3655 Pilot Knob Rd? CASH RECEIPT CITY 4F EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 ? DATE ? 19 ' xcEfVEa - r' .•- ( 1 AMOUN7 $ ? CASH A CHECK sY 6 DOLLARS 4m C 22568 W-p+r-cauw Yelbw-Poadrq Gopy P'r*--F:ie CoPY @, Thank You . ? INSPECTION RECORD - ° CITY OF EAGAN PERIVIIT TYPE: ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road PUrmit Number: ` Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 ? SITEADDRESS: APPI_lCANT: ?? ,; ?? t I Ntlf< f;li r•,r?i? .: , , ??!li? .,?i! ? ??, ? t.li? i it?1I N4?', (?.• I.' i ?i ;?, ',,?tc 1 PERMIT SUBTYPE: N1 M/'W?". `.AI !ifl1I U 1 if} 14 i l t', !J} i'tt !'A I f+ t l! I 1t f 1lUfJfi(1 1 I'IN t't h MI I 1 10 .' 1 1 11 I) TYPE OF WORK: Nk 11 1 ia uiI I Fttl I I 11 1 tlt. 0.' I 4 iN INSPECTION D• • DA ,.?• f' f!, , nn 1 r)?. I hl . 1 ? 1!! f I i? IJ ! 1 id ?l t ? ? ? ?? c, ? Psrmlt No. Pernlt Holder Date Telephone # SNV PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Mspactbn Date Insp. Comments Footingsl Foundation Framing ? Rooflng Rough P'bg- G l3 ?? Rou9h Ht9• Isul. Freplace Finai Htg. Orsgt Test Fnal Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Natity Plumber Const. Meter EngrlPlan Bldg. Final Dedc Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. ??%Y- OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road ' Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: Iill4 ? L11I IIli I.Itl1 N1PERMIT SUBTYPE: M A li K S: S fi i-l F INSPECTION RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: hNt)fi kD ri r,i? 110,11 .u:! 10:! 4h l.' ) C11,h.'li ? TYPE OF WORK: Nt W 1.41 Nu5 lsti i I N.'i I Nh/Nfil4.i ? L.? J Parmit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # S/W PLUMBING , G 1?3 sI HVAC ?. ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. ComrtroMs Footings I ?S/? C 6/a Foundation Framing w?SL Roofing RoughPlbg. 'k/ /-? Rough Htg. ' Isul. Fl?epl8ce -3 93 " Fnal Htg. Orsat Tes1 Final Plbg. Pibg. Inspector - Notity Plumber Const. Meter EngrJPlan Bldg. Rnal Deck Ftg. Dedc Final weli Pr. Disp. ,ya;e ?? r ,f ,'/-? 9 1?14 , .'• ? . ?. ? ? •' , t? ` •jicate of cccupanc4 Mm of ftsim This Cenificate issued pursuant to the rrqrtirements of the Unrfor?n Building Code certi, fying that at tlie time of issuance tliis strrrcrur+e was in conrpliarrce wuh ti?e various orrlinances of the Cety regu/atiRg building construction or rsst. For the foUowing: COMMERC IAL 21430 use caassiscafion: sw& Pame rro. V-N occup-r Tme ffj?g nbm;a '??'raSc.Toou. Owcer of Building Ad&ess uuuKwuui) GS • r Building Addreas i.awlity SEP 14, 1993 1 ?= Mkh" otr,cial Posr iN a ooNsPIcuous PLAcE i ?? $? ReQue ?me?` Fire No. Rough?in Inspeclion \ , Will N ti I N b ty r ow J? o nspac ?) ? ?? equi?ed? ? y ?\ Wben fleatlY? ? e4 C No IY licensed contractor ? owner heraby request inspection of above electrical work at: JoE Atltlress (Street Bon ar R JN?a.,)}? ) I /J? LLJ /CO/ 1?Y10? WG\ ' Ciry Ik V ? - $eaion No. Township Name or No. Pange No. Coumy Occupan"M Phona No. Power 5 ber qGCress Elecmcal Con(reclor (Company Name) ConhactorS LicBnse No. ' Standard Electric Co., Inc. CA01715 Matling qCOress ICoNractor or Ownar Making Installalion) ' 2672 Maplewood Dr., Maplew d, MN 55109 Au[honie0 Signature iGonU .:Own M slallation Phone NumOer 484-8044 MINNESOTA STATE 9G1lH15OF EI??YI THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Griggs•Midwey Bltlq. - Room St / BE FCCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 Universlty Ave., SL Peul, MN 55100 UNLESS GROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Fhone(fitP)86IA900 ENCLOSED. REOUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See insVUClions for compleMg this fortn on back ot yellow copy. "X" Below Work Covered by This Request EB-00001-08 ew Add Rep. Typeof6uilding AppliancesWired EquipmeniWiretl Home Range TempOfafy SBfViCB Ouplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Specity) Comm./lndusirial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Other(syecifyi Comractor§ Remahks'. Compufe Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee 8 ServiceEntrance5ize Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fae Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps 8 ro WO Amps i Translormers Above 200 _ Amps *ft 100 _ Amps SignS Inspector5 Use Only: TOTA. L ?.j Irrigation Booms Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE OROERED 913CONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. ! C I, ihe Electrical Inspecior, hereby Rougn-m certify that the abOVe inspection has been made. F;,,ei ? , f ? oate OFFICE USE ONLV (?/c . ? TNS requast witl 18 months fmm ; ? PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COrIvIERCIALJIINDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI- FAMILY BUP DINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UN;T. ZNEW CONSTRUCfION ADD ON REPAIR . WORK DESCRIPTION: oZ t'ESrroU K s -E- ?C r? 4e-/ INSTA I14 ?%o nr 3`T s ',? CONTRACf PRICE: $ /6 azm . crv- , FEE: 1°k OF CONTRACT FEE STA7'E SURCIiARGE $.50 FOR FACA S1,000 OF pPM?' FEE MINIMUM FEE: $ 25.00 " " CONTRACT PRICE X 1°!0 STATESURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: g ?-•5v TENANT NAh1E: WF?.??-ys• tZFsT,4•,? enrr STE # . i OWNER A'AME: V.iE?tsy'S fo?r Crv?N '=?•c_ NNS FnvA4 5T. ST. INSTALLER: DnkoT-A A? - 1? /frcv • annREss: _'k6 so KEWNEaEc_ 0r. ' CTfY: 4-.4GAl-J STATE: ' N??? ZIP CODE: SSlaa paoxE #: ?lsY-6?vs FOR:_4?,?J?.? L/1-r-e?--•--? CITY OF EAGAN 1993 PLUMBING PERMTT (CObII4IEIiCIAL) C1TY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD FAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 g?-/(o0.5U r' PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNTf. NO. FIXTURES SHOWER WATER CIASET BATH TUB LAVATORY KTTCHEN SINK LAUNDRY TRAY HOT TUB/SPA WATER HEATER FIAOR DRAIN GAS PIPING OLTTLET • minimum - I ROUGH OPENINGS WATER SOFfENER PRIVATE DISP. • n,k.ay. uo. U.G. SPRINKLER • eome unoer ownsi. ALTERATIONS • io aosiing WATER TURN AROUND STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL: EACH TOTAL 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 5.00 15.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 .50 STTE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: WSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZII' CODE: PHONE #: ( SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 1993 PLUMBING PERNIIT (RESIDENI7AL) C1TY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 w -?4 ;31K PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAL,/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNTT. DATE: 7- 6' 93 CONTRACT PRICE: $4540 4 , B d X NEW BUILDING INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: FEES 1% OF PRI+ITI9M FEE $ 4 ?5`'?3. t0 6 PROCESSED PIPING: $25.00 MINIMUM FEE: $25.00 STATE SURCHARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF FEE. TOTAL $ eU J STTEADDRESS: c3c?676K.rX OWNER NAME:??'G?.c • ,,..,?'1 40-1.1 TELEPHONE #:. 3z6L- 12 ? I T'ENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI) / - 77 -- -- - - -- I A l_ /J r t? ,? STATE: ;;? ZIP CODE: 4a?,:?- ?> '-?- GNATURE PE M E CITY INSPECTOR 1993 MECHAMCAL PERMIT (COMMERCLAL) C1TY OF EAGAN. 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 TELEPHONE #: ?,S d?- 02 6 ? S ! 1993 MECHAIVICAL PERMIT (RESIDIIVT7AL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. I3EW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A/C ADD-ON FURNACE DATE FEES HVAC: 0.100 M BTU $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1 @ $3.00 EACH) ADD-ON/REMODEL (ExISTING CoNSTRUCi'ION) $ 15.00 STATESURCHARGE .50 TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER TELEPHONE #: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE #: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY OF EAGAN Page 1 of 5 PERMIT TO AOR& AITHIN CITSf PROPERTY/RIGHT-OF-NAY/EASEMENTS 1. Location W2nq?1 r ocj ? Z.- u eal./et. (L/IMJG/' 2. Nature of Work 3. Indicate below items to be affected and include a sketch or plan of work to be done. Curb & Gutter Street Surface Trail/Sidewalk - Treea: Yond/Wetlands Public Traffic Control Devices/Signs Private Drainage Utilities Structures/Buildings Other N o,.e 4. Method of Installation or Construction P?? ?%.11 ? 5. Work to start on or after: 17/(1 and ahall be completed by:q) q SP.- unless an extension granted to: q /F?, by: DATE STAFF/DATE 6. Will detouring of traffic be necessary? bJ o . If necessary to detour traffic, describe suggested route: DETOURS; The Director of Public Works shall be notified in writing at least 72 hours in advance of any detour being established, changed or discontinued. NAME OF APPLICANT Sur2 PNONE + SE PRINT ADDRESS c??q?DV.ea?c A.,Q ?j C'_?-ll?.le? /VN /.i ssoiQ STREET CITY STATE ZIP NAME OF PARTY OR ORGANIZATION P ?{ING WORK \rc . CONTACT YERSON: ?.--t-- EMERGENCY (24 HR. ) PHONE #: 7 7 0-5s01 7 ADDRESS ltinali -e 1 j"\A< <S2S!2 DAYPHONE 770 -5R C,1-7 STREET CITY STATE ZIP The undersigned herewith accepts the terms and conditions of this permit by the City of Eagan as herein ontained and agree to fully comply therewith to the satisfaction of the City of Eagan.?? ?l /1 Sign? -'.j Title: DATE: `1'( IC q'3 ---?----- ----------------------------------- '------------------------------------------------ FOR CITY USE ONLY AUTHORIZATION OF PERMIT FINANCIAL SECURITY: N?A AMOUNT: t?m TYPE: (Cash,bond,IAC,etc.) Fee: $?S6. 00 Receipt NoC'*?2 SL g Permit No. In consideration of agreement to comply in all respects with the regulations of the City of Eagan covering such operations, and pursuant to authorization duly given by said City of Esgan; permission is hereby granted for the work to be done as described in the above application, said work to be done in accordance with special provisions as hereby stated: APPROVED BY: DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS Bx: ;"64 `1 fl?/s3 /DA?E ALL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE AND ON ALL "SPECIAL PROVISIONS" TO BE COMPLIED WITH! THE DATE WHEN WORK IS COMPLETED MUST BE REPORTED TO THE EAGAN CITY ENGINEER. Permit No. Page 2 of S PERTINENT REGUTATIONS Safety 1. Traffic shall be allowed to pass and to be protected at all times. If it is not possible to allow traffic to pass, a euitable detour must be provided and plans submitted to the Director of Public Works 72 hours in advance. 2. Bazricades shall be erected in a manner which will provide suitable visibility in all directions. All barricades shall be in good condition, and all signs shall be of such size and legibility to provide adequate warning to oncoming traffic. At least two 7" flashing amber lights shall be mounted on each end barricade with one on an advance warning sign. 3. Excavations must be ahored or sheeted when necessary to prevent under-mining of roadway, trailways, utllities, or for safety reasons. 4. Guys or stays shall not be attached to trees on right-of-way or private property without mritten permission. 5. . Flagmen shall be furnished by the party or organization performing the vork whenever the work being done creates a hazard either to the traffic using said road or the personnel engaged in the construction, or when directed to do so by the City. OPERATIONS 1. Permit on Job--Permits or copies shall be kept on the site of the work while it is in progress in the custody of the individual in charge, and shall be exhibited upon request made by any City official. 2. Provisions and Specifications--These general provisions, specifications and Std. Plate P-1 shall be considered as forming an integral part of each and every permit issued for operations within Eagan. The work suthorized by this permit shall be done at such time and in such manner as shall be consistent with the safety of the public and shall conform to ell requirements and atandards of the City. If at any time it shall be found by the City that the work is not being or has not been properly performed, the permittee, upon being notified by the City, shall immediately take the necessarq steps, at his own expense, to place the work in condition to conform to said requirements or standards. 3. Execution--The permittee shall use diligence in the execution of the work authorized under this permit in order not to endanger or unnecessarily obstruct travel along any road or trailway. Operations shall be so conducted at all times as to permit safe and reasonable free travel over the roads and trailways within the limite of the work herein prescribed. All safety measures for the free movement of traffic shall be provided by the permittee at his own cost. 4. Conformity to Laws--The installation shall be made tn conformity with all applicable laws, regulations and codes covering said installations. All installations shall be made in conformity with regulations of governmental agencies for the protection of tha public. a. The applicant shall furnish a bond or financial guarantee in the amount to be determined by the City which is required to ensure adequate 6 timely completion of repair. This bond or financial guarantee shall remain in effect for 2 years subsequent to completion of street repair to protect the City from defects in material, vorlmanship or non-compliance with City Standards or specifications. Permit No. Page 3 of 5 b. The applicant,shall furnish evidence of public liahility insurance of not less than $100,000/300,000 and property damage of not less than $25,000 issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Minneaota on which the City is named as an additional insured party. c. Except for the negligent acts of the City, its agents and its employees, the permittee shall assume all liability for, and save the City, its agents and its employees, harmless and defend same at its sole cost and expense from any and all cla3ms for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of the work to be done herein and the continuing usas by the permittee, including but not limited to the placing, constructing, and reconstructing, maintaining, protecting and use of said facility under this application and permit for construction. 