4889 Pilot Knob RdCITY OF EAGAN Lot Blk Street Improvement I Date I Amount I Annual I Years I Payment I Receipt I Date GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONM. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK ,. _...__ cin oF EAG?N ' 3795 Pilot Knob Rwd Eogan, MN 55122 N! 6332 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # -- To be wsd fer Est. Value Dote , 19 Site Address Erect Q Otcupcnty Lot Blxk Sec/Sub. ?- Alter ? Zoning Porcel .# Repair ? Fire Zone l E f C t T n arge ? ype o ons . Nome Move 0 # Stories W f qddress Demolish ? Front ft. 0 Ci Phone Grode ? Depth ft. °p? Name o? Addreu . Assessment ~ Ci Phone Water & $ew. H? Pol ice FW Name Fire ?? Address Eng. iW Ci Phone Plonner APprovola Fees Council Permit Surchorge - Plan theck _ SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Rond Unit - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicotion and state that gldg. Off. the information is correct and ogree to comply with all applicoble APC Total Stafe of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinances. Signature of Pe?mittee A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that pll work sholl be done in occordance with oll applicoble State of Minnesota Stctutes ond City of Eagon Ordinances. Building Official ? . -le j 9t 3ai ij-,/o -,po 414-? `-1? •.? '"A.-? Pennk # paM bwed PennlltW Plumbing aC? //-,j-rd -I Methanicul --? 5-- 0 INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. I Rouplrln Finol Footings ? v Dote. Insp. Date lnsD• Foundotion /A-p7! 1 KA i(il Plumbing Fram ins. Final ?-Z Mechanical '?- Remarks: 1?- ? S F? ?L%??,?yG??• L?ell - L9b } ,Vj COK. . , e ,. , . No. cIrr oF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Reed Eagen, MlnnesoM 55122 Phene: 454-8100 1-1- PERMIT Date: Site I\ddress: 4859 P31ot Knob Rd. Lat Block Sub/Sec. -- INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single I Residential Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I Nome ` ?rold R. 71o' ' /Alt r ir N /R epo ew e . Address f In tall n t ti C ? os o s o o , City ... Phone: Permit Fee Nome Surchar e ? g ? Address City Phone: Totol This Permit is issued on the express condition that cll work shall be done in accordcnce witfi all opplicable State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 8uilding Qfficiol :'.6 i No. CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilof Knob Rood Eagon, Minnesota 55122 Phowe: 454-8100 PERMIT Dote: Site llddress: 4889 Pilot Knob Rd, Lot Block 5ub/Sec. 011-95 INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single I Residentiol Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I NO^'K New/Alter./Repair ; Addreu Cost of Installotion O City . Phone: - Permit Fee ` Nome Surchairge ? ? Address - ? City . Phone: Total This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll work sholl be done in occordonce with all applicoble State of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eogon Ordinonces. Building Offitlol No. Date: . CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Reed Eoyan, Minnesote 55122 Ptiose: 454-e100 PERMIT Site /lddress; 4889 Pilot Knob Rd. Lot Block Sub/Sec. Comm./Ind. NCrTfe :'MT i!lOT'?9 New /Alter.l Repai r . ? Addreu Cost of Instcllution City . Phone: Pe?mit Fee Name ? $urChorge ? '. ' . . iRddress ? Ciry , Phone: Totol This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work shall be done in occordonce with all applicable Stote of Minnesota $totutes ond City of Eogon Ordinonces. INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single Residential Buildinp Officiol Rsceipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee • fill rn numbered spaces S/C Type or Print /egibly Tot. 1. Date : o k g 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address `L6t ' Blk. Tract 4. Owner 3i"fiJti1 ThDma.6 5. Contractor ?, ?;s22Qt M2CF1. Phone 452-1 Sf,S 6. Address >" :' i t !<' C. 7. City rCiccL. State '.1;? Zip 8. Building Type: Residential Ctil Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. • Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures f C l D i ` Bath tubs T$ SS f ? esspoo / ra n ield Se ti T k Lavatory 4<, p an c ft S Shower !G - 5 -4S Z o ner Well Kitchen 5ink Urinal/Bidet Oth _t I Leundry Tray er Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for ??3 RQ{?gh Final Inspections: Date yZ s&? Date Insp. This is your per d approved. AppVft_JLL EAGAN 464-8100 CITY OF EAGAN 8618 3795 PIlot Knob Rood Eogan, MN 55122 PHONEt 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipf # , ! To be wad for KAY =''PUM Est. Value $17,000 Dcte GCtobEr 27 , iy 83 Site Add?eu 4'89 Pilot knob :oad Eract ? Occupa.?cy '?-'• Lot 011 Block 75 Sec/Sub. `'ek:tion 33 Nlter p Zon;n9 A 10-03300-011--75 Repoir ? FiroZone NA Pa?cel # Enlarps ? Type of Const. VA Nome _ Address p Name _ ?? Address ? ri.,, Name _ Acfdreea ( hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this opplicotion ond state thot the intormofion is correct and egree to tomply with all applicable 5tote of Minnesota Stotutes and Ciry of Eagon Ordinances. Move p # Stories 1 Demoliah ? Length 60 Grode ? Depth 10 Sq. Ft.4uG0 ApProvals Faee Assessmenf _ Woter b $ew. Pol ice firo Enp. Planner Council Bld9. Off. _ APC Permit - Surchorye " • _rv Plan check 61. 7$ SAC NA Water Conn, NNA_ Woter Meter Road Unit Toral $142.75 Siflnoturc of Permittee amon Aat? I 11 Bullding Permit is fssued to: iCit on the exprcu cw+difion thn? oll work shall be done in occordonce with oll opplioable State of Nllnnesota Statutes ond Ciry of Eopan Ordinances. Buildinp Offlcial Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder Plumbing H.V.A.C. Wsll Water Disp. S?wer Electrie Inapection Date Insp. Other Footinpi Foundation Freminp Rouph Plbq. Rou? HVAC Inwlstion Finel P16q. , Final HVAC Final waur De:cribe Location: VYsll Sewar ? Pr. Disp. ?- - ;. _ ,. .. . . . _ . , _. . . •. ,. < '?? ? ? PERMIT # MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address 4 - •" BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION LotBlock Sec/Sub Res. New m Name "' ? ? Mult Add-on A Comm. Repair c ddress Ciry Phone Oth er FEES Name ? RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24.00 3 Address ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 O Ciry -4, Phone -? (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A!C ON NEW 7 CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS MINIMUM 1 PER PERMIT ( - ) - 1.50 EA. TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPUES TOWNHOUSE & CONOOS - RES. RATE APPUES Boiier M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU R MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 Vent CFM :?? STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # BEYOND $1,000) aner FEE: x I• ,? ? , j?' S/C: SIG'NATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL• ;v -yx - {/ a - / A ( e ' ? '? `•.'` FOR: CITY OF EAGAN CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Roed Fagan, MN 551 Z2 N2 6333 PHONEs 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Recelpt To be epd for Est. Value Darte , 19 $ite Address Erett ? Occuponcy Lot Block Sec/Sub. 3 3 Alter ? Zoning Parcel # Repair ? Fire Zone Enlorge ? Type of Const. oWe Ncme Move ? # Stories 3 qddress 0 Demolish ? Front ft. Ci Phone Grode ? Depth h. ? Name Approvob Fees ,o Assessment Permit ?? /lddress ~ Water & Sew. Surchorge Ci Phone Police Plon check Name ,,, Fi ro SAC - ' ?? Address Eng. Water Conn. <W Ci Phone Planner Woter Meter Council Road Unit I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicotion ar?d stute that Bldg Off the infortnation is Correct ond agree to Comply with oll applicable . . Stote of Minnesota Statutes and City of E agan Ordinonces. APC Total Siflnature of Permittee ' A Building Permit is issued to: - on t he express condition that oll work sholl be done in uccordcnce with oll opplicnble Stcte of Minnesotn Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordinances Building Official ?omIt # Dep laed PxmiF" Plumbing Mechanical INSPECTIONS DATE INSP. Rouqh-In Finol FoaYings Date Insp. Oate Irap. Foundation Plumbing Frome/ins. Mechanical Finol ? ? Remarks: CITY OF EAGAN Remarks 0-e"4?-1.-, -9-11 9.F-4 V-,77 ` a9.rc -Jad- Addition SECTION 33 tot? Oti Rik 75 Parcel 10 03300 O11 75 Owne llotrad ? Street 49BQ 161 KnOb VoaA. State Improvement Date Amount ? Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 6 11 574 35 771 62 77 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER IATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILOING PER. SAC PARK ?/? ??S r.?..?°?,? ? OF EAGAN Remarks mr I I \ - i11 o n 1, n"k / 'c„ /+., _ r?„?i A2' 36 . '-= - / -? 41.2 3 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Recei Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING 5AN SEW TRUNK 1976 . 793.76 1 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATEFi CONN. BUILDIN R. SAC ,JKR ??•?? Acres 591ld0 A es Pondr'n? ea.5alve/l7?' INSPECTION RECORD I Conkrol No. ' C1TY OF EAGAN 3830 Pitot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: Lo Y: Oli 4e109 PIln1 KMOB Rq SE'1' TIt11V 33 PERMIT SUBTYPE: I UMM./1HU. PERMIT TYPE: H? ? l nY me Permft Number: 0000 1 ri Date Issued: #61i 6/ 97 BLQCk j r,, APPLICANT: rHOMAs JENRr (61.2) 464-l46+1 TYPE OF WORK: ? Permit No. PormR Noldar Qata Tslephone t SJ1N PLUM8ING 8 f? ? ,??• ? HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inspsction Dets hup. Canmerns FooMVs 1 61 Foundation 37?4 ? . Framing ? U( 7oZ ?"?-+ ??? 41)'Vi Root?n0 ?? Plbg- Rau9h Hty ISUi. ? poZ ? FreplaCe Flnal Fttg. Orsat Test Flnal Plbq. Plbg. Inapector - NotHy Piumber Const. Meter EngrJPIen &dg. Fnal 7 l9 ? Deck Ftg, Dedc Fnai wep Pr. Disp. 1S, e4'' 9P it/ ? r.. ? ?p.r _ a-•-':?ly:.. . . n-•nhr?.w.+ 'r;..'r•± .?.?-4f•r"? ? C??hficate of cccupanc? guv of Cpasom 2cjkrrtW«ct ,? ?MMUN 3NAWttift This Certificale issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying drat at the time of tssuance this stnrcture was in cornpliance with the various or&nances af the City negulating building constructeort or use. For the following: Use Clasificedaa: OMVM pMM-DISM T gpM Bldg. Penoit No. 818 OC-F-r TYPX . zonn?8 Diaaxc 'rype conu. IQ?AS , o?r ? s?w?JF?tRY Il?Q?IAS Addren a." naaress 488q PII,iOrf MM W11,B75, RL-rWIR Date: 10/30/42 _ F sUaaing ofrxial POST IN A OONSPICUOUS PLACE . - # ? ?.. STATEME NT CITY OF EAGAN #56e 3795 P?WT KNr`R RQAD EAGAN, MiNMSOTA 55122 Phane 454-8100 March 24, 1978 Nelsut Hertzer $ xife M. F. Mickelson 5901 So. Co. Rd. 18 Mianeapolis, MN 55436 ? L ? DETACH AND MAIL YIlITN TOUR CMEd(. YOUR CANCELIEC ClIECIf IS TOUII RECEIR. DIVISION #11983 Assesssent Spiit for parcei 10 03300 010 75 Section 33 Minimm chsrge : $20.00 Tutal Amomt Dae: ;20.00 !JK ?1 4 1 i1 1 41A ., Red"* Is 2u PAo Br cHKac uo. :L'u!1"'moR POLY PAK (50 SEiS) BP984 CITY OF EAGAN BLIILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Tb Be Used ForC L vL 005 e- Valuation?9? ? site Adclress ,llggp Knoob R ad Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevations & 1 set of energy calculatio: Date U OFFICE USE ONLY Lot slocac sec./s,ab. 33 t 3q Paroei owner: ,?_e rd ? r1 'R '7 U/'VI 145 Address: /$IU L ° ? JU. 20 CitY/2ip Cocle:Z , 66/aZ2 Phane a: ys?{ 4i5'6y Contractor: Aaaress: /yyS? jf?sh City/Zip Code: ? ?ei ?J r? /?1?+? • 5_5 ! ?- ? Phorip- a: y5_a - ? 65-3 Arch./Eng.. Jdg x? Aaare55: f 3 5o A v41c WAor CitY/Zip Code: ..5o 3.5., /o? 1 Phone #: 6la- 5f/'?o36t/ Erect V_ Occupancy -LI- Alter Repair Enlarge Nbve zoninq _ Fire Zone n _ 7ype of Const. # Stories Demolish Front _ 7 . ft. Grade Depth ?-ft_ [4ater/Sewer Police Fire ? er Council - ?? Bldg. rPc Surcharge Plan Check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Rflad Unit ?. ? Tar? Q $S _ P.601 464 936 ? " S?" 3.3 o r 1- 71RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NOINSUHANCE COVERA6E PROVIOEO NOT FOR INTERNATIONA;MAIL e Re iS f ? N S A ? O d 0 W ? # San S r? P.O tat tl ZIP , / Z Postage $ Cartified Fee Speclal Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Recelpt Showing to whom and Date Deliveretl Return reCelpt showing to whom, Date, antl AtlOress of Oelivery TOTAL Postage and Fees $ Postmark or Da[e 7- c?'_ 0 .1 a m m a 0 LL ? IL N a ,k STICN POSTAGE S7AMP5 TO AflTICLE TO COYEX FIRST CUSS PoSTqGE, ° CEPTIFIEU MAIL FEE, IINO CXAPGES FOp ANY SEIECTEO OPTIONAL SEBVICES. (sae Imnq 1. It you want Ihis receiot posimarketl, stick the gummed sNb on Ihe lefl portion of the atldress side of the alicle leaving the receipt attacnetl an0 preseni the article at a post oflice service window or hantl it to your rurai wrrier. ;ho exira cnarge) 2 if you do not want tAis receipt poslmarke4 stick the gummetl stub on the left Ootlion of the adtlrass side ol the atlicle, tlaie, dEtaCA antl retain the r¢Ceipt. an0 mail the atlicle. 3. A you want a retum receipL write the cetlitietl mail num0er antl your name an0 atltlress on areNm receipt car0. Form 3871, and atlacA it to the Iront of Ine article by means ol the gummed ends i1 space permils. Otherwise, aliia to Dack ol article. Entlorse Imnt oi arlile NETURN RECEIPT REQUESTEO adlacent to the numoer. 4. if you wanl tlelivery restrictetl to the atltlressee, or to an auNOrizetl a9ent of the atltlressee, en0orse RES7RICTED DELIVERV on the ImN oi the article. 5. Enter fees tor the services repuestea in tne appropriate s0aces on the Iront ol ihis receipL tl reNm receipt is requestetl, cneck the applica6le hiocks in item 1 of Porm 3617. 6. Save Inis receipi antl present it ii You make inquiry Di • SENDER: Complete items 1, 2,3 and 4. Put your atldress in the "RETURN TO" space on the raverse sidn. Failure to do thia will prevam this eertl trom being returnetl to you. The retum receiot tee will oroWtle you the name ot tha penan tleliveratl m ena the aan ot Ca?ivwy, FOr BtlAitiOnel faes tha tollowing servicn ert evailaCle. Comult posttnaster for fees anG cheek bOx(es) torservica(6) request80. 7. ? Show to whOm, dete entl eddress of delivery. 2. ? Restricted Oelivery. 3. Articla AdEressed to: 4. Typ@ of SErvite: ArtiCle Number ? Registered ? Insured I? Certitied ? COD / 0/??3? ?9 4J Express Mail Always obtain signature of addresseeQe9eniand DATEDELIVERED. - S. Sig9a[ura - Atltkegsee .? p X ? / 1 1 ., /.i . G'. - 6. 're - Agant ? x • ' 7. Oate of Delivary . , ? 8. Addressee's Atltlren (ONL ICQuLSt . dM T 0 W J ? e. c ? m W O 3 4 n 9 m -1 C 9 2 a m cl T y > Q UNITED STATES POSTAI 5ICEP FA ' urricinL eusincss SENOERINSTRUCTIO Pruit your nsma, edAreaa, and ZIP C. ily"5 sPace.6Now. • Compldte ibms 1, 2, 3, anJ4 on t?ie revenE. • A4sch w b'unt ol erlide il cPaca parmks, otherwife elfix to back of article. • EnJofaa article "Heturn Receipt qequested" eAlecant to numher. ._ __" ._ .. RETURN .. ??.s.t.:nu. PENALTY FOfl PqIVATE USE $300 TO ? City of Eagan S (Nems of 3ende0 3830 Pilot Knob Rd (NO. and Sbeat, Apt, SuIte, P.O. Bor or R.O. Na.) F.aqan. Mn_ 55122 _ (CPoy, S[a2e, and ZIP Coae) CITY of EAGAN BUILDING PEI2MIT oWne: ??„?._'., .............. ..... ..... ..........'.... ?............ y ...... " Addseu (Precenf) .................... .................. ,g Builder ........).4 ..^..?: ......... :?.- ...................---.............. ......... ....d ... ...... ..... :S ...................................................... Addreu DESCAIPTION . ;. N2 . 3237 3785 Pilo! Knob Aoad Eagan Minnesota 55122 454-8100 Date ......... -"..?.7 ?. . .. . ............... 6lories To Be Used For Fron! yttiC_?,r? ?+-?tev+?? /(a Deplh 6?/ Heigh! Eat. Coe! ?asm[t Fee Ramarks A - :?-v n Azy--?i " !? LOCATION /.3-.F-0 Slreel, Road or ofher Deaczipiion of Locafion I Lo! Sloek Addition or Trect I D// 75 -- 33 This permit does not aulharise the use of slreefs, soeds, alleys or sidewalks nor doee it give the owner or his agea! the righi Yo ereale anp sifuaiion which is a nuisaace or whiah presenfs a hazard !o the health, safelp, eonveaieaee and genaral welfaxe !o anpone in the eommunily. THIS PERMIT MUST SE KEPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGRESS. This is !o eestiiy, ihat........ ?l. _=.-2?:.`.:.`.:?,?-: ...................... has parmission !o eree! ........ _upoa the above described premise subjec! !o iheprovisions of all applicable Ordinances for the Citp of Eagan. ........._¢':.:..- :...................................... ..... .............••?'--??-----?°:?? .?J-----.....-'---"---........----- Per .............. M:.`...`f..?..'.....!/•`-?? Ma or ? Hu?ldinq ? Iaspeefor f 7/ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ?"?' . ?e/e?-00001-09 6 ? Oo See instmctions tor compleling this form on back of yellow copY. '??.t (O Jpy "X" Be/ow Wo4t Covered by This Request ?• d Ne Add Rep 7 Typa of 8uilding Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Du lex Water Heater Elactric Heating Apt. Building Dryer. Load Management Comm./Industrial Furnace Other (S eciry) Farm Air Conditioner Other (speclfy) Confrecmr's Remarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: # Other Fee Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimmin Pool 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers. Above 200_Am s e 100-Amps 51 f15 Inspecror's Usa Only: TO'EAL ? . Irrigation Booms ?7, 0 ? ? S ecial Ins ection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE OR? D DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby ti th t th b i i h Ro.qn-in oaia cer ty ove a e a nspect on as been made. F1Oat f ? o ? OFFICE USE ONLY , This requesl wltl 18 months trom ? K 0 3 3 2 D//. ?a Requast Date ? Fire No. ilough-in I ction Fequi . _ ? Reatly Now JI Notify Inspector Wh F tl 7 es ? . N. en ea y I censed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Jab Htltlress (Sireet Box or Roule NoJ City Section No. Township Name or No. Range No. Counry OccupanllPRIN a Phone No. O e Pow upp, r t Addm;7 ?' ? ?IJ o Eiecmcai Conlraclor IGOmpany Name? ConVactor5 License No. Marlinq NtlCre55 IGOnIrdClOrOrOxner M8i g In5td11dti0n) Au!honz tl SgnaWr oMractor:Owner Making Instaliel/ionZ Phone Numther MINNESOTA STATE BOApp OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Griggs-MlEway BIC9. - qoom $-113 BE ACGEPTED BV THE $?ATE BOARD 1821 UnWttaity Ave., 51. Peul. MN 55106 UNLE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phane (613) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. . .? ? a 0 1 0 71 [" 70 y _ '5 ? k _ 0M00 - D - 75 xc??' Raques[ Date ' Fire No. Rough'L'ilnspecllopRequiretl (YOU must call Inspecbr en ready) I c[ion OtherThan Rough-In qeatly Now ? Will Notily Inspecmr ? Ves No ate Peatl I licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspeciion ot above electncal work aC Job Atltlress (5 ? x oracWe.'Na.`ed . I?Q? ? ! % Y -I.f -< < r ?, Gity ,464? Section No. Township Neme or No. Range No. Gr5a, O nt (PRINT) Plwne No. y s r vd ; ?,.,?.?, . Po pller ? t,--? AGtlre? Ele<Iri I ConVacmr (COmpany Na e) ntractor's Gcense No. Gr? ? 4a.PjG)V Mail4iJ?y??Ad''d']ress (Co(n tor o/r 0pwne, Making Inslal [ion) ! / / v 1 C_ 5,' Authonze ig lure (COniracmdOw r aking Installa[ion) Phrne Number L1 a c-- bY i I SOTA STATE B ELECTRICITY g9s?Mltlwey BIEg. 0 5428 IIII II I 11 1111 111 1111 111 11111 111 1111 1111 11111 THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WII.L NOT BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE 60ARD 1821 Unlveraky Ave, St. Peul, MN 551aC Phone (812) 862-0800 . UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. cIrr oF E?cnN 3795 Pilot Knob Read Eagan, PHONE: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION • - •. MN 55122 N? 6332 Receipt .{k , Te be aud fer CLUB HOUSE Est. Value 65,000 Date 10-99 19_8n_ Site ?A??dd?ress 4889 Pil o. nob_ l_ _ Erect uC Occupancy A3 - Lot 51!'1- Block 75- Sec/Sub. SfG : Alter ? Zoning A Partel # 011-75 Repair ? Fire Zone NA w Nome .TPrnld R- Thnmac ; Address 1810 Cntv. Rd. 30 ° r:.,. Eagan, Mn. e,___ 454-1464 o Nome Lorgene Inc. o? Address 1448 Highview Ave. Eagan, Mn. 55L21_ 452-2853 Nome n. Vr. iuvu¢xa Address 1390 Avalon Ave. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicotion and state that the information is correct and agrea to tomply with oll applicoble State of Minnesoto Statutes and itqnce5. --d- ?- . Signoture ot Perm`iR'eS-'??-? "-- A Building Permit is issued to: LorgPna Tne ? all work shall be done in occordoncwlwith all oonlicoble Stote of Mir Enlarge ? Typa ot Const. VT Move ? # Stories 1 Demolish E) Front 72 k. Grade ? Depth 36 fr. Aeorovals Feet P.ssessment - Woter 8 Sew. Polite - Fire Eng. Planner Councli 5-20-80 Bldg. Off. 10-28-$0 APC Permit 104.UU SurcFarge 32.50 Plan check 81.00 SAC 525.00 Water Conn. NA W211 ? Water Meter Road Unit 1$5.00 Tatal 985 . 50 on the express cnndition thet Statutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordinonces. Building Official REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? See Instmslions for completing thls form on back oi yellow copy. K03372 -°X' Below Work Covered by This Request a9?4?i E6.00001-0e .?.. ew Atld Rep: TypeofBuilding ApplianCesWUed EquipmencWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating . Apt. Builtling Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./Induslrial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner ? Omer (syecify) ontractor5 Femarks' Compute lnspection Fee Below: x ? Other Fee # ServiceEmranceSize Fee # Circuks/Feetlers Fee Swimming Pool - 0 io 200 Amps "j 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ AmpS Above 100 _ Amps SignS inspecmr5 Uu Only. TOTAL/??, f Irrigation Booms ? Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby if h Rough-in ? oane - y .2? y that t cert e above inspection has been made. F;,,ai e ky OFFICE USE ONLY ? Thls reQUesl voitl 18 monfis irom ? This,teque;*, void 6?1.1- 75 5;-;e`3-3 ??(/3'j 3p S ] 8 ironths from ? ? Date,?of ?t Request Fire No. S S13"' O I, as•L?TLicensed Electrical ConVactor D Owner, do hereby 4equest inspection of the above electri- cal wiring installed at: Street Address or Route No. /'? //(?0 City?" Section ' Township Range County? Which is occupied by Is a roughin inspec on requued on this job? No ? Yes 0? Ready Now ? Will Call 2- ? Power Supplier?;? Address / ElectricalContractor Contractor'sLic??`?yyr (COmpa? ny Nome) /? Mailing Address 3(o et-Q n.MQ 6et 2 aiN Authorized No. ls-Z-/)?oj- STATE BOARD COPY This inspection request will not be accepted by ffie - State P,aard unless proper inspection fee is enclased. mfnnesota State 9oartl ot Electncfty Griggs Midway Bldg. - Hoom N191 'versity Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - Ptwne 297-2111 ^ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ,? ( v CHECK BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST EB-00001-02 91320 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliancea W'ved For Check Fquipment Wired For Home ? ? ? Range ? Tempoiary Wiring ? Duplex ?? ? Water Heater ? Lighting Fixtures ? Apt Bldg. ? El ? Dryer ? Electric Heating ? Commercial Bldg. &0 ? ? Fumace ? Silo UNoader ? Industrial Bldg. ?? ? Av Condi[i ? Bulk MHk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? List List Othei ? 0 ? p HerelsI eiers# COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW ? #"I ON M to I, the Electrical lnspector; hereby certify (Final) This request void 18 months from Above TO'fAL FEE ion has beeq?ad?( „30 ?e / '?r?? - ? - e 67- This request void SEc` 18 months frnm Q Date of this Request Fire No. S 913 21 I, as 01.Zensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal wiring installed at: Street Address or Route No. "?' L/ .? 6 it?ga4.6? Sectinn Township Range County IZOT, 1Vhich is occupied by ls a roughin inspection required on this job? No B?Yes ? Ready Now ? Will Call 4a? Power Supplier Zr,L.w Address /?/LlZ/Yt //.T,Yvr? /??/J' ? /? Ya y? Electricai Contractor !?-?//c ?ir Contractor's LicenseNo. _ yCompany Name) Mailing Address ` O-0 K_4&v.+r.o G Elec rlcal ntr to? o? O n Making This Ins Ilatlon) Authorized Signature Phone No-'S'sz f (ElxtrlI Contractor ol Ownef Making 7hls Installatlon) ?TATE BOARD COPY This irepection request will nut he aceepted by the State Boerd unlas proper inspectian fee is endosed. , mmnesota state uoara or eiacuiaty ? Griggs Midway Bldg. - Room N797 ? I d °1821 University Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - Phone 297-2111 REQUEST FOR EL15CRICAL INSPECTION S CH6C'K BELOW WORK COVERED BY TH[S REQUEST EB-OWO 1-02 91321,: Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances W'ued For Check Equipment Woed For Home ? ? ? Range ? Temporary Wi[ing ? Duplex ?? ? Water Heater ? Lighting Fixtures ? Apt,Bidg. ?? ? Dryer ? Electric Heating 0 Commercial Bldg. kirD ? Fumace ? Silo UNoader ? Industrial Bldg. 00 0 A'u Conditione ? Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? Y pList r$I eh - ?Li?st ie1 OtSer ? ? ? H e . 17 1 ! •. :He COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW SeiviceEntranceSize: # Fce Fceders&Subfeedecs: it "Fce!. ? ; C¢cuits: # Fce ? 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am res 0[0 30 Am eces ? 101 to 200 Amps. 31 to 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am res Above 200 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. 7ransfocmeis 1 1 RemateCon4olCuc. Pazf oiotherfee Signs , S cial lns ction inimum ee $5.00 Remazks I/' ? eA/ CtY'4 .o.y ,S`{y1/t?L-C TOTAL FEE I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify ffiat the above inspection has been made. 8•0? (Rough-in) Date (Final) Date h?/r'1--'e/ This iequest void ? 18 months from This,reqvest tO 03300 (??l ?[s T18 rcxonlhs frc .85 3 zz-7 to o 0 fleq?st?Datn _ ? 30 2- Fire No. Rough InxUeriion Rec? eA? ?es ?Nn _ eatly Nuw ill Nolilv Inspeo ???r WhFln Featly MLicensed EleMrical Contmcmr I hereb r y equest inspection of above ? Qwner elechical work installed at .Street Address, eox or Foute No. City . /?Zfr9 I.40r ,dfn/o6 I?.'d- C-?Gs?-•J ecunn u. Townshlp ame m No. Ranyc No. Counry j>9f<0 777 Ocr.uoent (PHINT) _6 -R1J Phone Nn. Powcer $uGPlier Atldress TJ/?/SoT/7 ??GG?lC? G.?,?Mi.rJ? rv?•?': /h..?,? Elec[rical Convactor IComVany Namel - Contrar.mr's License No. ' ? ? N/t " r,e 0.ic ??,?;U r yo s s ? Mailinq AdJress (ConVactor or Owner Making Instailation) Av o z ignvure (Con ac[or/Owne.r Makiny Instxllatinn) , Phone Number ' '5's z MINNESOTA STATE 60APD OF ELECTRICITY THIS IIVSPECTION REQUEST WiLL NOT Grigas-Mitlwny Bldp. - Xoom N-791 eE ACCEFTED 9Y THE STATE BOARD 1821 Univerglty Ave., St Peul; NN 65104 ' UNLESS PXOPEfl INSPECTION FEE IS Phone 18121 297-2111 ENClOSED. FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION r« ?nstructions for comoleting this form on back o( vellow copy. T 8?? ,. Bel ered by This Request EB-OU001-03 3 Z2? (o Na tld NeO. TYpe of Builtling Appliences Wired Equipmenl Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fix[ures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unluader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditinner Bulk Milk Tank Fyrm Other SPeGi1Y Other (Su*,ity) t x:r SGCr.lfy Other Other Compute Mspection Fee Below p Fee ServiceEntrance5fie A Pee Fenders/5ubfeeders N Fen Circuics 0 to 100 qm s 0 to 30 Am s ? 0 m 30 Am s Q,jW 101 to 200 Amps 37 to 100 Amps od -31 to 100 Am 5 Above 200 qi»ps Above 100_Amps Abave 100_Amps Transrormers Remote Control Circ. Partial%Other Fee Signs 'pt', aQ?r Special Inspectlon S ?p . T Renarks , .,E'1 /1/ Oi?G sO se.. g7 ? d? t1? SP. G!}tLC-0 N-., P. 577, RouBh-in ? te N ?y A [rical ?dP Inspectot, hereby Final • ? n:'+P .? p?00 certify thet tha above "ns0ection has been made . rhis reqaest voitl 6!'?'O `Yy(? ???Y'??L/ 18 months fiom ' ?- ?o??? ??-??. ,- -Y? :: . ?? ? ;_: ?'?.?- ;??' ? ? ?./7-1' Z-. ? ? f?-? `? l Thic reQUes[ void 14 6 , (Qonths frym 056846 Rnquqst Uate Pire No. Rough-in Inspection flepu retl? ? eatly Nuw Q Will Noti}y InsPec- I&I ],0-2-$rj ?Yes ENo tm When p¢ady ? Licensed ElecUical Con[rnctor . 1 hereby request inspection at abpve - ? Owner . elachical work installed et S[ree[ Atldress, Box or Rou[e No. . Ciry 4889 Pilot Knob 2cad Eagan artion o. Township Name or No. HanBe No. Counly . Dakota OccupxntlPqlNTI Phone No. Diamond T Ranch 454-1464 Pawer Supplier Atltlress DrA 4300 220th St., Farmington, MN Eleceiical ConVactor (COmpanv Name) Contractor's License No. CORRIGAN ELF.CTRIC COMPANY 0 39549 8 Mailin0 Address IContractor or Owner Making Insrellationl P.O. Box 475, Rosemount, MN 55068 AoNO z'G SiBnat re Com acmd ner M2king Ins[allation) Phone NumEer 423-1131 OF ELECTRICITY a v THIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT MINSOTA STATE OAPO BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BpqRD Griggs-Mitlwey Bldg. - Hoom N-781 /. 1821 Univarsity Ave.. S[. Paui, MN 56104 UNIESS PqOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 297-2117 ENCLOSED. ? ? a V/_ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-OWO1:M ? p? See instructions lor eomoletirg ihis form on beck of yellow copy. ?UAR flS "X" Below.Work Covered,by This Request S F4ew{FA1l Peo.l Tyoe or euuaina 1 'APPliancea Wired- I Equipment Wirerl I Milk ISUec # Pea ServiceEntrenceSiie k Fee Feeders/Subfeeders N Fae Circuits 0 to 200 qm s 0 to 30 Am s / S? 0 to 30 Am Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 Ainps 31 to 100 F s Swimming Pool Above 100-Am s Above 100-Am s Transrormers Irngation Booms ,Jo P2rtial.'Other Fee LL _ J_"g"5 ISUeaai inspecLOn ?S \ Remarks TOTALiFEE- e L, Pouph-in Date I, th6?ElachicaY? ? InspBCl6r, herBOy cer iy thet the aboae Final ?j r Dne ' spectian has been matle. Thla reQUest roitl 18 monlh6lrom CITY OF EAGAN N° 8618 9795 Pllot Keob Road Eegen, MN 55112 PN011& 434-8e"00 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt Te 6a utad for H1Y BARN Est. Value $17,000 pare October 27 1983 Srte nddreu 4889 Pilot Knob Road Erect gg Occuponcy M-3 Lot Oll el«k 75 Sec/Sub. Section 33 Airer ? Zoninq A Varcal # 10-03300-011-75 Repoir ? Fire Zone NA rc Name Diamond T Ranch ? Address 4859 Pilot Knob Road ?:..EaQan 55122 0,,..__ 454-1464 rc 0 u r Name Enlarge p Type of Const. Vn Move ? $ Stories Demolish ? Length 6e 6rade ? Depth $OSq. Ft.4800 Approvals Fees Address Assessment _ ,,.. ,,. Water & Sew. Nome _ Address Police - Flre EnO. CIN Phorie Plannar _ Council _ I hereby ackrwwladge that I have read this applicotion ond stote thai BId9• Off. _ the informotion is correct and a9ree to comply with all opplicable APC Stote of Minnesota $tatutes ond City of Eagon Ordirances. Signature of Perminee A Building Permit Is issued to: all work sholl be done in occordance with cll Buildl'q OFficiol Permit 144.jv Surcharge $'50 Plan check 61.75 SAC NA Water Conn. NA WoterMeter 1`t _ Road Unit NA Totol $192.75 _ on the ezpress wrdifion thnt and Ciry ol Eogon Ordinances. Q? CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, site plan w/elevations & BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 1 set of_ energy cal.culations. Zb Be Used For ? Valuation 17 p00 Date Site Prldress: OFFICE USE ONLY Lot O1 k siorac `75sec./sub. Seck 3 3 Erect ? occupancy ? Parcel #: Alter Zoning Repair Fire Zone OFmer: _ ? ? A2?coN7h T- ?1 ?tl.d ? . Enlarge _ Type of Const. Nbve # Stories / Adclress: /(knR, Q? . DPSmlish Front f60 ft. City/Zip Cocle: ? aq,q ?J Grade Depth TC? ?ft. Phone #: 5[5-(l-j 4-/" c( Contractor: Acldress: City/Zip Code: ? Phone #: Arch./Enq.: Address: ? City/Zip Cocie: Phone #: APPROVIITS FEES s?/ Assessrtents Fermit •- ? Water/Sewer Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Surcharge Plan Check SAC Wdt2Y CO1711. Water Meter Road Unit > /9Z ? TOrAL ff / F r? ??? ?? pr? 1 a if L. CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Kno6 Read Eagan, MN 55122 PHOWE: 45&1700 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Site A?d?d?re? ss 4aoy ri Lot s1L? BI«k 7 S Parcel # 011-75 a Name Jerold R. Thomas Z Address 1810 Cnty. Rd. 30 o Name tUdwestern Pole Bldgs. g0 Sibley Mem. Hwy. v+ o? Aedress ?;,,, St.Paul,Mn. p,,,,- 454-8143 ww Name W. Thomas __ ,qddmn 1390 Avalon Ave. ` N? 6333 Receipt # Erect IC] Octupancy M3 Alrer ? Zonfng A Repair ? Fire Zone NA Enlarge ? Type af Consf. V Move ? # Stories 1 Demolish ? Fronf 80 ft. Grade ? Depth 30 ft, Aoorovols Fees Assessment Woter & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council 5-20-80 Permit 71.UU Surcharge 8.00 Plcn check 25 _ 50 SAC NA Water Conn. N6? Woter Meter NA Road Unit NA I hereby ackrwwledge tFat I have read this application and stote that Bldg. Off. the informotion Is correct ond agree to comply with ali applicable A? Total ?- 5? State of Minnesota an Ordinances. Slgnmure of Permittee ? ? A Buildfng Permit Is issued to: 1bIidW2atPrn Pol P Rl AgS on the express condition ffiat all work shall be done in uccordance h all appli e St_ ate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Buildirg Official Sec/Su6. SZ-` 40-S CITY OF EAGAN Include 2 sets of plans, .J - 1 site plan w/elevations & BUILDING PEIMIT FIPPLICATION 1 set of energy calculations. Zb Be Used For ?A r v1/ Valuationl ??j ?? y Date site ndaress `/Ffe9 P"/ofi Kniob Rua,,/ ` oFFrcE osE ozvz,Y Lot siocx sec./sub..33 *3y Erect ? Occupancy ,yj_ 3 ParCel # : 01o 7c Owner: - Address: City/Zip Phone #: Cbntractc Pddress: City/Zip Phone #: A / z-- 115?1 5?1 y,4 rsch./EYx,.. Address= 139 0 A V A IO nJ I-1 J-t • City/Zip Code• ?ANO -551gi Phone #: J? i 2 - 4 ?'f - (0 6 ?f Eng. Water Conn. _'f} Planner Water Meter Council 5-2- Road Unit Bldg. Off. APC mrr.r, 0" zr'Y cg a g Z.-7 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 ? -I5 iso New Construction Reauiremenis RemodeVReoair Reauiremenfs Oflice Use Onlv 3 registered site surveys shmving sq. fL of IoL sq, h. af house; and all roofed areas 2 wp'es of plan CeR of Survey Recd .. _ Y_ N (20% mazimum lot coverage allowed) 1 set o1 Energy Calculatbns for heated addilions Tree Pres Plan Recd Y_ N, 2 copies of plan showing beam & window s'¢es; poured fourni design, etc. 1 site survey for addNOns & decks Tree Pres Required ' _ Y_ N 1 set of Energy Calalations Addilion - indicate if an-site sepGc system Oo-sile Septic Syslem _ Y. _N 3 copies of Tree Preservatbn Plan tt bt plaBed aRer 711193 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (build'mgs wim 3 or less units) Date *1? / I < / Site Address p<, jC« Construction Cost -^_/.'t , UnitlSte # Description of Work r?e...,.?..-- v5_i (oi.-: Multi-Family Bldg _ Y// 1V Fireplace(s) _ 0!' 1 _ 2 Property Owner "? ?\ A, Telephooe #(-75, ) Lr ?'_zj Contractor '^ -??-+'? 6C e+?e«. 5 f-? 01`1- Address ? State ? / ? ( 6 ??,: -A A- lN City Zip ? Telephone # (6/2 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateaorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Enefgy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (4 su6missiontype) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelopa Calculations Submitled Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan8 _ Y _ N If so, 25% plan review fee applies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone #( ) Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. d.k - Applicant's Prin d Name A icant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY - . -. .` Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 EM. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. AR - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck 0 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-piex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or_ N? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Altera6on ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolitfon (Entire Bldg) - Giva PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MCES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final Insulation Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. Final/No C.O. Plumbing HVAC Other Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick Windows Retaining Wall Building Inspector ? ., , BRIT T4 ?- PIMP. REP. k65 . . ? o J%j ? C . ? ..°' i ? ?? ; ? ~ `/?? 111 `'?1`???` ` ` ? I ••^' ? ? 'd' { ? i ? yC,,,., • //i'?= -?..-`// ! ' ? `??1 ?( ? ? ? ? ' .? ? ?-^ -G?•' ?i.r-'"?-; ?", rJJ?: ? ??-..?, : ? - v {'"ir' ` _r- • - ?? ? ?.? ?. ? ? `\ ? y ? / O?X ? zl? ti`1 ?????// :_ `?' ? ,1 ? ,? ????/ / ( • ^7 ) I f I i C ? ?^ -V4 i 1? , i i r-?-?? . ,? ? ? ? ?._. - ?•? / ? -? " • -,. ; { S ? ? ??? ??J..•:r- ? ? ???) 4 rf _ I ? c r? ??,.-+/i1 ??,` ,i?? r ?, i--- i .?\? ,, ?_ ? .??,; •#? ? - ? ?? E ? >/- '- ? ?` •? ? . a"? r ? ' - .