3390 Pilot Knob Rd?/?E s (? ;EQUEST FOR ELEC7RICAL,INSPECTION Eoooi?s a Sea instmctiens for completing this form on back of Yellow coOV U.- .'.?r' 6 7 2 "X" Below Work Covered by 7hrs Request ev4 Addl Hep. Type oi BuilEine Aooloncee wi.ea? En.iument Wired Home Range Temporary Service Ouplex Water Heater Liyhtin,y Fixwres Apt. Building Dryer Electric Neaun Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm tne? oeci v tner (sn)c.fv) t m SVen Y Other Otheer Comuute lnsoectron Fee Below k iee ServicaEnhanceSixe n Fee /SUbieede?s 4 Frte Circulls 0 ta 200 qmps m s 0 to 30 Fln >s Above 200 Amps 0 Amps E 31 to 100'Am s Swimming Pool 00-Amps Ab.ve Above 100_Amps Transformers Booms Partial.bther Fee Special Inspection IS Y?A ( i, ihe-eka,"Tai Inspector, hereby certity thpt the abova inspection has been mede. tl' ? 'r Job Num er 0 901 E9 94-255 t?lv °b Repuest Oate Fire No, Pough-in Inpsetlion Reduired InsOeclion OIM1er Then Rough-In 6-3-94 O'ou must catl ins0eOor when reatly) 0 qeaey Now ? win Natiry inspecror ? ves ? No oate Reaay I CRlicensed contractor 0 owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Atlaress (Slreet Box or Route No.) 3390 Pilot Knob Road Ea Sepion No. Township Name or No. Range No. County Dakota Occupant(PRMT) PhonO No. Norwest Bank Power SupOlier ACtlress Electncai Canlractor IConpany Nemel Contracror5 License No. Sen Franklin Electric CA00683 Maning qtldress (COnlraclor or Owner Making Inswllation) . 541 West 79th Street 55122 , Amnanzee Siqnalm l,Qonva Ow In a la Pnone NumOer ' 612 888-2210 MINNESO STATE BO OF ELEC ICITY THIS INSPECTION REpUEST WILL NOT Grlggs-Mitlwey BIEg. qoom S-1]3 BE ACCEPTEO 6Y THE STqTE BOARD 1821 Univeraity Av SL Paul. MN 5510G LINLESS PPOPER INSPECTION FEE IS Plrone(812) 662-0800 ENCLOSED. /? j9`/ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICA4 INSPECTION ?i n7 ry ? See insuuclipns br comDle1ing ttiis fOrm on back of yellow copy. y"J 0 J?'' U 1 "'X" Below Work Covered by This Request ew ltCtl rypeofBUiltling AppliancesWi?ad EquipmentWiretl Home ' Fange Temporary Service Juplez Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load ManagemeM Comm./Industrial Furnace Other (Specily) Farm Air Conditioner Olher(syadty) ConVactors Femarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEnlranceSize Fee k Circuits/Peeders Fee Swimming Pool D to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps ` SignS Inspecror's Usa Only: TOTAL Irrigation 8ooms -C?l[/ I ` v' ?? Special Inspection I Q v Alarm/Communicalion THIS INSTALlAT10N MAY BE RDE ISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTNS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rwg?-in oace certify that the above inspection has been made. F;nai oace?._ p OFFICE USE ONLY ? Tpi's request voitl 18 monNS irom 9 2 P ? 8 ??? ? Hequest Date Flre N. RauBh-inlnspeclbn Requlred? ? Yes o ? Neatly NOw?ill Nouty Inspector When Reatl%+ I,klicensedcontractor ? owner hereby r e t inspection ot ovectlcai work at: Job tlress (Shee Ali t, Bro? or R ut N?) ? C iry 4 • Secnon No. -? Township Name or W. .... Range No. ? CwMy Occupent (PFINT) Phore No. Power Supplier pddress ? dedrical Con cta ompeny Nertre) Contmctor5 Licansa No. // c Mailing Cress (CoMraciar a Owrrer 'tig InNaIW n) AWhor¢e0 Signeture (COMractor Meking Instella' } Phone NumDer MINNESOTA STATE BOAi10 OF ELECfBICRY . THIS INSPECiION REQUEST WILL NOT C+rlggs-Nldwey BWg. - Foom 5773 BE ACCEPTEO BV THE STATE BOAfiO 7827 Univars{ry Ave., SL Pau4 MN 55100 UNLESS PROPEF MSPECTION FEE I$ Phone(el2)ea2-0800 ENCIASEO. REQUEST FOR ELECTRIC/1L INSPECTION ee.00001v7 li? See insirucNbns 1or completing ihis lorm on back of yellax copy, ? G? 4 8 6 9 2 "X" Below Work Covered by This Request ew A8d Rep. . TypeofBUilding AppliencesWired EquipmentWiretl Home • Range Temporary Service ? Ouplex Water Heater Eleciric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Specify) I Comm./Industrial Furnace Farm Air Conditi0ner (s y) Contrapar5 Remarks: GaJl?E O cA C(oS?/ ts"?,15 GuC/' Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee 8 SarviceEnt nce5ize Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 700 Amps ? Transformers A6ove 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps SIJnS L Inspgc[arSUSeOnly: TOTAL .3"'? Irrigation Boo s Special Inspection Alarm/COmmunication Olher Fee ? I, the Eledrical Inspector, hereby if h Rougn;n cert y that t e above inspection has 6een made. Fmi ? OFFICE USE ONLV This request witl I8 months ham This request voitl?'+ Lq q?/6? • `?lp a ,a? ,S. moMhi ( rom a O DD' 05 837. 0/29 °`' fte at9. Fire N, Rough-in Inspection Re-QU?' etl] eatly Now ? Will Notity. Inspec- O?v ?No lor When Ready Licensed Elecnicol Cont actor I hereby raqueat insoection of ebove . ? Owner electrical work inatalled at: Street Adtlress, Box'?/q`r ?Ro/u??te?'N''o S \\w? . ` [.?1/ "• A? 'W.J Ciry (1 ?/1..?. ?/?W` ecuon o. Township Name or No. Ranye o. Cpmnly DOM'c• I J O.cu ant IPR T) Phune No. R P... r Supph ? AOtlress E c ncal Contrac or (Company ? ? Na el ? Comractor's ucense No. CD y. -9 MailinB /lddress IC ntracmf or O ner Makine lnstaila[iopl ?Q Z k r ? ' SaAi .l , Author,xe Sign ure Con ra dOwn t Making Installationl Phon Numbec i -a3 ? S2 , . I r MINNESOTA STATE BOARO l3F'ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bltlg. - Boom N481 ' BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univarsity Ave.. St Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PHOPEH INSPECTtON FEE IS , ENCIOSED. Phone (6121 297•2111 ? ;?l? 7 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?/E-0ry0001-OA ' See instructions for completing this torm on beck of Vellow copy. / t/ BG O°2 's u. 7837- ''X'Below Work Covered by This Request Novi Add Reo. TyOe ol Builtlin0 Aooliances Wired Equipment Wi,ed Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer ' Electric Heatin Commercial 81dg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner • Bulk Milk Tank Farm thar peu y Othrr (Snecify) t er pecity Other Other Comnute lnspection fee Below M Fee SarviceEntmnce5ize p Fee Feeders/SubtaeAers Fe,e Cirwits Oto200Ams 0 to30Ams Oto30Am Above 200 qm )s 31 ta 700 Ainps 31 to 100 Am Swimming Pool qbove 100-Am s Above 700_Amps Transtormers Irrigation Booms Partial•'Othcr Fee Signs Speciai Inspection $p / , , / TOTA Pe / c ? I FEE t , n .LZ-] \ Y?1% 1IV •?! M??VTI? V v \ I V / Rough-in Date I,the Electrical Inspec<oq hereby wr?i1V ?hat tha ebova Final -' ? inspec[ion has been made. Thls reaueal voitl 18 montM imm This rBqueS[ vOid O -Z \ 18 rtronths irom W089710 3gaRq W -3,o•oc Nxquest Oate iire No. Rnugh-in Insuer.UOn Required? IZfteady Now aWill Notify Insoec- 8/25/83 %]ve5 ?No [or When ReadY g] Licensed Elechical ConVflctor 1 hereby request inspection of above ? Owner electrical work instelled at: SVeet Address, 9ox or Roure No. CitY 3390 Pilot Knob Road Eagan s hip Name or No. Fange No. Cowrty 77 7 Dakota OccuDant (PRINT) Phon¢ Nu. Norwest Bank OSA N.A. Eagan Branch Power Supplier AAdress Dakota Couty Elec Corp 821 Third St. Farmington MN 55024 Electrical Convactnr ICompany Nfimel CuMracloe's License No. DYMANYK ELECTRIC INC. 040421-1 MailinN .4dJress 1Contractor or Owner MakinO Instailationl 1 th Ave M ls MN 455414 Autho Si no ra tor?Owner Makinp tallatioN Phone Number ? MIli STATE BDAHD dF ELECTPICITY TNIS INSPECTION pEQUEST WILL NOT Grig9s-MiAwey Bldg. - Haom N-791 0E ACCEPTED BY THE STATE 90AND 1827 University Ave., St. Peul, MN 55104 UNLE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS 11 1-11 - ..... ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION , Sae instrUClions idr eomPleling lhis folm an bBCk Oi yBIIDw copy. "X8e/ow Ak CovOered by This Request EB-00001-04 0 AdA Rep. TVOe of 8uildine Appliancns Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightin,y Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Hectric Heatin J( Commercial 81dg. Fumace Silol/nloader Industnal 81Ag. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm omar pa.,rv . oiher tsua,tvl ther SVecify Other ' . Oth.r Compute lnspection Fee Belaw -p Fee Sarvice EnhanceSize p Fee Faede,s15ubieeders k Fae Circuite 0 m 200 qm s 0[0 30 Am s m 30 Am ) Aboae 20 - mps, z Q 31 ta 700 Amps 1[0 100 A s Swinuning Pool Above 10 rAmps Above 100_Amps Transformers Irrigation Booms Partial,' Signs Special Inspection 5 310.0 TOT * Rem3 rks 4 / ' =he Eieo„ical naPector, mreby certify that tiie above ?? ins8ection has been Thlareoueatvoitl T 78 his rtrore9nths fues[mm wid-J-Z p Ll ?s!t ,j 7qQ p . ? ` -• mf n5ZQ7na /01 oc, "Pnuest Da[e Fire No. ReqNwOhreA-?i,TInsVectlon , i C]ReaAy NowFfWill NotitY. Inspec- .??J?V 26_ 14R? os ?No ??rWhenfleatly ? Licensed Electrical Contractor I hareby repuast inspection oi above Owner elecVical work instelle0 er. Sueei Address, Box or Foute No. City 3390 Pilot Knob Road Eagan ecvon o. Townshlv Name or No. Ranee No. County Dakota Occupdm (PflINT) Phone No. N r Power Supulier AAdress Dakota County Elec Corp 821 - 3 St Farmington, MN 55024 Elec[rical Cm[ractor ICompany Namel Contractor"s License No. DYMANYK ELECTRIC INC 040421-1 Mailinp AdJress IContractor or Owner Making Inscailationl 339 - 13 Avenue NE M Is. MN 55414 AuNo ' ed Sig wre ( raCtodOwner Making I tailation) Phone N umb¢r ?p Ala v? Y THIS INSPECTION qEQUEST WILL NOT MINNESOTA STATE BOAR OF EIECTNI ig BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAND Griggs•Midway Blde. - poom N•191 1821 University Ava.. Si. Peul, MN 65704 UNLESS PqOPEN INSPECTION FEE IS e?,___ 1a11i oov»?? ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION j4M ee-ooooi oa ' See instractions for tomple[ing this form on beck of Yellow coOY. w. ? ti "n"' Be o ?? a e ed.6y 7his Request 3 ?/ y C. g lK ??? 7 Q AAA Rep. TVOa oi Buildin9 Apoliancns Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Dupleu Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unlodder Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm omer ueci v einer Isnedfvl ( P.f PCGI y OL C! OIIIL', Compu[e lnspectron Fee Below N Fea SarviceEntrenceSiza N Fee Fextlers?SUMeaders N Fae Circuits U ro 200 qm s 0 to 30 Amps 0 to 30 Amus Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 Ainps 31 to 100 qi Swimming Pool Above 100_Am s Above 700_Amps Transiormers Irrigation Booiris Partial.`Other Fee Signs Special Inspection S TO Rem?rks r TA EE ? ? rarv Servi i, me t? Inspector, heraby ?tify thnt the abova i pection has been Thla reQUeel voitl 18 OFFICE USE ONLY lWxquest void 18 months hom volidafion dore prinled in this titt.. I III II II I I I II III II II H I I I I I Iliil II I I II?/??'` ? ? / ?• PLEASE PR T OH TYPE Request D.I. qo?hin Inspecfion requiredR Yes ? No Inspacllon Oihar Than RougMn: ? Reody Naw Will Call 4/21/97 (YOUmmI<ailthelnspaciwwhanreody) DakReady: I, y(] licensed conkacfor ? owner hereby requesl inspection of Ihe above elecfrical work at: l06 Addreu (Sreet, Bo? or Roure NoI Gy Zip Code 3390 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN 55121 SeNOn No. Tovmship Nama w No. Roige IJo. Fire No. Cwny DAKOTA Occupant Phone No. NORWEST BANK - EAGAN Power Supplrer Addrexs DAKOTA Elechiml Canhoaor (Compony Nomel Conkormr license No. Maskr lic. No. (%om EIM. Only) MUSKA ELECTRIC COMPANY CA01287 Mailirg Addrasa (Conhocla a Owner Peilormifg Inslallalion) 1985 OAKCREST A ENUE ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 A??hori ig h Pe mf InslaMnon W?anaNo. 636-5820 EB110007A-7 7 8/96 My(F dnewn r.nav - sEe iucmucnnus ou war.K oF veuow rnor ?IIA5/9 7 ' REQUEST FUFs`:?LECTRICAL INSPECTION ?075 ` 4 2- 218M Minnesota 3tate Bo?M of Electricity 1821 University Ave., Rm. 5-728, St. Paul, MN 5511L04 Phone (612) 642-0800 SZAIH CITY??(,?? •. Home Duplex Apf. Bldg. Other: ew Addn X Commerciol Indusfrial Form -.a Remod Ra ir Air Cond. Htg. E ui . Wafer Hfr. load Mgmt Other Dryer Range Elec. Heal Temp. Service "X" above the wwk covered by fhis request Enter remorks in lhis space and on fhe back oi Ilie whife copy only. C8154 - REMODEL BANK. Calculate Inspecfion Fee - This Inspection Request wil) nof be accepted wifhout fhe conecf fee: Otlher Fee # Service EMrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feedere Fee Mobile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps 1191 0 l0 100 Amps Sheet Lfg./Troffic Sig. Above 20Am s Abore 100_Amps Transformer/Genemtor WSPECTOF'S USE ONLY TOTAL Sign/Oudine Llg. Xfmr. 95.50 Alarm/Remofe Conkol Swimmin Pool I hereb cero that I i ms ion dol:gbid herein on Ihe dotes sm Irrigalion Boom go„yW„ p? :r 7 $ ecial Ins ection p p Invesligafive Fee Final Dak u ? THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DIS ONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. This request void /? ' 18 monihs fmm (ys 1 D 65672 Hequest L?pte? L ire No. Rouph-inInsVecIinn flepwreA? E]ReadyOWill Notify.lnsuec- Miwr `` ?Ve, ?Nn tor When qeatlY SV J)j Licensed Elecvical Coniractor I hereby request inspeclion of above ? Owner elactrical work installed at: Stree, AdAress, eox Route No. 339.t7 ???-sc \ Ciiv 046*tJ ecbon o. Township Name or Nn. Hsnge No. Caanty aKcf? Occupam (PqINT) L ^ ?t,?29-?1 Uv C`-S Phone No. Power $upplier Adtlress Electrical on actor IComVany Namel ?,?C?r?s 02'F A?rJ- P051'5- ComracIoe's Licen-c No. ? ?(a -,73 Mailine AtlJress ICOn?tr?n?ct?o4r o.r Owner MaklnG lnstailabon) 7 Y"ry'J? Authorired Sii 'nawr v r/Owner Making Installa[ionl Phone Number Vf? - ? THIS INSPECTIDN REQUEST WILL NOT MI ESOTA Si TE 09D OF ELEC ICITY Griggs•Mitlwey BI B• Room N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAND 1821 Univarsitv Ave.. St Paul. MN 55104 UNLE55 PROPEN INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(672) 842-0800 ENCLOSED. CITY OF EAGAN • ' 3795 Pibf Knob Roed Eegan, MN 5512! N° 8257 PHONLs 454-8100 ? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # X ? T. M wad forBANK FACILITY Et,yalue $700,000.00 Date July 19 _ 1 y 83 Site Addreu 3390 Pilot Knob Road E.ect g7( Occuponcy B-Z Lot 1 Bloek 1 $et/Sub. NoTwest lst Alter ? Zoning GB Parcel # Repair ? Flre Zone NA Enlarge ? Type of Const. Vn W NoYWest Bank Name Move ? # Stories 1 z Mdren 3360 Pilot Knob Road Demoliah ? Length_ C; aaan 55121 ph.„e 452-8470 Grode ? Depth Sq. Ft. L400 ? Kraus-Anderson Const Co Ano.orab foes p Nama s? Addrex 525 South EiQhth St.• • ? ?. Mnls. 55404 ?___ 332-7281 Nome Ackerberg & Assoc. Louis Park I hereby acknowledge that 1 hove read this applicotion ond state that the inlormotian is correct ond ogree to wmply wlth oll applicable Stoto of Minneaoto Stotutes and City of Eogan Ordirwnces. Siqnotum of Permittee Kraus- A Bullding Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in accordance with cll Buildinp Offfcial Assessment Permit 17>J&VV Water 8 Sew. Surcharge 350.00 Polite Plon check 966.50 Flre sACQ) 1575.00 Enp. Water Conn. NA Planner Warer Meter NA Council Road Unit 1785.00 Bldg. Off. APC 7oml $6,609.50 Co. on the express condition tl,?i ssvV6'5f-atutes and Ciry of Eapon Ordinancea. s ,.• CITy pF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, - 1 site plan w/elevations & BUILDING PEFMiT APPLICATION 1 set of energy calculations. Zb Be Used For AjAaluation ?00 zo1 ? Date Site Pddress ?/ OI'FICE USE ONLY Lot ?_ Bloclc Sec./Sub. .f/aRc/vsT l?ectf'` Occupancy ? Parcel #: Alter Zoning Repair Fire Zone paner; Enlarge 'Iype of Const. Address: 1`'b?' # Stories 7 Dezrolish Front City/Zip Code: _ Grade Depth / Phone #: Contractor: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./Eng.: Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: zgao ??PR (/? Assessrnexits Pennit [aater/Seaer Surcharge Police Plan Qieck Fire SACJ Ehg. Water Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. ,?? AFC ! i 0 U.t. T ??. TOI'AL a ? ?- ,? ?-- o ? ?, , 3 CITY OF EAGAN ?v BUILDING PERA1'CT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/el.evations & 1 set of ener9Y calculations. Zb Be Used For &.'l'? Valuation -4- -7 DOi OOO , a0 Date -i-1- T 3 site Aaaress: 33qo '1? i tdr- y nob 2A- s oFFzcE osE ornY Lot ? Block ? Sec./Sub.'NoPWF---4-- ( S-{- Erect /K OccuPancS' @- a Parcel #: ??r Zoning G g Repair Fire Zone /V?} Owner: ?CotS? ?4`1?1- Enlarge _ Type of Const. r? _ Move # Stories ? Pddress: 39?(pp il Deimlish Front ft. Cit /Zi d C Q 0. K 1? S l a? Grade Depth 7?pp Sc? •£t. p y o e: , S Phone #: S APPROUALS FEFS Contractor: krptUS -AAQ@rSoM (I` ,CO i Assessments Permit )433,00 Address: SZS 5u,?n Li Water/Sewer Surcharge 3s0,00 Police Plan Check 4(D(c, SO Gity/Zip Coc1e: tA 1? ? SS?o Fire SAC 3 lS?S,?d 8 Phone #: ? 33,;2--I??S' ? Eng. Water Conn. Planner Water.Meter Arch./En5•- Council Road Unit ?ZSS? oC? Bldg. Off. Prldress: ApC City/Zip Code: ?? - Laui'S T)0. ?K-- Phone #: TtlTAL cr o , OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road pERMIT NO.: P. O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: l Nc. of Units: Zoning: _ Qwner; /lddrass: - -, ;,G`.: .iRli = ? ? L1 :1 :IorvesL -S`? Site /?lddress:. r: : iCO1: , 1:1C Plumber. Connection Char9e: AAetet No.: Slze: Acoourrt DePosit. i`,. ? 0 ? ? Reodor No.: Permit Fee: . 5 0 p I yeee to emVlf? wMh 1w Ci? ?BowA Surchorge: Misc. Choross: OrdinaOas. Totnl: Date Patd: By : f In Insp.: ap. Dcte o ,4: EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT pilot Knob Road Box 21199 pERMIT NO.: " - .. i, MN 55121 D^TE- 0: No. of Units: ' r: $its Addross: ' r) Pi lnt Tnnh RA il il" "nrrraat 7 szt Plumber. ? n-, 300.00 ud ' s, ' ? 1 qra te asmply wkb dM Cily of Eapw Conraction CF+orpe: 1275 . 00 lad OrdinasoN. /lccourit Deposit: Pormit Fes: --- Surchargo: gy Ml:c. Chorpes: Date of Insp.: Totol: 1- Dot* Paid: CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 19 wce e?ven ? FROM AMOUNT $ I ?O - SZZgQ --CD( 0-? ! & DOLlARB ?oo ? CASH ? GHECK White-Payers Copy ? Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy Than? u p . BY 0 0 o ? v "\ .? Q T- a ? ? - Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. ?`- '- - . CITY OF EAGAN Fae ` Fill in numbered spaces S/C TyQB or Prini legibly , Tot. ???%-•-=?a- 1. Date ?'-?'--2, Installation Cost ?- U 339:? 777,t 3. Job Address Road Lot ? Blk. 1 Tract :?ur?•;;:?_, 4. Owner ''iUl"WESt Sc1i1k 5. Contractor F= ircai! InC Phone L27-6021 6. Address 60 $eCond pY°ilUe SOU}f!?ast 7. City State '1i ririesata Zip 5?11 c1. 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial t7 Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe ` +UiitDilly tUl" [1eW bidC1Cn Jiflk 11. No, ?E Fixtures Water Closet No. u Fixtures Cess l/D i fi ld Bath tubs j poo ra n e 8e tic Ta k T ' Lavatory - ?^? p n ft e S --?- Shower '' o n r Well ? Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other ?ewer atid ? ? - Laundry Tray t ydater 1 ? Floor Drains • Drinking Ftn. G---- - ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to oomply with,all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ' for - Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. iapproved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No, -? -7-7 , CITY OF EAGAN Fee OU Fill in numbered spaces S/C .50 .. TyRe or Print /egiblY T ot 1. Date 2. Installation Cost •%? ?.^`' ?.'? J 3390 Pil ot- 3. Job Address R03d Lot ! Blk. j Tract i?cZt":ruS t i:> ; 4. Owner ;,ot"we5t SGnk 5. Contractor ra'1 i GOl1 l I1C• Phone 6. Address ',? ??c4and Avenu,2 Suutheast 7. City 227-bU2] 8. Building Type: Residential ? State Zip Commercial tl Institutional O 9. Work Description: New 91 Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe :; VAC for r:ew 6r3-rch bank Fuei TvPe f+atural ga; 11. No. EQuiament BTU • M. Ea. Forced Air 1 ? 75 "?'? No. Enuipment CFM Ai H dli Mf9. 2@ 150 MPN r an ng: Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust - Unit Heater Mfg. Other `* Air Cond. Mfg. 4 Gas, Piping Outlets 2@ 7.5 t w'• s 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Flnal ?Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 et (1G" O/L ? , (' ? ' ? 9 g?7 (?,...Jry ?•zy-g? ?=? I/-3- SS'3 v 013 ? ? i•?/- ?? /??t ??-?? \ n.., .-.w.s' BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3793 ?ilot Knob Rood Eagon, MN 55121 S' PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt # - Te be w"d forBaluK FACILITY Est, yalu, $700,0001.00 Nte Julyt 19 1 q 83 Slte Addrcu 3390 Pilot lY.nob Road Erect yy Occupnncy B-2 Lot 1 Biotk 1 Sec/Sub. NoTW88t 18t Alter ? Zoning r$ parcel # Repair 0 Fire Zona NA :Vorwest Bank Enlarge (] Type of Const. Vn N?? Move - p ?k Stories 1 ? Address 3360 Pilot 1tCnob Road Drmallsh p Length c; ''aQ an 55121 pt1O11e 452-8470 Grode p Depth Sq. Ft. 7400 o Nome Kraus-Anderson Conat. Co. Approrals Fees o? Addreu 525 aouth Eighth St. Assessment Permit 1933.00 u? r:... .'ip 18. 55404 0?.,..._ 332-72$1 Water 8 Sew. Surchorge 350. 00 Name . Louis Park I hereby acknowledfle that I have read this application and state thot the intormotion is torrect and agree to compiy with all opplicoble Stote of Minnesofa Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. 5iprt.iture of Permiftee raus- A Building Permit is issued to: oll work shull be done in atcordonte wlth all Police - Firs - Eng. _ Plcnner _ Countll _ Bldg. Off. APC _ Plon chec Wuter Conn. IA Water Meter Rood Unit 1 T;5 . UO Totol $6 , Ei09 . 50 CO. on the express condition thn+ and City of Eeflen Ordinances. Buildinp Offltial Parmit No. Permit Holder Mist- Permit No. Holder ?O? ?C Y. Cp y\ 3 7! W Disp. Sowsr EMctric W 01 Q'763 g ? 7-Zt'?'? (? + PJ o $'q"1 10 Y'd -? Inspection Date Insp. Other Footings ? M .. - ? Foundation ' Freminp Rouph Plby. Rouph HVA ? Inwlation Final Plbg. •,?/ Final HVAC Final Water Dpwibe Location: YYell Sewer Pr. D'ap. ' INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: '`' fj I' l"f; 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: a; t+ rc P Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ' ` tJ ' `' APPLICANT: ,., . ; i (1 i h IVr??i F; (] , • - . . ?-t? s: . t rr Nr?ltt,1F '; r 1 si PERMIT SUBTYPE: , „? ,. il5 I •;f (617) 'IRq ?)Nt.1 TYPE OF WORK: r4 f u r N0 FtLlF. ; I fi A N I INSPECTION D. . DA ,. ?W1,11 i ra f? 1 Hr? •?,iE?<r? s i?t . ., , FtF iqARK''l : A I!4 i';l ANli Permit No. Permit Molder Date Telephone # ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Commerits FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL ' GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIF TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL 2 ?•L? v??U/?? - BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERIVIIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: „1 1; H?1I;ijr 1, 1 { t. 12 ?I Hfl 'JH 1 a PERMIT SUBTYPE: , . 1, , 1 !., i TYPE OF WORK: I;liiI rI tNO 0 . • t / rI .t 4sn1H: /y4 r i i; A t i lirl INSPECTION .. . .• ,„ii?.?i ? ?? i•? i:,. ? ???,??;? i;, ;? ;. t 1 <<;,! ?? r M??kv.:,? ? kt r v?,r t wi i u•.utrt ,, n t ao ts? ???? : ??, .???M? A1=f'AitA T'F f`1: R?11 I l.`. t;FC?Ulfiftl f Uft APtY k 1.1 C 1ltt(_F\1 I.111I4 F J L PermR No. Permit Holder Date Telephons N S/W PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRI lt,50 ELECTRIC Inapection Date Inap. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Flnal Pibg. Plbg. Inspector - Notity Plumber Const. Meter _ Engr./Plan eidy. Fnai Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. INSPECTION REC4RD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: .. . 1• i I p'1 M: HAFt !: t? No?ruF s7 ? si. PERMIT SUBTYPE: , in f '-, APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: E:uI tn) ac? 4) <9a 1 1) ci A / :!' E, 01 1 at?0 t i r ON f HtlKWf S f 1sAN1 INSPECTION D. . •• I „I:r {I Irl ? t:•?: . ???.ii f N II 1 r. ? _. . . . . .., :. . ? ... ?- ? .. _ .. ? . ? .. .. . ? . J Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephona 11 ELECTRIC PLUMBING 7 3 f Zf/- AG$ HVAC Inspeadon Insp. Comments FOOTINGS ' FOUND FRAMING /-7 ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG ' FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition NaRWES'I' 1ST ADdN Lot 1 Rlk 1 Parcel 10-52250-010-01 owner?)%??`'" Street 3390 PILdf KNOB RQAD srate EAGAN MN 55121 ?. Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. '605 1984 -IZU L3& 1250.1 1 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN ? 1984 ? lO WATER LATERAL N WATER AREA 60 4-15.5 1 STORM SEW TRK 00()3 1984 6181.25 618.13 10 STORM SEW LAT gp Z 1984 4451.02 296.73 15 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD UNIT 1785.00 37292 7-19-83 WATER GONN, BUILDING PER. 8257 SAC 1575-00 ti PARK 7, yV 03 o&4? aw? Clty of Eaian 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 6755675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 ?, 6? ? n-d 2009 COMMERCIAL P UMBING Date: y ? ci Site Address: . ? 1. k\ ? .' - . .s_ 4, --------------, ; FBF?Hka use ? ? PertnR #: V7, 7( ? ? ? Permif Fee: U V'S? I i ? Date Received: ? i ? ? Staff: ------------------ PLICATION c..xe A. Tenant ?Iu?ly --'-- PROPERTY Ph one: Name: OWNER -}- LI D ASD ( j? Q CONTRACTOR [? C • License #: y? 2 S r?-- ? Name: P ? . ISIC( 1 p State:MIJ zip: S?9 Address: Phone: ?YtD"J' ? ??1 ???(J Contact Person: t--p-Q- t'jajI'Gf o-f TYPE OF New _ Replacement ? Repair _ Rebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK _ Descrlption af work: PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL / New C struction / Modity Spa ? p _ Irrigatlon System (?yes / _ no) ( ? RPZ! _ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems uired unless smaller size allowed 6y Public Works) (2" turbo re GPM A q _ . vg. Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity Mat [ests passed qrior to oickino uo meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: Size & Price 3/4" m er 203.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _,No Flushometers _Yes _No M RCIAL FEE : $50.50 Minlmum (i udes State Surcharge) OR comrect vaiue S x 19'0 = g Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigatlon systems 4= $Radio Meter Read - IF Pernit Fee is less then $1,000, surcharge is $.50 =$ Meter(s) - If Pernit Fee is> $1,000, surcharge increases 6y $.50 for each $1,000 State Surcharc?e $1,000 Permil Fee (i.e. e$1,001-$2,000 Permil Fee requires a$1.00 surcharge). _$ Following fees apply when installing a new iawn irrlgatlon system. $ water Permil Call ihe City's Engineering DepaAment, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounis. $ Treahnent Plarrt g Water Supply & Storage g State Surcharge S TOTAL FEES $ . .... .. . ._._._ __? ___..._._..?,... ,?........e ,.;,n 1. m nnfnrmance with Ihe ordinances and codes ot the City oi Eagan; iha[ Inerern/acnnomernJnma'm?annmmm....,.......r....,,...."__""""__... _ I understand Ihis is not a permit, 6ut only an application lor a permil, antl work is not lo start vrithout a permiC that Ihe vro wi e in ac plan in the case of work which requires a raview and approval ot plans. ? w_..u......ve o????? e??mnAppliCeOYS Sig08tl1rC ^rr .... . .....-- ' --'--- ,.??, , ,. - . ?. ? _. ti ...?_ -., ,?.. . ., •. .... : .- 77,777 ; #ORzORFIE USE , --1 's.ApProved Byi '' Required Inspections: _Under Grounci _Rough-la _Air Test _Gas Test _Final . ? : : PRv kequired ;,_,._ Yes Page 1 of 3 ?p-25 2005 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 • Strudurel Plans (2) sels . Civil Plans ' (2) • Certificate of Survey (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) • ProjectSpecs (1) • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule' • Soils Report (1) . Meter size must be established 1 d d 1 1 1 • SAC deferminalion - call 651-602-1 000 at orlodeiae • Arennecturai rians kq secs • CodeAnalysis (1) "' • ProjedSpecs (1) . Key Plan (1) . Master Exit Plan (1) . Energy Calculations (1) not always" . Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always° • Meter size must be established--if applicable 1 1 ! 1 1 • SACdetertnination-ca11651-602-1000 •• Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required . **" Permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. / ConstructionCost ?D0 0 - 0 d Date 7' 12-7 l e:?7S-- / / Site Address 3? 90 p 7?/q o f? ??-I UniUSte k Tenant Name o Ac a? .? Former Tenant Name ,-? DescriptiooofWork e/i/9o?? oJk 4--If TIS-(, Tr.,,STn« /l/ecv iQjJ/L( ?Gce&° es?o .fLas? v?/Gr.j>a?c- f9e? JLa-?r r.viTG," ?orier Fo?" Gaes?6 Property Owner (.f/G LL 1 FQP9o 'frf "4 ? Tetephone # ('1r/) Contractor '91? 44P« Address /a"z /O T-J` fZ7 City State IZ4N Zip Telephone #(10L ).770P y?Zp? Arch/Engr ],f//`Gi¢ rN 4 f/er i cfe- y/// Registration #f/8 57,2 Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: (_) I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge'that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work wi1P be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of wo k-whi .c_h_req uir c w and approval of plans. ? n I r rLrI ?? P, ?r lj ? ?? • Architecturel Plans (2) sets . Strudural Plans (2) • Civil Plans (2) . Landscaping Plans (2) • CodeAnarysis (1) ° . Certificate of Survey (1) • Spec.lnsp.&TeslingSchedule (1) " • Meter size must be established . Project Speu (1) • Energy Calculations ' (1), " • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) " • Masler Exd Plan (1) . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • Soils Report (1) • SAC determinalion - call 651-602-1 000 . Fire Steooino SubmiHals R 2 7 ApplicanYs Printed Name Ap ip cant's Signature ?^?? OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? Ol Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 Apartments 9' 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt-Apardnents ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility .? e,kPf 0 P{f::15 ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New O 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding .H" 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 ReplaCement •Demolition (Entire Bldg on ly) - Give PCA handout W applicant BOd ? Valuation /J Occupancy MCES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units ? d^ Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units " Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) Insulation Footings (deck) Final/C.O. ?Footings (addition) ? Final/No C.O. Foundation Other Drain Tile _ Roof [ce Pr _ Decking _ Insul _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows Approved By: S G Planning Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES 5AC City SAC Water Supply & Storage (WAC) S/W Permit SN11 Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Copies Water Trunk Sewer Trunk Other Total ??uilding Inspector ??7•vY 4,S?d 17 1° 7'S? l ocL I )S"" 2004 COMNIERCIAL BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 _S L} .A, 4k- vv?_J?? • Structu2l Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) • CeNfcate of Survey (1) . Code Analysis . (1) " . ProjedSpecs (1) • Spea Insp. & Tesfing Schedule' " • Soils Report . Meter size must be established , 1 l 1 1 1 i . Architectural Plans (Z) sess • AICmcecmrai rians ??i ==w • Structural Plans (2) • Code Analysis . CivilPlans (2) • ProjadSpe[s (1) . Landspping Plans (2) • Key Plan (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) '" • CeNFlcate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations ('I) not always " • Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) • Elec. Power & Lighting Fortn (1) not always ' . Meter size must be established rf applicable • Meter size must be established- . ProjedSpecs (1) " l . EnergyCalculatlons (1) . Electric Power 8 Lighting Fortn (1) . Master Exit Plan (1). 1 • Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • Soiis Report . SAC detertnination - call 651-602-1 (1) 000 . 1 SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regazding food & bevenge or lodging acilibes. •" Contact Building Inspections for sample and if required when it states "not always". kkk permit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. 7_ ! 2 D/ O? Construction Cost /6a oU o Date -, SiteAddress 3 3 9o PiLor K/Vo!3 ROa0 Unit/Ste # qRC,O Former Tenant Name Tenant Name ?Vt+« S F Description of Work ZNTER(o R,E:Mv N Property Owner \V Bt.L S FAR O Telephone #( ) , Contractor CACLL..TorJ -- Lk'•VINE Address 29(o 5 pRR.1- R.1 0 G,6E_ 9,O/A 1) City IZOJ'EVICLC State /V?lN Zip SS?/13 Telephone #(6S?) ?03IA " 710 g Arch/Engr HT G pC('1 1 7'EC7- s Registration # Address 9306 dg/I/?EP!A) TOYVIQ RUaD _- City L?QEN (->/Zfi/12/L State /-,AN Zip S` Telephone #( 9 D JUL 2 0 2004 Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: Phone #: "dJ I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge that the informatrcp3e??wate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ' R.D v L F- CL1 ceT'TA, Applicant's Printed Name Z? ?? ApplicanYs Signature Sub Types 0 Ol Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging 0 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 32 Addition d 33 Atteration ? 34 Replacement OFFICE USE ONLY 0 26 Public Facility C'r'27 CommerciaUlndushial 0 28 Crreenhouse ? 29 Antennae O 30 Accessory Building ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartments ? 34 Ext Alt-Commercia] ? 35 Ext Alt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to appliwnt Valuatfan tlt Ilo, 600 9?1- Occupancy Census Code L4 37 Zoning SAC Units - Stories Nbr. of Units - Sq. Pt. Nbr. of Bldgs "'- Length Type of Const Width Required Inspections _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice Pr Decldng Insal _ _ _ ? Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Au Test _ Final Approved By: ? Pianning 13 MCES System ? c S ? City Water ? Boaster Pump PRV - ` Fire Sprinklered ? Insulation FinaUC.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. Other Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone Windows M L- Building Inspector Base Fee o2(?S.,1S Surcharge S. a o Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage (WAC) S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Copies Water Trunk Sewer Trunk Other Total CS7t' CO IEAGA^! 9 ? ''F_I{I'i'1A;? t'7; ..F'CS,i *'M. t'4/$5/97 -jMY . W.a6,e.ieo „ ? a ? ?.F'_.: s,''.p!uFfjC t M:.^p.'' CIPNS7i?r #. 2212 90.. 00`nu0 W= ''t.iB : ['.. v'f AJ 3428 90.'. 3290 PI07 F:h.. ,.??:.?? .?ni1' ^'39J r..,._,,.q v,•2ra .. •. J.' .. . . .. Y i-. q . , j? i ? .. : ?i : . 'F? . . . tT' J?.. ; ° -.... , .,.,...? 5+ n '.::•?#!; . ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMITTYPE: surLozNe Permit Number: 029819 Date Issued: 04/2 5/97 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-52250-010-01 3390 PILOT KNOB RO LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 NORWEST 1ST DESCRIPTION: (NORWE5T U`ildiri?jPermit 7ype ?uil.dinq'Wq_rk Type ?JUBC QCCUpan?,,,. ? CQnstructi.on fiy'pe l Zening _-? 'Building Length z' suixding widtn 4. BANK) __-C.OhIM_(IND. MISC. `-?__AliIlTTION? e -' V-N • PD 145 15m 1 7,986 437 ALT. NONRES. 0T? _. ? _. . : ? , . . REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Tota1 Fee VALUATION $2,012.25 $1,307.96 $162.50 $3,482.71 $325,0@0 CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - OWNER: 9RAWFORD MERZ CO 28749011 NORWEST BANK MN 2310 4TH AVE S 6TH & MARQUETTE ,PSNNEAPpLIS MN 55404 MINNEAPOIIS MN 55479-2055 (612) 78A-9011 (612)667-5900 I hereiby aaknowledge Ghat T have read this infiarrtiation is correct and agree to eomply 5tatutes and City of Ea9arr prdinanees. L _.. . : ??? Q 'Vyf??' APPLICANT.IPER ITE SIGNATUPE/ applicatiorl and state that the witM a11 appliaable State of Mn• ? . ISSUE BY:S ATURE 9 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) 1; f IRT1 CITY OF EAGAN 681 -4675 The following are required with apDroprlate certification kr all = construetion: . 2 each: architeGurel plans; mech. 8 elem plans; fire sprinkler plana; sWcturel plens; site plans; landscaping plerre; 9iadinpldreinegelerosion eontrol plan; uHlity plen • 7 each: set of specifications; set of energy calalations; electrical power 8 Iiphting fortn; Special Inspections 8 Testing Sdiedule ? Letter from MCANS (phone 0]22-8423) indicadng SAC tletertninatan • Code anayais fndicating: Codes used; occupanry deasikaNons; setbacks; maximum ellowable area es per BuiWing erM Cily Codes along wRh sq. ft. per floor, type of constniction (synopsis oT eonstruetion componenb) 8 any oaupanq or erea separation walis; . occupenq beda; exk synopsb with a diapram indicatlng exiGnp loaas from each room or area, travel paths 8 all reted cortidors; plumbing faWrea; and parltinp. DATE: 14 MARCH 1997 WORKTYPE _ New X RennoDeL/ADDITION OESCRIPTION OF WORK; MAJOR REMODELING WITH A 216 SF ENTRY ADDITION ' 5. vco. -- CONSTRUCTION COST: ????EO ?NANT NAME: NORWEST BANK f c SITEADDRESS:a999 PILOT KN_0_B ROAD, EAGAN MN LOT t BLOCK I SUBD. -sr l P.I.D. # PROPERTY Name: ._NDBWEST BANK MINNESOTA. NA Phone #: 612/667-F90n OWNER m,, Street Address: SIXTH AND MARQUETTE City: MINNEAPOLIS State: MN Zip: 55479-2055 CONTRACTOR Company: (PENDING) C'vn.w?v?-N(c.vy Phone#: x74-R011 Street Address: 4 Z3t ` 4''" A-,e s . City:_ +15 rLt?J ZiP; '55-4iv`l ARCHtTECT/ Company: HTG ARCHITECTS Phone#: 612/831-8880 ENGINEER Name: JEFFREY J. PFLIPSEN Registration #: 2087-1 ? .?. uc¢?.,5 s?t It9-S2z5aoio 01 5treetAddress: 7401 METRO BLVD. #495 City: EDINA State: MN Zip: 55439 Sewer & water licensed plumber (onry if installing sewer & water): N/A I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiication and state that the information is cortect and agree to comply with alt applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicanh i`/?/ OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation 0 18 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New )r 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) VAI (Aliowable) u??t/ UBC Occupancy Zoning ? # of Stories _L Length Depth APPROVALS Planning ,a' 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. 0 20 Public Facility ,E3 33 Afterations 0 34 Repair Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Ta i sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Building "-3 I Engineering ,. i . } . ? 27 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish 0 37 Demolition MClWS System ? City Water ? Fire. Sprinklered Census Code Lr3Z SAC Code 30 Census Bidg. o I Census UnR o Variance Permit Fee 5urcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC -? Water Conn. ? 5/W Permit ^ SNV Surcharge -' Treatment PI. -?' Road Unit ---Park Ded. Trails Ded. -- Water Qual. Other Copies Total: Vatuation: % SAC SAC Unks Meter Size ? Metropolitan Council Working for the I3egion, Planning for the Future Environmental Seruices March 26, 1997 Joe Voels Constroction Analyst City ofEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear W. Voels: MAR 2 $ 1997 The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division has determined 5AC for the Norwest Banks Addition & Remodel located within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged no additional SAC Units. It is the Council's understanding that the addition is for an entryway, and no office space is being added. If you have any questions, call me at 229-2113. 5inc rely, Jodi L. Edwazds ??b, SCaff Specialist Municipal5ervices Section JLE: 970326S1 cc: S. Selby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Russ 5chramm, HTG Architects 230 East Fl(lh Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 FaY 229-2183 1'DD/TI'Y 2293760 An Equuf OP1M?ity bYrWlaJer REQIIEST FOR HOLD Date: T' Project name: Address: -3??G 0 - Legal description: Reason for hold: Place hold on: L I ? B__L_ S ec/ Sub A 1 B?Us9?i,Z?- ? 5t ?{?/??.?,1 X ? h CNQ.SJ ? SUlot,?d CX--c-?ar y l ? l 9"'t J Issuance of building permit Certificate of Qccupancy Other (please explain) ? c Si ature If approved, this "hold" will remain in effect for fifteen working days. Upon expiration, the hold may be renewed for additional fifteen-day periods. The person or department requestinq the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. jbk? vfw _ city of eagan F+O^ MEMO TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLE3TNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALIN3PECTOR PUBLIC WORKSIENGINEERING/UTILITIE5ISTREET3 GE1JE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RtCH BRASCH, WATER RESDURCES COORDINATOR `MIKE RIOLEY, SENIOR_PLANNER 1 GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNE SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 3 ? ? Rl4 7 SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW The _preliminary ? construction plansfor IJ°Qwahr are in our plan review section for yaur review and comment. Please notify the Protedive Inspections Division if you have any reason that these plans should not be appraved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fiil aut ihe proper "hold" request fortn. Commenb: Indicate any fees that are to 6e collected with the building ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water qualily dediption ? Yes ? No paAc dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No Vee dedication ? Yes ? No - QJ Si nature ZS 334o t??co-r KtJoB 1_ 1 4, R w83T / sT $ANiG F}DDN, < 12EAAoDEL Am n Date nw.sr.e?. 6129200988 , RPR 04 197 09:30 H. T. G. ARCHITECTS P.li4 JQ? ? 7401 MetrO Blvd. Suite 495 Jon P. Thorstan6on !:. 7 IZS7 E?, ?7 55439 7amu R Gmvtr LJlJ C_?,/ (612) 831-8880 7effrey J. PElipsea ApGHITECTS 6m (612)ssi-sazz P,,;,;p v. Blask Jo6n D. Zum Catlterinc L. Schneider Russell E. Schraznm FAX TRANSMITTAL 70: mIo r*? GrtY af a'?N Fax ?: ?JLitL?+?? I?y??11aN5 nate: 4.AMf. M? Re: Kbyv? Nuabcr of PaBes (idcluQiag Lransmitta!): ? ElDrawings ? Shop Drawings r ]Change arder ? Payment Request Projectxo. J673 ? )? P(V* 0 SpeCifications 0 Oiher Co ies Date Sheei No. Descrition u g J?U,oW 5 1Gra5 We are scculing these: F-1 For your agproval F-I For your ase Renarks: ? For your review & comment ? APPmved as submiucd 0 Approve as nMad F-I Corroct and resubmit s;gnca: cop,es tD-. (2) Minnssota Energy Cade Lighting Standards Interior Lighfing Power Atlowance PRE5CRIPTNE PRflGEqURE libne: ?TLlTfl'Fs.S ?A,TosL. 5ae Atldress: D•? Penwscw:ivKN lrrm Txk. ?,y.. . ?-,ca,t2_? SJc> •p?`.,r? ??A? . ?.t? C?S? , ? MA?U ?e LSo to N, pg S e • •? - • Grou LipFKed UNt UgMinp !nlariorLi?Minp Ares (sq R) Ppwer ANowance = Pawer Atlowance sima area: GkA x ULPA) iLPA t. $Aio t"c?n- -- x. o Seconda. areas(ii roaferthan4Q96a'iiMedsrea) ,. V. y,? UWJP???-.? t? P GoMS ' P?1 Ci? ?4ulv? ?-Kj(o, ?? ?O]L4??ma? ??[?j 4 x Z?'o ix .Gc. = 1 ? . .. , : .?- ?fiS "'9 +.s,_.. ..? . ?. ? ? _ . Totai tl PA: / _ . ... . .. ?:: _ . e , . . Fixfure desc,riptiott FWure il af fldures Conaxted Area Description Ihailast & hmp) Watts x of (nis type = Liphting Power cLP `-? i I Q a c '75 x - 'e-?c? l? J? fl ?\ 6?rf '^i r> tc b - G ? 1f •" 7L??7' !V? ? Gc+C%h? t Z. an ', l? ? a K G Lj ? `-70 x 4 = z? o -X?0,7 X f7o ? L?: 170 . ? - 8 C5 t i i X i A 3?1 X.Y.. YtYv...*fkeH M ? _ ?3 ?{ ~ `p /?? }? ??{YIVI.T? ? ? mn. uc?, ¢ pVV_C SOf1YX WW D ? A W A { W ?0 J ? m ? L1 m c? V) x ? ? ? n `c m n Z 1 7 7 R D A 2 ? m? n? ? N N m CK) m n J D n „ J n 'U u tir \ ln ? N ? A . 6129200988 APR 04 '97 09:31 H. T. G. RRCHITECTS FlFR-03-1597 13- 115 EPt44UELSiNi-PGliAS Ia. ' Izti i • ?rescri >t,( iv,.> > • ?re d_tire. P.3/4 612 8eE 842E P.C7'.%G? v (i) Scope. '1'his itcm pruvides a procedure for deterAriining the interior lighting powcr allowance for specific Eypes of Uuildings. [t is intended for usc with builditlgs having simple libhting cequirements and where the fniniulum amount of cnlCUlatiun ancl effort co achieve ccimpliance is of primauy concern. FGx• other building typcs, tc, receive creL-lit fur switciung, daylighting, or rathcr tradeoffs, or lii receive credit for lightitib optimization, use iPeiti E or part 7670.0450. (2) hiteeior iighting pbwer allow2izce table. PRESCRIP'TlVB UNIT LyCH't2NG POWE2 ALI,QWANCE W/FT2 , cr.uss r.Icr irEr, ,a1zFa B(,11LU(NG •U 2,001- IU,UUl- '5,001• SQ,UfJl- >250 000 , TYNS/.aREA 2,uU0 IO,pOC 2000 30,000 250,000 Ft' FCINC°Il(?tJ , h? ._.1!^ i[= !t? fj2 Pooci Serviet ;? Fast Fooi#/La(at?iia `U ?IZ 0.85 - 0.32 0 3! - 0 61 ;' ='0 bf) , LeiSUrz C)ining/Uar ? 1.60 l.S(i 1.53 1.48 1.49 1.10 -0ffi?es' ,; 1.40 1.34 j 09 ' 1 22 1:??' 1.1 1F Itr.tail ',,,.netail - e;eneYal" :. 2?0 . 2.52 . 2.32 ? U5 7.A7 Mall Concourse Mutti-Storr 5crvice 0.69 O.UlS 0.65 0,03 U.til U.GO 5ery?ce Esta}?L?hmene:.;: ?;Al, ` _ 2A3 1.73 165 _ 1:SA Carages 0.25 0.24 u?3 p.?a 0.21 20 0 Suhoo3s, : ' 1:77. . 1.72 J.tiU . , .. Warahou,a/Storage O.GO 0.50 O.l? 0.3ci 0.32 0.30 (3) Th2 interior lighYirig power allowance may Uc? xi;.er.i if the prednminaiit fwection of the proposed bu;lding is one uf the building kypes listed in tliis item. If not, item E ur part 7670.0460 must be usrd. !F the building has secondary ftutctions that are ten percent nr mare of the gross lighted area of the builtling that are listed in suUitent (2), then the interior lighti,-tg power allowaiice may be caiculated using i•he predoertinant building Eunction in subite:n (4), or subitem (5) iray Ue used. Minn. Ctulci Chapter 7670 65 June 1994 MirtnesoL nergy Code Ligh(ing Standards ? EXi'ERIOR UGeil'iNG POWER ALLOWFINCE (ELPA) °° ?• vR?y £S- TZ> PHaanmm kNl lam - t. sat Adercss: +j? ? 7? p p 7dle: • ? f ? • •e . ? . Exteria azea desaiption a?p %Ve x ufiR raW Dmsny = EI.PA Fxiure descripfion r?ro.? er w.ae vx p 1 fn} f?vu) f??nDbOwetarmp) CL? fN} {W? Kl C' GIIFJU V?( ZL? % ?? ` SSr? ? ?? ?n ?.?? w ?o . .1a = G e? ? •. K, .70 G P75 Lo?? ? x flX? ..T. ? z 65 46s x - x - K 1 X i • x z . Y T f R ? _ Y s Y a % X _ - _ Y. x ¦ - ? z . z ? ; z a u x = ¦ s ? Y X - t Total ELPA: Fotal CLP• ,.?... uepi, m ruac aen'Ae 674 iX 1 ? ? I b @ Y O cn U A A .• 6129200988 APR 04 '97 09:33 H. T. G. ARCHITECTS APR-03-1957 13:0? EINAhlUELS'ON-PULAS (3) EXteTipr 2iKhting unit ppWNr density table. P.lil 612 566 8426 F.05iM .S. /? `i ARGA DE$CRFPTIUIJ UiV1T PpWplt U&NSI'I'y Exit (witlt Ot Wlthoul caiiuPY) ........ .-.. .............. .._........... ......... 35 bV/Lin ft of dn i . . or open ng Lntranec (without canopY)-.... .............. . . ......... .... 30W/Li.n.Et. of door upening Enlrcmce (winc cj)nopy) x;gl, r,,irsc (rar:,u, i,of,i, i,i.p?zt, u,E:,?er, ria.) ........ ............I0 W/Ef? GICl11J}71Ctjd[l'l LishL TFi1F(1C (ho5pildl, O(fll'2, schnp[. Etc.).................. ............. 4 4V/0 oE CAnopicd 1rc-a C.oading arca ......................... ...................... ..... U.-}0 W/fl' Loa&tg duur........ ...................................._... .. ,...... ...... 20YV/Lin.ft.o[duorapeviing E3tiilding Exterior Sut(.Wes/P:uadcs .................. ....._........... .... ..... ......... 0.25 W/ft2 of surfate ? aTed tG be il(utnutated Sf(1T3bC 111Cj i\UR7ilallutdl'!Ut'L1,Q WOt'{; 3n:15 ...................... .............................. V.Io W/ft2 O[her acfivity irdAS fot cssual use suCit .ta picnic grounds, gnrdens, park: and otEter landscipcd azeas.............. .... ........................ ._ 0.10 W/fi- Pxivatc drlveways/walkways ..................................... .................... ...U.SOW/f?? Public drtvewtys/walkways .................... .......U.15 W/(t? .. ................................................... . M ?vaie Parking locs ................ ............0.12 w/ft2 Publie Parling lole .................. ....... 0.l0 W/ft? ........................................ . ........... ............... Miiun. Rules Chapter 7670 64 ? june 1994 APR 0 3 1997 OOO? ? L/,, 7 0 EV AACHITECTS Ol April 1997 Mr: IvIike Barck ` Building Inspections CiTy of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Re: NORWEST BANK - EAGAN FACILITY ADDI1'ION & REMODELING 3990 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55721 Deaz Mr. Bazck: This letter is in response to our telepLone corrversation on Monday, 31 March 1997, regazding your review of the above mentioned project. Please review [he following list: 1. The bank will prwide the city with design drawings of any new handicap parking signs. 2. The drinking fountain will have both a standard bubbler and a goose neck spout for cup, with a wp dispenser provided on the wall. 3. Tempered glazing will be provided in all cqnditions, adjacent to any door where the neatest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24" arc of either vertical edge of the door. ew?c?.• 4. -UneW-Gahmin6ons, lighting and power forms will be completed by our Mechanical and Elec[rical Engineer and returned to the City. 5. The Special Inspection requirements are noted on sheet 54. The forms you provided will he completed by the selected General Con[ractor, when he pulls the building perntit. 6. The City recommends that the metal teller lockers not be located in corridor #114. 7. Corridor #114 has a one hour rating. The walls are construc[ed of 5/8" type `X' gypsum board each side of 3-5/8" steel sNds, and the ceiling is a one hour rated ACT. The new door and frame assemblies are of 20 minute ratings. The exisGng door #113 already has a one hour rating because it is currently in a one hour rated corridor. Lastly, you stated that you received a]etter from the Metropolitan Control stating tltat no addiponal SAC Units will be chazged to this building. The Generai Contractor will be selected tkus week and will probably be in ihe week of 07 April 1997, to pull the pemut and pay for any fces required If you Ytave any questions or need any additional information, please feel free [o give me a call. Sincerely, Jeffrey T. PIlipsen? Vice President, Architect cc: Ms. Iudy 8oman, Norwest Eank, Eagan Mr. Stephen Madson, Norwes[ Properiies Inc. Mr. Mike Webert, Emanuelson-Podas H,'L'KEY, THdRS?ENSON, GAOVEA, LTD 7401 Metro Boulevard. Suite 495 Mpls MN 55439 1612J 831-8880 tJ== /?7 L? ?-7 AHCH/TECTS 17 March ] 997 Mr. Dalc Schceppner Senior Building Inspec[or City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Re: NORWEST BANK - EAGAN FACOLTI'Y ADDITION & REMODELING 3990 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55121 Dear Mr. Schceppner. Enclosed is a completed Building Permit Applicalion as well as We drawings and specifications for you ro began the city review proc;ess for the above mendoned project. Please forwazd the drawings and specifications to all the necessary city depariments for their review. The cons[ruction dociunen[s aze currenlly out for bids, so to expedite this process, we aze asking ttiat you start your review now, so when a general contractor is selected thcy can pick up and pay for the Building Perrtut along with any fees and then slart consVucdon. We would like to start construclion 07 April 1997. Norwest will take fiill responsibility and pay for any time and effort the city incurs if the project does not proceed. Funding has already been allocated and there is no reason for this project not proceeding. It is very important that Norwest begins and completes this project in a timely manor. [,astly, drawings and specification have been sent to Metropolitan Waste Control. We will forward their response and comments on to you when we receive their letter. If you have any ques[ions or need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call. Sinccrely, / Jeffrey J. Pflipsen Vice President, Architec[ cc: Ms. ludy Boman, Norwest Bank, Eagan Mr. Stephen Madson, Norwest Properties Inc. HICKEY, THORSTF_NSON. GROVER, LTD 7401 Me1ro 8oulevard, Suite 495 Mpls MN 55439 (612) 837-8880 D ?h? 1 ? 1997 MEMO B? _ city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POUCE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE C1TY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR FPUBLtC WORKSiENGINEERINGNJILITfESISTREET3;-4 GENE VANOVERBEKE. FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCN, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATdR Z S MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY 334o P??oT ??°? FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNE SENIOR INSPECTOR ?_ ? ?v Qwc?T l sT OATE: 3/ t?T l4 7 SUB.JECT: PLAN REVIEW The _preliminary ? construciionplansfor i0°RjrV.Vr 3AH'4 ??a'y, c QE.