4955 Pilot Knob RdBUtLDING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 aecefa Site Addrea 4955 P T. LO°Y' .'? li OB R1J Lot Blxk 7:i c-/Sub. lECT 3`-3 Percel No. W ? Nsme _ ...?_. .. ?_ ? ...,.J,. ? Address • • :} : y 1 n?--- ".r, . - 72 Zt Name $? Addre Ciri _ I hea the ii Stato rLSx aL,DG , Siqnoturo of Permittei - w Buildiny Perm+r Is isswd ro: ` dl work sF+ofl be dore in ctcordpnto 9uibdinq Officlal Erect bJ Occupency Femodel ? 2oning Repeir ? Type of Canst. Enlarge ? No.Stories ? Move ? Length ?. Demofish ? Depth ?i t) ' Grsde ? Sq, Ft. InStell ? Aoprevals Fea Asseasment _ Woter b Sew. ? Police - Fin - E^0• - Pianner fFwt Bldg. Off. able APC Var. Date ???9 11, Permit Surchor9e 1 ?. . 0 i.i Plari Review. 7 t' SAc Woter Conn. Water Meter Rood Unit Parks Total Y' • . ?, on t!?e express cordieion rhoi and Gty of Eaqon Ordinances. Psrmlt No. Permk HoWw DoM Tsls hone s Plumbing H.VA.C. Elsetric ? Z ?j ? • J?Q Softwwr Ins»ction Date Insp. Othe? Footings --r ? Foundatian Frsminy Rooffng Rouqh Plbp. Rough HVAC Inwtstion Final Plbp. Final HVAC Final ? CKt/Oec. Waeer Dac?ibe Location: iM1bll Sewar Vr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Lot F Pilot Knob Rd. 22 Street Improvement ` I Date I Amount I Annual I Years I Payment I Receipt I Date STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAM SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAI WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK lC 0-43oo aw 7'r VILLAGE OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 ?'ERMIIT NO.: 134 The Village of Eagan hereby grants to EXap Well Co. of Rosswnt, M 55068 awau Permit for: (Owner) Henty Catiatructim at p? xn,h Anvonaw - Lake ?usnpursuant to application dated 11 /28/7 a Fee Paid: $10.00 dated this 30th day of November 19 72 .50 s/c 3,1 BuiZding inspector Mechanical Permits: t3id Total: EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownex '---)4t-L? --' --------?- . . L --------- -..._?-_Qu.??.e Address(Presenf) ._.a...?..... ?f.k? ..........................'._"__._._......."_._.. Suilder ........ -- __.------------.._....................... Address ......L`d?..7.:..°.?.l......._._.... e_? N° 2905 Eagaa Tawnahip Towa Hall J2--Ji- 7L Dale ..... .................. ....................... SSories To Be Used For Fronf Depih Heigh! Esf. Cosf Permif Fee Aemarka ?- I ? •. `?? 3 i `f ? ? I LOCATIOIQ Sireel. Road oi olhet Desciipilon ot Loc8ilon I Lof I rilocK I Aq6trion or Tseet O!a f-"Z. 1 T6is pesmit daes aot au2horize the use of streels, roads, alleys or sidewalka nos does f3 give the owaer or his agen! the righ!!o create aap si2uaiion which is a nuisance or whieh pzesenfs a hazard fo the healih, sefely, convenience aad geaeral welfare to anqone in the communilp. THIS PERMIT MUST SE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE TEiE WORK IS IN PAOGRE . This fs io eerlify. !hal..... L__.....--_has pexmission !o eree! .._ a.-.-.- .... ... . . .... . . . . . . upoa . . ... ..... the above desanbad premise e? ub fo the provisions of the Building Ozdinanee for Eagaa ownship a opled Apri! 11, 1955. _._'___._._??:5.'..?..`..?.....?f..f."""?"' "'.?....... Per ?- _..."...._'...""??.a^!-_`.::_' ............... ..................... Chairman of Tnwn Bo }?' Building Inspecior a/j! CITY OF EAGAN N? 10191 ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Bpx 27-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 r'$ BUILDINa ?, [n? PERMIT R«e+a # SiteAddrea 4955 PZLOT KNOB RD Lot_Lelock 78 ?ec/Sub. SECT 33 Parcel No. W Name TODD JEPPESEN ? Addrasz SAME cicY Phone 432-2233 (W) ff SAME N ame ? ? Addrese City Phone GW Name BUTLER BLDG City Phone 1 hereby xknowledqa that I how mad tha intormafion is Correct and aVPV Stota of Minrosota Stotutes DPWGt-y ond state thaf oll applicaWe Erect QSl Occupancy iSG Remodel ? Zoning A Rapair ? Type of Const. I IN Enlarge ? No.Stories 1 Move ? Length $ Q Demolish ? Depth 40 Grode ? Sq. Ft. Install ? Apyreveb F.u Assessment Water 5 Sew. Polica Fire Eno• Planror Cawncil Bldg. Off. 5/3/$ rJ APC Var. Dete Permit 71at.u? Surchorya 11.00 Plan Review 76.25 SAC Wofer Conn. Woter Meter Rood Unit Perks Tatal Siprrofurc of Pertnitt I A Buildiny Parmif Is is+Wn b? OD .TF.PPF.SF.N on ths azpreas conditlon iMt dl wo.k aholl be dorm in eecordance wuh nJllJ/y/pplimbla 5 Minneaota Statutn ord City of EoOm ?dinancet. BuiWlrq Offkiol /y( 1 1?8 /it..?__J Thie request void 18 months fmm -2 a87829 ???? 8-7t 9?..a 33 Fequest Daie Fire No. Rouph-i?inspec?ion Fequired? eHeaAV Now Q Will NolifY Inspec- ? ?yes eNO tor When Reatly [a Licensed ElecVical Contractor I hereby request insoection ot ebove ? Owner elecVical work installed at Sireat Address, Box or Route No. . 'City ' ? cl 5- 5- r?a r o R F?A emuon o. Township Name or No. anpe No. Coamv !7 A a occuo+mt IMiINTI Phone No, 0 O? - Sa tie D ? Power Supoliar AAtlress o r- /* 6 ?U Elec[rical Con[ dctor ICompany Namel CoMracmr's License No. tF?Cr CC,CCb -t f2 I 0 yo2 Mailing Address (COMracmr or Owner Makinp Instailation) I 4 U% v- (/. / ?S o f? Authorized Si8^at e IConvactor/O wnar Making Ins[allationl Phone Number _ (7 / ( /? 2 d, MINNESOTA STATE BOAflD OP ELECTflICITV THIS INSPECTION PEQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midwey Bldg. - floom N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAHD UNLESS PROPEN INSPECTION FEE IS 1821 University Ave.. St. Peul, MN 55106 Phone (672) 297-2171 ENCLOSED. y REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi.ne ? y?, See instmctions tor comoleting this form on Eack of yellow copy. j5' f}S Er R/?. "X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request MewlAdtll Aeo.I Tvoe oi Builtlina I Aoolinncne Wiewd I Eouiomen( Wired f F I I 1 1 Industrial Bldo. 1 I Air Conditioner 1 I Bulk Milk Tank I k Fae ServiceEntrancaSiie p Fee Feeden/Sabtaeders N Fee Circuits .OQ 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 qm s .SO 0 to 30 Am s Above 200 qmpy 37 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swinuning Pool Above 100-Am s Above 100_Am 5 Transiormers Irrigation Booms Q Purtial•'Other Fee L L _ . . . I Signs ( I ISpecial Inspection ?S. 70TAL FEE ?i qerryrks / /`!57'RLL? CO`-?. S i nvdi Q' 3. o 0] ?/7-J11 I, ?he Elac r cal rr ? ??speclor, hareby cartify thet Ihe abova rIFinel ?` insoection has been mede. Thle request void 18 monlhs Irom ! MASTER CARD 11--- 16 .n 3 30o csla 7y OWNER SiRUCTURE AND ?R * I M? LAND USED AS ?doA0107itfl! doOL Permit No. Issued Issued To Contractor Owner BUILDWG PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK 2qa ? ? ,y WELL 1=? EIECTRICAL - HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER I OTHER I Ifems Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distan ce From Well FOOTWG $EPTIC FQUNDATION 4 CESSPOOL FFiAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL II-.ZB? !? DRAINFIELD ? . PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER Violations Noted on 8ack COMMENTS: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO 8E USEO ONLY IN EVENT Of OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. DATE OF INSPECTION a ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTENO TO COMPLY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ? ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION REINSPECTION REVEAtED CE RTI FICATI ON - I certify that I have carefully inspected the above in which 1 have no interest present or prospective, and that I have reported herein all significant conditions observad to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifica<ions, and any specific require- meJn?s for off-site improvements relating to the property inspected. ALLIMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABIY COMPLETED 5UIl01NG INSPECTOR MASTER CARD --ff Permit No. issued Issued To Conlrector Owner BUILDING 3?37 ? PLUMBI NG CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK V'?ELL ELECTRICAL HEA7ING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER I OTHER I I}ems Approved (initial) Date Remarks Distante From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION $EPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUM8ING WELL SANITARY SEWER Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION AEPORTS TO 6E USED ONLY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. CONDIT10N5 OF CONSTRUCTION AT iH15 INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. ? ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. DATE OF INSPECTION ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZED AS FOLLOWS; NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY, ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WIL! BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION REINSPECTION REVEALED CERTI FICATION - I certify that I have carefully inspected the above in which I have no interest present or prospective, and that I have reported herein all significant conditions otserved to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and spec(fications, and any specific require- ments for off-site improvements relating to the property inspected. 1-1 ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE CONJutENTS: '!J&? ? 3 ,, . 40 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE LICENSED 61ITH THE CITY OF EAGAN ZNCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For:,sf a,yL-,.E Valuation: „G2svv Date: Site Address: OFFICE USE ONLY Lot: -J B1ock 7o Sect/Sub Ereet X Occupaney $-2 Remodel _ Zoning Parcel I! Repair Type of Const Q N Enlarge It of Stories I Owner Move. Length 50 ? -? Demolish Depth _ep Address ySSS f%cai ??nQ ?Gyq. Grade Sq Ft City/Zip Code SSi.z7 ---------- ---------------------- Phone APPROVALS Contractor Assessments Permit 152.? ' Water/Sewer Surcharge Address Police Plan Review 1b.25 Fire SAC City/Zip Code -??ngr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Phone sg Council Road Unit Bldg Offf Parks Arch./Engr. APC Treatment Pl Variance Address TOTAL City/Zip Code Phone ll F : eC tY ? , ,. .I SCAIE: ' I Total Procertv Area 700 aCf95 Net Pro er A ea - ess roa r w - 593 acres ; a O ? IA O z 1 ? w N Onv<w ? N a ? a ? N A I d? t s ? a n ; ? n ? J N z l N ip Y :Z, ?I N N W N I \ I IrM? I Q I '? N o I ` = ? ? o ? I (n o ` y I I i 3 ^ ! a ? ? 6 ? N $ ? W I O 0 N ? ? 3 ? J ? ? •e J6•^ ? - f- - - - ? - - .,-N89°26'0I"W 16827•-,. •P L South lina of S.E. I/4 of SE I/4 of ? o Sec. 33, Twp. 27, Rpe. 23. V, a - M HIY w y o ? ` O U p \ 33 ` N N I L ? 01 iY ?t?Baundory dimensions baead on o wrvey prepared by tne ookota CamTy Surveyor dated : July 10, 1973. W io m ??u?o?o1?N?ES pm o ,,??.???N..........o°r, y WAYNE.D4' CORDES ' = ,. - 14675 - i; SoutA line ot SWI/4 ot SWI/4 ??of Sec. 34, Twp. 27, Rqe. 23. -.000) 810MA • SUF7VEYING SEFtVICES 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway ` Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452•3077 -N- .I SCALE: I ."=100' e.? IN I ? ! I ? ? W I Total Procertv Area 7.00 acres Net Pro erf Area - ess roa r w - 593 acres 3 ? a 0 f- ? ? .^ 187.13 - 'n a Prope?fy Skefch for: Mr. IB Mrs. Todd Jeppesen 4955 Pilot Knob Rood Eagan , MN x I ( E 145.5( '-103.78 ?-?. ?I o n o,?^ I ?ily AY osNT , lat??a I I ui `" Ori?i„y 1 fix o h h N a I ti P ?.. 4 ? N ai I ? H ; M ?^ ; d u M ° ? N ° u a : o ? FI I ? ?I w N I ; N Y ? ° I 's N ? lo ? N li s Y I ? C w. ? I - O ? 0 o _ < W 1 0 3 ? I w ?i . A ' ote : BouMory dimensiona 6aead m a wrveY MaWred by Me Oakota County Surveyor dated : July 10, 1873. W 1 M `????N?E'S`D 0 ••? q '?rf WAYNE D.' CORDES = ;i - 14675 - , ci+ucK LowERv Director 6ARb SCH,'.IIDT i„sis'ant Director 8500 127th. Street Hastings, Minnesota 612-437-6608 ? Supervisor East 55033 ?'S\?? LARRY fUACHENDORF Ran ge r !o 0330o a[o -Z$ h/9ss' ?"? December 23, 1981 Dale Runkle, City Planner Eagan City Hal7 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Dale, Pursuant to our recent telephone conversation, I am enclosing a map showing a parcel located on Pilot Knob within the proposed future boundaries of Lebanon Hills (Holland-Jensen) Park. According to your zoning map, this parcel is currently zoned agri- cultural. The section map shows it to contain approximately 33? acres. I am requesting information as to whether this parcel could be sub- divided under your current ordinance. What are the lot size and publ.ic road frontage requirements for a single family home site on agricultural acreage? What other uses could this property be put to under its present zoning? Thanks for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely yours, Barb Schmidt Assistant Director Dakota County Parks Department DAKOTA C4UNTY ?ivcnnR? PARKS ArID RECREATION DEPAR7MENT ?.?y . L-pp . ? ic i-e:LPK °•F . R'I uceI A •.1e vK `.:? j? t4tAK q c??,c. iY /B 3 B -R' n?? A GB A PF . . . . 1 : PI ' R'3 ' :?air,ir??'' u??, ?!•c:E`.? ` J a I 4 R 1 NB A ;, . PF __?? •? I4200 ' 1_, C 5? M •>O I. -- oortORS SUIID x0 V PF A: I . I ? RB . .?ln?. p rp?oo?c ? A II w'i . f'!w.? ? 2 R a . Ni o p A A ?? - ? } I ? .\ y?,dMri'c?? P :?Y- ? ? n ioMas u H,1. I q 3 ??tmrrrs 'i 'L]??t "°?"? ??"' `? `'I ?? ??{• L?Aq??' f PK?t A _ I11iT` I 2 4400 oo q L • d t ?- ? ? ? c K, [ tar s?? - r • •r y ?t ?1 F f .' 'RdG I TANTCA6?fM ?? ?? I 4 ?4 ,?,??[? ?, ? ?k '•Whiir 3..:A[aal'+tbvP'?? .. ' '??:J ?F?1. ,. ,__ c.?;-Zt `PKPK jA V . , i " ? ?` ' I ? ;"• ,n? ? ? a ? i50.FAFl R I h?IR R"1 ? ?,?q1 q E ?' ?? a N . EAGAN?i p A 460 -?- r .3 . ?. i A yyww. " f\:<.? ? '?,?;,?? ? i 5,a ,?'yia.' ?"'.e? ?1,?,('S;''•?!?' }?y I ?l-L . Y'?' ? f . rJ r z. y R-3 f?? I V. ?? 4I COJFSE ?, ?') '??iy .Y 1 J i ,.}y 3Y? }*Jia ? Y k? 48 ? n? ? ? > tr b s b t ai?7'u .y ? r.? 5• A ? ? Y?'f 3' R 2 ? .i'?ut? ?Ll+, i? 9 3Q?sG IxoT Ixttuo[D Y??' •' w?'?" Jy?;?i? ??' 3Vi w _ ? I tjU .+ 'S R )r a. r????USi.{y .??15?•t A MPRMZNE ? J. . F?; .. R I I(> y' .?? Y? > U?' T- iH PPRN) /1? y?VJJ'?J~? ?'? '?11 A LI ? n0o. A q llY J +l .yJ lSJT? ,? ?.l fi' ? 1l'] L ?' .1JJY?lJ J? '.J ?, t' J?1 Yt?)y.3?'p PK° A i Y 3 Y ? >-t'i? ( 7 /?>?"y?,t.10'.?';?ry{?'' y':?i+N i ;?, `PµC i_._ . J a? ??r?C'.;?. t ?? ?.?',.y?,k3fII.lu.^??Y ??.?'J??k-Ja?+J ?,w? ?i. y ":e r^+.}?J??u-i1?y hs a41???3?Y.}'???11??Jv?11y?? c??F?S£S? ?.f??y?i+'?+-L ?yl?Jiv')jY?Y'.f3?,?i.ii,i?`?,at:.?Y .'?? QO 23w J G A ,ya? ..r" . ??i i., .,a?r•v. 1 i?? ,=??r, ,?o.{y,',n? _. ' __ . .. ,... . ? ?. ? .? 5 t c'? . AG AG ROSEMOUN?' ? A. `;y?• of Eagan 1 ?t . .v . ? Zoning Map Indexing NB - NEIGMBORMOOD BUSINE55 q - AGPINLTUfl4L GB - GENERpL BUSIHE55 p - (PF) PUBLIC FeCiLITICS R8 - ROAOSiDE BUSINESS (PK) oAPNS CSC - coNT $NOPPiNO COMMUNITY E - ESTnTES - ^