4397 Pilot Knob RdCity of Eagan PERMIT City of Eaan Permit Type: Building Permit Number: EA127757 Date Issued: 10/14/2014 Permit Category: ePermit Site Address: 4397 Pilot Knob Rd Lot: 15 Block: 0 Addition: Carlson Acres PID: 10-16400-00-150 Use: Description: Sub Type: Reroof Work Type: Replace Description: Census Code: 434 - Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Construction Type: Occupancy: Comments: Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. Amy Jilk Fee Summary: Valuation: 4,000.00 BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 0801.4085 9001.2195 Total: $105.25 Contractor: Lindus Construction 879 Hwy 63 Baldwin WI 54002 (715) 684-4647 - Applicant - Owner: Bradley J Nivala 4397 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan MN 55122--184 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagon, MN 55122 N2 6640 PHONE: 464-8100 BUILDING PERMIT ReceiPt # To be uted for Est. Value Dote , 19 Site Address Erect ? Occupancy Lot Biock Sec/Sub. ?a ?ISO? r?' S Alter ? Zoning Pcrcel .# Repair ? Fire Zone Enlarge ? Type of Const. W Ncme Move p .?`? Stnries 3 Ci Address Phone Demolish ? Front ft. ° Grnde ? Depth ft. ? o Name APProvals Fees ? Address ? ri,,, Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge tha4 I have read this cpplication and state that the informotion is corred ond agree to comply with all applicable Stote of Minnesota Stotutes nnd City of Eogan Ordinantes. Assessment - Water & Sew. Pol ice Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. dff. _ APC Pertnit Surcharge _ Plan check _ SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit _ Total Signoture of Permittee ? A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition thot oll work shall be done in accordunce with all applicoble State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. 8uilding Official / rwmk # Dah laoed P?IMr Plumbing Mechonicol INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rough-In Final Footing5 a Date Insp. Dote InsD. Foundation Plumbing Frame/ias.. --l' Mechonicaf Finol ? ? Remarks: CITY OF EAGAN Remarks S°ld for tax@s Addition CA?ON AGRES Lot 15 Rlk 1 Parcel 10 16400 150 00 Owner Street 4397 P 1 ot nah Ro d State Eac3an i MI3 55122 is ic. A aY: Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTQR. GRADING ? SAN SEW TRUNK 1973 • 8.75 20 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL 1972 30.66 WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 11,:`,7, 1 STORM SEW L,4T CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALfG STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 320.00 853 8-5-75 BUILDING PER. 3741 sac 425.00 85 3 PARK CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT Ownse ....'.."....:?..... ..:.??...v............................. ............................ :`.?.'..'._...... . Addreu (p:eeent) Builder .......?^.::°-.°.::`..-.:e..........?.J.? .....:.......................................... Address DESCAIPTION >?;a N4 3741 3795 Pilo! KnoL Road Eagan, Miaoesofa 55122 454-B100 Dale ....... jy.??-.. ....................... Biories To Be Uaed Foz Froa! Deplh Heigh! Eel. Coe2 Pesmi! Fsa Aemarlu - - ? - - ? v LOCATION /30-3'V --- '713 9-7 1J/15- I I This pesmii doea noi aulhorise the use oi slreeSs, roeda, alleys or sidewalks nos doae it glva !6e ownes ot hL apen! the sigh! Yo ereafe anp siluat'ion whieh is a nuisanee os whieh presenfs a hazerd !o the health, satetp, eoavsnSence aad general welfare !o anpoae in the commuaifp. THIS PEAMIT MUST BE,FEPTyp N THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGR$SS. T6Ss !a !o eerlify. Yhat...$?" d-" .:"?.-..............--•°-°.has perniscioa !o aree! e..... :^ •-... ••'••• ..._............_upon . ........ .. ........ -••'{/••.: the above deseribed premise subjeef to the provisions of all applicable Ordinanees for the Cii7w?of Eagan .......................................................... ?, ................. re: ..................?`?-'.-tC..._? ._.." .."""...................................... 1?apector Ma os'A BulldSay $5 VILLAGE OF EAGAN /;u WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3793 Pilot Knob Rood ;7t PERMIT NO.: 1858 Eagan,MN 55142 DATE: 10/14/75 Zoning: RiI No. of Uni[s: 1 Owner: David F Larson Address: site nadress: 4397 Pilot xnob Rd. TTI-R so res] Plumber: _ Meter No.:' Size: -16--Z Reader No.: i ogres to comPly wiM The Village of Eogan Ordinancn. ? BY A(A Date of Insp.: Connection Chazge:320.00 pd Account Deposit: 15. 00 pd Permit Fee: 10.00 pd Surchazge: .50 pd Misc. Charges: 60.00 pd Total: 11.30 pd Date Paid: lnsp.: - VILLAOE OP EA04N SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Vibt Koob Rood PERMIT NO.: 2616 Eogan, MN 55122 DATE: 10/14/75 Zoting: ttrr No. of Unlts: 1 Owner: gar yd F I,ar-sars Address: Site Addreas: 4947 Pilnt Knnh Rd_ 940 17.19 rnrl son AcrPc Plumber: same I ayraa ro eemolY with rM Villag* ef Eagan Connection Chazge: 425.00 0d_ Ordinamas. Account Deposit: 15.00 pd Permit Fee: 10.00 pd - Surcharge: .50 Pd By: Date of Insp.: Insp.: - Misc Chazges: Total: Date Paid: - CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pitae Knob Raod Eagan, PHONE: 454-6100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # To be used For GARAGE Est. Value 5,000 pate $^4 1981 Site Addrew 419/ 1 ' ? C?r\Son I Erect MC Occupancy P.3 Lot 15 Block sec/Sub. Alter ? Zoning Rl Parcel .# 10 16400 1$0 00 Repair ? Fire Zone NA _ Enlorge ? Type of Const. V z Name David rwr4rm Move ? # Stories rc 0 ou u4? F Address Demolish ? Front 94 - ft. c.n, 55122 Phone 454-8341 Grade ? Devth 24 ft. Name InteT-C.lty B1dL'5. APProrala fees Address Nome _ Address MN $5122 N? 6640 Assessment Woter & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Plcnrrer Council pemi} 18. UU Surchorge 2.50 Plon check 9.00 SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit - I hereby ackrwwledge that 1 have read ihis application and state that gldg. Off. the information is correct and agree to wmply with all appliccble APC Total 29-50 State of Minnesota Stotutes on qry o Eogan inances. Signmure of Permittee A Bufiding Permit is issued _ f1'i'?Y`Cliy B1CLL'S • on the express mndition that all work shall be done in cordonce wislp all opplica§fa, Statg of MlnnesoTa Atotutes ond Ciry ot Eagan Ordinances. Building Official .? ?pi 4 , ? CITY OF EAGAb7 ??INGPERMI7' APPLICATION Be Used For (kArsl cy? Valuation $lt2 IdC?2SS L/ 3. el "7/ p/.?% T ??IJ6 ?1?iA rAt 15 siorak ? seC./sub. carlsoA ACMs Parcel #: /C? /(oyn0 /S /J o0 owner: ?s7 i; L 11 i' c., n/ Address: I,/J t1? /?/epi City/Zlp Code: le??uI,/ Phone #: Contractor: 11?7tr - N;Tr/ ?3L .4 c Address: City/Zip Code: ?j/2!?i3r. T X/ c-_ S-i? Phone ? ArCh./Etg. Addrnss: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & 1 set of energy calculations. Date OFFI(E USE ONI,Y Erect pccupancy 3 Alter Zordlig RePa-ir Fire Zone EnlarJe _ Type of Const. 1"1Dve # Stories DEniolish Grade Front ft. Depth ? -- ? ft. APPROVAL,S FEES Assessrients Permit ?N? [+)ater/Sewer Surcharge--? ?' Police Plan Check q-? Fire SAC Eng Water Conn. a Plruzer ? Water Meter Council - Road Unit Bldg. Off. AFC ?AL f a 9 Ci 7 %?iIo i elUa,6 "Y cQ. JAUd Zq?qso-+/ J ?? ?c \ f/??j e /?? P/es? G-RraY? , ? ?r y -- C,,ffc? . ??«_ a- ` ?7y 5Te e L /?1C5? G -G -/o .? x y Sr l(?s (G " ??- ?- l3v/c Tii /T? S?t ?,ttT I (GV91 LI `/?e( - 83y! . I? I I? I? P/L C) T (r/I/cl b j9 J? ?-? q?- ?j ? ? 2 0o6a ;;,B95-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construcl'an Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft of lot, sq. ft. o( house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverege alirnv 2 copies of I shevnngbeam& dow s¢es; pou iM design, etc. lset ne?gyCalculations -?? 3 pies of Tree Preservation Plan H lot platted alter\7/1/93 im Joist DetaO Options seledion sheet (buildings wqh 3 or I ss units) RemodeVReoair ReauiremenLs 2 copies of plan 1 set of Energy Calculatlons for heated addi6ons 1 site survey for addAions 8 decks Additlon - irMkafe 'rf on-site sepG'c system $7?-o . CI° Offee Use Onlv CeRofSurveyRecd _Y _N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N, Tree Pms Required _ Y_ N Oo-site 5epfic System _Y _ N te / / ,f !?q J !? `"? Construction C st I U it/St # ? kr??ob rc? Fi I Site A c . n e o Description of Work ??y, „ ?u n 4- o? 5 W ln ?Va Multi-Family Bidg _ Y ? N Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 ' 1 iUoJo #(Jo5l) 681 ')0 95 n T l h Property Owner Uf 43 1 -, U U k innb r ep o e e Contractor L'fia:imeSidin & Remod23ing, Irio. tU nddress 11825 Poini Douglas Dr. . Ciiy State I 104 55033 _Zip Telephone # ( ?? ?5(7 ?UYY' COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Catenorv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submilted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In ihe last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master pian? ,-i _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #( Telephone #( Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the wotk will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application?or a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved pla???n the case of work whWrequires a review and approval of plans. ? J?e??e ???ors 5 Applicant's Printed Name /(?A licant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg J ?a 02 SF Dwelling ? ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi O 03 Ot of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 MuRi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-ptex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement O 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof x 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 ReplacemBnt •Demolidon (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) Final/C.O. _ Footings (deck) Final/No C.O. _ Footings (addition) _ Plumbing _ Foundation HVpC _ Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & W ater _ F inal _ Pool Ftgs AidGas Tesu Final _ Framing Siding Stucco Stone Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ _ Final _ _ Windows _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total L, c.en ?- 1 780 ? 56 '?? ?1 _?) RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681•4675 NewConstruction ReauiremeMs • 3 registered site surveys showing sq. R. of bt sq. ft. of house; and ?II roofed areas (20% maximum lot wverage allowed) • 2 copies oi plan showing beam & window saes; poured found design, etc.) • 7 set of Energy Calculations • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 711193 • Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (bldgs with 3 or less unhs) DATE `J^- a 0 -V SITE ADDRESS TYPE OF APPLICANT C? ?l?Y ExIBI'?Of?' IfIC. ..._ ....v_. _ Water Softener _ Watcr Heater _ No. of Baths MULTI-fAMILY BLDG _Y _N FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 STREET ADDRESS Coon Rapids, MN 55499 CITY STATE_ZIP TELEPHONE #MM CELL PHONE # FAX # __1 63--2S5-aaa? PROPERTYOWNER hQ _ Q Q.l_'X' l 1L .0V.xO?- TELEPHONE#(Rel"(OgI--7gqJ ---------------------------------------------------------------°------------------------------ COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNLSO'1'A RULr' 7670 CA'1'LGORY 1 MINNESOTA RULES 7672 (J submission type) • Residential Ventilation Category t Worksheet Suhmitted • New Enargy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submltted Plumbing Contractor: ____ Plumbing system includcs: Mechanical Contractor. Mcchanical system includes: Sewer/Water Contractor: _ Air Conditioning Heat Recovery System --------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state thi with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eag( Slgnature of Applicant OFFICE USE ONLY ) Lf a-_7 S? RemodellReoair RecuiremeMs . 