+?.opEL are in our pian review section far your review and commeM. Pleasa notify the Protective inspections Divisian if yau have any reason that these pians should not 6e approved and resolve arn problems wifh the aifecfed parties. If you are requesting that issuanee of the buiiding pertnit be held, please fill out the proper'hold' request form. Commenb: _ Indipte any fees that are to be coilected with the buiiding pertnit ? Yes ? Na landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? Na park dedieatlon ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No, Signature Amount 0 ?F7 Date o?.. ? TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSiSTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR ?PUBLIC WORKSlENGINEERiNGlUTILITIES/STREETS ! GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 3? r Q l R 7 Sl18JECT: PLAN REVIEIN The _preliminary !' construction piansfor ?oQ.'EhT SstWK A?aN are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Z S 3S4o PILor 4448 I koRwE-5T /sT g i2E,+.waeL Please notiTy the Protective Inspections Division if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected part(es. If you are requesting that issuanee of the building pemtit be held, please fill out the proper "hold' request fortn. Comments: r;?N - Indiqte any fees that are to be collected with the building pertnit: ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No landscape security required water quatity dedication park dediption Vail dediption Vee dedication ? Signature Amount Date P?a... : - city of eagan 6 ;y TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DAI.E WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLlC WORKS/ENGINEERING/UTILI7IESJSTREET$ GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER C GREGG HOVE; SUPERVISOR OF.FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNE SENIQR INSPECTOR DATE: 3/ r 4l q 7 SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW The _ preliminary !' construction plans for ?v Q W E-?VT 13A4 w- R paN are in our plan review section for your review and comment. ZS . 33?'(O t??tOT ???g 1_ ? 7?v2wE?T fsT ? i2E+uvDEL Please notify the Protective Inspedions Division if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resoNe arry problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting fhat issuance of the buildfng pertnit be held, please fill out the proper "hoid" request fortn. Cammenb: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building pertnit: ? Yes ? No fandsppe security required ? Yes ? No water quaiily dedication ? Yes ? No park dediqtion ? Yes ? No trail dedicatlon ? Yes ?p, ¢I Na Vee dedication ? Yes ? No si n sure map L b ]y57 MEMO Amount 3-tq-ql Date pwn-rw.iw -?1?. S ??.??..?' AMENEgh AMEMLk r - city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLlCE (?JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT?O THE C1TY AOMINISTRATOR ? DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSIENGINEERING/UTILITIESISTREET3 GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PtANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVI30R OF FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER SENIORINSPECTOR OATE: 3/ r Q/ c? 7 SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW MEMO Z? 33Go Picor 1- ! 1?? Qwa-:5T 1 sT The preliminary ? constructionplansfor 1302"I??'ST 3A'wK f}DpN. g???DEL are in aur plan review sedion for your review and comment. Please notify the Protective Inspections Division if you have any reason that these plans should not be appraved and resolve any problems with the affected partles. If yau are requesting that issuance of the building pertnit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request fortn. Commerts: Indicate any fees that are to be colleded with the building pertnit on ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No traii dedicatlon ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? o 46 ignature ci?.imv D te ., _ city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CIiIEF OF POLICE JDN HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO TFiE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSNAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSlENGINEERING/UTILITIES/STREETS ._ ? .- \GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR i RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR ,r6fiEGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTFi DALE SCHOEPPNER SENIOR INSPECTOR __..- SUBJECT: PIAN REVIEW MEMO ZS 3340 -PI&o-' KIdOB 1- t ? o F2wc3T / sT The_preliminary ?constructianplansfor iJvRwEa'r $,ftMK ADaN. ? 1:2l5-"60EL are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please notify the Protedive Inspections Division if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance af the building pertnit be held, please fill out the proper "hoid" request fortn. Comments: Gxn410Q(G : lll`VOYIno1' ,?/?ryyr? ?ihAiq/?, W q-c Indicate any fees that are to be calleded with the building pertnR:?2 I? 9 ?I ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dediqtion ? Yes ? No trail dediption ? Yes ? No Vee dedication ? Yes ? No ignature pun.rw.iw ?-7 Amount 3 - \a -q'1 Date J . ? - - _ _--- ?oo? _ _r.. c7 a c?? ? ARCH/TECTS OS March 1997 Ms. Mnrilyn WucherpCeimig Planning Aid Cily of Eagan 3830 Pilol Knob Road Eagan, Minnesola 55122-1897 Rc: NORWEST BANK - EAGAN FACILITY ADDITION & REMODELING 3990 Piln[ Knob Roaii, Eoigan MN 55121 Dear Ms. Wuclierpfennig: As you requesled, below is a brief summary of the proposcd building design, image and material seleclion for your use. The requested applicalion type is for a Planned Devclopmenl Amendmenl. The infonnalion is based on lhe encloscd site plans and buiiding elevations. CENERAL: Norwest Bank is planning to remodel the existing building at tLe nortLeast quadrant of tlie intersection of Pilot ICnob Road and Yankee Doodle Road. A new addition/entry with vestibule nnd canopy is planned for the north end of lhe building. A total of ten (10) new parking stalls are planned al the north end oC the existing parking. 'fhe total change for parking would be 52 tolal slalls from tlie 42 existing slalls. Thc change itl parking will require seven existing trees to be renioved. Two existing ornamental trces will be relocatcd. Four new trees and 114 new sLrobs will be added to die site, adjacent lo Ihe existing building. Il will be importnnt to keep the sighl lines open al Ihe new parking area, between the existing sile entry olT of Pilol Knob fioad, the new parking arca and the exisliug drivo-up facilily. It is for these rcasons, the additional parking and landscaping revisions, that wc are asking for a Planned Development Amendmenl. With the new parking, the site traflic to the ATM/drive-up facility nnd/or the cus(omcr parking area, will Ue separated and should improved. Cus(omers wanting only lo use the exisling ATM and/or drive-up facility will use the scparate drive lane. The revised wstomer parking area will minimize pedestrian and vchicular cross lratTic lhat occurs now. Wilh tlie requested fldditional parking and the additional landscaping along Pilot Knob Road, Lhere shoulci be miitimal, if any, cffect to any adjacent propcrty. TLc building im:tge aud material selection will not change from the existing condition. Below is a lisl of misccllaneous building infonnalion for your records: H!ClfC Y, TI/ORS7ENSON, GROVER, 170 7.101 Mefro Boulevard, Suile 495 Mp/s MN 55439 (612) 831-8880 2page OSMarchl9)7 City of Eagan IMAGE: The design of the new entry provides an'inmge' that is consumerfriendly, momunental (non-threatening) and wami. T7ie exterior mnterial for Ure entry will be brick lo niatch the emsling brick facing. The canopy at the entry will have a raised element made of brick and ]mninous panels. The luminous panels will matcli tlie panels on the existing skylight The new entry locauon al the north side of tlhe building will be closer to the majority of the parking and more wnvenient for customers. MATERIALS: Existing Huilding Facade New Entry FTCade Roof Roof Structure Floor SWclure - Brick wilh steel stud backup - Brick to matcli existing building brick Lumiuous panels at raised element - EPDM Roofing - Sleel deck & Stecl Channels - Slab on Grade GENERAL INFORMATION: Existing Building sq.ft. - 7,770 squlre fect Additiai/Entry - 216 spuare feet Totnl - 7,986 sqiiarc Ccel BUILDING CODE INFORMATION: BuildingType - VN Group Occupancy - B Occupanl Load - 79 (7,986 SF / 100) If you have any questions or need any otlier infonuation, please let me know. Sincerely, 7elTrey J. Pflipsen Vice President, Architect ca Ms. ludy Bomaq Norwest Baiilc, Eagan Mr. Stephen Madson, Nonvest Properiies Inc. ? CITY 6F EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT Ck ?? 93 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: BUILDING 023724 06/02/94 SITE ADDRESS: 3390 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: 1 6LOGK: 1 NORWEST P.I.N.: 10-52250-010-01 DESCRIPTION: ? .? Building-Permit Type ?uilding WpCk Type , i? 1>, ??t I i ` COMM.JTND. MTSC_ ALTERATION r Gf / 1.?.?Lf ??w,... . REMARKS: REFUSE ENCL05URE & ATM BLOG p cFonAaTG DGpM77 rc DFf111TU%Il Fno eAV Fi FCToI,oAL WpRK FEE SUMMARY VALUATSON $20.000 Base Fee $297.00 Plan Review $134.55 Surcharge $10.00 Tptal Fee $351.55 CONTRACTOR: CRAWFtlRp MERZ Cp 2310 4TH qVE S MINNEAPOLIS MN (612) 7$4-9011 - Applicant - 28749011 55404 OWNER: NORWES7 1390 AGAM BRNK pILOT KNOB RD MN 55121 k I hereby acknowledge that I haus read this application an:d state that the' information is carr and agree to comply w3th all applicable State of Mn. L 5tatutes and?agan Drdinances_ 6 3 9 q J 14 ?A ? ISSUED B : 51 NATUR CITY OF EAGAN rM ???1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO 681-4675 AY 17 1994 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, i set of spec9fications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date / / Valuation of work Site Address: no tv STREET . UfTE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) 5 IAT ? BLOCK _L SUBD. ?,1uI ? 11 P.I.D. # AJ LUltr7 4 t_ C?rc%tHr Descri tion of work: - fZ The applicant is: ? Owner el/contractnr O Other (Describe) Name t @z Phone Property LAST FI RST Owner qddress s g ?U STREET STE # City State Irlv g> Zip? :E ? 6 ' Company Phone _ Contractor Address License # Exp. City State ",d2 Zip sv? Company "% C1 C_ Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address ' City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this app,'cation and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with 1 applic t e of Minnesota 5tatutes and City of Eagan Qrdinances. .017 Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwg. O 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 S-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory 0 04 SF Porch 0 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE ? 31 New 0 33 Alterations O 35 Tenant Finish 0 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Engineering REGIUIRED INSPECTIONS 0 .Site ? Wallboard Basement sq. ft. lst F1. sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total Footprint Sq. ft. On-site well On-site sewage Building Variance (D Footing 0 Final 0 Framing ? Draintile -L_ 0 ? Insulation 0 Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: valuetim: $ Zb ') dc;' J r r ,?.. .. ,? a? ?.. ? . ? 16 Basement Finish ? ll Swim Pool ? 18 Camm./Ind. ,0 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. 0 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRV Required Booster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Assessments SAC % 5AC Units TO: PUHLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING/UTILITIES/STREETS k' 76ENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH SRASCH, PIATER RESOURCES COORbINATOR FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: 6 ZC?..^-yy yv,y REs PLAN REVIEW The „` preliminary construction plans for /V?xwesf Q"•nk - .•.'??Y'j10f 75k'06 Ky. - rv ad/e. VP? Lt are in our plan review section for yo r rev Please return this form to Dale in comment. with vour si If you have any objections to approval of these plans, it is your responsihility to notify this department and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that the issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper hold reqoest form. Thank-you. COMMENT87 I7 4 / vP / e_' i? ?`.? __N??' /'?!•/? 72" 0" ?-r ar 5.l? - /1 O v/ 1?i r Cj _ CIV /217 e G?fl'1 uJr (h ?P??l?r 1 Signature JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER / PAT GEAGAN, POLICE CHIEF JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMI DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL 9SLL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR \ liEllO RAND UM '5? 1 Date H E M O R A N D U M TO: JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER PAT GEAGAN, POLICE CHIEF JON"HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR bALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL BILL ARINS, EL$CTRICAL INSPECTOR ? P(JBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING/UTILITIES/STREETS ? GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICN BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL / C DATE: ?j ZC>- ?71J YVY RE: PLAN REVIE{4 The _ preliminary „.4- construction plans for &Orr?PSt Q?•?+? - 33/0 i"?IL^f kiNJk h fv P GhClOS / , lJ/'IYlwar. ll.FiPa..S:n.. ?Ew i.T./? are in our plan review section for yo r revi w and c? nt. Please return this form to Dale Schoep ner with ?our s comments and the date of review. If you have any objectiona to approval of these plans, it is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems with the affected partiea. if you are requesting that the issuance of the building permit be held, please fill but the proper hold request form. Thank-you. COMMENTBa -?- '_ ?. signature 15ate 6vo'-? G?? S.?.ScL /0 1:3sa8;5 : ?rz P2o. .Je b 9? RIGAT-OF-WAY, UTILITY AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH EAGAN CITY PROJECT NO. 695 This easement, made this 16tn day of July , 1996, beriveen NORWEST BANK MINNESOTA, N.A., hereinafter referred to as "Landowner", and the CITY OF EAGAN, a Minnesota municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Mimiesota, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNESSETH: That the Landowner in considerahon of ine sum of One Dollar ($ i A0) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successars and assigns, forever, the following easement: A perpetual easement for roadway and utility pwposes over, under, across and through the southeriy 5.00 feet (1.524 meters) of the foilowing described property: Lot 1, Block 1, NORWEST 1ST ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. together with A temporary easement for construcrion purposes over, under, across and through the southerly 18.12 feet (5.524 meters), as deteimined by a line parallel with the most southerly line of said Lot 1 and its prolongations of the following described property: Lot 1, Block 1, NORWEST 1ST ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota. Said temporary easement to expire December 31, 1997. See also Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incoiporated herein. The grant of the foregoing permanent easement for right-of-way and utility pwposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain a roadway and erect and maintain signs in conjunction with the public's use of said roadway and appurtenances and any signs erected in conjunction with the use of the roadway and appurtenances. RECE(VED Tfansfer Erner This •??? day of i 9 9 c? ? J U l 2 4 1996 ? . =7 DakotaCouMyTreasurer-Auditor U„e D ? ? Z I'eu? h-' c i? `i - S?,? ?_ _ i c-? The gzant of the foregoing tempaiary construction easement for site grading purposes includes the right of the Ciiy, its contractors, agents and servams to cnter upon the premises at all reasanable rimes to construct, rcconsnuct and inspecr sitc grading and the finther right to remove trees, hrush, imdcrgrowth and othcr obstructions. Aftcr complerion of such consh-uction, maintenanee, repair or rcmoval, thc Ciry shali restorc the premises to the condition in which it was found prior to the commencement of such actions, save only for the necessary removal of tees, bnuh, amdergrowth and other obsuuctions, subject only to permanent easement alferations. A,nd the Landowner, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns; that it is the fee owner of the lands an.d premises aforesaid and has good right to grant and convey the easements herein to the City. IIV TESTIlv10NY WHERE-OI', the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above wriaen. NORWEST BkNK MINNE50TA, N.A. ??-...???f?/? $y: ) its: By: . zts: STATE OF SOTA ) 1 WF24`-' ) ss. COUNTY OF-BAKIOTA ) The foregoing instrument was ac owtedg b? oren me this ? da of 1996, by I ?Ct' ? _aad-- the iCC ggd _ of NORWEST BANK NIINNESOTA N.A._ a National Banking Association, on bchatf of the Associaaon. ? CAROL S. BROWN ? HQTAl1Y WBUC- MINNESOTA nrww? couNrv Ifiy Cdnn. Ef?pros Jan. 31. YODD a Notary Public S ?:? i G APPROVED AS TO FORM: CityAttorney's Office Dated: 7I Zz(5C. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 'c Works Department Dated: T/'7 / !76v THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & m ? Q "uS?Z ? o? ? F? . 'Ir W U W a ? W ¢ ? ¢} Z ?Wp ? ? ?i Z? ?, 7 p S?U U ? ? w= J ? Vj? ? U Z ? S r3 N ? 0 m v? O C? 1??t1 Q Z ? W ¢a ? ? y O 2 U C? 3 a c?3 U 0 ? W ? MOLENDA, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Va11ey MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 RBB/wkt 206-13463 Project No. 695 Easement No. 611/612 W > 0 W ? 0 Z 0 0 ? ? v ? ? C7 i k-/? G r% I ra X x N 27 H ,3 ? ? ? ? d' ? v ? Q O K m O Z Y F O J d ? +- I I? I I ? i ? 5.00 FT ? ?(1.524m) / y \ ?RwEST BANK 0 PROP. RETAINWG WALL SOUTH LINE LDT 1, 14.3 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD (C0. RD. 28) 1996 X scale meter 1500 METftIC PROPOSED WALK ? CONSUL7ING I PPRCEL 2 y, GROUP, INC. pTY OF EAGAN PROJ.N0.895 SRF N0.0952318 ? ? ? x N m H ? N M ? ? Q v 0 0 ? m 0 z Y r 0 J a I? ? , , I ? ? n, RETAINING WALL 1 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD (C0. RD. 28) X ,? scale 1-500 maler IAEiRIC / ?l , / ? / , ? / l PROPOSED WALK EASEMENT EXHI8IT CONSULTWC PMCEI 2 (TEUPORMY EASEUENT) G ROUP, INC. GTY OF EAGAN PROJECT NO.695 SRF N0. 