- ??j ? ? `? ? ? ? ?? ?- ? 'Ir' E*EP770N M J - 1 ti -?z- P?s+n?wnswmar.wiuv0 ___" ____ NW Si! <IF 'i/G ?:iYd 5l4 M ? I y I I 4 I r I q I r i L N YII WA W91M 9.! 3??}Q{ Pi ^N sesuM ? p ? ?? 044Ap0 T RM'GI DAW. MWNMW, --Z 'd 9886'oN 331831N1 NOtl89 Wd9d Y 900Z 'Bl'Inf ............................................................................................................................................................................................... *S/r? &? Rf k N,reke, k.sc, t?19*4 a.ga.in 180s stadium debris prompts concern as dump redeveloped BY LAURA YUEN Pioneer Pmss Before wreel4ng ra'e`n's obliterated the Metropolitan Stadium neazly two decades ago, heartbroken fans held a funeral to mourn the end of outdoor basehall and foptbaIl inMinnesota. ' But did the beloved Met ever receive a proper burlaL Just a few months ago, Eagan residents flghting a proposed subdivision on the former Diamond T Hoise Ranch gasped when they discovered that much of the Bloomington stadium's ru6ble was unlawfvlly dumped on the ranch in 7985. °itvins fans, fear not, the stadium is not gone," said Diamond'T nelghbor Sharon Holbeck. "It was hiding out in Eagan all Fbis time.° It was old news, actuaIly. To make way for the Mall af America, a demolition compa- iqr haed hvcks Eo scatter the ramaine pf tlg {OTT7LEi IVI74 nesota V'ildn&s' and T?vins' home s¢oss Dakota and ScoG crounties: Pieces of conerete, glass and metal:we;e IDegallY chucked on the Eagan horse ranch, a eavine abufbng an Apple Val}ey,. mab1e home park ad; tmlicqnsed duunP belongingto a $urosville road construct[ori:,', compaw arid behind a grain elevator along the Minnesota River in SavaBe• Rubble finm t6e Savage site was removed shortly after Scott County officials diseow ered it, but the three other dumps were never fiilly inves- dgated or cleaned up, DakoYs Counry authorities say. "Something more should have been done with sll ot them, and unforhmately they have all Ianguished due to prlorities and to limited resotsces ... and whatever excuses can be offered," said Ron Spong, environmental program mauager [or Dakota Stadium debris (wnEirzued) County. "No good excuses, unfortunately." Spong dces not lmow if aqy of the stadium rubble made it to ]egal IandSDS. None of the ]mown disPosal sites was ever approved "°1'hey were never moni- tored, they were never put in locations that were tested to make sure they were safe loca- tions," Spong said "They were not controlled with gates and someone tending them to make sure paint thinners and per- haps solvents didn't get ln. At a dump site that's unregulated, we have no idea what gces on in there.,? Recent samples taken at the Diamond T site have unearthed asbestos tiles. CountY oTicials say asbestos probably will not pose a threat to residents if it remains buried or If remedia- tion specialisfs properly clean it uP - as the developer for the Diamond T site is pmmising to do. (The development is on hold pendiug an environmental assessment) Environmental management officials also wonder if potychlo- rinated biphenyls (P(:Bs) and other contaminants are stewing inany of the dumps today. Spong lmew of electrical leak- ages aad 5res at the.stadii&s substation, and it's not elear whether the hazardous liquids were ever cleaned up- Although reported widely in newspapers at the time, the illio- it dump sites elicited little out- rage in the 1980s. But they're receiving new scrutiay from more recent resdents demand- +ing cy^?.an water and sqil. Eagan resident Eric Vevea, who lives next to the former horse ranch, is lrying to imes- tigate whether aqv of the possi- ble contaminants could be pol- luting nearby wetlands and groundtvatei: `IYS called population growth," Spong exPlained. Peo- ple used to pay HtGe attentlon to illegal fimips located 'm sparse- lY PoPuhited, remote areas. 'Now that has totally changed because of the big develop- mentsoccurringthroughoutthe county.• The story of the Met's inter- ment lnvolves an unusual cast of characters, including the ]ate Diamond T ranch owner Jerry Thomas, a John Wayne look- alike who also doubled as an Eagan City Council member. Mazk Pieper, half of a twin- bmther team whose excavation eompanY was hired to dump the debris, hauled some of it to the mobile home pazk he awned. . None oY the pmperiy own- ers had licenses that would have allowed the waste to be disposed there. But according to Piepet; "There were a lot of people who wanted this fil1" County offidals said Pieper had worked out arrangements with the mvners. But he claimed he was merely a sub contractor following the orders of the demolition company Anderson Faccavation and Wrecking of Omaha, Neb. '°i'hey just told us where to dump, and we dumped it there," said Pleper, an Eagan resident who sh'll operates MEGA Excavation. Back then, thaYs just how tLings ,'vere done, Pieper said Recycling of concrete and bricks was relatively rare. Thomas, the late Diamond T owner, said at the time he had no idea hucks were hauling sta- dium rubble to his ranch umstead of the regulas 5ll he requested. He told reporters he was in California to judge a beauty contest and attend a 51m premiere when the debrls arrive(i But Pieper said Thomas rented a 6ulldozer from him "and he's the one who pushed (the rubble) in the hole." The county never ordered Thomas to have lt removed. Pieper aLso said he thought a court dedsion on a land-con- demnation case fi'om 1983 gave him the rlght to 811 a ravine at his Eaton Mobile Home Par$ now Imown as APPle VaIley Estates. Before the stadium demoll- ttoq residents and manage- ment had been tossing garbage into the hole, a Dakota County s(te assessment report said. Pieper sold the park shortly after the dumping. Allen F)rechette.. t6e emt- ronmental health manager for Scott County, said a change in the law confused demolition companies over how to dispose of debris they considered "clean enough." Maqy haullng companies thought demolltlon debris was Larmless and sim- ply butied it anywhere. In the Savage case, operators of a Continentel Grain elevator had the stadium waste dumPed along the M3nnes: `a River bank to prevent er..:si-, "19iey were well-intention<,d : ut misin- firmed,"F'rec1,eG °aid After he i id ,. ier authorl- tles notified P, `per and the grain compary abc the violation, the waste was voved and no charges were filed The Burnsville dumP, owned by the MG. Astleford road and brldge conslruction compaqy, apparently accepted a variety of waste in addition to the stadium rubble; Spong said. The compaiiy:went out of busl- ness in the late 1990s. Over the years in Apple Val- ley, crounty officials began to investlgate the mobile-home park dump and worked wittt management to remove tires and other objects polring irom the dump's surface. Colleen Arndt, the property manageg said Apple VaIley Estates replaced and covered the soIl and tested it for contawlnants. "It tested negative. There was absolutely nothing," she said No homes have been 6uilt on the site, now a 5eld covered with gass and trees. But the county never closed the case because the property owners failed to 51e afffdavits explaining how they investigat- ed or cleaned up the site. Arndt deellned to address why theY never completed the paper- wark. 7bm Barfsc6, who joined a group of 'Itvins fans protesting the team's move to the Meimdome, said he wasn't shocked to leaia about the bizarre scattering of the old Met In 1985, Bartsch cloaked himself in a black mbe ss he parted with his cherished stadium. '°Phe wav the whole thing went dowq it dcesn't surprise me that something nefarious was going on," he said of the dumping. Lassm Yuen covers Apple VaUey aad Eagan. She can be reached at lyuen@pioneerpress.eom or 651-228-5498. _ 67 a,, T ;5?; ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GROUNDWATER PROTECTION SECTION 14955 Galaxie Avenue • Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891.7557 • Fax 952.891.7588 • www.co.dakota.mn.us MUNICIPAL NOTICE OF WELL PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: November 16, 2004 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz (EM) RE: Well Permi<-:04-:719135 Municipalitah Fax #: (651) 675-5694 f Well Type: omtor well Environmental Specia sl'? L-Qlseu The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County Environmental Management Department has received the following permit application for the well described. if you require further review of the application or if you have any questions or concerns about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or our office at (952) 891-7557. If there is no response from your office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we will assume that you have no o6jections to the issuance of the permit. Please note that permit issuance is always conditioned on the permit applicanYs observance of and compliance with all applicable state, county, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: Date Application Received: Anticipated Drilling Date: Anticipated Grouting Date: Property Owner: Well Owner: WELL LOCATION: Braun Intertec Env Inc 11/12/2004 Diamond T Ranch Inc Toll Brothers Time: Time: PLS Coordinates: 1/4, SW 1/4, NE I/4, SE 1/4, Sec 33 Town 27 Range 23 Street Address: 4889 Pilot Knob RD PIN Number: 100330001175 WELL INFORMATION: . Diameter: 2 Casing Depth: 25 Total Depth: 80 Static Water Level: Aquifer: COMMENTS: 0 U ? ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GROUNDWATER PROTECTION SECTION 14955 Galaxie Avenue • Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891.7557 • Fax 952.691.7588 • www.ca.dakota.mn.us MUNICIPAL NOTICE OF WELL PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: November 16, 2004 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz (EM) RE: Well Permit 4-71913 Municipality: agan Fax #: (651) 675-5694 Well Type: Monitor well Environmental Specia :--E31sen The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County Environmental Management Deparhnent has received the following permit application for the well described. If you require further review of the application or if you have any questions or concerns about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or out oftice at (952) 891-7557. If there is no response from your office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we will assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the permit. Please note that permit issuance is always conditioned on the permit applicanYs observance of and compliance with all applicable state, counry, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: Braun Intertec Env Inc 11/12/2004 Time: Time: Date Application Received: Anticipated Drilling Date: Anricipated Grouting Date: Properly Owuer: Well Owner: WELL LOCATION: Diamond T Ranch Inc Toll Brothers PLS Coordiuates: 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec 33 Town 27 Range 23 Street Address: 4889 Pilot Knob RD PIN Number: 100330001175 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 2 Casing Depth: 25 Total Depth: 80 Static Water Level: Aquifer: COMMENTS: <-^? t N, ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GROUNDWATER PROTECTION SECTION 14955 Galaxie Avenue • Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.897.7557 • Fax 952.891.7588 • www.co.dakota.mn.us MUNICIPAL NOTICE OF WELL PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: November 16, 2004 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz (EM) RE: Well Permit 4-719137 Municipality: agafl Fax #:(651)675-5694 Well Type: ?- Monitor well Environmental Spec list: Olse The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County Environmental Management Department has received the following permit application for the well described. If you require further review of the application or if you have any questions or concerns about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or our office at (952) 891-7557. If there is no response from your office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we will assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the permit. Please note that permit issuance is always conditioned on the permit applicanYs observance of and compliance with all applicable state, county, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: Braun Intertec Env Inc 11/12/2004 Time: Time: Date Application Received: Anticipated Drilling Date: Anticipated Grouting Date: Property Owner: Well Owner: WELL LOCATION: Diamond T Ranch Inc Toll Brothers PLS Coordinates: 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, Sec 33 Town 27 Range 23 Street Address: 4889 Pilot Knob RD PIN Number: 100330001175 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 2 Casing Depth: 25 Total Depth: 80 Static Water Level: Aquifer: COMMENTS: Fi{e Edit ?Jtew Tools 6pptcatiorn tielp Y C^ R Q2 0 kaEapaboi a imm,im Coanectian I Camments Eegm Buirdirrg I lagan [levetopmerrt I Rermrts Owner ?Eegan AssessSales I Eagan Property I Eagan i Parcel IQ ??133ada1175 ? Address 4889 PICOT KN06 FiD Owner 1 p?AMQNp T RAhiCH INC 488S PIl.OT KP10B RA EAGAN Mhl 55122 Owner 2 rlate updated August 27, 2004 75 1 5r%arch Nnuse w ?s•t _ltrr, 3.??gz-+?, vs - ?? .??I to?, stop t _ ...?i??4'?? F ??A.'? •a'W' ?«?4 ???n c # ? r??lle:g ?dump?ng . ? r ;? ? ? •?? ? : ?diuM debrW ? j l`'' By'Dla2at[el Gon Apple Velley sita Beceuse of.a ruling on s lead<om ?l'rec?ng wmpanies, have been Wld demmtlon cese, he sald he has per inB ?, ?B° from the mtsslon trom the courts W flU a deep Iu[etropoiftan Stadium slte in tonr uu revlne at the aiobile home perk with ? ?.?Iceased sites in Dalcata and_SCOU ••aonhenrdons.materlals." He seld the iavine hadbeen nsed as "6cott.':County otficials last week;, a garba8e dump for yeais. MEGA 44sked 1or removal.of deDds lrom a deened R up betore the company .. site near the Minnesota River lu Sav afazted to fl11 the pMperty, he seid. 1 aBe _; /"I've gM 15.acres ot pmperly.tLat \?, d Dakofe County oHlcfsls during I'm paying taxes on e?rery Y? ?t :I An ' V the' past 2?j weeks Rave told wreck is rna11y noausable. I woutd Ulce to !dg coinpanles WsEop dumping coo- meke a p1n1'Bround tor iny moblte sdvcfion dekris„on?a hose canch, home perk end a tornedo sheltgr;It. , ?,near amobUehdaie P4ik and Inmiht the_ CountY Wanb W(tUItse land), i ihe-mtersecdon?o( Co.Rd. Sthat Is rine. !te $asd."? .... s,?; Snd HvqyL$ .?CAUDty oI/1Cf818 eI'C ??g tO dC[BM1 "Ihe plan ? to require itcenses after fptne cv6o owns the, 'second s1te, the tact An these `.three unllcensed unxtli oi the ?lntersectlon ot Coun4' ??N p ?`-?umps,•• saW Jerry?SYshnkes enviran = RdrS end Hwy.3 in Burasvllla l/ I??Lj .t? 1 v mental' healffi specialist for Dakoia 1I ?ounty. nridereon F]ccsvatlon an¢ wreckfng tij Co; baved la OmeLa. I4eb sWpped,: . v? J w MThe way the laws work in this coun aumPlnB wieckeBe tEZn atter the . {?l 0¢'s the people woo own the prop- copnty, notltled the eompaay. ? erty th8t ueed the Uceases. TheY71 Stahake } Vve to remove (the wastes) ii the { J?? F place?is nat fL lor dirmDinB '1'ba third slte• D1am°°d T. Ranch is - ? ? owned bY ,fieBan Couudl Member ' Dakota County ;oTficials ssY theS JeR9 Ttiamas. He -said he. aNced A? plan :to meet w.lta MEGA,Inc.; a.MEGA Inc?tor till,. ezpectlng-.the ?-gubcoutractor to the company razing compeny to bring dUt. aot conereUe, Ne,-stadlum, to discuss 'IIceasing a W bis rencs su he could xt up aa : . site st the FaWn Mo b i le, Home P e r k o u t d o o r r i d i n g e c e n a. .,.in Apple :Valley, wheie tlie companY ._ :. .. . . - . . ,,Gss slumPed construction debris.. s.The concrete flrst was brought ln. .: :. . -- .. ' whea he was out of: town, Thamas pazk is owned by MEGA's cbie! said..8ut he added he wes plessed ?icecutive otlicer, Mark Pleper.. '..wheu he saw lt beeause ','tha way_ they were grlnding it up,It was mak U„WeLave sent Gim letters on his ' ing e good Durous drainin8 bese•• lor.-. -.+,Apple Vattey stte in the past, and he the. erene..?He said he dtdn't know? , _Anewa11 the rules snd pmcedurns," .;:Aumpin8 tt was tllegal..., ,- I staLnke said. "The ailnutewe iound ontt6ey were µ 8ufPieper said thet up to lavt Thurs- :doing somefhing -theY weren't. sup day, he had never beea nod8ed per- ..posed to do. we told tbem to knock lt.,. ?-kSOnahythet hecould notdump con- rlghtoH;'he-sald : ..-- tk s[ructlon debris on his land '?- - . -.. . .: : . : , -,. .:. : . .. , Scott Cannty , authodtles fast week ! I.do_own otLer.companies, :and I. pvC en andL°.closed Par' untll Aug. have. other employees tLet handle a-18 W remove wreCkeBe dumped at a .0 lo3.ot ather..areas, '(MeYDa) .JenY9lte ctase W the Mlnnesota RivCr in , - ...c.(Stahnke):has:been.taiking to.my,5avage.saldAlien FYechettr, eavb .?. brother„ who is my ldentlcat tw1n." .:ronmentel. health.specialLSt tor Scott Couuty:,:Frechette said 6e wotild aot . • ` illsclose oemes because the metter Is Piepe'r';sa[d Le wants to meet with -...underinvestlgadon. Dakota Counry as soon as pwslble W. . dtcrnea his rf¢ht tn dumn oO the -" 'AL Council ?finutes May.20, 1980 Page Seven ip DIAMOND T RANCH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT .? Mr. and Nrs. ,Terry Thomas and Mr. Mike Thomas appeared concerning their application for a conditional use permit to allow a riding stable and stabling of horses in an Agriculturally zoned area on a 40-acre parcel on South Pilot Knob Road. There was discussion concerning the proposed trails in Dakota County Park including snowmobile trails in the vicinity. The Dako[a Coun[y Park Director had indicated he had no objection to the proposal and also that the snowmobile trail will remain in the park area. After discussion, Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve the application subject to the recommendations of the Planning Commission including the following: 1. The conditional use permit shall be granted for a period of ten (10) years subject to revocation by the City.Council if the conditions included in the granting of the permit a;e not me[ at all times. 2. Prior to final approval of a condicional use permit by the Ci[y, the City shall receive a letter from Dakota County (Parks Depar[ment) indicating that they are in accord with the use of [he Dakota County Park trails by this horse stable and riding facility. . 3. The applicant shall submit a copy of the contract with Letmmann Mush- room Company or other satisfactory subcontractor for removal of manure at least once each week. This contract or a similar contract shall be in effect at all times while this site is utilized for the stabling of horses. No manure shall be pet- mitted to be s[ored outside at any time. 4. This condi[ional use permit shall be reviewed by other governmental agencies in accordance with the provisions of the "Zoo Area Development Guide" prior to final approval by the City of Eagan. 5. The conditional use permit shall anly be granted to 13.6 acres and shall not extend to the en[ire 40 acre area except for pasture purposes. Any expansion shall require additional approval by the City. 6. The applicant proposes to develop a fence with barbed wire around the property and this fence shall require the specific approval of the City Council in accordance with Section 52.06 - Subd. 20 of the City's Zoning Ordinance dealing with fences. 7. The applicant shall be required to dedicate addi[ional right-of-way along Pilot Knoh Road in order to achieve a one-half right-of-vay dedica[ion of 75 feet from the cen[erline of Pilot Rnob Road. The applicant shall also be required to receive approval from Dakota County for the proposed driveway. ' 8. The applicanY shall be required to dust control the crushed rock parking lot at all times and also be required to surface the driveway leading from Pilot Knob Road to the edge of the parking lot with the initial development of this facility. - Also subject to the understanding that the snovmobile and cross country skiing both vill be anticipated in the area and [hrough the applicant's facili[y with neithe; to be jeopardized because of the applicant's use. All voted in favor. The applicant understood that a septic tank vill be installed on the property but that eventually municipal sever and water vill serve che area. DAROTA COUNTY CAMIiUNITY HEALTH SERVICES DNISION ENVIROHMENTAL HE9I.TfI DFPARTMENT HASTINGS, HN. 55033 PHONE: 437-0533 OFFICE MEKDR9NDUlI Route to: 2) 3) 4) File: Location: Township, Section, Range, etc. Subject: l 45(4 v-C?SCC 4-7'cr-- w r't'lit ?Cal?Wti By Whom: 5;!OU?'? tl Date Time Investigation Conference Of£ice Meeting Inspection Field Phone Items to be covered: 1) Those present and/or those interviewed 2) Situation 3) Further action, follow-up recommendations F . IJ lII AA? PO jcf Q v4td v /`^, ? ?. l _ `f vW ?PJ `T zta+ "I ? CA, o? G? re c C i t'KCQ rk-, CPr I z4 Plc 6e1 t.? ,?'Lt f?'! ?i 6 fl- 1? c -?'aeL--- W r` v 1- tX cr,.^? /CL?-GG? . - / i0.4 relt ivl 7- / S D ,?v?? b,.f 8lr C ? G,o1'S July 15, 1985 oa Ko7A couN l-Y HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTIvIENT DAKOTA COUNTY HUMAN SERViCES DUILD!NG coMr.nurdITV HE;1Lrra 6EavIcES U:vISioN _:,nr.Nn !0. ctioePSpn :6i2? a1-i 03: 1600HWY 55H.4511NG5,FAtNNfS0TN55033 Mr. i4ichael Henery Anderson Wrecking and Excavation 1824 S. 20th Street ' Omaha, Nebraska 681'08 Dear Mr. Henery: Re: Use of an Unlicensed Demolition Lantifill Located at the Diamond T Ranch in Eagan, SE14Section 33, Township 27, North Range 23, West Recently Dakota County became aware of the unlicensed dieposal of demolition ciebris from Metropolitan Stadium at the above-referenced location. Your firm, as a major construction and excavation company, is in direct competition with such firms as Bolander, Kamish, and Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking. Each of these Yirms have licensed sites within the County. When doing work in Dakota County, you have the same obligation as they do to use a legal site. You are hereby ordered to cease any further disposal activity within the juriadiction of Dakota County until a license is obtained. You may, however, make arrangementa with any of the following licensed facilities withi? the County: Mr. Kurt Williamson, Manager Mr. James Kamish Crosby American Propertiea, Inc A. Kamish and Sons, Inc. 1800 Amhoiat Tower 6010 Concord Blvd. ¢th and St. Peter Streets Inver Grove Heights, MN 55475 St. Paul, MN 55102 Ms. Lorrayne Widstrom, Secretary/Treasurer G& W Trucking Demolition Landfill 3560 Trails End P.oad ? St. Paul, NIN 55123 Enclosed is a copy of Dakota County Solid Waste Management Ordinflnce No. 110. Please read it. The County is not adverse to licensing a facility for you ahould you so desire and assuming it can coiuply with applicable ordinances and rules. However, unlicensed aumping will not be tolerated. If you have any questions, please contact me at 437-0519. Sincerely? Q-O-? ';? /a4 Gerald J. Stahnke, Senior Environmental Health Specialist G.TS/cb cc: Bea Blomquist, Mayor, Eagan Bloomington Port Authority, Director 19ark Pieper, NiEGA, Inc. Mr. Kurt Williamson, Amhoist P1r. James Kamish Ms. Lorrayne Wiastrom Mr. Jerry Thomas OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 27799 BEA BLOM9UIST EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 Mmw PHONE: (612) 454-8700 TFiOMAS EGAN JERRV THOMAS 1 vJ L? V?? V L? 11 11 JAMES A. SMITH ' p 1 THEODORE WACHTER ? n\ I 1) I CouncW Members cnv namnsrrrn« JULY 17, 1985 U`3 JUL 19 1985 6•J THOMASHEDGES EUGENE VAN OVERBENE C. 1-I. $. iJIVISION Grvcl?k ppKOTA COUNTY MR JERRY THOMAS 4889 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55122 Re: Demolition Landfill (Diamond T Ranch, EX-33-155) Dear Mr. Thomas: Upon review of your file for said grading permit, the following are remaining required items or areas of concern: 1) The application fee is $250.00 and you paid $300.00. You can expect a refund check of $50.00 after the next City Council meeting. 2) A certificate of insurance is required naming the City of Eagan as an additional insured party. 3) A bond of $500_00 per acre is required. Your project is approximately 0.85 acres, which translates to $425.00. 4) A grading plan showing two (2) foot existing contours and two (2) foot proposed finished grade contours, must be submitted for our review & approval. I have enclosed a copy of a plan, as an example. If you can't provide this plan yourself, a consulting engineering firm should be hired to do this work. If yau have questions or if I can be of further assistance regarding this matter, don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, S `-'°"t':? }^" 111?T Scott M. Merkley Engineering Technician cc: Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works VdCrrry Stahne, Dakota County enclosure sMM/jh THE LONE OAK TREE.. .THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GRON?H IN OUR COMMUNIiY Page 6/EAGAN CITY COUNCII. MINUTES Janoary 7, 1992 ProPeKY, however, because they were told that no carb cats wonld be permiped. IlLe9 thm boogl?t ProPertY at their present locatlon only to see cnrb cuts allowed tor Holiday. D(rector ot A?blic Worlcs Cd6ert said thst at the time ot McDonald's purchase ot property in that area+ Dekota Ca°°t7 would oot permit carb cats on Nicols Road near lu intersecdon wiffi CIiS. Since that dme, huwever, Nicds Road was Wrned bsclc to Eagan which nas resulcea in eoit cots eang reevaluacea ana subseqnmtlW pn'milted br tLe cley. Conncilmembec McCrea eaid her concerns were not so mucL for the placement d a pylon sip as for the precedent t6at wonld be set if pylon stps were permltted on proPert9 oM abatt[ag the fmwey. 1H+'aWr ot Commuuity Development Raulcle said permlWng tLe aip would have an imped on ffie crlteria need bY Commun[ty Devdopment to do their varieoce anslSsis bxaose at peesent, onlY direct access b °sed- McCera moved, Wachter seconded, a motion W continae this item to the February 18, 1992, regwar City Council meeting to allow ffie City Council and Advlsory Plennin8 Commission to meet in a scLeduled work session on February 11, 1992, W flurther discuss t6e eegulatlon of sigos 1n the City. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 USE PERMTf/STABIES I,CIINSE/DIAMOND T RANCH Mayor Egan introduced Wis [tem as a rnnditiooal ase permit and stables license [or the Diamond T Ranch to allow a riding stable and boarding stabk in an AG (Agricultural) district on Parce1011-75 located aloug the west side ot Pilot Rno6 Road, soath o[ CIiB' Road in ffie soutLeast qaarter ot Sectiun 33- Wachter moved, Pawlenty seconded, a motion to approve a rnnditional ase permit and stables license [or the Diamond T Ranch to allav a riding and boarding stable at t6e above loeatlon, subject to We tollowing conditions: 1. All applicable codes shall be adLered W. 2. The cooditlonal use permit sLall 6e rxorded with docamentatlon provided to t6e City wlthin 60 days of Coancil action. 3. The coodltloaal use permlt shall heve a Hvtyear perlad wlth infurmal $faN review ot complisnce wiW t6e condltions yearly. 4. 'ILe Diamond T Ranc6 sha0 mcet all state environmental end weter qusllty standards. 5. All City licensing provisions shall be adhered to. 6. All City teoctng requlrements shall be adhered to. AyG S Nay: 0 IISE PERMIT/NR1i DLSPQSAL/OiTPDOOR SPORAG6 Mayor Egan introduced tWs item as a conditonal ose permit tor Nitd Utsposal, Ine« to allow ontdoor sWrage in an I.I ([Aght Indnstx3al) district on LM 6, B1ock 1, Sibley Terminal lndushial park located west ot Highway 13, north o[ Yanka Doodle Road fe tLe SE 1/4 ot Sectlon 8. McCres moved, Pawleoty secooded, a motion to contlnue coesideration ot a coaditlonal ase permtt for Nitti Disposal, Inc.; w allow oatdow' stonige in en LI (light industrisl) disdid to fho February 4,1992, regular Cfty Council meeting. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ?? ? EXTRACI' OF hIINVI'ES OF Tfr CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGAN DAKOTA COUNTY, MIINNESOTA A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Eagan Municipal Center located at 3830 Pilot Knob Road in said City on January 7, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Egan, McCrea, Pawlenty, Wachter and Awada; the following were absent: None. « • • s • s s • s s • s s Wachter introduced the following resolution and mwed its adoption: City of Eagan Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit allowing a riding and boarding stable in an AG ( Agricultural) district for the property descnbed on Exhibit A attached hereto, and attaching conditions thereto WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462357 the City of Eagan has adopted zoning regulations to control land uses and performance standards throughout the City. NOW TI-EREFORE, BE TT RFSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, that a Conditional Use Permit is hereby approved subject to the conditions as set forth in the Condidonal Use Permit attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. DATED this 7th day of January, 1992. CITY OF EAGAN By: . J. VanOverbeke Its Ci Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolurion was duly seconded by Member Pawlenty and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Egan, McCrea, Pawlenty, Wachter, and Awada, and the foll owing voted against the same: None. STATE OF MINNESOTA) : ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) 0 ? ? On this 0"?J'day of 19X? before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personal3y a, ared E.J. anOverbeke to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the City Clerk of the City of Fagan, the municipality named in the faregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipaliry by suthority of its Cizy Council and said City Clerk acknowtedged said instrument to bc the free act and deed of said municipality. .•..•..'_ 'r "..`31SflSF.°a£2°ffFJA'{: k ?v c ?'_a Rt trS?ip . . i ?' . aTA G ^U?lTY 1'his Document was drafted by: City of Eagan 3$30 Pilot Knob Road Bax 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 . , ''?i . . .. ,.. ' , :t1 . • . ?r EXHIBTT A CITY OF EAGAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMTf WHEREAS, Diamond T Ranch has complied with all the requiremencs of the City of Eagan necessary far obtaining a Canditionat Use Permit. NOW THEREFORE, $Y ORDER OF THE C1TY COUNCIL UF Tf-E CiTY dF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, AND BY VIRTUE HEREOF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS AUTI-IORIZED AS FOLLOWS: i. Permitting a Conditional Use far a riding and baarding stable within the confines of an A(Agricultural) zone. 2. Said Conditiona] Use Permit shall apply to the following descn'bed property: P.I.D. #011-75 SE 1/4 of Section 33 Township 27 Range 23 3. Said Cnnditional Use Permit shall be for aperiod of 5ve (5) years starting 7anuary 7, 1992 and ending January 7, 1997, with an infQrmal staff review yearly. 4. Said Conditional Use Permit shall be subject fo include, but not be limited to, the condiCions set forth: a. All applicable codes shall be adhered to. b. The Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded with documentation provided io the City within 60 days of Council action. c. The Conditional Use Permit shall have a five-year period with informa] staff review of compliance with the conditions yearty. d. T'he Diamond T Ranch shall meet all state environmental and water quality standards. ? LI e. All City licensing provisions shall be adhered to. f. All Ciry fencing requ'uements shaIl be adhered to. STATB OF MINNESOTA} : ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this ? day of On this, °7"'" day oF 19f,?,r before me a Norary Public within and for said ?Snty, personallA appeared JAMES L ST'URM, to me personally known, who being,by me duly sworfr, did say that he is the City Planner of the City of Eagan, the municipality named an the foregaing instrument, and said City Planner acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. CITY OF EAGAN A Minnesota Municipal Corporatian ,?.----_ By: James L turcn Its City Planner < . _.,,.-._...__..- .. . . . E] ?,.1?+-1.??`f ,1s?7 . I hereby verify that the atove said Conditional Use Permit was recorded at the County Recorder's (}ffice on 19?„ 05/30 '96 17:52 ID:DAKOTA CWNTY PNYSICRL. D FRX=612-891-7031 e f .• I .. ? ?.f::• - Minnesota Pollution Control Ai 28. 1995 PAGE 1 and Carol Thomas iond T Ranch Pi(ot Knob Road a,MN 55122 Follow vp to 5ite Vesit Mr. sad Mrs. Thomaa: a tcucr is e follow-up to the inspoctioa wluch was perfmmad at your facility Iuno 13,1945. thenk you for taking the Ume to assist us with aa iospeedoa of your reach facitity located in an, Minnesota. Duting the inspeqion, it was aoted thet tlure were a few aras wfiae mvement could be made: 1'hese are aoted in the attached inspxtioa repo?t. umesota rules Cheptcr 7020 raquires yau to submit an applicatioa if aa iospection nates e llution problem. We havo attached an application foim for you to complete. 'iLis appfication m wiq be the frst step in getting involvod in the pamittie8 Proaas. 7'his application needs to filled out and submitted to the Agency by February 1,1996. !f you aeed assistanx ia filling t tlus applicadon, please contact us or your local Soil aed Water Conservation District or vnty Planning and 7.oning Office. : you for your interest in eavironmental quality. lf you have any questions, please call Lucke (296-9332) or Rendy Elliogboe (296-9209). Lucke )int Sourcc Compliance Quality Division Rich Brasch, City of Eagan Rd.: St. Paul, MM 5515541 D4; (612) 296-6300; Heplarel Ofl'xes: DuluTh 0 8tainertl • Devoil l.ak0s • MaBhelt • Rochestar Minnesota Pollution Control Agency May 10, 1996 Diamond T Ranch, Inc. 4889 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 RECEIVEU M?,Y ;{ 6 $996 AI{Sld....? Interim Permit for the Planning, Construction and Operation of an Animal Feedlot and/or Manure Storage Area MPCA-I 1915(B) Pursuant to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (Agency) Rules (7020.02 - 7020.19) goveming the control of pollution from animal feedlots, this Interim Pernut is issued for the planning, construction and operation of animal feedlot facilities located in the NE one-quarter of Section 33 in Eagan Township of Dakota County. This feedlot shall consist of the following facilities and operating procedures described below: 1. A Horse barn and a combination of pasture ground and open lots to house a total of 300 horses. On the date of issuance of this interim permit the Perinittee has access to 80 acres of cropland for land application of manure. The existing feedlot has been identified as creating a potential pollution hazard to local surface waters and ground waters. This permit provides authorization to operate the exisring feedlot while plans are developed to correct this poiiution problem. The discharge of pollutants shaii be eliminated by no later than the expiration date of this Interim Permit. A Plan and schedule is to be developed by August 1, 1996 to eliminate the pollution problem by March 1, 1997. This Interim Pemut shall become effective on the date of issuance by the Commissioner and shall supersede any existing feedlot pernut upon issuance. midnight on March 1, 1997. This Interim Pemut shall expire at 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612) 296-6300 (voice); (612) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opponunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing ai least 10% fibers from paper recycled by consumers. The Permittee shall operate and manage the feedlot under the following Special Conditions: 1. A plan and schedule to significanfly reduce the runoff to the waters of the state shall be developed and submitted to the Agency by August 1, 1996. 2. A manure management plan wluch clearly demonstrates how all of the manure generated from this facility will be managed shall be submitted to the agency by August 1, 1996. 3. Constntction of the runoff control system shall not begin until approval to construct has been provided by the Agency for the plan submitted according to Special Condition #1. 4. Until a runoff control plan has been developed and implemented, any existing open lots shall be cleaned regulazly to prevent manure build up. 5. Reports shall be provided to the Agency in accordance with General Condition #7. Indicate the permit number on all communication regazding Uvs feedlot operation. 6. The general conditions identified in Minn. Rules pt. 7001.0150, subp. 3 are incorporated herein by reference and made an enforceable part of this Interim Pernut. Thank you for your interest in environmental quality. Please cazefully read the general conditions attached to this permit Please keep this document for your records. In all future correspondence, please indicate your certificate number. Sincerely, Randy L. Ellingboe, P.E. P.R.INNESOTA POL? UTIQT? CONTROL P.GENCY /cml (612)296-7327; Telecommunications Device for the Deaf at (612)297-5353 Minnesota Poliution Control Agency June 9, 1197 Mr. Jerry Thomas Diamond T Ranch 4889 Pilot iCnob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Deaz Mr. Thomas: I have enclosed a copy of the report of the inspection that we conducted on April 3, 1997, at your facility located in Section 33 of the city of Eagan in Dakota County. This report summazizes my observations and the items that we discussed that day. 1'hank you for taking time to visit and do a thorough inspection. I have also enclosed a copy of a reissued interim pernut for the facility which includes a schedule for resolving the water quality issues at your facility. As noted in the inspection report and permit, there are four main items to address for the facility: Re-establishment of grass in the pasture on the north side of the facility, and development of a grazing schedule to maintain vegetation in pastured areas. 2. Removal of manure from the stockpile azea adjacent to the north pasture. 3. Preparation and implementation of a plan for storage and land application of manure. 4. P:.,para:ion a:.d implementaticn of a plan for contro:ling manwe-contamiaated runaff that currently flows into the wedand north of the stable and corral azea. As we discussed that day, there must be substantial progress or complete resolution of the pollution issues in 1997. Please note that manure storage facility plans require Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff review and approval prior to construction. All plans listed above should include a schedule for implementation of the measures. It was and is acceptable to begin re-establishment of vegetation in the pasture and removal of the manure stockpile without notification of the MPCA. However, I would like to inspect this work and the wagon trail once they are completed (please notify me). As also discussed that day, the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Minnesota Extension Service may be able to provide assistance in development of a runoff control plan, grazing management plan, and manure storage and management plan. You may wish to contact them if you have not already done so. 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612) 296-6300 (Voice); (612) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Primed on recycled paper containing at Iea5120% fibere trom paper recycled by consumers. Mr. Jerry Thomas Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at (612) 296-9209. Sincerely, Randy L. Ellingboe, P.E. Staff Engineer, Feedlot Unit Nonpoint Source Compliance Section Water Quality Division RLE:Is Enclosures cc: Eric Evenson, Dakota County Feedlot Officer Tim Becket, Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District Rich Brasch, City of Eagan Steve Dorgan, City of Eagan Warren Sifferath, Dakota County Extension Service • , 3une 9, 1997 Inspection Report at the Diamond T Ranch Apri13, 1997 The inspection today is conducted by Randy Ellingboe, accompanied by Jerry and Mike Thomas, Steve Dorgen, and Rich Brasch of the city of Eagan. We are reviewing the surface waters and areas that might receive runoff from manure storage and from horse confinement azeas. We first reviewed the storm water pond that is to the southeast of the main building azea. That appears to not receive much manure from any of the facilities. The exercise lot adjacent to that is cleaned daily. We did discuss the wormer bottles that we found there last summer, and Mr. Thomas felt that was likely an accidental addition. It could have been from a number of different factors. When I reviewed the runoff situation today, there was some minor amounts of horse manure on the northwest corner of the pond, but it didn't amount to too mucH. After we reviewed that azea, we walked along the proposed wagon route back to the pasture azea, which is on the north side of the facility, and we discussed plans for the wagon route, which may help divert runoff away from the pond which is in the southwest corner of the 40 acres out here. We also discussed re-establishment of grass in this pasture azea which amounts to about.l5 acres, and Thomases have plans to re-establish grass in this azea this siunmer. I discussed that re- establishment of grass would retum this to pasture area, which would take it out of the feedlot context. Right now, this entire 15 acres would have to be considered feedlot because it is bare of vegetation. While we aze out here today, the bulk of the horses at the facility are out here. We also reqiewed a manure storage azea which is just south of that pasture area and Mr. Thomas indicated that Organic Conversions is likely to be coming and picking up the manure from this . stockpile azea, which currently is on a side hill just north of one of the small wetlands that aze in the woods. The stockpile area is probably about 50-100 feet by about 300 feet, give or take about 50 feet either direction, and I wouldn't want to venture to guess right now on depth of that manure stockpile. Mr. Thomas said he wouid give me a call afrer the manure is removed and I may come back out and take a look at that point. We discussed, also, potential for more frequent pickup of the manure, and I also indicated that I would like to see a proposal for a permanent manure stockpile area. We also reviewed or inspected the area near where the horses wait for riders neaz the buildings and there is an intake pipe for runoff that comes out of a small confinement azea adjacent to the waiting azea. That runoff goes to a small wetland or collection azea to the north of the building azea and that material that drains over does contain or has come into contact with manure and it would appear that there is potential for seeg»ge frem thzt azea rathe: than overland flow out, so I believe that the lazger issue with that collection area is seepage to ground water. We summazized the issues discussed today in regard to the items that have to be addressed as: 1) re-establishment or establishment of grass in that 15 or so acre pasture azea on the north side of the facility; . ? 2) addressing the stockpile issue by preparing a plan which would include identification or construction of a manure stockpile azea and perhaps investigating a more frequent manure pickup by, in this case, Organic Conversions, but at any rate, so that there aze no ground or surface water impacts related to that; 3) resolution of that issue related to the nmoff that collects in that pond just north of the building site and is probably seeping away right now. I talked with Steve Gergen and Rich Brasch about providing plans for culverts and piping related to storm sewers in the azea. They will be getting that to us, and that is in particular of interest in relation to the storm water collection azea that is on the northeast side adjacent to Pilot Knob Road. We also discussed the wagon trail that will be constructed in the southwest comer of the pasture area which should assist in runoff from that pasture, in particular runoff that currently is ending up in the two surface water bodies to the southwest. June 9, 1997 Diamond T Ranch, Inc. 4889 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Interim Permit for the Planning, Construction and Operation of an Animal Feedlot and/or Manure Storage Area MPCA-I 1915(B)R Pursuant to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (Agency) Rules (7020.02 - 7020.19) governing the control of pollution from animal feedlots, this Interim Permit is issued for the planning, construction and operation of animal feedlot facilities located in the NE one-quarter of Section 33 in Eagan Township of Dakota County. This feedlot shall consist of the following facilities and operating procedures described below: 1. A horse barn and a combination of pasture ground and open lois to house a total of 300 horses. On the date of issuance of this interim permit the Permittee has access to 80 acres of cmpland for land application of manure. The existing feedlot has been identified as creating a potential pollution hazard to local surface waters and ground waters. This pemut provides authorization to operate the existing feedlot while plans are dev.,;oped to corrzct this poilution problem. The dischazge of pollutants shall be eliminated by no later than the expiration date of this Interim Pertnit. A Plan and schedule is to be developed as described below by August 1, 1997, to eliminate the pollution problem by the expiration date of this permit. This Interim Permit shall become effective on the date of issuance by the Commissioner and shall supersede any existing feedlot permit upon issuance. This Interim Pemut shall expire at midnight on March 5, 1998. 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (612) 296-6300 (VOice); (612) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duiuth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Printetl on recycled paper containing at least 20%fi6ers from paper recycletl by consumers. June 9, 1997 MPCA-I 1915(B)R Diamond T Ranch, Inc. Page 2 The Pernuttee shall operate and manage the feedlot under the following Special Conditions: 1. The Permittee shall submit a plan and schedule to significanUy reduce the runoff to the waters of the state to the Agency by August 1,1997. This plan shall (at a minimum) include provisions for: a. re-establishment of vegetation in pastured areas by September 1,1997; b. control of runoff from non-pastured azeas for animal confinement where manure accumulates, and where :vnoff will carry manure to surface waters of the state by November 15,1997; and c. construction of a manure stockpile or storage facility by Novem6er 15,1997. 2. Construction of any runoff control system shall not begin until approval to conshuct has been provided by the Agency for the plan submitted according to Special Condition #1. 3. Until a runoff control plan has been developed and implemented, any existing open lots shall be cleaned regularly to prevent manure build up. 4. The Pemrittee sha11 submit a manure management plan to the Agency by July 15,1997, which cleazly demonstrates how all of the manure generated from this facility will be managed by land application or by giving the manure to receivers (e.g. commercial compost producers). The plan shall include provisions for: a. removal of the manure currently stockpiled at the site by Septem6er 1,1997; b. estimating the volume of manure and amount of manure-associated nutrients produced at the facility; c. analysis or estimate of nutrients in manure produced at the facility, and associated method for calculating amount of manure to be applied based on crop nutrient requirements; d. maps showing manure land application azeas and specifically mazking winter manure application areas, if any; e. a record-keeping method for manure applied to cropland or pastureland; and f. contracts or agreements with any receivers of manure, including estimated weight or volume to be supplied. The application rate of manure shall not exceed recommended crop nuhient requirements. Crop or pasture nutrient requirements shall be based on projected crop yields, soil fertility (from the standard Minnesota Extension Service Soil Analysis Guidelines), and manure nutrient availability; 4W E ,. June 9, 1997 MPCA-I 1915(B)R Diamond T Ranch, Inc. Page 3 6. The Permittee shall maintain, either by direct ownership, rental, or written agreement with a neighboring land owner(s), access to sufficient acreage to properly land apply manure at rates that are based on nutrient requirements of subsequent crops and soil fertility; Annual records on land application of manure shall be kept on file for a minimum of tluee years by the Pemuttee and made available to the Agency upon request. These records sha11 include, at a minimum, the location of each land application site, number of acres at each land application site, results of any manure analysis, and nutrient application rate of any land application activities: 8. This Interim Permit shall replace the existing Interim Pemut number MPCA-I 1915(B). 9. Reports shall be provided to the Agency in accordance with General Condition 47. Indicate the permit number on all communication regazding this feedlot operation. 10. The general conditions identified in Minn. Rules pt. 7001.0150, subp. 3 aze incorporated herein by reference and made an enforceable part of tlus Interim Permit. Thank you for your interest in environmental quality. Please carefiilly read the general conditions attached to this permit. Please keep this document for your records. In all future correspondence, please indicate your certificate number. Sincerely, .? Tc--?? Ronald Leaf, P.E. MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY / rle (612)296-7327; Telecommunications Device for the Deaf at (612)297-5353 11 11dtV oF eagan June 5 I997 THOMAS EGAN , Mayor PATRICIA AWADA . BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN $hazOn HOIbCCk THEODORE WACHTER 4852 Wellington Court Council Memben Edg2[I, A'N 55122 _ THOMAS HEDGES C"rfy Adminisirator RE: D18I[IOIId T RffiICII . E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk Dear Ms. Holbeck: Thank you for your letter dated May 19, 1997, regarding the polluflon issues associated with the Diamond T Ranch locabed at 4889 Pilot Knob Road. ltie City has bcen working with the Minnesota Pollution Cornml Agency (MPCA) and the Diamond T Ranch since last fall to address the pollution issues on the properiy. The Diamond T Ranch is currently operating under a stable license, which requires annual renewal by the City. In addi6on, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit (C[IP) in 1992 for the property to opetate a riding and boarding stable. CiJP's are not annually renewable; however, they az+e continually subject to specific approved conditions. As a condirion of the approved CUP for the property, the Diamond T Ranch is required to meet all MPCA sffindards. If any approved conditions of the CUP are not met, the CIJP is subject to revocation by the City Councd upon formal review of the case. Recent inspections by City staff and the MPCA have found the Diamond T Ranch to be in violation of MPCA standards aad the CUP for the property. The MPCA has given the Diamond T Ranch until September of 1997 to submit an approved pollution control plan for the site and implement measures to eliminate contaminstion of both the subject site and adjacent properties. If the Diamond T Ranch fails to adhere to these requirements, the City may hold a hearing for the revocation of the CUP for the property. The City of Eagan woAcs to enforce environmental standards within the city. 'Ihe City will continue to work with the MPCA and the Diamond T Ranch to eliminate pollution issues affec6ng the subject site and surrounding properties. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, \) V?'u'`X \ Tom Hedges City Adminislrator cc: Mike Ridley, Senior Plaoner sd/codes/Wellingron Ct 4852.97 MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE ?INTENANCE FACILITY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN aOINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer p,yX: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 - TDD: (612) 454-8535 ? u Minnesota Pollution Control June 9, 1197 Mr. 7erry Thomas Diamond T Ranch 4889 Pilot Kaob-Roa3 Eagan,Minnesora 55122 DearMr. Thomas: I have enclosed a copy of the report of the inspection that we conducted on Apri13, 1997, at your facility located in Section 33 of the city of Eagan in Dakota County. This report summarizes my observations and the items that we discussed that day. Thank you for taking time to visit and do a thorough inspection. . I have also enclosed a copy,of a reissued interim permit for the facility which includes a schedule for resolving the water quality issues at your facility. As noted in the inspection report and permit, there are four main items to address for the facility: 1. Re-establishment of grass in the pasture on the north side of the facility, and development of a grazing schedule to maintain vegetation in pastured areas. 2. Rel of manure from the stockpile area adjacent to the north pasture. 3. Prepazation and impiementation of a plan for storage and land application of manure. 4. . Prepara6on and imp!eme--etatica af a ptan for controlling manure-ccntaniinated runoff that currentiy flows into the wetland north of the stable and corral azea. As we discussed that day, there must be substantial progress or complete resolution of the pollution issues in 1997. Please'note that manure storage facility plans require Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff review and approval prior to construction. All plans listed above should include a schedule for implementation of the measures. It was and is acceptable to begin re-establishment oFvegetation in the pasture and removal of the manure stockpile without notification of the MPCA. However, I would like to inspect this work and the wagon trail once they aze completed (please notify me). As also discussed that day, the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Minnesota Extension Service may be able to provide assistance in development of a runoff control plan, grazing management plan, and manure storage and management plan. You may wish to contact them if you have not already done so. 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55755-4194; (612) 296-6300 (Voice); (612) 282-5332 (fTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshali • Rochester Equal Opponunity Employer • Pnnted on recycled paper containing at least 20°%e libers Irom paper recycletl by consumers. Mr. Jerry Thomas Page 2 Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at (612) 296-9209. Sincerely, P i . ?- .-' - 7? J Randy L. Elling"boe, P.E. Staff Engineer, Feedlot Unit Nonpoint Source Compliance Section Water Quality Division RLE:Is Enclosures cc: Eric Evenson, Dakota County Feedlot Officer Tim Becket, Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District Rich Brasch, City of Eagan Stey?o;?gan, City of Eagan Warren Sifferath, Dakota County Extension Service June 9, 1997 . Inspection Report at the Diamond T Ranch April 3, 1997 The inspection today is conducted by Randy Ellingboe, accompanied by Jerry and Mike Thomas, Steve Dorgen, and Rich Brasch of the city of Eagan. We aze reviewing the surface waters and areas that might receive runoff from manura storage and from horse confinement areas. We first reviewed the storm water pond that is to the southeast of the main building azea. That appears to not receive much manure from any of the facilities. The exercise lot adjacent to that is cleaned daily. We did discuss the wormer bottles that we found there last summer, and Mr. Thomas felt that was likely an accidental addition. It could have been from a number of different factors. When I reviewed the runoff situation today, there was some minor amounts of horse manure on the northwest corner oi the pond, but ii didn't amount to too mucli. After we reviewed that area, we walked along the ,proposed waeon route back to the pasture azea, which is on the north side of the facility, and we discussed plans tbr the wagon route, which may help divert runoff away from the pond which is in the southwest comer of the 40 acres out here. We also discussed re-establishment of grass in this pasture azea which amounts to about.1 5 acres, and Thomases have plans to re-establish grass in this azea this summer. I discussed that re- establishment of grass would retum this to pasture area, which would take it out of the feedlot context. Right now, this entire 15 acres would have to be considered feedlot because it is bare of vegetation. While we are out here today, the bulk of the horses at the facility are out here. ' We also reviewed a manure storage area which is just south of that pasture azea and Mr. Thomas indicated that Organic Conversions is likely to be coming and picking up the manure &om this stockpile area, which currently is on a side hill just north of one of the small wetlands that are in C the woods. The stockpile area is probably about 50-100 feet by about 300 feet, give or take ? about 50 feet either direcrion, and I wouldn't want to venture to guess right now on depth of that manure stockpile. Mr. Thomas said he would give me a call after the manure is removed and I ay Fome back out and take a leok e: that poini. We 3iscussed, also, poter.tial far rore frequent ickup of the manure, and I also indicated that I would like to see a proposal for a permanent anure stockpile azea. We also reviewed or inspected the area near where the horses wait for riders neaz ihe buildings and there is an intake pipe for runoff that comes out of a small confinement area adjacent to the waiting area. That runoff goes to a small wetland or collection area to the north of the building area and that material that drains over does contain or has come into contact with manure and it %vould appear thzt the:e is po2ential for seegage from that area rz!her than overland flow out, so I believe that the larger issue with that collection azea is seepage to ground water. We summarized the issues discussed today in regazd to the items that have to be addressed as: 1) re-establishment or establishment of grass in that 15 or so acre pasture area on the north side of the facility; ?.e ' \1 2) addressing the stockpile issue by preparing a plan which would include identification or construction of a manure stockpile azea and perhaps investigating a more frequent manure pickup by, in this case, Organic Conversions, but at any rate, so that there aze no ground or surface water impacts related to that; 3) resolution of that issue related to the runoff that collects in that pond just north of the building site and is probably seeping away right now. I talked with Steve Gergen and Rich Brasch about providing plans for culverts and piping related to storm sewers in the area. They will be getting that to us, and that is in particulaz of interest in reIation to the storm water coliection azea that is on the northeast side adjacent to Pilot Knob Road. We also discussed the wagon trail that will be constructed in the southwest corner of the pasture azea which shculd assist in runoff from that pasture, in particuiar runo ff that curr8ntly is ending up in the i-,vo surface wate; bodies to u4e southwest: ''" 08/07 '97 17:08 ID:DAKOTA COUNTY PHYSICAL D FAX:612-891-7031 ctty oF aagan August 1, 1997 MR. JERRY THQMAS DIAMQND T RANCH 4889 PILO't KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 35122 xE: 10-03600-020-28 c4745 boaa xoaa> Dear Mr. T6omas: PAGE TNOMAS EGAN NbM PAiMC1A AWADA 8EA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN 1HEODQRE WACHTER COUnctl Memben iHOMAS HEDGES Cily AdTrNShota E. J. VAN OVERKKE cM CIea We have been advisod that you have purchased the above propcrty on Dodd Road adjacent to Fitz I.ake and that tha property has boen usad previous2y to confine horses and other livestock. T am writing to inform you of regularions that may be pertiaent to your anticipated uae of the propaty. First, the Qroperty is zoned Agricultural and ac you know, a coadi6oaal use permit issued by thc Ciry is required for riding stables, boarding stables, and commarcial feedlots in We Agricultural zoning diatrict. In additioa, stables require a City licensa. Secondly, livestock coafinement facilitiea (including bams, open 1ots, pens, etc.) with more than 10 animal uaits (1 horso = i eaimal unit) and within 1,000 fat of a lake are required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 7020 to obtain a fe.edlot peimit for tbeir operation. You may contact Eric Evenson, the Dakota County Feedlot Offlcer, at 891-7018 or Rendy Ellingboe of the Minnesote Pollution Control Agency at 296-9209 for morc information about feedlot permits. Thank you in advanco for your cooperatioa. Situ l y, • /,?- " Braach Water Resource6 CooMitlnWt' ee: Eric Evenson, Dakota Co. Feedlot OtTicer " Randy Eilingboe, MN Pollution Control Agency Pam Dudr.iak, City of Eagan Aseociate Planner MUNICNAL CEPifER 3830 PILOi KNOB ROAO EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55127-1597 rHONE: (e12)eet-mao FAIf: (61'n EBI-[p12 tDD: (612) 454•6575 iHE lON4 OAK TREE 1ME SYMBOL OF STRENGtH AND GROWIH rtJ OUR COMMUNIN Equd OpportunlylAMkmoMvq A,otlOn Emplpyer MAIMENANCE FACiUTY 3501 COACNrww nOWi EAGAN. MIMiESOTA 56122 FMONE: (6M 001-0300 FAK: f6121681.4160 100:(612) 46448J6 GUSTOMER REQiIEST Received Via: PhoneV Letter_ PD _ Other Date: 2- 24 '9c°, Time: 2= ov Taken By: /C •&C4,6-k• Customer Name: M?? n o ri k??. c?.i?,? city: qv . 0 o-k Phone: (Day) Z 9 6- $4 s' G, (Eve) Location or Problem Address A rA &'61A C+"d -f /lc ",- J." ' Nature ofIncidenUComplain/Concem: Mvl. nG t G[ t vQci C u-79yG J Q44 /v ,MrA "ue C ?.? Li C ,d Co &,L C?....? h.c i d 4&jv_ d ,&Ofo Q0C la Ir' v-L! I!'/ am.t C. r?... l9 t?CJ CI'lt c% Priority: A. Immediate t--- B. Within a Week C. Other(Specify) 1. Dept Assigned: Utilities _ Streets _ Parks _ Forestry _ Water Quality ? Employee r ?- Date of Initial Response: Z' 7?- 9 o Time: Comments/Action Taken: V!Si'tt O) S ??q w) fqK #40Clyl /V (9?YK ?y ('? ? ?'?-c+? ? K u-2? I7?j Q? a...- ? Gt W rtS , airL? vice? fsl/GM1-vr w??? /?a., ?w.?,.c?tC'? {7 (wfK??W Date of Final Response: Z-Z'S - g$ Time: C?00 /) t ''*"" Supervisor's Signature: CIs CODE E- 7. Pazk or Wetland Nurrtber I:\P1P hcus[omer reviseJ 0I/07/98 (Please tum over). 1 ? *city of eagan TO: ACTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR HOHENSTEIN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WITT CITY PLANNER STURM FROM: CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL REID DATE: APRIL 23, 1993 SUBJECT: DANCE HALL PERMIT DIAMOND T RANCH MEMO As a follow-up to our meeting regarding the above-referenced item, it is the consensus that this year's dance hall permit should be monitored by City staff for: the occupant load with concern as to the number of people in the building during dancing. the strain on the private disposal system. With dancing being limited to Friday evenings from 8:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. and a maximum of 200 dancers, this hopefully will give the septic system adequate time to rest. Any evidence of a problem this year would resuk in a request for Diamond T to pump their septic tank at least once a year and further review before renewal of the permit. This permit is on an experimental basis only for the remainder of the year to see what success Diamond T has with this type of operation at their facility. In recapping, if these concerns enlarge or expand, they will be reviewed next year prior to issuance of a dance hall permit. When the original building permit permit was granted by the City Council, the applicant represented that it was for the expansion of the riding stable only. le Bu'ing Officia? DR/js cc: City Administrator Hedges Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator ? ? t April 13, 1993 TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WITT RE: DANCE HALL PERMIT - DIAMOND T RA14CH Jerry and Carol Thomas have applied for a dance hall permit for Diamond T Ranch. They will test community interest in dancing by offering live music on Friday nights for up to 200 dancers. They plan to evaluate participation after a few months to see it a dance hall facility will be a worth- while venture. Line dancing, currently on the rise in popularity, will be featured at Diamond T. Diamond T Ranch has a beer/wine license but with a dance permit, the Council can prohibit or limit consumption of alcoholic beverages. Staff recommends there be no change in the beer/wine license zequirements and allow the sale of non-intoxicating beer and wine. Further, staff does not think an officer need be present in the dance hall,but this condition can be evaluated after the trial period. ACTION REQUESTED: Appzove a dance hall permit for Diamond T Ranch The day and time for dances will be Fridays from 8:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. The maximum number of dancers will be 200. Smoking will be allowed. An officer of the law need not be present. Non-intoxicating beer and wine may be consumed. Y? ? r . Agenda Information Memo Apri120, 1993 Ciry Council Meeting E. Set May ZZ, 1993, as Date for Pablic Anction ot Snrplus Property-The City annually holds a public suction in order to sell surplus property. Traditionally, this property includes both items that have been purchased by the City and aze no longer in use and unclaimed properry which is being held by the Police Department T'he date for the 1993 suction will be Satwday, May 22. The suction will be held at 3840 Pilot Knob Road, which is the "Old On House" site just south of the Municipal Center. The auction will begin at 10:00 am. A list of surplus and unclaimed property w71 be submitted to the Council at the May 4 City Council meeting. ACIION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS TPEM: To set May 22, 1993, at 30:00 am. as the date for the aty of Eagan public auction of surplus property. F. License, Tree Contractor, Henning and Rohde-The CYty is in receipt of an application for license as a tree maintenance contractor from the 5rm of Henning and Rohde, 3259 Terminal Drive. This firm only performs commercial or oontract work. All documentation necessary to be oonsidered for approval has been submitted to the City. Enclosed for the Council's information without page number is a copy of the license applicarion. ACTION TO BE CONSIDEREI) ON THIS 1TEM: To approve a tree contractor license for the 5rm of Henning and Rohde. G. Permit, Darice Hall tor Diamond T Ranch, 4889 Pilot Knob Rosd-T6e Ciry of Eagan has received an application for a dance hall permit from Jerry and Carol Thomas for the Diamond T Ranch located at 4889 Pilot Knob Road. Enclosed on page is a memo from Administrative Assistant Witt regarding this permit applicadon. Also e closed without page number for the Council's informatioa is a copy of the permit application itself. ACl'ION TO BE CONSIDERED ON TfiIS 1TEM: To approve a dance hall permit for Diamond T Ranch under the ooaditions as listed in the memo from Administrative Assistant Witt. ?3 41`1dtV oF engan ? iHOMASEGAN Maybf April 23. 1993 Jerry and Carol Thomas Diamond T Ranch 4889 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: DANCE HALL PERMIT PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS HEDGES Gly Atlminlslrofor E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk The City Council approved a dance hall permit for DYamond T Ranch for the remainder of 1993. It is our understanding that you are giving a trial run for dancing and will be evaluating its success before year's end. When discussing council action the day after the meeting; Inspection staff noted that your intended use of the addition has changed. You had planned to sell equipment and clothing and not to have an entertainment center. The City has concerns about Diamond T's septic system accom- modating larger numbers.of people. There could also be requirements for doors that must be met if more people use the building. We decided that one night a week for 200 people will pro- bably not impact the existing septic system. When you evaluate your plans for 1994 later thi.s fall, please keep in mind there are building code requir.ements which must be considered when making those plans. Sincerely, Liz Witt Administrative Assistant cc: Community Development MUNICIPAL CENTER - THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILRY 3830 PIlOI KNOB ROnD EAGAN. MINNESOfA 55122•1897 THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINI . EAGAN. MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAx: (612) e81-4612 , EqUPi OppOrtunliy/AfBfmOtlve ACiIOn EmplOyef FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 4548535 TDD: (612) 454-8535 1 i . I. ., . , . . . 1" ..d Vie A i.. < i? A . . . _ r . ..:. ?a? .V?^?.. } s'+%'' °'..'ti.}?%tikfti9 ?}"?{?^.?}?C,f.?.$j?}Sr{8f?t'fiti .rqi ?::. ' .,a ?;> .f??}V.'?':Vi?f~+i1:4:>?i ??•':ve?? ,?'??5???+i'?y "? .,?: ?'Sv• . ` ? • ...e. '•.. ., .,.,..:k._.s..-::. . .. -... . . ,. , .., ....:.:.,,. ..:.. ... ..;;.. i , .. .,.. . ..... . .. ,.. ' . -:t-... ._..... ._;.,.. t... .., _ ....: . . -.. ,. . .,. .,:. ., ...:... . .. . . .........:. ......_.____„ -. C???YOF EAGAN bANCE HALL pEpMIT `?;{ S 201,,QQ. No' 1993 ? , }'.•'.• . . . . ' . , , . . . .. A,'jermft is ?fie'areby gianted to ±;;Jerr.y;.Thoma'sJ Diamond. T Ranch' {v , >:. N?line. 4889 Pilof Knbb Rbad; Eaqan AN 55122 - ;:: • Ad'dress 'd to dpeYatd a dance fiall at Diaiaond T Ranch ?d£ a p6"r`lod 'commencinq May 1 ?ti;•. €?fict te'rmina£ing Decembei 31 19 3?i'ididniqht. . . y ?{ Th?ig Oefmit is qt?ant subject to A11 the provlsibris .?'•• , attd ?onditions o£ the ordinarices of the City, , of Eagati: _ •:ti• 60ecifib ooHclitiona fot Uiamond TRzirich iYiciude'. . ;?'a• , .?` Uay Apd tiide for clancese Ffidavr g PiNtb.] A M. Ma#imiiiii niimber of danceYS: . 200 . fr',.•, 'Ofticer of law preserit? Yes bm6kin4 regdlation§: smokirin permitted :- ;??:'• Cofisiiriiptiori of alcoholic beverage zeqdlations3 Bee'r arid "wirie ermitted Ing6 ?t bn of non-prescr pt on cohtrblled fi? "slilistarices is protribited. IS§UED $Y AU'I'HOFAtTY OF THE CITY COUNCIL: 'Bag?n; Hirine?ota 1 20 OR ,; i . , .. . .,: . Z?• , CITY CLFRR r111 µ . . ., . . . ??a . . . , . . ._. .. . .rv...:.,a y :,?.,. +j. ? ?}? {$? . ??•,y.?o, r . . . J : . . . . .. t? ' . ?., . , . . . . .. . ". ? ? _ :i.._ '5.:?.. -.. ?. .. .. ?, . . {•? ,. .?...... . _......!__..... L? B'J?S CITY OF EAGAN MECHANICAL PERMTf SUBD. ?33 (612) 6814675 RESIDENTIAL RECEIPT # /d%5`-?? DATE 9 a 9 PLEASE COMPLEfE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMII,Y DWELLINGS. ALSq COMPLEfE FOR TOR'NHOMES/CONDOS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRID FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. OR'NER: F EFS S1TE ADDAFSS: ADD ONJREMODEL (FJIISTING CONSTRUCTION ONLM $ 15.00 INSTALLER: GIIVZ-RYAN HEATING HVAC: 0.100 M BTU 24.00 PAONE #: 423-I144 ADDI1'IONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 ADDRESS: 14745 South Robert Trail GAS OUTLEfS - hiWIMUM 1 e $3 EA. C1TY- Rosemount ZIP: 55068 SURCHARGE $ .50 SIGNATURE: TOTAL: $ COMMERCIAL PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCLWINDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI•FAMILY BUII.DINGS R'HEN SEPARATE PERMTfS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLiNG UNTT. R'ORK DFSCRIP170N: Install new ductwork, furnace and air conditioner. owrvER: ? SITE ADDRESS: 4889 Pi 1 ot Knob Road TENANT: ? SU17'E #: INSTALLER: Genz-{Zyan Plumbing & He ADDRFSS: 14745 South Robert Trail CITY: Rosemount ZIP: 55068 PHONE #: 42 1144 SIGNATURE: • CONTRACf PRICE: 9.800. 00 1. FEES 1'Ao OF CONTRACT FEE. ? dv STATE SURCAARGE IS $.50 FOR EACH S1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. $ 1?5-0 PROCESSED PIPING • $25.00 a ?tU;vD,cnH rEE • $25.00 TOTAL: I o ? S` L Q// BL ?.S CITY OF EAGAN PLUMBING PERMIT susn. ' 33 (612) 681-4675 PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. ------------------------------------------------------ WORK DESCRIPTION NEW CONST _ ADD ON _ REPAIR _ CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT DATE 7 ?--- ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS OWNER NAME: SITE ABDRESS: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: 2IP: PHONE ji: SIGNATURE DF PERMITTEE STATE SURCHARGE .50 TOTAL: $ COMMERCIAL PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. / ! WORK DESCRIPTION:_ ( u y OWNER NAME: SITE ADDRESS: IO/ TENANT NAME: SUITE #: INSTALLER:???`?/?if7rhUP/?? ?lL ADDRE55: Y7J0 CITY: /? ??1 P!i! ZIP: PHONE #: FOR: ALSO FOR MULTI-FAMILY 'CONiACT rdtiCE: 1% OF CONTRACT FEE. , STATE SURCNARGE - $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% $ STATE SURCHARGE $ ?•SU TOTAL: $? L%i%-4 A'r'Zw'e? (SIGNATURE) COMPLETE THE FOLIAWING: N0. FIXTURES EA. TOTAL REPAIR/ADD ON 15.00 SHOWER 3.00 WATER CIASET 3.00 BATH TUB 3.00 LAVATORY 3.00 KITCHEN SINK 3.00 IAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 _ HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 WATER HEATER 3.00 ia.vGR B.^aAI.1 3.'JC GAS PIPING OUT. _ (MINIMUM - 1) 3.00 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 _ OTHER WATER SOFfENER 5.00 PRIVATE DISP. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKT.ER 3.00 W. TURNAROUND 15.00 CITY OF EAGAN ,G ,0// ?3 ?S "'?d 33 :ity oF eagan MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (512) 687•4612 August 11, 1992 MAINTENANCE FACILIiY 3507 COACHMAN POIN7 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722 PHONE; (612) 6814300 FAX: (612) 681 •4360 MR JERRY THOMAS t DIAIvIOND T RIDING STABLES 4889-PILOT-KN0B RD EAGAN N 55122 RE: CLUBHOUSE EXPANSION Dear Mr. Thomas: THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA A WADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHTER Counell Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlminlnsfratof EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cfly Clerk We have reviewed your August 7, 1992 request to install a self-closing fire door assembly instead of an automatio-closing fire door assembly in the area (fire) wall. Because it has been our experience that self-closing assemblies installed in similar use situations are often propped open by door stops or otherwise blocked from properly closing, it was our recommendation that the doors be installed with automatic-closing devices actuated by heat detectors. This was agreed to by you at a previous meeting and the automatiaclosing devices were so specified on the approved plans. Clearly, section 4306(o, Item B of the Building Code, permits these assemblies to be protected by either self-closing or automatic-closing devices. However, in consultation with the fire marshal: if the self-closing devices are installed in lieu of the automatic-closing devices, the door assembly should be prewired at this time for the eventua] installation of the automatic-closing devices if the doors are ever found in violation of section 10.402 of the Fire Code which prohibits impairing the proper operation of fire doors. Sincerely, Joe Merchak, Construction Analyst " Protective Inspections Division Department of Community Development JM/js cc: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official Dale Wegleitner, Fire Marshal Canstruction Inspectors iHE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWiH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OppoMunity/Afflrmative Actlon Employer ? _.._ . ?, . o /' o!/j /?ls, ?? ? S;- Open All Year Hay & Sleigh Rides 9 N` Horse Boarding & Sales Diamond "' Ridinq' Stables Western Store & Sizack Bar t7 Trail Rides & Riding Lessons Jerry and Carol Thomas 4889 Pilot KnoU Road Eagan, MN 55122 (612) 454-1464 Aueust 7, 1992 Attentien; BuildinR Fire Znapectien The entrance doora te the addition zre to remain cleaed at all timea with autema.tic fleor cloeere. The p»rpoae ef thia additimn is to tie a11e to aeparate varieus £unctions from the day to dag buaineaa ef the riding stable, '+le requeat tm omit the electro na6netic door openers. Thank vou for pour time, '??;? 1-7 Jerrr Thomas :ity of eagan MUNICIPAL CENTER 3630 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681 •4600 FAX: (672) 681-4612 July 8, 1992 .. J? MAINTENANCE FAdLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT /??}l? EAGAN. MINNESOTA 551SY2?" PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681•4350 THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENTV THEODORE WACHTER Counctl Membars THOMkS HEDGES Ciry Adminlnsfratoi JOHN K GA3PAR 1594 N MARY ST MAPLEWOOD MN 55119 RE: DIAMOND T EXPANSION Dear Mr. Gaspar: EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE ary aea We have reviewed your proposal of June 18, 1992 with regards to the requirement of providing a handicap drinking fountain at the above-referenced project. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 1305.1600, section 510, approval is hereby given to eliminate the proposed drinking fauntain. This approval is conditional(as per the proposaQupon providing water service from the bar or providing water on the tables during banquets. This letter does not address your obligations under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Sincerely, )0..v M0414 - Joe Merchak, Construction Analyst Protective Inspections Division JM/js CC: Doug Reid, Chief Building OfGcial l Building Inspectars -- 7erry Thorrlas, Diamond T Ranch, 4£389 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STREN6TH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal opporfunity/Aff(rmatlve Action Empioycr , ? RCHITECTURAL & ONTERIOR DESIGN June 16, 1942 JOHN K. GASPAR ARCHITECT LICENSED MINNESOTA & WISCONSIN Mr. Joe Merchak Construction Analyst/Protective Inspections City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Re: Diamond T Expansion Dear Mr. Merchak, Mr. Thomas, owner of Diamond T Ranch, has asked me to inform you of a change of footing sizes. I have talked to my Engineer (Fischer Engineering) about this matter and he and feel that a decrease in size would be acceptable.. The maximum loads on the South wall footing would be approximately 1500 lb./lin.ft. The maximum loads on the North common corridor wail footing would 3900 lb./lin.ft. at the East end. As is stated on the construction documents, the Contractor is responsible for verifying soil bearing capacity. The minumum soil bearing capacity should be 2500 lb, per sq.ft. A Soils Engineer should verify soil bearing on site. It is Mr. Eischer's and my opinion that as long as they have minimum soil bearing capacity they can decrease footing size from 24"x 12" to 20"x 10". As to the matter of a drinking fountain, this I feel should not be required as they have an existing drinking fountain in the existing building and will have water service from the bar or on tables during banquets. Sincerely. John K. Gaspar Arcliitect ri a v?.,r , cc.? Jerry Thomas Jim Fischer 1594 N. MARY ST. MAPLEWOOD, MN. 55119 OFFICE (612) 773-9256 RESIDENCE 773-9253 Cities Digital alitv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. ?? [ ? ?. .r ' . , , . . . • ' ? . i s I'? 1 4 _ . ?[%. . . ? ? ?' ' . , vot. c?. r? o ??, . . ..?? , ? erc Te, ses ?,, .?. • r, ?. ., ,,5x ? s... ?.?. ? ? ?? ? ' - ?? ?r . ? , f ?.5 ?r . . . . a . . .N a . .. , .I. . . . .? . . .' .?e ? . _ . ? .. ' ..? . . .. .R? . ?G1/n??(?,(? . ? ? n?cfi ? ..k?.,u . ?/V ? •'•Y./ /.?Y'(Ot?I?oQ.?? ? r ? e° w" i .?. ,j, . 74+ ? } h c- ? A tt J .? cR ro a ?' ? • , . . r k y .. . .. , t ? .. r r ? A C I d r . ' •'> • . (; 5 .. Pi f t: a ? • ? ? • ?,g,`?;?- ? ;? ?? r .?' r.u s r ? ?? fi? P ' . r , ? ? ,??I ?x?Uk'? 1 'N Y'i '. '?"' f l 5.h' y v t .?? ? .. • :•i }h y ?"m?, ^f: » e?i",..s"'tp.=' ?i *'?. "?A A ?,h?4' < 3 y' .K S,. - e . j'? ?????F"?" k .? r .. w ? t * ?° ? 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" 5 .. .'F ? ?Y} 3 . v x y F CIN OF EAGAN ' j OFFICE INFORMATION MEMO TO ffif DirL grci A DATE -G]- 2 TIME FROM OF oE PHONE NO. RECEIVED BV: L I Was here to see you Will call again Please call Returnetl your call ACTION Review antl see me ie?omme p c F?„? „Tt? il Prepare reply for my sig. Replyantlsendmecopy plp,MOND ? For your approvel S 'EkPAMS/Dnl PGkH For your informetion . For signature As we discussed ? p H # As you requested / AN4iN4 / L11N S Take appropriate action FILE EJ DISTRIBUTEI? ? OVER ONE SIDE ONLV COLLATE NO. OF COPIES ? HEAD TO HEAD ? STAPLE DATE NEEDED HEAO TO FOOT (Other) TYPING: ROUGHDRAFT RUSH DATE NEEDED SINGLE SPACE ? FINAL COPV DOUBLESPACE CARBONS ? ' ' • ' „ . ? ? C? v t7 A? ? ,o ?...?r-.... :?.? ?:,?? ?.?.?-?-?•; -- -?i? ?,-zC9 ? ? •' : - . Li t ?V \ ? y ? ? p Ev Ar F/,EL'A ?DI : ?q Q _ . . ? V . n l ? ? Oo •V \ v? Ik?) qOqSv-- '6?? C:LUBjyousu / _ ? x?'i}1v5riN EX7ERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE "U" COi1PUTATION 04lNER_JDIAHnu1?, 7" jZiqNCF.} SITE ADDRESS S(22 CONTRACTOR DATE PHONE Determine working square footage of each. .23 1. Total exposed wa11 area ..... 17 7 S? sq. ft. x?_ = ZS 2. Total roof/ceiling area ..... ?'073. 5 sq. ft. x_ gS - ?. Total exposed wall area above floor = I 4?-75 a. Total wall window area ... .......... 14 Z b. Total ........ door area ....................... c. Total ........... sliding glass door area ...... ? ? - d. Total fireplace wa]1 area.. ? e. Total ..... ... wall framing area (average lOX) . 6 f. Total ... ..... net watl area above floor . * , 1 15 ( 957 g. Total ............. rim joist area ........................ . . . 0 ? Total ezposed foundation area = h. Total foundation window area..................... i. Toal net foundation area abeve grade ............ -» Determine "U" value of each wall segment. a. !' QZ x liull .97 = 4c?,24 /II.?lM GL.A55 ?Jo.o2 ,70 '2S.Ot4' b. 11JSuc.!"(a4C Gu3 X"Un .S5 =? 3$.9 Z C. x l,u„ _ d. X toull _ , e._ Xllu,i f._ fS14.40S- X foU" ,0478 y, X ??U" n. x „u„ i. X IIUOI 3 . ...................................Tota1 ., If item 03 is the same as, or less than item #1, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. .? ' r Total exposed roof/ceiling area = 4 0`13. s j. Total skylight area............................. -- k. Total roof/ceiling framing area (average 10%)... ?0-7,35 1. Iotal net insulated roof/ceiling area............ & 6,15 Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segment. ? j. X "U" _ k. 9-07.35 x"U" 40317 = 14.13 S 1: 3?66G.?S x"u" .02s4 = 93. t2 4 ..................................Tota1 = 1 07. S If total of #4 is the same as, or less than ;;2, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)7. Alternate Building Envelope Design To utilize the total envelope system method, the values esta6lished by the sum of items #3 and #4 shall not 6e greater than the sum of items #1 and #2. 1. + 2. _ 3. + 4. _ 1 nerebY certih ftt this plan, sDKgicaGon. o? rePo? was P?Pe? ??? undar mY direct ReBistered supervision and tha?w??d?? ? pf Minro Architec un 11W esota. ? ? e$. No_ 16430 Data__._-- ACHlTECTURAL & ONTERIOR DESIGN E. ft /ft2 FIc.vt^ EYTC-1z(0Q-- Fc-y' wr--". 64z75 v, (3• wt r Ko. 1 ?•17?K?1?? 6?r2 Fl?un ????7? u = '/V- 0.04Z8 A?n ?ruu... V. (3. .-?- U 03f7 L, 2/4 c k A PPRoy r2" v, fg o. Ai2 FrLU.t u- !/Zr .vzs4 JOHN K. GASPAR ARCHITECT LICENSED MINNESOTA S WISCONSIN v?¢rie ?-? ?cr?z? o R. ?? 1Z Fr`M wac?n vi: t12iq ??.T, u . IZ . GZ !o, g ? f56 ? ?p6 g•g I I , p- „ •r7 •6Z (t.o . ?$ 2l.03 r p- u ZD. ?. ?.aB . SL ,6( 2 $. 82 . ?l as.? , S6 .?? 1594 N. MARY ST. MAPLEWOOD, MN. 55119 OFFICE (612) 773-9256 RESlDENCE 773-9253 MEMORANDUM TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: JIM STLTRM, CTI'Y PLANNER DATE: APRIL 27, 1992 RE: DIAMOND T RANCH The City has received a building permit application for the Diamond T Ranch proposing a 48' x 72' (3,500 sq. ft.) building to be attached to the existing 2,500 sq. ft. bw7ding. Since the land is unplatted, Council authorization will be necessary before issuing the permit This will be scheduled for the May 20 City Council meeting. Please forward any comments you may have regarding this item to my. attention by Wednesdsy, May 6 so they can be incorporated into a memo to Tom Hedges and the packet. . Thanks. City Planner JS/js x : . .? :ity of enqan - --- MUNICIPAL CENTER 383D PILOT KNOBROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122•1897 PHONE: (612) 681•4600 FAX: (612) 681 -4612 MAINTENANCE FACILRY 9507 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (6M 681-4300 FAX: (612) 6814360 THOMASEGAN Mayor April 24, 1992 MR JERRY THOMAS 4889 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 RE: DIAMOND T EXPANSION Dear Mr. Thomas: PATRICIA AWADA pAMELA MCCREA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHTER CameN Members THOMAS HEDGES Clty Admininstretor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CNy Clerk We have reviewed your preliminary drawing for the proposed Diamond T expansion. You should discuss these items with your architect prior to his prepazation and your submittal of the final certified construction drawings and specifications. 1J If the consumption of alcoholic beverages will occur within the building, a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation must divide the building into compartments of 5,000 sq. ft. or less, or provide an automatic sprinkler system. See UBC Section 3802(c). 2. Fire department openings must be provided as speciSed in Section 3803(b) of the building code or provide an automatic sprinkler system. 3. If used as a dance hall, the building will need to be designed as for an A-2.1 occupancy. Please note that the proposed type V-N construction is not permitted for A-2.1 occupancies. An increase in exit width may also be required. Refer in part to UBC Tables 5-C and 33-A. 4. Provide recycling space in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 1305.1775. Please note such space must also comply with Article 11.201(d) of ihe fue code. THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYM80L OF STRENGTH AND 6RONRH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity)Aftlrmafive Acflon Employer 5. Provide a janitor's service sink and handicap accessble drinldng fountain. See Minnesota Rules 1305.1795 Table 5-E and UBC Secdon 511(c) Sincerely, Jce Merchak, Construction Analyst Protective Inspecdons JM/js CC: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official - ----------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAY-19-1992 09: ? 28 FROM NWA PURCHRSING MPLS TO May 19, 1992 Mayor Tom Egan and City Council Members City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear M;, Egan: Diamond T Ranch Inc, has been in operation since 1974 and are among the tep six riding stables in the country,- we are very proud of the growth of our business and have no plaas tq sell out for development. we handle approximately 80% of the Giri Seout 198sono and badge w children ork in the Twin Cities area. We offer programs d for handioapped departmentswithin$theWmetxokareah rOcreation activities withtrz a sixty mile radius (SE. Gloud, Roohestez, Fairbault, etc.). AIe have a very broad spectrum of olientele and an increasing number of corporate accourzts, and we are very proud to have the cpportuna:ty to prOvide the experience and share in the beauty of the recreation areas located withfn the City of Eaqan. Diamond T Ranch hae "hit" the tour circuit and we have hosted A1e hagroupave from added all com over Europ2 and Asia fn tha p8st thzee years. led to other c pany seminars to our services offerec9 wh3.ch has ompany social funCtipnB.. We have beetl aeYViciag large groups of people (200+) using tents, umbrelxas and our imaginations_ Even with leas than ideal oonditiong, tha naga continues to rise. We need the overflow space for this typa of funetion. Since most large assemblies are bussed in, pazking shou?.d not be theibarns for have a will d make o up l for r the ggewailable by places lost by the building, parking The riding portion of our busin because of the overfl E$s wiZx not likeJ.y change ew seating, but we do hope to batter serve the growing number of busiaesses which eajoy a unique meeting $rea- We would love to host the City of Eagan party again and with the expansion, we would have enough space . overall deeign wiii only add to Eagan's appeal. We believe the Please contact us should you have any guestions or nead gurth-^ qr - information. Thank you for your consideration. Regarde, ? Jerry and Dfamond T. 4889 Pilot Eagan, MN 454-1464 Carol Thpmag Ranch Knob Road 55122 ---------------------- 96889277 P.02 ? , CT/ss , M RANDUM TO: TOM HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR GENE VANOVERBEKE, DIItECfOR OF FINANCE TOM COLBERT, DIl2ECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS KEN VRAA, DIRECI'OR OF PARKS & RECREATION PAT GEAGAN, POLICE CHIEF FROM: DALE C. RUNKLE, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MAY 13, 1992 RE: CONDITIONAL USE 8c BUII.DING PERMTT DIAMOND T RANCH The Community Development Department has received an application for a buflding permit for the Diamond T Ranch. Plans have been forwarded to all departmenu for review and comment. T'he Ciry Council is the only body that can grant issuance of a buflding permit on an unplatted parcel. At tha May 4 department head meeting, concems were raised relating to the present use and if the proposed expansion would allow alternate uses in the futpre in the event the riding stable was sold or abandoned. Enclosed for your review are copies of the original Conditional Use Permit issued in 1980 for a 10.year period, and the one issued in 1992 for an additional Sve years. The only use allowed is for a boarding and riding stab]e. It should be noted that if the buflding permit is granted for this expansion, we aclmowledge that the Conditional Use Permit reissued in 1992 is only for a five-year period relating strictly to a boarding and riding stable and in no way encourages any other use than allowed through the granting of the original Conditiona] Use Pe:m;t. It has been indicated to staff that the buflding permit is strictly for the expansion of the riding stable and that there is no intent to convert this facility to an entertainment, or dance facility, as shown on the facade. The long term objective for this particular parce] is still recognized in the Comprehensive Guide which designates this parcel D-I (Residential, 0-3 dwelling units per acre), therefore ultimate development for this parcel will be for residential use. As a result, platting may be premature with the request.for this buflding pertnit. Since platting will oecur some time in the future, the question then is raised as to what requirements should be placed on this buflding permit, i.e. standard conditions regarding water quality, parking lot upgrading, etc. Mr. Thomas has expressed his concems regazding dedicating a pond for water qualiry, as well as not resurfacing the pazldng lot because of horses walking back and forth ovet the blacktop. He is requesting that C7ass 5 material, or limestone in the parking area, be allowed vs. the upgrading to concrete curbing and blacktop. Mr. Thomas has agreed that a detailed site plan wili be provided showing where the graautg wu1 occur on uua buc, aa ., ........ constroction and relocation of the parking with the proposed expansion. This information w71 be provided and reviewed prior to issuance of any buflding permit. Hopefully this addresses some of the concerns raised regarding the building permit for Diamond T Ranch, as well as long and short term use for the property. If you have any yuestions or would like additional information, we would be glad to provide this to you prior to the May 20, 1992 City Council meeting. Community Development D'uector DCRIjs ??-?- a?0!/,?'7sj :itv oF eacan MUNIqPAI CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 687-4600 FAX: (512) 681 -4512 MAINTENANCE FACILIIY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681 -4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 THOMAS EGAN MaYOr July 8, 1992 JOHN K GASPAR 1594 N MARY ST MAPLEWOOD MN 55119 RE: DIAMONB-T°EXPANSfON, , - - - _._ . _ - -- --J Dear Mr. Gaspar: PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN iHEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMkS HED6E5 CIN ACminlnstratar EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Clly Cleik We have reviewed yoar proposal of June 18, 1992 with regards to the requirement of providing a handicap drinking fountain at the above-referenced project. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 13051600, section 510, approval is hereby given to eliminate the proposed drinking fountain. This approval is conditional (as per the proposal)upon providing water service from the bar or providing water on the tables during banquets. This letter does not address your obligations under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Sincerely, jlc?e //'m0a/C Joe Merchak, Construction Analyst Protective Inspections Division JM/js CC: Doug Reid, Chief Building OfGcial Building Inspectors Jerry Thomas, Diamond T Ranch, 4889 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Attirmative Actlon Employer PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN -- 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Permit Number: (612) 681-4875 Date Issued: Control No. 0644 BUSLOING 000818 06/16/92 SITE ADDRESS: 4889 PIL07 KItlOB RD LOT: 011 BLOCK: 75 SECTION 33 DESCRIPTION: BuilQ2ng Permit Type COPIM./IND. Building"Work Type ADDITION UBC Occupancy A-2.1 ConsCruction Type V-1 HR Zoning A . Building Lenqth % 58 Building Width 72 ,,Bnilding stories , j_ REMARKS: ? O I c-, 43 2 FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $65,000 Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee $482.00 $313.30 $32.50 ;827.80 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - THOMAS JERRY 4895 PILOT KNOB RO EAGAN f4N 55122 (612)464-1464 ; I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application artd state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Mn. L Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. J 9n ?? - , ?. ? APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ISSUED B SI NA E INSPECTION RECORD I C°n` °"°. 0644 CITYOFEAGAN PERMITTYPE: auiLoiNG 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: 000818 Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: 06 / 16 / 92 (612) 681-4675 SITEADDRESS: LoT: eii eLoCK: 75 APPLICANT: 4689 PILOT KNOB RD THOMAS JERRY 3ECTION 33 (612) 454-1464 PERMIT SUBTYPE: COMM./IND. TYPE OF WORK: ADDITION INSPECTION FOOTING .. . FRAMING D• INSULATION FZNAL ? ? PERM:T ? . cirr OF eacaN ` - it 1992 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI9N 681-4675 ? ,s ?'f ? ' Reao SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural.& structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies when typin? of permit is requested, but not picked up by last working day of month in which re uest is made or lot chan e is re uested once ermit is issued. Date Valuation of work Site Address: __7'1lP(pl - 6 16?d STREET STE ! Tenant Name: (commercial only) i) 1 LoT eLaK ? sueo. P.I.D. r Descri tion of work: The applicant is: ? Owner ? Contractor ? Other (r?scr;w) ? Name _e2 v" r4 ?S .T.e-e Phone Pro perty LA$i FIRST J/ // .7 /l j - ?/oT ?1 ei f? 3 / l ot t 0 AddY255 STREET STE / C/'J State Zip 5s/?' Z. Cit y _ Company Phone Contractor Address License i_ Exp. Lity State ZiP Company ?-? ??;7L?(?l3 ??` ?AlrlslZlll?7. ?b Phone -7?3 ArchitecU Engineer Name C)?4 ? C.nI?S ?/AIZ Registration M?(o 430 Address 1 S54 INI l?lL ?1 City IL! HnLL) Wuuf1 State 1v1 hl Zip ?S (I? Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have ead this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply wit all` ' ble St te of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: - / . ? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE p O1 Foundation O 05 Apt. 61dg ? 09 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwg. O 06 Garage/Accessory ? 10 5wim Pool O 03 Two family ? 07 fireplace ? 11 Res. Add. ? 04 Multi-fam. T.H. ? 08 Deck E3 12 Res. Porch woRK rrPE ? . ? ? 13 Comm/Ind New 014 Comn/Ind Add O 15 Comm/Ind Rem ? 16 Public fac. ? 17 Agricultural ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Move Q'32 Addition O 34 Tenant Finish ? 36 Demolish GENERAL IN FORMATION Const. (Actual -1 HI? Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (Allowable ; lst F1. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy Az,i 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoning A Sq. Ft. total y 17(. Booster Pump i of Stories i Footprint Sq. ft. 141 1 G " Fire Sprinkler Length On-site well Yt3 Census Code Depth ^? z On-si te sewage ,Yt-s SAC Code APPROVALS Planning Building Assessments Engineering Yariance w?n? ???l??+?/1TIn\IC F[C:?itulrtCV ?IVar?v i ?v?w No N O ? Site C? footing E? Frami.ng PY Insulation PI Mallboard F?l Final ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit fee y9Z,Co Valutim: f ? S, coc ? Surcharge 3 2. sc Plan Review :3 1-3, s? License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. - Mater Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. - Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: SAC % SAC Units llp?(, " ? ?cc.tJa? ,? ? (/"Q-T?"7 c rL'.. ?o (, oe) /.3? ? e.? ei--7 eo-? /.5 ; / e-o' ?-!c •-7L 1 1 4 6 q .? 6'?" MEMOI2ANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The issuance of the building pemut to Mr. Thomas for the expansion of the Diamond T Ranch clubhouse is condidonal upon the following items: 1. The permittee shall obtain the services of a licensed individual sewage treatment system (ISTS) site evaluator and designer to evaluate the adequacy of the existing ISTS for the enlarged clubhouse establishrnent and the existing dwelling. A wmplete report showing any design changes needed to upgrade the system shall be submitted to the City for review. Upon the approval of said design, the permittee shall hire a licensed IST'S installer who shall make the necessary changes after obtaining the required permit. 2. The pernvttee shall obtain the services of licensed design professionals to prepare and submit certified plans to the City for review for the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) work, plumbing work, and electrical work. The plumbing and electrical plans may be prepared by a master plumber and a master electrician, respectively. The HVAC must be designed Uy a licensed engineer. T'hese plans must be approved by the City prior to the issuance of permits which must be obtained before any work is done by these respective trades. Pemuttee's acknowledgtnent: ? Page 14/EAGAN CI7'1' COUNCII, MINLJT'ES May 20, 1942 CONDI170NAL USE PERMIT/ABRA AUTO BODY Mayor Egan introduced this item as Reconsideration of the Denial of the Coaditional Uae Permit for ABRA Auto Body. City Adminisvator Hedges indicated that Attomey Peter Beck, ropreunting ABRA Auto Body, was present. Peter Beck said that ABRA Auto Body bad applieA for a building permit and said they would appesl to the City Council if it were denied. He said Lis clients wished to make a presentation regarding t6e'u application ro the City Council and regretted not haviag doae so at the May 5 meetiog. He said he felt wnfident that if they had an opportuniry to explain ABRA, the City Council would recoasider their duisioa Mr. Beck added that if the auto mall caauot be used for auto-related issues, aome direction from the City Coundl would be needed. City Attorney Sheldon said it should be noted that at issue was wLether ABRA fit the City Code's definition of an auto service statioa. Councilmember McCrea asked ff there wero tadvtiag ABRA s[ores where she could observe their operations. The applicants indicated they wauld be happy to provide a list of the ABRA Auto Body shops ia the Twin Cities so she could choose one that was conveniendy located. After further discussion, McCrea moved, Egan seconded a motion to reconsider the May 5 decision by the City Council with respect to the ABRA Auto Body condilional use permit application and schedule it as an agenda item on the June 2, 1992, regulaz City Couacil meeting agenda. Aye: S Nay. 0 Jerry and Cazol Thomas of the Diamond T Ranch approached the Council about a building permit for an addition they ue planning to the clubhouse (it should be noted that further buildiag permits caanot be issued for uaplatted property without the approval of the City Council). D'uec[or of Commtinity Development Runkle said his depaztment had beea working with the Thomu' regazding the proposed expansion and staff had asked for a site plan so that the overall plan could be reviewed. He said a conditional use permit granted for a five year period was the con[rolling entity on the property. Mr. Runkle said a building permi[ would be allowed for the expansion of the existing buildiag only. Afrer furt6er discussion, McCrea moved, Egan seconded a moUOn to authorize staff to iuue a building permit for the expansion of the dubhouse on the Diamond T Raach property. Aye: 5 Nay. 0 REFERENDUM Councilmember McCrea expressed her disappoiatment in the outcome of the referendum oa May 19, 1992. S6e said it would 6ave been considerably more consvuctive to have heard aegative comments and issues before the vote so t6ose concerns could have been addressed. Mayor Egan said he had spoken to George Martin and Tom Wilson at a Rotary meeting and thcy are proposing a wmmunity committee to ad as a sounding boazd on community issues. Councilmember Pawlenty suggested a resource person at the HumpLrey Institute who may be willing to work with vazious community leaders in such an effort. COUNCIL LIAISON/CAPONI ART PARK Anthony Caponi has suggested that a liaison be appointed betweea the Council and other entities involved in the Art Pazk development. He recommended Councilmember McCrea or Councilmember Awada and both have iadicared a williagness to accept that role. / v/ /, J? ?'. MEMORANDUM TO: TOM HEDGES, CTTY ADMINIS'£RATOR GENE VANOVERBEKE, DIlZECTOR OF FINANCE TOM COLBERT, DII2ECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS KEN VRAA, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION PAT GEAGAN, POLICE CHIEF FROM: DALE C. RUNKLE, DII2ECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MAY 13, 1992 RE: CONDITIONAL USE & BUII,DING PERMIT DLkMOND T RANCH ; The Community Development Department has received an application for a building pemvt for the Diamond T Ranch. Plans have been fonvarded to all departments for review and comment. The City Council is the only body that can grant issuance of a building permit on an unplatted parcel. At the May 4 department head meeting, concerns were raised relating to the present use and if the proposed expansion would allow alternate uses in the future in the event the riding stable was sold or abandoned. Enclosed for your review are copies of the original Conditional Use Permit issued in 1980 for a 10.year period, and the one issued in 1992 for an additional five years. The only use allowed is for a boarding and riding stable. It should be noted that if the building permit is granted for this expansion, we aclrnowledge that the Conditional Use Permit reissued in 1992 is only for a five-year period relating strictly to a boarding and riding stable and in no way encourages any other use than allowed through the granting of the original Conditional Use Permit. It has been indicated to staff that the building permit is strictly for the expansion of the ?f riding stable and that there is no intent to convert this facility to an entertainment, or dance facility, as shown on the facade. The long term objective for this particulaz parcel is still recognized in the Comprehensive Guide which designates this parcel D-I (Residential, 0.3 dwelling units per acre), therefore ultunate development for this pazcel will be for residential use. As a result, platting may be premature with the request_for this building permit. Since platting will occur some time in the future, the question then is raised as to what requirements should be placed on this building permit, i.e. standard wnditions regarding water quality, parlong lot upgrading, etc. Mr. Thomas has expressed his concems regazding dedicating a pond for water quality, as well as not resurfacing the parking lot because of horses walldng back and forth over the blacktop. He is requesting that Class 5 material, or limestone in the parking area, be allowed vs. the upgrading to concrete curbing and blacktop. W. Thomas has agreed that a detailed site plan will be provided showing where , the grading will occur on this site, as well as what erosion control will take place during the construction and relocation of the pazking with the proposed expansion. This information will be provided and reviewed prior to issuance of any building permit. Hopefully this addresses some of the concems raised regazding the building permit for Diamond T Ranch, as well as long and short term use for the property. If you have any questions or would like additional information, we would be glad to provide this to you prior to the May 20, 1992 City Council meeting. ?.?.?..?..?, Community Development D'uector DCR/js attach. N S M O RA N D II K TO: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director BROM: Kim Eggers, Project Planner DATB: May 5, 1992 SIIBJECT: Diamond T Ranch Conditional Use Permit In 1980, an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) was submitted for Diamond T Ranch. The application request was for the "stabling of horses for rental." The CUP was approved by City Council on May 20, 1980 for a ten year period. Clubhouse uses for the property were not outlined in the Council minutes or in the conditions of the permit. In 19.91, another application was submitted by Diamond T Ranch for renewal of their CUP. Once again, the uses listed on the application specify only a"riding/boarding stable." The application was approved by City Council on January 7, 1992. No mention of clubhouse uses were listed in the Council minutes or in the conditions of the permit. Council yinu[es , May 20, 1?80 , Page Seven . DIAMOND T RANCH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Hr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas and Mr. lSike Thomas appeared coneerning their ? L?• ?.? application for a eonditianal use permit to allov a riding s[able and stabling of horses in an Agriculturally soned area on a 40-acre parcel on Sou[h Pilot Rnob Road. There vas discuasion concerning the pzoposed trails ia Dakota Coun[y Park including snowmobile irails in the vicinity. The Dakota County Park ?irector had indicated he had no objection to the proposal and also that.the enovmobile trail vill remain in the park area. After discussio¢, Smith moved, Egan seconded the motion to approve Lhe application su6ject to the recomendations of ihe Planning Commission including the following:. 1. The conditional uae permit shall be granted for a peziod of ten (10) years subject to revocation by the City.Council 1f the conditions lncluded in the granting of the permit are not met at all times. 2. Pzior to final approval of a conditional use permit by the Citq, the City shall receive a letter from Dakota County (Parks Department) indlcating that they are in accord with the use of the Dakota County Park trails by this horse stable and riding facility. . 3. The applican[ shall submit a copy of the contract vith Leliomann Mush- room Company or other satisfactory subcontrac[or for removal of manure at least once each week. This contract or a similar contract shall be in cffect.r.t all times while this sice is ucllizea for Che stabYing of horses. _Nu manure shail be per- mitted to be stored outside at any time. 4. This conditional use permit shall be revieved by other governmental agencies in accordance vith the provisions of the "Zoo Area Development Guide" prior to final approval by the Citq of Eagaa. 5. The conditional use permit shall only be granted to 13.6 acres and shall not extend to the entire 40 acre area except for pasture purposes. Any expansion shall requlre additional approval by the Citq. 6. The applicant proposes to develop a fence vith barbed wire around the property and this fence shall require [he specific approval of the City Council in accordance with Section 52.06 - Subd. 20 of the City's Zoning Ordinance dealing vith fences. 7. The applicant shall be required to dedicate additional right-of-vay along Pilot Knob Road in order to achieve a one-half right-nf-way dedieation of 75 feet from the centerline of Yilot Rnob Road. The applicant shall also.be required to reeeive approval from Dakota County for the proposed driveway. : 8. The applicant shall be required to dus[ control the crushed rock parking_ lot at all times and also be required to surface [6e drivevay leading from Pilot Knob Road to the edge of the parking lot vith the initial development of this facility. : Also subject to the understanding that the snwmobile snd eross councry skiing both will be anticipated in the area and through the applicant's facilitq vith neither to be jeopardized because of the applicant's use. All voted in favoi. The applicant underatood that a septic tank vill be installed on the property but that eventually municipal sewer aad vater vill serve the azea. Page 6/EAGAN C11'S COUNCII. MINLTIES ,S3 - C U- tI - I I- 41 _ _ January 7,1992 - property, Lowever, bewuse they were told that no carb eots woold be permitted. 1Ley tLm bongLt propaty at tLeir piesent locatlon onty to aee curb eafs allowed tar Holiday. Dleector o[ Public Worlca Colbert said that at the time of McDomid's purchese of property in that arm, Daicota Coonty waJd not pamlt cwfi wts on Nicols Road near Its inteesectlon witL CIIS Sincs that time, Lowrver, Nfcois Road waa toroed ba& to Fspu .rnich ess rosulcca in carb cnts eaog eeevaluatea ana ,ubaequmtlr Pd'mMed br the ChY• Counciimember McCrsa said her rnncrres wm aot w mnch tor the placement d a pyloo sign u for the preoedent Nat wonld 6e set ft pylon aiM were pa'mttted on prupertY noi abotUnB the hsewa7• DirKt°r ot Communiry Development Runkk srfd permittiug the sip would hrve an impact on the a'iWie used bY Communfty Devdopment W do thetr variana analysis bxanae st pnamt, oolY dlrat scass i+ osed- McCrea moved, Wac6ter eeconded, a mMfon to contlnoe 66 kem W the Februery 18,1992, eegular City Council meetlng to allow the Ciry Council rnd Advleory Planning Commissioo to meet in a schednled woric session on February 11,1991, W Iurther discuss Ux regulation of signa io the City. Ayc S Nay: U CONDITIONAL'USE PERMIT/bTABIM IJ(UKSE/DIAMOND T RANCH Mayor Egan introduced thls item as a eonditlonal nse permit and stabks Iianse [or the Diamond T Rench to allow a riding stable and boarding atable lu an AG (Agriculturap district on Pee'cel 011•75 loceted atoog the west side of Pilot Rnob Road, eoath oi Ciltf Road fc the soatLeast quarter ot Scctlon 33. Wachtcr moved, Pawlenry socooded, a motion to approve a eooditional use permit aod stables lkmse for the Diamond T Ranch to sllow a riding and boarding stable at the above locatlon, sabJect W the followiog condEtlocs: 1. All applicable codes shall be adhered to. 2. The condltlonai nse permit ehall be rceorded with docnmentatlon provided to the City within 60 days of Couocil action. 3. 'Ibe couditional nse permit shall Lave a 6ve-year period with informel stat[ review ot compliauce with the cond3tions yearly. 4. 'Ibe DSamond T RancL ahall mcet all stats environmmtal and water qualtry standards. S. All City licenstog provisiooa sLall 6e adhered to. 6. All Cfty [eoc[ng requlrements s6ell 6e sdheRd to. . Aye: 5 Nay. 0 OONDTl70IQAL IISE PERMfT/N11'I1 DiSP06AL/OZTiDOOR SP01tACZ Mayor Fgan introduced tLts item rs a eooditooal use permit for Nittl Disposal, lnc, to aUo+? oatdoor storage in an LI (I.ig6t IDdustxial) dishict on Lot S, Bloclc 1, Sibley Terminel Indashial psrk bated west o[ Highway 13, north o[ Yanlme Doodle Road In the SE 1/10[ SerUon & McCrea mmed, Pawlenty seconded, a motlon to eontlcne caasideration of a eondidonal ax permit for Nitti Disposal, Inc, to ellow ouWoor storage in an LI (Ljght Industrisl) dishict to the February 4, 1992, regular City Council meeting. Aye 5 Nay: 0 //80 "i'/of /,/"A ,c MEMORANDUM TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: JIM STURM, CTTY PLANNER DAT'E: APRII. 27, 1992 RE: ? DIAMOND-T-Rc.4NGH--,' _. . ----? The City has received a buIlding permit applicarion for the Diamond T Ranch prnposing a 48' x 72' (3,500 sq. ft.) building to be attached to the existing 2,500 sq. ft. building. 5ince the land is unplatted, Council authorization will be necessary before issuing the permit. This will be scheduled for the May 20 City Counci] meeting. Please forward any comments you may have regarding this item to my attention by Wednesday, May 6 so they can be incorporated into a memo to Tom Hedges and the packet. Thanks. City Planner JS/js -? rI 16 -7 ?_, SQ-et __'5 3 :ity oF eeqen MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122•1897 VHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX:(612)681•4612 MAINTENANCE FACIUTY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 661-4360 THOMASEGAN Mayof April 24, 1992 MR JERRY THOMAS 4889 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 RE: DIAMOND T EXPANSION Dear Mr. Thomas: PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHiER Counefl Memben THOMAS HEDGES Clry Atlminlnafrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Clefk We have reviewed your preliminary drawing for the proposed Diamond T expansion. You should discuss these items with your architect prior to his prepazation and your submittal of the final certified construction drawings and specifications. 1. If the consumption of alcoholic beverages will occur within the building, a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation must divide the building into compartments of 5,000 sq. ft. or less, or provide an automatic sprinkler system. See UBC Section 3802(c). 2. Fire department openings must be provided as specified in Section 3803(b) of the building code or provide an automatic sprinkler system. 3. If used as a dance hall, the building will need to be designed as for an A-2.1 occupancy. Please note that the proposed type V-N construction is not permitted for A-2.1 occupancies. An increase in exit width may also be required. Refer in part to UBC Tables 5-C and 33-A. 4. Provide recycling space in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 1305.1775. Please note such space must also comply with Article 11.201(d) of the fire code. THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunlty/AHirmatlye Acflon Employer i". t 9 r ? 5. Provide a janitor's service sink and handicap accessible drinking fountain. See Minnesota Rules 1305.1795 Table 5-E and UBC Section 511(c) Sincerely, Joe Merchak, Construction Analyst . Protective Inspections JM/js CC: Doug Reid, Chief Building Official SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW LARRYS.5EVERSON` JAMESF.5HELDON J. PA7RICK WILCOX' MICHAEL G.DOUGHERTY MICHAEL E. MOLENDA^ 800 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 7900 NEST 147fH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 (672) 432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER 432-3780 •AL50 LICENSED IN ]OWA ••AL50 LICENSED IN WISCO551N ...p7,g0 LICENSEll IN NEBRASK4 February 5, 1992 Mr. Gene VanOverbeke Eagan City Clerk 3830 Pilot Knob Road BoX 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Re: Project No. 590 - Pilot Knob Road Ponding & Utility Easement and Assessment Agreement File No. 206-8205 Dear Gene: KENNETH R. HALL ••'SC01T D. JOHNSTON LOREN M.SOLFEST CHRISTINE M.SCOTILiA ANNETfE M. MARGARIT DANIEL M.SHERIDAN SHARONK HtLr.c MARK D. STENBECK OFCOUNSEL JOHN E. Wl{ELICH In connection with the above matter, I enclose original recorded Assessment Agreement - Document No. 1023508 and Ponding & Utility Easement - Document No. 1023239 for the official City records. If you should have a question, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this matter. truly yours, , WILCOX & SHELDON f2oxann Duffy Legal Assistant lo -03400 - oao 50 ?Z:) ' 033-C.>O-0 I I - `?5 Enclosure ; , r 1023508 AQR8EM8NT WHEREAS, Diamond T Ranch, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, is the owner of the property described within the ponding easement attached as Exhibit A(Subject Property); and, WHEREAS, the Subject Property consists of portions of two parcels, Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75 and Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50; and, WHEREAS, both parcels shall be assessed for benefits resulting from Project 590, Pilot Knob Road reconstruction; and, WHEREAS, both parcels shall be assessed at the rate for property zoned Agricultural; and, WHEREAS, Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75 shall be assessed a total of $19,398.00 for storm sewer improvements; and, WHEREAS, Parcel No. 30-03400-020-50 shall be assessed $1,739.00 for storm sewer improvements and $13,520.00 for street improvements for a total assessment of $15,259.00; and, WHEREAS, the City of Eagan is responsible for acquiring a ponding easement necessary for the storm sewer system being installed as part of Project No. 590; and, WHEREAS, the City of Eagan has offered to pay $0.65 per square foot of the ponding easement acquisition; and, WHEREAS, the ponding easement described in the attached Exhibit A contains 45,848 square feet. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall accept assessments in the total amount of $19,398.00 for Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75. 2. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall accept assessments in the total amount of $15,259.00 for Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50. 3. The undersigned, for itself, its administrators, successors and assigns, hereby consents to the levy of the assessments described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Stipulation, and further, hereby waives notice of any and all hearings necessary, and waives objections to any technical defects in any proceedings related to these assessments, and further waives the right to object to or appeal from these assessments made pursuant to this agreement. 4. Diamond T Ranch, Znc. shall grant the City a ponding easement in the form and as set out in Exhibit A and shall accept $29,801.20 in total payment for granting said ponding easement. 5. Upon receipt of a fully executed easement as shown in Exhibit A, the City shall pay Diamond T Ranch, Inc. the sum of $29,801.20, as full settlement of the cost of acquiring the ponding easement. CITY 'X omas? Its Mayor L- E.J. anOverbeke Its Clerk DIe1IrOND WfRANCH, INC. By: By: Caro73•T as ? ?? / Its: lj `-_, , Dated: 1-7-92 STATE OF MINNESOTA . ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this ? day of , 19L?, before me a Notary Public within and for aid Co ty, personally appeared E. J. VAN OVERBEKE and THOMAS A. EGAN to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. ?. ? ry P blic Jt1DY WI. JENKfNB wor?rtr ?ue • ww?OM OAKOTA COUNIY ?b aoiaiairbn e?pUr ?•P7q EXHIBIT "A" Those parts o£ the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as designated on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 100, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; \ thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West, assumed bearing, M along the right of way line of C.S.A.H. No. 31 as designated on said map, a distance of 112.33 feet; thence North 67 degrees il minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 ? minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 ? degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence ? North 89 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 191.70 feet '?;to a point on the westerly right o£ way line of said C.S.A.H. No. 31 ??'?'l distant 10.41 feet northerly of right of way boundary corner B33 as designated on said map; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line, through right of way boundary corners B33, B32, B31, )\.? B30, B29, 828, B27 and B26 as designated on said map to the point of ,kj beginning. p; See also map attached hereto and made a part hereof. ? !? ,. \', •''? EXHI8IT A , ?? , . ? ? .. . , . ? , • i ?:?. j??? e? . ?,. ,,. o tn • I 1, ?' ? '?, .?,?•.'•, „- i. , ? ?I 191.70' ?- ?yMnh.1-?- ---------- ??` 'eio.v ? - B33 (. - ---? ? f.,?)'./ ? _ --+_ _' '=jf ? e y?? ., ? ? • ? ? J W , r .?. •--- ., ----- - -? I Q` W?"? ? ? •? , " ? ??? ^? • LL ? NS ??I'll / POND I ' / 11 nt s?I• I ? .."1. • ?°? • ? ?' / . ? '1 'n LL' . ? I ? j ' ??? ? ? 1 ? ? ,? ?'• ? ? UI O .• ?? J?i i ? wtifCfi ELC'/;?TIOt! 8/22/90 e 3GI R.J FT. I ? PROPOSED EASEMENT -I-=-...__ 10 "B„ Z 45.8+6 SG. ft 1 0525 Acres P/w IiNE O! CS<.?I N0O. Si AS DE9GrvPTED 0 ?? I I.'?.i - C ? •?`?+ /Ixi MNOiP COVNit P{+??1 f WAT MJ?PNO. WO ^--? ? ?? VI I,? ?1 (L ? ','•?V' \ ? `?, ?`,``_ : . r I I ?, `? S 75'16•03..I usa , I I d1 I ? F" Q 20.pp ?q3'SI '\ Q " ? ? •.1 i? m ? •???M???; ?` ?? ?,'?, ,_??r ?i`? K, , . ... _.. ` 1P?? ?`; ? (.' ..... ???? ' • { _._? 51! _?e ;4 ?.3i. r • . ...y. L ???i ' ? .. ? -- s_? ...._._ _ ' ?" ? 'r ? I'.i, ? ; „a .r? ?i ' ., h?.....,.._'? `....I.'; 112.33' S O0' 0'10.. E+? ? .B81 w 2:S.? ?.a_ ?? ' N s. ??•.s?,o•• ? . ; ? ; ? ; J r . 89'.50'40'' ---?-?. ? -- - _ -.-;_ 86.71 . L Trt Quarter ose psrts of the Norttrvest QuarUr - of the 6evthwest Section Township 7Quartaze of 28eetion 33e NortRaact puaztez of Tovnanip 41, Rsnga 33, Dakota County, Kinnsso[e, CascsibeE ae Deqinning at riqht of vay Deundnry cornaz BB es deaignated on DAlCaTA COUNTY ROAD RZGNC OF NAY !UP N0. 100, . aecozding to the rocorGad sep thareot, Dakote County, Minneaota; trance 6ouU 89 dayrees 79 ninutas 40 YOCOTC6 xest, ascumeA bearinq, along the right of vay lina of C.S.A.A. No. 31 as deeiqnetad on ssiE map, s Qistanee of 112.33 feet; thanCe NOrtJf 67 deqcMS 11 ESnuUS 38 Neona6 I Beet e dietence Of 350.73 laati ChtTCe NOStII 9 ae9raa6 10 minutes 73 saaonds East a diatenee of 132.70 faet;,thance 1 Nozth 45 daqrees 75 ainvtes 57 Maeonas Esst a Qistanee of ` 19.64 faat; thenee North 89 daqzsai 39 IDSnUtes 11 seeonds ? Eact e Eistanca of 191.70 !Nt to e point en the veoterly riqTt of way llne ot said C.S.A.H. No. 31 diatant 10.13 Leet northezly of signt of vey Ooundary eomez B» as CaniqnateE on seSC aep; thance southerly, •lrng-seiE ws[erly riqht of vny lins, through s3gnt ot ray beu'MsrY eernera.833, B32, e 31, 830, 839, 838, 977 and S26 as duioated on se1G asp to the point of Deqinninq. , , 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF B//G16t ) On this ? day of ?c+x ?&/' _, 1991, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared J?m?? 7h n,as and <'abern4S to me personally known,? who being each by me duly sworJ?, each did say that they are respectively the r?PS????+ and L?? c? ?r r?i Aa?,t _ of DIAMOND T RANCH, INC., the corporation r.amed in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is tha corYorate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said :Lrr:4 "ncsw,c? and lacol-177hon,a5 acknowledged sa instrument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. Notary blic ?V?I'FY?!I?CKWJ.'N.•a: `.J6.?'I IIJN• •? " CLi::ACE?H A. V,1I7T ; tjOi..kY >CSL:-N9'.E[J`A ? APPROVED AS TO FORM: DA":-TA •=OU%iY MY cxar,.c::-u crpires 2•:6;? ? . ?iaw?r<ct,nr?o.. . . . ..• .• . -v,? City Attorney's Office Dated: ---------------------- APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: t - ? elC Public Works?Department Dated: ¢ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: 2E 9F? ? SEVERSON, WZLCOX & SHELDON, PA. ¢ op ZS W 600 Midway National Bank Bldg.. ?? o ? o? X 7300 West 147th Street oI o W ? Q pple Valle y, MN 55124 ap i Q W?° ? N (612) 432-3136 O $p ?y? ? O ? AMM M w< c3`n o ? F ?? O W 0 W ? < ? > --q 6O rL?¢p_ W ~. SKM ? C ?U¢ ? U?¢O ? 8? W ? ¢ ? ? ? ? 3 ? -wt PONDING AND IITZLITY SASBMENT IN CONNECTZON WITH PRIVATE PROJECT 590 o33.r -? r/-7r 1023239 I c- c 3 vcr - C 2, .6 C THIS PONDING AND UTILITY EASEMENT is made this ? day of ?a.????? , 199?, between DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporationrred to as "Landowner", and the CITY OF EAGAN, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". W I T 1J E 8 S E T H: That Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) ar.d cther qood an@ valuab7.e r_onsider.•atior, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent easement for ponding and utility purposes over, across and under the following described premises, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit: Those parts of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the , Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as designated on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO.. 100, ?according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, =\ Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds " W West, assumed bearinq, along the right of way line of ?.,?. C.S.A.H. No. 31 as designated on said map, a distance of 112.33 feet; thence North 67 degrees il minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 191.70 feet to a point on the westerly zig!:t 'vi way lil;2 of 3nid ::.S.F..iI. NG. 31 distnnt 1.0.47. fe2t northerly of right of way boundary corner S33 as designated on said map; thence southerly, alonq said westerly riqht of way line, through right of way boundary corners B33, B32, B 31, B30, B29, B28, B27 and B26 as designated on said map to the point of beginning. See also Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The grant of the foregoing permanent easement for ponding and utility purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain pipes, conduits, mains or ponds. yr Tfansfer Entered Thfe ??-y? dsy ot ??'T?? - 197SL? ????_ County AudfLOr, Da4oLa Co Landowner retains the right to use the premises for any lawful purpose, and the right to grant other easements over, under or across the premises, provided such use does not interfere with the ponding purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporation By: / t. ?q4xTifnoeAS Its: _ Vtea Paosinr.rs _ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF QAKr,1A ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (e]2? day of S N r. , 1991, by and T , the P Pc'?. a and Vee of DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation._ No Ary Public APPROVED AS TO FORM: dt?OY M. ?!KltM , 1"orAm PIauO • iN^,?saTa DAKOTA COI' convnlMlOn mWr -•97 _ City Attorney's Office Dated: ' r , APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Works D art-ent Dated : -Zia . 199 i THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: ? SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDUN, P.A. - 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street 0 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 ? MGD4/DAJ , 9 C? .? ? N O .--I I1 ? ? o?s C1 Y ?¢W W ?o z 0¢ ?WU T U. x Fm ?3N W W??Q ?¢p2 EF 6 U_¢O ? ? T ? ¢ ? W? o N ? W ? ? Z d C UU ? S O Z 8 ? ? 3 ? ? L ? ?? r _ CONBENT The undersigned holder of that certain Mortgage, dated as of the 29th day of October, 1980, recorded October 30, 1980, in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota as Document No. 569895, covering the premises described in the foregoing ponding and utility easement, hereby consents to the grant of said easement described therein as of this ? day of ???4*'?h?A•'? _, 1991. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION,. an.agency of the United States Government ? By: Melvin B. Aanerud Its: Chief, PM Division STATE OF MINNE50TA) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) On the day of 19 before me, a Notary Public witTii'n and for sai ounty an State, personally appeared Melvin B. Aanerud to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the Smsll Business Administration, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is Chief, Portfolio Management of the Minneapolis District Office of the 5ma11 Business Administration, that said instrument was executed on behalf of the Small Business Administration pursuant to the authority contained in 13 C. F. R. 101.3-2, and said Melvin B. Aanerud 3cknowledged said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed. ----- ---------- 14 AUCE H. LAUGHLIN NOTARVPUBLIC -MINNESOTA 14otary u c, ermep n Ollllty HENNEPIN COUNTY I My Commi9gipn Espres Fep, V, I9p5 Minnes ota My Commission Expires ? ? rl ? ? r° ? • I . • ' ?\ ? , ' i?? ; ??' j, ???I rI?•I "?? O .? , . ?., /.. o ? . . • ;, . , ., ?, ?, ?, ? . ? .r.? i .. . i•' , ?1 i a ' 191.70' t ? i , 1 , • ' , ' e?s ? B33 ?? ? 9j? s W ? --- I' ? lL • I I ? ?C., ? . ?. I 5 ``!• ? ? o??' oo. ?1 ? •N • I ? 5? ?O J' iT U1 POND WH1ER ELE'JATiOA 8/42/90 = 96I 6.3 FT. .P" PROPOSED EASEMENT ? W ?" ? `t M 45,848 59. Ft 1.0525 Acres C S 4HI ? I? p/W LINE Oi N0. 3iWATA!MPUE+??NPTEDWO 0 • ' ? ? p+ pqe0TAC011NTYRGNIOFPNO. ? ?.? )r?li ?\ p , tC ?' „?C - -,,1`?- 36B z ; e^ 03..I eza ? ? sg?o ?O.pO w M44q3"S,y, ? : •;?, ,? ? _ I ? ' , - = a. S ?4 • ? ? ;,,.s?; ? (, .y ?4,? h??5? J .. _ ? ;`? V ` ?• 2 ' Qr, J$04 _ ? ? ? ? r . .,,? • .., - ...-? _ 112.33 1 '- ._ _? r,., 1 S 00' 0,10 4?. F' ? S81 1 10. $" - -? -- _' _ S. B?'19'40" W I 239.82 86 .7/ I t t ri a??.s9•ao? . -, Echibit A :ity oF eagan MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722•1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 581-4612 MAINiENANCE FACILITY 3507 COACHMAN POWT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55722 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681•4350 THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHTER Councll Members THOMAS HEDGES Clry Atlminlnstratar EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CNy Cierk January 8, 1992 MR MIKE DOUGHERTY SEVERSON WILCOX & SFiELDON PA 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BLDG 7300 W 147TH ST APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Re: Project 590, Pilot Rnob Road Reconstruction Assessment &_Easement._Acquisition Aqreement PaiCels ?10_03300-011-75 10-3400-020-50 Dear Mike: Enclosed for your use is the above-referenced original agreement. Should you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, J d M. J nkins ineer'ng Secretary /7J Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTN AND GROVYTH IN OUR COMMUNfTY Equal Opporfunity/Afflrmative Actfon Employer :ity oF eagan MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122•1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681 •4612 MAINTENANCE FACIL(TY 3501 COACHMAN POiNT EAGAN, MINNESOiA 55122 PHONE; (672) 681•4300 FAX: (672) 681-4360 THOMASEGAN Moyor January 8, 1992 JERRY & CAROL TAOMAS DIAMOND T RANCH 4889 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55123 Re: Project 590, Pilot Rnob Road Reconstructioa Assessment & Easement Acquisition Agreement Parcel 10-03300-011-75 Paicel 10-03400-020-50 PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACNTER CouncllMembere THOMAS HEDGES CItV Atlmininsirator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIry qerk Dear Mr. & Mrs. Thomas: At the January 7, 1992, City Council meetinq, the above-referenced agreement was approved which I am enclosing for your files. I am also enclosing a check in the amount of $29,801.20 for the ponding easement acquisition. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Ju M. ins E ineeri g Secretary /7Mj Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGiH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opporfunity/Afflrmative Acflon Employer e :.. ? WFIEREAS, Diamond T Ranch, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, is the owner of the property described within the ponding easement attached as Exhibit A(Subject Property); and, WHEREAS, the Subject Property consists of portions of two parcels, Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75 and Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50; and, WHEREAS, both parcels shall be assessed for benefits resulting from Project 590, Pilot Knob Road reconstruction; and, WHEREAS, both parcels shall be assessed at the rate for property zoned Agricultural; and, WHEREAS, Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75 shall be assessed a total of $19,398.00 for storm sewer improvements; and, WHEREAS, Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50 shall be assessed $1,739.00 for storm sewer improvements and $13,520.00 for street improvements for a total assessment of $15,259.00; and, WHEREAS, the City of Eagan is responsible for acquiring a ponding easement necessary for the storm sewer system being installed as part of Project No. 590; and, WHEREAS, the City of Eagan has offered to pay $0.65 per square foot of the ponding easement acquisition; and, WHEREAS, the ponding easement described in the attached Exhibit A contains 45,848 square feet. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall accept assessments in the total amount of $19,398.00 for Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75. . 2. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall accept assessments in the total amount of $15,259.00 for Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50. 3. The undersigned, for itself, its administrators, successors and assigns, hereby consents to the levy of the assessments described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Stipulation, and further, hereby waives notice of any and all hearings necessary, and waives objections to any technical defects in any proceedings related to these assessments, and further waives the right to object to or appeal from these assessments made pursuant to this agreement. 4. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall grant the City a ponding easement in the form and as set out in Exhibit A and shall accept $29,801.20 in total payment for granting said ponding easement. 5. Upon receipt of a fully executed easement as shown in Exhibit A, the City shall pay Diamond T Ranch, Inc. the sum of $29,801.20, as full settlement of the cost of acquiring the ponding easement. DIAMOND ?? RANCH, INC. By: By: Carol Tkrom s ?? Its: Dated: 1-7-92 E. . VanOverbeke Its erk STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this 714 day of , 19 1?Z-v before me a Notary Public within and for aid Co ty, personally appeared E. J. VAN OVERBEKE and THOMAS A. EGAN to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. ?. .ti..?c.?..J a ry P blic NKINS MM1?,80TA [q:E=DWAK07TA00UNTY frea 7.22.Q/ a STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF 4f.,L- ) On this 17T day of 1991, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared SP.rrti -Yh o mts and 0n s-o 1 7homa S to me personally know , who being each by me duly sworn each did say that they - are respectively the ?!'?sr?/e.« f and ?rr `??'Ps i c?a..? I- of DIAMOND T RANCH, INC., the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said V_e/'n. '7 omas and 0a?o( '7'hemcc9 acknowledged sai instrument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. Notary P lic APPROVED AS TO FORM: Public Works Department Dated: / z THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 AMM WMNY? `iI.?w•O.NT[a?. W?' ELIZAGETH A. WITT ? ? -? (NOTARY 'U3liC - Mlt \ESJfR tt DAKOTA COUNTY Myconnrs;icncrpiros 2-16-97 { p OA98L?f9PF?9JP00`?.N.f? w? ^.:ti?•? v?NT:: ?4i.Mt APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ?' . EXHIBIT "A" Those parts of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as designated on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 100, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the right oP way line of C.S.A.H. No. 31 as designated on said map, a distance oP 112.33 feet; thence North 67 degrees 11 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 191.70 feet to a point on the westerly right of way line of said C.S.A.H. No. 31 distant 10.41 feet northerly of right of way boundary corner B33 as designated on said map; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line, through right of way boundary corners B33, B32, B31, 530, B29, B28, B27 and B26 as designated on said map to the point of beginning. See also map attached hereto and made a part hereof. : ?. , , .: • ?,. '•?`, f i -? --r`- ? ?'-- ?; EXHIBIT A ; ? o 191.70' N?N? ???1M??N???' N q1 s,'s `, )•` 1 ?lll.pt 1 B33 ?;?i, I - J5? s• - \ -? • ? ? . ^ ? `? ?1. 2? (' y ? • ?5??.??'.•_ ?.• I I II ? ? i . ,? ? ,?5`L?' I? , e • 9'? :` 1'? n ?, ? ??O?ooo??` )` POND wnrLi¢ elEVnr,ori e/22190 = 9e1.3 rT. ; (M ? PROPOSED EASEMEN T 4=-' w " iin -7 „B . ( r- 0 (n 45,546 so. Fi Io , I N? 1 il ? V . „ R52/W5 LINncEr aF .- O C 5 A.tl. 0. 71 A9 OE5,O? UO IX1MK6ip [OUNTY R?411T OF' WRY MAP rv i• - .... `=?' " ` ? /, •,.?`: ,/ ,?," :?;_ 9 Hc::`.``.t?i 5 .1S')6'? o 3. / .I se °?? ?O.pp i ; ?.' , ,.,y ,????•. 15r7 ., ? 0??«? i'? `??'.? .. ?..;a'S? ? ) / ? f 1,4 ;.• 112.33' S 00' lo'1o" F ? i -•_'___ _ .. .. _ ....__ _. . __." NiN????Of3iN????NNN? . . I.,? I > 10. S. 89'.?9'.7p" y? ? 9:S9.B2 . w. B81 , ? . . Hr,.i:i Those parts of the Northwest Quarter af the Southwest Quazter of Section 74, TovnsRip 27, Range 73 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Qvarter of section 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota Covnty, Tlinnesota, 6esciibed as beqinning at right of way boundary eorner 88 ns . designated on DAICOTA CO[r/1TY ROAD RIGHT OP WAY HAP NO. 100, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, MSnnesota; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconde west, assumed bearing, along the right of way line ot C.S.A.H. No. 33 as desiqnated on eaid map, a distanee of 112.33 feet; thence North 67 deqsees 13 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence Nor[h 9 Gegreee 10 IDinutes 32 eeconds East a distance of 132.20 teet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconde East a distance of 49.64 Peet; thenCe North 89 deqTelS 39 IDinutes 11 SeCOnds East a distanca af 191.70 feet to a point on tAe vesterly' =ighi of vay.line of sai9 C.S.A.H. No. 31 distant 10.41 feeL northerly of right of way baundary corner B33 as designated on said map; thente soutTerly, elonq said westerly zight of way line, tRrough right of way boutMery corners 7333, B33, B 33, B30r 829, H28, B27 and B26 as deaiqnaLed Dn Ceid map to tRe point of beginning. ?=- --_-?_- - - - - - a0 9?E) p3?')71•• j C r?.?w.? ? w,:e:_...w...?.. ? ..? .?,. - - - .??-.s.o._w.s?s?. a C ?-?? ? lJ (: DA'E NUMBER (? A? CITV OF EAGAN • 3630 PILOT KN08 ROAD • EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 ? ? (It c a ( OC', C..<( INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER REM-0ESCRIPTION - PO. NUMBEfl NETAMOUM 74-4617- ? ? I i ? I ? ? i ? i 775-00 PROJECT 590 EASEMENT 29,801,20 RBdITTANCE V OUGHER DETACH BEFORE USING AMOUNT T41S INSTRUMENT, WHEN SIGNEO BY THE 083709 ??-Z CITY OF EAGAN TREASURER. SHALL BECOME A CHECK 810 PpYABLE TO THE OROER Of THE PAVEE NUMBER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD NAMED FOR THE AMOUNT STATED. EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE AMOUNT PAY 1/G/92 29,801.20 ? ? f s ? ?;• ,: ? ? : ? ,? ? ??? : ? ? ? ?'';: :? ToTHE • DTAMOND T RANCH INC ORDER . OF . .:..: ?.. i. C( ?a .: •.: ?i{}C: '? ? • V ? Rnt B?Ni ' ??.? ? .:^:}?: {: i? . .. O l = . C 3629 KrenMVOC .( .. .. :.:'.:'.: {:'.. .. C: .•• ; 0 ( Eapan. Minnewta 55123 • . ?.. •' •.:. ..,i}?:}:. .l .: •: ^ :T? ? SURER ., . .: ....??.•. ... . . . ' -•..:?.: ?.:?.,... . . . : ?.: .. ._ .. 118083M9110 4091,0000221: L 19 194 38 5 2i1' :ity oF eagan MUNIdPAL CENTER 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 January 7, 1992 MAINTENANCE FACIt1TY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE; (672) 681-4300 FAX:(612)661•4360 MR MIKE DOUGHERTY SEVERSON WILCOX & SHELDON PA 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BLDG 7300 W 147TH ST APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 Re: Pondinq and utility Easemettt Aqreement Paroels: 30-03300-011-75 10-03400-020-50 Dear Mike: Enclosed please find the above-referenced original agreement for your use in recording this document at Dakota County. Thanks for your assistance, Mike. Sincerely, dy M nkins ngineering Secretary /jmj Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY i THOMASEGAN MayO( PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA iIM PAWLENN THEODORE WACHTER Councll MemGars THOMAS HEDGES Clry Atlminlnsfrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Clty Clerk Equal Opportunity/Afflrmative Actlon Employer • w PONDING AND OTILITY 8A88![8NT IN CONNECTION WITH PRIVATE PROJECT 590 PA2cELS:/0- 03300 -011-7S- i o- 0 3Y0o - U70-5,O THIS PONDING AND UTILITY EASEMENT is made this ? day of , 1993„ between DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporation,' referred to as "Landowner", and the CITY OF EAGAN, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITDTB888T8: That Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent easement for ponding and utility purposes over, across and under the following described premises, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit: Those parts of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33,. Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as .designated on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 100, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the right of way line of C.S.A.H. No. 31 as designated on said map, a distance of 112.33 feet; thence North 67 deqrees ll minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes li seconds East a distance of 191.70 feet to a point on the westerly right of way line of said C.S.A.H. No. 31 distant 10.41 faet northerly of right of way boundary corner B33 as designated on said map; thence southerly, along said westerly.riqht of way line, through right of way boundary corners 833, B32, B 31, B30, H29, B28, B27 and B26 as designated on said map to the point of beqinning. See also Exhihit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The grant of the foregoing. permanent easement for ponding and utility purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain pipes, conduits, mains or ponds. Landowner retains the right to use the premises for any lawful purpose, and the right to grant other easements over, under or across the premises, provided such use does not interfere with the ponding purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnespta corporation 9 ? By: ? By: rao ? Its: i ?v STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF nAKnTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this &Id day of SaN io N , 199}, by drid Cn ranl T/.s...at , the p Pt;.lt.a and V,ee P.ea:tlew'! of DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Not Pu ic APPROVED AS TO FORM: ? ; ? .. . . City Attorney's Office Dated: . -? ?%• JUDY M. JBNKINB aoram nuauc - MieNesoTa DAKOTA COUNTY cj i.Ay commisslon explres 7-22-87 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: -1;-, Public Works D art ent Dated: 'Z'e . 1991 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 MGD/DAJ • • . . ?\\ '??\`r `. n! \ ( f t- , ' II I /? y • • 1 ? s N ? ? f I N M - .? WA7ER ELEV. PROPOSED Ll +:lJ I ,r• (' O "? ?'? ?°? ` ' ? ' { ^ U) 191.70' ?..... ?...... ?,? , 4 --T? s4 >eiu.ai ,B33 l'. sr.?s- ? 97 ? ? ysg • a??. { ' 4 ? U wj\ \ `L \ ? . , (7nJ ? -'' /'? 00 LL, '2/90 = 968.5 FT. / LO -MENT O ? j?4 . `? jeB`' \.LP ?.15.?6?03., eze n! 4969z .?\?•.\ ?`?t*?,^' , 2p. pp I W ;?q y3 5 ? w ? 1 Q ?4. . . ?.. 4 112.33' S a0' 0' 0?? EI ? --?- -- _.__..?r ----?NiN?NNfii?NN I-• ? - ? 10. $1 N S.69':i9'40" w I, 2:59.82 W?s81?, ? , ,:> ? ? .. ' ? • E? 1 ?7 '? ? ? hl 89'39 d0L-? _...._.._ . __ . __ • . ._ . . .__._____ _.. . ? q: H6.77 r L? ar Fxhibit A CONSENT The undersigned holder of that certain Mortgage, dated as of the 23t_i day of October, 1980, recorded October 30, 1980, in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota as Document No. 569895, covering the premises described in the foregoing ponding and utility easement, hereby consents to the qrant of said easement described therein as of this ? day of ?L??LrfML-?-r , 1991. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, an agency of the united States Government 9 By: Melvin B. Aanerud Its: Chief, PM Division STATE OF MINNE50TA) )SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN/) On the / 7 tit da of y l f , 19 before me, a Notary Public witTin and for sa ounty an State, personally appeared Melvin B. Aanerud to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of the Small Bueiness Administration, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is Chief, Portfolio Management of the Minneapolis District Office of the Small Business Administration, that said instrument was executed on behalf of the Small Business Administration pursuant to the authority contained in 13 C. F. R. 101.3-2, and said Melvin B. Aanerud acknowledged said instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed. ------ ---------- ---- AIICE H. LAUGHLIN -tv jV NOTAFVPl18UC-MMNESOTA ? dotary u ic, e ep n ounty ?y HENNEPIN COUNTY ''0\?.•' MY 0?15sion Expires Feb. 22, 1985 Minnesota bi 11kbImi My Commission Expires 2- - 22 - j5__ P /0 _ DjyOa ^620-S6 OF 3830 PIlOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FAX: (614) 454-8363 December 10, 1991 JERRY & CAROL THOMAS DIAMOND T RANCH 4889 PILOT RNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55123 THOhNSEGAN nna DAVID K. GUSTAiSON DPMELA AYfREA TIM DAWIEMY TFiEODORE WACHTER Cnun01 nYmCers Th10MM5 HEDCES City Admin6trata EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cay Ckrk Re: Project 590, Pilot Rnob Road Recoastruction 8asement Acquiaition i Assessment Aeclassilication Aqreement Dear Jerry & Carol: Over the last eight months, we have had several conversations and numerous correspondence regarding recalculating your assessment obligation based on an Agricultural zoning as well as negotiating the City's acquisition of a ponding easement.over your property. Just recently, I have been informed that you were able to qet the Small Business Administration to siqn the consent portion of tkie Ponding and Utility Easement documents. Toqether with both of your signatures and their notarization, two copies of those easement documents should be ready to be returned to the City for recordinq at Dakota County. In a letter I sent to you on July 29, I indicated that the City's acquisition cost for this ponding easement would take into consideration the assumption of a 75' half right-of-way dedication. Since that time, Z have been informed that the County will not be acquiring anything beyond the 60' half right-of-vay contained within their right-of-way plat maps. Subsequently, the City is willing to compensate you for the full 45,848 square feet as described in the Ponding and Utility Easement documents that you are executing. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITY en S'.nt -t-° ? J r S Equai OpportunHy/AffirmaHve AcHOn Employer Page 2 Our City Attorney's Office felt that it would be best to document both the assessment adjustment and the ponding easement acquisition through a short agreement. I have enclosed four original copies of that agreement which 2 would ask that you also sign and return with the two Ponding and Utility Easement documents. This agreement will then be forwarded to the City Council at their next available Council meeting for ratification and authorization to issue payment to you in the amount of $29,801.20 for compensation of the easement dedication. Also, our pending assessment records will then be modified to reflect the reduced special assessment obligation for those parcels. A copy of this agreement and ponding easement document is being forwarded to your attorney for his information. If either of you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your convenience so that I can help get this issue resolved in a time frame satisfactory to you. I would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation through this process. I look forward to your response and return of the referenced executed documents. Sincerel , ? "rhoiLas A. Colbert, P.? Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Paul Hauge, Grannis & Hauge Law Firm Enclosures ? PONDING AND OTILITY BASS!lBNT IN CONNECTION WITH PRIVATE PROJECT 590 THIS PONDING AND UTILITY EASEMENT is made this day of , 1991, between DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota Corporation, referred to as "Landowner", and the CITY OF EAGAN, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". W I T N 8 S 8 B T 8: That Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and ather good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assiqns, a permanent easement for ponding and utility purposes over, across and under the following described premises, situated within Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit: Those parts of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as designated on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD.RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 100, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the right of way line of C.S.A.H. No. 31 as designated on said map, a distance of 112.33 feet; thence North 67 degrees 11 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes il seconds East a distance of 191.70 feet to a point on the westerly right of way line of said C.S.A.H. No. 31 distant 10.41 feet northerly of right of way boundary corner B33 as designated on said map; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line, through right of way boundary corners B33, B32, B 31, B30, B29, B28, B27 and B26 as designated on said map to the point of beginning. See also Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. The grant of the foregoing permanent easement for ponding and utility purposes includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain pipes, conduits, mains or ponds. CONSENT The undersigned. holder of that certain Mortgage, dated as of the 29th day of October, 1980, recorded October 30, 1980, in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota as Document No. 569895, covering the premises described in the foregoing ponding and utility easement, hereby consenta to the •grant of said easement described therein as of this day of , 1991. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, an agency of the United States Government By: Melvin B. Aanerud Its: Chief, PM Division STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day ap , 1991, by Melvin B. Aanerud, the Chief, PM Division, of the SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, an agency of the United States Government, on behalf of such agency. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 MGD/DAJ Landowner retains the right to use the premises for any lawful purpose, and the riqht to grant other easements over, under or across the premises, provided such use does not interfere with the ponding purposes of this easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporation By: its: By: Its: STATE OF MINiNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this of , 1991, by and . the and of DIAMOND T. RANCH, INC., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public APPROVED AS TO FORM: ? Ckty Atto ney'r?,?f i R*ed: day APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Works De artment Dated: _4 ZB ?_ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 MGD/DAJ , ' . ,. ? •?? . EXHI BI?' A ? . , d . 1 r I ' I • ' , ?, ' ` `, . , ? i., o `n 191.70' •ew.ni 1 B33 9'1 ??• ? " \ . , W (1 . i/ -?• \ o ?. ? I Q ? I ^ ? I1? . ", `nj t ?. ? I „ N? . POND ? ? .I.. ; wATER ELEvnTI0t1 8/22/90 R 966.3 FT. 4$'` , PROPOSED EASEMENT --_-_::::L?- , ? - Q ' o r? ^1 2??" 1.? 1 45:e48 sa. rt 1.0525 acres ? ?n/w UNE Ot CSA.1 N0. 31 AS OEiIGNPTED O ? \,,` t OF MMY MAP N0. 100 V ? 41.' )" 1 \` pN pqKOiP COIMTY p w N 74 .` S1 , i I ? 1 4 99io`,? ? 520'o.pp 3..l os a357 q - As w , ?? I: ? m o ? i ' •????? -0 , • y • ..\ _ _:. _ ?:?.,d!?r _ S -4~ • ...4:1 INl.tQ ; ???.. ?_-..._.:_ ....????--$Q4 • ,. 112.33' S00' 0? 0" F i ? 'B81 ? v 1 O. B' ? ?. ?. N S. 89':i3'•10" W ? 2:59.82 .sF , , • • ?, l ?7 i i ? hl 89':59'4UY --- - - - - - t . _ . __._ _-----A. :i1R9.i R6.%7 Those parte of the NortRwat puarter ot the 8outhwost Quarier of eactlen 31, Soreahip 79. Fenqe 23 end the Northeeat Quarter of the Southaest Quartez of Bection 33, Tovnship 37, _Range 23, Dakota Covnty, ItSnneeote, deacribed as baginninq at zight of vay boundery carnar B8 as . deeiqnated on DAROTA COUNTY ROAD RIGH7' OF w71Y-NAP M0. 100, secording to the recorded mep thareof, Dakota County, Ninnesote, UlenCa Bouth 89 dagleee 39 IDSnuteB 60 aeconfle reat, msitusad benring, along the riqht of ray line of C.S.A.A. No. 31 as Aesiqnstad on eaid map, a dietanu of 112.33 faHt; thanCe North 67 Cagzaee 11 minute8 78 aeconds Nest a distenca of 150.33 fcet; thance North 9 deqrees 10 minutes 32 seeonds PAet e distaiCCe of 132.30 feat; thence Notth 65 Cegisea 35 minutes 57 6eCOnde Eaet e Qistanca'of ' 69.66 leet7 thenCe Moith 89 Aegrees 39 minuteB 11 9eCOnds Eeet s distenca oP 191.70 feat to a point on the wstezly iight of vey line of seid C.S.A.H. No. 91 Qiatant 10.41 laet . mrtLerly of [iqIIt of vay DeuMary corner 833 u Maiqnated ' on seid mp; thenca eoutherly, elmp sald rssterly rigTt of . vey line, tLrougR riqht of wy bourMery oorners 833, 832, B 33, H30, H29, 82e, B77 aM 526 u EulqiutW en"id asp to the point ot 6eginning. . ... .y - ncRasxsrrr WHEREAS, Diamond T Ranch, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, is the owner of the property described within the pondinq easement attached as Exhibit A(SUbject Property); and, WHEREAS, the Subject Property consista of portions of two . parcels, Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75 and Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50; and, WHEREAS, both parcels shall be assessed for benefits resulting from Project 590, Pilot Knob Road reconstruction; and, WHEREAS, both parcels shall be assessed at the rate for property zoned Agricultural; and, WHEREAS, Parcel -No. 10-03300-011-75 shall be assessed a total of $19,398.00 for storm sewer improvements; and, WHEREAS, Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50 Bhall be assessed $1,739.00 for storm sewer improvements and $13,520.00 for street improvements f. a total assessment of $15,259.00; and, 'REAS, the City of Eagan is responsible for acquiring a pondinq eas<:?:e. necessary for the storm gewer system being installed as part of ; '70. 590; and, F; `he City of Eaqan has offered to pay $0.65 per square foot of ':. '-^q easement acquisition; and, Wi3EgEp,g, ^dinq easement described in the attached E?crii; -tt A contains 45,848 square reet. NOW, THEREFORE, the partiect do hereby agree as follows: , 1. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. ehall accept assessments in the total amount of $19,398.00 for Parcel No. 10-03300-011-75. 2. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall accept assessments in the total amount of $15,259.00 for Parcel No. 10-03400-020-50. 3. The undersiqned, for itself, its administrators, Buccessors and assiqns, hereby consents to the levy of the assessments described in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Stipulation, and further, hereby waives notice of any and all hearinqs necessary, and waives objections to any technical defects in any proceedinqs related to these assessments, and further waives the riqht to object to or appeal from these assessments made pursuant to this agreement. 4. Diamond T Ranch, Inc. shall grant the City a ponding easement in the form and as set out in Exhibit A and shall accept $29,801.20 in total payment for granting said ponding easement. 5. Upon receipt of a fully executed easement as shown in Exhibit A, the City shall pay Diamond T Ranch, Inc. the sum of $29,801.20, as full settlement of the cost of acquirinq the ponding easement. DIAMOND T RANCH, INC. By: Jerry Thomas Its: By: Carol Thomas Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 1991, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared ? and to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the and of DIAMOND T RANCH, INC., the corporation named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was siqned and sealed on behalf of esid corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said and acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. Notary Public APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney's Office Dated: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Yiorks Department Dated: j ?. -??- °?/ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, 1+IId 55124 (612) 432-3136 AMM EXFIIBIT "A" Those parts of the t3orthwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of 5ection 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as designated on DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 100, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the right of way line of C.S.A.H. No. 31 as desiqnated on.said map, a distance of 112.33 feet; thence North 67 degrees 11 minutes 28 seconds West a distance of 150.33 feet; thence North 9 degrees 10 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 degrees 35 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 191.70 feet to a point on the westerly right of way line of said C.S.A.H. No. 31 distant 10.41 feet northerly of right of way boundary corner 833 as designated on said map; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line, through right of way boundary corners B33, 832, B31, B30, 829, 828, B27 and B26 as designated on said map to the point of beginning. See also map attached hereto and made a part hereof. ? • ? Cl?l"il?l,n? I?1 ? . + ? i?r' ,:' - • •. . .,; ' ' ? ?; ?.i.:. % L.. _ ? ?' ' • . , • ; ?' tr'' ? " O ?. ? • ,,Y ? G ??'+ '? \?I I^ . . . °? ; ' t• o Jfi ? ? ?..' r, ' •'' . . ' ? '? ?, ? ? ?' v? ?.. 1 , ? f• ? ? ''I. ? ' .? • ''?,? '? 191.70' 1 i pr'`?. ;r•. ?;• i ?? 1.? I B33 (. sTIs ? ??::,f.;>?i .: _ - `?-? y? 8jz ' ?-•jt• ,,l ? \ ! W f' , ' ,??',• / ?• ;\ B ?9 ?$?s 1 ? ?-? ? ?? U ? iL ? „o = ? I I il? ? 'SO?tip? .,t ' e1 ? ?9:• :• ? r)? : , ??' I ? ? ? N ' II9 I ? U ?. ? `.L (? POND r I ? ? r m } I? Wr.'iCR ELCvnT:OU 6/22/90 ? 966.J Fi. , . i ?•? , ? ? I ? ? r ? I ? 'I I . ? ?I II ?, ^" J / PROPOSED EASEMEPdT -I = _.? . ; ?a? ? • -? '7 1 r; _ I H? ry ?•? ? ` ' L [ f? -? 4' 45,846 50. Ft I O,a'S Gt?as Y' P/w UN[ 0? CSa.1l N0. 7? a3 OE.MnAtEG ? ? ` •? fa /?Q?MROiF COWiT F???1 K W6Y IWxO. ?OD • ?'`,` ?.• • y I I ?? S -?STg•03.I axa N Q ?4 - 20. 9;'o 00 '57' W I ? ?.' i ? m Q ???4 ,. w S ? ?sii;, I / h ?, •r '?.,??s., ; : '.._.._ r`? . _?'"._-" 90. 2 E.? .: ? ,. 13 • . .. ??• I .. ___.. -?.?'?,??- -4?.. I ,' ? ? ? 112.33' p. S 00' lO,l 0,. E _ ,,• ',....• _ ..__,:. _ .i - ------=-- _ - -•- -- --- • ? c._ .. .. . ?N?M?NNN?N?N?N ? ss i., y i o. 8' S. BJ'33'40" W I 7:59.82 ' i ., i $.? i. ,. , , , , ,:, ??? ;?• , . ?? ? • • . hl B?'.SJAU?? 1 TEese Pu-to of the MortHwst Warhr o! LM toutswst 2etion ? - Mo?rit?ust pwrtozmef34tM eoutei+st7purtes olN TevnahiP 77. W" 23. Cakota Comnty. Mlnmsota. AqelibW as bqinming at sSqAt et way eaxwi+ry corner n as AesiqeuUC on WROTL CODNS'Y IIOAD 1lIC8T OT IhY laP 110. 100, . aeoosEin9 t0 tb! TeeeidW mP tlNteef. plcou Oululty. NinTeSDtai thOncM fwtA 99 OpiMS 79 a171otY 40 NCOMs wst, usunW barirg, alaq tM i?t ef way lS?u o! 313.» %•lNt; Lhanq 1lortr 67 OpsNS,ll alm?t?? 24 NCOIIA?f Wtt a Aistaaee of 150.77 laet: tAwm Mcrth f Ae9=ees 10 sinvies 32 weonds 6si a GiNanee of 132.20 lNt: thenCa NertA 45 AqrNs 35 fimif+s 57 ueonds last a Ciftaaa of 49.64 lNL: tEOaG lortd Sf MqiNS 39 LSewCU Il NeanAs Le/t l QSsGnq ei 191.70 !ML Le \ po1M on !h* vesteily Ziqht of way linn oZ MSA C.O.A.U. Mo. 31 A;stant 10.11 fwt - nortEerly ef right M way Oounaary oxewr f]S as duiqnatod on said aip; tMnn awtRar1Y, uoK Nid wsterly rSpAt et way lirn, throvqh ri94t ef way DeunAary ooseers 133. 572, ! 71, 570, 229. 528, 327 Wd 836 u Aulqnated on ra1E Mp to tpe.poiM of DpianSnq. Znc.?acQe? S-Ea-+?? uh`^' U?'h?ly f?/,? 3830 GILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55124-1897 PHONE: (614) 454-6100 FAX:(612) 454-8363 July 30, 1991 OF MR & MRS JERRY DIAMOND T RANCH 4889 PILOT KNOB EAGAN MN 55123 & CAROL THOMAS ROAD Re: Storm Drainaqe Otility Fee JParcei #10-03300-011-757 Parcel #10-03400-020-50 Dear Jerry & Carol: h10Mp5 EG.VJ Ahryor DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMELA hKOiEA TIM DAWLENiY 7HEODORE WACHIER CWrcil MembeR 1}i0AAh5 HEDGES Cdy Atlminimata EUGENE VAN OVQtBEKE Cdy Ckrk During my meetinq with you on July 17 regarding the Pilot Knob Road reconstruction project, you questioned the recent utility bill you received from the City for storm drainage. I told you I would research your questions and provide you with additional information. On May 17, 1990, the City of Eagan adopted the enclosed Ordinance and Policy formally establishing a Storm Water Drainage Utility system for our community. As the City of Eagan has continued to grow and develop, the technical and financial responsibilities for maintaining the growing storm water drainage system within our community resulted in the creation of a City utility similar to sanitary sewer and water. it was recognized that all properties within the City of Eagan either contribute surface water runoff to the City storm drainage system or benefit from the system's existence on a community wide basis even though they many not be directly connected to the system. Subsequently, all property located within the City of Eagan was identified as a"user" of this storm water utility system and is being billed on a quarterly basis to finance the expenses associated with maintaining this system which includes the newly adopted Water Quality Management Plan for the City. Due to the fact that your property has a private well and septic system, you have never received a utility bill from the City of Eagan before. However, just recently you have been added to the City's utility billing system due to the incorporation of your property as a part of the community's overall storm drainage system. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY Equal Opportunity/Affirmaffve Actlon Employer Jerry & Carol Thomas July 30, 1991 Page 2 The amount of your utility bill is calculated taking into account the ratio of impervious surfaces (buildings, parking lots, driveways, etc.) to your overall property and comparing that ratio to an "average" single-family residential property in our community. This comparison results in the calculation of a Residential Equivalent Factor (REF) which is then applied against the total acreage of your property. Your original billing took into account your gross acreage (36.92 acres) and deducted the ponding areas and public right-of-way for Pilot Knob Road to arrive at the net acreage (35.06). Your REF ratio of 2.9% was based on an impervious surface area of 44,600 square feet as compared to a net property area of 35.06 acres. This equates to 1.18 REF/acre. When this factor is extended against the net acreage of 35.06, it amounted to 41.37 REF's which was billed to you at the rate of $4.56/REF which amounted to $188.65/qtr. However, based on your concerns, I have reviewed your property in question. All of the impervious surface calculations are related to your house and the Diamond T Ranch operations which incorporates approximately 9.0 acres outside of the new right-of-way in the southeast corner of the overall larger parcel. If the impervious total of 44,600 square feet were calculated on the 9.0 acres, it would result in a ratio of 11.4% and a higher REF factor of 1.51. However, when this is applied against your reduced net acreage of 8.32 acres (excludes the ponding area) , the new total would be 12.56 REF's. The residual of your total acreage (approximately 26 acres) is considered open undeveloped pasture/woodlands and no REF's are assigned to this portion of your property. This new REF calculation would result in a quarterly utility billing of $57.27 (12.56 REF x $4.56/REF/quarter). By copy of this letter, I am requesting our Utility Billing Department to revise your account accordingly and send you an amended billing which should exclude any penalties. I realize that this is all quite confusing and recognize that it is hard to explain in a letter. If you would like further explanation, I will be happy to met with you at your convenience to further explain this new utility and its impact on your property. Thanks for your continued understanding and cooperation. Sincer , omas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Ed Kirscht, Senior Engineering Tech Diane Downs, Utility Billing Clerk Enclosure OF ? ? eA&U_pf OF JULY 30, 1991 MR. AND MRS. JERRY THOMAS DIAMOND T RANCH 4889 PZIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 Dear Mr, and Mrs. Thomas: TFIOhNS EGAN nwyor DAVID K. GUSTAFSIXJ DAMEIA N[CRFA TIM PAWlEN7Y THEODORE WACHTER <ancil rAembers TFION.AS HEDGES Gry Administtatp ELGEfJE VAN OVERBEKE C¢y Ckrk PArrnsz. 01-03306- 0,v-76' Enclosed are the results of the water samples we took from the small pond behind the barns during our visit to the Ranch on June 10. The bacterial counts in the sample were elevated and the phosphorus and nitrogen numbers are extremely high. For example, total phosphorus canc2atraticr:s ir, t;a Sd7i1F11E frcm ya;:: par.d were measured at 5.2 mg/liter. For comparison, the total phosphorus content of treated sewage from the Seneca wastewater treatment plant typically ranges between 2.5 and 3.0 mg/liter. We become concerned when we see the phosphorus concentration in some of the small ponds around Eagan at or above .2 mg/liter. There is little doubt that the manure is the source of the contamination. The runoff from the church parking lot that helped create the standing water in the first place is now being diverted into the stormwater system for Pilot Knob Road before it gets to the pond on your property. This should decrease considerably the size of the pond in the future. However, large storms could still generate enough runoff to move water from the pond on your property into the stormwater system, carrying whatever contaminants are there along with it. As such, it is still important for you to permanently change any manure handling practices that could introduce animal waste either directly of indirectly into this or any other pond that discharges to the stormwater system. At the latest, these changes should be completed hy March 1, 1992 when we can start getting snowmelt runoff. The City will be happy to work with you to see that this is accomplished with as little impact to your operation as possible. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN 3830 DILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55144-1897 PHONE: (612) 454-6100 Fnx:(612) 454-8363 Equal Opportuniry/Affirmative Actlon Employer MR. AND MRS. THOMAS PAGE 2. NLY 30, 1991 Thanks again for taking the time to talk with Stan and I. I'll be contacting you within the next several months to see how things are going. in the meantime, don't hesitate to contact me at 454-5220 if you have any questions or if I can be of any help. Sincerely, Rich Brasch Water Resource Coordinator cc: Tom Hedges, City Administrator Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works? Stan Lexvold, Senior Enqineering Tech./COnstruction Jim Sturm, City Planner r /6/26/91 LAHORATORY REPORT NO: 91-1078 PAGE 1 of 1 i City of Eagan ' PROJECT: CVX-091A ? 3501 Coachman Road COLLECTED: Client 06/10/91 / Eagan MN 55122 RECEIVED: 06/10/91 ATTENTION: Mr. Rich BTdSCh SAMPLE MATRIX: Liquid GARAMETE0. Fecal Strep Tocal Coliforms Mitrogm as N, iotal K)aldahl Tacal Dissolved Phosphorus, ac P iotal Phosphorus, as P eRauw I.o.: 91-107e-01 CLIENT I.D.: Dianwnd T Raneh --UN[TS•• ............. eoli/100m1 860 eoli/100mt 1600 ag/L 12 ' mg/L 4.3 rtg/L . 5.2' . <= less than: compound rwt deCeeted at or a6ove frdtcated detection ltmit • a Analysis rot requested - Quality control data reviewed: 1,J2-0 V? W'-0 MEMO TOz DIANE DOWNBi DTILITY BILLINQ CLERR FROM: EDWARD J. KIRSCHT, SR. ENaINEERINa TECH DATBS MARCH 13, 1991 SUBJECT: REF'8 FOR 4889 PILOT RNOB ROAD - DIAMOND T RANCH PLAT AND PARCEL NO'S 10-03300-011-75 AND 10-03400-020-50 I have computed the REF's for Diamond T Ranch located at 4889 Pilot Knob Road. The total REF is 41.4. My computations are based upon the aerial photos. The net total areas for the two parcels is 35.06 acres of which 1.02 acres is considered impermeable surface. I have given this property credit for ponding, trail and street riqht-of-way which is being acquired for the upgrading of Pilot Knob Road under Project No. 590. Edward J. rscht Sr. Engineering Tech cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer EJK/jf 3 OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MWNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (614) 454-81D0 FAX:(612) 454-8363 October 19, 1990 THQMAS ECAN Alryor DAVIO K. GUSTAf50N vaMELn MCCREn TIM PAWIENTY THEODORE WACHTER CWfiCil M4rtlkl¢/5 THOMASHEDGES City Admin's[rata EUGENE vnN OvERBEKE Crty Clerk MR & MRS JERRY THOMAS DIAMOND T RANCH 4889 PIIAT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55123 Re: Project 590, Pilot Itnob Parcel 10-03300-011-75 PdTO61 10-03400-020-SO- Dear Jerry & Carol: Road Improvements ! When I spoke with you the other night, you indicated an interest in finding out what the proposed assessments against the Diamond T Ranch would be resulting from the County's upgradinq of Pilot Knob Road under the above-referenced City project. The Diamond T Ranch consists of two parcels; 011-75 in Section 33 and 020-50 in Section 34. Enclosed is a copy of the appendices for the feasibility report which shows the assessment obligation of these two parcels for street, trail and/or storm sewer. Appendix A shows how each of the individual assessments were computed, and Appendix B shows the summary of the results. Also enclosed are copies of the map showing the project and the relationship of the improvements to your property. If you need additional information or clarification, please feel free to contact Mr. Jerry Wobschall, Special Assessment Consultant, or myself. Sincerely, ehof?as ,A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj Enclosure cc: Jerry Wobschall, Special Assessment Consultant THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIiY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ? , _. , ? I. SlORlI SEWEB ? Parcel Deacrintion Section 33-Unpletted 050-29 011-75 ?-- - - - 012-75 013-75 010-77 *+ 010-78 APPENDIX A PRELININARY ASSESS!lENT ROLL COUNTY ROAD N0. 31 SITILITY AND STREST IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 590 Area (Sa.ft.) 153,000 746,060 - 25,080 25.080 141,470 102,950 Section 34 - Unplatted 050-29 020-SO - - - - 011-50 012-50 030-50 +}• 040-50 010-51 O10-S2 O10-SS 021-51 26,890 66,880 11,970 12,200 31,560 68,050 90,140 18,950 0 100.400 * 46,980 eq.ft. credit given for LP-56 ** 7700 aq. ft. credit given for LP-7A •*• 9900 eq. ft. credit given for LP-7A E49505R Page 15. Bate/S.F. 0.051 0.076 0.051 0.031 0.026 0.026 0.051 0.076 0.051 0.051 0.026 0.026 0.051 0.026 0.000 0.051 Total Asaesement $ 7,803.00 56,700.56 1,279.08 1,279.08 3,678.22 2,676.70 1,371.39 5,082.88 610.47 622.20 820.56 1,769.30 4,597.14 492.70 0.00 5,120.40 , II. 'STREE? AND SRAIL / Parcel Deecrintion A. Street. Section 33 - Unolatted None APPENDIX A (CONT'D) Aeseseable Street Foota¢e Rate F.F. Section 34 - Unnlatted 050-29 417.06 -- 020-50 - - - -- 676 011-50 164.94 012-50 164.94 030-50 516 ** 040-50 575 010-51 300 010-52 656 010-55 550 021-51 0 20.00 90.35 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 Feirway Hille Addition Outlot B(aeeeeeed under Project 466) Outlot C 418.04 20.00 Chaoel Hill Additfon Trnil Bate/F.F. Total Atsesament $ 8,341.20 61,076..b0 3,298.80 3,298.80 10,320.00 11,500.00 6,000.00 13,120.00 13,000.00 0.00 0.00 8,860.80 Lot 1, Block 1(aeaeseed previouely) 0.00 Ex,an's Carriaae Hill Lot 1, Slock 2 225.00 20.00 - - 4,500.00 Lot 5, Slock 2 170.00 20.00 - - 3,400.00 Lot 6, Slock 2 236.83 20.00 - - 4.736.60 TOTAL STREET $150,952.80 E49505R Page 17. ? , * 200' credit given for pond area +* 340' credit given for pond area B. Bituminous Yrail :Parcel_020-50 teec.34) 676 TOTAL TRAIL E49SOSR Yage 18. -= 8.10- 5.675.60 1 $ 5,475.60 APPENDIX 8 SU141ARY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL COUNTY ROAD N0. 31 PROJECT N0. 590 Percel Storm Bituminous Total Deacrintion Sever Trail Street Aasessment Section 33-Unplatted 050-29_ -- - - $ 7803 _$ 7803 011-75 56700 56700 012-74 1279 1279 013-75 1279 1279 010-77 3678 3678 010-78 2677 2677 Section 34-Unplatted 050-29 $ 1371 _ $ 6341 $ 9712 '020-50 5083 5475 61077 71,635 011-50 610 3299 3909 012-50 622 3299 3922 030-50 821 10320 11161 040-50 1769 11500 13269 010-51 4597 6000 10597 010-52 493 13120 13613 010-55 13000 13000 021-51 5120 5120 Hillcrest Addition Lot 1, Block 1 480 480 Lot 2, Slock 1 300 300 Lot 3, Slock 1 286 286 Lot 4, Block 1 306 306 Lot 5, Block 1 219 219 Lot 6, Block 1 199 199 Lot 8, Block 1 140 140 Lot 9, Slock 1 630 630 Lot 10, Block 1 433 433 Lot 11, Block 1 632 632 Lot 12, Slock 1 408 408 Feirvay Hills 2nd Addition Outlot B 126 126 Outlot C 3713 8361 12074 Page 19. E49505R LP-56 a»-7s O ? 1 °Zo ( LO Section Line Q I? ?O ?Z :Y Iti :O I ? ? ? o,a-» i LP-7 ? n I N? Assessoble Footoge j , ? I 010-78 ? I I N LP-7A ? i I I? 0 200 400 (o Scale in feet Dakota Co. Rd. No. 31 (Pilot Knob Road) Assessable Footage City Project No. 590 ( i . ? I i 1$ IN I i { ? I , I ? 1 010-52 (Owned by Dakota County) CARR/AGE NILLS DR 2 v) ? N 3 4 CJ 5 ? ? 6 ? M N 7 12 11 10 \ 8 ? 12 010-55 Eogan _..._..._..._..?.. _ ApPle Volley -, . ? Bonssfroo eroin..n 6Zenn.o 0 Roasne Anderlik 6 ? Assoetatss Date: April 1990 Comm. 49505 ft ftut Y/n"&eta Fg. No. Q _ - --? cA ?, ?_?-- R?E? 5 4 3 2 ? ? 6 Ap0 ? 1Y¢C ?\ e , \ 9 ? to „ ,2 i°•I I? 050-29 ? d I I _---- ? . . . .... _... -- N Sd I ? ? '.9? ? irn n IN? ? 0 i° ? Section Line i ; oii-7s J Xf Assessable Footage J ! 0 200 400 ITTEiiiia Scale in feet LP-56 I I ? 9A Dakota Co. Rd. No. 31 (Pilot Knob Road) Assessable Footage City Project No. 590 ? 1 i .?. ? I i I ? io ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 OUTLOT 8 a y ti 0 _ to! 0 D OUTLOT C ? O ? ..?...?...?...?...T...1...?...?... ? 021-51 p 010-51 M ? GR4Cf DR 0 r° P,OO1,?6t? G??1?R?a ' OO in ? 010-52 (Owned by Dokota County) Eplnwn 6AreAN?ef? ? Bonssiroo rimens W30 Anderllk 6 m Assoelniss Of. nuK Mine..w. Date: April 1990 Comm. 49505 Fg. No. 3 «-ss ? r- ? . _.. ; :. , ., 't , ,_ _-- - - ? - :In ?? Section Line I 0 IY I? ?O Possible Future Outlet Pipe ? ? • 4 a,o-» ? LP-7 ? - _- - - - - - Proposed 18" ? I ? Inlet Pipe 010-78 • N ? LP-7A ? I 1 I9 0 200 400 !o Scale in feet .._..._..._. ._..._..._?. Dakota Co. Rd. No. 31 (Pilot Knob Road) 3torm Sewer City Project No. 590 i Proposed Access Bridge Location 010-52 (Owned by Dakota County) io CARRlAGE HlL1S DR ? z ? ? ? 3 ? I 4 , I 5 ? 1 i ? 8 6 7 i ? 1 ? i , a ? ,., I ? I 1 .a. ,z 070-55 12 11 10 9 Eogan Apple Valley??. ? Bonsstroo Enplnwn QAreAilee Hosene Anderllk 8 ? Assoelates Date: April 1990 Comm. 49505 M. ftuK Ylnnuela Fiq. No. 4 - ?- - --r- ca ?_?-- REgE? POO 4 3 2 ? ?? ? e I ?, \\ 8 . . ! 050-29 \ 10 IQ 11 ,Z ...?... .._..._..._.. - ,n Ex. Water Moin Stub L Proposed Water Main Crossing i Ex. MainWStub Section Line ? ? - Low ; 011-75 ? Area N I ? ? .' ? SCale in f@et LP-56 : Dakota Co. Rd. No. 31 (Pilot Knob Road) Storm Sewer City Project No. 590 OUTLOT B ? ? i ? ? I I OUTLOT C 4 ? 0 ? D ? ? .... .... .... ...?...T...1.... ...-.- 021-51 010-51 ? i ? ? ? I i I I Ql? ? I I ? rI 1 o,o_sZ i (Owned by Dakota Couniy) Bonestroo Rosene " Anderlik 6 ? Assoeiatss Date: April 1990 Comm. 49505 BrolnMn M. Hul MlnnNeH Fg. No. rJ' - 1 '•. ' ?,_,? = i ? ? e >undary ? Section t Line 1 ? ------ --- ?--?- -- LP-46,.? ? d e ? a ? s _ Scale_in fe?" -..._..._...1,711.1.11l .._..._..._....._...L Apple Volley -?Y Dakota County Road No. ?7V ?ee?erO° Er°xm.n 3?nie.ee. (Pilot Knob Road) AnderNkB M Aaoelafes RE hul, Ylnn?pt? Storm Sewer Assess. Area City Project No. 590 I omm April1990 Fi9• No. 6 ip)-citV0F 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 BEA BLOMQl1157 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55721 Maror PHONE: (612) 454-8100 THOMAS EGAN JAMES A. SMI7H . JERRV THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Coumil MembBrs September 25, 1984 Tc"m°yAa??n°ao?s EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Clerk JERRY THOMAS C/0 DIAMOND T RANCH 4889 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN 55123 Re: Sanitary Sewer Service - Future Development Parcel 10-03300-011-75 Dear Mr. Thomas: We have been working with the developer, Tollefson Builders, Inc., and his engineer, Meadowood, Inc., in reviewinq the most feasible way to service the proposed Brittany 7th and 8th Additions with sanitary sewer. These Brittany Additions lie adjacent to and immediately west of your property. Due to the existing topography in this qeneral vicinity, it is extremely difficult to service all this property with gravity sanitary sewer while trying to maintain the cost within a feasible range for future development. Recently, we have received an alternative from Tollefson Builders, Inc., which would provide gravity sanitary sewer to service the Brittany 7th and 8th Additions but would not be able to provide gravity sanitary sewer to the southwest corner of your property (approximately 5.5. acres). Future gravity sanitary sewer to service your approximate 36 acres (includes the 5.5 acres mentioned previously) would require a substantially deep cut through the northcentral portion of your property and ultimately in to John Brown's property located to the northwest. This substantial (40+ ft. deep cut) could be reduced if you were to eliminate the 5.5 acres from consideration of development and service with gravity sanitary sewer. An alternative would be to provide a deep gravity sanitary sewer line through the future Brittany Sth Addition which could then provide gravity sewer service to the majority of your property without incurring substantial future overdepth construction. However, this overdepth construction, while it could be minimized, will still be required through the Brittany 8th if future,sanitary THE LONE OAK TREE. .. THE SYMBOI Of STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OI1R COMMUNIiY JERRY THOMAS SEPTEMBER 25, 1984 PAGE 2 sewer service is to be provided to your property. Consequently, if you anticipate your property to be developed in the future, you will have to participate in the cost of the overdepth of sanitary sewer construction through the Brittany 8th Addition or to assume the additional increased costs of extra overdepth through your property when, and i£, it developed. Due to the fact that the determination as to how the Brittany 8th Addition will be serviced is dependent upon your willingness to participate at the present time, I would like to review the situation with you in detail so that you can make the best and most appropriate decision for your property. 2 would appreciate it if you would contact me and let me know when a meeting could be scheduled to review the details with you to explain the alternatives and constraints in further detail. I will anxiously await your response so that we can schedule this meeting in the near future which is necessary to proceed with the planning of the future Brittany Additions. Sincerely, 7??<.? omas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Mark Hanson, Consulting Design Engineer d#S+Yl ,T- !tV OF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55721 PHONE: (612) 454-8700 April 23, 1984 MR. A.C. SHADDUCK 1286 CARRIAGE HILLS DRIVE EAGAN, MN 55123 Re: Diamond T Ranch Dear Mr. Shadduck: BEA BLOM9L'IST Mawr THOMAS EGAN JAMES A. SMiiH JERRV fHCMAS THEODORE `h'ACHTER Courr_J Mai Ders THOMAS H[D6ES Cifp Atlminisirotor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Ct;r'x Your letter dated April 17, 1984, was distributed to the City Council as an informational item at the regular City Council meeting on the evening of April 17. Mr. Jerry Thomas, who is the owner of the Diamond T Ranch, also serves as a member of the Eagan City Council and assured his fellow members that he would speak to you regarding the various concerns addressed in your letter. The beer sign attached to the Diamond T Ranch sign was researched by the Chief Building Inspector and, according to City Code 4.20, beer signs are allowed if they are attached or become a part of the permitted sign. Therefore, there is no violation of the City Code regarding the lighted beer sign which the Diamond T Ranch has made a part of their advertising/identification sign. Please keep this office informed of any discussions you have with Mr. Thomas regarding the concerns that were addressed in your letter. Sincerely, ?"V- AsQ? Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/jj cc: Jerry Thomas, Owner Diamond T Ranch Iq THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GR01NfH IN OUR COMMUNIN OF 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8700 DATE: October 18, 1983 SPECIAL ASSESShIENT SEARCH BEA BLOM9UIST Maya iHOMASEGAN JAMES A. SPdIiH JERRV iHOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Cou?il Members iNOMAS HED6E5 CRy AtlmiroshotIX EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Gwk Stewart Title Co, of MN 1015 Peavey Building RE: parcel # 10 03300 O11 75 730 Second Avenue South 4889 Pilot Knob Road, Fagan, MN 55122 Mpls, MrI 55402 NEa of SE; FYcept SI20Feet Enclosed herein is the search which you requested made on the above described property. Kind of Improvement Runs Beginning Original Amount Balance Due Sanitary Sewer TL-urilc 15 yrs 1976 $11,574.35 $4629.77 I further certify that according to the records of said office, the following improve- ments are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are notia in the process of planning or completion. ' Kind of Improvement Approximate date ot Completian Approximate cost NONE WAIVLR: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees tlie accuracy of tlie above in- formation which was rcquested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City or its employees assume any liability for the carrectness tliereof. In consideration for the supplying of the indicated information in t}ie above form, and for a11 other consideration of any nature whatsocver, any claim against tlie City or its employees rising there from is here6y expressly waived. Levied assessments to be paid to the County Treasurer at Hastings, htN, 55033 Very truly yo s, ? \ THE LONE OAK TREE.. . THE SYMBOL AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNTY BEA BLOMOU15T M0.YOR THOMASEGAN JAMES A. SM1TH JERRVTHOMAS TNEDDORE WACHTER COIINCIL MEMBEqS October 21, 1982 Mr. Jezry Thomas 4889 Pilot Xnob Road Eagan, MN 55I22 Cl,TY'. OF bEAGAN ?- . , i"INW8795 PILOT KNOB ROAD " ?-Yi.O. BOX31199 I EAGAN; MI NNESOTA'??'? ' s5122. n - a :.t? 74 ? .n W.. ' PHONE 04-8100 ?,i : p r? y`•ti?rs t ' y? . k'{Rt$ ;±.? :. -:?+tY v.15? ? ;??• THOMASNEDGES LIiY ADMINISTRAiON EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CIiY CLEPM ae: Building and Moving Permit :or.Dwelling Moved to Pazcel #10 03300 011 75 Dear Jerry: For the purpose of determining the necessary permit fees, I have established an evaluation of $40,000 on the dwelling that you have moved onto the referenced parcel. The evaluation doea not establish the tax value and can be neqotiated iP you feel it is unfair. As you Y.now, the SAC and road unit charges on the building permit are mandatory charges for any single dwelling in the City and cannot be chan,qed. Sincerely, z{( 47 44/ Dale S. Peterson Chief Bu3ldinq Official DSP/bar TNE l.ONB OAK TREE ... THE SYMgOL OF $TRENGTH AfJD GROWTN 1N OUR COMMUNITY. Cou_ =:- ... _=as Mav 20, 1530 Pag? Six plat. 2. Satisfac[ory landscaping, which was a condition of the preliminary v w 3. The conditioaal use perroit shall 6e approved for an indefinite periud uE time provided the,conditions herein are met at all [imes and all provisions of o[her City ordinances pertaining thereto are also met. 4. The pe[itioner shall be required to dust con[rol the outside storage area at all times. 5. The City Council shall approve of the pzoposed fence (8' w/3 strands of barhed vire) prior to the approval of [his conditional use permit. 6. Only materials or equipment related to the operations of occupants of the building on this site shall be permitted in the outside s[orage area.. All voted yes. D 80-43 DIAM05D T RANCH COY?ITI09AL CSE FERMIT Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas and `tr. Kike Thomas appeared concerning their applicacion for a conditional use permit to allow a riding stahle and stabling of horses in an Agriculturally zoned area on a 40-acre parcel on Sou[h Pilot Kno6 Road. Yhera was discussion concezning che proposed [rails in Dako[a County Park including snowmobile trails in [he vicinity. The Dakota Countv Park Directur had indicated he had no objection to the proposal and also :hat the snowmobile trsil will remain in the park area. After discussion, Snith moved, Egan seconded :he moiion to approve the application subjec[ to the recortunendations of the Planning Commission including the following: 1. The conditional use permit shall be granted for a period of ten (10) vears su6ject to revocation by the Ci[p Council if [he conditions included in the granting of the permit are not met at all [imes. 2. Prior to final approval of a conditional use pecmic by the City, the Cit}• shall receive a letter fzom Dakota Coun[y (Parics Department) indicacing that thev are in accord with the use oE the Dakeca County Park trails hy this horse stable and riding facility. 3. The applicant sha11 submit a copy of the con[ract with Letavann Kush- room Coaoanv or other satisfactory subcontractor for removal of manure at least once each week. This contract or a similar contract shall be in effect at all times whiLe this site is utilized Eor the stabling of horses. No manure shall Be per- misted to be stored outside at any time. 4. This canditional use pecmi[ shall be reviewed by other governmental ? agencies in accordance with the provisions of the "Zoo Area Developmen[ Guide" prior to final approval by the Ci[y of Eagan. 5. The conditional use permit sha11 only be granted to 13.6 acres and I?shall not extend to the entire 40 acre area except for pasture purposes. Any expansion shall require additional approval by the City. f _.. Cou;;cil ?ifnutes ?!av 20, 1980 Page Saven .: i. 6. The applicant proposes Co develop a fence with barbed wire areund the property and this fence shall require the specific appreval of the City Council in accordance with Section 52.06 - Subd. 20 of the City's Zoning Ordinance dealing with fences. 7. The applicant shall be required [o dedicate additional righ[-of-wa}• along Pilot Knob Road in order to achieve a one-half right-of-wav dedication of 75 feet from the centerline of Pilot Knob Road. The applicant shall also be required [o receive approval from Dakota County for the proposed driveway. 8. The applicant shall he required to dust control the crushed rock parking lot at all [imes and alsa be required to surface the driveway leading from Pilot Knob Road to the, edge of the parking lot with the initial development of this facility. Also subjec[ to the understanding that the snowmobile and cross coun[ry skiing both will be an[icipated in the area and through the applicant's facility with neither to be jeopardized Secause of the aoplicant's use. All voted in favor. The applicant understood that a septic tank will be installed on the property buc that even[ually municipal sewer and water will serve the area. D 80-44 CENYRAL FENCE A.VD SPPPLY C0.`tPA.VY CONDITIONAL CSE PERNIT Parranto moved, Smith seconded the motion, to continue the application until the June 3, 1980, mee[ing at the request of the applicant. All voted yes. CENTE!C HOMES tiARIA,VCE The application of Centex Homes Midwes[ for 1.94 foot variance from 10 foot setback requiremen[ covering Lo[ 1, Block 8, Beacon Hills Addition was nexc considered. It was understood that the applicant had 1:ithdrawn the application. Smi[h moved, Parranto secunded the motion, to continue the application until the ne:ct regular meet:ng and in the event that the applicant formaliy wichdraws its application that the ma[ter would Ghen be put on the Consent Agenda for disposi[ion All voted yes. U.S. HO'SES -- RIDGE CLIFFE ADDITION REZOYISG A.VD PRELIMINARY PLA'C APPROVAL The application of U.S. Homes -- Orrin Thompson Homes for rezoning from Agricultural [o R-1, Residential Single and R-3, Residential Townhouse and for pre- liminary plat approval of Ridge Cliffe Addition was next considered by _4e Gouncil. The APC approved the application on April 22, 1980. Charles Winden, surveyor, Orrin Thompson and 906 Carlson were present for the applicant. There was dis- cussion concerning the findings of the Planning Commission and there were no objec- tions to the applica[ian. There was discussion concerning the proposed new roads near Cliff Road which will be cul-de-saced due to the exceptions to the plat bu[ eventually could be extended through the parcels excepted from the plat. Parranto moved, Smith seconded the motion, to appiove the application to rezone subject to the following: 1. That R-2 and R-3 zoning along the new Galaxie Avenue be provided.as proposed. All voted yes. R 80-41 S.? ? APC Minu[es April 22, 1980 Page Two DIA."tOP1D T RA.RCH, JERRY THO"'_45 -- C09DITI0*1:1L USE PERMIT The next public hearing convened by the chair concerned the application of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomas to allow riding stables and stabling of horses in an Agriculturally zoned area consisting of 40 acres south of Cliff Road on Pilot Knob Road adjacen[ to the Dakota County regional park. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were present and indicated that 13.6 acres would be used for horse stable and the remainder for grazing and pasture with fence around the encire 40 acres. There were questions from the Planning Cominission Members but no neighboring residents objected to the proposal. There was a suggestion that the barn be located as far south as possible in order to avoid odor problems in the pcoposed residential area to the north. The south 600 feet of the 40 acres will be used for the building because it contained the former farmstead. vo utilities are available at the present time and the County Park Department has indicated that the County park trail wi11 connect to the property. There were concerns about disposal of manure and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas indicated that a contract can be set up for the disposal of manure on a weekly basis. Additional concerns related to site distance from Pilot Knob Road and the possibility of extra traEfic lanes on Pilot Knob. The County Highway.Departmen[ will review the use and also review the proposal for turn lanes. The applicants indicated that there was no intention of requesting a liquor license. After considerable discussion Hall moved, Gits seconded the motion, to recommend approval of the application with the understanding that the applicants accept all of the,canditions subject to the follawing conditions: 1. The conditional use shall be granted for a period of [en (10) years subject to revocation by the City Council if the conditions included in the granting of the permit are not met at all times. 2. Prior to final approval of a conditional use permi[ by the City, the City shall receive a let[er from Dako[a Coun[y (Parks Department) indicating that [hey are in accord with the use of the Dakota County Park trails by this horse stable and riding facility. 3. The applican[ shall submit a copy of the contrac[ with Lehmann "lush- room Company or other satisfactory,subcontrac[or for removal of manure at Least once each week. This contract or a similar contract shall_.be in effect at all times while this si[e is u[ilized for the stabling of horses. No manure shall be permitted to be stored outside at any time. 4. This conditional use permit shall be reviewed by other governmental agencies in accordance wi[h the provisions of the "Zoo Area Development Guide" prior to final approval by the City of Eagan. 5. The conditional use permit.shall only be granted to 13.6 acres and shall not extend to the entire 40 acre area except for pasture purposes. Any expansion shall require additional approval by the City. ? ? APC ?tinutas April 22, 1980 Page Thrne 6. The applicant proposes to develop a fence with barbed wire around the proper[y and [his fence shall require the specific approval of 2he City Council in accordance with Section 52.06 - Subd. 20 of theCity's Zoning Ordinance dealing with fences. 7. The applicant shall be required to dedicate additional right-of-way along Pilot Knob Road in order to achieve a one-half right-of-way dedication of 75 feet from the centerline of Pilot Knob Road. The applicant shall also be required to receive approval from Dakota County for the proposed driveway. 8. The applicant shall be required to dust control the crushed rock parking lot at all times and also be required to surface the driveway leading from Pilo[ Knob Road [o the edge of the parking lot with the initial develop- ment of this facility. All members voted in favor except Wilkins who voted no. CEVTRAL FENCE AND SIIPPLY CO*tPA:VY CONDITTONAL USE PEfL`+IT A.9D REZONItiC. The chaicrian then convened [he public hearings regarding the application of Central Fence and Supplv Companv for rezoning from Agricultural to I-1, Limi[ed Industrial and conditional use permit to allow oucside storage on two parcels of property locaced at the in[ersection of Wescott Road and County Road 63 near Highway IF49. The outside storage of fencing supplies and equipment for Cen[ral Fence and supply Company only will be loca[ed on the south two acres of the site. It was no[ed [hat Central Fence owns a parcel in Inver Grove Heights adjacent to the area proposed to be rezoned in Eagan. Mr. James Sander, attorney for Central Fence, and Hr. Leonard Hersten, president of Central Fence, were present. The properey owned by Central Fence is zoned Light Industrial in Inver Grove Heights and Mr. Sander indicated the 2-1/2 acre [rac[ would include an 8-foot chain link fence to store the fencing materials. There was discussion concerning access for County Road #63 to the storage site. The applicant requested that the 8-foot fence not be required to be placed 10 feet south of the proposed office si[e, bu[ rather on the property line of the proposed office site parcel. Mr. Sander indicated that there are no objections to the condicions but preferred not to be assessed or be required to connect to sanitary sewer and wa[er service. It was noted tha[ the Special Assessment Comuittee on October 30, 1978, indicated [hat if and when._the property was converted to another use rather than the existing single family, that it would be required to assume Che assessments for lateral benefit from trunk utilities for both sanitery sewer and water. After considerable discussion, Krob moved to recommend that the property be rezoned to Light Industrial. Gits seconded the motion subject to the con- ditions hereinafter mentioned relating to the conditional use permit. All voted in favor. Kroh then moved, Gits seconded a motion, to recomnend approval of the conditional use permit to allow a fence around the outside storage area relating to the south approxima[ely two acres of the site with the understanding that the fence would be allowed on the internal property line between the [vo designated parcels, subject to the following conditions includ- ing those that apply to the rezoning application. 1. A more detailed site plan in the area of the existing home/proposed. oFfice shall be submitted and approved by.the City prior to final approval of the conditional use permit. Charge $5.00 - Paid CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 DATE: Septe^ber 22, P77 Dakota e:ounty Abstract Co. iz?o xivy. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARGH s? xasZingS, 'tv. 55031 xF: ?_ Section ?? Atteation: Rosie 10 03500 Oif? 75 Enclosed herein is the search which you requested made on the above deseribed property: Kind of Improvement. Runs ...Beginning...... Original:Amt: Balance:Due . SAtI 5{l TRA; 1S yrs. 197(1 11906.35 1031S,8E: I further certify that according to the records of said office, the-following improvements are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are now in the process of planning or completion. Kind of Improvement Approx. date of completion Approximate Cost tiOATi WAIVER: Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the acr,vracy of the above information whieh was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City or its employees assume any liability for the eorrectness thereof. In consideration £or the supplying of the indicated information in the above form, and for all other conaideration of any nature whatsoever, any claim against the City or its employees rising there from is here6y expressly waived. Levied assessmenta to be paid to the County Auditor at Hastings, Minnesota 55033. Very truly yours, SPECI&)eSSES SMENT DEP?TMENTk/raz Charge $5.00 _ Paid CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 DATE: geptember 8, 1977 St. Paul Title Ins. Corp. 301 W. Burnsville Pkwy. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH Burnsville, P•1N. 55337 RE: 8ot 1 Block 75 Section 33 10 03300 OSO 75 Enclosed herein is the search which ynu requested made on the above described property: Kind of Improvement Runs Beginning. ....Original.limt..':.Balance.:Dne.. SAN SiY TRK. 15 yrs. 1976 11,906.35 10,313.35 I further certify that according to the records of said office, the Following improvements are contemplated or pending after having been approved, and are noav in the process of planning or completion. Kind of Improvement Approx. date of completion Approximate Cost ?dONE WAIVER Neither the City of Eagan nor its employees guarantees the aecuracy of the above information which was requested by the person or persons indicated. Nor does the City or its employees assume ax?y liability for the correctness thereof. In consideration For the supplying of the indicated information in the above £orm, and for all other consideration of any nature whatsoever, ar?y claim against the City or its employees rising there from is hereby expressly waived. Levied assessments to be paid to the County Auditor at Hastings, Minnesota 55033. Very truly yours, Ann Goers - Assessment Clerk/raz SPECIAL ASSESS1u1ENT DEPARTMENT 9T. PAtJL TITLE IN6YlRANCE-CORPORATION 6URNSVILLE, MINN. 55339 DETAGH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT TME ATTPCNEO CMEGK IS IN P YMENT OF ITEM6 OESCRIBEp 9ELOW. IF NOT CORFECT PLEY°E NOTIFY LIS PRpMPrLY. NO RECEIPr OEBIR60. DELUXE - FORM NWC-3 V-2 DAT6 I 0 [BCftIPT1pN I AMOl1NT 9-7-77 1. Payment of the assessment searches for the following: 5/1 Wilderness Run ll2 1368 Amaryllis Pt of NEk of SEh of Sec. 33, 1twnp. 27, Range 23 Eagan 00'Al **$10.00** 4 Diamond T Itanch Dump & Disposals [Sites 2092 & 2017 (U-33)], Eapan DIAMOND T RANCH DUMP & DISPOSALS U 0 atito [Sites 2092 S 2017 (U-33)], Eagan Klaftirm INTRAnl1CTION Location. The Diamond T Ranch is located at 4889 Pilot Knob Road in the City aF Eagan. The property is west of Jensen Lake, which is part of the Lebanon Hills Regional Park (Figures 9- 2.). Comprised of twa adjacent parcels, the smaller parcei is on the east and borders the right- of-way of Pilot Knob Road (CR 37). 1. PIN 10-03300-011-75; 35.20 acres. Building Permits: Single-family rasidence built 10964, clubhouse built in 1980, and an equipment shed built in 1994. Owner: Diamond T Ranch, Ina [Jerry (deceased) and Carol Thomas]. Public Land Survey: Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter of 5ection 33, T.27N., R.23W.; Elevation 930 to 1090 feet above mean sea Ievei (amsl); and 2. PIN 10-03400-020-50; 2.63 acres. No buildings. Public Land Survey: West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, 7.27N., R23W.; Elevation 970 to 1030 feet amsl. Geology. Nydrolonv and Groundwater Quaiiri. The area soils have devefoped on Late Wisconsinan Superior bbe glaciai till and stratified ice-contact deposits. the Kingsley sandy loam and Mahtomedi loamy sand are present in the upland areas, the Otterhott silt loam is found on the upper slopes of the drainageways, and the Quam, Jewitt and Kennebec silt loams occupy the closed and semi-dosed drainage basins. In the vicinity of the sites and depending Dakota Counry Environmenfal Manegement Deparhnent - Site AssesameM Diamond T Ranch Dump & Disposals [Skes 2082 & 2017 (U-33)], Eagan upon the surFace elevation, there are approximately 200 feet aF unconsolidated sediments present overlying the weathered St. Peter sandstone bedrock. South of the property is a former glaaai lake basin with approximatety 250 feet of sediments induding glaaal lake sands. The unconsolidated sedimerrt aquiFer has a water table elevation aF approximately 925 feet amsl, which is about the level of the small ponds in the area of the sites. Jensen Lake's elevation is about 921 feet amsl. The shaliow aquifers groundwater flow direction is generally northwest to north-northwest. Because of the g(aciat titf deposits, seasonai, perched groundwater may be present abova an etevation of 925 feet amsl, but it is usuaily discontinuous laterally across the landscape. The Prairie du Chien dolostonetilordan sandstone aquifer has a potentiometric surFace elevation of about 825 feet amsl, and the flow direction is generally north-northwest. New welis in the area, especially cily welis, are completed in the latter aquifec The overlying, weathered St. Peter sandstone aquifer was utilized as a domestic water suppty by older wells completed in the area. Residual limestone and shale (Platteville and Glenwood formations) may cap the St. Peter sandstone in isolated areas near the property. Older welis in the area that were completed through semi-cortfining strata, inGuding the basal St. Peter arenaceous shale, were ordinarily not cased and cemenk-grouted to preclude the interconnecbon of separate aquiFers. The permanent sealing of such weils requires the removal of casing liners and/or the perforadan and pressure grouting of casings through the impervious strata. Two well water supplies are noted to be present on the property. The Minch diameter cased well (Minnesota Unique Well # W05193; elevation 978 feet amsl) is probabty associated wkh the fortrier Jerry Thomas residence, which was buik in 1964 and is now unoccupied. No additional irrFormation is available on that well, which is now abandoned but not permanently sealed. A second well was constructed in August 1973 [Minnesota Unique Well # 128707; Elevation 1004 feet amsl; 4-inch diameter, 230-foot casing with a 10-foot screen to a deptM of 240 fee#; Static water levei 200 feat below ground surFace (elevation 804 feet amsl). The latter well was a noncommunity well utilized by the ranch business, which ciosed irt the fall ot 2003. That well is also abandoned but not permanently sealed. Thera is no recorci of any groundwater testing for Yhe above welis, and there are no test resutts for weli water supplies in the immediate vicinity of the property. There are a number of small-to-large wetlands bcated on and immediately adjacent to the properly. Generaliy, stormwater and other runoff are captured by closed and semi-closed depressions, which serve as groundwater infiltration basins and stormwater retention basins. The south-to-southeast half of the property drains to wetlands on the west side of Pibt Knob Road, which in tum drains to Jensen Lake (Lebanon Hills Regional Park). Because of some wetland filling and drainage diversions on the properky, there have bsen substantive changes to the quality and quantity of surface water runoff both on and off the property. DIAMOND T RANCH DUMP tSite 2092 (U-3311. Ea9an Descri,ptlon. During the spring and early summer of 1985, Anderson Excawation 8 Wrecking Company (Anderson), 1824 South 20t' Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68108, demolished the forrner Dakota County Environmental Management Department-Siie Aasessment Diamond T f2anch Dump & Disposals [Sites 2092 & 2017 (U-33)], Eagan Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, which was being razed to prepare the site for the construction of the future Mega Mall. Anderson and its su6contradors hauled and deposited demolition debris at three unapproved sites in Dakota County, namely the M.G. AsUeford Dump, Burnsville, the Eaton Mobile Home Park Dump, Apple Valley, and the Diamortd T Ranch Dump, Eagan, as well as a site in neighboring Scott County. The dump is located south of the private drive that serves as the main entrance to the horse riding and hoarding ranch from Pilot Knob Road, between Grace Drive on the north and Carriage Hills Drive on the south in eouthem Eagan. It is estimaked Ehat the dump extends over approximately 2 to 5 acres with variable depth to natural soiis depending upon the location and original slope of the land to the drainageway and wetland. Because the site was cDVered by soil after the dumping, it is not known if the disposal site covers a contiguous area or'rf the disposals are scattered over tlie area filling in low spots. There are no affidavits or other descriptive infprmation on file from Anderson Excavation and Wrecking Company, MEGA, Inc., or M.G. Astieford Company. The demolition debris deposited in #he dump is comprised primarily of reiriforced concrete, metal, and glass from the razed antl deconshucted Metropolitan Stadium. There is no verifica6on that any abatament was wmpleted for asbestos and lead before the haul-out of the debris to the dump occurted. Unsubstantiated information aveilable at the time of the disposals indicated that asbestos and lead abatement were not completed. pakota County Emirpnmental Management DepaRment - Site Assessment 3 Diemond T Ranch Dump & Disposals [Sites 2092 & 2017 (U-33)], Eagan Also, electrical fires and leakages associated with the stadium's electricai substation were known to have occurred on severai occasions. TransFormer and capacitor dielectric fiuids containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were known to have been released. However, it is not known ff the cleanups removed the wastes from the building materials. Again, unsubstentiated information at the time suggested that some of the eariier spiils may not have been resolved. the disposai voiume is estimated to be approximately 25,000 to 50,000 cubic yards. Most of the demolition debris was not reduced in size or compacted before being covered orrsite. Consequentiy, void spaces would have occurred in the flll and may have eventualiy led to soil subsidence, as well as erosion and verrnin harborage. Actions and Resolution. Mark Pieper was Chief Executive Officer for MEGA, inc., and one of Anderson's subcontractors for the Stadium demoiition. He arranged with Jerty 7homas, the fortner owner of Diamond T Ranch to deposit the demolition debris south of the ranch's buildings in an area described as a wetland. A Saint Paui Pioneer Press newspaper articie written at the time (mid-Juy 1985) stated the folfowing with respect to the dumping of the demolition debris at Diamvnd T Ranch: "The third site, Diamond T 12anch, is owned by Eagan City Council Member Jerry Thomas. He said he asked MEGA, Inc., for fiil, expecting the company to bring dirt, not concrete, to his ranch so he could set up an outdoor riding arena. "The concrete flrst was brought in when he was out of town, Thomas said. But he added he was pleased when he saw it because'the way they were grinding it up, it was making a good porous draining base' for the arena. He said he didn't know dumping it wes illegal. "'The minute we found out they were doing something they weren't supposed to do, we told them to knock it right oif,' he said." Correspondence to MEGA, Inc., from Eagan's Pubiic Works Department dated July 10, 1985, stated that the subcontractor was in violation of City Ordinance Section 4.30 "Eccavation and Fiils". It went on to state that... "Before any flfling can be resumed, a grading permit must be submitted ko the City Engineering Department and approved by the City Councii.° In the in6erim, Dakota County Senior Environmental HeaRh Specialist Jerry Stahnke corresponded with the contractor, Anderson Excavation and Wrecking Company, on Juiy 15, 1885, about the "...use of an unlicensed demolition landfill located at the Diamond T Ranch in Eagan..." and instnacted the company to compiy with County Ordinance No. 110 (Solid Waste Management). On July 17, 1985, the Cify's Engineering Department corresponded with the property owner, Jerry Thomas, regarding his appliqtion for a grading permit for his demolition landfill. The letter listed a number of items still required before the grading permit could be issued. It is unGear who, if anyone, gave the contractor, subcontrdctor, and property ovmer permission to dispose of demolition debris at the Diamond T Ranch site. State Law and Ruies and Counly Ordinances regulate the approval of sites for solid and hazardous waste disposal. However, the Dakota County Environmental Management Department- Site Assesament Diamontl T Ranch Dump & Disposafs [Sitaa 2082 & 2077 (UJ3)], Eagan disposal occurred and was subsequently covered and graded without further actions. Eventually, buildings and structures were constructed over parts of the disposal site. There is no further documentation on file regarding the dump, its resolution or closure. In March 7986, the Department was notffled that MEGA, inc., was bought out hy the M.G. Astleford Company (contact: Ray M. Wiiliams), 1200 West Highway 13, Bumsville, MN 55337, which assumed responsibility for the Eaton Mobile Home Park disposal sRe but did not mention the Diamond T Ranch site. DiAMOND T RANCH DISPOSALS ISite 2017 (U-3311. Eaaan Desaription. On July 26, 1991, the County received a citizen's complaint about Diamond T Ranch's disposal and release of horse manure to land and surFace water. The complainant stated that in the past year, he/she observed Diamond T Ranch improperly managing horse manure and, consequeMly, albwing contaminated runoff to lmpact neighboring residential areas and Lebanon Hitls Regional Park. He/she stated that the inadequate storage and handling of the manure led to contaminated stormwater runoff drainfng onto residential developments west and north of the ranch and also south and east to Jensen Lake. He/she stated that the ranch has approximately 160 horses with 80 of them pastured, 30 of them boarded, and 50 designated tor #raii riding. He/she stated that the horses are stabled until early June creating knee-deep manure and resulting in heaith problems for the horses and handlsrs, as well as runvff problems. The disposal of horse manure and other wastes, including tree wastes, demolftion debris, construction wastes, and refuse, was verified, but tfiere is no documentation in the file regardfng the 1991 complaint investigation, follow-up or resolution. In papers dated May 5, 2004, and filqd with the Eagan Advisory Pianning Commissan by the Toli Brothers, purchasers of the Diamond T Ranch and the devebpers of the proposed Steeplechase of Eagan, the folbwing statements acknowledge the presence of such waste disposals (page 2 aF 6): "It has been brought to the aftention of Toll Brothers that horse waste may be present on,site and if found to be present on site is a direct result of commercial horse boarding and riding adivities of the previous property owner. Toll Brothers takes this matter very seriously. A consultant and Contractor have been retained by Toll Brothers to search and identiCy the possible presence of horse waste, and if found on site to remove the horse waste. Toll Brothers has been working cbsely wlth public officials to address this issue. it is Toil Brothers intentions to cooperate with the regulatory agencies in the removal of this waste. Toil Brothers recognizes that the presence of this animal waste may have the potential to be a nuisance to adjacent properties. As a result, Toll Brothers will take all necessary precautlons in protscting the surrounding environmenk and to minimize any potential effeck that may resuk from the po5sibie presence af this nuisance. °Over the years, the site has been extensively manipulated to accommodate horse-riding operations. Land has been leveled to accommodate parking facilities and riding trails, animal waste has historicaliy been stodcpiled in some areas and pushed over siopes and into wetlands with heavy machinery. These practices polluted and degreded weGands, destroyed trees, and dramaGCally altered existing topography." Dakota CouMy Environmental Management Department - Site Assessment Diartwnd T Ranch Dump & qisposals [5ites 2092 & 2017 (U-33)], E2gan In a This Week article dated May 21, 2004, and a Saint Paul Pioneer Press article dated May 25, 2004, it was noted that the Minnesota Poilutton Control Agency (MPCA) and City staff investigated a complaint in April 1997 that Diamond T Ranch was improperly stodcpiling and disposing af horse manure. °The PAPCA ordered the ranch ko clean up some of the manure, re-establish vegetation, devise a plan for storing the manure and control the contaminated runoff that flowed into the neighboring wetiand. Six months later, the MPCA visited the site again and noted 'much improvement' but found still more work to be done, said agency spokesman Forrest Peterson. The state fiIe has no furcher substantive follow-ups since 1997." "A manure removal and composting business, Heartland Gardens, cortfirmed that Diamond T regularly hauled its droppings to the Vermillion-based company." Reaolution. There is no fuRher documentation an file regarding the site's investigatbn, resolution or closure. REFFRENCES Nonconforming solid waste disposal sites must be formally ciosed in compliance with Chapter 14, entitled "Nonconforming Sites and Facilities", of County Ordinance No. 110. A copy of the ordinance may be obtained by accessing Dakota County's website at URL htto://www.co.dakota.mn.us/environ/odf/110-99.odf. Please note that this office should be irrformed of and coordinate with any investigation and testing on the properties. Contact the Dakota County Environmental Management Department for assistance. Any sife investigation, cleanup, and closure should be perfortned wikh the review and approval of the appropriate regulatory authorities. This may include the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency [i.e., the Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Program and the Solid Waste Section]. In paRicular, this Department, which enforces the Countys Solid Waste Management Ordinance (#110) and the Hazardous Waste Regulation Ordinance (#111), reviews site plans as approval is required. Contact appropriate County regulatory staff for assistance at telephone (952) 897-7557. Caveat and Disdaimer: The infamatian provMed is derivetl from a compilatiM of records and data gathered irom a num6er oF saurces with variabte reM1abiNty end aocuracy. ThereTare, d shoultl be used with cautlon. MtFwugh reasanffile and pfudant care hae been exercised, Dakata County and ris ernployees are rwt responsible for any ertas w anfssbns coMained hereln. ff detailed investlgadons have nwt been conduc[ed or reported, the extenL Oountlearies, charaeteristlcs, and imPecls aF sites disciresed may be incomdetely krwwn. The Haste sife imerrtay is periodirally updated. PrevioLmlY uNmown sites are bein9 rePortetl: disGosed, or discovered, end new iMomiatbn an existing si0es la beirg made availabte. Evaluatlons are 6ased on reviexs of od assumpNOns ckrived irom only thoss records mid data comWled. The maps aM figures are not legaly recorded eurveys and should not be used es suCh. ShoUld any disclepaFldes, inacwlades, a incrosistencles be fouM, ple9se eontact the Dakota Courtly Emirommental Management DepaMient immeckgefY. TMs docunent may be copled, quoted, and oTherwise ctisseminated prwiclad tlmt k Is cqmpletely intact (all {tagas inaW6g maps and deta), unaltered, and propeAy dtai as Oo auttioriry. RCS 5l25104 OopyAot 0 2064 by Dakota Camty 2092-2017.doclpdf Dakote Counry EnvironmenWl Management Departrnen[-Site Assessment Diamond T Rarch Site Report (Sites 2092 & 2017), Esgan DIAMOND T RANCH SITE REPORT (Sites 2092 & 2017), Eagan July 8, 2004 puraose. This ste report is iRtended as a senrice to cltizens fo desdrbe in s single place the known Infoimafion contained in Rles of Dakota Counry stalf hnm several departments regarding the properfy known as (he Diamond T Ranch in Eaqan. This repoit provldes background irrformatlon that may be helpfuf for public policymakers but is nof infended to provlde recommendations for dedsions or to guide actions. The information in thls report is based on severaf sources with varying accuracy and reliability. 71teretore, readers should substantiate specific iqfamation witf+ the cfted sources for use beyond this documeM. iN-rRODucnoN ocation. The Diamond T Ranch is located at 4889 Pilot Knob Road in the City of Eagan. The property is west of Jensen Lake and adjacerrt to the Lebanon Hills Regional Park (Figures 1: 2.). Comprised of two adjacent parcels, the smaifer parcel an the east is in the adjacent PLS section and borders ihe right-of-way of Pilot Knob Road (CR 31). 1. PIN 10-03300-011-75; 3520 acres. Building Permits: Singte-family residence buiit in1964, clubhouse buiH in 1980, and an equipment shed buift in 1994. Owner. Diamond T Ranch, fnc. [Jerry (deceasecq and Carol Thomas]. Public Land Survey: Northeast quarter of Southeast quaRer of Section 33, 7.27N., R.23W.; Elevatian 930 to 1010 feet above mean sea level (amsQ; and ?8usin i ._ . n rmt;,•.:o-aq5- ?4 9EtMiP N?,{?D, ? i (}} . ? •. ?- . ? ?G ? , xi q? . .4?1 V??? y?. ?d51f1 7 V M`.I., C? i'???'? •" ???? i E . ? # ) jv . ?` i?}? _ ? . ? • ' ' 1 Pas6? y << ? • A ? ? ? ' _ „ Iw . r , `?'•.A "'?'? _ ? ?: ` ,?• ?' ? ? ?nex? .^dk!? i ? - - i?ReqiwiJ?3•Park ?f?J ., ? 'aasin •Y '. • c ., >. "4" ? .r{ ,.4 ..nsen La ? ?.. ...' Dakota Caunty Emironmental ManegenwM Depertrnerk- Site AssessmeM 1 Dinmond T Ranch 5ite Report (Sites 2092 & 2017), Eagan 2. PIN 10-03400-020-50; 2.63 acres. No buildings. Public Land Survey: West half of the West half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, T.27N., R.23W.; Elevation 970 to 1030 feet amsl. Geoloav, Hvtlrotoav. Wetis and f3roundwater Quality. 7he area soils have developed on Late Wiscnosinan Superior lobe glacial ti0 and stratKied ice-cordact deposKs. The Kingsley sandy loam and MaMomedi bamy sand are present in the upiand areas, the Otterhoft silt loam is found on the upper siopes oi the drainageways, and the Quam, Jewitt and Kennebec siR loams occupy the closed and semi-closed drainage basins. in the vicinity of ihe sites and depending upon the surface elevation, there are approximately 200 feet of unconsolidated sediments present overlying the weathered St. Peter sandstone Gedrock. South o4the property is a former glacial lake basin with approximatey 250 feet of sed'unents 1nGuding glacial lake sands. The unconsolidated sedimerrt aquifer has a water table elevation of approximateiy 925 40 930 feet amsl. The level of the smalt ponds in the area of the sites varies from 925 to 970 feet amsl. Jensen Lake's elevation is about 921 feet amsi. The shailow aqu'rfet's groundwater flow direction is generaliy northwest to noRh-northwest. Because of the giacial till deposits, seasonal, perched groundwater may be present above an elevation of 930 feet amsl, but it is usually discordinuous lateralry across the tandscape. The Prairie du Chien dolostone-Jordan sandstone aquifer has a poteritiometric surface elevation of about 825 feet amsl, and the flow direction is generally north-northwest. New we41s in the area, especfaly cdy wells, are compieted in the fatter aquifec The overying, weathered St. Peter sandstone aquffer was utilized as a domestic water supply by older wells completed in the area. Residual iimestone and shale (Platteville and Gienwood fortnations) may cap the St. Peter sandstone in isolated areas near the property. Older wells in the area that were compieted through semaconfining strata, inciuding the basal St. Peter areneceous shale, were ordinariy not cased and cemeM-grouted ta preciude the interconnection of separate aquHers. The permanent sealing of auch wetis requires the removal of casing iiners and/or the perforation and pressure grouting of casings through the impervious strata. Two well water supplies are noted to be presert on the property. The 44nch diameter cased well (Minnesota Unique Weli # W05193; elevation 978 feet amsp is associated with the former Jerry and Carol Thomas residence, which was built in 1964 and is now unoccupied. No addftional infortnation is available on that weli, which is now abandoned but not permanerdly sealed. A second well was constructed in August 1973 [Minnesota Unique Well # 128707; Elevatfon 1004 feet amsl; 4-inch diameter, 230-foot casing with a 10-foot screen to a depth of 240 teet; Static water level 200 feet belpw ground surface (elevation 804 feet amsf}. The istter well was a noncommunity well utilized by the ranch 6usiness (clubhouse and restaurarrt), which ciosed in the fall of 2003. The well is north of the clubhouse and is also akandonsd but not permanerrtly sealed. Tfiere are a number of smaA-to-large wetlands located on and immedistely adjacent to the property. Four weflands (designated A, B, C R D) on the propefty have been identffied for wetland preservation status under federal and State laws, which are administered locaily. Dakoffi County Emironmertal Management Departrnent- SiEe AmessmeM 2 Diartrond T Ranch Si4e Raport (Sites 2092 & 2077), Eagan Genereily, stormwater and other runofr are captured by closed and semi-closed depressfons, which serve as groundwater infittration basins and stormwater reteMion bastna. The south-ta southeast half of the property drains ta wetiands on the west side of Piiat Knob Ftoad, which, in tum, drains east to a wetland in Lebanon Hilis Regional Park, immediately north of Jenxen Lake. Because of some wetland filling and drainage diversions on the property, there hsve been substantive changes to the quality and quarrtity oi surtace water runoff both on and off the ProPertY• DIAMOND T RANCH DUMP tSite 2092 (U-3311,, Eaqan DeacNption. The dump is comprised primarily of demolftion debris originating from the razing of the former Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomirtgton. The dump is located south of the private drnre that serves as the main entrance to the horse riding and baarding ranch nom Pilot Knob Road, between Grace Drive on the north and Carriage HiNs Drive on the south in southem Eagan. It is estimated that the dump exdends aver approxtimately 2 to 3 acres wRh variable depth to natural soils depending upon the (ocation and originai sWpe oTthe land to the drainageway and wetland (Basin A). Because the site was covered by sal after the dumping, it is not known if the disposal site covers a contiguous ar9ea oP if the disposals are scattered over the area and fill in the low spots. On July 17, 1985, Dakota County stalf investigated the disposai sRe and took photographs. Steffs comments included, °... a lot of demo debris in ftont yard at Diamond T Ranch on Pilot Knob. A MEGA, inc., pickup truck was sftting out frorrt next to dumping site ° The Phase I ESA consultanf noted the epstence af the dump referencing the County's Waste Site Inventory that is available on the Irrternet'. The disposai volume was estimated by County stafF to be between 25,000 to 50,000 cubic yards. The Phase II consultant estimated that, `The dump appears to measure about 120 feet by 110 feet by 20 feet deep or about 9,800 cubic yardsZ `. The latter estimate was based on limited soil boring data, as '...the depth of Ml was aof determined.... The consuttant listed the wastes found in several test pits at depths of 3 to 15 feet as °...concrete, br(cKs, ra6ar, metai, piping, roofing materials, and ceramic tite.... " Most of the demoiition debris was nat reduced in size or compacted before being covered on- site. Consequentiy, void spaces would have occurred in the flll and may have everrtually led to soil substdence, as well as erosion and vermin harborage. Testing by tha Phase II ESA consuRarvt detected asbestos, diesel range organics (DRO), and potycyciic aromffiic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 3. Primary Source of Waste. During the spring and early summer of 1985, Anderson Eccavation & Wrecking Company (Mderson), 1824 Soutfi 20"' Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68108, was t Liesch Assaciates, Inc., December 3, 2003, "Phase One EnvironmeMal Site Assessment: Diamond T Rinding (sic) Stables, 4889 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55123°, Project l16200416.00, 11 pp, plus appendices. Z Braun tntertec Corp., January 20, 2004, °Phase II EnvironmeMal Site AssessmeM: Diamond T Ridinp Stables, 4869 PiIM Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesata," Projeet #Bt-0301600A, 4 pp. plus appendices. 3 Ibid, p.3. Oakota County Envimnmerrtal Management DepartrneM - Site Assessment Diemond T Ranch Site Report (Sites 2092 & 2017). Eagan corrtraded to demolish the former Metropolkan Stadium in Bloomingtan, which was being razed to prepare the site for the construction of the future Mega Mall. Anderson and its subcontractors hauled and deposited demoiition debris at three unapproved sites in Dakota County, namely the M.G. Astleford Dump, Bumsville, the Eaton Mobile Home Park Dump, Apple Valley, and the Diamond T Ranch Dump, Eagan, as well as a site near Shakopee in adjacent Scott CourKy. The demolifion debris deposited in the dump is comprised primariry of rebar-reinforced concrete, metal, glass, wood and plastic wastes from the razed and deconstructad RAetropolitan Stadium. Also preseM was carpeting, stadium seating and other corHents of the razed stadium that had not been previously salvaged or otherwise removed. The demolkion contractor (Anderson) did not address asbestos containing materials (ACM) by pertorming the necessary testing, control and abatemert procedures before the haui-out of the debris ta the four known disposal sites occurted. Unsubstantiated infortnation available at the time of the disposals suggested #hat neither asdestos nor lead abatement were completed. Aiso, electricai fires and leakages associsted with the stadium's electrical substation had occurred on several occasions during the stadium's aperetionai life. ARer the stadium wss abandoned, the Bloomington Fire Department was called out to a subskation fire. The fire was characterized as an accident, which was caused by an act of vandalism. The concern rafsed at tha time was due to the release of transformer and capacitor dielectric fluids, which corrtained polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), trichlorobenzene and other chiorobenzenes, as well as mineral ofl, it is not known if any of the cleanups eifectively remaved the spiilsge and wastes from the Auilding materials or from the transfortners or capacitors. Again, unsu6stantiated information at the time suggested that some of the spiils may not have been propery remedfated and rasolved. Because there is no specific information on where the individual loads oT demolition debris were delivered among the four known disposal locations, it is not known 'rf or where any hazaMous wastes may have been deposRed and buried. Therefore, it is recommended that testing of wastes, soils and ather environmerHal media shouid include ACM, lead and PCBs. If significarrt PCBs are detected, it is turther recommended that testing be conducted for PCBs' recalcitrarrt byproduds of overheating and fncineration, namely PCDDs (polychlorinated dibenzodioxins), PCDfs (polychlorinated dibenzofurans) and PCNs (poychlorinated naphthalenes). At the time of the waste disposals, Mark Pieper was Chief Executive Off[cer for MEGA, Inc. As one of Anderson's subcontractors for the Stadium demolRion dshris hau4out and disposal, Mr. Pieper was responsible for making arrangements with the owners of tfie four known disposal sRes. Nowever, no atNdavits or other descriptive information ere on file Trom Anderson Excavation and Wrecking Company, MEGA, Inc., or M.G. Astleforci Company, which would furtMer hetp fderrtify and characterize the waste disposals on each of the four sites. Actions and Resolution. Mark Pieper was Chief Executive Officer #or MEGA, Inc., and one of Anderson's subcorrtractors tor the 5tadium demolition. He arranged with Jerry Thomas, the former owrier of Diamond T Ranch to deposit the demolition debris south of the ranch's buildings in an area descri6ed as g wetland. A Saint Paui Pioneer Press newspaper aAicle written at the iime (miQ-Jury 1985) commented on the disposals and quoted some of the principies, including the dumping of demolition debris at Dakoq Courrty EmironmerAal Managemerrt DeparOnerit- SiUa Assessment 4 Diemond T Ranch Site Report (3ites 2092 8 2017), Eagen Diemond T Ranch °. Correspondence to MEGA, Inc., irom Eagan's Public Works Department dated Juy 10, 1985, stated that the subcontractor was in violation of City Ordinance Section 4.30 "Excavation and Filis°. It went on to state that... °Before any filling can be resumed, a grading pertnit must 6e submitted to the City Engineering Departmerrt and approved by the City Councii.° + Saint Paui Pioneer Press, mid-July 1985, article partially quoted "The third stte, Diamond T Ranch, is owned by Eagan City Council Member Jerry Thomas. He said he asked MEGA, Inc., for fl1i, expecting the company to tuing dirt, not concrete, to his ranch so he could set up an outdoor riding arena. "The concrete first was brought in when he was out of town, Thomas seid. But he added he was pleased when he saw it because'the way they were grinding It up, it was making a good porous drafning base' for the arena. He said he didn't know dumping it was iilegal. ''The minute we found out they were doing something they weren't supposed to do, we told them to knock it right off,' he said.` Dakot8 County Environmertlal Managemerrt Depar4nent- Site AasessmeM 5 Diamond T Rench SiCe Report (SiEes 2092 8 2U17), Eagan In the interim, Dakota County Senior Environmental Heatth Specialist Jerry Stahnke cortesponded with the contractor, Anderson Fxcavation and Wrecking Company, on July 15, 1985, about the "... use of an unlicensed demolftion landflll Ixated at the Qiamond T Ranch in Eagan...° and insiructed the company to comply with CouMy Ordinance No. 110 (Solid Waste ManagemeM). He also corcesponded with AAark Pieper of MEGA, Inc., regarding the disposals. On July 17, 1985, the City's Engioeering Deparlment aorresponded with the property owner, Jerry Thomas, regarding his application for a grading permit for his demoliflan landFill. The letter listed a number of items still required befnre the grading permit could be issued. it is unclear who, if anyone, gave the coMractor, subcoatractor, and property owner pertnission to dispose of demolition debris at the Diamond 7 Ranch site. State Law and Rules and County brdinances regulate the approval oi sftes for solid and hazardous waste disposal. However, the disposal occurred and was subsequerrtly covered and graded without further notifications or approvals. Eventualty, buiidings and strudures were constructed over parts ot`the disposai site. There is no further documerrtation on file regarding the dump, its resolution or closure. In RAarch 1986, the DepartmeM was notified that MEGA, Inc., was bought aut by the M.G. Astieford Company (contact: Ray M. Williams), 1200 West Highway 13, Bumsviile, MN 55337, which assumed responsibility for the Eaton Mobile Home Park disposai s+te but did rrot merhion the Diamond T Ranch site. DIAMOND 7 RANCH DISPOSALS [Site 2017 (U•33)t. Eauan Deseription of Feedlot Disposals. On July 26, 1981, the County received the first recorded citizen's complaint about Diamond T Ranch's disposal and release of horse manure to land and surface water. The complainant, who previously boarded hislher horse there, stated that in the past year, he/she observed Diamond T Ranch improperiy managing horse manure and, consequeritly, aliowing contaminated runoftto impact neighboring residemial areas and Lebanon Hilis Regional Park. ?he disposal of horsa manure and other wastes, inciuding tree wastes, demolition dsbris, construdiort wastes, and refuse, was verified, but there is no documerrtation on file regarding arry follow-up to tha 1991 complaint investigatiqn. The City of Eagan and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) received citizen complaints about the norse manure disposals in 1895 and 1997. Eagan and MPCA staff responded on several ocaasions verifying the complaints and ordering the former owners to addrass the manure handiing and storage, contaminated runoff and feedlot issues. In December 1995 correspondence to the owners from the MPCA, a June 13, 1995, inspection was ated, in which "...there were a few areas where improvement could be made.°$ M applicat{on for a permit to comply with MPCA Rules Chapter 7020 (Mimal Feed(ots) was enclased. In May 1996, the MPCA issued an interim feedlot and msnure storage permit [MPCA I-1915(B)j ta Diamond T Ranch, Inc., requiring compliance with MPCA Rules Chapter 7020 and a plan and comptiance schedule to oorrect the poliution problem, the hazards of which were 5 MPCA Correspondence (Chris Lucke) to Jerry and Caroi Thomas dated december 28, 1995, 1 p. Dakota CouMy Emrfronmental Management DeparhneM- Sim Aasessment B Diamond T Raneh Site Report (Sitea 2092 & 2077), Eagan affeding local surface waters and ground waters. s The compliance deadline and interim permft expiration was March 1, 1997. An inspection was Condueted by City and MPCA staffs on Apri13, 1997, who f0und the ranch in non-compliance with the correction orders and interim permit, which had lapsed.' 7a enable the ranch's ordered, timely compliance, the MPCA reissaed the interim feedlot and manure storage perrnft wfth a new deadline of August 1, 1997 for developing a pfan and a compiiance schedule for the feedbt, manure handling and storage and contaminated runofr problems for a total of 300 horses. e There is no further documentation fram the MPCA on whether follow-up inspectians were compteted, whether orders for corredion of conditioos were determined to be in compliance, or if a flnai permft was issued. In August 1987, Rich Brasch, Eagan's Water Resources Coordinator, cotresponded with Jerry Thomas regarding another property (4745 Dodd Road; PIN 10.03800.020-28) adjacent to F'dz Lake, which had just been purchased by Mr. Thomas, reminding him of the requiremeM for a condftionai use permft and a license if he was plartning to expand his horse stables and feediots He also noted the requirement for a feediot permft from the MPCA and Dakota Courtty. In papers daisd May 5, 2004, and filed with the Eagan Advisory Planning Cammission hy the Toll Brothers, purchasers of the Diamond T Ranch and #he developers of the proposed Steepiechase of Eagan, statements acknowtedge the presence of such waste disposals.10 ° MPCA Correspondence (Randy Ellingboe) to the Diamond T Ranch, Inc., dated May 10, 1996, 2 pp. IMerim permi[ MPCA I-1915(B), which expired March 1, 1997. ' MPCA Correspondence (Randy Ellingboe) to Jerry Thomas af Diamond T Ranch, Inc., dated June 9, 1997, 2 pp. plus an attached 2-page inspection repoR dated April 3, 1997. e MPCA Correspondence (Ronald Leaf) to the Diamond t Ranch, Inc., dated June 9, 1997, 3 pp. Interim permft MPCA I-1915(B) R, which expired March 5, 1998. 9 Eagan Correspondence (Rich 8rasch) to Jerry Thamas of Qiamand T Ranch, Inc„ dated August 1, 1997, 1 p. 10 Toll Brothers, Steeplechase ot Eagan, May 5, 2004, (page 2 of 6) quoted as Tollows: "It has been brought to the attention of Toll Brothers that horse waste may be preseM on-site and if found to be present on site is a dired result of oommercial horse boarding and riding activities of the previous property owner. Toll Brothers takes this matter very seriously: A conauRant and contraetor have been retained by Toll 8rothers to search and identify the possible presence of horse waste, and if found on site to remove the horse waste. Toli Brothers hae been working closely with public offfdals to address this issue. It is Toll 9rathers intentions ta cooperate with the regulatory agenaes in the removal of this waste. Toll Brothers recognizes that the presence of this animal waste may have the potential to be a nuisence to adjacent properties. As a resutt, Toll Brothers will take all necessary precautions in protecting the surrounding environmetrt and to minimize any potential effect that may result from the possibfe presence of this nuisance. "Over the years, the site has been extensively manipulated to accommodate horse-riding operations. land has been teveied to accommodate parking facilities and riding trails, animal waste has historicaily been stockpiled ia some areas and pushed over slopes and into wetlands with heavy machinery. These practices polluted and degraded wetlands, destroyed trees, and dramatically attered existing topography.' Dalwha Courrty Environmertal Management Departmant- Si6s AsmessmeM 7 Diartwnd T Ranch Site Report (Sitea 2092 8 2017), Eagan Descriation of Petroleum Spills and Releases. In the approwmate area of the foRner feedlot, the manure storage and runoff site, the Phase I and Phase II ESA reporls document diesel tuel spiils irom an aboveground starage tank (AST) and petroleum-contamfneted soil in the area of th6 improper 55-galian drum storage of used oii. "' The consultaM recommended that the property buyer enterthe MPCA VPIC (Volumary Petroleum investigation an4 Cleanup) Program to resolve the petrolsum spills and releases. Resolutlon. There is no further documentation on file regarding the site's investigation, resolution or ciosure. REFERENCES Nonconforming solid waste tlisposal sites must be formally Gosed in compliance with Chapter 14, eMitied °Nonconforming Sites and Facilities°, of Caunty Ordinance No. 110. A copy of the ordinance may be obtained by accessing DaKota Count)(s website at URL http://www.co.dakota.mn.uslenvironlpdf/110-99.pdf. Piease note th8t this office should be informed of and coordinate with any lnvestigation and testing on the properties. Contact the Dakota County Environmental Management Department for assistance. Any site investigation, cleanup, and closure should 6e performed with the review and approval of the appropriate regulatory authoritfes. This may include the Minnesota Potlution Corrtrol Agency [i.e., the Voluntary InvesUgation and Cleanup (VIC) Program and the Solid Waste Seotion]. ln paRicular, this Department, which enforces the Countys Solid Waste Management Ordinance (#110) and the Hazardous Waste Regulation OMinance (#111), reviews site plans as approval is required. CaMaet appropriate County regulatory staff for assistance at telephone (952) 891-7557. Caveat entl Dkdaimer. The informatlon Drovkled ro dertved from e compilation of recrords arW data gallored ham a nuniber of sotucm with vaifabk reliabBily aM axwacy. Therefore, d ehouid be used wlth ceudon. AlMwugh reasonabk anl prudeM care Fina bcen exerciaetl, Dakota Coumly erd its empWYeeB ere rot resporoibie tor anY ertors or om(ssians caftned hamin. I( datailed htvedi9atione have not been conduded w iepwted, the extent, bowMeries, cheeaderistica, aml impads of sk¢s discusaetl mry be Irwomptetely imown. The rraste ske irrveMory is period'wally updated. Previousy imkrown sites are tieLitg reportetl, disebsed, m diecmeired, antl new Irdortnation on erziating eiteA is bainy matla avaieDte. EvaluaNm are based on reviewa of aM assiannprtlons derived hom only Gase records arM datm compiletl. The maW ard Nguras are rnt le9alN rewrded s'eveys and afwuld rwt be uaed as swn. snoM aoy aiecrePercies, inaocurades, a inconsidencies ba Pound, plpase contact the Dekote CounH ErnimnmerNal Management Depar6neM ImmediatelY. lTiis dxumeM mey be copied, 0uoted, arM otherrolae dissemlnated providsd that k is compaetery intect (atl pages indud'vg mape arwl dam), imaRered, and PropedY dted as W autlrodty. RCS 5J25I04 rev6ed 7/9w4 CapyrigM 0 2004 by Dakoha Coumly Oiamotd T Ranch.doUpdf " Ibid, Lieach Associates, Phase I ESA, pecemher 3, 2003. 12 Ibid, Braun Intertec Corp„ Phase II ESA, January 20, 2004. Dakota CouMy ErnironmeMai Msnagement DepartrneM- SiUe qasessment 8 08:09 JUL 07. 2005 FR: THERESR SCHOSTAG #21037 PRGE: 1/1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE OF WELL SEALING PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: 7uly 7, 2005 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz (EM) RE: We1lPermit#: 05-1-1234481 Municipality: Eagan C O V N'?? ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GROUNDWA7ER PROTECTION SECTION 14955 Galaxie Avenue • Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891.7557 • Fax 952.891.7588 • www.co.dakota.mn.us Fas #: (651) 675-5694 WeIlType: Monitorwell Environmental Specialist: Luehrs The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County EnvironmenTal Management Deparhnent lias received the following pernut appGcarion for the well described. Lf you require fuRlier review of the application or if Vou have any questions or concems about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or our office at (952) 891-7557. If there is no response from yow office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekenda and holidays), we will assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the pennit. Please note that permii issuance is always conditioned on the pennit applicanYs observance of and compliance with all applicable state, county, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: Braun Intertec Env Inc 07i06J2005 Time: Time: Date Application Received: Anticipated Drilling Date: Anticipated Grouting Date: Property Owner Well Owner: WELL LOCATION: PLS Coordinates: 114, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, Street Address: 4889 Pilot Knob RD PIN Number. 100330001175 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 2 Casing Depth: 35 Total Depth: 45 Static Water Level: Aquifer: Diamond T Ranch Inc Toll Brothers SE 1/4, Sec 33 Town 27 Range 23 COMMENTS: Iils tdit 'ie`rr Tools 8RRlications Help . .. .. ?... _.. .., ..__ _ K 'AAA Csmnection ? Gnmmerrk$ 9 Eagan Building ? Eagan Tleuelapment ? permits ;4tarnsr?u...?? Eegan AssssstSale9 ? Eegan Praperty Eagan Parcel clata updated January 30, 2005 4889 PTLC}T KNUBFC? ?^ 14:24 RUG 02, 2005 FR: THERESR SCHOSTRG #22686 PHGE: 1i1? ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT GROUNDWATER PROTECTION SECTION 14955 Galaxfe Avenue - Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891.7557 • Fax 952.897.7568 - www.co.dakota.mn.us MUNICIPAL NOTICE OF WELL SEALING PERMIT APPLIGATION DATE: Augusi 2, 2005 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwanz (EM) RE: We1lPermit#: 05-H238993 Municipality: Eagan Fax #: (651) 675-5694 Well Type:Public Supply/Non-Comm-transient Environmentxl Specialist: Rutten The Water and Land Management Section of the Dakota County Environmental Managemen[ Deparknent has received the following pemrit application for the well described. If you require fiuther review of the application or if you tiave any queslions or concems about it, contact the Environmental Specialist listed above or our office at (452) 891-7557. If there is no response from your office within 24 HOURS (excluding weekends and holidays), we avill assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the permit. Please note that pemut issuance is always conditioned on the pernilt applicanYs observance of and compliance with all applicable state, counry, and municipal laws and codes. Well Contractor: Date Application Received: Anticipated Drilling Date: Anticipated Grouting Date: Property Owner: W ell Owner: WELL LOCATION: Don Stodola Well Ihrlling Co. 08/01/2005 Time: Time: Genetica Excavating Genetica Excavating PLS Coordinates: 1/4, SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, Street Address: 4889 P1ot Knob RD PIN Number: 100330401175 WELL INFORMATION: Diameter: 4 Casing Depth: 645 Total Depth: 280 Static Water LeveL•_ Aquifer: Sec 33 Town 027 Range 23 COMMENTS: 71 R K 1I n a ? ? R g ( ? ? ? ? GO(tt?CCxIQ13 I Co12i1t1'IteI1tS I Esgan Bui{ding I Eragen 1leuelopment ? Permits Ovrner I Eagan AssesslSales lEagan Prnperty lEagen Parcel I D FUffi0001175? Address 4889 PgT vo?- Owner 1 Pt,4TINUM CrEVELOPMENT GROUP 320G ALLEN CT EDEN PRA1R#E MN 55946•3025 ? - Owner 2 4889 KNflB RT7 Owner 3 Clwner 4 data updatei,lanuary 30, 2t1fl5 . Ei1e Vik Uiew Tool5 61301catiOns HeIp _ 10?-I ID _ , 2005 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Sb.Sa Date ?T_ / 2 S / z---?? Site Street Address (tvs 9.J Unit # Property0wner ll ?L_ „4j-'-s Telephone# ( ) Contractor n-+ Telephone# ( ) C'?Z 3Cq'Y6qf? ? Address '7l6 City? L.-?-?-?? 1+-?kS State if---3 Zip [q The Applicant is: _ Owner ontractor _Other Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes putting in a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. If rL are installinq onlv a water softener and/or water heater, do not complete this section. Move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. eptic System Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $125.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: Water Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new _ replacement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total g 50. S o I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be reviewed and approved. ApplicanYs rinted Name ApplicanYs Signature ? r ? -----.?.- :?:'' . N.' ` . \ \ \ ? ? ? '\ . DELMAR ?o ?CHWANZ LANUSURVEVOR? CDrI???-? _---- ? 2978 WEST 145TH STREET P.D. 60X M ROSEMOUNY, MIPINESOTA 55068 , Y lx ? , • . v. Y / ' ,? ' " ' ?c • r U 1? 1. i i:•' a ? i Ph10RlE 892 4R3-9789 ' ? / •. ( 0 ?- o?? ? ?.S} i, ? ?- ?' _ ?,.? ! y ? ? i ? • ? ?,• , ?` ? ..? ? -" • ,\ ?? 1 i ,•??'' F, ? ? e `_" ? • ', ti `` ? ?-' ? Jh kL ,?/ , ?. 1 , .? ? ? i ? ? ? a ?? /; L NgM6? /.??'ds ?,. ? ?.? ?f,??• ? ? ,, Aw1 ' 'K ? • . ? A . ,? _ a;. ?? ? ? ? } ? ., • ? ` ?? ? ` ?.. \ j " ? 7( d ? •? ??_ ? r (/ ~ .. 'M' I\` I ....? ??• ,? ` ? 1. ? ? `I0 I ? ? ? ?? . , ?'. • v ?} `14 9 ?k \ ? t ? { ?a A ? • / - ? ...; .?. - ,?`? . - _ , . , u . ,? ( \ a 14 '4?0 \`` ? ? ? ? :?? • / i,? ? i___. ? ? . t??' 0? y? ? ... .? ` ? ,. . 4. ? • ? ?, rDRAINAGE & GRADING PLAN For: Jerry.__?C {-over part of the following i' IDimond T Ranch?'4? . ,` deacri ed property t That par?]tT of : ; . " Cotan?ty' Road -30 NE?NE4 of Section 339 TG ! 9 „R23 Eagah'y :.:MYJ _ ; .. . ,,. 1.ying north of the Dak. Co e Park ith a l acre , excep`cion i?t the' ?no?heO :Together with that part of the NW?NW4 of Sect?.on 34, T27, -yns-- ,, Pilot Knob Road with an exception at north-,end. ? . ?. ?e ? ` . ? -''. ? : ... .. :.. f N ?A/L ? ? i . . _ . . ?. 64 o..,.,, . , ? . ? . ,. ? . . ?. , . . , . ? ,. ....., . . ., . , . ? . , o?. t / / ? [¢ '?:Ni ' i~ ~ ~ ~ -~o I i , o0 , o -o ~ ~N ~ ' ' 5" E ` . N 88 51 1 ~ ~n a3~ ~ , o } , MH CB ~I.~ . t~~s~~~~ ,B f~, - ~ , o0 0 ~r ~ , ~ . ~ M I> a1 ~ ~ ~ ~O . B ~ ~ ~ I N ' : , B34 i o ~ ~35 110.00 ~ e Z R/W LINE Of C.S.A.N. N0.31 . . PROPOSED l, J EASEMENT A , ~ ~ 2,200 Sq, Ft. ~ 0.0505 Acres , ' , PROPO5ED DESCRIPTION FOR EASEMENT 01A" An easement over, under and across those parts of the Northwest NOTE: DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD i<iGtIT OF WAY MAP N0. 100 has not been re- ~ uarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range corded as of September l~, 1990. It is anticipated that the Q ma will o of record w.ith'n the e w e . 23 and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section p g ~ n xt e k. ~ , ~ , CD i ~ 33, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as ~e, ~ ` 1 cr_ ~ :D ; - ~ be innin at ri ht of wa boundary corner B34 as designated on Description attached cannot be recorded until said map is of ~ ~ g g 9 Y DAKOTA COUNTY PLAT RIGHT OF WAY MAP N0. 100, according to the record. (D ~ hereof Dakota Count Minnesota; thence South 88 d" recorded map t , y, ,i \ ~ _ w , s um d bearin alon the degrees 51 minutes 51 seconds West, a s e g, g p o ~n - o ~ riqht of way line of C.S.A.EI. No. 31 as designated on said map, a BENCH MARKS: ~ ~ ~ corner B35 as ~ ~ ~ ~ distance ,~f 110.00 to right of way boundary ` d w designated on said map; thence Plorth 1 degree 08 minutes 45 seconds 1.) Spike in west face of 17" Oak at Sta. 583 + 92 - 64 ft. oo~' oo~,` West, along said riyht of way line of said C.S.A.H. No. 31, a right. ~ . ` distance of Z0.00 feet to ri ht of way boundary corner B36 as Elevation = 995.43 fe.et g ; \~J , ~ designated on said ma~; thence North 88 degrees 51 minutes 15 , , ' seconds East alon said ri ht of wa line of C.S.A.H. No. 31, a 2.) Double splke ln 12" Poplar at Sta. 573 + 13 - 164 ft. ~ , y g Y I . . . . ~ ance of 110.00 feet to ri ht of wa boundar corner B37 as right. \ o dist g Y Y W desi pated on said map; thence South 1 degree 08 minutes 45 seconds Elevation = 977.97 feet u, q o f East a distance of ?.0.00 feet to the point of beginning. ~ ~ o O~ ~N 0:: ~1 9, . . Cb~~~ ~ 9'• : ~ o . ~ r ~ PROPOSED DESCRIPTION FOR EASEMENT "B" ~ _ , - ~ _ _ _ , _ An easement ovPr; ~~n~iF:,r ~nd ~cr~ss tl,ose parts--°-f- the Nortlawest _ ' _ ~ w _ _ - _ - _ _ Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 27, Range 23 and the Northeast Quarter. of the Southeast Quarter of Section ~ ~ 33 Townshi 27 Ran e 23 Dakota Count Minnesota, described as ~ , P , g , Y~ aa~ d" o. beginning at right of way boundary corner B8 as designated on 0 . , ~ DAKOTA COUNTY R~AD RIGHI' OF tti1~Y MAP N0. 100, according to the _ ~ p a: recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota; thence South 89 A ° 99g~ 9 k-Z de rees 39 minutes 40 seconds West assumed bearin , alon the p 99 g ~ g 9 wa line of C.S.A.tI. No. 31 as desi nated on said ma a ~ 6 '9~ rlght of y g P~ ~eo ti~' a°'~ a9 ~ . ~ k'. . distance of 112.~3 feet; thc~nce North 67 degrees 11 minutes 28 + x r,-, + 1:;:-:~ ~;k:; seconds West a distance of ]`~0. 33 feet; thence North 9 deqrees 10 ~ ~ o + , 9 " ~ mti. : minutes 32 seconds E~st a dzstance of 132.20 feet; thence North 45 +9~ ~ FENCE 9~ 9~~' ~ 9 6 ~99 ~ . . de rees 35 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 49.64 feet; thence ~ ~ x ~ + ~9 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ o h 89 de rees 39 minutes ] I seconds East a distance of 191.70 y, 9 x o ~ ~ Nort g ~o. ~a + , ~ fee t to a p o i n t o n t h e w e s t e r] y r i g h t o f w a y l i n e o f s a i d C. S. 1 1. F I. + a ~ ~ ~ 9 a o l~e i ht of wa boundar corner ~ ~ ~ 9~ ~ ~ No. 31 distant 10.41 feet n rt rly of r g y y + + B33 as designated on said map; thence southerly, along said +9 ~ +9 ~1ry ;y - westerl right of way line,through right of way boundary corners , +9 ~~`'q~::; . . ~ ~9~.. y ~ 6 e. . B33, 832, H 31, 830, i329, 828, B27 and B26 as designated on said ~ 90 ,y ; F ~ n ' ~ 0 + ' \ + °~1 9~' X o,~` P~ .9~ map to the poznt of b~.qinninq. ~ ,G ~00. ~ , + a + , ~:p: ` ge~~ ry ~ ~o~ . ~ + ~ , + 9 g '1 A~ I . ~ . \ ~ 9 O 6 + 9~~ 99~' o~~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ` ~ ~0 9~ + +°j I . , 6. u ~ ~ 09 + + 6. ~ ~ . . _ ~ ~ . . . ~ ~9' 'h:'.'.'.' 9 ry + 9~~ 9 B9 a a +°j +9 + 9p x ~ 6 00 ~ . ~ * + ~ i ~d0 ~~k +°1 ~ , 0'h° ~9~~ , ~ o, 9 +9 V^ ~ + t9 09ry i~ : : ~ ~ 0p 6~ 9g~ 9A 99, 6 . 1 . . ~ . . . • : ~i9^~' . ~ : 0~. + ~i ` ~ 09 9~ ~ ~ ~ o a ~ i: : . . + ,0 Q ~9 + 9 I.~.'.'.'.'.'. + o, t9 + + CP ry 0' i 1 C~ \ 9' ~ o +9 ~ a 0y6 9~ +9 9~~ 0~' +9 + ~ hp I: : 1 ~ / + 0 +9 ~ '1 ~ i 1'~ ~ q~' ry• W' ' '1 ~ o, 9 c9 9 ' . . 9 + ; ~'1~ g~ 9 A ~.~p:. . + 9~ CA ~ + ° ' ' 9' 0 ~ + '1. + g 9.. . : + . : 9 0 °+~1 ~ +~1 h 90 ~ ~ + 1_. ~ ~ + . bi '1~ 0 + 0 ~0' ~ r r> ~ 0 '19 9~ ~9~ h 0' ~ N 89°3911 E----~----'' 1 1.7 _ ~g• ~ i + _ ~ 0~ 0 9 ~ . . . , i~ . . ~ ~ ~ + ~ ' ~ < 1 . 1 f o ~ x ;::~n ~ ~ { 6 _,r--'" 91 x / D~ ,r• ~,.~;.~.~.zm~~ ` " ST..S, ~O ,;~,.~'"~.",~t w,.~.,, ; ,W.~...,,.~ B33 : - - ~ ~ ~ 9 , ~ a x I ~ o~ , . 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I ~ q: ~ ~ I 0. : ~ : : • : : • ~ : i ~ ~ S IINE OF NW 1/4 Of SW ?/4 j ~ LiNE OF NE i~ 4 OF SE 1 j 4 OF SEC. 34, T. 27, R. 23 I ry ~ ~r SEC. 33, T. 27, R. 23 ~ ~ _ . ~ - - - - - - - - - --7- , I . . ~ - _ _ _ ! I ~ , !10 ~ti : !o 'y . ~R' I 9~' . . , a ~ l~ . ~ : : + \ + I , ; + 1+ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ i ~ ~~h:': I ~ 9~ ~ h. ' I . : . J// i i ~ . / • , ~1 I I ' ~J ~ I l ~ .I ~ ti~ ,~I.•:.•~~,:.. . ~ ~ti : : : ~ . . • ~ry. ~ ~ ~ ~ u~ N , 9~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ +9 ~ J", + . ~rn~ . N ~ 3J____ 0 30 60 ~ I~ ~ ~ - I hereby certify tliat this sl:etch, plan or report ~CALE IN' FE~T II was prepared by me or under my d.irect supervision and that I am a dul Re.isi=ered Land Surve or under Q~ J Y 9 Y the laws of the State of Minrle<.>ot~. Dated this llth day of September 1990 ~ ~ ~ SUND~ I~11ND SURVEYING, INC. ~ , BY' ~ . / Edward I3. Sunde, R.L.S. Reg. No. 86i2 e ~an e an urve ir °veying lnC. 9001 E. Bloomin ton Freewa (35W) 9 Y Nay (35w) 8loomin tcn, MN 5542Q 420 ' 612 ~~1-2455 ~ F 90-216 T.27 R.23 S,33 & 34 335 22 90-216-2.DWG o~F CITY OF EAGAN PROJECT N0. , . / _CT N0. 590