2 copies of plan • 1 set o( Energy Calalations for heated addilions • i sile survey for extenor additions 8 decks • Indicate if home served by septic system for additbns VALUATION v VA Phone # Lawn Sprinkler _ No. of R.I.13aths Phone # Phone # information is ree: $90.00 Fee: $70.00 p?C??Od?? ------------- -- -----------° 5$?,- °°- 1Y Certificates of Survey Received Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updaled 4102 OFFICE USE ONLY ? 01 FoundaGon ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Baoster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const W idth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) FinaUC.O. _ Footings (deck) FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addirion) _ Plumbing _ Foundation HVAC _ Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & W ater _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Framing _ Siding Stucco Stone _ Fueplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Insulation _ Retaixung Wall Approved By , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total vr?ncW i m-?wai ?n PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT PROPERTY TAXATION & RECORDS 1590 HIGHWAY 55 HASTINGS, MINNESOTA55033-2392 ? e ? . . 651•438-4576 www.dakotacounty.us PROPERTY ID: 70 16400 150 00 TAXPAYER(S): BRADLEY J NIVALA JAYME NOLAN 4397 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122-1847 marKel vame: 233,400 234,800 MarketValue: 233,400 234,800 New Impravements/Ezpiretl Exclusions: 3 500 PropBAy CI2S5ifiCdtion: RES HgTO DIS RES HSTD DIS l ??? Yori maybe e/igib/e loi one oreven fwo re/unds lo reduce yourpropeily lar. Read the back olMis REFUNDS? 54e1emen7loBrMau!/wwfaappy PROPERTY OWNER: $RADLEY J NIVALA JAYME NOLAN 4397 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122-1847 I IIIgoIlIiellIIl 1I1I11II1 1111111111111 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4397 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: (rnis may not be a fu11 description.) CARLSON ACRES 15 . , . ..,. ES PAYABLE YEA'H. P-l" 2007. 2008 , 1. USE THISAMOUNT ON FORM M1PP TO SEE IF YOU'RE ELIGIBLE FOR A PROPERTY TA% REFUND. ? 2,096.12 FILE BV AUGUST 15TH. IF BOX IS CXECKED, YOU OWE DEIINOUEM TA%ES AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. 2. USE THESE AMOUNTS ON FOflM M1PR TO SEE If YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A SPECIAL REFUND. 2.112•76 PROPERTY TAX ANO HOW IT IS REUUCED BY THE STATE 5,272.66 5,330.96 3. VOUR PROPERTY TAX BEFORE REDUCTION BY STAT&PAID AIDS AND CREOITS '2 997,$6 3,073.76 4. AID PAID 8V 11iE STA7E OF MINNESOTATO REOUCE YOUH PROPERTY TAX 5. CREDITS PAID BV THE STATE OF MINNESOTATO flEOUCE YOUR PROPERTY TAX A: Homestead andAgrkulWrai Credits 162•34 161.08 ?.00 .00 O:OtherCredHS 2 112 76 DEB 'IZ ? B.YDURPROPERTVTAXAFTERREDUCTIONBYSTATE-PAIDAIDSANOCPEDITS , . . , c YOUR PROPERTY TAX DOLLARS GO • ?. 7. DAKOTA COUNTY . . A: Dakote Counry Levy . 512.30 516.20 ' B: Regianal Traneit Aail 4.04 4.45 8. CITV ORTOWN 514.45 530.72 9.STATE GENERALTA%. . .OO .OO tO.SCHOOLOISTRICT 196 A:VOIerApprovadLedes ' 684.64 652.56 . .. . e: omer Local Levies . . 264.38 ? 261.47 11. SPECIAL TA%INO DISTRICTS " A: MBtropollNn Special Tating Districis - $2.67 $2.35 ' B: Other Special Taxing Distncis 33.34 3325 . . a rea Incremem .00 . .00 . . . . . . D: Fiacal Dispadty .OO ' .OO 12.NONSCHOOLVOTEflAPPflOVEDREFERENDALEVIES 46.94 45.12 .00 74.SPECIALAS5ESSMENTS. . .. 'A:IMerest ' (TOL4L) ' . . B: PrincPal ' . .OO .OO \ ts YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 2,11276 2,096.72 / IF YOUfl TA%IS 550.00 OR LESS. PAV TXE ENTIFE TA% BY MAV 15TH PAV THIS AMOUNT NO LATEH TNAN MAV 15, 2008 7,04S.OG PAY THIS AMOUNT NO LATER 7HAN OCT.15, 2008 ? r?6•O6 "' _ _' """""""_ _'""""""""'"""""_"'" _"_""_ _""_"""""_"_""'"" _' "' _' _""_""""""' _ _"""""' . darl3on Aeres ^ /D /4YOd 1S0 00 CITY OF EESGAN 3795•Pilot Knob Road Eagan,. Minnesota 55122 PERMIT NO.. e7 'i'he City of Eagan hereby grants to Zorn water Softener Co. of R.R. 2, Jordan, MN 55352 3 WATER SOFTENERPermit for: (Owner) _ DBVid F:.Larson at 4397 Pilot Knob Rd. , pux'9uarit t0 applicatiori dated 11/16/76 Fee Paid: $5.00 cle.tod-this 19 day of Novemher ? 19 76 , .50 s/c Building Inspector Alechanical Permits: Bid Totrr,l c ? /,!5r-o - ad C&A,Ga0M aotca CITY OF EAC-i?N 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, NIinnesota 55122 PFRA'ffT NO.: 761 The City of Eagan hereby grants to David F. Larson sf 4122 Meadowlark isne, Eaaan 55122 a HEATZNG Permit for: (Owner) same at 4397 Pilot I Cnob Road , pursuant to application dated 11/20/75 Fee Paid: $20.00 dated this 20 day o£ xov. , 79 75 .50 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: , ,c3? ?-OD CITY OF EAr?N 3795 Pi1ot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PERMLT NO.: 606 The City of Eagan hereby grants to wndon ptnmhinn Qo. ef 5530 Go1d0n vaiiev ud__ rne7a_ 55422 a nl„rot,ioa Permit for: (Owner) pavid =son at 44A7 riint xnoh ud_ , pursuant to application dated 9/19175 Fee Paid: $20.0o dated this J,2_day of Seat. , 19 75 . .50 s/c $uilding Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: MASTER CARD LDCATI ON OWNER STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS 49 x 26 D..??o a Ti/ ? C Y4v1 Permit No. Issued Issued To Coniractor Owner BUILDING p374 ? ?r 7s - PLUM8ING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK `? ? ?7 5 ?on c?akr, WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER I Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING FINAI ELECTRICAL TILE FIELD FT. HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEP71C TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELO PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: r P?tl/ e??O?S ?2 !/t? f vP YPsif/id r COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE USED ONLY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. ? ACCEPTABIE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. DATE OF INSPECTION ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY, 1-1 NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPIY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION REVEALED CERTI f ICATION -I certify that I have carefully inspected the a6ove in which I have no interest present or prospective, and that I have reported herein all significant conditions observed to 6e at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any specific require- ments for off-site improvements relating to the property inspected. F-I ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED BUILOING INSPECTOR OATE i-';°',?s za Cities Di2ital Oualitv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. .; ? .? • .?,, i .f I- - ,40-? I I I ? ? r ? . ; ?. ? 'V J ' -, . ? • - ? , -z!?, 37 41 ,.: U=scrc `l DAKOTA COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPART?AENT Hwy. ,3? t?%o._- ~ APPLICATION FOR ACCE55 DRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERM13 se<i o?_ h?`. iy7-?S (Applicanc to bn lurniahed with Droper %tnndard plata) Frint or type application. Fi11 our 4 copies, sign and mail to County Highway Departme^[. Sketch property, present and proposed driveways and relation to County Highway on 6ack oF allfou copies. G? ft airv App{e cnt S6A)Addre ss CA2?` Te{. Name of ?roperty Owner mr Address Tel. L ocat i on: l ?^ L y f Co. Rd. in t3?111 b7?' County?.Mile?jsE-W of L.CLrs? ?1 Z- `c?4 t?ypEte One) (SOad[Ic road, lanQmark, or raad interoeetla I Legel Description of Properry ? es shown on your Tax Statement) 'r i Purpose of [? ?. Driveway ?'?Residence 0 Commerciol (specify Type) ?? is a Buildirtg to WhaT ? beConstructed ?No s Kind ?IU.t' ?i`?m? ? ( check ) Wi14 the Building 6e Q Tempwary or?ermonent ( proper ) Is the Property in Platied ar Q Unplatted Areu (squares) Distence from center of highway to front of bvilding, or front of pump istond is feet. - is land higfier? lawer? or level? with highway. . Show bet h ineha. Show feet & ineM Number of Present Driveways to Property a DaTe Propasad Driveway wi{1 be needed Give Exaet Lacation of Praposed ?? ?? A ?-tAu ls ?g fiT-Sd?el? ?? ?DVTh. l w` Driveway to Proparty b k( , Give Exact Location of Prosent ??nn O i Driveway to Property UfV- I. We, the uMarsigrod, herewith malce application for permission To :anstruct the accesa driveway at the eb"e Iocat o lorm with [he standards a[ the Highway Deparement and to any syecial proviaions inclu d in the permit. It is ag: satisfection of the Highway Deyartment. k is further uyYeed lhat no woek in connectio ' h thia applic?tion wiLL Ea aad p/e+mi7tissu '??, C ` • ? C P O1 ]!1Q C Do not 1Vrite Below This Line I drivearay to be conatructed te ali wwk wi(1 Ce done to the until the apyliwtien i. approved Appl icaM 1ot Valid L'nleRS ACCESS nRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERMIT Signed and \unde:ed - _ Permit FumLer Permission is hereby granted for the cinstruction of the drivewoy as descri6ed in the above application, said driveway to be constructed an accordance with the PAinnesota Highway Departments Drivewoy Standord Plote tJo. and suSject to the requirements on reverse side ond the iollowing specia{ provisions: 'Z q '' x '?6 ' R o ,J °" A'- It is expr=ssfy understood that tnis permit is conditioned upon replacement or restorotion of the trunk highway to its origine{ or to a sotisfoctory condition. It is Further understood tfiat this permit is issued subject to the approvol ci loccl city, village or borough authorities hoving joint supervision over ;aid streer or highway. . AF-re.z PFR.MiT [s nPPROVED: Crhite [o Applicant DA.YOTA COUNTY HIGH+YAY DEPA27McNT ? = Buff to Centcal Office - - -- -- - = Yisk to Area ".]ainL OE(ice REQUtRE1AENTS 1. No a;ork under this appiication is to be started until application is approved and fhe.permit issued_ .? 2. lFhere work on tcaveled roadway is necessary, traffic must be protected, and flags, flares and proper : harcicades must be placed in accordance with the standards of the Minnesota Highway Department. 3. ' No foreicn matenal such as dirf, gravel or bituminous material shall be left or deposited on the road during the construction of driveway or installation oF dcainage facilities. \ 4. i:uadside must be cleaned up after work is completed. , 5. Alter dciveway constcuction is completed, the permittee shall notify the County Traffic Engineec that the aork has been compieted and is ready for final inspection and approval by the Minaesota Highway De- partmertt. 6. No changas or alterations in enirances may be made at eny time without written permission from the County Highway Department. SPECIAL PROV7510\ COyTINUEU S Name Address Ivame No Deposit Required Fo5Z Deposit in amount of S requiced and attached hereto. D!STP.:CT blake checks payable to Treasurer, Dakota County. USE CvLY This deposit made by - Appiioant ? ? ? O[ Party doing wo ? H ? N 3 'Ss ?J ` ? -? I IeL 1 ? d ri -4 ? ? i ? ? ti - ? _ , . I N,IRe 23 W. 41h MEkIDINd L .,,1 --- G 1 ,.?;. a 2 • ? - 3A ? 4 ? I 3 - r ?I `6 I 6 ? '. ?? srre??r' I $ 7 ? ? I 8 ? N ? ? 9 Fina/d 8 Anno Co'lten s r ,,. I A I ?? l c ' /Z I ytvEEr I 13 E z' d , 5 hl 1. 15 ? i ? `?e- i? if ce1 ? ISO- 00 oF JB30 PI101 KNOB ROAD. P.O. BO% 21199 ENGAN. MINNESOfA 55121 PHONE' (612) 454-0100 E: co? K?r ors ? •." A W% Sec.t'ioy\- 2Q) • Engineering Department TRANSMITTAL ' To: Du.o.we S4rausser 439 -7 P,lo+- Khob Ra S5-l 2 2._. Attention: Date: 7` 21 - $q From:_ Soli v` Wir%-afa- Re: Pi lo+ K V? ol? oc-c? QY'O?2G'F -A::: 4 (o /o _ The following are transmitted: •, Qkahe- ,{- ?R. ? ?- ? a ? ? f ?. ? ? jo -? ??,?... ? ??,, ''•S' . ' :?a.? ities DiLyi itv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. M1. -_.,. . . . ._ ? ..., _ _' ..-• ...:.. .:•? ... .. .., ..,_. . ,.. ... _ _. . . ,? •, / -.... ..... _...C . `- ? .:. J._. ? ..-...?_ ....;;,'.; i' ...._ .;. . . ..... _.. ...._ ._ __ ._._ . . __ ..._._. _...._ . . _.._.. .: : ..._._ . ... _ . . .... .e ...:... ....: ?.. : t' :i., , ., . . ,,. ,. ._ ,... - ...?._ _.. .. r .... .... . ._. . _ .. -??-?- : ,.. _ .. .. . ." "' ? ... - ? i : ...- .:. ... ... •. :. _ _ _... _ _. _.. _ _ , .. . _ . ;.,_.. , . - : : . , - .?..; : : , , . _ _. ,. , , _ _ _. , . ,_ . --' ,-: ? II. STORM SEWER (CONT'D) Parcel tion cri D Assessable Area (S ft.) : Rate/S4.ft. - Total Assessment ? p es , _. CARLSON ACRES, COPIT'D 400 2 ? 080-00 Lot 8 20,000 0.12 , , 082-00 Lo[ 8 20,000 0.12 2,400 , ? 090-00 1,nt 9 20,000 0.12 2,400 , ' 091-00 Lot 9 20 000 , 0.12 2,400 , ? 130-00 ot 13 T 15,500 0.12 1,860 , . 141-00 Lot 14 18,600 0.12 2,232 , ? 150-00 ot 15 T 12,400 0.12 1,488 , , Lot 15, 152-00 17,400 0.12 2,088 a F.VERGRF.F.N PARK ADDITION -'" 800 1 T.ot 1, Block 2 15,000 0.12 , $00 1 Lor 2, Block 2 15,000 ()•12 , 800 1 Lot 3, Rlock 2 15,000 O.12 , 800 1 Block 2 4 Lor 15,000 0.12 , , . Block 2 l ot 5 15,000 0.12 1,800 , , 000 15 0.12 1,800 Lot 6, Block 2 , 408 Lot 1, Block 4 3,400 0.12 720 Block 4 Lot 8, 6,000 0•12 480 T,ot 9, Block 4 4,000 0•12 480 Lot 10, Block 4 4,000 0.12 TWIN VIEW TIANOR 528 Lot 1, Block 1 4,400 0.12 152 1 Lot 2, Block 1 9,600 0•12 , 944 1 Lot 3, Block 1 16,200 0.12 , 320 1 Lot 1, Block 3 11,000 0.12 , -23- E-7756d z- ti9 - eg 4=00 ? Pi lo+" Kv?ob ?Rd4: 4s D ra i v. a. g e. Problev+? '.4L 688 - Z4p3 Ph e. ? 2 19?7 ? ? ? 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GL : (?o?er Kv.lse-?? - . ..?- I • MEMO TO: GORDY STAUFF, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: THOMAS A. COLBERT, P.E. DATE: FEBRUARY 29, 1988 c-; N SUSJECT: PROJECT 466, PILOT KNOB ROAD (DRAINAGE CONCERN) LOT 15, CARLSON ACRES (4397 PILOT KNOE ROAD) Attached to this memo is some background information pertaining to a drainage problem that has been existing for several years at the above-referenced location. With the forthcoming improvement of Pilot Knob Road, I understand that there are no drainage facilities being designed to resolve this long standing problem. This is in accordance with the property owners reluctance to participate in any of the costs associated with storm sewer to resolve the problem. If you have any questions regarding the history of this, please feel free to discuss with me at your convenience. 7'homas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works cc: Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer John Wingard, Consultant Design Engineer TAC/jf . , .. . oF eagcin 3530 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 . ' M pLpMp= EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 - Ma,a PHONE: (612) 454$100 npMAS K.,AyN y1MES A. 9.111H VIC ELLISON . ' . . ' ' 1liEODORE WACFIIER CourJl Menibnf October 20, 1987 . •. nroWS HEDEs - . .... _.w ar Aer*&? MR DAVID I:ARSON - " trArE VAN aVEaeEKE 4397 PILOT %NOB ROAD -' - (M'a"k EAG9N Mud 55123... " Ee: City Piro3eet 466, 3torm Sever Lateral 9ssessuent `._. :Lot 15r Carlson Acres (Drainage Problem) Dear Mr. Larson: . On July 31, the City Administrator and myself inet With you to discuss the concerns you have regarding the esisting drainage problem in the front qard area of the above-referenced property. You indicated that since the preliminary feasibility report aad related pending assessmeat roll For Profect 466 proposed to assess qour property approximately $1,488 for lateral' storm sewer improvements, the existing drainage problem vould be resolved. Subsequent to that meeting, I reviewed the detailed construction plans and drawings prepared by the County to ensure that your drainage problem would be resolved. - I then forwarded a letter to the County (of which you reeeived a copy) requesting them to review three diPferent alternatives. Enclosed please.find . their response indicating.,their iaability to resolve the problem without... incurring substantial oosta beyond what is felt to-be the responsibility of the City or the County in relationship to this proposed improvement. It xould appear that the best alternative would be to regrade your front qard and raise the elevation of the low apot to ensure positive draiaage from your house and garage alab iato the gutter aeetion of the street. This is an - improvement that could best be coordinated Wi.th the overall eonstruction of Pilot Knob Road. However, it itould_be qour responsibility to either t+ork directly with the contractor involved or to agree to pay the increased costs associated xith this vork if itwere performed under the Citq/County coatraet. In the interim, because it has been determined that this Improvement xill not resolve qour drainage problem, ve have officially deleted a pending assessment against, qour property for lateral atorm sewer as it is olear you will aot be ' benefitted by the storm sewer sy'stem installed vichout.some additional togxovemmits. Siacerel homas A. Colbert,_P.E. ` Director of Public Works TAC/Jeh Enclosure ? iHE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STREN6iH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIiY ? t DAKOTA COUNT Y .? ? D vE DAV' , Na Ep ?NT ? HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ." 71nn Wrer u7ew eTOCCT 0111Tr ..nn (612) 437-1150 eooI c vei I cv uuakiccnre 9a1 Ie J - August 14, 1987:' . ? P,VC .:. Mr. Tom Colbert • Public Works Director . City of Esgan 3830-Pilot Knob Road ' Eagan, MN 55122 PQa,? y4? Dear Mr. Colbert: I have reviewed Mr. David Larson's drainage problem located at about station 647 on Pilot Knob Road. , Due to the +0.4Y grade between station 634 and 647 it seems impossible to lower future Pilot Knob by the il/2 feet necessary to drain Mr..Larson's front yard: We have found that'e 0.3% grade is difficult to construct and leaves many bird baths. I question rhether we are obligated to drain his front yard since he could have corrected -ihe problem by grading the lot when he built the house. I estimate tha,t it would cost atiout $4,000 to reconstruct the driveway and fill and resod the yard. The cost would be about the same to construct a 12" cnlvert 250 feet to the south with apron and drop inlet. - A low cost solution vould be"to install a 6" flexible 'plastic tile line south to a suitable outlet. There rould be some drawbacks in that it could glug or freeze and would be difficult to maintain. Other complications are 1.) the trail is planned to remain and 2.) there is no storm sewer in this area to tap into. Sincerely, .. Larry G. Figgins, P.E. ` Administrative Design Engineer LGF/mjh " AN EQUAL OPPORTUNrtY EMPLOYER -, ity oF eagen - ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 27199 BEp &OMQUiS7 EAGAN. AMNNESOTA 55121 _ mo,v PNONE: (512) 454-8100 . .. . . . . 1F40hvS EGW ... ... 14MESA SMIiFi _ . • NC E1.LISON RfEODORE WnCMER August 4, 1987 `°"""'""°°" n+oMns HEoces , .. cwAdmk? - NIGENE VPN OVERBEIE ... ONC4k . MR LARRY FIGGINS,P.E. ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN ENGINEER • DAROTA COUNTY HIGI3WAY DEPT. APPLE VALLEY.COMMONS 7300 WEST 147TH STREET SUITE 402 APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Re: Countv Contract 31 - 21, Pflot Knob Road City Project 466 - _ 4397 Pilot Knob Hoad (Lot 15, Carlson Acres) Dear Larry: We have been contacted by Mr. David Larson at the above referenced address expressing a concern regarding the proposed improvement of Pilot Knob Road, the additional right-of-way acquisition required from his property and the relationship of the final design to the current drainage problem being experienced in the front yard area of this house. - _ In reviewing plan sheets 52, 77 and 125 of this project, it is difficult to determine if the proposed lowering of P,ilot Knob Road in the nicinity of stations 648 to 649.50 will be lowered enough to provide positive drainage over the top of curb into the gutter section. It would bp helpful if you could verify this problem to determine if al'ternative designs must be taken into consideration including but not limited to the following: 1. Lower the proposed center line elevation of Pilot Knob Road. 2. Extend storm'sewer.facilities to this property. - 3. Fill in the low area beyond.the right-of-way limita. Mr. Larson has expressed reservations in gran£ing the necessary , easements and cight-of-way dedications until he is able to receive some assurance that he will not be left with a similar drainage problem that he currently encaunters. THE IONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOI OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNI7Y "/, - - ? - County Contract 31 - 21, Pilot Rnob Road ' City Project 466 _..- .. . '? - August 4, 1987 ,._ _ .:. Page Two Your prompt review of this problem and suggested solutions will be greatly appreciated by Mr. Larson and the City and will help - to facilitate the acquisition of the required easements. Please • feel free to contact me if you need additional information or clarification regarding the problem. -? SincerelY. _ . ° ._ - Thomas A. Colbert .. Director of Public Works cc: David Larson Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer Mark Hanson, Consulting Design Engineer , Thomas L..,Tiedges, City Administrator TAC/jeh .k. rOT; 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 ... EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 . PHONE: (672)d54-9100 MarcN 8, 1985 MR MICHAEL E MOLENDA C/O MCMENOMY, SHELDON, DUSZCH, HANSEN & MOLENDA, PA '.. DAKOTA CENTRAL OFFICES " 14450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL " ROSEMOUNT MN '55068 Re: Parcel #10-16400-150-00 South Half of Lot 15, Block 1, Carlson Acres , Your File Number 40029 (Znverse Condemnation) Larson versus City of Eagan • Dear Mr. Molenda: een eLoMauIsr Mar« 7FpMAS EGAN JAMES A SMIiH JERRV THOMAS 7HEODORE WACHTER Caunci Mernbers THIXv1A5 HEDGES CM AQllhstl? EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE G1Y Gxk Your letter of March 1, 1985, to Thomas L. Hedges, City Administra- tor, has been forwarded to my attention for review and response. In your letter, you indicated that you will-be expecting a response from the City of Eagan by March 8, 1985. Due to the fact that• we_ did not receive your letter until March 5, I contacted you be phone on March 6 to expIain the City's position and indicate that my verbal explanation will be followed by this letter. The City of Eagan has been aware of this reoccuring drainage problem on the Larson property for several years and have responded to several complaints and concerns expressed by Mr. and Mrs. David Larson regarding this drainage problem. As we have ?indicat.ed previously, this drainage problem has resnlted from the fact that the Larson property was developed in a preexisting low area with no natural means of surface water to drain off. We have been aware -of temporary flooding during previous.spring thaws when the ground is frozen and natural percolation does not occur. In addition, we have 'been aware of temporary flooding during peak rain storms where natural percolation 'cannot keep up with tfie rate of rainfall. As we have. explaine8_to the Larsons several times, the only way to - correct this problem is`through a construction of a lateral storm sewer or an extensive culvert..construction project. The_City would be receptive to performing this work if the Larsons would petition for the improvement and agree to accept the cos'ts associated with its construction.' However, the Larsons have elected not to pursue this option. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY MR. MICHAEL E MOLENDA MARCH 8, 1985 PAGE 2 i The City of Eagan has' not pumped out this property in the past and will not do so in the future as it is considered to be their respdnsibility in lieu of electing to pay for the necessary storm sewer facilities to permanently handle the problem. Enclosed please find a copy of a topographic map which shows the elevations of the property in 2-foot intervals. Over this map, i have shown the property owned by the Larso.ns in relationship to the existing,natural low area. This topographic map verified that there never was a natural overflow outlet from this property prior to their building on this site. The construction of the City's trailway system did not' block a natural. outlet and create the drainage problem. The existing culvert that is located.:under the trailway was layed at the natural grade prior to the construction of the trailway to maintain whatever drainage pattern existed prior„to construction. _ This drainage problem has been reviewed with representatives of the ?akota County Highway Department due to the fact that this rural ditch drainage system is located within their county right-of-way. They are responsible for maintaining and ensuring that all existing culverts function properly to handle the requiFed runoff. However, they have indicated that they do not feel that it is their responsibility to come in and lower a rural county ditch to accomodate a property that has developed at an elevation below that preexisting ditch elevation. It should._.have been the property owner's responsibility to fill the low point to ensure positive drainage to the county ditch system which then could be handled and maintained by their personnel. . In summary, the City of Eagan has taken the position that we will provide whatever assistance is required to solve the problem as long as the property owners agree to accept the financial responsi- bility associated with those resulting costs. There has been no action taken by the City of Eagan which has'created nor accentuated the nrainage problem that these `people have experienced.for the past seven - nine years. If any additional recourse is pursued by the property owners, the City. will tiave to include the County Highway Department in its defense due to the fact that the drainage is located within the jurisdiction of the Dakota County Highway Department. Subsequently, we= would suggest that you pursue your concerns directly with the county to try and achieve a satisfactory resolution of the problem. If any additional information is requested pertaining to this situation, please contact Mr. Rich Hefti, who will be the acting City Engineer in my absence. Sincer y, Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj Tom.Hedges, City Administrator cc: "Pau3 Hauge, City Attorney Rich Hefti, Acting City Engineer Mr. 8 Mrs. David F. Larson Neil Heine, Dakota County Maintenance Engineer ??- O ? • r ? .. '' ? C x ? ^,? . .. ' ----.?..__?., _ : ? -' . . R ? -j913' 1 \?91'N ? f9o` , / r • ? \\ ? ? . ? ?.'f9i ' ? ? / .. ? 1 \ • . , \ ? .?? , -r??? I ? ? 7 929 9 + T9o4s '`'? ? 1IJ ! IX b ? S Of{?? , i , , _ I_? p(t ? ?p r t?? ?, '•. 't898- \ r903 3 X T 907 3 i , . . ? ? ? C` , ?. -?- ? -4- x Tf ;? . . . , : T 9r 6 -' f i TD?? I / o .'y•? , , /. ? 'r923. i k ? , 1 T .?_. r914. ? I + T9io --:a-- ? _ - ?q?. 'pll?o KN O B. Ro?lO K - ylki p h . y? 7Ll ? e ? :OxiMnrE LOCATiLi - ' . ; . GORNEIZ . ' , . } i f ,t S 0 • LAW OFPICES MCMENOMY, SHELDON, DIISIGIi, HANSEN Ec MOLENDA P80P895203iAL ASSOCSATION DAYOiA C8NT8dY OPPIGEB 14060 60II1][ 80HL8'1' T'BAIL ZIMsRa H. NCxeHaxcr $pgEldOi7NT. MINhE50TA 56066 uwxESr.axazaox nLRN]E M. DUSIGH 8LfD J. HwN4Lrv YIGHAEL E NOLENDA March 1, 1985 Mr. Thomas Hedges Eagan City Manager 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, NIIN 55122 ? MA„ i81EPtlOXB CGO-tl? ssas oona saa Re: Larson v. City of Eagan -(Inverse Conde:nnation) Our File No. 40029 Dear Mr. Hedges: We have been retained by Mr. and Mrs. David Larson to represent them in a dispute with the City of Eagan. The Larsons reside at 4397 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan. They have resided there since 1975. From 1975 to 1981, they did not have a water problem in and around their driveway. As you can see from the enclosed photographs, taken February 23, 1985, they currently do. They have informed me that this problem did not occur until after the bike path, shown clearly in the photographs, was put in. This changed the topography and drainage of£ of the hill immediately south of their property, causing the front of their property and driveway to become a holding pond. The photographs have been labeled and describe the £ollowing scenes: Photograph No. 3: Looking north toward the Larson holding pond from the south side of the bike path where it runs east and west to cross Pilot Knob Road. Photograph No. 4: Faces south from the west side of Pilot Knob Road showing the east/west portion of the bike path leading to Pilot Knob Road and the remainder of the bike path continuing south along Pilot Knob Road. i' . ? i City of Eagan Page 2 March 1, 1985 Photograph 5: Faces west from the east side of Pilot l{nob Road, showing the hill immediately south of the Larson property and the bike path running parallel to Pilot Knob Road and the short east/west portion of the bike path which intersects with Pilot Knob Road. Photograph 6: This was taken facing southwest from the east side of Pilot Knob Road approximately even with Larsons' driveway. Again, the north/south bike path and its intersection with Pilot Knob Road can be seen. Photograph 7: This was taken from the Larsons' driveway facing south toward their neighbor's driveway. (Note the fire hydrant on the north side of their neighbor's driveway). Photograph 8: Shows the holding pond in the Larson front yard. This picture was taken from the east side of Pilot Knob Road. There are several things that should be called to your attention. As you can see in photograph 6, the clear slope of the hill immediately south of the Larson property is from north to south. That is how the runoff flowed prior to the time the bike path was put in. Because of the bike path, however, the water is now flowing down along the bike path to the Larsons' front yard. This has caused them to receive a great deal more water than they did prior to the time the bike path was put in. As photograph 3 and 4 clearly show, there is a very small amount of water which will drain from the Larson holding pond southerly underneath the culvert under the bike path where it crosses Pilot Knob Road. My clients believe that that culvert is not only smaller than the one which is under their driveway, but also has been placed higher than the one in their driveway, therefore making it more difficuit for the water to make its natural flow to the south, toward City owned land. 1A City of Eagan Page 3 March 1, 1985 Some of the water may drain to the north as well. Of interest is the fact that there is no culvert under the driveway of their neighbor to the north. This is depicted in photograph 7 and is also shown in photograph 3(please look for the fire hydrant). Without a culvert, that driveway acts as a dam to hold the water back from flowing to the north as well. Therefore, it is forced to remain in the Larsons' driveway. The Larsons have been good citizens of the City of Eagan. They have repeatedly contacted people at Eagan City Hall regarding their problem. The sewer department blames it on parks and recreation for constructing the bike path and the parks and recreation people blame it on the sewer people for the storm sewer. It is interesting to note that my clients have received a huge assessment for a storm sewer which does them absolutely no good. It would seem that it's the City of Eagan's responsibility to take care of this problem. We have advised our clients that we believe an appropriate remedy would be for them to seek an inverse condemnation action seeking to have the City repair the damage and compensate them for the past rental value of their land for the holding pond caused by the City of Eagan. However, they have requested that we try to settle the matter informally. Therefore, my clients would waive any rights to any compensation they would have under an inverse condemnation action if the following three items are agreed to by the City of Eagan. 1. That the City of Eagan, by March 6th, 1985, begin pumping the standing water in their driveway and front yard as the City deems appropriate so that it goes to the south side of the Pilot Knob Road bike path crossing. Furthermore, that this pumping be continued as needed until such time as the ground is thawed to allow permanent repairs to be made. 2. That the City take the necessary steps in adjusting the topography of the area to permanently correct the situation a£ter the ground thaws. Possible solutions for the City's consideration would be to enlarge and lower the culvert which passes under the bike path so that the water may drain to the south or to install a culvert under the driveway of the Larsons' neighbor to the north so that the water may drain that way. They will cooperate in whatever the City deems appropriate. i City of Eagan Page 4 March 1, 1985 3. That the City agree to repair any damage to the Larsons' driveway caused by the holding pond which has been forming in their front yard. We will not be able to assess this damage until spring. We believe it is imperative to have the pumping begin immediately because of its importance as a safety factor. Mrs. Larson :ias los:, ner brakes on occasion after having to drive through the wet driveway and the Larson children are forced to walk along Pilot Knob Road beside high-speed tra£fic to find a dry crossing to get to their yard. Both of these problems create significant risk of injury which increases every day. These solutions are relatively inexpensive when compared to the cost of a lawsuit and the probable damages if one were to be brought on the basis of inverse condemnation. I hope that the Larsons` liberal proposal for solving this problem is accepted. I am diarying my calendar for March 8, 1985. If I do not hear from you by that time, we will investigate our other options. Very truly yours, FOR THE FIRM Michael E. Molenda MEM:dk cc: Mr. and Mrs. David F. Larson Enclosures GI i IZ[i:' S r^cEDUES'I Fi?R'1 DATE: 8 - 7 - EAGAN ENuINF_ERING DEPARTMENT _ 0k r. 4" yt i NAt•tE:---- 6A k0L1rN AND AL1p I-A,esci? AOD,1E55: 4. 357 P/cor K,voe ?o,oo G-/Sl--Cr• PHOYE: 45'¢- Ba¢/ PJATU.°.E OF REQU.ST:.? CA?oCYhl Sa ., s S'e,,..ep /vt,.s ?,C9p &i. , b: ka phtH : I.1 K, .6 I?...d ? Ai-s o i4 C ?1??. ? N<<?s fo .gc C'a ns???c ?-a/ f aT? ' ? A? o?+ f-r ?t< <4.Fo4 Gc?e 6 r<fVv ,w-5 {a, ti,;:r.,y „ t;s L'L>f:EM, TAKE;; BY: !? 0 x rx sc p{ r . REr _RRED T0: '?4- A?/-c?. AC7I019 TAKE?d: -- c ? ? t -,,? 'r `JPO C, ?7 P'A $ I ffe ' I JJa n ; n 1- SY: DATE ?;? N II ! ; . ? ?i \1 i • ?_- ?i ? ?, '? ;? T II ?l'? ; ' 7 T I - ?