD THE SiZE GF THE WATEF MF.IN. THE C?T? GF EAGAN P.T THIS TIME HAD ELECTRONICALLY L4CATED BOTH SEWER AND WATER ON THE EA5T SILE OF THE LOT LEEDING TQ JUP.DY COUP.T BEHIND MY PRESENT HOME. ON 6R A.BQUT SEFTEMBER 15, 1496 I HIRED ROGER WIEP.EKE OF EAGAN TU DIG TWD TRENCHES FOR A 9ISIELE IP:5PECTION OF THE PRESEPIT 6eA?ER L:NE A2dD SI.?E (DIAMETER). WITH LAPlE WAGNEk FROM THE CIiS rF EAGAN UTILIT?ES ENGINEERING DEPT. T!?ERE FQP. AN ON 5ITE OHSERVATIGid. WHIr-N H5 DID. A ONE INCH WATEB MAIN WA5 ?ISCOVEP.FL' SE!?V?i1G M'i PP.F5E2•iT HONE P.2•IL "!`i NEIGHFOF. TO THr NOT?TY SFLiT Ih A i ON TNE EAST PP.QFERTs LIAIE. W:?H z 15F?. DEE? SEWER L?NE AHD MA*IHQLn. AT THiS :I!7fi' A OidE I?ICH ::*IGLr: WATER L?2•IE FP.OM ?URJY CvU-"K='. HU2:IZ'JNlALLL PIEP.trv..C.D Ui•IDEfSGROUNi. !U THE DIEW .'iGuSE WAS RECOMMENDED. BECAllSE A THIRD HOUSE C4liLD NOT BE SPL:CED TQ THE PRE5ENT WATER SERVICn. WE WOULD PAi SE,SCO WITH THE COtdTRACTOR ROGEB WIEREKE, LANE WAGNER AAID WA:'NE 5CHWAN3 rROM THE gpr,nN U?;!I?IES 4*1 COliCHMAb1 F,O:1D Orr=CE AGGP.nEIPIG TO THiS ?LAPT QF ACTI4N. THEN IN QCTOEEB s'UDDENLY THE L:RECTOR Or ?UBLIG W6F.!CS PULL5 THE U??LITIES PROJECT Ot7T FicOM UDILER HIS OWN 2EGPLa AND SnY5 WE CAN'T DO IT THIS '+IAY. THE ;ITY C?F EAGAN APPFt?VEL THiE LOT '•?!?T:I WAisF. ?:Ci•+.I.dG F:iJ?t i..? P?LCT K?dOB r^.D. Ef].. MR EGAN MAIvp arrD THE E?dG:*IEERIVC: DEr?. HAJE TOLD 'JS MANi iiM55 THP.T IF WE LCULD PRC•VE ...;aT :ri3 WA?Ek COMES rBOM SURd? CGUP.T WE COULL PliT D'JR WATE: THE?R Ai3u. 7U5T D?G AND SH4W U5 THE WATEP. LI2dE, THEF.E WiLL B5 NO PRGBLEM. MP. COL&ERT ASSUMES THAT THE PRESETIT WATER WAS PiJi IN 'rF.iVATnLi ?N THE FAisLY ScpcptTjcc RND THAT TEi?S WOuLL HE t? GGOP TIME TQ ST&AIGHT.EN OUT THIS LITTLF r1EIGHBOF.HOuD rRu3LF;t9. WHICN. UP TiLL td0'vi WkS*:'. A PF.CELEM. I;d G'r.DcR. TO DO.T'r.IS H3 'dOULL NEEL? ?D1^THER 1vFT. EASEMENT MOP.E ?:iAt1 THE 1OrT. ?NA: ?S ALkc:_PY rP.EScidT ,'•.v:i1tH N.: WP.S 1r1=.wnRE CF nnI*iG THERE- AL.V T'J D?,s A r^OUR I1dCH 'dATER MAIN FGR SERV?CE ?0 THE TNF.EE HOUSE5. NE WOULD ALSu NEED ?F ?O Si7d MQDITHS TO 5IliPY THE PF:CJSCTiMA31957i AidD :RAT THE RJ!JhP,S' SHOEtLL PA: TWQ iHSR??S Gr THE TOTAL 5?Li.. 'rJii?LH ?S @15.D00 c:l1C THE LINE. iiOl ?NCvUDINf? THE COST ?n- C!':;iEA;ti THE EXTRA FOGTAGE, THE TIME i4 STUDI THE IDEA, APID THE i.OST TG RESaORE THE LAAiD EACK TO iT5 ORiv:HAL FORMATION. BEING T_OLD THAT. WE COUL? HAVE GUR HUILUING °ERMIT IF Wn '+1OUii% AGREE TO THESE T5RM5, ArIP i!240W?NG OUR HOJSE WOULD SE Cti:M:T1G IN LESS ;HAN THREE 'dEEKS. THE PGti27DS' SIGNFL THi5 DOCUMEN: FROM MP.. COLEcP.T A;IL HAVE P.Ei.FiVE? 9I1:? EUILDING FERMIT FOR 54368.00 ANL SdME ODD CENTS. NOFJ t7VEP, iW0 MONTH5 HAVE GASSED. `+lE HAVE TkIED TO GET HILS ON THE 'v.'ATER LItdc AND A9 S0024 AS Mk. COLP°_R:'s' :v]MT TC M-.'.r?i:,?;?, 4.l,TF Gi•"_'TS1Ti T•s '?'': '_ .4??Ta _ . ? . _ ? .. _ .. ,. _ . . !):. TiS. EA., C .4LL :NE CI'-": _A LLS MF. COLBEP.T SAiS u? 9P.a Nn RfiCOR: Oc CU: PRESE."IT 'H'ATE3 TIAiE ._ i: MU8? HaVE BFEPI ItdS?4LL3D PRIVA?ELY. T_ rpLLED THE Old?drES QF TaE '^?uC 20!?SGS '.'" THE "!'IwE T:?" UT:IiTIr i4?F*.J_T IDtgT`.°_:.ED !!: . Y.=.... , 3140 P*_,n': u:NOR RD. AiiD aR. STrQMPY;%G ?i,,. Pi:.O': u`t^E .._. APE EOTH LIV??I? :?1 Ti?F '?lAi.KER A.RSa. ;H?'Y T'.; f!AV°_ T9EiF. C3.?I- _?8?t.IG TuAi E9"?-.?d IN=T=.LLS- CELLEn CHECKS ?NB TA: ETATEb!E1IT3 P8t- THE UT:LITiF^. wyi('!i ?VL'DF Jn,x17 Bi '.?{"i:??TT-r-? Z±I'INEE.'•??'?`? -v•'.?•"- THG SEVEVTIES. tdF.. :OLPEE? SA_°S TY.A? WE SHLU:P EE Me.rs TO cGT T's?C `dA"g? LrNF nU^ T? Pi?1T K;dO-5 BD. '_"NAT ta';TEP. Lir.75 IS' U:'L:-, p ^u; __;TV enLrN'? LAVE. ? ...:g S1FCNS THA,i tJE HAt7E ... P?r" Tbi T?a'D TPE*I?`NES "."„' ?'r?.0*! ??'P.L,° CQUP.T FOP. THE SEWFR 5`IP ^;iF FP.OM PILOT KPIOH PD FOR THE •.JATER. I 5?OKE 4;:?N TOM SWA.'d"aQN A'!' DAKOTA C7UNTY HIGHWAY L'E??. AND HSS .T`+'?ARi:1..'t•1: td?LL PIQT I:SUE n PERN!IT TO PIs 1J? °ILQT KNCF RD. WHE?1 ?C AVPII.AB1.F L'7.'71M ATT .rS.'?'?AN STRFET- +tiE NA_VE CC`iTACTED wLK NOR?'GAGE COaPAb1: FI??ST Ffi"_-=,L C% A??ILE V-.LLFi A3dD t?kE WCP1DER?DTG WHAT: WE DO 0.1ITW P. HDU"aE WE CAhT?sTQT L?VE IPt, s"E:L nP. RETIT? WE ALSQ CAPI'? eFFQP.D .H5 °'_.CQO. A MONTN P"y"P!.7';7. SJl? WG(ILPr LIvF TQ lf;,';('W !}IF?(1 ?C RU2.1?vTI'.j? 'TW? e'?yY OF EAGp?3 E-2 WE t?.;d V? OU3 °RQ?L?'u. T f ? .?AlY fF • J' r % L > ?.iiJ MCA'yL°Tt FQu?ivJ F;LOT Y:"CB F,ID. _.._?t.. M':I E 5:21 ,,:2-y54-5444 z_: ?EB A'_'TACHED L?Si cp.-Ip:? rrT? rnytN;,rL MrM:E ?:..T;n WAruTG'a 5?.?TDRA MASIN PAT AWP.DR gupW?T HU;3TFR agA ELQDMQU?57 E A G A D1 CIT? MF..OR TCM EGIA=i Ci'i AIIMTNICTAbT7?P. ':OM HEDGES .'IIIr'il?G FEgi'MT? ?Z':Aw'^Xii,i? npUG 4E:D D?ocr?'GR ng pUPtIC WCR'!5 ?nM C:LBERT cp.Gr?' eM,?L BUCTI,jGSC ycgnr;aTrO;* : iP.S': E'E_^E°F.L Mn,•?7?GA'sE5 ?.il;dF FOF.?dE ?<.`TID g5gt rD1G ATTOB`:E° AT L.:.'u 2.D','I:nP.i PLA'.7.<<?:'dG CO`!?",.°Sinr.T CEAIRFE?30pr Mp3K Mi1T_ER _+. --- city oF eagan December 18, 1996 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rounds 3160 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 RE: P CE410-01U00-031?32(3170 Pilot Knob Road) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rounds: THOMAS EGAN Mayol PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CounCd Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Aaministraror E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Clry Clerk As you aze awaze, when the City Council approved the waiver of plat on October 5, 1993, creating a buildable lot as referenced above, one of the conditions of that approval required that this newly created lot obtain its water service by connection to the existing 16" water main located in Pilot Knob Road. This past fall, with the application for a building permit, you and/or your plumber inquired about the opportunity to connea to an existing 1" copper water service located in the rear yard area of your present residence located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road. The City code dces not ailow a newly created lot to share a private water service. Each newiy created lot must have its own separate dedicared water and sewer service from a public laterai utility. In order to accommodate your desire to obtain water service from the rear yard area, the City staff informed you that an extension of the public water lateral utility &om North Jurdy Court between lots 19 and 20 of block 1 Donnywood Addition woWd have to be a minimum 4" cast iron service pipe (CISP). This public impravement would also imolve the acquisition of public utility and construction easements along with the related restoration work for the disturbance to lots 19 and 20. On October 28, both of you executed an agreement to contribute 66% of the cost of this public improvement. On November 4, the City Council also addressed your concerns regarding the need for ttris water main extension. At that meeting, the City Council reaffirmed the condition of the waiver of plat requiring the water service from Pilot Knob Road but ageed to amead that condition allowing water service to come from the rear yazd area if the water main is upgraded to City standards which would involve the extension of the 4" CISP from North Jurdy Court to your rear property line. MUNICIVAL CENTER 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHpNE; (61Z) 681-4600 FAX; (612) 581-4012 iDU. (r.72) a54-8535 THE IONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNRY EQual OpportunlryfAfimlatlve AcTlon Employer MAINTENANCE FACIIITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MiNNE50TA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(612) 681.4JE0 TDD- (612) 454-8535 Section 13.30, Subd. 14.B of the City Code states "...the building...shall not be occupied...unti said building is provided with pubGc water service". Because of the length of time required to proceed with this public improvement option, the City needs io receive a written request from you indicating wiuch option provided by the City Council you wish to pursue. Until the City receives a written request ta proceed with the public improvemem option, we will assume that you intend to obtain your water service from Pilot Knob Road ihrough your private plumber and the standard water connection permit process. If you have any fiu-ther questions regarding this issue aad the opdons provided by the City Council, please contact Mike Foertsci, Assistant Ciry Engineer, at 681-4646. Sincerely, w? Thomas A Colbert Director ofPublic Works cc: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official Mce Foertsch, Assistaat City Engineer Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent ofUtilities ., •rZ??E?fi-.;,:. .,ix»H ' - city of eagan MEMO TO: COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT BEA BLOMQUIST CJO THOMAS L HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A. COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: DECEMBER 18, 1996 SUBJECT: PARCEL ??Qt00G-032?2(3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD) ROUNDS WAIVER OF PLAT - WATER SERVICE During our mee6ng on Deoember 17; you inquired as to the issue associated with obtaining water service for the above referenced parcei. Enclosed is the background information that was presented to City Councii when they considered this item on November 4, 1996, along with a copy of the minutes from that Council meeting. Also enclosed is a ietter recently sent to Mr. and Mrs. Rounds clarifying Uie options and requesting their response indicating which Councii option they wish to pursue. I hope this provides the background infortnation that you were interested in. Due to my planned vacation leave until January 6, any questions regarding this information can be addressed by Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer. Respectively submitted. irector of Public Works Attachments: November 4, 1996 Council Packet Information December 18, 1996 Staffi Letter cc: Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer ,oraSSoWbwnJASaM ; - EAC;AN CtTY COUNCII MEe,1NG MINUTES: NOVEMBER 4.1996 PAGE 7 sense of continuity for effieiency. - Councilmember Hunter said he feels requiring property owners to remove snow from the side yard and, especiaily the rear yard, are onerous to them and believes it would be hard W get fuli cooperatian. He noted that nearly half of Uie parcels along Johnny Cake that would be affecied by the ortiinance fit into the category of having side yard or rear yard sidewalks. He further noted that the ordinance shouid either require every property awner to remove the snow along the sidewalk since it dces not make any sense to have a contractor Gear part of it or the City shouid clear alt the sidewaiks. He stated he feels the City should dear all the sidewalks during the piiot prog2m and evaluate it next year. Caunciimember Awada noted that there are two specifle areas which have mainty side yard or rear yard sidewalks while aiher areas have mainiy front yard sidewalks and that, by distinguishing between the areas, the ordinance could be applied to certain areas. She said a good argument eould be made for residenu not Gearing rear yard sidewalks. Counciimember Wachter said the sidewatks should be Geared from point A to point 8 regardless of whether there are side or rear yard sidewalks. He said 2ther than distinguish beriveen the loqtion of the sidewalks, they should all be deared dose to the sehool by a contractor. Coibert stated it wouid be helpful to detertnine what areas the Council would want the ordinance to cover and the ather areas would be taken qre of by a contractor. Coundimember Masin said that when this issue was discussed originally, the properry owners were to be responsible for dearing the sidewalks from the beginning of the progrem. Counciimember Wachter stated he was irying to simplify the areas to be plowed by a eontraccor vs, the areas to be deared by property owners. Mayor Egan said that this is a pilot progrem and that it should be kept simple. Counaimember Awada stated she feit Hawthome Woods and Denmark, whicri have mainly front yard sidewalks, should be Geared by the homeowners and the area by Oakridge and Thomas Lake, which have mainly rear or side yard sidewaiks, should be Geared by the City. She added the quadhomes do not fali irKO either category. Hedges asked if the quadhomes should be Geared by City staft Councilmembers agreed to include those homes with what is being done in the immediate area. Coundlmember Awada said the four additional properties along Denmark to Deervvood should be deared by the homeowners. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Hunter seeonded a motion to continue this item to the November 19, 1996 City Council meeting for consideration witlh the noted modifieations. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Counalmember Wachter siated he was voting in favor of this item, but that this program is a piiot program and will be in place for one year. RECUEST BY GRE{3 AND MAR1tYN ROUNDS TO DISCUSS UT'ILlTY MOOK UP FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ItT 3160 PILOT KNOB ROAD City Administrator Hedges gave an overview on this item. Marityn Rounds, 3160 Pilot Knob Road, addressed the City Couneii and stated they a2 requesting a waiver to put in a one inch water line from Jurdy Caurt between Lots 19 and 20. 5he stated they have pertnission from both oi the homeowners to pierce in a one inch line. She added they have worked with the Engineering Departrnent and had initially been told it would be okay to pierce the line in, but when they found out the line serviced two pther homes and was not a four inch main, they wanted them to dig a treneh. She further added that this land is uncompacted and, H a trench is dug, there would be the passibility that the sewer line couid coilapse. She siated that they have received bids from $12,000 to $40,000 to put the water line in. She mentioned that when they first got their buiiding pertnit they were supposed to get their water from Pilot Knob Road. She r FAGAN CiT' COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; NOVEMBER 4• 1896 PAGE 8 the said they recerved a bid of $6,000 to put in eee o a?ey would need a waiver n o der Ito do th sr yShe to the property. She went on to saY theY greement stating ' d could take noted that in order to get the water to their propert/ she had ro sign a an a up to six months to get the water because the land beriveen Lots 19 and 20 might need ta be condemned for an easement. She added that the agreement states they would have to Qay to condemn the land an aiso two-thirds of the cost to put the new `xatertnain in. She went on to discuss the exisdn9 easements on Lots 19 and 20. 19 and Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the one inch seNice 1h? Rcomes oundbse. Hen ted that the 20 splits off and serves two different properties, one of whieh is owned bY uirements existing situation does not meet Code and would not, in many caseg?e?ew eort?into the `?m finaonencing ?ch by banks. He stated the Rounds had originally 2quested to' ?e ?ine to axammodate three Property watertnain. He added there is physically not enough caPeciry Nn a sePa?te water service out to Jurdy owners. He further added that the Rounds are now requesting easement for a public sanitary seN'er Court. He mentioned they are within what would be a public utllity two a??s and the second and there will then be two private water service lines, one of whichj? ?e CRe? the situatian by one would service this new parcel. He said the staff has sugg s ?? off with three installing a City watertnain from Jurdy Court back ta the property line and at that po t, cpme individual water services. He turther said that at the same time the City is instalGn9 the water lateral, it woufd be appropriate to construct the sewer seNice COnnection, since the equipment would already be there to handle the extra dePth• He noted that stafPs recammendation would allow each of the three owners to have their own individual sewer and water services• He said the attematlve would e property sewer to have severat private water senrices within a City easement, next to or on top of the City's sanitary line, one of whicfi is substandard and services the present two lots. He mentioned that staff is uncertain have thewater discevered e He no ed ut? t onginailye whenttheblot'spl t came th 9h ?`"?S ProP tsed t rv ? service came off of Pilot Knob Road and the sewer service irom the backYab, Which would have met all the requirements. Councilmemher Awada asked whY the Rounds have a problem with uP9rading the exasti^9 ouRr line. Mrs. Rounds stated that it wouid be more i ? a?? 82tei ones nch v+ate?seN ? fr0m ??? CouR Calbert indicated the Rounds are requesting P roblem theY either wer or adjacent to the ather pmate water service. He added lhat would U're ?em efix the a??? have with their current house. Councilmember Awada asked rf the City could re4 ???n and house when that is a seperate issue. Colbert indicated that statf eftered to extend the City then spread the cost as en assessrnent to help minimae the finanaal butden. Counalmember Awa a asked what the City could legally requve the Rounds to do in re9ard to cartecting the current situation. City Attomey Sheidon stated he was unsure ii the Rounds had obtained a permit to connece to the water water was on their existing house. Mrs. Rounds said that when they rr?oved mto their house in 1989, City already connected to their house. Colbert indiqted he was unsure how the water service was installed with the shut off for the Rounds to cennect mit in 1989• He added there were two water shutoffs and it was probably Uhought there were two individual water senrices• He fuAt+er added there was ne knowl 9e yiey shared a eammon Iine. Mayor Egan stated the two issues before the Councii are seParate issues. Sheldon also stated they are two separate issues Mayor Egan asked what the relative cost is comPared with what the Rounds are proposing and stafts tecemmendation. Colbert indicated the City has not gone aut tor bids because of the dynamics of the situation. Mrs. Rounds stated the cost they were quot was $12,000 to bring the Ciry line back to their property. She added that because this is uncompacted ground, there is the possbilitY that the sewer could break and would need to be reP(aced. She said it would eest approximately $6,500 W bring in an additional line. Councilmember Waehter stated that what the Rounds are proposing will impact all three lots and, A EAGaN CT' COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; NOVEMBER 4.1996 PAGE 9 someday when any of the three lots are sold, it may affecc the potential financing and aiso the fact that the prohlem would then need to be conected. He added ihat a one inch pipe is tao small tp service twrp homes. Colbert siated the carreC way to solve the problem wouid be to involve all the property owners, investigate cost estimates and propose finandnq options. Mayor Egan noted that these are totally separate issues, but stated d would be in the Rounds' best interest to have Uhis issue resolved ail at once and would probably help them with finandng of their new home and woufd also benefit them with better utility service, Mrs. Rounds siated that all financing has been taken care of. Mayor Egan said it couid affect future financing for the Rounds, as well as the neighboring property owners. Counaimember Awada reRerated that these are rivo separate issues and the Council could not forze the Rounds to camply with the Code based on their request Colbert stated the other issue relating to the Rounds' request is that before they can proceed with obtaining individual water service to Jurdy Court, the Rounds wouid need pertnission from the adjacent property owners. Mrs. Rounds stated she had written permission from them. Colbert said the water service is a condiGon of the waiver of plat that was already approved. Counciimember Wachter said it does not seem proper to dig the dftch next te the other one when a larger line wuld be put in to satisfy all three property owners and they would then have adequate service. Mrs. Rounds stated they do not want fo dig another ditch, but rather they want to pieroe the line underground. Councilmember Hunter added that the condddbof tde:waiver p{ plat is }hat }he Rounds conned, to Pilot Knob Road and the Council has the right to enforce that condition. He agreed with Councilmembe'r ? Wachter ;hat the problem should 6e corrected to affiect ali three property owners and the qst should be spread to each of them. Mayor Egan recalled Mr. Rounds aopeanng before the Council and feit he§fiouk4' have understood the intent of the condltion of the waiver of plat Mrs. Rounds noted that they were;old, if they could prove there was water iti the badc pf fheir !pt they could connect. Colbert indicated:tlierp=is'° no water there fpr them to connect to since it is a private service line. Councilmember Masin asked who 6ears the responsibiliry far what happened originally in regard to two property owners being serviced by a one-inch main. Counalmember Wachter stated they have no idea of who did it and K may have been the buiiders of the two lots at that time. He added that theivader " shouid=be aciiii?okw -and service the thret lots: Counaimem6er Hunter darified fhat rrouid-apPy onry.it.tfWpropertyeo?iic ?oses Crat or else they could geC serviee from P'ibt Ktroh: Road.. AAayo?. Egar! rro0ed iFmt: iheyrhaye?, Wed an agroemenC "Colbert said staff dces not undershand why there is resistance tp connect tp p7at Knob Road since the distance is shorter by one-third compared to the distance to Jurdy Court. He was not sure why the cost difference on the Raunds' estimate wouid be sa high. Mayor Egan noted that this will be financially chalienging and said staff should work with the Rounds to come up with the mosi eost- efFecYive way of obtaining water service for them. City AdministraMr Hedges admowledged the duress Mrs. Rounds has been under due to her husband's iliness. He also commended staff for the many hours spent in trying to find a solubon to the problem. He asked if Mrs. Rounds requesLs that the Engineering Departrnent go ahead with the plan recommended by Director of Public Works Colbert would the waiver of plat need to be amended or should staN be ailowed to proceed. Coibert stated 'R would be helpful if the Council indipted whether they would be receptive to amending condition no. 3 to ailow a connec5on from the rear if it were updated to Ciry standards. Councilmember Wachter said that would be acceptable to him. Counaimember Wachter moved, Councilmember Awada seconded a-rtioBon ?p f?eeRirrrr?p?± ?r?or? approved'vrifhthe-'t993 Waiver of PIaE s)bwin9 thiPla+1, Y uP9raded ED City at211dar'ds; ^?? ass sr+ amendment to Canditlon No. 3 of the Waiver of Piat Aye: 5 Nay: 0 COMPREHENSNE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT, SCENIC ENTERPRISES, INC. City Adminisirator Hedges gave an overview on Mis item. Senior Planner Freese gave a staff 2port. Mayor Egan cammended the detaii of the staH report and also the detail provided by Senior Planner 0? ti Page 10/EAGAN GTTY COLJNCII. MIIdLTCFS Odober 5, 1993 ' ? a•? Wachter moved, Awada secoaded, a motioa to approve a waiver of plat/duplex lot spGt for Lot 10, Block 1, Oakwood Aeights 2nd Additioa subject to the following conditioas: L The lot survey shall be updated to include the existing location of sewer and water urvices. 2 Private easements shall be provided if necessary. 3. All applicable code requirements must be mU. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 SPECIAL USE PERMiT/GREAT OASS ADDITION R-93.74 Ma}ror Egan introduced this item az a spedal use permit for Patsy Schrceder, ro allow temporary retail sales ia a residential area, Lot 7, Block 2, Great Oaks Addition, in [he NE 1/4 of Sedion 14. Direaor of Community Development Reichert explained the applicafion and its location. Councilmem6er Wachter indicated that the applicants were personal friends and he woutd abstain from wting on this issue. City Administrator Hedges said that a concern had been ezpressed regarding pazking on Elrene Road; however, the Pazade of Homes is a similar use and had not experienced problems. Hunter moved, Awada seconded, a motion to approve a special use permit for Patsy Schrceder to wndua the Hally House Boutique in a residential azea subject to the following conditions: L This speoial use permit is temporary Gom November 3, through November 73, 1993. 2. The dates aad hours of operatioa shaIl be as folloavs: Navember 3-6,10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m; November 7, 12:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m; and November 11-13, 10:00 a.m: 8:00 p.m. 3. All applicable City Code requiremeats must be met. Aye: 4 Nay. 0 Abstain: 1(Wachter) Ct9O- WAIVER OF PLAT/DUPLEX LOT SPLiT 3?- 3-2. SECTION 10 Mayor Egan iatroduced this item as a waiver of plat for Gregory:Rounds; in order to split Parce103Q02 iato two parcek located along the east side of Pflot Knob Road, north of Jurdy Road, in the NW 1/4 of Section 10. D'uedor of Commuaity Development Reichert explained that the application had been before the City Council before; however, had been denied by Dakota Couaty. Ms. Reiched iadicated a waiver would still require a driveway access permit from Dakota County; howevez, those rules are less stringeat. She stated the Advisory Planning Commission had recommended the addidon of Coadition #7 relating to drainage @om the parcel. Mr. Rounds indicated no difficulty with the additional wndition Awada moved, Wachter seconded, a motion to approve a waiver of plat in order to split Parce1030-02 mto two parcels located along the eazt side of Pilot Knob Road north of Jurdy Road in the NW 1/4 of Section 10, subjed to the following conditioas: 1. These standazd conditions of plaz approval as adopted by Counal actioa oa February 2, 1993, shall be oomplied with: Al, B7, Cl, C2, Dl, El, Fl, Gl, and Hl r « ?.%?_ .. Page Il/EP.GAN CTTY COLJNCII. MIN[JT'ES Oaober 5, 1943 2. The exdsting mapie tree near the north property liae of Lot 2 sLall be saved. ?3. The proposed house on Lot 2 sliall camned its water service to the eristing 16" water main in Pilot l ISaob Road. ? - _ 4. The developcr shall provide a private utility easement aaoss the aorth lot for the proposed saaitary sewer service that wil serve the sonth lot. 5. The developer shall obtain a driveway acoess permit from Dakota Couaty to allow the south lot to connea its driveway to Pilot Knob Road prior to building permit issuance and City authorization of recording the waiver of plat 6. The driveway for the proposed house construUion on the southerly lot shall include a hua-azound to alleviate the aecessity for backing onto Pilot Knob Road 7. The developer is required to provide that all drainage from the pazceLs is not greater tLaa the pre- development drainage rate. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 OF SIMILAR USE FOR GROUP AOME MEADOWVIEW ADD1170N R-93.75 Mayor Egan iatroduced this item as a determinadon of simflaz use for a group home, Lat 5, Meadowview Additioq located along the south side of Meadow V'uw Road 'm the NE 1/4 of Sedion 8. D'vector of Community Development Reichert explained the request received from Ferris Glover who is intending to establish a maternity shelter 8t this location for women with high risk pregnandes. She indicated it raises a number of land use issues because the atisting house is already a non-conforming use. Aftu noting a number of alternatives, she stated the 5rst question shodd probably be whether a group home is appropriate oa this site. Ms. Reichert referred to efforts by the State to place facililies, such as group homes, in more normal, resideatial settings. She also noted that any rules on protected class uses aze intended to protect the residents of the group facility, not the adjoining neighbors. Mayror Egan questioned whether the location within a light Indusvial azea was without precedent and noted a church ia the City conduUing services at a building in an industrial pazk and a second church ia an area wned commerciaL City Administrator Fledges said the church, whle a non-conforming use, is more a destinadon user, he mentioned We Robert B. Lewis house whic6 is adjaceat to a resideatial neighborhood. Mr. Hedges said he was not suggesting that the proposed location is good or bad but it is very remote. Director of Community Developmeat Reichert asked what the future vision was for this area aad any redevelopment coasiderations. Applicant Ferris Glover briefly descn'bed the intent of the Boup hame and said it would house urbaa area women with big,h risk pregnancies. He said that because the stays for some of the women is very stressful aad, in some instances, involves chemical abuse, the remote location would be very bene6daL In answer to a questioa from the City Countil, Mr. Glover stated Ihe term, 'high risk" referred to the behavior not the pregnancy. Some of the women are undcr orders of protedion and he stated that even though the localioa is away from routine police patrol, they do not want a high volume of traffic. Mr. Glover explained that they will also provide all transportatioa services for the'u clients for visits to the doctor, shopping trips, etc. In addition, a pius to this locatioa would be the potential for eventual employment opportunities for the women. He said My Home, Inc., attempts to facilitate lifestyle and empioyment changes for the women to bene6t their growth az individuals. ?OW /!o - 97 : ?J OLD B- US?NESS C. Request for Reconsideration, Greg & Marilyn Rounds, Utility Connection, 3170 Pilot Knob Road-Enclosed on pages 1 O3Aand Lff is correspondence from the Director of Public Works to the Rounds which was inadvertently omitted from the Packet. /S/ Thomas L Hedaes City Administrator ? EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEEfINCa MINUTES; JANUARY 7, 1997 PAGE 8 only when a hardship exists. She also requested that the City Attomey prepare Findings of Fact. REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION, GREG AND MARILYN ROUNDS UTILITY CONNECTION, 3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. He said it would be appropriate for the Council to consider a motian for reconsideration of the Council's action of November 4, 1996. Mayor Egan asked if there were any changes in the circumstances since the last time this item was before the Council. Hedges said that there may be evidence pertaining to the issue of publiGprivate installation. Councilmemher Blomquist noted that the City Code does not ailow a newly created lot to share a private water system, but she noted that this is not a newly created lot. Mayor Egan recalled that when Pilot Knob Road was improved the Councii required all the lots along Pilot Knob had to have utility connections installed publicly. Councilmember Blomquist stated that it is her understanding that the Rounds have two separate lots of record. Director of Public Works Colbert stated that according to City records, the Rounds' parcel is recorded as one lot. Councilmember Blomquist questioned why there is a separate driveway access to the Rounds' properry. Colbert stated that a second driveway access was instailed at the properiy owners request when Pilot Knob Road was upgraded in case there was an eventual waiver of plat or lot split in future years. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to reconsider the Council's action of November 4, 1996 concerning the utility connections for 3160 and 3170 Pilot Knob Road. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Awada stated that it will probably never be determined if the utilities were installed publicly or privately. After reviewing several options proposed by Director of Public Works Colbert, she suggested allowing a one inch water service to be installed between Lots 20 and 21 as an option. Mayor Egan noted that if a problem occurs with the newly installed line, per the proposed plan, it will not impact the other property owners' service and vice versa. Director of Public Works Colbert indicated the installation of the line between Lots 20 and 21 is acceptable and would be shorter distance. He added that he contacted Weierke Plumbing and they indicated that the cost estimate would be about the same to make the connection to either Jurdy Court or Pilot Knob Road. Discussion continued regarding the most appropriate option for the installation of the utllities. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Wachter seconded a motion to add the option of allowing a new one inch service water service from Jurdy Court between Lots 20 and 21 if a private easement is acquired hy the property owner with sanitary sewer connections to be according to City standards. Mr. Rounds addressed the Council and stated that there is an easement between Lots 19 and 20 that is shown on the BonesVoo Rosene plan. Colbert referced to a construction design drawing which accurately reflects the sanitary sewer between Lots 19 and 20 and acknowledged there was a notation that indicated there was a 15 foot utility easement as per the Donnywood plat . He said this construction plan was prepared, and the construction was performed, in the summer and fall of 1973. He further said that when the Donnywood plat was recorded at Dakota County at the end of November of 1973, after the utilities were installed, it inadvertently dedicated the easement behveen Lots 18 and 19, even though the sanitary sewer was constructed between Lots 19 and 20. He stated that the construction record plans are not accurete in this regard. Mrs. Rounds said that they spoke to the people who owned the home on Lot 20 and they told them there is a dedicated ten foot easement on the easUwest property line: Colbert added that this is not shown on the Donnywood plat that is recorded at the County. Councilmember Wachter suggested that the Rounds bring in proof that there is an easement belween Lots 19 and 20. 1 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; JANUARY 7, 1997 PAGE 9 Mr. Rounds asked why there would be a problem with horizontally piercing a line between the lots. Colbert indicated that there is not a problem with the method of construdion, but there needs to be an easement to allow the construction. Councilmember Awada said that if the Rounds can prove there is a recorded easement belween Lots 19 and 20 and/or Lots 20 and 21, they should submit this information, othervvise they will need to get a private easement between Lots 20 and 21. Colbert noted that he spoke to the County officials and they said a water connection could be made to Pilot Knob Road, if it were the anly option available. A vote was taken on the motion. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION - MICHAEL J. RASK (SOUTH OAKS 2ND ADDITION) City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. Michael Rask, applicant, addressed the Council. Councilmember Blomquist moved, Cauncilmember Masin seconded a motion to approve a Preliminary Subdivision consisting of two lots on .87 acres for property currently platted as Lot 1, Black 1, South Oaks Addition, located at 4560 East Greenleaf Drive, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall comply with these standard conditions of plat approval as adopted by Council on February 3, 1993: At, 61, B3, C1, D1, E1, F1, H1 2. The property shail be platted. 3. A cash water quality dedication shall be required for the proposed Lot 2. 4. A cash park and trail dedication shall be required for the proposed Lot 2. 5. An Individual Lot Tree Preservation plan shall be submitted with the building permit for the proposed Lot 2. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT - OAK HILLS CHURCH City Administrator Hedges provided an overview on this item. Senior Planner Ridley gave a staff report. He added that the easterly property owner has requested that his seven acres be removed from consideration of the amendment. Rod Carison, Pastor of Oak Hills Church, addressed the Council and provided the history of the church and added that they would like to locate their church in Eagan and feel they would be good neigh6ors. Paul Page, landscape architect, addressed the Council and discussed the revised site plan and access points. He noted that there would be approximately 25% to 30% tree loss on this site. ., Ageoda Information Memo Jsnuary 7,1997 C. REOUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION. GREG & MARILYN ROiTNDS. iJTILTTY CONNECTION 3160 PILOT KNOB ROAD ACl'ION TO BE CONSIDERED: To consider a request for reconsideration of the Ciry Council's action of November 4 conceming the utility connxtions for 3160 and 3170 Pilot Knob Road. FACfS: At its mceting of November 4, the City Council heard the issue of the utility connection for Greg & Marilyn Rounds as it pertains to the utility connections under a Waiver of Plat for 3160 & 3170 Pilot Knob Road. The Council reaffirmed the conditions of t6e 1993 Waiver of Plat and amended Condition #3 of the Waiver to allow a utility connection at the back yard of the properties if upgraded to City standards. Greg Rounds has requested that the item be placed on Tuesday's agenda for fiuther discussion. By past praetice, if the Council wishes to reconsider the matter, a motion must be made by a Council member &om the prevailing side in the original action If the motion for reconsideration passes, the item itself can then be discussed or the Council may direct that it be placed on a future agenda. : City staff has contacted Tom Swanson of the Dakota County Mghway Department mentioned in Mr. Rounds' correspondence. The County will issue a permit for excavation in Counry right-of-way if no other feasiblelpracticai alteraa6ve exists for a water service connection to the City system. I5SUE5: : To reconsider its previous action in this regard. ' : If there is cause to reconsider, the Council will need to detemnine what addiGonal direction is necessary to clarify or modify the ahernatives available to Mr. 8c Mrs. Rounds to permit sdditional development oftheir property. • ATTACHWENTS: : Rounds' cotrespondence delivered to City Hall on December 30, pages through : Nfinutes of November 4, 1996, City Council meeting on pages through . November 4, 1996 City Council packet information on pages through Residents on the comer of Trotters Ridge Road and Northview Park Road, have expressed concems about tree removal through the park property due to the construction of a 25' deep sanitary sewer. The developer has agreed to minimize uee loss during construction of the sanitary sewer connection. 1-- ATTACIiMENTS: (6) APC minute - pages thru Staff Report - pages thru Memo from City Attomey's Office - page Memo from Ken Vraa regarding trail location - pages thru Letters from 7ames 7ohnston, Sienna Corporation - pages thru Letter from Doug and Stacey Fuller - pages thru / v-oiooo - 0,3a--512- ,, city of eagan TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: JANUARY 6, 1997 SUBJECT:,-3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD? 'GREG& MARILYN ROUNDS MEMO After returning from vacation and reading through a letter from Greg & Marilyn Rounds, I felt I should give you the following details: In approximately September of last year, I was walking through the lobby area and noticed Roger Wiereke standing at the counter. I asked if he was being helped and he said he was meeting with the Engineering Department about utilities for 3170 Pilot Knob Road. He then asked if I remembered anything about senrices for this lot and I told him I remembered the water came from Jurdy Court between two houses. I asked him why he wanted to know and he said that the Rounds needed to tie into the service as they are planning to building a new home on this lot. I told him I believed there were two homes on that service already and did not think they could add more demand on that 1" service. Mr. Wiereke then thanked me and said he was going to get locations from the Engineering Department and try to find it. I am also attaching, for your information, a background memo prepared by Dale Schoeppner outlining events leading up to the issuance of a building permit for this property. If you would like further clarification of anything, please let me know. &"- Chief B I ing Official DR/js attach. ? - city of eagan ,TO_ DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFF A FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: JANUARY 2, 1997 SUBJECT: 3770 PILOT KNOB ROAD SECTION 10, 032-32 MEMO You recently received a letter from Greg and Mariiyn Rounds regarding the application and subsequent issuance of a building permit. After reading Mr. Rounds' letter, I sensed that he was implying a lack of contact between the City of Eagan and himself. I, therefore, spoke with Engineering Tech. Lane Wegener and after reviewing his phone log, it was discovered that on August 20, 1996, Mr. Rounds was informed that the new structure would not be allowed to hook up to the existing one inch water service. Seotember 9. 1996: Mr. Rounds applied for a building permit at which time the Certificates of Survey were forvvarded to Engineering Tech. Creig Knudsen. Craig requested revised surveys from Mr. Rounds' surveyor, Del Schwanz. September 9- October 22. 1996: Engineering and Protective Inspections staff reiterated to Mr. & Mrs. Rounds that a building permit would not be issued until the water supply issue was resolved. October 22. 1996: The requested revisions were forwarded to our office by Del Schwanz. The blueprints were then acceptable to issue a building permit; however, the water supply concerns were not resolved and thus, the permit was not issued. October 28. 1996: An agreement was executed between the Ciry of Eagan and Mr. and Mrs. Rounds October 30. 1996: Subsequent to this agreement, the "hold" was taken off and a building permit was issued November 4. 1996: The City Council addressed this issue (see notes attached). If you desire any further information, please let me know. Seniorlnspector DSfjs attach. l ? HAVE LI''EU AAID G,OP.HED iD1 EAGkPd MOST CF MY LiFE. itd 1983 Mi biIFG' AP7D I BOLiGRT A N.CME A: 3160 PILO? K2d4B ED, EAGAPI. WITH BCTH QF lUR vNILDP.EN RAISED WE PECIDED TO &llILD A?;Ew HOME !?QRE r0i3VEDtIEY2T FOR A:EMI-RETIP.BD CQUFLE. AFTEK TWQ inARS OF LEGAL 4'QP.K. COllNTY 4?vD CITP, ?EP,MITS AND SURS'EY::P.S, iOTT.LLI2dG NAI•iY THDUSANDS dF DDLLARS !GVEP :ZO,GOD?. WE P_GF.EED ON A EuILDEP., FGUPID AidL CLO5ED D?d THE COt7STRlCTIOPI LOAN. WE THEN TOOH THE PLANS TO THE CI?'i F0R R HUILDING PERMIT WHICH WE 41ERE TOLD WQULD CNLi iAKE A WEEK. BUT IT TOOK OVER SIX WEEKS TO GET A --IL' /? RESPOidSE. THEt?THE HIIILDING PEP.MIT DEFARTMENT 3AI? WE MUST GET WATER A2dD SEWEP. TO THE LOT BEFORE A PERMIT WOULD HE ISSUED. THERE WFS A QUESTION AS TO WHERE THE UTILITIES COME FROM AND THE SIZE OF THE WATEF MAIN. THE CITY OF EAGAN AT THIS TIME HAD ELECTROYdSCALLY LOCATED HOTH SEWER AND b/ATER ON THE EAST 5IPE OF THE LOT LEEDING TC? 7IJP.DY COIIRT SEHIND MY PRESENT HOME. ON QR P.BOUT 5EPTEMBER 15, 1996 I HIRED RdGER k'IEkEKE OF EAGAid TD DIG TW0 TRENCHES FOR AVSSIBLE SNSPECT?ON OR THE PRESErIT kATEP. LINE AtdD SIZE (DIRMETER). WITH LAtSE WAGbIEk FRON! THE CITY OF EA^vAN UTILITIES ENGItdEERI.NG DEPT. T!?ERE FQP. A.N Oid vITE LH5EkVATI0A1. WH?C!i HE DID. A ONE INCH WATER MAIN WAS L?SCOVERED SBRVItdG *!Y PFE5E*sT HON:E A23D MY NEIGHBOP. TO THE NQRTE 5Fi?T ZD: A P QPt T_EE EF.ET PP.OPERST LIP]E. W:TH A 15Fi. DEEP 5EWBR LINE AN? MAidH4LE. AT THIS :IMF A OtiE ?P1CH S?NGLE WATFP. LIDIE FEOM .:JRDY CGU&T, HOR?ZG:dT„LiY P?ERCED UtdDEKGROUidD, TG THE AIEW 90USE WAS RECOMMENDED. BECAUSE A THIRU HOUSE COUL? NOT BE 5?LiCED TQ THE PAESENT WATER SERVICE. WE WOULD PA1 $Z,500 WITH THE CGAITRACTGk ROGER WIEREKE, LANE WAGNER AND WAi'NE SCHWANZ FROM THE EAGAN UTILI?IES 0N CCUCHMF.N RQAD OrrT_CE AGGREEFNG TO ?'HIS PLAPI QF ACTION. THEN IN OCTOBEH SUBDENL's THE DIrZECTQR OF PUBLIC WORY5 PULL5 THE UTILITIES PROJEi.T 4UT F30M UNLEF HSS OWN PErPLE AND SniS idE CAid'T DO IT THIS WAY. THE ?:ITY OF EAGAN APF20VED THi3 LOT WI:H W:+TEk LOti:NG FkOM ??LOT F,2dQH RD. EUT, MR ESAN MAYOR APID THE EYIGiA15ERIi4G Dk.r'T- HAVE TDLD 'JS MAN`i TiMFS TnAT IF WE CCUiD ?F.C:?E ;^:AT THE WATEF. COMES FROM JLiRDY CGUP.T WE COllLD PUT OUR WATEF THBIR AicO. JU"sT D?G AidD SHOW US THE ivATEF. LIP;E, THr.P.E WiLL $S NO PROBLEM. Mk COLBERT ASSUME5 THAT THE PftESEtdT WATEP, ivA5 FUT IN PkIVATELY 7-11 THE EAkLY SEVEPITIES ANL THA; TH?5 WOUiD Bn k GGOP TIME ?4 5TkAIGHT.nN OUT THIS LZTTLE PIEIGHHOP.riOOD : ROB;,3M. IJHICN U? TI:.L D1,.W WA5'1'T A PF.CPLEM. :N O'r.UER, TO DO TyIS HE Wn-ULL NEED AAi''?THEP. luFT. EASEMENT MORE THAN THE 1+7FT. T_HAi IS ALkEP.PY YRESEi•I?, WtiIi:H HE WP.S UNAWARE OF tir.i?dG THERc. AL50 Tu :?I?s i+ FOUR IidCH WATER M?IV FOR SERV?C5 TO THE TNF.EE HOUSE5. HE WuULD ALs'0 NEED UF ?4 5IX MONTHS TO STUDY THE ?ROJECTiMAY11997.i At-ID THAT THE RdUNDS' SHOL'LU PA': TWQ THIF.DS OF THE TOTAL H?LL. b1:i'.CH ?S $16,090 FOk 79E LINE. i+vT INCLIIvIDiG THE COST TG GQ:lDEMN THE EXTRA FOOTAGE, THE TIME TO STUDY THE I?EA, AND THE GOST TC RESaORE THE LAND EACK TO ITS ORIGINAL FtIRMATION. HEiPIG TOLD THAT SJE COULD HAVE OL7R HIIILDI2dG PERMIT IF WE WGULD AG?EE TO THESE TERMS, AND KPIOW?NG OC1R HOUSE WOULD SE COM;NG iN Ln5& THADI THREE '+dEEKS. THE P.QliidDS' SIGPIEL' THiS D9CUMEN: FP.OM MP._ CDL&EP.T AtiL HAJE kECEiVED OUR E[1ILDIDTG PERMIT FDR 54368.90 AN? 5dME ODD CENTS. NQW OVEP. TWO MONTHS HAVE ?ASSED. WE kAVE TkIED T7 GET HIDS ON THE w'ATER LINe AND AS SOON AS Mk. C:OiFERT'S „AMc r? MEiTm:;.nrg; :'ug CO'•;'-'Y.4??CES n:1;?' us"g p;,*-,TUrt:rG T.., L;^_ 'ii. T!iE`_ cp." a ,:AiL THE _ nrTC l? THEY DO P.?i t?'i^ :tF_!;A11 '?A . ??g '????a:.. '^_ .i -A.LLS. MP.. COiBERT SAiS NE :tA5 NQ gFrpfiD pc Cr;? PRE5E!3T iIAT_nR T-I?3E ?Zo •.'; MU9? 4AVE HEEN IidST4LLz'D PRIVATELi. ? CP.L:.ED THE OIdNEF.S QF THE TWC HO'!SE: =.? THE ?IME T_N.E UTSL':TIB'_ l?'S::C I?ISTALLVB, r':.. KE4 3140 P?LO; utdCR H.ry, AND MF.. STF.QMEERG 31En PIL!:T j:aOE _._. '''H=:' ARE ROTH LIVI?Ir I?.I THE WA.LY.Fit AREA. TNEi E;?T4 E!aVE T9BiF. CA.`I- CELLEL' CHECICS A1dD TAX STrTEME1•ITS P°CViDI; ?!?AT EAGA?d IN=?=.L_5_! THE L'T:?iT.ES. blH::u iiigcc DO"F p•? B'_3°_*;??' E,`T=ZAtEEs'' --•,='..t? THE SEVENTIES. . 'N MP.. CO;.EER: S AYJ TYAT WE 59OL? D FE MP.LE TD ?UT TyF 514TFR T TjIE OU? mr? a:TOT K.JOS RD. TN.AT ''liATFP. Li?ZE ;S UNLcp Tuc ^nlYTu vn.Ur;D LAPI:- . iS r.y'F L?M u TL?.np .!uT C=.:dS TuAT W P. 4 J?iL' ?.j, pIim -i• Tk ?Q T_ ?u;,rF? - -?!i ±t, . : ? 4?.? _ . ? uQUP.T FQP. THE SEWER .4T?II QNF FP.QM PILO'P KiIQH P.D FOR THE IJATER. I ypOKE wITH TOM 5WA14SON AT DAKOTA COUP7TY HIGHWAY DEP?. ALdD HIS CE??.R?MHNT W?LL PIQT I55UE A PERMIT TO DIG LTP °ILQT KNOP R-1. WHEP7 A 'G A.VAILABLE FRr_.M Arr EAGA?S STRFET. v;E HP.VE COD?TACTFD CL'!? MORTGAGE C^vPiPANI F:45T FEDER-.L ^F A??LF '.'A,LLEY A*?P AP.E WO,IDERING WHAT WE D.^ WITw P. HDCiSE WE C?N?SOT LIVE ?t•1 . SELL QR FENT? WE ALEO CAAt'T AFFOP.D THE ;'_ ,Q^0. A MONTH °Asitg'.,.'?. H!F 'ACf'iB LI!:F TQ K:;r'G! WHO ?5 P.UPRdID7?= T4F. rIT° OF E3GAN ;•? ',7P rA*: ..?.7'..`7? ;U3 ?ROBLGM. ;!?A.•IK 3CU. _:•g_ r.idD MA?2?:.°Pd RCU'T:'S F:LVT ,VN,^.B F.L. ?=Gr21. M':7 5E :21 5'_ _Z-As4-5444 : DAA pTTACHED LIST c = Enr.pnt rrT? CO'!:dC?L MEvgccc ?E!'1 WCCHTGA SA*IDRA MASIN P.4T AWADA SNAWDI !i!12dTS4 &EA BLODMQUISi FAGP.N CT,T? MAYDR TOM EGAPI cITY a,DMirrzsTpATO, ':"CM HEDGES 3U:L_It•:G PEp;n,T ^:4PAYTMyi,i? iO'.lv ??G'rD DIP.FCTOR !`Fi' p=!Ri IC 'A/OPVc TCM COLBERT E.4Gk`I ,^3Pi=,Li BUcrbIESS A°S^CInT?Oii F:P.S_ Fg'^EFAL M?-,a'j'rq,-F¢ L I.i?. 'l• ?.?S .=.,;*aE ROENE D:.:'IP, SSSi.?NG AT:4R";E: Ai LAp! AD\ .- ,? ,icpg. ? pT p.r?.,,:,?r v M'!; gOra Ca.* _. .. O.. - c.b MARH M:?LER ?. .__ . . .: "".?'•- city oF eagen THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER December 18, 1996 SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMembers THOMAS HEDGES CiN Adminiatrator Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rounds E. J. VAN OVERBEKE 3160 Pilot Knob Road em ciare Eagan, MN 55121 RE: ?G'?L:.?01000,-032=3Z(3170 Pilot Knob Road) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rounds: As you are aware, when the City Council approved the waiver of plat on October 5, 1993, creating a buildable lot as referenced above, one of the conditions of t6at approval required that this newly created lot obtain its water service by connection to the existing 16" water main located in Pilot Knob Road. This past fall, with the application for a building permit, you and/or your plumber inquired about the opportunity to connect to an existing 1" copper water service located in the rear yard area of your present residence located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road. The Ciry code dces not allow a newly created tot to share a private water service. Each newly created lot must have its own separate dedicated water and sewer service from a public Iateral utility. ln order to accommodate your desire to obtain water service from the rear yard area, the City staff informed you that an extension of the public water lateral utility from North Jurdy Court betwcea lots 19 and 20 of block ] Donnywood Addition would have to be a minimum 4" cast iron service pipe (CISP). This pubGc improvement would also imolve the acquisition of public utility and conswction easements along whh the related restoration work for the disturbance to lots 19 and 20. On October 28, both of you executed an agreement to comribute 66% of the cost of this public improvement. On November 4, the City Council also addressed your concerns regarding the need for this water main extension. At that mceting, the City Council reaffinned the wndition of the waiver of plat - requiring the water service from Pilot Knob Road but ageed to amead that condition, allowing water service to come from the rear yard area if the water main is upgraded to City standards which would invoive the extension of the 4" CISP from North Jurdy Court to your rear property line. MUNICIPAL CENTER 9890 VILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (E12) 681•4600 -FA7C: (612) 681.4612 iDD: (012) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNRY Equal Opportuntty/Attfrmatlve Actlan Employer MAINTENANCE FACIUT'l 3501 COACNMAN POIN7 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681•4360 TDD: (612) 454-853b .,., Section 13.30, Subd. 14.B of the City Code states "...the building...shall not be occupied...until said building is provided with pubGc water service". Because of the length of time required to proceed with this public improvement opdon, the City needs io receive a written request from you indicating which option provided by the City Councii you wish to pursue. Until ihe City receives a written request to proceed with the public improvement option, we will assume that you intend to obtain your water service from Pilot Knob Road through your private plumber and the standard water connection permit process. If you have any further questions regarding this issue sod the options provided by the City Council, please contact lvfike Fcertsch, Assistant City Engineer, at 681-4646. Sincerely, 42?? 04? Thomas A. Colbert Director ofPublic Works cc: Doug Reid, ChiefBuilding Officiai Mke Foeitsch, Assistant City Engineer Wayne Schwanz, Superintendern ofUtiliries ? ? ? } +r i 1Y^":R?7$ 1 - city of eagan MEMO TO: COUNCIL MEMBER ELECT BEA BLOMQUIST C/0 THOMAS L. HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR Fi20M: THOMAS A. COLBERT. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: DECEMBER 18,1996 SUBJECT: PARCELJ(?'tG06032-32(3170 PILOT KNOB ROAD) ROUNDS WAIVER OF PLAT - WATER SERVICE During our meeting on December 17, you inquired as to the issue associated with obtaining water service for the above referenced parcel. Enclosed is the background information that was presented to City Councii when they considered this item on November 4, 1996, along with a cApy of the minutes from that Council meeting. Also enclosed is a letter recently sent to Mr. and Mrs. Rounds Gariying the options and requesting their response indicating which Council option they wish to pursue. 1 hope this provides the badcground infortnation that you were interested in. Due to my planned vacation leave untii January 6, any questions regarding this iMormation can be addressed by Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer. Respeetively submitted. ir Public Works Attachments: November 4, 1996 Council Packet Information December 18, 1996 Staff Letter cc: Mike Foertsch, Assistant Ciry Engineer FAC-/W CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; NOVEMBER 4, 1996 PRGE T sense of continuity for effiaency. - Councilmember Hunter said he feels requiring propeRy owners to remove snow from the side yard and, especially the rear yard, are onerous to them and 6elieves it would be hatd to get fup coaperation. He noted that nearly hatf of ihe parcels along Johnny Cake that would be affected by the ordinance fit into the category of having side yard or rear yard sidewalks. He further noted that the o?dinance should either require every property owner to remove the snow atong the sidewalk since it does not make any sense to have a contraetor dear paR of it, or the CRy shouid clear all the sidewalks. He stated he feels the City should dear all the sidewalks during the pilot program and evaluate it next year. Coundimember Awada noted that there are two spedfic areas which have mainry side yard or rear yard sidewalks while other areas have mainly front yard sidewalks and that, by distinguishing behveen the areas, the ordinance could be applied to certain areas. She said a good aryument could be made for residents not Gearing rear yard sidewalks. Councilmember Wachter said the sidewalks should 6e deared from point A to point B regardless of whether there are side or rear yard sidewalks. He said rather than distinguish between the locatlon of the sidewalks, they should ail be deared dose to the school by a contractor. Colbert sNated it would be helpful to detertnine what areas the Councii would want the ordinance to cover and the other areas woWd be taken care of by a eontractor. Coundlmember Masin said that when this issue was discussed onginalty, the property owners were to be responsible for dearing the sidewalks finm the beginning ot the program. Councilmember Wachter ststed he was trying to simplity the areas to be plowed by a contraccor vs the areas to be deared by property owners. Mayor Egan said that this is a pilot program and that it should be kept simple. Counalmember Awada stated she felt Hawthome Woads and Denmark, which have mainly iront yard sidewalks, shouid be deared by the homeowners and the area by Oakridge and Thomas Lake, which have mainty rear or side yard sidewalka, should be deared by the Criy. She added the quadhomes do not fail iMo either ptegory. Hedges asked 'rf the quadhomes shouid be deared by City staff. Caunalmembers agreed to inWude those homes wiMi what is being done in fhe immediate area. Counalmember Awada said the four additional properties along Denmark to Deerwood should be deared by the homeowners. Counciimember Awada moved, Councilmember Hunter seconded a motion to wntlnue this item to the November 19, 1996 City Council meeting fur consideratlon wvith the noted modlficatlons. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Counciimember WaCiter statad he wss voting in favor of this item, but that this program is a pilot program and will be in place for one year. REGUEST 8Y GREG 9WD NfARItYN RDUNDS TO DISCUSS UTIL(TY NOOK UP FflR.PROPERTY-tOCATED itT3160 PILOT IOd06 ROAO City Administrator Fledges gave an ovenriew on this item. Marilyn Rounds, 3160 Pilot Knob Road, addressed the City Counai and stated they are requesting a waiver to put in a one inch water line from Jurdy Court between Lots 19 and 20. She stated they have pertnission irom both of the homeowners to pierce in a one inch line. She added they have worked with fhe Engineering Departrnent and had initialry been told it would be okay to pierce the line in, but when they found out the line serviced two other homes and was not a four ineh rrsin, they wanted them to dig a treneh. She further added that this land is uncompacted and, 'rf a trench is dug, there would be the possibiiity that the sewer Iine could coflapse. She stated that they have received bids from $12.000 to $40,000 ta put the water line in. She mentioned that when they first got their building pertnit they were supposed to get their water from Pilot Knob Road. She ? ?. : Ep,GAN CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES; NOVEMBER <. 1996 .• PnGE 8 said they received a bid af $6,000 to put in the sewer and water from the existing main (in the rear yaM) to the property. She went on to saY theY were told they would need a waiver in order to da ih?g• She ign noted that in order to get the water to their property she had to s a an agresment statin9 it c?uld take up to six months to get the water berause the fand between Lots 19 and 20 might need to be eondemn land and for an easement. She added that the agreement states they would have to paY to eondemn the easements also two-thirds of the cost to put ?+e ne`"?'^a??in in. She went on to discuss the existin9 on Lots 19 and 20. and Director of Public Works Colbert stated that the one inch service th?a?t Rcomes oundse He noted that the 20 splits off and serves two difFerent properties, one of which is owned bY ?e ???rements for finandng ^ lot into the same one inch existing situation does not meet Code and would not, in many meet by banks. He stated the Rounds had originaliy requested to'ta?P ?e ??ne m ae?mmodate three Property watertnain. He added there is physically not enough caPaCb owners. He further added that the Rounds are now requesting to run a`ePeratewater service eut to Se CouR He mentiened they are within what woufd be a public utility easement for a pubiic sanitary ested the City correct the situation by and there will then be two priwate water service lines, one of which services 1N'o Parceis and the seco^ one would service this new parcel. He said the siaff has sugime and at that Point, come off with three instailing a Cify watertnain from Jurdy Court badc to tfie ProPe?' installing the water late2l, it individuai water services. He further said that at the same time the CitY is ent would ready would be appropnate to censtruct the ??f ?a???s n?mmend ti n would amow each of'the three there to handle the extra depth. of the Ci s saNtary se`^?e? property owners to have their own individual sewer and water se+Viceg• He said the aRemative wouf e to have several private water services within a City ea? t?^e? He menU'oned that staff is uncertain line, one of whieh is substandard and services the P d?p have the wa?er to what entent the Rounds weuld be able to obtain financing once ??R ?S P? Se"vi? g?ation is discovered. He noted that originally, when the lot split carr?e thTdu9 , ? ??? Would have met all service oome off of Pilot Knob Road and the sewer serv?e ?m ?g ?''a the requirements. Councilmember Awada asked whY the Rounds have a Problem with upgrading the ebsting water from line. Mrs. Rounds stated that it wouid be rt+om ec0 a sel Para? o eg ^? w??r^?ce iromJJurdy CouR Colbert indicated the Rounds are requestin9 ? P t ? n rv ? He added that would not solve the problem theY either over or adjacent to the other ptivste ? could ??irg them to fix ?he W??t the have with their wrrent hoa? ?ue. f Coibert rindAwada '?cated thetsraft offe? ? e?nd ?e C?ty ?rTT?ain and house when that is a sep ?e ?Rynt situation. nancial burden then spread ?e CO??uld n ee n? ?B eRoun,ds ro do nfiregard to wrrecting unaimember Awa a asked what the City 9alN re4urtnit to conned m the water Ciry Attomey Sheldon stated he was unsure 'rf the Rounds? ?b? ? a hou? in 1989, City water was on thelr existing house. Mrs. Rounds said that `?vhen they atready coinnected to meir house. ColbeR indicated he was unsure how the vvater service was installed was Probably thou9ht?there were two ind'nrid ai w'ate9servicesa He 1uRher dded there wasr nouknowaedge Sheldon also ???ey a? ?"'Oy??m? ?u? ?Mayor Egan asked what the relative cestas comPared with what the Rounds are proposin9 and statPs recommendation. Colbert indipted the CitY has not gone `?+e? 4UO« ?g stated that becaug thssuncompacted 9round, the eut tor bids because of the dynamics of the situations e addedunds - $12,000 to bring the City line baclc to their propBrtll• laced. 5he said it would eost ?ere is the possibiliry ihat the sevder could break and would n? ???P approbmately $6,500 to bring in an additional line. Counalmember Wachtei stated that what the Rounds are proposing will impact all three lets and, Z . EAGAN CfTY COUNCIL MEElING MINUTES; NOVEMBER 4, 1996 PAGE 9 someday when any of the three lots are sold, it may affect the potential financing and also the fact that the problem would then need to be corrected. He added that a one inch pipe is too small to service two homes. Cotbert stated the correct way to solve the problem wouid be to involve all the property owners, investigate cost estimates and propose financing opdons. Mayor Egan noted that these are totaliy separate issues, but stated it urould be in the Rounds' best interest to have this issue resolved alt at once and would probably help them with frnanang of their new home and would also benefit them with better utility serviee. Mrs. Rounds stated that all financing has been taken qre of. Mayor Egan said it could affeet fuWre financing for the Rounds, as well as the neighboring property owners. Counalmember Awada 2derated that these a2 rivo separate issues and the Council cauld not force the Rounds to eompty with the Code based on their request Colbert stated ihe other issue relating to the Rounds' request is that before they cdn Proceed with obtaining individual water service to Jurdy Court, the Rounds would need pertnission from the adjacent property owners. Mrs. Rounds stated she had written permission irom them. Colbert said the water service is a condition of the waiver of plat that was already approved. Councilmember Wachter said it does not seem proper to dig the ditch next to the other one when a larger line could he put in to saUsfy all three property owners and they would then have adequate service. Mrs. Rounds stated they do not want to dig another ditch, but rether they want to pierce the line underground. Counaimember Hunter added that the owidthibof th6:waiver.of plat.is.that the Rounds conneG. Oo Plot Knob Road and the Coundi has the nght to enforce that condition. He agreed with Counalmember ? Wachter that the probiem should be corrected to affect all three property owners and the cost should be spread to each of them. Mayor Egan recalled Mr. Rounds appearing before the Council and feit heslio'uTtlt- have understood the intent of the conditlon of the waiver of plat Mrs. Rounds noted that they were- told, if they could prove there was water ir[the bedc.ptUieir bt they couid connect. Colbert indicated:tlierefis? no water there for them to connect to sinee @ is a privete service line. Councilmember Masin asked who bears the responsibility for what happened originaily in regard to two property owners being serviced by a one-inch main. Counalmember Wachter stated they have no idea of who did it and ft may have been the builders of the two lots at that time...He added that tqeWaEer'.:ios slmuld=6s a?oox-iiiq? ,md service the three lotx Covneilmember Hurrier darified fh¢E.would apply. owjE.ompopair*'Mum .. . .. !! ?,?poaes ihat o? else aiey ccu?d get`seroicr Tmm Pibt wroti Roo..MaY??:? an a4rcemerrt. `Colbert said staif dces not understand why there is resistance to connect to Pitot Knob Road since the distance is shorter by one-third compared to the distance to Jurdy Cour[ Ne was not sure why the wst difference on the Rounds' estimate would be so high. Mayor Egan noted that this will be financially challenging and said sta8 shauld work with the Rounds to come up with the most wst- effective way of obtaining water service for them. City Administrator Hedges aGmowledged the duress Mrs. Rounds has been under due to her husband's illness. He also eommended staff for the many hours spent in trying to find a solution to the problem. He asked if Mrs. Rounds requests that the Engineering Departrnent go ahead,with the plan recommended by Direcior of Public Works Colbert would the waiver of plat need to be amended or should staff be ailowed to proceed. Colbert stated it would be helpful if the Council indicated whether they would be recepbve to amending condition no. 3 to allow a connection from the rear if it were updated to City standards. Councilmember Wachter said that would be axeptable to him. Counaimember _Wachter moved, Counalmember Awada seconded -?``` k` ins viied'N?ths.1983'.UYaifier Of Plsit .a . , g?rt? 8owin9lhe tisAYard Plsri. it?graded to C?y d?rtls;::'? nnendmenf to Cond?iori No. 3 of the Watver of Plat Ayie: 5 Nay: 0 COMPREHENSNE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT, SCENIC ENTERPRISES, INC. City Administratcr Hedges gave an overview on this item. Senior Planner Freese gave a staff report. Mayor Egan commended the detail of the staff repoR and also the detail provided by Senior Planner city of eagan 49t? MEMO TO: MIKE FOERSCH, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER FROM: TOM COLBERT, DIItECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: dANUARY 8, 1997 SUBJECT: PARCELS 020-32, 030-32, & 32=32, ?ECTION 10 UPDATE/REVISION TO UTII.ITY RECORD ASBUII.T PLAN, PAGE 213 With the building permit issuance of Parcel 032-32, it was discovered that the water service to 020-32 and 030-32 actually comes from N. Jurdy Court along the side lot line of Lots 19 and 20 of the Donnywood Addition instead of from Pilot Knob Road as shown by the record asbuilt plans for City Project 113, installed in 1973. Also, those record asbuilt plans incorrectly referenced the location of the dedicated drainage and utility easement. Please revise said record asbuilt plans to accurately reflect the location of public utility easements and water service lines as we know them for future reference. It would also be helpful to identify the location of the water service to the newly created lot (032-32) when Snally determined by Greg Rounds. Director of Public Works TAC/j -:?.u<?:•?•,14 .:, .,. , ??????16? 'lIcitVioFaagan P THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN December 18, 1996 THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlminisiwfor Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Rounds E. J. VAN OVERBEKE 3160 Pilot Knob Road CIN clerk Eagan, MN 55121 RE: LPARCEL 10-01000.032-32 (3170 Pilot Knob Road) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Rounds: As you are aware, when the City Council approved the waiver o£ plat on October 5, 1993, creating a buildable lot as teferenced above, one of the conditions of that approval required that this newly created lot obtain its water service by connection to the existing 16" water main located in Pilot Knob Road. This past fall, with the application for a building permit, you and/or your plumber inquired about the opportunity to connect to an existing 1" wpper water service located in the rear yard area of your present residence located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road. The City code does not allow a newly created lot to share a private water service. Each newly created lot must have its own separate dedicated water and sewer service from a public lateral utility. In order to accommodate your desire to obtain water service from the rear yard area, the City staff informed you that an eactension of the public water lateral utility from North Jurdy Court between lots 19 and 20 of block 1 Donnywood Addition would have to be a minimum 4" cast 'von service pipe (CISP). This public improvement would also involve the acquisition of public utility and construction easements along with the related restorarion work for the disturbance to lots 19 and 20. On October 28, both of you executed an agreement to conuibute 66% of the wst of this public improvement. On November 4, the City Council also addressed your conccrns regarding the need for this water main eactension. At that meeting, the City Council reaflirmed the condition of the waiver of plat requiring the water service &om Pilot Knob Road but agreed to amend that condition allowing water service to come from the rear yard area if the water main is upgraded to City standards which would involve the extension of the 4" CISP from North Jwdy Court to your rear property line. MUNICIiAI CENTER 3830 PIIOi KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX:(612)681-4612 TDD: (612) 454•8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOt OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNffY Equal OpportunBy/AffirmaTive Actlon Employer MAINiENANCE FACILIN 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454•8595 Section 13.30, Subd. 14.B ofthe City Code states "...the building...shall not be occupied...until said building is provided with public water service". Because of the length of time required to proceed with this public improvement optioq the City needs to receive a written request from you indicating which option provided by the City Council you wish to pursue. Until the City receives a written request to proceed with the public improvement optioq we will assume that you intend to obtain your water service from Pilot Knob Road through your private plumber and the standard water connection permit process. If you have any further questions regarding this issue and the options provided by the City Council, please contact M'ike FceRsch, Assistant City Engineer, at 681-4646. Sincerely, ?2v?? we? Thomas A. Colbert Director of Public Works cc: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official 1vLke Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent ofUtilities L BL ,'7?- sueo. s eC.?i U ?'1 IV CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT#: RECEIPT DATE: "a C) . PERMIT# 2000 PLUM8IN6 PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT EINOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTLIRES EACH # TOTAL Alterations to existing dwelling - minimum fee Des Ae: L. E C. ' Nn w? 71-e $ 30.00 Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ Gas piping outlet ' minimum - i 3.00 x = $ Hot tubls a 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laund tray 3.00 x = $ Lavatory 3.00 x = $ Se tic System new/refurbtshed • requires MPC lic. 75.00 x = $ Septic System abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ naw installatioNrepaidrebuild 30.00 X = $ Rou h openin 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x $ Undergroundsprinkler ifdwellingisunderconstruCion 3.00 x = $ Under round s rinkler if axisting dwelling 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ bNater heater 3.00 x = $ Water softener If dwelling underconsWction 5.00 x = $ Water softener if exiseng dwemng 30.00 x = $ Water turnaround 30.00 x $ State Surcharge .50 $ 50, TOtal _> $ Reminder: Cali for inspections of aiterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. I hereby acknowledge fhat I have resd this appiication, state thet the information is cortect, and agree to comply vrith ell applicable Ciry of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibility to notity the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no lia6ility for any damages pused by the City dudng tts normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities construded under this permit within Ciry property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: 3( ?? lz(? 11- (JGr, 'kUI ), OWNER NAME: : C ? ?w (9N O`S TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: TELEPHONE #: (AREACODE) STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: 21P: ? JUL I 7 l/ - SIGNATURE O PERMI , bcc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Mike Ridley, Senior Planner Dale Schoeppner, ChiefBuilding Official Mary Granley, Code Enforcement W1 0 ??.??- ?nn, V , ? toly 31?ti DP'e- dw`- ? LARRY S. SEVERSON MICHAELG.DOUGHERTY• MICHAEL E. MOLENDA$ LOREN M.SOLFES'f•$ SHARON K. HILLS DAVfD L. KNUTSON ROBERT B. BAUER• CHRfSTOPHCR A. GROVF TERRENCE A. MERRITT$ April 29, 2003 David Essling, Esq. 1217 W. 7'h Street St. Paul, MN 55102 A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 5 UITE 600 7300 WEST 147TH S7REET APPLE VALLF.Y, MINNESOTA 55124-7580 (952) 432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER (952) 432-3780 www.seversonsheldon.com Re: City of Eagan v. Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds Court File No. 19-C7-02-011563 Our File No. 206-20628 Dear Mr. Essling: Enclosed herewith and served upon you by United States mail please find Findings of Fact, Order, Order for Judgment and Judgment pertaining to the above-referenced matter. Ve y yo s, ~ 3haron K. Hills SKH/lak Enclosure SEVERSON? SHELDONg DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA9 P.A. INUI VIDUAi. AITORNCYS AL50 L[CENSF".U IN IOWA AND W ISCONSIN #QUALIFIIiD NL'U7'ftAl. UND[fl RULE 114 OP TFIE MINNES(YI'A GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE *CF.RTIfiSD REAL PROPERTY LAW SPHCIAUST, MSBA ANNETTE M. MARGARIT STEPHEN A. LING KRISTINE K. NOGOSEK CHRISTTNE J. CASSELLIUS$ MICHAEL D. KLEMM EMILY FOX WILLIAMS BRAN?ON D. DERRY OFCOUNSEL JAMES F. SHELDON LARRY S. SGVENSON MICHAELG.DOUGHERTY• M[CHAEL F.. MOLENDA$ C,OREN M.SOLFEST*# SHARON K. HILLS DAVID L. KNUTSOY ROBERT B. BAUER* CHRISTOPHER A. GROVE TERRENCE A. MERRITT$ SEVERSON,SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATI'ORNEYS AT LAW SU17E 600 7300 WEST 147TH 57REET APPLE VALLEY, MINNFSOTA 55124-7580 (952) 432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER (952) 432-3780 www.seversonsheldon.com April 29, 2003 Court AdministratorlCivil Division Dakota County Judicial Center 1560 West Highway 55 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Re: City of Eagan v. Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds Court File No. 19-C7-02-0 1 1 563 Our File No. 206-20628 Dear Sir/Madam: ANNETTE M. MARGARIT STEPHEN A. LING KRISTINE K. NOGOSEK CHAISTW F,1. CASSELLIUS# MICHAEL D. KLEhLN EMILY FOX W ILLIAMS BRANDON D. DERRY OFCOUNSEL IAMES F. SHELDON Enclosed herewith for filing please find Notice of Filing of Findings of Fact, Order, Order for Judgment and Judgment pertaining to the above-referenced matter together with our Affidavit of Service pertaining to the same. Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $10.00 for which we request a certified copy of the Findings of Fact, Order, Order for Judgment and 7udgment. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me. Ve urs, aron K. Hills _ Eagan City Attorney SKH/laa Enclosures INUIVIWAI. A'ITORNEYS ALSO LICFNSED IN IOWA AND WISCONSIN ;QUALffIED NEUTRAL UNDGR RULE I140F THE MINN&SOTA CNNERAL RULES OF PRACTICE 'CGRTffIED RFAI. PROPERTY LAW SPECfALIST. MSBA ' STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNCY OF DAKOTA City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, DISTRICT COURT FIItST NDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Other - Civi] Injunction Court File No. 19-C7-02-011563 Plaintiff, V. NOTICE OF FILING OF FINDINGS OF FACT. ORDER. ORDER FOR Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, NDGMENT AND JUDGMENT Defendants. T0: Defendants Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds and the'u attomey, David Essling, Esq., 1217 West 7`h Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55122: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Apri128, 2003, a Findings of Fact, Order, Order for Judgment and Judgment was entered in the above-entitled matter. A true and correct copy is attached hereto and incorporated herein as proper notice pursuant to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure and is given for the purpose of limiting the time for appeal. Dated: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA, P.A. l? B. aron K. Hills, I.D. #202496 Mchael G. Dougherty, I.D. #134570 Attorneys for Plaintiff, City of Eagan 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, v Plaintiff, Court File No. C7-02-1 1 5 63 FINDINGS OF FACT, ORDER, ORDER FOR JUDGMENT, AND JUDGMENT Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, Defendants. The above-entitled matter came on for a Court Trial on April 3, 2003, before the Honorable Joseph T. Carter, Judge of District Court, at the Dakota County Judicial Center, 1560 Highway 55, Hastings, Minnesota, pursuant to Plaintiff's cause of action for injunctive relief. Plaintiff is represented in these proceedings by Shazon K. Hills of Severson, Sheldon, Dougherty & Molenda, P.A. Defendants appeared personally and with their attorney in these proceedings, David Essling of Essling, Ltd. The parties reached a final settlement of all issues, except one remaining issue, as submitted to the Court for determination as set forth below. The terms and conditions of the parties' settlement agreement aze set forth herein and are to be made as an Order and Judgment ofthe Court. The outstanding issue for the CouR's defermination is interpretation of the Eagan City Code regarding the definition of "family" in regard to the numbec of peop]e that may reside in the single family residence at 3170 Pilot Knob Road. Based upon the parties' settlement agreement, and all pleadings, files, and records herein, the Court makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The City is a statutory city and Minnesota municipal corporation, situated within the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota. FILEO WWA ?OUtM VAN A BRO6IAOM, CouA Mnumstrebr DISTRICT COURT FIRST NDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Other - Civil Injunction APR 2 $ 2003 er 2. The Defendants, who aze husband and wife respectively, own residential properties located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road, in the City of Eagan, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises"). 3. The property located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan is legally described as: The North 100 feet of the South 515.76 feet of the west 228.2 feef of the Southwest Quarter (SW %.) of the Northwest-Quarter (NW '/a) of Section 10, Township 27, Range 23, according to the duly recorded plat thereof. The property Iocated at 3170 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan is legally described as: The North 99.63 feet of the South 415.76 feet of the West 22820 feet of the Southwest Quarter (SW '/<) of the Northwest (1/4) of Section 10, Township 27, Range 23, according to the duly recorded plat thereof. 5. Neither Defendant occupies or resides at the property located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road. 6. The Defendants occupy and reside at the property located at 3170 Pilot Knob Road. 7. The Premises are zoned R-1, defined as a single-family residential district for a one-family detached dwelling under the Eagan City Code. 8. The property located at 3160 Pilot Knob Road consists o? at (east, two dwelling units in which each has separate, but complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons. One dwelling unit is located within the two-stall detached gazage on the properiy, which consists of three bedrooms, a kitchen,'/ bath, and washer and dryer. The second dwelling unit is the sepazate living facilities in the primary residential structure (main house) on the property. 9. The Property located at 3170 Pilot Knob Road consists of four (4) attached dwelling units in which each of the dwelling units provide separate, but complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons. Two of the dwelling units are located in the attached gazage of the primary residential home: one dwelling unit is constructed above the garage and the other dwelling unit is constructed next to the garage stall, both consisting of a bedroom,'/< bath and kitchenette, including a sink, refrigerator and hot plate. The third dwelling unit is in the lower level or basement of the primary residential home, consisting of four bedrooms, full bath, and kitchen, inciuding a kitchen sink, counter and cupboard space, gas stove and refrigerator. The fourth dwelling unit is in the upper level ofthe primary residentiai home, consisting of a full kitchen, full bath, three bedrooms, and a living room. Defendants reside in this upperlevel portion of the home and rented the other dwelling units. 10. The Defendants, individually or jointly, maintain, operate or use, or othenvise allow or permit the maintenance, operation or use o? the property at 3160 Pilot Knob Road as detached multiple-family dwelling units. The Defendants, individually or jointly, maintain, operate or use, or otherwise allow or permit the maintenance, operation or use of, the property at 3170 Pilot Knob Road as attached multiple-family dwelling units. 11. The De£endants, jointly or individually, created, maintain, operate or use, or otherwise allow or permit the maintenance, operation, presence or use of, the Premises with numerous violations of the Minnesota Build'tng, Plumbing, Electrical and Fire Codes as a tesult of the actions taken by the Defendants and the conditions of the Premises as described in Paragraphs 8 through 10 above. 12. Defendants have agreed that the Court may enter an Order and Judgment against Defendants, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns and heirs, jointly and sepazately, . enjoining the maintenance, operation or presence of more than one residential dwelling unit on the Premises and mandating specific action by Defendants to bring the Premises into compliance with the Eagan Zoning Code regulations and the Minnesota Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes. Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Court makes the following: ORDER A judgment shall be entered against Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns or heirs, jointly and sepazately, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Defendants") enjoining and prohibiting the maintenance, operation and presence of more than one residential dwelling unit at each 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota. 2. A judgment shall be entered against Gregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, and their paRners, successors, agents, assigns or heirs, jointly and separately, enjoining and prohibiting the maintenance, operation, presence, and use of the Premises at 3160 Pilot I{nob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Minnesota, in violation of the Minnesota Building Code, Minnesota Electrical Code, Minnesota Plumbing Code, Minnesota Mechanical Code, and Minnesota Fire Code. A judgment shall be entered against Crregory W. Rounds and Marilyn Rounds, and their partners, successors, agents, assigns or heirs, jointly and separately, (hereinaRer collectively referced to.as "Defendants") mandating the Premises at each 3160 Pilot Knob Road and 3170 Pilot Knob Road be operated and used solely as a single-family residential detached dwelling unit as required by Eagan City Code, namely: no more than one (1) dwelling unit is permitted on each pazcel. 4. The Defendants shall constructually convert the dwelling unit located in the detached garage at 3160 Pilot Knob back to a guage structure, specifically removing all walls, 6athroom facilities, and kitchen facilities from the structure and Defendants shall seal all plumbing fixtures in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code and shall comply with the Minnesota Electrical Code. Defendants shall comply with this Pazagraph no later than August 31, 2003. 5. Defendants shall not permit more than five (5) individuals, unless each and every individual is related to tlie other as set forth in Eagan City Code, in the single family residence home at•3160 Pilot Knob Road. 6. Defendants shall take all action to bring the single family residence home located at 3160 Pilot Knob into compliance with the applicable Minnesota Building and Fire-Codes. In regard to the lower IeveUbasement unit at 3170 Pilot Kno6 Road, Defendants shall immediately comply with the following requirements: a. Defendants shall remove the gas stove and any and all kitchen facilities, appliances, utensils, or the like, except Defendants may maintain the sink and counter and cupboard space provided Defendants comply with the provisions of this Paragraph. b. Defendants shall apply for and obtain building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits, and shall be required to have all wall structures, the bathroom, and the kitchen sink/counter area meet all building, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical codes. c. Defendants are prohibited and shall not use, or permit others to use, the lower level/basement area as a separate, independent dwelling unit from the primary residence/home. 4 8. In regard to the two dwelling units located in the attached garage at 3170 Pilot Knob Road, Defendants shall immediately comply with the following requirements: a. In the upper unit, Defendants shall remove all kitchen facilities and seal aIl plumbing fixtures in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code. Defendants shall correct all building and electrical code violations and bring the property into compliance with State Building Code. Defendants shall seek and obtain a final inspection and approval on the construction work in connection with the upper unit, including: the interior stairs and platform located in the gazage, the ouuide. deck and stairs, the support beams in the attached gazage. b. In the lower unit, Defendants shall remove al] bathroom and kitchen facilities and fixtures and shall seal all plumbing and electricaUmechanical fixtures in accordance with the Minnesota Plumbing and Electrical Codes. DeFendants shall apply for and obtain building, electrical and mechanical permits and all structural construction work (walls) previously done shall comply with or be brought into compliance with the Minnesota Building, Electrical and Mechanical Codes. 9. Defendants shall not have, or permit to have, more than S unrelated persons, including Gregory Rounds and Mazilyn Rounds, live in the house at 3170 Pilot Knob Road and all individuals residing in the house shall live as a common household and share all common facilities and not with separate dweiling units. 10. Defendants shall permit employees or agents of the Plaintiff to enter in or on the Premises, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with 24-hours notice to Defendants, for purposes of inspection to determine compliance with 4his Order and Judgment and City Code provisions. Plaintiff's right to inspect shall exp've when the Premises are in full compliance with this Order. 11. The City shail cooperate and use due diligence in reviewing and approving Defendants' permit applications, which are submitted with this Order. The City shall cooperate with Defendants in advising Defendants as to compliance requirements under the Order and the Staze Codes and Regulations. LET NDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY Dated: `'I ?t4l 03 Y . fDistrict Court 4marW ano? ?M p?.01GFWa9C? n,l?,l1M1' .. ?!Y'i_s mw APP1iOVED AS TO FORM: Dated: SEVERSON,SHELDON,DOUGHERTY MOL P A. ??/?? „ ? ? ?_/ !? : Shazon K. Hilis, I.D. 202496 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 Dated: yez/z? ESSLING, LTD. By David Essling, I.D. # a y6!' f 1217 West 3eventh Street St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 2244818 *dtV oF eagan PATRICIA E. AWADA Mayor PAUL BAKKEN PECCY CARLSON CYNDEE FIELDS MEG I'ILLEY Council Members THOMAS HEDGFS GryAdminisaaror Municipal Cencer. 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-I897 Phone: 651.681.4600 Faz: 651.681.4612 TDD: 651.454.8535 Maintenana Facility: 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 Phonr. 651.681.4300 Fax: 651.681.4360 TDD: 651.454.8535 www.ciryokagan.com THELONEOAKTREE The symbol of mrngth and growth in our mmmuniry December 230, 2002 MR GREG ROUNDS 3170 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Mr. Rounds: We have received your application for a building pernut to convert the gazage at 3170 Pilot Knob Road into space to be used as a living room. Based on Uniform Building Code Sections 106.4 and 3405, we aze denying your request for Uus building permit. These code sections allow the City to deny a permit since the requested improvements aze within the structure where numerous building, fire, and zoning violations exist, of which we have informed you on numerous occasions. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please feel free to call me at 651- 675-5699. Sincerely, ?? lk'r' Dale Schoeppner Chief Building Official D$/jS cc: J. Craig Novaczyk, Senior Inspector Mary Granley, Code Enforcement Technician Shazon Hills, City Attorney Dale Wegleitner, Fire Mazshal *dtV oF eagen ['NI-RICIA E. AWpDA Mavor PAUL ReVCKEN Prccv cvusoN CYNDEE FIELDS MEG "1lLLEY Cauncil Members THOMAS HEDGFS Ciry Administn[ar Municipal Center. February 14, 2001 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED MR GREGORY ROUNDS [31 ?o PzioT xvos ?- J `EAGAN IvIN 55122 RE: BUILDING PER,'VIIT #41938 ROOM ALTER:ITION Dear Mr. Rounds: On July 23, 2000, a building permit to convert space above your garage into a recreation area was issued to you. On September 12, 2000, you signed an agreement that this room would not be used as a sleeping room; however, in a December 14, 2000 telephone conversation, you indicated that your son was staying in this room. You also indicated that you want to convert the garage below the recreation room into storage space. If this is still your intent, please submit building plans and obtain the necessary permits. 3830 Piiet Knob 2oad i The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 312.4, Special Hazards, states: "Under no circumstances shall a private garage have any openings into a sleeping room used for sleeping e:,g:u,, Ntv 55122-1897 i purposes." I informed you that there should be no use of this area until the City's Inspections Phunc:651.68L4600 i Division makes a final inspection. As of this date (February 14, 2001), you have not contacted F;ix: 651.681.4612 ?i the City and requested this inspection. City records indicate that the last inspection request by ? you was on September 13, 2000. As no one was home, the under floor insulation did not get TDD:651.454.3535 I inspected. 1 In referencing the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4.4, your permit is only in effect Maintenance Facility: I until March 31, 2001, at which time you will need to re-apply to continue working on your 3501 Coachman Puinc i project. As mentioned in my September 12, 2000 letter, you will need to submit revised plans Eigan, Ntv i>t?z ' showing alterations ro the stairway that were not indicated on your initial plans prior to receivine ? a tina] inspection. Phonr.(SLG8L4300 Fu:651.6s1.43co Please call and schedule an inspection to bring closure to this permit. Your anticipated I cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions please call me at 651-681-4680. TDD: (5 L454.8535 . . Sincerely, ? www.ciryoFeagan.com I Barry Grewive / i Building Inspector i ce: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official rtiE LONF Oa.h"f[iEF j Dale Schoeppner, Assistan[ Building Official Sharon Hills, City Attomey "lhcsymbulnfxmngdi i :md grawcL in ouu I cuinmuniry ?i ?A 1• AN ? city oF aagan L 32 932- Sec?-on PATRICIA E. AWADA September 12, 2000 ^^aYo' PAULBAKKEN BEA BLOMQUIST PEGGV A. CARLSON CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED SANDRA A. MASIN CouncilMembers MR GREGORY ROUNDS 3170 PILOT KNOB RD THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Adminisrroror EAGAN MN 55122 RE: BUILDING PERNIIT #41938 ROOM ALTERATION Dear Mr. Rounds: On July 28th a building permit to alter space above your garage was issued to you. Your plans indicated that this space was to be a°recrearion" area. This room contains a full bathroom and it appears your intent may be to use this area for an "apartment". Please be advised that t6is room cannot be nsed for sleeping purposes as outlined in the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Sectiou 312.4, Special Hazards, stating: Under no circumstances shall a private garage have any openings into a room used for sleeping purposes. Prior to receiving final approval from the City, you will need to submit a letter to the City stating that this room will be used for "recreation" and not for sleeping purposes. In addition, on July 31st, I met with you to inspect the framing and you stated there would be a stairway from the deck to grade. You will need to submit revised plans to this office indicating this revision, as well. You anticipated cooperarion is appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-681-4680. Sincerely, ?u/ury Barry Greive ? Building Inspector BG/js cc: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official Dale Schoeppner, Assistant Building Official MUNICIPAL CENTER iHE LONE OAK TREE MAINiENANCE FACILtTY 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55172-1897 THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (651) 6814600 PHONE: (651) 68I-4300 Fnx: (ast ) aei-abt 2 Equal OppoAUniry EmploYer Fqx: (651) 681•aaao TDD: (651) 454-8535 W W W,CItyOfBOQp11.CW1'1 TDD: (651) d54-8535 .et? • 'L&r 4j°iz (20 /z. a 0 3-1-70 ?- - ?s- _ ... ? ?? rRECTMVEMU -- - - - SEP 12 2000 -- -- -»- - -- - - ? ?Q co 2007 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122, Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construction Reauiremenls 3 regislered site surveys shovnng sq. ft ot lot, sq. ft. of housa; and all roofed areas (20% mscimum lot coverage allaved) 1 Soils Repat if praposed buildiig a to be placed an disWrbed sdl 2 copies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured faund design, etc. 1 set of Energy Calalalions 3 copies of Tree Presdvatim Plan if lot plaUed after 711193 RimJdslDetailOptionsselectlonsheet (buildingswilh3arlessunits) Minnegasco merhanical venfilation form RemoddlReoair Reuuirements 2 copies of plan shovring footlngs, beems, jdsis 1 set of Energy Calculetians for Aeated additlans 7 site suney kr edditions 8 decks Addigar - indicffie i/on-sfte septic sysfem C V Office Use Onb Cerl of Survey Recd _Y _ N Shcs Report _ Y _ N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y _ N. TreeResRequiretl _Y _N On-site Septic System _ Y _ N Plat7s are consideced oubiic information unless vou state thev are trade secret anrl the reascsra. Date 05 1 13 l 07 Construction Cost 7D D p SiteAddress ?/7? f'?/? 'f?dlOB UnitlSte # Description of Work DL/?? Multi-FamilyBldg _ Y-X, N Fireplace(s) e0 _ 1 _ 2 Property Owner A?so zf. Telephone # (Y<) -2-44 7 Contracror 74?,CEli? l9 / 5/lGA, ? ?(' ?Cln C_ S7Gr' Address City ?4y?lN State Zip Telep6ooe # ?ll le ?-Z?o?3c?? COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Ene?gy COdO CetegOry . Residential Ventilatlon Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Cotle Workshcet (J submission type) Submitted Submitled • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 monihs, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a masTer plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone #( Telephone #( i heretiv annlv fnr a Recidential Rnildinn Prrmit anrl acknnwledoe that the , e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the wark will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. oe?% (C Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanPs Signature I I I Y ? r i ? i I ? N 7 0 S c? z ? ? X w I ? I TC I? sw Sw 91P.i4 t . ? 909. ?9.6909.75 - ? 910.99 TC 1j.o0 _ -gi .OS 907.26 ? ?T` 909>83 i -? ?- ' 90914 ' i ..!.. .? , ? CU?f3 ??' ? ?t''. ?y'? a c ? 7;C 90f.4'3 906.22 5 TC. -------- . T 9.48 _ 906. 8 909. ? '?., r ?.:• ? ?, . 1 zo C ' \ . , .\ . - ? , 6 ` Z ? TL . + TC ? SY7 SN ; I 909. .6809.7%0 .Q6 906.25 ? --- ,Y ;_?? _ ? .'.n:;? - r=?- 56•ti'0 -=,_.' - - I ! 9141903 ? TC ? ? ? } } a 909 go.6W9.73 , 907.e4 , 913.57 ?. .\L \? ? -? I ? i ' •?? ? ? • y r, 2 e? `i - \ ; 917.66 ' 908.83 . 9C 9:0.33 ` ;. I N 99'46'74" E ? t ?o 907.32 ' RT ? _ .?'c.;.:,• . . ,_ 907.20 , - 36 MAPLE - t 907.36 1 ? 906.33 s •, 906 53 3 I i` ?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? yL ? __ . ____ __. , _._ _Y ? . .. ._ _- •? ? 906.03 ` E n PROPOSEO HOUS 905.84 ?& ? - - - --- -' - - ": ? 9C ? I 907:?E ? ?s- ' , _ 907.76 907. 09 + " ' 911i"g . a6'34 5 B9 W , 907.76 m„~Sd ~ ~ ~ ~ i' ~n~ i "~"a~S:' . P~uC ~ ,.e . . . . ~ , ~I I ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . . ~ + ~ ~ . . . . . . ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . 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G nr-rR r d tly Fi~~isia~r~~1 E d~nd Sur~t~Y4r tero~4~r ~ ~,,~o ~ ~r ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RE vI EWE D ~ th. _,a~v ~ r,i tt~a ~&t~ke~b4 ~fr~nesot~~. ~J. = i ~ ~ ~ ~ r,,, ,.,~~it~°d~i~;~ - - ~ . ~ • ,P~,~ s~ ~t~rPjn~r 6d ';r,9iw~snz ~N. W • ~ " ~ 4y ~ . ~ (.)it,n f . r " - . . . . ~ . _ _ _ - - < 1 ~#a~{~~~~yim ~1e~3~trafl~n ~fb ACr2a ,~d j~°~'~ me"' J~~~ ' ~ r~` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~`°f~.~ ~ ~A a ~ ~ ~ , ~ i ~ , ~ •••.,~.a,.o,... . . ~ , ~ ~ „ ' " k d~~~r, ~ ~ ~~a~° . . . . . . ~ . ~ ~ . . t!!11q11 f ~{ilf;tE~S111\~~~ Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r————————————————� I For Office Use � � � Permit#: � l � City of �a��� ; . "�vt- ; Permit Fee: J 3830 Pilot Knob Road � � Eagan MN 55122 � Date Received: � Phone: (651)675-5675 I I Fax: (651)675-5694 I Staff: I I I 2015 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date:��3 a'� ��1/ Site Address: � � 7'� � � �P> � �«� � Unit#: �� � ��-���� �w �, �. `}� ������,,:,�� Name: \ � �J �rc�`�e r� ��c`� Phone: �Resident/� � � ��. �,� QW�1eC �` .- Address/City/Zip: � � ��-��. *;� ��� �: �; �,� ���� �- Applicant is: Owner Contractor �� � � x � �� �� � ���� 4�: Description of work: ����° � �'�� � �� ��"�� Type of WorK` ���� �� � 5.; ��.��,� Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building:(Yes No ) I� � ��� ������� ���� / J � /� �� � '� ; Com an „G PC,L�f�SC .T.(i�Lt>J`-���� 1 N� �Q�'=!� /�1/��j'�,✓� :,���`, �' �� p y' Contact: � n ����y � � � � l � �/ � O���� � � � '� Address: � r�� � ��1 -� `T �t�Confractor u. � c'ry: �-:, �� '` ,��� ,: / ��� �# i � ��r:` State:��' Zip: .� -� (��hone: Email: �, ����- � ��� �'� � � :' ' License#: Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes,date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: ,��NOTE Plans:andsu»pp,or#ing�cui»ents�that youFsubmit are cons,rder�tl ta be pubH�nfo m�t�o P,�r���s,��o`f�� ���the informat�oa niay b�e c/ass��eal as �r�pub/�c'�r�`you�ra� e spec�fic'���'sa��fitat�woul er,�n�t� e�Ct#y#o , ��._ F� � �„�... � x.� �� . .,. „��, �'��con�/uale.:thaf�i�he are�traale se�rets 4 � �,z��.��. " : �''� x � . ,,.,.� ..... _.E ,. .,.. . .�:. . -. .:�.,_ ..�`-;�, , n ..,._. ...�.�. ;�� . ,:...:,. ... . �,',,. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)4540002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.popherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Cod ust be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. � X � ������ ,�°� �/ .� � .� ��� X ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature Page 1 of 3 • 13/.._ ,7 7 r 0�7/4,cl? Use BLUE or BLACK Ink rC"/ Eau -77 ' df!Ill' City o ta i`i i �1 emit Fee: J�✓: ��)1P / 3830 Pilot Knob Road iD� �L ,j c-.,1 11 Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: l Phone: (651)675-5675 Fax: (651)675-5694s)k.)..... /\f �%\ Staff: e/16 2017 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION cci. �J I s- �J�7 Date: ��'t1 Site Address: 1 (� 4 t L a� r v a I Unit#: tra Name: �c� LI£l�► �e` F 1i Phone: 65-I--/9-7-26q 1 Resident!„ Ow er wNy Address/City/Zip: 312- M ICLi t 11 0" vi 5 ak., MV cS11-7 3 L-1 . 1 C psiE,1-, l/ n Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type of W *' Description of work: ( 1c1"'" 0°h-l! Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building:(Yes /No)( ) �' 1f Company: t►o aL- P.bvi r 411 Contact: I>riit-. I Address: 44"6 19fOw 1 ✓,-1vc City: 9�`^ Contractor s ,I i gin . State: MN Zip: CS'12} Phone: �j�-�S1n'3s4 7 Email: 6f1etv �1 ` ko i ..Y144,�'. Caw . License cense#: Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: 'f' 1 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: lve_ T--/-4-. 4 C� _ � Si' .,5 Phone: 6r /— 95;- 19 F? Mechanical Contractor: Plotil (Jec(Icj Phone: 713 ' 5'47' I I IC Sewer&Water Contractor: 1 l i15 (.•h' cti.4o, Phone: 612 - 111- -)3)D Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: t i' 7'iE;Plans.and suppo ting docume 'ts that you submit are cosi: :to '® public nfo a fo,64 n iiolns of the rn. ationl ma be classified as nog:4141k if you provide' a � 4°® p ecifi�°reasdns that w,ouP - he City to ''' . ..y concldtt they are trade secrets. v „ `, . r CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x !3"th— L "Tf44140. x &m I, Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE iqi 77 SUB TYPES ` p f La \\-r''�, Foundation Fireplace Porch(3-Season) Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Z<„ Single Family Garage Porch(4-Season) Exterior Alteration(Multi) L Multi _ Deck _ Porch(Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Miscellaneous 01 of_Plex Lower Level Pool Accessory Building WORK TYPES New Interior Improvement _ Siding Demolish Building* / Addition _ Move Building Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration Fire Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace Repair Egress Window Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation t 2V, Occupancy IVL- MCES System Plan Review Code Edition piity.2.:p)( SAC Units (25% 100%X ) Zoning 17/4- City Water Census Code , Stories 1 Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet 9 0 PRV #of Buildings Length /• Fire Suppression Required Type of Construction V,/t,, Width +rt: t REQUIRED INSPECTIONS )( Footings (New Building) Meter Size: X Footings (Deck) !v` Final /C.O. Required Footings(Addition) Final /No C.O. Required /- Foundation x Foundation Before Backfill HVAC Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test Roof: _Ice &Water Final Pool: Footings _Air/Gas Tests _Final /' Framing 30 Minutes X 1 Hour Drain Tile IC Fireplace: ic Rough In x Air Test )( Final Siding: _Stucco Lath StoneLa Brick EFIS AInsulation Windows )( Sheathing Retaining Wall: Footings_Backfill_Final A Sheetrock ( ` Radon Control Fire Walls Fire Suppression: _Rough In_Final 77, Braced Walls /X Erosion Control Shower Pan Other: Reviewed By: ' k ' , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES 7 r 6i1V., I A 1 / J . Base Fee VUR"' �'v V (D ' ' ;-. Surcharge0) �a Plan Review I'J7.L fel 442, `,"f l" / , MCES SAC L� r City SAC �n� `V"1 94 2- 4 V / / i 7 Utility Connection Charge Y V S&W Permit&Surcharge (.746.\\ftvg_,, 7,249 ) r '`f-:3- tey 0dr 20_ Treatment Plant i �/ C) Copies 72-.- � � t? TOTAL 5< N4, Page 2 of 3 no/ticLififilirj New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per R401.3 Certificate.A building certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical distribution Date Certificate Posted Panel. Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit City ; QJC 3170 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan �J HEATING A AIN cONDmONINO Name of Residential Contractor MN License Number Thorson Homes THERMAL ENVELOPE RADON CONTROL SYSTEM Type:Check All That Apply X Passive(No Fan) Active(ter fan and manometer or ether system monitoring device) Location(or future location)of Fan: N U N P. N o qa a✓ U w o -o (U �[ 00 c`;30 y V a) • C O. tn. v m 8 u U Insulation Location cX °� z 5 M V ( w 5 o• y o a c E c rn vl z 67. i,L u- u- 2 it ix Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab Foundation Wall o L>< Perimeter of Slab on Grade Rim Joist(1st Floor) i(A°1 �1 Rim Joist(2nd Floor+) 7 pltr _ Wall '7p Ceiling,flat ] X Ceiling,vaulted Lie) x' Bay Windows or cantilevered areas '>C Floors over unconditioned area > Describe other Insulated areas Building envelope air tightness: Duct system air tightness: Windows&Doors eating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces Average U-Factor(excludes skylights and one door)U: .11 X Not applicable,all ducts located in conditioned space Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC): r'!Z R-value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type Domestic Water Appliances Heating System Cooling System X Heater Not required per mech.code NATURAL GASR410A Passive Fuel Type 1--AT -aS CARRIER 11 t- CARRIER Manufacturer �o 't^+ Powered Model 59SC5A080S17-16 Z NAS L ,- 2�$B336 Interlocked with exhaust device. I Describe: Input in Capacity Output Other,describe: Rating or Size BTUS. 80,000 in Gallons: fes' 0 in Tons: 3 AFUE or g5% SEER Location of duct or system: Efficiency HSPF% JEER Heating Loss Heating Gain Cooling Load Residential Load Calculati 61,792 31,025 2.59 Cfm's "round duct OR MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM "metal duct Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed:(e.g.two furnaces or air Combustion Air Select a Type source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Not required per mech.code Select Type X Passive Heat Recover Ventilator(HRV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Other,describe: X Energy Recover Ventilator(ERV)Capacity in cfms: Low: 75 High: 150 Location of duct or system: Balanced Ventilation capacity in cfms: MECHANICAL ROOM Location of fan(s),describe: Cfm's Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: 5 "round duct OR Total ventilation(intermittent+continuous)rate in cfms: 4 "metal duct Builders Associaton of Minnesota version 101014 • Thorson Homes, 3170 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan 2015 Mechanical & Energy Code—Ventilation, Makeup, and Combustion Air Calculations Ventilation Quantity (Determine quantity by using Table R403.5.2 or Equation R403.5..2,2015 Minnesota Energy Code) Square feet(Conditioned area including 4220 150 Basement—finished or unfinished) Total required ventilation , 3 75 Number of bedrooms Continuous ventilation Directions-Determine the total and continuous ventilation rate by either using Table N1104.2 or equation 11-1. Insert the square footage, total required ventilation and continuous ventilation in the Mechanical Submittal form. The table and equation are below. Table R403.5.2 2015 Minnesota Energy Code Total and Continuous Ventilation Rates(in efm) Number of Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conditioned space(in Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ sq.ft.) continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous 1000-1500 60/40 75/40 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 1501-2000 70/40 85/43 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 2001-2500 80/40 95/48 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 2501-3000 90/45 105/53 120/60 135/68 150/75 165/83 3001-3500 100/50 115/58 130/65 145/73 160/80 175/88 3501-4000 110/55 125/63 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 40014500 120/60 135/68 165/83 180/90 195/98 4501-5000 130/65 145/73 _160/80 175/88 190/95 205/103 5001-5500 140/70 155/78 170/85 185/93 200/100 215/108 5501-6000 150/75 1651;83 180/90 195/98 210/105 225/113 Equation R403.5.2 2015 Minnesota Energy Code (0.02 x square feet of conditioned space)+[15 x(number of bedrooms+ 1)]=Total ventilation rate(cfm) Example: (0.02 x 3000)+[15 x(3+ 1)]=Total ventilation rate= 120 cfm Total ventilation—The mechanical ventilation system shall provide sufficient outdoor air to equal the total ventilation rate average for each one-hour period according to the above table or equation. For heat recovery ventilators(HRV)and energy recovery ventilators(ERV)the average hourly ventilation capacity must be determined in consideration of any reduction of exhaust or outdoor air intake, or both,for defrost or other equipment cycling. Continuous ventilation-A minimum of 50 percent of the total ventilation rate, but not less than 40 cfm, shall be provided,on a continuous rate average for each one-hour period. The portion of the mechanical ventilation system intended to be continuously may have automatic cycling controls providing the average flow rate for each hour is met. 1 • Thorson Homes, 3170 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan Directions-In order to determine the makeup air for ventilation, Table 501.4.1 must be filled out(see below). For most new installations, column A will be appropriate, however, if kitchen hoods exceed 300 cfm, atmospherically vented appliances or solid fuel appliances are installed, use the appropriate column. Please note, if the makeup air quantity is negative, no additional makeup air will be required for ventilation, if the value is positive refer to Table 501.4.2 and size the opening. Transfer the cfm, size of opening and type(round, rectangular, flex or rigid) to the last line of section D. The ventilation make-up air supply must communicate with the exhaust appliances. Table 501.4.1, 2015 Minnesota Mechanical Code PROCEDURE TO DETERMINE MAKEUP AiR QUANITY FOR EXHAUST APPLIANCES IN DWELLING UNITS (Additional makeup air will be required for combustion appliances,see KAIR method for calculations) One or multiple power One or multiple fan- One atmospherically Multiple vent or direct vent assisted appliances vented gas or oil atmospherically appliances or no and power vent or appliance or one solid vented gas or oil combustion appliances direct vent appliances fuel appliance appliances or solid fuel appliances Column A Column B Column C Column D 1.Enter the Appropriate Column to Estimate House Infiltration a)pressure factor 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03 (cfm/sf) b)conditioned floor area(sf) 4220 (including unfinished basements) Estimated House Infiltration(cfm): 633 [1a x 1bi 2.Exhaust Capacity a)clothes dryer(cfm) 135 135 135 135 b)80%of largest exhaust rating (cfm);300 240 (not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and match to exhaust) c)80%of next largest exhaust rating(cfm);80 64 (not applicable if recirculating . system or if powered makeup air is electrically interlocked and matched• to exhaust) Total Exhaust Capacity(cfm); 439 [2a+2b+2c] 3.Makeup Air Quantity(cfm) a)total exhaust capacity(from 439 above) b)estimated house infiltration(from 633 above) Makeup Air Quantity(cfm); [3a—3bJ -194 (if value is negative,no makeup air is needed) 4.For makeup Air Opening Sizing, N/A refer to Table 501.4.2 A. Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or atmospherically vented gas or oil appliance or if there are no combustion appliances.(Power vent and direct vent appliances may be used.) B. Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance per venting system.(Appliances other than atmospherically vented appliances may also be included.) C. Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented(other than fan-assisted)gas or oil appliance per venting system or one solid fuel appliance. D. Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel appliances. Be advised: 2015 Minnesota Mechanical Code, Section 505.2, Installation of exhaust hood systems capable of exhausting in excess of 400 cfm shall be provide with makeup air at a rate approximately equal to the exhaust air rate. Such makeup air systems shall be equipped with a means of closure and shall be automatically controlled to start and operate simultaneously with the exhaust system. 3 Thorson Homes, 3170 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan IFGC Appendix E,Worksheet El Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method (for Furnace,Boiler,and/or Water Heater in the Same Space) Step 1:Complete vented combustion appliance information. Furnace/Boiler: _Draft Hood _ Fan Assisted X Direct Vent Input: 80,000 Btu/hr (not fan-assisted &Power Vent Water Heater: _Draft Hood X Fan Assisted _Direct Vent Input: 75,000 Btu/hr (not fan-assisted) &Power Vent Step 2:Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space(CAS)containing combustion appliances. The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code compliant openings. CAS volume: 2422 ft3 Step 3:Determine Air Changes per Hour(ACH)1 Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E-1 for use with Method 4b(KAIR Method).If the year of construction or ACH is not known,use method 4a(Standard Method). Step 4:Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air. 4a.Standard Method Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances(DO NOT COUNT Input: 75,000 Btu/hr DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Use Standard Method column in Table E-1 to find Total Required TRV: 3750 ft3 Volume(TRV) If CAS Volume(from Step 2)1s greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. 4b.Known Air Infiltration Rate(KAIR)Method Total Btu/hr input of all fan-assisted and power vent appliances Input: Btu/hr (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Use Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find RVFA: ft3 Required Volume Fan Assisted(RVFA) Total Btu/hr input of all non-fan-assisted appliances Input: Btu/hr Use Non-Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find RVNFA: ft3 Required Volume Non-Fan-Assisted(RVNFA) Total Required Volume(TRV)=RVFA+RVNFA TRV= +_= ft3 If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. If CAS Volume(from Step 2)is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. Step 5:Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume. Ratio=CAS Volume(from Step 2)divided by TRV(from Step 4a or Step 4b) Ratio= 2422 / 3,750 = .65 Step 6:Calculate Reduction Factor(RF). RF=1 minus Ratio Ratio RF=1- .65 = .35 Step 7:Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from outside. Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS Input: 75,000 Btu/hr (EXCEPT DIRECT VENT) Combustion Air Opening Area(CAOA):Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hr per in2 CAOA= 75.000 /3000 Btu/hr per in2= 25 in2 Step 8:Calculate Minimum CAOA. Minimum CAOA=CAOA multiplied by RF Minimum CAOA= 25 x .35 = 8.75 in2 Step 9:Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter(CAOD) CAOD=1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA CAOD=1.13 J Minimum CAOA= 3.34 in 1 If desired,ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test.Follow procedures in Section G304. Although this worksheet, IFGC Appendix E,Worksheet E-1 and the following worksheet, IFGC Appendix E,Table E-1, is referenced in the 2015 Minnesota Fuel Gas Code,these worksheets were not included in the published copy. 4" Hard Pipe 5" Flex 5 Wetherall Residence HVAC Load Calculations for Thorson Homes re RESIDENTIAL RH v HVAC LOADS { Prepared By: Josh Schindele Flare Heating&Air Conditioning 9303 Plymouth Ave N Golden Valley,MN 55427 763-542-1166 Wednesday,April 05,2017 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. . | | --------�-����� 370a- ~~~~- . ; ' Report | ProjectTitle: - - - --- — — - -- - ' - --- Designed By: Josh Project Date: Wednesday,April 05, 2017 Client NameThorson Homes Company Name: Flare Heating&Air Conditioning Company Repnaean�bve� Josh8ohindo|o Company Address: 9303 Plymouth Ave N ( Company City: Golden Valley, MN 55427 { Company Phone: 763-542'1160 | � : Company 763-542-3101 Company E-Mail Address: jonhindele@flaraheaUng.00m Company Website: www.flareheating.com .° =-==i °PV°.Z= !=�� Reference City: Minneapolis/St. Paul AP, Minnesota Building Orientation: Front door faces East Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 44 Degrees Elevation: 834 ft. | ` Altitude Factor0.970 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains ! � Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Re.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -16 -16.32 n/a n/a 72 n/a Summer: 93 71 34% 50% 72 22 Total Building Supply CFM: 1,207 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.286 Square ft. of Room Area4,220 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,632 Volume(ft3): 31,183 rltikj_ --___ ______-_._~~f-- ._~ ~=ir~.t~Xi=fl Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 61,792 Btuh 61.792 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,120 Btuh 84 % Total Latent Gain: CoolingTotal Required Including Ventilation ir: 31,025 - h 2.59 Tons(Based On Sensible Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edit .. Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meetboth sensible and latenloads according to the manufacturer's performance data at | your design conditions. ! i i . S: ECTS\ OS Homes, Wetherall Residence.rh9 Wednesday,Apri05, 2017, 9:31 AM Rhvac..Residential&Light Commercial:HVAC,,Lbads'- Elite Software DevelorRTentt,°Inc. Flare Heating&A/C'Inc.:: W erall l e*sKienbe.' Golden-Valley,MN 554274700 Page3 i Total Building Summary Loads Ct ,re i r ,l P , � t1 ` : , t,omponent Qftr .. }iaQ . x e jj , , 1Desc'•tion 2A-v-o: Glazing-Double pane low-e(e=0.60), operable 379 9,672 0 8,614 8,614 window, vinyl frame,outdoor insect screen with 50% coverage,u-value 0.29, SHGC 0.22 11N: Door-Metal -Polystyrene Core 40 1,232 0 448 448 15B0-10sf-4:Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to 654 3,546 0 248 248 floor,no interior finish, 4'floor depth 15B0-10sf-8:Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to 945 4,460 0 150 150 floor, no interior finish, 8'floor depth 12F-Osw:Wall-Frame, R-21 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 2480.5 14,189 0 3,434 3,434 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish,wood studs 12F1-0sw: Wall-Frame, R-21 open cell 1/2 lb. spray foam 232 1,326 0 322 322 insulation in 2 x 6 stud cavity, no board insulation, siding finish,wood studs 1580-10sf-2:Wall-Basement, , R-10 board insulation to 36 240 0 35 35 floor, no interior finish, 2'floor depth 16B-50: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 2122 3,735 0 2,377 2,377 Floor(also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-50 insulation 21A-20: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 2 2098 4,985 0 0 0 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, any floor cover, shortest side of floor slab is 20'wide 20P-30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 24 74 0 13 13 R-30 blanket insulation, any cover Subtotals for structure: 43,459 0 15,641 15,641 People: 4 800 920 1,720 Equipment: 1,131 4,262 5,393 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 0 0 0 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 179, Summer CFM: 131 16,854 1,890 2,931 4,821 Ventilation:Winter CFM: 75, Summer CFM: 75 1,479 1,084 353 1,437 Exhaust:Winter CFM: 180, Summer CFM: 180 AED Excursion: 0 0 2,013 2,013 Total Building Load Totals: 61,792 4,905 26,120 31,025 I_:.. e k`I'`(0 EIre�J'�` ' 4 7l''.-,-.7,17,79-11-1A1fq d t`A-s r ,.,e . t -e k 1a _ 'a• , ` ' `pity"~_ Total Building Supply CFM: 1,207 CFM Per Square ft.: M . 0.286 Square ft. of Room Area: 4,220 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,632 Voil'ume(ft3): 31,183 re Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 61,792 Btuh 61.792 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,120 Btuh 84 % Total Latent Gain: 4,905 Btuh 16 Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 31,025 Btuh 2.59 Tons(Based On Sensible+Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. S:\FHDATA\PROJECTS\J0SH\Version6\Thorson Homes, Wetherall Residence.rh9 Wednesday, April 05,2017, 9:31 AM LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • PROPERTY LEGAL: Wit IJ��C,f1 �yf r'I Add DATE OF SURVEY: 4/2.4 7 LATEST REVISION: m a) .c V O z < DOCUMENT STANDARDS 8 ❑ ❑ • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ❑ 0 • Building Permit Applicant ❑ ❑ • Legal description 8- ❑ ❑ • Address ❑ ❑ • North arrow and scale -B' Cl ❑ • House type(rambler,walkout,split w/o,split entry, lookout, etc.) -B' ❑ ❑ • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient% ❑ ❑ O. • Proposed/existing sewer and water services&invert elevation 0 ❑ • Street name ❑ ❑ • Driveway(grade&width-in R/W and back of curb,22' max.) ❑ ❑ • Lot Square Footage /1 0 ❑ • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existing ❑ ❑ • Property corners ❑ ❑ • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions yl ❑ ❑ • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes y' ❑ ❑ • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches "Et ❑ ❑ • Waterways(pond, stream,etc.) Proposed X ❑ 0 • Garage floor ,Pf ❑ ❑ • Basement floor y7 ❑ ❑ • Lowest exposed elevation(walkout/window) 7 ❑ ❑ • Property corners 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation Y ® • PRV Required PONDING AREA(if applicable) ❑ ❑ • Easement line ❑ ,' ❑ • NWL ❑ )2' ❑ • HWL ❑ jd ❑ • Pond#designation ❑ ,� ❑ • Emergency Overflow Elevation ❑ ,kr ❑ • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y • Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS yr ❑ ❑ • Lot lines/Bearings&dimensions ❑ ❑ • Right-of-way and street width(to back of curb) El ❑ • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks,overhangs greater than 2', porches,etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ❑ 0 • Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements .a' ❑ ❑ • Setbacks of proposed structure and side -rd setback of adjacent existing structures 0 ❑ • Retaining wall requirements: Reviewed By: `r Date 4407 G:/1 Engineering/FORMS/Cert.of Survey Checklist Rev.11-16-16 Suuaaupug IaauoId© lomma_y poaay}aM :JIaAne Y1W:Aqum¢IQ 1.909:#iPiod 000360L l l:#loocold L£b6-S0b(IS9):led/bb90-bSb(IGO): uogd :uoi}ona13 :lepori asnoH £ZISS MAI`11u2Ba o}oseuuiyy `uo6o3 'pool qou){ lolid OLI. asaJppy woo-2-I8aa(Ol9 IQ M Pooa2Pa�99VP 88b6-I89(IS9):x2.3 OZISS NW`s11121 getopuays1 D}OSODU5/11 '/(}U1103 D}o)jDQ PI6I-I89(IS9):'ud anuQ asudlalug ZZbZ OUT SOUIOH uos.zogI }oaiay} }odd papaooa� ay} o} 6uip.i0000 :Joj JcOAJflS JO a1��JIzaa NoLuaav N131Sd3 'dd`�'S°Nd °A3�SaNV, N �aNd, 52133,0010 AIS 1. mo018 , 1. }a, �uuaau 2lagl�I Id 29'66 M.1Z,90o00S °o s a J N o O+.y m C c ON °c t `R cv X -6In Ga X 6, X g C3 •,,` _o a II r. X oeo.... o aZ c )411 ''' ci �� o E� a> •. 4 .g'47. o 0 ft om o m �j`� O 2OIU. a O X47 c 0. coy � m ^ +, co 0 0- 14 ill ,,...6. ... ''' .,,..0 ai X aS ‘a °' o"o E 0 m 11 — X X $ .._.....�- �jr o X X \� + h. c0 CO. O) o .svv _ o I i ;,c, �p rpl N ` > F/5 CU >y 0`c X 3 m �a `pal)" xII) . % 44 C` N d- >O a C �'• cp o ' ♦ 1 0 NNIn Q C O n m f` rn X 1 v cO c m $ Q.�e o . x jii o a� J�c .X / _ _N U T 0 C ° m , —0 an d E v c o a to I �1- • ,. x 1 �b E �_ ^' i ^ 1. . I I. Ecorra ° v rn o .. a I,: •, N o b\ o v v • o-•1910 m ' X / ff•Sl gk 1e/0 :C.i a u N c o l oN \ O rn • . �0`g�) H I » to O N h a rn E wEcn ch - - ...i.,/, 01 cJ li Lr_ 0 II c 00 Z5 --- _1 00 yolod �w Om o I • M N 00 N a O -c T� up N ��O Z rn » of o >P9P 93 I cNp�o�II N v ovJ 2 0 of °i of `. 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O (n U�N1')d'tn c0 C.O .-T6 0,1 0M]N OC' N OC II)y(D • PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA146443 Date Issued:10/25/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3170 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:1 Block: 1 Addition: Epstein PID:10-24150-01-010 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Neal T Wetherall 1392 Michelle Dr Eagan MN 55123 Water Doctors Water Treatment Company 8201 Old Central Ave, Suite F & G Spring Lake Park MN 55432 (763) 535-1800 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature eq �9 �0 &;1SH�p 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651)675-5675 I Fax: (651)675-5694 buildinginspectionst cityofeagan.com Address: 3170 Pilot Knob Dr Permit#: 142977 The following items were /were not completed at the Final Inspection on: !/ZO /i Complete Incomplete Comments Final grade - 6"from siding Permanent steps— Garage Permanent steps — Main Entry Permanent Driveway 1/ Permanent Gas Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope ✓ Sod / Seeded Lawn Trail / Curb Damage Porch Lower Level Finish Deck Fireplace 01 r4•'4 }C')BIZ • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. Building Inspector: "IA / "2i 1 r7