3330 Pilot Knob Rd Use BLUE or BLACK Ink l For Office Use Perrnit City of Ea a 3830 Pilot Knob Road i Permit Fee: I Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: l Phone: (651) 675-5675 j Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff 2010 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: I©__ _ Site Address: N Tenant: Suite PROPERTY 1' OWNER Name:CA<~'_'_ l Phone: l~ License Ls~ CONTRACTOR Name: - 162 Address: - l y fyl\ City: 261, l j State: MnZip: SS / 63 Phone: TYPE OF New _ Replacement Repair .Rebuild Modify Space Work in R.O.W. WORK Description of work: !xi'; ili (2) '?-IV COMMERCIAL PERMIT TYPE New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System yes / _ no) RPZ l _ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2` turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to pickinqup meter. Domestic. Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg: GPM Nigh demand devices? Yes No Flushometers -Yes No COMMERCIAL FEES: $55.00 Minimurn (includes State Surcharge) OR Contract Value x 1% Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems Radio Meter Read - If the -Permit I ee is less than $10,010, they surcharge is $5.00 = $ Meter(s) - If the Permit ree is > $10.010, the surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 Perrnit Fee (i.e. a $10,010-51?_000 Permit Fee requires a $5.50 surcharge) _ $ State Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. S Water Permit Call the Ciry's i_nginecruig Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts- $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge 9d TOTAL FEES $ 55 ° CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours.before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.g roc reby a ,k,nowledge;that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan: that I der„and this"is not a Perrnit, but only, an,application for a perrnit, and work is not'to start without a pemrii, that the work will be in accordance with the approved r air in the rase of work which requires a~review and approval of plans. A piicant's Pri ed Name Ap Pt-Yrit's' Signatur FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date:' Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In ___Air Test Gas Test --Final PRV Required: Yes ~ No Page 1 of 3 Receipt ? PLUMBING PERitAIT • Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee ??'? • ??` Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. ?•? ?.>i.' 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address •?->30 P? jut Kn''?o! {?a? Blk. Tract : a. Owner ':AWM0ALE CLllii ' 5. Contractor Phone 452--1565 s. Address 36OU KEnnebec Lrivt - ? 7. City F99an. MN State 'IN Zip 55122 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial E7 Institutional O 9. Work Description: New ? Add 0 Alter ? Repa+r ? 10. Describe J comp$rtAnt S+nk 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs $eptic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Wel I Kitchen Sink ? Urinal/Bidet A Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : - for Rough Final J? Inspections: Date Insp. Date •? y`insp. 1m This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved : CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF F.AGAIY. Remarks Addition Lot Blk Owner Street Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREETSURF, 73 13 s/om 1 /0 STREET RESTOR. S S IO GRAOING SAN SEW TRUNK 3 33,/ SEWER LATERAL 9 75 3 WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA l y? I? • U oZ17 STORM SEW TRK Q $a STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY OF kAGAN Remarks _ Addition Effress Addition Lot_ 8 -Bik 3 Parcel 10 23100 080 03 Owner Street 1State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date NWREETSURF. ' 39$].12 $398.71 10 STREET RESTOR. GRADING AN SEW TRUNK ? 1970 $713. 2$ $2$ .''j3 2 rj EWERLATERAL & S ub 1972 $6920.25 $346.01 20 WATEFiMAIN *WATER LATERAL & Stllb 1972 20 b WATER AREA 1972 1592.50 $79.62 20 STORM SEW TRK 1984 6390.00 426.00 15 *STORM 5EW LAT 1972 20 CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition ?Effress Addition Loc 7 Rik 3 Parcel 10 23100 010 03 Owner Street ?. A),Z'17'` State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date REETSURF. 3.29 $952.32 10 STREET RESTOR. ?? 1984 16 485. 96 1648.60 10 GRADING ja, AN SEW TRUNK r 1970 $719. $( $28.79 7-5 * SEWER LATERAL& Stub 1972 95 . 1 . WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL & Stu2] 1972 20 AIA WATEF AREA STORM SEW TRK 1984 6424.52 428.30 15 * STORM SEW LAT 1972 20 CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET IIGHT WATER CONN. BUII.DING PER. SAC PARK .. . . .r.r--. -... . . .. . . , _. . . ? v .. . 3830 Pilot Knob R d! P.O. Box?2G-A1 9, Eagan, MN 55121 N2 13304 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for IPJT . IMPR . Est Value $ S1000 D8te t`9ARCH 4 19 67 SiteAddress 3330 PILOT ECNOB RD Erect O Lot-Li elock -3_Sec/Sub. EFFRESS ADD Parcel No. Remodel Repair ? ? Addition ? a W Name GItAHM GUHRR Move ? o i 3346 GLEN OAKS Address Demolish ? ? city WHiTE A4X? LK 777-9930 Int Impr. mstau ? RALPH U¢ W W U? a= ` W I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and statethatthe information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State ot Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Permittee RALPN HANSON CONST Occupancy Type of Const No. Stories Length Depth S9• Ft Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date Fees Permit 5 • 0 Surcharge Plan Review SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. Parks Copie . A Building Permit is issued to: ? on the expreas condition that all work shall be done In accordance with all appliCable State of Minnesota Statutes and Cliy oi Eagan Ordinances. Building Official PNmit No. Psrmit Hoider Date Telsphone N PIum6lny H.V.A.C. Electrie ? / (, c ? !a Soitsner InspecNon Dah Insp. Comments Fooflngsl fooNnys II Foundatbn Framiny Aj Rooliny Rouph Plbp. Rough Htp. Insul. Finplaes FMaI Hty. Flnal Plbp. &dy. Final Cert. Occ. Deck Ffq. Detk Frmy. Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN 8795 Pilo! Kneb Road Eogew, MN 65122 PHONE: 454-8100 Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC LDING PERMIT ' B? Receipt # _ i •,?j ci! ue t}-;al' rr; :,. To M used for Est. Value * • Date 19 ? OC Site Address i.t'D: r G:._ Erect ? . Occupancy Lot Block ; Sec/Sub. rffress Adc'ition Alter ? Zoning Parcel # Repair ? Fire Zone Enlorge [1 Type of Const. oc Name F !t, Move p #k Stories z3 /lddress ^ f i`• -•, ::,? Demolish ? Front ff. City Phone_ Grode E] Depth k. o Name . ;iea Le ?.;onsL. I? R Addross ?°C' Ci T • Phone Ncme WW FW U? /lddrcss <'Z+' Citv ?ha+e I hereby acknowledge that 1 have reod this uppiication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable Stote of Minnesote Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordirionces. , Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: '?- all work sholl be done in accordance with oll nppliwbli Suilding Official N° 5919 Fees Pertnit Surchcrge ?.r Plan check sac Woter Conn. Water Meter -? Total on the express condition that State of MinnesoYa Stotutes und Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. ,a Plumbing Ponnk # - Doh luaed P?rwMtM Mechanical ???? 3?L •'? C•- ? ? ?( r INSPECTIONS DATE INSP• Ragh-In Find Footings Dote Insp. Dofe Irap. Foundotion Plumbing Frame/ins. Mechanicai Finol I Remurks: CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Rood . Eogan, Minnesora 55122 Phone: 454-8100 NBM' BTG' PERMIT Date: 3r29-79 5ite Address: 3330 Pi.lot 10nb Poad Lot 768 Block 3 Sub/5ec.rl-f reM A&itiM Receipt No.: Single Residential ; No. 333 13366 EagWidaie Twmis Club Nome New /Alter./ Repair Address 3330 Pil'°t Mxb Aaad g.Oflt! ? Cost of Installotion 454-M0 Eagm 90000 City Phone: Permit Fee C. O. C'arlson A.IC . ,n Nome Surchorge i Address -709 $radfoIL3 AVE. ?`r` e ? l4 .a'_"r 11 ?'''_•A?7 ? ? .'1!? + ?f1 Clt Y P?'IOIIE: Tota I This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordor?ce with oll opplicnble Stote of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Building Officiol Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee fill in numbered spaces 5/C Type or Prini legibly Tot. 1, Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address Lot ' Blk. Tract 4. Owner ,t tl 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City 8. Building Type: Residential ? 9. Work Description: New ? 10. Describe 11. J? U State Zip Commercial M Institutiona? ? Add O Alter ? Repair O No. Fixwres Water Closet T Z (oolo -7 Na. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs 4":4 Septic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray ? - ? 4Z Floor Drains DrinkingFtn. Slop Sink Gas PiPing Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this tYpe of work. Signed : for ?u Final Inspections: Dat Z-Z. ??p.? ?" w Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 /,15 y/gl lG"/lG.p// ll'i/rQrr 2" g 02 ? e t .5r .p ? ?.? .5 / m 4f ?a INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: '1111 t? [ NO -3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: I n1 rMnR Ru , ??,,. ,:M ?,?, ? , ?? , ? ??i<????:, PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION .. . .• I ? ? _. ? Permk No. Permit Holder Date Telephone M ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC InspecUon Date Insp. Commente FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL UECK FfG DECK FINAL - . - 7 fe.- r r a/1 s.-/ y iy Y ? 1 / INSPECTION REC4RD `?G`IV OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION D, . DA kt; MARF'- Fl AN iiEVIt_LJE'D kY VfRt 1 ? ? t :: I «+ APPLICANT: At+f1i 1 1!"i'T ? AKC1i . (IFRi fiP! PAti r, r- A. p kFViN 17ltl.-114 -1 -j Pern?it No. Pertnft Holder Date Telephone # ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC InspecNon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PIUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATINO GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD RREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TES7 BIDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAI INSPECTION RECORD ? CI7Y OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 ., , ,. . SITE ADDRESS: ,,, APPLICANT: , _ ?Hnx r?f? ? ? ?? ? IN MnrlI c:t_ (+,1.,) ;+,.i -t4073 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: INSPECTION . . .• ? . ? .. . .. . J PertnN No. Permit Holder Dete Telephone N 4i:c? 5.? NVAc, PLUMBING HVAC /4?6&417 NW- Y-N7 InapecUon Data insp. Commenis FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING .? PLBG AIR TEST ?- ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL i L GYPBOARD ? FIREPLACE FIFEPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG OiiSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAI DECK FTG DECK FINAL oMes 'e me.lcr yrr?q• MG fW N JAU4 - . ? 9! SIDNEY"B ? . • ? # T Kerfif[CQ.te nf cCCI.tpQttC? 'Wi#v of "au ?9cpartmcnt oF 13xiibing 3noection This Cerrificate issued parsuant ro the requircments of the Uniform Building Code cerrifying that at the time of issuaRCe fhis structure was in compliance with the various orrlinances of tlce City regulating building cor+structron or use. For the following: COMMIIND 31381 Use Classifintion: Bldg. Pemu1 No. 0-LP-Y TYm Zaning Dutrict Type Const. o.,nff o( sui}mng D P D C AddrewII07 HAZELTINE BLVD CHASKA ?Wny L 1, B I, M A R I CE Building Addmss #3 3 0 P I L 0 T K N 0 B tr ( POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE , SITE ADDRESS Unit # Permit # B Sect./Sub. INSPECTtON INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS rr ?.'?O ? !Z'I ? ??Or? 4 ?? ?T GT - (5 6 w ? . ? A48 .+J iz - i 3 -?! y m,+3 2 ?y 91 /9 '" ` 4 ia -? -? Gl Q /-s•-9 - , e ? INSPECTION INSPECTOR DATE COMMENTS a S - AtO C? ? l.1S G ? ti^ e ev es? lde-, .; ,' INSPECTIDN RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: ? Eagan, Minnesata 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: : ? rwnF? ah : ., , . PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: + i t ?? T t+?? t t { .' 4 ?ialnw ? J FtfMlll=Yqt PI_i1N RFVYt?.Ji"i) NY .lUf VOI 1S 'i'F';?;r??y Permlt No. Parmit Hotder Date Tetephone N ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspectfon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIA TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP80ARD FIREPLACE FIREPI,ACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FIMAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FIMAL i a ?7 9-7 OFF7CE USE ONIY This reqoest wid 18 momhs hom validation dak ryinted in this box. _ (0 95Z/,4- Il?iiil?llll?lllllllilli?IIIIIIII IIIII?g??3, *aod- ? * 0 4 0 0 0 2 9 5 * PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ?Q R 9?t Don, &wgF:n impection requiredE ? Yes W. Inspec6on Diher Than RovglNn: ? Ready Now Will Call f_ 3-+? '7 ('( w muat mll tlre irrspwor when reody) Dalu 2eady: licensed conhacror ? owner hereby request inspecfion oF fhe above elechical work af: Job Address (Sheal, Box, w Rwla No) ~'330 PtI,ot hob L Ciy Fa a?/ Zip Code 551?? $eclion No. Township Name a No. Ra,e No. fire Na. Cauny akota pmupom Phore No. ? z ar R1'l? LP?t'? c, d- 4 h r? s cc.?io Power S?pp6 r Addreu Eleckiml ConhacM (Cwmpony Nvme) ' Conkaclw Liceme No. `Jc? K o 5 cA Mosrer tc. No. (Planf Elxi. Only) -- Czi-Lk5 s c MaiGrg Address (Cwhocbr « Pwner PeAoaming Insmllofion) O 0. I Auth SignaNre (Conhactw a ' r P ing Imkllofionj Phone No. c' 1 5354000 -&-"118/96 STATE BOAHD CO W- SEE INSTHIICfIONS ON BACK OF YELLOW COPV 4 0 (3-- 2'9 F? /2 7'7 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION - Minnesota State Board of Eleciricity 1821 University Ave., Rm. 5-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 - Phone (672) 642-0800 Home Du laz Apt. eldg. Other: New Addn Commercial Indushiol Farm Remod Re ir Air Cond. Hig. E uip. Water Hh. Load Mgml. Ofher: D er Ran e Elec. Heaf Temp. Service "X" above Ihe work covered by fhis requesf. Enfer remarks in Ihis space and on Fhe bock of the whiM copy only. IJJJl'kx IWVOWt3.S SufPtyiUG lloVoLt Powev Td ?'f jPF1Q'P1RF-N) H1E14'1'L'RS 6110 C-oN'iY20LL12-0 (uy I(.I1i€, iJOLT- lN-GZ -% '5 T1R'C .J'R I510M Calculafe Inspecfion Fee - T1ris Inspectian Raquest will not be accepted wi/houf the correcl fee: Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # CirCUifs/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps / 0 to 100 Amps Slreer Ltg./Tmffic Sig. Above 200_Am s Above 100_Amps Tmnskrmer/Generaror INSPEGTOXS USE ONLY TQTAL Sign/Outline Ltg. Xfmr. 1390.50 Alarm/Remote Conhol , - $wimming Pool I hereb ce0i Iho11 in kd ?e elxkicol insMlhfion descnbed herein on the dares nokd Irrigation Boom Ra„eM„ pab S eciollns eclion p p Investigative Fee Final D? THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DI ED IF NOT COMPLETED WRHIN 18 MO THS. This?equest void qq(1!_e5 lamonmstrom, ' A',8 261,7 1--? ??_ ?.3tcr8 2'l 6t ( l6 J` 9?Sv flequest Date Fire No. Hough-in Inspection Fe u- 7 . ?R¢atly Now ? olify InsPec- ? / - ?? s ? , [or When Aeady _ ? licensed Electtical Contractm I heraby reQUast inspeecion ot above ? Ownpr electrical work inslelled et: Street Address. Bo r Poute No. 3 3?? , 1' f l?.rv v 6 ?Zo n'-j Ciry E-,4G ecuwi o. TownsOip Name or o. Nan9e No. Caunty . OccuPent IPFjNTI r?C fTiv ? ?C ((/ G ?L 'e-" Phone Nr. Pawer Sup0lier Adtlress Electrica Co racto ICOmpany Nrme ti?L,; Conhar.tor s Licene Na. MailinB AtlJress (Co tr r.ror or Owner kinp Insta aY nl Authorize mre (COntrector/ w r Making Ins Ilation) r 'one Number ?S - 1'(0 ? MINNESOTA STATE BOARU OF ELECTNICITY TNIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Mitlwey Bltlg. - Xoom N•191 eE ACCEPTEO BY THE STqTE epqqD UNLESS PROPER INSPEGTION FEE IS 1821 Universicy Ave., St. Paul, MN 55704 Pn??o fe121297-2711 ENCLOSED. ? R Y? 5 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooom oa ' See' instructions lor completin9 this form on beck of Yellow caOY. A' 0826 X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request Nr4 Addj Rap. Type ot Buildine AoolionceS Wired Eauipmenl Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lighting Fixtures Apt'Building Dryer ElectricHeatio Commercial Bldg. Furnace ' $ilo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Buik Milk Tank 78 rm ther Peci y ther ISOecilyl t r Succify Othor Other NmDute fnsoection Fee Below p Fee ServicaEnhanea5ize # Fee Feeders/5ubfeedars N Fee Circuits 0 to 200 Am s- 0 to 30 qm tn 30 Am s Above 200 qm ps 31 to 100 Amps "J i g;?0 31 to 100 A Swimming Pool Abave 700_Am 7Am Above 100 Transiormers . Irrigetion Boorrts Pnrtial%Offie Eee Signs Special Inspection "O 5 i"-? TOTA /F ) Hemarks 97,(1 ? F?i.rc? T) ir / ! 1 / w fiough-in t e EI ' ector, ho? 4 1ty thpt tVe Final Oxt 6 action las n ,d.. this request volC 18 monihs irom This requesl voiA ?//?/?7 18 rmonths fram C "67847 ,/.sr . - 7`6 / ensed Elecvical Contractor ? 6wner 7i4Z8o "??" I?ReadY Now f11 NntitY. insoec'I No Ior When Ready I hereby request insDection of above electrical work installeA et: Street Adtlress, Box or Route No. City gO eclron o. Townshfp Name or o. flange No. Counly 7 l,--07`2? OcroOani (PPINT) Phone No. . ,? e e.-vG Y?s- -?'? o wer Sup0liar Address lL r' FiG6L Elec«ical Contrector (Company Name) Comracwr's License No. Y9- Mailing Addres ICONractor or Owner MakinB I.stailationl - 6 a" c.f? -'?/YG?7`e S' Au h ed SiB ture (Conuac or?Owner Making Installationl Phone Number G a - L- MINNESOTA STAiE BOARD OF FLECTRICITV Gripqa-Midway Bldy. - Room N-197 1821 Universitr Ava., St. Peul. MN 55104 Vhene 16121 642-0600 THIS INSPECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD UNLESS PPOPER INSPECTIpN FEE IS ENCLOSED. /C REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-00001-05 5 // ?f I, Soe instructions for completing this imm on beek o1 vellow copy. ? CZ 7 Q A 7 "X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request - Tvoe of 0uilain9 commeraa? g. ? ? ruma 1 1 aiio ?nioader ? n InAustrial BIAo. Air CondceiTioner Bulk Milk Tnnk ? p Fee Service Enhance5ize p Fee Fanders/Subfeeders k Fee Circuitg U to 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am 5 0 tr, 30 Am Above 20 _qmps 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Amps Swinvnin Pool Above 700_Am s Above 100_Am - Transrormers Irrigation Booms O Pertial.'Other Fee L ? I Sigis iSpecial Inspection ?S Fem?eks ?? 0 TOT FEE ? . ' ?n .0(? certify thet tha above !'11e in8P9Ct10O h88 beBO ?-?7oSf7 mde. Thi s requsL vaid 18 months from ?/ oZ S-/ P 53775 Da[e ofjhis Request /f-ef^ 7J?> - I, as Q'Licensed Electrical Contractor ?Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal wiring installed at: ?g /3 3 (L F?k J Street Address or Route No. 53.30 /7"7-&2was3 AD: City ?.9^l Section Township Range County 774t[o?7-A Which is occupied bye46.Aqt/O" A',qCSOUe?TmGt1.. ?vir? ? (Name of O[cupant) / Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? Yes fd? Ready Now ? Will Call [0' Power Supplier P9KorA A6Zgc-P-ti'/c1 Address i4 343?8 Electrical Contractor Contractor's License No. _ Mailing Address Z 8 [. ?'1 N. o S/o Elec ical Conl or Owner Makln9 ThIS 1 stallatlan) Authorized Signature ' t ? Phoae No.-7-7711 (ElactHCal Con tor or Owner M king TMS Installatlon) ST14TE ??OARD v'ro?? 1: This inspection request will not be accepted by the State 8oard unless propm inspectioafee is endosed. • Minnesota State tloard oi tlec[ncity ,195414niversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104-Phone 645-7703 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHECK aELOW WORK COVERED BY TH15 REQUEST P 53775 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wved For Check Fq'uipment Wired Fm Home ? ? ? Rxnge ? Tempocary W'ving ? Duplex-' ? ? ? WaterHeater ? LightingFixtures ? Apt. Bldg. ? ? ? Dryer ? Electric Heating ? Commercial Bldg. ? ? ? Fumace ? Silo Unloader ? lndustrial Bldg. ? ? ? A'u Condiiioner 0 8ulk Milk Tank ? Fum ? 0 E] List ) List ) ? Other ? ? ? p } fteher$) p } Elehels) COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELO Semice Enhance Size: # Fee Feed u Circuits: # Fee U to 100 Am s. D t 0 A 0 to 30 Am eres 10,60 101 [0 200 Amps. 31 to 100 mperes pp 31 to 100 Am eces Abave 200 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above IO_Amps. 7ransformers RemoteControlCirc. Paztialor otherfee O Signs S cial lns ection Minimum fee Remarks TOTA? EE /[/ QO % 4 7 ? I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certi t the??qd ' i's ect' has been me. ? (Rough•in) ' w . Date (Final) Date Tlus request void 18 months from This rN?ast void ,$/TMhs f.om T' 85477 L$, ?31 r, ??s5 u-2 l. h ? C?10 ?(G Sf i1`I- ? C? O rJ or,k ReqoeSt Date I Fire No. 1 RepAiretl?Inspection []ROady Now Q Will Notify 6n,;Dec- ? -Z ?Ves El NO I , When Reatlv Licensed Elecvic31 Contractor I herebV reo.est inspection oi above ? Owrier electricxl work installed a4 SVeet AdAress, Box or Floute No. T 3 3 l ? CitY LT d r? 3-o ,- o , , - ecbon o. Township Name or Nn. H:mge No, Couuty - ?? ?? Or.h,upznt IPRINTI P ' Phoue No. . ,4G,4 Iv .. - Power Suppiier ? Address Ehecvical ConVacmr (COmpanV Name) c.'c Conhar,mi's License No. A -?' O 9 MailinG AdJress (C ooVacmr or Ow ner Makinseaila[ion) ' / / ?? U-? C?+il?l.!'L.4?O?L ?/°C? Autho - ed na re (ctor Making Installation) Phon¢ Number J MINNESO?A STATE BOAPD Of ELEC7RIGITY TMIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT Griyga-Mitlway Bidg. - Noom N•791 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAXD MN 65104 ?1N1E55 PNOPEN INSPECTION FEE IS 7021 Univarsitq Ave.. St. Peul, ENCLOSED. "? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION „?-, E8-00001-03 T? 4 7 70 Soe insVUCtions fur completinq fhis form on back o1 Vellow r.opy. ?f ^Q 1 + ?-7 ""X" " Below Work Covered by This Reryuv?` ?X 1 l t f N Add Reo. Typn of 9uildinA Aouliances Wired Equipment WireA Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhtiny Flxtures ? Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatln + Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bidy. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm ome. oE,F v ome? ?soer.?fy1 tMr lSVeeifv Ot cr Other CoinUiite lnspecuon fee Below ' N Fae ServiwEntrenceSize t! Fnu Feaders/SubfeeAers K Fee Circuits 0 to100Am s 0 to30qm s 0 to30Am s 101 to 200 Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Abuve 200 Amx Above 100_Amps Above 100_Amps Transronners Remote Conirol Circ. Partial%Other Fee Signs Special Inspection - T i D ,?v[d OTAL FE , I 0 Fouph-in ` Y ? the Elxctrical ? 'l. T=- / •c? Inspector, hareby _ . Final cartify that tbe ebove ectian hns been This repuest void 18 mnnNs hom this request vaitl r?Gr?M / O . 1 B months from AnnpaR s `/x.0 1t?.a3? ? 47 Request Date Fire No. Rouuh-in In.suection Re4uire0? eady Now ? Will NotifY Inspeo ?ye4 ? ?or When RaadY LicensBd Elec[rical Contractor I hereby repuest inspaclion of above ? Owner electrical work installetl et: Sireet Address, B°'('?r RPute Na. Citv ?J 3 3-a ?F ? l oT u ?4 6.c-N ecLOn o. • Townshio Name or No. Hanpe o. Cow v ? ?? ? i ? Occu ' t (PRINT) Phone No. C71u6 Pawer Supplier . ?_ Adtlress mpan Name) ElecVi al Contrac[or ICo ConUactor's License No, y ? ? 0 I K l? L E aclor or Owner Making Inst2ilationl M fline P.ddress IConV / 0' 6 A -A o - 0 Authoriied $i at re\C ntractor/0 er akinB Installationl Phone Number MINNESOTA STATE BOAPD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION PEQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Room N•791 eE ACCEPTED BV TME STATE BOARD 55704 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS 1821'Univareity Ave., St. Peul, MN ENCLOSED. Phone I612) 297-2111 J? -L ?•8 f? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EI'04 / ' See instruclians for completing this form on back at yallow copy. Q e?{ A ?-' ""R"' Below Work Covered by This Request ?? Fdtl NBO• TypO 01 Builtling AppliunCes Wifetl Equipmant Wired Home Ranye Temporary Service Duplez Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures t. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial BIAg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tdnk Fafm Other peci y Other (SUecify) t er Sueci(y [ er Olhe, tl0/1 F % Fee Service Enhanca5ize d Fee Feadars/3ubfeetlers # Fee Circ?its 0 to 200 AmVs- 0 to 30 Amps _ 0 to 30 Amus I 4 I Above 200 Amnv 1 131 to 100 qmos ? ? ? 31 to 1 UO Amus ? Pool Jigns aVCCmi iilyyeluon Ae rks S/os'0 TOTAL E 12 ?PA-?`K4 rrM Slf(lu %7A-w?? /tlr?u .?, /0• % flough-in Date I.the ectr' ? ? Inspecbr, eraby certify thet tha above Final, `??A ' s0ection hes been _ ? ?? mada. TMe repuest voiE 18 montlie from Tius :aquest void 3 ? 18 months from DaG: of thu'kequest / 2' Z- - Ol' Fire No. 'T 26061 1, as [J L-[censed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal wiring installed at: 3330 'Pc1or KNo6 y Stree4 Address or Route No. Sectiqn Township Range County IJXL.c-fl ?0.. Which is occupied by C`Lk]O (Name o/ Occupant) Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No p?- Yes ? Ready Now ? Will Call Pow6r Supplier Address Electrical Contractor /?{i/[ TE ??EC /7uG Contractor s Licy ° N y - (COmpany Name) (-? n Mailing Address S(a f!b ke,It, N A-e L J? IZ.. Y? cciw or Authorized Signature -?? ?Cak,noCsis Phone No.-9? (Elect cal ontracfor or Owner akfng Thls Installatlon) ?STATE BOARD COPY This impection request will not 6e aceepted by ffie State Baard unless proper inspectiou fee is enclosed. minnesota state tloara oT [lectncity Griggs Midway Bldg. - 11oom N797 =z=;=M21 Universiry Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55704 - PFrone 297-211 Y REQUEST FOR ELECTFiICAL INSPECTION CHECK BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST EH-00001-02 T 2607 Type L d ing New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wired For Check Equipment W'ved For Hom ? ? 0 Range ? Temporary Wving ? Duplex ? ? ? Watec Heater ? Lighung Fixtures ? Apt. dldg. El ? Dryer ? Electric Neating ? Commetcial Bidg. El ? Fumace ? Silo Unloadet ? Industrial Bldg. ? ? ? A'v Conditloncr ? Bulk Milk Tank ? • List ) List Othei ? o o p Herers} f Oeh?ers? H I COMPUTE INSPECTI.Q?E BELOW Secvice Entrance Siz FcedecsBSub[eedeas: # Fee Cizcuits: # Fee 0 tod00 A 0 to 30 Am res 0 to 30 Am eres 101 t A 31 to 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am res Abov 0 Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Tran ? ers 1 1 RemoteControlCirc. Partialor otherfee Signs 1 1 Special Inspection Minimum fee 55.00 Ob Remarks G&4v N U ??loPo `( Sla-Tk TOTAL F 0 S--0 I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the above inspection has 6een nlaw.- (Rough-in) Date (Einal) Date This request void ' ? ' 18 monihs from This"eques[ 18 rtqnNs from . / ? 38763 . as Request Uate Fire r)L) ?ough-in InsGer,tion equiretlt OReaAy NuwKWill Notify Inspec- / `? gg ?ves ONO lor W I Reaay •15 Licensed Electrical Convactor 1 hereby reques[ inspection of above ? pwner electricel work ins<alled at - Supet Address, eax or Route N Ic 0b+ Pd = ' 6( - CitV c r 1 33 3 o epuon o. Township Name or No. RanBe No. Cow ty OccupantlPplNTI ? t ?C Cf L)b +h1 Phone No. O V & _ EQC . l Power S. li r Address E1ec.trjcal Co vactor ICpmpa?Namel & I o Cnntracmr's License No. ? N r v?s ? Mailine A.dJress Contractor or wn r Making nstailationl 312- u7. -fi. Authorize reture (COn 3cmrI0 r Making Installation) Numbg?a I PhpwxZ 3 ? r? THIS INSPECTION PEQUEST WILL NOT MINNESOTA STATE BOAPO OF ELECTRICITV BE ACCEPTED BY THE STqTE BOAR Grigge-Midway Bidg. - Noom N-191 UNLESS PHOPEN INSPECTION FEE IS ? 1621 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55704 ? ow....e ?etll ?97_91n ENCLOSEO. REQ EST FOR ELECTRICAL I SP „ 1-na ECTFUN- r ? Sae instreetions lor eomplelin9 'his lorm on back ol vellow co0v. •C J S 7 U 3 "X" Below Work Covered by Ihis Request Menii AAtl Rep. TyOe ol BuilGine APClioncea Wired Epuipmenl Wire Home flange Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electri:: Heaun Commercial Bidg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm ina. oeu v m,u lsnadry) t.. Suoci y Othpr Otncr Comoute lnsaection Fee Below p Fee ServiceEnbaneeSi:e N Fee Fendera/5ubleedera N Fee Circuits 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 qm s 0 tn 30 An! Above 200 qm)s 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Am Swimmin Pool Above 100_Am s A6ove 700_Amps Transiormers Irngation Booms Partial.'Other Fee Signs Speciallnspection $ OTA erre.ks I A(]d ?v4 6 L ??_?/ flaugh-in • ?+rte I,the cal Inspeclor, hereby certifv thet the above Final D^ta inspaclion has been mede. Riia reQUesl voltl 18 montM irom This reques[ void 18 manlhs Irom E 318 3 8,?S -F"`' ?? ?? RPnuesi oaie pevPPad?I"suer.tinn nReatly Now ? Will Nn?ity Insoec- ]_]_ 30 88 ?Yes EM N. tar When fleady ? Licensed ElecVical Conlractor 1 heraby request inspection ot abova [] Oiwner electrical wnrk instaqed aL SVeet Adqress, eox or Poute No. Citv 3330 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan ectmn o. Township Nrme ur No. County T 7777 Dakota OccuOant fPflINT) Phone No. Ea an Athletic C1ub 454-8790 Power Suuplier Adtlress Electrical Convactor ICompany Namel Cnntrar,lor's License No. Hilite Electric Inc 040445 Mailin0 Address (Contractor or Owner Making Instailation) 1-953 Shawnee Rd Ea an Mtd 55122 Authorized Si9namre ICOnhaclor/Owner Making Insmilation) 1 Phone Number 452-8886 MINNE0A3a"BSRD-0F ELECTflIGTY THfS INSPECTION NEQVEST WILL N07 Grigps-Mitlwey Bltlg. - poom N-191 BE qCCEPTEU 9Y THE STATE 80ARD UNLESS PROPEX INSPECTION FEE IS 1821 Universitv Ave.. St. Paul, MN 55104 ow....e iaI o1 cni nsnn ENCLOSED. , REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAJ- INSPECTION . EB-00001.06 ' See instructions tor comOletine tNis lorm on beck of yellow copy. p "` 55 y E 31-83 8 "X" Below Work Covered by This Request flaw, AdJ ReP. TypO ol BuilCing AOPlianCee WirBd EquiUmenl WireA Home Fan,ye Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt BuilAmg Dryer Elec[ric Hea(in Commercial 81dy. Fumace Silo Unloader InAustrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Buik Milk Tbnk Fa/m Otner Peo v ??,?+? ?SnnciW) t e, SuccifV ther Oih.r Comnu[e lnsoection fee Belaw N Fee Sarvice EnnenceSize b Pee Fexders/SUbleeders N FeA Circuits 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 qm s O 3O. 0 0 tn 30 Am s Above 200 qinps 37 to 100 qmps 3to 100 qm s Swimming Pool Atwve 100_Am s ve 100 _Amps Transformers Irngation Boonis u tial,0ther Fee Signs Speciallnspec[ion S ?`1 TOTA F Aema rks 30.50 L ? n Y' Noueh-in ?11e , the Elecbical • Insoactoq hereby certify thet the above Final f ?A?r inspection hes bean liri? , .J?? mde. . . (I+ie request vol0/B moniha irom 9&5'? 66 ? ra?? ?? ? a3 oo?ss Requesl Date ' No. 3Q'Q r Rough-in Inspection e iretl? O Reatly N. Will Notily Inspeclor hen R tl ? YeS ? No ea y I licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Jpb AOtlress (Street, Box or ule Na.) 3,33 alc-aT rLD. Ciy Sectio0 No. Township Neme or No. Range No. Counry Dy{-K?s I OccuPan?" Pnone ryp, q_ ? L ?l CJ Power Suyplier ----------- - Atltlress ElxV?cal CoMractor (COmpany Name) Comrxtor5 License No Meibn Aci'tltlress fGOnlrector or O?vner Meking InStalla9on) ? Aotho e nator? ICOnlreno?l0 Maki nslall n) ? PhonO Number r? 4L-5-2 - v V MINNESOTA STATE BOARO OF ELECTpICITV U TMIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Gtlgga-Mldwey BIJg. - Room 5193 9E ACCEPTEO BY THE $TATE BOARD 18I1 UNVersiry Ave., St. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS PMne (612) &124)800 ENCLOSED. jl?001so G7 00168 REDFJEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See insimctions ior completing ihis brm on Oeck of yellow copy. "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request 6 ?, Q B.oMM.o e MJd RCy. TypeolBuilding AppliancesWired EquipmenlWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Speciry) Comm./Indusirial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Olher (specM) Conhactor's Remarks: Compufe Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # Service Enirance Size Fee # Circuifs/Feedars Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps $ 0 to 100 Amps 2OAc? Transformer5 Above 200 _ Amps Aboyp-li _ Amps Signs Inspecror5 Use Oniy: TO L Irrigation Booms ? ? . S a Special Inspection AlarmiCOmmunicalion THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE OFlDEqED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 HS. 1. the Electrical Inspector, hereby f Rouqn-m oale ? ^ certi y that the above inspection has been made. F,,,ai / Day , ? .3 - OFFlCE JSE ONLY This reQUest vaitl 18 manths imm Pratectzng maintaining and improving the healrb ofall Minnesoutns June 16. 2005 Dunham Capital Management, LLC 230 South Phillips Avenue. Suite 202 Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57104 Gentlemen/Ladies: Subject: Food and Beverage Equipment at Granite City Food & Brewery, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota> Plan No. 053941 We are enclosing a copy of our report covering an examination of plans and specifiications on the above-designated project. The plans and specifications gear to be in general compliance with the standards of this department. ase see the enclosed report for additional changes and/or comments. It is the project owner's responsibility to retain the plans at the project location. This review does not pertain to the Engineering design (i.e., plumbing, swimming pools, service connections, sewage systems). A separate report regarding the Engineering Review will be sent. Ten working da,ys prior to completion of the project, please contact Ms. Pamela Steinbach with our Metro district office at 651/632-5147 in order to arrange for a final on-site inspection. A final opening inspection cannot be conducted until the food, beverage and lodging license application is submitted with the appropriate fee to the main office. If you have any questions in regard to the information contained in this report, please contact me at 651/215-0862. Sincerely, 7teve Craig Public Health itarian Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 SJC:jIr Enclosure cc: Premier Restaurant Equipment Company Stanius Johnson Architects, Inc. Mr. Dirk House, Plumbing Inspector Ms. Pamela Steinbach. Minnesota Department of Health Genecal Informa[ion: (651) 215-5800 • TDD/TYY: (651) 215-8980 0 Minnesota Relay Service: (800) 627-3529 • www.health.state.mn.us For directions to any of the MDH locations, call (651) 215-5800 0 An equal opportunity employer i MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Health REPORT ON PLANS Plans and specifications on food and beverage equipment: Granite City Food & Brewery, Plan No. 053941 Location: 3330 Pilot Knob Road. Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota Date Examined: June 16, 2005 Date Received: May 19, 2005 Submitted by: Stanius Johnson Architects, Inc., 2035 15th Street North, St. Cloud. Minnesota 56303 Premier. Restaurant Equipment Company, 800 North Highway 169, Minneapolis, Minn2sota 55427 Ownership: Dunham Capital Management, LLC, 230 South Phillips Avenue, Suite 202, Sioux Falls. South Dakota 57104 The following are corrections or requests for additional information necessary before construction of your project: 1. Food and Beverage service equipment must meet the applicable standards of NSF International. Evaluation to these standards by ETL and UL are also approved. The proper sticker must be displayed. 2. Primary food preparation surfaces (tables/counters) must be of stainless steel construction in compliance with Standard No. 2 of NSF International. Cabinetry within the food service area: a. All counters shall be on 6-inch stainless steel legs meeting NSF standards, or on a solid masonry base. 3. Provide an NSF approved ventilation hood over cooking equipment which will capture and eliminate moisture, vapors, smoke, fumes and grease laden vapors. Commercial hood ventilation systems shall comply with the 2004 Minnesota Mechanical Code, which adopts NFPA 96-2001, the 2000 Tnternational Mechanical Code and the 2000 International Fuel Gas Code with amendments. Ventilation hoods must overhang the cooking line by at least six inches on both ends. A performance test may be required by the building official to verify proper operation. Granite City Food & Brewery -2- June 16, 2005 Food and Beverage Equipment Plan No. 053941 4. Used hoods must be sized for correct performance with the intended cooking equipment, including matched with proper make- up air. 5. Provide adequate facilities to air dry a minimum of three racks of washed utensils and equipment from the hot water dishmachine. 6. Provide and routinely use a chemical test kit to determine the strength of the sanitizing agent in the .final rinse water of the three-compartment utensil washing sink. Provide and routinely use a chemical test kit to determine the strength of the sanitizing agent in the final rinse water of the four-compartment bar glass washing sink. 7. Wall surfaces in food preparation, dishwashing and storage areas shall be_ smooth, light colored, easily cleanable and nonabsorbent to the highest level of splash or spray. a. Sheetrock with an enamel paint finish meets the minimum r standards for nonsplash and dry storage areas: b. Wall surfaces in splash zones or high moisture areas such as dishwashing, hand and janitorial sink areas, etc., must be finished with durable, nonabsorbent materials such as: 1) a fiber glass reinforced paneling (FRP), or 2) ceramic tile. c. Stainless steel or equivalent materials should be installed behind the cooking line. 8. Ceilings in food preparation, dishwashing, food storage areas, and bar areas shall be smooth, nonabsorbent, light colored, easily cleanable, and must not be perforated, fissured or textured. 9. Provide effective shielding, such as plastic shields, plastic sleeves with end caps, shatterproof bulbs and other approved devices for all artificial lighting fixtures in areas where there are exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, and linens, or unwrapped single-service and single-use articles. Install a sufficient number of vapor-proof light fixtures in the walk-in.cooler and/or freezer to provide a minimum of 10 foot-candles of light throughout the unit(s). Granite City Food & Brewery -3- June 16. 2005 Food and Beverage Equipment Plan No. 053941 10. All hot water generating equipment (water heaters) must comply with Standard No. 5 of NSF International, and be of adequate capacity to meet the anticipated demand of the establishment. 11. Liquor storage room requirements are the same as for dry-food storage rooms. If bar dispensing equipment is installed in the liquor storeroom, storage requirements are the same as for food preparation areas, except the ceiling shall have an easy cleanable finish. All interior surfaces of the bar shall be smooth and accessible for cleaning. Splash zones behind the bar must be finished with durable, nonabsorbent materials such as a fiberglass reinforced panel or ceramic tile. 12. A full time state certified food manager must be employed within 45 days of opening. Contact you field sanitarian for more information. 13. It is recommended to contact the Minnesota Department of Agriculture at 651/291-1072 for advice on the brewery operation. 14. Used food and beverage equipment cannot be changed or altered from its original condition. It is the project owners responsibility to insure it meets the standard. Approval of the existing or used equipment will be made by Ms. Pamela Steinbach inspecting sanitarian from our Metro district office. Approved: Steve Craig Public Health anitarian Environmental Health Services P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 amrih, 4T?' Clty of Eap Am TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, CIIIEF BUII.DING OFFICIAL DALE WEGLETI'NER, FIItE MARSHAL PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS 117IIE RIDLEY, SEIVIOR PI.ANNER CAROL TUMINI, UTII,ITY BILLING CLERK TIM PAHR, ENGINEERING TECHHICIAN LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR TOM COLBERT, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR JOHN GORDER, DEVELOPMENT/DESIGN ENGINEER TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCE COORDINATOR MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR SCOTT PETERSON, PLUMBING INSPECTOR CRAIG NOVACZYK, SEIVIOR INSPECTOR NIIICE LENCE, SE1vIOR INSPECTOR FROM: TERRY ZELENKA, COMBINATION INSPECTOR DATE: SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION FOR GRANTTE CITY BREWERY 3330 PII,OT KNOB ROAD LEGAL: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MARICE ADDITION The Protective Inspections Division will be performing a final inspection on September 20, 2005. ff you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to retum the hold request form will be considered your approval. The person, or department, requesting the hold is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. ABDO. City of EapIl In TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, CHIEE BUIILDING OFFICIAL DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS MIIKE RIDLEY, SEIVIOR PLANNER CAROL TUMINI, UTII,ITI' BILLING CLERK TIM PAHR, ENGINEERING TECffiVICIAN LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR TOM COLBERT, PUBLIC WORKS DII2ECTOR JOHN GORDER, DEVELOPMENT/DESIGN ENGINEER TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCE COORDINATOR MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR SCOTT PETERSON, PLUMBING INSPECTOR CRAIG NOVACZYK, SEIVIOR INSPECTOR NIIIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR FROM: TERRY ZELENKA, COMBINATION INSPECTOR DAT'E: SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION FOR GRANTTE CTI'Y BREWERY 3330 PILOT KNOB ROAD LEGAL: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MARICE ADDTTION The Protective Inspections Division will be performing a final inspection on September 20, 2005. If you aze requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fi]] out the proper hold request form. Failure to retum the hold request form will be considered your approval. The person, or department, requesting the hold is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. .*Cf0j1'I LP 2005 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Ca?d- Telephone # 651-675-5675 Fax # 651-675-5694 Requiremen[s: 2 complete sets of drawSngs and specificauons cut sheets on materials and comoonen[s to be used Date Site Address: PI Ip"j- ERp,?j? ? Tenant ! Building Name: C"1r,Q ne r' e rta The Applicant is: _ Owner --,Y-- Contractor Other PROPERTY OWNER Address: City: State: Zip: CONTRACTOR frvfe,C'Cl`&j^- MNLicense#: ?,-C)7 Address: 210/ ? '' City: (=IkAn tc.fn.o ? State: Zip: Phone #: ?OS? ?CS? ?d 0 LJ ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: FIRE PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads J? )_ Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE: _ New _ Addition -Y Alterations _ Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ? Commercial _ Residential _ Educational Other: 'ekCZLO-AA ? r? -, - , - LLtj ? J 0 5 u ? I ' J Please continue on reverse side By . ..? PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minimxm Fee (includes State Sarchazge) Contract Value $ 1 L-IpC-) x A1 = $ If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per Permit Fee $ .50 State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $161.00 TOTAL FEE: $ $ "5?n ..?<? I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. htQna, L L-Ai l-p Applicant's Printed Name DO NOT 1? ApplicanYs Signature LINE c 2005 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION JP L°la i CTTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 (? 651-675-5675 n /pIG1hS ?TSY VIED snc?* Date(S / a\ / 0?_ Site Address :2,,,??o ?? ld-T- k'^--? Unit # Tenant Name Gz--sT` e!rll Former Teuant Name 5??"??•S Property Owner Telephane # ( ) Contractor Address 3G So City State ti.v,/ Zip SS` ? Z Telep6one #( 6s() License# cii sEapires: The AppGcant is _ Owner TContractor _ Other Work Type New Bldg _ Modify Tenant Space RPZ PVB New Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Irrigation system Work wit6in public right of-way/easement _ Yes _ No Rain sensors are reuired on irri ation s stema Description of Work AJUD ?., - f?? •«,? vS / Al-r d 1••sTn ?? ic e`^ ?c._,? P. To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is mquired on new service, call 651-675-5646 MetCra - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductiviTy, and bacteria tests passed prior to picldne uo meter. Irrigadon Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd uoless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $161.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes 6igh demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 menemum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $? S'o'° x 1% _$ o! EO Pernut Fee $ Me[er(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard itrieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read IFpermit Cee is $1,000 or fess, surcharge is 5.50 $ ?. SO State Surcharge IF pemtit fcc is over $3,000, aurcharge is 5.50 per $1,000 of the Permit Fee Following fees apply only w6en installing new irrigation system ?$ Water Pertnit ? Call Ierty Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounis $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ Z'>O ,SQ Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Peimit and acknowledge that the infomiation is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confonnazice with the ordinances and codes of the CiTy of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a peanit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a peimit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan ut [he case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ApplicanPs Printed Name Appljr s Signature < l:)? Ng CITY USE ONLY REQUII2ED IN5PECTIONS: ? U.G. __`f_Air Tes[ __r Gas Test PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVE? BY: _r Rough In J?_ Final ? - ?-? -0 S'-, BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevazd urigation sys[ems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be tested every year and rebuilt every five yeazs. Tes[ results should be mailed to Paul Aeuer at the City of Eagan. • A miuimum fee pecmit per addmsa is required for the following RPZ's: new, rebuild, repair, remove. • Water meters include copper hom/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS RE UIItING 4-HOURADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $125.00 4-120 1-1/2" irrigation syst $ 735.00 displacement sm commercial turbine** Public Works maximum must approve continuous meter size 10 2-30 3/4" ]awn irriga[ion $161.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigarion syst $ 931.00 maximum displacement residential & continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very ]g res $296.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,849.00 bldg to 24 uniLS 65 units maximum sm commercial & continuous & lg comm bldgs 25 urition stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $429.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REQUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METER$ IISE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig irrigation $1,182.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,563.00 syst & production very Ig comm bldgs lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldga $2,282.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,076.00 very Ig comm bldgs very Ig comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very Ig irrigation $2,226.00 syst & production lines l;omments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To anange for water tumon, ca11 65 1-675-5 300. ec: Mainlenance Division Clerieal Technieian ]anuary 2005 2005 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION , City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: commerciaVindustrial buildings : multi-family buildings when sepazate permits are not required for each dwetling uni[ ff?zo so Date ' (L' / 2 ( / p?4, _ Site Street Address 3 3 c?? Yi Unit # Tenant Name (if applicabie) G{Z, n 1t Previous Tenant Name ?VIN 51 Property Owner Telephone il ( ) Contractor f ofe ?QGnqmi t?..1' StreetAddress 7,0 9-2? &e? ?L City 610nvtlt. State mN Zip S? ? Telephone #U-7'fo3 65-nD, Bond Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner ? Conhacror _ Other Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove "see below X Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _ Processed _Gas Nature of Work: " 06cn YVi j-L.o a ir e,dd h a? l mmre. iA?oGce , **When installing/removittg underground tank, caN for inspecfion by Fire Marshal and Plumbing lnspector Permif Fees: $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal $50.50 Minimum (includes Sta[e Surcharge) or Contract Value $ '3(Dppn x t% _ ? $ ?7 ?1/JU C7o Permit Fee • If ep rmit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ State Surcharge If ep rmit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for every $1,000 ep rmit fee $ Tota1 Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. GMiiU Ww?. Applicant's P inte ame Approved By: inspector 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telep6one # 651-675-5675 Please wmplete for: single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when pertnits are required for each unit Date Site Address Unit (1 Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Cantractor Street Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwetling unit $ 30.00 furnace _Additional _Replacement air exchanger airconditioner _New _ Replacement other State Surcharge $ .SO Total : $ I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit; but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant's Signature (, ?ls-7 2005 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 • Slructural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . Cerfificate of Survey (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) " • Project5pecs (t) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule " • Soils Report (1) • Meter size musl be esta6lished 1 d i 1 • SAC deteimination -ca11 651-602-1 0 00 at • Hronnecmrai rians • StruIXUral Plans • Civil Plans • Landscaping Plans • Code Anatysis • Certifcate of Survey • 5pec. Insp. & Testing Schedule • Meter size must be esta6lished (2) sels • ArChrteIXUfal Plans (2) SetS (2) . CodeAnalysis (1) " (2) . ProjectSpecs (t) (2) . Key Plan (t) (1) . MasterExitPian (1) (1) . Energy Calculations (1) nol always" (1) " . Elec. Power 8 Lighting Form (1) not always" . Meter size must be estabiished-if applicable • ProjectSpecs (t) . Energy Calculations (1) • Electric Power & Lighting Fortn (1) . Master Exit Plan (1) 1 • Emergancy Response Sde Plan (1) • Soils RepoA (1) 1 • SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1 000 • SAC detertnination - call or Contac[ Building Inspections for sample and if required *** Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Pian. ??qL Date _? I_9 I 05 ? Construction Cost ?,500 8D y !o 116 \ Site Address .7i 3,30 Pi l aT gtioD R oadt. E?rro n. M? .S•f? o?-? UniUSte # TenantName C;'E-fi -F l3f?1P?l'N Former Tenant Name / DescriptianofWork K Q.q0.o LQ¢1 i h'?'?-f 'of- M-B? 0f4J1iYe lBOK-U/SO ?'ti! n b v-!^ Property Owner Z)UA AM, C4p P 4CLJ n+¢A7?' LLG Telephone #(lpDS ) 23G1- `/ J(D D CAn D ^ Pes 1 G O+ Contractor 224A G h ef,pn, S tl-I` k t,4?0 Y) - ? YlJk IS Z•2vt?LY../? Address g9? ? ?? a)9 r? /? ?,/ City C?EI LO?eM U?C(,? Stete fl j Zin a S elephone#(?/p?1 i ?q?- ?9OC7 ArchlEngr ?p'G (-tki +cc?s - ??-P_UQ Laj kM,2./ 1 Registration# '24"e) 1? Address NQ?7? City ?`?, / ClDL44_,e State M? Zip?(p15)'? Telephone # (3; D) e2 53 ";Z l DO Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: ( ? / ? I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN 5tatutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not art without a permit; that the work will be in accordance th the approved plan in the cas ch ui s a review and approval of pl ^ ? ?` ('' 1 ?l1'ttL (, __J_vvL vi 7 ?Qr c? - --••?,r ApplicanYs Printed Name I ' App 'c nt's Signature J? #"??2gaSs?{cr? z?v"??, ?, OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? Ol Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Apartrnents G3"27 CommerciaUlndustrial ? 32 ExtAlt-Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Intenor) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair H' 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation DD 000 Occupancy ? MCES System w go?-,o Census Code ?37 Zoning City Water ?.e S SAC Urii[s Sioiies ? 8ooster Pump ? Nbr. of Units ` Sq. Ft. PRV - Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length ? Fire Sprinklered L- -.5 Type of Const Width ? Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) ? Iusulation _ Footings(deck) ? FinaVC.O. _ Footings (addition) _ FinaUNo C.O. Foundativn Other Drain Tile Roof Ice Pr Decking Pool Final Ftgs Insul Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ _ _ _ _ _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows Approved By: Planning --------------------------------- - ----------- Xk Building Inspector --------- - - - --------------- - ------ ----------------- - - - - ----------- Base Fee 3? a33, 7-5_ Surcharge o0 Plan Review a 1 1 O 1,94 MCES SAC ?f a50, 00 cay sac 5?• oU Water Supply & Storage (WAC) -' SIVV Permit " S/W Surcharge -' Treatment Plant 3??60. 00 Park Dedication `-' Traiis Dedication - Water Quality ^ Copies " Water Trunk ? Sewer Trunk ? Other ---' Totai ? 1?,3RS.69 it Metropolitan Council May 19, 2005 Enoironmental Services Dale Schoeppner Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 J MAY 2 3 2005 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has reviewed the SAC assignment for the Granite City Food & Brewery to be located at'?3W0 Pilot Knob Road within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged 5 SAC Units, as determined below. 5AC Units Charges: Restaurant (full-service) 206 seats @ 8 seats/SAC Unit Bar 13 seats @ 23 seats/SAC Unit Outdoor Seating 30 seats @ 8 seats/SAC Unit Credits: Sidneys - Paid 12/97 Paid 2/98 Ifyou have any questions, call me at 651-602-1113. Sincerely, ? -?` • Jodards Staff Specialist Muiiicipal Services Section 7LE: (325) _..., ... .. _. 05051954 cc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Steven Kalkman SJA www.metrocouncil.arg 25.75 0.57 3.75 Total Chazge: 30.07 22.00 3.00 Total Credit: 25.00 Net Charge: 5.07 or 5 Metro Lnfo Line 602-1888 230 East FiEth Street • St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1626 •(651) 602-1005 • Faac 602-1138 • TTY 2914)904 Aa Equal Opportuaity EmOjoyer PLIJMBING (COMMERCIAL) Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 -? Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 -t 50_C:?? '/ Date J"- i?i O-t> Site Address ? /Y/?1Ch 4C4a Unit # Tenant Name Former Tensnt Name Property Owner Telephone #( ) Contractor y Address 'S City - State M3?_A Zip Cp Telephone The App?icant is Owner Contractor Other Work Type _ New Bldg _ Add-on Repair RPZ PVB Irrigation system * * Jer Wobschall [o calculate fees. A uired meter aiu is 2" [urbo u ess smalier size ermitted b Public Works Description of Work To inqu?re ifHyssu Reducing Vatve is required on new service, cal( 65 5-5646 Meters - Ca11 651-675-5 30D to verify that hydrosta[iq conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to oictdne u o meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $156.00 Domesric Size & Type Avg GPM Includes 6igh demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ x 1% °$ Base Fee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irriea[ion svstems $ Radio Meter Read ifbase fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 $ State SurCharge If hase fee is over $1,000, surcharge ia $.50 per $1,000 of the Base Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigatian system ? ^$ Water Pemrit Contact Jerry Wo6scha1l at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------- ----------------------------- $ 50'J'`'0 ------------------------------------- Totaf Fee 1 hereby appty for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and acknowledge tha[ the information is complete and accura[e; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a perrni[, bu[ only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pertnit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. / r 4Pfcl L?/?! b? Applican4s Printed Narne? Applic Ys Signature CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Tes[ _ Rough In _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: . BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (requued on all new huildings & boulevazd irrigation systems- $157.00 • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five years. A winimum fee pernut per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper hom/shainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 518" residential $121.00 4-120 1-1/2" 1271gat1ori syst $ 781.00 displacement smcommercial turbine** must reCelVe maximum i approval cont nuous lo from Public Works 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $156.00 4-160 2" turbine Ig irrigation syst $ 982.00 maximum displacement residential & cominuous sm commercia] production lines IS 3-50 I" displacement very lg res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,860.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum sm commercial & continuous & lg comm bldgs 25 irri arion s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $484.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICF GPM MF,TERS U9E PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig irrigation $1,328.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,702.00 syst & production very Ig comm 61dgs lines 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,411.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,100.00 very Ig comm bldgs very lg comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very Ig irrigation $2,329.00 syst & production lines Comments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11 65 1-675-5 675. • To an-ange for water turn-on, ca11651-675-5300. cc: Maintenance Division Clerical Technician Upda[ed 1/03 ? CITY USE ONLY L o BL 3 RECEIPT#: SUBD. ?,??L RECEIPTDATE: 31191pg tILI 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (812) 681-"75 Please complete for. . all commerciaUndustrial buildings. . murd-family buildings when separate pertnits are nO required for each dwelling unit. DATE: 3` I 9"? 7 CONTRACT PRICE: =J'?)3) C' • Oc) WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: ? $25.00 minimum fee gt 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. ? W . Processed piping - $25.00 ?,? ? ? ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of Rermit fee due onY?all rrits. ? k(?. ?A ? `Y C O N T R A C T P R I C E x 1% ? j al• f ?j 1s o PROCESSED PIPING ? rX-' STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL . 5D Sv ?S ? (3°t)'\.1, SITEADDRESS: p ID? kV1r)Yl I Ll'JGlX OWNERNAME: -0 GYo1V1 l L1-b TELEPHONE#: TENANT NAME: (innaaovennerns oNLv) -R cw? Q??trm: ADDRESS: ?i--i--Fv v.Yl S l r? ? ?? h a ? V11/lv'n?1iv1 P,vttcU ')P!CVI CITY: Y I I o-rC?l Q PlC4 L VL. STATE: M AV ZIP: 5L-L 3-`D1 PHONE #: COI oI, - 47 _l- I -]GI -7 SIGNATURE: ? - a SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR L BL SUBD. CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #: RECEIPTDATE: 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 881-4675 Please complete for: b single family dwellings o townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unft _ New construction Add-on furnace _ Add-on air conditioning Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: FEES ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) $ 20.00 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) ? State Surcharge TOTAL SITE ADDRESS .50 OWNER NAME: PHONE#: INSTALLER NAME: PHONE STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: ? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE .-•??.i ?? Apri130, 1997 Minnesota Pollution Control Mr. Dan Poppe Americana Bank 5050 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55410 P; : Feua{zuri .ank Relcase Siie Fite Ciosure Site: Eagan Athletic Club, 3330 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Site ID#: LEAK00009988 Deaz Mr. Poppe: We are pleased to let you know that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Tanks and Emergency Response Section (TERS) staff has determined that your investigation has adequately addressed the petroleum tank release at the site listed above. Based on the information provided, the T'ERS staff has closed the release site file. Closure of the file means that the TERS staff dces not require any additional investigation and/or cleanup work at this time or in the foreseeable future. Please be aware that file closure does not necessarily mean that all petroleum contamination has been removed from this site. However, the TERS staff has concluded that any remaining contamination, if present, does not appear to pose a threat to public health or the environment. The MPCA reserves the right to reopen this file and to require additional investigation and/or cleanup work if new information or changing regulatory requirements make additional work necessary. If you or other parties discover additional contamination (either petroleum or nonpetroleum) that was not previously reported to the MPCA, Minnesota law requires that the MPCA be immediately notified. You should understand that this letter does not release any party from liability for the petroleum contamination under Minn. Stat. ch. 11 SC (1994) or any other applicable state or federal law. In addition, this letter does not release any party from liability for nonpetroleum contamination, if present, under Minn. Stat. ch. 115B (1994), the Minnesota Superfund Law. Because you performed the requested work, the state may reimburse you for a major poRion of your costs. The Petroleum Tank Release Cleanup Act establishes a fund which may provide partial reimbursement for petroleum tank release cleanup costs. This fund is administered 6y the Department of Commerce Petro Board. Specific eligibility rules are available from the Petro Board at 612/297-1119 or 612/297-4203. 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612) 296-6300 (Voice); (612) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Oppohuniry Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20% fibers from paper recycled by consumers. Mr. Dan Poppe Page 2 Apri130,1997 IFfuture development of this property or the surrounding area is planned, it should be assumed that petroleum contamination may still be present. If petroleum contamination is encountered during future development work, the MPCA stafT'should be notified immediately. For specific information regazding petroleum contamination that may remain at this leak site, please call the TERS File Request Program at 612/297-8499. The "Leak/Spill and Underground Storage Tank File Aequest Form" (TERS Fact Sheet 436) must be comp(eted prior to arranging a time for file review. 'I'hank you for your response to this petroleum tank release and for your cooperation with the MPCA to protect public health and the environment. If you have any questions regazding this letter, please call Laurie Kania at 612/297-5600 or Bassou Oulgout at 612/297-8597. Sincerely, < J ? ? Laurie Kania ass?t"Project Manager H dro eolo ist / VPIC Unit y g g VPIC Unit Tanks and Emergency Response Section Tanks and Emergency Response Section LMK:BO:tf cc: Gene Van Overbeke, City Clerk, Eagan Craig Jensen, Fire Chief, Eagan Lynn Thompson, Dakota County Solid Waste Officer Mike Hultgren, Pinnacle Engineering Inc., Maple Grove Minnesota Department of Commerce, Petrofund Staff ? Minnesota Pollution Control Agen Mr. Dan Pappe Americana State Bank 5050 France Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55410 ? RE: Petroleum Storage Tank Release Investigation and Corrective Action Site: Eagan Athletic Club, 3330 Pilot Kno6 Road, Eagan Site ID#: LEAK00009988 Deaz Mr Pappe: Notice of Release The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has been informed that a release of petroleum has occurred from storage tank facilities which you own and/or operate. We appreciate your timely notification so this site can be handled in an efficient manner. Legal Obligations Federal and state laws require that persons legally responsible for storage tank releases notify the MPCA of the release, investigate the release and, if necessary, c(ean up the release. A person is considered legally responsible for a tanlc re(ease if the person owned or operated the tank either during or a8er the release, unless specifically exempted under the law. If you believe that you are not legally responsible for this storage tank release, please contact the project manager listed below. If you are not legally responsible for the release, but hold legal or equitable Utle to the property where the release occurred, you may volunteer to take corrective action. Responsible persons and volunteers who take corrective action may be eligible for reimbursement for a major portion of the costs of corrective action. The legislature has established the Pa!roleuct T?nk Relea-Re Cle2cup Account to reimbutse cespo^.sibta pe:sons as.d va!::nteers. :?:e accaun, is administered by the Petro Boazd which is par[ of the Minnesota Departrnent of Commerce. Final decisions regarding the amount of reimbursement are made by the Petro Board. All questions about eligibility and reimbursement should be directed to the Petrofund staff at 612/297-1119 or 612/297-4203. Request to Take Corrective Action The MPCA staff requests that you take steps to investigate and, if necessary, clean up the release in accordance with the enclosed MPCA fact sheets. The site investigation must fully define the extent and magnitude of the soil and/or ground water contamination caused by the release. A repoft (excavation report and/or remedial investigation/corrective action design (RUCAD)) which details the results of the investigation or concludes that excavation was sufficient to clean up the release must be submitted to this office within 10 months of the date of this letter. Please refer to MPCA fact sheets for information pertaining to the amount of work needed at the petroleum release site(s). 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; SL Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612) 296-6300 (Voice); (612) 282-5332 (TfY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Piinled on recycletl paper containing at Ieas1 20 % libers imm paper recycled by consumers. Mr. Dan Pappe Page 2 March 27, 1997 Sites with free product (free-floating petroleum), drinking water supply impacts, surface water impacts, indoor vapor impacts, fire or explosion hazards, or ground'water impacts which pose a significant threat to public health or the environment, are considered high priority for staff review. If one or more of these situations apply to your site, an RUCAD report must be submitted within 90 days. In addition, if you know or discover that there is free-product from a well, excavation, or borehole, you must notify the MPCA within 24 hours and IMMEDIAT'ELY begin interim free product recovery. If you have not already done so, the MPCA recommends that you hire a qualified consulting firm registered with the. Petrofund staff that has experience in conducting petroleum release site investigations and in proposing and impiementing appropriate cottective actions. A list of registered contractors and consultants is available from the Petrofund staff. The MPCA reserves the right to reject proposed corrective actions if the requirements of the site investigation have not been fulfilled. Please note that, under Minn. R. 2890.0075, subp. 2, you must solicit a minimum of rivo competitive proposals on a form prescribed by the Petro Board to ensure that the consulting costs are reasonable. Questions about bidding requirements should be directed to Petrofund staff. Required Response MPCA staff requests a response to this letter within 30 days. Please tell us whether you intend to proceed with the requested work. If you do not respond withia this time frame, the MPCA staff will assume that you do not intend to comply, in which case the MPCA Commissioner may order you to take corrective action. Failure to cooperate with the MPCA in a timely manner may result in reduced reimbursement from the Petro $oard. See Minn. R. 2890.0065, subp. 1, item C. The enclosed fact sheets will provide you with the information necessary to complete a successful investigation and cleanup. If you have any questions concerning this letter or need additional information, please contact me at 612/297-8591. Please reference the above LEAK # in all correspondence. If you are ca(ling long distance, you may reach the MPCA St. Paul office by calling 1/800-657-3864. Sincerely, ???t n1I n Laura L. Hysjulien ? Project Manager Cleanup Unit I Tanks and Emergency Response Section LLH:raf Enclosures cc: _Gene-Van Overbeke,_City Clerk, Eagan Craig Jensen, Fire Chief, Eagan Lynn Thompson, Dakota County Solid Waste Officer Mazk Hultgren, Pinnacle Engineering, Maple Grove NACLE INEERING. INC.. U vo -ca3 11000•93RD AVENUE NORTH, MAPLE GROVE,MN 55369 PHONE: (672) 315-4501 FAX: (612) 315-4507 E-MAIL: pinnaCle6scc.ne! April 16, 1997 Mr. Dale Wegleitner Fire Marshal City of Eagan 3830 Pilo4 Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: UST Removal Eagan P,thletic Club „ 3330 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN Pinnacle Project No. MN97049.00 Dear Mr. Wegleitner: Pinnacle Engineering, Inc (Pinnacle) oversaw the removal of a 10,000-gallon underground storage tank (UST) at.the above-referenced site on March 24, 1997. The UST was removed and disposed of by Stevens Drilling and Environmental Services. The tank was observed to be of fiberglass construction and was in fair condition at the time of removal. Soil contamination was observed to be. present underneath the UST following removal, and the labaratory results of soil samples collected from beneath the tank are attached. Pinnacle conducted an investigation of the magnitude and extent of the contamination and submitted a remedial investigation report fo the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. , If you have any questions regarding the above matter or need additional information, please give me a call af 315-4501. Sincerely, PINNACLE ENGI EERING; INC. Nlike Hultgren, CPG Seriior Project Manager attachment: Laboratory report - Comprehensive Enaironmental Engineering Services - Air & WaterPermitling • Solid & Hazardous Waste Management • Heallh & Safety Compliance PrOgrams • Petroleum Storage Tank Management • Properry Transler Assessments (Phase I& II) ? TECHNICAL SERVIC E5, INC. April 11, 1997 Mr. Mike Hultgren Pinnacle Engineering 11000 93rd Avenue North Maple Grove, MN 55369 SUBJECT: Eagan Athletic Club LEGEND No. 97-0792 1.0 INTRODUC I'ION 2.0 3.0 4.0 LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. (LEGEND) received two soil samples from a representative of Pinnacle Engineering on March 24, 1997. The parameters and analytical results are listed in the attached table. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION LABORATORY NO. ' CLIENT'II5EA7TIFICATTON ' SN97-74831 UST South SN97-74832 UST North METHODOLOGY Petroleum Volatile Oreanic Analvsis The samples were prepared and analyzed with methods 6ased on EPA SW-846, Method 8020. Diesel Ranee Or¢anics The samples were prepared and analyzed using methods based on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Method, PUBL-SW-141, for Modified DRO. CASE NARRATIVE The samples were taken on March 24, 1997, and were received on ice in accep[able condition. The method blanks were free of target analytes at detectable levels, and the associated batch quality assurance/quality control criteria were met with satisfaction. INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND LABORATORY SERVICES 775 Yandalia Street St. Paul, MN 55114 "An Equu! Opportuniry Empfoyer" teJ 612.642.1150 faz 612.642.1239 5.0 REMARKS The unconsumed samples will be retained by our laboratory for 30 days from the date of this report and then discarded unless other instructions are received by the clien[. Submitted by, LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ???? ?eG2 n} Sharon Cenis Project Manager Chris Bremer Laboratory Manager SC/CB/mmc LEGEND No. 97-0792 Aprii 11, 1997 Page 2 of 4 LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICE, INC. TABLE l/1 LEGEND No. 97-0792 PINNACLE ENGINEERING LOW LEVEL SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS UST-South (mg/kg) UST-North (mg/kg) Method: Blarilc (m$/kS) PQL (mS/kg) ' Benzene <0.006 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0010 Toluene <0.006 G0.0010 <0.0010 0.0010 Ethyl benzene 0.050 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0010 Total xylenes 0.060 <0.0010 G0.0010 0.0010 Surrogate recovery % 99.8 88.6 88.8 --- Date Malyzed 4/02/97 4/02/97 4/03/97 4/02/97 --- Diesel range organics 4,800 <8.0 <8.0 8.0 Date Preserved 3/24/97 3/24/97 -- ---- Date Extracted 3/28/97 3/28/97 3/28/97 -- Date Analyzed 3/31/97 4/02/97 3/31l97 3131/97 ---- Solids (Percent) 81 91 100 ---- < = Less than number shown mglkg is equal to parts-per-million (dry weight basis) PQL = Practical quantitation limit Page 3 of 4 LEGEND TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. TABLE N2 LEGEND No. 97-0792 PINNACLE QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Compound Recovery A (Percent). ' Recovery B (Petcent) Benzene 108 111 Toluene 107 109 Ethyl benzene 105 104 Total xylenes 108 107 Gasoline range organics 88.4 87.5 Diesel range organics 111 101 Page 4 of 4 LEGEND TECHNIC'AL SERVICES, INC. 775 Vandalia Stree[, St. Paul, MN 55114 - Telephone: 612/642-1150 Fax: 612/642-1239 CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Client Name: M ? La6orarory Projea No.: 5?- 0712 Analysis/q of Coniaiucrs: Repntl Tn: 1ii _^,%wGd 3J/^L/UW1 3Is !/5?'J7 61r-711T) Atm: Turnaround Time: ey Nonnal Dare Needed: ? Rush Date NeeJeJ: P R p p 0 pI SampleJ By: Cmxlilion Received; I2c VY F I N E G 5 ? ? Pruject No.: 6 0 1 C. . U ? l1 ?l CulleC[iun Irem No. FieIJ IU Nu. Sample Dexrip[ion Date Time Sample Matrix Lab !D No. ' N' 61911 '?? 7-1 8ti IL ?-- -?- z 7- 7 83 Np 'f 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 Transfer No. hem No. Relinquished By AccepreA By pTle Time Comurents 1 •3e z 3 4 .................. i? ..? / L BL CITY USE ONLY ? i SUBD. 1997 M£CHAN[Ci4L i'£RMIT (COMM£itC1AL) C1TY Of F-AfiikN 3$30 PILOT KNO$ RD E4fiAN, MN 55188 (61E)6$1-4675 Please compiete for: ali commerciaVindustrial buiidings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: Z- 24-q SS CONTRACT PRICEA,,??. ? ? WORI{ TI'PE: 4 NEW C4NSTP.UCTION ?NTERIOR IMPR4VETME'NT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Yy? (?? ?- FEES: 1°/a of contract price OR $25.00 m'?nimum fee, whichever is greater. Processed piping - $25..00 CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE STATESURCHARGE TOTAL ---------------------------------• PIT'E ADDRESS: 45 •CY'J 50 RECEIPT#: RECEIPT DATE: ($.50 per $1,000 of "ttrii e,4due on all permiu.) OWNER NAME: ??,C??,1 2!?1. I^C9llT PHONE #: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY): INSTALLERSCp(?'-' ADDRESS:Pv 2pUX [-,Zn<?% PHONE#: STATE: M\A ZIP: ? ? ? os '` CITY INSPECTOR CITY USE OdLY LOT BL RECEIPT #: SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECHi4N[CAL P£RMIT (itESID£NTIAL) Ct7-Y OF gAt3RN 3$30 PILOT KNOB RD E.4fiAN MN 55122 (61E) 6$1-4675 Date: Complete this section onlv if you are installing HVAC in single family, townhomes or condos under construction and not owner /occupied • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U $ 24.00 aDnrrrpN,qr 50 M gTr r r.nn • Gas oudets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) • State Surcharge: .50 • TOTAL: Complete this section onlv if you aze remodeling, adding to, or repairing existing single family dwellings, townhomes, or condos. Note: Mechanical permit is not required for alteration/add-on to ductwork in existing residential units; but is required for the following: _ Install furnace _ Install air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Minimum fee applies to all remodel or add-ons of existing residences State Surchazge SITE ADDRESS: Install air conditioning Other $ 20.00 .Su Total: $ 20.50 OWNER NAME: PHONE #: 1NSTALLER NAME: PHONE #: STREET ADDRESS: C[TY: STATE: ]S/FORMS 6LD/MF,CH PERMIT (RES) - 1997 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 1_,, -{ ? G d- a3 f oo - oS(o- 03 ? CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE PARTS A& C- SPAINKLEF & WATER SPRAV ABOVEGROUND PIPING (Fill Out Seperate Certifipte Fot Each Riser) PROCEDURE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, INSPECTIOfi AND-TESTS SHALL BE MAOE BY THE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATI VE AND WITNESSEO BY i AN?OWNER'S REPRESEN?ATIVE. ALL DEFECTS SNALL BE CORI2ECTED AND SYSTEM LEFT IN SERVICE BEFORE CONTRACTOH'S MEN I FlNqLW LEAVE THE70B. . " A CEI7TIFIGATE SHALL BE.FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BV BOTH REPRESENTATIVES. COPIES SNAIL 8E PREPAREO FOH APDROVING I AVTNpRITIES, OWNERS"ANO CONTRACTOR. IT IS UNOERSTO00 THE OWNERS REPRESENTA71VE5 SIGNATURE IN NO WAV PREJ• i UDICES ANY CLAIM AQAINST CONT0.ACTOR FOR FAUITV MATERIAI, POOP WORKMANSMIP, OR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITN AP• VROVING AUTHORITY•5 REQVIPEMENTS OR LOCAI ORDINANCES. OROPERTY NAME DATE SYDNEY'S RESTURANT 6-15-98 PROPERTV ADDRE55 3330 Pilot Knob Road Ea an MN ACCEPTEO Bv APPROVING AVTHORITY(5) NpMES City Of Eagan AODRESS PLANS INSTALlAT10N CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS: YES M NO ? EQUIPMENT VSEO I5 APPROVED YES p NO ? IF NO, STATE DEVIATIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FtRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTNOL bAlVES AND CARE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT7 VES ¦ NO ? IF YES, GIVE NAME IF NO, EXPLAIN, INSTflUC- TIONS HAVE COPIES OF APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE y? ? NO O CHARTS ANO NFPA 13A BEEN LEFf ON PAEMISE53 IF YE$, GIVE NAME IF NO. EXPLAIN. v MYOROSTATIC: FIYtllost2t4C tKtS sMll ba maW at not lefs tlun 200 P51 (13.8 bers) fu two haurs or 50 P51 (3.4 bari) abow static pressurs i11 expu o( 150 P5I (10.3 Wn). DlfferentNi tlry-pipe raM Wppars snall Da lett open tlurlnq test to TE$T Orevent damepe, qll abOVSgrountl plping Imkaqe shll1 be RopplA. D£SCFiIP- TION PNEUMATIC: Estabifah M P51 (2.8 Dfrz) air Ormure an0 maawre Oro0 whlch shall not azpeG 1Vi P51 10.1 bars) in 24 hourA Test pfKiura Tznks at nortlHl Wata! lavel anC alf prassula arM measure alr prKSUro MOp W11iCh shall nOt e%CeeG 14i P51 (0.1 bars) in 24 haurs, TESTS HVDROSTATIG: ALL PIPING. - PNEUMATIG: DRY PIPING ORAIN REQUIRED EOUIPMENT OPERATION: ALL; SERVES BLDGS: LOCATION MAKE MODEL SIZE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE RATING SPRINKLE(i5 Central GB SSP ?9 79 . 16 OR CERtTBl GB SSU 1 ?9 77 ZZZ SPRAw Central Dr SSP % S- 165 NOZZLES - ?PA 3 MATERIAL AND KIND CONFORMS TO STANDARD PIPE AND Ip NONE, EXPLAIN FITTINGS A L A R M D E V I C E MAXIMl1M TIME TO OPERATE THROVGH TEST PIPE ALARM VALVE TYPE MAKE MOOEL MIN. SEC. OR FLOW L, INDICA70R Vane Potter ?D Hood SYstem Vane Potter WFD O OPERATING TEST RESULTS: TIME TO TR1P TIP TIME WATER ALARM MAKE MODEL $ER. THHOUGM TEST PIPE WATER AIR ppINT R£ACHEO OPENATED DRY NO. WITHOUT WITH PRE55. PRE55, AIR TEST pROPERLY Q. O. D. Q. O. O. PRE55. OUTLET PIPE MIN. SEC. MIN. SEC. P.S.I. P.S.I. P.S.I. MIN. SEG. YES NO VAIVES IF NO, EXPLAIN OPERATION PNEUMATIC ? ELECTRIC O NYDkAVIIC ? ' PIPING SVPEHVISED: VE$ ? NO D bETECTING MEDIA SUPEHVISEO: YES ? NO ? DOESVALVEOPERATEFROMTNEMANUALTRIPAND/ORREMOTECONTROLSTATIONS? `/ES O NO O DEIVGE & 15 THERE AN ACCESSIBIE FACII.ITY IN EACH CIRCVIT FOR TE5TINGT YES O fV0 ? if NO, EXPLAIN 'fiEACTION VAI.V ES pum Ejtch Clrcuit OPerats Oces BaCh C'aC11it Operete Mezimum 7imB To MAKE MpOEL Su ryision lcItt; Alwm? Va1VeRelOefeT O maFel?se: VES NO YE5 NO MIN. SEC. ZOO 9 . ALL PIPtNG HYDROSTATICALIY TESTEO AT MOURS psI FOR ORY PIPING PNEUMNTICALL`/ TESTEO: YES D NO 0 EOUIPMENT OPERATES OROPERLY: VES ? NO ? IF NO, STATE pEASON TE5T5 • qAiN TEST: fiEAOING OF QA6E LOCA7ED qE510UA1 PRESSURE WITH VALVE IN NEAR WATER SIfPPLY TEST PIPE= TEST PIGE OPEN WIDE / I P` STA7IGPRESSVRE P51 + CO &IUMBEH VSED LOCATIONS NUMBER REMOVED TEST BtANKS WEIDED PIPING YES O NO ? OF YES... VIRE- TH THE U DD VOU CERTIFY AS TNE SPRINKLER CONTRAC70R 7liA7 WELOING PROCEDURES COMP MENTS OF AWS U10.9, IEVEL AR-37 ? ES ? O WEIOING DO `/OU CERT1GV THAT THE WELOING wq5 PERF00.MED B`/ wELDERS QUAIIFtED 1N COMPLIANCE 1NITM THE REQVIREMENTS OP AWS 010.9, IEVEI AR-3t VES 10 NO O DO YOU CERTIFY THAT WEI,DIN6 WAS CARRIED OUT IN COMPLIANC@ WITH A OOCUMENTED QUALITY CON- TROL PROCEOURE TO INSURE TMAT AI.L DISCS ARE RETRIEVED, TMAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTN, TNAT SLAG AND OTHER WEWING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED, ANO TNAT TNE INTERNAL OIAMETERS OF P/PING ARE N07 VENETHATE07 VES ? NO ? DATE LEFT IN SERVICE wITM ALl CONTROL VALVES OPENs REMARKS NAME OF SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR ACTION AUTOMATIC FIRE PROTECTION F OH PROP RTY OWf?{ ER (51 O) TITIE, / iGNATUPES . / I t J r ? ? ? u \ 1r ` 1 " ? r v . ; , . I ' . VRIPl'KLER`CONT A TOR EO) ? TE5T5 WITNESSEO B 71TLE q? OATE ? ,,'x6DITIONAL KP"NATION"NU NOTES CI7Y L]F EAGAN CAE3MIEh: ',i TE:fitlItlAl_ N4]: 739 DATE:: 02/11/98 7.T.Mf=: i.;e5103 ID^ NAME;; ZEMAN CUNST14U.r,T7:ON CQ 2256 7001 3330 F'IL.07 KNH 11a235.60 7oh,a7. Rer_eiF?t Amnurtil;, 11,235.60 CfiD8604 USf.-:'R ILia NANrY Xt%??kX?>X?C?k??F ?CXt?F%?X?%??kMX??k?k 7Y ?XX??%X? ?X? h?M?XX? ?X Xt h? ?FX? ?YX?%c CITY OF EAGFlN CpfiH:I:FRa S TEF'tMZP!AI_ Np; 733 LiATEn 02/1.i./98 T:f.ML'-".: 1503:40 :CQ NAME: JOHN B C,OOIDMAN L1'D F'kTNSHP 2256 3001 3330 F'1L..0'C' KPlCt 4q632aC}0 2257 9001 3330 F'IL.a7 I:NR 57000.00 7or,a1 Fieceipt, qroalnt„ 3y63r'_.p0 CfiU8E6:l Pi6S USFR TD4 Na1NCV 1k>XXt?CXc?tX<yFki?%cXc??Yr??k%?MiX 'Myn?>X?CB'??k?1kXoX??XY,t?.?M%c? C.T.TY OF EAGAN CFlSHI:Ffia S TFRt1INAl_ NDe 739 DA7Fe 02/0/98 TIMF.e 15:55:06 :I: D, NAMEr ZFMAN CONSTRUCT:[CJN CC1 2c^.:`.iE 9001. 33'30 FSI._07 KNEs 3.36 iota7. Recei.pt, Amourtit: 3.36 C;RUBE,:I 66 USEk IIi: NANCY czrv oF EncAh CASHTFF:: 5 TERMINf-ll._ N0, 62]. L+ATE: 12/iP/97 TSML-:: 15-40:03 IDa NAMF- tqHN H f(:IODMAN PFTNSHP 2256 9001 3330 F'II...OT hNOB 5yO0U.00 ? 7ot,>>. Fierei.pt Amount; 5,000.00 CR084 3t35 IJSE:R IU: NAN(:Y ?%X<m?C ?XX?>XX(%c?%X(X<?p(X<?CYF 'MX(xY?k?X#XC?>XSC?kX?W. X? 7xwr7K??X X??C.",l%( , Y OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road , Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMITTYPE: suzLorr+c Permit Number: 031381 Date Issued: 0 2/ 10 / 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-23100-080-03 , DESCRIPTION: 3330 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 MARICE (SIONEY'S) Buildiny',_permit Type Ouilding W'd,r?kA Type UBC Oecupartc`y?,, Construction T4,( Zoning Builtling Lemgt}h ? ;- Building sturi;es - Sq6k8C0 Te#,;t.?; ... s coae censwt %k= =.:?? - ' -4 >..? ;, COMM./IND. NEW A'- 3 VN LB 106 1 7e737 327 S70RES C-2? rt. .? n. 1 ? REMARKS: PLAN REVIEWED BY JOE VOELS. ARCHITECT: ARCH. DESI6N PART, P.R. #22897 KEVIN RUSH 11 Q N FOIIRTH 4T #312 FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $1,500,000 Base Fee $6,387.25 CTTY SAC $300.00 Plan Review $4,151.71 TREATMENT PLANT $1,332.06 Surcharge $700.00 LANDSCAPE BOND $5,000.00 5AC $3,000.00 Total Fee $20,870.96 SAC % 100 SAC Units 3 Subtotal $14,238.96 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: ZEMAN CONST CO • 25214300 DPDC INC , 2246 ED6EWOOD AVE 1107 WAZELTZNE BLVD 200 SX LOUTS PARK MN 55426 CHASKA MN 55318 (612) S45?4 5";A/'e/3-00 (612)361-8000 - I her-eby acknQwledge that I have _ ; read this application and state that the infiormation is correct and' agree to comply wi:th aIl applicabio' S'tete !af Mn.;' 5tatute City of Eagan Ord3nabces. , v P ) L ANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED BY: SIGNATU E, a A 1997 gUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) v? ??,g 1 CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 The following are required wkh appropriate cert'fiieafion tor aV new eonstrudion: aol$70. l? C.,OA-? lI ? 2 each: erchkecturel plans; mech. & elec. plans; fre sprinkler plana; structural plans; sde plans; landscaping plans; predingfdralnage/erosion coMrol plen; utility plen ? 1 each: set of specfiwtions; set of energy calwlations; ekcMcel power & lighting fortn; Special Inspedions 6 Testing Schedule • Letter hom MCANS (phone i/222-8423) indiceting SAC detertnination ? Code analyais indicating: codes used; occupancy dessifieationa; setbacka; maximum allowable area as per Builtling and Cfty Codes along witfi sq. R. per floor; type of construction (synopsis of construe[ion eomponenfs) 6 eny occupaney or area aeparation walls; m or area, travel paths 8 all rated 1OSOIL'S occupanry loeds; exit synopsia with a diagre77C7 ds from F REPORT cortidors; plumbing fixtures; and parking. ? DATE:DESCRIPTION OF WORK: t CONSTRUCTION COST,..* SITE ADDRESS: WORK TYPE: x LOTBLOCK?IwBD.? I?DDP'r?OX_ P,I.D. # ??"Z?I?D-D?O-043 ? 1 ofARIGC PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: pMG /?LG Phone #: - A StreetAddress1107 kf?,? _..LTl?(!E $L1/?., `7U/7L?1ALI ciry: G khM State: ? Zi ?L I79A?/ CoNSSRucrav Co? ?? Company: . 3 2 2 y? ?atstwooN vc. ?. _ . .. . . . . . . ?. ti .._.? Street Address: .. .? .r. Sr• Lou1s P.94PK " sS4l2lo City: aa W=* ?,/ ? "1? Zip: ORMP& ARCHITECT/ Company: A". W16,At ?AM RA. Phone #: ~ $19 ENGINEER Name: Registration #:22 S ?7 2ECEI E Street Address: ??9 ,?o?,-r?t ?ovt?-r-M?7' # 312 NOr 3 Y: City: State: Zip:1?l we water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer 8 water): I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all appiicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ) ( Signature of Applican 0- 34(-' o -70 3330 pIL..o-r kAlDB Kv/FD ' 4 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation A 18 Comm./lnd WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMPtION 0 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 21 ? 20 Public Facili ? Gt /n/L ? 33 Atterations ? 35 ? 34 Repair ? 37 . . • ? , ;,. , , ,' ? •, , ., onst. (Actual) z?. q .. ?r?? . .k ., •.,.C..:"" Basemen't sq. ft -5 1 A 1 a • -+, • 4 . v . •..' MtwS System . _ (Allowable) ••$•?L'.`.-? 'FirstFlaorsq.ft ? . City?Water>' UBC Occupancy A•3 Fire SP.rinkjered .. . T Zoning 66 . " sq;ft. ? < . ': ` • ? • CensUS;Co,de # of Stories / sq. ft. SAC Code ? Length, . ? • • • :?.. '?q: ft. '.`"?. ^ ?'4 ` . ? Census B?Id9 S Depth 7&r Footprint sq. ft. 7 4757Census Unit' APPROVALS Plannmg;; Building ?Permit Fee ? ,3urchargq , . Plari Review .. • • .; MC/VV,5,SAC . •• ' . ?ity?SAC=? „ .,11Watqr,Cqnn... ' . SNVPermit-`,' S/V1l Surcharge ?'reatrfientd??. Rea?tiE• Treils Ded. ' Engiheerirfg;•'"'•'" Variance 00 -.. dL t y27 /. / 1 - t=x•-,. .+•.- •.... . ,._ .. .. . •, .. a •. °~ ? 1 - / S'o 4 ? D Valuatio h: $ i i 6o ? ? • ,? ` . . ?" . . . VI ; 3x I o00 3ee ?,5 ? ? ? , +y ?r.. •. tt:• i 3oe.?r-i• ?'37t ree .. . . . ? .r . - . , . . . ; ?. .r. +..a..?? L +? ` a .! ??? . • `. " • ? ? i ' '? ? , ,k ' . ? • s ? ..? ? " - WaterQual. . •. ` ? • • , ,,.. ,. , . Other " 000 - ?• ,-?Copies ?. .? . ..«.. -? ,?..? , ,£rl?/,Y J /T- , , v?... . . .. . . , . ," , , . . Total: ? % s,ac . . , SAC Units 3 Meter Size : t . .•? . _.6.A..<.Y 1?1.??r.% {1' . ??d 1?.1•*'*? . • ? •.'? :•`}: . Miscellaneous Tenant Finish Demolition • .. " ... p . . ? . . . t ( / ?kGssi? 0? ?,v?. ??0?"?'? - -- tC + S/?np?l??aYt o,nApp. - I ? ? Lak1\ast-4L 1? 6 _ CITY OF F_.AGAiJ CASHIFRc t1G 1'rkMINAL NOc 371 DATFc 004/99 TSMC: 1306.57 tr, NAMEe ZEMAN GONST CO 3210 9001 3330 F'ILOT F:HOB 484.75 3422 9001 3330 f"IL.Q7 KNC1H 05.09 20; 9001 3330 F'TL07 1:NC1Li 2().110 Tnta:l. ReceiG+, Amounte 09.E34 CRC1B54• i $ USC.k ID: MAItL_YNN L ? CITY OF EAGAN ?3830 ?ilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G Permit Number: 031324 Date Issued: 01 / 14 / 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-23100-080-03 DESCRIPTION: 3330 PTLOT KNOB RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 MARICE (szoNEV-s) r6 ermiC Type FOUNDATION " r, Type ADDI7ION ?fld?r. 327 5'70RE5 AN ????? ? ? . ? .? ? ? a?? REMARKS: PLAN REVSEWED BY JOE VOELS FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION Base Fee Plan Review 3urcharge Tota1 Fee ., $484.75 $315.09 20.00 $819.84 $40,000 CONTRACTOR: - ppplicant - OWNER: ZEMAN CONST CO ' 25451134 DPDC INC 2246 EDGEWOOD AVE 1107 HAZELTSNE BLVD 200 5T LOUIS PARK MN 55426 CHASKA MN 55318 (612) 545-1134 (612)361-8000 m x^b ? ' A, €+- ?st+ x r i ,i . s : F? IY#?I"l?ky4a?"rISfT04?.I8't?t„?9 ???4. ?nrrZ?e.???+ ,y?#???wt???' .e5f11????F1-E??? VZ?? {?}Al&?IX? t;?., ? ? . ., . - P . Y . ..> ... . ? n ?o;?? irnr1. 1 DB'S ATCI E?? , ???? 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLiCATION (COAflMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 The following are raquired with appropriate certiication for all now construction: V14. cr????! 0.?-3 a + 2 each: arehftedurel plans; meeh. & elec. plens; fire sprinkler plans; atruetural plans; site plens; landscaping plans; gretling/dninage/erosion eontrol plan; utiliry plan ? t each: aet of specifications; set ot energy calalations; electrical power & lighting form; Special Inepections 8, Testing Schedule ? Letter from MCANS (phone #222-8423) indicating SAC determination ? Code analysis indicating: codes usetl; occupancy class'dications; setbadcs; maximum allowable eree as par Builtling and Ciry Codes along witF sq. ft. per floor; type af construdion (synopsis of construction components) & any occupancy or area separation walls; 1 O SOIL'S oecupaney bads; ezk synopsis wkh a diagram intlica6ng exiting loads from each room or area, trevel paths 8 all rated REPORT eortidora.; plumbing fixtures; and parking. DATE: ?I (a 7 1 WORK TYPE: NEW _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ' vmp-kTIO/V. l er-l-nI Tff,?L- CONSTRUCTIONCOST: TENANTNAME: SITE ADDRESS: % F2 -"7 a LLp LOT? BLOCK? SUBD. Zbz'G? P.I.D. PROPERTY Name: P h o n e OWNER ?. F?* StreetAddress: WZZLTI?L &-wD,, City: State: Zip: 3 CONTRACTOR Company. ? one v?' 2 - StreelA?re?ss. ?? Ciry: ziiL Zip: ARCHRECT! Company: ?FX, Phone #: ENGINEER N ?? z?d R i t ti # ame: f _ eg ra s on : Street Address: Ciry: State: _2W Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer 8 water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appliCation and state that the information is cop?ect and agre? to comply with all aQplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. n ,fl/ J 5ignature of Applicant: lw"v p1 "v ` 17 JoNu Du,VXZ,,e-r 3?/• 8073 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE aW- 01 Foundation ? 19 Comm./lnd. Misc. ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. R. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. 0 31 New a 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish awo'? 32 Addition o 34 Repair ? 37 Demo(ition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Y` l ? 21 Miscellaneous MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered Census Code SAC Code Census Bidg. Census Unit Building Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/WS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: Engineering Variance 37 _70 O do .? Valuation: $ 4144,00 % SAC SAC Units Meter Size CITY OF EAGAN CA51-I.T.EF: S T'EFMINAL N0: 621 DATE" 1.2/12/97 TIMI=: ff:40a38 ID ; NAME? 10HN it GQODMpN I..'TCi F'RTiVSHF' 2256 7001 3330 F'I107 KNOR 367134,95 ? Tot%al. f.er..eip+ Arrinlin+„ 3611.34.95 CfiO843flt IJSEf. ID: NANCY w CITY OF EAGAN .? 3830 Pilc*Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMITTYPE: suiLozNG Permit Number: 031209 Date Issued: 12/09/97 3330 PILOT KN08 RD LOTs 1 BLOCK: 1 MARICE P.I.N.: 10-23100-080-03 DESCRIPTION: (SIDNEY'S) B'uilding--Permit Type Suilding Wo,r_.k Type C@V`ifYW& Cbde i ` ,?_-• } ? j'? .. . . .? ? ? \ r V.., . ..;,,.i. ?'"v+... `V:•?..??.°;;5'?:"': FOUNDATION NEW 327 S'TORES ? REMARKS: S & W PLBR - FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Surcharge SAC SAC % SAC Units Subtotal PERMIT VALUATION $162.25 $5.00 $20,900.00 100 zz $21,067.25 $10,000 CITY SAC S & W PERMIT S & W SURCHARGE TREATMENT PLANT PARK DEDICATION TRAIL DEDICATION Total Fee $2,200.06 $100.00 $.50 $9,240.00 $6,688.60 $1.839.20 $41,134.95 tONTRACTOR: - qpplicant - OWNER: 14JOHN B GOODMAN CTD PTNRSHP 23618073 DPDC INC 1107 HA2ELTINE BLVD 200 1107 HAZELTINE BLVD 200 CHASKA MN 55318 CHASKA MN 55318 (612) 361-8073 (612)361-8000 I hereby acknowledge that i have read this applicatian and state that the information is correct and agree to eomply wi•th all applicable State pf Mn. StaCutes andlity o,f Eagiir, prdiltana" . ? v APPLI NT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED BY: NAT 51109 1997 EtUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) $ 41? CITY OF EAGAN L ? 681-4675 The following are required with appropriate certification for all new wnstruction: • 2 each: archdeCuret plans; mach. 8 elec. plans; fire sprinkler plans; strueturef plans: sile pians; landscaping plans; gratlingldreinage/Brosion contrci plan; utility plan ? 1 each: set of speci(cations; set of energy calculations; electrical power & lighting fortn; Special Inspections 6 Testing Schedule • Lerier from MCMlS (phone #222-8423) indiwting SAC detertnination ? Code analysis indicating: codes used; occupancy Gassifiwtions; setbacks; mauimum allowable area as per Building and City Codes along with sc ft. per tioor; type of construction (synopsis o} eonstrupaamt ocwpaney or area separation walls: W occupancy loeds; exR synopsis with a diagr cahng exiting loads (rom eaeh ro rea, travel paths & all rateo 1 REPOSOIL'S RT cortidors; plumbing fixtures; antl parkin L , DATE: f f ?7 IIP 7 WORK TYPE: NEW _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: uEW hTALD A'LO1u1E ?ESTf?'U?A'1?L'r CONSTRUCTION COST?1D,yvO?TENANT NAME: SITE ADDRESS: 3330 pILOT k6100 LOT-Air BLOCK-*!3:sueorEEffjNW6tz ,4DD= Al P.I.D.#/10 ^Z3IQD-OSO- 00 3 1 1 N'vR/C ir, PROPERTY Name: 12'b4- /?LG Phone #: ?3(o OWNER ?• ..:. Street Address:1ID7 t{AZ?_ .L.T/tV E$L1/?• ? L7U17? ? City: _6jjA6K6 State: M Zip: 5??yg? CONTRACTOR Company: %OfffE $. GDODzhiht! LTD. Phone #: 1,121-461- do Street Address:H0'y ffAZnFL ..'T'/R19- /7217B 'L00 city: G*&yA,-A M1?1 zip: 5S3/8F ARCHITECT/ Company: }EPOft. bEhW4 7 7AM RA. Phone#: ENGINEER Name: K.EY/1Ct ?U?JH Registration #:ZZ S ?7 Street Address: ?9 IUDI?Tff N V ?DU?T? STi??i?iT ?g O City: Nr1?t/J???POL? state:.?_ Sewe water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer 8 water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. } ? Signature of Applicant: ' 401m sv14 P"JF,GT if?A-SlA(atE?- OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE g4@4-01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./Ind WORK TYPE -e` 31 New ? 32 Addition ?? ?_? • ?9 i ;,?" ? 19 Comm./ind. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 20 P ' j' !'?O ?.C.V?S?9?DAe fs ? 33 Altera ions ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition . , GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) First Floor sq. ft. UBC Occupancy , sq; ft. Zoning ? sq. ft. # of Stories sq. ft. Length 'sq: ft. Depth Footprint sq. ft. APPROVALS ' Planning, ? Building , MCNVS System " City Water ' Ciio? ? Fire SprinkJered vES CensUs Code 3Z7 SAC Code ? 30 '. ' • Census 6i4. ? Census Unit • O Engineeririg Variance . . . .. , Permit Fee . . . .. ..., . - . , . . . . . , / Z. 9 ? Valuation: Surcharge ? S. 0O' ? Plan Review MC/WS,SAC ? 20 D .o ,93rOK ?Z , ,.. .. .. City SAC? 2 z_, ou ae,. ?oo-, zL . . Water Conn. ? ? - . S/W Permit • '/DO•oi??; : i , S/W Surcharl Treatment.pl Q_-* Pe'rK'Ded` - Trails Ded. -Water Qual. Other - Copies . .. . ;e ,yZS/O.ro Yzp,r-zz ?. ?? ... '0vq N - ? .. . Totai: y?7. / ? g O,DDO J• ., • , ' . % SAC SAC Units 22 Meter Size t PROJECT: Date Rec'd: 7 Date Rec'd ? ? ? ? Checklist to obtain a foundation permit (/ )s Nwt JSuNK4t S NI..GNH 7T. EAIw/pY trb. N17 ",„ . NC^ 2 sets structural lans ? T p ? 9GL b / /14,,/La .Y5 APPRaVFLS 2 sets civil plans (i.e. site, grading, erosion & utility) ?„?,,,,_ P,?? ?• ? JorH l. /f? 1 code analysis £ 1 soils report ? 'r CAU ?is/u L T"? ? 1 MC/WS SAC determination 1 set project specs. 1 Special Inspections and Testing Schedule ooEtN -3 ? lQE?t ¢? Checklist to obtain a building permit All of the above + Date Rec'd 2 sets azchitectural plans ? 2 sets landscaping plans 1 set energy calcs. ? 1 Electric Power & Lighting form (usually cannot get this form for "shell only" buildings). Mechanical, electrical and sprinkler plans usually aze submitted just prior to work commencing (i.e. on a "design-build" basis). ? -*f/C 119 f 5,o7'h' &kl ' S IS/Jce V/Checklist RELEASE OF HOLD Project Name/Number/Location: _S7/2?/(l c- Legal description: L B Sec/Sub Parcel #: Reason for hold: Release hold on: issuance of building permk -r-K Certificate of Occupancy Other (please expiain) ?-_ ce"a - Z? • 9e RELNOLD.FH L25,f 1 - • 612 559 0720 Sent by: GME CONSULTANTS INC 612 559 0720; 06126/98 9:43AM;Jetrax #427;Page i GME CONSULTANTS, fNC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 14000 21 et Avenus North/Minneepolfa, Mlnnesota 66447 Phone (872) 568•7859 / Fax (812) 558-0720 •: i $1TA 4j.i 144 1 oaTE: ? u- 9s TO: NAME: ? G?d- COMPANY: e--?)7`7 U? ..F/IA7n! Fax No.: 1.?b?- 4C9Q PHONE NO.: TIME: Jr.ra /'ry'7• FROM: COMPANY; GME Cansultanta. Inc. PHONE NO.: 16121 659-1859 LPCATION: Minneaoolis, MN 55447 WE AAE SUBMITTING y? PAGES (INCLUOIfJG TFkES COVER St1EET) HARD COPY TO BE MAILED AYES 9 NO Ths 6tforms[ion containaA In th4 IacelmlM musaqs N prhllpped enA confWentW lnfprmetbn ints+fdad for the uu o! !M "rWwl - ot enshy namsd above. 11 ihe roadsr of this meswye L not Ma intmdod mlphnt or ths wmployss or apsnt nsponslhis todaNvn tt to ths recfpknt, you an M1snby noqflW thst my d4uminatfan, digtNbutbn or copylnp of thH communiclhion ir, sMctly prnMWtnd, N you beve rocdvW thls fan in tnor, plealut ImmadlstNy notMy us by iNaphone, snd ratum fho orlond mo"o tn NUNN ut ie thw abova wddrus vfa +ho U.S. PosW setilc&. .. WILLIAM C. KWASNY, P.E. THOMAS PAUL VENEMA. P.E. GREGORY R. fiEUTER. P.E. CNqRLES M. ALL600D, JR., P.E. MAqN 0. MILLSOP WIILIAM E. BLOEMENDAL, p.E MEflWN MINDES9. P.E. - STEVEN J. pVESINK, P.B. O.:Equal OpporWnliy ETpkW Sent `by:GME CONSULTANTS INC ? _ ? Pli RC] 8bi rel ep? I1: 551 6ii `C?S1 'ax 'St'i :Ptti cc' 612 559 9720 612 559 0720; 06126/98 9:45AM;,JgtFm #427;Page 3/3 ? GME CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 14000 21 st Ave. No./ Minneapolis, MN 55447 Phone 8127559-1659 / Fax(612) 559-0720 June 25, 1998 Mr. John Bunkers Mr. John B. Goodman Ltd. Partnership 1107 Hazeltine Boulevard, Suite 20 Chaska, Minnesota 55318 GME Project No. 7341 RE: Final 5ummary Report for construction testing and UBC "Special Inspections" for the Sidney's Restaurant ir? Eagan, Minnesota Dear Mr. 6unkers: We have performed construction testing and UBC "Special Inspections" (SI) for this project in accordance with our proposal dated November 25, 1997, and the City of Eagan's Special Inspection and Testing Schedule. Our testing and SI has been provided on a part-time basis, coordinated through Zeman Construction site personnel. Scope of Services The construction testing and SI performed for this project have been reported in our progress reports'and transmittal letter reports. Our concrete and corefill cylinders test results have been reported on our concrete and corefill strength reports. These test reports have been forwarded to the City of Eagan Building Inspection Department. The services we have provided for this project on a part-time, as requested basis, are outlined below. o Obserae and test fourdation beari*!o eoils to determine suitable support for the design foundation bearing pressure • Field and laboratory testing of foundation and interior plumhing trench backfill • Observe and document reinforcing steel placement for compliance with project requiremenCs, prior to footing and column pad construction • Perform field concrete test strength tests WILLIAM C. KWASNY, PE. GREGOFY R. REUTER, PE. MARK O. MILLSOP, P.G. tests of the fresh concrete, and cast cylinders or laboratory compressive THOMAS P VENEMA. PE. CHARLES M. ALLGOOD, RE. TlMOTHY E McGLENNEN An Equal Opportunity Employer WILLIAM E. BLOEMENDAL, P.E. MERVYN MINDESS, P.E. STEVEN J. RUESINK, P.E. . , Mr. John Bunkers 2 June 25, 1998 GME Project No. 7341 _- • Perform field sampling and laboratory compressive strength tests of masonry corefill cylinders • Observe and test welded and bolted connections during structural steel erection; observe puddle welding and TEK screw fastening during metal roof deck installation • Observe test rolling of pavement subgrade soils, and observe subgrade soil correction prior to placement of pavement base aggregate We are currently providing field and laboratory tests during bituminous paving. This work will be reported in the near future. Summarv Please refer to our Progress Reports and Concrete and Corefill Reports for specific information. To our knowledge, the items noted above, which we observed, tested, and discussed in our progress reports are consistent with the intent of the project plans and specifications. Closure If you have questions regarding this report, please call us at (612) 559-1859. Sincerely, GME CONSULTANTS, INC. Steven J. Ruesink, P.E. Melanie Fiegen Project Engineer Project Engineer cc: "?uilding Inspection Department - City of Eagan Mr. Karl Walters - Structural Design Associates Mr. William Pew - Zeman Construction Company SJR:MF:scr SJR-PNL PAOG RPT 7341-eCZ' - I GME CONHIILTYNTS. ING. I REQUSST FQR HOLD Date: 'e" ' ( ' 9? Proj ect name : J/,b nyr Y f ?? J?AU?/L,?-•tdT Address: Legal description: L B Sec/SUb Reason for hold: P? ;5, Lk T?f Place hold on: Issuance of building permit Certificate of occupancy other (please explain) S ignat?ire If a oved, this "hold" will remain in effect for £ifteen working day . Upon expiration, the hold may be renewed for additional fi teen-day periods. The person or department requesting the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. Aiv? v qe P? ?? '? ?\ 4161 city of eagan MEMO TO: CDALE S010EPP1vER,.ASSISTANT BUILDING, OFFICIAL? DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSfIAL PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MIKE RIDLEY, SEPIIOR PLANNER DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK CFIARLIE BORASH, UTILITIES FROM: BILL BRUESTLE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: FRIDAY, JLTNE 05,1998 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION OF SIDNEY'S RESTAURANT Ll, Bl, MARICE The Protective Inspections Division will be performing a final inspection of 3330 Pilot Knob Rd on June 19, 1998. If you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to return the hold request form will be considered your approval. The person, or department, requesting the hold is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. /js CD/bldg insp//final insp - comm bldgs ? ? January 26, 1998 Mr. John Sunkers John B. Goodman Limited Partnership 1107 Hazeltine Boulevard, Suite 200 Chaska, Minnesota 55318 GME Project No. 7341 RE: Progress Report for construction observation and testing services for the Sidney's Restaurant in Eagan, Minnesota during December, 1997 Dear Mr. Bunkers: We have provided construction observation and testing services for this project in accordance with our proposal dated November 25, 1997. Our testing was provided on a part-time basis, coordinated through Zeman Construction's site personnel. This report discusses our observations and testing, and includes our Daily Field Reports and test results. Backaround Information We understand a geotechnical exploration was performed by others for this project. Site grading for the building pad has been prepared by Veit Excavating, with construction testing subcontracted to Nova Engineering (by Veit Excavating). Earthwork Teatina We observed and tested the foundation base soil prior to footing and column pad construction compacted sand fill WILLIAM C. KWASNY, P.E. GREGORYR. REUTER, P.E. MARK D. MILLSOP, PG. GME CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 14000 21 st Ave. No./ Minneapolis, MN 55447 Phooe(612)559-1859 / Fax(612)559-0720 The base soil consisted of newly placed and We performed Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) THOMAS PAUL VENEMA, PE. CHARLES M. ALLGOOD, P.E. SANDRA J. FORREST, P.G. An Equal Opportunicy Employar WILLIAM E. BLOEMENDAL, P.E. MERVYN MINDESS, P.E. STEVEN J. RUESINK, P.E. ? Mr. John Bunkers GME Project No. 7341 tests in the foundation base soil It is our opinion that the soils ; are suitable to support the design soil bearing pressure of 3,000 ` pounds per square foot, at the times, elevations and locations tested. We performed nuclear density tests of soils placed for foundation wall backfill and for utility construction. The fill consisted of on-site silty sand and sand as described on the enclosed Proctor Graphs Nos. 1 through 3. Our test results are presented on the enclosed Compaction Test Reports. The test results indicate the compacted dry densities met a minimum of 951 of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density (ASTM: D 698) at the times, locations, and elevations tested. These results were achieved after some reworking and retesting. Reinforcina Steel Observations i We observed the reinforcing steel installation during construction of the footings and column pads. We observed that the correct number, I type, size, and configuration of reinforcing steel bars were placed in accordance with project plans and specifications. We also observed that the steel was placed at the proper embedment depth within the forms for proper concrete coverage. Conerete Testina We performed slump, temperature tests of the fresh concrete placed for footings and column pads. We also cast sets of test cylinders (three 2 January 26, 1998 I 6ME CONSULTANT6. ING. ? Mr. John Bunkers 3 January 26, 1998 GME Project No. 7341 per set) for laboratory compressive strength testing After initial site curing, the cylinders we cast, and those cast by the contractor, were returned to our laboratory for moist curing and testing. The test results are presented on our weekly Concrete Strength Reports. In reviewing the 7-day test results for cylinder sets 1 through 5, it is our opinion the required compressive strength will be met at 28 days. Additional test data will be forwarded as it becomes available. Masonrv Materials Testina We cast one set of corefill cylinders which were returned to our laboratory for moist curing and compressive strength testing, after initial site curing. The results are mailed out separately as they become available. Standard of Care The conclusions contained in this report represent our professional opinions, based on our interpretation of the site observations and test data. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with currently accepted engineering practices at this time and location Other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. Mr. John Bunkers 4 January 26, 1998 GME Project No. 7341 Closure This report summarizes our observation and testing performed during December, 1997. If there are questions regarding this report, please contact us. Sincerely, GME CONSi7I,TANTS, INC. . a ( C 9 7%,:e 3 ?? Melanie Fiegen, P.E. Proje t Engineer ? Steven J. Ruesink, P.E. Project Engineer Enclosures: Daily Field Reports Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Tests Compaction Test Reports Location Diagrams Proctor Graphs cc: Building Inspection Department - City of Eagan Mr. Karl Walters - Structural Design Associates MEL:cl C: \MEL\7391. PRG GME CONSUITANT9, IPIC. _ "?'• h , ""J?? ??"r?€?t'1• ?? ? ? • nu[:NtTECT"R,+YL$141$1tVG.IN'IERIORS • • llES1GF . CONSTIAC"Qyw`ADMIVISTRAT[ON • FAX Transmittal Sheet Date: 7anuary 19, 1998 To: Jce Vcels, ConstrucAon Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot I'iob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 FAX: 681-4694 Original copy was mailed. CC: Dan Peterka - The Goodman Group - FAX: 361-8010 Max Wroten - Sidney's - FAX: 361-8010 PLEASE PHOTOCOEY-THIS FAX TO EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: Peter Worthingon - 7ohn B. Goodman Lunited Partnership - FAX: 361-8070 John Bunkers - John B. Goaiman Limited Partnership - FAX: 361-8070 Burt Elmer - John B Goodman Limited Partnership- FAX: 361-8070 From: Kevin Rush Subject: Building Code Review Sidney's Restaurant Eagan, PvIN Project#: E1797 You should receive Two (2) page(s), including this cover sheet. Mr. Voels: This leiter documents our meeting on January 14, 1998 at your office. Attending the meeting: . Jce Vcels, the Eagan Building 0fficial that is assigned to the project. Kevin Rush, Architectural Design Partners, P.A. Cory Mortenson, Architectural Desigi Partners, P.A. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the changes to the project and to review the final design to verify that after the various changes are made, that the final design will comply with the Buflding Code. ? ? ? Texti]e Buildijig ? Suile 312 ? 1 19 North Four[h Street ? Minneapolis, Minneso[a 55401 ?(612) 904-6580 ? Fax (612) 904-6587 _. y We delivered to you a copy of our updated Code Analysis dated I/12/98 and a revised/ updated floor plan marked Received: January 14, 1998. The Owner, Architect and Building Official are awaze of and agree to the following: 1. The third exit door &om the Main dining room that exiu northward directly to the eacterior (shown in the floor plan delivered on 1/14/98) is not required, and will be omitted from the Design. Exiting from the Main Dining room northward will be through an adjoining room, the Porch. This will require thai the doors from the Main dining room to the porch either not latch or if latching is required by the owner, then they must have panic hardwaze. 2. The porch requires two un-obstructed exits, each with panic hazdware. The two exits are acceptable in the current design. 3. The design of the two exits at the Porch includes an active leaf and an inactive leaf at both locatioas. Either both doors at both locations must be active and have panic hardware or the design must make it absolutely clear as to wluch door is active and that the inactive door is not an exit. I suggested and Jce agreed that the active door will have brass kickplate, push plate, exit devise, and the exit sign centered above the active lea£ The inactive leaf will not have any hardware and will have the wall base at the bottom (sunilar to the Jamb detail) rather than a door sill detail. There will be a fixed center jamb betwcen the active and inactive leaf: The glazing pattem on both doors will be the same. 4. The patio requires two legal eacits. The two exits aze acceptable in the current design. The design of the patio is not completed and the final design will be modified slightly. 5. It is understood and agreed that the Patio will never be enclosed. Tlus additional square feet added to the building would exceed the allowable for Type V(five) Non-rated building construction, and would bump the requirement to Type V- 1 Hour construction, which the building dces not comply with. The patio is not enclosed in the current design and there aze no plans to enclose it. 6. It was noted that Sprinkler Fire Protection is required and will be provided. 7. The todet rooms and number of plumbing Sxtures were reviewed and found to be acceptable. 8. The change from cedar siding to EIFS must be reviewed with the City Planners. This issue was referred to John Bunkers. 9. The roof access ladder must comply with code. The product literature, specifications and drawings showing compliance was sent January 15, 1998 by fax. The ladder wmplies with code. The Architect and Owner request that the Budding Official issue the final Building Pernut based on the review of the project and the above information and also agree that no further changes to the design will be made that affect Building Code Exiting or Occupant Load. All meeting minutes represent our understanding of the issues discussed and decisions reached. Please notify the author, in writing, of any conections that should be reflected in the project record, within ten days of receipt of this document. Thauk you. END OF TRANSMITTAL r ? Metropolitan Council Working fqr the Region, Planning for the Future December 31, 1997 ; 7oe Voels--. Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Voels: JAN - 5 isss The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has deternuned SAC for the ; Sidney's Pafio Enclosure to be located within the City of Eagan. This project should be chazged 3 SAC Units, as determined below. Charges: Restaurant (Full-Service) 23 seats @ 8 seats/SAC Unit If you have any questions, call me at 602-1113. Sincerely, C?dj 04 7odi L. Edwards Staff Specialist Municipal Services Section 7LE: 971231S6 cc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan John Bunkers, John B. Goodman Limited Partnerslrip SAC Units 2.88 or 3 SeruiCes 230 East Fitth Street St. Paul. Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 Fax 229-2183 TDD/T1Y 2293760 An Fqual OppoRUnlty Ertiployer ?? TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADNIINISTRATOR DALE WEGLETTNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING D[VISION /UTILITIES/STREETS i"f GENE VANOVERBEI{E, FINANCE DIRECTOR ? RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR ( rntIKE RIDLEY,-SENIOR PLANNER, GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY r / FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST L.7' 8. 3 ?F J f???T/oN DATE: The _ preliminary ? construction plans for ? ?? ST?9G1.PArt/T are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the buildir.g permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. L4 is issz?d. 14> Fo"' Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: ???,? ??G f PA ANIOUNT ?? ??? ? S O°O /? ? " (? / ? Yes ?l No landscape security requiredW??? 771? Z O N I N G? 13 ? Yes ? No water quality dedication pY1- Sr vavidi 14 Yes ? No pazk dedication 61kry? ?Yes ? No traildedication ? Yes PiP No treededication Gd(2c.`f" ? Yes ? No Signature Date ? 1S/17ORMS-131,D,TLAN REVILWlJOG V 6125450534 ,DEC.-10'971WED1 15:10 ZEM.4N CONSTRUCTION ?E11LAN c:oNSTUUCTiort COMPANY TEL:6125450534 P. OOl FAX TRANSMITTAI+ xo : corsPaxsr : I L t-r'u o F c??'. ? PROM: - --? ? AE: I Slp?•l ? - 27fT1d'88R OF COMMENTS: 'AGES: I I I I !A5 W ? SFbc-? I??LS?xxt P?J W L t¢ II IFr-i I 2246 Edgewood Avenue • St. Louis Pazk, Minnesota 55426 1 i P O. Box 26007 • St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426 6.12-545-1134 • FAX: 612-545-0534 • 1-800-325-4827 Ext. 1627 i DATE : I ? ?E-c- 9'+- ?v81-4tnt4 TNCLUDING TFiIS COVfiR PAGE Minnesota Department of Health 121 East Seventh Place P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 4 ll'WP' John B. Goodman L.P. iin7 Hazo'±;- goulevard. Suite 200 Chaska, Minnesota 55318 Dear Mr. Goodman: December 22, 1997 Subject: Food and Beverage Equipment at Sidney's Pizza Cafe, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, Plan No. 981328 We are enclosing a copy of our report covering an examination of plans and specifications on the above-designated project. The plans and specifications appear to be in general compliance with the standards of this department. Please see the enclosed report for additional changes and/or comments. Also enclosed is a copy of the report and transmittal letter to be forwarded to the project owner. It is the project owner's responsibility to retain the plans at the project location. Ten working days prior to completion of the project, please contact me in order to arrange for a final on-site inspection. If you have any questions in regard to the information contained in this report, please contact me at 612/215-0863. Sincerely. J. Michael Gianotti Public Health Sanitarian Environmental Health Services JMG:cas Enclosure cc: Premier Restaurant Equipment Company Mr. John Forrest, Zoning Administrator Mr. Dirk House. Plumbing Inspector-? DEC 2 q L0g7 TDD: (612) 623-5522 (Twin Cities) 1-500-6273529 (Greater Minnesota) An Equal Opportunity Employer ., 1 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Health REPORT ON PLANS Plans and specifications on food and 6everage equipment: Sidney's Pizza Cafe, Plan No. 981328 Location: 3330 Pilot Knob, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota Date Examined: December 22, 1997 Date Received: December 15, 1997, December 2, 1997, November 12. 1997 Submitted by: John B. Goodman L.P., 1107 Hazeltine Boulevard, Suite 200, Chaska, Minnesota 55318 Premier Restaurant Equipment Company, 800 North Highway 169, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Qwnership: The following are corrections or requests for additional information necessary before construction of your project: 1. All food and beverage service equipment must meet the applicable standards of NSF International. 2. Primary food preparation surfaces (tables/counters) must be of stainless steel construction in compliance with Standard No. 2 of NSF International. Plastic laminate (formica) surfaces are not acceptable on counters or tables in food preparation areas. 3. Provide adequate storage facilities. a. Employees' personal belongings, chemicals and maintenance supplies must be stored separate from arid below food, clean equipment and single- service supplies. b. Food, clean equipment, linen and single-service items must be stored on shelves at least six inches above the floor. 4. Canopy and hood construction must meet the applicable standards of NSF International. Additionally, the requirements of the Minnesota Uniform Mechanical Code (Section 2000) covering commercial kitchen ventilation systems must also be met. 5. Provide and routinely use a chemical test kit to determine the strength of the sanitizing agent in the final rinse water of the three-compartment utensil washing sink. . Sidney's Pizza Cafe -2- Food and Beverage Equipment Plan No. 981328 December 22. 1997 6. Walk-in cooler shelving must be NSF International approved stainless steel, factory precoated epoxy, or other materials designed for this type environment. Chrome shelving is not approved. 7. All equipment must be installed so that it is easily cleanable, that is, either easily movable, sealed in place or having sufficient space surrounding the unit to clean in place. 8. All artificial lighting fixtures located in food preparation areas, food storage areas, dishwashing areas and walk-ins shall be effectively shielded to prevent glass breakage onto food or food contact surfaces. Install a sufficient number of vapor-proof light fixtures in the walk-in cooler and/or freezer to provide a minimum of 10 foot-candles of light throughout the unit(s). 9. The doars to the restrooms must be self-closing. 10. The outside doors must be self-closing. 11. A separate on-site inspection will be conducted by the state plumbing inspector to determine compliance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code. 12. Custom food and beverage service equipment shall be designed, fabricated, located and installed to NSF International requirements. 13. Al1 hot water generating equipment (water heaters) must comply with Standard No. 5 of NSF International, and be of adequate capacity to meet the anticipated demand of the establishment. Approved: J. Michael Gianotti Public Health Sanitarian Environmental Health Services , IIesign ? • nRCHI l'ECTUNFy VLANNING • INTGNIORS • • DC51GN • CUNSTR7CT10Hf4DMINIS9'RATION • Transmittal Sheet Date: December 2, 1997 To: Jce Vcels 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 From: Cory Mortensen Subject: Sidney's Restaurant Eagan, MN Project #: E-1797 CONTENTS: Jce- Please find the following 1. Two (2) 2406 blueline seu of Sidney's Eagan. 2. One (1) Spec. Any questions please call, thank you. 904-6580. END OF TRANSMITTAL ? ? ? ? Tez(ile Ruilding ? Suile 312 ? 119 North Fuurth Strect • Minncapolis, Minnesola 55401 ?(Gt2) 904-6580 ? Pax (612) 904-6581 , k bL PG TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF PQLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR ?-?-- DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR - -- -- -- - ,, PUBLIC_WORKS/ ENGINEERINC DIVISION /UTILITIESlSTREE'T'S GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE D[RECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COOR?INATOR ? MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ] GREGG FIOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST L' 7? 8' 3 / ?F/rR£ff bSeTio.v DATE: r / The _ preliminary K construction rlans for Rs aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeoaner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: QK- r ?heo-„?_ >a.d a9olov?d s In L--s,,, e??rU ?I ? '/b ?J??y. l?vr ?`? Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? No landscape security required No water quality dedication No pazk dedication No trail dedication No tree dedication No wz? nature ZONING? /2- [-R Date JS/PORMS-DLD/PLAN REVIBIV/JOL V 敍牴灯汯瑩湡䌠畯据汩਍潗歲湩⁧湦⁲桴⁥敒楧湯‬汐湡楮杮映牯琠敨䘠瑵牵൥䔊癮物湯敭瑮楡匠牥楶散൳上癯浥敢⁲〱‬㤱㜹਍漷⁥潖汥൳䌊湯瑳畲瑣潩湁污獹൴䌊瑩⁹景䔠条湡਍㠳〳倠汩瑯䬠潮⁢潒摡਍慅慧Ɱ䴠⁎㔵㈱ല䐊慥⁲牍‮潖汥㩳਍桔⁥敍牴灯汯瑩湡䌠畯据汩䔠癮物湯敭瑮污匠牥楶散⁳楄楶楳湯栠獡搠奥牥業敮⁤䅓⁃潦⁲桴൥⤊匠摩敮❹⁳敒瑳畡慲瑮琠‹敯氠捯瑡摥愠⁴㌳〳倠楩瑯䬠潮⁢潒摡眠瑩楨桴⁥楃祴漠䖣条湡മ吊楨⁳牰橯捥⁴桳畯摬戠⁥档牡敧⁤㈲匠䍁唠楮獴‬獡搠瑥牥業敮⁤敢潬⹷਍䅓⁃湕瑩൳䌊慨杲獥ഺ刊獥慴牵湡⁴昨極⵬敳癲捩⥥਍㜱‰敳瑡⁳⁑‸敳瑡⽳䅓⁃湕瑩㈠⸱㔲਍潃正慴啩慂൲㈊‱敳瑡⁳⁀㌲猠慥獴匯䍁唠楮⁴⸰ㄹ਍潔慴桃牡敧›㈲ㄮ‶牯㈠ല䤊⁦潹⁵慨敶愠祮焠敵瑳潩獮‬慣汬洠⁥瑡㘠㈰ㄭㄱ⸹਍楓据牥汥ⱹ椠਍ി㐊慖㝮杩ൗ倊慬湮牥਍畍楮楣慰敓癲捩獥匠捥楴湯਍坒㨷睢਍㜹ㄱ漱㈵搮捯਍捣›⹓匠汥祢‬䍍卅਍漷湨䈠湵敫獲‬漷湨䈠‮潇摯慭楌業整⁤慐瑲敮獲楨൰㈊〳䔠獡⁴楆瑦⁨䍓敲瑥匠⁌慐汵‬楍湮獥瑯⁡㔵〱ⴱ㘱㌳⠠ㄶ⤲㈠㈲㠭㈴″慆⁸㈲ⴹㄲ㌸吠䑄呪㥬㈠㤲㌭㘷ര䄊㥅潵‱灏潰瑲椭祴䔠楨汰湲敪 Transmittal Cover Sheet John B. Goodman Limited Partnership Sidney's - Eagan, Mn Job #7052 3330 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mn ' • • . Daf???F „_ . li ° rene"b°Nu r d ? I?nsm?fetl ? • . _. Tiansmittec?arBy ? Joe Voels 11/24197 . 0011 Approval US Mail City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mn 55122-1897 Tel: 612/681-4683 Fax:6121681-4694 ?F4` ++" 1 Permit Special Inspection & Testing Schedule A?eima ? . . ? opiesTa DearJoe, If you need anything else for our eariy footingffdn permit please call me at 361-8073. Thanks John Bunkers W2997 ,,• Submitted By: John Bunkers Prolog Manager V:IPROLOG4IPROJECTSISID-7052.PMD Printed on: 11/24197 Page 1 > NOV 2 SPEGIAL INSPEGTION AND TESTING SCNEDULE !To be used in accordaxe with the °Guidelines for Spectal Inspection and Testiny° / PROJEGT NAME 51DNEY'S RESTAIJRANT PROJECT NO._91098 LOCATIGN 3330 PILOT KNOB ROAp PERMIT NO. _ EAGAN.MIMJESOTA Each pIP Contra Architect: SER: 51: 51: ? TA: TA? F: _ F: Unlform BI Code Raport Assi d Section - Article Deacri tion !2J Type of Firm (3) Frequenc gna Flrm f4J 11015.41. Concrete 12,91nrorcement 51 F5 11015.1 SI Fl 110155.1 9trucWrel $leel Full I'I I Fleld Waldln 51 F6 1 Fleld Boltl 51 F8 TFSTUd: SGl1Fr1111 F r -- - -- --'-- TA FI Mortar TA F2 Mas TA F3 II T in T F4 Noles: Fill out schedule ard include in proJect epeclncalion Inrormatlon available at that tima to be rIllad out when applying ror a buildirig permic. !U Pamit No. to be provided by Building OrFicial. (2) Uae deecnpLions per U.B.C. Section 1101. 0) 5pecial Inspector, Tasting Agenl, or Fabricalor. (41 FUm contracted to perFOrm servicee. SPEGIAL INSPEGTION $LHEDULE stgn below: c... Firm: Date: 2-I' 47 Firm: QQ/?! $ 600D L7DYht 7Date: • O• Firm: ARCNITECNR4L DESIGN PAR7NER5 Dete: Firm: 5TRI1C7URQL DESIGN A$''IC. Date: I-I°I-6I"7 Firm: Date: Flrm: ?r7e.f N/u??T.f Ddta: //-2a-57 Flrm: Date: Firm: Mcr 41-/fkuT.?lT' Date: U-2.6 -97 Fim: Date: Ftrm: Date: The IndiNdual names of all prospective speclal Inspectors and the work they intend to obeerve must be Identified above on thia rorm. Legend: SER • SUuctwal Englneer oF Record TA • Testing Agent Accepted fa the Bullding Depertment SI = 5peclal Inapector F . Fabricator Date: ?SIDNEY'S RESTAURANT ? ARCy?fEG75 SPECIAL PAGE Aeeocialee, Inc. 3330 PILOT KNOB ROAD 119 North 4TN dVeet 5uite 317 INS'ECTION ? 6060 SHnyb Gede w,w Sulte 701 nl"''°"F'O°,,MYnaeO1° 55430 EACsAN, MINNE50TA Mimeapolte, MN 55401 (6Q560-5300 Fex: (617b60-510a II/1919? 9'1098 of 7 ? I FFEGtl1BJCY PA891Wa TE9T9 UALL BE PAID FOR 8T OLLNER NOH PA88PYa TES79 WILL BE PAID FOR BT CGNfRACTOR P1vOLVED. WLE99 NOTED OTHEFeU18E A CA7EGOPoE9 Fl plpiRJCi CCNBT(d1LiIQy THE FOLLqUNG TESTS BNALL BE LONDIILTED BY AN dpryRpVED TEBTIIYi LOBORATORY. TNE CONfR4GTOR BwILL ARRPAC¢ PND COOrAMATE ALL 7EST3. TE8T8 6W4LL BE MADE BT A LEVEL I TECiNICINN A5 CERfIFIED 8T 4CI. PEFfOfd'I LAB QIRED t DAT 6ND 78 DAY LYLMDER TEBTS fOR ALL CONLfETE. TAKE A7 LEABT 0NE BPELIMEN FpR EACN DAYS POOWNG Oft Fpi EACN 15 pBIC Y.4pD8 OF CGNLREfE OR FRALiILN TFIEREGF Pq1RED EALH DAY. A 9PECtt1EN 914ALL CLN914T OF THf'?E (3) L1'LMDEP9. G7LRDEIZ9 9NALL TE9T AT LE447 A4 NI(eN N 87SVOi14 A5 TNE 78 DAi' YALUES 9PEGFIED. TAKE SAMPLING GF LpILRE7E FOR Ll'LMDERB A3 IT 15 R71FiED INTO THE FOFd18. 714E METMJD LF MAKM L1lMDERb. STORAGE ATm TE57MG BXALL BE M ACCOFflANCE WITN A6TM. BPEQFICATION G31. LATE9T EDITICf1 TEBT LriINIDER4 H19T REMAM WDIS7UFSED FOR 70 HOI1P9 AFTER CASTMG OND 8E IN THE LAB WITUM 24 FIWRB. MAKE 87MIDAFO BLIAIP TE8T8 M AGCORDONCE WI714 A4TM 9PEGIFICATION CI78, LA7EST mITION. W&iR IgPORTB ON TE9TS Rl DIIPLICATE 70 THE CONfRACTOR AIm SPYeLE COPIES TO TNE 9TR1C711Rl.L Q43PghR ff PFIDJEGf 9PECFIGITION REd11RFMENfB .s'RE norM aTwNGoar, ruLau sPEcmcariau. F2 resTS as sEr FORru a secnoNS 10 am n cF asm cno, wr Eau4 Mazrax ?TPE U4ED. IF PROJECT SFECIFILATION RE04ag1ENT8 OFE MOF£ 6TRMGENT. FOLLLW SPECIFICATION6. Fi TEST M ALCOfmMICE Wril A4RL L9O FOR GRADE M BLOGK UELIVER FWE f5/9LOLK4 FRGM MANFdLT1RER'9 CURRQIf PRODULTION 70 d TESTRYa LABORATp2Y AppR74D BT TNE ENGII7EEER 9118MIi FiEPoFZf Fqi MRIAL TEST TO ENGMEEP9 OFFICE TBJ (10) DATS PRIOR TO DELIVERI' OF BLQLK TO TNE JOB SttE TNE5E 1E5T8 9NlyL BE PAID FOR B7 TNE CONLRETE BLOLK $UppLIER IF TNE PfdDJECT SPECIFCATIQJ IiEQJIRB9ENT5 AfE hlOlff 9TRMGENT. FOLLdU 9PECFILATIQI4. F{ i'%lVIDE TESTING A8 REpIIF£D 70 M911FE LORFELTIdJ4 TO SITE f5 W-GtlllREp Br SpIL fEPOKf PND TO BJ911F£ A MItUMM BEARPG PRE? AS PIDIGATED M'DE&GN LOPDS'. R PROJELT SPEGIFILATION REq11FW1ET1T6 AIE MOrE BTWNGENT, FOLLOW 9PECIFICATION9. F5. n1E MSPECTOR 9HALL SEE ALL REPFORGMG S7EEL MID ANCIIOR BClT9 PRIOR TO CONCFiETE PLAL@7ENT TO PlBPECT FOR COFFOR'IMICE wn+ r14E aPPRavEO aaNs. Fb. TWE IN9PEC70R SLL4LL SEE dLL STRGNRAL B7EEL. JO1878 I P1E7.SL DEfX pElD LLELDB PRIOR TO 4PPLILATION Lf FMI54E9 TO M&PELT WR casoraMnNCe wnu n+e aPPao+Eo rteNS. Fl. LLNCrs£iE PLdCEnENT: PEPoODIL - PIBPELiCQ TO IREVIEW PLdCEMENf LF Vi TIIE TOTAL ,dFICWT OF LAST.M-PLdCE GONClETE f-0R FOOTNG9. NO REGUIREMII1t8 • MfEPoOR 9LPB.4 LN GRADE F8. ALL BOLTS &lALL BE GNELKED FOR SMlfa TIfiFIT LONDITILN. lf L1LA FIGdTKINB 0 QUdLIFILATION50F7E81MGAGENTI MUBT 8E ALCEPTABLE TO OLLNER SER MID BIIILDR?'i OFFICIAL. 7. I'IEEf 8A61C RE411RI1ENT9 OF A47M1 E329 FOR CONCREfE AND STEEL TE67eY. 3. TA TU97 BE AUTHpqgp 70 OPERATE IN THE BTATE Cf MINrE90TA 4. 1E8TRG EGllpf¢M SNqLL gE LALIBRATEO AT FtEASONABLE MiERVALS BT DEVIGE OF AOqIRACY TRpLEABLE TO EI7NEW a. NArIONAL BUREFL OF STDS. b. dCLEPTED vALIJES OF NATIONAL PW1'SICAL C(y, 9TAqT8. B. l,111ALFICATIpNS pF 9pEClp1 IN9PECT0178 L 7uE SPECIAL M9PECTOR 9N.LLL MEET AT LEA9T ONE OF iNE FOLLqUWi n 91R01'EE Lf 4ER H4vRY, DEBK.N F.7&ERI@JCE UV TM PROhCf. PEfdLla'IWG TIIE M9PEGfI0t14 WDERTVff DIRECT &fPERJISiLN CF TVg 9ER b. ACI. GRADE II LERIIFlED INBPEGTOR, ABLE TO D@10p8TRATE PRENd6 E>FEPoENCE LLV SIMIIdR 71'PES Gf CGN87RUCTiON. MBPECTION6 SNdLL BE PEIIIFOR'IED IR7DER TNE DIfMCT 91PERNSION OF AFECiI4TENED CIVIL/BTPoICT. QYaINEER REGIILARLY ENG4GE0 M$TfaiCTURdL pN[iNEpiMG. REGISTEF£D M M! dND dCCEPfdOLE TO TNE qWM 5pR dJD WILDPIG OFFILI./y. TNE RKiISTERED ENGMER 914ALL PER9didLLT LLNDIILT A MM. CP 25i OF TNE 9PECIAL W5PEG?ION9 ON A fffCdlLdR &1915. G lil4LIFICATIGNS GF TNE FdBRICATOfd L TV@ FABPoCATION MU9T BE ACCEEpf,GgLE TO 714E OUREft BER MID HLDG. OFFILI01. 7, TNE FAPAtIL4TOR °JIALL MEET THE LI1,4LIFICATION IZEfi11Rp¢NT$ LIqTEp M THE LORFE3rUNOING 9PECIFCATION $EGTION. 3. THE FAB(dGATq2 $N4LL BE OR 9F14LL 8E OBLE TO BECOFIE, AN APPROvEO FAgRICATOR ACLORpWG TO THE 118L, SECTION 11Otl. $ BPECI,OL M6PECTICN IMPoRT DI9TPoBUf10N 4 R7E4E81LY A 6PEGLd.L ftA4PECitpN $pOR{9 A{e 70 BE 8EN7 70 7FIE LW@R ARLNITECT. BTPoICNRAL ENGREER OF RECORD, GQIiRACiOR 4MJ BIIILDMG CFRCL4L. 8. THE SPECIAL W3pECTlp1 pEpORf9 BNALL BE 9EM TO TNE LIBtm PARMEB WTNM ONE ILEEK OF T4@ ,4CT1AL RL5PECTI0K n ? ? c ? v 7?ve8S Y , . twal ? SIDNEY'$ i?ESTAURQNT ARC CT5 SPECIAL PAGE acae, Inc. Ansoci 3330 PILOT KNOB ROAD 119 th 4 H eat 5ults 311 NSPEGTION ? beb0 y„ngi, a,dkw,w s„b 701 6"^edPo° ;d g'4M m,,,,, EAGAN, MINNESOTA Mimeapolia. MM 55401 1?"i 9l098 oF 2 TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE (?JON HOHENSTEIN; ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR' DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL - ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR 1 MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY , l FROM: dOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST 1,GF fJ AK?T/oN DATE: II/? 9/9 7 The _ preliminary ec construction plans far ?//?/?/£ ? f ??STfJUiPi?/?T aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, piease fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: AbIOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No pazk dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Si ature ZONING? ti 1a, Date JS/PORMS-DLD/PLAN REVICW/JOH V ? TO: PAT GEACAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTE[N, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ? ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /[1TILITIES/STREETS --- CGENE.XANOVERBEKE,_FINANCE DIRECTOR ? i RICH BRASCH, WATER RE50[JRCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER j GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ! FROM: JOE VOELS, COIYSTRUCTION ANALYST L'7 8-3 , ?FFR£SJ ?3??Tio,? DATE: //// 9/ / ;7 0(°?- I I 6 (oc /'`L e a aGa? 'f! a" /? The _ preliminary K construction plans for fl aze in our plan review section foryour-review:a`d-comment. Please return this form' to Dale Schoeuaner/with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have'any concems with these plans?please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with-the`-affected_part;es. -If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the pioper "hold" request form. Com4ments: Gc,,tz /Oq lL ` r r/ert ?i ?l?l a- ?ncrne._ / o,?/, cu'77v.y O-14 (- d'r!, l?y ?Or T?.,... ??'?a/i Gt t't o??? %1°Dv7 ' ?? ??/vu b?• n?f" ? Co /leeJ w.-PA waiolr c ;,w ta7?b Gr/lqG ?/?s?/?o ?? /y co Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building pveim rr???/97 ? Yes ? No iandscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No pazk dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Signa A14`_"TJNT ZONING? J \ i ?O i • / Date 1S/PORMS-13LDfPI 1N REVIG\V/lOL V ? ,t-. _ ` L?v ' J I ? L v I f `/ ,?a ? -; ' 2M' < uwa-lr ?• NI E NI O R ArND UM ?' =".??.?-'?`4? ?,.,"'?`' -? . _ - . _ . . ' . . ..r^.. I.e t _ . . TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JOIY HOHEYSTEIN, ASSISTAYT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLETTNER, FIRE MIRSHAL ' ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DMSION /UTILITIES/STREETS / GENE V!uYOVER9EKE. FINANCE D[REC"I'OR RICH BRA.SCH, waTER RESOURCES COORDINATOR i V(IKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PL.4NNER • GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ' FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST L.7 ?• 3 ?FFRrff ??Xrr?°N DAT'E: II/? 9/9 7 The _ preliminary ec construction pians for /? ? ?? ST?9G1.P?9rYT" are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeponer with your si;ned comments and the date of review. If you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, ple fill rnrt thr nrnnr_t "hold" reauest form.___.-..__ ....?-v-,..r..r??a, .. ??u._??_??-?r•+t.a. ?/KL fia?!`.?.? ?, f?slCdrt landscape security required water quality dedication park dedication trail dedication tree dedication ZONING? =\.? U )S/fORNIS-U L D; PL:\N ? _' TO: FROM: DATE: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JOIY HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTiLITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR ; RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER --- --- REG i HOVE,SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY -- ? i' ? JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST L.7' ?• 3 ?FF /% 9? tsf //3?iario•y 97 The _ prelii aze in our plan review. If you resolve these i; permit be held, Comments: ec construction plans for ?)/_? N£ ?/ J section for your review and comment. form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed commenis and the date of any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building fill out the proper "hold" request form. Indicate any fees are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes 0 No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes A No 0 Yes ? ,No landscape security required water quality dedication park dedication trail dedication tree dedication ZONING? - ? < <- w ffi Date 1S/FORMS-E3LD/I'LANR£VIEWlJOCV G7l? WI? ?K; C::6 vj?Y?-e.? .C6 f.L,6 2 COt(-Q 4- ?TL = ?ori.?? s `_?v e CoAlr;Q-A G 7aR S?,y,?TE ? p•v fylA?.v /3 ?ag. ? TO: PAT GEACAN, CHIEF OF POL[CE JOIY HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WECLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL D? II /'r ELECTRICALINSPECTOR ^?( ??? (PUB p??((+v LIC WORKS/ EYGINEERING D[VISION /UTILITIES/STREETS 1 ' ) GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR G?? ? V ty RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR ??? ri??c l?i ? MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ? GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY P?R ? R• FROM: dOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST DATE: F KKl? TIe.Y /' The _ preliminary ? ceasta?e?'?s plan s for ?/Ad /T/OAvS 2? 7o Si?NLY ?J are in our plan review section for your review and comment. /ZLS>AuRA?vl Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Pir2[GrUFc-4 t,v/f?I?. ?i"rral?5ut? Gpi'GiL?ae f?t7?i/i?v err5?r.nGn¢- i i ??? ?lvrlG2 /7G???LFn . Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building pertnit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No _ C? Y/?.-. ?'1?4 ' nature ZONING? /2 - 2?- ?' 7 Date JSNORMS-DLD/PLAN REVIGWA02 V M1 l ?,l? ??R PI)` ? ? ? 5 A ?fp i/?oT? ??or..?4 s f1 v?. Sr•?,Q-r?' ? p.v fylll.v 1-34.a4.2 Ce?vTa-? ????aw.aD .qP?,ptc' i.vrt T t PcX-".r X.FS.A.O° t.( TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR `I • MARSHAL ELE RICALINSPECTOR A ?? f, PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVLSION/UTILITIES/STREETS r.(S Cf I } GENE VANOVERBEKE, F[NANCE DIRECTOR G?? Si tY RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR ?OF MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ?i GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY f]`R ? A• ? 1" ? nJL' FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST sr4 DATE: /4uN1? Y ?/ The _ preliminary ? ceast?ue? rio. plans for ry/?d IT10,u5 (2? 70 SibN& y'J are in our plan review section for your review and comment. /Q LJYAURANT Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" requesi form. Comments: _ G. Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the buiiding permit: ? ??0µlf ?t2'So'?l7 7, Yes ? No ? Yes )9 No V Yes Cj' No R' Yes No ? Yes ? No AMOUNT landscape security require SOn0.6 o IZONING? ? water quality dedication - Si }E. park dedication apk6(? ?dn. 1? i-- trail dedication % qq7 treededication v6e?A,iA T ?rd&A,eQ.. pw?r p? ? Yes ? No Signature GT{? Date it CoGG? ?? FN ellb ? 1S/PORMS-6LD/PLAN RHVILW'/IOI[ V i ' x ?OT? • l'doT/Nl? f/?U£ Sri9XTCbk QN fYIA/N 13 Ga Ce?vT,a.otrar- le/o,.cGD 1Pt PcAJ"ir AS./?? ?l TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, F[NANCE DIRECTOR ! RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR S AQAat# ?w MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ,t!'? GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ?]6 ? Of Vi ?Vl f FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST sti DATE: / Z / / 21f 7 ? P?fll` 0' pfp l The _ preliminary 4- roKe[b Tlo.? oe?s6we'?'ie?r plans for 4,66 17-ioAIs Z? To SI? NL y/J aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. R ts>AuRA?vT Ylease return this form Dale Schoe ner with our signed comments and the date of review. If you have any conc ; p ease so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you'are requesfing that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Cn_e9 TDe -1"Le- Mari LC Qdo/ .7 ?0°7. (?c?lt 010( o? w aYL7'_ 7Sp L' o ?!G v tv t? W` Q I ? C?' Q, /- / ^ilJ /l- m f ? ? lAJ ?- G ?J'evr` 0?/? (?/ ?O???v7?Oc? /?' ? Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: t- AMOUNT ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ? si re No No No No No No ? landscape security required water quality dedication pazk dedication trail dedication tree dedication )v WO-W / r,44 ?y ZONING? 19- kg -M Date JSNORMS-BI.D/PI,AN RLVIGW/lOH V t ? ? ?OT? • !'aoT/.?/G t /I UL ST?9Q-TC? QN NA/N 1-34 TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE btARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDLYATOR 0 ? A ??cf< (V f-Lw? MIKE RIDLEY, SEMOR PLANNER ,rP CGREGG HOVE; SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ? ?+6 ? OF rl otvI r?- FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST DATE: 1Z// ? f p 7 P?A.c ?A . ? The _ Prelimin t ????pans for ??e s (? T fibNL fI 's are in our plan review section for your review and comment. /e ts>AUR.*vr Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, piease fill out the proper "hoid" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AtiIOUNT O Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes 10 No tree dedication ?Ye ?N Signature ZONING? 1Z- lY'`ll Date ? ? isiroaMS-oLDmLnN Revir_wnor v `1? S #oool ?. gp : ° x oT? ? roor/ 104 s rt ? Q•v `YIA/N 13Z.64.., TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OE POLICE JON HOHENSTETN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE YtARSHAL Dt? ,I /'f ELECTRiCAL INSPECTOR PU G'ENF BLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERTNG DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS :?t.(S CrI i? RI H BR.1 C H> W TxER RESOURCESRCOORDLY.aTOR G?? ?t G? p? 111 ?? MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ?? ?`? ,/ GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY -? bY 1?° FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTIOLV ANALYST DATE: / Z // ?/p 7 The _ preliminary rDu'lb r/oK ? ceastaie?t'?r plans for ??d I7`/OvS (2) To Sr?N.r y'.J are in our plan review section for your review and comment. R ts7,-;4 uRA,v1 Pfease return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: ANIOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? iv'o water quaiity dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication Q Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yjm AL NoP ZONING? Signaturc 1a,/19,! Date JsmoiiMs-ui.n;rt..n*: r.t:vucwn01; v t 'r 11?T4 • f (?U£. STi9a7-£b QN `YIf71N I34-b4..7 CoArTa-a c73vv-?aK?a APO,ere?.vr? T t Pc??s AS./?D° ?1 TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE _ ?-- _ . ?JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO TI-IE CITY ADMINISTRATOR I DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL 0/4 ?/ /'I?. ELECTRICALINSPECTOR At? AR?1`?L PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS ? pr(S Cn ?? GENE VANOVERSEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR ? Of MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER r' GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY fb PGA ?R f? FROM: JOE VOELS, CONSTRUCTION ANALYST ? DATE: I Z/I o 7 Fouk?? rio? // The _ preliminary . ceast?plan s for ryl?d /T/D-VS (2) T Si?NL y?J aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. lett>AuRANl Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: ANIOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Signature ZONING? 1p211-7 19 Date JS/PORMS-6LD/PLhN RtVI[W/lOE V ? ,.r IV -? PROJECT. 5!, ?,Vcy 1AAh?Tttw Date Rec`d: Z/ Checklist to obtain a foundation permit Date Rec'd 2 sets structwal plans .' , gra mg, erosio ? r/A 1 code analysis ?'R L v`_ S fj5.`? 1 MC/WS SAC determinationQp? ??e^I ) '?D .. 00£0 ? fif , Checklist to obtain a bullding permit All of the above + Date Rec'd 2 sets azchitectural plans ??_v r s t}S 1 2 sets landscaping plans' ? 2 t "5_c-1 set energy calcs.? Rt v? SL?S 1 Electric Power & Lighting form (usually cannot get this form for "shell only" buildings)::%1 ' /Za??sLp Mechanical, electrical and sprinkler plans usually aze submitted just prior to work commencing (i.e. on a "design-build" basis). ' 75/Jce V/Checklist CITY USE ONLY L / BL ? SUB 1998 PLUMSING PERMIT (COPII CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT lINOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 RECEIPT DATE: Please complete for: all commerciallindustria] buildings multi-family buildings when separate building permits aze not requ'ved for each dwelling unit backflow preventer to be installed in commercial areas or residenaal boulevards Date: Work Type: "New Bldg. _ Add-on Repair _ U.G. Sprinkler Is Water Meter Required? Yes No Water Flow GPM To inquire itPressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11681-4646. FEES 1% of contract price or $25.00 minunum Contract Price: $/,y !%zT- x 1% _ $ `/8o "c-'z' COMPLETE THISAREA IFINSTALLING UNDERGRDUND SPRIN%LER SYSTEM Service: Existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ New Backflower Preventer Permit Fee $ 25.00 Water Meter I" @ $185.00 oi 2" Turbo @$846.00 $ If "new service"add Water Permit $ 50.00 = $ WAC $ 780.00 = $ Water Treatment $ 420.00 = $ City Installed Tap $ 300.00 = $ Permit Fee $ yB0 ot`,- Sta[e surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of ep rm7t fee or minimum of $.50 per permit State Surcharge $ ''Sc, RECEIPT #: o L/ `f o ?/ Total Fee $ tl ao• Sc.) I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state thaz [he information is corred, and agee to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsibility m notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused 6y the City during iu normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City properry/right-of-way/easement. siTE nnnxESS: 333 0 -R,1 cD-r- Krz<A 9& TENANT NAME: cSi A-JGY ? S FZ E57',4urtr ? INSTALLER NAME: i D,A k-o t'.4 p ? bc _-c?'7 Ta TELEPHONE #: STREETADDRESS: 3?SU Kel1N??E-" c nT- ? CITY: ?ft n; STAT'E: /?•J ZIP; a?- J ? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT -1998 METER SIZE PRV _ Yes _ No /i Domestic ?i Irrigation UTILITY CONNECTION (APPLIES TO NEW SERVICE ONLY) REVIEWED BY: Building Inspector Date To determioe meter size * See if it is indicated on back of Buiiding Inspections cazd * Enter address in PIMS Screen 301 to obtain 5&W permit # * Check PIMS Screens 110 (Remarks) ' If gallons per minute aze less than 25, a 1" meter will be required. If gallons per minute aze more than 25, a 2" turbo with suainer will be required. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. Consult with Plumbing Inspector if Licensed Plumber does not know GPMs. Before sellin2 meter ' Check PIMS Screen 320 for aoproval of inspection results. No meter will he sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new service lines aze not requ'ued, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Write meter type and size on receipt, code to 3716-9220 (meter portion only), and forward copy to Utility Billing Clerk. " Enter meter size, type, receipt #, date & amount paid on PIMS Screen 110. Copy of receipt should be given to Utility Billing Clerk. Miscellaneous Informatioo * The insqller is tn cootsct Building Inspections at 6814675 for inspection ofthe inside water line and backflow preventer. The Cenkal Maintenance Division may be reached at 681-4300 for water riun-on. * If ineter is over 5/8", notify Central Maintenance so they can tell you if there is one in stock before plumber goes over there. .IS/Forms.bld/p16g permit (comm) 1997 I",? B ? L SUBds'1Qr?? APPROVED BY: CITY USE ONLY ?/??, RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE 9 1998 PLUbi$1Nfi i'£RM1T (COMM£fiCIRL) CI1'Y Of ERfiAN S$SO PILOT KNOB {iD EAfiAN,1NN 551EE (618) 6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commerciaUindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate building pertniu are not required for cach dwelling unit backflaw preventer to be installed in commercial azeas or residential boulevards Date: ?Work Type: _ New Bldg. _ Add-on _ Repair ?I.G. Sprinkler RPZ Description of Work: To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on oew service, ca11681-4646. FEES 1% of contract price or $25.00 minimum Contract Price: x 1% _ $ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF INSZALLING UNDERGROUND SPRINKI.ER SYSTEM Service: °?-Existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ New Backflower Preventer Permit Fee»»»»»»»»»»»»>>>>>>>>>>»>>">>> $ 25.00 Water Flow GPM '=r' WaterMeterl" @ $189.00 oi 2" Turbo @ $871.00 If "new service"add Water Permit $ 50.00 = State Surcharge $ .50 = WAC $ 807.00 = Water Tceatrnent $ 444.00 = Permit F.ee 5 State surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of vermit fee or minimum of $.50 per permit State Surcharge $ • SO -? TotalFee I heceby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with au appucaoie t-iry of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsibiliry to notify the properry owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the Ciry during iu normal opem6onal and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under ttiis permit within City property/right-o ay 3 `e 2ment. ? ? U SITE ADDRESS: ?0 1"(`? I I O V? I TENANTNAME: S 1 OVw:~{ ?-elsrr • INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADbRESS: CITY: ? 4 TELEPHONE #: ^f > `T `? ?? M /? e-A-( n -c b ?ec. ZIP: > a r ;?- SIGNANRE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT -1998 METER SIZE Domestic [rrigation UTILITY CONNECTION (APPLIES TO NEW SERVICE ONLY) PRV _ Yes _ No To determine meter size ' See if it is indicated on back of Building Inspections cazd • Enter address in PIMS Screen 301 to o6tain S&W permit k ' Check PIMS Screens 110 (Remazks) ' If gallons per minute are less than 25, a I" meter will be required. IF gallons per minute are more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. Consult with Plumbing Inspector if Licensed Plumber does not know GPMs. BeFore sellin¢ meter ' Check PIMS Screen 320 for aoaroval of inspection results. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new service lines are not required, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Write meter type and size on receipt, code to 3716-9220 (meter portion only), and Forwazd copy to Utility Billing Clerk. * Enter meter size, type, receipt #, date & amount paid on PIMS Screen 110. Copy of receipt should be given to Utility Billing Clerk. Miscellaneous InFormation " The installer is to contact Building Inspections at 6814675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The CenVal Maintenance Division may 6e reached at 681-4300 for water wm-on. " If ineter is over 5/8", notify Central Maintenance so they can tell you if there is one in stock before plumber goes over there. CD/Permi[ forms/plbg permit (comm) 1998 CITY USE ONLY L / BL ? RECEIPT #: g.To /? SUBD.(22y?L(L' RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612)687-4675 Please complete for: ? all commerciaUndustrial buildings. ? muki-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit. DATE: I 2-/1-17 CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: F4--T -??jiQ? S, /7ccA 6C..=r`. P6Qd. OkcFwor ?-? G FEES: ?$25.00 minimum fee or 1°/a of contract price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of 2ermit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% 9'?"j PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE , SO TOTAL ??tlv SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: 5;n4"' 1S 4s/-TELEPHONE#: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: /?ianG?n a /'S STATE: ? 21P: PHONE #: ????8 JS?J SIGNATURE: • ' ? SI NATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY I SPECTOR s CITY USE ONLY LOT BL SUBD. RECEIPT #: _ RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 Date: (612) 681-4675 Completa this secdon onlv if vou are instalGni! HVAC in single familv, town6ome, or condos that are aader construction and are not owner /occuoied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T il $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets ( minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) • State Surchazge: ' .50 . TOTAL: Complete this section onlv if vou are remodelina, addine to, or repairing eaistin¢ single family dwellines, townhomes, or condos. Add-on fiunace Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. _ Minimum fee applies to all remodel or add-ons of exisdng residences State Surcharge Add on air conditioning Other $ 20.00 .50 Total: $ 20.50 SIT'E ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE #: PHONE tl: STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY L b BL ? RECEIPT#: G?/ ?;?- SUBD. RECEIPTDATE: a'f?/9T 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commerciallindustrial buildings. . multi-family buildings when separate permits are S required for each dwelling unit. uH i t: CONT v1CT P°lCE:`11, l9lA(9 ??G WORK TYPE: _ NEW CONSTRUCTION _4 INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT A DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: ? $25.00 minimum fee or 1/o o contract price, whichever is g er ater. . Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of er ' fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1 % PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) ? (iG__J/l?t1e INSTALLER: ADDRESS: cirv: 7 Y40 STATE: Zj)j:fjj ZIP -LO-V-Q? PHONE #: SIGNATURE: ? "' I'G IATUR 0 P MITTEE CITY INSP CTOR -= .. ? ,50 l(?D. 50 ? CITY USE ONLY L BL RECEIPT#: SUBD. RECEIPT DATE: _ 1997 MECHAN(CAL PERMIT (RESiDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT.KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: . single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when.pertnits are required for each unit New construction Add-on furnace i,dd-on air conditioning Add-on alr exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. --------------------------- Date: FEE ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) $ 20.D0 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? Gas Uutlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) • State Surcharge .50 TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: PHONE#: INSTALLER NAME: PHONE #: CTRFPT AfIf1RPCS- CITY: STATE: ZIP: - I SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE •.? ? 4?i..ai...YJl.::.,nv..?m., ?: ? a. •• ,lt.,? rYHr.: ;F::d"k?.,?.m eN+.Pn,.n..,.Vr.X°.$....Y. :.,.m¢.a???,..t;(,:,?..?.... . . .. ?. . :...X.i:.A.4.?a,::tn..:.....„l C;:[1V L7r ii"'r`;GHN, CASr-+Tf.l7r, Mi; Tr:l;?M:I:T'RI._ NC): 253 x.j.. ZI^Ti- . .?? (;r:.?%r'::i?. . .? .y..l, yTi4:'8 L.3CC3}."?.:5 t : '.f,.;i] 9)0°?t1j c,,.?•,? r,,? ? , 1...7'i v „r.i0r• , ,... : . .. .. . .,::,.:,...1 crl,.(;r _.l 055 900:. 3330 ;`Ti_i)'r FcNr.._ t).['ll:? Tq ?...i?..,.:YS i::' ,`.i(??rn .i._.?.7 ?,e:.._...c ?:-?••??i.....ni: r.?: ..,.". W21201, i.1f,IP TD. MAQL..`di4s''! i =?C" OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan, Minnesota 55122-i1897 (612) 681-4675 ? SlTE ADDRESS: ? 1 P . I . N . : 10-23100-080-03 DESCRIPTION: I PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G PermitNumber: 036857 Date Issued: 0 9/ 2 6/ 9 7 3330 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: 8 BLOCK: 3 EFFRESS EAGAM ATNLETIC CIUB u3,lding`?R,ermit Type MISCELLANEOUS ,t11diFYg t+lt#w4 T y p e D EMOLISH % 649 , OEMO OTHER ? < a ? d y.n'yp, . lt._ of . . . . REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: 8ase Fes 5uroharge Total Fee $50.00 $.56 $50.50 CONTRACTOR: _ Applicant - JOHN B GOODMAN LTD P7NRSHP 23618073 1107 HA2ELTINE BLVD 200 CNASKA MN 5531$ (612) 361-8073 ?:. . APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE OWNER: DPOC ZNC 1107 HAZEITINE BLVO 200 CHASKA MN 55918 (612)361-8000 ?lffl u ? R p? J m.? -?eo g : si ATURE ? 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION (COMMERCIAL) ?S? • ? CITY OF EAGAN ?? 681-4675 ? .s Z7 - The following are required wfth eppropriate certification for all IIft construction: • 2 each: architeCurol plans; mech. 8 ekc. plans; fire sprinkler plens; etructurel plans; sRe plans; lendsceping pians; gradingldreinagelerosion corrtrol plan; utllity plan ? t eacfi: set oF apecificetions; set of energy calwlationa; elae[rical power & lighting fortn; Special Inspectlons & Testing Schadule ? Letter from MCANS (phone 9222-8423) indicetinp SAC determination ? Code anatysia indicating: codes used; oceupancy ciessficationa; setbacks; meximum alloweble erea as per Building and City Codea along with sq. ft. per floor; type oi conshudion (synopsis of construction components) & any oauvancy or area separetion walls; 1DSOIL'S oxuPency loads; exit synopsis wkh a diegrem intlicating exking loada from eaeh room or area, trovel paths & all rated REPORT coMdon; plumbing fixtures; and parking. DATE: September 24, 1997 WORK 7YPE: NEW REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Demolition of existing building D?CL«ON $100,000 DPDC Inc. -8118"11 HE11811COST: TENANT NAME: SITE ADDRE55: ? LOT-'M BBLOCK 3330 Pilot Knob Road ?m. SUBD. Efrress Addition a,1.(, a B A4- 7v- P' P.I.D. # 10-23100-080 A03 PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR NBme: nPnC Tne _ Phone #: (61')) 'Ati'_annn ? ,... StfEet AddfeSS: 1107 Hazeltine Blvd., Suite 200, . Cjty; Chaska.. Stete: MN Zlp: 55318 Company:.Tohn B. Goodman Limited Partnership PhOne #: (612) 361-8073 Street Address:11o7 xaZeltzne Blvd., Suite 200, CIty: Chaska MN ZIp: 55,318 BWBR Architects ARCHITECTI Company: ENGINEER Phone #: (612) 290-1914 Narpg: David W. Wagner Registration #: ' StreetAddress: 400 siniev Street. Suite 500. CIty: St_ Paul State: rN Zip; SS,n, Sewer & water licensed plumber (only if installing sewer 8 water): u/ 6 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: A ?JF.GT /y/AWACv?F 3(of- So73 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation i 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. n 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION . . ? 0 21 Misceilaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish e>R 37 Demolition Const. (Actual) Basement sq . ft. MC/WS System (Allowable) First Floor sq . ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered ? Zoning sq. ft. Census Code # of Stories sq. ft. SAC Code Length sq. ft. Census Bidg. Depth Footprint sq. ft. Census Unit APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ ? Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S!W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ? ?e 0 • 11 MEETING NOTES Re: Attending: E A ? ? Y? 3?? o P an Athletic Club Site Commission #3261.00 City of Eagan I Mike Ridley,,Steve Dorgan Sh'ea Architects, Ina Bill Hickey, Paul C. N. Mellblom Date: M Irch 12, 1996 The following is a s I mmary of our discussion regarding the above project. ITEM ACTION COMMENTS 100 Norlh SI%IhSlreel Minneapolis, MN 55407•1513 612 359 2257 phone 612 369 2910 faz 1. INFO Statt felt City Council would be receptive to hotel use as Eagan is currently under I served. Staff emphasized that City Councit makes tinal decision, with staff input, ? but cannot be predicted. 2. SAI ? The City oi Eagan will require existing Athletic Club building to be updated aesthetically as part of any other work done to the site, with scope similar to previous proposal. 3. SAI I The City of Eagan requests full-scale proposal for submittai to the City Council, i but Planning Department staff will informally review schematic proposats and return comments prior to official submittal. 4. INFO , Parking will be a concern. Each sub-lot must provide parking for all uses of that ? lot. This needs to be studied to balance requirements of hotel, athleGc club, and restaurant. 5. INFO I The City Council will probably look more tavorably upon hotel with restaurant attached, rather than just a hotel. 6. INFO ? The staff thought location good for business clients. 7. INFO The staft feels it will be 75 days for conditionai use permlt, with replatting to follow i (t 5 months for total process). 8. SAI Proposal must identi(y a hotel operator and a specified restaurant when proposal I is submitted to the City Council. Agreements may be contingent on City approval. 9. INFO I Ciry will expect mid-range materials and image similar to Fairtield Inn type I structures, e.g., stucco, brick, etc. Proposed materials will be subject to review by staff. Notes by: Paul C. N. Mellbl SHEA ARCHITE cc: Attendees Richard C • PMIBFiQUmig0312 ARCNIT ? INC. _..- E C T S, I N C. gj' oeu? Bu11er5quere, Suite650G ? t Y i EAGAN TOWNSHtP N° 3081 BUILDING PERMIT Address DESCRIPTION Eagan Township Town Hall Dale ?.....__..-........ 5iories To Be Used Foz Froni DePih Hei9h! Esf. Cost pesmif Fee Remarka LOCATIOSi streex, noan or 'oxner ueacr.pxion ax Loeaxion I Lo: niocx ApO1IlOT O! "1"IBCI This permit doas not auihorise the use of sireeis, roads, alley: or sidewalks nor daea it gire the owner or his agen! the righf Yo ereafe any siluetion whieh is a nuisance o: whiah presenls a haaard to the healfh, safefy, eonvenieaee and general welfare 2o anpone in the communiYy. THIS PERMIT MUST BE I EPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WQRK IS IN PAO(G? R,E,$8, This is io eezlifY. !ha!_ . :. .................._.-.-.------ ....... has permisaion !o ereet a_?^':^:': ? .."""° the above desczibed premise suhjeeY 1o the provisions of the Building Ordinance fos Eagan Township adoptad Apeil 11, 1955. ...""'-'_l...-?-..-... . ° .. Per ----"-----..-_"'-.".......... ...."""""'-' ............."-""'_'--"_._..........""'-_- airma?4f'of Tnwn Board Building InapeclorJg ".. MASTER CARD L Permi} No. Issued ISSUCfI TO Con}ractor Owner BUILDING PLUMBING ? CESSPOOL - SEPiIC TANK I WELL I ' ELECTRICAL I HEATING I y'/ ? r (V ? r ry/?.-? I GAS 1NSTALLING -?- -?- SANITARY SEWER I Z?4O? OTHER I ? ) s?? ,1 I OTHER I I I Items Approved (initial) Date Remaiks Distance From Well FOOTING $EPTIC FOUNDATION I ? CESSPOOI FRannING I q^ZY23 ? ?" a?? ?-I TILE FIELD FT. PINAL I ELECTRICAL - HEATING ? 'j 3 OEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION I SEPTIC TANK I CESSPOOL I - DRAINFIELD I PLUMBING WELL I SANITARY SEWER I I I y 7 Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: I I COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE USEO ONIY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. a ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. DATE OF INSPECTION NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZFD AND DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS: NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ? REINSPECTION REQUIREO DATE OF REINSPECTION REINSPECTION REVEALED CERTIFICATION-I cenifythat I have carefully inspected the above in which I have no interest present or prospective, and that I hava reported herein all significant conditions oLserved to be at variance with ordinances of tha Town of Eagan, apprwed plans and specifica<ions, and any specific require- ments for off-site improvements releting to the propetty inspected. ? ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED Bl11LDING INSPECTOR DATE ? COMME R3 EAGANDALE.CLTTB CITY OF EAGAN ` ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N2 13304 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT ' Receipt# 7obeusedior INT. IMPR. Est.value $5, 000 oate MARCH 4 1g87 SiteAddress 3 Lot $ Block Parcel No. - PILOT KNOB RD W Name GRAHM GI 3 nddress 3346 GL] ° ciry WHITE BAA& o Name RALPH Hi 0< Address 3679 UP] ? City g4SEMOURne a F w Name Adtlress i W Ciry Phone I hereby acknowledge that I Y information is correct and a?. Minnesota Statutes and CiTy Signature af Perminee- A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in accor Buiiding Otticial -9 CONST Erect ? Occupancy Remodel ? Zaning Repair ? Type of Const. Addition ? No. Staries Move ? Length Demolish 0 Deptti Int. Impr. ? Sq. Ft Insiall ? Fees Assessment Permit Water & Sew. Surcharge 2.50 Police Plan Review Fire SAC ST with all all E Water Conn ng. . Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit statethatthe Bldg. Off. Tr. PI. a61e State of ? APC Parks ? Vac Date Copies 61 . 00 Total HANSON CONST on me express condition that ppli le State of Minnygota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. w . .4? 1 /?d- I 'V41--- - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING5 ffiCLODE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 OF SOHVEY, 1 SBT OF ENERGY CALCOLATIOHS Ok HOTE: ADDRESS85 FOR COENBR LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNSR MQST DESIGHATB iiHICB ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHgNGfiS WILL BB ALLOWED ONCS BOILDING PERMIT IS ISSIISD. MOLTIPLS DflE[.LIHIGS - RESIDENTIAL RENTAL IIPITS FOR SALE UBfIiS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CEBTIFICATE OF SQRYEY - CHECK iiITH BLDG. DfiPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALGULATIONS COhIlM6RCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCI'URAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BO1VD Cr,-M0G9-ClA(- IhLT ?OAWeZ o-. To Be Used For: ejctoirreerYs°q Valuation: 00 O.? Site Address t7 Lot ? Block J On Site Sewage MWCC System Parcel/Sub On Site Well ?? City Water _ Owner Address 004L City/Zip Code ?0/` ?°"jPa,- a 527110 Phone I APPROVALS Contractor /fa,4M CDDUr.rv" C+??.tr?dt Address.;l? 1 City/Zip Code Phone Q;Q f ? Arch./Engr. _ Address C3ty/Zip Code Phone # Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr Planner Couneil Bldg Off APC Variance 3 Date: i e Occupaney Zoning Type of Const (Actual) (Allowable) 0 of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES ? Permit 56 - Surcharge 2.2p- Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies -?-TOTAL /n /, /1 • 5. ? ? ¢ ? r-t c ? Y? ^:3. +-S y -? ' ??„??; y ,. j ?---?• ?/ ? i" r S . f e .' ¢ i ?' ' y . ; • ? `-?7? ' t pllfi"lj?G? ?, ? : , r •,?,?o-? , "_?? a f '_ ? bl` •r'( c } ? ???~??? ? ?? ??? .+ j 4 ?. T ?.? L?? L d . / Y ( ? 4.T Y : f ? T J L i ? 77vj \ ?ti 5"? `' ? ? ? r z . ??. `' ? 1t q ..i . .?.. . . . . . . . . ?. . .? 1T4 a .,` ?,? . z . .. ; .x x?, t r ?,`"` ? , r r_ ? t 2 t r F I s s ? ? • r `' • E,f, ,. s 1? ? v ? S t b 4 f ? Y V I ? t k '? , M N r ' ? ? ? , l.,? r ..?, • , .? . - 6 a??.>s,.?_?r?a: ... . ,;(8/ e3 j MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HEDGES, CTI'Y ADMINISTRATOR FROM: 1IM STURM, CITY PLANNER DATE: MAY 28, 1992 RE: EAGAN ATHLETIC CI,UB_ City staff has had a difficult time with the Eagan Athletic Club regarding signage along Pilot Knob Road. They have consistently violated code regulations despite numerous attempts by staff to resolve the issue. Since April 1990, 12 notices of violation and letters addressing the problem have been sent to the club. Donna Rollins, Sign Inspecter, and the planning staff are concerned that if action is not taken, other businesses will feel that they do not have to follow signage regulations and will claim that hard financial times is a basis to do so. It is hard enough as it is to regulate the sign portion of the code. We are at a point where it is evident that they are unwilling to cooperate with the City. Typically, we would issue a citation; however due to the ongoing discussions with the club, we thought it would be best to advise you of the situation and wait for your direction on how to proceed. Attached is a portion of the past correspondence for your review. Thank-you. Sincerely, ? City Planner attach. CC: Donna Rollins, Sign Inspector Dale Runkle, Community Development Director itv oF 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 fire departmerrt Al , B3, §?? TO: ALARM SYSTEM CONTRACTOR This form is to be filled out, signed and returned to the Eagan Fire Department, 3795 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, after the alarm system has been completed and tested by the installer. After you have sent this form, contact the inspector (454-5274) to set up a final inspection and test. The final test is to be performed by the contractor and witnessed by a Fire Inspector. TO BE COMPLETED BY FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR: 1. Date 14 / Electrical Permit # 2. Address of alarm system installation ? RC?r4? . v?ln?. 55 1 d. 1 3. Date Fire Inspector reviewed plans 3 lAG f 9l 4. Name of contractor Sdt?A Ro, 0'? ''Ch2 \w\h S Address 3 7 S 1 `? b R??Arvs? ?v f. S. Ct1 Q?s .?_ Phone t?G ?,41 dbbl Contact Person x?r? 'MA4tA?n This certifies that ihe alarm system at the above address has been installed in accordance with applicable city and/or insurance company standard . 1 devices have n tested and the system is 100% operational. Signed for Contractor Date 4 Jq TO BE COMPLETED BY FIRE INSPECTOR: The system was spot-checked and it operated on this date y-??/ Witnessed by Inspectorv.',," Comments 4Z42.&4.v . F[\F-Alarm.Tst THE LONE OAK TREE. .. TNE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNB, IITILITY SILLING CLERR FROM: EDWARD J. RIRSCHT, 8R. ED1CiINEERIN6 TECH DATE: MARCH 29, 1991 SIIBJECT: STREETLIGHT EDTERGY COSTB LOTS 7 AND 81 BLOCR 3, EFFRESS ADDITION 3330 PILOT RNOS ROAD - TH& EAGANDALE CLUB OWNER - RERR ENTERPRISES, 256 FIRST AVE. 80. MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55401 This memo is to inform your department to start to invoice the , energy cost in the amount of $40.00 per quarter for one 250 watt high pressure sodium luminaire with the next utility billing for 3330 Pilot Knob Road. The City is currently being billed by Dakota Electric for the energy cost for the streetlight located at Pilot Knob Road and Marice Drive. c-?04 't/?? Edward J. Kirscht, Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer EJK/jf MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNB, IITILITY BILLING CLERR FROM: EDNARD J. RIRSCHTp SR. ENGINEERING TECH DATES MARCH 29, 1991 SUBJECT: STREETLIGHT ENERGY COSTS LOTS 7 AND 81 BLOCR 3, EFFRE88 ADDITION 3330 PIIAT KNOB ROAD - THE EAGANDALE CLUB ONNER - ICERR ENTERPRISES, 256 FIRST AVS. 80. ' MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 55401 This memo is to inform your department to start to invoice the energy cost in the amount of $40.00 per quarter for one 250 watt high pressure sodium luminaire with the next utility billing for 3330 Pilot Knob Road. The City is currently being billed by Dakota Electric for the energy cost for the streetlight located at Pilot Knob Road and Marice Drive. Edward J. Kirscht, Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer EJK/jf U f3, L}-TYB55 ?•1 ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (672) 454-8100 FAX: (612) 454-8363 January 30, 1991 / BRIAN STRIKE EAGAN ATHLETIC CLUB 3330 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55121 Dear Brian, ThiOM0.S EGAN nwya DAVID K. GlI5TAF50N osnEu rxcaES, TIM DAWLEMY THEOOORE WACHiER Cauncil Memters THOIJA$ HEDCfS Cdy Admin¢trator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CM Geik A review of events surrounding the advertising sign that has been in violation of the City of Eagan sign ordinance begins with a notice issued December 5, 1990 requesting removal of the sign. Following that was a Notice of Violation on December 12, a letter from the city administrator, and two attempts by me to meet with you. Please remove the sign by Tuesday, February 5, 1991. A citation will be issued on that day and each day that the sign remains. The penalty for a misdemeanor is $200.00 per day. Sincerely, Donna Rollins Sign Inspector DR/mg cc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity/Affirmafive AcTlon Employer cirr oF eacaN M1 9795 Pilot Knob Rmd Fu9an, MN S3721 N2 5019 ' PHONE: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # _-/;2? To be und for Racquetball Crts.Est. Value 120,000. Date 10-1 ? 197 _9_ Site Address 3330 Pilot Knob Road Erecr ? Occupancy F2 Lot 7& 8 61ock 3 $ec/Sub. F ac Addi iOn Alter ? Zoning GB PQrcel #, Repnir ? Fire Zona 3 Enlarge 8 Type of Gonst. s Name Eagandale Tennis Club Move ? # Stories z Address3330 Pilot Knoh Road Demolish ? Front 64 k. Ci Eagan Phone 454-8790 Grade ? DePth 48_$ - ft.. o Ncme D V Selfe Gonat Ca_ Aovrowle Fees 3072 Sqf ?G q?re=1755 East Co. Rd. 11H2 ? CI White Bear Lk. phone 429-1649 tw Name Same - t?w ??? Address iW CM _ Phone I hereby acknowledge thnt I have read this opplication ond state that pll ap ible the information is wrrect nnd ogreqie?toQ mmply with p fi g9? Ordy(anc State of Minnesofa Stotutes crd ?p Signotum of Pertnittee _ A Buiiding Pertnit is issued all work shall be dane in Building Official Assessment Permit ?35.50 Water & Sew. Surcharge 60.00 Potice Plon check 117.75 Fire SAC Eng. Water Conn. Plunner Water Meter .l C 1 Rd. Ut. 75.00 ounc off Bld . 9. APC 488. 25 Totul on the express condition that State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. BUILDIIdG PERMIT APPLICATIpN 4)(1o I DATE August 16, 1978 Include 2 sets oP plans, 1 site plan w/elevations and 1 set of energy calculatiofns. Tro he used for Racquetball courts Vaiuation $120,000.00 Site Addresc: 3330 pilot Knob Road, Vil]age o£ Eagan, Minn. Lot Block See. SuD. ?-¢ ?' '3 "C7 7- -F)- pS5 Owner Eagandale Tennis Club 'Address 3330 Pilot Knob Road Village of Eagan, Minn. Parcel Nwnber AWTelephone 454-8790 contractor D. V. Selfe Gonstruction Co, Address 1?55 East Co. Rd. H2 White Bear I,ake, Minn. Arch./Eng. D. V. Sel£e Reg. No. 5701 Address Same as above Erect Alter Repair Enlarge Addition to existing building Nbve Decialish Grade OFFICE USE bate of Appmval & Initial Assessment IJ" 4later/Sewer Police Fire Ehg. Plantter Cnuncil Bldg. Off. A.P.C. Telephane 429-1649 Telephone 429-1649 OFFICE USE Occupancy f.2- Zoning Fire zone 3 Type of Const. # of Stories Front L? DePth 3 ?2 a FEES - 6?- Pezmit SurcY.arge rlan Check ? 1 7-)Z', SAC 4later Gbrui. t•dater Meter /?- f TOTAL - ? ?y99?? 3?9? TELEPHONE: 429-1649 GENERAL CONTRAGTING D. V. SELFE CONSTRL`CTIO\ -CO. 1755 E. CO. RD. H-2 WHITE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55170 ETIERGY COIIE CA7,CULATIONS ) ENGINEERING CONSULTANT Jobs Eagandale Tennis Club Ra.cquetball Court Addition 3330 Pilot Knob Rdo, Village of Eagen, Minnesota I1ATE: August 14. 197$ Allowable "U" factors: Wall construction---------------------------- 22 Roof & Ceiling construction------------------ 10 Actual "U" calculations: bcterior walls above grade - 12" concrete block with voids filled with BD polystyene insulation and interior and exterior surface coa.ted with fiberglass coating - U = .25 Fxposed wa11 area, - 2184 sf x.25 =------ 1" 7nsula.ting glass area = 24 sf x.55 = - Tofia,l exposed wall area = ------ Exposed roo£ area U calculations: R Values - Outside air------------------------- •17 Fitch & Gravel roofing-------------- .78 3/4" Peaxlite Insulation------------ 2.08 2 q" Raylite Insulation------------- 9•79 14" Nilcon roof panels-------------- 1.42 Inside air---------------------------- .62 Total R = ---------------1 .92 II = 1/R = ---------- =---- .067 -------------------546.0 -----^------------- 13•2 -------------------559.z Exposed Roof Area = 3146 sf x.067 °----------------------------------------- 210.8 Total actua.l roof and wall =------------ =----------------------------- -,770.0 Allowable wall = 2208 sf x.22 =--------------------------------------- 485•8 Allowable roof = 3146 sf x.10 = --------------------------------= -----14.6 Total Maximum Allowable roo£ and wall =---------------------- ----------- $ , 3/4" Per7.ite Insulatio 24" Styrene Insulation 4 ply pitch and gravel roof < lZ" Styrene Insula 48" Nilcon Pre-cast Roof Units v. Iron Facia • ;: ?;. "x8"x1 sl 0-6 • , ?? N 2x6 Dbl. plate I staxter Blk. TWO NO. 4 Yx9,TS C . ?. ? BD Styrene fi11 '- ; < < < a\ 1 , CONSTRUCTION DETAIL AT RDOF EVE • EAGANDALE RACQUETBALI. COURT ADDITIDN 3330 1'ilot :fiiob Road, Eagan, Minn. Scale; Date: 3/4,. = 1' -0" 7-19-78 D. V. SELFE CONSTRUCTION CO. 7755 E. CO. RO. H-Z. WHiTE BEAR LAKE, MINNESOTA 53110 R .? ? ? ll .t' ? - --- I ? _--• I? ; i i - - - ? ? ? ( _ _.. (. , ??y- - - - ? b=8' PLAN 1/8" = 1-01, ? z 3 L - ? - , 6 ? l? 4" concrete floor with ! 6x6-6/6 mesh over ; 125-20 Tensilform ' t? • . , . '? . ? .; '. . •. ' . .. e ' . ' . •' ' : ' a? i' _%-¢ -GJG.X 8.SQM5._ x 7-9 ??Lc^9 '' 1 ? - -- -- ? 24" x 48" accoust. tile ceiling in metal grid suspension system ( 8'-0" from floor ) I? ror- 8 • ? . SECTION Z„ = 1'-0„ .' ? MEZZANINE DECK CONST3UCTIOIP DETAII, EAGANI]ALE ?iACQUET3ALL COI]RT ADDITION 3330 Pilot Knob Road, Eagaa, iqinn. Sca1e: Data; As Shown 7-19-78 D. V. SELFE CONSTRGCTION C0. ? 1755 E. GO. RD. H-2 i?ir- OLO I .1VC \IIAI.I_?l1T1 ??Ifl1 A? /d D SD o.? r,?ms Qoslx, l?/ VILLA6E OF E40Aq 3795 Pibt Knob Road $E?!" ER §ERVOCE PElqMIT Eogan, MN 55132 PEAMIT NO.: T04 7.oninq: DA7'E: 7/2$/73 No. oF Unfte:-_?-_-- Owner. _ TnA Address: Site Addmss: Plumber: 1 agreo to eomplr pith pla VIIloge o{ Ovdinaneoa. ' ?OB°° COnnectlon C6arge: Account Depoeft: Permtt Fee: 10.00 d 7 25 73 By. 6urc6argr. - .50 vd 7 25 73 Date of Ins MfeC• Ch?6ea: Insp.: _ p" Totat: l--- Date Patd: AD J3/D4 o So 03 WATfcR SERb 125 5@RMIT VILLA6E Of EA6AN ?,F.µyjCE N0.:7?25??3 --- 3795 Pibt Knob Rood UATF.: _. -- Eo9an,MN 55122 C 2 No. of Units: _.--- Y,unin6: - ---Indoor - _ . --.--"_-- d--?- __ ----- Tennis __ - - ownUr: - ? Yankee lsodle l?oa -- - - nadrESs Pilot Kuob -- - - HeadnB ? _ s„e nadre,•. Plumbin8 y Wenzel Plumbcc Connecvon C ar?e Accuunt DeWsic _-_--a--253-- Me[er No.: -I, -- 10.00 E_ 77 Y?-- - f Prrmit Fee: ---. 50 ? size: g -----?3 o D.7. /-5- - ., __- Reader No.: Villa9e °f EO9°^ Surchacge= 1 a9re8 to comO?Y w?th the Misc. Charges: ---- Ordinanc s. l'utal: ----'------ ?-? Date Paid: _-----------?- ? - -- -- ?---- - fnsP.: DxteoSlnsV.'-..-___ t-$ , .63, £+fress OF 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 51 24-1 89 7 PHONE: (614) 454-8100 FAX:(614)454-8363 October 10, 1990 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED MICHELE OLSON, MANAGER EAGAN ATHLETIC CLUB 3330 PIL,OT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 Dear Ms. Olson: THOMAS EGFJJ Mayor DAVID K. GUSTAGSON DAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENiY THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THbMAS HEDGE$ CRy Atlmin!5[f3fOr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CM Ckrk The use of two 8' x 8' signs (128 square feet) is in violation of the city sign ordinance. Signs for temporary business sales are limited to twenty-five square feet, not to exceed a ten-day-per-month display. This is the second notice within sixty days concerning the excessive size of signs. Your cooperation in removing the two 8' x 8' signs immediately wil] be appreciated. Sincerely, Donna Rollins Sign Inspector DR/mg cc: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Actfon Employer ? 6vo - 0 minnesota department of heaith O 717 s.e. delaware st minneapolis 55440 (612) 296-5221 M8. M8r18riB oUIrs manSa' R'he Eagandale Club 3830 Pil,o+t Knob Road Eagaa, MN 55121 lJew Ms. (ta*oi QCiober 29ti 2982 On OetoDer 19, 18$20 aavrples of eoatar uere collected £iwm the rhirlpool aact iadnm mdmdng pool at the Eagandala Cdub Zocated at 3380 Pl.1.aC lCnob Faads in the City af Esgan. Hismesota. `f'hasa samPles wera colleeced in ra- sgonse tO a.caWlaint receiaed by this Depnrtments alisgie?8 that e haeterial akitt infeotion was acqvired after uaiag the whir7.pool. The samplsa were msbmfttad Co thia Depaz-tioea'C9 anaiqtfsal labomtory €or beeterit»logieal anslqsis ta determine the sanitarq qttalit9 oF tha e0hirigoo& aad swianing pool f4r bath3ag tm theraputic purposes. The bacteria2 asia.tyaie oP the samglee colleoted indiaated thst the water rae uf eatisfactory eaaitaay quality for bathiag Pvrposes at the time Ot' cq.Ll.ectian, Ttae 1a#atmatary resulte ara sumarized ia Enol,aaura I. Aaiditfcmmll,y at the time aP eample aallection iE sras determined 41at pl.ans and specificatioaa on the xieuly 3.astailed uhislpool wwe aot sAmitte8 to tt,is Dapartmmt gn accosdaaae xich Minneoota Rviea q MCAR 6 1.141, aad aPBi'oved Pgior to tonstpuction ar 3nstallation. Siace the arbirlpool did nat aa?desw Plm rnviea ar fiml conetrua'tioa insBeettvn DY tAia Dapartmaat end defieienaiea Yere abted during Ehe cfllleeticn of mamplea, vre fir+d it Aecosaazy bo iaistte the fcllcwSng oxdwe ftr aazrmeat4oa: i. xaeetell a ratm of flcxw indicatom whAeli reada in gellone per minute ae the vhirlgoal retusn .Iine. 2. In3ta11 s tnesmxmeter oa the recirculat3on 1lne neas+fhe outlo4 Co t'he pool. The recamumded mmimum teuperaturra ia a vhirlpcc>I is 108p F'. 3. The fi.ltlr eyetem net he pronided teifh 1nf].nemt end eff'ltssnt prassnre gauBes. Iastall aa influent pree$vre $av88 on tho i'ilter system. The appromeat;pae$ ;tems muat De ComDlied rith Dq December 1. 1982. The fol2oxitAg item coneerning ah3rlpuei operations are submittsd fs8r yaw iaformattioa: an equal opportunity employar & MB e M?1*?.9158 +CtS7C' . . . . . Oc'tobex' 29. 1982 ft&a 2 !. Whtrlpoois sbou38 be eoWistol9 draiasd et laasC onae e xaeek to prevettt builft af ox+gan3e material. St Sa reeammended ttrst Lte frae chlariae resi8ua2 3n arhiripoala be malvealnorl bettreen 2.0 aa$,9.t! ppm. 2. A32 vhS.rlnco2s muat heae sn automatic dieinfaetant feader in . opez+aCion ott aIA times.. 3. it ir re4Gumaded ?IaaE' 8].WtBt#.on of 3feet +fP eeBCitA$ eyaco (Pet6matar cf asating wms) ]re a1loNed fsrr eaph nsex+ as a roeu3mm 1oad. aapwaity ixs .a vLiripcal. tf yeau hH;a+o my qeeesticns esoaciexmia8 this reparC. Aleage aommunicats xith us at 633-5885. Yssum verq` tru].y= Jams .T4 W3Cicowelcf, &.S. GfiS C.oooaul'Citg San3.tarisn SectSon af Errvironmu2a1 Field Sem3.cas JJW t rxfyt ' ec: Aale Peterson? ; Bidg. Inspector Citq o# Eagan • ?. . g-3, F-f'? 1'f_?S : " BEA BLOMpUIST MAYOfl THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMITH IERRYTHOMqS TNEODORE WACHTER COUNQL MEMBEHS July 9, 1982 TOMAS N THEISEN 3804 NICOLLET AVE MPLS MN 55409 CITY OF EAGAN ? - ]]95 PILOT KN08 ROAO -? P.O. BO% 21199 EAGAN,MINNESOTA . 55111 PHDNE 454-8100 Re: Amusement Device Application for License/Ea andale Club Dear Mr. Theisen: THOMASHEDGES GiY AOMINISTPAiOF EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIiY CLEPN The City of Eagan has received an application for seven (7) amusement device license to locate amusement device machines at the Eagandale Racquet CLub located in the City of Eagan. The City of Eagan has granted in the past a license for three (3) amusement devices. The ordinance specifically states that any application for more than three (3) amusement device machines must go through the Advisory Planning Commission as a conditional use permit hearing and then, upon a recommendation from that commission, be heard by the City Council for final consideration. The City of Eagan cannot honor the application for seven amusement device license until a conditional use permit application is submitted to the City of Eagan and that procedure is followed according to ordinance. For additional information on this item, please refer to Mr. Dale Runkle, City Planner. Sincerely, ???? ? ?k y!? ? Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/hnd cc: D`ale Runkle, City P.lanner . J - Lorene Lee, Deputy City C1erk t THE LONE OAK TREE ... TME SYMBOt, OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR GOMMLINITY. ? Sst8.41V DRt.,9 (f L44S . rwnMIM-Wr nr•.vtce•.G '? ?'YI XFmHi?vFS i APPLICA'17ON POR LICM:NSE CITY OF FMAN 3795 Pil,a[' KNOB RoM EncnN, M[NnrPLarn 55122 i. Narne of Applicant Thomab N. rhei.aen First Midcile Res. Address 6043 Sou,th Jame.A Avenue. 1li.nneapo.f.fe. lknne.ao.ta 55419 Street City State . Zip . 2. Husiness Address 3804 Nicat.2et Avenue Pli.nneapo?.i..b. gi.rtn2do.ta 55409 Name --?Street City State Zip 3• Hcme Phone 869-5288 Business Phone $27'5588 4. .,Date of Birth 12/29/39 Place of Birth tiinneapo.P.ta,Herutepirt hti.nne6o.ta City County State 5• `Iype of License: In3ividual X PartnershSp Corporation 6. If Partnership or Corporation list rtivne, title, hane address arri phone, date of birth, place of birtli, of each partner, officer arrl dlrector. 7. I.icensed Establlstment Eaganda£e Raeque.t CCub i3330 P.i,Y.o.t Kno6 Kaad Name Street Eaaax bbinneaoxa. 55122 Phone City State Zip 8. Description o: Husiness: a,th.Czti.c c,Cub 9• Name an3 Address of owner of premisas where device is to be operated 10. Name and Address of owner of device(s): Thomab M. The.i.ben - dam¢, a6 above 11. Iiave you ever been arresteci or convicted of arty crime or misdemeanor, other than a traffic offense: Yes No X 12, For Amise.?cnent Devlce License (Continue lisL on separate shcet if necessary): N lloscriptn io Narr:e of ManuCacturer Ser. N Fee (1) poo?.tab2e n.i,te cu =00 (11 Aaxeleoid Video game M.i.dway ( i l PaeJ.fan V.ideo game M,i,dway • (1) Spaee Invaden,a Video game Nyi.dcvay (] 1 bt-79 Tanh Video game tili.du?ay (T) S.tAi.hea & Speuee p.i,nbn..eZ Bn.ZCy (1) Sinbad p.inbn.ZGe Go.ttP.i.e6 MTIDAVIT \ifI.'l/, t beiry*, duly sworn, on his/her oath, deposes and says h6;rrntt:ers;Mx1 JDacts set forth in the foreE;oiry; application are true and he/she sieps thi.: , Ai'ficlavitj qr cxi behalf of the above-named applieant. ?,y; ! ? Subscrllied?anrj r ?, Sworn to tefore me this day of ? •? ' , 19ary _ Tqti!"i.?„hB??? . County, Minnesota /7) m?,?couNrrW6W Mv COMM?BpiOq ?p?a¢n APR. 30, lpga Si?ature of Applicant F'OR CPI7 USE ONLY: hPProved by Council: ArProved by Pollce Departrnent: I _ Inspected: • ? h LEO MURPHY M.YON TNOMAS EGr1N MARK PARRANTO JAMES A. SMITH THEOOORE WP.CHTER C0IINLIL MEMBEPS November 5, 1979 CITY OF EAGAN 3796 PILOT KNOB ROAp EAGAN, MINNESOTA eeiza PNONE 454-8100 T Kf?l ? Ms. Mackie Coty Eagandale-Raequet--&-Si?im Club '-3330 Pilot Knob Road '73/e z Eaqan, MN 55122 V?. _ G2?, Dear Ms. Coty: THOMAS HEDGES QTY wDMINIBTXATOR ALVCE BOLKE CITY 0.EPK I am writing this letter as a follow up to our telephone conversation in an attempt to bring you up to date and to clarify the situation in regard to the SAC charges•for the addition to your building. As indicated in a letter from Dale S. Peterson dated August 30, 1979, the Dletropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) has billed the City of Eagan for four (4) SAC units. There is an error in the letter, however, in that the units were billed at 1979 rates and should have been billed at 1978 rates since the building permit was issued October 13, 1978. This means that the amount owed to the City is $2,000.00 rather than $2,100.00. City officials have discussed these charges with Mr. Richard Berg and Mr. Don Bluhm at the MWCC and have received no concessions as to the policy for determination of SAC charges or as to the rate of the.charges. If you care to discuss the matter directly with MWCC, please call Mr. Bluhm in the engineering department at 222-8423. . I apologize for any inconvenience that thi5 matter has caused to you and your business. However, the City has acted on your behalf to the extent possible and has paid the amount due to the MWCC. We would now very much appreciate the payment from you so that the matter can be closed. Per our telephone conversat a payment schedule that can City is agreeable to $400 - are made on a regular basis send all correspondence and to me. ion please send me a letter outlining be incorporated into your budget. The $500 monthly payments as long as they until the $2,000 is paid up. Please payments concerning this matter directly THE LONE OAK TREE... TNE SVMBOL OFSTRENGTN AND GROWTN IN OUR COMMLJNITY. ? sko64NaRtE CLqB nM Jsira?Ir ncvtcrs '? rn,???r.,vES J MFLICA'CION 6'OR LICE:NSE CITY OF PJIr.IIN 3795 P[i.ar KNoB rtoM EncAN, ruNnit-Zarn 55122 i. rrame of nVPiica,t rhomaa N. 7hei.een First Midcile Res. Address 6043 Sou,th Jamee Avenue. llinneapo.P.i.a. 1•li.nn¢,eo.ta 55419 Street CSt,y State . Zip . 2. Bus]ness Address 3804 Nico.P.Pet Avq,nue ?.li,nn ano.P.i.6. M1?i.nnebo.ta 55409 Name ?treet City State Zip 3• Hame Phone 869-5288 Husiness Phone g2?'35gff 4. „Date of Birth 12/29/39 Place of Birth AtinneapoZi,6,H¢nnep.i.n Mi.nnebo.ta City 5. Type of License: Irdividual X Partnershl Co nty State p rporation 6. If Partnership or Corporation list name, title, hane ar3dress arxi phone, date of hirth, place of birth, of each partner, offlcer arxl dlrector. 7. Licensed Establlstment C.Cu6 30 P.i.Eo.t Knob Road 55122 Phone 8. Description of Business : cr,th,Q2ti,e e.Cub r 9• Name ard Address of owner of premises where device is to be operated - 10. Name arrl Address of owner of device(s): 7homab M. Thetben - 6ame as above 11. Iiave you ever been arrested or convicted of artiy crime or misdemeanor, other than a traffic offense: Yes No X 12, For Nnase.ment Devlce License (Continue list on separate sheet if necessary): A llescription Name of Manufacturer Ser. N Fee 11) poo2tab4e vwte an 2DV00 (1) AeteAoid V.ideo game M.i.&my (1) Pac?Aan Vtd¢o gam¢ PA.i.dw?ay • ( i l Spaee Invadena Video gcune M.i.&ay ( T 1 M-79 Tanfz V.ideo game Ali.dway . l i) • $.#.i fzea & SpcUCea p.inba.2Y tia.e.2y [ 1) Sinbad p.inba.f.2 Go.tt,Ci.eb - . SfATE,qF,,. - ' lU11iDAVIT Camrrx cr ,.? ?,??tl?l? ??? •-" r"•:,'s'<•'%. , beiry*, duly sworn, on his/her oath, deposes ard says Ll ?? ;rratters, f'u-al Facts set forth in the foregoiry*, application are true ard he/she signs th1.: Afficlavitj gr ori behalf of the above-ru.?rnc,d appliearit. . • i . c, . ; Subscr!b d? d o t f . e ary sw rn o be ore me this day of 19a?. ' y7,?.?, qtA?(I7pG?BEN?! ' ??Sernl?s6ne• County, Mlnnesota ? N t r+• cour,Tr ,xrcorr'ev1o.. "pIaca ApR. 302 7G80 S1L72ture of Appllcant FOR CITY USE ONLY: Approved by Couricil: Aprroved by Police Department• Inspected; City of Eagan November 5, 1979 Page Two If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to call. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, C. ?. k'"(;?je? E. J. VanOverbeke Finance Director EJV/hnd cc: Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator \OP-ale S. Peterson, Building Official L£O MURPMY ! MAYOP { ? THOMAS EGAN MPRK PARRANTO JAMES A. SMITM TMEOOORE WACHTER COUNCIL MEMBENS August 30, 1979 e Club 3330 Pilot Kmb Raad Eagan, 3 L CITY OF EAGAN 3796 PILOT NNO6 ROAO EAGAN. MINNESOTA esiaz PMONE 434-l10p F ..?xx!1 RE: PERPffT 5019 - 10/3/78 ADDITION OF RAC¢JETBAIS. CCX7RTS To Whan It .Iay Concern: ??z4 TMOMAS NEDGE! CITY AOMINI9TRATOR ALYCE BOLKE CITY CLERR The Metropolitan Waste Water Carmissicn (NE*TC) has audited our books are charged us four (4) sEaes availability c3iazges (SAC) for your additi.on. A SPG imit is 525:00 each. Ehclosed is your billing of 4@$525.00 or $2,100.00. If you have any questions on this, feel free to call Carolyn Krech ar Dale Peterson at 454-8100. Sincerely, L . _ Da e S. Peterson Building Official DSP:tlp ET1Closure CC: C.cZL'Olyil KLECYI THE LONE OAK TREE ... TNE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMLINITV. RIETR,QPOLITRfI WHtTE CORTROL COPI(1111JI0(1 rwn cc? area ? August 29, 1979 Miss Carolyn Krech, Accounting City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Miss Krech: We have recently completed our audit of Reserve Capacity Charge Forms (SAC) for the period of March 1978 through June 1879. Our review indicates for the month of May 1979 we were overpaid one (1) unit of $425.00. We also show building permit 95019 issued Oct. 13, 1978 was for two Racquet Ba11 Courts and no SAC charge was remitted. The SAC charge for Racquet Ball Courts is two (2) units for each court. We have arrived at the amount due in the following manner: Permit # 5019 $1,700.00 Overpayment - May 1979 -425.00 1,275.00 Less 1$ Admin. Fee ' -12.75 1,262.25 Interest will accumulate on the $1,262.25 at 6% per annum plus a one-half of one percent delinquent service charge for administrative expenses until paid. Thank you for your cooperation in our audit. If you have any questions please feel free.to contact Mary Jensen at 222-8423, ext. 138. Sincerely, . Richard L. Comptroller cc: Wm L. Rylander, MWCC Don Bluhm, MWCC Mary S. Jensen, MWCC 3501TIETRO fOURRE BLDG. 7TH 6 ROBERTITREETf fRlflT PRUL ITIf7 55101 612 222•8425 ?X' ? I REQUEST FOR BUILDING PLANS 3330 PiLo-r et?off? F-Q? Lb ?3 2?(co I acknowledge that on f'lftfZc,f-J 5? Me4?__ I received the (Date) building plans for C?AN? C?-uB Those plans consisted ----------------- (Name of Plan) of Drawings A1-7, 51-3, M1-2, E1-2. Plans will be returned upon completion of work or upon request by the City of Eagan at which time my deposit of $50.00 will be returned. Siqned: ------- f!'??"`------ -- 88-381 oF eagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 35880 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 Special Assessment Search Date: August 5, 1988 Requested By: Dakota County Abstract "C ELLISON Mayor THOMASEGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMEtA McCREA THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMembers iHbMAS HEDGES Re: 10-23100-080-03 c'N"°`"'""v°r°` L7&8 B3 Effress Add,EUGENEVANOVERBEKE ary aefk On the attached form is the City's response to your search request on the identified property. The information includes the original amount of the assessments and the payoff amounts of the assessments on the parcel. In addition, pending assessments are included for improvement projects that have been ordered to be installed by the City Council as they may affect this parcel. The levied and pending assessments may or may not reflect the complete assessment obligation based upon the parcel's current use or zoning. Certain parcels have not been assessed at the appropriate rate per their zoning/use. The City's policy is to review the assessment obligation of parcels at platting, replat- ting, rezoning, waiver of platting, and prior to the issuance of conditional and special use permits and certain building permits and in other unique situations. A condition of approval requires the parcel to assume its additional assessment obligations that have not previously been levied for existing public improvements. The City's Engineering Division can provide further clarification of this policy, if you desire. WAIVER/DISCLAIMER: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the accuracy or completeness of.the information provided which was required by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City or its employees assume any liability for the correctness thereof. In consideration of receiving and using information on the attached form and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever, any claim against the City or its employees rising therefrom is hereby expressly denied. Pending assessments cannot be paid until levied. Levied assessments can be paid to the CITY OF EAGAN. Very truly yours, ? c SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Attachment iHE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIiY ? TRr-:r.:;.r.;c: T:::ra ,??.,?; R703, .. ,,_?_...,,, ,-- i;;f''E:i'7::.„ ._ ;..,.??,:::.t,..>i°i?_;`,iK? Si'`ECI itii_ r2:iLiEc.Si'l1.=.1',1,'i S ;^.I:_.?R(.`H `.-.i UMMCqir°'{ r+r- .I._c.r?? ,.?.. ,,.....__L { ;y-? -, . .. ? r,. _ __ , ._...C.iu(-i `,•S ' ";',r__' I::r=,„ `=;i;ir.i i?4?!?.i `" _ .. _ --- ?il-'f::C:.t cAi. . F!_:aGS__---- , 10.,. _:_. ` 1 SJ' 1-1.11= tJ _' f)..:; S. i-1. }: _ --°---°...-------------- f1:c,.SF_SSMLI`I { DESC.R, -- •.r4; ?.. -------- `; :S ? r. ------ - l/ -fal'-L - --°--------- ' i'"] T?=,.. --- _ _ _ _ ------- - - ' i=4:?lhl,.i-'R.f.id,. -°-----°---- -------- F'r,YOFF f]OM4`'IEiVT i.(.;(;:L:':.'.' ti4yi'.a ,_^,W TFtK c.c+ 25 8,00l 1433.14 57.34 344.03 1001::6 t3WJI:lA-' nAT ti. :?Ci ;3.00: 13875.3I 693.91 2081,,42 100141 -?'i. ._ ?, _., l? ri:[. ? ,,?- :r:-r..., ;i. ^' ...?.? rs. .?.???;, _ .. , . 3199.70 _ .. 16c?.?.,i,, , ? 8-,ai;1 (_ 100173 Sa„r.E- 72 10 8,00,: 13510.41 .o:, .00 cLasE,•• l?:_tE'n::J"!: ?.?..._ ,_, .lt ._?l)-i UEL.If_'ci i-1F?Ei:Fi E::': 1;.'? I.2.50% 12{i1=1.52 ::f54.30 B543,.02 ., ,-.y .,,-.. .,.,._idi_?,.....? . ? {,._?.,_, ..... ._.?i?h_.I-l- _ ,..,._. t,' 1C; .,.,`.'S ? - ,,:Ui. !.?_ 16485.96 i.b443?.F..-O . 8?, _-!.? ...? .9L 3iJNINI(`.RY Or ACl':f.VE 47208.6" =;.'ti::l.,;i:'; 7 2691.46 T!-aT:i ??AR'S TOT ''^:ii. 6130.54 Prp><.-c f'1 nr F2 (FINa.dr=r Fnrm) nr F7, (RF st:.ar't ;:76[3) _. ? r ,:?. ? - - . . . .. , . ..: .. - :.... .. . . . :.;;.. .. .•--,.?_ - •?.? ._. ..". ... ,.r. ? Ah? MEMO city of eagan TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, ASSISTANT BUII.DING OFFICIAL DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MIKE RIDLEY, SF.NIOR PLANNER DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK BOB KRIILA, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR FROM: DIItK HOUSE, BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE: JANUARY 3, 2000 SUBJECI': FINAL INSPECTION OF MARICE SF.NIOR HOUSING LEGAL: LOT 1 BLOCK 1 MARICE ADDITION The Protecrive Inspections Division will be perfornvng a£mal inspecrion of 1380 Marice Drive on January 11, 2000. If you aze requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to rehun the hold request form will be considered your approval. The person, or department, requesting the hold is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. /js ClNbldg insp/misrlfmsl irep - w? bldgs Granite City Food & Brewery - Eagan, MN May 17, 2005 Jody Edwards MCES 230 East 5" Street 05515-04 CO L- !,4A.Y 2 3 2005 f?n St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: Granite City Food & Brewer)?333C) Please review the attached full size sheets T.1, A2.1, and K.-1 showing the code review, floor pian and seating plan for the remodel of the existing Sidney's Restaurant into a Granite City Food and Brewery. Use this information to provide the City of Eagan an evaluation of SAC charges. Note that the brewery area is new to the plan. When this evaluation is complete, please inform me and Mike Lence (Eagan) of the determination. Please contact me if you have any questions at (320) 253-21 DO or email me at steve.kalkman@staniusjohnson.com. Sincerely, Steven B.P. Kalkman, AIA, NCARB Office Manager and Partner SBPK:cdd:5/1012005 CC: ,lohn Pesicka, Blue Mountain Development Brian Ringsven, Emanuelson-Podas Mike Lence, City of Eagan SJA Architects Archilr.cfure Intnrin[ Desi yn Planning staniusjohnson.com Principals Panners Associates Keunulh D. Juhnson, 0.1A Bilan D. Morse, AIA Larry M. furG?5, AIA Rioknr0 A_ Slanlus. AIA Sieven B.P. Kaikman, AIA Jellrey E. La Tour, AIA Ronald E. 5[anius. AIA Oeanna Schmidl, CIO St. Claud o Oululh 2035 151h SL N. 7831 East BN St. SL CIau4 MN 56303 Dululh, MN 55812 P 320253.2100 P 7.10724.8570 f 3202532269 F 218774.8717 Clty of EaiaIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 ---------, j For Ottice Use I I Permit #: ? Permit Fee: ? Date Received: 1,0 J`? I I ? I /' ? ? Staff: ? - `?- ? _________________? 2008 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: tO lllE, C7? Site Address: ?? ?C'? ?`? ?v?Mv'?? '14?C • Tenant: ?T `(? 1? ? -h acXAA-? ? Suite #: PROPERTY Name: Phone: OWNER CONTRACTOR Nam&L/S kQ"?r\i"(?n Y\?? License #: Address:(J-IS ????\ tr-,? Aj? City: 4, a. Q Statek)0\13 Zip: ?Lc?3 Phone: (aS k '`454--tc ?-Contact Pe rson: ?1\ r`,, TYPE OF _ New? eplacement _ Repair ?CRebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK `t4? ?1? Rla? Descriptionof wor: PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL _ New Consiruction _ Modify Space Irrigation System (_ yes /_ na) (_ RPZ PVB) . Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM _(2" turbo required unless s maller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to oicking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: Size & Price 3!4" meter 183.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _ No Flushometers _Yes _No PRV Required _Yes No COMMERClAL FEES: $50.50 MinimUm (inCludes State Surcharge) OR Contrect Value $ x 1% - $ Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems Radio Meter Read - If Permit Fge is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 =$ Meter(s) - If Permit Fee is >§1,OOU. surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a$1,007-$2,000 Permil Fee requires a$1.00 surcharge). _$ Stafe Surcharge Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ water Permit Call the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES S 50• 5C k I d h hi i f I d t? h t th k ill b i nfortnance with the ordinances antl codes ol the Cily of Eagarc tha[ I understentl ihi i hereby ac now e ge t at t s n ormahon is comp ete an accura e, t a a wor w e n co is not a permil, 6ut only an application for a parmit, and work is not to start without a permit; ihat the work will 6e in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which reqX r s a review antl approval of plans. X ApplicanYs Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date: Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In Air Test _Gas Test _Final raye i ui 0 ~ f~ e~, .;s€.` ~r"a=." F"°ro~,,~ m~_w,.~~rc 5.3 .„,:i.~~~,,,,,,, a.:' . 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"V2~6+,1ry17d`." . . . . . 4 . . f.. . r ir CityofEaaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 m;/(fi-d1 W� RECEIVED JAN 2 I 2014 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2014 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: i ci�-I Site Address: �33C �C�i LLACk Tenant: C1rAtn. .A e_ LtCOC6ct�f r L� Suite #: Name: Property Owner (Th Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type Of Work Description of work: l (Rerc J Q¢i4 f;L_uri.0c. 441 (Cve° 3 Pc4L c(q y Construction Cost: lox Estimated Completion Date: re 6, 201'( Cont acto Name: (jrYVMi I' vel[il'rcAN!'An—. License #: 0.- - d 173— 3Contractor Address: 593 t )t r'r ,t 1�L City: St .'-'0A, .I State: _ Zip: 55/63 Phone: LSI aSI - I ffU Contact: Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE 7 Sprinkler System (# of heads ) WORK TYPE New Addition Fire Pump _ Standpipe _ _ iC Alterations Remodel Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: i Commercial Residential Educational _ _ FEES $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value $ x .01 = $ 65' " Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 **If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value ***If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge x $0.0005 = $ g - Surcharge* = $ hb _ TOTAL FEE 314" Displacement Fire Meter - $260.00 = $ Fire Meter = $ TOTAL FEE . 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. xs 1 �i Cs Lk .>2 L . \ A )2 .v`d f Applicant's Printed Name OGIAI Applicant's Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r----�------_____i � ' I For Office Use � ' � Permit#: � �� � � Clty of�a��� ' ��� � � Permit Fee: � 3830 Pilot Knob Road i Eagan MN 55122 j Date Received: I Phone: (651)675-5675 � � ', Fax: (651)675-5694 I Staff: � �-----------------� 2015 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ' ❑ Please submit two (2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. �I� Date: Site Address:_J•J 7� , ` �"� �!y" � �� Tenant: G� iT� C � �5 f"' /�J'It Suite#: I, ��_ Y Name: Phone: � Name:��/�'ll/Yj�`����G� License#: 4 Address ��20 �02��� i� ��c� ���f'�d'ate:��'Zip:JJ�� ��� � !�j� � Phone: J( G �' v Email: New ,�Replacement _Repair _Rebuild _Modify Space Work in R.O.W. :�� ° — — Description of work: � �--- �; : �� , COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space _,.� �- Irrigation System(_yes 1 no)(_RPZ/ PVB) ��- — — � =4� �w��—:� • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) � � � _ ���s _Meters CaU(651)675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to pickinq up meter. ���� -��-���:- .:� � Domestic:Size&Type Fire: 1 '� _ - - �' Avg.GPM High demand devices?_Yes No Flushometers_Yes No � ' ��_ COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ x.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum _$ Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than$10,010,Surcharge=$5.00 =$ Surcharge" ""If contract value is GREATER than$10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 "''*If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge -� TOTAL FEE Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply&Storage $ State Surcharge _$ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in c rmance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wor ' not to st ithout a permit; that the work will be in accordan ith the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval lans. X [� �G�'�G�- X ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature ��, . s . �.� _ _ ...__ �_ , __ _ .��� - � . _ _ �� W� . .n :� � _= _. _- . . :� � � s � �- _ � , . , � _ _ . u � _ � �� � _ _ Page 1 of 3 City of Eau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Ar r 0 4 2016 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink Ij For Office Use Permit Fee: //). e®)` Date Received: Permit #: Staff: 2016 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 3-30-16 Site Address: 3330 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan, MN 55121 Tenant Name: Granite City Food & Brewery Name: Granite City Food & Brewery (Tenant is: New / X Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: NA Phone: 952-697-2382 Address / City / Zip: 701 Xenia Avenue S, Ste 120, Minneapolis, MN 55416 Applicant is: x Owner Contractor Description of work: Exterior Refresh g -e 60 7 _� Construction Cost: $85,000 Name: /V��i ( rtC-k' .29/) ��,/' ` C.icense #: Glia l6- � Lour" . L Address: State: Zip: —7q,/ Phone: 42_50 / Contact: /,4Ctf O 6r11 E 1.8,aP Name: Lingle Design Group, Inc Registration #: Address: 158 West Main St City: Lena State: IL Zip: 61048 Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Tim Campbell Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Si n tures Page 1 of 3 30 je DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES _ Foundation_ Public Facility _✓ Exterior Alteration -Apartments ✓ Commercial / Industrial_ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration -Commercial Apartments _ Greenhouse / Tent Miscellaneous Antennae Exterior Alteration -Public Facility WORK TYPES _ New Interior Improvement Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition ✓ Exterior Improvement Reroof_ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace Water Damage Fire Repair Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation S/S, 060 .4' Occupancy k • i MCES System WA- T. wa - Plan Review ✓ Code Edition 2-0 /5 PI/34 SAC Units (25% 100% ✓) Zoning L.1 City Water Census Code Stories I Booster Pump # of Units 0 Square Feet PRV # of Buildings 1 Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) ✓ Final / No C.O. Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Roof: _Decking _Insulation Ice & Water Final ✓ Siding: Stucco Lath _✓Stone Lath _Brick Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Windows Fireplace: _Rough In _Air Test _Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Concrete Entrance Apron Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes " No n �\ Reviewed By: (—yr -7", , Building Inspector Reviewed By: _- '" , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality 81/7.25' 42.Ya b13.7� Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL:/G Da • 5-7 Page 2 of 3 Aug. 13. 2018 8:44AM • No. 0866 P. 1 Ntd,k, n\N*,.. ,,,,,, b, \... r-- For office Use1)11 Permit#: l // ‘Y---7�- ( 1 C t., -, Ø E AG A N permitFee:.• -woe? Staff: WWI 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 Payment Reovd: Yes _No (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454.8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Email:buildinginsnectipnsecitvofeasaar).com Plans:_Electronic _Paper Plan Submittal:eolans(a7cilvofeaaan.com 2018 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Please submit two(2)sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set of the submittal,submitted via email,CD or flash drive Date: t'I Site Ad ress: ✓30,0 u ,r', Tenant:Cl .L)CAI tith9k I 6'6/3 . Suite#:• ,per ' ' • Name: i ,..4 •A r icli � ' Si'.► ' Phone: y\" y_"C3Jt�,f v ''Owner. • . .. ' , ' • Address/City/Zip:3*)',.0 it► 101 •_. 4 e*. .-_ / I k,- • • ' Name:© •• s \ 6License#: • Contractor' . • Address: 1,�bs. II,. ` _City: W. bi' LI . .4 .. e' State: Zip: GV-kPhone: Contac 1 .6 R✓ ' Email: t Jai ' v0 -• . s ' it 1p New >c Replacement Additional _Alteration Demolition .• Type of Work 0 Description of work: '_a ' • ' . t+1 Li *AIM e 1 :tl... . A . NOTE Roof'mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment'Is required to be screened by City ' ' , '. .Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for Information oit•permitted screening methods. .: • ' ' COMMERCIAL • • New Construction _Interior Improvement Permit Type. _Install Piping _Processed —Gas X Exterior HVAC Unit A' • •. Under/Above ground Tank (,__Install/_Remove) k�VL i 1� . COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ 5 x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $76.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ •- K6. ----_-_ °; ^ 'ermlt Fee _$ 4-.71)'1 Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation Is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ • 9 C 7 t �/ / TOTAL FEE • You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.cityofeagan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information Is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this Is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work Is not to start without a permit;that the work will be In accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and a.proval:,,'lans. x Ut [1 S ane x at -tibl. ' Applicant's Printed Name ApplIc n s Signature FOR OFFICE USE . • ' •''' ..'. :. ' ir.(4-(/ • Required inspections: .•;Reviewed•By • % Date: I • ;'Underground., :Rough In„'__Air Test: . Gas Seryice Test._In-floor Heat.• . Final,..:HVAC'Screenlrig