+--r ?---- ^ II ? ? ? ? ? L ? r, Z ? ?j ^ .. (" ?i-• ?iF?' J?+• fl? '' S^7-£:4 li .3c aN G?'?' ?j r L.?iC..J??:?,.i ?f ?y7 f?'? LGr" • J= - ??' ?FS? - 5 3 ?l LAW OFFIGES MCMENOMY, SHEI.DON, DUSICH, HANSEN Se MOLENDA P80PESSIONAL A590GIATtON DA80TA GENTAAL OFPIGES 144? S0i1T}f 80HERT TAAIL EnWABn B. u.MRi+oMY BOSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 66068 JAMES A. 68ELDON HEANIF, V. DUS2GH RFID J. HANSEN M1CHA8L L•. MOLENDA March 1, 1985 Mr. Thomas Hedges Eagan City Manager 3795 Pilot }inob Road Eagan, MN 55122 OVeFlle 5 ?n v?• TELEYHONB 4Y3-11lf6 AREA CODP. 912 Re: Larson v. City of Eagar -(Inverse Conde.mnation) Our File No. 40029 Dear Mr. Hedges: We have been retained by Mr. and Mrs. David Larson to represent them in a dispute with the City of Eagan. The Larsons reside at 4397 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan. They have resided there since 1975. From 1975 to 1981, they did not have a water problem in and around their driveway. As you can see from the enclosed photographs, taken February 23, 1985, they currently do. They have informed me that this problem did not occur until after the bike path, shown clearly in the photographs, was put in. This changed the topography and drainage off of the hill immediately south of their property, causing the front of their property and driveway to become a holding pond. The photographs have been labeled and describe the following scenes: Photograph No. 3: Looking north toward the Larson holding pond from the south side of the bike path where it runs east and west to cross Pilot Knob Road. Photograph No. 4: Faces south from the west side of Pilot Knob Road showing the east/west portion of the bike path leading to Pilot Knob Road and the remainder of the bike path continuing south along Pilot Knob Road. City of Eagan Page 2 March 1, 1985 Photograph 5: Faces west from the east side of Pilot Knob Road, showing the hill immediately south of the Larson property and the bike path running parallel to Pilot Knob Road and the short east/west portion of the bike path which intersects with Pilot Knob Road. Photograph 6: This was taken facing southwest from the east side of Pilot Knob Road approximately even with Larsons' driveway. Again, the north/south bike path and its intersection with Pilot Knob Road can be seen. Photograph 7: This was taken from the Larsons' driveway facing south toward their neighbor's driveway. (Note the fire hydrant on the north side of their neighbor's driveway). Photograph 8: Shows the holding pond in the Larson front yard. This picture was taken from the east side of Pilot Knob Road. There are several things that should be called to your attention. As you can see in photograph 6, the clear slope of the hill immediately south of the Larson property is from north to south. That is how the runo£f flowed prior to the time the bike path was put in. Because of the bike path, however, the water is now flowing down along the bike path to the Larsons' front yard. This has caused them to receive a great deal more water than they did prior to the time the bike path was put in. As photograph 3 and 4 clearly show, there is a very small amount of water which will drain from the Larson holding pond southerly underneath the culvert under the bike path where it crosses Pilot Knob Road. My clients believe that that culvert is not only smaller than the one which is under their driveway, but also has been placed higher than the one in their driveway, therefore making it more difficult for the water to make its natural flow to the south, toward City owned land. City of Eagan Page 3 March l, 1985 Some of the water may drain to the north as well. Of interest is the fact that there is no culvert under the driveway of their neighbor to the north. This is depicted in photograph 7 and is also shown in photograph 3(please look for the fire hydrant). Without a culvert, that driveway acts as a dam to hold the water back from flowing to the north as well. Therefore, it is forced to remain in the Larsons' driveway. The Larsons have been good citizens of the City of Eagan. They have repeatedly contacted people at Eagan City Hall regarding their problem. The sewer department blames it on parks and recreation for constructing the bike path and the parks and recreation people blame it on the sewer people for the storm sewer. It is interesting to note that my clients have received a huge assessment for a storm sewer which does them absolutely no good. It would seem that it's the City of Eagan's responsibility to take care of this problem. We have advised our clients that we believe an appropriate remedy would be for them to seek an inverse condemnation action seeking to have the City repair the damage and compensate them for the past rental value of their land for the holding pond caused by the City of Eagan. However, they have requested that we try to settle the matter informally. Therefore, my clients would waive any rights to any compensation they would have under an inverse condemnation action if the £ollowing three items are agreed to by the City of Eagan. 1. That the City of Eagan, by March 6th, 1985, begin pumping the standing water in their driveway and front yard as the City deems appropriate so that it goes to the south side of the Pilot Knob Road bike path crossing. Furthermore, that this pumping be continued as needed until such time as the ground is thawed to allow permanent repairs to be made. 2. That the City take the necessary steps in adjusting the topography of the area to permanently correct the situation a£ter the ground thaws. Possible solutions for the City's consideration would 6e to enlarge and lower the culvert which passes under the bike path so that the water may drain to the south or to install a culvert under the driveway of the Larsons' neighbor to the north so that the water may drain that way. They will cooperate in whatever the City deems appropriate. City o£ Eagan Page 4 March l, 1985 3. That the City agree to repair any damage to the Larsons' driveway caused by the holding pond which has been forming in their front yard. We will not be able to assess this damage until spring. We believe it is imperative to have the pumping begin immediately because of its importance as a safety factor. Mrs. Larson .ias losc her braices on occasion after having to drive through the wet driveway and the Larson children are forced to walk along Pilot Knob Road beside high-speed traffic to find a dry crossing to get to their yard. Both of these problems create significant risk of injury which increases every day. These solutions are relatively inexpensive when compared to the cost of a lawsuit and the probable damages if one were to be brought on the basis of inverse condemnation. I hope that the Larsons' liberal proposal for solving this problem is accepted. I am diarying my calendar for March 8, 1985. If I do not hear from you by that time, we will investigate our other options. Very truly yours, FOR THE FIRM/ /????4?2 ( Michael E. Molenda MEM:dk cc: Mr. and Mrs. David F. Larson Enclosures ;? ? STATE OF MINI?TESOTA ? ??7 MIATION COURT ?1CQUNTY OF llAKOTA ab y? DIVISION 0,10111213?A CITY OI' EAGAiv', a Minnesota municipal ? ,?4? ? 1S• : 0 i ,_.corporation FILE NO. ni COU '? AllDRESS: 3795 Pilot Knob Road - ? NTY COURT o ? DIVISlpp? 5 EaQan, Minnesota 55122 Ylaintiif 6?' cL VERSUS SUMb10ATS, CLAIM ANll. NOTICE OF HEARINC David F. Larson AND Joseph J. Mach d/b/a General 4397 Pilot Knob Road ? Construction Company ADDRESS: 189 Spruce Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 llefendant Defendant STATE OF MINNESOTA CONCILIATION COURT COUNTY OF DAKOTA Leo Murphy , being duly sworn says that 'he is rha Mayor nf the plaintiff abovc named; that the defendant is at least 18 years old; that the defendant is not now in the Military Service; that the defendant is a resident of Dakota County; and alleges that thc defendent is indebted to the plaintifF in the amount of $ 459_00 , plus $ 5.00 filing fce, by reason of the following facts: In 1975, Joseph S. Mach, owner and operator of General ConstXUCtion Company,' as the agent of David F. Larson, improperly connected the sewer seryice at the Larson residence at 4397 Pilot Knob Road, causing damage to the City's sewer system, and requiring repairs which cost the City $453.00. The connection was , made in violation of Eagan Ordinance No. 20 in that it was not made by 2 licensed plumber. The damage was discovered by Ciry,employees in 1977.,and Mach was contacted numerous times to correct the problem, but he failed to do so< In 1978, the City was forced to hire another contractor to make the repairs prio`r to the installation of a 6ike path in front of the Larson home. Subscribed and sworn to before me ori: a;- 6. Hr7)G?S trlulk Notary/Deputy Clc c`?ts3' Nocr.r:•; MYCOMMI951GNG'2:.::9 G-C.SCi.J ?l./L"n'R•.u:'y\....'.;:i:-.'.,_..,:,.,.. (Note: Maximum claim is $1000.00J Signed by;' CI OF E AN ? ,, s: ,y, -Prayo: And: - u ...- Plaintiff yce o e, ex THE STATE OF MI\TNESOTA TO THE ABOVE ATAMED DEFENDANT you the hereby summoned to appear at the heating of the above entitled case at 1:30 p. m, on Tuesday, July 17, 1979 at County Court, Div. 5, 201 Travelers Trail, (cime) (aate) (piace) Burnsville, Mn. The plaintiff has filed a clairn against you iu this Court in the total amount of $ 458.00 induding filing fee for the above mentioned cause. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AND ANSWEH TFIIS CLAIM AT THE ABOVE TInIE AND PLACE, JUDGMEI?IT WILL BE , ENTERED AGAINST YOU BY DEFAULT FOR THE AMOUNT CLAIMED. Date: July 2, 1979 By: ? -"' ' • Deputy Clerk ?,Ccunterdaims: The de(rndant map, if he his a dnim ngnfns[ die plainci(C ?chlch ie wichin the jucisdicuun nf thepCaoa fite it with the Cuua nnr Irss th:m ficc ds)'s (not in(udiug Srtw'ducs, Sunda?s and Holidacs), beforc [he vial date Nrith a(cc o65.00 , The Coua;witl nc"n uucifp thr plxineifl of nny such daim. Bu[h Hic daim and [he [uumcr<laim N,-ll be vicd at the snme time. PAUL H. HAUGE BRADLEV SMITH KEVIN W. EIOE Mr. Thomas Colbert City Public Works Director City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 ?