0952319 MEMO TOi DIANE DOWNS, IITiLITY HILLING CLERR FROM: EDWARD J. RIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH DATE: MARCH 29, 1991 BIIBJECT: STREETLIGHT ENERGY COSTS LOT 11 BLOCR 11 NORWEST 2ND ADDITION 3386 PILOT RNOB ROAD - QWZIER - HELATH ONS CORP. 2810 57TH AVE. DTO., MPLS., MN. 55430 LOT 1f BLOCR 1t NORFIEST iST ADDITION 3390 PILOT KNOB ROAD - OWNER - NORWEST BANR This memo is to inform your department to start to invoice the energy cost in the amount of $40.00 per quarter for one 250 watt hiqh pressure"sodium luminaire with the next utility billing for the above two listed parcels. Your department should split the _ energy cost between 3386 and 3390 Pilot KnOb Road. (Invoice $20.00 for each of the above listed parcels) The City is currently being billed by Dakota Electric for the streetlight energy cost for the streetlight located at Pilot Knob Road and Norwest Court. Edward J. INirscht Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer EJK/jf SAC 7/30/84 A. NORWEST 1ST ADDITION - CREDIT FOR PRIVATE INSTALLATION 1. William MacPherson (Lot 1, Block 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Enclosed on page .3 and 4 is a letter received from Mr. William MacPherson of Norwest Properties Incorporated presenting their position pertaining to their objections to the assessments levied to the Norwest lst Addition. Their objection is based on a letter from the City of Eagan dated February 24, 1984, enclosed on pages s and 6 wherein the City delineated what was their original assessment liability and the amount of credit to be applied for the additional costs incurred by the bank in providing water service to their facility. Enclosed on page *1 is a map of the Norwest lst Addition referencing the location of the original proposed connection point in relationship to the final connection and the related valves. As can be seen from their letter, the basis of their objection relates to the amount of credit that the City allowed for the additional footage of water main they had to install as a result of MnDot's I-35E interchange construction with Yankee Doodle Road. The other portion of their objection pertains to the City's calculation of the credit to be applied for the installation of an additional 20-inch butterfly valve on the trunk water main which was used to maintain continuous water supply to the bank during the construction of the previously-referenced interchange which required a portion of the trunk water main on Yankee Doodle Road to be taken out of service for approximately six weeks. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Because their objection relates to two separate issues, the staff will address each one as follows: 1. Lateral benefit from trunk water main: While the bank is requesting a credit greater than the $19.40/FF allowed by staff, this rate is consistent with what we would charge them for the benefit received from the trunk water main that they are connecting to. This is based on the theory that if the trunk water main were not in place, they would have had to install whatever lenqth of lateral water main was necessary from the intersection of Yankee Doodle Road and Pilot Knob to service their facility. Therefore, if their claim for a higher rate per front foot for water main they installed is justified, this would become a viable argument for the City increasing the lateral benefit from the trunk water main for that portion of frontage (346 L.F.) that the bank did not have to install due to the City's previous installation which had not yet been assessed. Therefore, staff feels that the credit provided for the footage installed by ? SAC 7/30/84 A. NORWEST 15T ADDITION (continued the bank is fair and that the City would not provide a credit greater than the amount of the assessment proposed to be levied. To do so would constitute the City's financing of private utility service installation which has not been done in the past. 2. Credit for the installation of a 20-inch butterfly valve: While the installation of this valve is not necessary for the viability of the City's trunk water distribution system, it was a direct benefit to the bank to minimize the amount of additional laterals that would have had to be installed to make a connection on the Pilot Knob Road side of the existing valve. However, due to the confusion surrounding the schedulinq of the interstate construction through MnDot and the processing of the development of the Norwest lst Addition combined with a limited value to the City of having an additional valve in its system, the City agreed to apply a credit of 50% of the cost of this valve. The $1,804 credit was derived from actual material prices charged by the bank's contractor and an estimate of the labor time used for its installation. Due to the fact that the actual cost of installation exceeded the guaranteed price provided by the contractor, the City applied the same principle of computing the actual costs incurred by the bank in determininq the value of credit to be applied. The staff feels that any additional credit provided to the bank would no longer result in a 50/50 cost split for this valve which was previously agreed to. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS J-6-r-r f s?s Jv T b`. Z '=P ?, , .?9 • ?-.?.I Ai aym- 6-6476- o2- WNs?E foomes NORIYESTPROPERTIES ?n V??% May 1, 1984 Mr. Thomas A. Colbert Director of Public Works City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mi.nnesota 55121 RE: Nonaest First Fuldition - Assessments Dear Rcn[t: Norwest Properties, Inc. 4375 Muftifoods Tower 33 South Sixth Sfreet Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 _,.,.., The original assessments for Noraest First Addition were calculated from plans issued to the city per the developrnent agreesnent. After receiving all the necessary city approvals we proceeded with the project. V7hile our general contractor was applying for the necessary permits, we learned through the oounty that no cutt;ng o£ Pilot Knob Rnad would be pemm;ttecl due to the fact that it had just been upgraded and no nerm;ts would be issued (to cut) for five years. (Our water sexvice was coming fran Pilot Knob Road.). The county wondered why the city had approved our plans. However, with the help of the assistant city engineer we set out to relocate the watex service to Yankee Ibodle Road. Again it became apparent that our plans would not be approved. Minnesota Departarent of Transportation, District #9, rejected them because of plans to relocate a portion of that water main. Noxwest was willing to move its tap along this water main to an area that was not scheduled for relocation. 79zis however did not solve yet another problem because there were no valves in the line to prevent Nonaest fran being shut-off fran water when the state star}._ed its work. Nonaest requested that a valve be installed so this service would not be intarn mted. Neither the city, county, or state were willing to assist the bank. At a meeting held at the city hall in Eagan on August 15, 1983 the assistant city engineer indicated that the best that the city could do for this development was to have the bank move its water service and install a valve along Yankee Doodle Road, and to have the addi- tional expense (incurred by the bank) for this c,ork to be creditecl against its assessments. This arrangement being acceptecl by the bank, we proceeded. 3 Page ?tao Mr. Colbert May 1, 1984 Upon ccErpletion of the work our sulrcontractor provided us with an itesnized breakdown of his work, which we in turn supplied to the assistant city engineer. Fran his return letter, and a meeting, we were informed that: #1. i7ie lateral benefit from tsiu9c water main assessment had changed. And we cnuld only receive credit for the total assessment value. #2. The city's understanding of the "additional cost" agree- ment was that the additional costs would be split 50/50 and that the city's portion would be credited to the bank's assessments. After meeting with Mr. Hefti for clarification this was presented to the owner and after further exar.iination, we think that (even if the agreel[mt had been a 50/50 split) we have not received our fair portion of a credit. Furthermore, it appears that the credits already applied by the city have been reassessed against the un- developed portion of this oroperty which the bank also has an interest in. In regards to all these discrepancies, we request the right to be heard by the assessment cmmtittee. Please call if you have any questions or aomnents. Sincerely, G:?.?L.P..?.w. .?- e'?/aLYl'?-w..-. William A. MacPherson WAM/csb cc: Wally Klus Gene Fett Tarry Kraning Doug Watschke Bea Blmrquist Rich Hefti attachments: Meeting notes at Pt7 DOT, Dist. #9, July 27, 1983 Letter Auaust 22, 1983, Assistant City Ehgineer, Costs Agreement Letter January 19, 1984, Assistant City Engineer, Cost Breakdown Letter FebniaLy 24, 1984, frcan Assistant City Engineer, Assessment Credits Received Letter March 9, 1984, Assistant City Engineer 41 OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21799 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55721 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 February 24, 1984 MR WILLIAM A MACPHERSON NORWEST PROPERTIES INC 4375 MULTI-FOODS TOWER 33 S 6TH ST MPLS MN 55402 Re: Norwest lst Addition BEA BLOM9UIST MQyor THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRV THOMAS iHEODORE WACHiER CounOl Members iHOMAS HEDGES Citv AdminBlwror EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIW cian I have reviewed the itemized breakdown you forwarded to my attention regarding the additional cost incurred by your firm to provide water service to the subject addition and have arrived at the subsequent determinations for credit to be applied to trunk area related water assessments to the subject development. The following table reflects the resulting credits on the assessments to the subject development. ITEM QTY. RATE INCREASE DECREASE 1. Lateral Benefit From Trunk Watermain 656LF $ 19.40/FF $10,726.40 a. Credit Previously Received 2,000.00 b. Credit For Add'1 310LF 19.40/FF $ 6,014.00 Watermain c. Credit For Jacking 90LF 65.25/LF 5,872.50 TOTAL CREDIT 11,886.50 BALANCE DUE 839-90 2. Trunk Area Water 6.1AC 2,360/AC 14,396.00 a. Credit For 20" Valve -- -- 1,804 TOTAL CREDIT 1,804 BALANCE DUE 12,592.00 3. Trunk Area Storm 266,126S.F. $0.0647/S.F. 17,218.35 TOTAL ASSESSMENTS DUE $30,650.25 As you can see, the lateral benefit from trunk watermain assessment decreased from $10,726.40 to $839.90. The credit for additional watermain was arrived at by scaling the street line distance between the original proposed connection and the westerly connection THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN 2r MR WILLIAM A MACPHERSON FEBRUARY 24, 1984 PAGE 2 that was actually installed. You will notice the credit for jacking rate is 87% of the actual cost submitted by your contractor. This results from the fact yoUr firm only paid 87% of the actual cost to the contractor in accordance with your ceiling figure actually paid to the contractor. I also utilized this figure in determining the credit for the 20" butterfly valve. The $1,804 credit is approximately one half of the cost I determined for the butterfly valve since it was agreed to share these costs between this development and the City. Of course, the trunk area storm sewer rates were not affected by this construction and, therefore, remain the same. A copy of this letter has been forwarded to our Special Assessments Clerk who will work with the County to apply the above-referenced credit to your assessments which have already been processed as a part of the waiver your Firm signed as a condition of the Development Agreement. If you have any questions regarding the above-determined credits, please feel free to contact me and I will be available to discuss them in more detail at your convenience. Sincerely, r Richard M. Hef i, P.E. Assistant City Engineer RMH/kf/jj cc: Gene VanOverbeke Anne Goers Paul Hauge 6 r ? 'i 4 aO ? ? . ? ? i J- ?` r+ ,,?s? +' ? ? ?-' i .. ? Z' ? '. .?.08 1T?/D•. ?.. ' : s '.? ? .? ?< ? ? L.ely : ?'?'i ? 7 ?4:. ?0 ?-240lO+ONP . ? .•- • : ` "?`t.ii`. ?4. 7-'- ` \ FI}T7lRBS -. '? ? ? - e V in, 'f?, ' ?. ????wy? ? ? ?. ~ ? i ? t?.i ?.? Y ' 44 r ? r? . ?• • / ? / A ? + ?. , 2-.Y('? ?. I -.:. Y ,,. unrs'+ 'Pr, 4 J' SM .aare o IN ? ? Ny I .. TOPEL: Ojofe. _ GYi?/,EL.°1CI.1• %co..` i ? i . ,. 6 ? . e a aio+SnD, ? ... ? . EL, .900.? -- y wr 3i , tS'EW 64? L?NIL " ? ??? - 60i??18J Z. ?- ,-? ° . 1r -- - .. r. ? ? E.C. To MA? CONNEETIONS "? - ? " : ? Z FbR ? V ?TO tYION SI6N.?lialLOBV-1a M /rI. pVC COilOUR 7ECEIR NAN ?yY?ERIFII IOGATIOM: ? / ..TO PR?IPERTY LfN.E $ GAP 5 6 U ? KXt'!T. ?J ?S ?Bu ii l /'1 I i g m n t?-??-- ^r TELEPiblJE 7CR??iMAL RO i ROOM lQ2 H\Cs?{ PR@1U - ? ? ? G`l M. 5oP'aV ? 1? l s ?. . Original Alignment cciv?r ?cRIN6 ., lN A&OV ET9? a.?s 3,'?'„t--?. •? _:s?wc_". ,_,;,? ,?? .--"--?----?-. '?.R? ? --f6"GASINGt ?,? ?: ::?=?,A??CE? OO?ROA?;:y . ? Existing GV?_ w , ?. ? .. ? -? •,?. ? ? ? ?? 1 07 ? towwswr?,,,?'F• ?? Z .. .0 B 4iItS Rd0 ?? . NORWeST:, BANK OLD ST. ANTHC?N?'`?_ EAGAN OFFICE 3990 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MINNESOTA 55121 •"'"' . . .. ? ? . 1'?..?n r i..f 3't?•: $- . ? •?!. _ t h.. q . ,"' M i? '?,W rt . r '?'yr s"?' 3r? . W,K,.??[:r.?y?i i . ?' :••' . ..` ?. ,... ??;.. ? _ .?? ?wa . ? Gg? 1 ? ? : ? •- _ ... :. Y4 . ? -_ .. . ..? r. ' _ • ,° 'k .. ' 'i?? . . ? . . o'?? . ? . i - ..? - `? ??'?Lr aGM4'?'?? ? . ? •? . '? j °f?jh.??<<' ?.??.+' .?,.,M- Lf? I - w? '. ... .? , ;; ? . >.?y4..'. ?"?`??ir 1.^;, : ? ? ?I??a 1l.MO• v ? ?. ?, ., - t r S r ,sfy. '? ,' . 1 ., . K ? ?? y / r, ; ?<.N? ?.y-.r : fi+Q'•a ??r??`?',g?? ?':. t , I ' ti ` 1 ?a? Z4 .? ? ZM101?4M0.? _? ? • 4 ' - ? \ rlfTultl3 y * ?. ? z? a 'is . , ? ? ? ' T j +LM j{! ?Yk t?F F wT .F • •?'?"' , . ?..:?.?.? . ?? ' / ? ?? fi ,h,.?t??4 ' _ 3"?iy.••4u, t,?r .+ ? . ?. rl?r-. 4 j ? ?tc?f '?i1`f?A9??. i• . ? ? ?# Nq?+wo 1 ? \ . TOPEL:90b. yC? ..NB? flL?.9oo:art ? YtEW 6A$? L?N1L. .. ? 6?idlDl? ?._ ,:... . tE , ? .. r.,. ?:.. ? C. Te roAkB CO 2 pPYG COMOifIT FOR'7qELE? -? . TO ?Y?eY-LaN.??40IEOSV-Id ? w?J? '':ITIT rROPMTT e ? YERIi7 LOGA'n4M. ', M \61A -s-Built Alig m nt •"`'?` - PR?SL1 ? . ' (a&^ aL .40Wa ' i y ? . e ?•,. \ . .. . ,. . ? <.: s. : I ?. . ?1 - .,..- .. . .r;_ ,:a ?,•, Original Alignraaent ? m; ?swFw ?: u?STNa ? :y.; ?,?,_--s--."?.-s?. , ....,?-n.._.?+?.a M ? ...16"GASINCs ???Y'A. `eV•'? ? , '? ?• . .: ; E x i s t in g GV. • . r ` .-----.= . . :: . • • ? r,? ? , ? ? 07 ? 0? '?? ? ? ?? • ':;" ? WF w .L^ . . .: r?v e F'F i lA?NYi?VV? ?I1PN. ? • ? . ? '• NORW dST:: ?ANK OLD S. ANT?IC?N? ? tic ?r crn , .,,. i• ? j ?Y ?SYy? ?aJ+.if ?v ""?,7i??J EAGAN.' OFFICE 3990 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MINNESOTA 55121 ?`' ''" '`? ` oF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21799 eEA BLOM4UIST EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 Moyor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 • THOMAS EGAN JAME$ A. SMITH JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Council MembBrs July 31, 1984 THOMASHEDGES Ciry AdmirJSholor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Cleek WILLIAM A. MAC PHERSON C/O NORWEST PROPERTIES, INC_ 4375 MULTI FOODS TOWER 33 SOUTH 6TH STREET MPLS., MN 55402 RE: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION - JULY 30, 1984 Dear Mr. MacPherson: At the Special Assessment Committee meeting of July 30, 1984, the Committee determined that no additional credit should be allocated for the_ installation of utilities_ installed privately by Norwest f6r_I9ot 1-,. B1ock..1, Norwest-Eir.s.t Addition. j This recommendation is being forwarded to the Council for their formal review and final action on August 7, 1984. If you would like to present additional information for Council consideration, please address it to my attention by Monday A.M. August 6th so it can be forwarded to the Council as a part of their packet. I would recommend that representatives of your organization be in attendance to furthzr discuss the issue and answer any questions the Council may have. If you have any questions pertaining to the process or clar.ification regarding any item, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, l,/?7l Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Public Works Director TAC:jbd cc: Ann Goers, Special Assessment Clerk THE LONE OAK TREE.. .THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY C:i.''"y fl'= p-r.,f;P,N '.ASI-1::.c.'?{• ':i; _fC:F?."i'.?JSI!... ?i'e'?`.. «...? C,. ... ., ?- C,;;^1;rI:;.;r;._,,;,_r,.;. p,i::;?; q{Jqi. ;i33f1 '::?:['...?1'.'. r•.Cl[ 'x??.`?i:; ... , .. .... ?..i' ,..,.... :.•rr iSr??i fi'T 4(`?'r'i'i:{ +?.;;?fli.i,(Ii'1 / 'i`.W; ..3,i?_l?i ? ....... .. .- - ,'i'a Cr 'r ? ?. PERMIT ` CI°TY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: BurLorNe Permit Number: 0 3 0 8 8 8 Date Issued: 10 / 01 J 9 7 51TE ADDRESS: 3390 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 1 NORWEST 13T P.I.N.: 10-52250-610-01 DESCRIPTION: ? '.- x (NORWEST BANK) pualding Permit Type COMM./IND. MISC. j3uilding Work Type NEW Census 'Code' 437 ALT. NONRES. e, . 4,y Csr REMARKS: ATM ISLANp FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $7,000 Base Fee $124.75 LANDSCAPE GUAR _ $1,000.00 Surcharge $3.50 Total Fee $1,126.25 Subtotal $128.25 , CONTRACTOR: - qpplicant - OWNER: CRAWFQRD MERZ CO 28749011 NORWEST BANK 2310 4TH AVE S 3390 PILOT KNOB RO MINNEAPOLIS MN 55404 EAGAN MN (612) 784-9011 I here6y acknowledge that T have read this applicatian aqd state that the infts ma n is correct and agree to cnmpiy,with a2i applicable S'tate of hfn.' ? StaC te nd iCy of EaganaQrainances. ? ICANT T NATURE - -??UED1?:SIGkATURE? \? 50"0 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 The following are requirod wtth approDriate certiieation for all riew construdion: • 2 each: archi[acturel plans; meeh. 8 ebc. plans; fire aprinkler plane; atructurel plans; sRe pians; landscaping plens; greding/dreinege/erosion cordrol . plan; utillty plan • 1 each: aet of apeeifiwtions; set oT energy calwlatlons; eleGriesl power & lighting form; Special Inspedions & Testing Schedule • Letter fram MGWS (phone #222-8423) irWicatinp SAC detertninetion • Code anatysis Indicating: codes used; ocapanq dassfitations; setbacks; maximum allowable erea as per Builtling end City Codes along with sq. ft. per floor; lype of consWCtion (synopsia of conatrudion components) & eny otcupanq or area separation walls; 1 (0 SOIL'S occupancy beds; ezit synopsia with a diagram indleating ezfting loads from aech room or area, travel peths & all rated RLPf)RT eortiCOrs; plumbing fixWres; and paAcing. DATE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A CONSTRUCTION COST: SITE ADDRESS: WORK TYPE: Y NEVU _ REMODEL IOT_?_ BLOCK-L- SUBD. 13mlil9d P.I.D.# 1 PROPERTY Name: Phone #: owNeR Street Address: _ZJ90 A/ah ecz a-- City: E?j'/ State: ?i?v?y??? _ Zip: coNTw?croR Company: ?Q/-1 /.J ?d 20(- /2a7 one #: LI Street Address: ? ??G -51u64X /71l< JD l? City Zip: ARCHITECTI Company: ?? //1/J2S7"?N.S/1AVC7KIJlPk?6'ne#: ??? ?n?? ENGINEER r /Name: S?* t ? II?CP?I? Registration #20J-1 ?73 s ? I?1 Street Address: /?" 0/ 1??ef?) J06411EV'ff2d ? ciry: ?dN? State: Zip:?z? w plumber (only if installing sewer & water): , I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the info8tion is Corr ? [ee to comply A applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. / Signature of Applicant: ?? 1.0 ? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 21 Misceilaneous ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE 13 31 New ? 33 Alterations o 35 Tenant Finish 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION " DPPf5?6 'TM,LLp, ph,?? M"N? _ Const. (Actuai) Basement sq. ft. MCNVS System (Allowable) First Floor sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. Census Code # of Stories sq. ft. SAC Code _;30 Length sq. ft. Census Bldg. 1 Depth Footprint sq. ft. Census Unit APPROVALS Planning Bu ilding '1T Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ ?L1D.00 Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. -- 4t d= Urit D5 Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other ?,ca?_a? (?,•?SCctp? ?'2cc? ? `?,/ Copies ; -- Total: , °k SAC SAC Units "°'"?' Meter Size • • •- -• - } TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE 464-a- UP ? JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CTTY ADIKIIHISTRATOR r,??'r?G AM I/, t?•r DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ENGINEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS/ UTILITIES/STREETS n GENE VANOVERBEKE, FWANCE DIRECTOR 3'--25RO PL-0T KISQp ? RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR /„ ( 0!31 NIIKE RIDLEY, SE1vIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: FRANK MARTIN, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR - DATE: 5e+1r^\a=FL- -2-4:01194R07 The _ preliminary &on construction plans for ??7ni s?WO A-T G-ST ?V? aze in our plan review for your review and comment. *19f )*((,6cE Azotz 010-94t* Please retum this form to Dale Schoeapner if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building pernut be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the buiiding permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes D No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No Signature landscape security required water quality dedication park dedication trail dedication tree dedication ZONING? Date ]S/FORMS-BLD/PLAN REVIEW/FRANK M FIRST AMENDMENT TO NORWEST BANK PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT LOT 1, BLOCK 1, NORWEST 1ST ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, made this.>,?day of 1997, by and between the City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinaftet the "City") and Norwest Bank Minnesota, a national association, (hereinafter the "ApplicanP'). WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Eagan is the official goveriung body of the City; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is the Owner of Lot 1, Block 1, Norwest 15t Addition, hereafter referred to as "the Property"; and WHEREAS, the City and the Applicant have entered into a Final Planned Development Agreement for Norwest 15L Addition (hereinafter the "Agreement") which is dated April 1, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Planning Commission of the City did hold a public hearing on July 22, 1997, and did recommend approval of an amendment to the site plan approved in the Final Planned Agreement dated April 1, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Council of the City did review the site plan on August 5, 1997, and did concur with the recommendation of the Advisory Planning Commission; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed to and beiween the parties hereto as follows: 1. This Agreement is intended to supplement and amend the Final Planned Development Agreement dated April 1, 1997 covering Lot I, Block 1, Norwest 15` Addition. The Applicant shall use and develop the Property in conformance with the following plan attached hereto as Exhibit A. (A full size copy of this exhibit shall be on file with the City of Eagan Community Development Department.) 3. The instailation of the second ATM and widening of the drive aisle shall comply with the plan dated July 2, 1497, and the two ATMs shall have the same appearance. 4. Additional landscaping shall be installed in the azea of the pylon sign to add a vertical landscape element, with the specific elements of the landscaping subject to City staff approval. 5. This Planned Development Amendment shall run with the land until terminated and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Applicant. 1-) <c ? m O Z Y O Qi ? --- i i ? I , . . . `QAR L5'- 2 0PERiY LIN? ? ? 1?? :X1C. ;11)CWhLK 'u5c.?i? tniqEvnRD I 1j(IV{_ F.XI C (?puC - h IMP AC (:UIIfR nlr14 n; rtFOn ?f ItI 1Um ON g , ' ? - - -- 1IMP. f:RAVfL (VfY) 'f F 4IA1 IOI:AIF EXiG.-- IUlnrf.RS x, ? 901 ?- 11.1111i: ;ir.n L 908 EXHIBlT A ' i i i ? ? i ? i EXTG , TO F , ?f G CURa i_•e? r . ? ? ? ?. EXTG'C (3 ?; { RNNI STl ` ? NEW A ? ISLANO `- ? • `?'?? '?i? ! 1 r -- El(IC. FLOWER I EXTG. SIDEWAIK AND LMlDSCMING ? i ? Gtrn.i?nL riuiLS: ? • - vERIFY & LOG11[ nLL UMDERGROUrJD PHOP1E -8 ui;Li- LINES PRIOR TO NIY EXCAVATION. - BARRICADE OFf CONSiRUCTION AREi1 A$ REQUIIRcD . KEEP CONSTRUCTION NiEA TD MINIMUM. - MATCH NEW CONSTRUCTION W/ EXISTING WHEREVER NECESSNiY (IE, CONC., CURDS, CONC. YlALKS, PAVING. ETC.; - MATCH/TIE NEW GRhDING INTO EXISTING GR4DINC - CUT & PATCN EXISTINC BITU4AINOUS PAVING, CONC. CURi;; SIDEWAI.KS TO l.4ATCH EXISTING. - GENERAL CONTfL1CTOR TO REldOVE nND/OR EXTENO ELiSiCi( UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM hT CONSiRUCTION AR;;kS - SITE DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CUP,B, UNLESS NOiEU U' $ITE NOTES: Z ? -- - ?,r (DA.= EXISTING DOLVJ20 IYPE LIGHi v? IPING mB.= [XISiING UGHi POIE- .?: ,?,. / - cr -CO ?- hA?. N . ? a- SEE i?/AI EXIG A1M = - 0 r o - ?EXTG IIGII??POLE to i ? EXTG. PAVING TO REMAIN Lxic. RE7AINING WALLS PROPf.R1Y UNE - EXTG. BL4D: YANKEE DOODLE ROAD r• LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE OUANTITY COMMON NAME SIZE/MODE COA4MENTS 9 UPRIGHT JUNIPERS 4' iALL EKISTINC RELOCATED ?f'1A0" TO: FROM: ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ENGINEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS/ UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIItECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE'RIDLEY, SEIVIOR PLANNER ) GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE 1(awzV UP F.I? JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR ?- DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL W Ci?IGt FRANK MARTIN, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR DATE: SEK=%a=;M. Vjpj (qQ^7 3?io PL-st f?b- The _ preliminary &.on construction plans for JII?T/lt /s??D A-T BT °??Vk- are in our plan review for your review and comment. 149r y?jV96-5 &VAL6 ieLO-Akbg Please retum this form to Dale Schoevpner if you have any reason that tttese plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be heid, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: cw C.oYrLQ.t? ? .?Gf % n ? Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: ? Yes ? No ? Yes No ? Yes No ? Yes E!? No ? Yes JR, No landscape sec water quality pazk dedicati< trail dedication tree dedication ? Yes ? No ? . Signature ZONING? ?Y 14? 14t? ewo*ep ` 1`0 1000. 00 by 3p 9 Date JS/FORMS-BLDlPLAN REVIEW/FRANK M , i C9 P? TO: FROM: ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ENGWEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS/ UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DII2ECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE /1 aav JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CTTY ADIKINISTRATOR ?' C AM I•??GT' DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL rT, ???1'?'??? r FRANK MARTIN, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR DATE: SEPT=?? -2:9D1 1941 '7 3-2q o PL _oT 4SV6 f?R. ? / 94- The _ preliminary &.on construction plans for J??w fF7nj /'r.??/D RT BT &W4 aze in our plan review for your review and comment. 49f )/w((,? ?z Mla-A?w Please return this form to Dale Schoenoner if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hoid" request form. Comments: QK - ?n.grtiea?i? ? Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication • Yes ? No pazk dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No i ature Date ZONING? - /-9 JS/FORMS-BLD/PLAN REVIEW/FRANK M r TO: FROM: , ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ENGINEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS/UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MII{E RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER \GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE 1(ai?a VP OAJ .iON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMIlKISTRATOR Rr?/ ' C 6?&Aj5Fr DALE WEGLEITNER FIRE MARSHAL FRANK MARTIN, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR DATE: SE'FTUPNft!*- 3CI 19QI The _ preliminary &on construction plans for? &Tni f?_?WD A-T BT,?i?l4 aze in our plan review for your review and comment. tlr yl*/? ?46 Mkow4m Please retum this form to Dale Schoeppner if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be coliected with ihe building permit: AMOUNT • Yes 0 No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes )Sl No tree dedication ? Yes ? N ? Ac% Signature 3-F$90 PL-OT 4X06 PZ- ? F!_ f ? 13) ZONING? Q- 30 -97 Date 1S/FORMS•BLD/PLAN REVIPW/FRANK M TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE 464a VP 01 dON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR ENGINEERING DM5ION PUBLIC WORKS/ UTILITIES/STREETS . GENE''VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR' 3?? ??T ?lJC7 ? RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: FRANK MARTIN, TEMPORARY WSPECTOR DATE: SEF?C?. ?r ?9Q'7 The _ preliminary ? construction plans for J?krv Am /??fWD AT Na?hEST &wk- aze in our plan revie or your r d comment. t?r hwgeE AT" MwX,itz Please returii this form to Dale Schoe ner if u have any reason that these plans should not be approved an the afFected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: (5e2 G !?e &r6r5-ePJ. Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the buildin g peimit ? AMOUNT ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No landscape security required water quality dedication pazk dedication trail dedication tree dedication G.M S rixre ZONING? 10- t- q1 Date 1S/FORMS-SLD/PLAN AEVIEW/FRANK M TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE 11 a4ZV V/0 0" JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR fitC DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL ?? ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ENGINEERING DIVISION PUBLIC WORKS/ i7TILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIItECTOR 3?O ??-0T {'7vCllp ?D.? RICH BRASCH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR /31? ?i.wcrea.f / 5'F' MIKE RIDLEY, SE1vIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY FROM: FRANK MARTIN, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR DATE: SeYTumtzp- -29DI I9Q-7 The _ preliminary X_ construction plans for II&W &-r/h /am0 4r Nw7&W4 aze in our plan review sechon for your review and comment. A?lr )*g6E ftoAE ?#40-XAt* Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner if you have any reason that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Signature ZONING? Date JS/FORMS-BLD/PLAN REVIEW/FRANK M , j"? ;?6673 ! cirr use oNLv L BL' I RECEIPT#: /W95y SUBD. r ? RECEIPTDATE: 469 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55722 (612) 681-4675 Please complete,for. P all commerciaUndustrial buildings. P mutti-family buildings when separete pertnits are = required for each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: /7i 600 WORK TYPE:,` NEW CONSTRUCTION A? INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: wd''L'k Gl,/-' FEES: ? $25.00 minimum fee Qr 1°k of conVact price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 . State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of r i fee due on all permits. I CONTRACT RRICE x 1% PROCESSED; PIPWG i STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL l76, °-° c ?/ W 6?. SITE ADDRESS: ?? f? r" /L o?` ??'°? ? O?a OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE#: / 37? TENANT NAME: i(innaROVeMerrrS oNLr) A1dA a,? i-f 7- S'4A4k INSTALLER: ADDRESS: ? ? ?7 ? ?/?f?l?VG rd/S/ ?((-L tI2l, CITY: /dQ/q a/t, STATE: m, ZIF4??Z ?5?? PHONE #: %a ! 7 SIGNATURE: SIGNAT E OF PERMI EE CITY INSPECTOR 1 CITY USE nNLY : L BL SUBD. Please complete for RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) arr oF eacaN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681r1675 . * single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit New construction Add-on furnace Add-on air conditioning Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: FEES ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) $ 20.00 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) ? State Surcharge .50 TOTAL SITE ADDRESS OWNER NAME: PHONE#: INSTALLER NAME: PHONE #: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: _ SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OFFICE USE ONLY ?? ry L1 BL RECEIPT SUB ?j?"=' k?" RECEIPT DATE: T 7 - ?_ 1997 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 687-4675 Pbase complete for: . ail commercieUindustrial bulldings • mutti-femily buildings when separete pertnRs are = required for eaoh dwelling unit. • badcflow preventer to be inatalled in commerciel aroas or rosidential boukvaMa ? DATE: ? ? K?a%/?,? -? CD 5 1? / WORK TYPE: _ New Const. Add-On _ Repair DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?,rr ?s } Xi?i?:?.a KI lik'tic%n2c ) r r IS WATER METER REQUIRED? _ Yes /? No. ARE FLUSNOMETERS TO BE INSTALLED? Yes _ No UHDER6ROUND SPRINKLER SY3TEM INSTALLING METER7 _ Yes _ No. NEW SERVICE? _ Yes _ No WATER FLOW: GPM. Pressure Reducing Vatve may tie required H installing new service • wnWCt City's Engineering Depanment et 681-4648. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE ABOVE INFCRMATION WILL RESULT IN A DELAV OF METER ISSUANCE FEES Mlnimum fee of $25.00 or 1°h of contract price, whichever is greater. Minimum State Surcharge oi $.50 due on all pertnRa? CONTRACT PRICE: 50U, ?p x 1°b = 1?,?7 Q $? / COMPLETE THI5 AREA ONLY IF INSTALLING UNDER6ROUNG 8PRINKLER 3YSTEM BACKFLOW PREVENTER FEE' $ 25.00 = S WATER PERMIT (new eenice onty) 50.00 = $ WAC (new service only - per connection) 780.00 = $ WATER TREATMENT (new service only - per wnnection) 420.00 = $ CITY INSTALLED TAP 300.00 = $ METER: 7" = $785.00 , 2" TURBO = $846.00 = $ PERMITFEE S FIGIIRE SURCHARGE AT 50 CENTS FOR EVERY $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE DUE STATE SURCHARGE E . S G Torni S / 35. Sca I hereby adcnowkdge that I heve ?read this application, stste that the inkrmation ia corBCt, and egreo to compy with all appliceble Cily of Eagan ordinences. Il is Me applipnPs respansibiliry M notify the property owner that Me City of Eagan assumes na liebilily for any damages ceused by Me Cily tlunng its narmal operationel antl meintenence activkies w the f/acilitiea eonstructed under thia parmit within City property/right-of-wayleasement. SITEADDRESS: {I(v% e".'k Ora TENANT NAME: R/J01:Ufs: ?d. " STE. # : OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: C-_kn, fJLr VL A c N/}v/Go C.kt?,: ,lU TELEpHpNE #: 7O f'F"Ird?S STREET P,DORE55: Sri CITY: 5TATE: 19?N 21P: . ? APPLICANTS SIGNATURE . OFFICE IISE ONLY- REYERSE SIOE OFFICE USE ONLY PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) METER SIZE Domestic Irrigation PRV JTILITY CONNECTION (APPLIES TO NEW 3ERVICE ONLY) $ REVIEWED BY 91 Building Inspector Yes No s -? y 2 ?- 97 Date To detertnine meter size • See if it is indicated on back of Building Inspections card • Enter address in PIMS Screen 301 to obtain S&W permit # • Check PIMS Screens 110 (Remarks) • if gallons per minute are less than 25, a 1" meter will be required. If gallons per minute are more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. Consult with Plumbing Inspector if Licensed Plumber does not know GPMs. r Check PIMS Screen 320 fbr aooroval of inspection results. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new service lines are not required, one check may be written fbr meter and permit costs. Write meter type and size on receipt, code to 3776-9220 (meter portion only), and forward copy to Utility Billing Clerk. Enter meter size, type, receipt #, date 8 amount paid on PIMS Screen 110. Copy of receipt should be given to Utility Billing Clerk. Miseellaneous Infortnation The installer is to contact Building Inspections at 681-4675 fbr inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Public Works Department may be reached at 681-4300 for water tum-on. If ineter is over 518, call Public Works and let them know so they can tell you if they have one in stock before plumber goes overthere. 2004 CONIlVIERCIAL PLUMSING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 DateJ / I '? / _0_6f_ Site Address 1350 &Lp? ?? ?? cac)0,,) Unit # Tenant Name _ 1je-LLS F?C3 Former Tenant Name PropertyOw¢er GJ?o_t.LS ?b ??ACZON YC.LISSfLLTelephone#((,I,?)"7^`o2q$4"1 Contractor PXWJQ,V_ S tJ2A!$<,,es Address f/?? n City &[.,,A.XA/te, Sta[e ?1i .v Zip Telephone # The Applicant is _ Owner 1?c Contractor _ Other Work Type _ New Bldg _ Add-on Repair LC RPZ PVB Irrigation system * * Jer Wobcchall to caiculate fees. Re uired meter size is 2" [urba unless smaller size ermitted b Public Works Description of Work To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, call 651-675-5646 Meters - Call 651-675-5300 to verify that hydrosta6c, conductiviry, and bacteria tests passed prior to oickine uo meter Irrigation Size & Type iw Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" displacement $155.00 Domesric Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices> _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Ree $50.50 minimum (includes State SurcLarge) ContractValue $ /QQ0x 1% _ $ BaseFee $ Meter(s) Required on al I new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read Ifbase fee is $1,000 or leas, surcharge is $.50 $ State Surchazge If base fee is over $I,OUO, sureharge is 5.50 per S1,000 oS the Aase Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigation system $ J? Water Permit ? Contact Jerty Wobschall at 651-675-5024 forrequired fee emounts O ? (r,? ? ? ?(7 E Treahnent Plant $ Water Supply & Storage MAY 1 S'LOUJ State Surchazge ----------- - ----- - By L7 Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pemu[ and acknowledge that [he infotmation is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the oidinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand [his is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start wi[hout a pernvt; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ,? , ? ,- _- ,i i a? %t?VUy.-i' ApplicanYs Printed ame licant's Si mre CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTTONS: _ U.G. _ Air Tes[ _ Gas Test _ Rough In _ Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: , BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevard irrigation systems- $141.00 • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five years. A minimum Fee permit per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE F METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" residential $121.00 4-120 1-1/2" ir[igation syst $ 788.00 displacement sm commercial turbine** must receive maxinwm i approvsl cmtt nuous tp from Public Works 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $155.00 4-160 2" turbine Ig irrigation syst $ 992,00 maximum displacement residential & continuous sm commercial production lines I? 3-50 1" displacement very Ig res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over $ 1,880.00 bldg to 24 units 65 uni[s maximum sm commercial & coutinuous & Ig comm bldgs 25 irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units $488.00 maximum displacement & continuous mosY comm bidgs 50 METERS REpU1RlNG 30-[lAY AllVANCE NOTICE PR[OR TO PICK UP GPM M11E;1'ENS USr: YRICE G"rNi iviF TERS USE PRICE , i 5-350 3" turbine vcry Ig irrigation $1,338.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,749.00 syst & produMion very Ig cumm bldgs lines 1/2-320 3" wmpound k200 nnit bldgs $2,407.00 10-1000 G" compound +406 imit bldgs $6,124.00 very lg comm bldgs very Ig comm bldgs I5-1000 4" turbine very Ig irrigation '62,384.00 syst Sz pr'odtiction lines Comments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, caf1651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, call 651-675-5300. cc: Main[enance Division ClericelTechnician Updated 8/03 2005 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 451.50 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please wmple[e for: commerciaVindustnat buildings mulv-farnily buddings when separate pmttits are not required for each dwelling unit Date k / & / O T- Site Street Address 33C70 K wv 6Jet( Unit # Tenant Name (ifapplicable) U/e I I< FarI o Previous Tenant Name - A)uT wts Property Owner LV t lls E,!+So Telephone #((p/1) 6;G 7 .? 9 4,P ContraMOr (??r4prd4e ? le aµ ccy ic., ? StreM Addreas City lil<<? ly+?t State ? IU Zip t $ Telephone #('C, ,3 ) C?? ? 0 2ea Bond#: 9?? '?/S?fl Expires: s- a-cAS" The Applicant is _ Owner ?Conttacror _ Other Work Type _ New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove "see below _ Interiorlmprovement _ InstallPiping _ Processed Gas Nature of Work: iQr,o% Q I- ?-- CoK?e.cr.k .c vµr7? akoQ n ,Qo?4- Sws.<< ri^or Xmw.<. "When installing/removing underqround tank, caff for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing Inspector Pctmii Fix3: S70S6 undergrwu3 Wuk L,s'mllatimu'mmova: $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) or Contract Valuc $ x 1% _ $ Permit Fee • If uernti[ fee is $1,000 ar less, add $.50 => $ State Surcharge If nernut fee is over S1,000, add $.50 for every $1,000 pe rmi[ fec $ Total Fee 1 hereby apply Yor a Commercial Mechanical Pemut and acknowledge [hat the information is complete and accura[e; ihat the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a pemut, but only an applicaflon for a pemut, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with [he approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. D w P"`cti -- /?,?-?-- 612- 36`I 6/70 Applicant's Printed Narne Applicant's Signature Approved By: ? P -3~( ?? Inspector FF, 4UG 1 8 2005 ?? ? 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. single family dwellings &[ownhomes/condos when pennits aze required for each unit Date Site Address Unit # Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor StreM Address City State Zip Telephone # ( ) Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ O[her Add-on or alteration to existing dwetling unit $ 30.00 fumace _Additional _ReplacemeM air exchanger airconditioner _New _ Replacement other State Surcharge $ 50 Total $ I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Pemnt and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confonnance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with [he Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pemut; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature I For Office Use --7 of Dian Permit #I ~~7~ 1 I Ol n, } r'1 `j`' .l I Permit Fee: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Date Received: I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: 4a I 2009 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMITAPPLICATION Date: Site Address: J ( Tenant: 5 Suite PROPERTY OWNER Name: Phone: CONTRACTOR Name: ~ w C License Lrl t l l l ~ / Address: ~l oz~--1.%•r°'YSiy: C~~t i t L State: Zip: 91t~ Phone: Contact Person: ( GjLt... ' (t 1j, TYPE OF - New _ Replacement Repair _Rebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. WORK Description of work: PERMIT TYPE COMMERCIAL _ New Cgnstruction _ Modify Space _ Irrigation System (-'4 yes / _ no) (1 RPZ PVB)`~~t • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) _ Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: Size & Price 3/4" meter 203.00 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes No Flushometers -Yes _,No AlIMERCIAL FEE : $50.50 Minimum (i udes State Surcharge) OR Contract value $ x 1% $ Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard irrigation systems 4 = $ Radio Meter Read If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50 = $ Meter(s) If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $1,000 State Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 surcharge). = $ Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system. $ Water Permit Call the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEES $ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Q / r x X Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground -Rough-In -Air Test -Gas Test -Final PRV Required: _ Yes - No Page 1 of 3 10103/2011 10:54 Dalco Roofing fAX)7635592853 P.002 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink i-----------------, OCT _ 3 Y 4 ` I For Office Use I I Permit l 3V0 Cat 0f E aoaIl ~v y b I Permit Fae. 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: j Phone: (661) 676.6676 I l Fax: (681) 676-6694 star. - C , iL 2011 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION c(- Date: 10/03/2011 Slte Address: 3390 PIOLT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 Tenant Name: WELLS FARGO - EAGAN (Tenant Is: New / X Existing) suite ii: Former Tenant; PROPERTY_,...,....,.._.,,..,...._.._._.____._OWNER Name: ..WELLS•FARGO PROPERTIES, INC. -SHARON RUSSELL ~ Phone: 612-750-4734 Address / City / Zip: 90 SOUTH 7TH ST., MAC N9305-195 Applicant Is: Owner X Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: SEE ATTACHED SUMMARY OF WORK Construction Cost: $66,218 CONTRACTOR -Name. DALCO ROOFING & SHEET METAL, INC. License: Address; 15525 32ND AVENUE N. City: PLYMOUTH State: MN ZIP: 55447 phone: 763-559-0222 Contact: JON MEYER Email: Jmeyer@dalcoroofing.com Y ARCHITECT I Name: Registration # ENGINEER Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ' Contact Person: Emall: Licensed plumber installing aft sewertwater service: Phone NOTE, Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the Information may be classified as non-public If you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to Y conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gooherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be In conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work Is not to start without a permit; that the work will be In accordance with the approved plan In the case qfyork which a ices a review and approval of plans. x ~ l tilby .l L~a~55 Applicant's Printed Namb Applicant' ignature Page 1 of 3 1010312011 10:55 Dalco Roofing #AX)7635592853 P.003 DON T WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ public Facility _ Accessory Building _ Apartments ~ Commerclal Industrial _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Lodging Greenhouse Ten _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial Miscellaneous Antennae Exterior Alteration-Public Facility WORK, TYPES _ New _ Interior Improvement Iding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improve ent v Reroof _ Demolish Interior I -7 Alteration Repair _ Windows _ Demolish. Foundation _ Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change "Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION c- -Valuation d d O Occupancy B MCES System Plan Review Code Edition 2o07 0~,c SAC Units Zoning City Water Census Code 9 ries Booster Pump # of Units Square Feet PRV # of Buildings L ngth Fire Sprinklers Typo of Construction W dth BEQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C,O. Required Foundation Other: Zftofi rain The / Pool: -Footings _plr/Gas Tests -Final " _Decking -Insulation _Ice & Water 1_ /Final Siding: Stucco Lath ,Stone Lath -Brick Framing Windows Fireplace: -Rough In Air Test _Flne Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes V'INo Reviewed By: C~~ 'f7lC~ , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee ~A9 • Water Quality Surcharge 33 • Water Supply S Storage (WAC) Plan Review d • Storm Sewer Trunk MCES SAC Sewer Trunk City SAC Water Trunk S&W Permit S Surcharge Street Lateral Treatment Plant Street Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Water Lateral Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication Water Quality 7 TOTAL IggZ • 75-Page 2 of 3 I M ` r 't ~ ~t s ~:x r ~ 4 a .1 ;~1 yr 4 A< =1. ,,-t7.~~ S r W. .1 Ilk- }uV ~ ~ f ~ ,IN Y~, 5 ~e .w < 4"1F .1J y ♦ F: Y ~ q<'a r F,:~: yw,~•.~ t~• ` i yy ,~d ,.3: kr Y da' ~".~y!y• a tPwB • ~ 3y.,"'4;•7~ yf,y~~` 'S'.y:.•n, 's.E4 .@r.. •r 1 ~'N'~+a ' d r s .•?j.`rY`"'...,~* d 7{}'i.° '~EY'x17~' c~~' 'y,7Y, p. ~ "~•q~7q.~ 7}3 . ~ _,...i „RMM Sea K ,V;• , ,4y~ , .!z1R+ ~7 ct VATER sSERVICE PERMIT '3> 56 Phl -K;tiob Road P. O Box: 21199 PERMI i ` NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning No. of Units: Address: Site Address: Plumber. Meter No.: Connection Charge: Size: Account Deposit: 1 Reader No.: Permit Fee:. 1 I agree to comp with the city of logo" Surcharge: Misc. Charges: Ordinanps. i - Total: By Date, -Paid: Dote of I Insp.: t Y of EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT $3~ il&Knob Road 4 - P. O: Box 21199 PERMIT "NO.: 7 Eagan, MN55121 _ DATE: Zoning: No. of Units: ' Owner: Address: Site Address Plumberttr J ti " I eyree to eompl -lwl* t1w City of Eogoe Connection Cf~arge. Ordinanees. Account Deposit: Permit Fee: Surcharge: Y' ` By gtct:r Date 0,1 nsp pate Paid: U_s_e BLUE or BLACK Ink - RECEIVED i For Office Use - - - I 2,Permit City of ~ EaF MAY 7nu I ( I Permit Fee: D~ I 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff----------------- 2014 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applicaations/ Date: Site Address: Vy ~\J J 1 ~'t v Tenant: Suite Property 6^ Name: I~ ~i ?P'►l~~(7 Phone: ~ Owner E € Name: 1 /0-, J1 v p tslffiI y 11 License 67 t/ VIM Contractor j r'' S--A sly P State q Address: r s > City:~Iff ~ ~ r Zip: Phone: Email: 1'~.iu~ 1°t✓jIf ^~6? Type of Work -New -Replacement _Repair -Rebuild _ Mod Space _ Work in R.O.W. Description of work: !G x lylv),Lo COMMERCIAL _ New Construction _ Modify Space Irrigation System L- yes no) RPZ I_ PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems 9 Permit Type . Avg. GPM (2" turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) _ Meters Call (651) 675-5646 to verity that tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic: Size & Type Fire: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes _No Flushometers _Yes _No COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value $ X.01 $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum _ $ Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 = $ Surcharge* **If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 ***If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge = $ TOTAL FEE Following fees apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system $ Water Permit Contact the City's Engineering Department, (651) 675-5646, for required fee amounts. $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge - $ _ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Cali at (651) 454-0002 for protection against undergro d utility damage. \ I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to st wit t a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground -Rough-in -Air Test -Gas Test -Final PRV Required: - Yes _ No Meter Related Items: Meter Size Radio Read Manometer Staff: Page 1 of 3 � r Use BLUE orBLACK Ink �-----------------� I � For Office Use � • ' j Permit#: �� � I �� O� �� �� � permit Fee: ����� � b � I 3830 Pilot Knob Road � / Eagan MN 55122 � r. � Date Received:/� ` ����� Phone: (651)675-5675 ���`i����� � I Fax: (651)675-5694 � Staff: � ���.1�►� !----------------� 2015 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION �� (u• a�-i� Date: /0�/Sr—/S SiteAddress: 3�90 ��w7' 1�w1od �odD � Tenant Name: �Su.6 �r�R,ls o (Tenant is: New/�Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant: Name: ��Gtb �GO ��o�.l (.t1RWtGK 1 Phone: �l.Z -667' 3�57 Property Owner Address/City/Zip: 6.2� t'1�NLQt(lErTE Q��� T£ 7tv t'(�r�nlE�4�t°x.rS �-tnl �5r03 Applicant is: �Owner Contractor T @ Of VI101'k Description of work: 6 a� o �nlcc.v �!a - rnv Yp �a2rrrre�t,'rLc�2u�1€ MsviFi�¢rl�1S, �r��aFoa�c.sunrc,�4�.�0� Construction Cost: O Name: ��2L Sa�( "�.A V!nlE �NG• License#: COIItC�CtOI' ' Address: R..gG S �A✓LT2lDG���. City: /zOS�Er//Lt� ' State: �l Zip: �'�SI/3 Phone: ����u�.��" �/Dg ', Contact: �TL�d� �'��R Email: �l-2t/��Oc��r' �C.A/'�So�'I�QVl�'►6.GDw�, Name: STA�1�EG Registration#: Architect/Engineer Address: /I130 Nf= 33aD /���.Sv�t�2QOcity: B�u,�vuE ' State:�zip: 9�00 y Phone: �z�'-z89- 73z7 ' Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and supportin�documents that yau se�bmit are consitlereaf to be p��►�c�nfarmatia�t. PorfJc�ns af ' fhe information rnay,be c/assi�ed�s�ron-public if you prot�itle speci�c;rre�sons f�a�.woc�td petml�fhe.Git}�ta co»clude,tlraf fhey are tr.ade secrets.; CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www_aooherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which re ires a rev' and approval of pians. x C�+�-t 5 �ttJ.Gl-� x ' ApplicanYs Printed Name Appiic nt's Signature Page 1 of 3 . , '���,C �+ l�� �r��' '`� DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ��� � � � SUB TYPES ,Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments v'f Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Pubiic Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES _ New �� Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* _ Addition _ Exterior Improvement _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration _ Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation _ Replace _ Water Damage _ Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change 'Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION � �� Valuation ���j�B� Occupancy � MCES System Plan Review ''� Code Edition Z�G't S/�/6L SAC Units Of iJa CN�hvG�/�v L+S�D�Ctt. La�--A (25%_100%� Zoning � City Water ✓ Census Code Stories � Booster Pump #of Units � Square Feet 7B 3 Sr PRV � #of Buildings � Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction �•.� Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings(New Building) Sheetrock Footings(Deck) �Final/C.O.Required Footings(Addition) ✓ Final/No C.O.Required Foundation Other: Drain Tile Pool:_Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick v` Framing Windows Fireplace:_Rough In Air Test _Final Retaining Wall Insulation Erosion Control Meter Size: Concrete Entrance Apron Final C/O Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: � Yes No Reviewed By: ���� , Building Inspector Reviewed By: , Planning � COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee l,2-3� . ?Sr Water Quality Surcharge G • r p Water Sampling Fee Plan Review �q''7• ��' Water Supply&Storage(WAC) MCES SAC Storm Sewer Trunk City SAC Sewer Trunk S&W Permit 8 Surcharge Water Trunk Treatment Plant Street Lateral Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Street Park Dedication Water Lateral Trail Dedication Other: / WaterQuality TOTAL Zj �'�S • Z �/ Page 2 of 3 Agenda Information Memo July 19, 2016 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING A. Variances — City of Eagan Action To Be Considered: Approve parking setback Variances for two properties along at 3386 and 3390 Pilot Knob Road associated with Pilot Knob Road Corridor Improvements (County Project 31-76/ City Project 1095). 3386 Pilot Knob Road 10 foot parking setback variance 3390 Pilot Knob Road 13 foot parking setback variance Facts: ➢ The City's zoning ordinance requires a minimum parking and pavement setback of 20 feet from a public right-of-way. ➢ The Variances are based on the existing developed conditions of the properties and the additional right-of-way and trail easements acquired for the expansion and upgrade of Pilot Knob Road (County State Aid Highway 31) for County Project 31-76/ City Project 1095, currently under construction. ➢ Each of the Variances is prompted by a public action, due to the acquisition of additional right-of-way for the project, which includes turn lane and center median construction. ➢ Staff believes that it would be appropriate for the City to acknowledge the impact of the public improvement projects on private property parking setbacks and to take action so that the resulting setbacks are not considered non -conforming. 60 -Day Agency Action Deadline: September 5, 2016 Attachments (2) PHA -1 Location Map PHA -2 Staff Report 10' 13' —�►� Norwest Court 3386 & 3390 Pilot Knob Road Proposed Variance Locations July 14, 2016 14, �Ravi&' 13 „Tom 011 FF, Locations of Proposed Variances Project No, 1227 1 1-494 APPLE VALLEY ROSEMOUNT 3386 & 3390 Pilot Knob Road Proposed Variances - Project 1227 July 2016 PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: July 12, 2016 CASE: 10 -VA -06-07-16 & 10 -VA -07-07-16 APPLICANT: City of Eagan HEARING DATE: July 19, 2016 PROPERTY OWNER: Various PREPARED BY: John Gorder REQUEST: Variance LOCATION: 3386 & 3390 Pilot Knob Road COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: SA, Special Area — Central Area Commons ZONING: PD, Planned Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST The City of Eagan is requesting parking setback Variances for two properties along Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) between Yankee Doodle Road (CSAH 28) and Norwest Court. See attached location map. AUTHORITY FOR REVIEW City Code Chapter 11, Section 11.50, Subdivision 3, B., 3, states that the Council may approve, approve with conditions or deny a request for a variance. In considering all requests for a variance, City Council shall consider the following factors: a. Exceptional or extraordinary circumstances apply to the property which do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone or vicinity, and result from lot size or shape, topography, or other circumstances over which the owners of property have no control. b. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this Code would deprive the applicant property use commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the provisions of this Code. c. That special conditions or circumstances do not result from actions of the applicant. d. That granting of the variance will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to owners of other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. Planning Report — Pilot Knob Road July 12, 2016 Page 2 e. The variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. f. The variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this Code or to property in the same zone. CODE REQUIREMENTS The City's zoning ordinance required parking areas to be set back a minimum of 20 feet from a public right-of-way. BACKGROUND/HISTORY Since 2014, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the City of Eagan included the expansion and upgrade of Pilot Knob Road (County State Aid Highway 31) from Yankee Doodle Road (CSAH 28) to Central Parkway. The expansion/upgrade includes the addition of a southbound lane, center median improvements, and replacement of signal systems. In 2015, the Dakota County Transportation Department assumed the role of lead agency for the project to enable it to be scheduled for the 2016 construction season. As a result, the County Transportation Department proceeded with the acquisition of necessary right-of-way and easements to allow construction to be completed in 2016: EXISTING CONDITIONS Two properties have been identified as having non -conforming parking setbacks as a result of the expansion and upgrade of Pilot Knob Road. Both of the properties for which the Variances are sought are currently developed. The proposed Variances are based on the existing developed conditions of the properties and the additional right-of-way or easement acquired for the expansion and upgrade of Pilot Knob Road, which is under construction this summer EVALUATION OF REQUEST The two properties will have parking setbacks less than 20 feet. An exhibit is attached. APPLICANT'S ESTIMATE OF HARDSHIP Each of the Variances is prompted by a public action, the acquisition of additional right-of-way or easement along Pilot Knob Road. Without the Variances, these properties would have non- conforming setbacks as a result of the Pilot Knob Road expansion and upgrade. SUMMARY / CONCLUSION The City of Eagan is requesting parking setback Variances for two properties along Pilot Knob Road between Yankee Doodle Road (CSAH 28) and Norwest Court. These Variances are Planning Report — Pilot Knob Road July 12, 2016 Page 3 necessary to accommodate reduced setbacks along Pilot Knob Road resulting from the public's acquisition of additional right-of-way or easement to expand and upgrade of Pilot Knob Road. Two properties are affected and require parking setback variances. Staff believes that it would be appropriate for the City to acknowledge the impact of these public improvement projects on private property parking setbacks along Pilot Knob Road and to take action so that the resulting setbacks are not considered non -conforming. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To approve the following Variances to setbacks along Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) between Yankee Doodle Road (CSAH 28) and Norwest Court. 3386 Pilot Knob Road 10 -foot parking setback variance 3390 Pilot Knob Road 13 -foot parking setback variance 1. If within one year after approval, the variance shall not have been completed or utilized, it shall become null and void unless a petition for extension has been granted by the council. Such extension shall be requested in writing at least 30 days before expiration and shall state facts showing a good faith attempt to complete or utilize the use permitted in the variance. City Council Meeting Minutes July 19, 2016 2 page H. It was recommended to adopt a resolution approving an Excluded Bingo Permit for the Church of St. Thomas Becket to conduct bingo on September 11, 2016 at 4455 South Robert Trail. I. It was recommended to adopt a resolution approving a Premise Permit for the Eagan High School Football Booster Club to conduct lawful gambling at New Bohemia Eagan, 1278 Town Centre Drive Suite 195. J. It was recommended to approve an Off -Sale Liquor License for Minnesota Fine Wines & Spirits, LLC doing business as Total Wine & More, located at 1440 Central Park Commons. K. It was recommended to approve an On -Sale and Sunday Liquor License for Loco U&ME, LLC doing business as Valley Lounge, located at 3385 Sibley Memorial Highway. L. It was recommended to approve Professional Services Agreements with Thomas Ferber and Nancy Gibbs for temporary election consultation services. M. It was recommended to receive bids for City Contract 16-23 (Country Hollow Lift Station — Sanitary Sewer Improvements), award a contract to G.F. Jedlicki, Inc., for the bid amount of $326,995.00, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. N. It was recommended to approve Change Order No. 2 to Contract 15-23 (Well No. 3 Resotration — Water System Improvements) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. O. It was recommended to approve a Joint Powers Agreement with the Dakota County Transportation Department and the City of Mendota Heights for Project 1220, Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) &I-494 —Traffic Signal Revisions, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. P. It was recommended to approve the recommendations of the Public Works Committee regarding an appeal to a water meter surcharge. Q. It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 16-16 (Denmark Avenue Rain Garden Rehabilitation) in the amount of $497.35 to Outdoor Lab Landscape Design, LLC and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. R. It was recommended to approve a Cost Share, Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Mary and Curtis Kenkel (3669 Pinecrest Court) to help implement a Shoreland and Upland Buffer Project at Fish Lake through the Water Quality Cost -Share Partnership Program and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. S. It was recommended to schedule a Public Hearing on August 1, 2016 to consider a business subsidy pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995 to J & & Solutions, Inc. d/b/a Corvida Medical, Inc., for development of business at 3660 Dodd Road. T. It was recommended to approve a Final Subdivision, Willow Ridge at Wescott, to create 15 Tots upon approximately 10 acres located at 1055 and 1085 Wescott Road, north of Wescott Road and east of Lexington Avenue. U. It was recommended to approve a Final Plat (West End Trap Club) to create one lot upon approximately 19 acres Located at 4899 Brooklyn Lane. PUBLIC HEARINGS Variances — City of Eagan City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting the Council is being asked to consider approval of parking setback variances for two properties along 3386 and 3390 Pilot Knob Road associated with the Pilot Knob Road Corridor Improvements. City Council Meeting Minutes July 19, 2016 2 page H. It was recommended to adopt a resolution approving an Excluded Bingo Permit for the Church of St. Thomas Becket to conduct bingo on September 11, 2016 at 4455 South Robert Trail. I. It was recommended to adopt a resolution approving a Premise Permit for the Eagan High School Football Booster Club to conduct lawful gambling at New Bohemia Eagan, 1278 Town Centre Drive Suite 195. J. It was recommended to approve an Off -Sale Liquor License for Minnesota Fine Wines & Spirits, LLC doing business as Total Wine & More, located at 1440 Central Park Commons. K. It was recommended to approve an On -Sale and Sunday Liquor License for Loco U&ME, LLC doing business as Valley Lounge, located at 3385 Sibley Memorial Highway. L. It was recommended to approve Professional Services Agreements with Thomas Ferber and Nancy Gibbs for temporary election consultation services. M. It was recommended to receive bids for City Contract 16-23 (Country Hollow Lift Station — Sanitary Sewer Improvements), award a contract to G.F. Jedlicki, Inc., for the bid amount of $326,995.00, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. N. It was recommended to approve Change Order No. 2 to Contract 15-23 (Well No. 3 Resotration — Water System Improvements) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. 0. It was recommended to approve a Joint Powers Agreement with the Dakota County Transportation Department and the City of Mendota Heights for Project 1220, Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) & 1-494 — Traffic Signal Revisions, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. P. It was recommended to approve the recommendations of the Public Works Committee regarding an appeal to a water meter surcharge. Q. It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 16-16 (Denmark Avenue Rain Garden Rehabilitation) in the amount of $497.35 to Outdoor Lab Landscape Design, LLC and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. R. It was recommended to approve a Cost Share, Operation and Maintenance Agreement with Mary and Curtis Kenkel (3669 Pinecrest Court) to help implement a Shoreland and Upland Buffer Project at Fish Lake through the Water Quality Cost -Share Partnership Program and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. S. It was recommended to schedule a Public Hearing on August 1, 2016 to consider a business subsidy pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 1161.993 to 1161.995 to J & & Solutions, Inc. d/b/a Corvida Medical, Inc., for development of business at 3660 Dodd Road. T. It was recommended to approve a Final Subdivision, Willow Ridge at Wescott, to create 15 lots upon approximately 10 acres located at 1055 and 1085 Wescott Road, north of Wescott Road and east of Lexington Avenue. U. It was recommended to approve a Final Plat (West End Trap Club) to create one lot upon approximately 19 acres located at 4899 Brooklyn Lane. PUBLIC HEARINGS Variances — City of Eagan City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting the Council is being asked to consider approval of parking setback variances for two properties along 3386 and 3390 Pilot Knob Road associated with the Pilot Knob Road Corridor Improvements. City Council Meeting Minutes July 19, 2016 3 page Public Works Director Matthys gave a staff report and provided a site map. Mayor Maguire opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, he turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve parking setback Variances for two properties along at 3386 and 3390 Pilot Knob Road associated with Pilot Knob Road Corridor Improvements (County Project 31-76/City Project 1095), for 3386 Pilot Knob Road, a 10 foot parking setback variance, and 3390 Pilot Knob Road, a 13 foot parking setback variance. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 OLD BUSINESS There were no old business items to be heard. NEW BUSINESS Rezoning, Preliminary Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision (Summerbrooke) — DR Horton Inc. MN City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting this item was before the Council on April 5, 2016. The item was continued to the June 7 meeting and requested that the applicant consider their concerns regarding the Rezoning to R -1S and access. Subsequently, the applicant withdrew the R -1S Rezoning and Variance requests and submitted for a Rezoning to Planned Development and a Preliminary Planned Development; the preliminary subdivision request hasn't changed in a substantive way. City Planner Ridley gave a staff report and provided a site map. The applicant was present and available for questions. The Council discussed the development. Mayor Maguire opened the public comment. The following residents spoke against the request and shared their concerns regarding traffic, retaining wall, density, and street connection: John Kenley, 750 Camberwell Drive, and Kristie and Brad Hagen, 758 Camberwell Drive. Gary and Ayrica Ash, 755 Diffley Road, shared their concerns regarding their property. There being no further public comment, Mayor Maguire turned the discussion back to the Council. After further discussion several Councilmembers stated concerns regarding the cul-de-sac and southern lot sizes. City Attorney Dougherty clarified that the cul-de-sac modification discussed and the loss of a lot as part of the Final Subdivision application would not require a new Public Hearing. Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve a Rezoning from A, Agricultural, to PD, Planned Development, upon approximately 15 acres located at 775 and 785 Diffley Road. Aye: 3 Nay: 2 (Bakken and Tilley)