5. Exiscing Facilities--The utility facility and installations shall not interfere with any existing utility facility on the City's right-of-way or easements. It is the responsibility of the applicant to call for necessary locations of existing utilitiea. (Gopher One 454-0002) 6. Private Property--The work permit or permit for construction as issued doas not in any way imply an easement on private property. 7. Quality of Work--Finished surface, base and sub-base of road or trailway upon completion of work shall be at least equal to or better than apecifications of originally provided road or trailway in accordance with City Standard Specificationa. Surface shall be finished within 48 hours unon comvletion of backfill B. Cutting Trees--The permission herein granted does not confer upon the permittee the right to cut, remove or destroy trees or slirubbery within the legal limits of the right-of-way, easements that are not specifically identified on the plan attached to this permit or relieve permittee from obtaining any consent otherwise required from the ownez of the property adjacent thereto. 9. Drainage--All waterways and lines of drainage shall remain operative. 10. Pole Anchors--Pole anchors, anchors, braces or other construction will be permitted within right-of-way or easements and will be approved on a case by case basls. 11. Driving Limitations. a. Driving or parking on City trails or sidewalks shall only be permitted for those operations requiring direct access to the boulevard area. b. Vehicles operating or parked vithin the right-of-way area shall utilize their warning flashers at all times. c. Vehicles driving on trails or sidewalks shall not operate in excess of 5 miles per hour. Vehicles shall operate at slover speeds when weather conditions, trail conditions, poor visibility, obetructed sightlines or other conditions require special precautions to ensure the safety of trail users and the general public. d. Driving shall not be permitted within those boulevard areas where damage to turf trailways or other infrastructure may occur. e. Vehicles shall not be parked on trails or sidewalks in such a manner as to unnecessarily impede the safe and efficient use of trailways by the general public. Permit No. Page 4 of 5. 12. Vehicles or equipment traversing roads or trailway surfaces shall not utilize studded - or chained tires, caterpillar traction, or any other form of traction which will result in demage to the surface. 13. Clean-Up--Street, trailways and affected right-of-way shall be scraped clean at the end of each work day and swept clean after construction is completed and left in a neat and presentable condition. 14. Trees and Vegetation-Burning or disking operations and/or the use of chemicals to control or destroy trees, brush and other vegetation is prohibited without prior approval from the City. 15. Replacement of Sod--Wherever top-soil and sod are disturbed, they shall be replaced and maintained satisfactorily until the turf is established. The undersigned hereby declares he/she has read and will comply with all the PERTINENT REGULATIONS as stated above and relevant City Ordinances. DATE: 'Fi ivl03 Revised 5/93 LTS#1-PERMIT.F14 PAGE 5 OF 5 PROPERTY LINE TRAILWAV ? I SAME AS REAAOVED (3" MllililUM) SAME AS REMOVED (6" MINIMUM) 1. Curb and Gutter shall be removed only after saw cutting at joints and replaced according to specifications or Standard Plate. 2, Bituminous pavement area removed shall be saw cut prior to patching. 3. Boulevard sod removed shall be replaced with minimum 4" of topsoil and cultured sod. 4. 2341 bituminous wear course shall be paved.between May lst and November 15th for permanent patch. Temporary cold mix patch should be used November 16th to April 20th (or as permitted by weather). 5. Class 5, 100% crushed aggregate base. 6. Roadc:ay closures in accordance with Appendix B- Traffic Control for street or highway vork zones - MnDOT/MUTCD. 7. Bituminous trailway closure requirements same as roadway in #6 above. 8. Backfill shall be thoroughly compacted by the "Specified Density Method" of compaction. All suitable backfill material placed below a depth of five (5) feet below the final pavement surface shall be placed in maximum lifts of twelve (12) to eighteen (18) inches and compacted to a minimum ninety-five (95X) percent of ASTM Specification D698- 64T (Standard Proctor Density), method "A". All suitable backfill matezial placed within five (5) feet below the final pavement surface shall be placed in lifts not to exceed twelve (12) inches and compacted to a minimum of one-hundred (100%) percent of the above ASTM Specification. city of eagan ? PUBLIC WORKS ? DEPARTME STFiEET AND BITUMINOUS TRP.I! WAY EXCAVATION/PATCH DETAIL TRAFFIC CONTROL REQUIREMENTS approved: standard plate # : 5/93 P-1 RELEASE OF HOLD Project Name/Number ? Legal description: L I B Parcei #: Reason for hold: Sec/Sub P u, c k? A CC 0 <, 1;\? - > _ Release hold on: Issuance of building permft Certificate of Occupancy Other (please explain) RELHOLD.FM LTSf1 PAGE 1/E4GAN CI1Y COUNCII, MARCH iS,1994 E Cere+fitgte of 1+*..gon to sr It aas recommeaded that a Cuti6cate of Cu?eik?O?::t°;.YI?'?utlot A, Tawn Caatre 100-6th Addidon be qw0wed. ..... . F. Contract 9t-M Tt wes recommanded tbat plaffi and sped6rationa to autLorire advertisement for bids fw Cedar Grove 7, 8,10 & Il - RehsbHBation be appruved. . (i. $Syect 6611 Stre't Re1libTtation ...... .... It was recommended that Projed 661, atreet rehabil?fsfton receiit ??a feasib?7ity report aod order the public hearicg far Sbley Taminal Industrial Park f? street:improvemeats:be approvtd. H. $S}jed 673/ AMhoriri F se, 9;tv Re?i.>:;•`; ::,??>`ci: •>....: i:::;:; ` It waa recommended th3t Project 673, an su?aiibn 'b?7iry reporc for atrea and ut7iUes on Farm Road/(3un Qub Road, be approved. . L ReLme of Temnorarv Acxss Easement (& 1_ Blo` 2 Duckweed Crossin¢1 It aaa recommended that the rdesse of a temporary acaas easement of Lot 1, Bloclc 2, Duekweed (}ossng be approved. .. .. J. Reauests for prgpossl /(5ty m,kiuSe?'t?c k was reeommended that requests toi Propasal, Labor md Bond Counsel be approved. G5cn1 Prosecutioa Labor aad Bond Counxe) ting Servioes for Genecal Civil, Prosecutian, H. Tele=m+*Lirationa Soera%[ A It vvas:ecommeaded to approve the L Gtant Applica6on iSTF.4 It was ncommended to approve We ISTEA Grent Application by Parks & Receatioa Department for tLe M'innesata River VaUey Raway link. d Uee ?RI#?gy ? . •-:,,::: ment/ Dakots ConnSY ... .; ...:te?Se It was rewmm?ded to approve the Dakoffi'Mlieiy'Seri'tEiiett"$Urvix Contraa agreemwt. N. Final Plst/ Ditflev Commons 3rd Additioe It.vae,eeommenaed that the saal plac ror n;mry G*ons 3r@:dition be approuea. 0. Fidension for Remrdina Finsl Plat, Antumn Ridr, 4th Additian It was recommended that the ezeosion tor Recording Fioal Plat, Atrtumn Ridge 4th Addition, be approved. P. AuC rmmmendaien/ MetroooCtan A'vnorL Cpmmiss9on Complaints CateoWes It waa recommended that tLe ARC ncommendation for Mq.eCpolitan Airporta Commistion Complaiot Cdegoda be sPProved. ... Wachta moved, Awada seoouded, a motia?;:tA?'.'' :: `<>?::?? Item #3. A AScnda with the addition of the Perwmel ..:: ": Y?? S NaY'?. PROJECI' 636/YAN[EE DOODIE ROAD-LEXINGTON AVENUE TO TH149 city oF eagan PATRICIA E. AWADA Mayor PAULBAKKEN PEGGY CARISON (.'YNDEE FIELDS MEG'I'ILLEY Council Mem6ers THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Adtninisva[or Municipal Cenrer: 3830 Piloc Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Phone! 651.681.4600 Fax: 651.681.4612 TDD: 651.454.8535 Mainttnance Faciliry: 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 Phone:65LG81.4300 Fax: 651.68t.4360 TDD: 651.454.8535 ?.cityofeagan.com THE LONE OAKTREE The.rymbol oY scmngth ;uid growth in our wmmuniry Zoning, Comprehensive Plan and Flood Zone Designation Confirmation Letter Via Facsimile To: 612-661-8552 To: TCF National Bank Attn: Andy Meelberg 801 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55402 Subject Property: 3655 Pilot Knob Road L1, B2 Duckwood Crossings ---------------- ------ -------------------------- ------------?-------------------------------------------------------- --------------- Zoning: PD, Planned Development Compreheusive Guide P?an Designation: SA, Special Area Flood Insurance Rate Map: The property appears to be in Zone C (Source: Flood Insurance Program- U.S. Showri ott map panel numbei: 270103-0002-B Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Date of Map: August 11, 1978 Fedcral Insurance Administration) Comments: The Propertv identified above is located within the corporate limits of the City of EaeanThe restaurant use is permitted in this Planned Develooment zoning district Accordin2 to our records the restaurant was built in 1993, and a certificate of occupancy was issued on September 14 1993 indicating that it satisfied relevant code reauirements at that time. However, we are unab(e to determine compliance with current codes and reQUlations. A conditional use permit was issued for the Propertv allowine a nvlon si¢n in AQriI of 1993. The above rnformntion is believed to be accirrnte at the time of tivriting. The Citv assumes no fiabilin Jor errors or omissions. .11l injormatiav was obtainert fi-om public records. /f you wish to reviewthe Ciry's records pertaining to this parceJ, you muy do so by appoinnnent ar the Engan Municrpn! Ceruer, behween !he houis oj8:00 a.m. ttnd 4:30 p.na. Monday througH Friday. In addition, !he Ciry's blunicipal Cor(e is nccessiblc on the hrternet at wwtiv.citvofeaYan.rom. Signed: Date: June 20. 2002 Pamela Dudziak, PI er city oF eagan Oro 62- THOMASEGAN MaYOr PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members March 23, 1994 THOMAS HEDGES CBy Adminlstrator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Clty Cleik MR JAMES A WELLNER MESHBESHER & SPENCE LTD 1616 PARK AVE MPLS MN 55404 Re: Release of Easement Wendy's - 3655 Pilot Knob Road Dear Mr. Weliner: At the March 15, 1994, Eagan Ciry Council meeting, the above-referenced Release of Easement was approved. I am enclosed two originais for your use, with the City retaining one original for our files. If you shouid have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Engineering Department at 681-4646. Sinc;erely, J kins retary Sec ry /jmj Enclosure: 2 Release of Easement Documents MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122•1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FA%: (612) 681-4612 1DD:(612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK iREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENG7H AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpportunNy/AttlrmaTive Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE fACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FA7C: (612) 681-4360 TDD' (612) 454-8535 ? •? REL8ASE OF BASEMENT Date ltarch 15 19 94 (Recording Information) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the real property in Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 2, Duckwood Crossings is hereby released from the forty (40) foot temporary access easement over and across the real property described above, owned by the undersigned, pursuant to that Easement for Ingress and Egress dated the 27th day of April, 1988, executed by MERITOR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, as grantor, and the CITY OF EAGAN, as grantee, and filed for record as Document No. 844885 on June 22, 1988, in the Office of the County Recorder of Dakota County, Minnesota. STATE OF COUNTY OF DAKOTA 1 }ss. ) The foregoing instrument was ackno,wledged before me this L-Sth? day of lti_ , 1991, by ?Xemas Eo- - and aa.c ?.?• a,?, oerb!-ILQ? , the Mayor an City Clerk of the City of Eagan, a Municipal Corporation, under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. This Document Drafted bv: MESHBESHER & SPENCE, LTD. 1616 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 ? . Notary ic JUDY M. JENK.INS NOTARY PUBLIC - MNNNE80TA DAKOTA COUNTY A.1y commiasbn ezplres 7-22-97 FEB 09 '94 01;00PM ME51-IBESHER SPENCE P,7 • I' I n c.w orncRe MEBHBE$HER &SPENCE, LTD. ](EYNF:711Il4E%tlBCFfFil:H 1918 PAA[( AY8HU6 MAkM u yTRR&U p,pvA4nUMeKNfl@811ER MINNEApOLIB, MINNESQTA 56404 MNDALLG.SPCKCE RLItS?4l:I.L . SYENCF HOWAAI] I. bAbB .iwMeAiI. :ii.xenr (e12) 880J.8181 onNIeLc. niIanrtecw JU/i\ V. (; .IYFORb %A'I'F16R[MS H.. MI.OM DFNNIM NJ(*NNUN FAX (819) 3H991B8 PAMRI.A A F'INN&Y JAf.K NU )dY a6FFRiY p. VIBTM ppI;l,µ',I R4`37'ItOM WPIyY1O MINNEAPOLIB OMCS LIANIFI.S.ME98BEBHBR AA'CAICK . 1b1RAY ANTTiUNYd. NEMO 1)&M1IRl, d. ibiV[N JSFFEAY A. OLBON MI(:MA&4 :% MNYn6R COI,I.LBH M. GHR[9I'IANBON JAMeNA. SI,bNWH RUSdCLLM.(MICK)9PENCE,.IR, .innnv.a ":nr February 9, 1994 Z-/s- J mes Sheldon, Esq. S VERSON, WILCOX & SHELbON 7:00 West 147th Straet S ite 600 0?-' M dway Hank Building A p2e Valley, MN 58124 Re: City of Eagan/Release of Easement; Dilar Mr, Srieldon: 2 represent Fourcrown, Inc., the aWnar of the recently c nstructed Wehciy!g located at 6355 Pilot Rnob DriVe, Eagan. It a pears that' on April 27, 1988, the predeosesor-in-title to F urcrown, Inc. granted the City of Eagan a temporary 40-foot a cess easement over and aeross a portion of what has now been p atted as Lot 1, Hlock 2, Duakwood Crossings. I have enclosed a o py of ihe easament far the ingrees and egress, togather with a p rtion of the aurvey showing the temporary easement passittg d reatly underneath and thraugh the existing build.inq. U fortunately, the easement document itself does not contain a t rmination date for the temporary easement. In connection with proposed finanoirtg by my client, the title clrapany has raised the existence of this temporary easement as a c oud on the title and that the building ie encroaching on the t mporary easement. I assume the City no longer ham a need for the Cemporary access eaaement across this property or they would not have given a perait to Fourcrown to place the building directly on top ef t eir easement. In any event, we are Yequesting that trie City of Eagan release the temporary access easement contained in Document 8 4885 as it pertains to Lot i, Hloak 2, Duekwooc9 Crosaings. You m y wish to releaae the entire temporary access easement over any a d all property that it may cross. ADD ITIONAL OPPICDB IN 9C.PAU4 8T. CLOUD & ROCF189TER 09 '94 01?01PM MESI-IBESHER SPENGE MEBHHE$HSR. $ 6pENCE, LTD. 6heldon, Esq. ry 9, 1944 2 P.8 In anticipation of the agreement oP the City to release my c ient's groperty from the tetapvrary easement, I have prepared a R lease of Easement document for siqnature by the City. I wauld a pzeciata iP you could process thie request in as qalok a manlter a possible and let me know immediaEely if you foreeee any problame i abtaininq the City'e consent. Please aontact me if you hsve any questions or need any f rther information. Very truly yours, w6wAG? ames A. Wellner :jef . Fourcrown, Inc. 09 '94 01:01FM I'ESHBESHER SPENCE P.9 OF 8aRs1lm (Recording Information) is FOR VALUABLE CON3IDERATION, the real property ir1 pakota y, Mfnnesota, legally described as follows: Lot 1, BlOak 2, Duckwood Croasinga hereby released from the forty (40) foot temporary access !ment over and acrose the real property descrihed above, owned the undersiqned, pursuant to that Easement for Ingress and :ss dated the 27th day of April, 1988, executed by MERITOR :LaPMENT CDRPORATIqN, as grantor, and the CITY OF EAGAN, as itee, and filed for record as Document No. 844885 on June 22, t, in the Office of the Caunty Recordar of Dakota County, CITY OF EAGAN sv Tta Mayor By Its City Clerk E OF MSNNESOTA ) )ss. TY OF DARdTA ) The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged bePore me this d y of , 199_, by a d , the Mayor and City clerk of the c;ty of Eaqan, a Municipal corporetion, undar ths laws nf M?nnesota, on behalf of the corporatian. Notary Public M?SFf8E9H8R & SPENCE, L 1 16 Park Avenue M nneapolis, MN 55404 KkNVF RONAI. RilYKti JAMkel Jt71RN 1 UIiNN1 dAl!K d PAUI,1 PA'I'ltil nn.:cN: MK'HA JAAI75N JOXYI P-FR G1G ' 4/. iv!Nom mCCUOrcuco 9?' 2 W1W CPPICG I ? ME8ABE8HER & $PENCE, LTD. .? ??g?Ahyx?N 1810 pARK AV$NRR. MAR% D. STRE6U UI MEHHHRAHQR MINNEAPDLI9, MINNE80TA 55406 RANUA1.4p.epEu( '.I .BYEYC6 HOWARU1.8A68 H. II.BER7' (619) 339•012I IIANIEL0. GUERRB .01 ]PV<)Rll KAT}lF.RSNE B. FLO v R. IoHNlK)N FA%(612) 238-9188 yAMBLA R v1NN101 it'x >yY J&PYH6Y Y. <ilATAT Y. H .RL:97R(IM R&PLY TU MINKCAPOLI6 OFFICB UANIKL R. XPiiIiPB ;N ????10.AN ANTHONYJ,NbMO ,. .I. iVLVIN VACSrXIL$ COOM BUQET d8PF7t6Y A. pIBOH Nl. .. YNYUBR coiA.r.ex M. m+we w. BI.I.NFN AL'99¢LLl4.0M[CK) 5 A! Re1HY D T&: Febxuary 9, 1994 T : James 3heldon S? R)t/CO][PANY: Severson, Wi1COx & sheldon ? i Olt: James Wellner F7 L8 NOK88Rt 432-3786 O? R CLIHNTs Fourcrown, Inc. C4 =EIiT/l1ATT$1t NO: 10700-29745 1 C( I ?11lI?tITB /R?(i11RD IIQG : 4 ttached erato, I am forsaardina to you a conv of the original e 4 qpy of the mao a coAV of my letter to Xou regardlna §gmegt, a c _ _ , t ere s fes t nda o a roae at' s e o 1 f ou o r es i t' il for io im ' tel . ill sandincf o a ri loase doc ment in today's mail. Please ca11 ma if voa have any a ? estions or need anv further information. , - i To is facsimile consfsts of ? paqa(s), including the cover page. ig for any rea6on this transmission is incomplete, please ca11 (1 12) 339-9121. O? iginal to follow by mail: x Yes No Express x_ Regular C UPIOF: TLS infornetion coateined in this facaimlZe sesaege is priviSeged and cq nFideAtiaZ and is intended anlp for the uae of tAe individvaZ or entity naaed ? ove. if you, the seader of thie aaeaege, are not the intonded racip3ent, you N strictZy prohibited Prom da.seeainati»g, dietr,i.buting, or copy,iag the oxmasion contained in the fscaimiie r¢eaage. Sf you heve received thi.e geage i.n error, plBaae notify us Snmediate2y by telephoae snd return the oz iginal aeeSage to ua at the ebooe addreza. ?&O A1 19NI:R TIANAU4 BP6:1GE, d&. ADDITIONAL OYYSC69 IP1 BT.1`AU4 8T. CIAUD 8 ROCMEBT%A 09 '94_ 12:58PM MESHHESHER SPEN.CEjLg ST PALL i 3399188 NO.P?a P002 844"Wa R?76MPN7 MAy! tVnkR88 ANb t;tiN?.Su •Y?? ?? ?_._ 1 ?7'1fI9 tNtlg1}TURB made ?6tE?6eanesB? yYA nndcr brewr.nEv thlt Y?" da Htmneeplo a°• an9 khn r,r7Y o" MR??T? Y e[ , os Gron,+?n„ OP r4Gf1N. ffaknee?GOPMRN'' wITNR69E7Nt wIItSNC1 ?Y?CY• Lrnd in bbo Ctt dp 0'?i,t Crer???r iD sh. dcaert4n$ 1R tollowa? Rnryan, ?kotn eWncr n? chw ereots er C?untY. Minr,eaees. iaqaily ? q toot taevor?ry ae<:o?s uoavmnn r P° ? thr r2o.oo 804lAo4sc Qi,arec? 19, ROavor sn? « oe scr.cio„ ^0^ 33. oakoen Munt ocroas ?hb; nnt in A0scrl? , y• Minnnnefho, thn rO?'?hlp 2?, T! aR [ei?owa: qorkh Ifnn fi( anfd C01111hoi ae r.h,• Inr?rra?r?cplrtnenE r4o a,iororiy rtqhlE eT vay l.t?e oC Mtnnoaok? R?fdl+teaEh4aaet eh4 north iln6 of Ch0 N?rhWsno?rteelen plaL ?? mL1A Ri6lwQ?artr,et k1iQ11p? sOYChCiI 214 ?r' Ctn[ O( Als[aqce oE S91.99 ri•?hr Of way coneavc to lhp, ? Ghv euevn to Bn :lr.aarlha?i, qntn the poine af bepinnlrn,? IlMihQSeat a olnui:oa SG a?rah? 11 c'.?rvo hna n HnJka o[ 9 Ai doqreas lack nn?1 an?R0 a ra?liu)56Y,78 fQOt egreee 46 27 IOlnllCQA??LAI7mOCT oherd be , a abetd at 7np ??f Soulh t? elc?frcae 00 ,?inuz„s d? eocends ar wsRe= r.henCa o!!. anB Gh?re t?r?elno[lnrj_"anAr, ?tnk i•llASnnoo eI o f 183.76 Tc9other 'with n 40.00 [nne bnmporar acra.• @eid soutnease punrear, r.he aa.oo r,,K?t aaoamene in ,?.lv acaoan ?vnan,Ann6 evsr ane xerl7v:?? nn fnlln?p,r?y 1[ne nf aniA aoginw?? at rhQ ahove AraeethoA pnlnk vt tnrr,ieaePnMi ? 'JIaCenae?e[?h q? '??` er,11? 94 mlyuera ?inuqus 27 aeC105 OnAaB Gn7at e a °tj RhencO Horchx7 s.'aont/o 91 ?egrece 8?uth 4? A et 0 QQiCC11 54 n?1nue??ISianco of 197.32 f 3 w,?,7 CAenee 71 ?6nn?ehPilnnF,?t ?nrnr?,,.?rEnq v?hAmTn Rnpr q rh p IlatAnap ,yr R?+ulh ??i,9 Sauahna,?e lino p.ir.?ltal vl:h an !ho enet ? Li?s?ra so ?^lnutoc 27 Ruerlne. a414 llnp h,.ara [.,o nq of oald Svutheas?OCVnAa WDat truM a ehnn /rom eh.) ??er..,' qL rurnrr qf ?11r? 8 QC lshnep 5ti.T6 <1lRenncpwnf riHG47 ??grn?? ?+n TinYates nurFroar, puortor oh9 th 9 toer to the• 27 roaa??uBSatrA ^^g^mnne la A??lanrkn,rminatSnq, ???tl,.l??idn! ?'?19 Reurh,.?nt rnne 1 1"aarfisrd Ce?uahe nat ?pUOr??? I tnn ?t ,?tR6A,• rn., nhorq ku r.rr?A,ar, funt rftmr.,ror the Irorth 1lne of Y urCnnn n,?tnM,.??, '?? ? • Q9 _?1q_12:SW,M,,,,?F?1 L5+4?R.5UI?CpLE ST RRIL t3n91BQ W.?.r' P003 t1p4 T'lEpppOpmf the caiA penntor, ln aenEltIprntlon a! Ona t4I.ne? 0nLIA9 phd OChQ! UtlCr1 Olld vsluphle CqnBIAnYqClOn 1'.e St pplA by Grentae, reeeipt whorQOF ls horcAy ncknewlcApaA, hrrnby OonvcYS, warrAnta nnA AcAI?ntna to aolrl frrpnCep, (ta bctre 'sn:t apetqne, (er ingreea and oqgiiRR purnonah, lotja¢hl)r wleh thA unenRtriar,wd rlyht ta Lxprove tAi> 0ae00 trac anA c.lper ot rll aeeuas.r??r?r. rno anov-p» dcecrlbod treati et 140n:9, The atenter, !er )enatf, Ite hoirn, axoaueorsj arlalniacratns• and asatgne, dop$ aovonanr nr.wor to eua, 4906641e, -leeeray er r0a?ovn ony 6r•e ue ahruh or nehcr nnrurnt C [nwCh up'+n !ha harplnbofora deeerlboQ plMlus fer tfia eonr.lnuanr.o a? eAle enapuenef •rM dees dercdy gront nnd eonvey to thr Ot?i? ClMy eC Rnnan .71k QCdRyC6, ahrub's, lroee anA naeurol ggowlh new exiett"q on Rnirl InrMJa oc ehst mey be 11esaaRteK plnneed er q[oun ehureon. TMO C[aMlOl, LOL 1L601l, i!i hc![S, RtoRVt9Cal AAA1ftlaCCiskOlS anA eadlgny noad Arrpby Celoacr. ehr r,0 tf1 efry nt req3n, 4ee nucccr.anra nnA ana4qeR# frMn att c1nJas tpr any lon•! n11 Aamepaa rOnultfno !a tBF- Inn<Ic thrnuqh onA .+ai•unn wNiCh CAs! lvva*•1 a[ lt+nA herehy eonveye4 Lr, lecTted by raaaon o[ rAn Locnelon, e?radtng, conatrur,ttnn, maEn??rnnemw, vnd unq fee !ngCrey nnA ?)rcnq Ov.c anA uport the pCemleCO herony COnvmyot9 Er1e1 CKOni CItO usnS lncfftent thcrcan, rnA thr entd Ciry Or kapan f+:++11 have etir rlqhe to uva sne1 rcmnve etl e0eth ind atNer mikrQrlats tying vithln tha pareel nL land n(- reby canvayo0 ,shA Ghe rtqbe 0 donetrvca ond &ilnr.aln, upon the lanrtn adjolntnI k1o pnrr.nl hrccby convey M. riucb port+rbla anor E^nr.r,a durxng euch rontffn .iR wavtAO[ ro„Aitienn mbk" nt-e"Rary. All alampq 6nd nther rte6rta eoaulklr+g 19e0 tfia elaaelnq a[ tho rlqhp-oE-vny wiYl hv dlcpnond of by prantl?r, by huCnleJ os oehoewlan, eaaoralsnq eo tay. 7a WS?N666 NtiEpEOP, 6nld Brentor Maa hecaunEO met lrs hanA anA onet Cha AAy nnel yone lle6t abava weikCun. l1f:R!'COR DfiVRi??PMP.NT CANPqR?T10M A»t1 ? .. ...?....? ?......?.......?'?....??.. [Ctl? ----------------- V/FEB J99 194 a12:59PM. MESHE`SHE R SP,ENiELF. ST PALL J+ 3399188 hO. P..:...`a P004 .. ?• srnxt or yermRSpyrity Cou?r,r NOEaC?y `AtlbLICrYCt!??[t1Y oml 7a[ SYnai? 1?'?r, 5^Lera Ma n ?peret-5nn i 1 Y •pper[*d vor?aed?syf 9'y,4 k.I nn?n, ewv?eesvary enn oL the Corpoeselen nale"_•-_.. OVA. a?--LO^+*?a--inwtruogAL t?r k?qoMl, ro? Inc`e??iro?ef;'i,;S;?„t„? ces?.t.?,,,M „n:? tnat . nI•I 4nnlfu?Rnt ne.?wrreo aow,?? . qf said nf ???li?l! var yl?via.l rnl?l euY??e?rar.lon Ny nu4Atlrlly nC ien no„, ua.4r.tai In nRA wId t. M., d e! Dtreeeors acknnrl?Aq,+i ?ii?i-in?a`esn?°?' nr#+ enrperhtlan. n? io'6?hr ?rnn'"pdr'"nn?t"']?,:?•"e???? (5 K q f. ?? ? itFEniy'?Ri6f7l?!? Tq t9 OOCOMMM4 4??1?S6D 8Yt ? w?arr?lw?:'/ ?1 1760?YOntea oonnia?n:,,a.Aliao TOwn ClMkro Pro[caftlon.1• RleTry, Baqan. NN S5177 ?R?a? ?se-soea sr"°'+' r'ON azA'tE D660 SA!! BN'AKDR 59PM,MESHHU?xSPENCEnE ST pqlL + 3399386 PM i ' 1 ?? • M ? ?t. ?1 /.l'•. (?)? ??? ?4if?• I w ..?..??...w?w. ? Y..?n,?. r., ?, - •r..?. r??_.w.?,?r,.,r?w?"?w+. 8aa?5 im 22 3 :o PA'M d44WS n e? o u. m..- K wHa? _ 00 NOT P[MM .. ,* 7hN ' CY FIALI. so ntInr kann annn 7AM. iM ll131 . r ` i ? . ! .w.i . 644E/1 RAnkNRNT Y?)k IVRNRR;i AMfI_?I:ItY9R ?....... . .. .. . .. ' T1It$ ?._np?'1? _ fNdRNTUkR Madr en•T ?.q??.r?•.1 •Miuru: .en,. .• t?O7L ?.,? . Intn ?hc. ??? N w CRESTRIDGE\DRIVE $ ? ?-- -- 84°50' 27" E t BB_49 -- r? a 7I OPMM4E NO IHUIIr EAY/EM A ucnr gWff n" pqt n m , ? g e612 ar+a e aniEa V I ? O ? CH aITUWP? SM.M ? ? ?•' ? I p W J .+ . ` -58.1- N t? dT.) 1] ° 1 ? i m a -sw- p.z $ N q 1 19. _ _ _ -- -_ _ _ _ - _ 1 0 -% tt LIRIT ? a ? L7 ? U a ? $ \ LlfSTINCi - ? imruwm ? ?n BULONG ? G15EYfliT P ^? W Y 37.] ?y i U . ? ? -S 4ViQ27' 1T 294.19- ? . ' ._ _ _ _ _ _ '" _ _ - - ` y? 1 m' _ _ _ - _ _ - _I-An m 3{.7 0 ? 1 yE ? 4). ? l ? ___ fAE { A ? ? i WFSfER ? fa! ? 6R o m? y II ,, N le J I 1 _ ]n ?'Jf. ? / A f ? II y ? ul 1 I M ? d V m ? ? ? city of eagan D a- MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK FROM: ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1993 SUBJECT: REVISED STREETLIGHT ENERGY COSTS FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 2 DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS 3655 PILOT KNOB ROAD WENDY'S RESTAURANT This memo is to inform your departmerrt to change the streetlight energy cost from the corttinuous streetlight rate to the non-coMinuous streetlight rate for Lot 1, Block 2, Duckwood Crossings. This parcel has a net area of 1.33 acres and is to be billed at the 1993 non-corninuous rate of $3.90 per acre per quarter which equals $5.19. Please destroy the old memo of October 20, 1993. . L'gt4? !?,- Ed Kirscht ,:;?,i8?'o o/,o cc: Mike Foertsch i Jerry Wobschall i ? EJK/je ? i ? . / ? - Serial # 'Chip# 0,21 ,1 Permit # a?a z ? Address: 36 SS 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF FAGAN ORDINANCES Signature: lF`-? L?? ? ,j s-s C (Zva?diS) 4, 3 70 y s a a6a /866 .:: po S - - Serial # 71 D1oZ3? Chip # Permit # 10 Address: 5-5- ..?f re-7fd 1 AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF EAGAN ; ORDINANCES naia?i MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK FROM: EDWARD J. KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1993 SUBJECT: STREETLIGHT ENERGY COSTS FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 2 DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS 3655 PILOT KNOB ROAD WENDY'S RESTAURANT This memo is to inform your department to start to invoice the streetlight energy costs in the amount of $25.14/quarter with the next utility billing for Lot 1, Block 2, Duckwood Crossings. This parcei has a net area of 1.33 acres and is to be billed at the continuous streetlighting rate of $18.90 per acre per quarter which equals $25.14. The City is currently being billed by Dakota Electric for the streetlight energy cost along Crestridge Drive. '41 Edward J. Kirs¢ht cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Asst. City Eng. EJK/je 1- I, _?)'z I ? v ?.?w UL'A IRJ city oF eagan THOMAS EGAN July 8, 1993 "'°Y°' PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN . THEODORE WACHTER L'fA1G JOHN$ON councii Members MADSEN-JOHNSON CORP iHOMAS HEDGES P O BOX 486 cuv admirnstmmr HUDSON WI 54016 E.J. VAN OVERBEKE City Cleik Re: Wendy's Restaurant - 3655 Pilot Knob Road Dear Mr. Johnson: We have completed our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a building permit for the above-referenced project. The comments listed below are limited in scope to selected areas of special concern and are not intended to comprise a complete and exhaustive report. Piease note thaf the Un'rform Building Code standards referenced in the building code (a list occurs in chapter 60) are a part of the code. Other standards providing equivalent performance may be used only when such alternates are approved by the building official under the provisions of Section 105 of the building code--Un'rform Building Code (UBC), section 6001. 2. Provide verification that the proposed lighting power budget complies with the Model Energy Code (MEC), section 505 as amended by Minnesota Rules, part 7670.0800, subpart 2. Please note that this amendmerrt requires, with certain modifications, the budget to be calculated in accordance with 1993 criteria as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations, title 10, part 435.103. The Minnesota Energy Code Compiiance form is enclosed for your use. An information packet is available from the Department of Public Service Energy Information Center, telephone number 296-5175. 3. Please submit calculations substantiating that the building's overall thermal envelope is in compliance with the Minnesota Energy Code (Minnesota Rules, chapter 7670)-MEC, section 104.2. 4. Provide letters of approval from the Minnesota Department of Health on the food senrice and the plumbing systems. MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX:(612) 681-4612 TDD: (612) 454-8535 7HE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNRY Equal OpportunlTy/Affirmatlve Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOIA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(612) 681-4360 iDD: (612) 454-8535 CRAIG JOHNSON JULY 8, 1993 PAGE TWO 5. The certification of each of the professions responsible for the preparation of the plans shall be shown on each sheet of the plans, including the mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans, and on the titie sheet of the project specifications (the structural, mechanical and electricai certification is absent irom the specfications). Please resubmit two copies of these documents after obtaining the appropriate signed certifications-Minnesota Ru1es> chapter 1800, parts 4200 and 5200 and UBC, section 302. An afternate method of reviewing and certifying construction documerits of prototypical . buildings is tound in Minnesota Rules, chapter-part 1805.1600. 7. Floor-mourrted water closets may not have a flush volume of more than 1.6 gallons-Minnesota State Statue 326.37, subdivision 2. 8. Veriiy that the required minimum exit separation between doors B and C complies with UBC, section 3303(c). 9. Exit signage at exit doors B and C, as shown on sheet 13-J, should also be visible as viewed from the direction of room 105-UBC, section 3314(a). 10. Verify that toilet room 102 has 36 inches of ciear space in front of the toilet- Minnesota Rules, chapter-part 1340.0500, subpart 1. lt is our hope that this report will be of benefit to you in achieving a project that complies with the various state and local codes, laws and ordinances. Sincerely, ?. c t l ?• .. i. ?. •- Joe Merchak, Construction Malyst Protective Inspections Division Community Development Department Enclosure JM/mg cc: Dan Opitz, Four Crown, Inc: Dave Broesder, Korsunsky Krank Erickson Architects, Inc. Doug Reid, Chief Building Official City of Eagan Construction Inspectors CLAlII VOllCiIF.R - REtUt7D RLQl1F.ST CITY OF FAGAIi CLAI!tANT WENZEL HEATING & AIR CQNDTrTOx7Nr. /DTRESS 1955 SHAWNEE ROAD EAGAN MN 55197 ? . l.ocation Receipt 170./Da[e Reason tcr Refund Tcpe o[ Refund 3655 PILOT KNOB ROAD L1, B2, DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS 10286/07-12-93 OVERPAYMENT OF MECHANICAL PERMIT Electricnl rermit Flumbin({ Permi[ 1lechanical rermit Suiclinrqe W1CPT Connortlon rermit Sewer Connortion rermit Aecount Depnsit Utilit}• Aceount Over-?'ayment pther: 01-3211 S 01-3212 S 01-3213 S 7.00 01-2155 S 20-3JiJ S 2a-3743 , S 20-2252 S 20-2250 S S S TD2AL S 7•00 7 drelarr under the prnnltlet of lnv that this account, tIeim or demand is just and thnt no par[ of it haq bee nid. ?/)• 07/ 13/93 Si ture ? Date 7-13 ?--?? ? / /? a oZo -D MC.kwooc4 QmSSinS3 MEMO TO: JIM STIIRM, CZTY PLANNER J0E MERCHARi CONSTRIICTION ANALYBT DALS WE6LEITNERi, FIRS DEPARTMENT BILL ARINBt BLECTRICAL INSP$CTOR PIIBLIC WORICS/BNCiINEERIN(i DEPARTMENT IITILITY BILLING CLERR FROM: DOIICi REIDj, CHIEF BIIILDING OFFICIAL DATE z F1 7//??- SUHJECT: FINAL INSPECTION The Protective Inspections Department will be performing a final inspection of 3?55 1-'i tof /<oob --k)d- on 9/0//c-;X" A Certificate ofeOcb pancy will be issued following our approval. If you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to return the hold request form within five working days from"the date of this notice will be considered your approval. The person or department requesting the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. PLEASE RETURN HOLD REQUESTS TO BILL BRUESTLE. i /,/, ,Cio?, J)uc-kwoocV L'ross/nc3 3 MEMO TO: JIH BTURM, CITY PLl1NNER?? ? JOB MERCHAR, CONBTRUCTSON ANALYBT DALE WSCiLEITNERt FIRS DEPARTMENT BILL ARINS, BLECTRICAL INSPBCTOR POBLIC WORRB/$NtiINEERINd DEPARTMENT OTILZTY SILLIN[3 CLERR FROMs DOOf3 RSID, CHIEF BIIILDING OFFICIAL DATS ! SQHJECTs FINAL INSPECTION The Protective Inspections Department will be inspection of c3 55 ?10f1<-]o6 -Rd- on A Certificate ofeOcb pancy will be issued foll If you are requesting that the Certificate of please fill out the proper hold request form. performing a final 9?0?93- owing our approval. Occupancy be held, Failure to return the hold request form within five working days from the date of this notice will be considered your approval. The person or department requesting the "hold" is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected parties. PLEASE RETURN HOLD REQUESTS 10 BILL BRUESTLE. CITS EAGAN ` 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Pertnit Number: Date Issued: cl2/o3g5 BUTLDING 021430 07/12/93 StTE ADDRESS: 3655 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 2 DUCKWOOD CROSSINfiS P.I.N.: 10-21850-010-02 DESCRIPTION: WENDY'S B ldin Permit Type COMM.JINO. uilding rk Type NEW BG Occupanc A-3 Construction Type V-N Zoning ? PD Building Length 119 Building Width ? 45 Byilding stories 1 ??µare Feet ??? 3,500 Q??U (Z4 wng, REMARKS: SAC ANO OTHER FEES WERE PAID WITH FOUNDATION PERMIT (N21147) FEE SUMMARIF. Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee VALUATION $1,199.5@ $779.68 $130.00 $2,109.18 CONTRACTOR: - A p p 1 i MAp5EN-JOHNSON CORP 901 INDU37RIAL ST HUDSEN WT 54016 (612) 436-5281 $260,000 cant - OWNER: 24365261 FOUR CROWN INC 445 ETNA ST ST PAUL MN 55106 (612)772-3980 L I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable 9tate of Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. APPLICANT/PERMfTEE SIGNATURE ISSUED BV: $ NATUHE REACTiVA ., G:11 Y Vt tACaAIV ? 2 f Qn•!a PERM.? ? -?14? 1993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION < « 681-4675 --------------- E661 B Z A1f W SIMGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month- in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. / Valuation of work ? Zf2e 000 '" Date . J 3 ? ?F- P?ot Site Addressr?5-m? ?? P ? SUfTE Y 'STREET ? f s Ape5C1 l l y) n.r ?j Tenant Name: (commercia on LOT ___ BIACK __;_2 SUBD. ?v ClC?o 55/ 5 P.I.D. * Descri tion of work: ,V. 7he Gpplicant is: ? Owner i,on±ractor 7 OLher (cn«;ne) ? Name f__Our (7r12 Wv7 Phone 772-3 Property LA5r F1R5T /'Xad p pl1 Z., Owner Address -44 S- STREET STE Y city ? ZZ l Stei.p'"._??Al ?----?-- < - Company ljaeLh - So10 Sclx 22 r'0 Phone '.7(5-38( - `O ZP/ Contractor Address Pd. 19of- LfB,? License # CRA IG Exp1+ N I City ?uc.Cs?n State Wl's 436Z?? ? Phone y3 y- 42?o 6 Company KorsNn 54, Architect/ / Engineer Name nG.,& 9r11e_-sde, r Registration # _ Address '3ov Frs?- Ae Ll () City Mz /s State /q4 Zip Sewer & water licen;,cd plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits Is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have ad this a lication and state that tne irformation is correct and agree to comply w'_ 1 appli e 5ta e of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ' Signature of Applicant: BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 03 SF Addition ? 04 SF Porch ? 05 SF Misc. WORK TYPE k 31 New 0 32 Addition OFFICE USE ONLY ? 06 Ouplex ? 07 4-Plex ? 08 8-Plex ? 09 12-Plex ? 10 Multi. Add'1 O 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION ? ? .. ._ ,? ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 13 Garage/Accessory O 14 Fireplace O 15 Deck O 35 Tenant Finish O 36 Move D 16 Basement Finish O 17 Swim Pool 19 18 Comn./Ind. O 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility O 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish Const. (Actual) V- N Basement sq. ft. MWCC System YGS_ (Allowable) v-N lst F1. sq. ft. City Mater g:s_ UBC Occupancy A-3 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoning Pp Sq. Ft. total Booster PumP !? of Stories j Footprint Sq. ft. 3?90 Fire Sprinkler Length lIq On-site well Census Code 3,z -7 Depth 145_r On-site sewage SAC Code ,9o blj ??ss APPROVALS Ca.?rsas ? ? Planning Building Assessments Engineering Variance REGIUIRED IN SPECTION S . O Site ? footing ? Framing ? Insulation ? Wallboard ? Final ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAL City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: 1199.50 30.00 1I791 v.Luat;o,: g 26 ¢oe3o ? O D 0 c.D W ? " <qof o ?? L `' ?o+.trvD.?'?}oyJ VACut 2,44;,Oa0 ` 2 D7 9/g sac % SAC Uni s SAG A,ND 'DTHtM?F4ZES WEYlF 'Pa I D w ir-? ?0U1.FJoAna)J ?'"j-QM)r ? ? N ?. NoTE 1 rIF. . ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 687-4675 51TE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-21850-010-02 PERMIT . ? PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 3655 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: 1 BLOCK: 2 OUCKWO00 CR055INGS uzL o{rov' @21147 06/08/93 DESCRIPTION: WENDY'S Building permit Type FOUNDATION 8uilding Work Type NEW ''UBC Occupancy1, A-3 ? Construction Typ,,e V-N ' Zoning ~ PD Building Length 119 / Buildirtg Width \ 45 Building stories % 1 _.S,quare FeQt 3,500 ? ? 1? r?' 1??`\ rG1 ?? r?'? ; i?;Y r.•..'- ?1 REMARKS: s s w - FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge SAC SAC % SAC Units Subtotal $5,096.68 GITY SAC S & W PERMIT S 5 W SURCHARGE TREATMENT PLANT ROAD UNIT PARK DEDICATION Total Fee $10,425.62 CONTRACTOR: - MAOSEN-JOHN50N CORP 901 INDUSTRIAL HUDSEN WI (612) 436-5281 VALUATION $40,000 $349.50 $227.18 $20.80 $4,500.00 100 6 r+pplicanc - 24365281 S7 54016 OWNER: FOUR CROWN INC 445 ETRA ST ST PAUL MN 55106 (612)772-3980 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this information is correct and agree to comply Statut s and City of Eegan Ordinanaes. L APPLI T/ MITEE SIGNATURE application and state that the with all applicable State of Mn. -1 ? ?P? ? ?- ISSUED YA : IGNA UR $600.00 $100.0@ $.50 $1,944.00 $1,551.77 51.132.67 REACTIVA'j_, ` PFRMI? ? 21[dmf L.I 1 Y Vt CAUAIV 1993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-0675 ? 01 41< s ., SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, l copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of manth. in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date _? uhe 1993 Valuation of work 40,000 Site Address: ??oSS Tj1oT' L"b STREEt - SUITE / Tenant Name: (commercial only) EXJ e-11 dv T IAT BLOCK -z- I . SUBD. /, ?/1 T.I.D. M ?u cf?? ?:rossI?3S Descri tion of work: Q ouhof? 6r;r The applicant is: ? Owner ?Contractor ? Other (oesorix) Name gur roW yr Phone,Z7Z-3`lRC1 Property LAST FIRST Owner Address "145 tE?Zru S?r ee-?- 57REET STE t City ??• / au ? State ?zLd, Zip Company - ? r Phon- ???o ??? p `?S G 0 Contractor x _ License # Address P. , City AuState Zip / G Company Phone 3"2 ?i -4 Zo?T Archttect/ M R i t ti ? Engineer on eg s ra Name GuP % Af ? d A r iP _ OG P Address , City N2 /r State AIP7 Zip 's-"7r? Sewer ff water licensed plumber ie ?- ? z, . Processing time for sewer 8 water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have r this ap lication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply wit al pplica t of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ?-- v // OFFiCE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE XOI Foundation ? 02 SF Dwg. O 03 SF Addition ? 04 SF Porch ? 05 SF Misc. ? 06 Duplex ? 07 4-Plex ? 08 S-Plex 0 09 12-Plex ? 10 Multi. Add'1 ? 11 Apt./Lodging O 12 Multi. Misc. ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 14 Fireplace ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE )R 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 36 Move .I .t. Oj 6 g3"ew nikiMlei sh ? 17 Swim Pool ¢-'1s'BsWrj4wd+ ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility O 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demol i sh GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) V-N Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) ?v-?? lst F1. sq. ft. UBC Occupancy _ ?,-q 2nd F1. sq. ft. Zoning Sq. Ft. total i of Stories I Footprint Sq. ft Length ?T On-site well Depth On-site sewage EIPPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance REQSlIRED INSPECTIONS O Site ' K footing ? Wallboard ? Final MWCC System 1'ES City Water ?rEs PRY Required Booster Pump 3sao Fire Sprinkler Census Code 3.27 SA D yl? O w' YISuuCLnJ ? Assessments ? Framing O Insulation ? Uraintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review. License MWCC SAL City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: 3y9,5o v,iuac;o,: g Lf ooao - 2o.uJ aa?, i8 -- P4kK DF-aCa-?xAt4-. 45 o u, oo /? oo oo , sF x, oss= 3I75,92 L) Lj '- I.5zG39 kSN= ??32 G7 , 94 ,oo j?oq0 ?ln,tr ?- i?3as? 1,326, 3 X I 17 o : 0 4 25. 6?- sAC % I Do SAC Units -r7? * . ? 1 - city of eagan TO: FILE MEMO FROM: MICHAEL P. FOERTSCH, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DATE: MARCH 25, 1993 SUBJECT: -?LOT 1, BLOCK 2, DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS ? PROPOSED WENDY'S "RESTAURANT DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO CRESTRIDGE DRIVE In response to the March 5, 1993 meeting with various members of City staff and representatives from Miller & Schroeder Financial, the question of a revised access point to the proposed Wendy's Restaurant from Crestridge Drive was discussed. The concept discussed at the meeting involved removing the existing curb cut to the proposed site approximately 50 feet east. The proposed location would provide an entrance location which is more centrally located with respect to the building location on the site. The concept would provide an entrarice location centered approximately 125 feet westerly of the west curb line of Pilot Knob Road versus the existing driveway location which is located approximately 175 feet westerly of the west curb line on Pilot Knob Road. During the meeting the existing driveway locations for the Holiday gas station and the Phillips 66 gas station were referenced. I have researched the location of the existing driveways and their center lines are located approximately 135 feet westerly of the west curb line for Pilot Knob Road. Today, these existing locations, if proposed by a new development, would come under a closer scrutiny, from a driveway access standpoint, to a public street. Given the concept of a westerly extension of Duckwood Drive across 135E to Federal Drive, the existing locations probably would not be approved. The existing Duckwood Drive driveway locations in comparison to the proposed Wendy's driveway location from Crestridge Drive basically are two different scenarios. With the Duckwood Drive locations, the existing traffic signals create situations where the traffic backed up along Duckwood has a chance to clear with the signal assigning the right-of- way, therefore allowing the exiting traffic from the two existing gas stations positions along Duckwood Drive to maneuver into depending on which direction on Pilot Knob Road they desire to travel. The scenario which is created by the proposed Wendy's location is that during periods of congestion on Pilot Knob Road, the Crestridge Drive user does not have the advantage of a traffic signal to stop the Pilot Knob Road traffic aliowing an opportunity for entrance onto the roadway. Page Two March 25, 1993 In the design for Crestridge Drive, the entrance to Lot 1, Block 2, Duckwodd Crossings was taken into consideration. The westerly entrance location to Crestridge Drive was constructed along with the roadway construction to ailow for the safer entrance point onto Crestridge Drive allowing the driver to choose a lane in which to enter or cross Pilot Knob Road. A proposed entrance to the Wendy's site in a more centrally located position would create a situation where the traffic exiting the Wendy's site would be exiting directly into the two designated turn lanes created on Crestridge Drive. This scenario creates the potential for a traffic congestion problem to occur on the public street. Based on the revised site plan submitted for the March 23, 1993 Advisory Planning Commission meeting, the whole access issue from the proposed Wendy's site may be cc: Jon Hohenstein, Acting Community Development Director Thomas A. Colbert, Director of Public Works John Wingard Shannon Tyree, Project Planner MPF/je 02{16/99 11:49 FAB 812 490 2150 SEH ST. PAUL EAGAN 11001l004 FAX TRM?BEMrar. S?H FII.E ?: OOIEE?is ANORIKYSRPL?NM?S ? vadnws center Drtve - lqf3_ St PAUt. NIN 55110 DAM Teleptiwne (612) 490-2000 FAX (612) 490-2150 ATTENIZON; COMPANY: 664 PHONE NO. FAX NO. „ . .e FxoM: L NO.OF PAGES TO SITBJECT: J, sHEEr. 3 gOmsmtsWwt wus noc reoenie,d pnogreefy. piease comact the serider at ffte aba,e pr=e nurr,ber. 3HORI=ECX.iOZT AENDRICKSON. INC. Tol?w UJ ? ?.o ?- I 81k 2 Tov?k, Ouckwooc? Gt'ossing5 M'? k e F ? ?: I?e FOR YOUR ? Mbffr6tlon O R2v1EW : ? Re[orti5 ? OSVlbutfon O Apprrmval ? ? kpv?prranClRest?hrr?l ?rn,e ' -f -)bo aOMaVL& 6v`9 OY1 WvvC_ % Cli7'1 ...__v n.._.di /f-l_d--•-. pav;did si9r, ,? i #?-?d?rec?tia???. ? W& =Ir" l R-97%612 490 2150 02-16-93 11:49AM P001 #39 02/18/99 11:50 FA% 612 CBO 2190 SEH ST. PAUI. +++ HAGAN 0 002/004 =SEN MNGWM=..RC,rf=.? February 16,1993 Mr. )im Sturm City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Deaz NIr. Sturm: a=v,aMws caVre?vaW, s.. aauc. tinv ssr,a.siae e,a.eazaoo .ao 3°5 "•• ltB: Hagan„ Minnesota Wendy's, Crnstridge Drive SEH File No. 89040 As you requested on Friday, February 12th, we have reviewed the propcrsed site plan and driveway locaHons for Wendys at the southwest corner of Pilot Knob Road and Crnstridge Drive. As part of our review, we hawe Iooked at acoess locatiams, the parldng ; area, semi and tsash iruck circvlaiion on the site and drlve-#hru operation. 7'he westerly inbound driveway does not appeaz to be a prnblem The driveway is approximately 150' wrest of Pilot Knob Rpad and is inbended to be used as an "'mbound onl}?" aocess. Due to the engle of the proposed parking spaces and the direttimal flow of the drive-thru, it is not likely that this driveway w3ll be mfstakenly used as an outboutld driveway. The driveway should clearly be signed as the enirance to the site and pavement striping (arrows) showing the proper dtrectional flow of the trafFic shauld be provided in the driveway and continued throughout the site. The proposed "outbound only" driveway located east of the Wes?dy's building presents other mncerns. According to the site plan whict was faxed to us there is appraocitnately 65 to 70 feet between Pilot Knob Road and the easterly curb of fhis driveway. This provides atorage capaaty (or stacking area) for approximately three vehicles waiting on CYesiridge Drive to pull out onto Pilot Knob Road. Since the Pilot Knob Road and Ctestridge Drive intersection is not signalized, and Pilot Knob Road is a very heavily traveled major ar6erial, it is very likely that a minimum of three cazs or a?ore will be queued on eastbownd Crestridge Drive at PHot Knob Road waiting to pull out onto the roadway. During the heavier turnover times of soane of the uses of sibes along Crestridge Drive, such as the end of the noon houa at Chili's or the late afEernaon from the medical office building, the flovr of outbound vehicles on Cresaidge Drive can be expected to block the outbound Wend}/s drIveway periodically. If drivers mistakenly try to enter the easterly driveway, this will cause txafBc flow problems nn westboimd C'sestridge Drive which oould affect trafflc flow on Pilot Knob Raad. Vehicles turning off of Pilot Knob Road would be blocked from proceeding by the &+aaracrorr FfOVDRICKSON INC. Sf, CLpUq M.y . psav9y16p cq{yb µq yqplgpK w R-99% 612 490 2150 02-16-93 11:69AM P002 7i39 1VtT. Jim Sturm February 16,1993 Page 2 vehirle that is waiting to tum fiuough ihe qLwue of traffic into the eesterly Wend}'s ariveway. Dr;vers w;u generauy realize cheir mistalce after nying to turn at thia locatirn, and getting press,ued to awve out of the way by wehicles behind them. Also, ebrvnSh protztinent "Eturance" and "E?dt Only" sigm at the two drtveways and the use of a"Do Not Enter" sign at the easterly drineway, we believe that this situatian will rarely occur. What should be recognized is the sh+ong potential for traffic exituig the Wend}rs site to queue on the site while waiting for the Crestridge Drive traHic to rlear in iront of the outbound driveway. The baclcup of this traffic has the potential of blocidng ihe parldng sparns closest to Crnstridge Drive as weIl as the abilify of vehicles in the drIve-thru to proaeed away fmm the pick-up anea DurIng busy periods, the Ciry can expect tn eee drivers sittin$ Perpendicular to the flaw of traffic on Crestridge Drlve in the eastbound right turn lane waiting for an opportunity bo ptill iaLo the eastbound leR turn/thru lane. This will certainly resvlt in inconvenienee t+o drirren and some poten4ial safety concens. Over tune, more and more of the left tunung iraffic is likely to use the northerly rnnneetion qf Crestridge Drive to PiloE Knob Road (at Duracwood Drive), as this intersection is signalized. This will reduae the queue of ftff`i¢ on Crestz3dge Drlve. The prnposed inbound driveway wegt of the building and outbaund drive east of the building is certainly a better option than if the inhound and outbound flow were to be switched. However, as discussed above, this does not oompletely eliminate some of the traffic aperations mnoerns assodated with the lmHon of the east diiveway and its c]oae Proximity bo Pilot Kaob Rvad. The main concern with regard to parking ia the locat3on of parking spaaes on the east and the south side af the site. It is not clear aat the s{fe planwhether pr not a Nstomer doorwaq wi11 be provIded on the east side of the building. If not, cusmmers who park on the east side of the site wiI] be required to wailc through the drive-thru lane and around the building to get into the restaurant Truck C4nvlatien Becatase of the angle of the southwest corner of the sibe, it will be very dif9cult far semitrucks to maneuver into ft delivery area behind the building. If semitrucks park almg the edge Df the site near the delivery area, the truck, mmbined wlth vehicles in the drive-thiv lane, would blodc the drive aiste for cusbomers wlw iueed to circulate arouttd the site to the outbound driveway, or to the parking stalls on the east side of the building. Ptuthermore, in order for a truck 6o e)dt the "outbound orilr diivewQy, it would be necessary to use almost the entire width of the south portion of the site, including the south portian of the parking alang the east side of the site. A hvck exiting the site at the "outbound amly" driveway, wilI most likely use both eastbaund lanes on Crestridge R-97% 612 490 2150 02-16-93 11:49AM P003 #39 Mr. Jim Sturm February 16,1993 Page 3 Drive since there is not adequate distai?oe between the driveway and PIIot Knob Road inr the truck drtver to positlon the trurk ist only one latte. Depending on the frequency of deliver[es, and tlte time of day dtuiag whirh detiverles are made, this may not be a serious problem. We auggest that the City plaae resttittions on the hours of delivery to ensure no truclcs on the site during businesa houts. Drive-thzu ation The drive-thni lane ean be expected to operate quite well provided titat drivers waiting in the approach to the menu board stay close to the left side of the drive aisle, leavitg enough width fur other vehielea to dreulabe araund them along the edge of the site. pu:ing iimes when the paveme.nt is not mvered with snow and iae, this oould be accomplished by striping delineating the approach to the menu baard. Sinoe pavement stziping is not visible year round, and drivers dn not neoessar9ly follow it oonsistently, oocasionai problems should be expeeted neaz the approar]i to the menu board in tern?s of delay to vehides prooeeding arouad to the parldng on the east side of the site, or to the outbound driveway. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to oorttact ate at 490-2071. sineady, .? cindy cray, aa. - 'ltansportation Plaaner CRG/kam R-97% 612 490 2150 02-16-93 11:69AM P006 7i39 C RECEIVED 06/80 14:14 1993 HT 3865950 JUN- 8-93 TUE 14;07 BKE ARCNITECTS vewre,.W FaxTransmittal Memo 7672 'b G*1^I41 .1sFApaw.a*•1 runoam' ?Am:ptwyj CoiAt-W a ?ncYm r.K?11ro CMmmb PA6E 1 (PRINT6D PHGE 1) ] FAX N0. 812+342+9267 P,01/01 m ofP.w t :'?T'i°'"b•4RS ?wm ?,?f AM?,i Fni o??: ??, pft- pCaWFfto ee-ar-ivM 02957PM rwan rwDSErrJn5(+ ro wi2342ez67 a.ex ?.. , . • PeaaYRL zkslaoTS01I iND nOTlre ec4gnitLE •' ?xp b'??tl (a aOepiAaee? Miih sM 'Ould-lte11r !or "ts1 Ieepeeelen sad 76rCin9'} ' wc?nai csnx:: Mo. `z 1I ?1'7 • EelaL xOS?r &X VATioN sa w?...o.? TfW Of I4pOi? c ? TN G?J 1u?14?wd ? . I LL ' EL Al L ?4 Lr (L CVO !J 17 tCBED96E AW7lOwi.EC74KNFe . . paeh apyreprLRe e???neaeiv? m?et aLpn balo?e n ._ .._ ? t 1..1.. I_i vln? • sIf -am, •62' '_ _" ' fLiil Orte• ¦inu? n.ct? Ir pi - !ltet Dato? . !M SedlvliuR1 Mwit ef a11 prosyMaYlro ryklal insylEtore aod ena wsk thoy Lneend ko o6tliW maot a idant4[iad On !ho revsraa oida e[ lhlm focs. , GeOeoAy .6[R ? StNetueal 6nqin70i o! Reaecd 91 ? 8pceial Znapaatos r? . raeinq s901ke (' r r i?erte?!or Acceptad tnr tM enitdinp Depi*cmenE 8y 1 ?l °°tel 13 J - - - --, ------ ,. . ..r. ??.en ue. Tht, tOtibaU co M tlllmd out aw 1oaluaea >e cne ?w-. ow""""'-' onFwLlwbl• kt th.t time eo ba illled euc vhre ypplylnp [or a building parmit. . (71 Pulnl! b. !e w peorided by tM BulidLnq Of{lclai. (7) tlN dsgerlptlonm par U.M.C. ewtlon i06. ?]) ayaoLal InaP"ter, riatlnv "nt or tabslcatos. (?? Piaw eoatraatW ta perloxn .arrlew. ? Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1633 612 222-8423 April 15, 1993 APR 1 9 1353 Mr. Joe Merchak Construction Analyst City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Merchak: The Metropolitan Waste Control Commission determined SAC for the Wen3;•'s P.es*_aurant to be located within the City of Eagan. This project should be charged 6 SAC Units, as determined below. SAC Units Charges: Restaurant (Fast Food) 122 seats @ 22 seats/SAC Unit If you have any questions, call Jodi Edwards at 229-2113. Sincerely, Royer W.Janzig U Planner RWJ:JLE 93041552 cc: S. Selby, MWCC Ca.rolyn Krech, Finance Department, Eagan Craiq Johnson, Madsen-JOhnson Corporation 5.55 or 6 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer I6I ?`'? ?1? Mlnnesota Department of Health Division of Environmental Health 925 Delaware Street Southeast P.O. Box 59040 Minneapolis, MN 55459-0040 (612) 627•5100 Four Crown Inc. c/o Mr. Dan Opitz 445 Etna Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 Ladies/Gentlemen: July 7, 1993 RE: Plans and specifications on Wendy's, Crestridge Drive and Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Plan No. 932345. We have received and reviewed the plans and specifications covering the food and beverage service equipment layout to serve the above-designated project. The plans and specifications appear to be in general conformity with the standards of this Department. However, some changes are necessary and the enclosed report lists.these. The plans have been transmitted to our Section of 4later Supply and Well Management for review of the plumbing system. You should hear from them in the near future. . At such time as construction or remodeling is completed, please communicate with me at 612/627-5027.in order to arrange for a final on-site inspection. If you have questions regarding this review, please call me. Sincerely yours, JMG/plp Enclosure J. Michael Gianotti, R.S. Public Health Sanitarian Environmental Field Services An Equal Opportunity Employer MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Health REPORT OF PLANS Plans and specifications on Wendy's Location: Crestridge Drive and Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota Date Examined: 7/6/93 Plan File Number: 432345 Prepared and Submitted by: four Crown Inc., c/o Mr. Dan Opitz, 445 Etna Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 The following are corrections or requests for additional information necessary before construction of your project: 1. All food and beverage service equipment must meet the applicable standards of NSF International. 2. a. Primary food preparation surfaces (tables/counters) must be of stainless steel construction in compliance with Standard No. 2 of NSF International. b. Plastic laminate (formica) surfaces are not accepta6le on counters or ta6les in food preparation areas. 3. Canopy and hood construction must meet the applicable standards of NSF International. Additionally, the requirements of the Minnesota Uniform Mechanical Code (Section 2000) covering commercial kitchen ventilation systems must also be met. 4. Provide and routinely use a chemical test kit to determine the strength of the sanitizing. agent in the final rinse water of the three-compartment utensil washing sink. 5. Walk-in cooler shelving must be NSF International approved stainless steel, factory precoated epoxy, or other materials designed for this type environment. Chrome shelving is not approved. 6. All equipment must be installed so that it is easily cleanable, that is, either easily movable, sealed in place or having sufficient space surrounding the unit to clean in place. 7. a. All artificial lighting fixtures located in food preparation areas, food storage areas, dishwashing areas and walk-ins shall be effectively shielded to prevent glass breakage onto food or food contact surfaces. b. Install a sufficient number of vapor-proof light fixtures in the walk-in cooler and/or freezer to provide a minimum of 10 foot-candles of light throughout the unit(s). Wendy's Eagan, Minnesota Page 2 Provide a handwashing sink near the frying area against the outer wall. 9. The doors to the restrooms must be self-closing. 10. The outside doors must be self-closing. 11. a. A sign must be posted at all public entrances to the establishment stating that smoking is prohibited except in designated areas. Thirty percent of the seating capacity in your establishment must be provided for nonsmokers. Post this area with signs and separate from the smoking-permitted area by either: 1) a 4-foot wide buffer zone, 2) a physical barrier 56 inches in height, or 3) six complete.air changes per hour in the room. . b. If there is controlled seating only, all patrons must be asked their . preference and be seated accordingly. 12. R separate on-site inspection will be conducted by the 5tate plumbing inspector to determine compliance with the Minnesota Plumbing Code. 13. Custom food and beverage service equipment shall be designed, fabricated, located and installed to NSF International requirements. 14. A31 hot water generating equipment (water heaters) must comply with Standard No. 5 of NSF International, and be of adequate capacity to meet the anticipated demand of the establishment. ;j? J. Michael Gianotti, R.S. Public Health Sanitarian Environmental Field Services JMG/plp JUL 2? '93 19:40 FROM KKE RRCHITECTS ?E Rotaumnrky Srndc Etidwoa Aschbod% bc. 300 Fcet Aoeme Na+th i0m 61a 3 4100 5m FAR 3 -9394 July 22, 1993 PRGE.B01 58NT VIA FAX Mr. Joe Merchak City of Hagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Bagan, MN 55122-1897 E A? raA N APPROVEO Re: Wepdy's Restaurant 3655 Pilot Knob Road PAgni, MN Pro)ect No. 93-08-1139-01 I?eac Mt. Menchak: BYZT.P.M. DjlkTr 'rhaak you for the time spent on the telephane this morning disCUssing the 188ue of esit sepwatiorL I did fiud?er nwiew of dimenslonal infotmation and propose the EMowing explanatinn for the adcqnacy of the present design. On ch+e attached drawing I bave indicnted a diagrmal dlmension of the space to be 70'.0". 'I'his space tncludes the dining, serving and dn'ulauon space that the publUC u011izes. You will also notc on the actached drxwing chaY I'm measuring the sepaxatbn distance bercvccm the oenterlines of the two eaxerivr doois, gecause pf the languag,e in ItBC Seaton 3303(d), i.e. dis[ance is mea%red w"an cxterior doar, harizontal emdt, exit passagewaY or ain endosed aairway", i feet the proger measuremern Is eo the effierior door af the vesdbule which is the aCtual exit to the adedor af the bWding. This distance is 35'-6"_ Y'he eadts were lorated based on chis area and sadsfy the requuemenrs of UBC Secxion 3303(c) for exit separatfon. Adm1mdt9? Patrow using the toltets have tn eadt through this asm Hawever, it is the l,rregular shape and pardculac locatton oFthe Men's Toilet dm raises the quesHan of how w raiculate the diagonal dimensivn and whether there is proper arraagemenc of the exits. An albearate deslgn which lzad a shniLv' Mea's'T'offet to the east of the VPomen's Toilet would clhninate the question of what is the actual diagonal dlmension of the area strved and, as a result, what is the propec sepatanon distanoe fnr the esits. 7'hat altunate R-95% 612 3429354 07-22-93 07:44PM POOI #II ?UL 2? '93 19:41 FROM KKE RRCHITECTS PAGE.002 layout would have the same diagonal dfinension I've indkated on the attached plan, che same number of occupanrs exitlng fmm the space and simflar uxvelh?g disrancea As such, I feel there is little or no difference from a li5e sa5ety standpolnt hetaeen the present deslgn and one with the Men's Tollec ln the other lora0lon. We dlmsaed the emmple fiqm the UBC .ApplicadoMmewpretadon Manual duft our telephone aonversation. I belim that eaample give8 you Che Iatiwde to "eaercise Judgement in this determinadon !n order tp arrive at a pmper sepamrion for icreglnrly shaped areas". I ask that you accept the above CIa'iflcadon and itnexpret the present desigrt as belttg in mmpliaace with the USC requirements for aeparation of exits. I would appreciate heazing from you upon yout recetpi and revlew of this letter. Please call mc with your response at the abave numiaer. Agaiq thank you for your Wnsideiatlon and thnie regatding this mauer. Sittcemlp, KIE ARCTiITECTS Im A. Sagat, cC: Dan Opln, Four Ccown, Inc (vla FA7) H-95% 612 3429354 07-22-93 07:64PAi P002 #11 ?UL 22 '93 19:41 ? ? 4r IA ? P a l x-9a% 612 3429356 <* 07-22-93 07:44PM P003 #11 FROM KKE RRCHITECTS PAGE.003 07/27/88 13:07 ? ` OW!(ER • ? SITE ADDRFS3: 22812 462 7024 WBNZEL flSATING ' " ' CSY1P OF UGAN ?- E%TEHIOR ENVELOPE dVERAG6 'pr aqqpUTAyipy ' ll . /1 _-..I.I . lM 00E/003 CON7EACTOR: PHONEe ,y . + ?,y"' Determgne morkiag square faatage af eaoh: 1. Total exposed wa12 area .. . L3G 8q. 'rt , x-?w _ --EZE, Z2- 2. Total roof/neiling area .. ??, _ 43r?r?Car sq, ft. x„be(z c? Total exppsed ria].1 area above floor ? e?, a. Tot$1 uall xindow area ..........................,, . b. Total door area ............................ c. Total slidtng glasa area ..... .. ?????? d. TOtal fireplaoe wall area ,,,,,,,,, ?? -'-- e. Total wall framing area (average 10%)• ............. ? F, Total net wa11 area above floor ................... r g. Total rim joist area .............................. Totol exposed foundation area = h. Total foundation window area ....................... 1. Total net foundation area above grade........ ,.... Determtne 'U' vatue o£ each qall segment: a. L??O x? U? •?! = c?^3. b • ' U' e 0. x I U I d. x I p+ . f • lu : J _ ??""'•_' 9. x 'UT i ? R T U I " 3 . ................................................... Total ?- IF item if3 4s the same aa or less than item 01, you nave met the f.ntent of SSC 6006(c)2. Tptel exposed reoY/aeil3ng area e_,3?'Zo j. Total skylight area ............................... k, Tota1 roof/ceiling framing area (average 10;) .....' 1. Total neti insulated roof/eeiling area .............. , OVE$ R=97% 612 452 7024 07-27-93 01:08PM P002 #65 07/27/93 13:07 IPB12 452 70E4 WENZBL HEATING ROOS/OOa ; • Determine IUI value for each roof/aeiling segment: . j. X TU' ' n k. 3ZZ xBul ,/ 3 =? . - i. : I ut ,,?Z.- - , 4 4 . ...................................................... Totel If totel oP !!4 ia the same as or less than 62, you have met the intent of SBC 600fi(c)1. , A].ternate Huilding FSnvelope Das3gn To utilfze the total envelope system method, the values established by bhe sum of Items #3 and #4 shall not be greater then the aum of Items 07 and 02. . ? . ? z. 3. + 4. z ?I .? . R-97% 612 452 7024 07-27-93 01:08PM P003 #45 07/27/93 13:07 V812 452 7024 WENZBL HEATING fa001/003 FRO T0: COI+II'ANY s carYlsraxE; DATE: TOTAL PAGES INCLIIDING COVER PAGE• ? COMAfBNTS t 1955 Shawnee Road • Eagen, Minnesota 55122-7096 Fax 452•7024 R=97% 612 452 7024 07-27-93 01:08PM P001 #45 4AY /G19\ 16S9_7n9G _ -.. - ..,.. • : . , .. . . : ... . ----..._...._ . ? -? - - - .. . ... - - .. . _ .__:<-. . __. . .. - . .,. - ._.. - .- -- : ; - ??: : ? : : " . . ,.... :. . _,?,??-?..,...._... . ?: ? , .? . . ' - " ' . - -.:.?i"?.'s»??ui:`cii:?:S t ?je;si?'' ?-••:d' . . .. . ? , 0 . ? . ? ' _ . . ' . ' . ' _ ' . '.. ' - ' " " ' ' . . _ . ' - .? •-. . a. .. -- : :. :.. > . ....... . . ' . . .- • .. ,..n...-.. .. . . . a . .... . . .. . . . . ?- . . i :... ..:.: : - .'.?' , _ _. ?. - . . . : . : . .'.: c ?-? . _ . - . . . =_ ';.: • . • .. . < . .. : . ' - ' . m . . .: ...:. .... .. . _ .... - : .' '.:?':: . ..., '. : .- . '_ ... . ' . ,.. .. i' , ., , _. , . _ •, - . ....s.... ...._ . ; .. ._:, - . . ...... .. ...:_.:.? _.. :.. .. ` - - - _ _ _ .6 . .. .. _ _ .. • - ... . '? ~ > ?q7 'p n . • ' ? :• :::? .: .?' ..:?C:?f..:. .:.. .i ?pi`!p? . .. : .r .:...._.: ?p[? 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ERG?N August 20. 1993 .. . . ; .. ,. , ; Colwm 1 Column 2 Column 3. CalWnn 4 ' Calumn 3? r; • • , ? ,??. ' ? , ? ? ? ,?' 1 . r . ; : . . .,;. : ... '. Aroe or ? unit Pmvu Li g Power Connearx! • i: i ; lhurioi'Arca Dmorlpfioi, Ltngth (A) p404y (UpD) AIluwarsce f ? : ? .. rom rabk 4-1 A x UPD . Powcr `:'' . • : ?. ? 25,50 . .10 w/scf. .t, w ts. 27.00- watt , . . ; : ? • ' ?? i ,'.; .. ... : ? . . . . .` ,. . _ . . , . _. : • ., ' ? ' . ' ??.. .. ? . ; .". f:. • . . . . ?i. : . . .. . . . .. , . . ? ...? . ? . ?. . , ? . . . . .?:. ' .... ? , r . ? . ... . .;.s; • ? i?` ? t: ? ti f '.. . i... . . ;.'. ?. f: ,, :. ? ? : . .. , . . . .r •, . ' ',. . . ? . ?: . . . ? ' . ? , . - . . , _• .'?j. . . , . . , ? . . . ? ?+ . . i??? . . . . , ... .t . ; ?.. ?. . , .:.., . . . . ` f,. ; R-96% Ri,eotechnical Services ALLIED TEST DRILLYNG COMPANY Commercial, Residenlial 4000 Beau D'Rue Drive, Eagan, MN 55122 (612) 452-6913 Municipal, DHUD . SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION for WENDY'S RESTAURANT LOT 1, BLOCK 2 DUCKWOOD CROSSINGS EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED PROJECT: 93024 APRIL 74, 7993 INTRODUCTION y This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration for the proposed Wendy's restaurant to be located south of Crestridge Drive and west of Pilot Knob Road in the city of Egan, Minnesota. Our work was requested and authorized by Mr. Mike Givins of Four Crown Incorporated. Three Standard Penetration Test, (SPT), borings were drilled to depths ranging from twenty to twenty five feet below existing grade. The borings were positioned with respect to a preliminary site plan provided for our use. The results of our field exploration were then used to deveiop engineering recommendations for foundation design and related earthwork. This report presents WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 the results of the field exploration together with our engineering opinions and recommendations. SITE OBSERVATIONS The site is located in the east 1/2 of section 6, Township 27 North, Range 23 west. The site appears to consist of a parcel which was filled possibly in conjunction with the construction of interstate 35 E. The site slopes to the south and west where it drops off on a slope of two to one or more to a pond at an elevation of 844 feet. The area of the proposed construction is generally above the 870 foot contour. ' At the time of our field work, fill was observed to have been recently placed in the northern portion of the parcel and borings 1 and 2 were drilled with the rig positioned on the top of this recent fill. Surface vegetation at the time of our field work consisted of a thin covering of mixed grasses and broadleaf weeds. The recent fill sequence appeared to have been placed over the existing vegetation. PROJECT INFORMATION It is our understanding that the project will consist of the construction of a single story slab on grade restaurant structure and bituminous paved parking areas. The building will utilize conventional wood framed construction supported by masonry block foundation walls and a spread footing foundation system. Planned fill installation work at the site is anticipated to raise the grade at the site by as much as 10 feet in the pavement areas and by 6 feet at the south side of the building pad area. 2 WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 BORING LOCATIONS The boring locations were selected based on the preliminary site plan provided to us for our use. A revised site plan dated March 21, 1993 was received subsequent to the start of our field operations. The revised site plan shows the proposed building location set6ack approximately 30 feet from Crestridge Drive. The boring locations are shown on the sketch included in the appendix to this report in relation to the most recent site plan. The surface elevations at each of the boring locations were measured and referenced to the top nut of the fire hydrant located along Crestridge Drive at the north west corner of the property. An elevation of 888.77 feet was use-d for this benchmark as shown on the revised site plan. The depths shown on.the boring logs are with respect to existing grade at the time of the drilling work. FIELD INVESTIGATION Soil sampling was performed in accordance with ASTM:D1586-84. Using this procedure, a 2" O.D. split barrel•sampler is driven into the soil by a 140 lb weight falling a distance of 30 inches. After an initial set of 6"', the number of blows required to drive the sampler an additional 12" is known as the standard penetration resistance or "N" value. The N value provides an indication of the relative density of cohesionless soils and of the consistency of cohesive soils. As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually and manually classified by the crew chief. Representative portions of the samples were then returned to the laboratory for further examination and for verification of the field classification. Logs of the borings were then prepared indicating the depth and 3 WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 identification of the various strata, the N values and water level information. • SOIL BORING RESULTS At boring 1, a sandy lean clay fill material was noted at the surface. Vegetation was not present on the surface and the material appeared to have been recently placed. Similar conditions were observed at boring 2 where the surficial fill was a clayey sand. These fill materials were present to depths of 4 and 6 feet at. borings 1 and 2 respectively. At boring 3, surface vegetation was observed and clayey sand surficial fill extended to a depth of 4 feet below grade. The fill layers underlying these surfiace materials at the three boring locations appearto be quite variable in their composition and range from silt at boring 2 to a clayey sand at boring 1 and a lean clay at boring 3. Some areas of the fill are of mixed clay and g'ranular materials. The fill materials extend to a depth of 18 feet at each of the boring locations. Underlying the fill soils, the natural soil consists of a lean and sandy lean c]ay in a stiff to very stiff state at each of the boring locations. This clay was present to the 25 foot termination depth at boring 1 and to tha 20 foot termination depth at boring 3. At boring 2, a clayey sand in a medium dense condition was encountered from 24 feet below grade to the 25 foot termination depth of the test boring. Ground water was not encountered at the boring locations as indicated by the absence of standing water in the bore holes and the condition of the recovered soil samples. Ground water levels should be expected to vary both seasonally and annually with changes in rainfall and runoff patterns in the local area. The 4 WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 complete results of the field exploration are shown on the boring logs included in the appendix to this report. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A significant amount of fill was encountered at the site. At the boring locations, the fill is present to a depth of 18 feet below grade. Considering the condition of the fill, (with the exception of the material which appears to have been recently placed), these soils may have been placed in a controlled manner.. Excavation of a limited depth of soil, together with a program of proof rolling and surficial compaction in advance of additional fiill placement are strongly recommended to address the risks associated with the presence of the fill soils. Since the building is planned to be constructed utilizing a spread footing foundation system without complete removal of the existing fill and the grade is to be raised by as much as 6 feet, some.settlement should be anticipated. An alternative to spread footings would 6e a deep foundation system perhaps utilizing drilled caissons and grade beams. This would be the preferred method for support of the building and interior slab. The following sections provide detailed recommendations which should help to minimize the risks associated with allowing the fill to remain in place, raising the grade at the site and using a spread footing foundation system. 1. EXCAVATION At borings t and 2 excavation should be carried out to depths of four and six feet respectively. This witt expose the former surface of the fill and allow for the complete removal of any vegetation which was buried when the more recent fill was placed. 5 WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 At boring 3, the area should be stripped and all traces of vegetation removed. Excavation in other locations should remove vegetation and all recently placed fiil in preparation for proof rolling. In the building pad and in the pavement areas, proof rolling should be carried out with a loaded dump truck. Any loose or unstable zones should be reworked by excavation and compaction. Some of the soils which are exposed in the excavation bottom may be similar to those encountered in boring t from 10 to 13 feet and at boring 2 from 6 to 8 feet. These silts are quite sensitive to disturbance and changes in moisture conYent. Where they are softened by the addition of moisture or otherwise disturbed they should be removed prior to proof rolling. Field density tests should be performed in the floor of the excavations in order to aid in evaluating the exposed fill soils prior to fill placement. The exposed in place fill so.ils should be compacted to 700% of the standard proctor density prior to the placement of additional fill. 2_ FILL Installation of additional fill should be anticipated to cause a increase in the load on the existing fill and corresponding settlement. The amount of settlement is not known precisely but would not be expected to exceed two inches. Proof rolling and subsequent fill placement operations should be carried out in a well controlled manner to provide uniform compaction of the newly placed fill. This will help to reduce the magnitude of differential settlements to manageable levels. Where fill is placed it should be compacted to.at least 98% of the standard proctor density (ASTM: D698). For the compaction of granular fill, the use of a smooth "drum" type vibratory compactor is recommended. Where cohesive fill material is used, a"sheepsfoot" type compactor would be 6 WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 preferable. We recommend that field density tests be performed to document conformance with the compaction criteria at a minimum rate of one field density test for every 1500 square feet of Pill placed and for every foot of lift. 3. FOOTING SYSTEM It is our opinion that although. a spread footing system may be the most economical mzthod of support, that the risks associated with raising the grade at the site are significant. The raising of the grade at the site in conjunction with a footing system of this type will require careful attention to preparing of the excavation floor prior to the fill placement and to the compaction of all new fill to be placed. The footings and masonry foundation walls should be should be significantly reinforced and tied together. Where these measures are taken, a net allowable bearing pressure of 1500 pounds per square foot may be utilized for the proportioning of spread footings. For frost protection, we recommend that footings in unheated areas be placed at a depth of 48 inches below finish grade. In heated portions of the building, a depth of 42 inches would be adequate. 5. FINAL SITE TOPOGRAPHY The final soil surface should be graded to provide adequate drainage away from structures, slabs and pavements in order to minimize infiltration in these areas. Soil placed in 6ackfill zones should he adequately compacted, not loosely dumped, in order to avoid this zone acting as a"sump" and creating nuisance water conditions. 7 WENDY'S RESTAURANT EGAN, MINNESOTA ALLIED No. 93024 6. FIELD OBSERVATION We recommend that a qualified firm should be retained to observe the excavations and to assist with the evaluation of the exposed fill materials prior to placement of any additional, controlled fill and to perform density testing as necessary. This firm should bear full responsibility for understanding this report, correlating data, and making proper recommendations and interpretations. We recommend our affiliate, INSTANT TESTING COMPANY for this field work during the construction. STANDARD OF CARE The recommendations contained in this report are professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices currently in use at this time and location. Other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. ' • Soil samples obtained from the.test borings will be retained in our office for a period of thirty days from the date of this report. After that time they will be discarded unless prior written instructions to the contrary are received. + + + ALLIED TEST DRILLING COMPANY l'vyJ- 6??-L . Mike Roach, P.E. I hereby certify that this plan, sped. fication, or report was prepared by me at under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the Iawsl +f the State qf Minnesota. Fiegistration No.-21169 8 n____________---- ..,-? Ii? L 3I '? 1 1• '??? `' hw?==ii-________r? __________ f' ____.,? '?i? s LI ? ? r\\ ? ?- F ?.q?? r ? ?- s- n?? fap ` ? ` ? ??^ _ • I ' M l \\ ?` ? f' ?- n??-. F ?- F t (3 '; ??Y ? • '; ?? CRESTRIDGE DAIVE ' ? ` ?` 8l'..uifi ffi ? I . _ ______? YtN? . fOIIFMUStW[ \\ I Ii ? -__________-- i ? ?? ? e - ? ??"'_"__ ? ?°?t, ! I . p` ? y? ?. ? •rw °nc"__' _'-"__' __' ?.?, w. ?1 ? `??\?`? ? ? ?_ _ 1 y 0 ! rsmdd?A M •' u ¦ 1 ? `\` ?` wa? . n' ? ?b,! I I?±"1 . ? :p • ?y ? ¢ g51 ? ?v,? ? . ? ? ? ?n l `. . ? ? . ? . ? . n ?, ?, .? • _ , ? - ? , s , y - , ? `,1 ?, \ C'f - ?? i ? 11 ? 1 \ \ \ 1 ? ? \ '\ \ 1 l ? ?T • ? \ ? 1 \ `? ??1 1? ? s > r I ? I ?jv j 7 O 19Y 11,?o ?? ?? `? ? ? L I•? .' j? • '??? x? ? I n na i Z . , , S ?? ??CtiF'? ??; ? i I Y 17 ??? 1 I I ? ? \ O? ? ? ?'i I/ I i ? ' LV., ?.??.= 1 I Aof % .?....? ?y . i ? °,? ?? \\ ?? `?? ??,x. `? ? `? ?q1`? n1 ?` ? C el i h ¦ il „` • 3;1 ? ` ? [? !/ ?? [. '.H ? I' e ? i I O I ? ????? \\ ?` 'q ,s ??? ?? ? ? ?? c g0'7t? I ..IQ•4"i "I ?? j I 4'f": ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? `???\ P ? ' , f : 1 y? ? ? ? •??`? \` • ?`1. ? ? ? ? ?L1I'7'C ??? nvo? ??# p.-e wn ` ` \ ` ? Na1;s.Q ? \ ?:Z `r y I ? ? ? 1 y??'? ? \ ? ??\ ` ? ? I' I ?` F ?- I i Z ? \??? \ ` ?? 1 ? ? . f?J ? •S ?I ' j ? ? \ ?' ?\? ? ? `, y ? ? PP i I ? ``? , ?`? `'h?1 `Y ??. . _ /?-? ?30 ir j?'/ ?' { ?\ . ? ? ;?.\ ?!?` ; 1 ` ??` ?` 1Q1?'.e .u?a` ?? \?,p?? ??. • .????+?m i ? _ ? `` Y•r ? , ?` ?` ? a` ?` C . } »W ?• f `• '`= ' : `? .'i,?'.?`': ;;ti "' \ . . `". ?o?°'' , I r:+ . . I . . \ ? . I j . ,?,? ?v ??y? l'(?• ? ? ? ?` ry _???i ?,E? ??i.m? ` ? ? ? i ? i "z' ?u ? . .?. i ? •_ ??J r.e?..R ? •`Y?N?? ? `\?? ? ? ? ? \`\` \ \ •[tu'? ??? ?eP?M?(-R Q' ?::` ...,?r? ` ?n i i wcwm _?'i j ? ?. ?? ???? ? ?. '?• ? i LkKE BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM 93024 ALLIED TEST DRILLING wENnY's RESTAURA,1'T Project: 4000 Beau D'Rue Drive pILOT KNOB AND CRESTRIDGE Eaqan, Minn 55122 EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINN Drawn by: KW PROJECT: 93024 - WENDY'S RESTAURANT LOCATION: Pilot Anob Rd. and Crestridge Drive, Eagan, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 1 ELEV DEPIIi DESCRiFPION SAMPIE "N" . 885.4 FEET ANID (:LASSIFICATION j/TYPE WB ?? CUIENIS FILL: SANDY CLAY, dark bzuan, 1/FA N 1 with a trace of gravel, mist 2 Brvan 2/SSS N 3 9 4 5 FILL: CLAYEY SAia1, £ine to mediisn grained, bnxwi, moist (Tip 3/FA N 30 blocked, no spoon sanple) Push 6 Rock Fine grained 4a/SBS N 7 g. FILL: SILTY SADID, vesy fine 4b N 8 cxained, bnown nnist FILL: SILTY SATID to SAbIDY SII,T, 5a/SBS N 9 very fine grained, biuan, moist 11 FILL: Mixed SAIID, £ine grauied, 5b N 10 with SILT and (ZAY luTps, biv+m itnist 6/SBS N 11 FILL: SILT w.'Lt17 1a*ninatlOILS of 14 red brown saxl, birown, mist 12 13 ' 14 FILi,: SADID, £ine grained, with SILT and GRAVEL, bncrm, rroist 7/SBS N 24 15 16 17 18 SANDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of 8/S&S N 19 - GRAVEI,, bxum, very stiff, moist 18 2.75* CL) ( 20 21 - ----- - Borin continued WATER LEVE L MEASUREM ENTS Q2F.?7: M7 + DA DAZ'E TIME GA1dFLID CASING CAVE-IN WA7?R 3-29-93 25' 23' 22' None MKIRID ' Standard tion t P ene ra DAl''E:. idaxch 29, 1993 PROJECT: 93024 - WENDY'S RESTAURANT LOCATION: Pilot Knob Rd. and Crestridge Drive, Eagan, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 1 continued ELE,'V DEPIii DESCtIPIZON SAMPLE "N" - FEEP ATID (LASSIFICATION ? TYPE WB VAI,ITE OCMII+EN't'S SANDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of 21 - GtAVEL, bxu,m, very stiff, moist (CL) 22 23 9/SBS N 3.0* 24 25 End of boring at 25' 26 _ 27 * Uncon£ined cmpression by calihrated penetxonmter (TSF) 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 PROJECT: 93024 - WENDY'S RESTAURANT LOCATION: Pilot Knob Rd. and Crestridge Drive, Eagan, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 2 ELEV DEPIIi DES(RIF'PION RAMFfF °N" 885.2 FEEP ANID CLASSIFICA'I`ION j/IYPE WB VALZ7E O:IIENPS F]ZL: CLAYh'Y SAND, mostly fine to 1/FA N 1 mdiiun Q7'ained, with (RAVEL, bxvwn, mist 2 2/FA N 3 30/1', - puah 4 R°ck 3/SBS N 5 13 6 FILL: SILT, brrxan, mist 4/SBS N 7 9 8 FILL: SAIID, nnstly fine to mediisn 5/SBS N 9 gr-dined, with C-RAVELy brown, 16 rroist . 10 6/SBS N 11 15 12 13 FILL: LEAN CLAY, browziish gray, 7aJSBS N 14 iroist mottled 14 FILL: CLAYE.'Y SADID, irostly fine to 7b N 15 me3iwn cg'ained, red brum, iroist 16 17 18 TFAN CLAY with lani_tiations of 8/S&S N 19 - fine saixi, gray, stiff, mist 13 2.0* (CL) 20 21 _ ------- Borin continued WATER LEVEL MEASUREIdENTS (REW: MJ + DA DATE '1'IIdE SAt+?ED CASING CAVE-IN WAZ£R 3-29-93 25' 23' 22.5' None MEmcD: Sta*da*d penetration nATF.; March 29, 1993 PROJECT: 93024 - WENDY'S RESTAURANT ? LOCATZON: Pilot Anob Rd. and Crestridge Drive, Eagan, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 2 continued ELEV DEP'IIi DESC2IP`S'ION cni.ivi,R nNn - PEET ADID CIASSIFICATION # TYFE WB VALxJE CU44ENIS TRAN CIAY with laminations o£ 21 fine sand, 9raY, stiff, iroist 22 23 24 CIAYFY SAND, r,eistly fine to 9/SBS N 25 meditan giainei, with (3;WEL, 18 0.75* brown, mediian dense iroiSt 26 End of boring at 25' 27 * Unconfined compression by calihrated penetxcneter (TSF) 28 29 . 30 31 32 33 ' 34 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 PROJECT: 93024 - WENDY'S RESTAURANT LOCATION: Pilot Knob Rd. and Crestridge Drive, Eagan, Minn LOG OF BORING NO: 3 • IIEV DEPIIi DESCt1PSI(N RAMGT F nNn ' 879.4 F'EEr ANID CLASSIFICATZON #jTYPE W8 VAUJE OMM'1'S FILL: CLAYEY SAND, mstly £ine to 1/FA N 1 meditan grained, bxrhm, wet £xcn mcent rainfall 2 Fine grained, moist 2/SBS N 3 11 4 FILL: SAbIDY CIAY, bnxwm, rr>ist 3/SBS N 5 12 6 FILL: LEAN CLAY, with laninations 4/SBS N 7 of red brvan £ine sand, gray 9 brown, troist 8 - s/sas x g 16 10 With a trace of gravel 6/SBS N 11 11 12 13 ' 7/S&S N 14 13 15 16 17 18 SADIDY LEAN CLAY, with a trace of 8/SBS N 19 gravel, dat;C gray, vezy stiff, 18 2.0* moist (CL) 20 Enr3 of boring at 20' 21 * Unconfined ca7pression by caLibrated etrcaneter TSF WATER LEVE L MEASUREM ENTS (?2E59: M7 + DA DATE TIME GAh'l= C1aSING CAVE-IN WATII2 4-6-93 25' 23' 18.2' None ME=co' standard Penetration DATE: April 6, 1993 LOT / BLOCK ?- SUBD. A?L? ??_V RECEIPT # laf6?-5- & DATE ??0/qS CITY OF EAGAN UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERMIT 1993 Application Date: ?o?n?e- I?o i 1493 ? Commercial pmject Gatlons per minute/commercial onl? Residential project (sprinkler systems for development projects) _ Existing residence Area/address to be sprinklered: ?36SS `f?,'Iv? fC?ob ?Z?4, .?.arEGr?.v ` Installer. Qaer=FWr=:, Lnw.?, TM.//} A-KvT'd P(Iw . Street address: 3650 /?eNN?r3cc A-, City, state & zip: E4_q.Av 3A.v. S57aP, Telephobe #: _ VS11- 6 6 YS Owner name: LTn. .kr-rN, Oati a??rz Street address: City, state & zip: p& w/ Phone #: - Imgazion contractor, if different: n,-?„ ? A C Phone #: -L-7 I hereby aclrnowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is conect and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. ? ? "'' `"`""`"`- Signature of Permittee New service required ?9 (O Fee due: $?1S. -S 0 Calculated by: . \It' - ? {? ? ? CITY OF EAGAN UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROCEDURE 1993 1. A p]an must be submitted to the City's Engineering Department for approva] before installing a lawn sprinkler system. If digging in the boulevard, a right-of-way permit may be required. 2. Once plan is approved, it wil] be presented to the City's Plumbing Inspector for sizing 1? of the meter. 3. } Jerry Wobschall, Finance Department, will calculate permit fees as follows: a. Commercial proiect: $ 25.50 underground sprinkler permit. $ 50.50 water permit fee onlv if new service is insta]]ed. $100.00 per tap if installed by City. Please consult with Engineering Department regarding feas9bility of City installation (City will only instal] taps up to 1"). b. Residential proiect: $ 15.50 underground sprinkler permit. $ 50.50 water permit fee if new service is installed. $695.00 per connection - WAC. ' $324.00 Rer connection - water treatment plant. c. Existing residence: $15.50 underground sprinkler permit -(fee not required if backt7ow preventor previously installed); however, plan must still be presented for approva] and an application must be filled out. 4. Once meter size is determined, Protective Inspections Clerk Typist will contacf Utility Billing Clerk for cost and notify installer of all costs associated with,prajsc!.p If new service lines are not required, one check may be written for meter and permzt costs. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete,on a new service--(Engineering Department will advise Utility Billing Clerk when meter ean be sold). Receipt will be coded to 20-3716 (meter portion only) with pinK copy forwarded to Utility Billing Clerk. 5. The installer is to contact Protective Inspections at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventor. The Pub}ic Works Depamnent may be reached at 681-4300 for water turn-on and set and sea] of ineter. Inspection hours are $:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Requests for AM inspections should be made on zhe preceding work day. Requests for PM inspections will be accepted until 12:00 noon that day. 4/? Qa; C'rr?? LAW OFFlCES KENNETH MESHBESHER RONALDI.MESHBESHER HUSSF.LL M. SPENCF. JAMES H. GILBERT JOHN P. CLSFFORD DENNIS R. JUHNSON PAUL W.BERGSTROM PATNICK K.HORAN DANIF.L J. BOIVIN MiCHAEL C. SNYDER JOHN P. 9HEEHY MARK D. STAEED MESHBESHER & SPENCE, LTD. 601 LAKESHORE PARKWAY SUITE 1500 MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA 55305 (612) 476-8941 FAR (812) 476-9937 REPLY TO MINNETONKA OFY'ICE RANDALLG.SPF,NCE HOWARDI.BA&S DANIEL C. GUEAftERO I{ATHERINE S. FLOM PAMELA F. AOCHLIN JEFFREY P. OISTAO ANTHONY J. NEMO JEFFREY A. OLSON COLLEEN M. CHRISTTAN90N RVSSELL M.fMtCK1SPENCE,SR. I(ON3TANI]INOS TtICKLOW PAULR.DAHLBERG December 13, 1995 City of Eagan Planning Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Wendy's Restaurant 3455 635? Pilot Knob Drive Eagan, MN . Dear Sir or Madam: • On behalf of our client, FourCrown, Inc., I request that you issue a zoning classification letter for the above-referenced property indicating what the property is zoned and that the restaurant is in compl3ance with the zoning regulations. We also need a statement that the property is not located within a flood plain zone. Please address the letter to Sanwa Business Credit Corporation, Attn. Carolyn M. Costello, one South Wacker Drive, Suite 3700, Chicago Illinois, 60606-4614. I would request that you send me a copy of the letter you submit. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. Thank you. Very truly yours, OU? Q 1 *rrR Sandra Peterson Legal Assistant /sm cc: Don Jensen • MINNEAPOLIS, ST.PAUL, MINNETONKA, ST. CIAUD & ROCHESTEA � Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r_________________� � ' I For Office Use � I Clty of E��a� j�� r'µ W�q !!� '�� i Permit#: � � i �..��, �' / 3830 Pilot Knob Road � I Permit Fee: C 9. � I Eagan MN 55122 (��r � j 2�'�(� � � Phone: (651) 675-5675 � Date Received: � Fax: (651)675-5694 � I � Staff: I �---------------- � 2014 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION �'� ���'r ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. �°�'�"� r Date: 16'"z(-��� Site Address: �b Jr5 �%v�" �n�1j /i��. �C� Tenant: � � t � Suite#: Resident/Owner Name:_t+U�cn��3 �our� Ct�c,.+�.� J Phone: Address/City/Zip: 7��Z d �� $°,� J� O�.G���2 � ,SJIZ. � Name: � �, (y �Q.t,�c.n�G�� ��_,�V'�(.rs1 License#: Contractor Address: {G �.S y /�l v.r��c f��,e� /���City: �����/ � State:�Zip: ���D� Phone: � �� � 9� �.7 / � Contact: L a-'r� �e�l �J.vr� Email: C �/h � �E�-� � rh.c.� ,•- �n.o-. � New �_Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Type of Work Description of work: �e, �� p�/a��i �h CoBle�r ��,2c� jao,e Fr ze �lov.- �„ ` NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for information on permitted screening methods. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL � : _Furnace 9 _New Construction _Interior Improvement � Permit 7ype —A��co�a�t�or,e� Install Piping _Processed � _Air Exchanger Gas _Exterior HVAC Unit � _Heat Pump _Under/Above ground Tank �Install/_Remove) _Other ..__ ��._ ��_..�-� � � RES/DENTIAL FEES � $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit(includes$5.00 State Surcharge) � � $100.00 Residential New(includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _$ TOTAL FEE � � COMMERCIAL FEES ���� Contract Value $_ /�� �d� x.01�� � $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum .p � � $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal =$ � f�.d U Permit Fee � "If contract value is LESS than$10,010, Surcharge=$5.00 =$ ��8� Surcharge* � "If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 �""`If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ �„� 6' � � TOTAL FEE � I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. X_��i�t.�Y �E?.!"�2�al� x ApplicanYs Printed Name z�g1 ,Z� 7� pli a s Signature FOR OFFICE USE ' _ Required Inspections: Reviewed B �� ( � _ _ y: Date: D I .-- Und�rgr�und Rough ln AirTest Gas Service Test In-floo�-Heat �inal°� HVAC Screening Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I -----------------, � For Office Use , � I I ���� Vl 1J���� CE��E� i Permit#: �� i I 3830 Pilot Knob Road RE M � Permit Fee. �o C�`�� � � Eagan MN 55122 �v � � Lv� I � Phone:(651)675-5675 � � Date Received: � Fax:(651)675-5694 � I � Staff: � ______�_����__�__J 2015 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 11/19/2015 Site Address: 3655 Pilot Knob Road Tenant:Wendy's Restaurant suite#: R��den�IC�wner Name: Wendy's Four Crown Inc. Pnone: 651-714-0030 address i c�ty i z�p: 434 Hale Avenue North Oakdale, MN 55128 ' Name: Eco Mechanical Services LLC �icense#: MB006035 ��n����t�� address: 16159 Marble Street NW �;ty; Ramsey ' State: MN Zip: 55303 Phone: 612-791-2597 ' contact: Carl Hedlund Emaii: ecomechcarl@gmail.com New X Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition fiy,�e�#�y1�c�rk ���� �` Description of work: Replace the 2 HVAC units and 1 make up air unit ,. a��_ . N�T�:R�of m€�unter�and graund maunted'rrie�harai�al equipm+�r�t,��rsqu�re�to be�screen�by��ty �r�de� Please cantact th�Mechan�ca[tnspeetor f�r it�fc�rma�CiQ�..:�r�p+�r�iit��d scre�r��n�,metht��ls1 . . ' RES/DENT/AL COMMERC/AL Furnace New Construction _Interior Improvement ���,��#T��� _Air Conditioner Install Piping Processed �� _Air Exchanger Gas X E�erior HVAC Unit , _Heat Pump Under/Above ground Tank �Install/_Remove) Other RES/DENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New, includes State Surcharge =$ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$31,000 x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal =$ 31� Permit Fee =g 15.50 Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge -$ 325.50 TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. XCarl Hedlund X Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature �OR ��������� � . Requir�d Ipspect�Qr��; °� R�`���Snr� �� �_������"�~� '� �a��; ���� ,. , ;.,. CJnderc�rc�und , =R�ugY�1n �rx'F�sf � �as�erv�ce Test ` In'_flc�or Heaf ' Final HUAC vcr��r�i�ig • -,IL,01,VEDC* / °1 JAN 15 2019 For Office Use 1� �. ,�q l Permit t I 3 1 ',' % I : E 1/ys-.062 ,ass ,♦ r+r ( Permit Fee: L I Staff: j .www, is.esc.se.sc� .c1 Payment Recvd: Yes No I 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 1 I 651 675-5675 TDD: (651)454-8535 FAX:(651)675-5694 I I ( ) I L.Plans: <, Electronic Paper I Plan Submittal:stoians tvofea oan.com, 2018 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 10/19/2018 3655 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan MN Date: Site Address:- Tenant Name: Haza Foods, LLC I.�JQ,��Q ‘,._s (Tenant is: ✓ New/ Existing) Suite d: Former Tenant: Four Crown, LLC - Haza Foods LLC-Tom Schmitz 612-616-2231 Name:_ Phone: Property Owner° Address/city zip: 4415 Highway 6, Sugarland TX 77478 . -Applicant is: Owner VPContractorr Exterior, stand alone, pre-assembled walk in freezer Type of Worm, a Description of work: Construction Cost 15,000.00 Name:AR Construction Inc License#: 25651 Jamestown Street Isanti Contractor Address: City: State: MN Zip: 55040 Phone: 763-670-8577 Contact: Adam Werlinger Email; advpaintconcept@aol.com Name: International Cold Storage Registration#: 215 E 13th Street Andover Archltect/Engineer, Address: City: State: KS Zip: 67002 Phone: 434-295-7115 Steve Combs i steve.combs@icsco.com Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: N/A Phone ft: NOTE Plans anl/#000r###documFpagt that you s it°considered to be publte information Partite)*of the information maybe classified aannorrptiblic iffov,providoI:spiciFf midi a that i per it the coy foconclude that they are trade Seer ts. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www,citvofvaaan.comieubeoribe. CALL BEFORE YOU MG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you I intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aoohesstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit.and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan In the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Adam Werlinger x 'A. iz, 0/.2.,A; Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature I- DO NOT WRITE BELOW TA-IIS LINE / 2S7/ SUB TYPE§ .S ^ < I o+ Kook, _ Foundation _ Public Facility ' Exterior Alteration-Apartments y_ Commercial/Industrial __._ Accessory Building Exterior Alteration-Commercial Apartments — — Greenhouse/Tent Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae — WORK TYPES New _ Interior Improvement Siding Demolish Building* ` Addition ) Exterior Improvement Reroof Demolish interior Alteration _ Repair Windows __ Demolish Foundation Replace — Water Damage .r Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building–give PCA handout to applicant — DESCRIPTION ;4r-Ge-4.--e-e" Valuation K I S,ov o Occupancy A MCES System Plan Review / Code Edition Zi.)/S. MSC- SAC Units (25%_100% ) Zoning City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump — #of Units Square Feet PRV - #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers — Type of Construction Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck Addition Drain Tile — Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control Framing 30 Minutes_1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick—EFIS Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace:_Rough In ,Air Test „Final Final/C.O.Required Pool:_Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Final/No C.O.Required Final C/O Inspection: Sche'ule Fire Marshal to be present: Yes "( No Reviewed By: 1 , Planning New Business to Eagan: Reviewed By: % - "` , Building Inspector FEES #, S� Water Quality Base Fee •G S• Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge # 7. Sewer Trunk Plan Review /7 Z• 1E Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street SSW Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral i Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: i Se Trail Dedication TOTAL: YyS Page 2 of 3