3565 Pilot Knob RdINSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: ,?8'?0 P,ot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: I,DT= t '. 'F' I l.+ ?'f' Kl1O8 RD 6 kF',' 1 . ! •ie '{'tllf?': PERMIT SUBTYPE: :,r,Ea :i y r;:: BLOCK APPLICANT: i? . , !.!, I l.l; I ?a?' ?'?•M':'ft , - ? t E, l43 11 0 115 11 HuxL.D rtaG r•+zah52 l0/04/Q6 TYPE OF WORK: wrw I I.., t. tt 1 1,-1+ f'RErIgION TUNC INSPECTION .. . DA r F:%:MitAlt; NG, kf9,GN IM P1.3": 1r!+tl?:t? ft3 t,1?•; }'1N1L FlAW, }' I NA t, IM' F[ NAI, RFiMAR2CSt S&ir! pLU14gER - I3AKC)TJi F`L11Ci . SEPAFiATG PERIiIVS REQiiIkF,li t'Ot2 EI,wt'TKIC1Al.. HSCHA,Ni['A1.. ryA i'LlIF4ktIHC: Nt)IiY. /4/, G• Z j?- Permit No. Pertnit Holder Date Telephone M ? ELrCTRIC a ? p ? ?, ?• q, k'LUMBING i A/O 9(P j{i ? Hv,ac inapsction Date Insp. mments FOOTINGS G' ?C ? FOUND ? FRAMING i2-?f-RL /tirQ ? ROOFING PLOUMBING Z2X INSUL GYPBOARD FIREPLACE FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL 96CILF*fa DECK FINAL 31_,1 ,- ?yY? _ i ??? • - PREC1S10N TIJNE •? Wertificate vf cccuvauc? "4 oq Cfagan 2ev"Iaeat af lamdLiatg ?xivectiox 4 This Certi,ficate issued pursuant to the requireraents of the Uniform Building Code certifying tfeat at the tinte of issuance thrs structure was in compliance weth the various orrfenances of the City negulating building construction or use. For the foltowing: Use Ctusifintioa: COM!!/ 1ND Bldg. Permit No. 28652 O-P-y T,z S-3/11 za,ioanisuxc PD 7yPeConst. II-N OwnerofBuiimng DEAN JdHNSON Addren 6321 BURY DR., ED$N PRA1RlE MN 8,,;? Ad&,,, 3565 PILOT KNOB RD L.Wrty L1. B1, PREC1S10N TUNE ?-?---? ? ?- ?z,4 uaW. eui" omcw iL ;? '/, ' `7 7 J POST IN A CONSPFCUOl1S PLACE 322- 628 ? ?? ? OFFICE ? U??LV This rryoest vEid 18 monMs from.olidatlon dab prin ? isbox. 94 ? PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Req t Oo '? Ro?gh-in inspetlion req?ired2 ? Y<s h h d InspMion O?herThan Rough-In: eady Now Q WIII Call D t R d en reo e Inspector w yj (You mvst call I a e ea y: I icensed mnfmdor ? owner hereby request inspedion af ihe above eledrical work a}: lob IrblPtiti or RoNe No.) Gp ?-- Zip Code Sedion No. TownsNp Name or No. Range No. Firo No . Counry _ VjC%! pccvpom Phone No. eL - ,'7)rj a.r Q-- PowerSo W pllar E Pddress EI riml o r(Com nr Nom ? ? ? C pt na Limme No. ? &M Mamr Lic. No. (PIaM HM. Only) ? , d Mailirg Aildrees IConha J(?ar Owna PeAoiming Inswllotion) ? • Ol'e j L () ! "" V AvThanzed igmNre?Conha rarOwnrPeormiiglnsravfian) !? ? Q/: ? 7? PhoneNa.?` K ? EB-OWfXA-10 6/95 ' I( 5fA7EBOAFD COPV-SEEIN5fXUCfIONSONBACKOFYELLOWCOPY IIII I III II I I 1e II I I? II I I I I? I? ?? g21QUn'N sity Ave., Rm. S?-1 BA?I PaulP, MNTSSO704 ??? 0 3 2 2 6 2 8 9 P,,rzr?e c?t2> 642-0800 4 a 9?p e Duplex Apt. Bldg. Olher: ew Addn Commercial Industrial Farm Remod Re air Air Cond. Htg. Equip. Woter H}r. Lo d Mgmt. Other. D er Ran e Elea Heot em . Service 'X' above the work cavered by fhis request. Enfer remari:s in this space and on the back of the whife copy only. ? z5D 71-v? ? Colculate Inspecfion Fee - 7his Inspection Request will nof be accepted wifhouF the comect fee: Olher Fce S Service Entrance Size Fee # Cira1ils/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Pork Stall 0 to 200 Amps / 1 0 fo 100 Amps Street lf911raffic Sig. Above 200 s 2??ye 100 Amps Transformer/Genemror INSPECTOP'SU oNLV ? TOTAL .? $ign/Oufline L}g. X{mr. ? Alorm/Remote Control ? . Swimming Pool I hem ce Mat I ine t immllafan descnbed hercin on the doros smfed Irtigation Boom Rough-In -- Doh $peciallnspedian Imesfigative Fee Finol / Dme •? ? THIS INSTALLATION MAV BE ORDER "IF'NOT COMPIETED WITHIN 18 MO T S. 3 2 2- 6 31 3 ??C€ USE O LV ihis request vmd 78 months (mm volidalion dme pdnred in this bm. ? PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Reqmsi Cak Raogh-in lmpectian reqvired2 ? Na InspMion Olher Than Rough-In: ? Ready Now ill Call ?'/oo mm? call Ihe inspenor en reudyJ OoM 2eady: I licensed coniracfor ? awner hereby requesf inspedion of Ihe abave eletlrical work af: Job Address (Sheet, Bax, ar R te No.) Ciry Lp Code 1 ?^ I 6 ?IwN` ?y ? I ? l 1 ? Sedion Na. Township Name or Na. Range No. Firc No. Covnry ny? Orcupo Phone No. ? W e ?,y r? nr Poxx r Supplier Address ' ,p?_ n v?..5 Y Eleclnml Con r(Compony Nnme Commeor licenu Na. Maskr Lic No. (Plam EIecL Only) a C G `l Mailin /ddmes (Conlmtloror Oxner Pehormi Insb`lla^tion? Aulhodxed Signabre ( Mmebr or Owner Pee(ormirg Inslallofion) Phone No. 4 0133 E5-001SO1h10 6/95 " I - STATEBOAIiDCOPY•SEEINSTNUCTIONSONBACKOFYELLOWCOPY IIII IIII I? I IIII II I II I IIIII II I?II?I II REQUEST fOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION O? :; Minnesota State Board of ElecVicity * D 3 22 6 3 1 3 * ?2umv?e?s?2 v0e? ?•Pe, st, P I, MN 55104 W5fY Home Duplez Apt. Bidg. Other: ew Addn merciol Industrial Farm Remod Re ir Air Cond. Hfg. Equip. Woter Htr. Load Mgmt. Other: D er Ron e Elec. Heaf Tem .$ervice above f6e work covered by this reqvesl. Enter remarks in Ihis space and on the ba<k of the white copy only. Cakulole Inspection Fee - This Inspecfion Request will not be accepted wifhoW fhe correct fee: OlFier Fee # Service Entrance $ae Fee # Circuih/Feeders fee Mobile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Sheef Lfg./rraf(ic Sig. Above 200 Amps A6ove 1 Amps Transiormer/Generalor INSPECTOP'SUSEONLV ljrOTAL ^ Sign/OuflineLtg.Xfmr. ? '?7? Alarm/Remofe Conirol L Swimming Pool I hem mni! Ma i im Med Ma descnbed harein on *e dares spied IQM?afion Irti9otiOn BOOm Rovgh.ln Dote Special Inspection Invas}igative Fee nw? 421 THIS INSTALLATION MAY 8E OR DE D DISCONN CTE F NOT COMPLETED WITHI 18 MONT S. 6 9r-?z ,? 50,50 005 COMMERCIAL CHAIVICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CI? • K-o ?2 Z- ,. City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. commercial/industris] buildings mul6-£amily buildings when sepazate permits are not required for each dwelling unit Date 5ite Street Address Unit # Tenant Name (ifapplicable) Previous Tenant Name Property Owner Telep6one # Contractor Street Address PL ) City State MN Zi ? Tele hone# (7C/J) AT?OF p -- p Bond #: Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Work Type New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove ""see below Interior Improvement Install Piping _Processed Gas J? ?/? ? . ? 1 ° Y? Nature of Work : o ?/ . Am mXr,?P ??t .IrI?G7?Q._Q_ I7a?! S , "When instaqing/removing underground fank, call for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing lnspecfor a nde,r round!ank instal_ ' moval Permit Fees: s70.5 : .50'M, n'unum (includes Stare Surcharge) Contract Value $ ? x 1% _ $ Permit Fee • If permit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ State Surchazge If pe rmit fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for D every $1,000 ep rmit fee $ u Total Fee I hereby apply For a Commercial Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the pproved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval olans. ?Cc r ) t ?U0 r5? /1 k" 5??( Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature - Approved By: , Inspector Date: f?l?; iwNr 2 5 2005 !,?I CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT 3565 PILOT LOT: 1 BLOCK: PRECISION TIINE VALUATION I DESCRIPTION: PRECISION Bu'ildin`g_Permit Type Building Work Type ?USG OccupanCy,,_ 'Construction Type Zoning BUilding Lenqth i Building Width SquareFeet ' ?---- '` Census Cade <.' . ._ x C? REMARKS: 5&W PLUMBER = DAKOTA PLBG. SEPARATE PERHITS REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, OR PLUMBING WORK FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review 3urcharge SAC SAC % SAC Units Subtotal $1,687.25 $1.096.71 $130.00 $2,700.00 100 3 $5,613.96 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: KNOB RD 1 TuxE COMM./IND. NEW S-3/H II-N PD 48 60 2,880 322 SERVICE STATION $260,000 CK &h1,)l ? Ip."Z-cl (' BIIILDING 028652 10/04/96 CITY SAC S/W PERMIT S/W SURCHARGE TREATMENT PLANT ROAD UNIT PARK DEDICATION TRAIL DEDICATION Total Eee CONTRACTOR: - Applicant - E C I BUILDING CONTR 24520555 1771 YANKEE DOODLE RD EAGAN MN 55121 (612) 452-0555 $9,966.01 OWNER: JOHNSON 6321 BURY EDEN PRAIRIE (612)934-4834 DEAN DR 4 MN 55346 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correet and agree to comply with all applicpble ?State nf Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinanees. L Z - r ' AF LI ? ANT/ G-TIS ?Wlfl D : I NATU E $300.00 $100.00 $.50 $1,188.00 $743.33 $1,562.00 5458.22 J CITY OF EAGAN p? / O 9996 BUlLDlNG PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) ? / ?' ? 681-4675 The following are required with Ilappropriate certification for all now construction: . 2 each: architectural pfans; mech. & eiec. plans; fire sprinkler plans; structural plans; site plans: landscaping plans; greding/drainagelerosion contrm plarr, utility Plan I . t each: set of specificztions; set of energy calculations; electrical power 8 lighting fortn; Special Inspections 8 Testing Schedula ? Letter fmm MCM1S (phone 0222-8423) indicating SAC determination ? Code anaysis indicating: Codes used; occupancy Gassfiwtions; setbacks; maximum allowable area as per Building and City Codes along with sq. ft. per floor; type of construdion (synopsis of construction components) 8 any occupancy or area separation walis; occupancy loads; exit synopsis with a diagram indicating exiting loads from each mom or area, travel paths & all rated , conidors; plumbing fixtures; and parking. DATE: DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION SITE ADDRESS: " LOT / BLOCK WORK TYPE: L NEW _ REMODEL o6oac) dc) TENANT NAME: ??Q-k 5 `?"- 3 sds 91NEfT SUBD. pR£c1f0e'v Tuxt P.I.D. # /4 hb / r/e,/ sre s PROPERTY owNeR CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT! ENGINEER Name: NST FIRBT StreetAddress* ?0?a ? ??-`'? ?'?• ? L Ciry: -df t, State: O'1 l,1 Company: Street / 6 cicy:-fkP lc)-/z,- zip: Company: F I Vp Phone #: 3 3°1 Name: Registration #?LLo -2 d . . . • ? i rn r , , ,••?? ?? Street Address VZ `" ' L • r?UG ;; ? ,??? , ---------------f City: State: M (? ? zip:SS t i Sewer & water licensed?l;Plumber: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ?? Signature of Applicant: i Phone #: Zip: S S?LI b P h o n e #: q Sa-() SSS OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE , _ ? 01 Foundation ? 19 Comm./lnd. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous /_ 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE X? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) /0'<< Basement sq. ft. 393 MC/WS System ? (Allowable) ,zL-LV, First Floor sq. ft. Z,ebO - City Water ? _ UBC Occupancy 5- 3Zs sq. ft. '/?' Fire Sprinklered ? Zoning sq. ft. Census Code 3 2 z # of Stories f sq. ft. 5AC Code ao Length sq. ft. Census Bldg. i Depth 00_ Footprint sq. ft. r0250._ Census Unit ? APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee I Valuation: Surcharge 8- Plan Review i 0 -71 MC/WS SAC L.?oe- 900 x j CitySAC s??•» <-io°R3 Water Conn. ? S/W Permit too.oa SJW 5urcharge .so Treatment PI. i, iaB_ ??--- 3 y& x 3 Road Unit vs X, 5'7 y Park Ded. Trails Ded. S'sS. zz Water Qual. N.? Other - Copies - Total: ? ? • ?? , ?. $ ZloO, occ? ? C,?AW??PC_ d6 r 02??. , % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ?S s? ? L BL OFFICE USE ONLY ? L L RECEIPT #: SUBD. i`Lw? .?/Lr.?.?- DATE: lollv/9< o 1996 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAM 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: * all commercial/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are M required for each dwelling unit. DATE: 16/5A?6 CONTRACT PRICE: /C,, c7crr-F- WORK TYPE: L,-NEW CONSTF2i1(G I iON r+uv CN REopIo DESCRIPTION OF WORK: IS WATER METER REQUIRED7 V YES _ NO. IF SO, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: WATER FLOW: GPM. ARE FLUSHOMETER:i TO BE INSTALLED? YES L---'NO. FAILURE TO PROVIDE TNIS INFORMATION WILL RESULI' IN A DELAY OF METER ISSUANCE. WILL IF SO FEE: ./ CONTRACT PRICE x 1% I65• vu STATE SURCHARGE „SO TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: 3 S? S pt tp? <.?'jd k ?a TENANT NAME: _RCEnC,iSiim l wr.rS STE. # OWNER NAME: Prn?zs? " -C-U?'? INSTALLER: I?o, ko r,a t? ? bc ?E f'/Trr ADDRESS: CITY: E STATE: A.i ZIP: PHONE YS`fS SIGNATURF: T? facl?? A PLICANT OFFICE USE ONLY METER SIZE: DATE: IO` //- f INSPECTOR: $25.00 minimum fee or 1°/a of contract price, whichever is greater. State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of perm•j fee due on all permits. V r CITY USE ONLY L_L BL ? RECEIPT #: zlo, o al?r?fl SUBD. ? DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 6814675 Please complete for: ? all commercialfindustriai buiidings. ? mufti-family buildings when separate permits are = required for each dwelling unit. ? DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: ?- y`r 6 c WORK TYPE: b--NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: o i/ 7`,0 ^-/Fr (2 FEES: .$25.00 minimum fee pL 7% of contract price, whichever is greater. • Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% ge'l 6, s PROCESSED,PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL Sv SITE ADDRESS: 3 S-<-S ,( ? .. ? ?d . OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: Lf"- L 7 " TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: ---7' << ADDRESS: CITY: '-z ?w. ?x STATE: r--- - ZI P: PHONE #: 2 SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR ? • CITY USE ONLY L ? BL RECEIPT #: SUBD. DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) • CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 VAI?. Please complete for: ? all commerciai/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are n.Qt required for each dwelling unit. J v DATE: 1211 IA7? CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: )0 NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: ?$25.00 minimum fee 2r 1°k of conVact price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% l?I •? PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURGHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: d ` CDZ 'W,6 4J . OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS oNL INSTALLER: x? 4` f?' ? ADDRESS: iil/ I TELEPHONE #: Si?. ..Srv %- &-- l? 1 7 CP ?O ?4? CITY: 1?vI??,i?.LL? STATE: 4-1111 PHONE #: / ? SIGNATURE• GGZy SIGNATU PERMITTEE zI P: 5?-> 3 7 /4 , CITY INSPECTOR city oF eagan December 16, 1996 Dean 7ohnson Precision Tune 6321 Bury Dr. #4 Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Re: Precision Tune - 3565 Pilot Knob Road Dear Mr. Johnson: THOMASE6AN MaYOr PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS HEDGfS City Adminishator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk City staff conducted an inspection of the above property on December 9, 1996. The purpose of the inspection was to determine the status of the site improvements and compliance with the approved plans. Development of the site appears to have progressed acwrding to the approved plans. However, as of the date of the inspection, the following items remain incomplete: a. Site Lighting - Pazking lot lighting has not been installed. b. Landscaping - It appeazs that the existing trees which were to be removed remain on the site, but the new landscaping has not yet been installed. c. Parking Lot - Because of the snow, it was difficult to determine if the stalls in the parking lot have been striped. If not, please note that pazking lot striping is required and will need to be completed when the weather permits. The pazking lot lighting must be completed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. The other two items should 6e completed by June 30_ 1997. A follow up inspection will be done on or after that date. Please send us a written response confirming your receipt of this letter and your intent to complete the above items in the specified time frame. Your cooperation in in this matter is appreciated. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 681-4691. Sincerely,. Pamela Dudziak Associate Planner ?cc: Buildina Proiect File MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOiA 551 22-1 89 7 THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal OpportunitylAlflrmative Actlon Employer FAX: (612) 681-4360 iDD: (612) 454-8535 TDD: (612) 454-8535 h ? i. rr ?? ' r?i1 , II);; r.?na;nr;, ?•i_?; f1 ;iC)i G. I F ^? •1 ti), IF?a : %r'Ul' i ;, Nr{ i rFFr? c ,!r ?:;?rr ? - ??, f.) (1 ?'?'• j;) 7't?i:.st.l C.F?rJr ? .., rllJ tjs'?h .TCi. NANCV ???r*.w%k%kXt*?Y*;?'k**?k.?kM?t***;kA??%k;N.M.?.?. •.. 7?.?. h!O:r e ? ?rv ? rf ifl/.N(-, T ... ? . ... .`.-/1:7:'.!.? -. ? fl,F.i P7 (.%J i 4Ct6j: ?!`,'1;7'?'? f.(•riir.•rq.i.'-?{ C>?rNS r7:14 i fi?r.r;:;?,,, rt e .?;l:::F;? l.`.; l . Ot.) I.F,i..(.7{) ::;K'N??r• I i y,. . ,k..;h":tl?:$M*'neF;?l?k3:x?lk.,;:./F:4c.lt'YF?n;t?".4:YF?gXcKc?k%k . 0G,WQW?? 0W?O?O?Q 0'_ t0:.0 GC?? •r?r??0? •!6.l?q? A ' fINAi f'Ct, 179 ? l? ? ? ? ? f Q? ? Serial # Chip # permit # 9 013 10 Address: 3 S(o-? -PiLo, KN I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF FJIGAN ORDINANCES Signature: - 'J 4, ?; a?y" Qam r+?? ?-r ,?fcttz .Z'rsc?' ?.r?ae, Seriai # ? Lld' ? 3,O a 0 cnip# ?FSyuriUiy Permit # ?9 0 /3 ' Address: 356s A clrr . 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ORDINANCES Signature: LOT -L BLOCK ? ?SUBD.O/?LECcd.ct?? ",(G4l-e, RECE PT DATE /09A? 1996 CITY OF EAGAN IRRIGATION PERMIT (FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER) COMMERCIAL;INSTLLI?TIONS:)F?MpAIIUST BE COMPLETED BY LICENSED PLUMBER Date: ? Commercial GPM _ Residential (boulevards) GPM _ Existing residential Area/address to be irrigated: 35' (o t: L-o T' Kt.1o ?7p 2p, Installer: DAIrPJT?I P L-(v: Owner ? Plumber ?.? Street address: City, state & zip code: Phone #: ??? " 6!n ?LS Owner Name• p/Z6F C-( S r? iv T'vN ? Street address: Ciry, state & zip code: Irrigation contractor, if different Telephone #: Phone #: than installer: ? I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-af-way/easement. ApplicanYs signature P?LlJ4:7' Title Approved by: ' Date: PRV ? Yes ? No ?6 ,k!ew service ? Yes .!(No Meter Size / "' & Cost F- S? Fees due: (--Z ? Calculated by: PROCEDURE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEMS - 1996 An irrigation permit is required - please contact Protective Inspections at 681-4675. Fges Commercial project: $25.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer. $50.50 water permit fee gr].Iv if new seroice is installed. $300.00 per tap if installed by City. Residential project: $20.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer. $50.50 water permit fee if new service is installed. $760.00 qer connection - WAC. $396.00 Rer connection - water treatment facility. Existing residence: $20.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer -(not required if backflow preventer previously installed). Meter charge: If gallons per minute are less than 25, a 1" meter will be required at a cost of $182.00. If gallons per minute are II]2? than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required at a cost of $822.00. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new service lines are not required, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Receipt will be coded to 20-3716 (meter portion only) with pink copy fonvarded to Utility Billing Clerk. The installer is to contact Protective Inspections at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Public Works Department may be reached at 681-4300 for water turn-on and set and seal of the meter. Inspection hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Requests for A.M. inspections should be made on the preceding work day. Requests for PM inspections will be accepted until 12:00 noon. r7u. ?Z__p C\,Z, 7-9/ Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Planning for the Future - Environmental Services August 20, 1996 Mr. Joe Voels Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Voels: " ZB?SZ F--- r Sfon/ -T-z? nl E I- 1 PRaC6rawc "i`uivt-- .4DdN. j 36`s Q, ?or ?wcct rzj,-, The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Division determined SAC for the Precision Tune to be located at 35E & Pilot Knob Road within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged 3 SAC Units, as determined below. Charges: Service Bays 6 bays @ 2 bays/SAC Unit If you have any questions, call Jodi Edwards at 229-2113. Sincerely, 4?,?f(/L ? Roge? W. Janzig Planner, Municipal Services Section Wastewater Services Department RWJ:JLE 9608205F cc: S. 5elby, MCES Carolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Chris Lambrecht, ECI Building Contractors SAC Units 3.00 230 East Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 (612) 222-8423 Faac 229-2183 TDD/TTY 229-3760 An Equni Opportwity Employer W? city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CNIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE C1TY AOMINISTRA DALE WEGLE3TNER, FiRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSIENGtNEERINGIUTILITIESlSTREETS `GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASC}i, WATE32 RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY MEMO FFtOM: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR r, /n ?tC/f/o? isNt DATE: S/IS/?W GpT ?I? 6 GOCK Abi?,in.swt SUBJECT: PIAN REVIEW ?? The _ preliminary ? construciion plans for P2 ? c 151o ? '"i are in our plan review sedion for your review and comment. Please notify the Protective Inspections Division if you have any reason that these plans shouid not be approved and resolve arry problems with the aBecfed pardes. If you are requesting that issuance of the building pertnit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: ?i ? ls-/ ,QB /, vr: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the huilding pertnit: ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No ignature Amount 8 - Ib-q? Date pun.er.iw - city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE ClTY ADMINISTRATO DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ELECTRIGALINS?ECTOR PUBLIC WORKSlENGINEERING/UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCii, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIOLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY MEMO FROM: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR n DATE: g/IS/??O Lp A 7 ?I GOCK "l rK?6tacnem'K/VL SUB.JECT: PLAN REVIEW The _ preliminary OK consWClion plans for yIG G are in our plan review secEion for your review and comment. /S/OA.( " /l.tnlr- Please natify the Protective Inspections Division if you have any reasan that these plans should not be approved and resolve any prohlems with the afPected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the buiiding permit be heid, please fill out the proper °hold' request fortn. Comments: L/R - Indicate any fees that are to be colleded with the building pertnit: ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dediration ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No treil dedicatlon ? Yes ? No Vee dedication ? Yes ? No Amount PJ/Z ?i4lo Signature ?ate pun-rev.imv 0124520556 Sent by: ECI BUILDING CONTRACTORS 6124520556; 09/11/96 11:47AM;fg(ft N918;Page 3/3 -.-+ rwo. o 612-641-1339. F[NN-DANIELS fY7CHS ' y612 P03'V^aSEP 10 '% 13s04 I ? Y HAHUSOnAK w KOWM.OHYK ?ren.•oa.y?p Camwlllnj 31rYG1uNf E1yiouren 0 August 19. 14A6 Mr. Dan iJoge Finn-Denlels Archltecte 2324 University Avenue Sa. Paul, MN 55114 pear Pe RE PC1SION TUNB 16 flJmoxtae st"r! WIamiPt=. Maailai, x3c )P7 Ths atn+etu tem ot PF. 241 95i-2200 ?th maronry inga F.11w fsf-te71 ?16 b?c cons ction lqtplCSiOrtf. StandarA teWa of con rtructurel inaQection Youxs very iruly. P. E. el WHrpti r v ? ? J?v ?? Suite / 109 Idiag conaiau of ctendard tooting foundatiane a steel joirt roof with a csntar elae7 beam• t should not in our opinion, rety?ire "sQeelal ctnngth and mortar are recx a affice at the cumpketion-of VJ? I aa Well as 8 . IT ts' , tielse I11 4 ? Y ti ' y r to ? ? it ? . V? ?Ae ? w ?. ? ?ot , _ fo? ? ? 6124520556 Sent by: ECI BUILDING CONTRACTORS 6124520556; ? •?????? ? ? 09/11/96 11:47AM;JBtT7C #916;Page t ECI BUILDIHG CONTRACTORS 1355 Mendota Helghts Rd, Suite 180, Mendota Helghts. hV'l 55120-1112 612-452-0555 Fax 612•452-0556 ? ? TO : ? I'? \ 'ti? ? ?? c VC''FV'? FACBIMILS NUMBER: ?z 1 L`("tj FRDM: LARRY D. (3RELL - PRE3IDENT L C I SU I LD I Nf3 CONTRAC'1'ORS 1355 MENDOTA HSICiHTS ROAD, SUITE 180 HENDOTA HSIf3AT8, MN 55120-1112 PHONE #612/452-0555 FAX #612/452-0556 DATE: TIME: PROJECT: `- . ORFOI!lJIL DOCIItiENT TO FOLLOW SY-MAIL: YES ?Nd THIS TRANS14I83ION CONTAINS -?> PACiN(S), INCLUI3INQ THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RCEIVE ALL PAOES OR IF THE QUALITY OE' THIS TRANSMIS$ION SS POOR, PLEASE CALL ME AT: 612/452-0555. TBANK YOU. - Old I4brld Gluatity ECI fYew L4brld Technolagy -- An EQUal Oppenunny Em010101 6124520556 Se.nt by: ECI BUILDING CONTRACTORS 6724520556; 09/11/96 11:47AM;Jetj5x #916;Page 2/3 n?C?1V?0: Y/IU/YO l:YJYM; .1t Cn1 1JiL '- tGl 0U1L0INO CONIHAGI'OHtl; P000 2 612-641-1339 FtNN-DLYJIELS FRCHS 612 P02 SEP 10 '% 13:04 Y ' SINSLODI 8Y8T@1 AUIt10RM11t1C8 COhP&I11NC8 CJILCVL.ATION PR06RAM ViRBIODT 2.4 V. e. pBP71A9?NU1' OP BNSRaY VOLtIIJ'TARY 89'RPOWdi1HC'$ BTANDA&D8 POR 1PY'11 COhR'IHRCIAL AND MJLrTI'FADlILY $I(/H AZBS It&9IDSNfI11Y. BVILAINU87 MANDATO&Y 90R BBDBRA7+ BDILC/iNCS CI?Y, 140 Minnespolle MN BIIILI7Im: YAR'CIBION Ti7NE, EAl7AN CODB <B,C,H>: 8oth Hsakad and Coe1nA AATSi 6-14-96 FBN68TPATZO[i VALU88: 89 8'und. &NVBTD V?raiori 2.4 - BebYUary 1993 Hexatrrao Avsf?os CKlTSRLA "____8"" _'_gyl_"""y7"_""?aW' "_____' _ ""_" NL ABtAJ 664 87s 664 BBO ? 0.091 ? 0.270 OL ARBAI 156 109 6 ? vnm 1 WR . 8(5c ? .03 .03 .83 ? 0.830 ? 0.606 ; PB ? .533 .533 -533 - ? 0•533 ? 0.000 . VI.T ? 0 D 0 ? 0.000 ? N/A Uo! ? .48 .48 .48 ? 0.480 ? 0.520 MALI. Doi .1395 .1617 .147 .3054 ( 0.226 j 0.071 RC 1 13 13 13 13 113.000 ! 1 TN9 BOS I 2 2 2 Z ? NIA f Tt/A SQVTP I 1 I 1 1 ? 1.000 1 2.000 LSOHTS ? 2.95 2.25 2.75 2.96 ? 2.250 ? 2.000 pLCF ? 0 0 O ? 0.080 ? 0.460 I, O A D 8 " ^-------------------- -TOTAI+- """' HSATING? 6.651 11.5S1 5.516 13.761 { 37•499> 22 .808 COOLINOI S.086 5.667 3.166 3.806 ? 18.826< 35.386 TOTAL 113.537 17.418 8.797 17.568 ? 56.315a' S8.194 ....w..se...«???...ev..w.u..a....asa.nsw- --«--e-e.nm--nr-----a-s-..-°'----vu- rrre*rr«*. PA3869 H%T6RZOR WALL 7C7TAL CRIT882A •i?;ia*rt• OTIMR KUVEIqPB RBQIIIHHlSNTS ENVB'PD Version 2.4 - lebruazy 1993 CRITBRIA hiAXIMAd PiFtCSlPrAOB OP ROOP ARSA IN SICYLILiHT6: A88ICiN MA%IAli.1M _""'""'_ '___'_ """"""_""..."'_..__'_'__"'_____"'__ .. _ _ '""" " PercenCags af Roqf Jurea in 9kylighto: Viaibla Tr+nsmittance of 8kyliqht Deeigri Lighting Poatcandise ot Spwoe (30, 50, 70) MAxiMUM AL[ANA33L8 Vo: MIA7[IMO14 ""' . . """"" ' "'"_""'______"_'..'__'______"'""" ROOt I .p{4 < 0.047 Wail Adjacent t:o ilncondltione8 Spwco 0.116 Floor Ovor Thaconditioned 9pace ? 0 c 0.040 142NSMCJM ALLOpR8L8 R-VALtJB: MI?tYMvFI '----'----- --...----- ----- -`----_- " _---`---'---'---" -" " " '----' Nall He1ov Orade I I 10.5 R^VRlue Of ConCiat• 31W IRPU1Rtion Heated or t7nhwted S1xD (ti/V) Horizoatal or Varticnl Inaulrtioa Poeition (x/V) DepCh oi Width of Tn6ulotlon F24, 36, or 48 in.3 ==assneass=se:o:s:a=-re<a::sss-:-s=:-:mm.:-mm:snsa:m====>.+sss=:ar:.a-ra-aasow+a..a •r*a* ...• PA95$S OTHBA BNVSIAPS RBWZRBMSNI'S /tta***a? _ city of eagan TO: PAT GEAGAN, CHIEF OF POUCE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATO DALE WEGLEITNER, FiRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINS?ECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ENGiNEERINGJUTILITIES/STREET5 GENE VANOVERBEfCE, FINANCE DIRECTOR RICH BRASCH, WATEI2 RESOURCES COOROINATOR ? MIKE RIOIEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE. SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY MEMO FROM: OALE SCHOEPPNER, SENlOR INSPECTOR DATE: L?/IS/! ?O Gpy ??Nt A Ofac rr ewt SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW The _ preliminary& construction plans for p/G ? C /S ?o Ai are in our pian review section for your review and wmment. Please notify the Protective Inspections Oivision if you have any reasan that these plans should not be approved and resolve any problems with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the buiiding pertnit he held, please ?fil?l ,qut?th?ep?roper "hold" request fofrtn?. ?mlW ?? yL1.dL(A4Myw?TSs2C HA+f'PALt IPL rJ1LSe_ ywiII40V t4? ? ?? O.SLd /sU A? I /U"$ Indicate any fees that are ta he coliected with the building permit: Amount ? Yes No landsppe security required ? Yes L1G No water quality dedication t!G Yes ? No paric dedication ?Z' ? SK Yes ? No Vail dedication ZZ ? Yes ? No tree dediptian ? Yes ? No gnature Date pi?« 'a.. ° •.. ? city of eagan MEMO TO: PAT GEAGAN, CNIEF OF POLICE JON HOHENSTEIN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATO DALE WEGLEITNER, PIRE MARSHAL ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLlC WORKS/ENGINEERINGlUTILITIESlSTREETS \ RlCH BRASCN, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER ?GR G_tiQVE; SUPEf3Vf?FORESTRY FROM: DALE SCt10EPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR G / RZLG/f?O"? TuNG DA7E: S/IS/! ? LoT ?I? ?LOcK ADhtrrene SUBJECT: PLAN REVIEW The _ preliminary OK construclion plans for ?? Lr CI.s 1 o Al are in our pian review section for your review and comment. Flease notify :he Protective Inspecfians Division if you have any reason that these plans should not 6e aooroved and 2solve any pro6lems with the affeded parties. If yau are requesting that issuance of the building pertnd be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request fortn. ? Yes ? No landsrape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication Am n ? Yes ??, No treil dediption ? Yes !? No tree dedication ? ? Yes ? No vz t-cb- ig ature Date pwwm.imr ni p... AO hlti 'f... l1'G I^trww?l, Indicate any fees that are to be coliected with the building pertnit: ' sRauN=M INTERTEC December 30, 1996 Mr. Chris Lambrecht ECI Building Contractors 1355 Mendota Heighu Road, Suite 180 Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1112 Deaz Mr. Lambrecht: eroun inrertec corporonon 6950 Wesl 146th Street, Suire 131 Apple Valley, Minnesota 557 24-6520 612431-4493 Fax:4313084 Engrneen and Scientish Serving fhe 6ui1t ond Noturol Environmenn Project BODX-96-300C Re: Summary Report for Construction Testing and Special Inspecdon Services, Precision Tune, Pilot Knob Road and Interstate 35E, Eagan, Minnesota As you authorized, we have performed construction testing and special inspection services at the Precision Tune buIIding in Eagan, Minnesota. This report provides a summary of the construction testing services and special inspections. Available InformaGon A geotechnical evaluation was performed for ihis site by GME Consultants, Inc. The report is tided, "Geotechnical Exploration, Proposed Precision Tune Shop, Eagan, Minnesota", GME Project Number 6041. The report is dated May 17, 1996. ExcavAtion Observations The excavation observations were conducted by a staff engineer on October 7 and 8, 1996. Random, shallow (up to 3 feet deep) hand auger probes were used to assist in evaluating excavation bottom soils. Estimates of the soil consistency or density were based on the penetration and tuming resistance of the hand auger probes. Soil classifications were determined in accordance with the American Sociery for Testing and Materials (ASTM) procedures by examining the hand auger probe cuttings. The excavating contractor used a dozer to remove the vegetation and topsoil from the building, oversizing and pavement azeas. Hand auger probes performed in the excavation bottom typically encountered silty sand and poorly graded sand with silt which were judged to be in a medium dense condition. i Based on the construction staking provided by others and a finished floor elevarion of 100 feet, the excavation bottom eievations ranged from approximately 97 to 98 feet. Approximately 5 feet of oversizing was provided. ECI Building Contractors Project BODX-96-300C December 30, 1996 Page 2 Compaction Tesfs A total of seven compaction tests (Tests 1 through n and two retests (Tests 4A and 6A) were taken in the fill placed to establish footing, floor slab and pazking grades. All tests or retests performed in the fill placed to establish grade met or exceeded the minimum compaction requirement of 95 or 100 percent of standard Proctor density (A3TM D 698). Rebur Inspection Observations of the uansverse reinforcing steel placement in the column pads were performed on October 10 and 11, 1996. Concrete Testing Braun Intertec cast concrete test cylinders for ffie concrete ptaced for footing and slab-on- grade. The concrete tesu met the specified 28-day strength requirements. Results of the concrete compression tests were previously submitted and are attached to this report. Structural Steel Observations Nondestructive examination services were performed for this project during erection of the structural steei. The results of our structural steel observations were previously submitted in our Daily Observation Reports. Our structural steel nondestructive examination services repod is attached to this report. Summary Based on the results of our excavation observations and hand auger probes, it is our opinion the excavation bottom soils aze suitable for fi11 and/or foundation support. Based on the results of our compaction tests, it is our opinion the engineered fill placed is suitable for foundation and floor slab support. Based on the results of our observations, it is our opinion the transverse reinforcement has been placed according to the project plans and specifications. Based on the results of our concrete tests, it appeazs the foundation and floor slab concrete met the specified 28-day suength requuements. Based on the results of our structural steel observations, the welds and boltin; were found acceptable. ECI Building Conuactors Project BODX-96-300C December 30, 1996 Page 3 General Services performed by the geotechnical engineers for this project have been conducted with that level of caze and skill ordinazily exercised by members of the profession currenUy practicing in this azea. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Thank you for using Braun Intertec for this project. If you have any questions regazding this summary report, please call Joe Friederichs or Greg Bialon at (612) 431-4493. Sincerely, Ioseph M. Friederichs 5taff Engineer Professional Certification: I hereby certify that this reporc was prepazed under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ? A ?J5?'?, Gregory??. B? on, PE Project Engineer Registration Number: 24017 Attachments: Report of Field Compaction Tests, Reporrs 1 and 2. _ Proctors P-1 and P-2 Compressive Test of Concrete Cylinders, Seu 1 through 4 Structural Steel Report - jmflgjb:r16196300c\ryt s Rau N°M INTERTEC Report of Fleld Compadion Tests Date: December 17, 1996 project: BODX-96-300C Report: 1 Client: Mr. Chris Lambrecht ECI BuIlding Contractors 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 h.fnndnrn Hniahte MN S519f1 Projed Description: Construction Testing Services Precision Tune Pilot Knob Road & Irnerstate 35E Fauan_ IvL?innesOtd est ate ype Soil ID and Classification Optimmn Moisture* (°k) Ma..Iab Dry Density" (Std.Proc.) (pct) Tnplace Moishae (°h) Tnplace Dry Density (pcf) Relative Compaction Speatied Minimwn Compact. omments 1 10/29/96 N P-1: SP 9'h 116 6 110 95 95 A 2 10/29/96 N P-1: SP 9'/s 116 6 110 95 95 A 3 10/29/96 N P-1: SP 91h 116 8 110 95 95 A 4 10/29/96 N P-2: 3P 91h 126'fz 11 124 98 100 B 5 10/29/96 N P-2: SP 91fs 1261h 9 127 100 100 A 6 10129/96 N P-2: SP 9'fz 126'fi 13 119 94 100 B Key: N = Nuclear, ASTM D 2922 A= Test results comply with specifications. SC = Sand Cone, ASTM D 1556 B= Test results do not wmply with specifications. # = O.M. and M.L.D.D. rounded to nearest 0.5 Tcst Test Location Elevation 1 32'S, 31'E of NW corner 100 2 8'3, 37'E of NW corner 100 3 9'S, 10'E of NW comer 100 4 Pazkin lot; 5'N, 12'W of NW corner 99 5 Pazking lot; 15'S, 10'W of NW corner 99 6 Pazkin lot; 27'S, 20'W of NW comer 98 Elevation Reference: Braun Intertec Corporauon ?-Pr" UVIX?[f 14" J seph M. Friederic s Staff Engineer 96300c\cu.l s Rau NsM INTERTEC Report of Field Compaction Tests Dnte: December 17, 1996 Project: BODX-96300C Report: 2 C6ent: Mr. Chris Lambrecht ECI BuIlding Contractors 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 _ IILT fC19A Projed Description: Construction Testing Services Precision 'ttine Pilot Kaob Road & Iaterstate 35E ??..en M?nnaenM l?1GLLLV14 est 11 w) ate ? ype Soil ID aud ClassiFqdon Optimwn Moisture' (%) Mae. Lab Dry Density (Std.Proc.) (pcfl Tnplace Moisture (°k) Inplace Dry DeasitY (pcf) Relative Compactiou M Speci6ed Nmimum Compact. (%) omments 6 N P-2: SP 9'fz 126'k 9 128 101 100 A 6A 11/8/A96 N P-2: SP 9'h 126'h 12 126 100 100 A 1/81 6 N P-2: SP 9'h 126'fz 10 129 102 100 0 A P Key: N = Nuclear, ASTM D 2922 SC = Sand Cone, ASTM D 1556 * = O.M. and M.L.D.D. rounded to nearest 0.5 A= Test results comply with specifications. B= Test results do not comply with specifications. Test Test Location Elevation 4 Retest of 4 99 6A Retest of 6 98 7 Parkin Lot, 20'S, 3'E of SW Comer 99 Elevation Reference: Braun Intertec Corporation Jose h M. Friederichs Staff Engineer 96300c1cts.2 s Rau N=M I NTE RTEC Laboratory Compaction Characteri5tics of Soil (Proctor) Date: December 17, 1996 Prqjed: BODXA6300C Client: DesQiption: Mr. Chris Iambcacht Conshuction Testing Setvices ECI Bwlding Coahactors Precision'Itime 1355 Meadota Heights Road, Suite 180 Pilot Bnob Road & lntexstate 35E vw. <cIan F?oun Minnaanffi Field Data: Date Sampled : 10/29/96 Test Number • P-1 Sampled Sy . BS I.ocatioa Sampled : Classification . SP: Poorly g:aded sand, fine- to medium-Snined> M°'x'° Laboratory Data: ASTM D: 698-91 Procedure: standazd B Date Tested: 10/29/96 As Received Water Content: Prep. Methad: wet Rammff TYPe: manual Sieve Data, % on 3/4": % 3/4"-3l8": % 3!8' -#4: Size of "Oversize": Perceat Oveisim: Spec. Gravity: 2.45 .,-'---- r,...,o....A v9h,. (4STM 1) 47181 Maximum Dry Unit Weight, pcf Optimum Water Conbent, % 116 y 116 W ~ f --- f 9'h 3'0 % Zero Air Voids *AX@b*0ZM ... 114 U c L 00 .? 3 .G ? uz z 0 iio 108 Water Content, % S.G.=2.45 (Asmmed) su3ooC4-i 5 7 g 11 13 15 sRauNsM INTERTEC Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil (Proctor) Date: December 17, 1996 Projed: BODXA6-300C Clieat: Mr. C6ris Lambrecht ECI Building Conuactors 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 11_ 1lLT C<t011 Description: Conshuction Testing Services Piecision Tune Pilot Saob Road & Interstate 35E 1" _ 1! ......M FSeld Data: Date Sampled : 10/29/96 Test Number . P-2 Sampled By . KS I.ocafion Sampled : Clsssification . SP-SM: Poorly graded sand with silt, fine- to medium-Sained° 'a'ith 8mve1, brown LaboraWry Data: ASTM D: 698-91 Pcocedure: standerd C Date Tesced: 10/30196 As Received Water Content: Prep. Methad: wet Rammer TYPe: m°°ual % on 3!4': Sieve Data 96 3/4"-3l8': % 3/8" -#4: , Size of "Oversize': Pexceat Oversize: Spec. Gravity: 2.70 Mazimum Dry Unit Weight, pcf Optimum Water Content, % 126 n.._e....A v46,. InCTM 1i 47181 ? YI?V • 126'fi f f 9'h % % Zeio Air Voids ll?? Qm ?. 124 U a m .U 3 .F = 122 ? ? O 120 118 Water Content, % 4 S.G.=2.70 (Assumed) 96sao6¢z 6 8 10 12 14 sRAUN=M I NTE RTEC Compressive Test of Concrete Cylinder Test Method: ASTM C 39, 6" g 12" CyGnder Date: December 17, 1996 project Number: BODX-96-300C Client: Mr. Chxis Lambrecht ECI Building Cantractors 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Pmject Descripfion: Conshuctian Testing Services precision Time Pilot %nob Road & Interstate 35E Eagan, Minnesoffi Number: 1 Mix Design: 3067 e Cast: 10/9196 SuPPlier: Cemst°ne ie Cast: 2:00 p.m. Specified Air: n/a asured Slump: 61h' Specified SCreagth: 3000 Lsured Air. 1,290 Txuck or Ticket No.: 156779 iaete Temperature: 72°F Cylinders Per Set: 3 Temperature: 58°F inder Cast By: KS uid Added ac Site: 20 gallons water uple Location: West Footing Notes: Sample Daze Test Field Lab Test Max IAad Cyl P.rea Compressiva Remazks No. Recvd Date Cure Cure Age (poimds) (sq in) Sh+ength, psi Code(s) lA 10/10 10/16 1 1B 10110 1116 1 6 7 72940 28.34 2570 B 27 28 137480 28.32 4860 K Specified Shength at 28 Days (psi): 3000 Remarks: B: The 7-day test result projects chat the specified stcength wi111ikely be met at the 28-daY a8e accocding to a typical strength age relationship. K: The above 28-day test result meets the required design stneagth. graun Intertec Cotpomtion J seph M. Ftiederichs Staff Engineer 96300c\conc.l e rtau N=M INTERTEC Compressive Test of Concrete Cylinder Test Method: ASTM C 39, 6" x 12" Cylinder Date: December 17, 1996 Project Number: BODX-96-300C Client: Mz. Chris Lamhrecht ECI Building Contractors 1355 Meadota Heighu Road, Suite 180 Meadata Heights, MN 55120 Prc.1ect Description: Constcuction Testing Services Piecision Tu¢e Pilot Snob Road & Interstate 35E Eagan, Minnesota Number: 2 Mix Design: 3067 e Cast: 10/10/96 Supplier: Cemstone ie Cast: 2:00 p.m. Specified Air: n/a asured Slump: 4" Specified Strength: 3000 tsured Air: 1.7 % Txuck or Ticket No.: 157696 icrete Temperature: 72°F Cylinders Per Set: 3 Temperature: 62°F inder Cast By: KS uid Added at Site: none iple Location: Interior Footings Notes: Sample Date Test Fieid Lab Test Max Load Cyl Area Compressive Remarks No. Recvd Date Gure C?ue Age (powds) (sq in) Strength, psi Cade(s) 2A 10111 10/17 1 6 7 83007 28.30 2930 K 2B 10/11 1117 1 27 28 128570 28.34 4540 %1 Specified Strength at 28 Days (psi): 3000 Remarks: K: The above 7-day test result meeu the required design shength. Kl: The above 28-3ay test result meets the tequited design strength. Braun Iatertec Corporation osep M. Friederichs Staff Engineer 96300c1conc? s Rau N°M INTERTEC Compressive Test of Concrete Cylinder Test Method: ASTM C 39, 6" x 12" Cylinder Date: December 17, 1996 Project Number: BODX-96300C Client Mr. Chris Lambrecht ECI Building Conhactors 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Project Deacription Consttuction Testing Services Precision ltime Pilot %aob Road & Incerstate 35E Fsgan, Minnesota Number. 3 Mix Design: 4062 e Cast: 11/11l96 Supplier: Cemstone ie Cast: 8:30 a.m. Specified Air. n/a Lsured Slump: 4' Specified Strength: 3000 asured Air: not tskea Tmck or Ticket No.: 175677 icrete Temperature: 74°F Cylindeis Pet Set 3 Temperehue: 22°F inder Cast By: KS uid Added at Site: none iple Loca[ion: Sautlt Apron Notes: Sample Daze Test Field Iab Test Max Load Cyl Axea Compressive Remarks No. Recvd Date Cure Cure Age (pounds) (sq in) Strength, psi Code(s) 3A 11l11 11118 1 6 7 85435 28.31 3020 B 3B 11/11 12l9 1 27 28 99464 28.30 3510 K Specified Shength at 28 Days (psi): 3000 Remarks: B: The 7-day test result projects that the specified stcength will likely be met at the 28-day age according to a typical st:ength age relationslrip. K: The above 28-day test result meets the requim.d design scrength. &aim Intertec Co:pornrion W Jose h M. Fri edericlus StafF Engineer 96300c\conc.3 s Rau N=M INTERTEC Compressive Test af Concrete Cylinder Test Method: ASTM C 39, 6" x 12" Cylinder Date: December 20, 1996 Project Number: BODXA6300C Client: Mr. Chris lambxuht ECI Building Contractots 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 Mendata Heights, MN 55120 Project Descripaaa: Conshuction Testing Services Precision Tuna Pilot Snob Road & Intecsstate 35E EaBan, Mimmesota Number: 4 Mix Desiga: 4091 ? Cast: 11127196 Supplier: Cemstone ie Cast: 8:17 a.m. Specified Air: not specified tsured Slump: 3" Specified Shength: 3000 wured Air: N/A Ttuck or Ticket No .: 257/181436 Lcrete Temperamre: 68°F Cylindecs Per Set 3 Temperature: 49°F . inaer cast By: nWH uid Added at Site: 5 gallons of water iple I.ocation: Slab-on-Grade: Garage bays Notes: Sample Date Test Field Lab Test Max I.osd Cyl Area Compressiva Remarks No. Recvd Date Cure Cure Age (pomds) (sq in) Strength, psi Code(s) 4A 11/29 12/4 2 5 7 95936 2830 3390 B Specified Streagth at 28 Days (psi): 3000 Remarks: F: The specified 28-day strength was met at the 7-day age according to the abova test cesults. Braim Intextec oxpoxation / ? 7 h . Fri richs Staff Engineer 96300c\conc.4 B itAVl N' INTERTEC December 3, 1996 Mr. Chris Lambrecht ECI BuIlding Contractors 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 180 Mendota Heights, MN 55120.1112 Dear W. I,ambrecht: Bwun intertac Cerporafion 6801 Washingbn Avenue South P.O. Box 39108 Minneapdia, Minnaaia 55439-0108 672-9415600 Fax:9414151 Engineen ?nd ScianNslr Serving fhe BuiU and NaNra( Environmenh" Project BODX-96-300C Re: Structural Steel Nondestructive Examination Services, Precision Tune, Pilot Kaob Road and Interstate 35E, Eagan, Ivfinnesota Nondestructive examination services were performed on ihis project as authorized. These services were conducced on November 12, 1996, on an on-call basis. The observations were performed by Toel Alsum, a level II techniciaa qualified in accordance with American Society for Nondestruccive Testing (ASINM publication SNT-TG1A, 1988 Ediuon, and as an American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector. Scope of Services During this time period, the following observations were performed. Visuai examinations of field weids Bolting observadons Deck weid observations Results A summary of the results for our services is described below. A copy of our Daily Observation Report was left at the project after complesion of the site visit. All observations performed were found acceptable as indicated below. For specific informarion, please refer to the attached Daily Observadon Report. Psual Weld Fxaminations. Visual weld examinations were conducted in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1-1994, Sections 3.6 and 8.15 requiremems. These observations were performed at the following locations. ECI Building Contcactors Project BODX-96-300C December 3, 1996 Page 2 Location Level Description Remarks Grids A and E, line 2 Roof Beam to embed fillet weld Acceptable Grids B to D, lines 1 to 3 Roof Detail 1I11E3 angle to joist and column fillet welds Acceptable Grids B to D, lines 1 to 3 Roof Detail 3/11E3 angle to joist and column fillet welds Acceptable Bolting Observations. Bolting observations were conduded to determine if the splined end of the tension control bolts had sepazated from the body of the bolt. Listed below aze the locations in which bolting observations were performed. Location Ixvel Description Remarks 11 Grids A to E, line 2 Roof A-325 tension comrol bolts Acceprable Deck Weld Observafions. Deck weld observations were conducted in accordance with AWS D 13-1989, 5ection 4.5 requirements. Listed below aze the resulu of these observations. I.ocadon I.evel Description Remac'ks Grids A to E, lines 1 to 3 Roof Roof deck welds Acceptable It is our opinion that at the time of our last observadon there were no ouutanding discrepancies rema;n;ng on this project at the azeas listed. General 5ervices performed by the Braun Intertec technicians for this projecc have been conducced in a manner consistent with that levei of care and skill ordinazily exercised by members of the profession currendy pncticin; in this azea under similu budget and time restrainu. No wananty, expressed or implieti, is made. ECZ Building Contractors Project BODX-96-300C December 3, 1996 Page 3 This test report contains only findings and resulu arrived az after employing the specific test procedures and staadazds listed herein. It is not intended to constitute a recommendation, endorsement, or certification of the product or material tesu. It has been a pleasure to be of service to you on this project. If you have questions regazdiag this report, or if we can be of furthez assistance, please call Joel Alsum at (612) 942-4919 or Marv Denne at (612) 942-4823. /Joel D. A1 m NDE Lev 'ciaa i arvm ? C. Denne Manager-NDE Services Attachment Daily Observation Sheet c: Mr. Joe Friederichs Braun Intertec (Apple Valley) je\mcd:mjs\bodx\rpt19fi300e.2 a .. BRAUN` INTERTEC Report Number: Project Name: Project Address: Client: Weather: tOn;? Client Project No.: Temperature: Type of Inspection: Inspecxion Coverage: ? Continuous ? Masonry ? Rebaz Placement ? Foundations JK Periodic ? Welding ? Concrete Placement ? Fireproofing Boltin Cl Tendon Placemem ? Other Did the azchitect or en ineer authorize chanes to ci roved lans? Yes ?(Listed Below) No ? Description and location of work Special Inspector Daily Report Page of c,ty af Due of This Report: %/-/2-?fT n tS?V-7, ProjectNo.: 130D?g.f 3O?BG Z List tesu performed: • Are there any discrepancies noted from this day's observauons? Yes ? No 0 • Are there any ouutanding discrepancies on this project? Yes ? No ? • If yes, see attached Summary Sheet. ? To the best of our know e, work inspected was done in accordance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable i1m ovisions of the UBC, except as noted above. Signed: Date: ?Z'- /T Pr' Full Name: a ? I.D. Number: (Whire copy to Braun Inrersec fife. Blue copy to Genera! Corrtraaor.) 1'rmbpecinap.a 1/25195 Receiq4tl: 10/ 3/96 10:56AM; 612 431 3084 -> ECI BUILDING CONTRACTORS; Page 2 OCT 03 '96 10:58 BRAUN INTERTECIp„5 ARCFiS 413 P02 OCT P:2'96 12:01 ' .. t, pCY-Oy -9d 7[lE 7.2;5a PM lIdNU$GNRK KowaLCHVK 2NC 'enr ynm 4011 . ... ....... . . . ... ...... .. .. . ..E_._ .. . ? aracY?kL sltsgsCrxat? #4?p xsa7eztla ecu?avz?s . (!'n be usod I.n aaCetdanc• rtCh Lhe."puldrl tnwm for SpRClAx inrpeciivn rnd 7siLing4) i PROJRC7' NAMd greciA ton 2t;ne PAW ECY HQ j ' LDC117FOH 3565 Pk19t lSM7k7 RCk7L9 I?) },IMA t`mT - PLPA!!tT N0.1t ? * • ?aYw??•. sursrww?wY Yln??fL![.? - --- - - j 1'YDo oi -- - INPork A?signad v ti e. Ntr SUicC.. e n 27 7 8 L? V ?? Cek? b prAjn Hra n , _... ; ..._ ..?...._ ... '1'CBTIN tCMSDULE i. : _._. Tb!• nvo?ir mrhedul• Co Df !lLl,Od ouC and iC.CANQBd tn th6 ptclect eporlgicetlon. unaveilabla ae bhkt kllne ko be filldd out whon rpplyipg #or a builds.nq permtt. (11 F4`s7nlr No, ka be gsovlded by tha 8ut2dlnq o£ilaiel. - t2l uva dasazlptkana pMr V.e.c. gmatlan fMf 13) epOc1R1 Znsy?ettar, Tesk,lnq 1Aqent oc FtbXloAtor. (4} PtrtA ContrllCted Ld prrfartn servtcas. . ACk110l2LD4CIfEMTS eeeh eppal* repcsarn%ative musk •ign rtelowe arnszt ? Ficm? Conkrrcto s 6°k'?' Piams Arcklt c ri?? 56A: ? G4CUi S Eirm+ At1USC K,. l?.?u,?M ?it,gate? •Sif PlCmt :S2t ` batav 'fA) PlCml 4 N c Dntai ?A a ?^r1 rea r Date: r: r?c,++i KrCLU-M s? rtrm: ? ?¦ce: Ftrmt ??C6te? ' rAa lwdt.iduAl neM.4 ot eit proopectty* rpecAel inepoctore 4ind tfto wcrk obaarva mutt bo idfintlflad qn eh• revarea ¦ida at ehf:m tnprh, ilg?rtdt 91R • gkruatvrsl Enginrar ot Itrcord &I 4 apeelal Inepretor Tx r Yes#!ng AqAnt F¦ R.brlc#tar j . _ T1S4PYmat?rti „ ? E . ., TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, SENIOR INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE DEPARTMENT RlCK BRADLEY, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS PUBIIC WORKS/ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER BOB KRIHA, UTILITIES FROM: BILL BRUESTLE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: //*0/5'o SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION - !?i- -[U5? on / un? The Protective Inspections Department wiil be performing a final inspection of J5 fo n ?-1 (14 I:?v,06 oxA on /0-/d/?<v . A Certificate of Occupancy will be issued following our approval. If you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to return the hold requesi form will be considered your approval. The person or department requesting the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. Sen?ar Inspector WB/js FINAL-FM.1ST S?1) Contract No: Project No: n - U city oF aaqan Submittal Date • 4 Z4 ?9(0 ? CIT1' OF EAGAN SEWER 6 WATER PERMIT RELEASE FORM PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ?" ?-IJION ???r- ? qlqP Substantial Completion of Sewer & Watex Date of Occurtence STEY I• PERMISSION TO HOOK UP SANITARY SEWER WATER MAIN Lines Lamped and Acceptable LA Properly Chlorinated & Flushed Deflection Mandrel Test Passed Entire System Pressure Tested Manhole Structures Properly Entire System Conductivity Tested Constructed (cstg. 6 cover, rings, All Valve Boxes Accessible, cone, 1 ft. sections, final rim straight & keyed setting, & build and invert) All Valves Opened or Closed as Approp. Infiltration Test 7 Bacteria test completed SERVICES N A All Wye Locations confirmed ? All Curb Boxes Exposed, Set to Proper Grade 6 Mazked w/Fence Post Required Service Risers Televised COMMENTS: iilul (3e e1aNnJac-TiNU -m EXi<riNG i3-iiLlrY 5E2v1cF- sTUkSS. _ STEP II: FULL USE PERMIT (OCCUPANCY) $TORM SEWER _ Lines Lamped 6 Acceptable _ CS Structures Properly Constructed (cstg 6 cover, rings, 1 ft. section, invert, final cstg. setting 6 build, DL-DR correctly set rings & cstg. set in full bed of mortar) _ Aprons, Dissipators 6 Rip Rap properly installed COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: I herein verify that the tests and inspections indicated above have been successfully completed. Any deviations or exceptions are described in my comments. With this considered I recomenend that permission to hook up or pezmission for occupancy be granted as appropriate to the above indications. Signed 4-d- w Project ec Confirmed by: Public Wo Department STREETS Material Tests Checked & Passed (Conc. compressive strength & Air Content, Bitum. Extact 6 gradation, gravel base gradation). _ Utility Structures & Lines Clear & Free of Debris & Gravel (Gate Valves keyed) NP5.1S&WPERM.FM I 0aE?A 2005 RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when permits aze required for each unit Date SiteAddress Unit/t Propeety Owner PRUDsr 01.! u NF_ Telephone #( Cootractor ? OTAL COU??Rl- Street Address ?WIVC.. i KA A-UE . N.ADD City NEIV rIVPE State W Zip 5542'? Telephone# ('?LX3) Boncl #: Expires: The Applicant is Owner A- Contractor _ Other Add-on or alteration to existing dwelling unit $ 30.00 ! fumace _Additional _Replacement air exchanger ? airconditioner _New X Replacement other . State Sarcharge $ .50 Total $ JV.50 I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanical Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the oidinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit; but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permir, that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of p ' 1CGC ?P` 41 ? tNTE? Aonlicant's Printed Name Av icant's Signature F?_, AU6 1 5 ZppS Use BLUE or BLACK Ink rr a r--- I For Office UsE I . Permit City of Ea DEC 6 2009 I ` I Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I " Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received: 4_ Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 , Staff. C> L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I 2009 MECHANICAL PERMIT. APPLICATION - Date: IoZ `C~°I Site Address: Ot. 6T Tenant: Suite RESIDENT/OWNER Name: 1 I.t ~ Phone: I`- Address / City / Zip: 1_~f`PJ CONTRACTOR Name: SNELLING COMRANY, INC. License -THE Address: 51~--po~MN 5,104 City: 651-646-7381 State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition TYPE OF WORK Description of work: t NOTE: Roof mounted 'a,nd ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City _ Code. 'Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on periiitted screening methods. RESIDENT;AL. COMMERCIAL PERMIT TYPE Furnace New Construction Interior Improvement Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed Air Exchanger Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump _ Under / Above ground Tank Install / _ Remove) When installing/removing tank(s), call for inspection by Fire Other Marshal and Plumbing Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES: _ $70.50 Underground tank installation/removal OR Contract Value $ , 40co X1% $50.50 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) Permit Fee - If Permit Fee is less than $1,000, surcharge is $.50. - If Permit Fee is > $1,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each u Surcharge $1,000 Permit Fee (i.e. a $1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee requires.? $1.00 surcharge). TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call ,at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orci I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to sta fho t a permih t the~yvork will be in accordance with~e approved plan i the case of work which' requires a review and approval of plans. X In X Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signatu FOR OFFICE USE Reviewed By: Date: Required Inspections: -Under Ground Rough In Test Gas Service Test In-floor Heat -Final Exterior HVAC Screening inspection f r For Office Use Permit*: /E AGA N aw«.. •.,,er Permit Fee: . . RECEIVED Staff: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 MAY 20 2019 rPayment Recvd: Yes _No (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 Email: buildinginspections(a.citvofeagan.com Plans:_Electronic Paper Plan Submittal:eplans citvofeagan.com _ cCbj 2019 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set of the submittal, submitted via email,CD or flash drive • )e rhe 1,r7;04 Date: '2--► (o-19 Site Address: 3 s(e S P ; 104- Rock -ku s S Tenant: // O/AP O0 l_ $040`--C) ° 1 2-6= Suite#: P e Cflikffler, Name: 5o h v‘..r o 1-10 1 r L P Phone: r'r o n Name: (4e.s s;a 10).., 6 r`rk$ S r.. r ynes .Tac License#: /-C- (o 4t4 3 S g Address: Pt_ T� s2 a 11 a City: 415 o r State:01, Zip: S S/a 2 Phone: (,S i - °I Email: r",--,;141t- l►e.r.r i a.. p/ti..S,"A- , c ted, New Construction Addition Modify Space Replacement Repair Rebuild Work in Right-Of-Way Description of work: R e p kc.. •e o •C vol.._ 4 b r."fc w r pip; 7)2.- Irrigation System(_yes I_no)( RPZ I_PVB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meter Required—Call Utilities at(651)675-5646 to verity tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic:Size&Type Fire: 1 Average GPM High demand devices?_Yes_No Flushometers Yes_No COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ 0.0 0 x.015 $69.00 Pey1t.Fee Minimum $60.00 t V B/RPZ Permit(includes State Surcharge) $ (0 3. 3 o Permit Fee ' )I Surcharge Surc'I}arge=Contract Value x$0.0005 $ a If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call City for Surcharge $ CoS it i TOTAL FEE The�folllowing fees may apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system or $ Water Permit connecting a new water service. $ Treatment Plant Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Meter Fee $ Radio Read $ State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.comtsubscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. xr\ :14-t S c x � � , Applicant's Printed Name Ap want'§Signature Page 1 of 4 r. fii/7.4. 6 k 1,i ForOfficeUse � LVED , 1 4114.� -► Permit#: • • • " E AG N APR 26 2MS ::t1 ' Payment Recvd: Yes No I 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 I 651 675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 I I Plans: Electronic Paper Plan Submittal: eplansAcityofeagan.com L_ 2019 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: `t z(O t4-.) Site Address: 05 Tenant Name: /drz,a '.J /4.rro (Tenant is: New/ Existing) Suite#: Former Tenant AeC;S 6� (v r- Name: --)C-AN.) 4 SThliep•p G JcF rJ Phone: Property Owner Address/City/Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor T e of 1Nprk Description of work: - _ P� - - `, N (-0 • . YP Construction Cost:"1' ( ,S�7 Name:fa` r pft'�-�(\I License#: contractor; Address: �l\ _ >i'eNJ, C City: , P- (�,3 State: N) Zip: S �, 7 Z Phone: Cot 2 -�Sv - 'v Contact: Email: A Lft-b/17/,fiD 61P1 n, L Name: 0.1/14 Registration#: Architect/En�neer Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE:Plans and a pr documents that;you submit aro considered to be public In ration. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public If you Provide specific mons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeaaan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gooherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x A• � 2rwnJ x Applicant' Printe Name Ap re f 1 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /5s `7� ` SUB TYPES -3:5- -5 �/Of / ob 47/ Foundation Public Facility Exterior Alteration-Apalrtments XCommercial/Industrial Accessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments Greenhouse/Tent Exterior Alteration-Public Facility — Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New `4 Interior Improvement Siding Dem DIiRsh Building* Addition Exterior Improvement Reroof Dem plash Interior /Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace Water Damage Fire Repair Reta Hing Wall — Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire buildi 1gi—give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION .� Valuation N ‘-co--' Occupancy Q MCES System Plan Review I Code Edition .240-is A SAC Units 6 ixr/kit, 100%)() Zoning City Water ✓ Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction JTI Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings New Building Deck Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control -114'Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof: Decking Insulation Ice&Water Final Meter Size: Siding: Stucco Lath Stone Lath Brick EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revis d Plans Windows V Fireplace: Rough In Air Test Final Final/C.O. Required Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Final/No C.O. Required Final CIO Inspection: Schedule f arshal to be present: Yes No Reviewed By: dr , Planning New Business to Eagan: l Reviewed By: /�. _ , Building Inspector ector FEES so Water Quality Base Fee �j. Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge ' _ Sa. Sewer Trunk Plan Review V ZE ,93_ Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit& Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: � g Page 2 of 3 MCES USE:Letter Reference: 190626A2 Address ID:27438 Payment ID:422610 7—) Date of Determination:06/26/19 Determination Expiration:06/26/21 Greetings! Please see the determination below. Project Name: Hometown Auto&Tire Project Address: 3565 Pilot Knob Road Suite#/Campus: N/A City Name: Eagan Applicant: Erik Hanson, Dean & Barbara Johnson Holding Special Notes: This project has 2646 gross square feet of Vehicle Service space and Precision Tine (SAC 10/96) previously paid as vehicle service for this space.There is no change of use and no additional SAC is due. Net SAC: 0 = 0 SAC Due The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size, a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions email me at:toni.janzig@metc.state.mn.us. Thank you, Toni Janzig SAC Technician Please visit our SAC website by going to: http://www.metrocouncil.org/SACprogram 390 Robert Street North I St. Paul. MN 551 01-1 805 2S11– Phone 651.602.1000 I Fax 651.602.1550 I TTY 651.291.0904 I metrocouncil.org METROPOLITAN COUNCIL An Equal Opportunity Employer ( LAPP5C-IPC MCA ..--- i j 1 .13 .1C37= -'—'s 77---- ---C11 '.' - 7 1111416,0 I 7 / A , / -,' {{ a 1 L .._._......,.... _.. 1 > /'� ._ r t.).H ,_ t !c, a 6! 9 4 Y b, Y p i gsf t; / 2,646 sf \. N. N i3 Q I I NI .4! I I I ...:61.. I Y Y-p. .i 0 I E' (7FLOOR PLAN A2 v4• • 1.-41,• . NORTH