4205 Pilot Knob RdCITY OF EAGAN OFFICE INFORMATION MEMO TO DATE TIME ?? J N V FFlOM OP PHONE NO. RECEIVED BV H Was here to see you WI II call agaln Please call Returned your call ACTION REMAHKSIMESSAGES Review and tea me Revlew and comment Prepare reply for my sfg. Reply and sentl me copy For your approval For your Iniormatlon For slgnature As we discussetl As you requested Taka approprlate actlOn Notify staff FILE I 1 DISPOSE 11 I I OVER PHOTOCOPY: ONE SIDE ONLY COLLATE NO.OF COPIES HEAD TO MEAD STAPLE D TE NEEDED HEAD TO FOOT Othar TYPING: ROUGH DRAFT RUSH DATE NEEOED SINGLE SPACE FINAL COPY DOUBLESPACE CARBONS C1'f1l OF EAOAN WATER SERVI CE PERMIT 3795 pP, Knob Rood PERMIT NO.: Eagar?, MW 55122 DATE: Zoning: No, of Units: Owner; Address: ?,?st AJl ? Site Address: . . ??f cn Plumber: Meter No.: Connection Charge ::'. I' - Size: Account DePosit: Reader No.: Permit Fee: I agree to eomply wiEh fhe City of Eagan Surchorge: >-j ?ol Ordinances. Misc. Charges: B Y Total: Dote of Insp.: _ Date Paid: Insp„ CITY .OF EAGAN 3795 iilot Knob Road Engan. M1 55122 Zoning: _ Owner: Address: Site Address: Plumber: SEWER SERVICE PERMI'f PERMIT NO.: ,.DATE: - q r ?•, ?, - No. of Units: 1 agree to eompiy with Nhe City of Eagon Ordinances. Bv Dote of Insp.: Inm_r Connettion Charge: Account Deposit: Permit Fee: - $urcharge: Misc. Charges: Total: Date Paid: ?r;` ;?-•:, ......:?: CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 DA7E RCCEI V ED FROM 19 AMOUNT $ I OOLLARS +oo E] CASH ? CHECK BY NUMERICAL FILE COPY CITY OF EAGAN 8795 Pilot Knob Road Ea9on, MN 55122 PHOME: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT +, t; ;Y). Receipt Ts 6o ueed ier Gara''E Fd Vnlijn DeYe AU N! 4962 11522 t _ -31' . 19 ? ? Sih Address 4205 Eilot Ktiob Rd. Lot Blxk Sec/Sub. CBrlsoTl ACre8 Pa?) # oWc Nome !tin1ter Nelson ? =i25 t'il?t ?tinnta F.d. Address Ci 1. -agan Phone 4 54- 1385 Erect qlter Rapair Enlarge Move Demolish Grnde ? x ? ? Q ? ? ? Occuponcy Zoning Fire Zone 3 Type of Const. v # Stories 30 Front ft. Depth ft. ? Nome Appw vob Feas o o? ?m? Assessment PeRnit • ' u Woter & Sew. Surcharge ~ G Phone Polioe Plon check ? ?W Na? Fire SAC ?? Address Eny. Wuter Conn. tW Ci phone Planner Water Meter Council I hereby ocknowledge that I hove read this applicotion and state thet gldg. Off. the information is corcect end egree to comply with all applicable 14.50 5tote of Minnesota Stotutes nnd City of Eogan Ordinances. APC Totol Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that oll work shall be done in ocwrdance with all applicable State of Minnesota Stotutes and Ciry of Eagon Ordinances. Building Official Pamk # Oah hwad PvsIMM Plumbing Mechanical `1 INSPECTIOIVS DATE ItrSP, R???n Finol Footings Date Insp. Dats Insp. Foundotion Plumbing Frame/ins. Mechanical FinCl Remarks: CITYOFEAGAN Remarks6 - -??-?,) Addition CARLSON ACRES Lpt 4 Blk Owner -' ? Street 4205 PflOt KriOb Rodd 5tate Fagan, MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRAOING SAN SEW TRUNK Z-L 1973 175.00 8.75 20 Paid 5EWER LATERAL t 10-4-77 WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL _?5 1977 2415.00 241,50 ZO 10-4-77 AREA 1977 160.00 10.66 15 10-4-77 SEW TRK 0 19$ STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIOEWALK STREET LIGHT - - WATER CONN. 93000 7869 TU- -77 23 BUILDING PER. SAC 475.UU - - PARK ?,?,?. -?? g,tL•8,? 5 D? a?.ta?i?!?`'.?'.?-G ?.a?.-t?. .?y ?..-..?..stt?ti. ?%a?ri. CITY OP EAGAN t 9795 Pilot Knob Road Eagaa, MN 55122 N2 4962 f PHONE: 454-6100 11522 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 000 9 Re?ipt #. . $ , To be used for Garage Est , Va?ue p,?e August 31, ? ?y 78 Site Addreu 4205 Bilot Knob Rd. Erect ?X Occupancy J l.or 4 siock Sec/Sub. Carlson Acres Airer ? Zoning Rl Repalr ? 3 Fire Zone Po?l # Enlarge ? Type of Const. V m Nome Walter Nelson Move ? # Stories ; ?d? 4205 Pilot Knob Rd. Demolish ? Front 30 h. o . Eagan 454-138 Grade ? Depth 40 ff. C phone Aeermels Fees p Name_ Address 1" hw. Name I hereby acknowledge that I have reod this application and state thot the information is corred and ugree ro comply with all npplfcuble StaM of Minnesata Smtutes pnd iry of Eagan Ord' St9nature of Permittee .0 ? Assessment _ Wnter & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner _ Council - Bldg. Off. _ APC Permif jv.vv _ Surcharge 4.50 Plan check SAC Water Conn. Woter Meter Total 34.50 A Building Permit is issued to: Wal tEx NEl sOA on the express condition thot oll work shall be done in o r,dpnce wLh II ppliwble State of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eagan Ordirwnces. Bullding Official EAGAN Owner .?'.Y..Y Address (pzesenf B ild A u er - ------ Address .... ..... _.. TOi6i/N S H, il a $ .? ? 24?3 PERMiT Jf,?)?..? __..... Eagan Township ,./..ef _--... DESCAIPTION Town Hall Daie /!3___........ i / / Siorias To Be Used For Froni I Depih Heighl Esi. Cosl- Permii Fee Remarka LOCATION Siseel, Road or o! _Dascripiion of Locatioa Loi Block Addiiion or Trecf _ _ This penni does not auihorise the useD of t?eels, roads, alleps or sidewalks nor does iY give the owner or his agent the =igh! cxeafe any siiualion which is a nuisance or which presenls a hazard !o the healih, safety, eonvenienee and qeneral welfare io anyone in the communiSy. THIS PERMIT MUST B 7 ? N E?? E}?MISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGA/E?g S. Thia is fo certify, ihaf..E(.???..... . .......?2"'==.?"-,?4-.Z.._.....___has permissioa So erecf a?.. 4...-?:?.'.. .... .' ''.....'...'._upon the above described emise sub"ec1 o?-ihe pxovisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan Township dopied April 11, 1955. ...-?S.J..?L?y??_ --. ee .... ..-._-'--'--......_..........--"-_'-...--°----------...------------ .................. of Town? xd Suilding Inspecfor BUILDING EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Owner -................................... Addreu (Presen!) .....s:1....<?-............ Suilder Addreas N° 2182 Eagan Township zoWn xen ne:a .... y?? ?---------- ............. Stories To Be Used For Fzon! Depfh Heighf Est. Cosf prermit Fee Aemarks ae-,--? 7 ==' LOCATION Sireet, Road or olhes Desasipfion of Loea2ion I Lo! Slack I aaaiaon or -rract Thia permit doea not avihorize the use of alreefs, roads, alleys os sidewalks nos does it give the ownes or his agent the right fo ereafe anp ailuation whieh is a nuisenoe oz whieh presenls a hasasd !o the healSh, safefy, conveaience and ganesal welfasa !o anpone in the eommuniiy. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WOAIC IS IN PROGAESS. / l.'..... . ? This ie !o cerlifq. ........................... has permission !o eree! ..... ---?-- ....--.. _ upon !he above deseribed psemise subject fo the provisioas ot the Building Oxdinance fos Eagan Townshi fed April 11, 1955. ? ? ? J f'°"_? ...... __...-?-- p ------r----?-----..-------............._............... ......... .... ..........? ? ..-------."--•"----. Per ............. i Chazr n o! Tnwn Board Building Tnspeefor G . 'a, EACA1v1 '1'OWN 5 H I P BLJILDING PERMIT Owne= ...... -Zlddl.-s.i..?Za-...?-.,.?------'----------"- Address (Preseni) --- 9 --'------'--'---"- Huildez Address ..---......._...-----"---- .................-`-'----'-----.. DESCRIPTION N° 1.095 Eagan Township Town Hall Dafe ........ .............. . Siories To Be Used For £roni Depih Heighi Est. Cosf Permi! Fee Remerks LOCATION Sireei. Road or oiher Descr3pi3on ot Locaifon I Loi I 131oex I aaamon or -rracs 41 1 tet',-? This permit does noi aulhorize the use of sireeis, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agenf the sigh! !o creafe any sifuation which is a nuisance or which pxesenfs a hasard to the health, safely, convenience and general welfare to anyoae m the coinmunily. . THIS PEAMIT MUST BE KEP?TO?N? THE PR?EMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. a....__?."---_-_--...... ?_- upon '-''- " .............. This is So cerlify. !ha!_------------------------- haspe:mission fo erec! ' the ebove desaribed premise subject !o the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Ea an Town hip a pfed April 11, 1955. .................................ti:-c.:S:'?.f/?`r4.:`c..,-r«.. . Per ..... '....... _---°........ .. ............... Chairman of Tnwn Board +? Suilding Inspecios This reir 8 months from c.oA.e.a#-), R 15291 Date of this Request 751 cl-? I, as gLicensed Electrical Contractor ? Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal wmng installed at: Street Address or Route No. Section Township Range County Which is occupied by (.?,?'??,?, ?_('C?s-a?? (Name of OccuOant) Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? Yes,W Ready Now ? Will Call ? PowerSupplier_17;7. se P49- Address Electrical Contractor ?•ti?L'E- FContractor's Lic A ense?No 6 y iCOmpany Name) .^ Mailing Address 12 'T- =' _ S' -2- Authorized a. 5:, 33? No. ``rPO ._,y,9t Y (uecVlcal CoMractor or q4vn4N Making TNS Installation) fC'?I k1 p[i ???? ???Q? This impection request will not he accepted by the .? €1 G=1 [? @? g State Board unless proper inspectian fee is enclosed. ? f dinnesota State Board of Electricity 19,: ity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104-Phone 645-7703 - .QUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHECK BELOW WOItIC COVERED BY THIS REOUEST ? Y8, R 1.9291 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wued For Check Fquipment Wired For Home ? ? ? Range ? Tempocazy Wixing ? Duplex ? ? ? Water Heater ? Lighting Fixtuies ? Apt. Bldg. ? ? El Dryer Electric Neating. ? Commercial Bldg. ? ? ? Fumace Silo Unloader ? Industrial Bldg. ? ? ? Au Condi Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? L 1 Other ? ? ? p [hers } Here 1 COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELO% ' Service Entrance Size: # Fee Feeders&Subfceders: # Fce . C'ucuits: it Fee 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am eres 101 ro 200 Amps. 31 to ]00 Amperes 31 to 100 Am eres Above 200 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Transformers RemoteControlCirc. Partialorotherfee '- S' ns Special ins ection Minimum fee $5.00 Remarks TOTAL FEE p [, the Electrical lnspector, hereby certify that i made. /2 - /-/-) (Final) This iequest void 18 months from CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: RECEIPT DATE: ???IAL MECiH"CiA. PERMTT AP'PLICiATIOR C1TY OP £ABAA S$SO PILOT HAOB RD L'AHRA MA 5b1 EE 651-681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: U \ SITE ADDRESS: o ?- K r.r? b OWNER NAME: N ?? LS21 INSTALLERNAME: STREETADDRESS:?IQ\Q? CITY: w TELEPHONE #: TELEPHONE #: PU-? V-11", f\j ,? 1 'i'Jr41-13E6 (AREA CODE) Cof I .2Z2-?? (AREA CODE) STATE: ? ZIP: ?5dLJ;jo '-0 Place a cheek mark next to the oermit work tvne New residential dwelling unit under constructionand not ownedoccupied $ 70.00 Add-on, modification or alteration to existina dwelling unit $ 50.00 • fumace replacement • air exchanger • air conditioner • other Nature of work: State Surchar e $ .50 s 50 60 raeai - .s Reminder: Ca(l for inspections. CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: RECEIPT DATE: APPROVED BY: , INSPECTOR CObIMERCIlkL b1ECHkNICA1. PEgM1T APPLICATiON CITY oF EASlklv $$SO PILOT KNOS fiD EAsax, M1v 55i s$ 657-6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commerciaUindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: STTE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI): PHONE #: (AREA CODE) WAS TfERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? Y N. NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: WORK T'YPE: New constructian _ Interior Improvement _ Processed Piping Specify PHONE #: - (AREA CODE) STATE: _ Install U.G. Tank Remove U.G. Tank R'Gen installing/removing underground tan/y call 651-681-4675 for inspeclion by Fire Marsha[ and Plumbing Iinspector. Fees: 1% of contract price OR $50.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Underground tank removaUinstallation = m;n;,mm fee Contactprice: $ x 1%= $ State surcharge TOTAL $ (Base Fee) calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee SIGNATURE OF PERMIT"fEE Updated 1101 ?Y ? • V a 9- ?o BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations and 1 set of energy calculaLions. ':5. 112* To De used for 4?1. Valuation Site Addresc; Lot ¢ Block See. Sub. Parcel [ Owmer -/ Address -44 os ,c?? c ? ? _ _ ?Yl?,-r s s / ? Telephone Contxactor Address Arch./Eng. Address Erect t? Alter Repair Enlarqe move Ilemolish Grade OFFICE L1SE Occupancy Zoning Fire Zone -? Type of Const. ? # of Stories ? Front .3 0 Depth 46 OFFICE USE Date of Approval & Initial Assessment Water/Sewer Police Fire Eng. Planner Oouncil ^? 9- 9• 9 Bldg. Off. A.P.C. Telephone Telephone FEES ? Permit ?G V ? sn $13rCt18IQH . 'Yian Check SAC Glater Conn • t-7ater Meter TOTAL ? ? ?N O ? ? 9 ? ? ? $ , .)O.' lo ? kn o L vj ? ? F okl ? .. , ? N ? ? Y z ? R ? n A o ? s o 7 ? C h o n ? o h S ao , ?. 1 -, - '. ? a . ? CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Rd. tagan, MN 55122 PROCtDURE - BUILDING Pt.RMITS 4a"' y At tho time the Building Permit is obtained, Park Donation, all Sewer and Water Connections plus water meter, Road Unit for one and two family dwelling units must be paid unless otherwise authorized by City Staff. The additional permits are required -- Heating, Plumbing, Sewer, Water, and/or Well, Septic, and Electric. Inspections required are= 1. Footings 5. Plumbing (rough-in) 9. Plumbing (Final) 2. Foundation 6. Heating l0o Building (Final) 3. Framing 7. Ventillation 11. Landscape (Final) 4. Insulation B. Air Conditioning 12. Drainage (Final) Ali the above inspections are required and the inspectors must be notified when ready. The inspections will be made within 24 hours from the time of the request. The Building Inspectors will be in thp office between the hours of MD a.m. and 9s00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. Electrical permits are also required and are to be obtained from the City of Eagan. For all electrical inspections, please call 489-9009 between the hours of 7t30 a.m. and M0 a.m. NOTE. Occupancy Permits are mandatory on all structures except one and two family dwellinq units. The Water and Sewer Utility Billing Department must be notified when the buildings or residences are to be occupied and by whom. If this Department is not notified, the developer or builder will be billed for any water and sewer charges from the date the meter is given out. ? '..e '..'...!'u?.?..._'.T.-_..... J, . s x•x. 1"cs? AID ?ooeo z+s? _ -:HIGHWAYy°°° 1 asaoai,snen -..>m . NO.. ,.e 30 x I 1 8 Kso^ I uase s?as zoe x? ?? . ? ?a ~ ? • 16 8 + ? 8 aT?? 1 _ ? 8 ? A? _ ? b ? ? . \ \ [1 I $ ] 4 ? ?. ? q .q nea 112 . i 959¢ LS zoo G0 loo ? Fto g TY SN°?Yf-. i p0 . ^. zss oo q. g N •? 11 = 10 • ? M p ? • ? F1T f? ."?b? o '?h ? ?? t Af ?Ir 0 N D o T>A ? ? rv sssro 8 ? 3 R ^.e0 R:b {iY?6? M ? = ? , W ? 12 w: e a i .. $ o?^ I I 12 o 2 O' n.oo E]i _ i d° ?' 4 ? M Z e Z 4? = > O Q b 1]0 ]O M?t? ' ? i9iN 121N I!! My?q ? , b?? ? o ??i SiOf ? I 1]o i%1. . ? ib. f?ST ID? ]0 /?? S $ I? I]n 8 . .°. g x' 2<g - 1! _ Iry I' 6 n s ^a °>a.:z> u • ?esw rx , ' , ' STREET I ?¢iz ° 11 ` Xt o/• ? ,? aiaa w?a`o' ??n w?n?^ ?'+ $ Z . ea S» _ ? • ./ a ' ' ° 12].K iN1 I)O ` ' ',^> N'e la ' I ?o > 1 ? . ? ?? ! ' ? .LJ Y' 8 j 4 • ?J b J ?. , ?s ' I ' v'i , W? • •f N{. ?tOY M : IO ? NOVi• xeYq M ?6H ) SO ? ' I ? Nxa l.-. _' ? ' • ? W? ? A ? . 0 I ' 2R ^ s e fi. • ?• • i S?. a . t n ' •' j A ? I a • " r R T19 ]2 aai?war --•• ,o:, ' ? ? I A HEMLOCK ? ?° ??•£ ?' ..no ?nEIRCLE ,.? Mu%ia• o -w.ss^o?'. ? ? mss ' ?e mu ? ' + ^ y ` w•• I ' X ? n I 4b +' '' b.? ed ? 3 ? / 21 I.M1 ? ? 12 i II . 0 Y o ; ? ?C ' y ? /•• ' '.?if?.. ? If A• ? n IWf? is5. • nl?+ i ' Y 1 1 a?. w xei?u? ? ? 20 ' I 13 g x 11 IS , j vo ro i r i M , I)0 , 8 e 8 T ? a 2 3 g a $ s t a ?se x BALSAM _ R- s I -s?ao xn•u'•-?•??' Mn??ivR$ / I ,s• b ? ` i R ' no.is uo ? ro y;,'` `° . r ?7 zz W . . aj ;?, ????? ?s- a _ n - io a ,..•.?.. _:.:? ` ? ? ? 9 ypP e p?A ? tl ? L? ' g ?- w w P 33 p i, 7 ? ,•• ? •• ?''v • ? b 0Y S $ OQ ?n 4 ? 12 . ' 6 za .? . 14 5 = is ? as'? r D . o '' F q I. y ! ? ' PONOEROSA C IRC E ? u• x w .. . '. "- y«....? ' ? coo ' 8 2s ?.a ad 4 Q I N I t ? ? ?nyroe•? ' ^ ' •, ? ' z M H ? I 1 ? ??f • ?{ • } L? ? f ? ?/ O . !O h b I ?w ?oo ?m 8 S a "n'• S a ? io } ;. ... .? . . s u'? ?ao a 8 ' ? ao ,e Q N I Cl ? 0 Q O dr I ? :d WALFRID ° m •a T.lt • .o\ {4/?19 ??,' ? _ ? d-l?m+r ?? y Z 5. ?? . .? w n '• Y L BL CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT#: &?q 0_1 SUBD. DATE: ?? ?e 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 > Please complete for: ? single family dweilings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit _ New construction Add-on furnace P- 60-Z&O Add-on air conditioninq Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: //- ? - 9(p FEES ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) 20.00 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? as Outlets?4mijmuoof?required @ $3.00 each) rVEW CJnS uc ? State Surcharge .50 TOTAL ? o SITE OWNER NAME: LUQj PHONE #: INSTALLER STREET ADDRESS: ?9.59 ,?yl?a 1z10n ? , CITY: (m &012 STATE:In It/ ZIP: PHONE #: ( (p/?) 45a- /S? ? ? 0?* 8T(? L-RMIxI ILL /,-s -/-- ,5 7 ,64 CITY USE ONLY L BL SUBD. RECEIPT #: DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commercial/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are = required for each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES: P $25.00 minimum fee QC 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. • Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of permit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER:. ADDRESS: _ cmr: TELEPHONE #: STATE: ZIP: PHONE #: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR SEVERSON, WILCOR 8c SHELDON, P.A. LARRYS.SEVERSON• JAMES F. SHELDON J. PATRICK WILCOX' MICHAEL G. DOUGHERTY T4CHAEL E. MOLENDA" APROFESSIONALA390CIATION ATfORNEYS AT LAW 600 MIDWAYNATIONAL BANK BUILDING 7900 WEST 147fH 3TREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNE30TA 65124 (872) 4323156 TELEFAX NUMBER 432-3780 'ALSO LICEN3ED iN IOWA ••AL30ISCENSED IN WISCONSIN ...Ay$p ],iCENSED IN NEBRA.41U March 7, 1991 Tom Colbert City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 RE: Walter V. Nelson Assessment Appeal City ProjeCt No. 466 Court File No. C9-90-7779 Our File No. 206-8733 Dear Tom: KF?EIVEQ ?1>,,a 8 f?91 KENNETH R HA/.l. •••SC07'f D. JOHNSTON JOSEPH P. EARi.EY LOREN M. SOLFEST CHRISTINE M. SCOTILLO ANNEITE M. MAAGARIT Dls7IEL M. SHERIDAN OFCOUNSEL: JOFIIiE.VIRSEL7CH In connection with the above matter, I enclose Stipulation for Settlement and Order for Judgment and Judgment which was filed in District Court on March 5, 1991. If you should have questions, or if we can be of further assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, S:XfIERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. Roxann S. Duffy Legal Assistant to Michael G. Dougherty RSD/djk Enclosure cc: Dale C. Nathan (w/enc) ?wa a ir,a c^W. oo??.+?.o t ? rJOSEPH P. EARLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL SANK SiIILDING ' 7300 W 147TH ST UPPLE VALLEY MN 55124 rALE C. NATHAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 3435 WASHINGTON DRIVE STE 200 LEAGAN MN 55122 STATE OF MINNGSOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA NOTICE OF: ?( FILING OF OROER WENTRY OF JUDGMENT ? DOCKE7ING OF JUDGMENT Courl Flle No.: C9-90-7779 _ IN q E; WALTER V NELSON ET AL VS CITY OF EAGAN ?Nbu ara heroby notitlod that on MARCN wai duly fliod In tho abovo onlllled mallor. QXXYou nrn hereby nollfled thal on - MARCH STH _ wee duly enlernd In lhe abcve onlitled meltar. 91 ?fl an Order 91 ? 9 a Jutlpment ? You ere horoby noUfled thal on , 10 e Judpmant ww duly dockolod In tho above onlltlod mottor In iha nmounl of A true end corroct copy ol thla Nollco hns boon saivod bympll vpon Ihe panloe namea neroin et gne leel known nddrwa of oach, punuunl lo Mlnnesoln Rulo3 of Clvll Procadure, Rulo 77,p4, - Dnlad• MARCH STH, 1991 AOCER N. SAffES CAdminlslralo b 1(?if".( n ) j epu k ' . , ._ . i..c...?. 1 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF DAKOTA FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRZCT Court File No.: C9-90-7779 Walter V. Nelson and Delores Case Type: Special Assessment Nelson, husband and wife, Appeal Appellants, STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT v. AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT AND JUDGMENT City of Eagan, a municipal corporation, Fmmis e3y ol I : 1Zg! ReSpo71d211t. pOGER . SAMES, Co. kdminisva:cr Y _ DEPUTY RECITALS WHEREAS, Appellants are the owners of Lot 4, Carlson Acres in the City of Eagan located at the southwest corner of the intersection of County Roads 30 and 31; and WHEREAS, Appellants' property was assessed by the City of Eagan on August 7, 1990 for Public Improvement Project No. 466 for storm sewer lateral improvements; and WHEREAS, said assessments were in the amount of $10,348.35; and t•;HEREAS, the parties hereto do not admit liability with respect to the claims and defenses raised in the lawsuit abov.e-captioned but rather desire to amicably resolve their differences to avoid further protracted litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to reduce the assessment against Lot 4, Carlson Acres to the amount of $6,914.00. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby entered into the following: ? Page 2/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal STIPULATION 1. The assessment against Lot 4, Carlson Acres for storm sewer lateral improvements in the amount of $10,348.35 shall be set aside and said parcel shall be reassessed in the amount of $6,914.00. 2. It is understood and agreed that the parties hereto will present this Stipulation for Settlement to the above-entitled Court with the request that the Court adopt the Order for Judgment herein carrying out the terms of said Stipulation. 3. Interest shall be payable by Appellant's commencing thirty days after entry of the Order for Judgment herein. 4. Respondent shall be responsible to assume that the correct assessment is recorded and to have removed any earlier assessment without cost to Appellants. Dated: i ? f Dated: /' C ( / EAGAN .By : Its: ayor By: J. VanOverbeke Its.City Clerk Walter V. Nelsori Dated: / - ? '/- i'/ ?.1?.cDelores Nelson ???-r?- .E`g-an Thomas ?A /? t Page 3/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal Dated: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. By:1, Joseph P. Earley Attorneys for Respond nt 600. Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple_Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 I.D. No. 189595 Dated: 1-,) y- ql NATHAN & ASSOCIATES By: Dale C. Nathan Attorneys for Feppellants 3435 Washington Drive suite 200 Eagan, MN 55122 ORDER FOR JUDGMENT 1. Pursuant to the foregoing Stipulation for Settlement, the City of Eagan is hereby ordered to set aside the assessments for Public Improvement Project No. 466 for. storm sewer lateral improvements against Lot 4, Carlson Acres. 2. The City of Eagan is hereby ordered to reassess Lot 4, Carlson Acres for Project No. 466 in the amount of $6,914.00. 3. Interest shall be payable by Appellant's commencing thirty days after entry of the Order for JUdgment herein. 4. Respondent shall be responsible to assume that the correct assessment is recorded and to have removed any earlier assessment without cost to Appellants. , Page 4/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal 5. Each of the parties hereto shall be responsible for their own costs, disbursements and attorneys fees. 6. The above action is hereby dismissed with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. Dated: ,; BY THE COURT: ?C ?-.Ju e of Distri t Court NDGMENT I HEREBY CERTIrY THAT "THE ABOVE STIPULATION FOR SLTTLEDfENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT CONSTITUTE THG JUDGMENT OF THE COURT." DATED MARCH STH, 1991 COURT ADMINISTAATOR ROGER W. SAMES (SEAL) BY , EPUTY CLERK f ?citV oF 3830 DILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55124-1897 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FnX: (612) 454-8363 February 27, 1991 MS DENICE ROENCK SEVERSON WILCOX & SHELDON PA 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BLDG 7300 W 147TH ST APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Re: Stipulation For Settlement ProjeCt 466,'Parcel 10-01500-050-02 (David Project 466, Lot 4, Carlson Acres (Walter i Project 572, Parcel 10-02200-011-76 (David Dear Denice: TI-IQWS EGAN Nayor DAVID K. GUSTAf50N PPMEL4 NcO2EA TIM DAWLEMY THEODORE wACHTER Courltil N¢mp¢rs 7FIOM/5 HEDGES Crty Atlmins[rata EUGENE vAN OVERBEKE CitS Ckrk i Carol Tilseth) Delores Nelson) i Marcia Voqt) Per qur conversat'ion of February 27, I am enclosing three original Stipulation For Settlement Agreements for the Tilseth and Nelson property, and five original Stipulation.For Settlement Agreements for the Vogt property. After execution by District Court, please return one original of each referenced parcel for our files. The property owners have not received a copy of this agreement. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. /7mJ Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF 5fRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opporfunity/Affirmative Action Empioyer Agenda Information Memo February 19, 1991, City Council Meeting ASSESSMENT APPEAL SEITI.EMENT AGREEMENTS 1. Project 466, Consider Assessment Appeal Settlement Agreements-Project 466 provided for the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road from I-35E to Rebecca Lane. Upon completion of that project, a final assessment hearing was held on July 10, 1990. During that final assessment public hearing, there were several property owners who objected to the assessments and proceeded to 51e a formal appeal with District Court. Appraisers were then hired to evaluate the benefits accrued to the property resulting from the improvement as well as a detailed reevaluation of the calculation of the assessments against the properties in question. As each property was reviewed in detail with the objecting property owner, various issues were resolved to the extent that the formal assessment appeals will be dismissed upon execution of the appropriate Stipulation For Settlement Agreement. The conditions contained within this Sett]ement Agreement were prepared by the City Attorney's Office, reviewed with the Department of Public Works and found to be in order for favorable Council action. The following properties are being presented for consideration of their Settlement Agreements: 1. I,ot 4, Carlson Acres 4205 Pilot Knob Road Walter & Delores Nelson 2. Parce110-O1500-OS0.52 3800 Pilot Knob Road David & Carol Tilseth A(:I'ION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To consider the Stipulation For Settlement Agreement for Lot 4, Carlson Acres, and Parcel 10-01500-050-52 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. R E C ??r ?i%.; j v ' ;',,, 2 . ? a^. :?e ?. ?.:ii M E M O R A N D O M TO: Tom Colbert, Public Works Director FROM: Joe Earley, Assistant City Attorney DATE: January 28, 1991 RE: Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal Eagan City Project No. 466 Our File N6. 206-8733 Tom: Enclosed please find three original Stipulation for Settlement and Order for Judgment documents. These documents have been executed by the Nelsons. Please place these documents for approval and execution by the City on the next available Council agenda. Upon execution by the City, they can be returned to our office for submission to the Court. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. JPE/djk . , STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA Walter V. Nelson and Delores Nelson, husband and wife, Appellants, V. City of Eagan, a municipal corporation, DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: C9-90-7779 Case Type: Special Assessment Appeal BTIPIILATION FOR BETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JIIDGMENT Respondent. RECITALB WHEREAS, Appellants are the owners of Lot 4, Carlson Acres in the City of Eagan located at the southwest corner of the intersection of County Roads 30 and 31; and WHEREAS, Appellants' property was assessed by the City of Eagan on August 7, 1990 for Public Improvement Project No. 466 for storm sewer lateral improvements; and WHEREAS, said assessments were in the amount of $10,348.35; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto do not admit liability with respect to the claims and defenses raised in the lawsuit above-captioned but rather desire to amicably resolve their differences to avoid further protracted litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties have aqreed to reduce the assessment against Lot 4, Carlson Acres to the amount of $6,914.00. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby entered into the following: Page 2/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal STIPIILATION 1. The assessment against Lot 4, Carlson Acres for storm sewer lateral improvements in the amount of $10,348.35 shall be set aside and said parcel shall be reassessed in the amount of $6,914.00. 2. It is understood and agreed that the parties hereto will present this Stipulation for Settlement to the above-entitled Court with the request that the Court adopt the Order for Judqment herein carrying out the terms of said Stipulation. 3. Interest shall be payable by Appellant's commencing thirty days after entry of the Order for Judgment herein. 4. Respondent shall be responsible to assume that the correct assessment is recorded and to have removed any earlier assessment without cost to Appellants. Dated: Z -/f - f/ ,--C?TY} qF EAGAN Dated: Dated: Sy: Thomds FY Egan VjByJ yor VanOVerbeke ty y Clerk ???4 1 alter V. Nelson Delores Nelson ; Page 3/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/walter Nelson Assessment Appeal Dated: =•qr SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. Jo"ph P. Earley ttorneys for Respond nt O. Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 I:D. NO. 189595 Dated: 1-et7-ql NATHAN & ASSOCIATES By: Dale C. Nathan Attorneys for Appellants 3435 Washington Drive Suite 200 Eagan, MN 55122 ORDER FOR JIIDCiMENT 1. Pursuant to the foregoing Stipulation for Settlement, the City of Eagan is hereby ordered to set aside the assessments for Public Improvement Project No. 466 for storm sewer lateral improvements against Lot 4, Carlson Acres. 2. The City of Eagan is hereby ordered to reassess Lot 4, Carlson Acres for Project No. 466 in the amount of $6,914.00. 3. Interest shall be payable by Appellant's commencing thirty days after entry of the Order for Judgment herein. 4. Respondent shall be responsible to assume that the correct assessment is recorded and to have removed any earlier assessment without cost to Appellants. 1 Page 4/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR NDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal 5. Each of the parties hereto shall be responsible for their own costs, disbursements and attorneys fees. 6. The above action is hereby dismissed with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. Dated: BY THE COURT: Judge of District Court SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. LARRYS.3EVERSON' JAMESF.SHELDON J. PATRICK WILCOX" M[CHAEL G. DOUGHERTY MICHAEL E. MOLENDA•' APROFE3SIONALASSOCIATION AT1C)RNEYS AT LAW 800 MIDWAY NAIYONAL BANK BUILDINC 7300 WEST 197TH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 65124 (612) 492-3736 TELEFAX NUAIBER 492-3780 •A440 LICEN9ED IN IOWA ••AISO WCENSED 1N N73CONSW ...ALSp LICENSE?IN NE8RA3KA December 3, 1990 Judy Jenkins City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. BoX 21199 Eaqan, MN 55121 RE: Krista Nelson v. Eagan Assessment Appeal City Rroject-No. 466 Our File No. 206-8743 Dear Judy: RtCr?vzo 4t:e 4 ny. J KENNETH R. HALL "•Sb(YIT D. JOFiN9TON JOSEPH P. EARLEY LOREN M.SOLFEST CHRISTINE M. SCOTILLO ANNETTE M. MARGARIT DANIEL M.9HERIDAN OFCOUNSEL: JOHN E. VUI{ELICH Rrista Nelson has requested the following documents in connection with her assessment appeal. 1. Minutes authorizing the assessments. 2. All notices made in connection with the project and the assessments, both published and mailed. 3. The cost sharing agreement with Dakota County. Could you please provide me with these documents as you have so efficiently done in the past. I will then forward them to Ms. Nelson.. Thank you. Sincerely, SEVERSON, WILCOX ? seph P. Earley /djk cc: Tom Colbert, Deanna Kivi, & SHELDON, P.A. Director of Public Works Special Assessment Clerk 6?MMsity oF czage 3830 GILOT KNOB ROAD - i1KY.v5 EGAN EP.GAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 Mdy0f PHONE: (612) 454-5100 - DAVID K. GUSTAFSON Fnx: (614) 454-8363 PAMELA ^^tOZEA , TIM PAWLEMY THEODORE WACHTER Council Memb¢rs December 7, 1990 ri-ionv,sHEOC,es . CM Adminstrata EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Chrk JOE EARLEY ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON PA 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BLDG . 7300 W 147TH ST APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Re: Rrista Nelson v. Eaqan Assessment Appeal City Project No. 466• Dear Joe: Per your request of December 3, 1990, I am forwarding to you the information you requested: 1. Minutes authorizing the assessments. (I am also enclosing minutes approving the project, if needed.) 2. All notices made in connection with the project and the assessments, both published and mailed. (Roxanne will provide you with the Affidavit of Publication for the final assessment hearing.) 3. The cost sharing agreement with Dakota County. 4. Certification Statement. if further information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me. , Sincerely, J y M J nkins gine ri g Secretary /jmj Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opporfunity/Affirmative Action Employer RECEIVED AUG 6 1990 August 2, lsso Mr Tom Colbert • Engineer City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Your letter dated July 26, 1990 Mr Colbert ??"'G? • 't'?o ' Item #1: Water lateral. I agree with your proposal. Item 42: Storm sewer lateral. I do not agree with in its entirety. There is a discrepancy in what Larry Figgens proposed, 100' of storm sewer according to his note which you have a copy of, and your field mans notes (120'). The 33,600 sq. ft. of drainage from my property in my opinion it should be 20,000 sq. ft. Also you mention this assessment does not include any of the vacated public right of way, I do not understand your purpose in bringing this to my attention, since obviously no one else is being assessed for this. Also certain public utilities have easements thru this property and if any assessments are to be made, then the utility companies should be assessed also. Furthermore the vacating of this property was the city's decision. On July 28, 1990 I had flooding again in my rental property located at 4202,4203,4204 and 4205 Malmo P1. It is quite obvious the storm sewer is not able to handle a heavy fas£ rain. I would like this letter be kept as a matter of record in case of future flood problems. Sincerely, ?? Walter V. Nelson oF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD - hON?S EGw EA6AN, MINNESOTA 55144-1897 . . MaY°f PHONE: (61,4) 454-8100. . DAND K. GUSiAf50N FAX: (612) 454-8363 VPhSEIA McCiEA , TU1 DAV%IENfY 7FIEODORE WACHiFR COUncil P.Ym6ers lFi0MA5 HEDGFS Gty Admin'aVna July 26, 1990 , EUGENEVAN rx??E Gty MR WALLY NELSON 4205 PILAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55122 Re: project 466,'7inal Assessment Adjustment Lot 41 Carlson Acres Dear Mr. Nelson: As a result of the final assessment hearing held on July 10, 1990, you submitted a written objection pertaining to the proposed assessments identified as follows: WATER LATERAL $3,837.18 STORM SEWER LATERAL $10,348.35 The storm sewer lateral is comprised of two items identified as follows: ` Pilot Rnob/Diffley Road 8torm 8ewer Lateral 80' deep x 300' (Diffl.ey Rd.) + 80' x 120' (Pilot Knob Rd.) _ $33,600 sq..ft. @ 19G per sq. ft. _$6,384 Additional 8torm Sewer Extension For Future Develogment 120' @$33.04 per ft. _$3,964.80. This rate per running foot of 12" storm sewer is less than the City's 1990 predetermined rate of $37.55 per running foot. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIi`/ Equal Opportunlty/Affirmafive Action Employer July 10; 1990 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN, 55122 RE: Special Assessments at Pilot Knob and Diffley Rds. City Council Members ? ?c- a 5??. ? .?1 ? I am writing this letter in regard to the assessment levied against my property at 4205 Pilot Knob Rd. The amount charged for the storm sewer j 6,384.OO,is quite excessive. When compared to the assessments to the other properties located along the service road that replaced Diffley my assessment is tremendously higher. Also the assessment is not even close to the original amount quoted, see attached information from city records. It is difficult to understand the charge of for a water lateral. The City denied my proposal for rezoning to commercial use. I would have no argument with the charge if and when the property was rezoned. But at this time the lateral is of no use to me. After 26 years at this location I feel my property in its entirety has been devalued due to the rebuilding of the roads. Including the rediculoUS situation as to access to my garage, which I'm sure that all members of the council have driven by my residence enough times to see what I mean. Thank you for any consideration given this matter. Sincerely, `.m ?,roA fi ? ? ? 1 .... 4 . a.s a DeecrLption Street/Trail Storm Sewer - : CARLSON ACRES.7., s- ?ot 1011 0OIT': ?; . 1,949 792 L t 1, 012 0 ? 984 , . . ? ?' zI.ot 2, 022 ,00 '-3, a. s ?. a .c.t. r' A c 648 . Lot 2, 021 0W ?898 - P7 792 t Lot 3 . --- ti 1,440 Lot 4 10,632 3,168 Lot 5 1,772 1,440 Lot 1?440 s oc i ? ' f 9 4,800 ? F- , 8, 080-00; 1,772 2,400 ` p o? 8, ? 082-00 '; . 1,772 2,400 .,; F a?;2.t 090-004' ?,., . 2,400 t >? - - -' 2,400 o ,Q,,5 ?? ;091 061 ?? oG , 1M,0 1,772 : . T.o?: iii ao i;»s Lox.7,3,w130-00 ? 1,860 i Jot: 14..,j..141:.Op ?` .. 2,747 2,232 :..xt Lo? 150-0Q' 1,845 i?-- ,r :. , .,? x : • I.ot 15, 152-00 V? 2,569 2,088 EVERGREEN PARK ADDITION r? `l Lot 1, Block .7i ??', • 1,800 , Lot Block 2/ ;,. 1,800 . Lot 3, Block_.2 1,800 Lot 4, Block.2? 1,800 > -A. Lot Block.1/ 1,800 Lot 6; Block?2? 1,800 y Lot Y, Biock 408 31 - ? T75 ? ., . ...: '?i., .?..a. . _._. . :._ ._ .. . To[al Asaeasment 2,741 5 822' -- $ ? . 0 13; 9Bfl ? ' .? `'( 3,212 -3 - / V yo , 4,800 4,172 4,172 2,400 2,400 . 1,»z 1,772 1,860 4,979 4,657 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 408 i ? June 26, 1990 CITY OF EAGAN NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Project N10P466 The EAGAN CITY COIINCZL vill meet on the lOth day of July, 1990, at the Eagan Kunicipal Center, 3830 Pilot Rnob Road, Eagan tlN, to approve and,adopt the listed apecisl assessments against the folloving described property: 10-16400-040-00 1QELSON XALTER V 4205 PIIAT. ICNOB RD EAGAP7 HN 55122 The special assessments are: TOTAL ANNUAL FIRST YEAR FIRST YEAR TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT S A# PRINCIPAL pRINCIPAL _INTEREST xNSTALI.MENTS SANITARY SEWER LTRL 2065 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 WATER IATERAL 2066 3837.18 383.72 489.24 872.96 SERVICE(WATER ONLY) 2067 1054,i§- U 105.72 134.79 240.51 STORM SEWER LATERAL 2068 b38ai-@0./03yd''C38.40 813.96 1452 36 . STREET 2069 1 OD ? 1063.20 1355.58 2418.78 TRAIL 2070 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ToTAL 2 191.04 •,2,793.57 4 984.61 ?ss3 y , You may pay any portion of these special assessments rithin thirty (30) days, specifically. on or before the 9th day of August, 1990, without interest at the Eagan Municipal Center. If you pay after the thirty (30) day period but prior to October 15, 1990 interast vill be charged from July 10, 1990 to December 31, 1990. After October 15, 1990 the first yeazs installments cannot be prepaid and it includes interest from July 10, 1990 to December 31, 1991. Any unpaid portion vill be collected in annual installments of principal and interest for the next 10 YEARS on your future property tax stataments vhich rill be issued through the Dakota County Auditor's office. The annual installments include intereat at the rate of 9.0 PEB CENT per year on the unpaid balance. ?N Ati? ? . ? . ,,,.?-? , j. `' - ?` l MEMO TO: MAYOR 8 CITY CODNCIL MEMSERS THOMAS L HEDGEB, CZTY ADMINIBTRATOR GENE VANOVERSEREr DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FROM: THOMAS A COLBERTo DIRECTOR OF PiTBLIC WORRS DATE: FEBROARY 13, 1991 SIIBJECT: ASSESSMENT APPEAL SETTLEMENT LOT 4p CARLSON ACRES (WALTER NELSON) PROJ 466 PARCEL 10-01500-050-52 (DAVID TILSSTH) PROJ 466 PARCEL 10-02200-011-76 (DAVID VOGT) PROJ 572 i have received formal Stipulation For Settlement Agreements for the assessment appeals associated with the above-referenced parcels for formal consideration and approval by the City Council which is scheduled for February 19. The following information provides appropriate detail pertaining to each assessment appeal and its subsequent resolution being recommended by the City Attorney's Office and Department of Public Works. LOT 4. CARLSON ACRES (WALTER 6 DELORES NELSON) - PROJ.466 This property was proposed to be assessed $14,185.53 for a 6" water lateral stub ($3,837.18), its proportionate share of storm sewer facilities within the County road improvement ($6,384) and the cost to install 120' of a private storm sewer lateral stub ($3,964.48). The water and storm sewer lateral stubs were installed in conjunction with a rezoning of the property from its current residential use to a commercial office building. However, the subsequent rezoning application was denied and the water and storm sewer lateral stubs will not be used. Also, a subsequent detailed survey of the property showed that the assessable area used to calculate the County road storm sewer participation assessment was less than what was used in the preparation of the final assessment roll. As a result of these issues, the original assessment obligation of $14,185.53 that was appealed was reduced to $6,914 for its share of storm water runoff. to the County storm sewer system. PARCEL 10-01500-050-52 (DAVID & CAROL TILSETH) -_PROJ 466 The original final assessment roll included $769.50 for storm water runoff into the County road storm sewer system and $1,848.90 for the benefits received from the street improvement of Pilot Knob Road. The acquisition of additional right-of-way left this property as a nonconforming use relating to the front yard setback. Based on the City's appraisal, it was determined that the maximum benefit to the property was $1,309.20 which.is split $769.50 for storm sewer and $539.70 for street improvements. Page 2 PARCEL 10-02200-011-76 (DAVID 8 MARCIA VOQT) - PROJ 572 This property was originally assessed for $9,485 for the street improvement of Lexington Way from Diffley Road to the north end of the cul-de-sac. However, based on the results of the City appraisal, it was determined that the maximum benefit to this property is no more than $5,500. Due to the fact that the original assessment rolls were adopted by Council action on July 10, 1990, for Project 466 and September 19, 1990, for Project 572 and certified to Dakota County, appropriate adjustments to their special assessment payment obligation should be made accordingly. While all negotiations leading up to this settlement were handled by Joe Early, due to his departure, all follow-through will be handled by Mike Dougherty. Respectfully submitted, ; /Ma? Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Mike Dougherty, Assistant City Attorney Agenda Information Memo February 19, 1991, City Council Meeting ASSESSMENT APPEAL SET'I'LEMENT AGREEMENTS L Project 466, Consider Assessment Appeal Settlement Agreements-Project 466 provided for the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road from I-35E to Rebecca Lane. Upon completion of that project, a final assessment hearing was held on July 10, 1990. During that final assessment public hearing, there were several property owners who objected to the assessments and proceeded to file a formal appeal with District Court. Appraisers were then hired to evaluate the benefiu accrued to the property resulting from the improvement as well as a detailed reevaluation of the calculation of the assessments against the properties in question. As each property was reviewed in detaIl with the objecting property owner, various issues were resolved to the extent that the forma] assessment appeals will be dismissed upon execution of the appropriate Stipulation For 5ettlement Agreement. The conditions contained within this Settlement Agreement were prepared by the City Attorney's Office, reviewed with the Department of Public Works and found to be in order'for favorable Council action. The following properties aze being presented. for consideration of their Settlement Agreements: 1. L.ot 4, Carlson Acres 4205 Pilot Knob Road Walter & Delores Nelson 2. , Parcel 10-01500-050-52 3800 Pilot Knob Road David & Carol Tilseth ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To consider the Stipulation For Settlement Agreement for L.ot 4, Carlson Acres, and Parcel 10-01500-050-52 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to exeCUte all related documents. oF 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 512 4-18 97 PHONE: (612) 454-8700 FAX: (612) 454-8363 July 26, 1990 MR WALLY NELSON 4205 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55122 Re: Project 466, Final Assessment ABjustment iLot , Dear Mr. Nelson: THOMAS EGAN MaYp DAVID K GUSfAf$ON DAMELA NcOiFA TIM DAWLEMY . THEODOP.E WACHfER Coundi Manbers TFIQMP.S HEDGES City Administrator EUC£NE VAN OVERBEKE cay ck,x As a result of the final assessment hearing held on July 10, 1990, you submitted a written objection pertaining to the proposed assessments identified as follows: WATER LATERAL $3,837.18 6TORM SEWER LATERAL $10,348.35 The storm sewer lateral is comprised of two items identified as follows: Pilot Rnob/Diffley Road Storm Sewer Lateral 80' deep x 300' (Diffley Rd.) + 80' x 120' (Pilot Knob Rd.) _ $33,600 sq. ft. @ 19G per sq. ft. =.$6,384 Additional Storm Sewer Estension For Future Development 120' @$33.04 per ft. _$3,964.80. This rate per running foot of 12" storm sewer is less than the City's 1990 predetermined rate of $37.55 per running foot. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROVJfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ACtion Employer July 26, 1990 Page 2 During my recent conversation with you, you concurred that this additional storm sewer extension was installed at your reguest. You will also note that the drainage area calculations for your overall project storm sewer lateral assessment did not include any of the recently vacated public right-of-way which Was incorporated into your private ownership. During our conversation, we also discussed the proposed assessment of $3,837.18 for the 6" water lateral that was extended to your lot from the north side of Diffley Drive to service the proposed office building that you were pursuing approval during the winter of 1987. The City determined that an office building would require a 6" water lateral to provide adequate water service and fire flow protection. However, with the denial of that rezoning request, it would be inappropriate to assess.that cost at this time. Therefore, based on your objection and our review of the situation, I will be recommending that the City Council adjust your assessment by deleting the water lateral assessment of $3,837.18 and postponing that assessment until such time that the property should develop or connect to that water lateral stub. I hope that this review and response satisfactorily addresses your previous objection. It is anticipated that with Council concurrence, a new notice of final assessment obligation will be sent to your attention. I would like to thank you for your willingness to work with the City during this review and reach this satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely, ???vr -/- - omas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Ted Wachter, City Councilmember -M? sity oF aaga 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THOr.+aS ECvAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 MayOf PHONE: (614) 454-8100 DAVID N. CiJ5TnF50N FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMEw NkcaEA TIM PAWLEN7Y THEODORE WACFRER CAUnaI M¢mbers TFiOn445 HEWES Cdy AdminiSVator EuGEN VERBFACE February 27, 1991 cm p MS DENICE KOENCK SEVERSON WILCOX & SHELDON PA 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BLDG 7300 W 147TH ST APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Re: Stipulation For Settlement Project 466, Parcel 10-01500-050-02 (David E Carol Tilseth) Project 466, Lot 4, Carlson Acresl(Walter A Delores Nelson) Project 572, Parcel 10-02200-011-76 (David 8 Marcia Voqt) Dear Denice: Per our conversation of February 27, I am enclosing three original Stipulation For Settlement Agreements for the Tilseth and Nelson property, and five original Stipulation For Settlement Agreements for the Vogt property. After execution by District Court, please return one original of each referenced parcel for our files. The property owners have not received a copy of this agreement. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. /j mj Enclosure THE LONE OAK iREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY Equal Opporlunity/Afflrmative Action Employer ,j STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA Walter V. Nelson and Delores Nelson, husband and wife, Appellants, v. City of Eagan, a municipal corporation, Respondent. DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: C9-90-7779 Case Type: Special Assessment Appeal STIPULATION FOR BETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JIIDGMENT RECITALB WHEREAS, Appellants are the owners of Lot 4, Carlson Acres in the City of Eagan located at the southwest corner of the intersection of County Roads 30 and 31; and WHEREAS, Appellants' property was assessed by the City of Eagan on August 7, 1990 for Public Improvement Project No. 466 for storm sewer lateral improvements; and WHEREAS, said assessments were in the amount of $10,348.35; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto do not admit liability with respect to the claims and defenses raised in the lawsuit above-captioned but rather desire to amicably resolve their differences to avoid further protracted litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to reduce the assessment against Lot 4, Carlson Acres to the amount of $6,914.00. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby entered into the following: 1 , Page 2/STSPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal BTIPULATION 1. The assessment against Lot 4, Carlson Acres for storm sewer lateral improvements in the amount of $10,348.35 shall be set aside and said parcel shall be reassessed in the amount of $6,914.00. 2. It is understood and agreed that the parties hereto will present this Stipulation for Settlement to the above-entitled Court with the request that the Court adopt the Order for Judgment herein carrying out the terms of said Stipulation. 3. Interest shall be payable by Appellant's commencing thirty days after entry of the Order for Judgment herein. 4. Respondent shall be responsible to assume that the correct assessment is recorded and to have removed any earlier assessment without cost to Appellants. Dated: Z -/f - f/ ,.- CfT--Y) qf EAGAN ? Dated: Dated: /- Dl 5'/- i'I Sy: ThOMds A- Egan Its: yor By: J. VanOverbeke Its. City Clerk A_ /11, alter V. Nelson Delores Nelson 1 Page 3/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal Dated: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. ?- ? : Jo 'ph P. Earley ttorneys for Respond nt 0? Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 I.D. No. 189595 Dated: !-)7" ql NATHAN & ASSOCIATES By: Dale C. Nathan Attorneys for Appellants 3435 Washington Drive Suite 200 Eagan, MN 55122 ORDER FOR .TUDGMENT 1. Pursuant to the foregoing Stipulation for Settlement, the City of Eagan is hereby ordered to set aside the assessments for Public Improvement ProjeCt No. 466 for storm sewer lateral improvements against Lot 4, Carlson Acres. 2. The City of Eagan is hereby ordered to reassess Lot 4, Carlson Acres for Project No. 466 in the amount of $6,914.00. 3. Interest shall be payable by Appellant's commencing thirty days after entry of the Order for Judgment herein. 4. Respondent shall be responsible to assume that the correct assessment is recorded and to have removed any earlier assessment without cost to Appellants. Page 4/STIPULATION FOR SETTLEMENT AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT City of Eagan/Walter Nelson Assessment Appeal 5. Each of the parties hereto shall be responsible for their own costs, disbursements and attorneys fees. 6. The above action is hereby dismissed with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. Dated: BY THE COURT: Judge of District Court TRANSMITTAL TON COLBERT, PUBLIC WORRS FAT GETGAt7, pOLICE DnLE RUNRLE, COHMCINITY DEV KEN SOUTHORN, FIRE GEttE VANOVERBERE, FINNiCE KE17 VIW1, FN2RS JIM SfiELDON, CITY ATTORNEY HESSAGE: ' ' `^? ,? < k S vw--2 C')\bz? IS`l HA I IU IIOLLY DUFFY, ADMIN RAREN FINNEGIIN, ADMIN JOH HOHENSTEIN, ADMIH RRISTI MORIIST, MIS JOHN OLINGER t TDMIN HIRE REARDON, CABLE KRIS HAGEMAN RECYCLI ? "q&,.? e??_?, • o ?s?n ? RECEIVED AUG G 1990 August 2, 1990 Mr Tom Col6ert Engineer City oF Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Your letter dated July 26, 1990 Mr Colbert Item #1: Water lateral. I agree with your proposal. Item #2: Storm sewer lateral. I do not agree with in its entirety. There is a discrepancy in what Larry Figgens proposed, 100' of storm sewer according to his note which you have a copy of, and your field mans notes (120'). The 33,600 sq. ft. of drainage from my property in my opinion it should be 20,000 sq. ft. Also you mention this assessment does not inc-lude any of the vacated public right of way, I do not understand your purpose in bringing this to my attention, since obviously no one else is being assessed for this. Also certain public utilities have easements thru this property and if any assesaments are to be made, then the utility companies should be assessed also. Furthermore the vacating of this property was the city's decision. On July 28, 1990 I had flooding again in my rental property located at 4202,4203,4204 and 4205 Malmo P1. It is quite obvious the storm sewer is not able to handle a heavy fast rain. I wou].d l.ike this letter be kept as a matter of record in case of future flood problems. Sincerely, „ Walter V. Nelson /V 169 vp 6 O' `f0 0 U Walter Nelson 4205 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 . _. ._. . . . . . _ .......? ti 11r?.Tgiir7?fz[pS?I _?p???p ? i1L?YW f Gi1 i ? ..?,,..?.......??.-...-...:.-., ?Enn.,??,E,,. l?U.S.POSIA??; (? AU^o •3'9U ? t/- ? ?? ? Ff Mfi_Ff ?a City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122 Attn: Tom Colbert t 401""IcitV oF eagan THOMASEGAN Mayor October 15, 1993 Walter Nelson 4205 P(lot Knob Road Eagan, NIN 55122 Dear Mr. Nelson: PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Clty Cleik THOMAS HEDGES Clly Atlminislralar Our oNice has received a compleint alleging that the outside storage of equipment related to the operation of your business is no longer confined to your property. A site revlew of your place of business was conducted on Friday, October 15, 1993, and it was observed that there is indeed a large tractor stored on the property adJacent to yours. The business use of you residentially owned property is considered an allowed use because your business and residence were in place prior to the adoption oi the Eagan City Code. However, the "grandfather clause" extends only to your property, and you are currently in violation of this ordinance because your business appears to have expanded to adjacent property. Please have all construction related items contained only within your property within two weeks from the date of this letter. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your compliance. Sincerely, eilberly Egg s? Project Planner MUNICIPAL CEN7ER 3830 PIIOI KNOB ROAO EAGAN, MINNESOIA 55172•I897 PHONE: (612) 681-0600 FA%: (612) 681 ?4612 iDD: (612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYM90l OF STRENGTVi AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIIY Eqval OppodunltylAtilrmatlve Actlon Employei MAINTENANCE PACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINI EAGAN. MINNFSOiA 55172 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAR:(612)681-4360 iDD:(612)454-8535 APC Minutes March 24, 1907 Harrison moved, Voracek seconded the motion to recommend approval of the rezoning and amendment of the Planned Development Agreement. All voted aye. It was indicated that a notice of public hearing would be necessary for the extension of the Planned Development Agreement as requested by the developer. Z?-/? 7- -3 /-F77 LOT 4, CARLSON ACRES - REZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAT Mr. Runkle introduced the application of Wally and Michael Nelson to rezone a residential single family lot, presently a legal non-conforming use for construction storage, to LB (Limited Business) on approximately 1.3 acres at the intersection of Pilot Knob Road and Diffley Road. The reguest was to allow an 11,520 square foot office building on a single 60,000 square foot lot. Hans Timper of Cedar Corporation was present on behalf of the aoplicants. Mr. Timper indicated that the proposal was to construct one building, possibly in two narts, that all construction storage would be removed during the construction process. He also reviewed a three page report indicating the pros and cons of the use of the property for various uses. Mrs. Gail Stahl was present. As a landowner adjacent to the property, she indicated that non- conforming use, in her opinion, had created additional water run-off on her property. She indicated she ha3 to pay $240.00 for a survey • to determine that the Nelsons were expanding beyond their own property lines. Mc. Jim DelGreco, a resident at the intersection of Sequoia and Sigfrid, read a letter in opposition to the proposal from neighbors and indicated that two other neighbors had indicated -ctheit opposition. Mr. Harrison indicated that it was his position that tne rezoning of the single parcel would be spot zoning. Harrison moved, Voracek seconded the motion to recommend denial of the rezoning and to direct staff to review the expansion of non-conforming use. All voted in favor except Gustafson who voted no. ADJOURNMENT Harrison moved, McCrea seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 p.m. All voted affirmatively. DGK Secretary - APC 10 _ V cftv ?F (zu 3830 PII.OT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 E AGAN, MINNF ;O f A 55121 PHONP (612) 454-8100 APRIL 15, 1986 MR WALTER NELSON NELSON EQUIPMENT CO 4205 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MA1 55122 Re: Egpansion of a Nonconforming Use, (Carlson Acres, Block 1, Lot 4) Dear Mr. Nelson: f36n BIOh^pUIST rdrno, 1HOMM, LGA(J IAPAF, i A_ SMII H AC H USON u i!:ouout wnrnreia CpunrA bte?.bcrs IHpP/U•$ HWGES ._uy erlndnisbnb, '?Erz13FKF PUGeHi' ?AJJ 0 r,m: r]1o,V A complaint has been filed with the City of Eagan by Mrs. Gail Stahl of 4222 Sequoia Drive, alleging that outside storage of equipment related to the operation of your business is no longer confined to property owned by you. A site review of your place of business was conducted on Wednesday, April 9, 1986, and indicated that all material stored outside was indi-ed located on your property. Your place of residence is presently zoned R-1 (single family) which does not permit outside storage of construction and construction related equipment. In your case, however, this praetice is cons3dered in conformance with the Eagan Zoning Code since your business and residence were in place prior to the Code's adoption. Please be advised, however, your business activities and storage of related equipment must be contained on property owned by you in order to fulfill the "grandfather clause" of the Eagan Zoning Code. When and 3f construction equipment and/or construction related materials are stored on adjacent properties, you may be in violation of City Code Section 11.10 which prevents the expansion of a nonconforming use within a particular zoning designation. I encourage you to contact me if there are any questions regarding the contents of this letter and/or the contents of Mrs. Stahl's complaint. Sincerely, Steven Schwanke Planning Department cc: Ga31 Stahl Thomas L. Hedges ?ale Runkle David Keller SS/jh THE LONE OAK TREE. THE SYMBOL OF SiRF.IJGIH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIIY Please ? READ ? HANDLE ? APPROVE and ? FORWqpD ? RETURN ? ? KEEP Oq DISCARD REVIEW WITH ME Date - s--- I_ aW??« C-e T?o Zin Ok?l.O Lr,kFExuc? ?,lFl.'C? aeu?r4 z ?d 3 ? I ?r?lo J ? ScatcW 7664 "POSt•it" Rouling-Requesl pad ROUTING - REQUEST From ? ?(- 1?,x, L-PCs p l ? U r ? ? c?o?zn ? -w -0 19 7 S? 'a?'? ? If FOR I'f 1?TC . ,. ' ' MESSAGE M OF PHONE NO. TELEPHONED '.. CALLED TO SEE YOU . PLEASE CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU ' .1 1RUSH YOUH ? , T . .?Ll? ?tu",l.i[ '4?'7\??•:?), h .h, . . . .. r? ? . _ . ii?. . . ? I. . n . . .. <.'?i. _.• ? .. , c. - n ivuM&? _ SIGNED ?;?c";: ' >;?'...:= ;,_;._ • . ? U A22i9 '?... . A 9 sIonna? S U FiVEYI NG SERVICES 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: 1612) 4523077 ( DlFFLEY ROAD ) (?{p 200 Ne. I N ` v ? r .,' ti F,N q ? W R 4 a ? ,''iCALE: 111=40' ? `<- - - ao' ? Iron Monument Found +? r I I i ? ;,r,T 4 / ? ? 1 I I / ?r :e d ? ? I y0.??- r I I l 1T Certificate of Survey For: Mr. 8r Mrs. GEDR? ?L 4222 Seauoia Drive C.S.A.N. N0.30 TIP } O } `?= kv,y ?'i?• ??t^ SnraP n. I ?.?Y. $7oRa6E AtiEA - weed p"les _ n:cc. md'd Cvrols - 9°v 011".4un - $sr?ol e..? 6rau?. 100.13 Meas. st-k ? ? - Q` ,w ?o / Lor s ? Gy°5s ? f .-1231;L LG7' 2 W, ? / . Oi Property Description -- ? Lot 3, Slock 1, EVERrREEN PARK, ? according to the recorded plat; I thereof, Dakota County, Minn. ' ? d I I y ? REGEOdED C?av I ? g = <0,? WAYIV COR-D S a 94575 - .S ti M Z ? Q ? v ? ? ? O Z !111: F- O ? a ? .. :' '..: :? ??':" J ? .. ? '. - -. ' ' ' . .. . .. .. >, .. 1 . . . .. .:-I, ':. -....lo -.. .??Z:?, ?'.l? ?- T l _ , ? .? ? r 'r. ? } . ii : ` _ . . ? f ?'f .__ ?....' ' K v ?. . . . , i,w: F? " _ _ _ "_ I s ' Y `?'?' ? LJ`T4f-? ?`?ts-'?,,.- `?-?.?R.. ?? u`1?-'?`?' r?-?huJ.ro a-V ??.o , , } OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 27199 8FA BLOM4UIST EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 M°'i°r PHONE: (672) 454-8700 7HpMqg EGqry .WN1E5 A. SMRH VIC ELLISON THEODORE WACHTER Councll Membars Noveraber 20, 1986 THOM4SHEDGES ' CRy Mminishata EIIGENE VAN OVERBEIE City Clerk MR. WALTER NELSON NELSON EQUIPMENT CO. 4205 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 Re: Expansion of a Nonconforming IIse (Carlson Acres, Block 1, Lot 4) Dear Mr. Nelson: On several occasions in recent years, the City of Eagan has contacted you regarding the outside storage of equipment related to the operation of your construction business. More recently you received correspondence from Mr. Greg Ingraham on February 27, 1985 and from Mr. Steven Schwanke on April 15, 1986. Both of these written correspondence specifically stated that your construction business was a nonconforming use in a residential area and is protected by the "grandfather clause" of the Eagan Zoning Code. It was also stated in Mr. Schwanke's letter that the extension of the nonconforming use (the outside storage of construction equipment) to adjacent properties would violate the grandfather clause of the Eagan Zoning Code and also violate City Code Section 11.10 which specifically prevents the expansion of a nonconforming use. A certificate bf survey prepared by Sigma Surveying Services indicates that the outside storage of construction equipment is encroaching upon Lot 3 of Carlson Acres. This does indeed indicate that your nonconforming use is expanding to adjacent properties and this activity must cease immediately. The City of Eagan encourages you to remove all materials from Lot 3 of Carlson Acres by Friday, December 5, 1986. Failure to meet this deadline may result in this matter being placed on the Tuesday, December 16, 1986 meetin9 of the Eagan City Council. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..iHE SYMBOL OF STREN6TH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIiV . S MR. NELSON NOVEMBER 20, 1986 - PAGE TWO I trust this matter can be resolved in an expedient fashion and in a manner that accommodates adjacent residents. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the recent events surrounding this matter or the contents of this letter. ? Sincerely, Dale C. Runkle City Planner cc: Thomas Hedges, City Administrator David Reller, Assistant City Attorney Patrick Geagan, Administrative Captain Gail Stahl DR/SS/cks HAIIGIE, F.IDE & HELLER, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CEDARVALE PROFESSIONAL BUILOINGS 3908 SIBLEV MEMORIAL MIGHWAY EAGAN.MINNESOTA 55122 PAUL H. HAUGE KEVIN W. EIDE DAVID 6. KELLER LORI M. BELLIN MICHAEL J. MAYER February 4, 1986 Mr. Thomas Hedges City Adminiatrator Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 S fi. /0"? 0?a Re: Nonconforming Use/Wally Nelson/Southwest Comer of Diffley Road and Pilot Knob Road Dear Tom: AREA COOE 812 TELGPNON6 454•4E24 Pursuant to your request, we have contacted a complaining resident in this area in regard to the above-described property. The basic complaints and our response are as follows: 1. The complaining party has indicated that the owner is storing equipment and firewood on the property. It ie our understanding, although we do not have the date when these activities first commenced, that this use is a nonconforming uae under the City Zoning Code. In addition, an officer of the police department has inapected the aite on at least one occassion for violations of any portions of the City Code relative to junk, finding only that one car was not licenaed and was immediately licensed or removed. 2. Complainant has atated that his or her property receivea large amounts of run-off due to snow plowing on the offending property and the construction of a large garage which the Complainant indicated was constructed without a proper public permit. We have been advised by Dale Peterson that a building permit wae provided for the garage. Further we are aware of no method of preventing a party from piling snow on his own property. 3. The moat aignificant complaint is that the Complainant has alleged that the use of the property has been expanded onto adjacent property increasing the parking area for equipment and the amount of anow atorage. If the claim is true, then the owner of the property may be in violation of City Code Section 11.10 which prevents the expansion of a nonconforming use f J Mr. Thomas Hedges Fehruary 4, 1986 Page Two and refera to prior to City Ordinance Section 6. City Inspector Dale Peterson has indicated that it ie not possible to determine the boundary of the property without the requeat of a survey. The City does not appear to be required to make auch a survey. However, it may be possible to verify the boundary through Mr. Nelson or the adjacent owner, perhaps suggesting it may be Mr. Nelson's responsibility due to his use which is inconsistent with the surrounding residential uses. Sincerely youra, HAUGE, EIDE & KELLER, P.A. David G. Ke11er ?`?"'? '?`DGK:cjb , ? . ; ? ' My oF esagan 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21109 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (672)454-8100 February 27, 1985 V 0 ? ? WALTER NELSON NELSON EQUIPMENT CO 4205 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Mr. Nelson: BEA BLOM9Ui5i nnav« THpMAS EG.4N JAME5.4-StvAiH JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER . CWncY Memben THOMAS HEDGES ' CiN Atlmirtistrafa EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CiNClnk , The City of Eagan has received complaints from some of your neigh- bors about the expansion of the area you store construction equip- ment in. As a non-conforming use in a residential area we would hope that you keep in mind the impact of your business on the surrounding property owners and would contact them prior to any expansion or chanqes in use. By keeping the area well organized and screened by fencing or landscaping you can minimize the effects on you neighbors. Sincerely, Greg H. Ingra am Assistant City Planner cc: Gail Stahl Paul Hauge, Tom Hedges, GHZ/jeh . City Attorney City Adiministrator THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN >`--- : ------ --- - - Z_5_-8S - 2 - •- --- --- - -----=_-- : ----- - -- ----------- - - --- ---- ---------- -- F-, ?------`oreP !?w- k ---??"'sia,,-q?---coNrsievcrra?J_ _te???a?.a-,?--bus,?s.s ._. I -- ::. P.1?1,?onl--EQutPN?rr -??• ---------- -- ' --?i-/ - ---- --/?--- - ?` -----------/--I---------------- .. ..-?--------?---7o?M wai. _fo2i?eK_ . q[ ---?i ?o-1_?.w? Fwa. -? --?aux1+ F? ?D ? ?-? ---------'---? ?-- -- - - -- - - --- -- ------ -- ?------ ---- - - - - .- --- T lJ - ---- - + -- ---- ---------- ?-'?__?,Je?aN?__ 624 0 ?ks_ro.,PJt- ?- - J - - - / CYt?? . ? -- --T?le? -?+e,?---.Ate__1/o??..-_$-/ouaq .._CO?37kuc?io?_.-?4v?pmPiY%_o??c?oz.RSl rv??J ? / ?f 1! , V I?- . ------?--J-- - - ' - - - _?- --- -=------ 1qb`1dtV oF eagan io -/(a ?w -o yo -o-v JUI72 17, 1996 THOMAS EGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER Walter Nelson SANDRA A. MASIN 4205 Pilot Knob Road THEODORE WACHTER Council Members Eagan, MN 55122 THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Adminisirator Re: Expansion of Nonconforming Use/Outdoor Storage E.J. VANOVERBEKE Ciry clerk Dear Mr. Nelson: This letter is a follow-up to our conversation earlier today regazding the outdoor storage of vehicies and equipment related to the operation of your business. In response to a complaint we received, city staff conducted a site review of the properry on Friday, May 31, 1996, and found several commercial vehicles (trailers, dump truck and semi- rractor) stored on the driveway between your property and Diffley Road. As you know, the business use of your residential properry is grandfathered in under the provisions of the City's nonconforming uses ordinance. This City ordinance allows the continued operation of an existing nonconforming use, but prohibits expansion of any nonconforming use. We are not trying to hazass you or restrict your business operation; however, the grandfathered status of your business applies only to Lot 4, Block 1, Carlson Acres, and does not apply to the driveway area along Diffley Road. This driveway azea was tumed back to you in 1989 when a portion of the DifIley Road right of way was vacated. Storage of business related vehicles and equipment in this driveway area constitutes and expansion of the nonconforming use and therefore, a violarion of city ordinances. To bring the properry into compliance, all construction and business related items must be removed from the driveway area along DifIley Road and contained solely within Lot 4, Block 1, Cazlson Acres. Within seven days of receipt of this letter, we expect a reply from you indicating your intention and a schedule of compliance with our request. Please call me at 681- 4689. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Michael Ridley ? Senior Planner bcc: Tom Hedges, City Administ MUNICIPAL CENTER 3930 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681 -a612 iDO:(612)a54-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV Equal Opportunify/Afflrmaiive Acilon Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN. MINNESOfA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FA%: (612) 681-4360 iDD:(612) 454-8535 io-i&?Ioo -o(yo -o() - city of eagan TO: Mike Ridley FROM: Pam Dudziak DATE: May 31, 1996 MEMO /???--- i,- . SUBJECT: Walter Nelson, 4205 Pilot Knob Road This memo is a follow-up to inform you of the status of the above case. I conducted site visits on two occasions to this property, and have reseazched the pazcel file for historical context with regard to the grandfathering in of the business use of this residential property and its non- conforming status. February 1985 - Letter sent to owner requesting that storage azea be kept neat, confined and screened. February 1986 - City received letter from Dauid Keller, Attorney, stated expansion of nonconforming use onto adjacent property is violation of city ordinance. April 1986 - City sent letter again reminding the owner to contain all outdoor storage on "property owned by you." November 1986 - Encroachment of outside storage azea into Lot 3 was confirmed. Lot 3 was not owned by Mr. Nelson, and letter was sent advising him to remove equipment off of Lot 3. March 1987 - Owner submitted request to City to rezone property to LB. Rezoning was denied. 1989 - The City vacated a strip of land along Diffley Road upon which is now located a private driveway, the westem part of wluch is a joint driveway (subject to easement agreement). The eastern 349 feet of the driveway is not included in the joint driveway easement. October 1993 - City sent letter to owner, again advised that business use is grandfathered in and expaasion is not allowed. Letter requested that storage which had expanded to adjacent Lot 3 be removed and located on his property oniy. May 1996 - After visiting the site on two sepazate occasions and observing commercial vehicles along the private driveway, I contacted Mr. Nelson to discuss the issue. He claims that when the land adjacent to Diffley Road was vacated and the driveway installed, it was turned back to the adjoining properry owners and that that portion adjoining Lot 4 is now his property and he can pazk his vehicles on his own driveway. I explained that the grandfather status applied only to Lot 4 and not to the additional property where the driveway is now located. Therefore, the business vehicles could not be pazked within that driveway azea and that Memo - Walter Nelson 4205 Pilot Knob Road Page 2 they had to be confined only to Lot 4. Mr. Nelson was quite rude to me over the phone, said the City was harassing him, he wants to know who complained about lus property, and that if this continued he would sue the City. The question remains whether the grandfather clause extends to the entire property owned by Mr. Nelson as he contends, or only to Lot 4 as has been our interpretation in the past. However, the issue of pazking on the joint driveway along Diffley Road apparently has not been an issue and was never addressed in ihe past. cc: Tom Hedges, City Adminislrator O . S I3119?0 ?I ??? ? Q'?P n.??i?e,w. sot R 'lT _?.?rw ! I ? ? 0 ••?e•??•?e• " ?a? ' SC-'.k-lt: /? /AV ,li ?? t•n.o?• :.? w ? ? kNP1 .,, F. eAw i'. •/ 0.41•50•36• ? COUNiI' JI PAqiNERS 1 I iwr.ont cues ? NNFV ? nr uo.oo I ???eisa ? 1, ? i. rc. ite.roIe i ui. mr,.•r . a.rc a? L a ( I •__t??r? s.:? c.s a. ' I oe Lr - cauereucr rne+1wa..vc?}Hr p•sd ? ; ?_ ? ? .. . . . = - - !--- -----?. .n, co .r. . I . • ,, i I .1 ? I ? •? ' i. . TO: Mike Ridley l6Y?,U oy()oo a,?, awa-d- ? MEMO FROM: Pam Dudziak ?- DATE: May 31, 1996 SUBJECT: Walter Nelson, 4205 Pilot Knob Road ° This memo is a follow-up to inform you of the status of the above case. I conducted site visits on iwo occasions to tlus property, and have reseazched the parcel file for historical context with regard to the grandfathering in of the business use of this residential property and its non- conforming status. February 1985 - Letter sent to owner requesting that storage azea be kept neat, confined and screened. February 1986 - City received letter &om David Keller, Attomey, stated expansion of nonconforming use onto adjacent property is violation of city ordinance. April 1986 - City sent letter again reminding the owner to contain all outdoor storage on "property owned by you." November 1986 - Encroachment of outside storage area into Lot 3 was confumed. Lot 3 was not owned by Mr. Nelson, and letter was sent advising him to remove equipment off of Lot 3. Mazch 1987 - Owner submitted request to City to rezone property to LB. Rezoning was denied. 1989 - The City vacated a strip of land along Diffley Road upon which is now located a private driveway, the westem part of which is a joint driveway (subject to easement agreement). The eastem 349 feet of the driveway is not included in the joint driveway easement. October 1993 - City sent letter to owner, again advised that business use is grandfathered in and expansion is not allowed. Letter requested that storage which had expanded to adjacent Lot 3 be removed and located on his property only. May 1996 - After visiting the site on two sepazate occasions and observing commercial vehicles along the private driveway, I contacted Mr. Nelson to discuss the issue. He claims that when the land adjacent to Diffley Road was vacated and the driveway installed, it was turned back to the adjoining property owners and that that portion adjoining Lot 4 is now his property and he can pazk his vehicles on his own driveway. I explained that the grandfather status applied only to Lot 4 and not to the additional property where the driveway is now located. Therefore, the business vehicles could not be pazked within that driveway azea and that ? e7-?r 10 - city of eagan . Memo - Walter Nelson 4205 Pilot Knob Road Page 2 they had to be confined only to Lot 4. Mr. Nelson was quite rude to me over the phone, said the City was harassing him, he wants to know who complained about his property, and that if tlus continued he would sue the City. The question remains whether the grandfather clause extends to the entire property owned by Mr. Nelson as he contends, or only to Lot 4 as has been our interpretation in the past. However, the issue of parking on the joint driveway along Diffley Road apparendy has not been an issue and_ was never addressed in the past. cc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator ` / / j I ? : ?• / 5/ticu,.t ue..t. ..,. 3.er KNnr ? hW fN6 ./ u.n•v•er I Q L l. IC. ?tf.t0?0 i pt. w?x»r .t 1t1?m? .--tLl!_ J•tiq C s 0. t?.i? lt ( 1 , _ MNPI --- 31? --- I cotMir 31 r?wntns W ?..........s.....' bTlM,q)s ?,,... ?? c < .?•, . ..rf.?e. c. .. . r. ? ? . ? 1 1. ? f :JO ?? I I ? . ' ? . fAxllnk[ If0 n?9 ? •l ? C M ? • ? ?? ? _ ? i c: : •.?. •: , ? ? ; ' ? _ : - -. .: - " "i ?°` ?,i:? n-i. n.,,. :i ? ? 1 . • .. ? . .... _... .. .. .?? Y v10 . ?- ' ~q i ' :?: - • V .t ?oLau?.oah#r°¢1?'! , I • ? ? . n.,, Y ?• - ' . ^ 4a n3.oe.9 ..'--'-------- ; . - _ t.t?? _"' . •? - -. ?? O = v :o : }-- , ? e ?•? , - ??• ? . ? ? I1? t? ? ?'• ? - G .._ _ JI ? ? ? ?'?r ? COw1! ?Yr ; _ ' C _ _ J1?': ? ??.?,o. '? ?F?? I ? t ? ?m• ??. .? $1... . t ":.. ? d ... .? a .LE Ft OA .? el. ?.tn • [an.. ?it w. ? UU?-S ? ? Riov[ M?.u L-,jL4 nt WAlic?WLsn ¢ ? a P .a?nc? ?. ?crv?u "I?aa 2v- , tF ?? .RI MCwroaL Jow?7^'.i? ik,cl--o -?-'?l . . Lo-t w ? ? : , ; , •. --= . . ..... . ....... .. .... ? I ? , _ -? .. _..,.... _ - -_ : --?. ...... -?...-__. -- . ... _ _. . __ __ _...._...._._. ? - ? /0 /b 5rao o? o 0 awue 3 Walter V. Nelson 4205 Pilot gnob Rd. Eagan, Mn:. 55122 Mr. Tom Hedgea Administrater City of Eagan „• ' 8ept. 26, 1977 , . Dear Mr. Hedges: , This letter ie in regards to apeCial aseessment Por aewer Carlson Avres. 2 believe I am being unjustly assesaed aceord- ing to meighboring property'oraners. At the public bearing'that was held'-on thia project, I was assured by city eng. Mr: Rdsene that in no wqy would I be asaeased more than 200 ft. oY sewer'lateral. T-am being assessed for 350 ft., Mr: 8osenes reasofiing is thgt I have two seperate sernicea atubbed into My property therefor Ishould pay-Yor add. 150 ft. of lateral, when actually?/I have lesa'than 200 Yt: ?. When the aewer lateial was insta9:led, I thought ae long as I had to pay for 200 ft. it made no'difference which aide oF property it was inatalled on. I have approximately 135 Pt. on Pilot %nob &d. & approximately 58 Yt. ori Co. Rd. 30. ? PZy feeling is that I ahould not bave to pay the add. 150 ft. of lateral that I am being aasessed Por because it was never inatalled. I do belie*e I ahould ps3r for addional water & sewer stub, I each. I would like thisymatter brought?before the assessment committee so it can beiresolved before -0ct. 15, the deadline for peying assessment without penalty. ' • i 1 ? Sincerely,, I i ? i ' ? 1 EAGAN TOWNSHtP BUILDING PERMIT .. Owaer . . . . .......... .....-------- ....... Addsess (Presanf) ...??:.Q.S------ .U..-e.:..... Builder ........ Addrecs ...... DESCAIPTION N° 1926 Eagan Township Town Hall Defe _"-f.z/...I6/`A . ................. Slozies To Se Used For Fron! Depih Heighf Esl. Cos! Permi! Fee --- Remarke I ° LOCATION or ? ? 1 d?t? A-? This permiY does noi auSdorise !he use of elreets, roads, allepe or sidewalks nor doea it give the owner or hSs ageni the righ! !o creafe anp siluafion which is a nuisanee or which preseais a hazard to the healih, safeSp, conveaieace and general welfare !o anpone in the communify. TIiIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPdT? -O--NTHE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. ? This ia !o ee:rifp. Shal..:?eLllt!?.^c`-'!.?'."?-................. has permission !o ereet a-.r4.........?.---.? ................. . upoa ...-'---°......_ the above described psemise subjec! !o the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan Township opied April 11, 1955. (v?n Q n,/? ?e...."""-"---_...._.-''1.'-.--."_:----_-" ............... Per ..........--...'_....t..(.y_t-?-.._.(L?.°.:"`!..a...-.`?.'.G?'='C`'-?..""•""".. ? Chairxr?n of Tnwn Saard Buildin Ins ecSOr 4•b ? ? ? ? I 3 a?' a 1?/PopeSED uT,'/. 0 C ?ll AI T??l ? II/ Lr/ S O-V NN U/J y - C?re?v? Ac??-S _~, Er%• Cc5% ?/3 =° 00 . /?' O ? 0 10a, ? NATHAN, BASKA & LERMAN ATTORNEVS AT L/' W EAGAN EAST E%ECUTIVE BUILOING 3435 WASHINGTON DRIVE. SUItE 200 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55722 16 1 21 454-0505 DALE C. NATHAN _ DARREL A. BASKA ESTHER M.LERMAN Apri1 3, 1987 Ci[y Council City of Eagan Re: Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Nelson 4205 Pilot Knob Road Dear Council Members: o?4p 00 ?GrtsM (}crPA LYNDA J. NELSON LAURA J. SLETTO LEGAL ASSISTANTS I represent Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Nelson in connection wi[h their application [o rezone property located at the intersection of Pilot Knob and Diffley Roads. They are seeking to rezone the property from single family residental to a classification that allows construction of a small office building. I wish to emphasize certain aspects of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson's request. The property involved is located literally on one of the corners of the intersec[ions. You are of course aware that both Pilot Knob and Diffley Roads will be widened to four lanes during the nex[ two or more years. Diagonally opposite Mr. and Mrs. Nelson's property is a shopping center, which was construc[ed in the last few years. On the ?orthwest corner oE the in[er- section is a professional building. Opposi[e Mr. and Mrs. Nelson to [he east is a church. With respect to the intersec[ion i[self, we understand it is expected to soon become the second busiest in Eagan. It is overwhelmingly clear that the intersection is no longer sui[able for a single family resi- dental dwelling. I wish [o call your at[ention to a decision of the Minnesota Court of Appeala that I believe underscores a legal obl.igatio? on the part of the city to be reasonable in granting a change in zoning. In Amoco Oil Company v. City of Minneapolis, C3-86-992, Finance and Commerce, October 31, 1986, the court said: "A municipality has broad discretionary power to deny an applica[ion for a conditional use permit, but it canno[ do so arbitrarily ... When the municipality states reasons for denying the permit a reviewing cour[ may reverse [he decision if the reasone are legally insufficient or if the decison is without factual basis. *** • City Council April 3, 1987 Page Two "It appears to this court that [he real reason the city council denied granting the permi[ wae because of objec[ions from the neighborhood and the neighborhood's council member. The simple fact that community members oppose a landowner using his land for a particular purpose is not a legally sufficient reason for dening a special use permit. Barton Contracting Co., v. City of Afton, 268 N.W2d 712, 718 (Minn. 1978) DECISION "Because the city's comprehensive zoning plan is not a legally sufficient reason for denying the conditional uae permi[ and because the evidence does no[ support a finding of de[rimental impac[ on the neighborhood, we reverse and remand for the trial court to enter judgment ordering the city to isaue the permit." Attached is a copy of the decision refered to. Thank you for your consideration of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson's application. Sincerely, Dale C. Nathan DCN/ks enclosure cc: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J F6LDAY, OGTOBER 71, 1lB6 court a N.M.7d 778, 770 ?llinn, 19797. In thls cese summary judqment ves apProprlate Gecause thera vere m material facts in etspo[a and the trlal }uaqa neeEed only to app]y Lhe lav of neqllgence to [ho faeta of thl• caae. The only issue remainlnq (g.whethar the [rlal judqe eorrec[ly apPlled chc lev to [he unOlepuced fae[s.[n cha TenpraaCum accaep6nylnp lta orAar, the [rlal <our[ statad that [he Eenqer poseC by tM hill raa so oDvlous tnn[, as emattar of lev, •ppellanc ehoulA hsva Deen aware of che rink involve0. •nC [het there vu no evltlence indlca[Inq thn[ reaponGants •hould have en[lelpaCeE [he resvltinq harm. thta deten+lnatlon rq OueA on Re.t.tsmenc of torc• 2A f 341A <I9651. rnlch statu, UT A posuasor ot 1an0 1• eot IIs01e to hle lnvltua [or pAyslcat harw cauud to [hem Oy •ny ac[IrlGy or conEttton on th• Iand rhose eaeqer ta knorn ot obrlout [o [nen, unleu th• Dassessor shoulE •ntlclpa[e'- th• harn desplb sueh knorleOqo or obvfousnass. Nctlan 747A applle• ta Draclude liablllty ot • pospuor o[ bnd [or ham eaused Oy de[ecU o0vioua to [ha pL(ntlt[. Mb[sOn v. M. T. \ayleiph. 274 Mlnn. 495. 497. 144 N.Y.Id 555• 557 (1966). Tlu tut [or obvlousnau 1• not rAe[her the tnJund patty aetually ur eM Aanqer, Dut whe[her it ras ln lacc •lslble. Xuno• v. lboloDaume tooA Narket [ne . 793 Ninn. 477• 434. 116 N.M.7d 911. 922 119771. Munae rea![lnwd the Mlnnozot• rulg tAaL rhen tho dmnpor /s apDarene, reeovetY l• preeLuAeO. /[LGV v. C4CY O! Noo[IINC, 84 Nlnn. Zl]. =75-76. !l N.N. 180, 740-61 I19011. 7T6VQ aro, hovewr. •lewtlons ln rhleh ehe ppueuor ot land can aiM thould antlcipate 'tMt • Gangerew tonOftton r111 c•us• n.m m .awwn• noewien.c.neino fu tnovn O[ ObVLOYs danqer. In sceh uus, tM Auty of rdnppa6l• care p[ [he poowowf cpulres hf• to rarn [he lnvlbs or to [ak• othor rouenap!• seeps te proeect hL apNnst an obvlout tlanper it'tho possessor ha• eeason to •xpeet [hat ena Inv(too rill MYe[[he1H• suHor PhrilCal harm. MGrsort. 274 Ninn. K 497. 144 N.N.7d at 1137-S1. Wh11e acknorledqliq thf• caveat to che "AilitY Oreeluaion. [M Wterson court noNd [het thsre aro aliuatton• rhIM .an ta oDVlously Oaryoroua..[hat [he posssssor Aal no Auty to rarn an invlte*. [0. •t 497, l44 p,M.ld at 558. ThI• +pproach (• •upporteA Dy [he unreTerkable proposleton Nat 'no una neeAS no[lce of rhat h• kmw• or re.sonaEly nay De sip4eteA to tnor.• 6owlee V. Urachel Gbaratortq• tnc , 595 ?..0 1361, 1765 (![A clr. 1979). fn thit case, cMre w• no •videncs to •uvVest. •nA R •p0e<<ant dtd not eLln, phat CAtrs w[• any niaa.n ar unob+vobl• coMltlons thaG wade [M hlll wore treacherou• or Aanyerous, Chan tt opvlouUY •ppeared to appellant. Tha erial cou[t Cotnetly nobtl CDat !he[e ru nothln9 Ca ineieaco !o nsponAenu, othOo Mon the obvlousneu of tho •tup •loW. that • Mrw vou1G nwlt [rm aDpollan[ AueanAlrp CDr hlll. A4P1Ylnp !]UA to tM tacts o[ thl• cue; IC fa elear that the stoopnosa oe tM hltl rs¦ [M on1Y aaMer popA, anA wu so obvlau• eMc no vaentnp !rw tespontlonts vu wrrantetl. D[ C[ e I O N ihe, utal mart correctly aranteA ruponCent• •uoary Judqpnt •nd dlulowA .owLi.nc'• ne9llqeec• clai• •i[h ' pro)udlp MCauw romperMont• hW no duty to wrn appellant -ot an.oevious Oanper. A[[IiYA. dTAT! Of N[MMC80211 IM CpURT p! AFPGLB #C%-t6-Ni bl! County lors6erq, JuAqe in b tM Ma[Clape oCi Tvllls 9rd sb0. petlefener. MaYne M. Sranson Polk Coenty Attorney - bspoMont. CYnthla E. osUl• Asdscan[ Caun[y Actorney 273 Lut 1th St[wt Vs• Crookaton, NN 56116 A1len Sral/CW. Geo[pe R. Du/• ' 510 4th Awnae Nortn llpWllant. P.O. Boa 1027 ' PM[po. ND 501a7 Mlchael C. O•Neal ]tt Nortq ScA S[reet faeqo. ND 50107 ' Iloeal Count.tl •lLd'OetoDer 30, I98• Moyne TschlAOarls, Clerk Mlnnesota eppollau Courb 8 t L L A0 U 8 f0110r109 • eustoly wAiflea[lon, eM crtll court Et0 not aOUso lb AlwreClon ln decllnln0 [o wdlty suPPort [or ehe tvo enlldnn me y1aeM in ap?llane-* cwtody. _ FINANCE and COMMERCE AEftrmed. - Consi.fere.f anrf decitleG Oy Foley, Pres(dinq dutlqe. Sldpvltk. JuCqe, antl fbrstem, Judae, w1tA oral ecqunent vaIvaE. M E-M O R A N D U M O P I N I O N FORSBENG,-JUdqe (1lon. John 3oue, Distrip[ Court T[!al dudge) inle appeal ts Eram an orCer ro0ucfnq Eu[ not ta[nlnKlrq appellan['s suoVOr[ obliqatlon follorlnq a pertlal chanqe In cuemdy o( ppa chllEren o[ tha Terrlsq.. W. eftlrm. ?ACTS Appellant Allan anA responAent Twlll. Sva1staU hare (QUr chlldren. Thelr nerrleqe re• Olssolv*Q'In 1977. Respon0en! w• qrmced cuetody o[ che Eour chllAran. Based oa' kMi StIpuLNOn oE [M perttet. [M Oeerse orAereO appellan[ to pay $600 per mon[h chitd suOPOrt. - rt the tlwe oE tha Clssotutlon, the Sra1sea0s.owneA a [oA rhlch ru !n tlnanclml Al[(tculty. to11ov1nq onttr o[ t11e Aeene, [here vst a foroelowro on [M 4rn uaeb. Msp1b tM •ale et thefs •ueu •[ •uctlan, ApDellant, rh0 had Won oNepd to pay !he marlcal e.ec., va• Lft r1[h sCate sM lM?r?l ta¦ ohllpa[kons. xe noveA [or, and ras qranted, • tainpprary reductlon fe <n1lA suPPort aml aIlwany. APMllant oec.in•a..pioy..ne H • ,)anltor. anA reurrlW. Nfm rlb la ewPloyotl. At [M tlea a( th* hoarlnp, m"FAenC w• not reeeIvlnO AlOC, bu[ ra• ilvfnp of[ a aptl lnMrltanee and [ooA Sqwpa pr(or !o returnlnq po J1lOC yhep Che (nlNtltanp ' ra• •RhounteC. She hes obnaqeE to oDb1n only oceae{qqi [amporary enplnyaent. , [n 1985. apPellent ?reA for • chanp, ln austoAy anq • terwinatfon o[ ehlld support. Ths court or0ote0 the [ro olAett chllAren PLced ln •PPellant'• custadY but Cid noc t*mlnat• or reEuce eh/ltl support. In 1966, aPWllant a9aln wpvW tor •. iwOl[Icatlon o[ ch110 support? bseed on th• chanps !n cusGody •nC •n fnsbil(tY ta pay eupport o ordereE. The trlal courc orOSnd support brm(nateA lor ch• tro chllAran /n appollon['• <ustody, Eut ntdnW tM oravlaus tuppor[ level o[ $150 per wnth per ehllA ter !M other [vo ehlltlren. 0 E C I S 7 O N rM1e trial cour[ prm[e0 eppallant'• wotlon ln6o4c &* it . tonrtneteA aupport ior eM chtlAren ptaeee In h/e eu,eoCy, PetpantlenL Aw• not Sbk reater oE thls woAl[iwtbn o[ Support. Ap"llant EaIIed to Shor a cMnqe o[ e5rmasbneos maklnq [he •upport ortlsr a• to the o[har Cro chll0ren unnuenaDL anE untslr. Mlnn. 9tet. ! 5I8.64, mu0d. 3 (19041. 11s the trLmt . cuurc nocod, tMre i• no noor0 ot the Portlon' finanelal clrcuestaneN In I977, wMn tMy a[lpa1KeA to tM tupport fiqum. tf •nythlnp, appellant's [lnsnelal elremsunn• have lAprave0. Nhile havln0 Cwtody o[ tvo chlldren iner7jkNa At• axpansee, M will o0 1onper pay chlla suppert [oe thm. . A tutthet reAueUon oL suppa[t veulC In a[[eCt hav* P1acW • qaea[ar Eutdon oE •upporG on reapondent, vhame Hnawp{a1 ruourcas# otMr than •small Inh*rllaawl sha i• rpvlrep ((nt to aRheust, an llmICeA to povenwnt au1s4nce. 6uep pomHta ? an wt •lneomia• (or purpou• ot tAe <hitd auPport qulAellMs. We V. YttfEO. 753 M.M.7d 744. }LS-K IMlnn. Ct. App. I984). 1To t[Ial eourt,ws not reQulrM to erAer her te pay supqrt toe eh* chfldnn no lonpar ln her custo0y, anE Men ws m apuse of dlacnllon ln fdtinq !o !o go. See Mlnn. e[at. { 514,{), sypa, 4 (190418 e!. G* v. riqDO. 7S3 X.M.24 •[ ]i[ IOEIIqpC Ma bAd eIqnltlunt eerninp• ln aAaltlon ta pu4lle uglRaneo PraWrly orloreU co pay wvPOetl. 6M dws, noc hore [esOYPNs exc"dlny CM nu0s ot herself anA tM chllAren !n Mr eusto0y. C[. LInAeman y, Llnderwan. 764 M.M.=d 877. 875 (Ninn. Ct. ppp, 1915) fvMn pann[• sPllc euitoEY$ rlb vlth •icus ruaurNs w• reyutred m WsoL suppnrt o! ChllOron In her eustoAy), 'Rq trlal courc ElA not •buu Ite Alwnt/on 1n GoCllninp to hrther reduee or ellalnate tuPPOrL . A[tlrrA. ST11TL O? MINM690tA IN COUPT OP APP[ALO C7-86-1f3 N-nmpln Ceunty rnneo oll Cwpany. •pMllanc. Gat/e. JW9e Phlllp M. Gttt PePIn. Wyton. Natr11. Cr??an; i Ge[• 970 LuWec Ktchanpe r.n soucn etfcn sc:..c Nlnnupolls. 11N 55402 23 24 FINANCE and COMMERCE Court ofAppeds/CivilOptntens FR[DAY. OCTODSR 71. 1oM V9. City oF Xinneepolis, pober[ J. Aif[on City Attorney kenpondenc. NH liem C. Dunning Assi.s[ant Ci[y Atmrney A-I700 Government Center Minneapollg, MN SSIP] FileA October ]B, 1986 Mayne tachimperle, Clerk Mlnneaote ApPella[e Courte S Y L L A B 0 5 TTedey covneil•a daclnlon m reEuae to qren[ eppeltant e enntlltlonal uea pernlc qm mc aapporced Dy leqelly nuf[ICtmt reaeons. ReveruA ana rmn0ed. HurA, tonsIperetl an0 n.oiasa hV Parker. Prreldlnp Judqe, IorsWrq. JuApe. anA 4s11e JuA9s. O P I N 1 a N LLBL76, JuOqe (MOn. Mllllam Postan, D1s[r1c[ Coart Trial audgc) Tn• Clty ot Ninneapolle den(Oa Aaoco Oil Cowpany's •pp L utlan tor a eondltlonel usa peralt to oDere[a e [wnty-tour-hour combinet3on pes a[etion ena procery ecore Mtause CM •tor• eontlf<uA rith the city•e comprenenelve ionlnp plan •1M Meauae it roulO A*tr.hnen[slly Impect upan nefAhDOrinq rpld*nta. Jlsaco 6raupht •n actlon aqatnst the city for Ceelaratory and !n]unetlve cq le(, Boch partiss Mevea [or wmMfy juApMnt an0 the trlal tour[ aranted the dty's ao[Ion, nEuelny to set Asi0e the c1[y eounefl•• delerminetlon. Ne nwree. rAcra Appellant lboto O11 CoMDany wentea co camer[ a qu statlon •c 54Lh Street •n0 Lyn0o1e AvenUe In Minneapolte [ron e erndltlonU •orvlcr •tatlan to a trency-tourhour qes and conwMenee •mre. The tacillty was lomted in an area zoneA to perwft euch •n opara[lon, buc tha oyner wes requireO [o obtefn • tonAltfnnal use Dermf[ to opera[e tho (acility Oetrean I1i00_p,m. anA 6:30 a.m. Y On Octobe[ 32. 1984 Amaco t13aC en eppl{cetfon for e conAltlonal umar permlt. The •tett at the MlnnesPOlfa PLnnlnq DtDa« ment '[eeomwended drnytnq the aDOlica[lon fot ?ewntY'tTR-Mur urrfco Tor ere rwsons, rIrst, tM C1ty0• eomprononslv :oninp p Ln fud dasiqneeed[ha •rea ea a •nelqnDOrnooC retall' area. Censequently, the twenty- EOUr-hour operKfon roulA be contrary Co cAa intent of the comprahennlve nlan. SeeonA, wcauss of the noise, 1lqhts, [refElt enA settvtty CAat rould •ylet •Il niqht, the counsel fel[ the trenty-lour-hour oparatfon rou10 be injurioua to the single Eamily reefdencee that are SouteC Irss dlately to the reet of the taclltty. llmoco met rlth [M MaDI• rAo livod adjecenc to the (ec111ty•rW "do ehanqes ln 1ts planR to [ry to lenaen the atlveru Inpaet on tht neIQhDOn. Speclllcmlly, Awoco agreed to Oulld a rooAen [enee Dutwen lt• proDer[y en0 Itn ne19hboca, fnetall npeclal . I1pDts, reloeab tAo curb eut on 54th Street [o avofd confllcH ng [r+[[/e tlove, anA llmft qasollne Aallverlee and operetlon of the car weh to W[vean 7m00 •.p, enE 10s00 p.m. TMae cMnQae apparencly •atle[led tho nelqhDore rho than aignad a let[sr a00reaead to chelt Uty oouncll mawDer Charlee Noyt etatlnq that tDsy could l5w with the Lvency-four-hour oparatlon If Amocn roultl •trSetly aAhen to tMlr contl{Clene. On Aprll 10, 1985 the plenninp comwfsslon eonAUtteE a hearlnq m AMoce't ConElttona] uee perbit. The plannfnq commiesion votetl to apprave llwco's &ppllcatlon, epecl[iu lly tindinp cnat the planneA mo0lficatlana rectlffed the [vo inaAeQUacfea upon rAtch th* plennlnq sbLE haA Dued Ita recosmende[fon [or danlel. The applicatlon w• than prasented to the Eonlnq end Plannlnq Cor3[tae of eho Ninneapoll¦ City Councfl. BaseE on the oppwltlon oI qe. Hoyt the ionlnq and PLnninq Corlcte• EffapproveA the apDticatfon. The City Councll decllnad [o ae[ on the mettsr •nA referred 3t Ge<k to the 2onlnq end Vlannlnq Cmittee. At thfe tlse Me. Hoyt uplafne0 tnat ehe heE atteMtO a neiqh0orhood "etinq 1n rhich the reelCente decided tnat thfy did nat rant the twenty-four-nour operation. Atter other wee[lnye antl hearlnqs, the City Council refusetl to qran[ Awco'n eppllcallon on Juna 14, 1985. Amoco tnen orouqht en actlon (n dletrlct court to cawpel the ti[y [o feeue the parni[. Prm the dla[rfet court'e auasery yudgment [or the city, Moco •POeale. tssue DiJ the ci[y of Minneapolis act arGitrarily sad unreaaonaUly in denyinn Amwo's conAitional uee perm(t] ANALYSIS Contli[innel nrspecial use D¢rmite are ionlnp Oev1ce• dP?iqned [o mect proAlems [ha[ arisa rhen cer[atn uses,, althouph generally compariDle with the basic uae claasf(lcatlon oE a par[icular zone, shoulE nnt " permitted to Oe loeatW u • mat[er of ri0ht. in a parttculer ares of that sone Wuuu ot haterde Inhecent I. the uee I[eelf or Eetause o[ spae1a1 DraDIetY vhich. i[e propoeed locatlon may preaent. 2v1R• v. Cttv ot Crys[aL 287 M1nn. 197, 195, 167 N.M.1a 45, 40 (1969). Throuph u[Ilization ot condltlonal use permits cetGaln uses that way Do consitlerea desirenle [o the eonmunlty, Dut rhlCh rould noe Do auchorl.:oA y.nerelly In • partlcular aone Deeouso ef cunxldera[lone fnvolvinp puDltc heelth, atKy, or penoral vel[are, mey De permitted u0on • proposetl d b depenAlnp upon LM (ac[e and efrtumatancea of the par[lcular caar. Id. •t 195. 167 N.M.Td a[ 48-49. A sunlclpalltY Au Draatl Alseretlonary pore[ t0 Mny an applicetion [or e conAltlooal use Oermlt, but f[ camqt Ao sp arGitrorfly. Id. at 196, 167 N,N.3G •t 49. MAen the municfDalltY •tatee nuon• tor Eenylrp the perdL a nvlwlna court may rsversa the Aocfefon I[ the reasoM an lo"l{y Ineu[[icient or If [n• Ooclsfon fs -rftAOUt lactual e&als. Cnrvlne v. CroJ Mlna Cnunty. 309 Mlnn. 345, 352, 244 11,11,7A 403, 406 11976). The perty eukinp revlw Da• the oY[OoA of persueEing the rsvierlnq court [hat those tfnons are lpplly Inau(ticlent. 10. The nv3arinq court wust lnNpenOenlly nvlw the mun3cipsllty0s record •nd decfdon rlthout •tEOrOirq any npec(el Oefarenee to the Grlal eourt'a rwleM. NorthwaNrn Collepe v. Citv of Jlyden NI1L, 281 N.N.3d [6S, •6S (MIM1. 1979)(c1tlnQ Reseroe M1nln0 Co. v. Xerbst, 256 N.N.1E 809. 124 (Mfnn. 1977)1. The city tountil MMeC the permit lar tvo rouons. rint, the [aeLlty voWa eonfllct rlth the clty'• eopreMnslve sonlnq plan. 9aconG, the proyoeeA twnty-toue-AOUt [ae{I/!y rpy1Q eAverselY •tleee the reNAeneta1 -nHOnDO[s 4eeNei'ly pq' !M' Eecillty. Tpe cnuncfl •lm relled on • patitlon [em nelphEOts, who tliA not vent the tac111ty to opsnt• [won[y-four-hovre a Aay. Appellan[ 1ni[lally eontan0a [hat the ci[y app]ieO an incorrect 1e9a1 e[andar0 by ralylnq on the conprehenslve plan Lo jvetl(y Oen1a1 of ita perml[. Appelien[ arquee that the proparty ia eDecfficelly zoneU fot 'eonmunl[y earvl,ce' anA reta(1 uses, not juet •neiqAborAood ratall.• Althouqh the •nNqhbdtlwoA• aincricts sre 1nun0ed for the eonv*nlone*'ot poroons reAAlnp tn neerEy reetdontiel ueea, the •pqoanlty' Alatrfet• aq inbnqjp0 fo +ccommodate the nea0s Of • r1der Conw"r popuLtlOn. 11041 Minnenpolls Zoning CoES S 540.890o s 540.1260. Apqllapt aro"p eMt 1tatecillty ie • proper faelllty rfthln • epwuMty urdcg dletrlet en0 [ha! the clty eeuncll Improporly' re1tW on the 4camprehenslvo plan'a-cLu{t1cat3on. We pro. In NubDartl BroadCastlno. InC. v. CICY o[ AEton. ]Z) N.M.7A 757, fMfnn. 1982), the Minnawt• eupra" Court d/d !{n0 tlut ' inrnmpaUbilicy Aetreen the propoaed uu •nA • runfefpolty'• conpnhenalve soninp plen Ie a laqally sut[fclent npon!oe Oenfel oi e spaMal uae permlt. 10. et 763. Norever, the sonlnp ordlnanea !n Nub6ard apecf[ICally provldeA [hat eAa eomprehanslw plan snould Oe consldaroA In determinlnq vhe[Aar or rrot ee O[ant a epecial use p.rmic. Id. xueoara 1s dlsH npufeM61• on tAl• _ Oasin Ceceune auch fe nnt the caee here. Bpoe![INlly. M{nneepolis Ordinence S 534.710 Iteta the fectors rh{ch wee M canelEered in Aetarslnlnq rhether to qrent • conMlttonal ude permlc. I[ Ocee not liet the comprahenelve aonlnq plan o( the city as one oE the relevent [at[orn. . AdCiHonelly, uNlka the xonlnq In NuDDarA? NInMapolb' apecffic :onlnq plan pernits a 1lAfted varsfon o[ tM ptopwaC uae. unEer the N1nnu0oLe ioning cntle, a coaDina[lon mervlN aLatlon and retdl [aclllty v[th opeu[Snq haur• Wlwon 6s30 a.m. an0 11:00 0•m• is a DerwlesaEle uea 1n thls dSa[rSc[. Thus.. the Mlnneapolis comprohenafve pUn is ln coo[]1ct Wth tho npaclfic :nnlnq plan [or the rolavant •rea. Xa0 the clty r1she0 to xona tha relevant ue• a• s'netqA6arhoad reb11' d4trlel, prohIDiting the proposad usa, rather then a bamunfty eorric*• FHIDAY, OCI'OBER 71, 1ME f.ourtofAppeale/LYv1100laims FINANCEandCOMMERCE 25 dietrict, it could have done so. Ae believe ena[ in sueh a case intompe[ibility wich the comprehansive zoninq plan is no[ a leqally aufticlent basfe [or denylnq the condlcional usa permi[. Nor do we Deliave that the evtdence eupPorta a fintling [hat the twenty-four-hour oparacion v111 adversely aEfect the atljecent nsfOenttal neighbarhooC. After the planning s[aff orl9inelly tetoawnAad denytn9 the parelt becauae of the operacian's aOVeree affect on tM nsiqh6orhood# sppellant has made numeroue ehanpae In the statlon'e tonstruetlan. To rentrict llqht enG Oloro, ap0ellant Ineeailad llpht -etenEerAe rhfeh reduced liqht ep111spe a[ the ptoDorty Douneary [o ane-[ench of a tooc canE U. llppellint furthar epcaed [o construct an •lqht loot roo0en (ence Mtreen it• bulldlnp anA the allay Mtraan 1t anA tho housae, and to eonslruet the elta ao as to proAlDlt w[sr dreina0a lnea the alloy. To re0uea nofse, apDellsnt aQreaA to l/m1t car reaAae •nd pasolfne, dellwrle• to MtWon 7,00 a.n. end 10:00 p.w. fina11Y, oppNlant aOr*atl to reduce the en[ranta alonv 51[h Street to ona eurD cut to avolA contlfctfng traf[ic flore. Theeo chanqes •Dparently satSstlaO the plannlnq ataE[ rhicb rocomwenOeE qran[lnp the parmlt alter aOPellant aqreed to [qeae <onAS[lone. N1i1]• oDMllant prubn[ed •11 thla evtdenm [o shw tMt [M operatlon ?ou1C not oAversely affec[ [h• nalqhbore, the clty 0resentsd m rvttlance that the opentlon roulA in<raeoa tnf[Ic, I1qAt, or nolea In the erea. Inetead, I[ reliad ax[enelvely on the nsfAent{al character ot the nefqhDOrhood in vAlth appellant rSS?mis tolout! It• faclll[y. The elty notae thst the facfllty f• adjatenc to • 1*r0e •tnq1• tasfly naiqhborhood, •nd arques tMt the lacllfcy rlll oLvfously advorsely a[fect the nelqnDOro. 7Te elty (Oll• to rrote tMt • twnty-[ourAOUr Convanl*nea store 1• locateA •crw• tM strut troe MpOoIlanc•s praparcy ?n0 GMt nu"roua ather eotiwrelal Eulldln9a are loesesd on eM Dluek. PurtMnwre, the •re• I• opecfflcally ionaA to pornlt [wnty-[our-hour yu staLtons u lon9 aa no qrocariae ate sold on ' the Orowlwa. No •vidance tn tM ncord •hows that eppellant'e pLnMa uu Is pors fntrusive lhen ueea rhlch ere alruEy perwltbd ri[houL • tonAltional usa permlt. Coneequan[ly, w Mlieva the evl0anca Ooes no[ eupporc the councll'e f(ndlnq thet the Dropose0 opera[lon voWd aEVors9]Y •(Ewc tM ?A).c.nt MIyhOorhoe0. i It"fs rell •staDllshetl that rhers a soning orelnanc• - sDeci[foe eeandarde to aDDly in AeCerminlnq vhether or not ro qran[ a co1WlClonsl usa petsit and the epplicant fully compltae vlth the sDecified •tandardep • denlal of the permlt ls arElerary . •s a qtlar of law. Nav v. Torrmh10'oE Grav, 396 Mlnn. 1, S, 106 N.M.pp 19, 23 (1973). the coundl •rroneously relied on the , comPrehenslve Plan to Justl[y denlal af the permit •nC the wJOahneo Aoma not •uDPort the couneil'a tfndfnq that the propoeaE opeqtfon rou1E adversely a[lett the aOjacant nalqhborhood. No tMretore Wlteve the c1ry tounc/l •cted arC1[rsrily In denying the perwit. It aOMars to chle cour[ [ha[ the rael reeson the cfty counctl Oenlea qrantln9 the perdC waa Deuusa o[ oo)ecGlone tron the neiqhborAOOd an0 the neiqhborhoad'a counctl aemEan TM s1mpU lac[ tMt eauunity nasbers oppose a len0ovner uslnq h3e IarM to[ • DartlcuLr purpofe fe not a lagally suffitient reaeon for AenYlnp a•pec1al use Perslt. 9arton Contrecelna Co. v. Ci[v ot Jlfton, 268 N.M.=0 712, 718 IMlan. 1978) DECIS]ON Becauw the tity'• coaprehenelv sonlnq plan le, mc e laqelly wfticlant raaeon [or denylnq the conOfcional usa pernlt end Mcwsa the evlAenea doee no[ support e findinq oE tletrlmen[el Spact on the neSqhDOrhooO, re raversa enC remend for the trlal court to enter ]ud9ment ocASrlnq tne c{ty to laeua the parml[.Ao"reaA and reundetl. S'fATE Or XINNBSOTr iN COORT, OP NPPEALS C3-86-4]4 Norman Cnun[y Lealie, duEQe 1n the 11atter oL the Me1[are of$ andrev J. Nambech, Jr. J,J.L.B., R.S.l.. •nd S.M.B. P.O. Byz 340 Nehnonen, MN 56557 A[[ocney [or ADDellent Jemee E. 0'Gorman Spae. bae. Norman Coun[y A[[orney Tnorval0een, Bevson, Malmn[row L Sorum 1105 xiqnvay Ten Cost P.O. Boa U50 Oetroit Lakee, MN 56501 ,Attorney tor Raependant Filea occoner 70, 1906 Nayne Tsehtsperle, CLrk tlinneeoU Apptllate Coucb S Y L L A B 0 5 1. TAa eviAence supporu eM trlal eourt•a tomlnatfon of spn+llen['a psrental riahta. 3. The rr1a1 enurt aGa9uatelY LaunQ that aPOollont'• preeent con0ition rould conlSnuo Lor • prolarpeA, tnAatlnlti, Pe[ioE oI tlwe. . . 7. Appellan[ raa aot unAuly DrejuOfcoA OY tM eouetY'• tblay in preparlnq e[oster Placewnt plan rMn [M MLy wa parclally ceue¢d by eppallsn['e noncoopsratlon •n0 rlwn O«or court o[OSra Inforwe0 *ppellant o1 what sho ha0 Co Oo t0 re"1n cuftOdy ot Mr ch{IAren. 4. The [rlal cou[C Ofd n0[ fmp[operly aAm{t hH[say evldenee. A! t i rKd. Neam, eonsidere0 antl AeclOeG Dy Perher, ProafAfnq JuOqe, PorsGrq. Judne, and'Laelia, Judqa. O P I N 7 O N LCSW E, Judge (llon. IlSltan Fludt, DisirSe6 Court Trlal Jndgs) The lrlal caurl tsrwfnateE epp&ILnt•• parenbl rtphLs •tbr /InAfnq her chIlEran ver• neqlected an0 In [ost*[ ear*. Appellant cla/ws the 0v1Aonce do*• not •uppert ' the deternlnatlon, th. [rfal eeure ma0e 1nade9uate H ndlnps. the enun[y preSuAicielly Aelayed fn waklnp • toobr pla[wnt ylan, sn0 [tke trlal eourt Ieproperly .e.iee.a hamruy. IM a(Hrm. /ACTB On [hrfs[wu daY. 19l1r •t •pOros/malelY Se00 o.e. aOpellant f:tlaan eurley an0 her hun6and Bart Yllson *npa"d In • rlelmt H9h[ [Mt endad rhsn aPpellwt ML Mllson owr the MM •Ith • hammer# eeueing e larqa cue on h!• hsad. The •Mrlff cmr ro the hou6e sn0 temparer{ly took eua[wfy ot appeltant'• lhcee cnllaren. 5hortiy thereaRer e neqlsct pKltlon .ae [11W anG • henrlnq rns huld. Aa the Rearir.q avtdenb oE ehu fipht OOL'NYR eppellanc an0 Milwon rea IntroDUCwA. TMre ws 41sp eWpoMo chet the houea ros eatramaly Ofrty, eM childnn wn wry dlrcy, they haA heeA Ilee, end tlfey MleaeO •lwos! •ll of th• 1981-87 school year. Tha court aE}uAqeO the eAilAren negleceeC. The court ordare0 the chlldreo placeA In the eare ot Norman Coanty, but s[ayed comnltnent anC oreena tM ch1lAron re[urned [o appellan[ rfth the condltlon that she mt laave th. atat.. 2n NsrcA 7982 appellant end Nilson wero dfvorwd. [n 11pr11 19tl3 appellant ranovetl the chtldron trom Mlnnesota, in v1olKlon of the rnurt ortlun Mhan appallant re[urneA to tM sbu !M cnurt r.voked placeieene of the Mlldren with oPpollanL 6nd nrJ«re.f the chilEren placed In the tuntoOY n( [M Narun County Sncial Servlce Depsrtwent. Tha cnileran ware then pLCeO In • Eoster 4one vhere they atill reweln. . • number of cuetody re0orte, psycholopical raporbl anA revler hearfn9e neva tollore0. On Sepl,moMr 30, 1907, the eourt <ontinued Dlacewent of the chllann an0 ordered appill&nt to <eooarota rlth the rounty aoclel eervlee O*O+rtHnt MM to attanE all recommentled DsYchaloqfcel evalua4lone, traininy and cnunaalfnq. By orEer aeted April 78; 1903 the court lwnp phst eppeilant Oa0 [sV1eA to tooparels r1[h tne Norman County eep»l Snrvice OeDSrtment anA heC •hoveE ne •ridene• that eh* IuA deveIopeO eppropriaae perantlnp •kllle. The rpril 1987 court diepoaitlon ardereA •ppollent !e commence re9ule[, a[ leest TOn[hlyp contatt• rlth the ehllAe9q. Tne courc eleo oraeratl •ppellent to Occowpllsn certNn qwlo oefnre reqafninp custody of her ehlltlren. %[st, sppellant ru roQelratl m naintein e clesn anU sulubla howe [or honelf anA her chi)dren. Second, eha heC [o eetaDlleh •nE plnbin • ecaGle 1{ving sitm[ion, Inelutlinq a0stalntnq frm us{ip aleWql antl edfitaining (rom any eqqreenlve, asasultlve aM *4uhlw behavfor. Th1ra, sne he0 to o0teln enE salnhin su[tfelent amployment to melntefn heraelE •nC her chIlAren. ?Inally. sho haa to cooperate [ully vlcn •11 rec"iunded payeholoqlwl evaluatlone, trelnlnq en0 couneellnp. 1n the sumr ot 1983 the chlidren vlsitaU appellant on !vo occalione. Mhen the <h11Eran re[urneA [o the [p6te[ haM [My rare aMtreaaly dlwWdfsnt •nA •rqunentat3ve Wcauw ot comment• WAIVER OF HEARING REQUEST FOR UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS I/F1e hereby request of the Viliage Council' Village of Gagang Minnesota, utility improvements on and over property owned by me/us as followse (Mention type of improvement, e.g. waterv sanitary sewer, etc.) The location of said utility improvements shall be generally as follows: CARLSON ACRES Lot 4, Parcel 10 16400 040 00 300 feet county road #30 200 feet Pilot Knob Road 500 feet , 150 £eet cor lot allowance = 350 feet, by 6.90 =$2415.00 water area $160.00 I/G?e hereby waive notice of any and all hearings necessary for the installation of said improvements and further consent to any assessments necessarily levied by the Village of Eagan for such improvements. I/We further agree to grant to the Village of Eagan any easements neces- sary for the installtion of such improvements. It is further understood that this request shall be reviewed by the Village Council of The Village of Eagan or its agent and I/we will be given reasonable notice as to whether this request is possible under present utflity planning as to timing, location' etc. ) Dated: .inlv_ ld_ 1976 /? ad ress :?equest accepted by ?.?v z[ Date ?.A- 7- -76 Village of Eagan , Reouest referred to Village Engineer: D:te ? Copies: 1. Village 2, Village Engineer 3. Applicant July 14, 1976 Mr. walter Neleon .. 4205 Pilot Rnob Road • Eagan, Minnaeola 55122 Dear Mr. Nelson: / The Eagan Aaeeesmant Comitees saviewed and denied your requeat to pay the water late;al Lmafii on one eide of your property only at tha 2975 reta. Thio rill heve to be chargad on both aidee leae the corner lot ellovancn of 150' ? ahich would be 350' at $6.90 a foot fos a total eaessemant of $2415.00. The City doee allow you to maka a partial payment aad tLen aeeeae the balance which could than be paid off et any time in the future you eo deeire. A vaivar of Hearing foam ia encloaed for qour eonvenience if you arirh to follov through on thie. ? Very truly yours, (Mre.) Alpce Bolke Clerk - City offEagaa AB:ekk . Encloeure, ? . : ? . ;, ? \ \ , ?? AN AGRESMBNT BB7TiSBN THB CITY OF EAGAN AND OWNBRS OF PROPSRTY ABOTTING A PRIVATS DRNEWAY IN CONNSCTION WITH PROJSCT 466 (CODNTY CONTRACT 31-21) DSALING WITB COONTY ROAD 30 TORNBACR AND MAIPTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR A PRIVATE DRIVSWAY. WHEREAS, the intersection of Pilot Knob Road (County Road 31) and Diffley Roao (County Road 30) has been upgraded under the above-referenced Project and Contract; and WE3EREAS, this intersection was relocated approximately 80 feet to the north of its previous location; and WHEREAS, a frontage road results from this relocation of County Road 30 and this frontage road has been teconstructed to the typical standards associatefi with a private access driveway; and WHEREAS, the abutting property owners as described in Exhibit A ("Owners") wish to enter into an agreement with the City wherein the City would vacate that portion of County Road 30 being more particularly described in Exhibits B and B1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Owners and the City agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to vacate that portion of County Road 30 as described in Exhibits B and B1 to the respective owners. (Subject to existing utility easements.) 2. The Owners agree to execute the Private Aoad Easement and Maintenance Agreement attached and incorporated as Exhibit C. 3. The City agrees not to assess the Owners for the cost of constructing the private driveway. 4. The City agrees to provide and execute any and all documents necessary to implement the recocding of the Private Road Easement and Maintenance Agreement. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: - L-A,? ? By: Public Works Department Dated: _ 17-7 . 0-0-3 CITY OF E AN By: Its: May Dateci: irp -'1A .,$q APPROVED AS TO FORMAT: ?rev*/ ?? - B ? ity A torne s' Office Dated: S-tt? ATTEST: By: ? Its: iti -Cle k Dated: u • ?1. •'?q _ Mitchell W. Knoll Dated: Vicki Knoll p( S ?? Dated: 1 "-) cyf?, r David . Bailey 1100, Dated: 4 -.:E-?9 ?? . Debora Bailey Dated: _ -2- L4?4- 9er p Craig K'rU(V Dated: _ 9 -1< -$ I ? Dianna Rru??ge?s Jk?a Dated: `? -?.????? _ Clarence Renvi le Dated: 9- ?_17 f w Elaiille ? Dated: ? , , . W er V. Nelson Dated: A-S- ftg //?G(Qyy?'Delores A. Nelson Dated: 4-5-g c STATE OF MINNESOTA) sa. COUNTY OFO-,??)) On thisal,?day of 1989, before me a Notary P?,u blic within and for said County, p?sonally p eared. VtC.?t,? L. IzL!-tSo/? and T..-J. ?to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instzument, and that the seal affixed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City -3- Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the f ree act and deed of said municipality. N??MI?M?HJ! ..., ?n. 1.1L ?i. k r?rr , `: ?.:.:.. !v r E.., . . ' J J :N ? +otary Public ? ? . STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledge6 before me this in- day of 46 , 1989, by Mitchell W. Knoll and Vicki Knoll, husb nd and wife. 1.A aM.IJ ?1/?rtl."JJ ; 4'.hAlA' FI MAM • < . JC3cPH P. ` NOTAPY fLELIC-M!NN.SOTA ? ?..?,'..:.:Ta _.,r.Tr , My G-.n?n. bplm, Au3. 3. 199a _ .. . .... ,-,. No ry ublic STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) COUNTY OF"??44R) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowleoged before me this 5'"' day of --:S¢ eM_?aer , 1989, by David A. Bailey and Debora Bailey, husband ana wife. • Mnn.?.????n/,??4nP.n n.qne.MMnM?nnMAM • < R JOScF?! P. t,Y ? NDTAft1' FUELIC-NIYNESOTA CA+C aCGJ^+TY .,,,.Ai1'COnlm Eo.p'eeAeb.31994vY No y ublic 5TATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF 0"rA) The foregQing instrument was acknowledged before me this /?'f`' aay of _io"19-cr , 1989, by Craig Rrueger and Dianna Rrueger, h sband and wife. .AA,',PA%1?JA,'A1 ,. .,?' I l 1.,,,l,-,? . ? JG Fi P. E? ?d ?!Y . ..j' NGinftl PJ:.'_!C-bIhJESC'A DAKC,??OWIr, a Publ c tey Cor..m. Exptresl.ug.3, 1994 1 . !1 . J'/Vl .':`/JV"VJV • -4- STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF a?) ) ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this T-41 day of _ 6c: , 1989, by Clarence Renville and Elaine Renv lle, husband and wife. ? ?. . -.:.'.'.r.':i.i.'.'?/:.: /.: :. ..n..r.?..?`r i n??•./?/?l..h 1 JCSIE?H P. Ef,4LcY ' -. kGT„ r F? IC-t!1'.L'iESOTA ? FI . q Cpl1YTY M1f'i • \? v y. :'iv: : . . .. ..'. `.'.': N-: : VJJ • \ No ry ubl ic STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF )'-'?,LLaia,) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ? day of , 1989, by Walter V. Nelson and Delores A.rNelson, husband and wife. . _,..-.n ',r.i"?.i.nS/.n?r,N,Pf?d.• ^/NM/M • ? !CSE°' P. E..:LEY ` .: NO7A'1' Fl'e!IC-HIN6ESOTA i 1CAHC ACJJNTV C7 ? Idy G,m. L.F ras Pu?,. 3, 1994 ...-.:??,,,." :.,-,v.VV.•:V:'.V,,,,VVVV, Nota P lic THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: McMENOMY & SEVERSON, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street P.O. Box 24329 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 JPE -5- BRHIBIT A !litchell and Vicki Knoll Property: Lot One (1), Carlson Acres, except: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, then east on the north line 110.00 feet, then south 3010120" west 200.31 feet to the south line of Lot l, then west on the south line 123.00 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, then north on the west line of Lot 1 201.44 feet to the point of beginning. (P.I.N. 012-00) David and Debora Bailey Property: The west 90 feet of Lot Two (2), Carlson Acres. (P.I.N. 022-00) Craig and Dianna Rrueger Property: Lot Two (2), Carlson Acres except for the west 90 feet. (P.I.N. 021-00) Clarence and Slaine Renville Property: Lot Three (3), Carlson Acres. (P.I.N. 030-00) walter and Delores Nelson Property: Lot Four (4), Carlson Acres. (P.I.N. 040-00) E 9 1/4. S ECe 28 9 T. 27 , R*23 ? I.E. I/4 ?_-'E:..21.T 27.13 .?a ' i PARCBL 2B ? ? STATE ?.,.. ' AID :CNWAY"° - - ? - ? i ?-- /I ? l3L.3' ..TO I!O .e ,a. .\• ? « ; 1 y F MN ? 1 1? : ?\ . : ? ?? ?_ ' . . ? U/Z-00 02wZ?- 021- s V ra M 4011 y?i 1 wM ? _^ I 1 . ER ?• , ; 123' .l9t?IO` 9 ?? 11 M ? 7 r ? ' Wl ` ?L O ?f ?, ' ''?'y?` .• ? •' 8 0 Li? ! PONO ,...?, x ? ? ? k .... ; ..» , ° a• V ,. , .? •3 A i r ?r a w r ? m Z9 Q Mn? ? GE?` Y ; ? \?\ /,?_' °??y?.? • ?. ? ? ?? a S16FRID sl, STREET Q ? '? ??y _ ' ,?? . ?' ,? 11 „ ' , ?? ? i ? '• ? I ? • " +4 Right-of-vay to be vacated for street purposes is described as follows: I ? CLEM All of parcel 2B as shown on Dakota Countp Road Right-of-Way Plat Map No. 26 COURT ?? ?{~`?,?Y ? (County Road 30 - Mffley Road), according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota ? County, Minnesota. , R : \ y n `'' ?i _^ ''?s?°????.y??//? ? r ? ? q ? N . . ? • 1/4 SEC.28,T 27 , R023 ? ??R CWINTI YIMM ? U I N GI.T. ?I ?I\ c3J ' `? ? IIJ lL StATE.."" 3 AIO ? 'I !... .:??.'..°'? m taueora aouNn wAo Riox ' or wn w?? Mo. 26 s MA 7or *o ? ? ? ,,,» ? i ?? oIZ"'OO ? i \ N ; OZZ- 021- s ? q0/f ? 00 00 s • ?. ._. 4? n .. `- ? ? • ' . /23, AMMW 0\3 ; Y.?. ......__ W 0 , N p N • ! ? ? ? ? .. m O ??•'?? POND ? ? Y • ?? j . rr ? 1 T U D ca ? ' • a 4 ? ? ,..» ,.. . ?.,, , . Zi z ? • ~? rw ? M r m . rr n? " • r • ? r y Z? ?If 1 : ? n z ? ?M?.. M ? , ??? ? ??"?- ? ? ? '^?' i ? ¦ S16FR10 sl STNE N a A z U, ? ??? / J r ?? ?? • ? a? n '-' . ? ; • ? ? • r a ; ? * N t* '• . M R j • • I r?' ? • ? • Q ? IMI' • n • • a ? I • ? ? ? 082-GO Apd tt WCK `? 1 • a CLEM ? . ? t HEM?.?y COURT? CIRCLE?J w 0 n ? '+wr :we •i"Y ? • ? 1 i a ?t:. I » 080-00 < m •.a•M. n ' V 47,j ? / j y p ? ? ? ?rti'? ? ? • oil Q'"- lZ co CJ PRIVATE ROAD EASElfENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the undersigned are all owners of parcels of real pzoperty abutting.a ptivate driveway over and across a strip of land located in the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 28, T27, R23, County of Dakota, City'of Eagan, State of Minnesota, such private driveway being more particularly described in Exhibits A and A1 attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Driveway"); and WHEREAS, the Driveway is not considered a City improvement nor a public thoroughfare but rather a common private road; and WHEREAS, because the Driveway is a common private road, neither the City of Eagan nor the County of Dakota will maintain said road; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, all owners of parcels of real property abutting the Driveway, including an ownership interest in the Driveway, desire to create an easement over the Driveway for and.on behalf of our adjacent neighbors; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, all owners of an interdst in the Driveway, desire to create a maintenance agreement in conjunction with an easement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration,of the foregoing, the undersigned, owners of parcels of real property situated in the City of Eagan, Minnesota, which is more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof hereby agree to the , following easement and maintenance agreement: EXHIE3IT C 1. Each of the undersigned hereby grant and also receive an easement over, under and across the Driveway. 2: That all abutting property owriers shall share the expenses and costs of maintaining this easement for road purposes. Maintaining the easement shall be defined to include, but not limited to, blacktop or paving, gravelling, snowplowing, or any other necessary thing to maintain the Driveway as a private road. All actions taken to further this maintenance shall be by majority vote; one vote per parcel of real property. 3. That the costs and expenses of maintaining the Driveway shall be allocated 208 to each parcel of real property. 4. The parties mutually reco9nize and agree that all terms and conditions of this tecordable agreement shall run with the land herein described and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, administrators and assigns of the owners referenced in this agreement. 5. The easements and covenants granted herein shall be subject to amendment, release or termination only by the unanimous agreement of the parties, their heirs, successots, administrators or assigns and in the absence of such amendment, release or termination shall remain in effect perpetually. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, no amendment, release or termination of any of.the easements and/or covenants set forth herein shall be effective or may be filed of record unless the City of Eagan consents to the amendment, release or termination. Such consent must be evidenced By a resolution duly approved by the City Council, or successor body, -2- unless the City Attorney for the City approves in writing an alternative format to evidence that consent. The parties expressly acknowledge and agree that the City has no obligation whatsoever to . approve or act upon any proposed amendment, release or termination, and may withhold or delay consent for any reason or no reason whatsoever, ot may condition consent upon such terms as the City deems desirable, it being the City's absolute right and prerogative to insist that the easements and covenants granted herein remain in effect and unaltered and to permit amendment, release or termination only at such times and under such circumstances, if any, as the City deems desirable in the exercise of its unfettered discretion. Each party further agrees and covenants, consistent with this acknowledgment, not to institute any legal proceeding against the City of Eagan on the grounds that the City failed to respond appropriately to a proposed amendment, release or termination, and to indemnify the City of Eagan against any expense, including litigation costs, which the City incurs as a result of any violation by that party of this covenant. The City may, at any time, give up the right of approval granted hereunder, said action to be evidenced by City Council resolution or other format approved by the City Attorney. Notwithstanding anything hezein to the contrary, the Easement Areas shall not be deemed dedicated to the public or otherwise public land, and the City of Eagan shall have no obligation and no right, not otherwise existing, independent of this Agreement, under the ordinances, statutes and other laws under which the City operates,` to maintain or administer the,Easement Areas. -3- 6. This agreement shall be recorded with the Dakota County Recozder so as to ptovide notice to the owners. The owner shall provide and execute any and all documents necessary to implement the recording of this agreement. Dated this day of 1989. 61.) Mitchell Vicki Rnoll ? 1 David A. Bailey 0 oh-? A"a Debora Bailey ? t,rzrig Kru g r? Dianna Krueger I (Ii1 Clarence Renville eag?z?- Elaine envill?e /,n arfer V. Nelson -4- Q /?6? Delores A. Nelson STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ?) The foregoing instrument was day of b? , 198,, husband an wife. acknowledged before me this q'p'1 by Mitchel W. Snoll and Vicki Rnoll, . An„ ?tiw.nAAnnn.v.ti+nnnnn. JOSEPH P. EARLEY ? NOTART PU6LIC-NIMNESOTA DAKO7A COUNTY My Comm. Explras Aug. 3. 1994 ? N a Public ify • STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ?) The foregoing instrument was day of fy.$cntbcr , 198q, Bailey, hu band and wife. acknowledged before me this .5_? by David A. Sailey and Debora M?A??AnAAMI AAAMMMA?? • JOSEPH P. EARLEY NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA ? UAROTA COVNTY My Comm. Explre1 Aug, 3, 1996 ?VWWWWVWN/VW`/wWVwvVyyyyyyV y STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF or ) Lim P N U-"" ar Public The foregoing instrument was acknowled9ed before me this /5"' day of Mbv _, 1981, by Craig Krueger and Dianna Krueger, husband an wife. • N?AMMn?MM?FMMnMAnMnMM?M • l iJOSEPH ,?ut?., P.EARLEY ? ?i?`^?. NOTARY PUBUG-MINI7ESOTA a 4/eyPubl ic ?:;allj o?KOrecouarv My Comm. Eaplias AuC• 3, 1994 • vW?V Wv`/W W V W`/VVVWJW W`/W V V W? -5- STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COU,NTY OF I?JA-zu The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beford me this day of SeD?tµb-or , 198q, by Clarence Renville and ETaine Renville, h sband and wife. `^^^^^^^^^^n^^nnntiu,nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. f. JOSEPH P. EARLEY . , ?ccc to'tt MOTARY PUBIIL-MINNESOTA ? ?UAkOT?COl1nTY N t IY PUb11C My Comm. Expiret ?ug. 3199{ M ?VVVVVVVVVVVVyyVVWyyyyyyy• STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF attg;? ) The fo egoing instrument was acknowledged before me this r? day of S?yo' , 198q, by Walter V. Nelson and Delores A. Nelson, husband and wife. 5,^^^^nnnnnnnnnnnn^^^nn'?nnnnnnnnnnnr 2,:?- *aa- JOSEPH P. EARLEY $?; NOTAflY PUBLIC-NIHNESOTA ? ? DqKOTA COUNTT e My Comm. Eapir<. A?g, 3, 1994 'wvwvwvvvwwvwvwvvvwvwvwv. l'" No ry Publ ic THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED SY: McMENOMY & SEVERSON, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street P.O. Box 24329 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 J PE -6- EXHIBIT A A 20' wide private driveway located adjacent to and south of a line described as follows: ' Beginning at a point located 349.0 feet west of the N.E. corner of Section 28, T.M, R.2.32 thence continuing west along the north line of Section 28 a distance of 461.50 feet and there terminating. Also a 30' wide access driveway centesed over a line described as follows: Commencing at a point located 467.7 feet west of the S.E. corner of Section 21, T.?.1, R.M thence north a distance of approximately 35 feet to the south line of County Road 30 and there terminating. f I ? • „ ! •? '?? ? ??IM I SCR?t: /?O?LY7 RNR / •w IMPD4ItCW@ / d • ? mfM*?T ?T 1[1?1011• }1•)6 ci-•? I ?'in e. e a. 20.:. Lc ? . ?-Y--??- ..•? . . `. ... _ ? . ,r ;?'•??.lc %'?_? ,. •? O . =o : • - µ ' •p??? ;,t?/? 4? d ! d ? [LHfla y ? I?K? ? I.MiN LL. tH.8T ? I cn a Icnacnt zoorro?E!'??J p •atrewroEtl ? ? . .? i ; i. ;`. _ .__. __ _. . .. , . .... .__. _. i ./ pP? cu+rt w. ?or ?? ?•?e?e?vr is,, L.n.o.• -4-? / 0•?1•)a'7?' If MI! l. ?t• )0• I ?? ? °°' ?r co?srn,ct rru I'1 p ?. ?----?-_-- Ilflf.W ??v ?a.,.. .?? ?. .a{awce ¦. RcNVUC . ? ??,.??, •v,.,o, 21 U' ? R v .i l I 1 L w I COI.NTY JI PAqTKAS ?1 ? 1' • I 1 \ i ( rr ? f ' _ =r__ - . ??o•?f?, .• u RENWEM i _? ??• conr. .r. ?' . i? 3cc DL.F.FL'- ?ERORD '? t ? .' i ? ¦AITERIt150N ? O ;I ? a '' ? ? .T.?. , . _. ._..._, _.,._._ _? .__.. •_'^?- -__... ._.__..:..._??.?.._...? ._ .._a.?? _ !Gv M M! (C.5.. ? ? f I u H? t ca.?*?vc `: ?. EX9IBIT B Rnoll Property: Lot One (1), Carlson Acres, except: Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, then east on the north line 110.00 feet, then south 3010120" west 200.31 feet to the south line of Lot 1, then west on the south line 123.00 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, then north on the west line of Lot 1 201:44 feet to the point of beginning. Bailey Property: The west 90 feet of Lot Two (2), Carlson Acres. Rrueger Property: Lot Two (2), Carlson Acres except for the west 90 feet. Renville Property: Lot Three (3), Carlson Acres. Nelson Property: Lot Four (4), Carlson Acres. 906597 ; PRIVATS ROAD EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE WHEREAS, the undersigned are all owners of parcels of real property abutting a pxivate driveway over and across a strip of land located in the north half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 28, T27, R23, County of Dakota, City of Eagan, State of Minnesota, such private driveway being more particularly described in Exhibits A and A1 attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Driveway"); and WHEREAS, the Driveway is not considered a City improvement nor a public thoroughfase but rather a common private road; and WHEREAS, because the Driveway is a common private road, neithex the City of Eagan noz the County of Dakota will maintain said road; and WHEREAS, the undersigned, all owners of parcels of real property abutting the Driveway, including an ownership interest in the Driveway, desire to create an easement over the Driveway for and on behalf of ouz adjacent neighbors; and wHEREAS, the undersigned, all owners of an interest in the Driveway, desire to create a maintenance agreement in conjunction with an easement. Na+l, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the undersigned, owners of parcels of real property situated in the City of Eagan, Minnesota, which is more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof hereby agree to the following easement and maintenance agreement: IF 1. Each of the undersigneci hereby grant and also receive an easement over, under and across the Driveway. 2. That all abutting property owners shall share the expenses and costs of maintaining this easement for road purposes. Maintaining the easement shall be defined to include, but not limited to, blacktop or paving, gravelling, snowplowing, or any other necessary thing to maintain the Driveway as a private road. All actions taken to further this maintenance shall be by majority vote; one vote per parcel of real ptoperty. 3. That the costs and expenses of maintaining the Driveway shall be allocated 20% to each parcel of real property. 4. The parties mutually recognize and agree that all terms and conditions of this recordable agreement shall run with the land herein described and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, administrators and assigns of the owners referenced in this agreement. 5. The easements and covenants granted herein shall be subject to amendment, release ot termination only by the unanimous agreement of the parties, their heirs, successors, adrninistrators or assigns and in the absence of such amenchnent, release or termination shall remain in effect perpetually. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, no amendment, release or termination of any of the easements and/or covenants set forth herein shall be effective or may be filed of record unless the City of Eagan consents to the amendment, release or termination. Such consent must be evidenced by a resolution duly approved by the City Council, or successor body, -2- unless the City Attorney for the City approves in writing an alternative format to evidence that consent. The parties expressly acknowledge and agree that the City has no obligation whatsoever to approve or act upon any proposed amendment, release or termination, and may withhold or delay consent for any reason or no reason whatsoever, or may condition consent upon such terms as the City deems desirable, it being the City's absolute right and prerogative to insist that the easements and covenants granted herein remain in effect and unaltered and to permit amendnent, release or termination only at such times and under such circumstances, if any, as the City deems desirable in the exercise of its unfettered discretion. Each party further agrees and covenants, consistent with this acknowledgment, not to institute any legal proceeding against the City of Eagan on the grounds that the City failed to respond appropriately to a proposed amendment, release or termination, and to indemnify the City of Eagan against any expense, including litigation costs, which the City incurs as a result of any violation by that party of this covenant, The City may, at any time, give up the right of approval granted hereunder, said action to be evidenced by City Council resolution or other format approved by the City Attorney. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Easement Areas shall not be deemed dedicated to the pnblic or othe naise public land, and the City of Eagan shall have no obligation and no right, not otherwise existing, independent of this Agreement, under the ordinances, statutes and other laws under which the City operates, to maintain or administer the Easement Areas. -3- 6. This agreement shall be recorded with the Dakota County Recorder so as to provide notice to the owners. The owner shall provide and execute any and all doctments necessary to implement the recording of this agreement. Dated this Y" day of ,SrT?±M?61*-r , 1989. ?_1?'?? ?? ? Mitchell W. Knoll ? ? i icki Rnoll L . ? /;-/ , 4 David A. Bailey 40, Debora Bailey Craig KruA?er \% ?. Dianna Krueger ?..C" D .. _, i? Clarence Renville E aine Renville , ? er v. el-son -4- Delores A. Nelson STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ?) ? The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 5_ day of S?Jmd , 1981, by Mitchel W. Rnoll and Vicki Knoll, husband and wife. • P.4AAAA?MAh1MAhMnM/NA^P.AM? • < . ` < ???JOSEPH P. EARLEY c <,. ? .tt A_? NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNE507A s < ?'l1R DAKOTN COUNTY Z ? My Co m E pires Rvg. 3, 1994 ' •. -- . 1 ..V..r'."l'IVVV• STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ?) l mAtarly Publiec '0 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this L"' day of ?5,rk?"-bd , 1989, by Davici A. Bailey and De6ora Bailey, hisband and wife. • AMI.M?MhMnMAAMAMM?AM • JOSEPH P. EARLEY I ?. - .NO7A0Y PUBLIC-MINNESOTA ??? ? -y?.,?onrcora couNTr < My Comm. Ezpires Au6. 3, 1996 • V\'WVVV•: bC?-V . JVVWVVWVVVWVWVVW r STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) P N ry Publ ic The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1'6_&VM day of S,,?S.J , 1989, by Craig Rrueger and Dianna Krueger, husband and wife. r:?:.._.._.....?:?..:?n^.?.,::.?.^.n•.r.r?M.N.PNNV /? ! ? a kCT:! ,.-ifii:rESO;a ? N t r Public ? vr."? G?:::.y= -OOryTr ? .. M1tl'C:AU].1934 -5- STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) sS. COUNTY OF k ) The for_Jegoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 944" day of _?MnTtMb? , 1989, by Clarence Renville and Elaine Renville, h sband and wife. • n.:n -„NnMw,nnnnA.+nnnnnnn.nf.4nMMAnn • < ? s JOSEPH P. EA RLEY NM NOTARY PUBUC-NIESOTA ? DRKOTACOUNiY Z My Comm. Ezpires Au6• 3, 1996 t VVV`J?V'JV'?4'VVVVV\'JV'?V'V"'IV'NVVVVV; N ar Public j STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF AbAfg?_) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ? day of __.Sedf?tzZt/ , 1989, by Walter V. Nelson and Delores A. Nelson, hdsband and wife. • 11?,MAnAAMMhMM1A4AMAAAAnryAMhM • JCSEPH P. EARLEY ? NOTAqY PUBLIC-MINNESO7A < DAKOTA CCUNiY My Comm. EnOires Aug. 3, 3994 tar/y Publ 1C •'v JVV:"? v':': `: !'?vV J??': rV'J':': V?VV'?VV?'VVV • THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: ? McMENOMY & SEVERSON, P.A. 7300 West 147th Street P.O. Box 24329 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 ? JPE -6- , E%HIBIT A A 20' wide private driveway located adjacent to and south of a line describea as follows: Beginning at a point located 349.0 feet west of the N.E. corner of Section 28, T.22n, R.2,U thence continuing west along the north line of Section 28 a distance of 461.50 feet and there terminating. Also a 30' wide access driveway centered over a line described as follows: Commencing at a point located 467.7 feet west of the S.E. corner of Section 21, T,M, R.23JJ thence north a distance of approximately 35 feet to the south line of County Road 30 and there terminating. ,, • ; . ; EXHIBIT B i Rnoll Property: Lot One (1), Carlson Acres, except:~; ? t ? Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 1, then e?sti oq the north line 110.00 feet, then south 3010120" west 2ff0. ltfeet to the south line of Lot 1, then west on the south line 123.00 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, then north on the west line of Lot 1 201.44 feet to the point of beginning. Bailey Property: The west 90 feet of Lot Two (2), Carlson Acres. Rrueger Property: Lot Two (2), Cazlson Acres except for the west 90 feet. Renville Property: Lot Three (3), Carlson Acres. Nelson Property: Lot Four (4), Carlson Acres. . . ? o(n f y?-/?/o n Q,c"./ al e Z??! / n 1 c? `? qJJ-ejvnV24 4f0s,ft - ,?e v,? d ??? ???,?zr? ?? ? i? ? /o ?' ?? l? 6? CJJ P./?/./d `??p ?l? u/? ?I? • , 0? v? v(? -G d: !?-?- Q-. ?ni?aiy c/?U.?i ??.?r? ?k , QtGGt 07 y c.r E, /#'er 1D7?' In1afP? [afP?o? 4,ni-Z? UTII/n'/ 17?? B?.?'M,o? f- .?1 , , , / ",?•?l? ?'C N o- ?G+'•cil. ..,t i ? C/ y C? 617 (Jlf A?? ?'//P?-?T 7'p ? ?/,, f IK,eo , 4-// r c2 /a "a?j aiA./{ ?j r? vp0?c? / ? ? fy- dL-01- uIe 9 a,4-T yG G s, F, ?a5, yyl,K' ?? ??JP?J/?'?? ? {? ?B??c? ?JG????7(3f1 _ V?oa?Q ?7 ?T WR?Cr?a7,o+o?Cd?i f G Z ?T.v? Q - T/r,q -7 ??mol?ewP r r4 i(L1Li I'^!Xc\ C/= l , .:?-- IYO (JOJE 4 6144e ? cauj ow .4 '? ?7,50 ? ywaa a ?I?Fa qk i,377A 1?40es /e'-ra/h 1,377# - 17.?/-&oo = liar ,13001# 1,3774 = 17fl- G.P.t= //66 04741?-4ef 1&53S y30 0 7 llpe y,?yGq ??y.u ? .C o ? // (.?JP/Jan - Q,,u e??.•?? ??p ?? tc. Wopo,r-ed ??.i??rn?f lr???" G? ?O ?f 76?0 ? .,rr.4 n0 f ra/rr??v ca?? ulj? 5 e ?ae- G/? '!G, g3? 30 D --Fc<' L?T' , D!i a'?y Yca s; ? i ... i?? v9?? 3so ? /y 197s Ise / Y, m8 ! 5O? y.3 yD / - - - ? -- - - / Y5 t90 W a r, l y?- /?l i ?/l ti..? ? l?0 ?JD ?! ?Q Z?/1 / h? -Q ? 0?-0 ?`? ?Q?IJa? 0??Coev? %o ;j4rn m?i'???-? z•,d,.??r?G-( pDitd ?}-J' ? PfJm,2. ri ?? w.? ?. I.? ..?r 6sR. f.f?? ,?a.?1 c ? o' i r- *oN I° '9S oS` rs? ooz ooa ? ooz 09 bJ . ! ?o - 3 w . os 0 W e;1O ?°°' "?bRCIc?. tm???? l.f crt lSo.? O • M v °o QAd ? 1?? ?? w? 1? f bAG IO?6. ? ` 00Z ooZ 09 s o' s?? os? s?? o? ,oE 3 001 S ? ? a N o o N _ Z O f0 h P ? _ , m IC) ? ?•8bF - - . II ?Ob0p S \ry ? D , o . '£9 001 61 ?90 I O Hiaori 0 oez ? ' -- o O I I cr M ? O , « N ? N ? 091 S ro Z4 rsv v m 0 t0 M 3 0 `O o 01 ol ? W 0 ry ? 0? Q 1(I H1HON i ? 091 OO I ? m °D ? C I I y 0 C QL 0e1 A ?` M1 O N N N N Z ? a ?+laort LL os I (? M! o wi 0 10 ? ? m • ? P OOZ I s+ pyo/g N m oi a ° . _ so 96 p n , N ...: [ - 5980ozO1 Y0 ?O r? 80'ISI 0£ Oi £Z'lll 0 0 -- ee'isZ N N 4d1,£j ? IIO p ?/? ISfi£ lln ? 3^I) i . 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BO'ISl 0£ 0i f00 -? M 88'19Z 1 1 B 1??IAIPI.2/ rfilo%ron I(QZDn/ n) o--F" d0 4- y" ?i IJ a ?l K"C ?'OJ %p ! ?O?'1YrEP/?C ia ? Sn o?.. J ?l t c. ( ?ro ?D?l2a? tq-J' ? e.IJ ?Gf. ? T? ? . ?fo C?Z v4f wer vP 1rdk oo, t... i a 40. 0*a 9S llJo A k • od?(*/a, r. a, y3o,AS430 r- ? /G =r3,? £ ? .e?t ? . ?irn-?f• / • ?F'. oN 6 s I oS q? ooZ ooz ; ooz ?y ?. 0 M :k O O? O? 6 Z ?a o 1 7 o s 1 p ? O ooa ooz , _ ssi osi sn N m N n _ m - ? S ?• ea Fb ,`ry { eo00 <,p 911 ? 90?y ' Ll'£9 ? - - HLNON? 0 e in 097. 0 011 ? 0 . . M N W I N . 4?? ? 0 OS . ' ' . . . . ' ? , m 0 . ? ' . . in HiL10N ' . ^ 1 I y O ? a N O N N N Ih ? r ? i O N 0 ti w ? os o¢ o2 ooi ; ?,k'x`- i.i a _ ea> , . , W = ' n ? ? ° m 001 Ilk 1 1 ; Y+ 10 in - C 0 _ - Q 0 M - r ? ? HlaON LL. OSI C7 H. ,SZ,E6 p . m ? a e ?.. so9s?? N - 'm' - N o. ? so•isi oe oc 0 o fO -- M BB'I9Z 1 e ? O ?9 2 2 „? 3AI) , Waily ?- e,,,P l Nolsvn o--?" do?- y . '7o -j 4" ? a- ( ? o ?otf2t? q--J' P.fJ /+'lG? r'1 ?? . J. •. ? . , C/I ? 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I - A x•'_ d , n ? 001 ON? e - ? 092 -- 11 ao? os i °c N? 24 68 a ry M . i g\oS8" o . . . .. m0 3 n Ip at z n 1 < tt oo k`.:?3 I+ ? H1HON ?i - O 081 M ti M o ? M - ? ? HtaoN LL m ? ? m St,£6 a up °? a p .. sOs s' a N ^ N s - r? n so•isi oc oc o _ 0 B8'19Z ? 8 C ? ? - in ------ IS£T „? 3/1Ia , ?-,70 G?a r /VV C em o s I(Q z-r?? ?? ? o 0 TO ?(N?YYff/?Gic-? Sn d,.J lJ?G- ( ??o ?OJ2a? 4J' E.IJi+'lG? ?? T? . ?? ?d ? ' .`^? ? ?• Jj D/'rK ?La+[r U? 7?'a ?C ? n I?,. •?`? ?Oo , O G = ?.5?? OS 002 OOZ : pZ 09 A 4 ? :; - ? ??? W '' ? N ? reACr ?ir L 0 o? a ° ,? p?. `?. ?t J ooz ?Z _?q . m- --- ,I'% ; ;,,. • IO T m 6 Z 1 N M N °o N M O osi , . v ? BbFb SII i 61£9 ? 0 o M 09Z. ?o -- - " o I m <O M 3 , i - = - . .' ^ 0 0 0? v LO HiaoN . n . ? `2 5 m SI ? ? ar n i 081 n f? o 0 N ? ? ? i O of. %o¢ a M a 0 m ? z 1a \ li 0I LL LL 0 ? Y 001 & n w 001 0 O n m ?f m _ p 1M s2 Fd p ? ? Q a " .. soo/s: N eo-isi oc oi 0 o e ? -- M gg'192 1 M ? 19 Tcz I1n. 3/\1) Waily ot 1III c /ta,,"I NOIJJ?! I(e2!- e2tq 14 ? o--?" da+ y' ?-70 ( tq-J ? 2.1J • +?ti ? O O 7 ? 'L : ?j. 10 f-Krt ok F I os 0 to rz 37 ° oe ?- 3 ? 8 10I0 N 0 M O ? OOZ i • `d / s •r? oQ ? ???:• 0 m O? ? Z A 1 1 M to 002 OSI 911 ? N °I °D 0 1 ? -- M 092 ' o rc M SII ° 8 oye:a? a - • ?, o ? m _- N? m ? i w A. pN H1tlON ? cn ? 1 OD 41 ?- m ? N I O I O N N M A n 01 0 m N a N ? N M O ti H ? 09 OC 1 3 iz 10 m 0,11 n ? 001 F-- ?a ° m Q 0 f M - ?? ? Hlaon LL 041 (' H. m ? (n ? S2.Eb a ap so96-c - , o. - BO'ISl 0£ Oti o _ o 1O - ? 88'19Z i B rc o ? - - A ! 3nIa CITY OF EAGAN Remarks4, ^ &A?-G I Addition CA RLSON A(,`FZES Lat 4 Blk Owner !-''; '"I" ? Street 4205 PilOt KriOb Rodd State Ea4an. MN 55122 _ ImOrovement Date Amount Annuai Years Payment Receipt Oace STREETSUFF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 2-t,j 1973 ?.7$. 00 8. ?5 20 Paid - 3$ SEWER LATERAL tU ' ' 77 WATERMAIN 's`tt;*•. WATER LATERAL '?Sg 1977 2 1.OO Z 1 O ?.O 2173,50 --77 WqTER AREA 7,3r, _ ?., 1977 ],6Q QQ 10 66 15 149-34 10 -- ' STORM SEW TRK j ? 19 -- STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER :;.t:'y uw SIDEWALK ? - STREET LIGHT ? . _ WATER CONN. - - : '. BUILDING PER. _ r?++ma SAC ? PARK y?1p,Lo F. r• F'tGk?-"!k ??e?'? ?? M rv.x_.i.ki. ...,??,?.?.ms??d.vu?a.rt^.u .. F,Y.2'?Mlr ?" ...? t l'.i ? i"- s ?? ?`'?)p[(^^??? +V??-Vi`-?F . 3'?'-?_.... . ?„ xM.."k.?Lhx?'Cr. v s'1???p'' - C? S.ai? B"-e _ I oo - r 1 ? ? ? ?.-P l ?l0 %rv n wa . ? ? M fi I(e zo? ?n ? o--F=" do ?- y ,70 %o ?Co"?mP?'?.?( z.o,..-j /j'l. ? ?? . ?ra ?O?d J, e.IJ Gf ep r•/ o n r OS rs,? OOZ OOZ r. 3.80 1[ .e'Os 10 I'n t fA I ? ry. O O? O, ? Z 1 M ?+ ?i dlo . ? ? 9£I to o p ------------ 'ON - ,,,,, 09 ? / W W ? ? OOZ 09 At . a s } - - xb SII C? 1pb<0 ?o00n? \ 61'£9 ["A 1 Q 09Z OII o 7tHINON -aae?. ' .. nci ? ' . N I ? . ? W 1 M a Q ? O r m 1 y ? OL N O N N M ? ti 01 h 0 O> a 0 M tD N OE 3 E M a o? m z m \ Ir 001 n ? 001 • ? `? OC M 3 n t0 ? en - 0 N ? _ .. 081 ? F r?n - - Q O n - ? .? ? H1aON Ll. ?a 041 H. b 01 Cf) , M 0! - .S2fd p ap p i IM p s096zD N cr M o. - a , e0'isl oc oc o _ o gg'19Z ? B ? ? - - - 1S£2 ,,,, 3AIa , G1alI,j?/1??? ??..Ql l?lo%ron f(Q Z ? e241411 ?'° CQrj.la? ?(??'?.r io ?Co?nm?°/c.? ? s.? d,,.,?.-?G- ! ri -t? . . . ? r n r ? os oes? ooz 3 'OS r? '?'. • a? ? ? O M a o M ? ooz s£i ta r I? . N O O1 O? - o O N N L OOZ n a N M N.,ByFa 6 N ??a iON? ? -- I ?JOd ' 11y1 7. ? w ? N I ? W 1 M q v ti ° r m i q a N r N N ? ? r o? O m 'ON oe r_ m ooz N osi sn _ h T.:. . N ? - n 911 o?,p ? 61'£9 AtA M I ? n m F cr- F" N 09 77.70E ? ? Q C1 m z 1° w , I, - ooi & n ? 001 ?- - - n 1p Q M f ? HiaoN lL ?.r OSI N. m (I) in S2F6 a . m m ? p - to .. s°9e' o N , "' N ra n 80,191 oc o+ 0 o ? -- ? U 8819Z e 1 ? ? O .? _ lS FF ,,,,, 3 A?y , 1 ,_ .. ? -- ?, . > ?oD '.r? . Ini[iels Oate . PrepereG Oy Approve0 by 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ?i ---- - ol¢?I lod AdJCJJ /11-10' iLf'.Y - ? _ r0a+e _ - - - roJect - -? -- O P# -- - - IJsc_ - _ Ra, e' - 62i-y d9 - sJ e.? ---- -- -=- - ----%y_ `f.vn Q2 O?G 2 ? - - l - - a - ? / 1 - - f ? , -- i - - / - - / . . 2 3 / a CrG I ?,. U9 ? ? -? . :, - - _ . . . . - s: O 3 5 4 l ' .. ? ? • ! " 4 5 6 I 1 1 - - - , . _ _ 6 -- - - 1 $ P iit JJ O? - - 8 s 9 ° , Z? 3 - ? - -- - -- - - ? - - ?z 13 q - - - - 14 5 6{ 71 8 - U , ?• 15 1e » is e - _ - I y 3 : . 19 l ° i ? ? ( I I - 1 7 zo i ?ql. J17 w-_P 4no? A' F i l i , -- - - ; y: , _ • , --_, zt B 22 .3 `d- e ? ? ? c? V - 23 ?Qr '5 - # J 6 ?9 - - 2 a & _ s3 o - - - - - - - - - - / r o - 27 'a . GD aov /6Sr3p - y.: ?/G d - I 28 i ? I - 29 I01 -- i --- -- - ' /Da ? ? - - -? - - - - - - 30 j 1 ? -__,.-= ?- /? ? I-----_ -'--= Li2Nr?=- --?--"-_ --= _ _ - - - = - - _ ? _ _ - - - - _ - - - - - -- - ??. ,?? Do 30o--2 s= aas as WAIVER OF HEARING REQUEST FOR UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS I/Ve hereby request of the Village Council, Village of Eaganp Minnesota, utility improvements on and over property owned hy me/us as follows: (Mention type of improvearento e.g, water, sanitary sewer, etc.) The location of sa3d utility improvements sha11 he generally as follows: CABI,50N ACRES Lot 49 Parcel 10 16400 040 00 300 feet county road #30 200 feet Pilot Xnob Road 500 feet -. 150 feet cor lot allowance = 350 £eet, by 6.90 =$2415.00 water area $160.00 I/S^?e hereby waive notice of atty and all hearings necessary for the installation of said improvements and further consent to any assessments necessarily levied by the Village of Eagan for such improvements. I/Ve further agree to grant to the Village of Eagan any easements neces- sary for the installtion of such improvements. It is fnrther understood that this request shall be reviewed by the Village Council of The Village of Eagan or its agent and I/we will be given reasonable notice as to whether this request is possible under present utility planning as to timing, location, etc. i Dated: .T,,i y 7 q,r 1976 _ 2 ? /J adc'rres's i'equest accepted by ?.?6?e Date 7- ;L-7- -7? Village of Eagan , Request referred to Village Engineer: D:te Copies: 1. Village 2, Village Engineer 3. Applicant auly Za, 1976 .. II I Dir. Waltar Naleon , 4205 Pilot Rnob Road • . - Eagan, Minneaota 55122 ? ? Dear Mr. Nalson: ? ? Ths Eagan Aaeeesmeat Coamnittes saviewed aad deaied your ? requeat to pay the vater 1aternl bnnefit on one side of your I J' property only at the 2975 rate. Thle r1].1 heve to be chargad ou both eidea lesa the corner lot allovaace of 150' ? i which would be 350' at $6.90 a foot for a total eaeasemant r of $2415.00. ;.' The City doea allow you to meke a partiel payment and chen f assess the balanca vhich could then be paid off at any time in ehe future you ao deeire. A vaives of Eearing foem ie eacloeed for your eonvemimce if you viiA to follrnr through - on thie. . 1 VexY truly youra, ? . . . . . . .. . .. . , .. . ,.xs+` f . ? (Mra.) Alyce Bolke i Clark - City offEagaa ? , AB:ekk , . , ? Encloeure \ \ i , ? . ' ? a - . . . . . - . - . . ? ' - .? , 10 lG41,4O olle . '? i ? .. x.•- ?: • Walter Y., lAelson 4205 Pilot':%nob Rd. Eagan, Mn.? 55122 -..< 3ept.1977 ' . .. . .. . . . ' .:Y.. . . " . . . . R.a:. . . , ' .. . Mr. Tom Hedges •,::. : . -=a , , Administrater City: of Eagan •. „ ,., , • [: , r ? , ' ? ,. ; ., . , r Dear lKr. Hedges: • `This~letter is in regards to special assessment for sewer Carlson Avres: I believe I' am being unjustly saseased accord- k in to mei bbori g g ng property;owners. At the public hearing jthat was held on thia project, I was ? assured by city eng. Mr._Rdsene that itt'no way,would 3 be aeaessed more than 200 'ft. oY ;sewer? lateral. J'?em being asaessed "Por 350 ft., Mr. $osenes reasofiing ie that`I have two aeperate services ` stubbed into my property LahereYor I'13hould poy fer add. 150 St. - ? of lateral,°when actually'I have less"than 200.Pt: f >... , ._ . . . . _ ..?4_.-:. z .._ ., . , . '. .- ...-.. 'When the sewer lateral was instal:led, I thought as long as I had to pqp Yor 200 ft, ft made no""difference which side of property :itTwas?instalIed on. I_hsve approximately 135 ft.'on - 7le4y1?.IS:?ryi,, .,.,,..i_.7t/I?a :_ .i _.... _ `:il??'t::t:1'(-;L ?a _ _ ,;:,??iicsf, i=;,.?1 I 1 ? ii / bi:? ENTS ?' ca .y .. . ,...f .?,..,c? -?_?c:•n:i ?.,. \ . .._ r-rc:,._,£.u._.?? ?t.1.11';:i . :-• ? ?I_r-:< <??,.- uyi„A;. ,_F EiG.tFi.._ 1;;lPf:'i7Y ',.L;,. ? u-?_:? I._ ?_i ?_? iI l ? "'. 0.:%it'7i"?, ., . _ _?3F,E;:'t!?!_ FLr=aE;:r,------ ,_,.1,.7i;`{5 I)Glf.{; .._. ...,.....? . --,?:-. .? . ,.....::? ,-., f ;: ,..,?...,-....9..... 0 j {j_...1 64t>0-040-Oi; S.:=1.f F'iaSE::SiiSI°II:N1' UE'.iiC.'(in `yi;' Y!•:iY RA7_LC 7tJ:'7AG. rah.ll',I.i=i2.7h!, f'AY;"lfF i'_f.:l°YI°IEIti! 1pP466 PIL..v+l P:::P.IF7r: (KD (:c) ti Sl.ll'11°7AliY :'1=' F7( 7It1L' :H7S YEAR'S Tf.'i I'&i SlJ"H"I:i/?Y OF PEp.,ID.1N6ii l 0':: 7:J:?ir.ir.t. . Ot.; I_i _ .i=.??1.V_ ..U 13800.00 .'n'.. kt. A 13800,. 00 .I"Si;(>. 0t:r PrnSs !".Y o1" . . ?- ?. .? C11•.. Y/ ?......: 1,/e'.?_-'t'.c:t't. R768.) t"' CI...It_??3cYi=F.. Y'rsl'"i.'r Appraisal of: NELSON PARCEL PROJECT NO. 466 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 1 ? PXs'sancti o oates ,nc. J.E. ' Commercial and Industrial Aealtors Appraisals fteal Eetate Development , , December 19, 1990 ' Mr. Joseph P. Earley 600 Midway National Bank Building 7300 West 147th Street ' Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 RE: Nelson Parcel ' Project No. 466 Dear Mr. Earley: t Pursuant to your request, we have appraised the subject property captioned above in order to determine the market value of the property prior to the improvements associated ' with Project No. 466 which are proposed to be assessed by the City of Eagan. We also have determined the value of the property after the improvements have been installed and as a ' result, determined the increase in property value resulting from these improvements. We report the following values; Market Value before $36,000 t Market Value after 52,000 Value Increase 16,000 ' The City has proposed to assess the property for $10,348.35 for the installation of storm sewer utilities. This is less than the change in value to the subject property attributable to the improvement project. Therefore, it is my opinion that ' the market value of the property has increased sufficiently to warrant the assessment. , It has been a pleasure to serve you. Should you require any further information, please feel free to call. ' Respectfull uted, , a4000034 S.R.P.A. Appr i ser ' MSP/sah 3914 Cedarvale Drive • Eagan, Minnewta 55122 • 612•454-16M 1 , 1 ' , 1 , ' , ' t ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae Property Description 1 Date of the Appraisal 1 Purpose of the Appraisal 1 Property Rights Appraised 1 Ownership 1 Legal Description 1 Market Value Defined 2 Record Data 3 Plat Map 4 Location Map 5 Photos of Subject Property 6- 7 Metropolitan Area Description 8-10 City and Neighborhood Data 11-12 Neighborhood Description 13 Site Description 14 Highest and Best Use Defined 15 Highest and Best Use Analysis 16 Market Data Approach to Value 17-25 Analysis of Value before Improvements 26-27 Value after the Improvements 28-32 Correlation and Conclusion 33 Certificate 34 Limiting Conditions 35-36 Appraisal Qualifications 37-38 Addendum ' , ' 11 L ' ' ' ' u 1 ' ' ' , ' ' , PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The subject property is a 1.5 acre parcel located in tbe southwest quadrant of the intersection of Diffley Road, County Road 30 and Pilot Knob Road, County Road 31. The property is addressed as 4205 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota. This appraisal is completed the 17th day of December, 1990. DATE OF THE APPRAISAL PURPOSE AND FUNCTION The purpose of the appraisal is to determine the market value of the subject property prior to the installation of improvements under Project 466 installed by tbe City of Eagan and County of Dakota. In addition, the appraisal is to determine the value of the property after the installation of utilities. As a result, the appraisal will determine the value change, if any, resulting from the improvements. The function of the appraisal is to determine the validity of a proposed city assessment for the installation of storm sewer to serve the site. PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED The property rights appraised consist of the fee simple interest unencumbered by any easement or mortgage. OWNERSHIP The property is currently owned by Walter and Michael Nelson. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The property is legally described as Lot 4, Carlson Acres, Eagan, Minnesota. 1 I , ' MARKET VALUE DEFTNED ' Fair market value, or alternately, most probably selling price, as estimated in this valuation report, conforms to the following definitions; ' "Market value is defined as the estimated price, in terms of U. S. Dollars, which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale with the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably and , presuming the price is not affected by undue influence. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the , passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby; 1. Buyer and seller are typically motivated. , 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised acting in what they consider their own best interests. , 3. A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market. 4. Equity payment is made in cash or its equivalent. 5. Financing, if any, is on terms which are specifically enumerated within this ' report. 6. The price represents a normal consideration for the property sold based upon the appraiser's analysis of the current econosnic environment and its effects ' on equity yield demands exclusive of any special services, fees, costs or credits except those which may be defined within this report. , Altemately ... the highest price in terms of money which a property will bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by ' undue influence." (1) ' ' 1 (1) Adapted from "A Critique of the Definition of Air Mazket Value:, by Harold D. ' Albritton, MAI, "The Appraisal Journal", April, 1980. ' 1 2 ? 1 ? ' 1 ' ? ? ' ' 1 ' , 1 ? 1 ' ' ' Property Identification No. 1990 Real Estate Taaces: Assessments: 1990 Assessor's Market Value: RECORD DATA 10-16400-040-00 $2,098.42 None $ 28,000 (Land) 103.600 (Buildings) $ 131,600 The properry was assessed in 1972 for sanitary sewer trunk, 1976 for water area and water lateral, 1977 for sanitary sewer lateral and in 1980 for storm sewer trunk for a portion of the site. 3 e vr _ a.e 95? eHIGHWAV°° +;;DAKOra COUNTY ROAD RIGN? OF WAY ?MAP N0. 26 B 264 ^ ?6]9E ? P?C= 2a? 30C . 30 . La?y -__ / Y. tl 2 3 ? [Y ?IA : Q E'eG v IBI][ ? iYf:_ , i0p ? .N O -- ]ii. S!9°?5( - 2E O \ .. 1 . '-??` t`6•? ? , ry.??I / \`/ e xnx 1 R.60 I 60 >° ? W IW /p I W ? cas+ .: i. , c ° e\ 2 " 21 ???oo { d0 F]0 r9E.? Bae?J• ? ??'o¢ E 5_ -7-?J _8oe? "1 1 5?_?ez-•?J= .? ? ?, 9vs? ? F.i1 SIGFRI4.? 17 `A I I" li ? . ? a3• ' ° ? I e n, 9 ? E S 9 __ uC e1/? ? 209. o.• nC?? V N 6C SSes wB9°?JM ="?-- ^ IRCLE ' ? 2 II ? ^.a . zc ? ? I! 1e ? ON D J? 1M ? 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Paul area, commonly called the Twin Gities Meuopolitan Area, includes Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington Counues in east-central Minnesota. Population and Growth 1Yends As indicated by the table below, the Twin Cities Area experience strong growth in population from 1960 to 1970. Thereafter, the population continued to increase in five of the seven counties but at a slower rate. Hennepin and Ramsey Counties experienced small losses in population because of the continuing migration of residents from the core cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul to the more spacious suburban communities. Since 1980, the population has increased in all seven counties. The greatest rate of growth has been experienced by Dalcota and Scott Counties, 30.7 percent and 28.0 percent, respectively, while Hennepin and Ramsey grew by 6.4 percent and 3.5 percent. The rate for Anoka, Caroer and Washington Counties ranged from 17.2 percent to 21.7 percent. In terms of numbers of residents, the largest growth has occurred in Anoka, Dakota and Hennepin Counties. POPULATION GROWTH % 8 1988 8 1960 1970 Change 1980 Change Pop. Change Countv CensUS Census 160 70 Cenaus '70 80 Ests. '80 87 Anoka 85,916 154,556 79.98 195,998 26.8% 229,770 17.2% Carver 21,358 28,310 32.5$ 37,046 30.98 44,974 21.48 Dakota 78,303 139,808 78.5b 194,279 39.08 254,017 30.7% Hennepin 842,854 960,080 13.96 941,411 -1.98 1,001,198 6.48 Ramsey 422,525 476,255 12.78 459,784 -3.58 476,089 3.58 Scott 21,909 32,423 48.08 43,784 35.08 56,027 28.08 Wash. 52,427 82,948 58.28 113,571 36.98 138,246 21.78 Totals 1,525,292 1,874,380 22.98 1,985,873 5.98 2,200,321 10.88 In conclusion, the movement of population is out of the central cities and older neighborhoods and suburbs to the developing suburban areas, with the westem Minneapolis and western Dakota County localities of the metropolitan area showing the greatest gains. . 8 , ' The Economv ' The Twin Cities azea economy is highly diversified between manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade and service industries. ' Manufacturing Unlike certain other metropolitan areas, this one is not dependent upon a single employer or industry which dominates the market. T'here are over 3,200 manufacturers ' in the Twin Cities area representing such fields as electronics, milling, machinery manufacturing, food processing and graphic arts. And•yet, the two largest companies - Honeywell, Inc. and 3M - employed only 3.1 percent of the labor force, and the ninety- ' five largest firms accounted for only 22.0 percent. Wholesale and Retail Trade ' Minneapolis and St. Paul together form the largest metropolitan area between Chicago and Seattle. As such, it serves as the principal distribution center for the Upper Midwest and a substantial portion of the Northern Great Piains. ' Service s ' Another major source of commercial activity is the service sector which offers financial, communications, medical and legal support to the rest of the economy. In Hennepin County alone, this single group accounts for over 113,500 jobs. , Transportation The Minneapolis-St. Paul area is the transportation hub of the Upper Midwest. ' Rails: Siz railroads serve the area including the Soo Line; the Burlington Northern; and the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southem which aze based ' in the Twin Cities. Truck: Over 150 truck lines operate in this area with many being ' interstate carriers serving all points of the United States. ' Highways: The major east-west highway through the area is Interstate 94 which Interstate 35 serves as its north- south counterpart. In addition, the Twin Cities is efficiently served by an Interstate beltline system. , Air: The area is served by thirteen national and six commuter airlines offering both passenger and cargo service through Minneapolis-St. Paul ' International Airport. Exclusive cargo service is provided by ten additional airlines. ' Bus Lines: There are three interstate and five intrastate bus lines offering service in the Twin Cities area. . ' 1 9 ' ' Barge Lines: There are over fourteen barge lines serving the azea. Total ' commodities carried exceed ten million tons annually. Labor Characteristics ' The labor force here is well educated ranking second nationally in number of years of school completed. Furthermore, the Armed Forces Qualifications Tests, which indicate a person's ability to absorb and apply training received, have consistently resulted in ' Minnesotans being ranked among the top ten states in the nation. Combining these traits with one of the lowest absentee records, approximately half tHe national average, the Minnesata work force is considered to be high quality and dependable. ' nends in Economic Develoument New development of virtually all types has been generally strong in many of the , suburban areas whereas construction activity in the central cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul has been primarily business office in character. The growth in the suburban areas has been greatly influenced by the availability of zoned land, adequate utilities and ' convenient access to the highest system. The majority of this growth in suburban areas has occurred in well designed business parks. ' ' I J 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 10 , ' CI ' ' 1 ' CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD DATA Location The City of Eagan is a third-tier community located in the northwesterly part of Dakota County approximately ten miles South of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Eagan is bounded by several suburban communities including Inver Grove Heights on the East, Mendota Heights to the North, Burnsville to the West and Apple Valley and Rosemount to the South. Population Eagan has led the population growth in the Twin Cities area since 1980 according to Metropolitan Council figures. The Ciry has experienced a very dramatic population growth as evidenced by the census 6gures of 10,398 in 1970, 20,700 in 1980 and an estimated population in early 1990 of about 45,000. ' Eagan is one of the largest cities in Dakota County, second only to Burnsville. The rapid growth rate is in part attributable to the availability of raw land for development, ' convenient freeway/roadway access and the community's favorable south-central location in the metro area. Most Eagan families are two income households, and the median age of the residents is twenty-eight years old. The rapid population growth has ' required the construction of several public schools in recent years including a 1,200 student high school, a middle school and additional grade schools. ' Transportation Strong development demand in Eagan has occurred since completion of the I-494 bridge over the Minnesota River in late 1983 and the opening of I-35E in 1985 which ' dramatically improved vehicular access to both Minneapolis and St. Paul as well as to the International Airport. The generally strong demand for land to accommodate new commercial, industrial and residential development has resulted in significant increases ' in unit area land values in comparison to those which prevailed in the eazly 1980's. ' Major highways and freeways in the vicinity of the subject property include I-35E less than one-quarter mile to the West, the Cedar Avenue (STH No. 77) about 1.6 miles to the West and STH No. 13 less than two miles to the Northwest. The principal arterial roadways in the immediate area include Diffley Road (County Road 30) about .4 miles ' to the North, Cliff Road (County Road 32) a near equal distance to the South and PIlot Knob Road (County Road 31) less than one mile to the East. The access qualities of 1 Eagan and the subject neighborhood aze best described as good to very good. Industries Businesses ' There aze a wide range of industrial and commercial businesses located in Eagaa Prominent employers in the community include Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Unisys Computer Services Division, West Publishing, Northwest Airlines, ' Coca-Cola Company and the U. S. Postal Service, among others. While development in ' 11 I t many Twin Cities suburban communities has been on the downswing in recent years, ' Eagan for the most part has been experiencing favorable growth and development. One of the largest new developments has been the second addition to Cray Research ' located in the northeast comer of Eagan. A 60,000 square foot software training facility has been completed, and either under construction of recently completed are a 200,000 square foot office building, a 174,000 square foot computer center and a 38,000 square , foot commons building. West Publishing Company has undertaken a major development project near Wescott Road and Highway 149 which includes a 117,400 square foot professional center. The West Publishing master plan anticipates eventual ' development of about 2.4 million square feet of office space phased in over a twenty year period. ' An office development completed last year is the second phase of The Waters at 2900 L.one Oak Parkway. The development by L. A. Laukka Development Company may , eventually total about 1.3 million square feet of office and warehouse space. Trammel Crow Company has at least temporarily shelved their plans for a major second phase of their Eagan Woods business office complex along I-494. , Eagan has a wide range of shopping center and general retail development. One of the newest developments is Rahncliff Crossings. There is a possibility that a major retail ' development company from Des Moines, Iowa may pursue development of a regional mall in the vicinity of Dodd Road (Highway 149) and I-494. ? Residential Development T'he vast majoriry of residential development over the past two years has been of single family homes. According to a report by the Meuopolitan Council, Eagan was the ' leading community for the most single family pemuts issued during the third quarter of 1989 with 232. The total number of building permits issued for new single family homes in 1989 was 575, down approximately twenty percent from the 723 buIlding permits ' issued during calendar year 1988. Multiple family residential development has been very Iimited in recent years as will be discussed later in this appraisal. ' Many of the recently platted lots for single family homes are oriented toward "upscale or high quaiity" housing which can be defined as homes selling for at least $150,000. ' The average valuation of a new single family home exceeds $110,000 in Eagan. Fueling the demand for upscale housing is the limited number of desirable lots available in Apple Valley, Burnsville and parts of West Bloomington. I 1 ' 1 12 1 ' NEIGHBORHOOD DESCRIPTION ' The subject property is located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Pilot Knob Road and Diffley Road. Both of these roads are high volume, through collector ' streets operated by Dakota County. Prior to the improvements, both roadways were two-lane, rural section blacktop roads. The improvements reduced the elevation of the intersection and installed four driving lanes and turn lanes with concrete curb and ' gutter, concrete islands, a signalized intersection and other miscellaneous utility improvements required by the widening and reconsuuction of the roadway. ' The property surrounding the subject property to its South and West is entirely single- family in nature. Carlson Acres Subdivision is one of the first plau in the area. Most of the houses are in excess of twenty years old. Behind Carlson Acres, which was platted , along the county roadways, is the Evergreen Parks subdivisions which were built in the early 1970s. , Northerly of the subject property across Diffley Road is the Knob Hill Professional Park. This twenty acre development consists of several commercially zoned lots. ' Immediately on the corner directly opposite the subject is a multi-tenant building which houses a dental clinic and real estate broker. Further into the commercial park is a multi-tenant office building and a veterinazian's clinic. These aze the only lots which ' have buildings constructed on them. The commercial area was platted and available for development approximately five years ago. , The northeast quadrant of the intersection has been developed with approacimately 20,000 feet of a shopping strip, convenience center. In addition, there is a day-care child facility. ' The southeasterly quadrant of the intersection if occupied by a Lutheran church. Adjacent to, and sunounding, the church is all single-family residential with some , duplex along Pilot Knob Road and Diffley Road. ' This general area of Eagan is considered to be primarily residential in nature. The only commercial developments take place in selected intersections with limited convenience- type uses to serve the surrounding neighborhood. ' 1 ' , 1 13 ' ' SITE DESCRIPTION ' Area The subject contains a total area of 60,000 square feet according to the plat maps ' available to your appraiser. The property has 300 feet of frontage on DifIIey Road and 200 feet of frontage on Pilot Knob Road. ' A portion of the property is occupied by a single-family residential dwelling. It is located near Pilot Knob Road. ' Touo2rauhv The subject property is gently rolling in nature and lies above both the reconstructed Pilot Knob Road and the reconstructed Diffley Road elevations. Access is from a ' private driveway located on the old county road right-of-way. It is pazt of reconstructing the Diffley roadway, and it was moved northerly approximately fifty feet. This resulted ' in a private drive for the subject property and its neighbors. The highest ponion of the subject is at the existing single-family dwelling. As the property proceeds easterly and southerly, it drops off approacimately ten feet. A topographic map is contained in the , Ciry Rezoning Report included in the addendum to this appraisal. Soils ' Soil tests have not been examined. We assume soils to be sound and capable of suppordng the improvements as constructed. Should adverse soil conditions be discovered subsequent to the date of this appraisal, the report would be subject to ' review and re-analysis.- Easements and Encroachments ' There are no easements and encroachments visible. Accessibility and Identity ' The property has excellent identity being easily visible from the entire intersection. Access is available from the previously described private drive. Right or left-hand turns ' are available through the concrete median in County Road 30. Zoning ' The subject property is cunently zoned R-1, Single-Faarily Residential. ' 1 14 , ' ' ' ' ' ' I_J ' n ' n ' u ' ' ' ' 1 HIGHEST AND BEST USE DEFINED The highest and best or most profitable use, as deflned in the "Appraisal of Real Estate", 7th Edition, is "that use which, at the time of appraisal, is the most profitable likely use. It is the use that will provide the greatest retum on the land after the requiremenu of labor, capital and coordination have been satisfied. Thus, it may be also defined as the available use and program of future, utilization that produces the highest present land value." Underlying the theory of the highest or most profitable use is the theory of change. Change is ever present as all real estate, improved or unimproved can be described within the context of its place in a particular development cycle. Downtown urban land, such as the Central Core District of Minneapolis, can be regarded as having a significant demand and, for those sites still in the core which remain as parldng lots, or other types or vacant ground, the future potential for development and transition from their present use, to a markedly different one, is readily foreseeable. The highest and best use of any given piece of ground should be analyzed not only in terms of its existing use with improvements constructed thereon, but also other possible uses should be considered which may be affected by zoning and planning changes, social needs and market demand. It should also be noted that land in iu transitional state may appear physically to the eye to have a suitable existing improvement constructed thereon. In fact, the value of the underlying ground may have risen to such a degree that the existing improvements cannot contribute sufficient income stream to provide a fair retum of capital on both the value of the ground and the improvements. Therefore, a situation can be created wherein immediate development may not be warranted, but the existing improvements have effectively become obsolete. In estimating highest and best use, we should consider those uses which are physically possible for the site, legally permissible and 5nancially feasible. The highest and best use is that use, from all of the above uses, which produces the highest net return to the owner. L.egally permissible uses are those uses which may be permitted by current zoning and deed restrictions to the site. Feasible uses are those possible uses which would produce the highest net retum to the owners. 15 ' ' HIGHEST AND BEST USE ANALYSIS ' In the addendum to this report will be found copies of the Eagan City Council minutes and a staff report regarding a request to rezone this property from R-1, Single-Family ' Residential to LB, Limited Business to allow two office buildings which would contain approacimately 11,500 square feet of usable space. The application took place in March, 1987. In April of 1987, the City Council denied the rezoning and gave a variety of ' reasons. One of the reasons listed included the observation that the intersection had long been known to be a busy intersection and that the property had been zoned single- family for many, many years, and since conditions had not changed, there was no reason ' to change the zoning. Since the only conceivable use, other than single-family, is limited business or multiple , family and since the City Council has made a determination within three years of the present date that there has not been any change in condition which would warrant the ' rezoning of the property, it is my opinion that the property cannot be reasonably anticipated to be rezoned to any use other than single-family residential. Therefore, it is my opinion that the highest and best use of the subject property is for development as ' a single-family residenual site. ' ' ' ' ' , 16 , ' ' ' lI ' I ' , ' ' ' ' I LJ MARKET DATA APPROACH TO VALUE The Market Data Approach is based upon the definition of "Market Va1ue" as de5ned earlier in this report and postulates that there is a willing seller and a willing buyer, that neither is under abnormal pressure, both are fully informed concerning the property and its uses, and the state of the market for that properry and finally that the property has been exposed on the open market for a reasonable time. Market Value has been described as a reflection of the reactions of typical users and investors in the market. As in the Cost Approach, the Market Data Approach is also based upon the principle of substitution which, in this Approach, implies that a prudent investor will not pay more to buy or rent a property than it will cost him to buy or rent a subsdtute property with equally desirable chazacteristics. The Market Data Approach is essential in almost every appraisal of the value of real property. T'he application of this Approach produces an estimate of value of a property by comparing it with similar properties of the same type an class which have been sold recently or are currently offered for sale in the same or competing areas. T'he comparative processes utilized in determining the degree of comparability between two properties involves judgment as to their similarity with respect to many value factors such as location, construction, age and condition. The sale price of these properties deemed most comparable tend to set the range in which the value of the subject property will fall. Further consideration of the comparative data will indicate to the appraiser a figure representing the value of the subject property; that is, the probably price at which it could be sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer as of the date of the appraisal. The data involved in the application of this process concerns comparable properties as well as the subject property and will vary with the type of property. Four categories of data, however, are basic and apply regardless of the type of property. They are; 1. Sale or asking prices of comparable properties. 2. Conditions influencing each sale. 3. Location of each property. 4. Description of land and improvements of each property. Your appraiser has studied many properties that have sold in this area and in competing areas and has selected the following reported sales for thorough study and analysis. A map showing the location of each of the sales in relation to the subject property is included on the following pages, and then each sale is individually reported and discussed. Each of the sales selected was viewed by your appraiser, and a comparison was made of each sale to the subject property. Sales must be adjusted for such items as differences 17 [J ' in topography, location, date of the sale, size of the tract, available utiliues and other ' such items which would affect the sale price of the compared property. A determination is made as to whether the comparable is superior or inferior to the subject property in each azea, and dollar amounts are added to or subtracted from the ' compared property sale price to arrive at a price for the subject property. Following the reported comparables will be found an adjustment analysis showing the adjustments made to each of the comparables and the resulting value factor indication. ' ' ' u ' ' ' ' 11 ' n I I 18 I l 1 1 1 n I I I I I 0 0 I ?? I comparable Idlarlcet Data ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' , ' ' 1 ' ? 1 ' ,, ? . . . . ? .. ? n E. O"Toa/? 9 E?%?-'n E? Q o'Toe/t ? op ?y?y Mt?fOl]??I -J- IS)U . ?3' \ ? , U?+N? O YUOLE ?, 3 I?Vtf $. LAWRLMCCOST 01075' r0. ? 2 O?7 ?' .. F a 5 %4?ss "?? 6 =r??? 3 Ac. ?? °F?5` C$ Y 9°?tl a3o-?2s_ •so ? }x ?oen :I- :rcac ? i? ? uny 9SNT?IM? )iu prC_p J Z. 18 I COMPARABLE SALE NO.1 Location: North side of Skyline Road just West of Pilot Knob Road in Eagan. Legal: Lot 8, Block 1, Oster Addition Seller: Richfield Bank and Trust Buyer: Precision Homes, Inc. Zoning: R-1, Residential Land Area: 86 feet frontage and area of 12,350 square feet Date of Sale: October, 1989 Sale Price: $24,000 Remarks: Open and level site now improved with a new average quality single-family home. All necessary utilities in place and paid by seller. 20 L i w/'ancC T d /vldi%7? OJ? !}? [' ? 1 ? ' , ? ? ? 1 ' 1 ' ? ' ' ' ' , 1 ? „/ohn E & fahn E. ? i%r?n E• O' Toale 9 pI Tea/? JU?+N? O tSTtiv? SL -- O 2 P F?r?y_ a3o-ls e+ I? _ IS>Q ?TOO L, E b' 3 0 4?.. ? 0' 7.S r0. ? 2 Y J2 e S. 3 A c. `c "F ? . w.lY?Yf. ? Q ( ) rvrc?nCG T. d JuJ linl OJ?'r •?Qa?F`?.5 Ati/ .??a?..?..?dd: s?.e ???+• 6 t ? OSTEA ' QIb0.?2?d4??7 114 8 .il1, ? IMi )un.. P(?60 ? ? 11182 I I I COMPARABLE SALE NO. 2 Location: Northwest wrner of Skyline Road and Oster Drive, Eagan. Legal: Lot 1, Block 2, Oster Addition Seller: John and Eileen O'Toole Buyer. James and Hope Bourman Zoning: R-1, Residential Land Area: 80 feet of frontage and area of 11,773 square feet Date of Sale: November, 1988 Sale Price: $25,000 Remarks: Level to gendy sloping, open lot with all utilities in place and paid by seller. Site now improved with auerage quality home. 21 , ' , ' ' ' ' ' ? ' ' ' 1 ' ' ? ' , ' .r ? Ar . JUHN? O TOOLE ? iT1tVt_° $ LAWRL'NCG OST o2o--7S ro. : - _ - /( 2 05 _ . .... i ?nn 3 rS C. -7s .? 070 S •? --..? ..._.. ,. Jv,J fii?? G1 ?r 3P e???a R ` ? 61• ,,. ? 8 9 d4'- n ' 8 , S ? f 3 L p? . ? I I •1tt ? 1S ?? tlI ? .J? 182 m 0 Z Y, COMPARABLE SALE NO. 3 Location: North of Skyline Road and West of Pilot Knob Road in Eagan. Legal: Lot S, Block 1, Oster Addition Seller: John O'Toole and J. Torgerson Buyer: Gene L. Reisinger Construction, Inc. Zoning: R-1, Single-Family Land Area: 86 feet frontage and area of 12,394 squaze feet Date of Sale: November, 1988 Sale Price: $23,500 Remarks: I,evel to gendy sloping unwooded lot served with all necessary utilities (assessments paid by seller). Site now improved with an average quality home. 22 , ' , ' ' ? ' ' 1 ' 1 , ' ? 1 , , , ' • IS •/ % ?'• ? ??Y ? `?. ,I- / N " a COMPARABLE SALE NO. 4 Location: South side of Skyline Road and East of Highway 13, Eagan Legal: Part of SW 1/4 of 4-27-231ying East of STH 13. Seller. Theodore and Lonaine Goers Buyer: Riden Enterprises, Inc. Zoning: R-1, Single-Family Land Area: 206,130 square feet or 4.73 acres excluding Skyline Road Date of Sale: March, 1489 Sale Price: $75,000 Remarks: The property is now platted as Ridge Haven Acres which contains a total of founeen single-family lots. 23 l? i*crrr.,r ?'=? ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' .< i ? u rEr,pr=L c l Y?•? . ?? ^ "' ? •\y -N??`I'` I I (l ? \ ?'? '5 !{.`??\ Location: Legal: Seller. Buyer: Zoning: Land Area: Date of Sale: Sale Price: Remarks: _ ..-r- VFi ? Jk'• _'" D 1 . '_ I.I? ' - ?--? a'1?• /1*,. O/D-77 4!/.7T COMPARABLE SALE NO. 5 Southwest corner of new Skyline Drive and Skyline Road (formerly known as Auge Road) in Eagan. Lot 17, Treffle Acres Frederick and Maxine DeLosh Cannon Valley Woodwork (Prettyman) R-1, Single-Fanuly 1.44 Acres May, 1989 $42,500 Level to gently rolling, mostly open land now platted as part of Prettyman Heights Addition (4 lots platted from the sale site and a total of 22 lots in the entire addition). Ali utilities auailable for extension to the property 24 f ( /L e? ?lf,? •lli N . ? ? , . , ? '•? ? `\ ,t crJ ??o ? \`?- ' y? • ? ???e a1. / r`l? ?8s• ? / 'Z ? ?? ?? /yq ??a?• ;; 5°? 3 ; :'? ? - ; ? ?? •.?,° 4 I / `` Boi 4 o? ? i,:' 7 nj 1 6 ri?Oq5 \\\\ ' l / / / / / 7 el 1224- _I12. 187383' ' OFFERING NO. 1 Location: Dodd Road near Cliff Road, Eagan ' Legal: Lot 5, Patrick Addition , Seller. Bud Golberg , Zoning: R-i, Single-Family Residential Land Area: 47,600 Square Feet ' Selling Price: $45,900 1 25 1 ' ' ANALYSIS OF VALUE BEFORE IMPROVEMENTS The appraisal problem is to determine the value of the property prior to the installation ' of improvements which had been designated to be early 1987 by the city attorney. Sale No.'s 4 and 5 and Offering No. 1 are selected to be the most compazable to the ' subject property prior to the improvements. A ume adjustment is made downward for an approximate two year change from the ' comparables in early 1989 to the appraisal date of early 1987. It is my opinion that no change in the market value has occurred since mid-1989 in the local real estate land markets. ' A location adjustment is applied to Offering No. 1. This property is located on a cul-de- ' sac. An amenities adjustment is applied to Sale No. 5. This property is located considerably ' above Highway 13 with a good view of the Minnesota River Valley. Offering No. 1 is adjacent to Hay Lake . A size adjustment is applied to Sale No. 4 which is a four-plus acre tract. It is similar to , the subject in that it was a small tract available for a development with little work required on the part of the developer. ' O h f n t e ollowing page is found the adjustment grid showing the adjustments applied to the three comparables. The comparables range in values, after adjustments, from ' $34,500 to $37,145. It is my opinion that the value of the subject property, prior to the improvements of ' Pilot Knob Road and Diffley Road, was $36,000. , ' ' C? ' 1 26 , 1 ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' , ? ' 1 ' 1 ' Subject Sale 4 Sale 5 Offering 1 Location Pfiot Knob Skyline & 73 Treffel Acres Hay Lake Ct. Zoning / use R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 Area in Sq. Ft. 60,000 206,130 62,736 47,760 Topography rolling,open rolling, open level, open level, open Soils good good good good Sale Price NA $75,000.00 $42,500.00 $45,900.00 Date of Sale NA Mar-89 May-89 currerrt Time Adjustment NA -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 Adjusted Sale Price NA $69,000.00 $39,100.00 $42,228.00 Per Square Foot NA $0.33 $0.62 $0.88 Value Factor Adjustments Location 1.00 1.00 0.95 Amenities 1.00 0.95 0.90 Size 0.50 1.00 1.00 Total Adjustment 0.50 0.95 0.86 Indicated Value $34,500.00 $37,145.00 $36,104.94 ? 1 _ VALUE AFI'ER THE IMPROVEMENTS - T'he subject property was previously located on an intersecdon of two rural section, two- ' lane blacktop roadways. After the improvements, the subject property is located on a private driveway adjacent to a four-lane, divided urban section, high-traffic county roadway. Prior to the improvements, the subject property had all utilities available to , serve it except storm sewer. After the improvements, the subject property also had storm sewer. In addition, it has a private driveway available which formerly was the location of Diftley Road. Diffley Road was moved further North, and the existing ' surface was removed and replaced with a new blacktop surface in its old location. This new surface serves as a private driveway for five existing residential properties located along the south side of Diffley Road at Pilot Knob Road. ' On the following pages will be found copies of the City of Eagan Asbuilt Plans for the utilities located in front of the subject prior to Project 466 and also a copy of the utilities , and roadways asbuilt drawings for the improvements after the construction of Project 466. The drawings show that the subject property had all utilities available to it except ' storm sewer. They also show that, after the improvements, access to the subject property was improved since it was located on a frontage road, and it also had storm sewer available to serve the property. ' It is my opinion that the subject property, after the improvements, can now be subdivided. Previously, its highest and best use was a single lot for single-family ' residential purposes. However, it was being used a home operated business for outside storage of equipment and materials for a landscaping construction company. ' After the improvements, the property can still be used for the grandfathered use of a landscaping construction business; however, the property is now capable of being subdivided since it has ease of access to a frontage roadway which will not require , applications for driveway pemuts on to a county roadway, and it has storm sewer availabte to it. ' It is my opinion that the property can now reasonably be acquired as a single-family residence and that the acquiring party would easily be able to subdivide the property , and provide two additional lou at the rear of the property. Based upon the analyses of Sales 1, 2 and 3 shown on the following pages, it is rny opinion that the mazket value of these two lots, as well as the lot occupied by the eatisting single-family dwelling, has a ' market value of $23,500. The cost of installing additional city improvements to serve as these two lou is nominal since the utilities are located immediately adjacent to the property and will require only the services to be installed. Cost of actually platting the ' property, which amounts to a survey, a plat drawing and city fees, will be nominal since no improvements are requued for city inspections. It is my opinion that it is reasonable to anticipate a$5,000 per unit profit for the owner of the property when selling these , two lots. Shown below is a brief cost analysis of doing the subdivision work. This 28 analysis indicates the value of the property is approximately $52,000 after allowing for a profit for the sale of the lots. It is my opinion that the subject property has a market value, after the improvements, of $52,000. 3 Lots @ $23,500 $70,500 Cost of Improvements: City Uulities $ 2,000 Platting 2,500 City Fees 2,500 Park Fees 1.700 8.700 Net Subtotal 61,800 Profit - $5,000 Per Unit 10.000 $51,800 29 ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 , , ' ' ? ' ' ' ' ' 1 Subject Sale t Sale 2 Sale 3 Location Pliot Knob Skyline Sklyline Oster Dr. Zoning / use R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 Area in Sq. Ft. 60,000 12,350 11,773 12,394 Topography rolling,open level, open level, open level,open Soils good good good good Sale Price NA $24,000.00 $25,000.00 $23,500.00 Date W Sale NA Oct-89 Nov-88 Nov-88 TimeAdjustment NA 0.00 0.03 0.0.3 Adjusted Sale Price NA $24,000.00 $25,750.00 $24,205.00 Per Square Foot NA $1.94 $2.19 $1.95 Value Factor Adjustments Location 0.95 0.95 1.00 Amenities 1.00 1.00 1.00 Size 1.00 1.00 7.00 Total Adjustment 0.95 0.95 1.00 Indicated Value $22,800.00 $24,462.50 $24,205.00 f' i' ? ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' ' , 1 I LL PROFESSIONAL PARK ? ff) a ? o z Y Q I - - '?77-?-^r"?' ?T ?.- ROCK M ROCK ? ROCK ? I ? Z Y 05 7t86 8t95 ? IOt27 ?.- I WATER p I SERVICE J ONLY ? SEWER a WATER SERVICES NOTE: TO BE LOCATEG IN FIELD ALL S TO BE O EXTE BM 956.70 I 8.0 ?:? i .:.?.: .: i TOP HYD . - j ? . .. 940 1960 ..: P.RQ:P .OSED PRC 1E[LE _ ?. ? N1H 712 _ I 953 0 gSO EX 'STING PR F1LE. _ ? ,,. .. _ .. __.. _ .. ._... _.. ... . _......... - G p "? 14 I° .. , . _ _;_. .. _.............. _.. Before m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m ? i 72.0 1 N ?, II6 RECONSTRUCT TELEPNONE - p? 196 40? VAULT AND MANHOLE 401 (BY OTHERS) 95 ?2"o?P M. ? l 1 1-1- 1 ? , ? T \ ? ?.s 4 ? - _ - - -_ ? - - - - " i_BUf' - - - _ --? T ? ? ? ?'? / 44 90.K I -- ? ? STOP BO gTOP BOX r Fo X"ROAD 81 RC ? 12"' DII? 11N.M. p? \ 901.F, 6" CL.52 DIP ? I ?' " 1440 92 CONI?TRUCTION LIM / ?AT?E VL,E Q B? I I RENCE . RENVIL a ?, ?5? ALTER NEL501O -?58.0 ? &„?, ? ??.? _ * LI YAflOGHT ? I TOP OF 8?? PLUGGE ? ° i , WM. STUB ELEV. 12??x 8?' TEE ? B0„4 l 12?? RCP STUB ENDS DII ECTLY =950.39 STA. 132+00 0? I? ? B E L O W B"S A N S E W E R 86 - 8 D I P C L I? I 12"RCP STUB IE= 93955 d' PLUG CD 8" VCP IE ra1 x-ing=94?.75 8" GATF VALVE 8i BO ? H I I I ' CORRELATION AND CONCLUSION ' We have shown that the value of the subject property is based upon singie-family residential although its cunent use is a grandfathered use allowing the properry to be a ' landscaping, construction and storage facility. We have analyzed sales of properties similar in size to the subject and similar in location to the subject in order to deteruune the value of the property before which had a highest and best use of a single lot for ' single-family residential purposes. T'he property is improved with a single-family dwelling with an attached two-caz gazage, ' an outside storage unit and a detached oversized two-car garage that is used in the landscaping business. The single family dwelling will be located on the lot adjacent to Pilot I{nob. It will not be on a lot line; therefore, no subdivision problems are created ' by building placement. The detached facilities would not add to the value of the dwelling and its lot, except a nominal value of $1,000 to $1,500 which would transfer to the lot in which it was contained. Therefore, I see no impediments to the subdivision of ' the remaining land area into three lots. ' After the improvements are completed, the property is capable of being subdivided with very little additional effort on the part of the owner. Two additional lots, both being eighty-five feet in width and two hundred feet in depth, can be developed without t any grading or utility work. The improvements were required in order to allow the property to be subdivided. The value after the improvements is $52,000. ' The value before the improvements was $36,000. The differential is $16,000. The City proposes to assess $20,348.35. This is less than the increase in value to the property; therefore, it is my opinion that the subject property has increased in value sufficiently to ' allow the assessment of the property for storm sewer improvements. ' ' ' - , ' , 1 33 11 ' ' CERTIFICATE The undersigned does hereby certify that, except as other noted in this appraisal report; ' 1. I have personally inspected the subject property. , 2. I have no present or contemplated future interest in the real estate that is the subject of this appraisal report. , 3. I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the subject matter of this appraisal report or the parties involved. ' 4. That the compensation is in no manner contingent upon the value reported. ' S. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements of fact contained in this appraisal report, upon which the analyses, opinions, and ' conclusions eapressed herein are based, are true and correct. 6. This appraisal report sets forth all of the limiting conditions (imposed ' by the terms of my assignment or by the undersigned) affecting the analyses, opinions and conclusions contained in this report. No pertinent information has knowingly been withheld. ' 7. This appraisal report has been made in conformity with the provisions of the Code of Ethics, the Standards of Professional Practice and ' Conduct, and the By-Laws of the Society of Real Estate Appraisers as the same may be amended from time to time. ' 8. No one other than the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions and opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in this appraisal ' report. I am currently certified under the Society of Real Estate Appraisers continuing education program. , 9. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions as to value, the identiry of the appraiser or the firm with which he is connected) shall be disseminated to the public through ' advertising media, public relations media, news media, sales media or any other public means of communication without the prior written consent and ap 7 f the undersigned. ' ' d S. Parra to i 34 11 ' LIMITING CONDITIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS ' This appraisal is made subject to the following limiting conditions and assumptions. ' The legal description fumished me is assumed to be correct. ' I assume no responsibility for matters legal in character, nor do I render any opinion as to the tide, which is assumed to be marketable. This property is appraised as though under responsible ownership and competent management and unencumbered. ' A k ny s etches and pictures in this report are included to assist the reader in visualizing the property. ' I have made no survey of the property and assume no responsibiliry in connection with such matters. ' No soil test boring data has been provided to the appraiser for consideration. ' Consequently, I am assuming the site has favorable soil conditions to allow development and use consistent with zoning allowances subject to any observations/qualifications made in the "Site Description" section of this appraisal ' report. I believe to be reliable the information identified in this report as being furnished to me ' by others, but I assume no responsibility for its accuracy. Possession of this report, a copy thereof, ar any part thereof, does not carry with it the ' right of publication nor may it be used for any purpose by anyone but the applicant or by previous written consent of the appraiser and the applicant and in any event, only with property qualifications. ' I am not required to give testimony or attendance in court by reason of this appraisal ' with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have previously been made therefor . ' The distribution of the total valuadon in this report between land and improvements, if any, applies only under the existing plan of utilization ' Neither all nor any part of this report sha11 be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of the author, particularly as to valuation conclusions, the identity of the ' appraiser or firm with which he is connected. In this appraisal assignment, the existence of potentially hazardous material used in the ' construction or maintenance of any building, such as tbe presence of urea formaldehyde 1 35 1 ' foam insulation, or the possible existence of toxic waste, which may or may not be ' present on the property, or the potential presence of radon or any other similar material, has not been considered. The appraiser is not qualified to detect such substances. We urge the client to retain any expert in this field if desired. , ' ' L_ 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 36 ' ' APPRAISAL QUALIFICATIONS OF ' MARK S. PARRANI'O 3914 Cedarvale Drive , Eagan, Minnesota 55122 (612)454-1600 GENERALBACKGROUND ' ` Life-Long resident of St. Paul area * BA Degree - College of St. Thomas, 196$ 1969-1974 Acwuntant, Gould, Inc., Mendota Heights, MN; Plant Controller, Gould, Inc., Memphis, TN * 1974-Present President Parranto Associates J. E. Parranto Associates Inc. Realtors ' , , , , , specializes in sales of tracts of land for development. * 1987-Present, Delta Development, Inc., a residential land developer, Vice President. Delta has completed over 500 single family lots in several developments in the south ' metro area. * Former member of Eagan City Council Condemnation Commissioner - Dakota County APPRAISAL EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION ' ' Society of Real Estate Appraisers, Course 101 Residential Appraisal * American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, Course I-B , ' Society of Real Estate Appraisers Course 201, Principles of Income Properiy Appraising ' Society of Real Estate Appraisers Course 202 Applied Income ' , Property Valuation " Numerous real estate and appraisal seminazs ' Partial client list; ' Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. , Minnesota Bank of Eagan Metropolitan Waste Control Commission Hennepin Counry Parks Department City of Falcon Heights ' City of Eagan St. Paul Companies ' Cliffroad Properties Dunn and Curry, Inc. Chrysler Credit, Inc. ' Westem Life Insurance Co. Chrysler, Inc. HIine Oldsmobile ' Climmins Engine ' 37 II ' Tilsen Homes, Inc. ' Pine Bend Development Numerous appraisals for attomeys, individuals and banking institutions ' MEMBERSHIPS * 3ociety of Real Estate Appraisers-Designated Member, Senior Rea1 Properry Analyst ' * Dakota County Boazd of Realtors * Sensible Land Use Coalition ' Urban Land Institute ' ' ' ' t ' 1 , ' ' ' ? 1 1 38 ' 'Council Minutes April 7, 1987 ' ' 1 ' 1 , 1 ' ' ' ' lJ OAR CLIFF ADDITION -'PY;ANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT & REZONING An application of Richazs?;::L1in.kler.... for rezoning of the Oak Cliff Addition consisting of ?and Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Oak Cliff Addition with pl'ariii?eci'?ctetrel'opment amendment was brought to the Council. The Advisor:-X::::;Planning Commission recommended approval of the application, subjec:k to certain conditions. Mr. Hedges an3 Mr. Runkle reviewed the application and it was noted the intention is to down-zone the property for single family purposes. There weze no objections. Ellison moved, Wachter seconded the motion to approve the application for rezoning and amendment to the Planned Development Agreement, sUE£ject to the execution of a draft amendment to the Planned Developmeritl:;Agrekivrent. All voted yes. -.;:. •::: .... :.>::: WALLY NELSON -.,-.LQT.>.4.,.;.: CA.RLS.DN ACRES - REZONING An application of YJally??`B:''Nelson and Michael Nelson for rezoning approximately 1.38 acres from R-1 (Residential Single) to LB (Limited Business) and preliminary plat approval to allow two 11,520 total square foot office buildings. In addition, a Comprehensive Guide tevision would..be requited. The Planning Commission recommended denial of b.o:Cb :=:;applications, according to Mr. Runkle. The City Planner furthex:::::s?atied that a Comprehensive Guide revision is an important . aj?:pp .>:'' "::::>Representatives of the applicant were present. There'wil3-'l?e no accsss to Pilot Knob Road, and Hans Timper, architect of Cedar-::?ti.tpa:?ation, presented the proposal to the City Council. He argued`?':?tkiat;z:::;:t:h.ere is a legal non-conformin9 use that has consisted for over''25-a:ears, and sCated that parking would comply and that the proposal isto remove all buildings with one office to replace the 6uilding. There would be no mat=_rial or equipment storage on the site. Mr. Timper also stated that compatible with the adjo.utiY:tiy anticipated at the corner problems but indicated tti-, y wau proper time to consider rezoning? it was his opinion that LB is l::;ai3d also with the heavy traffic there were past drainage be corrected and this is the ' One access from Diffl:::Raad:;serve two lots, according to Mr. Timper. Gail Stahl:?.:?:ata?'?owiiei:t?tG?the south, had objections to the drainage problems that she stated persisted since 1980 when a ' garage was built on the Nelson site. Further, she noted that a survey that she had prepared indicated the Nelsons had stored material on her property and she._also had questions concerning- the grandfather non-conforming to the commercial use, , as did Miriam Nall, g owner. Noise from machines and odoz from diesel %L'IeI h a v e 'Deen a problem for neighboring owners. They objected to'Yie propose8-" use, including the heavy ' traffic from the office bit:ilding. ' ... ....... 1 17 ' Cour.cil Minutes April 7, 1987 ' Dale Nathan, attornel'r:;;€or the Nelsons argued that it was a busy intersection and recommend:040 approval. ' Jim DelGreco, anotheY?::::::aI. a:3:ii'3_rig;-:::;riwner on Sequoia, objected to ?. ..?.... ....: the office building bei'ng'? "tb'o-<et. 'o's'e•: to the residential homes and ' stated that he spoke for.<fther objecting neighboring owners. Wat=r problems would be increaset3 according to Mr. Delgreco. ' ' , 1 , ' Councilman Wachter stated that he was personally familiar with Mr. Nelson and ha3 him do some sub-contract work for him but indicated that he had no reason to believe that he could not vote on the issue. He stated tha:t::the water will continue to run if the use is not changed, but that:the acee:ss to the lot is not desirable. Councilman Egan statet3;' thait is important to look at what exists at the use consistent and there must be adequate reason to: a:y:t.3siirz:z:e:>::a.change in the use. The plan has always been that Pilot'':`FCri'6Ys`"F2o?Cd' and Diffley Road would b= a very busy intersection and basically, there is no change in the plan for the intersection, according to Egan. Councilman Egan moved to deny including those stated above and the;:: he application for reasons lowing: 1. The proposed rezon:iiig;ra"L Comprehensive Guide use and''it wou in the Comprehensive Guide: ::::::::::::::::::;•:., ted Business is contrary to the not be prudent to make a change 2. The Nelsons did not makea-:Y:Qguest during the Comprehensive ' Guide Review process in 1985 and 1986 to redesignate the property to a commercial use. 3. There have been no material change in circumstances or any showing of any mistake in the original designation of the site as r2sidential. ' 4. It has long been icip3:Ced that the corner would be a busy corner and there have beenno ch?'nge in conditions. S. There is no sha.wi;ng_;::;:aE?.:3se:ed;; for the office use in that ' particu lar location. 6. To rezone, would set an adverse precedent that would give '• other owners reason to rezone their property adjacent to the Nelson . parcel. 7. The current R-1 zaiixrigwith the surrounding ' property and it would prqv;1-6e for sgQt,;:zoning and create an adverse impact on the surrounding""resi3entia3.- owners and would further ' create additional traffic::problems. ' ... 1 18 1 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' 11 , 1 ' , , 1 1 L_l ' Council Minutes April 7, 1987 8. The neighboring:::. property owners have relied upon the property remaining sing:?Je: family residential and there have been strong objections to the r.ez4nin9.,,by_,.p_e.ighboring property owners. Councilman Smith secoa'dei3''t'tie'-'iitoi"dh, noting that if the Council were to approve such app?;%cations, that it would 6e desirable for property owners to create?:?:a nuisance to in effect force the council to allow the rezoning, noting the problems that have taken place on the site, created by the expansion of the non-conforming commercial use through the years which have been objected to by the City and by the neighbors. Councilman Ellison st's':Zed tti;?=t there would be an adverse effect on the surrounding neitjbbors:::Yiy rezoning and he would not want to live in adjacent homes, :WachteX:::;stated that the office buildings would be an improvement and;:::cqrEect:.,.ihe.;;water problem, but the Guide Plan is very important. :hF3yot:;:::;:$loiiiqiisst was also strongly opposed for the same reasons thatwere:described above. All members voted in favor except Wachter who voted no. LEMAY LAKE BILLS TOWNHOUSE•:PROJECT - REPLAT An application was owners of the Lemay Lake Hills Townhouse oroject o.n:::4i4-06-''ICn;6;b Road for replat to convert the project from rental to ovi.ii'er-occupa?cy status. There are no changes in the project, but accordib 4:::ta::;Mr: Runkle, the intention is simply to convert the plat to provid'?=:€a??.?le lots for owner/occupancy. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the mot?z?iiti;:to approve the application, subject to City requirements. All vote8 yes. PIIBLIC IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT 1. Contract #87-11 -?.Gk:eQ:nsbo:r.¢::2nd Addition. The recommenda- tion was suhmitted to he`:':plans for Contract #87-11 consisting of street atid:: uti11:ty improvements in Greensboro 2nd Addition and author}ze the?'advert`isement for bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, :p?y 11::I;987. .......: .:: .................. 2. Contract #87-12 are 6th Addition - Northview Park Road, It was recommended that the council approve the plans for Contract #87-12 consisting of street and utility improvements in Lexington Square 6th Addition and Northview Pazk Road and authorize the clerk to advertise for bids. to be opened at 10:30 a.m. on Fr iday, May 1, 1987. .... ....... ........ 3. Contract #87-14 staff recommended that #87-14 which covers the t: Farms/Country Hallow and : the legal newspapers w Friday, May 1, 1987. an nii't:n:• rarm - Luunccv Council'•approve the plans sanitary.::`j;ift station for fo r b id s to to be held at Hallow. The for Contract Eagan Hills be placed in 10:30 a.m. on 1 19 -? ?._ ' CITY OF EAGAN SUBJECT: REZONING & PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICANT: WALLY B& MICHAEL NELSON ' LOCATION: LOT 4, CARLSON ACRES EYISTING ZONING: R-1, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE DISTRICT ' DATE OF PUBLIC HEARI.IGc MARCH 24, 1987 DATE OF REPORT: MARCH 19, 1987 I REPORTED BY: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' APPLICATION5 SUBt4ITTED: The first application submitted is a request to rezone approximately 1.38 acres from R-1, Residential Single , District, to LB, Limited Business, to allow two 11,520 total sq. ft. office buildings. The Preliminary Plat would consist of 60,000 sq. ft. (1.3 acres) and contain one lot. - ' ZO.IING & LAND USE: Currently, the parcel is zoned R-1, Residential Single District, and would only allow a single family development to occur in this area. There is an existing home/office and outside ' storage for a construction company on the site. This company has been onerating for the past 25 years and currently has been established as a legal nonconforming use. Therefore, this business oneration can continue to remain and operate as long as the use does not increase in intensity or size. The Comprehensive Guide Plan - also designates this parcel as D-1, low density residential, with ' the density of 0-3 dwelling units per acre. COMFIENTS: The applicants are proposing to remove the single family home and construct the first:office building containing 5,760 sq. ' ft. and retain the outside storage and existing office until the new facility is built. The second phase would then be constructed and contain approximately 6.048 sq. ft. This office is proposed to be a '. one-story building. The parking spaces provided is 61, which is the required number by the zoning ordinance. Access to this facility would be from Diffley Road on the westerly ' corner of the plat. This access would be from the relocated service road running along the southerly boundary of Diffley Road. No access is being proposed €rom Pilot Knob Road. It appears that the ' buildings meet?all setback requirements and parking requirements from the County roads. , In review of this particular plan, it appears to be more of a land use question - does the City rezone a new parcel which has not been designated or proposed on the Comprehensive Guide or , does Mr. the City follow the guide with Nelson to operate as a legal n the D-1 land use and allow onconforming use as lon as g the business does not increase in size or intensity. ' '- CONDITIONS: WALLY B& MICHAEL NELSON - ' 1. The standard plat conditions should be adhered to. ' 2. s Dedication Fee. The plat should be subject to a Park ' 3. A detailed landscape plan shall be provided and reviewed and a landscape bond shall be submitted and not released until one year after the landscaping has been completed. , 4. A detailed lighting plan shall be submitted and reviewed by City staff prior to issuance of a building permit. ' S. Only an office building shall be allowed as a permitted use in this Limited Business District. ' , 1 ' ? .-; . ' . 1 - ' ' ' , ' ' .. ' 1 ' ' ' , ' ' 1 ' ? ' ' ' ' ' Il ' , PROPOSEO PILOT NN00 ROAO . ? ? ? . 1 ? l? .?, ? ? - --?. ;. - ? ? ? ? , ? ...,. .?,,..... ? ?. ? ? • ? ? . .-S" ` ... !+ ?` \ \ . ? ? J w? ? i ? e f ' a . ` ? o u • \:/ I= ? ? x J 0. ?i O i V W • V ?LL R+ . O ? .._ i SITE PIAN • 1" : 20' ? . .. I ti . PflOPOSEO PIlOT NNOB BOAD L ' ??. ___ .?.. .. .. \ , AV .u.r?ls?ui.}-IJ?M % \ ..?.?? y? 1 - . ? I ?m? ro?+..??. • • ?.? R[k1u4: ?1'>VfS 4(LLN ? ? 1! ? Z ? ?[ t? i f ? , . n _T .t ` ? '? ;' " c 2 ? tp \. ? • _ `, ? ? '? ? . '°'.°y".°'„``.,:... . . LL ? ' ? ? ~? M ' ° li j' T •??. ? . _.. .... S ? 1 1 -T-- . " ? ? ? ..?::!'w. ..r v.? ' ? y I S tb it ' . ' • ' ° " ? ' it ?. ?; -- ?:;.n :.:M a. ? ?, (? '1 F z ' ? ? µ--+? ? i? ' , i ? j , M-?f N lui• .l ? s .. ? ? 1 , \ -? °9 ? ? • ?u iv ?xR ? . ra rv ?? 4?risp ?? 1 H ^. ? a _ . l' ' i ? • ` //. ?PO? • L.??11?-1 il ' ? . ? ? ?? ww+l w 1. ?, , _.I._ ` . 1 ' _-.. i i: W ?l? fv?w 1 r r?i t•.w:??'??' ? ?? I ? • -i' _.}: c: , NEY ? / e ! / / .? i P .• ? / 9? v° ? •? _ „a, ?.r..o ?? . ,...?. = T. y ;`.Ar T _? -1.. . ??-.; '' } G,.1 ?...?•w a....... ::.. , •? ? ... ' :,..??..C+? Y;'..: ? ?: .y .......,....... . ?..`..,, •`-i?C},/'?` 'R. .....?...+. . .. / . . `_?? 1(T)`+ ' . f ?'. ? .,.......... ....a..?r 1 :?' SITEPIAN 1"TO ?_1___= I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VIEW OF SUBJECT FROM PILOT RNOB ROAD VIEW FROM FRONTAGE ROAD ON DIFFLEY ROAD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTERIOR VIEW, WEST OF SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE I Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use I Permit #:5-7`fZ j City of EaEd I Permit Fee: I I 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan MN 55122 I Date Received. Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: A?,!:~>5 Xlz 4 Unit Name: 7Z L:::C~ - .,o Phone: Resident/ Owner Address / City / Zip: 6,5- "a', A&4 Z!QZ) Applicant is: Owner /-''-Contractor Type of Work Description of work: a .,La a Construction Cost: 00 Q ,:A Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No i~ ) Company: azzll~zc Contact: Address: " C, 2 City: Contractor !v c?~! ` ~1 c~ Ty State: Ate' Zip: (:;5-56 7-1 51"' License ~~Oye Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.popherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA145934 Date Issued:09/29/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4205 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:4 Block: 0 Addition: Carlson Acres PID:10-16400-00-040 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Walter V Nelson Tste 4205 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan MN 55122 (651) 454-1385 Bruckmueller Plumbing Inc 3992 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123 (651) 686-6696 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature