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2700 Pilot Knob Rd
CASH RECEIPT ? . . ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 _ -, DATE 19 ' RLCEI V ED _j RROM ??- ? ,f <? AMOUNT $ ' f?J_CASH ? CHECK DOLLARf 1 T _ I ? FOR ' - BY L-e I White-Peyers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy Thank You • CASH RFCEIPT • CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 CSATE 19 RECEI V ED AMOUNT $ I 4 DOLLARf 7 oo ? CASH ? CHECK FOR l, PVND CODE AMOUNT Thank You BY rn ? - White-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File CoPY ? CASH RECEIPT . CITY 4F EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 s ?A7E 19 _ wcceiveo , , . _ . FROM AMOUNT & DOLLARi ?oo ? CASH ? CHECK 1 l' Al FOR -? BY White-Peyera Copy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy Thank You BLDG.•PERMIT ti0. + ') 01-3210 01-3422 01-344501-3446 01-2155 17-3860 20-2275 20-3865 20-3868 20-3716 20-2252 20-3713 20-3743 79-3866 11-3855 .. I - y Plan Check Surch./Adm. SAC/Adm. Surcharge Road Unit SAC Water Conn. Water Trmt. Water Meter Acct. Dep. Water Permi Sewer Permi Sewer Conn. Park Ded. TOTAL -t-1--?-? ? , i /? . ? 11 CITY OF EAGAN ??• 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 r' 't?"'• ? L PHONE:454-8100 t3UILDING PERMIT Receipt # 6- `.i'. 12?33 7o be used for . - `, (S 1 )Esk Value $2,085,000 Date , 198 u Site Address `' ? Y, "0B All Erect ? Occupancy -2? s Bl , li3 Lot Block 1 Sec/Sub. ?- 'iG a'.JDALE UFC: 134iemodel ? Zoning ?•1 Parcel No. 4`L'H Repair ? Type of Const. Addition ? No. Stories ? ¢ Name " - ? ±???rl-:%• DEVF.L Move ? Length 325 i Demolish ? Depth o Address Int. Impr. ? Sq. Ft. 57 City Ph;;ne----------- ------ -- Install ? a = o Name - 0 ? Address ?- rie., Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state tltat the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature ot Permitte? OZ' • =•- ? '/-? ? ? A Building Permit is issued to: (,:t) " all work shall be done in accordance with all applic8ble State of Mlnnesol ? tlater & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg, Off. 10 8 $ G Var. Date Permit a 5,395.5t Surcharge 925-• 5( Ptan Review 2, 6 9 7. 7`_ SAC 60, 375. 0i . Water Conn. ?V' Water Meter ='/A Road Unit 4,411. G t Tr.PI. I6r380.01 Parks `' ,4 15 . 0 i Copie Tota, •' • 7•`on the express condition that of Eagan Ordinances. Building _ ParmR No. Pormit Hdda Dab TNephone N Pluinbin9 a H.V.k.C. ! ? U ? ?. ?L i / `/ / ? {? i •?L //A' electric Sollansr Impscllon Da% Imp. Commenb FoaNnqs I -ild-6 ??? ?Z. ? ?':'J?L k?? FooNnys II VB FoundaHon u'f- i Ozt. Fnminy RoWinq Rouqh Plbp. /J' • D GTA lb c Rouyh Hty. Insul. Ftreplats Flnal Ht9. ?j Finsl Plbp. Bldy. Finsl Cert. Oee. Deck Fty. Deck Frmy. WtII P?. Dlsp. cG?.c?t*st-rtli U / ? ' CITY QF EAGAN ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-159, Eagan, MN 55121 PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for Est Value Date ,19 Site Address Lot Block Sec/Sub. Parcel No. _ a Name W = Address O City Phone Phone City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is carrect and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage _ Occupancy MWCC Sysiem _ Zoning On Site Wel I _ Type of Const City Water _ {Actuary (Alloweble) # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Foolprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Assessments _ Permit Water/Sewer _ Surcharge Police _ Plan Review Fire _ SAC, City Engc _ SAC, MWCC Planner _ Water Conn. Council _ Water Meter Bldg. Off. _ Road Unit APC _ Treatment P1 ..t- Signature of Permittee TOTAL A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that a14 work shall be done in accordance with ali applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telaphona ?t Piumbing H.V.A.C. Electric Softener Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings f y Footings II Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. 5!_Z;5;f? Isul. Fireplace ;?/ Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Frmg. Well Pr. Disp. , Cc}MYRi xo=i'F.r. CITY OF EAGAN .. . r? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 1?? 'v-- 13275 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Tobeusedfor EscValue $3, 000, 000Date 2 'r?l3;ZUT.RY 27 ,19t37 Site Address 2' U G r' I LO'i `r: VOB RU Erect ? Occupancy Lot 1 Block 1 Sec/Sub. i;AG OFC PK Remodel ? Zoning Parcel No. ruame pRISM HOTEL llEVF.LOPMENT Address ¢ ()r7TJ;i CQRP o Name ? ? Addres? . • ?!; ?"? 150 f' (`ifi' o?,..... 936-4611 ? 0 a W Name_ ? z a Address z i W City - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittce i A Building Permit is issued to: Oi'U.; CORY all work shall be done in accordance with all applicablp State of Minneso ?•C Repair ? Type of Const Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length Demolish ? Depth Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft Install ? Assessment Water & Sew. Pol ice Fire Planner Council Bldg. Off. Var. Date Permit Y ' ? J 1 ° Surcharge 1r200 Plan Review 3 #785 SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. Parks ? Copie Tn4?1 I bb-I on the express condition that Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. c. ,? Pemdt No. Psrmlt Holdor DMs ToNphone M Plum" H.Y.A:C. `T Fl Ehm,.lc ( ?J.)- / ? 1CQ SOMlIIM Y. „ InspecUOn Dsta Insp. Commenb FooUnpsl Footlnpsll Foundatbn Framin9 X,! Q ;P2,1-17 a)'d, y/ 0 - , Roollny „U V1147 Rouyh Plby. Rouph Htq. Imul. Finplad Final Hf9. ( l ?7 Final Plby. p Bldg. Flnal ° GA. Oec. Dsek Fty. Usek Fmp. WNI Pr. Dbp. . ? ? a ; . . c- . . - . , ; : , . < ' ? • ? < . PERMIT # ' ' • ? MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN , 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE: - CONTRACT PRICE ? ?•3, ' ) U• ? . ?' ' PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address BC.DG. T1fPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Bloe N Sec/Sub . ,...?_ R N ? Name ew es. ? Address Mult Add-on C ' R i omm. r epa c ' City Phone h O er t Name FEES ? Address c4{' 01 r ?3?`=? ' RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU - $24.00 p City Phone -`-' '7`?'= . ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 TYPE OF WORK GA5 OUTLETS - 1.50 EA. Forced Air M BTU COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Boiler M BTU MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 Unit Heater M BTU MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 Air Cond. M BTU STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 SIC IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Vent CFM BEYOND $1,000.00) Gas Piping Outlets # I Other - '-- ----- FEE: .T S/C' SAGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL - FOR: CITY OF EAGAN I J ? a . ' COMPRI HOTEi, CONTRACT PRICE: U Site Address ?700 _6s ir.+ rr. m Name ? ?o Address c City burmw :,,.. Name E)ptffire9CV- Address ggw ftp,,?ft City milummkPOIAS TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. Other MECHANICAL CITY OF EA 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, PHONE: 454 BLDG. Res. _ Mult _ Com m. Other RECEIPT # r ' J l t? 122 DATE: 3/25/87 WORK DESCRIPTION New ? Add-on Repair FEES RES HVAC . 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 'hone ? ? ?? (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW _ T CONSTRUCTION) T ETS M GAS OU L ( INIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) COMM/IND FEE - 146 OF CONTRACT FEE M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & M BTU REMODELS M BTU ? MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT. FEE: S/C: TOTAL: - $24.00 - 6.00 - 1.50 EA. - 12.00 - 20.00 - .50 FOR: CITY . ? . - 71- -Y1 ? . ? .Z 3 ` g 7 ?`z?•""" 1 t , ( ??.-• ? ?, ??/.s?d-?/? ? 7_? ? F 7 ? 7 f 1-1 ? ?? /4-?j ??w" ???-???- ? ??? ???? CONTRACT Site Address m Name I ? Address c Ciry MC%.nP?rot.r%L'rCroni I CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: _ 0 PHONE: 454-8100 BLDG.TYPE Res. Mult Comm. ? Other WORK DESCRIPTION New Add-on ? Repair Name T U.L FEES RES HVAC 0-100 M BTU m . c Address •` ' ' ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU O Gty Phone Y-4 A' (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION) GAS OUTLETS MINIMUM PER P RM ' ( - 1 E I n TYPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1ai6 OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES Boiler M BTU TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - $24.00 ? - 6.00 ? - 1.50 EA. ? 12.00 Air Cond. Z? ?- T?-'`M BTU MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 Vent CFM STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping Outlets # BEYOND $1,000) Other FEE: . - , ? • . r"? . S/C: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL: FOR: CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT q - - ; PLUMBING PERMIT ? CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT #?! ? 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAO, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CONTRACT PRICE PHONE: 454-8100 5ite Address Lot - - ? ? Name <- f m Address f` ' ' i ? • c CiN _L` E,?•?,IS?, "? /!i Phone Name 3 Address p Ciry rA r,11 ii ) Phone IM/rND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES 'NHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPUES MUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 WUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 'E SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 1$.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES FOR: CITY OF EAGAN BLDG.TYPE Res. Mult. Comm.? WORK DESCRIPTION New L--'?_ Add-on Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: NO. FIXTURES TOTAL Water Closet - $3.00 S Bath Tubs - $3.00 lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Kitchen 5ink - $3.00 Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Gas Piping Outlets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIT) Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: STATE S/C: GRAND TOTAL• {, .. 5-0 ? '" ^" ?? • ?-;-?7 _ ? . y'-87 ?a?"•.u'"' •? ?'? `,?/ ?. ? ?-,,?- ?31? 1344 511t7 ? f+-??? ? s J ? / ?'`''`?`?`? ? ? ?IL -g7 ,D.ll. P 4-4- -.?_. INSPECTION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pi1ot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: f 140H ru ', i,•,?lll?li?;,l I !f4 t II I I'A1iK 41 H ; PE.FjMjT S1,113.TYPA..: ? . PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: I.. A M! k f (: i.l ?1.`.: T (t) Je'1 /13t1-/1, I:i TYPE OF WORK: !?. ? i i , , i , {, ttt! 1 1 fi ) Nit (h1. .i, t ? 04 l 4A L. /lI 4 A L fhl;iii If?FJ ( II()t !i)A1` 11'dt4 ) INSPECTION D, • D• i?i rl,1I•.iI •, i'Ii,f tHi, ,. i;.il I Eit. 1I,,1 1 1.N 1.1111{ 1 k Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephpne # S/W PLUMBING A I? I9 3? NVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Inapectfon Date Inap. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing Roofing Rough Pibg. Rough Htg. ? ? • & Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notify Piumber Const. Meter EngrJPlan Bldg. Final <t ?v Deck Ftg. Deck Final Wefl Pr. Disp. ? il \ 1J1 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE QDDRESS: 1011, 04401 F' !. I. il 1 K fV U t.a H t) r nk;nNCiAi r1as rT(-.F VrA R ?, 6 a PERMIT SUBTYPE: h 1' . 1 : j "1". ?flI`; i) e •-;cI? I r''rIt1N taI., I 1 tIA bt M.'f?:' i }t 01 ltta9? pTt i. I T Cf tJ 3 11 {ifil_ r11l11' INh{ #'m'F'. Y`?rrft?'?jY? ? J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ON ,CORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 00(??PPLICANT: 1lri; :;i t h+ ? s:;'?t (612i #181 004 TYPE OF WORIE: Vf"iIIAf%b'S: PE-CIF.Pi ?1 • 01101t[3}P 'iATE'1 I'tiT AMiEAlNA ' PermR No. Permit Holder Date Teleptwne # S/VV PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundatlon Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Fnal Htg. Orsat Test Fnai Pibg. Plbg. Inspector - Notity Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Pfan reu+ a' Deck Ftg. Deck Final Wel{ Pr. Disp. INSPECTI4N RECQRD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 383 ilot Knob Road Permit Number: agan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: ? (651) 681-4675 ? w.: ze•.'?53'i al0.6); APPLICANT: SITE ADDRESS: L?, I. I pi ?, ft 0 r KN 1) F.1 R n t• AiiANUAI t• fii F I(f PA:ti.' +17}1 (612) 69ti--4502 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: 1) r ?ct; I P rI aW rKASa4 t:Nr t u,foi INSPECTION .. . D. i vFViFWEf1 f?Y cRqrci wnvAr7YK. 1!<[if_ 1 kA5Fl 1 hat'1 tt ;lil4t ANI) 1 N':; i A1 1. !Nf 1 AI Riiti I IF 1 -1- ? ? ? Permit Hoider Date Telephone # SEWER/ WATER PLUMBING HVAC Inspectton Date Insp. Commente FOOTINGS FOUNO FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBlNG PLBG AIA TEST ROUGH NEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAI HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CONDUCTIVITY TEST HYDFOSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FfG DECK FINAL ? INSPECTION RECORD ' CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: !! 7::r Ea an, Minnesota 55122-1897 9 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 ? SITE ADDRESS: i{, APPLICANT: I t` I i If f i iJUls ?U .„ .(ir, f I t?c, , I.!t•?ti a+ c•?, :1fiAt1f)H1 i :,i f tGE PARF 41'H • . ,) H29-8046 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: nESr.kIPTliyN RrPnrR i?ioL.innY 1NN ?tttrt Rt)OF 1 HI , tt#'MARKSs itb0F?NG : .. . .. .. ???i?a ?? t{ { ?? r ?? ? . ._ ... . .. .. .. . . . . ... . ., ? . . . J Permn No. Parmn Holaer Date raepnone r ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspectlon Date insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMINCi ROOFlNG ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL OYPBOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL ?- - --- Wertificate of cccupano IKtiv of Wagan 'MeOart?ae»t af 13saiug 3860cctian This Certicate issued pursuant to tke requrremeRts of the Uniform Building Code certifying rfrat ar the trrne af issuance this strrecture was iR campliance wrth the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: usecausirwu«c HOTEL BbB.pem,;iNa_ 13275 occwrY r?WR t, B2, A3 zowog asa;c LI ryp., ca,u. I I FR owwofe,,;w;ng PRISM HOTEL DEV nmr, DALLAS TX awM;og nee,m 2700 PILOT KNOS RD Locai;n L l, B I, EAGANDAI.E OFFICE f ^ PARK 4TH no, OCTOBER 13, 1487 suiw;ng POST IN A CONSPlCUOl1S PLACE . ,? ??r . (gtr#i#iratP uf (Orrupanry Citp of 4fagan Irpartntrttf o# liuddircg Ju.perttntt This Certificate issued pursuant io the requirements of Secdon 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying thar at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of tlte Ctty regulaling burlding co?rstruetion or use. For the following: use ckuffiatkm ??'Jl? ? (SH' - _"' ' sws. Permu rb. ? . oo.v,ncy Tyx R1. B2 . A3 zoniog astW tA Zya cona ' Owna ot Bw7ding 1w:1 ?M`. 21111, Ad&w • p, 14?,,, A?IEg ,?.ti L431114 w...? o,m: Al? i 3 , 1987 e"d* oeficW POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Water lateral NA (Watermain) till Conn. Addition EAGANDALE CENTER #1 1 1 Lot Bik Parcel 10 22500 010 01 Owner Street State EagaTi, M 55122 ? Improvement Date Amount Annual Years t? ayment j Receipt Date STREET SURF, /o r STREET RESTOR. '? GRADING . `? / i"Q. CLr._!.(CGL ..cL ?. V SAN SEW TRUNK 8.20 11.61 , O / ,1. ? '1E SEWER LATERAL 150 1968 43.5_ . 4". 216, 6 2? ?/ WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL 'lE WATER AREA 68 STORM SEW TRK 1 68 20 +t STORM SEW LAT 1 2n CURB & GUTTER SIDEIMALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 9UILDING PER. SAC PARK 4?I"r-tn-?.1c. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilol Knob Road P.O. Box 21198 Eagan, MN 55121. Zoning: C0MM4 Owner. _ Opus Gorporation Address: Site Addess: 2704 Filot Knob ' Plumber: BcywIer,Compaziy Meter No.: Size: Reader No.: 1 agree to comply with the Cify of Eagan Ordlnances. By Date oi Insp.: Connection Charge: Account Deposit: Permit Fee: 10• ? ?opd 5urcharge: . 50pa MisaCharges: 16,3."0.00pd ZT Total: ?'englty 10.00Pd. Date Paid: Insp.- CITY OF EAGAN SRM yOyICE PMµR 3$30 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: -' Eagan, MN 55121 pATE; 7777' Zaninp: No. of Untts: ei'.=-I Ownar: /lddrcss: - - Site Address: '.nt •,Qi> I•or, 11 23 t?l Plumber. I - ;? . ? Nrw ** eem1) •,p li. C'Up of gye. OrJlwsaN. By Dcte of Insp.: TY OF EAGAN 30 Pilot Knob Road 0. Box 21199 gan, MN 55121 re esn@*+vllli !w Cky of ENon WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: II S DATE: 10-28-36 No. of Units: HOT`'L ' O?SG0. Cormetfion Ohorq: La1 , F' Acoount Deposit: PormFt FN: ' n,-,-? ' ? Surchorpe: Mtsc. Chorpes: Tarol; _ DoN Pold: SEWER SEItVlCE PERMIT DFQLIT IJA . - Corwwctlon Chorpe: -- llooount Deposit: PrrrMf Fee: Surohorpe: Misc. Chorpax Total: DaN Paid: DAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT ,nob R? fi 115 ? 9 PERMiT NO.: 28 -86 10 55121 - - DATE: Co*l ?O?L No. of Units: Owner. -,r..? .....?r.,_..?...,.. SidteAddess: 20 Pi ot Knob Road L1,2,3 B1 ::agandale Of Pk Bowler Compaay 4th Plumber. 6- Meter No : 10 n t)Ot?d Size: .. ??? Aeader No.: ? O? ?SQ?G . 50 d I aqres to oomply vrith the CH,*par : eS: 10- 16, 380. (10pc1 TP Ordlnences. . I??,?G. V ? ar , Fenaltv 10 0Ofld gy Date Peid: Date ot Insp.: Insp.: y-a3 - g7 CASH RECEIPT ? CITY OF EAGAN ?J 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 DATE 19? ?cnvco IROM AMOUNT A COLLA11t ASH ?-?F1ECK a 710 3B ? ? o c oe wraourt C ? C) U Thank You e?. nC.. N_ 73169 White-Peyen Copy Vellow-PoninB CoDY Pink-File Copy COMPRI HOTEL ` CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55127 Np 13275 BUILDING PERMIT + . v PHONE:454-8100 Receipt # -?I/p '- 7o6eusedfor INT. INiPR. Est.Value $3,000,000oate FEBRUARY 27 1g87 SiteAddress 2700 PILOT KNOB RD Erect ? Occupancy Loc 1 eiock 1 secisue. EAG OFC PK #4 Remodel ? zonin9 Parcel No. w Name I'RISM HOTEL DEVELOPMENT 3 Address 0 City Phone o OPUS CORP Name o? P OBOX 150 ua Address . ? Ciry MPI'S phone 936-4611 ?6 F w Name ? ? Address a w City Phone I hereby acknowladge that I have read this application and state that the infoimation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of ? /agan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is is ed to: OPUS CORP all work shall be done in accordance with all applicablaState of Minnesc Repair ? Type o} ConsL Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length Demolish ? Depth Int Impc ? Sq. Ft. Insfall ? Aoorovels Fees Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Planner Council Bldg. Off. Var. Permit $ 7,578.5 Surcharge 1,200.0 Plan Review 3,789 • 2 SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. Copies Total 512,567.71, on the express condition that Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Building Omcial a COMPRI HOTEL POOL CITY OF EAGAN N_ 13422 q830 Pi6ot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8100 Receipt# To be used for POOL/SPA Est. Value $30,000 Date APRIL 7 19 87 SiteAddress 2700 PILOT KNOB RD Lot 1 Block 1 Sec/Sub. EAGANDALE OFC Parcel No. PK #4 a Name OPliS CORP = Address 3101 N CENTRAL AVE t City PHOENIX, AZphone 602/274-7000 o Name DOLPHIN POOL & PATIO ?Q Address 3405 N CTY RD 18 ? Ciry Pi.YMOTITH Phone_ 542-9000 a w z u _ w Name _ Address Ciry _ I hareby acknowledge that I that the information is corrac State of Mlnnesota Statute? SignaWre of Permittee_ this e0pliCati9n afiH State OPFICE USE ONLY OnSiteSewage _ Occupancy MWCC System _ 2onmg On Site Well _ Type of Const Ciry Water _ (ACtuaq (Allowable) # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Assessments _ Permit $224.50 Water/Sewer _ Surcharge 15.00 Police _ Plan Review 1 1 7- 25 Fire _ SAC,City Engc _ SAC, MWCC Planner _ WaterConn. COUncil _ Water Meter Bidg Off. _ Road Unit APC _ Treatment P7 Variance _ Parks j Copiea - - - TOTAL f -7 5 A Building Permit is issued to: DOLPHIN POOL & PATIO all work shall be done in accordance with ail applicabl tate of Minnes? Building Official /c on the express condition that Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances . '.O a BEING REPLATTED FROM CITY OF EAGAN Ll , 2, 3, Bl 3830 Pflot Knob Road P.O. Box 27-199 Eagan MN 55121N2 12733 EAGANDALE IND PK #1 > > pHONE:454-8100 , BUILDING PERMIT ' ` Receiptn 7o be used for HOTEL $ 2,085 , 000 p ( SAELL )E t val t OCTOBER , 86 e e S . ue SiteAddress 2700 PILOT KNOB RD Erect :91 Occupancy R1,B2,A3 Lot 1 elock 1 SeciSub.EAGANDALE OFC PKRemodel ? zonin9 i.T Parcel No 4TH Repair ? Type oi Const. 11? . Addition ? Na. Stories PRISM HOTEL DEVEL DALLAS phone Move ? Length Demolish ? Depth ?? 5 Int.lmpr. ? Sq.Ft. 57 Install ? 100,000 o Name OPUS CORP Approvals $ a nddress P• O. BOX 150 Assessment ? city 1"ll'LS Phone 936-4611 (JIbI MEYERWater&Sew. .? ? W Name o Address u z i w Ciry Phone I heieby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Citv of " Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Perm'tteP?s+^/?? A Building Permit is issued toOPUS CORP all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State,.of ViM1nesc Police fire _ Planner Council Bidg. Off. 10/8/86 APC Permit $ 5,395.5 Surcharge 925.5 Plan Review Z , 59 7 • 7 SaC 60,375.0 Water Conn. N A Water Meter N A Road Unit 4,411.0 Tr.PI. 16,380.0 Parks 4,415.0 Var. Date I Copies - ?? r.,.?j - on the express condition that Eagan Ordinances. Building 453-i2o ra REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Minnesota State Board of Eledricity 1821 University Ave., Rm. S-128, St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone (612) 642-0800 Home Duplex A L Bldg. OtH'er - New Addn A Commerciol Industrial Parm Remod .{ Re air Air Cond. H}g Equip Wafer Htr. Load M mt. Olher Dryer Range Elec. Heat Temp Service "X" above the work covered by this reqoest. Enter remarks in this space and on fhe bock of the white capy only. '??L tRACS /a Go?rs-aG'.- C -;-D y7 Colcufate Inspecfion Fee - ihis InspeRion Requesl will not be accepted wifhout fhe correcf iee: Olher Fee Service Entrance Size Fee il Circuits/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Pork Stall I 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 700 Amps Street Ltg_/Tmffic Sio Abave 200_Am s bove 100-Amps Transformer/Generotor MSPECTOF'S USE ONLV TOTAL $ign/Outline Lig. Xfmr. S, 50 Alorm/Remofe Confrol Swimming Pool -- I here6 ceni thot I e ecinml msmllofian descri6ed herein on ihe dotes eroied Irrigafion Boom poughin oor? Speciol Inspec}ian Invesfigahve Fee Final / Da?e THIS INSTALLATION MAV 9E ORDERPh DIS _ NNF(:TFI] IF NLt . MPI FTFn WITHI.. 7A FAONTHS_ OFFICE USE ONLY This request void 18 monllis hom volidafion dote pnnted 7in Ilns ? ' N I?IIII?I?IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII?/I?J' (,??J Dt7 0 4 5 3 1 2 0 8 P J Re Da RougMin mspecnon reqwredz ? yes ?'Olo Inspeciion Oiher Than RwgMn ? Ready Now$VJill Call 22 I (You most call ihe mspecror when ready? Cae P.cady: , I, ? licensed conhocfor El owner hereby request inspection of the a6ove ele<frical work af: Job A rcet, ouk No f /1 Ciry Zip Code ? ? ? V? Secnon Nn Township Name or No. Raiga No. Fire Cwmy Occvpom 1'? L .a4 K./ Phone No. Power Sopplbe Address Eleclriml Conhada (Company Nome) Canlmcior Lcense No Master Lic Nn (Plont Ekct. Only) ? 4/'TUT3 Mai i?g Addmss (Commcror w Own rformmg Insmllaoonj G.?-y iv. - Au honzed 5 ?oNre ?Canhaclor or Owner Pedwmug Insmlhnon? Phwre No. r ?C E6960Ih1 1 8/96 g7pTE BOAqD COPY - SEE INSTBUCitONS ON BACK OF YELLOW COPY IIIIIII II III II REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION S44--w- ta State 8oard of Electricity 1821 University Ave., Rm. S-128, St. Paul, M2 0 6 4 1 4 Prsr?'rif'?l eaz-oeoo (p? ?'j?9Cy Nome Duplex Apt Bldg. Ofher. New Addn I ?ommercial Indus}rial Farm Remad Re air Av Cond. H}g. Equip. Water Hh. Load Mgmf. Other D er Ronge Elec. Heot Tem . Service "X" obove the work wvered 6y this request. Enfer remorks mthis space and on fhe back of the whife copy only. Connect (3) signs Calculote Inspecfion Fee - 7his Inspecfion Request will not be accepfed wiihoui the correct fee: Olher Fee # Service Gharce Size Fee # Circuils/Feeders Fee Mo6ile Home Park $iall 0 to 200 Amps 3 0 fo 100 Amps Streef Lfg./TraHic Sig. A6ove 200 Amps Abo 1 Amps Trans{armer/Generator INSPECTOR'SUSEONIV q OTAL 3 Sign/Oufline Lfg Xfmr 9.00 /? • Alarm/Remote Confrol ? O ? Swimming Pool 6 i ne?eb cem mm i ins eaed the eieanmi ?remum?o? e h?.e?? o? m? dMed Irrigatron Boom go„9h-i„ pab $pecial Inspection InvestigaYive Fee F??al / z' Minneso THIS INSTALLATION MAY.9E ORDER SCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITH NTHS. 2 O6- 414 0:" 10CJ'/'JY Thn reqoesl void 18 manMs 1rom vaLdanon dole pnnh&'k??O / : JOB #9605147 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Reqoeel Dare " Raugh-in inspedion requ 2 Yes IRMo Inspection Oiher Thon Rough-In: ? Ready Now [30M11 Call 6/12/96 - rou mus1 mll the impecror when read?j Oote Ready I, 123dicensed confmctor ? owner hereby,request ins pection of ifie a6ove elecfrical wark at: lob Pddress (Sireet, Boa, or RoWe No ) Zip Code 2700 Pilot Knob Road ' Eagan Sedion N. Townshtp Nome or No Range N. Fne No Counp Dakota Occ.ipam Phone N. Holida Inn Select Power Supplier Addmss Elecmml Canhacmr (Compony Nome) Conlmclor bcense No Moskr bc No. (Glanf Elen Onlyl Moiling /ddrtss (Conlmnor or Owner Performing Insnllanon) /wl o ommcror o +mr Pe ormiN2 Ph EB-00001A10 6/95 STATEBOMDCOPY-dEEINSTRUC'fIONSONBACKOFYELLOWCOPY It 'WREQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-oouo?.oa ? See instrucxions for campleling thls form on baek o1 vellow copy. /,/711 ']?? V3,4896 ""X" Below Work Covered by lhes Request ? -- ? ?ev.'lAAd Neo. 7me ol8wltlmn . Aooliences Wirwe ' EqwUmenl Wired I I' N ?I I Industnal Bldo. 1 I Air Conditioner 1 I Bulk Milk Tenk I M Fee ServiceEOfrenceSixe H fee FaedersrSUbieeders N Fee Circwts 0 to 2110 Am s 0 to 30 qm s 0 to 30 Am s Above 200 qmps 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 A s Swimmin Pool Above 100-Am s ove 100_Amps Transrormers Irrigation Hooms -rtial.'Other Fee ?he ElecTrest? Inspecbq here ay certdy Ihat the bove nsoeca,on has bean ' TAiS fbquBSl VOiA 18 TUI11h5 ffOT . . . 3,4896 . .F Request Daie ' Fde No. .FOaeh-in In ion `Requrte ?Aeady No W.II Noufy InsPeo- es ?NO ?or When Peatly censed Electncal Contractor ? I hereby request uisoection of ebove ? Owner electrical work instelled at: Street Address, eox or Poute No. ,&? C0y 00 1 r_oT ection m Township Name or No. Hange o. Counly 2?W07;29-- OccupnntlPRINTI Phane No. Power Suppl ier ? 7--, Address ? ?I v<s;o•? Elecbi I Contractor ?COmpany Name) C var.tor's Licunse No, .?oPG? ,?r-?r?z? Z Z Mailmg AdJre ss ICo n racmr or Owner Makmg Instailatio 1 .? / fi'?l -?L Author ture 1 npctoJ wner MakinB tallaLOnl . Phone Number / 7-7 // MINNESOTA STATE BOAPO OF EIECTNI Y ? ? THIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT ngpa-MidwaY BId9. - poom Nd81 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOAAD UniversilY Ave., St. Peul. MN 55104 UNLESS PqOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS 8121 1 297-2111 ENCLOSEO. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 0 ee-ooooi-os ( ??? See mstructions (or comoleting this lorm on bxck ol yellow caoV. e E - 3 41'7 5 "X" Below Wwk Covered 6y 7his Requesf Fdd Nep. Type of BmIAinA Aoobances Wired Eqwymenf Wved Home Ranye Temporary Service ? Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Rxtures Apt. Bwldmg Dryer Bectnc Heatin Commercial Bldy. Fumace SilO UnIOAdf!r Industrial Bldg. Air CondiUOner Bulk Milk T&nk Fafm Other ne,lv (?thcr ISncr.ilyl t . Suec, ly Other Other Compute /nspection Fee Below p Fea Serv,ceEnVaneeSize p Fee Fee.ders/5ubfeaJers « Fne Cvcurts U to 200 q Wivo r9. 0 to 30 qm s ? to 30 Am>s '?O Above 200 qmpy? 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am Swinvning Pool Above 100_Amps e - Transiormers Irngation Booms Partial-"Other Fe Signs SUecial InspecLOn S A 'Fb ?i Aem?rks 218 L' ?}ov f rr, P-1 ?1_ F , flouBh-m ( p L_I`Y1 I, the Elastuca;? Inspaceor, hereby cerldy ?het the above I Fnal msoeehon has bean mnde. Tia rapueal roiE 18 montns Irom ? ? ' - - ' - - % - °' Th,srequas?itl 1??/I/g? ? E. 3? 1.7 & r?. HxQuest pale F e No. . RouPh-in InsUecLOn /f?j'J FepwreA> Ready Now ,II NnUfy Insaec- ? /y '? >( - ? ?Ves n [or When NeadY ??.I?y .ensed Eler.tncal ConVactor I heieby request mspecbon ol above ? Owne? elechical work instelled et: Slreet Address, eox or Poute No. z?oo pr?r ?bg ? C? 1110? ecbon o. Townshi0 Nama or No. enge No. Counly OccupantlPRINTI ? Il Phone No. AW7 ?I e hr uDt.er Address Q?? 1 Electn -al Cont actor (Company Name) G7? ?Li 1 '? ' Le Cnn[ractor License No. ZZ = - JP S c-, F?t p Mai inp A?AJ ,s/s ICOntrractor or Owner Makine lnstallatmn' /CJ / I?i Aut aed Signatur iCOnvac[o Own r Making h talla[io Phon e Number ? e7 ? L?V7 - e? / MINNESOTq STATYBOAPD OF LECTRI THIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT G1i99s-Mitlwey Bldg. - Roam N-797 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOAND 1827 Univerzitv Ave.. St. Pnul. MN 5104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS wl.....e 1a11, aeo.nnnn ENCLOSEO. This rn4uest wid /?lJ ?l) ?A,w ' ?? ? IH ?IOf?S115 frOT {?( ?f - C ?806/1j ?`aac:c Reouest Uate ?y^'7 ?? ? 6 / Fire No. m Inspection Rouph- Reqmretl? ?YNS ?NO Reaay Now ? WiII Nntfty Insuec- ? tor When Heatly ?Licensed ElecVical Contractor I hare Ubre ? 6YC. ction of ' --\ uest ms e abov w Owner electncel work inslalled at Street Adtlress, Box or Boute No. 2700 P / elOM6 k Ciry ? ection o. To ns ,p Name or No. Ranqe No. nty ' OccvUant(PRINT) one No. Power Suppher Atldress le . tncal C nVactor ICOmpany Namal ,4st1valer.!o?,??.??-. C?n[ractor's Laense No. ds 2-2.- 3 ai ine AdJre ontrector or ` Sv/ S0 wner Makmg Instai tionl 00 x 40,& 5SCr?b AuMorized gnatu. IC act ? wner Making Insta tioN P ne Number ,7-23 a SOTA STqTE BOARD OF ELECTRICITV THIS INSPECTION PEQUEST WILI NOT G ga-Midwey Rlde. - poom N•791 BE ACCEFTED BV THE STATE BOA0.D 1827 IlniversitV Ave.. St. Paul. MN 55706 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phnno 16121 297?111 ENCLOSED. 1f//??g7 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION E B.00001 '04 " rY See instrucpons for compleUn9 thrs torm on baek of vellow copV. 1-3 O 0.6, x" Below Work Covered by 7his Request Nau4 Addj flep, dVPe ol Buileing ApOLaneee WireO Eqmpmant Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater LighUny Fixnves Apt. Bwldinc7 Dryer Electnc Heahn Commerual Bidy. Fumace Silo Unlonder InAustrial BIAg. Air CondiUOner Bulk Milk Tunk farm Othxr peci y ?herl5pcr,ify) 1 P.( UCLITy QI G'f 011h11 Compute lnspect/on Fee 8elow N Fee ServiceEntreneeSixa feeders # Fae Circwts 0 to 200 qm s tl 0 tn 30 Anl Above 200 qmpy, ps 3110 tU0 qm Swimming Pool Amps =bove Above 700_Am s Transrormers orc?s U Partial-'Other e Signs ection S0 U) TOTA F Xemnrks L E ,1?+ y...y Hough-in Da ?, I he Electncal • y.te]IXJ insca??a,, na.anv cer?ify Ihat tha above F,nal Dnte ina0actio? haa Geen ? ??) meEe. This requeat vo1C 10mon1M from rOT,?L 40%m REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION J"kA .EyB-00001.-y05 Ilr Sea instrucOOns for comDlettnp this lorm on baek o7 vellow coov. ?? ? 8 "'1(" Below Work Covered by This Request AAtl Rep. TyOe ol BuiIEinB ADP??O?ces W??eO Equioment Wired Home flange Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lighnng Fixtures Apt. Bwlding Dryer Elec[nc Heatin Commercial Bldy. Furnace Silo Unloader Industnal Bldg. Air CondiLoner Bulk Milk Tank Farm oener oeci v ? ?I Isk1er.ifvt m9, „-"v X me, V o,n?r Air Handle Compute lnspectron fee Belaw k Fea ServiceEntrenceSize N Fee Feede.s/3ubieetlers N Fea Circuits 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am s Ahove 200 qm ps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swinvning Pool Above 100_.4m s Above 100_Am 5 7ranstormers Irngation Booms ParLal•'Other Fee Signs SUecial Inspection 5 0 $ TOTAL ota? 2 .5 E ?? 7 1 T 20 openings/Firs t 10-$15 seco d 1 $10 J ? flouBh-in Final ? ( Oa[e 1 i, the Ele 'cal Inspec[or, hareby cerlifv thet the nbove mspecLOn hes baen made. mh reQUeal rolA 18 montM irom This roQUest vwd -?11-11e 7 ,e mntns r,om Z4 7/.:2/ 7 O O flequest Date Gi e No. ? ,flo .eph-in Inspecuon Aequrted? Ready Nuw Q WiII Noldy InsVec- ? March 3, 3987 ?ves N. co, When Ready ;0 Lwensetl Eleclnwl Convnctor 1 hereby reques[ ineDection ol above ? Owner electrical work instaliad aY Street Atldress, Box or Route No. C ity Pilot Knob Road OP7(ro Ea an ecbon o. TownsAip Nama or No. Nanea o. Comny Dakota OccupantIPRINTI Phone No. Compri Hotel Power $upPlier AdOress Electncal Convactor ICompeny Namal Coniracmr's License No. Dick's Electric, Inc 040939-7 MailinB .4ddress IContractor or Ownar Mekinp Inslailationl 8841, Res arch C nter New Hope, MN 55428 Autho i tl nature (C tor O r kinB I tallalion) Phone Number i- 536-8927 MINNESOTA STATE ffALJ(b OF CrRICITV THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Orip9e-Midway elda• - oom •197 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAND 7821 Universitv Ave., St Peul. MN 66104 UNLESS PNOPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(612)642-OBOO ENCLOSED. 2007 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING rERmrr ArrLicarIoN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 nare_4,/,-71"' ? D ?7 /J D Site Address Unit # Tenant Name cJ Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone #t ( ) Contractor Address,,J ?7?j G?? - ? • City az?_ State A)IN Zip,6_lsw3 Telephone #4-671) ?,?/-?6 (1$- License # Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ Other Work Type New Bldg _ Modify Space Irrigation System** Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? )(RPZ _ PVB: _ New _ RepairBebuild? Replace _ Remove Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation s stems Description oF Work To inqmre if Pressure Reducing Valve is ru{uired on new service. call 651-675-5646 Mete[s - Call 651-675-5646 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to pickin2 up meter. Imgation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Stze & Price 3/4" meter 174.00 DomesCic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devicea? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimum (includes State 5urcharge) ContractValue $ x 1% PemutFee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & bwlevard irrieadon svstems $ Radio Meter Read $ SYa[e Surcharge If pe[mrt fee is less t6an'$1,000, surcharge is $.50 If oermrt fee is more tLan $1,000, surcharge is $.50 for each $1,000 aWed. '-'_ "_'_'""""""'-'_"""""'"'""'"""'__""'""-'"""-"""'_"""________"-""""""""'-'-"""-"""""""'-'-""" Following fees apply when installing new lawn irrigaUon system $ Watex Perrmt Call the Citys Engineeang DeparGnent, 7?,-56tf?u?e? Tj ts L', ?/ $ Treatmenf Plant JUL 0 2 2007 $ water s„ppiY & sco?ge $ State Sureharge $ ? ?a v Total Fee I haehy apply for a Commeccial Plnmbing Permi[ and acknowledge that the infoxmation is complete and accumte; that the work wdl be in confortnance with [he ordinances and codes of Ihe City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes, that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a peraut, and work is not to star[ withou[ a percnit; that Ihe work will be in accordance with the approved plan iu the case of work whmh requices a review and approval of plans. pl? ,, / J?? -e-v- ApplicanCs Printed Name ApplicanPs SignaYure CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ U.G. _ Air Test _ Gas Test _ Rough In Final PLANS SUBMITTED APPROVED BY: BUILDING INSPECTOR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings. Boulevard imgation systems may require a radio read -$153.00 • RPZ's must be tested every yeaz and rebuilt every five years. Test results should be mailed to Paul Heuer at the City of Eagan. • A minimum fee permit per address is requued for the Following RPZ's: new, rebuild, renair, remove. • Water meters include copper horn/svainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter. METERS REODIRING 4-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5!8° residential $136.00 4-120 1-1/2" iTrigation Syst $ 555.00 displacement or turbine** Public Works maacimum small commercial must approve continuous meter size 10 2-30 lawn irrigation $174.00 4-160 2" turbine large irrigation $ 1,063.00 maacimucn displacement residenrial system & continuous or producrionlines 15 small commercial 3-50 I" displaoement Iargeresidential $219.00 1/4 to 160 2° compound bldgs over $ 2 018.00 bldg to 24 units 65 uniu , maximum small commercial & continuous & large comm bldgs 25 irrigation systems 5-100 1-1/2" 25-64 unit bldgs $532.00 maximum displacement & continuous most comm bldgs 50 METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVANCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very large irrigation $1,411.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs $3,956.00 system & producuon & very large lines comm, btdgs 1/2-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,577.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,623.00 very large very large comm bldgs comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very large $2,533.00 6" hubo $4,090.00 inigauon systems & production lines c:omments • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To axrange for water nun-on, call 651-675-5200. ca Utility Division Systems Malyst December 2006 • CITY USE ONLY ?L ? B n ,1 PERMIT #: I SUBD. issuEn: CHK cxc I- 8000 f'l.ilMSIRH fERBUT (COlBWRClt41.) CtTY OF $l16AP 8950 fQ.UR' KROB RD i:A61lA,1lIY 55122 e51-861-4648 INCOMPLE7E APPUCATlONS WILL NOT 8E PROCESSED Date: /U- 3/~ bd WORK TYPE New Bldg kAdd-on Repair RPZ PVB ' Irrigation system ' Must complete reverse side of application also. Requ'ved meter size is 2" turbo unlese smaller size permitted by Public Works DESCRIPTION OF WORK :[? IJ S TA LL TWO 1"1 AND ` e AP cS H W To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is requtred on new service, call 651-681-4646 METERS - Ca11 65 1-68 1-4300 to verify that hydrostadq conductivity, and bacteria tests passed ortor to oicldne uo meter Irrigarion Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Type Avg GPM Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Does d»s include high demand devices? _ Yes _ No FLUSHOMETERS Yes No PRV REQUIRED _ Yes _ No Site Address: ?) ? G f3 P1 L 6! 9 NU1(3 72 D• TenantName: 40L/Dq? tp?/L/ SELECY Telephone#: (Area Code) Was there a previous tenant in this space? _ Y?(N. If Yes, Name: Installer Name: [)/{(1DTA PI-G. Telephone #: (.srexi Code) InstallerAddress: a 6 SO t???iL1 r 13t C Ciry: LAL A4) k( A1 A/ stete: N1 11ft, zip Code 5,5laI FEES Contract pdce $ 006- x 1% ($30.00 minimum) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrlgation systems Surcharge: $.50 Minnnum. If contraet fee exceeds $1,000, calculate at 50 cents per $1,000 contract fee. Total From Reverse Contract Fee $ qU .0 o Meter(s) $ Radio Read $ State Surcharge $ - ? New Service $ Torel s U . S? I hereby aclmowledge that I have read this application, state that the informarion is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibility to noNfy the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liabiliry for any dsmages caused by the City during its nomal operational and maintenance activities to the facitiries constructed under this pem»t within Ciry property/right-of-way/easement. SI?"C4ATURE OF PERMITTEE (/ CITY USE ONLY REQUIRED INSPEC170NS: U.G. A'v Test _ Gas Test _ Rough In Fii{a.,li T_?? - - ?'..?t..A?..R N 1J PLANS SUBMTTTED APPROVED BY: ? 3/_6 BUILDING I i SPE I ".: IRRIGATION SYSTEM (CONT) Service: _ existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ new If "new service", cnntact Jerry Wobscha!!, Finance Consultant, to confrrm addingfees for.• Water Permit & Surcharge - $ 50.50 $ Water Supply & Storage - $ 840.00 $ Water Treatment Piant Chazge - $ 492.00 $ Fees to be added to front side of application $ GENERAL INFORMATION Water meters (includes copperhorn/strainer, remote wlre, and touch-pad meter) GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" displacement residential $114.00 1-1/2" irrigation system $ 726.00 turbine*• *•must receive approval from Public Works 2-30 3/4" displacement lawn irrigation $148.00 4] 60 2" turbine lg irrigation $ 897.00 residential system & production lines 3-50 1" displacement very lgres, $193.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over 65 $ 1,761.00 bldg to 24 units units & sm commciial & lg comm bldgs urigation systems 5-100 1-1/2" bldgs 25-64 units Bc $426.00 displacement most comm bldgs GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig irrigation syst $1,180.00 6-500 4" compound +Zpp unit bldgs & $3,459.00 & production lines very Ig comm bldgs 1l2- 3" compound +zpp unit bldgs $2,222.00 10-1000 6" compound +200 unit bldgs $5,797.00 320 very lg comm bldgs very lg camm bldgs 15- 4" turbine very Ig irsigation syst $2,130.00 1000 & production lines itatlio xead $159.00 (required on all new buildings & boulevard imgation systems) mments • To schedule inspcction of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-6814675. • To anauge for water tum-on, call 651-6814300. cc: Kris Forsfer, Mainteoance Division Cleriwl Technician L . / . ,. B APPROVED BY: iNCPFrTnR REcEIPr #: /?)/ G 7 ? RECEIPT DATE 1999 PLUMSIN& PfJtMTf (COA3biERCIRL) CITY dF E4fiAN S$SO PILOT KNf18 [iD EAsattv, h[x 55122 (651)6$1-4675 Please complere for. all commercial/industrial buildings muln-family buildings when separate building permits are ?ot required for each dwelling uni[ installation of backflow preventer in commercial areas or residential boulevards Date: ?3 ( d Work Type: _ New Bldg. ?Add-on _ Repair _ U.G. Sprinkler Description of Work: T,1115 '' `j t I wq, , v 1..?? kt- _ To inqc3re ef Pressaee Redrceag t'x!v: ;; requi: ed an :.e:: ?: ^:cz, :a:t 6".1-4635. fEf.S .o ? o. 1% of contract price or $30.00 minimum Contract Price: $ 01 x 1% _ $ COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLYIF INSTALLiNG UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM Backtlow Preventer Permit Fee - $ 30.00 $ Water Meter: 2" Turbo - $ 889.00 unless plan approved for smaller size $ Service: _ existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ new If "new service", canlacl Jerrv Wobschall. Finanre Considtant, to confirm addin¢ fees for W ater Pemvt & Surcharge - $ 50.50 $ Water Supply & Storage - $ 825.00 $ Water Treatment Plant Charge - $ 468.00 $ RPZ State surchazge is calculated from Permit Fee at right - $.50 for each $1.000 witll a miRlIDUin Of $.50 tiue CITY USE ONLY 7 ? I hereby acknowledge that I have read tlns applicaeon, state that the iniormabon is correct, and agree to compiy wim au appiicaoie uiry of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibiliry to noafy the property awner that the Ciry of Eagan assumes no liabiliry for any damages caused by the Ciry during its noimal operational and maintenance activiries to the faciliries conshucted under this petmit within City property/righ[-of-way/easemen[. SrM ADDRESS: 0 71M 71 b-- kvA ps TENANT NAME: 1 I d a l IN'STALLER NAME: A tv D CCJ d STREET ADDRESS: CITY: 101yMo u r l? Permit Fee $ State Surcharge $ Total Fee $ _3 0, O TELEPHONE #: (QI la ' STATE: ,L ° I(l`, A ZIP: J SL4 q ( 1 I ?fQ?e SC?,°'? /Ybre ?rlti I- -{'OrNS TURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY DOMESTIC METER SIZE YRV: Yes No • Contac[ Utility Billmg Division for price: 681-4631. IRRIGATION METER SIZE: • 2" turbo unless approval for smaller meter granted by Public Works. • Contact Utility Billing Division for price: 681-4631. PRIOR TO SELLING A METER: • Y,IIiC[ S1LC dtldLt55 OIa JCICEII ivi, Peruui Inyuuy, io obtaiu sewer and watcr perr.ut nuinber. • On PIMS Screen 320, enrer sewer and water peRnit # to check that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria rests have been approved. lf not, do not issue meter. Miscellaneous Information • Meter larger than 5/8" - ask plumber to wait wlule you call Central Maintenance (ext. 300) and verify that one is in stock. • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and hackflow preventer, ca11681-4675. • To schedu]e water tum-on, call 681-4300. CD/Permil forms/plbg permit (comm) 1999 :k•';.'F i:rc;"f,<`„ :k;f.kY,:`MY,(??i'{, JF:?:d:r:„XtN„5X:'?..7 x.)XiCi;(a'!??,h..?',;i?:r;>?:?.X'?? l,T?Y 02 i-fdGAf< CF1BH:1"VR,'. :. T'GRhiI:P!r!. T?(Je 685 D,17',:e 05126/99 'Y'J:M!::; 11r,02W TD , ,Nbyi''t!'_;: SI_fyi._ (.;(.:fiN,", t:A'SiEM:i .I?NC; :R:10 9001 27011 1='i'L..`17 I.Nft 2:17.0', 2195 -'(1nt 2700 Pii CYT I:!'l'i 7..00 TC!'1:ai I'Ci?C`e'i (_h ;'rYipb'YTY i'c.F ,. 03 C.R:I.tlWOf, Uf.il i T D N PANNCY 3.55?? 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAI.) CITY OF EACiAN 681-4675 Submit foilowin to obtain necessa permit Foundation Only New Construction Interior Im rovement strudural plens (2 sets) arohftectural plans (2 sets) architecturel plans (2 sets) civil plans (2 sets) etrudural plans (2 sets) code analysis (1) " cotle analysia (1) " civil plans (2 sets) projed apecs (1 set) soils report (1) landswping plans (2 sets) Key Plan projectspecs (1) codeanatysis (1)" energycalculations (t)nat~ " Special Inspections 8 7esting Schedule " soits report (1) EleGric Power & llgMing Fortn (1) not aMays " SAC Oetertnination btter from MGWS - SAC determination letter from MCNJS - SAC tletermination letter from MCANS - eall 602-7000 cell 602-1000 cell 602-1000 Speclal Inspedions & Testlng Sdiedule (t) " project specs (t) energyplwlations (1) " Electric Power & U htin Form 1 " -- concact awiamg mspeaions tor sampie Food & Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 215-0700 for details. DATE: n° ( E?` ci°f WORK TYPE: _ NEW ?_) REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _,?CA-(' ()FC- \ (?P rQ()-? CONSTRUCTIONCOST:* I -?) ,__? M?.'4a TENANTNAME: Ia?llrlfua -T???.PPPCl SITE ADDRESS: LOT ? BLOCK / SUITE #: # Name:t-1 L? ?_ l f? Z?'1(l yP I PPhone #: PROPERTY Last F'ust OWNER Street Address:?? City C--{'i GY] (1 State: ? N_ Zip: -Q--? Company:? P('? I (-?AX'1FtA !?C? Phone #: LD! p ' 1 I-J ' 0-J ( ) O CONTRACTOR ? Sheet Address:?d ? }fllC:?.? I ?vG- ? , License # r?, ?_,??)9,:jI t ?U l(x7 cicy Or&x,.n l;b'I l? sta,P: MIJ - z;p: ?5611 ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: ? Phone #: _ Registrarion tl: Sueet Address: Ciry Sewer 8 water licensed plumber (only it installing sewer 8 water): State: Zip: t hereby acknowledge Mat I have read this application and state that the iniormation is cortect and agree to comply with atl applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City oi Eagan Ordinances. r n , Signature of Applicant: ?? I ? I AI? LL/ l? Vz,?kJ! 1 ? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./Ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) _ (Allowable) _ UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Repair Basement sq . ft. First Floor se . R. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Building Engineering ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition MC/WS System Ci±p VVater Fire 5prinkiered Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg. Census Unit Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit SNV Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Totai: °k SAC SAC Units Meter Size a3 'rl . 60 . y? y.a5 valuation: $ ,L- 14c4 A \ r:Ty Qr- Iii.AL:^-,ni .':, fFIiP1''.?.'Fl!_ Ntl: 6% ? > ; Y;t:1E.j i_, t`J i ^? 1ca;_; .r..?7.?c?.. L.L:'.h,..=..C . 1_ ?D . to:":E; i.GRNE:F' fiF'tdC1VA;:Cf;NE; ?i`1f; '3Pir? :?y??,O.i ? -?-r .? [..., .,_ ?.li._UI _ v .,c ..... .....? _ ??.???( ?.f.,IT t .r.c,? .-.:?_.r„ c:...r :3422 9t1;1i i:?700 PTi.CIT :il`Y-: 'i.8610 2105 900i ??r r: I; n7 !;Nr, t??„OCi i. . l J i .. r Tnhe'I Ror=:Lpt Aa)iri,.;nr;: =r81,96 CS'r I O1. t? 7? Il;ii::'i 'I.V NFiN;•Y 9•? Y??; . YYt°tY,CA:k?A':;:?•_?qj;)",?,y????.i,_r>yy?.,.,...y?;?i;i:?'>,;.:'?FY;•;'>X:X ? CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT 2830 Pilot Knob Road Eaga?,tVlinnesota 55122-1897 (4351) 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: ButLur.Ns Permit Number: 0 3 4 2 2 7 Date Issued: 12 f 17 1' W 8 SITE ADDRESS: 2700 rTI_Or LQT: :l BLOCK: EAGANDRLE OFFTC` P.I.N.: 10--22533-010-01 DESCRIPTION: ,r .,?? ?? ??? ? ?'?//"?. , ?r itMnB i.u 1 PARK 4TH 7R615N FNCLOSURE t3uliJ.dira lpermi.t Tvpe MISCELLFlNFOUS B?4,t,idinq Wottk TyDe AITERA't'7ClN iCcnSUg Cadp 328 OTNER NONRES. J ? / - ? i ; ? ? ? REMARKS: PIAN REVIGWED BY CRAiG NOVAC7_1'K. GNLFRGE TRFISH EMCLOSLIkE AND TNS1'Al.L METAI ft00F. FEE SUMMARY: vH[uOTzoiv a20„000 Base hce Plan Review Surchaiqe 1"otal Fee $287.25 $.18fi.71 -- - -$10 ,0O 3483.96 CONTRACTOR: - A u Dz?. Cal, t - 6jHNER RENOVATTONS INC. 26934502 542 SNELLTNG AVE S 3'i'. PFlUL i+1N 55116 (612) 698-4502 OWNER: I-IQLIDAY TNN 2700 P1L0'1 " KNOB ftL7 EAGAN IrIN 55171 (651)454-3434 I herebv acknowledqe Yhat I have read thls in'formaT.ian is correct and aqree to camplv StatuL'es arid C3,L'y afi Eaqan Grdinar7ce5. ? C L ERM TEE SIGNATURE applicatibn and stat'e thaT the wiL-h a1l applicable State ofi Mn. -?WUED BY SIGNAT E . 1998 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 Submit following to obtain necessary permit Foundation ONy New Construction Interior Improvement structural plans (2 sets) architectural plans (2 sets) architectural plans (2 sets) " civil plans (2 sets) stmcWral plans (2 sets) code analysis (1) code analysis (t) " civil plans (2 sets) project specs (1 set) soils report (1) ecs (1) [s landscaping plans codeanatysis (2 sets) (1) " Key Plan energycalculations (1)nataM1vays ° p projec Special Inspections 8 Testing Schedule " soils report (1) Eledric Power 8 Lighting Form (1) not always " SAC detertnination letter from MGWS - SAC determination letter from MGWS • SAC determination letter from MCM/S - call 602-1000 call 602-7000 eall 602•1000 Special Inspectians & Testing Schedule " (1) project specs (1) energy calculations (1) " Electric Power & Li htin Fortn " (1) " Contact Buiiding Inspections for sampie Food & Beverage or Lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 215-0700 for details. DATE: 1Z-lk-q`c3 WORKTYPE: _ NEW ?( REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Er.5«QGE TRASM Fr.Jc r r?cUP-F va-dn)12 223LTVILL ?,AE-rJPCL 2Do?. - CONSTRUCTION COST: iq, S-00 TENANT NAME: Nogii)wy?xx.)crtEc-F- SITE ADDRESS: 2-700 L i I SUITE Lp? LOTBLOCKSUBD. ???xU? ? UUl ?.c???? P•I.D.# Name:__ ao Up(-!=' ZNiU Phone IZ - ?-A LI_3 PROPE[ZTY Last First O'VVNER Su'eet Address:_2--/UQ_ P lCU ? kNQ_?.? 12. ------------- - City F?{rdK) State: 01A-1t\) _"Lip: _ Company:_ L E??F_C _ Phonek: Cn98-_?.-_- CONT1t1C'I'O R Street Address:_ SLV 2`?JF UKR RU ESU Oi W I.icense # - City Sl PRU L Sta[e: IU PJ Zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Comparty:-------- Ylionc N: --- - Y:unc:---------???_ -- ReI,rist[auon N: ------- Slrce[ Address: - Cily ?-- ------- _ St:ur. --- -- L'P' --- Sewer & water licensed plumber (only if instailing sewer & water): ;k ead this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applica6le State i ut an Ordinances. ? UC? 1 i 1998 SignatureofApplicanC-T ` G 1 a IA OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 19 Comm./lnd. Misc. ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Facility WORK TYPE ?-60 F O.tJ 7_11-4?54 tEvfLOSU/14C- 0 31 New %11633 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) ?j Basement sq. ft. (Allowable) ? First Floor sq. ft. UBC Occupancy ? sq. ft. Zoning sq. ft. # of Stories -'- sq. ft. Length sq.ft. Depth - Footprint sq. ft. bliscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered Census Code ? SAC Code 3 0 Census Bidg. Census Unit ? APPROVALS „ I Planning Building `_Ll?j( ( 1 Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge 10 C) C? Plan Review I 8G? -l 1 MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit SM/ Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies rotal: '?f g 3 -q ?- valuation: $ 1q. `S2? ? 21 % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ??M>;i)oY,i MAC MMW?k?#;?#?:X?.Sk:M?(?yti:k:S<KPdMY6XlY.;`.X"F.?X??XC)(9FW1% CI'rY f1F ;::A,r.,AN CA'"117:E1?u ;:i i'FRM:[NFlL Ni]': 765 L`A"fF';; 04/00953 'r;:iiF :; 15:3903 i i 'L0. NAt1E: SF.IA Ril_r,I ItH:; 3r'1.l'J 9001 c^.i00 PIL.(7'r !.NUt; 13705 205; 9001 2i'00 F:!t..OT f.NDR 4„00 7ot-ii R;.=ce.ypI: Amour}t: 14025 CR(')Fl,{83'i, l.)SER T..i. NANt:Y E;;$`;:•{;Y,i9¢?K?F.X:Y,SYF1k?&"%f?:^:?7km ?<,Y.?k)km?kkh"?f'.'b'%k$?iL96yF>k1K7$Y'n)X PERMIT 'CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: 2700 PILOT L07: 1 BLOCK: EAGANDALE OFFICE P.I.N.: 10-22533-010-01 DESCRIPTION: (HOLIDAY Building,.Permit Type ;$uildzng;-Work Type C e ns u s C' cS d e - '? ?' tn Base Fee Surcharge Total Fee PERMITTYPE: auzLoiNc Permit Number: 031722 Date Issued: @ q/g 6/g g KNOB RD 1 PARK 47H INN SELECT) COMM.(IND. MISC. REPAIR 437 ALT. NONRE5. {F r.? i REMARKS: ROOFING FEE SUMMARY: VALUATZON I ( . k .? I S < ?? il:a11`.m:(??lr? "ss $8,000 $137.25 $4.00 $141.25 CONTRACTOR: - Rpplicant - SELA ROOFING & REMOpELING 28238846 4100 EXCELSZOR BLVD ST I.OUIS PARK MN 55416 (612) 823-8046 L? OWNER: HOLIDAY INN SELECT 2700 PILO7 KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55121 (612)459-3434 I hereby"ackno`wledge that T,'fi'ave r`sad; this`"a`ppI ic'at3,o0 an"d" stae thei t information is correct and agree.to camply,with all appligable State 9tatutes_end City pf Eagan trrdina;nIces':? ?"" APPLICANT/ fiMITEE SIGNATURE .i the of Mn. ? AntIr4 P u n'I,? -' ISSUED Y: GNA RE 1998 BUILDINCi PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 Submit following to obtain necessarv Dermit Foundation Onl New ConsVuction Interior Im rovement sWctural plans (2 sets) arohkectural plans (2 setx) architeGural plans (2 sets) eivil Dlans (2 sets) strudurel plens (2 sets) code analyafs (1) " oode enatysis (1) " cNil plans (2 sets) project spea 0 aet) aoils report (7) lendacaping plans (2 sets) Key PWn projectspecs (1) codeanaysis (1)" energyealalations (7)na[aMrays° Spedel InapeCions 8 TesGng Schedule " soils repoR (1) Eledric Power 8 Liphting Form (t) nar aAVays " SAC detartnination lelter from MClNfS - SAC determination letter from MC1W5 - SAC determinatlon letter from MCANS - eall 602-1000 cell 602-1000 call 602•7000 Speciallnspectlons&TestingSdreduN (t) " proJect specs (1) energy calwlations (7) ° Eleehic Power 8 Li htin Fortn t " " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food B Beverege or Lodging faalifies: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 2750700 for details. DATE: Y' G?`?/P WORK TYPE: _ NEW _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION COST: TENANT NAME: /I SITEADDRESS: ,?2DO //'/10-1-AIc9AAd SUITE#: LOT BLOCK SUBD. ? rIn Pl OMA', -F!MY, 0v Phone #: PROPERTY Las F'ust OWNER Street Address: p;? 70 D f'/ zo cicy Z--X6?qq ? ssaw. ?J'IA/ zip: s5-/a/ Company: i-e /f¢ /C G'D 1610 6 Phone #: CONTRACTOR Street Address: ?/?O CX C??,s-io? /??v ? License # City .a Z,2ar( /??'??4 State: drI/?) Zip: JSts ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Phone M: Registration #: P.I.D. # Street Ciry ssau: Zip: Sawer & water licensed plumber (only if instelling sewer 8 weter): 1 hereby aeknowledge that I have read this applieation and state fhat the information is correet end agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 18 Comm./ind. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) _ (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 33 Alterations g 34 Repair Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. Footprint sq.ft. Planning Building s"''?Ip fi O 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolition MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg. Census Unit Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Pfan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Meter Size Engineering Valuation: $ " Contrac'{ Page No. of Pages Minneapolis St. Paul 823-8046 644-5362 Fax 823-1078 ; ROOFINGAN- REMODELIN.. 4100 Excelsior Boulevard St: Louis Park, h:P! 55416 12-454-3434 IIMNIUII ? Y .. .: ?;.Curt"?Dornseif * State of Minnesota License ID #0001050 * Bonded * Insured il/1/97 ..` ` C We PCOpOS@ hereby to furnish ma(erial and tabor-complete in accordanc: with specifications below, for the sum of: ?16e r: aevmem .r'Jrr..?1fY??Mo-?So-?n0? TwO?u.s?.?Q.rCa? ? ?) , wA .wbemade-?',' . . ?,.n.,?.,?. di46?-SAVA11L7( _ dollars ($ • /? . `„' ). .ii• . {er:.,. ?,?i:`:,•;r.'?:r',.', i.. ,.. -:: When SigneC $ i - - Upon ? All meterial Is gusranteetl to be a's specified. All WORK to be completed in a warkmanlike manner according to standard prachCes. SpecRied work antl quotetl pdca subjecl to change ....upon discovery ol hidden defacts. All agreements conimgent upon strikes, accitlents or delays 6eyontl our conlrol. Owner to carry fre, tomado and other necessary insurence. Our warkers • are lully coverad by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. 'Produds end materials may be substlWted for equivalent Estimated Start Datx: Weather Pertnittino _ Authorized SignaWre Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us rf rot accepted within :by submit specificationsN and estimates for: _ 5Y 1 Remove'existing sheet metal counter fi.:s,ting and dispose of properly. 2 7.h ff the existing roofing down to mntal deck. Clean up and haul?away>all debris . ?r o ?"? m't5es:"Re1SSati2"anjr'rotten o2-deter?ioratirig"'nteta't"'iTeck''i'nq'('if , a separate price, based on lahor ar:-L1 materials,above the contract prioe. The replacement cost will be $4.25 per s:;_ ft.(if large quantity is neoessary price will be reduced per sq.ft.) ' 3 Install one layer of 2.7 Isocyanurate roci insulation over entire specified area. Mechanically fasten to wood deck (specifications to I90). 4 Install one layer of 1/2" wood fiber roof insulation over the enrtire specified roof <azea, mopping solid to bottom'layer of I50. insulation we will install 4 layers of Type N fiberglass fe1t, running all up onto the base flashing. Each layer of felt will be mopped in solid with asphalt at a rate of no less than !5 lbs. per sq. ft. 6' Flash all walls, curbs, chimneys, etc-, with an additional layer of modified hitumen 160 mil flashing material, fa:::en and secure. , 7 Install new pitch pans to replace exi;Ling pitch pans. 8 Install new galvanized sheet metal plumbing stacks of two-piece construction with, lead tops. 9 Re-use existing center drain and re-f'ash properly to new roof system. 19 lnstall new galvanized sheet metal edqe metal around the entire outside perimeter. 11 Install new galvanized scuppers to replace existing. 12 Flood coat the entire roof surface with a final layer of hot asphalt at a rate of 60 bs. per 100 aq. ft. and embed washed roofing gravel in asphalt while still hot at a rate of 500 lbs. pery100 sq. ft. 13 Remove all roofing equipment and materials from job site when complete. Clean up and haul.away all debris from the premises. - - ?? -7 Balance , /?? f'r:1-i, I;i.t??. R.I.;. , , ? ?, , ., . , 1 . - 1,7 .?. . .1lr?=P .'?i'? r:_?"1,? '.lF•:*l;?. :rirl HOTS: ALL CONTRAC'f08S MfJST BE LICENSED iiITS THE CITY OF EAGAN SIPGLE FAlIILY Di1ELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SQRVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS MOLTIPLS DWELLINGS - RESIDSNTIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CEB 1 SET OF BNERGY CALCULATIONS CONalERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 7 SET OF SPECIFICATZONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND 1986 BOILDIHG PEAlIIT APPLICATIOM - CITY OF SAG9N RfiNT9L OeTITS FOR SALB QNITS OF SURVEY - CHECg iIITH BLDG. DEPT.9 To Be Used For: 1?6fIfL- SNEI. t Valuation:f 29 UUD Date: 9/ 9 Q b Site Address Z Lot Bloek df 40%jni3 ?'°• ? 6E? uG (LE-Ftr+TM-C, To Erect ? Oecupancy f? Ii2yA• 3 Lcr i 9u_. i Erc,?vav? ?FflGE PPCK 4? Owner P/Liyi+/ 116Tle- ??/,E47p. Address City/Zip Code ivLUVb+ 7 , Phone Contractor Opu--5 GoRy? Address /QU. /3 bpe /SU City/Zip Code /,07P6! 5 /Y!/a Phone 93 (v- 1/6 ,// J 1m Ne(CIZ Areh./Engr. e/o Address City/Zip Code Phone # Remodel _ Zoning LI Repair _ Type of Const IL F.. Addition # of Stories lo _ Move _ Length 325 Demolish Depth 5-7 Int.Impr. _ Sq Ft ?Co,oczc?' Install APPEOVAL4 FSES Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge q-? Police Plan Review Fire SAC 1?0 315 Engr Water Conn ?i ?- Planner Water Meter N /A Couneil Road Unit ¢4 11• Bldg Off Treatment P1 1o,380. APC Parks 4 IS, Variance Copies roTU. q 4599 .'5- NOTE: ADDFESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOIiEOWNER MIIST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRfiSS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGSS WILL HE 9LLOi1ED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIISD. I c? ba? 433 > > I,41 6s,coo 198SxZ.S = 49 539 S. sD ?10o y- Coo03 x q2-S. ? --- ' ?LAhI ?C?lIEW 5395.-ZL -2 = Zc097. ?s ' ?A C ?- ?"?5x 1?5 - (pc73?5 N)a • M Ciq"L N?A ' VLOAO UfJI'C CZZO,-74(0?) c2?S X 8 70 = 4411 FAP- V- 220t ?4b x .02 = 44is ? ( FG 15(o x??? tR . 539 5. = R 25, 5° 75 & o31 s I-q I( ,q4 IJ f?38o t w MINNESOTA STATE CODE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS PROJECT: 00, o7tI DATE: -Tr- I. Avezage Thermal Transmi[tance of Proposed _Building l. Net Ilall Belowokazaa x "U" .2013 Grade 2. Net Wall Area O-XVQ x "U" Q 3o x „u„ x „u „ ? 3. Door Area A/Af x "U" .10 x "U" _ 4. k'indov Arca ? x "U" , im = / 7 x 5. Net Ronl Area ? a "U" .Q ?,?'1?L 6. Sky Light Area 120 x"U" •SQ = //D TOTAL: ?9,37 Code Requires: Total Wall Area j y.?62 x "U" .27 - iy6?z Total Roof Area "U" .06 = /Z$r TOTAL: /_SV 9 7 ? DO lJL ?iGC7' TIIE CODE? YES ? NO ? ? OPUS CORPORATION . DESIGNERS•BUILDERS•DEVELOPERS MINNEAPOLIS & CHICAGO 0 P10ENIX 0 MILWAJKEE PROJECT DATE BY SHEET OF w..r/ Aec-l.:,, / .ZP74c?3 91 A° - - ? -- ?Qi Br:sk .Y?Y -- s? p -- s? ' =------- - A,?. F,•?,.. .?6g -------- --- -? _?. - - - - ?e= /3 y? ---- --- - = / -- /? i Q -- --- - - ? A:. ?: /,.... c4di // ?OY?t r /p P??/r.?.?__ . _ _ , .G74 /I ?M j / "c?,• - A.. f: s. . ^ ,.?? . f,E's 417. 03 U=YCA,= ,p0? 10a# lGC.wm I . IFy ._ -- -- - - --- .---? -- ---__-r------ -- -- -- ?r' ? PROJECT 1 OPUS CORPORATION DATE . DESIGNERS ? BUILDERS • DEVELOPERS gy MINNEAPOLIS * CHICAGO 0 PMOENIX 0 MiLWAUKEE SHEET OF 14O1/OMJ rrC441 DOOri V % . ZV W%Ad.w,/G/4ss pva.s U= .SD skyl;icf Roo-f f laf -- B/! ? ,P••f /.tau ?-lj ir --- ,0:• , S?' = . G--f, _._ _•/7 . - --•34_-- /S.. oe .'6 /- --%6 - ?ot r= ?!e!•/ ?' --- - Q.? !.'/w. • C/ L f e l EA,17c.NDAuG omc.E povK 4TM ?12MOPOMYW° I uun84E QOonu°.col QCIDA IrV11GlIOnn rwn c? a,? September 30, 1986 Mr. Dale Peterson Building Inspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Peterson: (`v2rT?e? / L i,Z, 3(3 1C-,A445+4vAU--:! Itjl?uSi ziaL Pta214 #-- I This letter is to inform you that the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has made a SAC determination for the Compri Hotel to be located at 2700 Pilot Knob Road (Eagandale) within the City of Eagan. It has been determined that 105 SAC Units should be assigned to this building. It is our understanding that the Compri Club will be used strictly .,y the Hotel Guests and will only be open for breakfast and for an evening cocktail hour. This determination was made as follows: SAC Units Charges: Hotel 190 Rooms @ 2 Rooms/SAC Unit 95.00 Meeting Rooms (Banquet) 2904 sq. ft. @ 590 aq. ft./SAC Unit 4.92 Compri Club Breakfast 115 Seats x 3 Gallons/Meal x 2 Fills/Day @ 274 Gallons/SAC Unit 2.52 Cocktail Hour 115 Seats x 2.5 Gallons/Person x 2 Fills/Day @ 274 Gallons/SAC Unit 2.10 Total Charge: 104.54 or 105 -350 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul. Minnesota 55101 612-222-8423 Dale Peterson Page Two 9.30.86 At such time that the use would change for the Compri Club, the SAC assignment should be re-reviewed based on actual use. If you have any questions, please call. S' rely, Sel-z- Donald S. Bluhm Staff Engineer DSB:RWJ:blm cc: S. Selby, MWCC James Neyer, Opus Corporation W. K. Johnson, MWCC 3,B(oq I PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. DATE: g-5-9`-t CON'i'I2ACT PRICE: $ NEW BUILDING Y? INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: "zf\STQk-L- Cne l-NooA E f-G,,. 'LA51-61t I- M4K,e_ -e cuir Wri4- r-J°I'S pj%QiNR -fo Mq.dCe vP aio` onlc. See FPjA4-, FEES ;% ^F PP?d'?'D''h?"?' FL'?' ? O ???..<??; ?.. $ 131. PROCESSED PIPING: $25.00 MINIMUM FEE: $25.00 STATE SURCI-3ARGE $30 FOR EACH $1,000 OF P?TtMiT FEE. TOTAL $ 1 3 I , S o ..:.. SITE ADDRESS:_a_100 P i ? pA ISno? KOC.tA OWNER NAME:?4n1 i clU??:j ZN o,3 TELEPHONE #: L/ Sy- 3y3 cJ TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENT'S ONLl) 5AM Q INSTALLER: T j+rc 6ZM6_X COf-e ADDRESS:_y _SO ?o.cK Gl'er Rb. CITY: ST Lod\s Pac-V:- STATE: veN ra ZIP CODE: 55 yJ6 TELEPHONE #: cl a-;k -06040 ??'cu SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ?- 9/?- ?y f.14 7 CITY INSPECTOR 1994 MECHANICAL PERMTT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 1994 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING3. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMTTS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A/C ADD-ON FURNACE FIREPLACE INSERT DATE FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1 @ $3.00 EACH) ADD-ON/REMODEL (ExISTING CONSTRUCTioN) $ 20.00 STATESURCHARGE TOTAL .50 SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: 1NSTALLER: ADDRESS: C1TY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE #: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMAERCIALJINDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI- FAMILY BUP DINGS Wf-iEN SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE NOT REQUIl2ED FOR EACH DWELLING Ui::T. _ NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD ON ? REPAIx 14-c Q ? WORK DESCRIFTION: _ ?\ s- " V 9-?w o &\? ?? ''4-1- a3 o ti? ? 4 -5 I` CONTRACT PRICE: $ FEE: 1% OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF p£R113Yf' FEE MINIMUM FEE $ 25.00 CONTRACT PRICE X 1% $ C>?'`J ? STATESURCHARGE $ s0 TOTAL $ P7 J r- SITE ADDRESS: TENANT U \? OWNER NAME: f`A? O l? INSTALLER ? ADDRESS: CITY: rv \ ? ? P? s 0 u ?. ? L ? d`?-d 9- PHONE #: 1? ? I `-_? ) STE # STATE: M kt ZIP CODE: e? (?- C-0?K1?o? FOR: aff? ?? ? CITY OF E-AGAN APPLICANT y_. = ? 1993 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMA3ERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681f4675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLIINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOIv1ES AND CQNDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIItED FOR EACH UNTT. NO. FIXTURES SHOWER WATER CLOSET BATH TUB LAVATORY KITCHEN SINK LAUNDRY TRAY HOT TUB/SPA WATER HEATER FLOOR DRAIN GAS PIPING OUTLET • muim„m - i ROUGH OPENINGS WATER SOFTENER PRIVATE DISP. • DaLCty. Lc. U.G. SPRINKLER ' 6ome under const. ALTERATIONS ' to eustmg WATER TURN AROUND STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL: EACH TOTAL 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 5.00 15.00 3.00 15.00 15.00 .50 SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CTl"Y: PHONE #: ( STATE: ZIP CODE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 1993 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDIIVT7AL) , CTTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 53122 (612) 681-4675 ?CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (672) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE Permit NumberDate Issued: rr BUIL?6ING 023233 04f06j9q SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-22533-010-01 DESCRIPTION: REMARKS: 2700 PILOT KNOB RD LqT: 1 BLOCK: 1 EAGANDALE OFPTCE PARK 4TH ?.71 (HOLZDAY INN) Bui.lding,.Permit Type Siaildxng ?Wprk Type ,6uilding Lengyyh BUZlding W3dth''- 1 ?1 ? ..r- ?? FtlOTINGS & PAD FOR WALK-TN COOLER FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Total Fee vaLuArzoN COMM./IND. MISC. AL7ERATION 8 16 $11,000 $126.00 $81.90 ?5.50 $213.40 wppticanc - OWNER: 27887273 HANG ALLISON 714 18-1/2 AVE NE 2700 PILOT KNOB Rp MINNEAPOLIS MN 55418 AGAN MN (612) 788-7273 I hereby pchnow7,adge ttret T have read tYris applicati.on and state that the information is eorrect and agree to oamply w,ith all applicable Stiate qf Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan Qrdinances. L APPLI t7/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ql Irt I ISSUED B SI ATURE I 23133 CITY OF EAGAN 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 -t I 3•"[ io SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed ar 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. /?/ Valuation of work 10. S-73 Oate _ T Site Address: 2-?D L0"r STREET SUITE R Tenant Name: (commercial only) (9 N LOT BLOCK SUSD.?C ? ? n? ? P.I.D. # ,v ll Y Descri tion of work: S ?D?y S¢ AD rv W4i_i,?.r G?LW The applicant is: ? Owner Itrl-contractor ? Other (Describe) Name ALLlSOW G(dNNC? Phone Property LAST FIRST Ownel' qddress 2JDO T?i LoT L-?WF-? V-p . STREET STE U City EA?? ki-A 5tate tj 1\'' Zip Company L-k MnelP? ?b Phone -290' 7?? 3 Gontractor Address -714 -- 19 ° Y2. AJ))J? - License #'J45gg Exp. City ?I ?PL-3. 5tate Z;p Company Phone Architect/ Englneer Name Registration # Address " City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this app1ication and state that the information is correct and agree to camply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? Signature of Applicant: ? ?--? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation 0 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Ladging ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace C] 05 SF Misc. 0 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE ? 31 New 10 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length ? Oepth APPROVALS Planning Engineering RECIUIRED INSPECTIONS ?.Site ? Wallboard Basement sq. ft. lst F1. sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total Footprint Sq. ft. On-site well On-site sewage ' Building Variance 0 Footing 0 Final ? Framing ? Uraintiie / D ? Insulation 0 Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P7. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: vstmc;on: 8 / Oo 6 ? N? a* .? ? ? . .. ?. . ?? ? ? 16 Basement Finish ? 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Comm./Ind. ,C$ 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRY Required Booster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Assessments 5AC % SAC Units ? -' CITY OF EAGAN A- 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 51TE ADDRESS: P.C.h>c 10-22533-O 1P?-A1 HoLlDAv an!iv 8uild.ing F'ermit 1'ype Buildinq?'Worl: l"Ypp UBC Occupanry DESCRIPTION: M15CELLANEOU5 NE6J 11 .-7 _ •I; ^?? i -tiV1. ,?[/. ???i????i? ??. REMARKS: R F r, I EP l' # c 22287 FEE SUMMARY: 9asE 1=r.e Surcharqa Total Fee PERMIT PERMITTYPE: BuaLu.r.Ns Permit Number. 02021.8 Date Issued: 01(11 / 9 3 2700 PrLor i:niaO Ro LOT: 0001 ILOC:K: 0001 FHGAMOALE OhFICe f'I1kK 854 RLJC1Pl'Of' SAI-ELLL'tE N PITFNNA VAl(1FlTJ ON .°',.S,0 0 m ----=f 2_a=i 0 $74.50 CONTRACTOR: rt N ot i c a n t- OWNER: NORI'td CEIViFtflL SNfELL.ITE 24810045 EAGAN 1-1It?PtJRT HC17El PTNRk 4643 CI-IA1'SWURTrI 2700 PTI.OI' KNOt3 RO S7 PAUI MN 55126 ERC'rF1M i,IIV (612) 421-0045 {Ei12) I here:by ackriowledyg tfiat 1 Yiave react this application and state that the i.nformatian is correct and agree L-o r.omply with a11 applirable Sr.ate oi- Mn. St:atutes and [' t 1` Eagin OrcJinance>. ? ? AP T/PERMREE SIGNATUFE ISSUED er SIGNATURE REACTIVRTE PEWd'iT #? • 107J4 CITY OF EAGAN 1993 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date 1 G7_?- Valuatian of work 5 Ooo .OO Site Address: 0?1 Dc? ?00't K noS K na o) STREET SUITE * Tenant Name: (commercial only). tQ.n 3- rl???-? IAT I BIACK SDBD. Descri tion of work: 211SfA 11 A/onl e f SAf/,dc? The applicant is: ? Owner OContractor ? Other (Describe) Name 4CAC>AjJ A irpon f 4R1 Phone `15!J-3q3q Property LAST FIRST Owner Address ??o? ??I o f bt?,?b E?4d STREET l STE k ' City E AC?AnJ State ??N Zip Company JlJorf? Ceh4rz/ SA ?F-cl-ft Phone yt??-????? Contractor Address ?-/ 6y3 ChatStJor-F? S4 License # Exp. City S4State Zip 55 Id6 Company Phone Architect ti # F ? on Registra ccn Name i r. g neer _ Address City 0ht-F-c__ ?r LSYIe _ State M n-) Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informatian is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 5i9nature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex 0 11 Apt./Lodging ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 01 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 03 SF Addition O 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 Sf Porch ? 09 12-Plex O 14 Fireplace [3 05 SF Misc. 0 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE K31 New ? 33 Alterations ? 35 Tenant Fin9sh ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair 0 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION N T rea -,,;, I% ent4Finish f 0.16 ,Basjj ?`17twim oo O 18 Comn./Ind. ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility /0 21 Miscellaneous ? 37 Demolish Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MWCC System (Allowable) lst F1. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy M-Z 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required 2oning Sq. Ft. total Booster Pump # of 5tories Footprint Sq. ft. Fire Sprinkler Length On-site well Census Code --? Depth On-site sewage SAC Code APPROVALS Planning Building Assessments Engineering Variance REQUIRED INSPECTIONS RooF-mp SATEL#_,T6pNTeMUk ? Site ? Footing ? Framing ? Insulation ? Wallboard EXFinal ? Draintile ? Fireplace Permit Fee ?Z, 00 Surcharge y , Sro Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit 5/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other ' Total: SAC % SAC Units v.iuas;on: g 5000 i . , LOT C013BINATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Eagan Airport Hotel Associates, (hereinafter owners) is the owner of two adjacent parcels of real property located in Dakota county, Minnesota. The First parcel (herei.nafter Parcel A) is identified as Tax Parcel ID # Dist 10, Plat 22533, Lot 010, Blk 01 and is legally described as follows: Eagandale Office Park 4th Addition. The second parcel (hereinafter Parcel B) is that part of Tax Parcel ID # described as follows: Dist 10, Plat 22533, Lot 020, Blk 1. WHEREAS, the City Council has required that Parcels A and B shall be combined into one tax parcel in order to prevent tax forfeiture. NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner hereby agrees as follows: 1. The owner agrees to allow the Dakota County Auditor's Office ta assign one tax parcel identification number to the area consisting of Parcels A and B. (NOTARIES) ? - ------------- ?- m---.., JOAN R. KENNEDY NOTARVPUBUC-MINNESOTA 4 DAi(OTA COUNTY My Cpmmi9sbn Expirev Dec. 77, 14Sq _ I?> ?res;deKfi Lee Chen, President 10 :1, t?-M? 1?ja t' 11PPROVED AS TO FORM: ? ,.. n ? Atts r?jey? O _ )onted! d Y ? -it 11PPRoVHD AB TA Ca1iTENT: Plann ng De?s rtmQn? pated; ! 1.laV TfIIg INSTR[ARENT NA8 DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WIIROX k SHLLDON, P.A. 60o Midway National Hank Sidq. 7300 t9eet 147th Strast ]lppla VAllep, MN $5124 (612) 432-3136 ad4'1 F` I i?L R•I , &-Z, A-3 LI BI E,?r.aatz pFFicE PAek 4a' Farzr+EP-W E4c,4?a"Le CEt4rrE9 fuou572iac.. Ppf*-, t+ 1 L 1,z,s al cxCL, P,'?MCy SEI°ARATIOI-JS RI B Z I}-y ?, R I ?A '3 ? i4 B•Z /A•3 hIoNE ?3UiLD1l-!(j ?7IZE S? x Z15 Zx s4 ? x Zo 5?x2?5 `? x Zo 2Tx51 _ ?og - ?gO = Z4d lco2o 3 - ? i???s x s = = I000 x lo = - l S-?)1 '?; Ico2.o 3 1837? I 8?b ( 5 39 q?91? A?EA?' 8Y Dcc-QpAur--( f? ? I (3• 2 12I31 A3 83xs? - 4?31 56 I ? Fb?) L 43x 5? = Z4?1 fl x22' Z__4Z 2(? °!3 60115 (2i3! 5(,(( q-1q(-7 11rl 1? zk?Fr 3 1oo,?io a , "(''Pc_ oF coNS7rzu6rioN TfPE I? ? 2. B M.115. 17 b.A, P? 2 31100 11 8co 157 , ? ? J9,zcx> ? I Z? 90o 59E? I I-`?j,Gpo 239,Zco p.3 Z9`loc> 598cb Il???ro Z3?.2co BZ- lZ?3I - 311,200 - , 04 ?• I 60 t -7 S ` 235, 2ao - .3 ? ,4Z < I o t? LoT AeE?A "L2c?,14 (o S. F /S.o7 ? FROM . Grant Peterson DATE . July 29, 1986 SUBJECT . Code Review Meeting Compri Hotel Eagan, MN The meeting was held at the Eagan City Hall on July 25, 1986. Present at the meeting were Dale Peterson, Chief Building Official, Eagan; Steve Hanson, Building Official, Eagan; Rich Hefty, City Engineer; Jim Grant Peterson, Opus. The following items were discussed: 1. The bu?lding was esented as Type II F.R. construction with allowable areas for occupancies A-3, B-2, and R-1 as provided in Table 5-C. Increases in area for separation on four sides of the building doubled the allowable area and a fully sprinklered building allowed the area to be doubled again. It was agreed that all occupancies complied with allowable areas. 2. Meeting Room 107 was designated as A-3 occupancy because of its occupant load of 63. It was agreed, however, that the doors could remain inward swinging and without panic hardware provided the room was posted for max, 49 occupants. 3. The second exit on the west wall of the Compri Club will not require panic hardware but shall have an Adams-Rite lock with a paddle release from the interior. 4. The main entrance to the Compri Club will not require a door to the exit corridor and lobby area. The entire club area will be defined as an exit corridor as well. The area will need to be sprinklezed and a smoke curtain or dropped door head will be required at the door to the lobby. 5. Minor accessory uses such as the vendinq alcoves shown on level 1 and levels 2-6 will not require doors provided the 1 hr. corridor wall carries through behind. 6. A 20 min. door and closer will be provided from the administration area to the desk. 7. The service room #104 shall have a door. It will not require a closer. _ 8. The sliding doors at the main entrance were acceptable as exit doors provided they had panic breakaway hardware. 9. The entrance into the pool area shall swing out for exiting purposes and shall be rated as a 20 min. door. A full side light will be allowed provided it is in a metal frame and has wired glass. . 1 Compri Hotel - Code Review Meeting - 7/29/86 10. The exiting diagram, distance to exits, and exit width capacity were determined to be adequate. 11. All doors exiting the pool area shall swing out; however, it was agreed that panic hardware would not be required provided the Adams-Rite latch had a paddle release device. 12. The Compri Club food service area, Room #133, shall be provided with a fire extinguishing device at the griddle. Protection of the exhaust duct, it was felt, would be covered by this system. 13. Stair enclosures are required to be 2 hr. construction with the structural frame protected by 2 hr. it was determined that structural steel frame members exposed in the stairs will be wrapped with two layers of 5/8" gyp. bd, to provide a 2 hr. equivalency. 14. It was determined that the 4 hr. exterior non-bearing wall requirement per Table 17-A could be reduced to unprotected, noncombustible construction because of the 40' yard on all sides of the building (U.B.C. 1903). 15. The penthouse construction may be of unprotected, noncomhustible material provided it is only housing mechanical equipment and has a 1 hr. occ. separation from R-1. The post-tensioned roof slab provides the occupancy separation. 16. The S.T.C. rating on the corridor/guest room wall shall be 50 (45 S.T.C. field). 17. Guest room entrance doors will require a 3/16" undercut for make-up air required by the toilet exhaust. It was presented that Opus has used this undercut at entrance doors in other hotels constructed within the Twin Cities, and that it had been accepted as falling within the allowable S.T.C. rating of 26 required for guest room doors. Dale Peterson said he anticipated no problem with this, and would deal with problems if complaints occurred after the building was occupied. 18. The elevator shaft will require a gravity vent at the top of the shaft. Whether the operation of the damper on this louver is manually operated from the roof or motorized and controlled from the lobby will be determined by the Fire Marshal, Doug Reed. 19. An approved fire alarm system is required by U.B.C. 1202b. The extent of..the system will be determined by Doug Reed. The basis for his requirements will be along NFPA guidelines. 20. Elevator and mechanical shafts shall be of 2 hr. shaft wall construction. 2 Compri Hotel - Code Review Meetinq - 7/29/86 21. Construction of the guest room plumbing chase and toilet exhaust shaft was approved as follows: All plumbinq shall be noncombustible and pass through sleeves in the P.T. floor slab. All voids around the pipes shall be packed tight with firesafe insulation. The toilet exhaust duct shall be noncombustible and pass through an opening in the floor slab with all voids around the duct packed tight with firesafe insulation. The chase will therefore be closed off at each floor. The chase enclosure shall be metal stud and two layers of 5/8"x gyp. bd. on the room side of the chase, providing a 2 hr. equivalency from each room. This would be interrupted only behind the steel tub where one layer of 5/8x gyp. bd. would be provided. The toilet exhaust shall pass throuqh the chase wall and into the exhaust duct by means of a metal duct with an upturned leg of 22" before exhausting into the common duct. This assembly will not require fire dampers at the floor or at the toilet room wall, and the exhaust duct need not be isolated from the remainder of the plumbing chase. The tub trap will not violate the gypsum rated chase enclosure. '22 Doug Reed will determine whether we will be allowed an exemption for operable windows below the 4th floor. 23. There was no objection to a"card key" operation of the guest room doors provided the interior side had a thumb turn dead bolt and an interlocking anti-panic operation with the door knob. 24. Tub seats in handicapped guest rooms may be a removable type to allow for nonhandicapped use of the room. 25. A noncombustible threshold will be provided at the guest room entrance door to separate corridor and room carpet for flame spread. 26. Sprinkler heads in the guest rooms will be provided on the wall of the sleeping area and the entrance vestibule. No head will be required in the bathroom with the steel tub and cultured marble vanity top provided there are no other combustible materials in the room. 27. The fire sprinkler system is a vertical riser system. There was no problem with this; however, it will be reviewed by Doug Reed. 28. Roof access is through a hatch located at the north stair. Access to the south half of the roof requires passing through the penthouse. There was no objection to this provided the doors were not.locked. 29. Roof drains will require a separate overflow drain and pipe or roof overflow scuppers. 30. The skylight in the 1 hr, roof the pool area does not present a problem provided it will comply with skylight construction (U.B.C. 3400). 3 Compri Hotel - Code Review Meeting - 7/29/86 31, The roof framing structure of the pool area was discussed: In order to be able to adequately exhaust the humid air from the pool area and protect the structural steel from corrosion, and to provide a means of visual inspection of these members, Opus requested an exemption from the 2 hr. protection of these members. The pool area is sprinklered and is constructed and finished entirely of noncombustible material. The pool enclosure is separate from the structure of the hotel building and requires no exiting through its area as a means of egress from the hotel. We therefore felt that such an exemption may be granted. The discussion of this issue was favorable; however, Dale Peterson stated that he would like to review it in-house and respond to us in two to three days. tF "e fnp r1 ?, a t7J TD T-kcoP B? n?nf AsD 41:?ZR R v o 32. The uni-sex toilet in the pool area was not a concern. The toilet provided in the hotel corridor for each sex was satisfactory. This was acceptable because there are no locker rooms provided and guests wear their suits to the pool. 33. Public toilet facilities shown provided the required number of fixtures. 34. The pool and food preparation areas are subject to health department review. 35. Access under the entrance canopy for fire department vehicles is not anticipated. 36. The future curb cut for the restaurant and access drive is not required to be provided with the hotel construction. 37. The elevator will be reviewed for the city by OSHA/labor inspectors. /dkz cc: Jim Neyer Ren Lillquist Greg Nook John McRenzie Grant Peterson Louis Ho Vic Pipars Jay Cain Dale Wenkus Wally_Ouse.__ _ ?Dale Peterson - Chief Building Official, Eagan 4 vGGUll',?oA/CYI*, : ? czv" -5izE : ..Z ir f«,Z o,itV/ , A . 3 , lzrI -- 9. 2 ' ;:? /- A.3 = A.3 - 5.2 - 8z 9/z9/?o "t/o senA,z?ra? ze-oU/.Mo I Nc-l/Jr SEO.oZA7ac1 / Nov.e' sCPA.e.4?'1acJ, 57 A 27r = /56,5 7,Vxu .?i r? 2.4 - 82 = 2o5- (Pr.v 540C,r aeFA ) /o M zz f zzo 9,S x Zo = !90 t 2G ?e /b = ZG.O /GSSb ?, FT. 57 = f?, 57 = 241-51 22 = 21/Z 2j?o93 Sa. F71 . 11XIIPAA16? ?.3= yDx ZS- /cC?0 t 83 x 57 = V73/ 5-7 _ 9 ? Zo f 9 X 20 = 1lo o3s sQ.,=T. ,- 5 , /orAL 4?725 :;0. fr. .8. 2 = 55!!?) -- 5731 _ 108l9 va, ?r 8J/7S SD,FT. /.". ? ?? ? 46.2 T?. l A.3 / VIA5J2 A. 6g4??? ) (O;yucn -sraG'/) 3y9&0 ?gOo Z??ad sp?ao 2n0o 59? <7P'Rr.?.ECED? ??actD J/ 9G6V 1'14Gco CoiW 4rZ?'iv) 3I9200 23 `I Zd0 z 39wo g0i75-- -= 2,V2an 0-- .53 ? . Z 10619 - 3/9Zco === . 03 -- 573/ • 2 39Zc:0 --- . oz ?Z 3 L.??rs ?LU.hY/O,t./ l5 /Sca.F7; _ zf?e LY ARE4 = 5. 07pcxv:3 7 7ZC?// Aa-aA3r.E - ZD87.S'col-?Ke,72 - z:?)Ie MEMO T0: JAY BERTHEO POLICE'DEPT. T9M COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS dIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. KEN VRAA, PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. d0E CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. JON HOHENSTEINt ADMINISTRATION FROM: DALE PETERSON, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: Cj , g ? The preliminary construction vlo, plans for CDMPF21 1401-EL 'L-700 T'tOT KNaB ??. are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hartson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to retura form to Steve vithin Yive (5) days vill be considered your approval. Thank you. ' /JS . , . ...y. , .,: . - : .,. Pff, MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE, POLICE'DEPT. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS dIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. BEN VRAA, PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. d0E CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION FROM: DALE PETERSON, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE; G - aa- 8 4 The preliminary construetion V" plans for CaMPiz 1 140TSL 't-700 T 1LD7 KNa5 R0. are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Steve vithin five (5) days vill be considered your approval. Thank you. ` ?.<.,.. ,. ...., ,.... .. . .. , . ... . ., ,. I ?? . MEMO T0: JAY BEATHE, POLICE"DEPT. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF P LZC WORKS,, 3IM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. KEN VRAA, PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, $DMINISTRATION ?• FROM: DALE PETERSON, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: G- aa- 8 b The preliminary construction V", plans for pM 1 HO'fFL Z-700 F?l..DT Y.NaB ?p. are in our plan review section Por your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failtre to return form to Steve srithin five (5) days vill be considered your approval. Thank you. ? -?a.Y?.w..: -.,?.. ,... .-.. , . .. .. ..?, ... .. . ? • . .. MEMO T0: JAY HEATHE, POLICE'DEPT. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. KEN VRAA, PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. d0E CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION FROM: DALE PETERSON, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: G- aa- 8 b The preliminary construetion V-*' ' plans for Cpm P(?1 1401SL 1-700 T'I.UT KN?B RC) are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failiure to return Porm to Steve vit five (5) days vill considered your approval. ) t Thank you. a pO,PRUSLDCOERLPORATION December 16, 1986 Mr. Doug Reid City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Re: Compri Hotel - Eagandale 2700 Pilot Knob Road Dear poug: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of Friday, December 12, 1986. Operative windows will not be required for the guest rooms on the Compri Hotel. Among the reasons for not requiring operative windows is that the hotel is fully sprinklered, is constructed of an incombustible nature, and its size. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, OPUS CORPORATION i??S- ' James T. Neyer' Associate Project Manager /cr OPUS AND AfFILIATES IN MINNEAPOLIS - CHICAGO. PHOENIX. MILWAUKEE. TAMPA. PENSACOLA EXECUTNE OFFlCES 800 OPUS CENTER . 99008REN ROpO EAST 0 PO BOX 150 0 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55400 (612) 936-4444 `CAb FC.('k_ C/ lIIIiO T0: TOH COLBEAT, DIRECTOR OF POBLIC WORBS JIL•I STOHIi, PLANNIIiG DEP9RTMENT BILL ASINS, ELECTRICAI. INSPECTOE CR6IG SNODSEEi, ENGINEERING TECH F&0!!: DOQG F1EID, BOILDING INSPECfIOHS DEPT DATE: AtiGliST 12, 1987 , The Protective Inspections Department will be performing a final inspection FOr occupancy oF 2700 PILOT KNOB ROAD on AGGtiST 19, 1987 Please return within 48 hours with your approval or denial. Failure of : response within that time frame will be determined as approval. It will be each departments responsibility to contaet the construetion firm with necessary requirements before final inspeetion and notifying the Building Inspeetions Department when all requirements have been taken care of.' Thank-you. DR/js : APPROVAL: DENI9L: ( GNATURE & ADA? E) (SIGNATURE & DATE):_ i ? OPUS CORPORATION ? DESIGNERS -BUILDERS. DEVELOPERS October 7, 1986 Mr. Steve Hanson City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE . Compri Hotel - Eagan, MN Corridor Design Load Dear Steve: L 1 )3I ?aa? oAr-c Or- ???c- Pa22K ? _ ?4?+ . According to our phone conversation on October 7, 1986, the corridor design load shown on the permit drawings is acceptable to the City. The total superimposed loads used for the corridor desgn include 80 psf live load plus 13 psf for partition and miscellaneous. If you have further questions, please call me. Sincerely, ? 1:? V Louis K. Ho, P.E. Sr. Structural Engineer /dkz cc: Jim Neyer Grant Peterson OPUS AND AFFILIATES IN MINNEAPOLIS 0 CHICAGO ? PHOENIX -MILWAUKEE a TAMPA * PENSACOLA EXECUTWEOFFICES BOOOPUSGENTER. 99009FENROADEAST- PO BOX150- MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA55440 (612)936-4144 .. :---- ? :L? _ . ?? . rriinnesota; department `of. health - 717 s.e. delaware st. p.o' box 9441 minnd8polis 5544d . . , . . (812) 823-5000 . . . . . . . ' . ' . ' ' _ .. . ' ' - . , 'NAY R. 19R7 . . flpus Coroera?t3on ; . ' . • , . BW flpus Center ' - . . . . 490Q 8ren RvaA East , . .. _ " . . . • . -:' Hox 350 MinneaDOlis, Mi»nesota 65440 ". '. Gentlemen/tadlesY .;,. .., - .. ? ' • . SEIBJECTr P1*biMr fqe Caqpri HGlel - Eiigendtle, E+1gan. iltttnssota_ ' . . Plnn 11e. 70952 . : Ne are enclosTng e capy of our rtport toverinQ.an examinat4nn,o€ plans and specifl4.ationa on the abore-designated project. klso enclosed is a, cop.v Qf .the rsport, transm#tCai.tette???and ptans to be forkrarde+# tq the ' prejett tnmer. I7 iS TNE PRO3ECT b4lNER'S RESPONSIBILx7Y Ttt RETAIPt 7HE . PLANS Afi ?HE PltQdECT LOCATIOM. , . - Your attenttpn is directM Lp ttte atgached steLenMnt pertnintng.to . insoeetion Gf thP pt+anbl+r9. It is impartant that we reteive the . informat9on fndttated In order xhat.the necessary inspecti4n mag 6e n?adrt. , . . ?he, plans and specificat4arts appear` ta bp in genera9 corifornoanee_w1th " .. , the staE?dnrds uf tti9s Department: Hhei1 tlfp'. pr'o'feeL 9S t8mpleted' please `eemmunfeate wfih an Envircrnnental-HnaltR san9tarlan 9n our M.etrnpolltan t]ffice in Minneepolis (??.2/6Z3-5335j? fn order. th$t thly maq make ftns3 . ; 4nsPectfon. ' , . . . , Yf you huve any Questiorts In regard t6 Ptumn4ng'#nspections, ptense . contact oanftd Stantey at.??2i+523-532a... tt ynu have eny nuesttons In regard?'to:the 3nformAtian ctntatned 1n this • ., rpport, Pledse ctu?Eact Johrr Rarry at fiJ,2/6234357. .: . Sincere9Y Yours, •. , (iary L.- Englund,. P.E., ChteF . • ? ' Sectton of Water Suppty and fnq'trMEring , 6LE:MR8:JEB.0., ; . . _, '• Enclnsures : . ? cc: Proaect OwnRr • , . Pr. ttttl9w. Aflms, Ptumb9mg InsPeetor.. . ? an equal opportunity employer . ? . _, ., . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Division of Environmental Health REPORT OF PLANS Plans and specifications on Plumbing for the Comori Hotel - Eaaandale Location Eagan. MinnesOta Date Examined Aprll 30 1987 Prepared ana submitted by Oous Corooration, 800 Opus Center, 9900 Bren Road East Box 150. Minneaoolis. Minnesota 55440 nate xeceived March 23, & April 28, 1987 Ownership - Scope - This examination is limited to the design of this particular project only insofar as the provisions of the Minnesota Plumbing Code, as amended, apply, and does not cover the water supply or sewerage system to which this plumbing system is connected. The examina- tion of plans is based upon Che supposition that the data on which the deaign is based are correct, and that necessary legal autheri[y has been obtained to construct the project. The responsibility for the design of structural features and the efficiency of equipment must be taken by the project designer. Approval is contingent upon satisfactory disposition of any requirements included with this report. Inapections - Special care should be taken to insure tha[ the material and installation of the plumbing system are in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesata Plumbing Code. It is necessary that the State Health Department make roughing-in and final inspections of the plumhing system to determine whether it complies with the Code. Provisions ahould be made for applying an air test at the time of the roughing-in inspection as outlined in :1inn. Rulee p. 4715.2820 of the Code. In order to facilitate this vork, there is attached a self-addressed card which should be returned, indica[ing [he name of the plumbing contractor so that arrangements can be made for "the State Health Department to be notified by him a"s to the [ime that the installation will be ready for test and inspections. No acceptance of the plumbing installation can be given until inspeetion and test of the roughing-in work (Minn. Rules p. 4715.2820, subp. 2), finiahed plumbing (Minn. Rules p. 4715.2820, subp. 3), and inspection of the completed installation by a representative of [he Sta[e Health Department indicates compiiance with the provisions of the Code. &equireaents - (OVER) Authorization for construction in accordance with the aooroved plana may be withdrawn if construc[ion is not undertaken within a period of two years. The fact that plans have been approved does not necessarily mean that zecovrtuendations or requirements for change will no[ be made at some later time when changed condi[ions, additional information or advanced knowledge make improvements necessary. Approved by: V t'ML( Milton R. Bellin, P.E. Public Health Engineer Section of Water Supply and Engineering )JJW i, &rove John E. Barry Engineering Aide Section of Water Supply and Engineering 4 Requirements: 1. The materials used for the waste, vent and_water supply piping were not specified. Verify that they conform to Minnesota Plumbing Code. 2. Verify lawn sprinkler piping has adequate backflow preventer system. 3. Verify water meter to be at least 12 inches off the flcor and in a accessible place. I n MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS March 25, 1987 CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, Mn 55122 ATTN: Heating Inspections Dear Sir: Please accept and complete the attached permit application and check for the gas piping at: PROJECT - Compri Hotel 2700 Pilot Knob Rd EQUIPMENT: Rooftop-[hitse (Provised by HVAC) H-1 1@ 270,000 BTU = 270 MBH H-2 1@ 400,000 BTU = 400 MBH H-4 1@ 400,000 BTU = 400 MBH Water Heaters 2@ 512 MBH input = 1024 MBH Unit Heaters 1@84--MBH input = 84 MBH Kitchen Equinment (Provided by Owner) Griddle with convection oven = 208 MBH Laundry Dryers (Provided by Owner) 2@ 250 MBH each = 500 MBH TOTAL: 2886 MBH Contract Amount: $6,300.00 Sincerely, CONSOLIDATED PLUMBING & HEATING c? Doug Swigar DS/jo P.O. BOX 1091 BURNSVILLE a MINNESOTA 55337 ^(B12) 894-3200 OVOiAilONS SU9JECi iD CHANGE nILNO NOTICF • AGRFEMENTS CONLINGENT UPON STRIKES. ACCIDENIS OR OTMER CAUSES BfYOND WR CONiROL . 3 a? 7987 BUILDING PERMIT 9PPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN I SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 OF SOFtOEY, 1 SfiT OF ENERGY CALCQLARIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTR9CTOR/HOHEOWNER MIIST DESIGNATE BHICH ADDEESS IS DESIRED. NO CH9NGSS WILL BH ALLOWED ONCE BOILDING PfiRMIT IS ISSIIED. MIILTIPLS DWELLINGS - RBSI?ENTIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CER 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS RENTAL IINITS FOR SALE UB6ITS OF SIIRVEY - CIiECg WITH BLDG. DEPT., INCLIIDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: ?? ? Site Address 0? Lot f Bloek / ConiPr1 bC Pareel/Sub Owner "1.?5 1?012?or2[c-6b? Address 31 [? i W CPvt?F?Q4L ?Q,ue City/Zip Code YhOe?'1"? AZ-- ??la- Phone (t'0,? ) ` ? W) Contraetor d Ul?O?in ??Ul- `?- i'±?+T Address J?-?Q.r N C?0 , ?e I? City/Zip Code T14j1qOk'?-k J?1LeU Phone(??a> sZla - ?ioa Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone 1? Date : L! J2l? / ? OFFICS USE ONLY On Site Sewage Oecupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well Type of Const City Water (Actual) _ (Allowable) # of, Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FF•ES Ga Assessments Permit Z Z4• Water/Sewer Surcharge I ?i Police Plan Review If2,Zs Fire SAC, City Engr SAC, MWCC Planner Water Conn Council Water Meter Bldg Off Road Unit APC Treatment Pl Variance Parks Copies TOTAL J ? & STRUCTURAL PLANS, SET OF valuation: v ?? o D j ;. #? ,.Y,, a h , S. ?'a ., mihnesota department of health 717 s.s. delawaro st. p.a box 9441 minneapoils 55440 ? 1812182340OU j ? ; ; • , March 26, 1987 . : . ? . i _ . . • Dolphin Pool and Patio ? . 3405 North 6ounty Road,?18 ? _ Plymouth; Minnesota 55441 Gentlemen/Ladies: Swimming Pool and Whirlpool for the Compri.'Hotel SUBJECT;? , Eaaandale Center Eaaan, Minnesota ? F. 01 We are enclosing a copy of our report covering an examination f the of,.plans?and s.. identi??ed:', , •: ? - ? specifications on the above-designated;project. A set o IT IS'THE t .- .._,; , 5' t)WNER; PROJECT plans and specifications is being returned to you. AT THE PROJECT LOCATION. , , RESPONSIBILITY TO RETAIN THE PLANS Also`enclosed is an information sheet on maintenance and operatlon;of swimming : whict ? ' ! . m,i pool,,-together with a suggested swimming pool operat9onal neport faY t and kept'-for hi-s reeoreis?r??".•?`, .: "?;°'?'-•: shouldtie prepared monthly by the pool opera or Yourattention is directed to the paragraph in the reportpertaining=? _ . _ ?°••,,,. tions. 'It is important that'we receive the information requested 'on `?'y'`? ""?•_" enclosed;postal card in order that the necessary,inspecti"on mity,be ma If you,6ave any questions in regard to the information cpntained in.'t .report, please contact Mi1t.Bettin at 612/623-5517. S' cerely yours, " r ?, ` • Gary L. ro 1 und, P._?. ChTef _Sectio af . ater Supply 1, Da M1 i_ .' - '.. ' and E, ering:. . ., M f.YffD.?nn _ inspec- d?: - ? .f..:. . .. ' . . MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ntai Health i ronme Division of Env , REPORT ON PLANS . l tar the Ce i irRrt an? poo Sw1min2 Poo1 and WMr Esy??dale Cenar a Date Examined ??? `iac.aaioR 6?4sn. Mlnrtesota - ? Pragared and submitted by Ool Mn Paol and Petfo x¢$,? 6_NortA,.Gountr tlcad 18. Pl uth, Minnesota 55A41 ?Dste `aeceived; i1a1rCh 12 ar?d 19• 1?7 ' Plan File No._ 70883 '. r ` ratlon..990 9ren Roid East. NinnaLonka. Minnwsota Sb3? ounarship OPtlS Garpo Thle?* t Y un a.a t?nY q???e$?' .. epors- ¢overa' the design of this pro ject 'ineofar as _safaC ?M?t publie. bathing may be affected, and is 'based _ p R =- 4 'f pl"aris ;?+i8 ,$g4ed n??' ve 717.,.3900, Public Swirtuming Pools: The examination o 0uppasf.titxu •th'at, t he da ta on whieh the design is based are correct, and or'7th e.' huthosit ` has.been obtained. to conatrucc the project: The?tesPenai?i j'act .?dCSiga.`o.SL{uCiural,:featurea and the efficiency of equipment must: he CBkea `de¢#gner.. Approval ,is.-contingent upon eatiefactory disposicion of".any req+?i,reaienC?'.ittcluded'. y.? _`. rePort P..Oo1 MhiP1 00 ; a ?`` ? . 2 NP -;CItypm requlrad ?E?L?cg ,APPsretus. • 925 gailons ? Pool Yolume Z51,QQO gallDBf -,Treat,?eac 1.9.SF HRS tilter 3.1 $F NRS=titEar ,Erost? chlarinsWr - Eroslon chloE4un?or: ' N.A. w? ? ?Myy.??}p ?y ?y ,_ ? , , .. ,, ,? , : . . . •p'?,4?1SF1[V?4A Flw?`g, •?,CO?pl;isnce .»-NO.CONSTRUCTION SHALL,T+4KS PLACE BRCSPT ZN--ACCORDANG$-'ti1'?"? M. ?? _?? gp$CTFICATFON$' 'If it is desired.to make deolati on's from the_appr4ved.pi? '??,&sixl ePB ? cecions. te ?Deper.tmanc of 8ea1Lh ehould 4e eonaulted an?'? a?aFa'?l ?? * atitalnbe?iY?ta:;,'eonatruetlon, ie atartedl, otheivise euch;:coi?strneti Pe -in addition may create, dan ers to public ?rt?PP g t?val,' apd .ptd , .. ? ^ sare ?shouLd be taken to insure thakt{?e ° I?tq??.lan0 ? Sp+a?#a,;, , . gai? ?? p?rovsisions °af ,;,"? l?tias?", of Che ?WqY?M?'?8 RRol .,is , f,a , aceo"rdance 'wich the_: aPPVo49,d„A? ?a? ,, ?n ord"er 4 l e' \ t? ?5 ?Yi . r ' ? ? est ?,,;?? ?e,_,tteeassary that a_ fiaal i?napection ?b?e made o , fn? ?to?: sa?liEete.:th?.e.work,. the -encloaed aelf-addressed postal eatd 'ah?id t?°? a, ?ptu?ted so, t??,?t sxraA8@???to can be reade„ gar thn flnal r ." hP ??•:keceptance of::Clte pajol' cannot be given until inepection;of the eomYtle?ed costpliarce_oith-Ehe provieione of the_regulation. Beqatresenta - SEE OTHER SIDE Authorization for cons[ruction in accordance wlth the approved plan may b$,`-vithdrawn i1 conaEYuctioa' is not undertaken within a period of two yeara.' The_ fact that p,Yans have been`8pproved dae9 not necessariIy mean that recommendations or requirements -for changi wilt not be made at eome la[er time when changed conditions, addltional Lnfocmation, o advanced.knowledge make improvemente neceseary. ?--'-' Milton R. Bel11n. P.E. " Pub11c Health &nQlneer. ? Section of Metar Snpply aod Englneerlnq 612/6234517 >f?-" ? . 4 ? N ` T yl ffs,were .not provided far the planter baMnd thewhlr_lp4r?t, ponl c???eted such tt?at the entlre aroa bRtween-.CEe 'ata* ?11 adjacent to it ara ?de,lnauessib?a ta u?n,M p?? i?o. °a.'larr vrat3 between the pianter and the pool Is,nal?4??.ftt?oYt ofpt"entarboxes Mlthtn thla area ts ooL acceptebtei the enOre:aro awxt ba developed as a pTeaLer. . .pepth ol water aha11 be ptalnly marked at or above-the.MHtir,`;u+r!!er? the vertical paat walt or on the edqe ai the deck ar.iq?lk next=<<C " tA,a pop#:, at maxtmwo and mtntaum points, at the polnts of clu??lpe ? ` batwesp. tba deep and shallae portiont, and et intarmadlatar`,tnsra?? of depickr,r spaced et-not more than 25-foot intervatf. ?epC?i mmrk'1 ? slail 60 nuarais 6f 4 lacpes minimum he1gML and af a eo?or const" ,.w >??#fi,h..'t#ak,background snd/or"Doth sides and ends ai thps.P94?? y ?' ,; .rt1' 2.4? 5 • .?#]? qortfais af the M+at+er distrlbullon systeai tervidg thesW#Sa?iny ?.aux119ary fec111ties thait be protected_sgala'st beck?llw.°W&a re?rced 1ntQ the pooa, _either dlractly er- . the re¢i??ki?tton: let tb ,;ll {f??,supDliaA throuyh an air yap: ' Whan such-t?natx_1,?€_awl, °;yasslbti-the snpplY shatl be protectad by a sultahlel?Mek4"1eiw..pr0 natalled on tAa?dlscharge slds ot the leat conlr"qJ .t? t6a f"Ixt!ri 3 or apputtenance. „ ..:?•- , -.;'thsre sE?a11 be no di rect physt ca! conaecti on •betrrm Rfifieu?pt#. s? rk ?R and sny d'rsin from the swimtng ppol or rsc/rculatlon sXstio. Aai or?pqntterdratn trr overttor? from the reelrcutatioA"tytup Ww . Oarpd Lo the tewer systamo storm'drain, or ather, ap{rrniieCli004 . ;_,?:<•_,..., .. , ate 'cvursa sAalt connact throayh a snitable a1r ghp or:a1'r':b1eaIC t .? 4 LOpre?cytade tMVas?a.i?bitltY oi beckup c# ss++aqa Qr? w;R4, into=?xM 1 yg"Piping s,ylys??l• V.lndoorswfrrHng pewli.'hathhouses,. dressiny rtaeasr *M4? r+? .%4ffi4t, spaaas, sha11_ be -adaqaetaiy ranE4lataet 41 se?e??ri?? eaE? ? ? ,. . •? Y?M?r. S1 s? •Su1"tqbls placaMs aeabodYlnq,perxonal ,n??1ertlaGMa? ae?4 ??ssti Ji`t?Ias+t rlatlag to sutte and totiwlt sha11 be AMapla"a?1,? ?. tatM iMlaotng, paal raam- nnd in.tha-dretslnq ramas aml _ e' ' ?s?????I?ui;S???X 44 ??_'! ??4? . . ,` . ` . PM1 Y ., I?trw?tfo?s re?rdlny anerqaacy e#1ts 4he11 1t p . ?? b ,?.?3n ?`} _. _. ,. • `• . .. ' .- - .. .. ' . , . . : N? .,' ;: tfir toaA..sha1-1 be potte4 .1n.a c??4p1?q![=;4 ietlw;°: ti= ° 1?ere rtalitequard servlce ia provlQeds a werning _ 1n plain tiiew snd state "NARNI,NG - MO LIFE6UARD Oli OUTY" M1"th c1i, ,-;#eglble lotters at tesst 4 inches in height. In addition, the st, <'.?;£,, stuLe •CMILDREN, SFWLL BOT USB POOL MITHWT AN ADULT IN ATTENQAMCE , . t. _ _ , . - . !{ - F » - . . . -. _ . . a ? . _ ' ? l Wyy ? t ?. bq,? -,z?a • ? ' " y? ., t-<??t??z?, ?EQ`?".?;nj.'?i??` ?3 '.: r?+A. k? J?n ? f "??y?^? ?T'?' ?pcta4nfny t0 the fall,owing ite?as is reqat?nq! aL a??J?fr ? -. m" . . ' , w Ad' ? ?aLX v Y ,' i A c,?e?nsing showcr is required before entering Lhe {?oo?. ?? k, '?, aNal1 return to the poot. after using the-toilet? exer'c1,?tdg? z in a.sauna withuut taking a second cleansing shower.. ?` ??????°; ?y`=• ?p,?' persons, wlth an infect4ous.or cannunicabte diseass sh¢ll not use `?.? ?k? ?. ., thepppl c, Persa?a with open blisters or cuts should not uSe the:, ,?sy .as t?ey a became infect,ed, ? . ' s`F, in eddl;Llon, slgnags ta recaunended peYt&ining to these ?d," Dd, , not ? use the„P°a1 atone. po imrt. uss whSle under the lnfluence of alcohot -or drii?• ;f :-Do,not use #t e1derTy or suffering from heart disease, dtaDet?s,?,,x,? or:,li??h or 1ow biood pressure. ^v e4?; y..-Observe a reasonable-time limit, (e.g.. 10 mloutes)?.,?A i?rt?r ` • ?, !:llmit-stwuld ,psed durln8 P?'e8nancy. ?'????'- ??- - ? . ? ., . •? ? ??;",,,?,??`r,; ' . .js xt l6 , . ?} 'NY44d4' ' ?1 4 i.: d ti , ty x si ?? Y ? 1??aY_ .Y' ?i ? ``? ? AL? \ t kM1 4ry5 x?u''????" ? •? f? , i?b- LYat ME4,'?'??? ? , . ? c•\'2'- 4t?i:' =r?`- 7' ,x '" - A? w4 a?4,y2 .? s y£x?-" •_ . ? ' ? , ,. .. •. ?.i:'„ ' " . tr i ? ? ? ? ? ? -2- r A ?? S r . . ld? 9afety Requirement--I.ifesaving Equipment 4'?d x ,.PQots opesated primarily for unorganized uae and havf#g?,?tl 'm`i5„4 ?qquare^£eet of water aurface area shall be pravided •with ,an elevaEedeguasd'?? ? ",platformor chair. In poole with 4,000 ?aquare feet ?or more oP.?raCa_rsutf?aC?°?a?gii." addiEional ?elevated chaira or statione shall be provided, locaked' ?to: ae .. oclear unobetiucted view of the pool bottom in the area under eusveillance 3?` "20ife un`It of lifesaving, equipment shall coneiat of the followiag: p' sing;buoy?.,,sict y' more ?tEisn 15 inchee in diameter and equivalent in weight io a cprk,;6uoy,.?CO,.,whiCh ahalY tie attached a 60-fooC length,'of 3/16-inch manila.rope or eqaivalenta-?'ife, k' a pole or ahepherd's crook tgpe nf pole having blunted ends.and'a.minitmum,lergth o`f E eet'; and a eeparete thtiowing line of t-inch rope with a lengtHnnt leea Lhan; 2? Yfi?s? tlws mazimum widt4 of the pool. Not lesa than one unit of"_'equipmeriC, st t? - ?`ptgwuerated a6ova? ehail beProvided aC everY Public'. awimniri6 ? Pool': ? Oae 'rinit, ehaTt be . ? , ?rs?auaied to ae_ edequate for 2,000 aquare feet of water ?sur.face arirs,.?<and o?Ctlc? add?? ?'? l_unit,atiAll be.provided for each additional 2;000 square faet-; ar ?. ' - •"`?tiereof,.of water.. i.y:.6 .? • ? . ' i . ?£S?'.?til.. '''3` ' - _ ' ' ? • ? ' ? 4?ii,lv? ? :?? , , ," ? .. ?.. ' ,...- " .. . ? e_ s _ r ` •._E ? '?a?' ? . " ' ? ,5i - p Pr' c 2 % "e'. ?? -( `cmc ' x?W k T 'FP? ? ? • ` 4 F ?,U?? ??iF'* .. _'( 7 t A 9 Y ' ° . , -?' _ s ti , .F A ? ll ? ??.. , . . . . - - • ?. , . . ' -• ?-1? " ? `?. 1 1 t ^> , t " 1 A '_ ? ; k.f 'r»? _ 'C M ry - x #??e^ak?bSf}f ResiBVa f? L ? " , ,. ii i aei ? ' ?': , ?at" v f • .i?a?? ' Te " ratui? •.?> ?aCe ' ? . . ? t s n at t . . ? : ht? - E .. a d, allo ? 9h w E itcT Added: De e E nd : Sk allo w : ?n d Ri " r - ? Ca?oents R } y y y p y i y ? " y [?a y ?? y? ? A 1 f Y ?-C?R ?(?1 SfT?i 4fi M1f'aa . • -iN? A 3 afl 'A 1' L { i?'L e ? •.• .W " 7797 ' _ _ . .. . . _ . . . . 7 -7 7- ? 9 10 11 -77 13" ? ? 14 ? ? < ?r' ? - ? • ? 3:5 ? 16 . 17 18 19 . 20, 21 22 23 a za . _ _ g •, .V. 17 ? __ . A d . 7' !? . , . ' . , - ,. . ' ? . . IKI k j q? t l , X ?? ? F € kx .. ? ? Ky ?3F 1 ?;?yy * ?4'% t S 'x 4 ? ^ L f.' ?' ? ? ;V } "^ !' .x+, _? y?5 !h. , k?Y{.? ?s k{?,: . uil'` ik} ' l ??z ' '^ J ? 'C ,yhb?i'. $ ?kjqT'Y ?bz^$1,mr5i`?'?ti Wy? , ?? e ?? ? ' y ry il „k'S $ e p J/k _ Jr E _ { ? 45Y.?? ?Sff'3'i6: t^l S k' `t :a S ????? •`?.? .t. _ '44?}1-Y? ?C??'? .?I 1 {?`^?`?"?'?u?b k *.- , ¢ ? : d?"xCk? S' '.?'e ?.? Y 7 ?? ; "f - ?? ?' ' ? d ? . ? ? A . ,. ? # i . ? ? ? 'S- '.?•? ?€ ? ? '4 cn # 5 ???.3 m r I'L r ? ? .?k -t .? '? ?`-^. f?f"? rtk 3 ?'f''" :? Y•; t* ,'e Sl' R d 3 ?"W }f. 1 V f"-?^ 'y. "'" S d" Z ,s w 59 F. 1# ?+T? t? . . -„ ,_. . . . . . . i rY3. _ _ . .._ .m .a , r . .m}$ . S .. .... . .. . -m .. .? ,_ . ... ..._ . . .., _ . ?- x F W?+v d&'S.i ,D 14. Ym+'Por«? . _ __ 13 Z 7 So' 1987 BDILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLtIDE 2 SEf3 OF PLANS, 3 CERTIEICATES OF SORVEY, 1 SfiT OF fiNERGY C9LCQLATIOHS HOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - COHTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MDST DESIGAATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES FiILL BE ALLOWSD ONCfi BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSDSD. MOLRIPLE DWELLINGS - RESIDENTIAL RENTAL ORITS FOR SALE UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SDRVEY - C13ECg WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS CAPMRCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATZONS,$2, 000 LANDSCAPE BOND? ????ou,S?'? ??•?? ?`7 IN`?, IMP. To Be Used For: pA-:e_ - wll'f/L7D25 Valuation :3 Q7_ Date: 851' Site Address Z?Gtp /e.? &a(j oQo OFFICS DSE ONLY ? ? Lot Bl ock On Site Sewage Oceupancy o MWCC System Zoning Parcel/Sub it.L s5e? / oe ? On Site Well Type of Const City ldater _ (Actual) Owner /jy,S?y A1jj*74 5-16 (Allowable) # of Stories Address Length Depth City/Zip Code S.F. Total Footprint S.F. Phone 6PPROVALS FEFS Contractor 43 345 ?ia2r? Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Sureharge Address /fl D• ?s i'.Sl? Police Plan Review ' Fire SAC, City City/Zip Code /ufj?5 S'51lD? Engr SAC, MWCC Planner Water Conn Phone Council Water Meter Bldg Off Road Unit Arch./Engr. QJ4GwS?lL+? APC Treatment P1 Varianee Parks Address Copies TOTAL City/Zip Code 151b.2 -I c? , es Phone ll r o, aa o Z,ooc,, eoo ?Z a? x z.zs) rLAP F-EVlt---L.1 3-78?1 2s S? zu--I.?eca E = 4?0. „ .. qao t[cco3 x(3,?,?a I 2cc> 1 ?S7g S° 3787, P$ ! Zoo ,p ? ?s .? .- ??f? L/v l/?LS??-C L?('?? `'? - ? - ? ( J 3 - ? ALi ?. ?i?.tr_'t?• n 2 -71 F4R CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSDED Pd w/Bldg, permit $ $ $ $ $ e $ $ s "37=5??? $ $ c $ s /f , 3Xn?c? 0 FEES: $ $ $ $ $ $ ``-- $ "- $ s $ $ $ $ s SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SL'RCHARGE) WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) SEWER TAP ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER ACCOCNT DEPOSIT - WATER WAC SAC TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT TRLNK SEWER ASSESSMENT LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK SEWER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $- 7•5 S , D O $ TOTAL ' f q-? RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQDIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PDBLIC Q ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSDED BY THE ENGINEERING NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: ??&e? B-w? TITLE: DATE: CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION *AT?': PAYTfM OF RE AT TIIM OF APMcr,MoN noEs Nvr ooxsTrIUTE APPROVAL OF PF1?NIIT. iNSpFx.-rioN oF sENM arro/ox WATER IIYSTAI??ATiOIdS WIIS+ IVOiP BE SCHED- UI.ID L7NrII, PERNIIT HAS BEFN APPROVID. ----------------- __ .. ___ _ __.._ P ease Print) ? 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: "2 '7 t L r% r ?C N (i h3 ?- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ••- _ Lot Block Subdivision or Tax Parce ID ) IF EXISTING S1RL'ClLRtE, DATE OF pRIGINAL Bi.'ILDING PERMLT ISSPANCE: PRESETTP ZONING/PROPOSID L'SE: (MOnth/Year) -- ? CON-JERCZAi./REl'AIL/OFFICE ? R-1 SINGLE FAMTLY Q IbIDIISTRZAI, F-I R-2 DL'PLEX (qGV Units) ? INSTZTU1TIONAL/GpVMM7T [7 R-3 ZUUW[gI00SE (Three + Units) ( L?nits) . ? R-4 APARTMENT/CONIDOMINILfi1 ( Units ) 2) 9? NAME: ADDRFSS:?? CITY. STATE, ZIP: ? l, PHONE:? 3) u i: ?• - - - NAME: C d. ADDRESS: 6</ F.c rF.r r_ 5?• -- CITY, STATE, ZIP:_ id 53? Od? PHONE: aYa3-s2s3 MAS7.ER LICEPISE# /U+7 4) ?a?.y?:.? ? ia?• lYA1,1E: ? _ ADDRESS: 2 JaD Ov(LOT/cKdLA ?u> CITY, STATE, 2IP: r- .6 (-- +t-1Y .'E, -n`S1 z/ PHONE: . r.uunoers i,icense: Active Expised Not recorded Staff 1-mtial 5) ? ri r •?• :o • ? - a? Si vP?`Y ? CONNECTION 7l7 CITY SEWER 'Iq CITY WA1ER Q OTfM 6) ? • e ia ? Pr.FnGE FIOLD APPROVIIS rcepjj?T FY1R PiC7:-UP BY OIdE OF ABOVE ----- -- PLEASE MAIL APPROVID PERMIT TO 1, 2, 3, 4, AEOVE . 7) (Circle one) " r ?• u• • _ / ???? a STATE OF MINNESOTA Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division EXIT INTERVIEW Date• /u =?G -?r Time: Name: ? on? 9-1 ?G Address: ? ?> Owner of Premises: L „r>- r#i!. f,-l ?U aM r Iw?rs In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statute 299F.011, Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, inspection ot the above premises was completed and the following violations and/or deficiencies were noted requiring corrective action: Code Violation Summary Deficiency and Corrective Action ?/?if ??G? f 0. /fif ?-cY. ?// / 4., i % i ?--f' ? ?? / " ?. .si ?G.,d ? ?CJ /.?? r?? I- -"rc c ? ? ? . 10 4c I ? / ? -- - < ? / ? ij• , IQ . ? .ri? i / ,- . ? ? ?.l / •- ? ? .?`. ? ; f .: '• ? I'r- , j?, ,rc? ,e?? ?? i? / l? ui- L %/j f O?l?i??? <•? ? o ? i ?, L,/• ??%-' f ?? fe??? ? ?li?? ??a a r 1 ? a , ??? /? l /-r?' ?*-r ? 6? /? ? ? 9.01 v? Is (- ? . .? ,11,?- ? ? . c/J C? J'?ulr-?-? ? ...i ?l? ?- .-... ir?•. . ,! O?-+I tA' ?/-f G`' / ?? / .W? ???•? C??? ?i°'? ? i .? ?' ??c . ? /?' ? ? i L/?.r?// i?? /f?Gl? . / i.?.eti. ? r > G?, J Lv- TIiERE IS A VARIANCE PROCEDURE ,- - PROVIDED BY STATUTE • NOTE • Signatures indicate receipt of copies For further assistance please OwnerlRepresentative ? contact the F i re I nspector at , f 1 ' ? l I the ollowing number: ?', k- l t_:/? ? Fire ChiefJReprasentative Fire I tor, Fir rsh ivision ?? ? . Distributinn: White - OwnerJRepresentative; Canary - Fire Chief/Representative; PS-06057-02 Pink - Division Office; Gold - State Fire Inspector STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETV EA-GAWDAL5 OFF! CJS ? K DIVISION OFSTATE FIRE MARSHAL , ? 'MARKET HOUSE 289"EAST 5TH STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 . ' TELEPHONE: (612) 296-7641 ? • ? F11e NO.: 000:,a'.1,4? ? Date of Order: 11/16/87 Date of InspPetion: 10/25/37 Inspeetor: IJilliam F. 9adalen Facility: Compri Hotel Eagan 14anager: Jim Ferguson Acl!ress:? Pilot rCno'i Road, Ea,,-aa, 'i"Y 75111) 2?IC0 :' ' ORDER Taifls order fls 5arma1 mot9.YJLaaLiam off mSog?tl=(s) as discussed aaad dmztmmRsd -in oqzr ¢xit Irmtes- viexr. IlZarsmm2 t.m the aoP.0uritty ves1t2d Sn =2 ffiy statutet }7orm amd each o+P gou upon ch= Smis ordes JLa s'c'M'?3r d, AS°4.' hweby oII'deII'ed w$thfm $&E pS°esw.$?'°d t8m tot 1. Withi.n 60 days, ad,just all self-closSng doors so that they close and latch properly as discussed, pursuant to: ' Minn. Stat. Sec. 299F.011 (1974). Minnesota Rules 7983, Sec. 7510.0400 t7Snnesota Uniform Cire Code (MUFC) Sec. 2.303, as amended by Miqnesota Rules 1983t Sec. 7510.1200, Subpart 9, [IFPA No. 101, See. 16-3.6.3, which states: "Doors between guest rooms and corridors ahall be self-closing, and shall meet the re- quirements of 16-3.6.2." 2. llithin 60 days, maintain 30 inches of clearance in front of all electrical ganels as dls- cussed, pursuant to: Minn. Stat.,Sec. 249E.011 ;(1974). • , - , Tlinnesota Rules 1983, Sec. 7510.0400 rMinnesota Uniform Fire Code (:•fUFC), Sec. 85.108, which states: "A minimum of 30 inches of clearance shall be provided in front of electrical control pan- els for aceess." 3. ?lithin 60 days, provide a safe means of opening portable dispus9ed, pursuant to: v f`.inn. Stat. Sec. 299F.011 (1974). Dlinnesota Rules 1983, Sec. 7510.0400, 'Qinnesota Oniform Fire Code (MUFC), Sec. 10.301(a), which states: fire extlnguisher cabinets as Page 1 rs 06017-04 (ii/ai) FIRE DEPARTMENT a STATE OF MINNESOTA ` DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETV DIVISION OFSTATE FIRE MARSHAL ' WARKET HOUSE 289'EAST"5TH STflEET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 TEtEPHONE: (612) 296-7641 Facility: Compri Hotel Eagan Address: 2300 Pilot [;nob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 Manager: Jim Fer3uson "The State Fire Marshal shall designate the type and num6er of fire applianees to be in- staxAerl and maintained in and upon all buildings and premises in the jurisdiction other thar?,?r,ivate dwellings. This shall be done according to the relative severity of' probable fire, including the rapidity with which i,t may spread. Such sppliances shall be of a type suitable for thd,probable class of fire associated with sueh building or premises and shall have approval of the State Fire P4arshal." 4. 'Vlthin 60 days, maintain 18 inches of clearance for sprinkler heads in maids room as dis- cussad, pursuant to: Minn. Stat. See. 299F.011 (1974). Minnesota Rules 1983, See. 7570.0400, Minnesota Uniform Fire Code (MUFC), See. 10.302(a), which states: "All sprinkler systems, fire hydrant systems, stanflpipe systems, fire alarm systems, por- table fire extinguishers, smoke and heat ventilators, smoke-removal systems and other fire-protective or extinguishing systems or appliances shall be msintained in an operative condition at all times and shall be replaced or repaired where defective. Fire-proteetive or extinguishing systems coverage, spacing and specifications shall be maintained in accordance with recognized standards at all times. Sueh systems shall be extended, altered or aupnented as necessary to maintain and continue protection whenever any building so equipped is altered, remodeled or added to. All additions, repairs, sl- terations and servicing shall be made in accordance with recognized standsrds. EXCEPTION: Systems not required 6y this or any other code need not be extended, altered nor augnented. Soda-acid, foam, loaded stream, an,tifreeze and water f,ine,extinguisherg of the inverting types shall not be recharged or placed in ser?rice for fire protection use." 5. !+lithin 60 days, seal all openings in electrical ehase all floors 7 througn 6 as discussed, pursuant to: 171nn. Stat. See. 299P.011 (19714). ^iinnesota Rules 1983, See. 7510.0400 ?4innesota Uniform Cire Code (MUFC) Seo. 2.303, as amended by Mififiesota Rules 1983, Sec. 7510.1200, Subpart 9, NFPA '.+Io. 101, See. 6-2.2.8, which states: "Passages of pipes, conduits, buss ducts, cables, wire, air ducts, pneumatic ducts, and similar building service equipment through fire barriers shall be protected as follows: Inspector: klilliam F. Aadalen File ??o.: 00082547 Date of Order: 11/16/87 / v Date of Inspeetion: 10/26/87 PS 06017-06 (11/81) FIRE DEPARTMENT PaIIe 2 ? STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETV DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL 'MARKET HOUSE 289 EAST 5TH STFEET ' ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55701 TELEPHONE. 16121 296-7641 Facillty: Compri Hotel Eagan Addrass: 2300 Pilot Y.nob Road, Gagan# MN 55122 Manager: Jim Ferguson (a) The space between the penetrating item and the fire barrier shall: ' 7. be filled with a material capable of maintaining the fire resistance of the - fire barrier, or. - 2. be proteeted by an approved device designed for the specifie purpose. (b) Where the penetrating item uses a sleeve to penetrate the fire barrier, the sleeve shall be solidly set in the fire barrier and the space between the item and the sleeve shall be: ` i. filled with a material capable of maintaining the fire resistance of the fire barrSor, or 2. be protected 6y an approved device designed for the specific purpose. (c) FJhere designs take transmission of vibration into eonsideration, any vibration isolation: t. shall be made on either side of the fire barrier, or 2. shall be by an approved device designed for the speelfie purpose." /i F'i1@ N0.: 00082547 ? ? Date of Order: 11/16/87 ? Date of Inspection: 10/26/87 Inspector: 411111am F. Aadalen P506017-04(11/Bl) FIRE DEPARTMENT Page 3 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPAPTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL -MARKET HDUSE 289 EAST STH STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONE: (612) 296-7641 ? . Facility: Compri Hotel Eagan Address: 2300 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 14anager: Jim Ferauson Failure to comply within time provided is a violation of the law. ?-? Please be advised that you have the right to appeal this order under the variance procedure es- tablished by Minnesota Statute 299F.011, Subdivision 5. UPON COMPLETION PLEASE NOTIFY THE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE IN [•.7tITING. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact the undersigned. ' t State Fire Marshal Thomas R. Brace By Deputy State Fire Marshal-Inspeetor ,/c???ayr Y/4?? t7111iam F. Aadalen ?•TFA: rrr cc: Fire Department Minnesota Department of Health , 1 Telephone; 612-388-3340 P506017-00(11/91) FIRE D@PARTAAENi File rIO.: 00082547 j Date of Order: 11/16/$7 Date of Inspeetion: 10/26/37 Inspector: F?illiam F. Aadalen Page L AAA ' AURORA PUMP c- I s r04&4u oALE oFr cc 4, H A IJNIT OF GENEqAL SIGNAL E?-(qAN0AL-'6 G7 .INO. PiC.#I L I 2 3 B) ? STANDARD ? SALES OfFICE: li(1 w Goe-lsc? jssec,4 4es J.. Av vo# FACTC - - JOB: SERVI ENGIIVErn. CONTRACTOR: ?PSkfn Sfq 4eS F're f!o jCC 4&r% Cp Z3po `( cr'?or c,l SOLD TO: PO# REFERENCE: PUMP °ne NUMBEROFUNITS SI2E 1181 MODEL 3 pOWERSERIES 75-0 GPM TDH / 77 U RPM ROTATION: BASE: ? STEEL ORIP RIM ? STEEL ? FABRICATED STEEL ? CASTIRON RING TYPE CONSTRUCTION: COUPLING: S7UFFING BOX: CONNECTIONS ? STANDARD EZ STANDARD ? MECHANICALSEAL ? THREADED FITTED N i3ronsG r;+fec1 0 SPACER CASE • +Tren ? GUARD IMP.! ron12 SHAFT e¢ I SLEEVE onze CASE RING? ronze IMP. RING _ CH. RING _ SPACER 30 Hp _3 PHASE BY: ? AURORA N ppp ? OTHERS ? TEFC ? XPROOF ? PACKING ? LANTERN RING MOTOR 24` HERTZ 24)2 VOLTS Ek FLANGE IK125 # ?150 # ?250 ri ?300 # /77URPM NO.OF PqINTS 8 FOR APPROVAL FINAL PUMPONLY ? RH W LH ? LUBRICATION ? GREASE ? OIL 7- 86- 7'_FRAME ? VERTICAL N07E: MOTOR NOT MOUNTED ? HORIZONTAL / I ?gL7b?ly C?ryO%Ce AT FACTORY ON ? PART WINDING MANUFACTURER VERTICAL UNITS; CERTIfIED SECTION: Y/D pqGE Z S/ CUFVE NUMBER. Z 7PC -I (7 yZg PRINT: sPECiaL MAINTENANCE / BY_Z1 /j. DATE' /W6 OFFICE LLCGV. e",of7?cl Qac 4?e1 THIS ORDER WILL NOT BE PROCESSED FOR MANUFACTURING UNTIL APPROVAL IS RECEIVED PRINTS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND ARE CERTIFIED CORRECT ONLY FOR THIS ORDER ALL ORDERS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE A7 qURORA PUMP, NORTH AURORA, ILUNOIS THIS ORDEFi CAN BE RELEASED FOR MANUFACTURING AS SHOWN: ? AUTHORiTV: RELEASE FOR MANUFACTURING PER ATTACHED CHANGE ORDER: ? aFFICE: DATE: N 40130 (2-aa) SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 1 RORA MODEL 411 PUMPS?SECTION410PAGEI5I ON STEEL BASE onreo OCTOBER 1984 SUERSEDES ATEDJUNE1gg2E251 2" THRU 4" PUMPS D POWER SERIES NO. 1-2-3 CP APPROX. W _yy--? X COUPLING ^- n'urE_v GUARD i enn- .,...?.?..n.. \ e un m. -1?1- w.o-,- nT: 1 ? c?.oe?x x.o m.r..?. i x i? e e m.r s rorn..v,ne.?.??n...... ' Am.nren WeM.N 11?? f... *{ . .:, m i z' .x.? ?>??? n.. EK7 ? _. , :+xm m.? xsn „ HH FOUNDATION BOLTS HB HP' BfSE $IZE MA HB NE HF ' HG Ott SIZE MP HP HN z ?o x za io ze 7 z51e 2 Irz u 3 12 z JO 12 30 9 3 2 1/2 IS a 12 ? 36 12 34 9 3 4 112 40 1 12 x 98 Il 38 9 3 4 112 20 l fi 18 = 38 19 38 10 6 < S"A 1 1 7 13 + 42 13 42 10 4 4 518 24 1 8 IS * JO IS 40 12 93i8 4 5i8 1 1 9 15 x CO 15 44 12 3-3/8 4 UB 26 1 10 16 x dq I6 44 Ib 4 4 5/6 ! 1 ]1 ]A x iR IB 48 IS d C filX 1 1 11 IN * 54 Itl 54 15 4 4 5;N 1 I IS 22 x 60 22 60 I9 4 4 5/8 1 1 RIGHT HAND ROTATION sTO.,ux ftANGE ovr. swx fLANGE ? SUCTION ^U ? V2 1-17HAA x / DISCHARG E HAND ROTA HG .l/ ) ? N(YI'E WHEN2DOIMENSIONSAREINUICATF.O ALWAYSUSETHELARCERFIGURE F fl M E ~1 - ' ~3 N. ? '?8n ' ? ? '~?P, ? y y y 1 t I 1 SCH SUCT CASE BORE POWER SEPIES S W % Z CP HV YY 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 17 P 2-1@ 9 T 9.1/1 11-5/8 8-112 9dP1 20-112 4 9 ASE R 2 2 2 7 4 6 6 8 . R - 10 - 1 2-b1 IU 1 ] 3-112 ILS?N NJ@ 3 .1/2 20.112 4 9 SE 2 2 2 2 3 4 6 6 8 8 - 10 - - N N NA L 2-112 PL 8 4 11-6r8 10 0 20-112 C 10.316 ASE 2 2 2 2 3 < 6 - 2-1I2 3 l0 8 4 13I12 9.34 a 26 5 10 ASE 3 3 6 d 5 5 4 1 9 9 9 9 IO - 10 Il - 11 2.IY2 9 12 9•• 4-1/2 13.1i1 11 4-1i2 24 5 il-lY2 ASF. . . d d 5 5 ] 1 9 9 9 9 10 10 II - II 9 4 10 2 9^ 4-1/2 18-112 10 4-112 24 5 11 ASF. J 3 4 0 5 5 1 9 9 - 9 - 10 10 II - 11 N N NA 9 4 la 1o 5 IJVL IG 5 24 5 18 ASE . 5 5 4 9 - 8 - 9 - 11 - tl J 5 10 9" 4SIN 13-112 10 1-112 24 5 141/6 ASE 3 3 4 0 5 5 T 4 9 - 8 - 10 - 10 tl 11 1 5 11 10 5 141/2 ILlii 5 26 8 12-&4 ASE - - - 5 5 5 ] 9 9 9 11 11 Il 11 11 il - 11 1 1 16 i 5 1S 8 11 5.1/2 1 bV2 IJ 5-112 26 6 Id ASE - P 9 . 9 . 11 - 11 - ll 11 . 1 1 1 - C-IS AURORA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL E00 41RPORT ROAD • hOATH 4UR01PA ILLINOIS 60542 750 G.P.M. FIRE PUMP ? SECTION 91Y PAGE 421 ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVE DATED APRiI 1975 ? ! l DATED Nq r W W LL G a W S : V f a z r 0 J Q H O F e F W W LL 21 1 O Q 2 lt v ? a z 12 ? 0 J Q F 8 O F 4( 40f50PSl 20 d0 FSI MAX. SPHERES - 518 ? IMP. PATT. N0. - 4134 W83 CASE PATT. N0- 180A035 UPPER (ALL ?WOA036 LOWER (481) 1eoa076 LaV+ER (as]) 1770 0 R.P.M. 83% UO H 75% 30 . 7ax, 0 H ? 200 4IX1 fiM Rf1f1 trnn iavi inrn _?? .^•? ,c?? iuw cwu [4lRl CAPACITY - G.P.M. - ? AURORA PtlMP A UNIT OF GENEqAL SIGNAL 800 AIRPOPT FOAD -NORTH AUPOHA, ILLINOIS - 60542 7]PC-117430 180 PAGE 421 1970 CAPAC I TY - G. P. M. 27rc-117429 ? AURORA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL ENGINEERING DEPT. NORTH AURORA, ILLINOIS• 60542 FIRE PUMP ACCESSORIES LIST ITEM NO • OT OESCRIPTION SIZE REMARKS ITEM MO ? I ECCENTRIC REDUCER 2501b 1 2 CONCENTRIC INCREASEA 2501b 2 3 F] CONCENTRIC INCREASER 1251b 3 4 ECCENTRIC REDUCEfl 125Ih 4 5 1 OUTSIOE HOSE MANIfOLO 5 _6 ? 7 ? 3000-3500 GPM HOSE VALVE HEADER FO 8 ? 4000-4500 GPM HDSE VALVE 9 ? 125 Ib FLANGE STRA 10 ? REOUCING TEE STO. 125'& 250 11 o SET 2•1/2 12 ? BLIND FLANGE STO. 13 ? 14 ? UMBRELLA H000 UNOERWR 15 ? 117 a 18 Q _ AIR RELEASE VALVE (FLOAT OPERATED) 18 19 ? 20 ? CASING RELIEF VALVE ;/ 20 21 ? SWING CHECK YALYE 22 ? 23 ? 24 ? SPIASN SHIELD 25 ? SPLASH SHIELD YEATICAL POWER SERIES N0._, 25 26 ? 21 ? ? 28 28 29 ? 30 ? 30 [ 31 ? 31 3GPM HOSE VALVE HEA?ER 1251b FOfl VERTICAL TURBINE s R SPLIT CASE 7 HEAOER 125Ib g IGHT TEE 9 ' 10 HOSE VALVE W/CAPS & CHAINS NATL. STU. THREA? Ii . 125 LB C.I. 2 AUTOMATIC BALL ORIP VALVE 13 ITERS COCK 14 AIR C?CK 15 SUCTION AND OISCHARGE GAUGES ur ?7 MAIN REIIEF VALVE Ig IUsedasauromauc au release valvei 2? OPEN WASTE CONE 22 ENCLOSEU WASTE CONE 19 fiORIZONTAL POWEA 3ERIfS N0. qq 26 T7 29 ? ? ? ? ? AURORA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL ENGINEERiNG DEPT. NORTH AURORA, ILLINOIS• 60542 OUTSIDE HOSE MANIFOLD 125#? 250011 ? 500 GPM 750 GPM- 81 -? I?----- 7? -?I 11000 GPM ? rA 21 NPT \ ? 8 DIA. DIA. ? I 60° TYP. " FLANGE 2 VALVE. CONNECTIONS 2000 GPM ?9 4? I t - -?-? 25 I-2i NPT, QTY. 3- 750 90° APART 4-1000 8" FLANGE 4 VALVE CONNECTIO )0 GPM ., I •?.,T ? ? i - - 30° TYP. ? ? 300 ? I IODIA r•_ 12 DIA. ? ? I 22 NPT aTY. 2 I - - 21 NP QTY. 4 60° APA 10" FLANGE 6 VALVE CONNECTIONS 1211 FLANGE 8 VALVE CONNECTIONS ? AURORA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL ENGINEERING DEPT. NORTH AURORA, ILLINOIS• 60542 HOSE VALVES WITH CAPS & CHAINS 2 ?/2 N P T PSI.RTG A 8 C D 175 21/44 2 7/a 10 I/a 6 NOTE3 ALL DIM. ARE BY VENDOR STD. AMERICAN NATIONAL TANDARD FIRE HOSE JUPLING SCREW HREAD. MAX. MAJOR A. (O.D.) OF MALE iREAD 3.0686 I/2 THREADS PER I CH. 40154(2-80) SUCT/ON 8 D/SCHARGE GAUGES Sl/CT/ON GAf/GE 0- 30 " MERCURY VACUI/M 0-300 PS/ PRESSURE '*D/SCHARCiE C'aAUGE 0-300 PS/ PRESSURE 20 O 125 75 10 i30 275 300"/ A/R COCK 1140 CLOSE N/PPLE 3* ALL UN/TS 150 +iIK AND -OVER W/LL BE fURN/SHED W/TH O- 600 PS/ D/SCHARGE !'aAUGE. O op Listed APPROVED . _ ..,...? _z -es CNECKED PAGE OR er / / ? ? AURORA PUMP AV7ROVED REVI510N A UNIT OF GENERAL SIONAL er emnicr-orrrFOw.? eataoRA.uJ?eeoe.a FOHM A40050 giBS ? AURORA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL ENGINEERING DEPT. NORTH AURORA, ILLINOIS• 60542 AIR RELEASE VALVE --- 6 f. -? L , ? --_------- ' q - - APPROVEDJ 17 fN.P.T. I OUTLET 20 U? 3 0 19 4 LISTED 6 7 S 2? Y IO 2 8 32 „ ? 14 13 I Z N.P.T. INLET WORKING STD.ORIFICE PRESS., PSI SIZE MAX. VENTING CAPACITY. CFFAM TEST PRESS. P51 WT. L8. I TO 175 3/32 12,5 350 6 DET. DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 1 BODY CAST IRON 2 COVER CAST IRON 3 COVER GASKET ASBESTOS 4 COVER BOLTS STEEL 6 SEAT BRASS 7 NEEDLE STAINLESS STEEL 8 NEEDLE PIN STAINLESS STEEL 10 LEVER PIN BRASS ' 13 FLOAT LEVER BRASS 14 FLOAT STAINLESS STEEL 17 ' PIPE PLUG CAST IRON 19 VACUUM BALL STAINLESS STEEL 20 VACUUM BALL RETAINER STAINLESS STEEL 32 SIDE PLUG BRA55 40154(2-80) ? AURORA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL ENGINEERING DEPT. NORTH AURORA, ILLINOIS• 60542 20 RELI EF VALVE I { ? A -D NPT , C D NPT B 1 6 7/8 1 7/8 2 I/4 1 SIZE A B C D I/2 6 I 5/8 2 12 3/4 6 I 5/8 2 3/4 O PIVE 7( wsSTE ILOCATC AT nIGH POINT1 ?Of CASING ? LINE SUCfqN NOT USS TIHN T 9RA55 PIP[ WI1n BRASS IRTWGS OR EWIVALENT O 6 9 D U viEw ?y? r---\ TO WASTE (D OETAII'g' RRHG CONNECTION FOA MESSUM SWITCH f.WTpuwTK UNiry) DETA'L •V iEUMimC aEqUCM l.pqCULATpH PpLiEi VALVE .WTOUAiiC VMTS1 2 wciqn CAUcE U.nOSE veLVES 1 W9H[LLA Llp (pCR IM?NU/.L WrtSl d.R[LiEF AP? TO DRAIN J IA. Hpy VALVE UP5 6 CMAINS * VKVE (iR NEWiRED? i 3 n FLpnT OPERATED uR qELUY [WT04ATIC UNITS) 5 SRASN 9HI[?,p a 9. wASTE [OrvE (OOEn 6 E?+CLOSED) 0i5CNARCf G?uCE ppX?p? T? 16.p5CwAPGE CHCCn vAWE SCpqCEHiqiC 6 INCq[/.5(R 17.0.S.6 Y. WTE vqvE ?b6Kl DPtP ve?vE CnECR WLK . ELBOW i2.MO5E ?e. VALvE 1uNiFOLO 21 JOCREI PUpP JWT04ATIC UNIT$' *FOR CONSTANT SPEED APPLICATIONS, RELIEF VALVES ARE REQUIRED WHEN THE PUMP SHlJTOFF PRESSURE PLUS THE STATIC PRESSURE EXCEEDS THE PRESSURE FOR WHICH THF ? acDicn t;uMrU NENTS ARE RATED ?n ?rvnww . u T ? W - P 7 l n nu ?a !NM[ ?GT??4 MlnWt t1.? ? N • r: ( ? q ? AIJRORA PUMP A UNIT pF GENERAI SIGN4L FIRE PUMP CONTROLLER [DCLARK QMASTER ?FIRETROL C]METRON QFURNAS OCOMBZNATION MANfJAL-AUTOMATIC (ACROSS-THE-LINE) ?PRIMARY RESISTOR TYPE OPART WINDING TYPE MLIMITED SERVICE TYPE [RWITH RUNNING PERIOD TIMER ?WITHOi1T RUNNING PERIOD TIMER QWYE-DELTA START ? OPEN TRANSITION ? CLOSED TRANSITION ?B,o6o AMPS C.B. INTERRUPT CAPACITY 0-3 0 o P.S.I. RANGE PRESSURE SWITCH 30 P.S.I. SUCTION PRESSURE FOR 30 H.P., i?_?o R.P.M., 3 PHASE, 60 HZ., Zoo V. MOTOR FIRE PtIMP F.O. ll SPECIAL,OPTIONS: / won I I IOY ! . ! 11 t7 ??-01v tlFpi[ Siuf e o ? fir ustol i i onucc ? ? I ) U/ YS[0) IIIM '' 1 Mql I ? (If VS[0) ruer OIEIATfNG » ? II1G .. arr r? e NOt[S 1. Ot D[LVGC SIfT[ni.'A[eOYC JVMI[i 3-4; . t. 'F '[e01[ fTtli IVfM1VTT0M IS VS[4, iLMOVL Junru 14' 7. (0? MA?U1? [n0Y[ JUtl1[ 510?,SqfMER TMIII 1y10M.{iI(. R11 ?•, ' ?. ?VX IItI00 ilM[N R l1CLOt!-S[T AT OM[ 71IOYtI FOt [lCN {0 MJ„ ) RIYVT(f FAI[MYR. f[TIIYL eIf 1['11[OUC(D ORI Yxq q= li [1I[tGl2[0. . ' ' `? ` • i E TF K (tL1?llOUTLINE ?? - ? ??¢'` r:"°" o: I IXaOwu_ LAWxD l04 I . pDOt SYI?G 7D??/ 11 T01 q[Y ' ' t0Y[R AYAltIOi ? ? STOY f 1 i ?? b ?'I 1 . r--? ? .? ? hAFJAL ? SIARf Iy xe.rou I 9 F 1 ? lU ?? ?J _' NO[SVOV[q rotuc[ A B i ? 1 ? Li SIO[ ?ItY 4 nc. eot[s Fok $ ou. t i ? ?iil PVC SII[ roN rs . ¢e YITM =3-f00/ WCL 27? All OTM[!{ I ISIS N;YE 1 1/1' t.I.T. :p3 t?i l? 1 IL00R STiUIC I 1 ?? OITIORAL ?l u i, , F[ClT VI[Y F'- :`1 srAC[ ArAttAnc roi ? ! : [IECTRIUI W[CYIT ..___i:[[TLT. ' IO f= I - 'BarTax or aaorvu' MST B( 10 IwCxES lM ? OfA, ? 9 FORC ApOY[ IM[ qw ?•R7i. ,WJ01 llW4. RlLS fOYNClTION Tl[Y 100MqM,; DOYt YIi /LQOK {jAIO CORIOI TRtNSiOU[e D I A q H 00 14 000 11.990 1E71G D[SILMAT[S iNfI1D CNARAR[t 111 UTAIOG nUNg[It (DCIiCUii qUrER 1MT[ttUPT1YG WANG IINS SVMETXICIL 1NI2) .e I e?n I.II•15 uw 59GtB emmnro. kE11•o ?Gw •r ?y r ? ???a 7 S•l•l5 ?O?10 SUCT?ON REV?5E0 TR? KCK k r yy tlLfi? aK. GetU ? 3 5-?275 601 13 ?aq? wE??5E0 f?R FG?a KG1t y?G? J Y[pNT fiA15 1?TtICC Rq 1 Zil-l$ 0Kj (uV{?EDOERECN c S 8-14d4 S?lj{$ REVIfEO V[R EGH KCK L 3/21/8I ? /)q/ Rhlf[0 f(4?J.[AL_. ?K 1'?i?fF 1 i I S ,?? CObe [[f [ VDl}16[ lll l il COYk[[T JYe1[? 10 10 ' FI X ISO-3?0 MI YI FI 10 ?1 Mt 10 wi X Y ? M SSO-{00 MI a] JQSLYN CLARK tONTROIi - Yw4???1. Y • . t B ? O O1?7- OI v SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM c.?. il oT?` Ll,o ? ]I 0 1 ??OCIlIGTIp? 'S•' ?uiuxs mo H ' TiR n[ ryy[? , ° U633 5 6 •I L__ -.-- I . I V F G „ n . ASOl 4 rl ? TI !] ?or e ?rClll?l[ t? ? tte RI ?. IA I12 M •?? _ _? j ? 11AMUAL STRRi ? MAiOIC I 1 1 I 1 I!f tlIt[ fnR 1 1 10t RIWT pl ? I 1 srpr uT?i I russult SYRCM I (ll?p(01 YX?O j --1 _'jy"' ? I ¦ [OUl[I! Pl? 1 a? ?OV UMI[R I RlI I?[SfV?[ JV111L• 1 ? 1 ?110 fOIT 4C SUPIIi 7Y AIARK FAql L?. ? on*?tur ?? 17 SD fA IUi. (Ii YTCO) II ?'-OIUMI PA Il 740I[4A7III9• FAI '10 ? ? iu .'TO AlltN pI1C%T (I! tl3[D) `?j • 126 rotu. I ur A.c X.u, ? ru u ? ntta cartarta[ Hf-ou i110Yi Po[ CMIC[IXp OIRFC/1pM Of NOiD[ ?OG71DM 1. CtpS[ CIRCYIi !94[[I . R[D LIGXI IXOICAT[S IDYLR AYAILIILL PUM? STAIif ?lCWS[ ItL3SUA[ _. i0 Si01. 01[N CIICUIT tRGLLR. IYI71Al SIAR1•UI 1. OPFN CtR[UII pRG[E4. 2. [x[(S IIIFSSUt[ SYIT(N S[iTIM6S fDA START (Lpy SRi1MG) IXO ST01 (M14N SRi1X6) . OY 5E11_ A(IIOM ip[ IHSSYYC SYItCX, OIA YLE f?Ip IOSIM0?1TIOM(AT[S SYI1CN IS III /N[ MIGM tt[fSYkI . ]. ClOi[ tlPCUiT RE.1[[. . !ED UGNi IYOIGT[S p OV[II AYAIIAtI[. IYM? SlI4TS 11 q[SSY?[ IS IOY. 4. PUMP CONTIMVES TO 'U11 f0I I(IIO0 Oi Tlx[ SET OM RYNM(YC IER100 iIN[A lIT. ANp lOYGE[ 11 III[fSYtE IS STILL LQy, Txlx NOTOt 3T015 l1yt0- MAti[AIIT. R010R eq It STOPRO OYtlNt TXf PERIOD ,?RE?SEO Ii S. TO?STOI?SOTU1,YxILfowPA[SSYSE IT IOV. 0/EII CIiCYIi pER[[1. START fROM PySN1YTiOM 1• LOY YI}fR 1l SiARiS fM[ MpTOR lyTO- NAI1UIllY,AT,Y011bAL YAt[R IqSSVII[TI/rPA[5514 TN[ START IYSMAYITOM 04 TX[ COtTIOIIO CA{IM[T 01 ixt MENpTI STAII tVSxIyTi01l 11 ?OY[! ATAflA1l[. B[IOf[IMOTOIlCItcAli!'fi;tT[U. ii LIGMT IS YOT 01. iGllOV IXIf1Al {tART-YI t. S fOlL0Y1NC IjYSNlUiTOM SIANT, IIOT01 141 q SfOf1[D A1 1y1 i1N[ BY IME SiOP PUSNSVTT011. ? qG IT Yltl COnryMY[ TO RVM YNill ST0P1[0 ?1 TM[ PRSMIUTfOY. 0 RUXXIYp PLAIOD i1xFR 01S 41f k[V ?OTO? ?VMMI?G. [SSU?L Sy1TC1 0l[.. 710N OOCS ?OT ST01 11010A, STA" /[011 MA[UAl START MNNOI[ 1. !Ot [II[ALEXC1 Ot[1.11IUx. If ?OTO? p0[S ?OT START VITN STAIT IYSx0YTi0Y• t41pF MAYUII STAIi TIO. x??0?[ ??? TMEYq A1D lAT[N I1 iY iME R113[0 7• TOSSIOP,XOT01 Yx[M MAROI[ 41 IS IATCN[0 1¦ 50![I1?[IaCV7T tREA[LR. ' ? YMIATCN MIMyALNIIIOL[, ' C [lOS[ CI,NIi I[UC[\. ` . • . . ? ?? . oRUrtXc INiouuTtaN _ r 1001, q41lAl[ ll(MT, STAtT PysyIynpl fTOP rySXIyTiON [I'Cafi ?alU[[[ OIOt[ tOT47[ TO VI (CtOC[YIiCj i0 40S[, iuMY.ll SiAtT IMDt[ LfR 01 f0 01[RlT[. iN[29[R! liTCll R TOP. il0]4 STMD OITIOCAL 0P[tITING S[OY[mC[ !0R 0[llCli l. VXp[R yOANAL 0P[IAiIYl [OIpI1IONi, Al aIcuiT IRuca Itaosm. 4110 ucxt Is o?. i.otc?ruc ro.[I AraIuuE. C) [[LL1f ??C\I ?MO [IP lR b[Iili[O.IYDI[1TIR ?O1Y LpF VOITIL( 1X0 1201. [OYTiOI IOIfxC[ _. REl 1RqA0nit(qlL. SIiYAI IM CAf?Of?IOSSTO! Fopl, 0U[XTll?(VjO [? Uq(? IOSi Oi 011[ IIYS[. 0R OIUIEi Oi CUCU7T ?2[[?. 3• ?[l1i Ctl 01[t5 i0 lUiipM fT1Ii MOTOR YM[s STIIf pyf4 IS I?[SSLO Ol MANy,y SIA&! YAXOI[ 13 4• R«AY OCAt EPUS t0 fTllt N0T0M YM(?, A1 q[SSYI[ 3YIiCY CDNiACif OR2. Otl[ TO 1011 YAT[? ??ISSWI . '' ?) C[tYi[ ? RlR [ORACTf 01(A. I! IIS[0, I S. YtY"t I[R100 IIMER RPi STARif II?I?C 011 lU}0. f 01[?4f10?+GNN.il5:01 IlpiOt YRIlsO1U ?a ITf TIM[p [p[f I eui na? .. CIRCVIi BAEAqt OICYilO, 1.:21[t CIFCLii ?RG[L\ IS >1CTO\} ft2 • jACCOADIMG i0 WItSt?plLf. S)¢AE Aat' ,YO ADJVixvtvit: JOSLYN CLARK COMNOt3 ...:.a.m .e . ?a , . .SVl]/ANIA Electric Limited Service Fire Pump Controllers & GENERAL Sylvania Fire Pump Controllers, manufactured by Clark Control Inc., fully comply with the National Fire Protection Assoaation standard NFPAdO, are Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. and are Approved by the Factory Mutual System. Limrted Service Controllers may be used on "Special Fire Service Pumps" (NFPA definrtion), where the available supply of water is limited. Pump ratings cannot exceed 30 horsepower or 450 GPM or 100 PSI. These controllers are not general substitutes (or Main Fire Pump Controllers (NFPA wording). Their installation is only as permitted by the local authority having jurisdiction. These controllers are across-the-line starting, with start- ing inrush current approximating 600g'o rated motor full load amperes. STANDARD EQUIPMENT & PERFORMANCE Automatic start responsive to water pressure, with Running Period Timer. Terminal board jumper provided for manual stop operation. Drop-out relay for deluge valve start or start (rom other fire protection equipment control having a normally closed contact, which opens to start. Emergency start, by simply litting the mechanical start handle. Choice of circuit breaker interrupting capacrty ratings ... low capacity- standard capacity-high capacity. Circuit breaker is thermal-magnetic type, with direct-heated thermal elements. The continuous ampere rating is no smaller than 150% rated motor full load amperes (per NFPA). Cali6ration is fixed type to dis- courage tampering, as specified by NFPA-20, Contacts for remote alarm of: 1. Controller in "pump running° condition. 2. Loss of line power many phase. 3. Control transformer failure or disconnection. Heavy gauge, formed steel, NEMA 2 enclosure with top drip hood. Compact wall mounting cabinet. Provision for connecting Low Suction Pressure Cutoff, required by Environmental Protection Agency in some states Controllers in the 208 volt range specifically Listed for use with motors nameplated 200 volts. CONTROL TERMINAL BO/ POWER AVAILABILITV A STARTING RElAYS RUNNING PERIOU TIME ? SPACE FOF 1 EXTRA REl CONTROL , TRANSFOR ?[.]? ? ?.,i PftESSURE ¢yif? SYLVANIA TVPE PMS RELAV EIQVENCEADESCRIPT ON INSIDE DOOR ?• ?,jDS"D'UW9'9 EIECTqICALEOUIPMENTGROUP 100FIRSTAVENVEWALTHAM.MA 02154 ? BULLETCN C10663 WALL MOUN7ING LISTED MODIFICATIONS Manual stop, omission ot Running Penod Timer New York City label (Dep't of Standards and Appeals), also Approved by Bureau of Gas and Electricity Lockout for low suction or for dual engine drive Floor stand GROUND LUG CIRCUIT BREAKER SYLVANIA TYPE HO '•POWER AVAIIABLE" LIGMT b "START-STOP•" GUSH BUTTONS MOTOR CONTP cMERGENCV START HANDLE SYLVANIA TYPE TM CONTACTOR DB-CI06631-775 CatalogNUmbersand AutomaticStert COntr ollers Circuit 6reaker With Running ParioE Timar Interrupting Capacity Volts MHtor ? qsymmetrical Amperes Dimensions (Symmetrical Amperes) (Inches)O Sh g. 30,000 (10.13D0) 20,000 (16,000) 75,OW (65,000) W DO H C6D C5A C5B 7'h 102 302 102 10 112 112 112 22 9% 25 90/ z00. 15 122 122 122 208 20 132 132 132 25 ... 142 142 22 9% 25 100f 30 ... 152 152 ? (10.000) 1 (20'. W1 1 (65'owoool ? C6D C6A C68 7yi 103 103 103 30 113 113 113 320- 15 123 123 123 ZZ 9?5 25 90f 2b 20 133 133 133 25 ... 173 143 153 153 22 9% 25 100/ 15,000 30,000 <14.0001 f25.0001 C6A C6B 7'h ... 304 304 10 ,.. 114 114 440- 15 ... 124 124 420 ZO 130 134 22 9% 25 90/ 25 ... 144 144 30 ... 154 154 15,000 20.W0 (14.000) (18.000) C6A C68 7 ... 105 105 10 ... 115 115 55p. 15 ... 125 125 No 22 9% 25 901 20 ... 135 135 25 ... 305 195 30 ... 155 755 lJ up ensions are [nC same TOr AutOTetic StBR, Manual StOp. DImCnSians are approxlmale- not for <onstrucbon. OO Top Griv haotl eatenAS 2' additional m iront. OO For /loor stand, atltl 25 pounds. WALL MOUNTING CABINET H OPTI ONAL FLOOR STAND 20" HIGH -r D --I / / Horsepower Range and Circuit Breaker Interrupting Capacity Selection AURORA PUMP ?s A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL NO.OF PRINTS g FOR APPROVAL FINAL SALES OfFICE: W(k) Gop-4" Assoc,44es , 7.,e Po# FACTOR?Y ORDER NUMIBER: JO8: /S.Qm?r L I4UtQ.I - ? 4a k /'IwnPia?q sERVicE: 7dcke y '.ftT ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: U-)es}efn Slr.fes Frre ?roILechon Co, Z300 _Iecri.-bc;al h'J, 5+ SOLD TO: PO# REFERENCE: PUMP OnP. NUMBER OF UNITS 7 r GPM BASE: ? STEEL DRIP RIM ? STEEL ? FABRICATED STEEL ? CASTIRON RING TYPE 7. S size 116 TDH CONSTRUCTION: ? STANDARD FITTED ? ronze. ; CASE Let+Sron IMP. 3rent? SHAFT `116 SS SLEEVE /3(uHZQ CASE RING _ IMP. RING CH. RING ' fO^Zr- SPACER ? LANTERN RING MOTOR ? FLANGE G OIL ?125 # ? 150 a ?250 # ?300 a 3/y HP. 3 PHASE ?O HERTZ ZOD VOLTS 3Sb0 RPM 5-4 FRAME _ BY: [0 AURORA ? ODP ? VERTICAL NOTE: MOTOR NOT MOUNTED OTHERS ? TEFC ? EX HORIZONTAL a`c4DlY C?o icQ AT FACTORV ON [I XPFOOF ? PART WINDING MANUFACTURER VERTICAL UNITS. SPECIAL REQ UIREMENTS CERTIFIEO SECTION I3Z PqGE: ZoI CURVE NUMBER: 33fC-//Z787 PRINT: SPECIAL: MAINTENANCE: BY: M•/`?I• DATE. //l /l?6 OFFICE: GUW,loG SDCiGkS THIS ORDER WILL NOT BE PROCESSED FOR MANUFACTURING UNTIL APPROVAL IS RECEIVED. PRINTS ARE NOT TO SCALE AND ARE CERTIFIED CORRECT ONLY FOR THIS OROER ALL ORDERS SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE AT AURORA PUMP, NORTH AURORA, ILLINOIS. THIS ORDER CAN BE RELEASED FOR MANUFACTURING AS SHOWN: ? AUTHORiTv ?go3 MODEL POWERSERIES PUMPONLY? 3560 RpM ROTATION: RH M LH ? COUPLING: STUFFING BOX: CONNECTIONS LUBRICATION ? STANDARD N MECHANICALSEAL N THREADED ? GREASE ? SPACER ? STANDARD ? GUARD ? ? PACKING RELEASE FOR MANUFACTURING PER ATTACHED CHANGE ORDER: ? OFFiCE DATE _ 40130 (2-84) AURORA MODEL 933 PUMPS secrioN 932 PAGE YOI onreD OCTOBER 1983 SUPERSEDES PAGE 701 DATED AGRII 1976 1-)/ NOTES 1. pLL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES. 2. NOT FOR CONSTRIICTION PURPOSES UNLESS CERT[F[ED. 3. CAPACITOR WHEN FURNiSHED NONMALLY APPEARS ON TOP OF MOTOR. DIMENSIONS ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS THEY VARY WITH EACH MOTOR MANUFACTURER. 4. DIMENSIONS MAY VARY t 1/4". 5. MOTOR FRAME 56. MODEL 933 F03 1 6s PUMP SIZE . RELIEF VALVE SIZE 1(2" 1/2" 1(2" IJ2" C§ AURORA PUMP A UNIT OP GENERAL SIGNAL EOO AIRPORT ROAO • NOqTH AL1FiOPA . ILLiNOIS 80542 ? MODEL FO 3 %, X 3I4" 3500 R. P. M. SECTION ISO PAGE 403 oareo NOVEMBER 1965 MAX. SPHERES• .002 IMP. PATT. N0: 33-7-0 ftlN(i PATT. NO: -29 33 a- 30 MIN. IMP. DIA: NA ? w U- z 0 ? J Q ' F- O H _ CAPACITY IN G. P. M. 33PC-1127e7 J J • • AURORA PNMP A VNIr 0/ OENERAL SIOMAL 00R?RAT10lI AVRORA • ILlIN016 ? AUROAA PUMP A UNIT OF GENERAL SIGNAL FIRE PUMP COHTROLLER OCLARK C]MASTER f_]FIRETROL (]METRON ?C INATION MANUAL-AUTOMATIC ( 0 ?PRI Y RESISTOR TYPE ?PART ING TYPE ?LIMITED VICE TYPE QWITH R NG PE TIMER OWITHOIIT R I PERIOD TIMER ?WYE-DELTA ST ?OPEN TIO ?CLOSED RANSITIO APACITY OF AMPS C.B. I \PRE P.S.I. RANGE SWITCH P.S.I. SUCTIOH.P., ..., 3 PHASE, 60 HZ., V. MOTOR JOCKEY PUMP CONTROLLER [3 CLARK QMASTER QFIRETROL C] METRON .D FURNAS ? WITH RUNNING PERIOD TIMER QWITAOUT RUNNING PERIOD TIMER 0 WITH CONTROL TRANSFORMER MWITHOUT CONTROL TRANSFORMER p-3oo P.S.I. RANGE PRESSURE SWITCH FOR 'IY H.P., ?,SGo R.P.M. 3 PHASE, 60 HZ., 20o V. MOTOR EL ? A ? B FIRE PUMP F.O. ll JOCKEY PUMP F . 0. # SPECIAL OPTIONS: 800 AIRPOAi ROnO • NpPTw pVL10Pn. ILLINOiS 60542 ' PHONE 31 2-859-1000 1?8Zt?-0 REVISIONS . 9-9-76 DED ELEM. 12-17-76 ADD'D TiME4 NoTE ECN 58Sl68 ov - 5i22/85 ?S.B. ADDED NEW i0G0 CCK i-1724 z- t2-BG CHAwi4E0 Lo(np ru 7lTl,E OLecK `cNL -2070 2 K8 I .:? M? YY/nn? b Y??144 r....`.........r. TrN/ww M ?rrY? A 4^M rw? w r CrbaY Y Iw. pwr? euoRU-mwr ea --y?--1 POWlI /Ufq At[ Xr17 OM17fE0 WNEN , •'GIfCOXNECi MEANS• r? Il CIACYIi ARIAKtR ; ???----? '. Rm? ? MM l1YMf ?•' 12. ? u u ?p? IQ?C,i m.arm i tw 1 00w namuu 0 ? ?O ? i ? '=-•??+ ? n ry ? ?K 11010? wWtiiMM??Y tl?. M?W M M ?Y? ? NZU.V? RMfN, ? isri r aw.a e,p W ?W W?Yra T?OM CGMf UT. M0. • IfIM•1 ? IK {TI4 m 0661 ?? ?wM ?rb Y4w?M ih • ?Nppp.l TL aw.. wp+..r ..? b M ..?.?...a WITHOUT RUNNING PGRIOD TIMCR o.++?W.`..r..w?+?nr •aua[ m?wrct u u ?? Y?? awsM Y ?yy W ?? "Wa ?wwa Wr?n •r W 10 W ? N YM 1? Ywr wly? YO W TO Mi MI IM 10? 4 N012 ' '10MAW 1IW1Y. MI Mi cAr No. F-iP VOLTS INDEX JOSLYN CLARK CONTROLS , -UNCAgTER, SC' TIrLE8UL.10661 TM-I MAKEUP PUMP MADE 8Y KCK ppp•p BY - L\SZ pjiTC.i"I 1'7 , l E{.EbEHJART DIAGRAM _?_ . • ntmcssunc ao CON7ACT8 LL06E ON lOw PA(53UFtE JOSLYN CLARK CONTROLS ?. .? . ? . ' i . . KNOCK UTS 1/ /4 34 d, C ? DIA,(4) MTG.HOIES rowr #a42 ¦r ".so049 I ft Model A Concealed Spr'nkler _- .. -. _ : . ? =- _ ._ . : . - - .? . " • ? ` zJ:- ? ? .% r' uti: ' , ? ' • ' ?b .. yro " 6 ' 3i ? •ti ? MALiw ' ?a : ? •?r . • ?,? Olt :.. , ^° ??' ? ?- ' %r ' • '?' wi r .a : f , -.` i. '?Y " . a„ ? .?.A???" ?" ?. -- ? .' - - .? • ?_ A • •?-•... •., .i.:. ??.i.-r • . ; . ,p; ? `?? ` 7 • . ' .. "' . ' '?? ? ' .. ' ? ' ' ' I. , " ' ' w y • . . ?? c '. ' - . . , .' • ' _ . _ ' - ? ... _ . _ . - ? ^ .?_,,.. _ , . .-. _ . . . .. . . . . .? , . ? . - ` .. .- ' ' .. ? ? ?i. . Listed by: Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Approved by: Factory Mutual a FIREMATIC Sprinkler Devices, Inc. . ? DESCRIPTION The Firematic Model "A" Concealed Sprinkler assembly consists of a fully automatic sprinkler head enclosed in a recessed chamber which fits into the ceiling. The assembly is hidden from view by a ceiling cover plate which is designed to afford eye appeal without interfering with the normal operation of thr sprinkler in the event of a fire emergency. OPERATION The Firematic Model "A" Concealed Sprinkler absorbs heat through the ceiling cover plate which is attached to the flanged support cup with a low temperature fusible alloy. At the rated temperature, the ceiling plate iaiis away tnus allowing the sprinkler to function in its normal fashion. TECHNICAL DATA Ceiling plates are available in metallic plated finishes - U.L. listed. Other finishes can be supplied by the factory on special order. INSTALLATION The sprinkler/cup assembly is easily attached to the sprinkler system piping with a special Firematic Concealed Head wrench. After tightening, the ceiling cover plate/flanged cup assembly is attached by simply aligning the slots, applying upward pressure, and turning clockwise to the stops. CEILING PLATES K SPRINKLER HEADS APPROVALS 160° 5.7 160° UL/FM 135° 5.7 160° UL/FM 735° 5.7 135° UL DESCRIPTION A CUP DIA. 2-5/16 B CEILING HOLE DIA. 2-7/16 C COVER PLATE DIA. 3-5/16 D CLEARANGE 1/4 E CUP TO CEILING 2" F TEE TO CEILING 2% ? FIREMATIC Sprinkler Devices, lnc. ? 900 BOSTON TURNPIKE, SHREWSBURY, MASSACHUSETTS 01545 Phone: (617) 845-2121 Outside Massachusetts: (800) 225-7288 Telex: 920485 STAR 5PR/N/(LER CORPORAT/ON eStandard Sprlnklers ?y q y? . ?nti ? ?i . ?y. Llquidator - Model LD-2 The Liquidator sprinkler, upright and pendent Model L62, feaWres a slimmer, more attraaive profile that is subs[an[ially smaller than mos[ standard sprinkler heads. The pendent model is generally used where there are finished ceilings or where the space above piping is inadequate. The Liquidator-2 fea[ures stream- lined center-sVUt consvuaion. A bronze tube, sealed Dy two stainless s[eel balls, holds a fusi6le alloy. When the alloy melts, the balls are forted toward each other, releasing the tension mechanism causing the sprinkler to operate. Temperature raCings: 135°F, 165°F, 212°F. 280°F, 360°F Fnishes: All [empe2ture ratings avail- a61e in bronze, chrome-plated and lead{oated, Wax and wax-over-lead coa[ingsavailablein 1350 F, 165°F and 212°F temperature ratings. Approvals: 135°F temperature rating UL listed, all other ratings UL listed, FM approved, NYCBSA approved, UL of Ganada listed. Orifice sizes: Yz" "/?,:" K factors: 5.7 8.1 NPT' %z'. V•• Verti Sldewall - Model E Model ertical Sidewall sprinkler uses a Airecn al deBec[or design which permits i Ila[ion of piping in hallways, small roo or where standard sprmkler ins[ [ions would be impracpcal. I[ can be u in ei[her a penden[ or upright mon. Easily installed on wet or dry pip .? rystems. ? Temperature ratings: 165°F, 212°F, 280°F / Finishes: All temperature ratings available in bronze and chrort& plated. 165°F and 212°F a}so offered in wax-coate d and lead-coated. Approvals: UL hsted, F approved, NYCBSA approve, FOC approved. Orifice siz 'h" "/a: K fact . 2.8 4.3 5.6 8.0 N P. Vz" yz" ya', 1/2" \?-- I -u : . . . • ' • ? . . •?a HoHzontal Sidewall - Model H-Lo-2 The Liquidator Horizontal Sidewall sprinkler is ideally suited for use in ho[els, mo[els, nursing homes, hospitals and residential buildings. Piping can be confined to corridors, dosets or service areas minimizing exposed piping. UL Ifsted and FM approved for IIgM hazard application. o ,a/?vimK? 13.7psL K_&,l lGa S. -J If $ D ULllrtedforextended coverage appliwtlon 4IMNIMMEW at 30 gpm, 735°F ony. Temperature ratings: 135°F, 165°F, 212°F, 280°F Finishes: All temperature ratings availdble in bronze dnd chfOme- plated finishes. 165°F and 212°F ratings also available in wax- coated and lead-coated. Approvals: 165°F, 212°F, and 280°f are UL lis[ed, FM approved. 135°F UL lirted. NYCBSA approved, UL of Canada lisred. Orifice sizes: '/s" !'/sz', K factor. 5.7 . 8.1 NPT: '/i' 3 0§p^`. 3OA rYh? d Horizontal Sidewall Model H•LD-2 • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The horizontal sidewall, Model H•LD•2, is designed for horizon- tal wall mounting and is ideally suited for use in hotels, motels, nursing homes, hospitats and residential buildings. The sprin- kler allows piping to be con- fined to corridors, closets or service areas, thereby limiting exposed piping to an absolute minimum. The horizontal sidewall features streamlined center-strut con- struction. A bronze tube, sealed by two stainless steel balls, holds the fusible alloy. When the alloy melts, the balls are forced toward each other re- leasing the tension mechanism causing the sprinkler to oper- ate. This unique design elimi- nates the problem of corrosion since the alloy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions. The danger of inechanical damage is also reduced by the elimina- tion of protruding links and levers. The horizontal sidewall is UL listed for standard sidewall ap- plication in temperature rat- ings from 135°F to 280°F and for extended coverage applica- tion at 135°F only. The sprinkler is virtually main• tenance•free and may be used in wet•pipe, dry-pipe, deluge, preaction or preaction deluge fire protection systems. TECHNICAL DATA For use on wet•pipe, dry•pipe, deluge, preaction or preaction deluge fire protection systems. UL listed as standard sidewall in accordance with NFPA Pam- phlet No. 13, paragraph 4.5. EXTENDED COVERAGE UL listed lor light hazard ex• tended coverage at 135°F (57°C) temperature rating only with a maximum room size of 16' wide (4.9m) by 20' long (5.5m). Use minimum of 30 gpm @ 27.7 psi (+/20 orifice);'13.7 psi ("h2 " orifice). Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (1206 kPa) Discharge CcefUcients: Vz" orifice: K=5.7 "h," orifice: K=8.1 Physical Characteristics: Size: 1/2 " orifice (12.7 mm) with 1/2" NPT; "h:" orifice (73.5 mm) with 3/a" NPT. Temperature Ratings: 135°F, 165°F, 212°F, 280°F (57°C,74°C,100°C,138°C) Finishes: 165°F and 212°F sprinklers available in bronze, chrome-plated, wax•coated and lead-coated finishes. 135°F and 280°F sprinklers available in bronze, lead•coated, and chrome-plated finishes. ? 1Lt ? J S J1 3 +z ORDERING INFORMATION Please speciry: 7. Sprinkler type 2. Orifice size 3. Temperature rating 4. Finish 5. Quantity 6. Wrench Quantity MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Sprinkler inspections should be made on a regular basis to detect possible damage or al- teration. Caution: Never hang objecis irom sprinklers. Automatic sprinklers should be replaced after 25 years of ser- vice, or if they are painted, cor- roded or damaged. A sprinkler that has been fused cannot be reassembled and reused. Re- placement must be made with a sprinkler of the same size, type and temperature rating. Always use a Model LD sprin- kler wrench for installation and removal of sprinklers. Use of a difierent wrench may damage the sprinkler. Refer to National Fire Protection Association pamphlet No. 13A for fuhher information. Shipping Information: 1/2" size - 100 units packaged 161/2" x 81/2" x 61/2", 19 Ibs. (8.6 kgs.) "h," size - 100 units packaged 131/2" x 113/a" x 113/4", 24 Ibs. (10.9 kgs.) 5 rv ,ro1ee BRECCO (714) 895-2616 CORPORATION 15661 Producer Lane Unit L• Huntington Beach, California 92649 MODEL #401 The BRECCO model #401 two-piece adjustable sprinkler head cover is designed for efficient installation and to enhance the room decor. Adjustment: 2" to 3" friction lock Finish: Off-white baked enamel ?Chrome plated for lasting protection Brass plated for lasting protection The sprinkler head covers are manufactured from 22 ga. steel making them stronger and more durable during shipping, storage and installation. All sprinkler head covers have weepholes for immediate discovery of leaks. Sprinkler head cover hole size: i'h" iron pipe size 3/a" iron pipe size Model # 401 4 3.50" (In ex - vvccN nvic 3.50„ (In C vrccN nvic BRECCO I FRICTION ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER HEAD COVER 2" to 3" adjustable depth CORPORATION 31h" diameter coverage Western States 16 Fire Protection Co. CONTRACT NAMEe4/rlPKc 115 110 105 100 ss 90 85 80 75 ? a 70 w ? 65 u?i 60 N W ¢ 55 a 25 20 15 NO: 2300 Terrilorial Road Si. Paul, Minnesota 55114 ? 61L646-9435 7 33di5" GPht Scale Used O?Y6B"t00' 8BC" 499' lEEO' loR' TEQ 80C 90Q -f9B9- Sr.ah-- A l00 ?400 &E' 89B SBBB i£9G' 1dBb lEEO iE9G 2996" c^^?,• •' 400 800 tBQU 1600 2000 2400 2000 3200 3600 4000 Scale C FLOW - GPM Fa,mNO.WF?80,7., Western States 2300 T<rriiorial Raad _ ? M5 naota 55114 612-6C6-9 Fire Protection Co. NO : CONT CT NAME: L D 720 1111 115 110 1AT 5q' c- CX.c2 w y kE 105 100 YN? YiPG Ii kN 95 90 65 ? 80 75 a 70 w 65 j rn 60 W r G JI °? ' 5 5 Sp All G qNp 45 40 35 so S u?o S/n l? 25 20 15 Scale Used _ g 10 5 I I I f,-t-Ld -LLLL - I litillill lliltilil illitilil lifillill N 1.85 0 AEO'-EBB- rJ00 .?C6 6w' 9w 9" 9ff- Mw -9eatr-Al 200 400 1900 800 1000 1200 1400 7600 1800 2000 Scale B ?Off?BC feEO' tfiB?' 2IX7?" 44aC 49EG 4PB0 3BE0 4886--BeMe- C FLOW - GPM FormNaWFSBW7-1 CONTRACT NAME ' 4ND 1PF P?-1 07??-- _ SHEET --LOF -L Z W F N NOZZLE IDENT. pND LOCATION FLOW IN C.P.M. IPE SIZE PIPE FITTINGS AND DEVICES EQUIV. VIPE LENGTH FRICTION LOSS p.s,I.? FOOT RESSURE SUMMARY ORMAL PRESSURE OTES A. F N u?i pL L .O Pt 6-CDD Pt L'.=0 Q t Z J 33 ? T? Fp ( . 0 Pe /7. Pv F(,E ? Q--/)'0 Q T6(I.(7 .O(e3$ Pf 383 Pn • ' o° LoZS3, O pff" /(p Pt q F38. U Pe Pv ? Q?C90 8r? Y TaZ /. V .0638' Pf ' Pn Aoo 'io° L O.0 ?. .3 Pt a? aS0 Q ?1 ? ? i) 61re F , O Pe 33 Pv/0 E1 fw 3 Q?Sa ? i)ro-te T/. D .0/70 Pf A 03 Pn L Pt 5r?v?.vE q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pr Pr Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt PT Q Ot7 //?o v F Pe Pv , Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt 9 F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt 4 F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn ? Western States Fire Protection Co. Pt 2300 Territorial Road, St. Pau(, MN 55114 compkL W071e,g/ ? ? ?taoR yi??.?G .sr SO 3 ? f G 7 8 1 ? 9y" 9Sj=0" ? 7o5'-a" 67 =a ' q 3o.-n_ iv HYBRAULIC OFSIGN INFORt.9A7I0N SHtET NAt.SE CemP?C ? ?7oj?L DATE LOC-NTiov ?70d ??07 KMeB ffe.40 10 49N pU;Lp;NG SYSTEf.t NO. CrJWTfiACI'OE57f,G SrtA7?5 /? IR-emel CONTRACT WO. C/aLCJI/iT[D E3Y , ORAWING NO. COI?STrUCTION: , n C0:16USTIBLE rPiN CEILING HEIGHI' rT. OC::UPANCY MNFPA 13: ? LT. HAZ. ORO. HAZ. GF, 0 1 ? 2 ? 3 , ? EX. HAZ. ? NFPA 231 0 tvFPA 231C: FIGURE : CURVE z tU ' ? OTHER (Speci(y) WFi 0 SQECIF;C RUL:+IlC=. binG[ BY DATE O w AREA OF SPRINKLER OPeRATION 194ESY ?"FAI SYSTEIv TYPE ? DENSI?Y •? [73 WET ? DRY ? DELUfc {?l PFc-ACTIC.`! h` AREA PER Si?RIIJKLER SPRIfJKLcR O, N02''.LE HOSE ALLOti"+ANCE GPS;: INSIOE vV HOSE ALLO1VANCE GPM: OUTSIDE ? MAKE KtGDEL V-P%Z t 3?L K-FACTOR ? ^,1ZE RACK SPfiINKLER i.LLC'?li.NCc - . . TGA!PERATUHE RAT114u 1LS? 1? /dS° CALCULATION GPI.i F,EQUIP ED aCV•+9 9 P51 REQUIRL"D pT BASE OF R;SEF. SUN..V,ARY . "C" FACTCR USED: OVERHEAD_ UNDEFGROUNO - WM'=R FLO'9 TFST ' PUMP DATA ZAN{C OR RFCF '/n ' DATE 3 TI;.:E RATED CAPACITY W-19 CAPACITY a S7ATIC Pst AT PSI -?? ? ELEVATIO;J ?- •> fiESIDUAL PSt ELEVATION, GPb1 FLOYlING w ELEVATIGN ? PROCF FLO"1 } Y K?+06 LOCATION T?to SOURCE OF INFCRMATION G)r? OF ?1YoAN C OU!dODi T Y CLASS IOCAT lO!J u? STORAGE HE:G1iT AREA AISLE V/IDTH ¢ STORkGE IAETHOD: SOI.ID PILED % PALLETIZ'tD % RACIC '•'+ rc N ? SINGL[ HOIY L-3 CONVENTIONAL PnLLET ? AUTOMATiC STORAGE ? EN^vA?SLiL:.TE.^+ } ? OOUL'LE R01Y {] SLAVE PALLET ? SGLID SHELVING (] tJCN- F" 1.'.'JLTIPLE ROY! C] OPEN 'ENCA??ULl,T== ? O :5 1 Q - FLU£ SPACIVG IN INCHES CLEARANCE FR0?.1 TQP OF STCHAGE TO GcIL":3 ? ¢ LOnGITJDiNAL TRANSVERSE F7. IN. T _ HORI20NTA? p.4R5!ERS PRQVIDED - ?o'-'`i'zoo,2 Al. E CM.oV. Z?.viy CONTRACT NAME? ?e&- 2N? - Aet 07A4_--_ SHEET_LOF? Z W y NOZZIE IDENT. AND LOCATION FLOW IN G.P.M. IPE SIZE PIPE FITTINGS pNp DEVICES EQUIV. PIPE LENGTH FRICTION LOSS p.s,L/ F00T RESSURE SUMMARY ORMAL PRESSURE OTES 6 N N ? ? L.s Pr IY 7,Z Pt c.: ia o l?a Q - o FS. Pe Pv IQ 3e o ? T.< S ,R7(r Pf /•?? Pn DNR>sce 3 Pr Sa ?f ? Q • h 14D XL 3 f.2ei F/7,0 pe p p 64W °?' B<ssb? Q Sa?. 3 j? T/?J 600 PfOV/. g3 Pn ?v `L?Kf.? ? go ? L a. ?? ?7 Pt ?0rb? Q l ' ' XL j)'£tL F Z 0 Pe S• &0 ? P& ,.?N£ QSa. 3 /" r g 5 , 007 P 9. 73 Pn ra L 3. 5 P, o Pr . X-?n,N 4 ? XL t?7 F5, 0 Pe Pv Q.?ai 3 / T g• 5 .&o07 Pf J'?, Pn Du X? L I.O P . SI Pt Q 5 N ? F??0 Pe .?f.3 Pv/? P Q T g: 0 0791 P . Pn L Pt Pt K= ?? 3 ` Q v Nf 9`f F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt Ao0 e JoY?9 4 F Pe Pv Fizs:r F+couRi Q T Pf Pn ?oP L Pt Pt Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt 4 p Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L pt Pt Q F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn ? Western States Fire Protection Co. I Pt 2300 Territorial Road, St. Paul, MN 55114 S U M M R R Y O F H Y D R A U L I C C A L C U L A T I O N S F O R Compri Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - TYPICAL UNIT 12/18/86 Suhmitted by: iE5TERN 5TRTE5 FIRE PROTECTION M. 2300 Territorial Aoad IIES:GN 5PECIFICATIaN5 Density: 0.10 lksign area: 1500.00 WRTER SUPPLY 120.00 osi at 0.00 oum 116.00 esi at 750.00 gpa List of Fittinu AboreviatioM Code Description Code Descriction p Blarm Va E E16aw H Butt'fly V F Ueluge Va C Check Va 6 6ate Va D ?ry7iceVa H Cade Descriation Code Descriction I M J 45 ethor N K 0 L LongTurnEl P St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 SYSTEM OEKIND FOA MTNIMUM D'tNSiTY 160.59 psi at 52.30 A08 t 19.38 osi Safety Factor> Code Oescriatian Cade Descrintion Q U R V covc tee S W cavc r-tee T Tee % cpvc 90 E»azole: Fittine a6treviation of 'T2EC' eeans: One Tee , too Elbow . and one Check Va Calcuiated tpl:_ih Cnecked 6y:?aae 1 Ser:+502842+ Coovrinht 1984.S.Cronlev.Crarlev Gesion 6roua.Inc..731 OeHalh Gike,Kinc of Prussia.PA 19406 (2:5)337-7060 Hydraulic Calculatimis for Cmori Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - TYPIfAL UdIT Job Pb:57054 Date:11/18/86 9uEmitted by: IESTEAN 5TNTES FIRE PApiECTIDN fA. 2300 Territarial Hoad St . Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-945 5uonary of sprinkler and hose flais Reouired flao and pressure is 6ased on scrinkler k-factor, area eovered, and sinimue mzzle pressure for a desion density of .1 Supplied flar and pressure is 6ased oa 100.59 psi available at 5upply ( 119.97 psi is actually available ) Ref. K Nequired Sunplied Excess Flav Fequired Suoolied Pressure Excess Vressure Ref. Pt. Factor Flar fla+ Percentaoe Preswre PT PV PN _- Percerite9e Pt• - - ? ? ? 9 5.37 52.30 52.30 0.0 % 94.94 94.94 0.00 94.94 0.00 % 9 Calculated m: ih Checked by:-------------???? Page 2 e__..eronao. r-?...:.wa Ima r re., M1.??..is., n-..... t.,.,- t.... ni Md?ln Giun_Xinn nf Grussi2.PA 19406 (215)337-7060 . Nydraulic Calculations for Cqoori Hotel - Eaoan, Mn. - TYPICpL idVIT Jab Nos57054 Date:11/18/86 Su6nitted by: iE5TEAN 5TpTE5 FIRE PROTECTION C0. 2300 Territorial Naad St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 Path No. 1 Remote to supply Ref Elev. Pressure (osi) K flar (gpn) Velx Uiam. Mtual Fitting Fitting iotal Frict.Loss Elev.Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Rt Pv Pn Factor {dded Total fps in. Lenoth Suomary Lertuth Lenath cer.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Rt. 1C= 120 1 9 11.00 94.94 94.94 5.37 52.30 16.31 1.41 2.154 67.00 67.00 .003 0.18 95.12 8 8 11.00 95.12 95.12 Sfi.11 1.41 2.154 10.00 10.00 .003 0.03 95.14 7 7 11.00 95.14 95.14 16.11 1.41 E.154 3.50 3.50 .003 0.01 95.15 6 6 11.00 95.15 95.15 16.11 1,41 2.154 13.50 13.50 .003 0.04 95.19 5 5 11.00 95.19 95.19 i6.11 1.41 2.154 13.50 13.50 .003 0.04 95.22 4 4 11.00 95.22 95.22 16.11 1.41 2.154 1150 13.50 .003 0.04 95.26 3 3 11.00 95.26 95.2fi 16.11 1.41 2.154 151.00 T 12.22 163.22 .003 0.43 95.69 2 2 11.00 9169 95.69 16.11 1.41 2.154 12.00 ETB 25.67 37.67 .003 0.10 45.78 1 1 11.00 95.78 95.78 16.11 0.36 42160 5B.00 ETB 55.30 113.30 0.01 95.80 50 50 11.00 95.80 95.80 36.20 52.30 0.53 6.357 40.00 3EBC 105.6 145.62 .060 0.02 4.77( 11.00) 100.6 51 51 100.6 ,,..?.... Path K-factor = 5.21 Calculated by:_ih __?_Checxed byo?--------------------------?ane 3 9e.-.r5fl7Ad?x Cnnvninhf /9Ah_3 Cneuulav_Crtwlov Deeinn Fmnn_Tnr.Jit [IeNai6 Pike.Kino of Prussia.Pil 19406 (215)337-0066 Hydreulic Calculatiore far Coonri Notel - Eagan, Mn. - iYPICHL UNIT .loo No:57054 Date:11/18/86 Su6eitted by: WE57ERN 5TATE5 FIRE PROTECTIaJ C0. 2300 Territorial Raad St. Paul. Mm. 55114 612-546-9435 5wmaary of flows through piaing Ref FIai Aef Rctual Fittings Fitting Tolal Di ameter C Friction Loss Velocity Pt. Pt. Lennth .......... Lenath Lenoth Factor Unit Tolal 1 f)> 16.105 ») 2 12.00 ETB 25.67 37.67 2.154 120 0.083 0.099 1.91 1 ({S 16.306 tli 50 58.00 ETB 55.30 113.30 4.260 120 0.006 0.011 0.36 10 (ll 35.195 ((1 50 252.00 ETB 55.30 307.30 4.260 120 0.000 0.130 6.81 10 >)> 36.195 )>) 9 30.00 2TB 31.78 61.78 2.154 120 0.012 0.725 3.18 2 ))? 16.105 >Y> 3 151.00 T 12.22 163.22 2.154 120 0.003 0.428 1.41 3 1>) 16.105 ») 4 13.50 0.00 13.50 2.154 120 0.003 0.035 1.41 4 >Y> 16.105 S)> 5 13.50 0.00 13.50 2.154 120 0.003 0.035 1.41 5 )» 0.000 ))> 5N 1.00 T 12.72 13. c^2 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 5 >1) 16.105 >)) 6 1150 0.00 1150 2.154 120 0.003 0.035 1.41 50 ({f 52.300 (ll 51 40.00 3EBC 105.62 145.62 6.357 120 0.000 0.017 0.53 SR >1> 0.000 )» E 80.00 E2T 30.56 110.56 Z154 120 0.00D 0.000 0.00 6 )>1 16.105 )>f 7 3.50 0.00 3.50 2.154 120 0.003 0.005 1.41 7 )>) 0.000 S» 7R 1.00 T 12.22 13.22 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 7 >Y> 16.105 ))> B 10.00 0.00 10.00 2.154 120 0.003 0.026 1.41 7R »> 0.000 ») P 92.00 M2T 42.78 134.78 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 8 )?1 0.000 )}> 8R 1.00 T 10.04 11.04 1.687 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 B »> 16.105 »3 9 67.00 0.00 67.00 2.154 120 0.003 0.176 1.41 8q »> 0.000 »1 R 94.00 3E2T 35.15 129.15 1.687 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 A »> 0.000 >1] B 1& 50 2E 7.69 26.19 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 AIO >1> 0.000 >)> 5 200 T 7.69 9.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 N11 )3Y 0.000 >)> A12 8.00 0.00 8.00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 R12 »> 0.000 >» T 10.00 T 7.69 17.69 1.452 120 0.600 0.000 0.00 R13 )» 0.000 )11 T 8.011 E 3.84 11.84 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 R2 3)) 0.000 »> B 7.50 ET 11.53 19.03 1.452 420 0.000 0.000 0.00 A3 !» 0.000 )>1 C 6.50 T 7.69 14.19 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.40 R4 7)> 0.600 )f) D 12.00 ET 11.53 23.53 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 a5 ») 0.000 »> K 7.00 ET 31.53 18.53 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 96 YI) 0.600 S]> l 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.90 p7 )>> 0.060 ?» tI 6.60 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 6.000 0.060 U.00 RB ))1 0.000 )> ) N 7.00 ET 11.53 18.53 1.452 120 01000 0.000 0.00 i19 ») 0.000 >>> Q 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 O.ODD 0.000 0.00 B })! 0.000 »> C 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0100 C ))3 0.000 ))) D 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 D )>1 0.000 >)> E 2.00 E 6.11 8.11 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 J )Y> 0.000 f1) K 18.00 2E 7.69 25.69 1.452 iC0 0.000 0.000 0.00 K ))) 0.000 >/> L 6.00 0.00 6.W 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 L )> ) 01000 ))) M 9.00 0.00 9.00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 14 1)> 0.000 >>) N 9.00 0.00 9.00 1.45E i''c0 0.000 0.000 0.00 N ))/ 0.000 >?> 0 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 11.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 )]> 0.000 )1> A 2.00 T ic.22 14.22 2.154 120 0.000 01000 0.00 0 > f> 0.006 >> l a 3.00 T 7.69 10.59 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 a )>> 0.000 )» R 13.50 E 3.84 17.34 1.452 I0 0.000 0.000 0.06 R »> 0,000 »> 5 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 5 » i 0.000 !) f T 8100 0.06 8.00 1.452 120 6.000 0.000 0.00 Calculated hy:jh Checked oy:--------- ----------------------Pace 4 Cev.?xSA?fd9c Cnnvrinh* iQAk_i_fnrritev .^.rnuiov Oosinn 6rouo.tne..731 DeKalh Pike.Kinc of PrusSia.PN 19406 (215)337-7060 . ? NAI.SE %-" LOC,v710N .374 DUSLQ1k3 COVTfinCl'OR -1 CkLCULA7ED D' CONSTFUC710N: AG3UPAN'GY#4 HYDRAUIIC DFSIG'd INFORMATIAN SHtET IEiLE DATE SYSTE6f NO. CONTRACT IJO. DRAWING NO. CEILING HEIGIi?' FT. [DNFPA 13: 0 LT. HA2. ORD. HAZ. GF. ?? 2 ? 3 . ? EX. HAZ. [] NFPA 231 ? NFPA 237C: FlGURC ; CURVE U ' ? OTHER (Specily) 90) 0 SPECIF:C FiUL:?,C- F.Sr.GL- BY DATE ' lu ? AREA OF SPRINKLER QPERATION I SOd 6 SvSTE1.1 TYPE AC71C l PF c `J < y DENSITY 0 + - . ET ? DRY ? DELUGc r a h ARGA PER SPRINXLER =t ?`?d SPRI?JKLcR O, NOZ?LC HOSE ALL017ANCE GP::: INSIOE FAAKE C4^?1er4L tiiGDEL ?-°Z- HOSE ALLO'?;ANCE GPSi: OUTSIOE? +?ZE_ K-FACTOR ? . RACK SPRI?:KL@R r.LLC:'li,NCe 7EN.PERATURE RATIfdG ° ?ALCULATION GPtd REQUIP.EO sg700 PSI REQUIRLJ /ia•91 AT BASE OF R:SER. ? SUN.V.ARY ? "C" FACTCR USED: OVERHEAD_ 6? UNDEFGROUPJD ? - WoNl'ER F 05Y TFST PJ 1MP DATA '?ln.L'3 , DATE S TIf,:E l9g3 RATED CAPACITY ??? 60 - CAPACITY a STATIC PSI !0 7 - AT PSI ELEVATION fiESIDUAL PSi ?03 ELEVATtON, ..?. h GPtdFtOt'llNG iYEL W ELEVATION " PROCF FLOSf G?;: } *4/0 LOCATION SOURCE OF INFCRMATION 9 O? Ef1'6.4- " L' OU!f.OD i T Y CLASS LOCAT IO!v u? STORAGE H[IGiiT AREA AISLE 1'(IDTH a STORAGE lAETHOD: SOLID PII.ED Yo PALLET1ZcD 7e RACIC r, K y . [:] SINGL[ HOtiY Fl CONVENTIONAL PALLET ?AUTOMATIC STORAGE ? ENCA?SUL%.T E-, ?, ? DOUG'lE ROt'/ ? SLAVE PALLET ? SGLID SFiELVING 0 tJCN- ?- [J I:ULTIPLE ROYt 0 aPEN 'ENCA??ULl,T? C) O 7 Y ¢ - FLUE S?AC1VG IN INCHES CLEARhNCE FROA1 TOA OF STOHAGE TOCc?L1':5 O cc LOnGITJDINAL TRANSVERSE FT• IN' t? HORIZOV7AL D.4rIF:!ERS PRQVIDED < ? ???TlS?oU S ? '_1 ''' - - - - ---- ?4 s R ?? ? .._ ?-- ? - 0 J E p ? C - I? - I? . ? - --- ? ? ~ -- 4e JQ - - - ?- . ? S U M M R R Y H Y D R A U L I C C A L C U L A T I O N S F O R Compri Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - PENTHOUSE 11/18/86 O F SubmittrJ by: WESTEtUI STRTES FINE PROTECTIWJ C0. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 IIESIfi'J SPECIFICFiTIOdS DerKity: 0.16 Ilesign area: 1506.00 WAiER 5l1PPlY 120.00 psi at 0.00 ope 116.00 osi at 750.00 gpm 5YSTEM DEP1U FOR MINIMU4 DENSITY 112.94 nsi at 337.06 9Pa f 6.15 psi 5afety Factorl List of Fittino ilb6reviatioyis Code Uescriotion Code ?escriotion R Alarn Va E E1Eow H Butt'fly V F Deluge Va C Check Va 6 6ate Va D DryPioeUa H Code 6escriotion Code Descriotion I K 1 45 elEow N K 0 L LonqTurr€1 P Exaaole: Fittino abhreviation of 'T2EC' .eans: Qm Tee , two E16ow Code Ueacrintion Cade Descriotion o u R V cuvc tee g fl covc rtee T Tee 1( cpvc 90 , ard ane Check Va Calculated hy:_ih ---- Checked by:_ ,Page 1 Sare*Sh?wa* fnnur?inht 19A4.!_Crrwiov_Crorlev Desion 6roun.lnc..731 IleKalh Pike.Kinn.of PrussiaPA 19466 f215f337-7060 _ Hydraulic Caiculations for Cooori Hotel - Eanan, Mn. - PENiHOISE Job No:57054 Date:11/I8186 Subeitted 6y: IESTENN STATES FIAE PIiOTECTION C0. 23W Terrikorial Road St. Paul Mn. 55114 632-646-9435 Sumary of sprinkier azid hose fla+s Reauired flow and presswe is based on sprinkler N-factor, area covered, and winimun nozzle pressure for a design density of .16 Supplied floM and nressure is hased on IIe.94 psi availahle at suucly ( 119.09 pzi ie actually available ) Ref. K Reouired Suoalied Excess Flow Required Sucplied Pressure Excess Pressure Ref. PE. Factor flaM Flar Percentage Pressure PT PV Pr7 Dersentace Pt. p 5.70 19.20 28. 59 48.9 % 21.35 25.16 0.00 25.16 121.75 % p J 5.70 19.20 19.26 0. 0% 11.35 11.35 0.00 11.35 -0. W% J N13 5.70 19.20 22.53 17.3 t 11.35 15.62 0.00 15.62 37.63 t N13 A2 5.70 19.20 28.79 50.0 i 11.35 25.52 0.00 25.52 124.90 Y A2 p3 5.70 19.20 29.54 53.9 % 11.35 26.86 0.00 26.86 136.75 % R3 FI4 5.70 19.20 31.49 64.0 % 11.35 30.51 0.00 30.51 168.92 % N4 QS 5.70 19.20 19.35 0.8 % 11.35 11.5E 0.00 11.52 1.50 f AS N6 5.70 19.20 19.88 3.5 f 17.35 12.16 0.00 12.16 7.18 % H6 p7 5.70 19.20 21.22 10.5 S 11.35 13.86 0.00 13.86 22.17 % N7 NB 5.70 19.20 23.30 21.4 % 11.35 16.71 0.00 16.71 47.29 f A8 p9 5.70 19.20 26.67 38.9 X 11.35 21.89 0.00 21.89 92.91 % i19 A11 5.70 19.20 21.22 10.5 % 11.35 13.86 0.00 13.86 22.13 % pii N12 5.70 19.20 21.10 11.5 7t 11.35 14.10 0.00 14.10 24.23 f N12 F110 5.70 19.20 23.88 24.4 x 11.35 17.55 0.00 17.55 54.68 % fi10 Calculated 6y:_jh _ Checked hy:,---------- - Pace 2 ?....smono? r-:,,h* iane r r..,,Wie., r......ie., r?,?„ f,u,?_ 1,_711 tld(alA Oika Kinn ef Prussia.PF 19405_05)777-7060 Hydraulic Calculations for Caapri Hotel - Eaoan, Mn. - PENTHWSE Job No:57054 Oate:11/18/86 Submitted by: 1€STEAN STNTES FI1E PROTECTION C0. 2300 Temitorial Aoad St. Paul Mn. 55314 612-646-9435 Path No. 1 Remote to supply Feeds Path No. 2 at Point 5 Feeds Path ?b. 6 at Poirh 7 feeds Path No. 7 at Point 8 Ref Elev. Pressure (psi) N Flaw {gam) Velx Oiam. ktuai Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss elev.Loss Next Ref Vt. ft. Pt W Pn Factor Rdded Total fos ir, Lenoth Suoeary Lenoth Lenoth per.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Pt. B 11.00 72.21 72.21 7 11.0D 71.31 71.31 fi 11.00 71.34 71.34 5 11.00 71.44 71.44 4 11.00 73.54 73.54 3 11.00 75.65 75.65 2 11.00 101.1 101.1 1 11.00 107.0 107.0 50 11.00 307.6 307.6 51 1129 -109.12 -9.58 2.154 10.00 137.30 2& 18 2.47 2.154 3.50 28.I8 2.47 2.154 13.50 118.42 146.60 12 B7 2.154 13.50 146.60 1?_ 87 2.154 13.50 14.60 12.87 2.154 151.00 T 146.60 12.87 2.154 1200 ETB 146.60 129 4.260 58.00 ETB 190.46 337.06 3.40 6.357 40.00 3EBC V- 120) 10.00 -.090 -0.90 3.50 .007 0.03 13.50 .007 0.10 1150 .156 2.11 13.50 .156 2.11 12.22 163.22 .156 25.46 25.67 37.67 .156 5.88 55.30 11130 .006 0.64 105.6 145.62 .004 0.54 71.31 7 71.34 6 71.44 S 73.54 4 75.65 3 301.1 2 107.0 1 107.6 50 4.771 11.001 112.9 51 Path N-factor = 31.72 Path No. 2 Grid Line to R Main (Fed hy Path No. 1) feeds Path No. 3 at PoiM B Feeds Path Pb. 4 at DoiM C Feeds Aath No. 5 at Point D Ref Elev. Pressure (osi) H Flar (gpe) Velx Diam. Nctual Fitting Fiiting Total Frict.Loss Elev.Loss Next Nef Pt. ft. Pt M Rn Factor iVdded Total fps in Lenoth 5upmary Lennth lencth per.ft Tota1 Psi tft.l Press Pt. (C= 120 7 H 70.00 25.16 25.16 5.70 28.59 ZB.59 5.52 1.452 18.50 2E 7.69 26.19 .052 1.36 26.52 B B 70.00 26.52 26.52 28.79 57.39 11.09 1.452 6.00 6.00 .188 1.13 27.64 C C 70.00 27.64 27.64 29.54 86.93 16.80 1.452 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 .405 4.33 31.97 D D 70.00 31.97 31.97 31.99 118.42 10.40 2.154 2.00 E 6.11 8.11 .105 0.85 32.82 E E 70.00 32.82 32.82 118.42 10.40 2.154 80.00 E2T 30.56 110.56 .105 11.62 25.17f 5fl.001 69.67 5ti 5i1 12.00 69.61 69.61 118.42 10.40 2154 1.00 T 2.22 13.22 .105 1.39 0.43( 1.00) 71.44 5 5 11.00 71.44 .,,?,?.... Path K-factor = 14.01 Path IVo. 6 C Main to Riser Jet (Fed by Path No. 1 ) Feeds Path No. 8 at PaiM H Feeds Dath No. 9 at Poirh L Feeds Path No. 30 at Point p Feeds Path No. 11 at Poirit N feeds Path No. 15 aL Point 0 Ref Elev. Pressure (osi) N F1oM (govi) Velx Diaa. Nctual fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss EIev.Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor idded 7ota1 fos in. Lenolh 5unnary length lenoth per.ft Total Psi (H.) Press Pt. 1CM 120) 7 70.00 11.35 11.35 5.70 19.20 19.20 3.71 1.452 18.00 2E 1.69 25.69 .025 0.64 11.98 K Calculated 6y:_ih Checked by: Page 3 ReretSn?A4?x Ceovrieht 1994.1.Crowlev.Croriev Desion 6rnuo.Inc..731 11eKa16 Ptke.Nino of Grussia,Pfl 19406 05237-7060 Hydraulic Calculations for Carori Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - DEIiT1iIXJ5E Jo6 fb:57054 Dates11/18/86 Suhsitted hy: WE5iEAN STNT6 FIRE PAO7ECTION C0. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Mn 95114 612-i46-9435 Path No. 6 C Main to Riser Jct iContinued fran orevious wgel (fed by Path No. 1) Feeds Path No. 8 at Point N Feeds Path No. 9 at Poirh L Feeds Path No. 10 at Point M feeds Path No. 11 at Point N Feeds Path No. 15 at Poirh 0 Ref Elev. Preseure (pci) K Flar (gpa) Velx Uian. Hctual Fitting Fittinq iotal Frict.loss Elev.Loss Next Aef Pt. ft. Pt W Pn factor Rdded Total fps in. Lenath Summary Leru1th l.erigth per.ft Total Psi tfl.1 Aress Pt. K 70.00 11.98 11.98 19.35 38.55 7.45 1.452 6.00 6.00 .090 0.54 IF.52 L L 70.00 12.52 12.52 19.88 5B.43 11.29 1.452 9.00 9.00 .194 1.75 14.27 M 19 70.00 14.27 14.27 21.22 79.65 15.39 1.452 9.00 9.00 .344 3.10 17.37 N N 70.00 17.37 17.37 23.30 102.95 19.89 1.452 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 .554 5.92 23.29 0 0 70.00 23.29 2129 34.35 137.30 12.06 2154 8 00 T 18 22 14.22 .138 1.97 25.25 P P 70.06 25.25 25.25 137.30 12.06 2 154 92.00 3E2T 42.78 134.78 .138 18.63 25.17( 58.00) 69.05 79 7p 12.00 69.05 69.06 137.30 12.06 2.154 1.00 T 12.22 13.22 .138 1.83 0.43( 1.00) 71.31 7 7 11.00 71.31 Path K-factor = 16.26 Path No. 7 Srid Line to p Main (Fed by Path No. 1) Feeds Path Na 12 at Point R Feeds Path No. 13 at Point T Feeds Path No. 14 ai Point S Fef Elev. PreSwre (csi) K Flor Igpa> Velx Diam. Rctual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Elev.Loss Next Ref PC. ft. Pt W Pn Factor (idded Total fps in. Length Swmoary Length Lerigth per.ft Totai Psi (ft.) Press Pt. 1?120) A13 70.00 15.62 15.62 5.70 22.53 22.53 4.35 1.452 8.00 E 3.84 11.84 .033 0.39 16.01 T T 70.00 16.01 16.01 42.62 65.14 12.59 1.452 8.00 8.00 .237 1.90 17.91 5 5 70.00 17.91 17.91 23.88 89.02 17.20 1.452 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 .423 4.52 22.43 R R 70.00 22.43 22.43 -7.68 81.34 11.64 1.687 94.00 3E2T 35.15 129.15 .172 22.27 25.17( 58.001 69.87 BN BH 12.00 69.87 69.87 81.34 11.64 1.687 1.06 T 10.04 11.04 .172 1.90 0.43( 1.00) 72.^cl B B 31.00 72.21 ??. Path K-factor = 9.57 Path No_ 3 Grid Line to A Main (Fed hy Path No. 2) Ref Elev. Pressure losil K Flor (gm) Velx Oiam. Rctual Fitting Fitting Total FricE.loss Elev.Loss Nezt Ref PE. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Rdded Total fos in. Lenoth Sumary Lenoth Length per.ft Total Psi 14t.1 Preas Pt. SC= 120 1 R2 70.00 25.52 25.52 5.70 28.79 2179 5.56 1.452 7.50 ET 11.53 19.0.3 .052 1.00 26.52 B B 70.00 26.52 ,.?..?.. Gath K-factor = 5.59 by:___Y _ Page 4 Calculated by:_ih - - - Checked ---- - ------- - e_....m..nce. r__....._?. .ena r n.._..:'"' n""".1_.. n__"__ r-- ». u- .[ G..?«:. M 10FK 19tS14]?_7fK?- Hydraulic Calculations for Cosori Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - PENiNDJSE 7ab No:57054 Date:11118/86 Submitted Eyt HESTEPN STFTES FIFtE PROTECTION C0. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 Path No. 4 Grid Line to A Main tFed by Path No. 2) Ref Elev. Pressure iasil N Flaw (gpi) Velx Riam. ktual Fittimg Fitting Tobal Frict.Loss EIev.Lozs Next Ref Pk. ft. Pt W Pn Factor Rdded Totai fps in Lermth Sumary Length Length per.ft Total Psi 1ft.1 Press Pt. lC= 120 ) 93 70.00 26.86 26.86 5.70 29.54 29.54 5.71 1.452 6.50 T 7.69 14.19 .055 0.78 27.64 C C 70.00 27.64 ??. Path K-faetor = 5.62 Path No. 5 Grid Line to A Main (Fed by Path Nb. 2 ) Ref Elev. Pressure (psi) K Fla+ (gpi) Veloc Diae. ktual Fitting Fitting Total Frick.Loss Elev.Loss Next Ref P!. ft. Pt Pv Pn factor Rdded Total fps in. LermtA 6isoary Length Length per.ft Total Psi fft.l Press Pt. iC= 120 1 q4 70.00 30.51 36.51 5.70 31.49 31.49 6.08 1.452 12.00 E7 11.53 23.53 .062 1.46 31.97 D D 70.00 31.97 ?.,...M Path K-factor = 5.57 Path No. 8 Grid Line to A Main (Fed 6y Path No. 6 ) Nef Elev. Pressure (osi) K flai (gpm) Velx Uiam. ktual Fitting Fitting Total frict.Loss Elev.Loss Nezt Ref Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Rdded Total fps in. Lenoth Sumary Lennth Lenoth oer.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Pt. fCm 120) R5 70.00 11.52 11.52 5.70 19.35 19.35 3.74 1.452 7.00 ET 11.53 IB.53 .0E5 0.47 11.98 K K 70.00 11.98 ....,.... Path R-factor = 5.59 Path Na. 9 Grid Line to A Main iFed 6y Path No. 6 1 Ref Elev. Pressure (osi) K FIa+ fgpel Velx 6iaro. ktual Fittirsg Fitting Total Frict.LoSS Elev.Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Pt Dv Pn Factor Rdded Total fps in. Leneth Swwaary length Lenoth per.ft Tatal Psi (ft.) Dress Pt. fG120> R6 70.00 12.16 12.16 5.70 19.88 19.88 3.84 1.452 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 .026 0.36 12.52 L L 70.00 12.52 ?....... Path K-factor = 5.52 Ca.c4iated by:_ih ----Checked hy: aage 5 - Ser:+502842f Coovricht 1984.J.Crowlev.CroN:ev Desion Grouo.Inc..731 Del(alb Pike.Nino of Prussia.PFl 19406 (215)337-7060 aydraalic Glculatirna for Camnri Hotel - Eagan, Mn. -PFNTHWSE 106 No:57054 Date:11118/86 Submitted by: WE5TENN S7tiTE5 FIiE PROTECTI011 CA. 2300 Territarial Road St. Paul 19n. 55114 612-646-9435 Path No. 10 Grid Line to A Main (Fed by Path No. b) Ref Elev. Pressure (nsi) K Flow (gQa) Velx Oiara Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frick.Loss Elev.Loss Nert 8ef Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Added Totai fps in. Lenoth Sumoary Leneth Lermth per.ft Total Psi (ft.) PreSS Pt. ` SC__ 120 l R7 70.00 13.86 13.86 5.70 21.22 21.22 4.10 1.452 6.00 T 7.69 13.64 .030 0.41 14.27 M M 70.00 14.27 Path K-factor = 5.62 Path No. 11 Grid Line to A Main (Fed by Path No. 6 ) Aef Elev. Pressure (psi) K Flaar lgpm> Veloc Diam. 9ctual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Elev.Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Added Total fps in. Length 5umary Lenglh Lemgth per.ft Total Dei (ft.) Press Pt. lfk 120 1 RB 70.00 16.71 16.71 5.70 23.3D 23.30 4.50 1.452 7.00 ET 11.53 18.53 .035 0.66 17.37 N N 70.00 17.37 "^^^^^ ?M Path K-factor = 5.59 Path No. 12 6rid Line to R Main (Fed by Path No. 7) Ref 'elev. Pressure fnil K F1oM (gpm) Veloc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Elev.Loss Nezt 8ef Pt, ft. Dt Pv Pn Fackor Added 7ota1 fps in. Lenoth 5usmary Length Lermth per.ft Total Psi (ft.i Press Pt. (C- IPO l i79 70.00 21.89 21.89 5.70 26.67 26.67 5.15 1.452 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 .045 0.62 2P.51 Q Q 70.00 22.51 22.51 -34.35 -7.68 -1.48 1.452 13.50 E 3.84 17.34 -.005 -0.08 22.43 R 8 70.00 22.43 ...,?.,.. Path N-factor = -1.62 Path No. 13 6rid Line to R Main (Fed by Path No. 7 ) Ref 'clev. Pressure (osi) i( Flor (cpm) Veloc Dian. Mtual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.lose Elev.Loss Next Ref D!. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Added -- To4aI fos in. Lenoth 5umary -- --- Lencth Lewth per.ft Total -- Psi (ft.) Press Pt. -- _ ? -- = (C= 120) Ali 70.00 13.86 13.86 5.70 21.22 21.22 4.10 1.452 8.00 8.60 .030 0.24 14.10 R12 912 70.00 14.30 14.10 5.70 21.40 42.62 8.24 1.452 10.00 T 7.69 17.69 .109 1.92 16.01 T T 70.00 16.01 .,,.?..? Path K-factor = ?0.65 Calculated by:_ah _ Checked by:_. __________Paoe b - CeN.xS(1?i167x fnn.minFM t00L 7 f`w.Wte. h-!e,. Mcinn F.+niin ix...721 MKa1h Oi4n_{tinn nf Prvtssia_CI) 1940& (215)?31-7MO Hydraulic Calculations for Cosori Fbtel - Eagan, Mn. -PENTHOUSE Joh No:57054 Dates11/18186 Submitled by: 4ESTEAN STRTES FIFE PRDTECTION CA. 2300 Territorial Noad St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 PatM No. 14 Srid Line ta A Main (Fed 6y Path No. 7) Ref Elev. Preswre (nsi) R Flor (gco) Velx Diam. Actual Fittinq Fiiting Total Frict.Loss Elev.LoSS Next Ref PE. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor pdded Total fp5 in. Lenath Swmary Lenoth Lenoth per.ft Total Psi ift.l PreSS Pt. ? tL-- 120) R10 70.00 17.55 17.55 5.70 23.89 23.88 4.61 1.452 2.00 T 7.69 9.69 .037 0.36 17.91 5 S 70.00 17.91 ^^^^^" AAhM Path N-factor = 5.64 Path No. 15 Grid Line to A Main ffed by Path No. 6 1 Ref Elev. Pressure (psi) R FloN (gpa) Velx Uiam. Actua] Fitting Fitting Tota1 Frict.loss Elev.Loss Next Ref Pt, ft. ' Pt W Pn factor pdded Total fps in. Length Suemary Lengtb Lenuth per.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Pt. 0 70.00 22.51 22.51 0 70.90 23.29 ....,..,. Path K-factor = 7.12 lC= 120 1 34.35 6.64 1,452 3.06 T 7.69 10.69 .073 0.78 21290 ?...,..,.. :a:cu;ated 6y:_ih Checked by: Paoe 7 Ser:+502842* Coovrioht 1984.].Lrowiev.Cra+lev Desian 6rouo.Irs..731 DeKalb Pike,Kinu af Frussia,PA 19406 (215)337-7060 Hydraulic Calculations for Comp^i Fiotel - Eagan, *. - PE NTHOLISE Job Nos57054 Date:11l18/86 Subtaitted by: WSTERN 5TRTES FIRE PROTECTiM M. 2306 ierritorial Aaad St. Paul 14n. 55114 5124A6-9435 Swmwry of flows through piping Ref Flow Ref Actual Fittings Fittirg Total Oiarneter C Friction Loss Velocity Pt. Pt. Lenath .......... Lenath Length Factr Unit Total 1 S}> 146.600 ))) 2 12.00 ETB 25.67 37.67 2.154 12D 0.156 5.676 12.87 1 l(i 146.600 ti{ SD 58.OD ETB 55.30 1113D 4.E60 120 0.006 0.636 3.29 10 ffl 190.459 (ll 50 2S2.OD ETB 55.30 307.36 4.260 120 0.069 Z 809 4.28 10 >S> 196.459 Y}> 9 30.00 2ET8 31.78 61.78 2.154 120 0.253 15.640 16.72 2 ))Y 146.600 »> 3 151.00 T 12.22 163.22 2.154 120 0.156 25.461 12.87 3 })> 146.600 }1) 4 13.50 0.00 53.50 2.154 120 0.156 2.106 12.87 4 >)1 146.600 )>? 5 13.50 0.00 13.50 2.154 120 0.156 2.106 12.87 5 Y)) 118.416 ) f) 5i1 1.00 T 12.22 13.22 2.154 120 0.105 1.390 10.40 5 ») 28.184 Y» 6 13.50 0.00 1150 2.154 120 O.Q07 0.100 2.47 50 S{1 337.059 f(l 51 40.00 3EBC 105.62 145.62 6.357 120 0.004 6.545 140 _ Sp >)1 118.416 )11 E 80.00 E2T 30.56 110.56 2.154 120 0.105 11.619 10.40 6 1>) 2&1841» 7 3.50 0.00 3.50 2.154 120 0.007 0.026 2.47 7 )» 137.305 >f> 7H 1.00 T 12.22 13.22 2.154 120 0.138 1.827 12.06 7 ll( 109.121 f(t 8 10.00 0.00 10.00 2.154 120 0.090 0.903 9.58 7H )» 137.305 )>f P 92.00 32T 42.78 134.78 2.154 120 0.138 1& 625 72.06 8 )}> 81.336 >)) 8R 1.00 T 30.04 11.04 1.687 120 0.172 1.904 11.64 8 lSl 190.459 t(I 9 67.00 0.00 67.00 2.154 124 0.253 16.961 16.72 &i >)> 81.338 })) A 44.00 3E2T 35.15 129.15 1.687 120 0.172 22.271 11.64 p !!f 28.591 (lf B 1& 50 2E 7.69 26.19 1.45E i^c0 0.05E 1.355 5.52 910 (f( 23.878 ll( 5 2.00 T 7.69 9.69 1.452 120 0.037 0.359 4.51 Hi! lt{ 21.218 ((l R12 8.00 0.00 8.00 1.452 120 0.030 0.238 4.10 A12 (U 42.618 ifl T 10.00 T 7.69 17.69 1.452 120 0.108 1.915 6.24 R13 S(( 22.526 (l< T 8.00 E 3.94 11.84 1.452 120 0.033 0.394 4.35 R2 I4! E8.745 1{t B 7.50 ET 11.53 19.03 1.452 120 0.02 0.998 5.56 q3 f(( 29.544 (lf C 6.50 T 7.64 14.14 1.452 !c^0 0.055 4.780 5.71 P4 {!f 31.487 f(( D 12.00 fT 11.53 2153 1.452 120 0.062 1.456 6.08 p5 !(l 19.347 li( K 7.00 ET 11.53 18.53 1.452 124 0.625 0.466 3.74 96 fft 14.880 ((( L 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.026 0.362 3.84 R7 {lf 21.223 l(l 9 6.OD T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.030 0.408 4.10 fi8 l i l 23.303 t{ l N 7.00 ET 11.53 18.53 1.452 120 0.035 0.657 4.50 A9 ff{ 26.668 ((( 0 6.00 7 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.045 0.623 5.15 B {f{ 57,386 (tf C 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.452 120 6.188 1.127 11.09 C ff( 86.924 ((i D 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.405 4.327 16.80 U ((i 118.416 lil E 2.00 E 6.11 8.11 2.154 120 6.105 0.85Z 10.40 J {f( 14.200 4ll K 18.00 2E 7.69 25.69 1.452 i20 0.025 0.636 3.71 N {(( 38.547 1(1 L 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.452 1^c0 0.030 0.540 7.45 L ?l( 5B.427 ((( M 9.00 0.00 9.00 1.452 126 0.194 1.741 il.^L4 N ((l 79.650 ((f N 9.06 0.00 9.00 1.452 120 0.344 3.100 15.39 N fl{ 102.952 (t! D 100 T 7.69 10.59 1.452 120 0.554 5.917 19.89 0 iS{ 137.305 (fl P 2 00 T 12.22 14.22 2 154 120 0.138 1.966 12.06 p >)) 34.352 })) Q 3.00 T 7.69 14.69 1.452 120 6.073 0.777 6.64 0 »> 7.684 »} R 13.50 E 3.84 17.34 1.45E 120 0.005 0.079 1.48 R 1?) 89.022 » 1 5 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.423 4.521 17.20 5 >7) 65.144 >?S T & 00 0.00 B.06 1.452 120 0.237 1.894 12.59 Ca;culated by:_iy _ Checxed by; ?Paoe B iona r r...,., ?., r_?..t.,,, ?..,.. c....- r..,, 77, ilnllalF G,LD uir. ?f 6.??«;a_OC t940F 1P153337-7060 Hydraulic Calculatimis for Caopri Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - PENTHOl15E 7ab No:57054 Date:31/18/96 Submitted by: ITcSTERN STATES FIAE PROTECTION CD. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 Sunoary looo balance 5um af friction losses aroufd each loop Loop 1 50 ==1 =2 -3 =-1 ?7 -B -=-9 ?10 =--50 losses: -0.638 -5.876 -25.461 -2.106 -2.106 -0.100 -0.026 +0.903 +16.%i *15:640 +Z B09 TOTiIIS FUR LUOP AI. 1 +loeses: 36.314 -losees: 36.313 Net im6alancc= 0.001 Loop 2 7 ?7ii -P ?0 ?d! =R ==8R --8 =7 losses: -1.827 -1&625 -1.96fi -0.777 -0.079 +22.271 +1.904 -0.403 7DTiL5 FOR LODP ML 2 +losses: 24.176 -los5es: 24.177 Net imbalance- -0.001 ialculated by:_ih ______?__ Cnecked ny:____ ____ Aaoe 9 Ser:+502842* Coovriqht 19B4.J.Crowley,Crwiey Desiqn 6rouo,Ir?c.,731 Deltalb Pike,Nina of Prussia,VP 19406 12251337-7060 GONTRACT NAME.)5?7" 6?? ` ?'+'hP2? 7?•L_ SHEETLOF C Z 96 W y NOZZLE IDENT. AND LOCATION FLOW 'N G.P.M. IPE SIZE PIPE FITTINGS AND DEVICES EQUIV. PIPE LENGTH PRICTION LOSS P.S.I./ FOOT RE55URE SUMMARY ORMAL PRESSURE OTES ? IW-? yi W us L /o,o Pr 7. oo Pt c:?iao A Q t P ND, X - F Pe v T /O,p 10(004 Pf , &0 Pn L JSS Pt (aD Pt 7 JCL +??E F Pe Pv ? Q,30,8 Tp'10,5 •d;s6 Pf?os`Z Pn TIN L /. +9 Ptlo, .2 v2 Pt sf 4 XL ) D P / d / .L Y.¢G ( F S. Pe . 3 v i fL 3 N,p,IL Q30.? T90 ,va8(0 Pf Pn L Pria, / Pt x_ .?a 8 ? q P P Pe " Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt AoaG pT 3 q FilPsr FGR 4?0 F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L I7? O Pt /40, y Pt C'? /ao q x"S7 p Pe Pv r/, 0 9iya Pr a8 Pn L / . 0 P,l . ? Pt g? s 7 ,X?? N? D 4 ao. ? . iCL L( r p Q Pe Pv ? Q 0.9 P" T 70 r3777 Pf 91 Pn DN L I.O Pt4 .IS Pt j?`s 4 L 3 d Pv` X r?x F 9.0 Pe .. ELE 3 NiVf'?.L Q39. 9 ??2 T?. 0 ? 3 Ff .? D Pn L Pt 90/ Pt K: 3?y F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt An0 E"- Pf'S 4 ^?7 F p Pe W / Q T Pf Pn ?iav2 Lopp, L Pt Pt 4 F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn Western States 16 Fire Protection Co. Pt 2300 Tenitorial Road, St. Paul, MN 55114 'CONTPtACT NAME /R mPej ?F _ SHEET? OF-,- O Z d ?u N NOZZLE IDENT. ANC IOCATION FLOW ?N G.P.M. ?PE SIZE PIPE FITTINGS AND DEVICES EQUIV, PIPE LENGTH FRICTION LO55 P.S.1./ FOOT RE55URE SUMMARY ORMAL PRESSURE OTES d "s F- v? Y. ? L4?0 Pt 70 U Pt C.: /tv Q ? P 1? ( XL 7 7.o. F O Pe v 1 /Q[l) q ? ? Q f 17,i? T 917 L .060 Pf . Jr Pt 73T Pn Pt ? Q P F Pe v K= Q T Pf Pn *yN'?kp L 70 Pt 7,00 Pt 9 YZ P ' (1)f.aL F 7,0 Pe v T/Z/ J .06oV Pf 29:? Pn ' L p o ? Pr 7. 95 Pr g.: Ss 7 S'5 4 1 S. / k? P PJ F e ?$ Q 3D,.J ?• T,oc? 1 uS Pf "- P^ L Pt 79S Pt 4 P ? p Pe v k- lb S? T Pf Pn . A v ?>EV? L Pt Pt q P P F p e v (Z 7 Pf Pn L I.D Pt 7cO pt C? /3v P. 15 Q XL ? x? 1 Z42,9, F S• J Pe Pv / Q/S, T17 D oGD Pf /.03 Pn ?p • L OrO PtS•d-? Pt /O.&96 8•e3 f a ? 4 30. 8 XI P a5 £ s - (t F s? Pe v ? Qy.S.g ? T IS.O .`t711? Pf 14 Qa Pn aa L 1,0 Pt/S. // Pt Q ( V Ktfifi kL C T.CC F S.O Pe ,? 3 Pv/ Gdw ? N,PP4a QL{?j ? /?y T 9,0 rO(o00 Pf , Pn L Ptl(p.o ? Pt Q p Pe Pv Q T pf Pn L Pt Pt AoD °Cy'f ? Q F/RSt ftooR F Pe Pv Q T Pf lPn c.vc.?P Western States ?J Fire Protection Co. Pr 2300 Territorial Road, St. Paul, MN 55114 CONTRACT NAME j-157 4?2 ? n?f L- SHEET 3 OF - - O Z W N NO2ZLE IDENT. AND LOCATION FLOW 1N G.P.M. 'PE SIZE PIPE FITTINCS AND GEVICES EQUIV. P?PE LENGTH FRICTION LOSS P.S.I./ FOOT p RESSURE SUMMARY . NORMAL PRESSURE OTES ? "' N t? ? ??vtdjl L/70 Pt 7o U Pt G.=/e?O Q kL II SD P k.:sy T.ee F Pe v T , O ,OG oq' Pf ?.?.? Pn L/, 0 Pt g•3.3 Pt S77'?, '3? r pdo q 1 P fL F Pe v TP/. 0 .,73(o4, Pn Ann L /.O Pt//. Pt q?7 P I 7,W- F?5,O Pe v T?0.0 .rr733 Pf 3 Pn a L I.O PtfS.OS Pt q W7 P y l ?G?? P .pE F9.0 e , v v?PP°?i Q?l U 1a T. d 07.2? Pf . 6s Pn L Pt/6./(o Pt ik,; 4 P ??? ? p Pe v Q 'r Pf Pn kr- L Pt Pt aC?-'9T Sq 4 P P /??? Lee?P F e v Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt q p Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt 4 P F Pe v Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt 4 F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt Q p Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn L Pt Pt 9 F Pe Pv Q T Pf Pn Western States ? Fire Protection Co. Pt 2300 Territorial Road, St. Paul, MN 55114 NAME vv. 'f LOCATIQy ?70 CiUI:_QiNu CONTRACI'OR ? C/tiLCJLAT[D C3Y CONSTf;UCTION: ? D.^.CUi'hnCY_,'? HYORAULIC DF.SIG'J INFORMAl'InN uHcET C0MBUSTIBLE UST Ia LE DA7E ?/// pg6 SYSTEl.1 NO. CONTRACT tJO. ORAWING N0. CEILING HEIGHT ' rT. ff'INFPA 17: LT. HAZ. ORD. HAZ. GF. 0 102 ? 3 .. ? EX. HA?. [] NFPA 231 ? hFPA 231C: FIGURE : CURVE Z 2 [3 OTHER (Specify) W ? SPECIFtC RUL!:,!G M:.G[ BY DATE ' O V hREA OF SPRINKLER OPERATION - ^Y?STE.1 TYPE " F- pENSI'.Y 7 WET 0 DRY ? DELUGc rl PRE-ACTICN 00" h AREA PER Si?RIN;:LEfl 7?a E SPRItJKLcR 0(i NOZZ 0 ?"&www4E ?? HOSE ALL01'+A\CE GP::: INSIDE ' "?dG ?.?dOEL MAKE HOSE ALLO?lANCE GPSi: OUTSiDE " ALTO?i ;IZE K-F RACK SPFlIt:!(LER ALLC:?r.NCE T[M.PEFtATURE RATIf?G ?6D CALCULATION SUMMARY /?O GPt.1 FEQUIP.ED -?GR/* 7/ PSI REQUIRI:D ?lel AT BASE OF fi:SER a0 UNDEFGROUyD "C" FnCTCR USED OVERHEAD _ : PI IMP DATA DATE 8 TIt.:E fO RATED CAPACITY Z?SO CAPACITY d STATIC PSI 67 AT PSI ELEVATIO?1 - ,j fiESIDUAI PSi. ? . ELEVATION y ? GfIld FLOW1NG O SVELL W ELEVnTION ? PROCF FLO"r ??::' ? '= A LOCATION 649 ? i? ? PB?Af (?'T? ??•? SOURCE Or' INFCRMATION " CCIMMOD i TY CLASS LOCAT 10!J p,r S70RltGE H[lGiiT AREA AISLE 1'lIDTH a STORhGE METHOD: SOI.ID PILED % PALLETIZrD Yo RAC1C % 0 ? SINGLE ROP/ ? CONVENTIONAL PALLET ? AUTOMATIC STORAGE ? EN^vA?SULATc? 0 DOUDLE F01Y I,] SLAVE PALIET 0 SGLID SHELVING ? NCN- N f,!U! TIPLE ROY! ? OPEN 'ENCA?L'JLl.TEC ? O Y - FLUE S°ACING IN ICJCHES CLEARANCE FR0ti1 TQP OF STUHAGE TOGcILIM3_ u ¢ LONGITJDINAL TRANSVERSE FT. IN. HORIZONTAL 0.4RR!ERS PaQVIDED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S U M M A R Y O F H Y D R A U L I C C A L C U L A T I O N S F O R ComQri Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - FIRST FLOOR 11/18l86 Submitted by: YESTEtAI 5TiiiES FIAE PROTECTION M. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Nn. 55114 fi12-646-9435 D`SIL,N SPECIFICATION5 Density: 0.10 Desian area: 1500.00 HRTt-R 5UDPLY 120.00 psi at 0.00 opm 116.00 osi at 750.00 non SYSTr.'!I DEKqW FOR PIINiMlR4 DENSITY 40.14 psi at ?21.71 gps t 79.44 osi 5afety Factor) List of Fittino Abbrevia4ions CDde Descriotion Code Descriotion f1 Niarm Va E E1bow B Butt'fly V F Deluge Va C Check Va 6 6ate Va D DryPiceVa H Code Descriotion Code lkscription I M J 45 elhor N K 0 L LongTurnEl P Exaeole: Fitting abbreviation of 'T2EC' eeans: One Tee , tMO Elhor Code Description Cade liescriotion Q U p V crovc tee S W covc r-tee T Tee X crovc 90 , and ore Check Va ia:cula'teC by:_jh _ Cnecked M:?--------------------------Paoe 1 5er:+50284?+ Copvrioht :994.J.CrowIev.Crarlev Desinn 6rouo,Inc..731 OeNalb Pike.Nino of Prassia.PH 19406 (2I5)331-7060 Hydraulic Calculations for Cosori Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - FIR57 FLOUR Joh No:57054 Date:11/18/B6 Submitted hy: WESTEIdJ STNTES FIRE PROTECTION C0. 2300 Territarial Road 5t. Paul Mn. 55114 612-546-9435 Suwary of sprinkler and hose fla+s Recuired flow and pressure is based on sprinkler k-faclor, area rnvered, and oinimwa xzzle pressure for a design density of .i Supplied flaa and pressure is 6ased on 40.14 psi available at suuoly t 119.58 osi is actually available ) Aef. K Required Sucnlied ExceSS Fla+ Aequired 5upQIied Pressure Excess Presswe Ref. P!. factor Fla+ Flai Percentaoe PresSUre PT W PN Percentaoe Pt. 8 12.69 51.00 56.06 9.9 % 16.16 19.53 0.00 19.53 20.85 % B 6 11.45 45.90 49.96 8.8 t 16.08 19.05 0.00 19.05 18.44 f 6 5 8.92 38.89 38.89 -0.0 % 19.01 19.01 0.00 19.01 -0.00 Y 5 4 8.92 38.89 38.96 0.2 % 19.01 19.08 0.00 19.08 0.35 f 4 3 8.57 30.80 37.85 22.9 7c 12.91 19.50 0.00 19.50 51.05 f 3 Caiculated 6y:_tn 2 Ser:*502842a Coovricnt 1984.3.Cra+iev.Crowlev Desion 6rouo.Inc..731 DeHalb Pixe.Nino of Grussia PR 19406 (2I5)337-7060 . . ttydraulic Calculations for Cwnri Hotel - Eagan, l9n. - FIRST Fi.MR Job No:5704 Date:11/18/86 Submitted by: IiE5iERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION M. 2300 Territorial Raad St. Paui Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 Path No. 1 Remote to supply Ref Elev. Dressure (psi) K Flor (gmo) Velx Diara. Netual Fitting Fitting Tota] Frict.Lose Elev.Loss Next Aef ik, ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Hdded Total fps in. Lenoth Suwary Lenoth Lefmth per.ft Total Psi lft.1 Press Pt. (C= 120 ) B 11.00 19.53 19.53 12.69 56.06 -66.15 -5.81 2.154 10.00 10.00 -.036 -0.36 19.17 7 7 11.00 19.17 19.17 -66.15 -5.81 2 154 3.50 3.50 -.036 -0.13 19.05 6 6 11.00 19.05 19.05 11.45 49.95 -16.20 -1.42 2.154 13.50 13.50 -.003 -0.04 19.01 5 5 11.00 19.01 19.01 8.42 38.89 22.69 1.99 2.154 13.50 1150 .005 0.07 19.08 4 4 11.00 19.08 19.68 8.92 38.96 61.65 5.41 2.154 1150 13.50 .031 0.42 19.50 3 3 11.00 19.50 19.50 8.57 37.85 99.50 8.74 2.154 151.00 T 12.22 163.22 .076 12.43 31.93 c^ 2 11.00 31.93 31.93 99.50 8.74 2.154 12.00 ETB 25.67 37.67 .076 ?.87 34.80 1 i 11.00 34.80 34.80 99. 50 2.23 4.260 58. 00 ETB 55.30 11130 .003 0.31 35.11 50 50 11.00 35.11 35.11 122.21 221.71 2.24 6.357 40.00 3EBC 105.6 145.62 .002 0.25 4.77( 11.00) 40.14 51 51 40.14 Path K-factor = 35.00 Calcuiated hy: th _,__ChecxeE by:_?___ ?_ _____ Daoe 3 c.,...:snOae?a lane 1 r..,.,.Ie„ r.,.W}e., nas. A,.?..? 1?..711 fwHatn 6iwa.Hino ef Prussi=-_0° 19406 (215)377-7fGlj A . , Hydraulic Calculations for Cwcri Hotel - Eagan, kn. - FIRST FLOOR Job ?b:57054 Date:11118786 Submitted by: VESIENN STRTES FIRE PAOTECTION M. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 5umary of flars through piping Aef Flai Ref Rctual Fittinos Fitting Total Di ameter C Friction Lass Uelxity p!, Pk. Lencth .......... Lenath Leneth factor Unit Total 1 >)! 99.500 )f> 2 12.00 ETB 25.67 37.67 2.154 120 0.076 2.869 8.74 1 ({f 99.500 ll( 50 58.00 ETB 55.30 113.30 4.260 120 0.003 0.31E 2.23 10 (!i 122.214 (ll 50 252.00 ETB 55.30 307.30 4.260 120 0.004 1.236 2.74 10 f» 122.214 !f? 9 30.00 2ETB 31.78 61.78 2154 120 0.111 6.883 10.73 2 >1) 99.500 >)) 3 151.00 T 12.22 163.22 2.154 120 0.076 12.431 8.74 3 ))> 61.647 >)> 4 13.50 0.00 1150 2.154 120 0.031 0.424 5.41 4 »Y 22.688 ))> S 13.50 0.00 13.50 2.154 120 0.005 0.067 1.99 S »> 0.000 )?> 5H 1.00 T 12.22 13.22 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 5 ((? 16.202 (!( 6 13.50 0.00 1150 2.154 120 0.003 0.036 1.42 50 (ll 221.715 ((( 51 40.00 3EBC 105.62 145.62 6.357 120 0.002 0.251 2.24 SR >)) 0.000 »f E 80.00 E2T 30.56 110.56 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 6 {tf 66.151 S{1 7 3.50 0.00 3.50 2.154 120 0.036 0.125 5.81 7 »> 0.000 »> 7N 1.00 T 12.22 13.22 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 7 Sf( 66.151 ISi B 10.00 0.00 10.00 2.154 120 0.036 0.358 5.81 7p 1» 0.000 ))) P 92.00 3E2T 42.78 134.78 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 8 )Y) 0.000 ») 8R 1.06 T 10.04 11.04 1.687 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 B (l< 122.214 (ll 9 67.00 0.00 67.00 2.154 120 0.111 7.464 10.73 8R S» 0.000 )>) 8 44.00 3E2T 35.15 129.15 1.687 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 q ))) 0.000 ?» B 18.50 2E 7.69 26.19 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 p10 )>1 0.006 »> 5 2.00 T 7.69 9.69 1,452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 H11 >/> 0.000 >1/ t112 8.00 0.00 S. 00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 R12 )>} 0.000 »> T 10.06 7 7.69 17.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.090 0.00 R13 »> 0.000 »> T 8.00 E 3.84 11.84 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 ti2 ))) 0.606 ) l> B 7.50 ET 11.53 19.03 1.45E 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 N3 1)> 0.000 »1 C 6.50 T 7.69 14.19 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 M )}) 0.000 >)) ? 12.00 ET 11.53 23.53 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 A5 >f) 0.000 >)1 K 7.00 ET 11.53 18.53 1.452 120 0.0W 0.000 0.00 AS S>) 0.000 )1> L 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 p7 »> 0,066 »> M 6.60 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 R8 >)) 0.000 )» N 7.00 ET 11.53 1& 53 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 R9 >)> 0.060 >)) a 6.00 T 7.69 13.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 B >)> 0.000 ))> C 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 C ))f 0.000 )>> D 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 D 11l 0.000 f» E 2.00 E 6.11 & 11 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.OD J »] 0.000 )» K 18.00 2E 7.69 25.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.06 K >)> 0.000 »> L 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.452 120 0.006 0.000 0.00 L »> 0.000 ») M 9.00 0.00 9. W 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 M 1» 0.000 >)) N 9.00 0.00 9.00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 N »! 0.000 >)) 0 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 01000 0.000 0.00 0 ») 01000 })> P 2.00 T 1& 22 14.22 2.154 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 >)) 0.000 »> Q 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 Q 7» 0.000 >)> R 13.50 E 3.84 17.34 1.452 120 0.060 0.000 0.00 R »> 0.000 »> 5 3.00 T 7.69 10.69 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0•00 5 1» 0.000 f» T & 00 0. 00 S. 00 1.452 120 0.000 0.000 0.00 Calculated by:_ih _Checked by.?----- Pane 4 Sers+502842+ Goovrioht 1984.1.Lrowlev.Crowiey Desion 6rouo.inc.,731 aeKala Pixe,King of Prussia,PG 19406 (215)337-7060 A • Y Hydraulic Calculatimis for Coaori Fbtel - Eagan, pm. - FIRST FLDDR Jon Pb:57054 Date:11l18/86 Subnitted 6y: ilESTERN 5TATE5 FINE PROTECTION C0. 2300 Territorial Road St. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 Sunmary loop balarce Sum of friction losses around each looo Lonp 1 50 =1 ? =3 =-4 =7 =B =-9 =10 --'' lo5se5: -0.312 -2.869 -12.431 -0.424 -0.067 +0.036 +0.125 +0.358 r7.464 W.883 +1.236 TOTRLS FOR LOOP NO. 1 +lasses: 16.103 -losses¢ 16.102 Net imbalancec 0.001 Calculated by:_ih ChecKed Paue 5 ----------- -- • - --------------------------------- Ser:e5U2842+? Coovrinht 19A4.J.CroNler.Cr?a+lev Desion 6rrouo.5nc..731 DeKalb Piee.liine of Frussia,PA 1940b i2151337-I060. ? •- . Hydraulic Caiculations for Coapri Hotel - Eagan, Mn. - TYPICAL MT Joh No:57054 Date:li/18/86 Su6ritted by: WESTENN ST41TE5 FIRE PROTEC7ION C0. 2300 Territorial kwd S!. Paul Mn. 55114 612-646-9435 Saewary looo halarse Sum of friction losses around each laoo Loop 1 50 ==1 --2 -3 =4 =--5 ====6 =7 -=8 -9 =10 =50 losses: -0.011 -0.699 -0.428 -0.035 -0.035 -0.035 4.009 -0.026 -0.176 +0.725 +0.130 TDTpL5 FOR IODP NO. 1 +losses: 0.855 -losses: O.B55 Net irbalance= 0.000 Ca:cuiateG by:_in Cnecked oy:?______ ___ aaoe 5 Ro.?aVi?A4?t Cnmminht 19A4_] Crnul¢v Cr'owlev ?esion "ruuo.ln.2..731 OeKalb Piit2.Kinc of_Prussia.ofl 19406 t2151337-7060. ' city oF ectgan June 11, 1997 Scott Hoelscher CB Comtnercial 2250 University Ave. West Suite 159 South St. Paul, MN 55114 Re: Rooftop Mounted Antennae 2700 Pilot Knob Road - Holiday Inn Scott: Per your request, this letter is confirms approval for the installation of building mounted communication antennae at the Holiday Inn Hotel located at 2700 Pilot Knob Road. A plan submitted last Mazch by Steve Kenny of your company has been approved and is on file here at the City. As you know, the City Council recently approved an ordinance to the City Code regulating the installation of communication towers and antennae. The Code specifically allows building mounted antennae for commercial purposes to be placed on a building within a11 commercial and industrial zoned districts of the City. Building mounted antennae may not exceed a height of fifteen (15) feet. If you have any additional questions, you may contact me at 681-4690. Sincerely, Steve Dorjan Associate Planner 681-4690 letter/Holiday Irm.97 41119i ..?eASa.??Qa.ee ?. 6??. THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOM6IUIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Atlministrator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Qty Clerk MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PIL07 KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE (612) 681 4000 FAX. (612) 681-4612 iDD.(612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV Equol Opportunity/Aihrrna}ive Achon Employer MAINTENANCE fAqLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PFIONE (612) 681-4300 FA% (612)681-4360 iDO. (612) 454-8535 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI-, FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE NOT REQUIRED EOR EACH DWELLING UNTT. e- CONTRAGT PRICE: $ J5(9 D. V l l FEE: 1% OF CON1'RACT FEE, STATE SURCHARGE $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF FE& MINIMUM FEE: $ 25.00 CONTRACT PRICE X 1% $ .S 5? &-Z) STATE SURCHARGE $ , rC5 TOTAL $ 7 ?. ?7? ? SITE ADDRESS: 10-? i TENANT NAME; OWNER NAMF.: INSTA ADDR CITY: PHON FOR: CITY OF EAGAN YLic;Airl' 9-7- 9y N6 P/ JA? " are-Y 0i? 2-/'95`/3// 7=7-71j / > "', /(-,Tlz?,. 16h, STE. # 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 NER' CONSTRUCfION ? ADD ON RF:PAiR 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDEl'VTIAL) CITl'' OF EAGAN 3830 `RYI.OT,KNUU I;D: EAGAN.14IN 55122 (612) 6814678 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE EAMILY DWELLINGS. AISO, FOR TOWNfIOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMn'S ARE REQUII2ED FOR EACH LJN1T. --------------- NO. FIXT[1RES ,FACH TOTAI, SHOWER 3.00 ' WATER CLOSET 3,00 i . BATH T[JB , 3.00 ± LAVATORY 3,00 K1TCHEN SINK 1.00 LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 . HOT TUB/SPA WATER HEATER 3.00 FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 GAS PIPING OUTLET •?? . i 3.00 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 WaTEu cnFIEENEv 5.00 PRIVA'I'E DISP. • netcry. uc. 20.00 U.G. SPRINKLER • nome =aa ?. - ` 100 ' ALTERAT'IONS • co ?uns 20.00 WATER TURN AROUND " 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE , _ .50 TOTAL: s - -? - --=? - - - ;:?.__ :. SITE ADDRESS: , OWNER NAME: 14)I t rn tn r , GTI'Y: L4Z , STATE: ZIPCODE:..?_ .` _ PHONE #: PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL CONIIvIERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUII DINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI- FAMII,Y BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE NOT REQUIl2ED FOR EACH DWELLING UNTT. NEW CONSTRUGTION ADD ON REPAIIt WORK DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PRICE: $ FEE: 196 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE: $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF ; FE& NIIIVIMiJhi FEE: $ 25.00 CONTRACT PdtICE X 1% STATESURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: a TENANT OWNER NAME: INSTALLE] ADDRESS: STE. # CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: SS`//3 -? raoxE #: FOR• CITY OF EAGAN ~ $ 3. 9S s - SO $ as 5'0 Ap__ 3 - I-9T`JR5` PLUMBING PERMIT (CObII1ERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDE1V17AL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUII2ED FOR EACH UNTT. NO. FIXTURES EACH TOTAL SHOWER 3.00 WATER CLUSET 3.00 BATH TiJB 3.00 LAVATORY 3,00 KTTCHEN SINK 3.00 LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 WATER HEATER 3.00 FLAOR DRAIN 3.00 GAS PIPING OLTTLET •minimum - i 3.00 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 WATER SOFI'ENER 5.00 PRIVATE DISP. • neILay. ik. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKLER • no? unda ?,. 3.00 ALTERATIONS • w moistmg 15.00 WATER TURN AROUND 15.00 STATESURCHARGE TOTAL: .50 SITE ADDRFSS: OWNER NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY STATE: ZIP CODE: PHONE #: ( ) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE COMMERCIAL n (? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN ? 1 1 } ?-FL? 651-681-4675 7 1 I3'o Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2) sets . Architectural Plans (2) seLS • Architectural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) . Structural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) " • Certificate of Survey (1) Civil Plans (2) . Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) " . Landscaping Plans (2) . Key Plan (1) • Project Specs (1) • Code Analysis (1) " . Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec.lnsp.&TestingSchedule" • CertificateofSurvey (1) . EnergyCalculations (1)notalways" • Soils Report (1) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighling Form (i) no[ always" . Meler size must be established . Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established - if applicabla 1 1 • • . PrqectSpecs EnergyCalculations Electnc Power & Lightlng Form (1) (1) •' " (1) h ?? ? ?lr - 1 U - , 1 • Master Exit Plan 14 ? ' 1 . Fire Protection Plan (1) ^ f f?i ? AR 0 12 2G 1 Soils RepoR ('I) 1 • MC/ES SAC determination letter . MGES SAC determinadon letter . MGES SAC detertnination letter call 651-602-1 D00 call 651-602-1000 tall 65Y602-1000 " uontact tiwiding Inspectlons for sample -?-???_ Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Health - call 651-215-0700Tor details. DATE 31110t WORK TYPE _ NEW i-REMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST T S? ooo, 00 SITEADDRESS ?L.70 0 lTnob 12-04 TENANT NAME 17 Ado-?/ ?n n ft IYC? SUITE # FORMER TENANT NAME ?p,?Uy/QfqjhC DESCRIPTION OF WORK ?h'?rror Aj`4p1-4;0nf 7-0 ?-z Name: HOtid4 !( lAv-, SQ (L°CT Phone#: Uj` V ` .3 VJ PROPERTY Last First OWNER ?. ? / StreetAddress 00 / I (Ol? l4k 06 n !/`-o4C1 City State N /t i Zip Company SCkl'C ib -2!' h (( iiii lFmJT c Phone # (a jY CONTRACTOR SneetAddress: ? ?$6 ?f.cd,jon. 12-0 4d City ??Utt? State M? c Zip ??/?? r Cm?n't-aC'fi 6rctce- Sc !'ei er ARCHITECT/ L !n /? ENGINEER Company qk-p/1 F?P [`/Y (/Q?l /? -/ 0?'6?I r phone # Name Registration # ?6 36h' Street Address a Ciry h:?,( n v?e ?-odt ? Q State /tin c Zip 3?3'15- Licensed plumber installinq new sewerlwater service: N! yi Phone #: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that lhe information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? f ??i .!?:? ? ??`?" ? Signature of Applicant Updatea 1101 SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations ? 34 Replacement ? ? OFFICE USE ONLY 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 27 Commercial/in dustrial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon 35 Tenant Impr ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 46 Windows/Doors 36 Move Bldg ? 43 Reroof ? 47 Repair 37 Demolish (Bldg) ? 44 Siding ? 48 Authorization 38 Demolish (Int) ? 45 Fire Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code -437 SAC Code 'J o No. of Units b No. of Bldgs. ? Const. (Actual) (Allowa6le) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq. ft. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS Planning Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City 5AC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Building loal?? S a 5-O .14 Total 1-13?5.3? sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. MC/ES System City Water Fire Sprinklered ? Insulation ? Plumbing ? Stucco/Stone ? Engineering Variance VALUATION $ I ?? 60OJ % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ? -.._.,?-....?.-- ... associ-ates, inc. \ . ? % A ? e-i d ? H m N 01 B ? . . . .-,..;.,, ;. ?" ` 4621 C(w11Sy ro: \ minne:onka, mi (9i2}4J9'1585 a ? HOLI G6Y S A? :.. f.: ._. ` z LL ? 0 ? )7 ?. T ./- ?-'-'- i _? I IM ? : :?-`? '? ?? .? :?wi j . •+ ?` - ?- '??? -r- r y.? - 1? ? •'; ?' . `: ; ko N m m ? N (l A rri H m A 3 C p? D? za m `j p { W A Ul - -. • . rY . I . ..?.?T - " ? ? ?- - '?, i .I ? ' ? - , t ?l? ? ? • ?_ .• - r . - . . ..iv _ ._ ?•5 i ? : ^ ` . --= _ •?,? ?r . •.! I? `? ,?: ? T, ?'? = ? . . ??-=--'r '? ? ? ? ' .'\ i'-==-?- .?? ! ' i - "- ---? j'- - -? ?/? • o ? N • ., u-, ? f .-.. • v -.e?•?r . ? ?,?' ?? -' _' _"l? . • - --- .. ?? - ' /?1.-?.? i '} ? S.? '" ; ? ? ? I • . i ' I _ rv vo ?--S-a i PLUMBING (COMMERCIAL) ?\ Permit Application ?S? J U City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Date 7 / ?3 l Q3 Site Address -7n?'j ,p1 ?cy-t-- krn}1 Q(-a& Unit # Tenant Name Former ? Tenant Name Property Owner Cr111LSn DlC??CL h-YL'It-FJ Telephone #( ) Contractor 6Iucota PtpryRIN6 & F9EIITINC e""C r . Address 3650 Kennebec Dr.. Ste. 102 citv State ??? 55122 Zip _ Telephone#((cs() 45U--k-4-4..V-) The Applicant is _ Owner >? Conhactor _ Other Work Type _ New Bldg _ Add-on Repair RPZ PVB Irrigation system * " Jem Wobuhall [o calcula[e fees. Re uireJ meter size is 2^ turbo unless smaller size ermitted b Public Works Description of Work h( i ? I r+k Rp-F- - 11 To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is reqmred on new service, call 651-675-5646 1 1 Meters - Ca11 65 1-675-5 300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductiviry, and bacteria tests passed rior [o ?ic " meter, •'???? ?' Irdgafion Size & T}pe Avg GPM ? ? Fire Size & Price 3/4" displacement $156.00 ,? . Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand v?iges? 'Yes _ No Flus6ometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 m;nimam (includes State Surcharge) ContractValue $ x 1°/a = $ BaseFee $ Metex(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read If base fee i5 $1,000 or leas, sure6arge is $.50 $ Si8t0 $utC$3tgB If hase fee is over $1,000, surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of the Base Fee Following fees apply only when installiog new irriga8on system $ Water Permit Contact Jerry Wo65chall a[ 657-675-5024 For reqmred fee amounts $ Treatrnent Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge ------------°--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- $ ---------------------------------------------------------------- -?- • !?? Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Permit and aclmowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pemut, but only an application for a pemvt, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ApplicanPs Printed Name Applic Cs Signature REQOIRED INSPECTIONS: PLANSSUBMITTED CITY USE ONLY U.G. Air Test Gas Tes[ APPROVED BY: _ Rough In _ Final BUILDING INSPECTDR General Information • Radio Meter Read (required on all new buildings & boulevazd imgation systems- $157.00 • RPZ's must be rebuilt every five years. A minimum [ee permit per address is required for RPZ rebuilding or repairing. • Water meters include copper horn/strainer, remote wire, and touch-pad meter GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 1-20 5/8" resi9ential gL:.00 4-120 1-1/2" iiiigation syst W 781.00 displacement smcommercial turbine" must receive max,mum contiauous approval 10 from Public Works 2-30 3/4" lawn irrigation $156.00 4-160 2" turbine lg irrigarion syst $ 982.00 maximum displacement residential gt continuous sm commercial production lines 15 3-50 1" displacement very lg res $200.00 1/4 to 160 2" compound bldgs over S 1,860.00 bldg to 24 units 65 units maximum sm commercial & continuous & lg comm bldgs 25 irri ation s stems 5-100 1-1/2" hldgs 25-64 units $484.00 maximum displacement & coutinuous most wmm bldgs SO METERS REOUIRING 30-DAY ADVpNCE NOTICE PRIOR TO PICK UP GPM METERS USE PRICE GPM METERS USE PRICE 5-350 3" turbine very Ig irrigation $1,328.00 6-500 4" compound +300 unit bldgs & $3,702.00 sys[ & production very Ig comm bldgs lines 72-320 3" compound +200 unit bldgs $2,411.00 10-1000 6" compound +400 unit bldgs $6,100.00 very Ig comm bldgs very Ig comm bldgs 15-1000 4" turbine very lg irrigation $2,329.00 syst & production lines 3LLllGLLW • To schedule inspecuon of the inside water line and backflow preventer, call 651-675-5675. • To arrange for water turn-on, call 651-675-5300. cc: Main[enance Division ClericalTechnician Upda[ed 1/03 ?" ??? y ¦/n\ I]U I-1m . IDMro I 6 I A I I ¦/e\ Is/ I r?? 1- I a I I ? Dpo?11 Q?? 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' d~ , I~ r ~ _ ~~l . ~ , _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ . _ : _ {I , , . . . . . . y~ . ~ ; _ 1~ . _ . . L~~' ~ . . , . . . . . . . . ~ A ~1~ . . _ . . . . . _ . ; ~ . . ~ ~ ~ ! _ _ i ' _ _ _ . _ _ ~ ; _ f _ . _ . . . ~ ~ _ . _ . _ _ I I ~ , , ~ , ~ ~ ~ i ~ _ i ~ i . _ . . _ _ _ _ ~ p ' I ._-I _ . _ _ _ ; ~ _~.i ~ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . - - - _ _ , . ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ _ . . n:. _ : ~p~' ; ~ f ~ , i ~I, ; ; i i'~ j• ~ 4 ~ ~ i ~ i . . ~ IA ~ ; +C. A ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I~: . ~ J _ ~ I` , j ~ i ~ ~ p'~ I-~_ Z~ ~ ~ l~~ ~ ~~R _ _ ~~C~~.. ~'[..~~c , . , ~`l ~ . . . A i. . . . ~ ' . . ~ ~ f'~~ c tr~t.-.1~ S ; + I~ G~ P?~ '1 rt - , ~I v ~ CEEEO ; �City at8a 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 RECEIVED S 2011 2011 COMMERCIAL BUILDING G PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 9/.2 511 , I Site Address: 7170 Pio -f- QocJ, • LL c., 1-401, � Tenant Name: ci cap% to v1 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 1 For Office Use �) Permjit #: / ©e 1 Permit Fee: / 56 ` 0 v Date Received: Staff: 5-5-1,2-/ (Tenant is: New Existing) Suite #: C Former Tenant: ra pia zo. Ho'f c 1 PROPERTY OWNER Name: �c k c< A-,. V -r t.., ,c i S'� Phone: �o57 `I d'--• 2-6 / City / Zip:.2700 C l o i ac," £�,5 c, r- ".4.,,,, 5 5/ 2 1 > Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK f4 n Description of work: '+') Sic l 1 N t t.v /1) 0 t— X , l f %/ 1 o. ssv, Construction Cost: `71% i 9j 0 0 C) CONTRACTOR Name: I;; e f 14 ( S 5- S/I License #: Address: 'S 17o — J � r �., T City: 1.-:, r c i s Ike r e State: .L.. Zip: (&C) to c( Phone: 811 / — 9/r- 5 S 7 f Contact: t 0 c 'ea r"--1 Email: clv o t •^ & F -i t e (S i St-- 3 • Cdr-, ARCHITECT / ENGINEER Name: Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing nevi sewer/water service: Phone #: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City t, conclude that they are trade secrets. cm. pEF9 E,(Qt.I RIG. CaII Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Cali 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aooherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x * T V t DG► r� Applicant's Printed Name x Applicants Signature Page 1 of 3 79j f2,1bf-/<'2eb I. DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE /60k9. SUB TYPES Foundation Apartments Public Facility Commercial / Industrial Lodging Greenhouse / Tent Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Retaining Wall DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review (25% 100%_) Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) 017\4\C Footings (Aed#ien3 Foundation Drain Tile Roof: _Decking Insulation Ice & Water Framing Fireplace: Rough In Air Test Final Insulation Meter Size: Final Final CIO Inspection:nSchedule Fire Marshal to be present: Reviewed By: I v 1 COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality Accessory Building terior Alteration -Apartments v/ Exterior Alteration -Commercial Exterior Alteration -Public Facility Siding _ Demolish Building* Reroof Demolish Interior Windows Demolish Foundation Fire Repair Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers Sheetrock `Final / C.O. Required v Final / No C.O. Required Other: Pool: Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final Siding: Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Yes *"---/No , Building Inspector Reviewed By: Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL , Planning Page 2 of 3 r_ ' V t E D z 4, all /ca SQ l� 585 Bond Street Lincolnshire, IL. 60069 To: Mary Granley From: Steve Born Re: Holiday Inn, Sign Permits Date: 9/1/11 Good morning Mary, Enclosed you will find a check for the permit fees for the new signage to be installed at the Holiday Inn located at 2700 Pilot Road. I have also enclosed the building permit application you had requested for the pylon and all fees for that as well, on one check. Please mail the original copies to Kieffer Signs, Attn: Steve Born at 585 Bond Street, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you need any additional info. Thank you, (\L Steve Born Phone: (847) 415-5712 Fax: (847) 520-1543 sborn@kieffersigns.com 4,111° City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use /032-{ 9, Permit #: / V 3 2- { Permit Fee:�t Date Received: Staff: J 2012 COMMERCIAL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: L/27/12 Site Address: 2700 t'11OT 141\ie RD Tenant: B C Li PA v (N Suite #: PROPE TC ?`WNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OFLN Description of work: Construction Cost* FIRE 4LAutk (I LrKADE '8;600 Estimated Completion Date: CONTRALTO - Name: NL'RrfLA ft) FigC $ SEMI ITY License #: 1 ScO S7 City: A N Address: qcIC LGTV E_ C/41,.:. 'b #1114 ' L� State: M N Zip: :> C ! 2 Phone: (57- DS 7 - g SSS Contact: P)12—ENT (I E.GiLWN P i i) Email: 8WECfLwG2T l Q NQS - MN . COP WOR PES X New Remodel Addition — Other: Alterations DESCRIPTION OF WORK: X Commercial Residential Educational FEES $60.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) $10,010, surcharge surcharge increases Fee requires a $ OR Contract Value $ 1:3;CCC x 1% - If the Permit Fee is less than is $ 5.00 =$ 180 Permit Fee - If the Permit Fee is > $10,010, by $.50 for each $1,000 Permit Fee 5.50 surcharge) = $ J Surcharge (i.e. a $10,010-$11,010 Permit = $ I` iS- TOTAL FEE *Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Alarm permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x R STNT W'ECi(W E (Z T tf Applicant's Printed Name £rtif Utrat/\ b` Applicant's Signature OR F CE USES equired Inspections , Jul. 18. 2012 11:31AM City of Ean 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (851) 875.5675 Fax; (651) 675,5994 N . Use BLUE or BLACK I ►k For Office use Lp DOM Permit #: Permit Fee; To7;" Date Recelveu: " 10 , I Z' Staff, 2012 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications, Data: 113q Site Address: MO D (LDr K I.)b b K b Tenant; RR- t kt is Suite #: PROPERTY OWNER Name: Phone: 1 CONTRACTOR Name: bA 141-4 C 4r\tl[' & License*: Address: T1 NtANilEHE4A. �� h) QST - Phone:_P5t 1444 VAN Email: 1)C 104 g".5 State: Mnl Z;p: 551 3 TYPE OF WORK New _ Replacement _ Repair Rebuild Modify Sp,,ace Description of work: Vee Li) Rsz ME I-Ikkhl AL Q(iink \Ivor r R;Q.W. COMMERCIAL New Construction Modify Space Irrigation System ( yes 1. no) (X RPZ / — ?VB) • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems PERMIT TYPE • Avg. GPM (2" turbo .t.Nuired unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meters Call (651)675-564$ to verity that tests passed prlor_to picking uo meter. Domestic: Size & Type _Flra: 1 Avg. GPM High demand devices? _Yes No Flushom•ters _Yes _Nc COMMERCIAL FEES: $60.00 Minimum (includes $5.00 Siete Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ x 1% = $ (DO, QO Permit Fee Required on ALL new buildings and boulevard Irrigation systems 9 $ Houle Meter Read - If the perm#t Fee is lass than $10,010, the surcharge Is $5.00 $ Me`:er(+) - If the Permt Fig I; > $10,01C, the surcharge Increases by $.50 for each 51,0000 Permit Fee l.e. a 10,010-$1 to00 Permit Fee requires a $5.50 surcharge) $ State ` urcharge Following fees apply when Installing a new lawn irrigation system Contact the City's Engineering Department, (651) 676-5646, for required fee amounts, $ Water r errni, $ Treatment Plant $ Vv"aier Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIQ. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Cali 46 r ,urs before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities, r..o herst r, I hereby acknowledge that this information Is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City o Eagan; that I understand this Is nota permit, but only an appiicaticn for a pem it, and Is no start without a ,emit; that the work WI! be it accordance with the approved pian In the case of work which requires a review and eppro l of 3ians x OAS Iii 5o Applicant's Printed Nsme FOR OFFICE USE x Applicant's Approved By: Ignaturt Required Inspections: , _Under Ground Rough -in _Air Test Gas' Test Fine: l tlatt:- PRV Recttiroa: Yes Nt Page 1 c 2 City orBakau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: h2 7 $ /inic Date Received: Staff: 2013 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: i 2.'3- 13 Site Address: 2700 Pt lot Kn ob Rd • Tenant Name: i-1-01, (d(ty Ink-) C c_ (Tenant is: New / X Existing) Suite #: Former Tenant: Architect/Engineer Name: bin 11d 5pt ILt [ ( Re'l l0 UV Phone: 81-47 '?74 "5(47 (�ghn+ Address/City/Zip: 1450 E. Toothy A4ie. #,24O) Des -Pitt th S i IL boots Applicant is: Owner Contractor Description of work: Tem' 0 f / ge - Construction Cost: 20 t go©.0o rcP Name: 1 ker Wo( ire License #: f �r Jl-22- Address: 2-2-� (} � City: Pa GLI State: 114N Zip: 5511 4 Phone: 161 —25 I - Vci / o Contact: Jaw? Email: J* 1—( ItzI kerr rl� c e ) Name: Registration #: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: Email: Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone #: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be- ublic information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which re ires a review and approval of plans. x JACK[ -6 (2r((1l Applicant's Printed Name x Applic•'( Vs Signature Page 1 of 3 SUB TYPES Foundation ✓ Commercial / Industrial Apartments Miscellaneous WORK TYPES New Addition Alteration Replace Salon Owner Change DESCRIPTION Valuation Plan Review Census Code # of Units # of Buildings Type of Construction 2-� 12.lc)- Knv DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Public Facility Accessory Building Greenhouse / Tent Antennae Interior Improvement Exterior Improvement Repair Water Damage 3a,' 'e / V•/Mt-- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Footings (Deck) Footings (Addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof: _Decking _Insulation Framing Fireplace: Rough In Air Test _Final Insulation Meter Size: Occupancy Code Edition Zoning Stories Square Feet Length Width _Ice & Water Final Final CIO Inspection: Schedule Fire Marshal to be present: Reviewed By: 66r/t, , Building Inspector Reviewed By: Exterior Alteration—Apartments _ Exterior Alteration—Commercial Exterior Alteration—Public Facility Siding _ Demolish Building* Reroof _ Demolish Interior Windows Demolish Foundation Fire Repair Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building — give PCA handout to applicant r•Z zoo 7 wrsg-c MCES System SAC Units City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklers Sheetrock /Final / C.O. Required ✓ Final / No C.O. Required Other: _ Pool: _Footings Air/Gas Tests _Final _ Siding: _Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick Windows Retaining Wall Erosion Control Yes v No Al/4- , Planning COMMERCIAL FEES Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MCES SAC City SAC S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedication Water Quality 4Gt.7S- / S.0 -D D.eb Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Street Lateral Street Water Lateral Other: TOTAL Y46I. 7 Page 2 of 3 44' C!tyofEa&au 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651)675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use r Permit #: C (015 Permit Fee: (00, 49 Date Received: Staff: ce J 2013 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Site Address: t::-/[.0 l to f Ks&o beci L, �`7 i�.11 CcAA.1 Pi/Nein. K - Suite #: Date: IV- (o''t 3 Tenant: Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Description of work: AL, t.Q.,As NSW Construction Cost: 70 Estimated Completion Date: / 2- zo-i.3" Name: at m1i'i11 t rofee•1►` ciA_. License #: t.. ` cols Address: 51 5 ./ L l A.A /4C) City: State: Zip: 5505 Phone: 1/ atbS% fT0 lF/IY - Contact: '+bd1 f !t. Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE prinkler System (# of heads 1/T ) Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE New _ Addition )G Alterations Remodel Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: l0 Commercial _ Residential Educational FEES $55.00 Minimum *If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge Contract Value $ ?0 0 $ Permit Fee = $ 5.00 Surcharge* $ 4:o TOTAL FEE x 1% 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $245.00 _$ =5 Fire Meter TOTAL FEE *Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Buildi, ./Fire Codes; that 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be ' - . rdance with the apprlgved plan in the case of work which requires a reviewand_approval of plans. ` Cot.4L.�. W4Y-i- x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic Trip Conditions of Issuance: Flow Alarm Drain Test Central Station Permit Reviewed by: Date: City of Eaaali 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 RECEIVED JAN 7 9 7016 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use/q Permit #: / 100 / Permit Fee: (2U. `") Date Received: 1 / 3 /i y Staff: 2014 FIRE SUPPRESSION�^SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: I,- aiin `14 Site Address: �I- 7O D P i to f Tenant: \o daki�f�fti Suite #: 1 J Property Owner Name: %Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type Of Work Description of work: IS QP Pio c1 i,,,,,11 -IDwJ Lp0 1,Y�1ni, Construction Cost: ISC.r.) Estimated Completion Date: ASAP Contractor Name:S.I.Mrd\.it. r `V e b1 rc-kl._ License #: 2. ' O'%S Address: 593 reit )t An el -r- Aimo i City: Sr . t, _i State: ...../1/U Zip: 551613 Phone: LQS (- v -S1- l ff c Contact: ' '—x-Cx$iu6'Q Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE ySprinkler System (# of heads (5) Standpipe WORK TYPE New Addition ((_ Fire Pump _ _ Alterations Remodel Other: _ Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Commercial Residential Educational _ FEES $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value $ LSov x .01 = $ SS Permit Fee *If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 **If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value ***If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge x $0.0005 = $ 3 - Surcharge* � /�� = $ (. , ..) -- — TOTAL FEE 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $260.00 • = $ Fire Meter = $ TOTAL FEE 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work isnot to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Applicant's Printed Name xt/41/Le- L r 4191461 — Applicant's Signature /o;/ C!tyofEaaau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 )PLAos1 K#(64333 E EIVE AUG 29 2014 fi BY: 41'f° Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2014 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION* Date: g- �(.-(y Site Address: CT7c00 c); `dr tads Tenant: C9`1 Ci_x' 1 Name: SitkekAjt— Property Owner Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor Description of work: .`e._, NniCktle. 0 Suite #: Phone: Type of Work Construction Cost: / t Estimated Completion Date: Ok 20/ Contractor Name: jMtki fi f"v License #: O S Address: -.593 (r f\f\ erX.. A t&i,,D City: (21" State: zip: 55/63 Phone: !SS asi Iwo Contact: Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE ' I WORK TYPE Sprinkler System (# of headscf ) New_ Addition _ Fire Pump Standpipe Alterations _ Remodel Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: FEES XCommercial _ Residential Educational $55.00 Permit Fee Minimum *If contract value is LESS than $10,010, Surcharge = $5.00 **If contract value is GREATER than $10,010, Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 ***If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter - $260.00 Contract Value $ icy x .01 = $ SS Permit Fee = $ .5 Surcharge* = $ 400 TOTAL FEE = $ Fire Meter =$ TOTAL FEE *Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will bei accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x� ‘cU^ P L. L1/43-elNL(''` Applicant's Printed Name Cif App icant's Signature t-D140(932- 4- a' . va Cor ratd INS ad \od Ccs. c ciS h 40 Cootee-K 4,11 C!tyofEaaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 RECEIVED APR 1 8 2016 03) Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Ude Permit #: Permit Fee: QGCj Date Received: -16° v Staff: 6-6 2016 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Lt"' `—ac Site Address: • Suite #: -1 Property.Owner <, Name: A,►k, Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner (' Contractor �,, C.Ct'_ `1C) Cod e''/ 1�1' e'tZ Cr Type of Work Description of work: A d 1,/ Q t Construction Cost: Ow Estimated Completion Date: Contractor _ Name: Summit Fire ProtectionLicense#: C-075 Address: 575 Minnehaha Ave W City: St. Paul State: MN zip: 55103 Phone: 651-251-1880 Contact: Mat \C 1 ' 1Cv 4 S Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE Sprinkler System (# of heads Standpipe WORK TYPE New _Addition )t. Fire Pump _ yAlterations _ Remodel — _ Other: Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: •Iit Commercial_ Residential _ Educational FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value $ %x .01 Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge $100.00 Residential New (includes State Surcharge) = $ Permit Fee = $ Surcharge _ $ Coo TOTAL FEE 3/4" Fire Meter - $280.00 = $ Fire Meter TOTAL FEE = $ **Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications, cut sheets on materials and components to be use I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. xbL• r Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic Trip Conditions of Issuance` Flow Alarm Pump Test Drain Test , Rough In Central Station L' Final Permit Reviewed by:+ �/ Date: l / ` ` *City of Eapll 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 5 AU61 % 2616 \Gr Use BLUE or BLACK Ink L For Office Uge Permit #: /%Jg? �) Permit Fee: qq- Date Received: Staff: 2016 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: .51 10 1 i Site Address: 027 0-0 V, -a 't Tenant: 1-64 4 I N N Suite #: -J Name: oc-t 04 9 INN •Ae4 Q� Phone: (p$^(^ 45 1'3te.3 y Address / City / Zip: _975O Pit -dT 40,8 Q , nZ bAa , NM'J 5-6-'2' 1 Name: 44l-12.(Ztg titeCE4E}-'CA-L. License#: Address: qac/ (4010 tl' irL_- ee, City: ST P3 -t'c State: y14 to Zip: 3570 2— Phone: 657- 4,1,2" G 3Zrz:7 Contact:-1E1/..C.5C k tt/)r Email: S5ck (Mce14 o) k 0,1CG COM New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: A- DO UNCv" Ta s? ei.&V4-04_ 601- /70001 iunted and ground mounted mechanical equipment is re ase contact the Mechanical Inspector for informationo RESIDENTIAL Furnace Air Conditioner Air Exchanger Heat Pump Other New Construction Install Piping Gas erzscreen Greening me COMMERCIAL Interior Improvement Processed X Exterior HVAC Unit Under/Above ground Tank ( Install / Remove) RESIDENTIAL FEES $60.00 Minimum Add or alteration to an existing unit, includes State Surcharge $100.00 Residential New, includes State Surcharge = $ TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal, includes State Surcharge Surcharge = Contract Value x $0.0005 If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge Contract Value $ 1� x .01 = $ gSco Permit Fee = $ y, 75- Surcharge = $ ?q• 75" TOTAL FEE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. V6i 5a4 hll�r Applicant's Printed Name FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Underground Rough In Gas Service Test loo eenin Dale Schoeppner From: Bjorklund, Gary(DLI) <Gary.Bjorklund@state.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 2:52 PM To: 'lisa.mellen@us.schindler.com'; 'robert.ferrara@us.schindler.com'; Dale Schoeppner; DLI.Elevator.ETrakit Subject: Final Approval for Permit Work at 2700 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION: The ELV ALTERATION permit work has been completed and approved for the following project: Permit Number: ELV1.I:-I - • Project Nam-• -OLIDAY INN CAR 1 Site Locat•n: 2700 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan The Department of Labor and Industry is required to inspect and provide approvals on elevator related devices prior to allowing them to be placed into service. An Inspector from the Elevator Safety Section recently performed an inspection of the work performed under the permit listed at the site above. The alteration is in compliance with the Department rules for elevators. CONSTRUCTION CODES & LICENSING DIVISION Elevator Section 1 Dale Schoeppner From: Bjorklund, Gary(DLI) <gary.bjorklund@state.mn.us> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 12:52 PM To: lisa.mellen@us.schindler.com; robert.ferrara@us.schindler.com; Dale Schoeppner; DLI.EIevator.ETrakit Subject: Final Approval for Permit Work at 2700 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION: The ELV ALTERATION permit work has been completed and approved for the following project: Permit Number - Project Name: own Plaza Car 1 Site Location: 2700 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan The Department of Labor and Industry is required to inspect and provide approvals on elevator related devices prior to allowing them to be placed into service. An Inspector from the Elevator Safety Section recently performed an inspection of the work performed under the permit listed at the site above. The alteration is in compliance with the Department rules for elevators. CONSTRUCTION CODES & LICENSING DIVISION Elevator Section 1 Dale Schoeppner From: Bjorklund, Gary (DLI) <gary.bjorklund@state.mn.us> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 12:50 PM To: lisa.mellen@us.schindler.com; robert.ferrara@us.schindler.com; Dale Schoeppner; DLI.EIevator.ETrakit Subject: Final Approval for Permit Work at 2700 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION: The ELV ALTERATION permit work has been completed and approved for the following project: Permit Number: E -:: - Project Na: e: Crown Plaza Car 2 Site Location: 2700-Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan The Department of Labor and Industry is required to inspect and provide approvals on elevator related devices prior to allowing them to be placed into service. An Inspector from the Elevator Safety Section recently performed an inspection of the work performed under the permit listed at the site above. The alteration is in compliance with the Department rules for elevators. CONSTRUCTION CODES & LICENSING DIVISION Elevator Section 1 Dale Schoeppner From: Bjorklund, Gary (DU) <gary.bjorklund@state.mn.us> Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 12:44 PM To: lisa.mellen@us.schindler.com; robert.ferrara@us.schindler.com; Dale Schoeppner; DU.EIevator.ETrakit Subject: Final Approval for Permit Work at 2700 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION: The ELV ALTERATION permit work has been completed and approved for the following project: Permit Number: ELV1608-00220 Project Nam14Y(::J_NJ11_CAR_22 Site Locaticat: 7QO Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan1'� The Department of Labor and Industry is required to inspect and provide approvals on elevator related devices prior to allowing them to be placed into service. An Inspector from the Elevator Safety Section recently performed an inspection of the work performed under the permit listed at the site above. The alteration is in compliance with the Department rules for elevators. CONSTRUCTION CODES & LICENSING DIVISION Elevator Section 1 CVc Use;BLUE or BLACK Ink � e3//q14.S For Office Use l J U Permit#: 1611-7 /,) 441,P1' City of Eaall Permit Fee: 3830 Pilot Knob Road /� Eagan MN 55122 JAN Date Received: .� ` Phone:(651)675-5675CLU7b Fax:(651)675-5694 Staff: •_'' r J 2017 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: l - t l--1 Site Address: OO V L 10_1- i-1/\0. 2-0ACI Tenant: \\C'7Vk CIAV tk IN, Suite#: Name: Phone: Property Owner Address/City/Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor i Descrtion of work: ri Type of Work p S J �fac-cQ, t.�. Q Construction Cost: /�(� Estimated Completion Date: 3-.30`ye Name: SLI. %*11 `re. ek e,,,t1C .. License#: C. 015 Contractor Address: 515 A0c 1,3 City: Si. *PA i41 State: Zip: SS/03 Phone: LaS C•iSt- `''O Contact: Email: FIRE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE ( Sprinkler System (#of heads L) New X Addition _Fire Pump —Standpipe _Alterations _Remodel Other. Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 0 Commercial Residential Educational $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum Contract Value$ 900 x.01 Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge =$ Permit Fee $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) =$ ' SC) Surcharge $ 60, S 0 TOTAL FEE 3/4"Fire Meter-$290.00 =$ Fire Meter / =$ TOTAL FEE ""Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components to be used I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Applicants Printed Name x • _.'L I, _ ti d Applicant's Signature FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic Flow Alarm Drain Test Rough In Trip Pump Test Central Station Final Conditions of Issuance: Permit Reviewed by: Date: 1 / . 3 ( • r -+ For Office Use S 90?8/ * . •g , , Permit#: /y Qy ' f " E 6 ( N -.00 Permit Fee: / /' Staff:.4. �C 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 NOV 2 0 2019 nt Recvd: _Ye- j, No (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 iAJO Email:buildinginspections ut cityofeaaan.com Pian Electronic Paper Plan Submittal:eplans(5 citvofeagan.com _ — 2019 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION 0 I, d'g CI Please submit two(2)sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set of the submittal submitted via email,CD or flash drive Date: 1t ((el I 1 ci Site Address: 27(3c ' t -CST" ova,. f Tenant: nt-ADA,- ,1 Vot° Suite#: Property Owner Name: Phone: f'-' Name: 1 k - Com—,0\thi car te ?(? tt>rr License#: PC-642 F7 0 Contractor Address: 509 NOL)11?.1 h . et IL City: k)k--- State: Mtn Zip: 5510 7. Phone: 405.(- 602- `o Email: t f -{ tAtll/q°t' COA6^1 Pa t1t� , 0'4'1 New Construction Addition Modify Space Replacement Repair Rebuild Work in Right-Of-Way Description of work: 12-2--Pi--A r I tv:;crtC (A)M./,2 t-}i ci` .[1., u.'i1i4 IJEw QU!'t U Type of Work Irrigation System( yes I no)(_RPZ/_PVB) F�y t � • Rain sensors required on irrigation systems • Avg.GPM (2"turbo required unless smaller size allowed by Public Works) Meter Required-Call Utilities at(651)675-5200 to verity tests passed prior to picking up meter. Domestic:Size&Type Fire: 1 Average GPM High demand devices? Yes No Flushometers_Yes No COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ i4,9$', a') x.015 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $60.00 PVB/RPZ Permit(includes State Surcharge) $ ZZ , 7Z) Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 $ 7 r 49 Surcharge If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call City for Surcharge $ ,? 3 2.. I 9 TOTAL FEE The following fees may apply when installing a new lawn irrigation system or $ Water Permit connecting a new water service. $ Treatment Plant Contact the City's Engineering Department,(651)675-5646,for required fee amounts. $ Meter Fee $ Radio Read $ State Surcharge =$ .2 S`2--• 1 CI TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www,cityofeacian.com/subscrIbe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. i hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. _-,,,.,.-----"'"'�' �,. . r Applicant's Printed Name (Apitt;T i s Signature Page 1 of 4 • FOR OFFICE USE Approved By: �J Date:t 1 C� Required Inspections: Under Ground Rough-In Air Test Gas Test Final PRV Required: Yes No Meter Related Items: Meter Size Radio Read Manometer Staff: Page 2of4