- ? AREA CODE 672 TELEPHONE 454-4224 June 12, 1979 RE: City of Eagan vs. D v3d-Larsnn.. oseph J. Mach. ???? k-N.? rd Dear Mr. Colbert: ' ? C - /!? ?f ?' ?' - ro This letter is to notify you%that the conciliation court complaint in this matter was filed June 12, 1979. I spoke with one of the clerks of court at the Burnsville Courthouse on June 11, 1979, and she indicated to me that attorneys may not appear in conciliation court. She suggested that the proper party to appear would be the City Administrator and whatever witnesses will be necessary. She could only recall one previous case 3n which a city was one of the parties, and in that case, the Burnsville City Manager appeared with the wi.tnesses for the City of Burnsville. The conciliation court rules state that an officer of the corporation must appear but in the case of cities ttiat would mean city council members or the mayor would have to appear so the court is apparently waiving that requirement if the chief executive officer appears for the city. Because of this, I think that it would be important to have Tom Hedges at the hearing. The notice of the hearing date will be sent directly to City Hall, so I won't have knowledge of the date. If I can be of further help to you in preparing for trial, be sure to let me know. Very truly yours, Bradley Smith PAUL H. HAUGE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. ATTORNEVS AT LAW 3908 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAV EAGAN IST. PAULI, MINNESOTA 55122 SS:cdg cc: Tom Hedges. ? LEO MWFPMY M1YOF TXOMAS EGAN MPRK PARRANTO JAMES A.SMITM TNEODORE WACHTER COVNCIL MEM9EF5 r0 .x May 25, 1979 - i ALYCE BOLKE CITY CIEXK /577-C?Gr gtCiE,l.z -TMOMAB HEOGES `CITV ADMINIfTXATOR CITY OF EAGAN 9798 PILOT KN09 ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA $ei:a PXONE 454-8100 Mr. & Mrs. Liavid F. Larson - --4397 Pilot Knob Road Faaan, -MIIV 55122 RE: DAMFIGF,S INCi7RRID -- SET^!ER SEF;VI(E (4397 PI7AT tQdOB ROAD) Dear Mr. & Mrs. Larson: ;.? ,,y • As you aze aware, the City has incuned dana4es for the repair of your sewer service in tfie w.roimt of ?453.00. This was a result of the repair work that had to be perforned because ot the initial faulty installation of the sewer sexvice to serve your residence by Mr. Jce P?ach, General Constructioci Ca:pany. Since you are the party that obtained the pemiit to perfoim said work, you are inherently resPonsihle for the quality of work aesfoxmed. Consernaently, since the City has no direct connecticns orith General Construction Cacpany we must proceed to recover our danages . frcm you. Our attorney has draan up a Conciliation Court ccrfplaint to prooeed with the necessaYy litiaation to rEtrieve the $453.00. This letter is to infoxm you that we will be asking Council for authorizatim to pxnceed wlth this claim at the Jtme 5, 1979 Council r,eetinq. Z would appreciate a response fran you prior to that r.eetina or durina the meeti.nq in the kopes that we may not have to pursue this route to xesolve the problen. Your anticipated woperation in response to this request will be appreciated. Sincerely, ? ?UJ''?d?P4iY Thanas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Publc Works TAC:tlp cc: Brad Snith, Ci.ty Attorney's Offioe TNE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTM AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. 14397 ??(o? knob ?6- ?;?., . , PAUL H. HAUGE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. -?? ATTORNEVS AT LAW 3908 SIBLEV MEMORIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN IST. PAULI, MINNESOTA 55122 ?v PAUL H. HAUGE M8y 15, 1979 AHEA CODE 612 BRADLEY SMITH . . TELEPHONE 454-4224. S Mr. Thomas Colbert Public Works Director CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road ? Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Joe Mach - David Larson Dear Tom: Enclosed is the original and a copy of the Conciliation Court Complaint. I am also sending a copy of the Complaint to Joe Connelly for his information. George Hoey will be getting back to me fairly soon to let me know if the Larsons intend to settle this before it goes to trial. In the meantime, it will be nec- essary to obtain City Council approval to go ahead with the suit, as the Com- plaint will have to be signed by Mayor Murphy and Alyce Bolke. Once the Com- plaint has been signed and notarized, it should be mailed to the Dakota County Court at the Burnsville Courthouse, 201 Travelers Trail, Burnsville, MN 55337 along with the $5 filing fee. The Clerk of Court will set the case on for hear- ing and will send the City and the two defendants notice of the trial date.. In preparing for trial, I think that it might be a good idea to have Alyce attach a certification to a copy of Ordinance IE20 so that this can be pre- sented as evidence at the trial. For the witnesses, I understand that Joe Connelly will be the main witness, but it would probably also be wise to have as a witness whoever initially inspected the sewer connection back in 1975, if anyone did. The permit does not indicate that any inspection was made, but Soe seems to think that one was done back when connection was first made. Copies of all bille an3 ether gagers relating to the transaction shcul3 be brought to trial by Joe and introduced as evidence. On the basis of my conversation with George Hoey, I think that the Larsons will probably deny that the damage to the sewer was actually caused by the sewer connection on the basis that the damage was discovered long after the connec- tion was made. They may also deny that any repairs were necessary. In addi- tion, the Larsons will be alleging that, although .Toe Mach was their agent, he should not be considered their agent to the extent that he did the work improperly. Lastly, there may be a contention that the work was done properly and that it passed inspection so that no objection could be raised at this point. All of these are possibilities that you and Joe Connelly should try to prepare for ahead of time. Dakota County Conciliation Court is very strict in preventing attorneys From appearing before it, but if there is anything further that I can do to help you with preparing for trial, please let me know. Very truly yours, /BS:me (enc.) _ V cc: Joe Connelly ?- Bradley Smith STATE OF MINNESOTA .., . ' • ' COUNTY OF DAKOTA CITY OF EAGAN a Minnesota municinal corporation ADDRESS: 3795 Pilot Knob Aoad Eagan Minnesota 55122 Plaintiff VERSUS David F. Larson ADDRESS: 4397 Pilot Knob Road CONCILIATION COURT DIVISION FILE NO. SUMl40NS, CLAIM AND NOTICE OF HEARING AND Joseph J. Mach d/b/a General Construction Company 189 Spruce Drive Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 Defendant Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Defendlnt STATE OF NIINNESOTA CONCILIATION COURT COUNTY OF DAKOTA Leo Murphy , being duly sworn says that_he is the Mayor of the plaintiff above named; that the defendant is at least 18 years old; that the defendant is not now in the Military Service; that tlie defendant is a resident of County; , and alleges that the defendent is indebted to the plaintiff in the amount of $ 453.00 plus $ 5.00 filing fee, by reason of the following facts: In 1975, Joseph J. Mach, owner and operator of General Constzuctiqn Company, as the agent of David F. Larson, improperly connected the sewer.seYyice dt the Larson residence at 4397 Pilot Knob Road, causing damage to the City's sewer system, and requiring repairs which cost the City $453.00. The connection was made in violation of Eagan Ordinance No. 'LO in that it was not made oy a licensed plumber. The damage was discovered by City employees in 1477 and Mach was contacted numerous times to correct the problem, but he failed to do so, In 1978, the City was forced to hire another contractor to make the repairs prior to the installation of a bike path in front of the Larson home. Subscribed and sworn to before me on: Signed by: CITY OF EAGAN B NotaryjDeputy Clerk (Note: Maxinium claim is $1000.00J eo Murpny, riayo A d• o e, e Plaintiff Alyce THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT ,you the hereby summoned to appear nt the hearing of the above entitled case at m. on , at (time) (date) (place) The plaintiff has filed a claim against you in this Court in the total amount of $ induding filing fee for the above mentioned cause. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AND AATSWER THIS CLAIM AT THE ABOVE TIME AND PLACE, JUDGMENT WILL BE ENTEHED AGAINST YOU BY DEFAULT FOR THE AMOUNT CLAIMED. Date: By: Deputy Counlealai?nr: 'fhe dcfendant may, if he has a deim againat the plaintiff which is within Ihe jurisdiction of rhc Cmirt, file wiih the Court not Icss than fiee days (not induding Samrdays, Sundays and Holidays), before the tnul date wi[h a fcc of . 7 Court will thrn noti(y the plnintiff of any sudi daim. Both lhe claim and the counterdaim will be„[rit.i a[ the sanv time. PAUL H. HAUGE 6RADLE`7 SMITH PAt1L H. NAUGE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. ATTORNEVS AT LAW 3908 SIBL.EY MEMORIAL HIGHWAV EAGAN (ST. ['AUL), MlNNESOTA 55122 t.qr, Soseph J. Mach GENEREL CONSTRUCTION 139 Spruce Drive Ann1e 'Jalley, Pfinnesota R.E: Damage to Sanitary near i?r. ?4ach: May 11, 1979 55124 _-113' - ---- / _` Sewer ?t 4397 Pilot 1Cnob Road. ? / AREA CODE 612 TELEPHONE 4544224 It has come to our firm`s attention as City Attorneys for Eagan, Ptinnesota, that your firm has mf.used to reimburse the City for. $453 spent by the City =o renai-r sewer servi.ce at the above nentioned address. The repair was r!a.da necessary because your firm improperly instaLled sanitary sewez connec- r_9n ransing the secaer to snan. AnparAntly, you made the sanitary seiaer connection by punching a hole directly in`o ?he sewer main rather than by using the "Y^ to make this connection. 7ou haus been contacted numerous times but you have failed to repair the dam?age ar_d the City caas forced last year to obtai.n another contractor to -=ke the repairs. You have also £ailed to pay the $453 to the Citv after, b-_ing billed. Because of your steadfast refusal to cooperate, the City has everr• right to irstitute legal proceedings against you in order to collect the $453. If nay*^_ent is not made in full within 15 days from the mailing of this Ietter, sui*_ iaill Ue commenced. P1ease maice pronpt paysent if you e7ish to avoid this. Very truly yours, Bradley Smith J?i- /6 Uov - o?? - a v ?15 _ I T35c!g ? . c Thomas Colbert }'eo NLa.?Hr M4YOR ' TXOM118 MEDGE4 Cm Aeriwisrw.ron - ALYCE BOLKE TMOMAg EGAN ClTV CL[wR MhRK PARRANTO JAMES A. $MITN CITY OF EAGAN TMEOOORE WACMTEN . COYNCIL MEMBERS ' ' 0796 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 95122 May 25, 1979 rHONe Aa4-e100 Mr. & Mrs. David F. Iarson 4397 Pilot Knob Road Eaaan, NU 55122 RE: DAMMS INCURRED -- SES^'ER SEP.VI(E (4397 PIIJJT IQdOB IiOAD) Dear Mr. & Mrs. IarSOn: As you are aware, the Ci.ty has incurred da¢naqes for the reoair of your sewer service in the a*oimt of $453.00. 9l.is was a result oP the repair work that had to be perforred beoause of'the initial faulty installatiai of the sewer sexviae to serve your residence by Nr. Joe P!ach, General Constructicm Ccrpany. Sinoe you are the oarty that obtained t'Ze peinit to perfonn said umrk, ycu are inherently respCxssihle for the quality of work perfornied. Consernuently, since the City has no direct oonnectiais Ttrith GPneral Constructicn Carpany we naist proaeed to recover our damaaes fran you. Our attorney has draan up a Conciliaticn Court oaplaint to prooeed with the neoessary litiaation to retrieve the $453.00. This letter is to inform you that wie will be askin4 Council for authorizaticai to pzoceed with this cla.im at the Jime 5, 1979 Council r.eetinq. I would anoreciate a response fran you prior to that reetina or durina the meetina in the Ywpes that we may not have to pursue this route to resolve t*ie rnoblExn. Your anticipated oooperaticn in iesponse to this request will be appreciated. Sincerely, vZtlanas A. O:)lbert. P.E. Director of Publc works TAC:tlp cc: Brad Snith, City Attorney's Office TNE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROWTM IN Ol1R COMMUNITY. 1 ' PAUL H. HAUGE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. ATTORNEVS AT LAW - 3908 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN (ST. PAULI, MINNESOTA 55122 PAUL H. HAUGE BRADLEV SMITN ray is, 1979 AREA COdE 612 TELEPHONE 454-0224 Mr. Thomas Colbert Public Works Director CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Rnob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Soe Mach - David Larson Dear Tom: Enclosed is the original and a copy of the Conciliation Court Complaint. I am also sending a copy of the Complaint to Joe Connelly for his information. George Hoey will be getting back to me fairly soon to let me know if the Larsons intend to settle this before it goes to trial. In the meantime, it will be nec- essary to obtain City Council approval to go ahead with the suit, as the Com- plaint will have to be signed by Mayor Murphy and Alyce Bolke. Once the Com- plaint has been signed and notarized, it should be mailed to the Dakota County Court at the Burnsville Courthouse, 201 Travelers Trail, Burnsville, MN 55337 along with the $5 filing fee. The Clerk of Court will set the case on for hear- ing and will send the City and the tw6 defendants notice of the trial date. In preparing for trial, I think that it might be a good idea to have Alyce attach a certification to a copy of Ordinance #20 so that this can be pre- sented as evidence at the trial. For the witnesses, I understand that Joe Connelly will be the main witness, but it would probably also be wise to have as a witness whoever initially inspected the sewer connection back in 1975, if anyone did. The permit does not indicate that any inspection was.made, but Joe seems to think that one was done back when connection was first made. Copies of all bills and other papers relating to the transaction should be brought to trial by Joe and introduced as evidence. On the basis of my conversation with George Hoey, I think that the Larsons will probably deny that the-damage to the sewer was actually caused by the sewer connection on the basis that the damage was discovered long after the connec- tion was made. They may also deny that any repairs were necessary. In addi- tion, the Larsons will be alleging that, although Joe Mach was their agent, he should not be considered their agent to the extent that he did the work improperly. Lastly, there may be a contention that the work was done properly and that it passed inspection so that no objection could be raised at this point. All of these are possibilities that you and Joe Connelly should try to prepare for ahead of time., Dakota County Conciliation Court is very strict in preventing attorneys from appearing before it, but if there is anything further that I can do to help you wiEh preparing for trial, please let me know. BS:me (enc.) cc: Joe Connelly Very truly yours, Bradley Smith • PAUI. H. HAUC7 anarLCv sMis: i 3? C' Ai'it CAGfiN (S7. f `.UL), i.,X: ' ...?:l. .. . .^? Apr'.1 2.'., .111'19 ? Mr. Thomas Colbert Public F.TOrI:s Director CITY OI' EAGAN 3795 Pi)ot RnoU Road F.a;;an, I•N 55122 6v RG: Dav3d F. Larson I'iloC 7cno Roaa P.:, -A CO!7:1 312 rr:?.r. t;or!= r 1.4.r.n Dear Mr. Colbert: (iGe AL- your request I,ent a letter t? Davi.d P. c -;:ch 21, 5979, rc • questing paywent for repair,^, the ;1ty c:_10 to ':I:_ Hc .:'.i alry cewer crunk '..i front of hi.s home last Lall. Since then, Georpe Hoey, Mr. LareDn'c att:ame;, hc•i -oncacted me and ex- pl,sined that his client believes `hzC Ct-! d--,• ;^ to '-ia sex-7er em.^ not cansed by his lgent, Soseph Mach 3f. G^nn C( ?nt;-uc :9en, but rather by the City's concractor on th:2 i'i_Lc_ "-!ob This story is at variance c:*?ttIi th? inf.or?lt?or :'c^v: -:.ce:::Ted, eo it aj )ears that this may have to be seCtled `hrougl: cor_ci.'.^•rt:'.c . cou:rt. If you lil c, I can prepare a conciliation courL nC, bt 1^. ctunl nnpea+-incee c)uld have_to be mad? c?ithout an 2ttom?y by t-`?o C?_ty r?i i'_th tl;- mosC lir- ect knas7ledge of the incident. Would you pleaae 7et me knm.r hoci ;ou cc+'ld Pe- .r.e?.y i: ./-. , . . . L'latl.i.°;• :-:.L.til B$:fl2 ••yrAwe ' . TMOMAS EGAM MAMN PAFRANTO JAMEf ?- SMItM CITY OF EAGAN TMEOOONE WAChTCR eo?wc??..E.ecas 3795 pILpT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MiNNE50TA »t22 PIIONE 154•11100 M!C?11 October 26, 1978 Mi. Joe Mach z-= General Construction 189 Spruce Drive Apple Valley, MN 55124 re: Your call regardinq the bill for repair of Sanitary Sewer on Pilot Knob Road in Amount of $453.00 Dear Mr. Mach: You were asked to repair this sewer line (which broke after you installed it) several times over a period of 2 years. When you did not repair it, the City had to hire a contractor and you were sent the bill. This work was necessary as a bicyle trail over the break was built. This bill is due and payable now. Sincerely yours, Bill Branch cc: Tom Hedges Tom Colbert rn???s .coc?: CIT ?OYIN?f?11Ai0? wLvcc soLK[ CIT CL[.{ TME LONE OAK TREE ... TME SYMBOL OF STRENGTM AND GROWTM IN OUR COMMUNITV.. 5 T A T E M E N T : .:: r•rc^zaa;t.°: •.--_?:?- -- ? CITY OF EAGAN . .y_ fuos ; f 3795 P'L!IT KP!!'d RAAD ? EAG.',N, MfNNS5"TIA 55142 E ' Phone 454-8100 9/21/78 ? ? , fisoezal ometruction 189 Sprnce pttwe 1lpple Oalley, !N 55124 ? P r ? . ' Atta2 Joa Mach oRAcN Awo Muu vnnN row cNa. roue cuAcEwo amc e roue amrr. ? _ . .A-r...._ ... ...... _ ao-. _.,__ ....?.:: . - . :... ..._.....>...>.?. ? _ .._...a:w ???. - ..- -- I , ... ._ -_ -; . _..., . ' 1]103 ? ? 7abor aud E4miPaent to repair sever ' aaxvice at wildezneas Ron i Pilot e ? 1Cnwb by Pazrott-Cbnetstictioa Inc. f $453.00 y! I This repair ves !oz the pdvid P. ? I a tarson reaidence at 4397 Piloi ? 1Cnob lioad. h r i ? y ? . CC Gl'OZ Ry3n ? .I ? .? E ? i ? R?dif?rw? , d ' t aS tN P110 Br M[CR NO. ? I ... .,,. ,...sc. . ?-._..:. .'Y,.-, .,... ' ' . ,. ..._ ..... ? _....?............ -.-...._....?"." _-..F.'? WtvPAKISO5Ei510l4 .... _.., _ .,_.. ? Parrott - Consfruction Inc. Bua. MS-6128 Res.145-2058 Sept 19, 1978 3TATEMENf PAR ?ak3PG(9"ft?M-FtN INC, 2047 Eagle Creek Blvd. Shakopea, Mn. 55311 City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Kaob Rd Fegan Ydnn 55121 Re: repair sewer service at Wildernesa Ihn & Pilot Knob 8-11-78 For Iebor & equipment to repair aewer aervice _ $453.00 :. S?aV, 1> ? le?8 ? , . r , ? .?. ? _ aa ? I -7,2 L? p /dtJd ° : ? . I ° , , + CITIZE?:'S REOUEST FOR?1 DATE: EAGIN ENGINFi;RIT,TG DEPARTMENT -4 ? N{II•iE: C'AkDLYN AND dAL1? ?RksoN ADDRESS: 439 7 P14or ic,voa 1PoAD j6-/G1/GG-/S??-ro PHOVE: 454- 93¢1 AIATU.°.E OF REQU.$T: 414- CA.pOCYN Sa ?r,S 54o''" 5e?e? Nt?s / d+?e? 3: ke f'AtH p; ?.> ic. 0 6 1?o.-d ( /? -' ALSO /? Cv?ue ?- N<od5 ?o F?C ?Qr1S?L c.i-e.? )t-( ?A T,# • ` . _ C. A i. t le o cit- 'f -o Se c w & ? lqe,-Js fo ?J t 0 0, e g- l( S 12/}?1c9 llHOws Yl.e 5A tA ?S P2s0[eM , TAKER BY: ?0 _k! /esc/{ % REFEARED T0: ACTI014 TAKE"!: _ CauNl7 P206 ?M I I PYz' I 14.ah'n1- - - BY DATE pa4 a ?:? 4 . ? 1 t I? I ? 6 ? 1 ?? ll ? ?I < i G I ? ? I n ? t m ? 0 L F' G ° m o L .? ? M ? ? .. 439 7 DizjvFW4v ? , C? G ? , . . ? ? 227039 ' SiATE Uc MINNFSO7A ' C.unly .lDeroFe, ? ?' et ? j) O{fut oi Regls?er o4ds, ? 11t?s isk cerh'fyti?sElhe wtfhw I ?iisfrwwttil was fi led ?So t krv.d iw ?s.t.[. ? (6y A D iy S 3 a1 ? ? oclocv?? YI., am 1he} I sdul rec.Med ,e ?? e?=,-?• .s c??s ? • gy 1--'• . ? - nePo?y IN ? N STREET b $ /2 $ b STREET e /3 /4 15 m9 E COR. E. //4 ,. 4 . MF.M0 TO: Dl?ANNA KIVI, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CLER[C FROM: THOMAS A. COLBBRT, DIRSCTOR OF PUBLIC WORRS DATB: OCTOBER 20, 1987 SUBJECT: PROJECT 466, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ADJUSTMENT --^----- ?T_15, CAItI,SODT ACI2ES Please delete the pending assessment obligation of $1,488 for lateral storm sewer against Lot 15, Carlson Acres (150-00) due to the fact that this property will not be able to be serviced with lateral storm sewer as a part of the referenced public improvement. All other pending assessments against this parcel should remain as proposed until such time as the project is completed and the final assessment roll prepared. Di ector of Pu lic Works TAC/jeh Enclosures ; . r. '. . . . ? .'.. . .,`'. ?-.y .. .. ?..'.. . _ '.'3 . . .. ? . . . ' .. ' . . .. . . . . . ... ' . ' , . ,: ? ?.. ? . . . ,. 1 i ;. ? ? II. STOR.*t SEWER (CONT'D) Parcel Ass essable Area Descrip[ion (Sq.ft.) - Rate/Sq.ft. Total Assessment CARLSON ACRES, CONT'D . ? Lot 8, 080-00 20,000 0.12 2,400 Lot 8, 082-00 20,000 0.12 2,400 ?. Lot 9, 090-00 20,000 0.12 2,400 Lot 9, 091-00 20,000 0.12 2,400 T.ot 13, 130-00 15,500 0.12 1,860 ?e QQQ???eee Lot 14, 141-00 18,600 0.12 2,232 ?N n?,,,.?!. Q, Lo[ 15, 150-00 12,400 0.12 1,488 Lot 15, 152-00 17,400 0.12 2,088 mi F.VF.RGRF.EN PARK ADDITION _ Lot 1, Block 2 15,000 0.12 1,800 ?. Lot 2, Block 2 15,000 0.12 1,E00 Lot 3, Alack 2 15,000 0.12 1,800 ? Lot 4, Block 2 15,000 0.12 1,800 Lot 5, Block 2 15,000 0.12 1,800 ? Lot 6, Block 2 15,000 0.12 1,800 : Lot 1, Block 4 3,400 0.12 408 Lot 8, Block 4 6,400 0.12 720 ? Lot 9, Block 4 4,000 0.12 _ 480 ? Lot 10, Block 4 4,000 ' 0.12 ` 480 '.TWIN VIEW MANOR , , . Lot 1, Block 1 4,400 ? 0.12 .. 528 Lot 2, Block 1 ? 9,600 0.12 - 1,152 _ ? Lot 3, Block 1 16,200 0.12 1,944 Lot L, Block 3 11,000 0.12 1,320 ASSESSEU,ENT LEGEtdD ? ASSESSAOLE 16_OOOj ? .--? ?eoMAcxEs AREA, Sq. Ft. 4?J - Otdl) ' 8' BITUMINOUB PATH (TYG) I??JoYoo t? TNOIAAB LAKE _ iS:•00! ? ?aj!o 1 0~ A ? STORM BEWER ~_ mrar.w m- -- ? EXISTING ---? y?I 24.000 112.400- 17,400 ? 18.600 ? ? i STORMSEWER - =-_-= ' ...-- ---- ? ------- iL-----------'------------- ______________-___ ____-1 N ? ??_"?_-=_--------- j i ovem e ?'wi; ? ? 10 EABT TNOMAS?LAKE ? MLDEBNE!lRVMR10iAOdT10N 1 CL. 1 Ofo-f? ? fO ? i F`^!,- ' ,. . . . ... am? - . . I I _°•? i w.1 c.w r----- ? o? efti?ra» ? i . O i p ? _ . . .. .. . ? ; I 1 i • 1 W . ' • . . . ' /?N i '? r__v-_?_???='=T-_-_--_ ?, ? I aca wn 0 aae ww Fnur Aoornaw E110REEN PAPK ADGITAON 1 rwat W - . 1 I EV ? ? 1 ? 1 1 i ? ? I 1VIt0EANEl/9Uq Ng =CONG ADDRION ?? ! I 3 '. 1 j a ?15,000i15,000i75,000;15,00015,000:15,000;+W j CARLOON AQSI W [VEROH£!X PARII ?00' ¢ :oo• Q t__" 1 CERLS'?NAG1E7 I '??I y I QO.OOO i ?W*A? I 1? I CethNFeN i I 731-DO I¢ I O; il ?I N j DD1-oo C4RL30NMCREO Q F-??--?--?- /71-OOI11D-00 ?- - - - - - -a-? ? r---' 9-?--"I OBbUO B 0E2•00 j 7 ?I N ? ! I { i ? ? . EvERQf![EN iMK I O I m 1 I 1 i 15.500 ? I I ? IwMTwH o i 40.000 \ I a? r•..? i oeaoo I 120'OOOx0.000i ^- q taa-ao ?' 340?0'? °0.000 1 ?? li 12^00 1 12.000 - ? ?.. -1---- I ________J? ?- m.?J? L______'..___'___J? , .. 0 i'_ ??4,20UT S,4D0 ' 6,4 00 ? 3,400 1 9.000 7,:0 01? 12,000 ? 7,fr0016,000 r6 to ,00016,000, ;; i 3,600 r-J ? o i` /3.100, i g? ,? I n i1 u ?:'1"' . ai ? :z ??:?? \?•?----+-'?i.?--j---..v? i? I? '?c 0124,500 ?. I b?. ??it. '? .?w?. I L"'`? ° l041i042 ? ome I-os?-os1 ? 7 rni?enr?sa aw?aceoNO r.-=arcka mix rrri •oortcn i • ?i ?a ? 1 W. /__l___? • 0? i ? LJ__1_?__1____L???J L??` ??'?W ?-r- ?.10 \- O / ?o to .??t p r? . Is ? ? . EASTER LANE c0i - C BONESTHOO, RBSENE, ANDERLIK A. ASSOCIATE3, Ir+c. EAGAN, P?lyNESOTA PILOT K?!C9 F;OAD ? m Englneers d ArcMipets ; (COUNTY ROAD No. 31) '.. `. j . . o . St. Peul, IAlnnesots . .. - DATE: AUOUST, 198e COMM: 49998 $TQRM SEWER ASSESSEMENTS . i_ .,. . . . .. ' CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: ?oJg RECEIPT DATE: J'11j 'D' RU1DENTlAL MECHkNIC!!I. PERMTf APPLICATIOR crrYoF gaetx 3830 Paor tcxoe Rn $nGMauQ ssi Ea 661-e$1-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dweliings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: 1• 1 O' a I SITE ADDRESS: 443q ? ? .. OWNER NAME: &Ak LL jU I 1;74? TELEPHONE #: 46/• ° ? -? ?? ??_ ^ (AREA CODE) INSTALLERNAME: TELEPHONE#: q..5g. 43{-Crq3z (AREA CODE) STREET ADDRESS: S?tfo9.O ?q?,Q C,.C? b i1?1? I UZ? ^ CITY: Z,>(JCQ.. UAI" STATE: Place a check mark nezt ta the oermit work tvee ZIP: New residential dwelling unit under constructionand not owner/occupied $ 70.00 _ Add-on, modification or aiteration to existin dwelling unit ?a furnace repfacement $ 50.00 • air exchanger • air conditioner • other Nature of work: L I4 d4[A? ? V ?, . t State Surchar e $ .50 7 Total $ Reminder: Cal! for inspections. c?,Om A 1 .0 GNATURE O RMITTEE Updated 1/Ol CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR RECEIPT DATE: COMMWACIAL MECHARICA1. PE$MTP APPLICATION CITY OF EAHlEN 3$30 PILOT KNOB iZD EAsM, MN 55122 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: PHONE #: - (ARFA CODE) TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY): WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? Y N. NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CI1'Y; STATE: ZIP: WORK TYPE: New conshuction Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement _ Remove U.G. Tank _ Processed Piping Specify Nature of Work When installixg/removing underground tank, call 651-681-4675 for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing Iinspector. Fees: 1% of contract price OR $50.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Undergrotmd tank removaUinstallarion = minimum fee Conhact price: $ x 1%= $ (Base Fee) State surcharge calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL $ PHONE#: - (AREA CODE) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Updated 1/01 qe'?%d?? ? 93077 2006 i MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATIpN ??? City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Plcase complete for: wmmerciaVindustrial buildings multi-famiiy buildings when separa[e permits are not required for each dwelling unit Date g l D ? ? Site Street Address V3 97 Unit N Tenant Name (if applicable) ?j?eQ Previous Tenant Name PropcrtyOwner ?.t&4 Telephone#(lo,S/ , . . - - - ? i Cou[rsciar Street Address City ' State s -/Wn• Zip M/,;2 Tetephone # ( fS.2 5-93 ;Z Bond Expires: I i The Applicant is _ Owner A/ Contractor _ Other I Work Type ? New Construction _ Underground Tank , Instail _Remove "see below Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _ Processed Gas ? Nature of Work ? ? "*When lnstalling/removing underground tank, call for inspection by Ffre Marshal and Plumbing fnspecfor Permit Fees: S70.50 Undcrground tank installatioidremoval ? 550.50 Minimum (includes Stn[e Surchargc) ol' i Coiitract Value $ c?000 v x (% _ $ i Permit Fee ? S State Surcharge If ermit fee is iess fhan $I,000, add $.50 I If rmit fee is more than 51,000, surcharge i is $.50 for evety $1,000 owed. ? ? ? $ .Jd. '!'G Total Fee _-- ' hereb a I f C y pp y or a ommercial Mechamcal Permit and acknowledge that the mformation is compiete and accura[e; that the work Hdil be in conformance with the ordinanbes end codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanicat Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an applicstion for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the appruved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. L f1?2 ?/ /? Gc /fi? Apphcant's nnted Name Applican Signature ,Approved By: Inspector Date: 1-i - Rzquired Inspections: - U.G. _ R.1, _ Air Test _ Gas Service TeSt _ Infloor Heat Final Clty 0f EapIl 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone:(651)675-5675 Fax:(65Y)675-5694 ?----------------- i Foi Office Uss I ?? I 1 j Permit#:--?L.-' I ? Permit Fee: 0 ? Date Received: j ? I I Staf(: I I I ---------- ------ 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Cd-Q-El d?/!T Date: Site Tenant: Suite #: RESIDENT/OWNER Name: r1 nI N/'?I/" . Phone: /mL Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: _ Owner ___XContrector TYPE OF WORK Description of work: n-Yii 5? ?J&/ /QdW OCZb-n Construction Cost: ??? Multi-Family Building: (Yes _! No CONTRACTOR ? License #: Name: ( Address: /40 ??? I,f /9D [7[ 4Aiv,!, City: k State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING _ Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaory 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code • Residential Ventilation Cafegory 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet C8t8g01'y Submitled Submiqed (4 SubmiSSion type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submiqed In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical ContracMr: Phone: Sewer & Water Contrector: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the iniormation ma'y be classitied as non-pu6lic it yau provide spec)flc reasons that would permlt the Clty to conclude that the are trade secrets. I hereby acknowledge ihat this information is comple[e and accurate; ihat the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of ihe Ciry of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a petmit; that the work wi11 be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ApplicanYs Printed me ??/ ??IIl1 Ys ign ture x ? Page 1 of 3 JUL 1 1 2008 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES ? Foundation ? 05-plex ? 76-plex ? Accessory Buiidtng ? Pool ? Single Family ? 06-plex ? Fireplace ? Porch (3-season) ? Ext. Ak. - Multi ? 01 of _ Plex ? 07-plex ? Garage ? Porch (4season) ? Ect. Alt. - SF ? 02-Plex ,. ? 08-plex ? Deck ? Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ? Multi MisC. ? 03-Plex ? 10-plex x LowerLevel ? Storm Damage ? 04-Plex ? 12-plex ? Miscellaneous WORK TYPES ? New ? Interior Improvement ? 5iding ? Demolish Bullding* ? Addition ? Move Building ? Reroof ? Demolish Interior A Alteration ? Fire Repair ? Windows ? Demolish Foundation ? Replacement ? Egress Window ? Water Damage ' Demolition (entire building) - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION: Valuation ? ? Occupancy /Rc -1. MCES System - Plan Review Code Edition A4Z,11 SAC Units - (25%_ 100°/a Zoning R-? City Water ? Census Code y?y Storles "'- Booster Pump ?- # of Units Square Feet ? PRV ? # of Buildings Length - Fire Sprinklers ? Type of Const. .? Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) FooTings (deck) Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Root: Ice & Water Final ? Framing Fireplace:_R.I. _Air Test _Final ? Insulation Reviewed By: Sheetrock Final/C.O. FinallNo C.O. HVAC Other: PaoL•_Footings _Air/GasTests Final Siding: _Stucw Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MClES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies Total 1,30 ` ? Page 2 of 3 ? Ciq- of Eap 3830 POW Knob RWO ragan M 55122 Phale_ (&Si) 675-6675 Fac (651) 675-56M 7008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPI.ICATION oaw. 6 -d-//'Od'sa.,ddm=: -X39Z Pl%6 k4 &C Pa9? ? ---------------- - , Q ' , Pemd Fes: ? , ;Daft Received: l?-3TJ ? a i sUn: ?----------------' ?I OVnMM Nam: ? ? 7? ,?,?„??-- v h AWkwdm- -Owner VICaMactor . TYPE OF WORK Descrippon of wark: zm? Corshudion Cost ? IYMuff'rFamily BLfiUng: (Yes _/ No ? tODffRACTOR Name: DnRnic Decren & Remodelin? Inc. Lioer?se+: /7dO ?,?_ 11825 Point DoaglAS Drive 5oad? stiogs, WNW- c?ty: sM= z,p: Phone: Go„LEtPerw„_ Hi & ?i chert COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesada Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Mtnnesota Rules 7672 Enelgy Code . Resdaomat vedauon caeegmy 1 warwwc • nlew Eneryy cade worksrreet Cwegpry Submd[ed Sulnnitted (r ?iOn type) ' Energy Emelape Calculations Sdznilted M the Iast 72 moMhs, hes the City of Eagan issued a permi[ for a sFmNar plan based on a mester plan? Yes _No R yes, date and address of mas[er plan: Licensed PWmber: Phone• Nleclmnical CoMractor. Phone: Sewer 8 Water Con6ractor Phone- NOTE: P1ans and supporting documenfs that you su6mff are consldered to be puWJc irtfom+aUon• Portions of !he Mfamat/an may be classlfed as rwo-puWtc if you provide speciCc reasons thaf woufd permit the City to condude thaf they are &ade secrets. I hereby ackrnrdedge ihat this irrformatiun is complete arid aocurate; [hat the work will be in mrrfa/mance wi[h the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I unMerstarM this is mt a permit, but only an application for a petmit, arW work is to start without a permR; the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and appraval M pl . x 'JlAnl° ) ?? l >V ? ?cS x ApplicaM's Printed Mme / Ap'1"'?anPs Sigrrature ? Page 1 of 3 ? _ _ - _ _ _ - _ ' _ - _ _ _ - _ i f:?0'ff??i?,4?8 ? Permit #: (l' ? I Permit Fee: . ?5D - ?? Date Received: I StafE L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 2008 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: -7 - Site Address: b Tenant: Suite #: RESIDENT / OWNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: vL?o h ?Lz> CONTRACTOR Name: `Iy\ 3 R License#: AU491Z$Vn 609 \12y Address: -a-LZ, \ ?MQrSO ?`+-? S City: State: .M ?\ Zip: S 5D5 3 Phone: '- Contact Person: ?S ??--\ TYPE OF WORK _ New '-?Replacement _ Repair _ Rebuild _ Modify Space _ Work in R.O.W. Description of work: PERMITTYPE RESlDENTIAL Water Heater _ Water Softener _ Lawn Irrigatlon Add Plumb?'Fixtures ? RPZ /_ PVB) - Main Lower Level) T-•? Septic System _ Water Tumaround New Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Water Heater, Water SoRener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $30.50 Lawn Irrigation (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround' (includes $.50 State Surcharge) 'Water Turnaround (add $147.00'rf a 5/8" meter is required) $100.50 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire Repair (replace bumed out appliances, duclwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES $ i hereby acknowiedge that this intormanon is compiere ano accurate; that the work wm be in contormance wun tne oromances ana coaes or me ary oT Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, 6ut only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a pertnit; that the vrork will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and appro?Jva?l Jof plan x V" \ JlYC' cS c.',- \ x ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanYs Signature FOR OFFIC`E USE ?-? ?.: Reviewed? By E ? ? ,t -,, z , . •; ? ;„ Date_ Required Inspectwns- Under Ground 4 Rough In `Par 7e'st t Gas Test , Final , ,??eq (,a L) 4z3q 7 8-7-eq l?'3cc?n. v7 ? i u y ?3? 7 PL . 12 A 4?5-V -& 3 Y- ' ? . , . .. .? . ,: ? -.. + _ ??, , . a s ' i . ? . . ?"?' i ( ?i _ ` _ ? . •,?? "' . ? _?' ---?°--- (y ? .. _._? . ; - ; . , ? a .; ? ' .? _ ,? ,., ' -,.J.?1? ? W 1 „ ? ?_, iuu ieo ? . . ? ? ? a ??. . I S.N1 • ? d?n r a ru?lu ?1 N?e i ieear ioo ? ? ma ?lC10? ? 1.:.? ( ?tsao /? ? ?--- se . d r:eo, ?, ? o _ _ _.w;??.? ? I1? ? q? / /??? // 1 ? ?? ?LSAM?? . . BOLO •X EYB.B& ?.3Ui' ? .W ? ?Nc, 2 ?W ? T ? A H n ? ,, ._ _ -I?STREE`l`-"- ?? ?,?,6e esm ?soo, ? e 7 / ? o? • "' ?'? ino ? ?1n ? 00005 9'75?93° ? W3.90 tl6 ?? 1A W 1. ? ? o I ? ? \ \ ??a'w ° . . ? , o ? ? _... ? ? ? ? . -., ? . - ? '.., E A n._?? ? ? e ..._.__. . 1 ? „ 'M"'_ 8_' ? 611F Xe0°17'W- l ? ??o.?? ,?p ? ?,o , o __ _ z 90 00 ,. , ?ao s/ n \ ? c R xeo???'w' i, ; "! p,ab°C0?"? ?, y ? R' s n . J " / ? ? i .?., :.. . 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'v"`-'---?- --?-•-.--,...--..,---.._ llgo!k? e ?a o 5 b ,? g ? ? ? o ? , . _ ? _?-?..-?-?? .:._ ? ?$ Ka?? za €, "? ? ` g, Y ` a rn 1 ---___.,.._,-,..,r-,.- - _. ___?__ ?_?____.....-??-?.?_.._, ?, ?- ?.__.__ ? ____ _ ? ti ° _ _ ? . PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA135569 Date Issued:03/23/2016 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4397 Pilot Knob Rd Lot:15 Block: 0 Addition: Carlson Acres PID:10-16400-00-150 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace & Air Conditioner Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$59.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Bradley J Nivala 4397 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan MN 55122--184 (651) 688-0600 St Paul Plumbing & Heating 640 Grand Ave St. Paul MN 55105 (651) 228-9200 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature