3360 Pilot Knob Rdihis enuesyvn,d?-3? 3q t l ( 18 mc{ilNis troih • ? (oo? o0 W 3400 fleques[ Date ? Frte No. RouHh-in InsPection ' / _??_?? Re?ratl? ? ReatlyNOw?WillNatifylnspec- py? as N. tor When Ready QjLicensed ElecVical Conlrac[or I heroby requast inspection of above LJ Owner elecVical work knstallad at Street Adtlress, Boz or ftoute No[. t A ?? ?l ? Citv _/ . v I>l? Z o G ecLOn o. Township Name m No. Range No. Cou y Occapant(PflINT) hone No. ower $upplier Addres3 Elec[rical ConVac[or (COmpan Name) 0 CoMrector's License No. ? 0 Mailinq Atldress {COntracto q' ?h or Owner akinp Insmilation) Nti L c s`?0q! , , - 6 uthorized Sien re Convac /Owner Makine Installationl ? Phone Number TNIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT MINNESOTA STATE 90ABO OF ELECTNICITY Oripgs•Mitlwav BIA9. - Roam N•197 BE ACGEPTED BV THE STATE BOAND 1921 UnivarsitY Ave., St. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PflOPEH INSPECTION FEE 18 Phane f8121 297-2111 ENCLOSEO. REQUEST FOR E,LECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-00601 -0J See instruclions for com0letiny this torm an bnck ut yellow cupy. ; '34'00 ' X"' Be/?ark Covered by This Request 3 4 lq ? Nev, Adtl Rap. Typn al eviltling Appliances Wired Equipmenl Wimd Home . Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Liyhtiny Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk T2nk Fartll Ot er Sueufy. OtFei (SUer.ify) ther Specify thpr Olher ComputeJnspecban Fee Below ? Fea Service EntrancaSiza q Fen Faetlers/SUbfeeders p Fee Circuits 0 to 100 qm s 0 to 30 Am s 711 ` - 0 to 30 Am s to 2 Amps 31 tu 100 qmps 31 ro 700 Arnp, Ab . 2D4 qMPg Above 100-Am s Above 100-AniPy Transfprm s1 Remote Control Circ. Partial%Other Fee Iflns e,. • Special Inspection } ? S T Remarks?' Yl?? ?w/ wi/ / q jJ ?l•;,? ? na Tech'ical q hnreby that tha ebove ion hes bnen request vc 18 months Fiom cirir oF EAc,AN 3745 Pilaf Knob Rood Eeyee. MN 55122 , PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt Te be owd fee - Est. Value Date _. 19 Site Addrcss Erect 0 Occuponq Lot ` Block Set/Sub. '•??' ?' ? Alter Q Zonin9 * Purcel # Repair p Flre Zone T Enlarqe ? ype of Const. oc W Nama Move p ?k Stories Z Addross ? Demollsh ? Length a.,,,.. G?ode ? Depth Sa. Ft. ? Nome 'r•;??Tt CO.,.::' i ;. u? Address ? r?.., . - . 5 5 •'l ? 7 c?..,.? - -, ' Name _ Nddreu I hereby ocknowledge thet I hova reod this applicotion ond state thof the intormation is correct ond agree fo comply with oll applicable Stute of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordinonces. Assessment _ Water b Sew. Police Firo Enp. Plonner Countil 81dp. Off. _ APC Permit Surchorye Plon check SAC Wuter Conn. Water Meter Rood Unit Totol Siynoturc of Permittee ? /1 Building Permit is issued to: on the ezprcu condition thni all work shull be done in atcordnnce with all opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eoqan Ordinances. BuildinQ Offlciol Permit No. Pxmit Holder Misc. Psrmit No. Holder Plumbing ? H.V.A.C. Well Water Dhp. Sawer , Elect?ie W 3 0 ?-a 1 -93 IrrJpection Date Insp. Other Footinys Foundation Fnminp Rouoh Plbg. Rough HVAC Inwlation Final Plhp. Finsl HVAC Final _ _ Z w Wa"r Desriibe Looation: Wall Sevwr Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN Remarks 9?- ? 8A Addition NORWEST IST ADDN Lat outlot A Blk Parcel 10-52250-o10-00 Owner Street S2ate E"AN MN SSiZi ? ?1• ? i:'? r. ?,. „ Improvement Date Amouni Annual Years Payment Receipt Oate STREET SURF. 1984 1716.04 171.60 XQ / STREET RESTOR. GRADING 5AN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN S 1984 772.37 "nd4 10 WATER LATERAL WA7ER AREA ,QQ STORM 5EW TRK ZD?j 1984 382:36 38.24 1$1 STORM SEW LAT QD2 1954 ,301. 43 20.10 YS ,. -Gtlr ??-'•? .?_ ? >' ,.f . CURB & GUTTER SfDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK cin oF En"N _ ? 9795 Pile! Knob Rwd Eagon, MN 55122 NO 7715 PHONE: 454-8100 - BUILDING PERMIT REMODEL HOUSE 2eceipt # 3`// / Te 6e used fer TO TEMP. BANK Esr.value $3,000 pate January 25 , 1 q 83 S+ee nddress 3360 Pilot Knob Road Ere« p acuponh, R3 - B2 Lot 010 elxk 54 Sec/Sub. SeCtlOn 10 qlter x$ Zoning A fo GB? porcel # 10 01000 010 $4 Repoir ? Fire Zone NA V Enlarge ? Type of Const. w Name Banco ProPerties, Inc. Nbve ? # Srories Z ? qddre,s 331 2nd Ave. So. Demolish ? Length NA ci Mpls. 55401 phone 372-5900 Grade ? Depth NA Sq. Ft.- p Name S. Petersen COriSt., Inc. Avvro.als Feos Address 4701 W. 110th St. Mpls. 55437 884-5144 Nome I hereby ocknowledge that I hove read this opplication ond stole that the inlormotion is correct and ogree to comply with all applicable State of Mirnxsoto Statutes and Ciry of Eogan Ordinonces. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit Is issued ro: S. PeteTSeR all work shall be done in xcordonce with oll opplimbte Building Official Assessment Permit 38.50 Water & Sew. Surchorge 1.50 Police Plun check NA Fire SAC NA Erp. Woter Conn. NA_ Plonner Water Merer _NA_ Council Rond Unit NA Bldg. Off. APC . Totol Qan _ nn n• 4 on the express condition thm ?e f? Srotutes and City of Eagan Ordinancea. r_ .. ?W?k d?C? lo - olooo No,?W ?? w l?-l o ? 9? Requesl Date ? Fi No. Rough-in Inspeclian Pequiretl? ? Yes 1:19f/o 7 Reatly Now C*CCIiY Notity Inspector When ReaOy? L21Micensed contractor p owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work aY JoE AtlOreu Btreec Box or Ro .? Ciry Seclion No. Township Name or No. Range No. Lounly Occupan (PRINT) ?J Phone No. +./?j G d _Q?' ower SuppLer Adtlress Electncal nva r Conpany Name) ? ^ ConVactor5 License No. V Maihnq AOdress ICOnt2ctor or Ow r M ing In Ilation? ^ AuIDOrizetl S?ignawre iContr ac r w r Makmg Insialla ? Phone Number MINNE307A STATE 60Afl0 OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grigga-MlEway BIEg. - Room S473 9E AGGEPTEO BY THE STATE BOARO 1821 Univenity Ave., SL Paul. MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPEGTION PEE IS Phone(61P)6<2-0800 ENCLOSED. 9819 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See insVUClians lor compieting tnis torm on back ol yellow cnpy "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request ryQ ?.? ew iY,g] Ret. • TypeoBUilding AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home ? Range Temporary Service Dupiex Water Heater Eiectric Heating Apt. Building Oryer Other.(Specity) Comm./Intlustrial Fumace Farm Air Conditioner Ome. (syeciry) ConVactor's Remarks'. ? 4,4'ryn i^G"Ui??o?r Compute lnspection Fee Below: Pl4 # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size fee # Circuits/Feetlers Fee Swimming Pooi 0 to 200 Amps o to 10o Amps Transbrmers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs mspecrors use Oniy: TOTAL Irrigation 8ooms ?? Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITMIN 78 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspecioc hereby Rouymm oe?a certiry that the above inspeclion has been matle. F;rai - ? oate ? I OFFICE USE ONLY ? This request voitl t8 manlhs imm •? 9 CITY OE' g1GAD1 Include 2 sets of plans, • ??o ?l ? ? ? 1 site plan w/elevations & ? b gUILpING pEE4?1IT AppLICATION 1 set of Cf?'' i?w?Pt f'0.Cili? 7calculaticns. Zb Be Used Fbr ? Valuation Q T? ?? site Pddress 33 6 0 oT ivo P r.ot ola siorat St sec./sub. F-c-\tcovl 10 Paroel #: !!? O( 0 O CD O( D Owner: ea?lsIt-_ rv_ ? ? Address: 5?- City/Zip Code: /ya G s Phone #: k,?IY - 5 i 4< <F Contsactor: s0.nCD Aaaress: 3 3 l -2n.? Av?- City/zip Code: Mvl? a? Phone #: 3 `? ? -S9 00 Arch./Ehg.. Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: ' OFFICE USE ONLY .-.--?- Erect occupancv Alter T- Zoning ?29 G.6 .7 Repair Fire Zone EnlaxcJe _ 'Iype of Const. Move # Stories DEmlish Front ft. Grade Depth ft. ?9ater/Sewer Police Fixe Eng- lanner Council Bldg. Off, / - ApC / i Surcharge _ Plan Check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit TOM yo ; t ' ; EAGAN TOWNSHlP BUILDING PERMIT ;-- . , .. Owner' ._:?4 ?4,1 - ?la?-=-------------- _.._.--'------'-----..... ° .. ............ 9 !O!? ??}:?r :? Address (Presen!) ?.t{.......:._:......:..L......:_. ? % Builder ........t::.??.r.!.s:..................... ..--...... _...-----'----'------. _... Address .......... -............. .......:..`--:..'.d.a. N° 3 Eagan Township Town Hall .".'.?._. .. ....?_..h:? .._. Dafe r._..:._ .. 5tories To Be Used For Fronf Depih Heighi Est. Cosi Permi! Fee Aemarks LOCATION SireeS, Hoad or olher Descrtpnon oi Locatlon I Lot I Y+10cx I naamon o[ iracx ` , °:? r A : ; • : :,,.; :_r ., ;'?•',r7 , Sec /D d/D .5? 60 //ooD 0/D S 1'his permii does7 noi auihorise the use of sireeis, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the ownex o= his agenf the zighY So creaie any siiuafion which is a nuisance or which presenl5 a hazard Yo the healih, safely, convenience and general welfare fo anyone in the eommuniiy. . THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. • .,.............. .: `-e:=""---......---'-------------upon This is !o cerfify, ihai.-`? ------t-- :?-'--.'' ....................... .has permission io erect a..... the above described premise subject io the provisioas of the Building Ordinance for Eagan Township adopfed April 11, 1955, r . 10 , ., '. t„ j :.-. '. - i.a,'w ................... ..:._-----=---=......_.....----..............---...:---:......--... Per ---'-----......-°'---.....----...._............................................................ Chairman of Town Board Suilding Inspecfor 010-5y , E . Council Minutes April 19, 1983 ? COVIYGTON LANE AND PENKLdE CIRCLE - STOP SIGN A Petition from property owne^s in the neighborhood of Covington Lane and Penkwe Circle requesting the stop signs be movnd from Penkwe Way on to Covinoton xas brought next to the Council. Interested n=ighboring property owners were present. Councilman Smith stated that tn° Council has authorized the installation of such stop signs on an experimental basis, noting that they can be re-examined at a later time. Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to authorize the installation of the stop signs as requested with the under- standing that the issue may be brought back to the Council in September of 1983 depending on if the staff deems it necessary to do so. A11 voted yes. CARNII.IAN F.APig AT CINNABAR - SfOP SIG:7S A Petition received from n_ighboring property owners in the vicinity af the intersection of Cinnabar and Carnelian was reviewed by the Council with the affected property owners in the area tiiat were present. They indicated that there had been heavy traffic on Carnelian, causing property damage to numerous properties in the area. Egan moved, Smith seconded the motion to authorize the installation of the sign requested, with the understanding that the approval is temporary and may be brought back to the Council in September of 1983• It was noted that the Police Department and staff recommended against the installation or the signs because of the response time on Carnelian. All voted yea. 3rd NORTHSiFSTER27 NATIOYAL BAFiR - PYL0;7 SIGNS The application of Third Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis Por conditional use permit for pylon business sign at its location at '3360 Pilot iRnob Road uias next considered. Larry Kranning from the bank was present and it was noted that the Advisory Planning Commission recommended approval, aubject to certain conditions. A temporary sign will be installed at the eurrent house location of the bank and a permanent sign will be near the intersection of Pilot Knob and Yankee Doo<ile Roads, after completion of con- struction of the new bank building. Egan moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application subject to the following recommendations: 1. No more than one sign 6e allowed for the Northwestern National 5ank facility. 2. The sign be no more than 27 feet in height. 3• The sign be no mare then 125 feet per side. y. The conditional use permit will allow the temporary sign and also the relocation of the temporary sign to its permanent location. 5• Compliance with a11 aoplin_3ble sign ordinance orovisions. All voted in :avor. 5 i' r, BEA BI.OMOUIST MAYOF THOMFSEGAN MARK PAfiRANTO lAME5A.5MITH THEODORE WACHTE2 LOUNCIL MEMBEPS .? THOMASHEDGES CITY ADAIINISTP0.TOP CITY OF EAGAN EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CITV CLEPK 378E PILOT,KN06 ROAD?? EAGAN. MINNESOTA 56122 ..7' ? ? " ? . . 164-0100 ?y „ PNONE . ...: . . ? 1 ?1 ? • . ?`r...? April 27, 1981 Dakota County Government Center % Auditors Office Hastings, MN 55033 Attention: Phyllis Dear Phyllis: This letter is to confirm that the assessments that are existing on the following legals be transferred to the remaining parcels: Parcels # 10 00900 O11 02 # 10 01000 010 29 1?01000=0 Y0?5:4_a (o If you need additional information or have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, ? ,GC?.? ?.CGLa_, Ann Goers Assessment Clerk . ? THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYM60L OF STRENGTH AND GROWTN IN OUR COMMUNITY. • r .? a SUB7EGT: r?•;';`• \••n? :%SS7'79'f^'T c?Pi iT4 OFFICE OF THE DAKpTA COUNTY AUDITOR FROM: ?IIYL T0: Al,\?N GoLi?RS DATE: '.-qA-°t 4ttached are the 1egals I need Green Acre Solits on, as sonn as possible. T^.za: ats , ? CARL D. ON"MHUK pAK07aCOUNi V AUDiTJq Kn$TINGS MiNX 5.093 _ ; Pl.RCEL IDENTIFICATION OIST PIAT LOT 9LK r Z 360 PILOT K T PAUL HINN DAKOTA COUNTY ? ALPHABETIC NAME FILE f RECORD ? ? ? i ? ; s SCHOOL DSTRIC{ + ROAD ' 55121 PROPERTV DESCPIPTION soi e°oc? SECTION !O TWN 7 R NGE 23 S 112 OF SN i/4 F S 1/ EX W'163 FT OF S 150 FT F N 250''.FT EX N 24 FT OF 225 FT 18.130 ACR ES 10 27 23 _- Add o Sc,Lb j-ro (3o Rd Esm n r 0 V{y2 C)r bbSV Ac.C-) Parcel 1 , (Dakota County Aighway.Department Parcel No. 3) lhat part of the iaest 55_00 feet of that part o£ the foi- lowing described land: ehe south half of the southwest quarter of 10, Township 27, Range 23, Da::ota County, Minnesota, :rcepting therefrom the south 225_00 feet of the . ,rest 240_00 feet and excenting the south 150.00 feet of the north 250.00 feet of the o:est 183.00 feet thereo£; lies east of a line 33_00 £eet east of, as neasured at rignt angles to and garallel «ith, a line drawrn £rom a- point on the north line of the south half of the southc•rest : quarter of said Section 10 distant 11_91 £eet east of the northwest cozner thereof to a point on the south line of the south:sest coxner of said Section 10 distant 12.15 feet east of the southwest corner thereof_ TG more or less, or 0?-3.7 acres, Co, taining 9=>-43J: square feet, moze or less. ournzer Fournier Co1?? ty o? Dafo -a T:ATURE OP INTEREST Fee Inchoate idYHS ? ! I C i c.• o.° E:,;.:n 3795 P11JL 'R,.CS •' L:IS]fl. K". 551_: aa n_:c : y/a/ e, /?'/? ?GC?'ion SF':C'. 1L 1=5i Sc•,? ;- :L;;;N RC: ;/U OlODO O/ D S tf/)t .. ? t? rCP/7 .?GG?'<.f ?I(.? J?/?LG ? J ry E^•:0:0 tcrC:fl :s the SC.Ir.h 1.!;:.h CU TC.?.:25:CS ...?f 011 T5c 1!`J1P ?.lCSd'.t'?•, , F: ;; U-:;• . ) F;:ns Br;ir.n:^j O':y11JI .L'1C:..'t: B?:?r..c ?ur 7?..°lG*1d3. 3q/ qs- a.S7 /y70 i57o 3 0?.?.SG o 0 /GO/. 60 93. 61) i f?r.?ar ",::Y t!:at ac:o^.'.:ng to tte rr:cr:> oF said oif :cc. the f:::owics 1'? .'.Li-r^•n 3:0 C7':2'.i.'1CCd OT pCCJ:-y d':cI fl]:l^a tCCR :.apCJv;', a(7J af: . ia t::e ; c::ei; oc plar.nin; or crt le:ion. .? n:-w Jt I-. -...-.... ,.'-- .a;:c::on .i:; r:?_..i:_ ?o?vcf ?L 177 7) Sy/ "-- /'/?? h',;•. , . . .•°::'=: .'i C1'y C: [.1iJ0 ?OT 125 C.^..j :'Ji"CCS e7]r3(1'CCS the aC:7.^lCy O: :hl` :liovC 1^•.^7o:•J^• a...." 63i Tc'yuCs:fd by the '1<75Z? OT pc:sar.s ir,3i:a'cd. \C' doCi •• - the City of .. e-;',yccs as>.:me a^. I:ali' ty fer the cor..._.,..-es; th•'-_e=? [^ cor the <ci:!yir; of the ic,:E:ated icfi:-at:on in the atic.e Or-. a^i f.: a:: o'hr- wr;.,!era::cn --f 37a' f.7:1CC •F,.l.`SJC'.Ct, a^y c:ai- 7:.1.C:: _::c` L::c 0f 12; ec, Ir.ees i:57^3 2?2'2 f^Jm 15 hPiC^)' c`r.'8>:;v 611:Ci. `c.:^d a`;cs;rcr:i ta bc j11.I CO the :.-'. ,• A;,di:ar s: Na:tic;s, 'L': 35033 Ve: p t ru:; you.s, 5?L:: S: n= NA.......- UP.;dT'iL :T Mwoorrao2sozoz . . MINNESOTAOEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION sraTe REMITTANCE ADVICE AND CLOSING STATEMENT vs. - - FON SETTLEMENT OF FOLLOWING RIGHT OF WAY TO PAYEES SHOWN BELOW ?azpayor: S11 H. Fousnier 3360 Piiot &nob Road, St. Panl, t94 55121 PAYABLETO: C1ty OF E8g8R Balance of Special Assesments areet 10 OIOLIQ _O10_54_J ? A1Te Ann Goers ? wnaAnrvr C/0 Special Assessments MAILED C1tr HAIL REM. ADVICE NO. ro: 3795 Pilot Bnob Boad L H8g8a, MN 55122 WARRANT NO. J DATE MAILED . . .. ... .. ... .. . .. _ . .. . , ,. -.. . . - . . . SCQ L.i 1982 - CLOSINO $TATEMENT - DIHECT PURCHASE The amount of this purchase is distributed as follows: Owners Equiry Mortgagees E uityBaIance o special wssessrnents -jT,SSi.Qis TOTAL + • •7D60b .60 •z7o Property Identifitation 10 01000010 5- DEBCRIPTION: ASTRIPTRAC70R PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE Pt Sii'} SVk SEC. to TWPDBI[OL8NGF. 23,. -.'W COUNTY _ The following albcation of damages ia suggested: Land 10•95 Acres Right of Way Land U.04 Acres Temporary Easement ' Buildings acquired (Depreciated Value) Demages to remaining property TOTAL Eminent Domain Partlal Payment Amount of Award Settlement DATE S.P. NO. PARCELNO. AFEAJOB 1, •1 i? 1982 (359=340) 904 64 50-634 Wartanty Deed [M Stete Auditors Easement ? Reference No. Court Award ? Document Number Other ? Date Recrorded WOW°W?l°JO ll ?L:l ? IS? DATE S.P. NO. PARCEL NO. ;, <t ,I 7, 1482 (33ti-390) 904 64 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: 97 ?7? 034 . veN1T?(fug V re n INVOICE NUMBEN L i - , ?( ONORNIZATION 79 5 . i y _• ? 0 0 SEO. NO. . DEPT. P.O./F.O. NO. E CT O J O? ' g Y ? i ; f! RM fI DATI U $UB,1CT TASK y . '?6?1 {?D O i SO6 TA6K COSTICUENT CODE REG FEV ?. IHEREBYCERIIFVTHISPRYMENTTOBETIIUE CORRECTAND N CONFONMIINCB WITN TNE CONSIDEMTIbN WMICH Hp8 BEEN OULY qPPpOVED AND AU7NOX12ED. MINNESOTA UEPT. OF TFIANSPOXTqTION a - SYSTEMASSIONR8F.N0. DEYT.pUTN.810NATURB THE INDIVIDUAL PAYEE THAT HA5 RECEIVED THIS STATEMENT IS REQUESTED TO DETACH AND SIGN THIS STUB AND RETURN IT TO: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL ADMIN. OFFICE 461 RICE STREET ST. PAU L, M I N N. 55103 RECEIPT OFTHE CLOSING STATEMENTON THISTRANSACTION IS HEREBYACKNOWLEDGED. Warrant Attached F-I Warrant Under Separate Cover Fl ??YGi i Gf il u?;u;,r sr??, ?LL cover Qj 3795 PILOT NNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 DATE: gpbniarY 3, 1983 Chicago'Title 7ns. Co, 4820 West 77th Street Edina, MN 55435 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH BEA BLOM9U15T Mavor THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRY THOMAS . iHEODORE WACHTER G?tl Members THOMA$ HEDGES Cdy Atlminsnator EWENE VAN OVERBEKE Cny Cleik RE: Pazcel 01000 010 54J'& 020 54 Sh of 56,A; of SW; ex. W183' of 5150' of N250' Enclosed herein is the search which you requested made on the above described property. Kind of Improvement Runs Beginning Original Amount .' Balance Due ..1 I further certify that according to the records of said office, the following improve- ments are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are now in the.process of planning or completion. ' Kind of Improvemert Approximate date'o Completion Approximate cost 177 - Storm Sewer Trunk " Stmmer of 1983 $843.75 (020-52) 177 - Storm Sewer Trurilc . Suamr of 1983 $2272.50 (010-52) 200 - St.reet Summer of 1983 $2590.00 (010-54) 200 - Street Simmer of 1983 $4175.00 (020-54) Stseet Due with Pinal Plat $5950.00 'qat?min Due with Final Plat $9816, 40 Water Area Due with Final Plat $15,245,60 WAIVER: Stozm Sewer Tnuilc Due with Final Plat $11, 8 81 Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees tlie accuracy o?tlie aGove in- formation which was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does tlie City or its employees assume any liability for the correctness tliereof. In considerntion for the supplying of the indicated information in the above form, and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever, any claim against the City or its employees rising there from is hereby expressly waived. Levied assessments to,be paid to the County Treasurer at Hastings, hIIJ, 55033 Very Lru ly urs, \ THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL AND GROWTH W OUR COMMUNITY ? Chicago Title Insurance Company 4820 West 77th Street o Edina, Minnesota o (612) 835-3100 TO: City of Eaqen DATE: _1/6/82 ADDRESS: 1'ilot Knob and Yankee Doodle Roads FILE NO. 4 100705 FROM Harry xarnec FILE NAME TexZ=, Inr P.I.D. NO. ~ DISTRICT - PLAT ' PARCEL 16 - oioooo - oio sv ' - ? ?o-oiaaeo -odo-sa COUNTY: Dakota PLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY LEVIED/PENDING ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 1/2 of Sw 1/4 of SW 1.4 ex w 1 Ri fPAt F c 150 feet of North 250 feet containing 19.37 an mr„-A nr loss Section 10, Twp 27 Range 23 +***,t****,r,t**,t*,t**,t,r*,t****,t***,t,t*,t,r*,t**,t*,t,t*****,t**,t,t*,t,t***,t,t,t*,t***,t* PLEASE FURNISH THE FOLLOWING LEVIED ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY: Type ot Improvement Balance Due Original Amount PLEASE FURNISH THE FOLLOWING PENDING ASSESSMENTS THAT ARE ESTIMATED AT THIS TIME: ALSO REQUESTING ANY ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THE AUDITORS AT THIS TIME AND INTEREST: Signed: Date: AMOUNT OF UNPAID WATER BILL, IF ANY: OF 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (672) 0.54-8100 DATE: Febnuary 3, 1983 DAKClrA CWNPY ABSTRAGT CO: • 1250 Highway #55 P.O. Box 456 - Hastuxfs, M 55033 Attention: Jeanette SPECIAL ASSESSMENT'SEARCH RE: Parcel # 10 01000 010 54 See attached legal BEA BLOM9UI5T Mw« RiOMAS EGaN JAMES A $MiTM JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Camci MamDers 1HpMP.S HEDGES CM Adminstrarar EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Gtv Cl? Enclosed herein is the search which you requested made on the above described property. Kind of Improvement Runs Beginning Original Amount " Balance Due NONE I further certify that according to the records of said office, the following improve- ments are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are now in the. process of planning or completion. ' J. i i - 5w1m _-,ewer •rrunx 200 - Stoxm Sewer Tnuilc Watexmklin Water Area Storm Sewer Trunlc Street Sturnier of 1983 Due with final plat Due with fi.nal plat Due with final plat Due with final plat e cos $2590.00 $7113.00 $14,230.80 $11,808.81 $5950.00 WAIVER: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the accuracy of the atiove in- formation which was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City or its employees assume any liability for the correctness tliereof. In consideration for the supplying of the indicated information in t}ic above form, and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever, any claim against the City or its employees rising there from is hereby expressly waived. Levied assessments to be paid to thc County Treasurer at Hastings, hLN, 55033 Very truly ours, THE LONE OAK iREE... THE SVMBOL AND GROWTH IN WR COMMUWIN Please send an assessment search on the following: The S? of the SWk of the SWk of Section 10, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota; except the West 183 feet of the South 150 feet of the North 250 feet thereof, and except the West 240 feet of the South 225 feet thereof, and except that part thereof cnntained within the plat of Minnesote llepartment of Taansportation Right of Way Plat No. 19-44, accordiny to the Government Survey thereof. -- 10-01000-010-54 ----' Enclosed please find a check for $5.00 to cover costs. Thanks, Jeanette 11?. J ? . oF 3630 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 BEA BLOM9UIST EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 " rnayor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 THOMA$ EGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Courai.Members Februar ?.4 1984 Y . iHOMASHEDGES clrv aamn.:nor« EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE C'iry Clerk MR. LARRY KRANNING NORWEST BANK 3390 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN. 55121 RE: TEMPORARY FACILITY REMOVAL FROM 3360 PILOT KNOB RD. Dear Sir: Would you please inform the people removing the referenced building that they must obtain a moving permit from the City prior to the move. The $15 fee is to partially deprieve the cost involved to properly record the removal at the county and local levels. We must also have a licensed Minnesota Well Drillers certification that the existing on-site well is properly capped and abandoned. Thank you for your attention and assistance with this matter. Sincerely, 4Daeeterson Chief Building Official DP/js CC: Tom Colbert, Joe Connolly, r ' Parce3 ?File, J Public Works Director Water Superintendent THE LONE OAK iREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIlY