2781 Pilot Knob Rd? • . CASH RECEIPT 0 CITY OF• EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 ? Y DATE ? 19 RiCt1VtD ! ?' ? f, .. /`/f.•-.--0 FROM / . ??.? -fi'= .r(•i . AMOUNT $ & DOLLAR$ 1 oo Q CASM CHECK PO R G?- ?;,??/ RUND COOE AMOUNT 3 'U ?z.?' 2. Thank You ? , BY ... 65481 White-Payers Copy Yellow-Posting CopY Pink-File Copy CITY OF EAGAN 9562 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 4548100 , Re ceipt Te be wnd fe. DECK Est ValUe $3, 200 Da te OCTOBER 319 84 Site Ad rea 2781 P ILOT I KNOB RD Erect L* Occupancy r1 Lot Block Sec/S ub. SECT Remodel ? Zoning Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const. V Enlarge ? No. Stories A. J. DRENC KHAHN Move ? Lenqth W ? NaFne Address SAMF Demolish ? Depth City Phon _ Grade e ? Sq. Ft. A Name SAME 8u Address ? City Phone Address City _ Phone I hereby ocknowfedge thct I have reod this fhe informotion is correct and cgree to u Stote of Minnesoto Statutes ond "ty of I Siflnnture of Permittee /1 Buildiny Permir Is issued to A. J. oll work sholl be done in xcordonce -wlth, c Bulldinp Oifidal and state thof all opplicable Approvala Fees Assessment Water 8 Sew. Police Fire Eng• Plonner Council Bidg. Off. APC Var. Date Permit ?'*`} • Du Surcharpt 2.00 Plun check SAC Wcter Conn. Wcter Meter Rood Unit Parks Total $46.50 on tfis express tondiNon thot esota Statutes ond Gty of Eopan Ordinances. Permit No. Permit Holder Date Plumbing H.V.A.C. Electrie Softaner Irtspeetion Date Insp. Other Footinys ICla,?% v F ou ndation Framing Rough Plbg. Rough HVAC Inwlation Final Plbg. Final HVAC Final Cert/Ox. Water Describe Location: Wel I Sewar Pr. Disp. i?--) (".gy 1. Date 2. Insta 3. JobAddress?"?l 4. Owner i PERMIT Permit No. EAGAN Fft ered spaces S/C : - ntlegib/y T c ? ot > on Cost ' () - t Blk. ? Traet_? ' 5 5. Contractor Phone ' " ?/ 6. Address 1- 7. CitY " State I " , zip 8. BuildingType: Residential ? Commercial)p Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add ?M Alterlff? Reoair ? 1 10. Describe 1 11. No. i 1 I ? ? I < I Urinal/eidet pth Laundry Tray er Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets E 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : ' _ ' ' ? ? • !?? ? for Rough F in Inspections: Date //•Z195' Insp.? -}? Date )nsp. -'?f? This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved _ l4 CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks W-Kee x?s . Addition Section 4 Lot 2 aik 3 Parcel 10 00400 020 03 Owner A)+a StreetA7?? f'%?/='f'?r/? ^ t6 A-:y S_?/,21 State EAGAN MN 55121 Qa,S? sh e V?Y - 1 s' ;0-2- - c. Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF, 1984 922.96 92.30 10 C008381 8-11-83 STREET RESTOR. GRADI NG SAN SEW TRUNK ?Jb 1968 $100.00 $3. 33 30 53.38 A010 53 - 1 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN • WATER LATERAL WATER p? ,Lci 1970 392 , 00 19. 60 20 15 . 0 A010 53 - 1 Z I -s STORM 5EW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK ? A° ff 3? - °? ?9a oe CITY OF EAGAN Remarks - `?•??--y ??+5 Addition Section 4 Lot 3 BIk 2 Parcel 10 00400 030 02 EAGAN MQ+i 55121 Owner Street State r 1';y"" ' .?•, *? ?:I /! / i !__ 1a.,.. ,/.. /1 ! _ 7-7'411 r (1- Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date ' STREET SURF, STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL ? WATERMA I N WATER LATERAL ? WATER AREA 43 162.0-- _?--- ' STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT il CURB & GUTTER ? SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ,, . WATER CONN. ` ' BUILDING PER. ? SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Rwd P. O. Box 21199 Esgan, MN 55121 Zor?inp: - OwMr. _ Address: Site /1dd: Plumber. sEWO sOvECE PERM PERMIT NO.: C.',TE: No, of Units: !:P_ .'1:1 1 ym te "w* wMr tM Glfr ef Mfp¦ OrdlMeam By Date of Insp.: Conrnction Q+orOa: Aooount Depodf: . Pemdt Fw: Surrlaroo: Misc. ClarOss: Totai: DoM Pald: ClTY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P O Box 21-199 Eagan MN 55121 Assessmenr Water 8 Sew. Police Fira Erg. Planner Councfl Bldg. Off. APC Var. Date PHONE: 4548100 BUILDING PERMIT 46 . • I eec eipt Te M uwd for DECK Est. Value $3,200 Date OCTOBER 3_ 19 84 SiteAddress 2781 PILOT KNOB RD Erect EX Occupancy M Lot 2 81ock 3 ?ec/Sub. SECT 4 Remodel ? Zoning Parcel No. Repair ? Type af Const. V Enlarge ? No. Stories W N,ma A-J. DRENCKHAHN nnove ? Lenyth I ? Address SAME Demolish ? Depth 452-6724 Grade ? Sq. Ft. City Phone o SAME Name Z ?u Addresa § f- City Phone Name Atldress City Phone ( hereby ockrwwtedge that I hove read this opplicotion ond state that the inlormation is correQ and a9ree to comply with oll applicable Stote of Minnesota Statutes and ity of Ea an Ordt a nce Sipneturc of Permittea A Building Permit Is issued to: A• J. DRENCKHAHN • cll work sholl be done in occordonce ith,cl ooolimble'gtji?e o1 Mir N° 9562 Permit ;?44.7U Surthurga z • 00 Plon check SAC Wofer Conn. Water Me1er Rood Unit Parks Total $46.50 an the express conditlon iha+ $tatutes ond City af Eogan Ordinoncea. Bulldirq Offlcioi BUILDING- PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY' OF' EAGAN- I'i ,aN ALL CONTRACTORS MUST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN ??..- To Be Used Eor: 12 eC l? Site Address: C]'? Lot:? Block:3 Sect/Sub:? Parcel #: INCLUDE Q SETS OF PLANS, 0 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY ? SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS Valuation: 3?;?00 Date: /O • r*1231114 Owner: /? , .T ' ??L"i1?C?L??fI'/? Address: 4 lD / / City/Zip Code:?? ? j'?, + (ag??? Phone # : Z ? 7 'L Y Contractor: ?,? ?2-sd ty? "y?' n Address: City/Zip Code:_??6_4nj Phone #= Arch./Eng: Address: City/Zip Code: nr.,,,,o* - Erect: 1-? Occupancy: Remodel: Zoning: Repair: Type Of Const: ]Z. Enlarge: # Stories: Move: Length: Demolish: Depth: Grade: _ Sq. Ft.: Assessments: Permit: 41. c Water/Sewer: _ Surcharge: ?°° Police: Plan Rev.: Fire: SAC: Engr.: Water Conn: Planner: Water Meter Council: Road IInit: Bldg. Off.: Parks_ APC- Variance: ? ?Y EAGAN TOlNN S H I P BUILDING PERMIT owne: J, A-S tt °------......_-'--'--'°---?_ ....... ...........`----...------...-----------._. 99s S? ?r rFe? .?-?? Address (Preseni) -"`----..................................................... Buildes ------ ./.'..:?eV- -.--....-----'-------......_..._......------...----- -- Address ...................... ............................................. ---------- ---------..-- DESCRIPTION N° 1463 Eagan Township Town Hall Dale ............. ...--- SYories To Be Used For Froai DepYh Heighf Esf. Cosi Permif Fee Remarks ?., Uc ,Gt O??f_ R r / 7 .3S- LOCATION Siree , Road or olher Descripfion of Locafion Lo! Slock ? Addilion or Trae1 - -- ? I-- A7 This permii does noi aulhosize the use of slreets, roads, alleys or sidewalks aor does if give the owner or his agenY the sigh! !o ereafe any siluafion which is a nuisanee or which presenls a haaard !o the heallh, safeiy, convenienee aad general welfare fo anyone in the communiLp. TFIIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT N T/HE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. ? This is !o eeriifY' ? ihal---- .. ? • ?'?`? ?----i - ........ has permsssioa !o erect a._.......? -----°°-°° - °° .- °-°.°--- .. upoa the above desexibed premise sub ec! fo the provisions of the Suilding Ordinanee for Ea'gan Tows ip opied Apzil 11. 1955. ...."_" ..............."""' '..." """"_............""""a ........G,. . ....'" " _...._...._ Per .____ ?f!-?±:.4?_.....----...._..'" =..... L - '.-•-----------..... Chairman of Tnwn Board l Building Inspecfos 0. 3 MESSAGE CONFIRMATION 11i07i00 16:11 ID=EFIGRN ENG+COM DEU N0. MODE BOX GROUP 807 TX DRTEtTIME TIME DISTRNT STRTION ID PRGES RESULT ERROR PRGES S.CODE 11i07 16:10 00'57" SEVERSON 004i004 OK 0000 id FAX 7FtANSMITTAL 3830 PIL,OT KNOg RQAD EAGAN, MiNNESO7A 55122 city of eagaR 7'O: FAX #: AT'fEM'ION: CONIPANY: DRTE: II ' :z - 00 TME: 3 ' Oa # OF PAGFS INCI.UDING COVER .?_ FROm: PHOtVE #: Cn Fi 1- (? S 1- +? (0 7? ? ?17aJa cx,7? FAXAt: 65168 Comments• These are being transmitted as cLecked helow: Far approval For your use Originals forwarded city oF eagen PATRICIA E. AWADA Mayo( November 2, 2000 Baerbel McNally 2781 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55121 Re: Temporary Certiricate of Occupancy Lot 1 Block 1 McNally 444?*a Deaz Mrs. McNally: r ? " 1D1" Id' 6A), We aze sending you a reminder that your Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Collectors Paradise will expire as of November 14, 2000. As indicated on the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, we will need the following ilbi pleted by the above- mentioned date: s com ,t.n I W'C • 1. Remove existing building W t e11" Q- 2. Complete parking lot and final grading/landscaping 4n CL V\,? 3. Add address numbers .y ' 4. Accessory toilet room signage 'f Y(?..(1 0.0 5. Add a 45 degree copper fitting to the pressure relief outlet at elasS S dr'??e?eyic?eti•ablt ur+?;I SP???, Lo?l? If you have any questions regazding the above requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-681-4675. Thank you. Sincerely, J. Craig Novaczyk Building Inspector , JCN/Id MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55172-I B97 PMONE: (651) 6814600 fAX (651)68I-4612 iD0'(A51) 454-Bra75 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOI OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNITV Equal Opportunity Employer W W W.CI}YOf6dgdfl.COT PAULBAKKEN BEA BLOMQUIST PEGGY A. CARLSON SANDRA A MASIN CounCd Member5 THOMA$ HEDGES Ciry Atlmirostroror ? FYX MAINTENANCE FACILIiV 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE. (651) 681 -4J00 FAX: (651) 681.4360 TDD:(651)454-8575 ? - ------- - --------- --- --- --- ---- --- - - - - - - - -- --- - - -- -- - - ---- -- _i t:.?. _.? ... ... . . ...: . :. ._? . _• .? • ?? -:.. . _? ? ? _. ... . .. _ .. . . . . . _. _.... . . __ .. .. . .._ _ _y ------- . .? - -- --- -- -- ----- --- - - . - _.:. - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - --- - --_-- - - - - - ... . . . _ . .._.?.. ..._._......__? ... ... . .. . . . . .... . ... . . . ... . . . ? '?.I . .. .. . . ... . ? EA039740-0 l ! TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I, I !?? I , ' i Business Name Collectors Paradise Occupancy Group M Construction Type V-N Owner Address 2781 PILOT KNOB RD Il.: ?I'ti BuildingOwner BAERBEL CMCNALLY li''1i !; Building Address 2781 Pilot Knob Rd EAGAN MN 55121 Zoning Roadside Business (Commercial) Permission is Izerebygranted ta occupy the above described premises on a temporary basis, caripleting urid correcting any and all noted discrepaizcies, on or before:WW"D4-- ?.- -? ij Failure to comply shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by law. REQUIREMENTS: 1-Remove existing building 2-Complete parking lot and final grading / landscaping 3-Submit revised bracing plan for southwest corner of attic (signed by a ceRified structural engineer) 4-Add address numbers 5-Access.toilet room signage/45 degree copper fitting/pressure relief outlct subject to S p o Issued Date --°?-_ - - -- City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection Pemiit Number EA039740 ? Date 11/7/2000 Page 1 Permit Inspections Entry Comments [dentification: EA039740 - 2781 Pilot Knob Rd Comments: 1. Remove existing building 2. Comple[e Parking Lot and Final Grading and landscapiug 3. Submit revised bracing plan for SW comer of attic (signed by certified 4. Add address numbers 5. Add accessible toilet room signage 6. Add 45 degree copper fitting & pressure relief outlet CN . ..J rtMoxArmtrM TO: Tom Hedges, City Administrator ?Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works? FROM: Annette Margarit DATE: September 13, 1993 RE: Aziz Ansari Our File No. 206-11672 'TtP 15 1993 1v-0 0 1{00 - 030-02 Mr. Aziz Ansari, owner of Wundexbar Gifts located at 2781 Pilot_Knoiiy Road contacted Tom Colbert in mid-1992 concerning two trees that were recently planted by Mr. Ansari's next door neighbor. Mr. Ansari claims the trees obstruct the visibility of the sign for his store. Tom Colbert responded to Mr. Ansari's complaint by sending a letter to the tree owner demanding removal of the trees. Attached please find a copy of a drawi.-Aig ;?rapared by Bruce Allen, showing the location of the gift shap 8ign and the location of the two trees. According to Tom Colbert°s lekter, the location of the trees violates Section 7.08, Subd. l.D.i, which prohibits trees from being planted within ten feet horizontally of any utility line. On August 31, 1993, I drove up and down Pilot Knob Road several times to observe how much the trees interfered with viewing the sign. At this point, the height and fullness of the trees do not hide the upper part of the sign which is red in color. As the trees grow taller, they may do so. One of the trees, a pine tree, appears to be rather brown and not very healthy. Neither tree is particularly full. The trees are several feet to the west of the trail along Pilot Knob Road. Mr. Ansari has made repeated requests to the City that the City enforce its Code Section 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1., to enforce the removal of the trees. I believe the City may have a great deal of legal difficulty in doing so as the City would have to defend allegations (1) of discriminatory enforcement; and (2) that removing the trees would serve no public purpose as required for a valid ordinance. RATIONALE I. The Citv of Eaaan has affirmativelv avoided removina trees in the past- The ordinance at issue, 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1, provides as follows: D. The placement of streets rights of following City stan 1. Trees shall horizontally, driveway, or sidewalk. trees way iards: not of withi and shall be any n fou shrubs in public places, and be in compliance with the planted within ten feet, sewer line, water line or r feet of any public trail or Tom Colbert has told me that the City has not removed a tree under 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1. since the adoption of the ordinance on July 10, 1990. Presumably the ordinance would only apply to trees planted after the adoption of the ordinance. Mr. Colbert said that the City has always tried to work with the tree owner if a tree was found to be an obstruction for a utility line. At times, City staff have asked property owners to let the City approach the line at some other spot along the property so that the City could preserve the tree, which presumably violates the ordinance. Additionally, I spoke to Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities, regarding enforcement of the ordinance. He also stated the City does not remove trees unless it is necessary to protect the utility line. Importantly, he said the City permits planting of trees on top of the utility line in new developments so lonq as the tree is of a type that has shallow roots. The Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution protects persons accused of an ordinance violation from intentional discrimination in enforcement. See State v. Vadnais, 295 Minn. 17, 202 N.W.2d 657, 659 (1972). The Minnesota Supreme Court in Vadnais, however, distinguished between inaction and intentional discrimination: "A conscious exercise of some select activity in enforcement, based on a rational exercise of police or prosecutorial discretion or a mere laxity in enforcement, does not itself establish a constitutional violation." Id. at 659. The Court, however, continued to say: "An intentional or deliberate * * not to enforce penal violators expressly included regulation does, in our vie, the constitutional guarantee laws." decision by public officials * regulations against a class of within the terms of such penal a, * * * constitute a denial of of equal protection of the -2- Id. Eagan has affirmatively chosen to not prosecute persons who have violated the express 10-foot prohibition of the ordinance and even permits trees to be planted on the utility lines. The City has not merely been lax in enforcement but has chosen to allow violations as long as the violating trees do not harm the utility lines. Issuing a citation for violation of Section 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1 in this case would single out the tree owner for prosecution when other known violators are not prosecuted. Pursuant to Vadnais, the City's past enforcement practice and interpretation of this ordinance will make prosecuting the improper planting of these two trees difficult. II The City's practice of enforcing the ordinance only when there is a problem with the line is supported by the minutes for the July 10, 1990, City Council meeting during which the ordinance was adopted. At that time City Administrator Hedges informed the Council that the ordinance grew out of community concern for landscaping of boulevards. Specifically the residents of Fairway Hills had concerns about the overabundance of concrete remaining after the upgrade of Pilot Knob and Cliff Road. The ordinance provided a change from previous City policy in that it permits people to plant trees along the boulevard. Section 7.08, Subd. 1, Paragraph D.I. appears to serve the purpose of preserving the City's ability to maintain its utility lines. The remainder of Paragraph D. discusses other requirements for the placement of trees which deal with such items as distance from gas lines and electric lines; number of feet back from the curb or sidewalk; and preventing trees and shrubbery from harming the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Trees and shrubs cannot be planted to "block the visibility of any regulatory, warning, or street identification sign, or block the illumination of street lights." The placement requirements have the obvious public purposes of safety. Wayne Schwanz is familiar with the trees complained of by Mr. Ansari. He understands the pine tree has shallow roots and will not present a problem to the line. He is unsure what may result from the linden tree. Mr. Schwanz is of the opinion that the trees do no harm to the line so he sees no reason to remove them. -3- .. .. The focus of 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1 is to enable general public use of the trail, roadway, and utility lines. The sole purpose of requiring removal of these two trees which do not interfere with public uses would be to enable a private person's sign to be more visible. Removal of the trees would not be for a public purpose. This raises a question as to the validity of the ordinance as applied to this situation. The ordinance may lbe overbroad, requiring the loss of private property unnecessarily. An ordinance must bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety, morals or general welfare. Countv of Freeborn v. Claussen, 295, Minn. 96, 203 N.W.2d 323, 326 (1972). An ordinance must "tend to accomplish the purpose of its adontion." Fairmont Foods Co. v. Citv of Duluth, 260 Minn. 323; 110 N.W.2d 155, 157 (1961). Enforcement of Section 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1. requiring removal of these two trees would bear no relationship to health, safety or welfare concerns nor accomplish the purpose of the ordinance. Enforcement is not likely to be upheld by a court. AM+i/wkt cc: James F. Sheldon, City Attorney 1The ordinance in the future by as to interfere ? Bruce Allen told with "modern" pipes could perhaps be amended to avoid this problem prohibiting trees from being planted in such a way aith any sewer line, water line or driveway, etc. me that roots of trees generally are not a problem as the pipes are so deep. -4- ! r^ ??'?'s k city oF eagan PATRICIA E AWADA M January 5, 2001 ;ryor PAUL BAKY.EA' , rsccY r..aacsoN Mr. Glen Jorgensen MN Dept of Transportation CYNnEE rIeLns Office of Motor Carrier Services MF,C;TILLEY MailStop420 Coui,cil Mer„len 1110 Centre Pounte Curve Mendota Heights MNI 55118 lIiOMAS HF.DGES RE; OTTING HOUSE MOVERS (:iry A"imsvaror Dear Mr. Jorgenseu: Otting House Movers was contacted by our Inspections Department on December 28"', M,,,,;c;pal Ce„ter: 2600 and was requested that they obtain a permit from the City of Eagan to move a structure located at 2781 Pilot Knob Road. Tlus contact was made after seeing the 3830 Pilot Knob Ruad structure being prepared for transport by Otting House Movers. Eagan. .'vIN 55122-I897 Phone: 651.681.4600 On January 4, 2001 we discovered that the structure was moved out of Eagan without a Faz: 651.681.4612 Permit being applied for oz secured Uuough the City of Eagan. Enclosed you will fiud copies of correspondence from your office in 1997 regazdiiig a similar occwn'ence. 'TDD: 651.454.8535 If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 651-681- Maincenance Fnciliry: 4699. 3501 Coademan Point S'131CCfElY, Eagan. MN 55122 Phonc: 651 681.4300 bi Fu: 651 681.4360 Dale Schoeppne 'r' Assistant Building Official 7'DD: 651.454.8535 DS/ld www.ciryoFexgan.com ec: Doug Reid, Chief 8uilding Official Brian & Baerbel McNally, Collector's Paradise, 2781 Pilot KnoU Road, Eagan MN 55121 Otting House Movers, 11640 E. 375" Sheet, Lakeville MN 55044 THELONEOAKTREE 7'he rymbol aFstrength yid growth in our communiry Y' 9 0 F ? i ? ?rOF TPV rJlinnesota Department ot Transportation Office of Motor Carrier Services M,CII JiJp QZO 1110 Cenire Poirne Curve IJ?enoola Heiants MIJ 55118 August 20, 1997 William Ottutg dba! Otting House Movers 11640 E. 275th Street Lakeville, MN 55044 Deat Mr. Otting: Certified Mail # 612i405-6060 Fax 6121405-6082 TDD 612/405-6072 3-9 (5') 7 Retum Receipt Requested We recently received a complaint against Otting House Movers, for moving three houses from Eagan without having previously puchased/obtained the necessary local permits from the City of Eagan prior to the move. Subsequent to the complaint, you sent a response letter along with a check for the permits to the City of Eagan (after the moves had taken place). On July 17, 1996, I sent you a waming letter for a sunilar occurance involving a house you moved from Plymouth Road in lvfinnetonka....... ithout having obtained the necessary local pemuts prior to the move. Minnesota Statute 221.81 Subd. 4 states that The commissioner, after notice and a hearing, may revoke, suspend, or deny a license for failure to obtain or comply with required locat moving pernuts or permits required by section 169.86. In addition, Minnesota Statute 221.84 Subd. 3(c) states that "A pemut for the movement of a building may not be granted to a building mover who does not possess a current license issued by the commissioner." This means that if the commissioner suspends or revokes your license, you will not even be able to purchase moving pernuts from City or State authorities. This is your final warning. This office will pursue the suspension and/or revocation of your Building House Mover license issued to you by this office for future similar violations. If you have any questions concerning this matter, or if this letter is not cleaz, please feel free to contact our office. Sincerely, r" Glefi'Jor , T Compl t cc: Dale Schoeppner - City of Eagan An equal opportunity employer 7 K *dtV oF eegan a-7 1/ 14-14 " PATRICIA E. AWADA Mayor November 2, 2000 Baerbel McNally 2781 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55121 Re: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy I,ot 1 Block 1 McNally ' Deaz Mrs. McNally: PAULBAKKEN BEA BLOMQUIST PEGGV A. CARISON SANDRA A MASIN COUnGI Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Atlminisirator We are sending you a reminder that your Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Collectors Paradise will expire as of November 14, 2000. As indicated on the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, we will need the following items completed by the above- mentioned date: 1. Remove existing building 2. Complete parking lot and final grading/landscaping 3. Add address numbers 4. Accessory toilet room signage 5. Add a 45 degree copper fitting to the pressure relief outlet If you have any questions regazding the above requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-681-4675. Thank you. Sincerely, J. Craig Novaczyk Building Inspector JCN/Id MUNIqPAL CENTER 3930 PIIOi KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (651) 681-4600 FAX.(651)681-4612 TDD' (651) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity Employer www.cityofeagan.com MAINiENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POIM EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE (651) 681-4300 FAX: (651) 681-4360 TDD.(651)d54-8535 EA039740-01 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection Business Name Collectors Paradise Permit Number EA039740 Occupancy Group Building Owner BAERBEL C MCNALLY Zoning Roadside Business (Commercial) Building Address 2781 pilot Knob Rd i 1, ,?i ? Permission is hereby granted to occupy the above described premises on a temporary basis, subject to completing and correcting any and all noted discrepancies, on or befo ?lE6962?-:--:_?? _J Failure to comply shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by law. REQUIREMENT5: I-Remove existing building 2-Complete parking lot and final grading / landscaping 3-Submit revised bracing plan for southwest corner of attic (signed by a certified structural engineer) 4-Add address numbers 5-Access.toilet room signage/45 degree copper fitting/pressure relief outlet Building Offcial. Issued Date Construction Type V-N Owner Address 2781 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55121 ,.,. . ? r'ollectors `06? aradise Gifts & Collectibles 28 November, 2000 5haron K. Hills Severson, Sheldon, Dougherty & Molenda P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124-7580 RE: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Lot 1, Block 1, Mc Nally Addition File No. 206-18369 REF. Your Letter dtd. 8 Nov., 2000 Dear Ms. Hill; I'm writing this letter in response to your letter dated 8 November, 2000. Per your letter listing non-compliance's for the subject Temporary Certificate of Occupancy I am providing you with the following information; L Item 3, (Your letter) 12 in. high address numbers have been attached on two sides (East & North ) of the building; 2. Item 4, (Your letter) Handicap type signs have been attached, per regulations, near each toilet room; 3. Item 5, (Your letter) A 45 degree fitting has been attached to pressure relief outlet, per instructions of inspector. In regards to Items 1 and 2, we have contracted with Otting House Movers of Lakeville, MN to move the existing (old) building. On 21 November Mr. Biil Otting suffered a heart attack was hospitalized and is currenUy under a doctors care. At this time he has not provided us with a new date for moving the building. Gordon R. Frederickson Excavating of Savage, MN is our excavator and has assured us that he can complete the removal of foundation and base concrete and fill and compact the hole, as soon as the building is removed. They will also grade and prep the parking area in preparation for black topping. Our Black top contractor is Johnson's Richfield Blacktop of Burnsville, MN. We have been informed that we are near the end of the season and black top mix may not be available in December. Availability is based upon weather conditions, primarily low ` temperatures. 2781 Pilot Knob Road • Eagan, MN. 55121-1119 •(651) 454-2156 Fax: (651) 4549696 We have taken the backup position of contacting a number of other people in the construction and moving business in an attempt to get a contractor to remove the building and we are anticipating replies in the near future. As for now, Otting remains ow contractor and until he can provide us with infortnation as to his date of return to work, we are at a stalemate. Should the city inspectors office have any suggestions, we would certainly review their applicability. We are not pleased with the cunent situation and are hoping for a speedy resolution to our problem. Should you have any questions please contact us at (651) 454-2156 or by FAX at (651) 454-9696, or at the address listed below. Respectively yows, )e?? P ?? Brian& Baerbel Mc Nally Collectors Paradise cc: Doug Reid 3. Craig Novaczyk ,P?.? c??. I , ? Oc.? ? ?ker?'4+ lk?k LARRY S. SEVERSON MICHAEL G. DOUGHERTY* MICHAEL E_ MOLENDA$ LOREN M. SOLFEST'$ CHARLESC.HALBERG SHARON K. HILLS ROBERT B. BAIJER CHRISTOPHER A. GROVE Novem6er 8, 2000 Baerbel McNally 2781 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55121 7'ELEFAX NUMBER 432-3780 RE: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Lot l, Block 1, McNally Our File No. 206-18369 Dear Ms. McNally: OFCOUNSEL 1pME5 F SHELDON I write as the Eagan City Attorney responsible for prosecuting Eagan City Code violations. The Eagan Inspections Department has informed me that the conditions upon which the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the above-referenced property have not been met. Specifically, it is my understanding that the following items must be completed by December 1, 2000: 1) Removal ofthe existing building; 2) Complete parking lot and final grading/landscaping. The driveway surface may consist of Class 5 until Spring 2001; 3) Add address numbers; 4) Accessory toilet room signage; and 5) Add a 45° copper fitting to the pressure relief outlet. Please be advised that if the above-listed conditions of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy aze not satisfied by December 1, 2000, our office will proceed with the appropriate legal action to obtain compliance with the City Code. SEVERSONg SHELDON, DOUGHERTY & MOLENDA9 P.A. A PROf'ESSIONAL ASSOCIATION AITORNEYS AT LAW SLJITE 600 7300 WEST 147TH STREET pppLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55I24-7580 (952) 432-3136 TERRENCE A. MERRITT` HENRY SCHULTEIS STACI L.1-IERR SUSAN L. MORROW RICHARD G. STULZ INDNIDUAL ATTORNEYS ALSO LICENSED llJ IOWA AND N'ISCONSIN $QUALIFIED NEUTRAL UNDER RULF 114 OF THE MINNESOTA GENF,RAL RULFS OF PBACTICE zCERTIFIF.D REAL PROPERTY LAw SPECIALIST, MS9A a ?n November 8, 2000 Page 2 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Resp t ly yours, - Sharon K. Hills Eagan City Attorney SKH/lak cc: ci Douglas Reid Craig Novaczyk TO: KENT THERKELSEN,CHIEF OFPOLICE JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CTPY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/5TREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pilot Knob Rd L2, B3. Section #4 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please retum this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No pazk dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Signature ZONING? Date CU/FOAMS/PLAN REVIEW CRAIG N i TO: KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE JAMIE VERBROGGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLICWORKS/ENGWEERINGDIVLSIONlUTILTTIES/STREETS , CENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SIIPERVISOR OF FORESTRY - ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR DnTE: NOVEMBER 5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pilot Knob Rd L2. B3. Section #4 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building pemut: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No 0 Yes ? No landscape security required water quality dedication pazk dedication trail dedication ttee dedication Sigo ure Date ZONING? ,2- /8-00 CD/FORMS/PLAN REV(EW CRAIG N Please return this form to Dale Sc6oenpner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building pernut be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. , r-6? TO: KENT THERKELSEN, CH[EF OF POLICE JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DNISION NTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR NIIKE RIDLEY, SEN[OR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDWG INSPECTOR nn'rE: NOVEMBER 5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pilot Knob Rd L2. B3. Section #4 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoepaner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and no6fy and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: ? Indicate any fe s thae collected with the building pdrmit: v Yes ? Yes ? Yes ? Yes 0 Yes AMOUNT ? No landscape security required ZO N I N G?? No water quality dedication ? No pazk dedication ?I No trail dedicarion ? No tree dedication ?Y ?No , ? Signature Date CD/FORMS/PLAN REVIEW CRAIG N TO: KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POL[CE JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIItECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR nn'rE: NOVEMBER 5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REV[EW: 2781 Pilot Kno6 Rd L2, B3. Section #4 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Do%_ u11 l?v ?-, A v r9 p.i o-)a P`/. 735 dj .e, (1'1S/ Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Signa?ure ,? CD/F02MS/PLAN REVIEW CRAIGN / ZONiNG? 11- IS-1a Date ? TO: KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POL[CE JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASS[STANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FiNANCE DIRECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY - ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR Da'rE: NOVEMBER 5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pilot Knob Rd L2. B3. Section #4 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with yout signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building pertnit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No pazk dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication 0Yes 0 N ? Signature ZONING? - ?/ Date CD/FORMS/PLAN REVIEW CRAIG N TO: KBNT TFIERKEL5EN, CHIEF OE POLICE JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL ? PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bi11 Adams { ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBL[C WORKS/ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ER[C MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR Dn'rE: NOVEMBER 5, 1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pilot Knob Rd L2, B3, Section #4 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please retum this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No landscape security required watex quality dedicarion pazk dedication trail dedication tree dedication ZONING? ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? No Signature Date CD/FORMS/PLAN REVIEW CRAIGN TO: KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE JAMIE VERBRUGGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIItE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKSJ ENGINEERING DIVISION /UTiLI'PIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINANCE DIRECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER , GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY l ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR DATE: NOVEMBER 5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pi1ot Knob Rd L2, B3, Section 44 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes No , I ZONING? Signature Date CD/FOItMS/PLAN AEVIEW •_! ? A'Metrogyolxtan Council ? Wc?rking for t? Kegrurr, Ylar7ninq for the t;uture Envirmnmentart Sei-nfces augusc 20, 1999 Dale Scltoeppner Building Official City ofL:agaii 3830 Pilot Knob Raatl Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Schaepprier: 1'he Metropalitan Councii Environmental Set vices Division has determined SAC for the Collectors Paradise to be locttted at 2781 Pilot Knob Road withi:i the ('ity n£Eagan_ This project shauld Ue charbed no additiona[ SAC Units, as determined heIow. SAC L7nits Charges: RetRil 3000 sq. tt. (a; 3000 sq. ft.iSAC Unit Credits: Itetail 2690 sq, ft @ 3000 sq. ft./SAC ITtiit 7fyou have 1ny questions, citll me at 602-1113. Sincerely, ?? Jodi?L. L'.t{warcls Staff Spccinlist Municipal Services Section Jffi: (330) 99Oft2()S7 1.00 -- A20-- Idei Charge: 0.14 nr 0 cc: S. Sclby, MCF..S Carolyn ICrech, Financ;c llepar[meqt, Eagan I3aer6et McNalty, Cottectors Paradise ("ollectors `N&? aradise Gifts & Collectibles 28 November. 2000 Sharon K. Hills Severson, Sheldon, Dougherty & Molenda P.A. 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 600 Apple Valley, MN 55124-7580 RE: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Lot 1, Block 1, Mc Nally Addition File No. 206-18369 REF. Your Letter dtd. 8 Nov., 2000 Dear Ms. Hill; I'm writing this letter in response to your letter dated 8 November, 2000. Per your letter listing non-compliance's for the subject Temporary Certificate of Occupancy I am providing you with the following information; 1. Item 3, (Your letter) 12 in. high address numbers have been attached on two sides (East & North ) of the building; 2: Item 4, (Your letter) Handicap type signs have been attached, per regulations, near each toilet room; 3. Item 5, (Your letter) A 45 degree fitting has been attached to pressure relief outlet, per instructions of inspector. In regards to Items 1 and 2, we have contracted with Otting House Movers of L,akeville, MN to move the existing (old) building. On 21 November Mr. Bill Otting suffered a heart attack was hospitalized and is currently under a doctors care. At this time he has not provided us with a new date for moving the building. Gordon R. Frederickson Excauating of Savage, MN is our excavator and has assured us that he can complete the removal of foundation and base concrete and fill and compact the hole, as soon as the building is removed. They will also grade and prep the parking area in preparation for black topping. Our Black top contractor is Johnson's Richfield Blacktop of Burnsville, MN. We have been informed that we are near the end of the season and black top mix may not be available in December. Availability is based upon weather conditions, primarily low temperatures. 2781 Pilot Knob Road • Eagan, MN. 55121-1119 •(651) 454-2156 Fax: (651) 454-9696 Lester Building Systems LESTER A Division of Butler Manufacturing Company 1111 2nd Avenue South • Lesfer Prairie, MN 55354 Phane: (320) 395-2537 • Fax: (320) 395-2969 September 19, 2000 City of Eagan Building Inspections Attn: Craig 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Brian & Baerbel McNally DBA Collector's Pazadise 2781 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Permit Number: EA 039740 It has been brought to my attention that several truss X braces were removed on one endwall due to the installation of the air handling ductwork. These are construction braces that are installed to keep the trusses plumb and in position until the roof purlins are installed and the roof sheathing is fastened down. The bottom chords of the truss have 2 x 4 bracing at 24" on center to support the sheetrock ceiling. With the 2 ply 2 x 4 vertical endwall stiffeners at 8 ft on center and the sheathing as installed, the building is structurally adequate without these construction braces. If you have any question, please contact me at 320-395-5271. incere? ohn R.Dierauer, P.E. t yr L{ ?„ (o Division Engineer Lester Fsuilding Systems Cc; Job File #95365 Brian McNalley, Owner Dan Anderson, Territory Manager .?..-- f rollectors '"b? aradi5e Gifts & Collectibles 14 June, 2001 City of Eagan, Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Attention: Ms. Pam Dudzick Subject: Permit No. EA039740 Temporary Landscaping of proposed parking area Dear Pam; Per our conversation on 13 June, 20011 am enclosing a"marked" copy of the L,andscape plan originally used on our application for our building permit. I haue identified the marked area originally designated as parking to "future parking area." Itis this area that will be landscaped to conform with the projected landscape theme for the property. It should be noted that this area was once part of the original pazking area that fronted the original shop. The majority is paved but has been trenched to permit sewer and water connection to the new building. At such time as the parking area is needed the landscape material can 6e removed, the exposed area, black topped and striped for parking. We have discussed this with our paving contractor and he agrees that this is a viable approach. Please add this letter and drawing to our building permit file. Thank you; --?, P -,-,Vz< -nal Brian & Baerbel Mc Nally Collectors Paradise ; ? RE:ET iV cD J U L 1 8 2 Ir, Oi 2781 Pilot Knob Road • Eagan, MN. 55121-1119 9 (651) 454-2156 Fax: (651) 454-9696 We have taken the backup position of contacting a number of other people in the construction and moving business in an attempt to get a contractor to remove the building and we are anticipating replies in the near future. As for now, Otting remains our contractor and untif he can provide us with information as to his date of retum to work, we are at a stalemate. Should the city inspectors office have any suggestions, we would certainly review their applicability. We are not pleased with the current situation and are hoping for a speedy rasolution to ow problem. Should you have any questions please contact us at (651) 454-2156 or by FAX at (651) 454-9696, or at the address listed below. Respectively yours, %? Brian & Baerbel Mc Nally Collectors Paradise cc: Doug Raid J. Craig Novaczyk Craig Novaczyk From: Pam Dudziak Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:12 AM To: Craig Novaczyk Subject: Collector's Paradise Craig, This is a follow-up to our inspection of the Collector's Paradise site this morning. The trash enclosure does not meet City Code requirements. I have provided a copy of that ordinance for your reference. The enclosure must be attached to the building, have an impermeable floor surtace, be at least 6 feet in height, be made of materials to match the building and meet principal structure setbacks. The retaining wall behind the building must be completed to stabilize the soil and prevent it from washing out. I have some questions about the drainage and lack of curb and gutter in some areas of the parking lot. Engineering should review the grading and drainage situation to determine its acceptability. Pam 4 EA039740-01 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY City of Eagan Deparhnent of Building Inspection Business Name Collectars Paradise Permit Number EA039740 Occupancy Group M Consfruction Type V-N Owner Address 2781 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55121 Building Owner BAERBEL C MCNALLY Zoning Roadside Eusiness (Commercial) Building Address 2781 Pilot Knob Rd Permission is hereby granted to occupy the above described premises on a temporary basis, subject to completing and correcting any and all noted discrepancies, on or before 11/14/2000. Failure to comply shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by law. REQUIREMENTS: 1-Remove existing building 2-Complete parking lot and final grading / landscaping 3-Submit revised bracing plan for southwest corner of attic (signed by a certified structural engineer) 4-Add address numbers 5-Access.toilet room signage/45 degree copper fitting/pressure relief outlet Building Official. Issued Date r t ? ? ^ ?4? 3'- °7 • . ..).? • e ? . ?l' 77 ;11./ ? • . .c?.DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ' ` THIS INDENTURE, made and enterea into thia 3ra day of June, 1986, by ana between ALAN J. DRENCKHAHN and BAERBEL DRENCKHAHN, husband and wife as Grantors, and the CITY OF EAGAN, Dako[a County, Minnesota, as Grantee, WITNESSETH WHEREAS, said 6rantors, are the owners of the tracta of land in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, Legally Aescribed as follows: All that part of Government Lot Five (5), in Section Four (4), Township Twenty Seven (27), Range Twenty Three (23), described as follows, to-wi[: Commencing at the Southeast corner of saia Government Lot Five (5), running thence North along the Easterly line 396 feet to the actual point of 6eginning of the land to be described; thence from said actual point of beginning West 358 feet, thence North 83 feet, thence East 358 feet, thence South 83 feet to the actual point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, the said Grantors, in consiaeration of One Dollar ($1.00) ana o[her good and valuable consideration, [o them paid by Grantee, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants an easement to the above premises to said Grantee, its heirs and assigns, for permanent arainage purpoaes, incluaing the normal practice of filling with water the above describea premises from storm aewer runoff, and for utility line purpoaea. Said easemen[ ia aescribed as follows: The Ldest 20.00 feet of the East 70.00 fee[ of the above described parcel. Together with a temporary construction easement over the West 10.00 fee[ of the East 80.00 feet of the above describea parcel. Said temporary easement to expire June 15, 1987. The Grantee shall have the right to ao whatever is necessary for the enjoyment of the rights herein grantea, inclueing the right of clearing the easement area to allow for [he use of the land as stated herein, ana for ingress and egress to and from eaid trac[ of land and over and across said easement only for the purpose of constructing and maintaining, operating ana repairing said drainage facilities and utility lines. And the saia Grantors, for themselves, their heirs, executors, adminietrators and assigns do hereby release the said CITY OF EAGAN, its successors ana assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to said land by reason of the location of said drainage easement and utility lines. By acceptance of theae easements, the Grantee agreea that i[ shall restore the property locatea outside the anticipated perimeter of moving water to as near the existing grade as is reasonably possible and further agrees to replace existing cultivateA shrubs or sotl and to seed all other areas not covered with moving water. i ? IN WITNESS WHBREOF, the Grantor hereto have hereunto set i kt,V hanas ana seal [he aay anG year firet above vritten. ..? ? 6ma STATE OF MINNBSOTA) ( 7? L *. f I I^ ) ss. ? i COUNTY OF DAKOTA , On this 3 aay of r141LC , before me a No[ary Public , L G ,? ? _ within ana for eaia County, personally appeared /'?1+FNT.'7f 040!R6rG T d'-'ZEJG(OAtt? to me personally known Co be the peraon aescribea in ana who executea the foregoing instrument ana acknwleaged tha[ fheYexecuted [he same as-ohe", free act,ana aeea. LE01(q• VRFlCLKrIAHN ` LIGMINNESOT P ? UB A NOTARV y ? ?'R p? Ng ry u lic MMSEY COUNTV • . ?L1?.•;. M CM1A13>IONE%?IRE+APR 30, 1991 THI . Hauge, Eiae a Keller, P.A. 1200 Yankee Doodle Road Water View Office Tower, Suite 303 Eagan, MN 55123 (612) 456-9000 EREMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS Ecempt from Dakota County Deed Tax pakou C,uety Tr..a,.er - - - DRAINING OF: Addltional drainage and utllity easements and street easement over the plat of WYNDHAM CORPORATE CENTER and proposed drainage and utilfty easement over 3 properties to south of the ptat. -' "' ' ` ' " •:7: ? ? ) VI ? %: ~ NB9•32,47'E , ?'; '? ? ? el ` .?3 i• o e 6`' 0? I ?? i.f4 O.: V _ ? ?iri"?p:l?? '?.'•o$ } ? ?4 1 I •"? ?' = a0 a_•(.._ _ _"-___ __ NN4? ! 1_ .-.? _ /OB24CoJ p? C. 1 i 'i'?•. '?1::: /OB? JCO) ? - _?- • [S.uD. / ?SO.On.'I '\ , GJ 0?0 JQ• a u'°' ''' n 1? ?? ? ? •~ PIM pN ? ? • ? ti 0 s (? m N ; ?i' 4.p ? 8 Z Z?: C n •,`n Q h v ? 4 O Cew'zi i0.10 I^V ? ` ? Y • •;-.a so.oo `e ' -- NB9•5?!'9B E'(.ir) 3SB.00 1 ` ' ? se?•ss'av•r(a) '?,j ? ? I ? . (Nal {oans( v ? ? JoN/??`?N ?a ? .._ .?: $h ,? ?i N ?1 +I 1) `.' pc ? I . 0 ? 3Sr k}i'J'1 "1' yr 7?????oC a? T 11 \` y? N i ,e oreK'rY K ml W S• M`F " o°h v w ALASN ? ?!: ' - ? \ ? ssr M V V :: .? • n Pz o?e?rY o ? ?_ ?ST 2 N.e ?Jqo24G Wi 4:' Y??i D ? 730 _ _???SEeerswt? ef G rf L.t 5, Ss 4-z7-z3 'Ll? Hancrn Thnm Fm M` , .. 7'3:4.4- GU DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made and entereC into this 31st day of May, 1986, by and between MILAN J. KALASH, a single person as Grantor, and the CITY OF EAGAN, Dakota County, Minnesota, as Grantee, WITNESSETH WHEREAS, said Grantor, is the owner of the tract of lana in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: ALL that part of Governmen[ Lot Five (5), in Sec[ion Four (4), Township Twenty Seven (27), Range Twenty Three (23), described as follows, to- wit: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Government Lot Five (5), running thence North along the Easterly line 396 feet to the actual point of beginning of the lana to be aescribea; thence from said actual point of beginning West 358 feet, thence North 83 fee[, thence Eas[ 358 fee[, thence South 83 feei to the actual point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, the said Grantor, in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good ana valuable consideration, to him paia by Grantee, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby granta an easement to the above premiaes to said Grantee, ite heirs and assigns, for permanent dtainage purpoaea, including the normal practice of filling wi[h water the above described premises from storm sewer runoff, and for utility line purposes. Said easement is described as follows: The Wes[ 20.00 feet of the East 70.00 feet of the above deacribetl parcel. Together with a temporary construction easement over the West 10.00 feet of the East 80.00 feet of the above descrihea parcel. Said temporary easement to expire June 15, 1987. The Grantee shall have the right to do whatever is necessary for the enjoyment of the rights herein grantea, incluaing the right of clearing the easement area to allow for the use of the land as statea herein, and for ingress and egresa to and from said [ract of land and ove[ anA across said easement only for the purpose of constructing and maintaining, operating and repairing said drainage facilities and utility lines. Ana the said Grantor, for himself, his heirs, executore, aaminiatrators and assigns doea hereby release the said CITY OF EAGAN, ita successors and assigns, from all claims for any and all aamages resulting to said land by reason of the location of said arainage easement ana utility Lines. By acceptance of theae easements, the Grantee agrees that it shall restore the property locatea outaide the anticipated perimeter of moving water to as near the existing gzade as ia reasonably poseible and further agreea to replace existing cultivatea shrubs or aod and to seea all other areas not covered with moving wa[er. ., . ? E IN WI2NESS WHEREOF, the Grantor hereto ha5 hereun[o aet hj s hana_ ano seal the aay ana year firet above written. STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On [his 3(sl' aay of 190?, be ore me? i a Pubtic within ana for saia County, person Lly appeared ? to me personally known [o be Che person aescr bea irfa who executea the foregoing instrument ana acknowleageA that he execui d[he same as hts free act ana deea. (S E A L) ? ? q9taiy u lic XA.1A.'?d.M_?hG'.Ak.'!AA'?h"?1!?SAhAAMA.UAA? THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED SY: 4 i..? )l.NEt L. HVT`-R a , r:oT;;c??r;?e-ra,??*:esora Hauge, Eiae e KeLler, P.A. ?+^?F?,: } ??•,, ?c?J';rr ? 1200 Yankee Doodle Road ??%?::`5." ?iy?e„-,;;;;,;,c,?r?-=•+'=.?o,1??i XrYVYifYYV11)rGMl'JYS"i`IVV'v`1V1`rYV'VY1??Y'IY ? Water View Office Tower, Suite 303 ? Eagan, MN 55123 (612) 456-9000 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS Exempt from Dakota County Deed Tax ?jhovnnn V ?1o?aK 1>+.? ?? k oekote Counb T?'u^1' DRAWiNG OF; ? V 3S8 _ _ ,?1459 ? = 7314C,c P?eor?KrY ?(a.?ASN p?o f?oc. N'a• '?'et Oy p/ • ? 0 ` V ? i e u ; 4 ? R Q :P W ? 'o ? o 3 ?.2 Additional dralnage and utflity easements and street easement over the plat of WYNDHAM CORPORATE CENTER and proposed drainage and utility easement over 3 properties to south of the plat. ?I m .. i " ?DO 0v ' u n? 1 \ Y? p y b N ? VP? ? n1 n ? i 3oa. o0 ?' -- NB9•59'36 E'(m) 3SB.00 \ Sel?IS?34'?[a? P.?i/:en a!.( [N1 fouw? o' Rrr S.t # :?f'mr, JONr?S?M P?oPE . G? ?? O q n r • I : J I ?I 1 i. ? 1 J i -1 -- I 1 9SP _ _ y ? ? e: Pao?eje rY os=E14 39p24L ?s Dec. Ko. ? .-I •?• ? '•? . ri w?n.t? .. ::io ? 0 4 ?i ry r n ? v ? I r' 4 I • i I " ' ? `C e N . * ? ? C c _ ' ' 4I _l. I ?'•i , I M ? ^ ? so I L I P ' _ _ ? ??SE e.rwv. ef l..rf L•f 5, S? f-s7-zs - - - -,-,,- - - - 11 I Hansen Thorp I DnlCnn,. /lln..w In.. 1 herohy certify that this survey, plan or report 4 ry C y „ `pu ? a N M p? ? O m ? $ Z Z Z F = Y ? ? • Q F- V i ? V a 2 z ? es-ovo w6dlSt.:' r:-14-:1" ???? ?? ?/ • ,? A?? /? 1? ? ?? aEviseo 12-1-e8 ? /C? -c?e?YaU- o2a - c? 3 IT- Ne?/he.R? .nr - ft - u.rrr ` w.a ?? I y'??,fa •ti 'ARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY /LAT N0. 19-32 I I / II ,..?.? n.., a '.Sr.• ? -? __ ... r.. ,t at_ ... en, I I .:. n?.w .- . ? .....??a ? ...m o. -?........._. _ "' _"'. 24i .?....... ?, ? _ OSmAN G ?wC .y ? yo ? --- --- -? -- --_ ti WOODS.? I -30yt-?t .. ? •' ? ? ._.,. ? ? LY^• 0 F F I C E.. , PWR= x:.:. ? ------ - " ? I . ?' . ,.. .. ..,. i.:a. ? S r.n 15 . I B?wn• i.Z? ????s ?unA N/i;r? 6 020-02?? s = 06o-oi 7 + a Y410 c. t 1 ¢ •° ? Go?r . ,c.r /? • om?„ ? ?. Ot. o?o-oY? -.__°_.... O?y f?!/?v l.w?'u ?ewww« / , • :..- /Pry MIUN J K?SN v/" ?ch? M y yi A'' • pya-el o•! A, : q 9O /4ti?s t ? A. ??+ oye-o1 i ?LAWRCNCF. T •? OS?6vi h w??c ? 7V ?Oc/lf ?SO-O1 i . . 99 2?/O w?- Oxi-oo ,q o«od oz:Aa E ajz-oo ` ^2 ? a R ?AVE. • H/GHV/fW .9vG ?.? ?. n`. ? / • ? ? . ._ . _ a.... ?? v A -4 ? ?? ?` ti t - ; ,fiud'f( ,(. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ., o- , ??'1 ?• C I T Y O F E A G A N CERTIFIED LISTING OF POSTPONED SPECZAL ASSESSMENTS See Exhibit A Attached COIINTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 10 00400 020 02? 10 00400 030 02? 10 00400 060 02?, POSTPONED SPECIr1L ASSESSMENT: i? Water Area Assessment Pursuant to M.S.A. 429.061, Subd. 2, as amended by the 1980 Session Laws, Chapter 560, Section 5, I hereby certify that the City of Eagan has approved the postponement of the special assessments as set forth above on the property described. Dated this 27th day of June 1984 EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS This Document Drafted By: City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 eke E rVahnAoI e b Ci lerk/Finance Director Certificate I, E.J. VanOverbeke, City Clerk of the Ci certify that the foregoing is a true AiTdN(Vo; of Eagan o Hereby - Py, . j,erbeke, City Clerk a !o(fowing describrd land srruared in the County oi Dakota (paragzaph p1) and Stafe of Minnesota, ro wi[: All thet pnri of Gwecnment Lot Five (5), Section Fws 141, Tamehip 'Manty-seven (27), Aange 1Wenty-three (23), described ae follous, to-vit: Beginning et n paint on the East line of the Northeast Quarter of said Settlon A, said polni being 760 feet Norih of the 5autheast cornar of sald North eest pueziezi thence West at right angle 50 feei to a judSCial landmazk; thenee continve Nest along the lnst desczlbed course 1087.4 feet to e judicial lendmark, thence Southwesterly 287.55 feet to a point which Se 147.2 £eat East of the west line of the Southeaat ouarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 4, said point 6eing mazked by a judieial land- mnzkr thence East 102.8 feet to a judicial landmark, thence swth 150 feet io n point which is 320 feet North af the south line of eaid Swtheasi Quarter oY the Northeast Quazter, said point being mazked by a judicial landmazk; thence weat 250 feet to the west line of said SouGheast Quarter of the Northeast puarter, sald point being 320 feet north oE the Southwest cornes of aeid SoutheasY Quarter of the NortheasC Quazter, said poini being mazked 6y a judicial landmaskt thence North along said west line 840 feet to a judieial landmark which is 150 feet south of the North line of said 5outheast Quarter of the Northeast quar[err thenee East and pazallel with eaid North line 1280.85 feet to a judicSal landmark; thence continue east along the leat deseribed cwree 39.15 feet io the east line of said Section 4; thence South along eaid East line 406.94 feet to the place of beginninqi accordlnq Lo ihe Government 8urvey ihereof. (Pazagzaph 12) and 1'het pazt of Government Lot 5, Section 4, T. 27c1„ R. 23 w, descri6ed as folla+s: Beginning ai e point on the East line of GovernmenG Lot 5, said point 6eing 760.0 feet North af the Southeast corner of said Gaveznment Lot Si ihence west at right angle more or lese, 50 feet to e,7ud3cial land Mazk whieh was set in e prior District Court action Sn Dakota County District Cwrt File 66463, Torrens Cexiificaie No, 62159r thence continue west along the laet described couree 1087.4 feet moze or lese to an iron plsced to perpetuate a Judicial Land Mezk locaiion whSch was eet as part of eeld pziaz Dletrict Court actioni thence Southwesterly 287.55 feet more or lesa to a point which ie 147.2 feet more or less East of ihe waet line of said Government Lot 5, eald point being mnrked by a.7udicial Land Mark which vae set ea part of said pzior DSetr3ct Court nctiont thence East 102.8 feet more oz less to a,TUdiciel Land Mnrk which was aet aa part af said pzior fCOntinued. Ahanf. 1 nf 9 chearwl Distrlct Cwrt ection?; thelncelSw ?? 1501feetl?more br ;ess, ;?aid pbiryt 6eing masked by e dudieial Ld Mark wMCh was set ns??art of anid prioz District 4?ourt ction;?thenc Sw?h 8.2? f et to'?ia poi t?which 1a 320.0 feet North of th Southline of said Gove hunent :.ot Si thence S. 89•I45' 39 La" E. (assumed beaCing) d paralllel wi h ?the said South line 709.86 feetfl to a point which is ma ed by ]udicSeL [and nark, hence? N.0°00'??e. 26 .0 f?et to?n a ?oint ?+hich s I?Inarked 6y a Judicial Land Mazk;Ilthenoe 5.89° 45' 39"E. ? 8.0 I i feet toie point whicl? is mazkadib, a Su icia Land Malk,thence 5 89°45139"E. 50.0 feet GO the Enab llne of eald Gwesnmen' Lot 5; Lhence N. 0°00'E.?along'sa?d E}st lii e 175,.0 fe t o thebeginn n, eubieetl?lto publia mllds; al co Iding? to te Goylernme t?urve ? these?f? ? I I 3 3 lu EI''f n4: Il6%1criP! [;A;hi.I.E.R„ :J'n TERM.[i ,?i.. NG;, 043 DF?Pt:c fJPr29;00 17Mk.c J.'I kt3e:'_'?U SD„ Nrll'iG; 1'AI=1if?G1... 'b ksRJ:f,td t`ff;32tli_LY Ki.i:R `at.l[.ii. 278l. I"I...i' i'N1; RT; 1=?i1.3,i`.? ? 34,:>,? =,ona. s?sx?i r?i..r ;.r:r? fr,; 90.0 2M 0091 Mi Pi-r ttt,P r•:z, sye5ci 'Y'r)tu].L (::err+i pt 'P:nouY51t : r!; 4'_I1,. 13 r,k I.M& lit:!:.;i 'CI'i' ..I(4N aoov ?59 BUII,I)ING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) /-? CITY OF EAGAN 3?I ?`-?' lJ 651 681-4675 Requirements to building permit Gn ---)-d, l? Foundation Oni New Construction Interior Im rovement • SVuctural Plans (2 sets) . qrchitectural Plans (2 sets) • Architectural Plans (2 sets) • Crvil Plans (2 sets) . Structural Plans (2 sets) • Code Malysis (1) " . Code Analysis (1) '• K Civil Plans (2 sets) • Project Specs (1 set) • Project Specs (1) . Landscaping Plans (2 sets) • Key Plan • Spec. Insp. & Teshng Scheduie " L . Code Analysis (1) " • Master Exil Plan I • SAC detertnmation letter from MC/ES - . 5AC determination letter from MGES - call • SAC determination letter from MGES - call call 651-602-1000 651•602-1000 651-602-1000 • Spec. Insp. & Tes6ng Schedule (1) " • Energy Calculations (1) not always" • Project Specs (1) • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (t) not always ". • EnergyCalculations (1) " P • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) " • Master Exit Plan tjp • Soi;s Re rt 1 " Contact Bufldmg Inspections for sample Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be su6mitted to Minnesota Department of Health. Call 651-215-0700 for details. DA7E: A. 3Z• S! WORK TYPE: ? NEW _ REMODEL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUGTION COST: l 75.Oo SITE ADDRESS: Y TENANTNAME: baeEbe/ 4 &'an ?'Ie rUa/1Z ara?ti 0)1 - ( SUITE#: / LOT ___? BLOCK _?_ SUBD. Name:? Jfj.e lKc /47//V Phone#: 6S1 c7/S6 PROPERTY Last Fust ONWINT ER SteetAddress: o?7 cQ/ ,kly'!ab CitY l= a c, 4?9 State; IlM/9 ' Zlp: SS/ a 3 (D Company. cS t, Phone#: 320 35S' 'a$31 CONTRACTOR Stree[Address: /W aZ'Y7el City State: ?. Zip: Sr 3 5_?' ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: (.Q bc? if [? k4 Phone #: 61a Name:_ iizu? 7? aryuch - Regisnation #: OnZ ?a ?cP- O Street Address 3 ? 3,,q s l City a?a m7 State: Zip: 2S Sewer & water licensed plumber (oniv if installina sewer & water): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 25 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ? 26 Public Facility ? 28 Greenhouse DK27 Commercial/Industrial ? 29 Antennae ,X31 New 0 34 Repairs ? 37 Demolish Bldg. ? 43 Siding/Soffits/Facia ? 32 Addition ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 38 Demolish (Interior) q 44 Windows/Doors ? 33 Alterations ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Reroof O 45 Fire Repair GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) ? Basement sq ? . ft. Census Code Z-7 (Allowable) First Floor sq . ft. SAC Code ? UBC Occupancy S{- ? sq. ? ft. No. of Units Zoning sq. ft. No. of Bidgs. # of Stories 1 sq. ft. MClES System Length sq. ft. City Water - - Width SC? Footprint sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered APPROVALS Planning, Building l? Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage 5/W Permit S/W Surcharge _ Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Tif f 3.-7 cT ?S ? - SZ7 VALUATION: UU % SAC SAC Units Meter Size ? C>U c/ v ? ? Total L J- ABL /J ? 5j 0, CITY USE ONLY PERMIT# q / SUBD. APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR RECEIPT#: I -S ?S -7 a RECEIPT DATE: ?U-d °L D 0 2000 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMRCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII+OT 1QdOB RD EAGAN, m4I 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for. all commerciaUndustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: ? '? ----G " WORK T'YPE: ? New conshvction _ Install U.G. Tank _ Interior Improvement _ Remove U.G. Tanic ? Processed Piping When inslalling/removing underground tank, call 651-68I-4675 jor ixspection by fire marshal and plumbing inspector. Description of work: k Fees: 1% of conhact price OR $30.00 minimum fee, whichever is grearer. Underground tank removaUinstallation = minimum fee (BaseFee) Contractprice: $??x I%=$ 060 ? ---1??! N&j State surchazge calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL cblluA+(5?d,?t? SITE ADDRE S: L?Lao--- OWNERNAME: ?1T rWPHnNE #: i-I -?''? ? ? (AREA CODE) TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLl): WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? _ Y_X N. NAME: ? ?""'"` INSTALLER: VVKUt" ADDRESS: (AREA CODE) CITY: l?PCA1--.? STATE: 14r" ZIP: 6E;0- n S GNATUItE OF P RMITCEE LOT BL SUBD. Date: CITY USE ONLY PERMIT tf: _ RECEIPT #: RECE[PT DATE: 2000 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT IINOS RD r EAGAN A4d 55122 651-681-4675 Complete this section onlv if you aze installing HVAC in a singte faznily dweliing, townhome or condo under construction and not owner/occuoied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U ' $ 30.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) State Surcharge .50 Total $ Complete this section onlv if you aze remodeling, adding to, or re?airing an existing single-fami(y dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteradon, or repair. , New _ Alteration _ Repair _ Other _ Furnace _ Air conditioning _ Au exchanger _ Other Fee $ 30.f10 Stxte Surchazge .50 Tota1 $ 30.50 Reminder: Call for inspections SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: PHONE #: (AREA CODE) PHONE #: (AREA CODE) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Cities Di ital Quality Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. ? ? c_?Fe?^4?????c?e • _? ?0 c_0-a.0.0 4.-:?:Cr • 0 , f;,-,?-.?•<<:?- • n CI7S' OF EAGqN 2_, 7EF:Nii;nL tapa 873 UATF- 3n• o= 1'r`i6 C?, gG" IL; pg".tt: rFi-?i•??„-„_ 37,76 :.,ie' YIF.'En ?iid _"?O 11S.1i? yE*EF, . 'nE3i PL N4iDJfq; E=F: ID? t,:A7Ni f • ? C3;C??(?:a a G?v?:-J?Jr???a:"??:?'X-"J'*".?"-?2".:??.?:?:,?:.?....,.:...., • 4 7D;Q.:m=0 01 0 0 C."Q_C:_OV JrYCJr0 • 1 0 4 60?.als -r-O o 1 ? ? C?`C3.?'? ? C?'^???3;??.^? ???e?a?'J.il` 7?-?_J<?sJ'?J'?7"'? • 1 0 4=H,OtOto 41 -7?-?,??`?K7??J;:? ? CITY USE ONLY L ? B RECEIPT #: J 7 SUBD. RECEIPT DATE S`a - O? APPROVED BY: INSPECTOR PLUMBING PERMIT # 0?D D 2000 PLIIMING PERMIT (COt?II+?RCIAL) Pl.?g• Pc? N°' CITY OF EAGAN A Q342'?0 3830 PILOT IiOB RD EAGAN, 1+a1 55122 651-681-4675 eau complete for: sll commercial/industriel 6uildings multi-family buildings when separete building pemfits are not required for each elling unit • installation of backflow prevencer in commercial areas or rcsidential boulever Date: I9 /ci Q Work Type: New Bldg. _ Add-on _ Re ir _ U.G. Sprinkler _ RPZ Descriptionof k: CoNUec'}' wrv4er + S?erser?ice -So ucw b IX; al?servicc . To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required o ew service, ca11 65 1-681-4646. FEES 1% of contract price or $30.00 inimum Contract Price: ?i 8?5 ?? x 1% _ $ COb4PLETE THIS ONLY IF INST NG UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER 3YSTEM Base Fe -- --- i $ 30.00 Waterl $ Service: w ? I"new T ees or: W ater Pi ? $ ,?n ? $ Water Si \_j Water Ti ?A u--? M: DiweDowiu ? )AG/T l U(p ? e Fee S a 75 State Sw'chaze e Surcharge S' 50 $.50 minimum ? il Fee $ qg. ae, -?---- --- - - I hereby acknowledge thaz I have read this application, state that the infomiation is corsect, an ra to comply with all epplicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the /plicanYs responsibility to notlfy the property owner that the City of Eagan mes no liability for any damages eaused by the City during its no operational and maintenance actlvities to the facilitiu consWCted under this pe it within City property/rightof-way/easement. SIT'E ADDRES : 2'7 S I E Lo+ V, ti a? Ro qb , E qw MN 55 I 2 1 TENANT NAME: D r l i+N ?, M cNo-uy TELEPHONE #: ? 6 51? '-?S ?? Z? S 6 (AREA COD WAS 1'f?'RE A PREVIOUS TENANT IN THIS SPACE? Y X N NAME: INSTALLERNAME: J7raia ?ro 1?luanbiu, TELEPHONE#: (617,) 469 b94 (pREA CODE) STREET ADDRESS: 2y 1 y 9 {# i qti, v Ie W?rf • CITY: La `ce u;1,4 , ST TE: M u ZIP: Sca- NJIcS ON +W wsc s i?X.F • CITY USE ONLY DOMESTIC METER SIZE: COMPOUND • Contact Utility Billing Division for price: 651- 681-4631. IRRIGATIOIV METER SIZE: • 2" turbo unless approval for smaller meter granted by Public Works. • Contact Utility Billing Division for price: 65I-6814631. PRV: Yes No PRIOR TO SELLING A METER: TURBO • On Petmit Enhy screen, enter site address to look up sewer and water permit l1. Select S&W Permit and check that hydrostatic and couductivity tests have been approved. If not, do not issue meter. Miscellaneous • Meter lazger than 5/8" - ask plumber to wait while you call Central Maintenance (ext 300) and verify that one is in stock. • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, ca11651-681-4675. • To schedule wa[er tum-on, call 651-681-4300. Na4.s, SRC h4s bee.+ ue????,e? aw? ?.nsr?.,p..nQ w,Hn ar.qnsual .? uu c41ar?. QPke'1?a99? n " kN_ Sn9yxr Excauw?ry ? L•••sV1n1 CSa)) r74'F-5365 w?b? Ae 4wNk1f1,.t SeWCYG?tNe?w.. V P+n?P.r ts aa,? cM?we?a? ?e 17rai? Qro. ?? ? C a_vt --- " p v+?v??- "a-- ?.?.?? cJ?nP??a ? v",_A - -v? c,a C CD/Permit formalplbg permit (comm) 2000 ?-? s -?- U? OAA?'_L CITY USE ONLY o 1 L? B RECEIPT #: ? 3 g 7 SUBD. L A44- RECEIP'fDATE APPROVED BY: , INSPECTOR PLUMBING PERMIT # L v°I I g 0 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT IINOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: Date Description af Work:1!1 Work Type: ZNew Bldg. Add-on Repair _ U.G. Sprinkler _ RPZ J?/ e16,0Ve3 ?- inquire itPressure Reducing Valve A). /r7 57 7' -4a !/ required on new service, ca11681-4646. FEES d'8 1% of contract price or $30.00 minimum Contract Price: $ // 'TQ /(?.?S x 1% _ $ !!? 2.7?? COb?1'LETE TXIS AREA ONLY IF INSTALLING Base Fee - Water Meter: 2" Turbo - $897.00 unless plan approved for smaller size 1-1/2" Turbo - $ 726.00 Service: _ existing (if coming off domestic line) OR _ new If "new servrce ", cantact Jerrv R'obschalL Finance Consultant to confirm addinQ {ees for: Water Permit & Surcharge - $ 50.50 Water Supply & Storage - $ 840.00 Water Treatment Plant Chazge - $ 492.00 ec: Diane Downs, URliry Bllling - underground sprinkfer perntifs $ 30.00 $ BaseFee S State Surcharee State Surc6arge $ JD $.50 minimum; calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee Toml Fee S I hereby aclmowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is wrsect, and agree ro wmply with all applicable Ciry of Eagao ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the ptoperty ownv that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by t6e Cily during its normal operational md maint ance activiries to the facilities constructed under this pertnit within Ciry property/rightof-way/easemem_ SITEADDRESS: C;?/Dv //d7 A( /I TENANT NAME: TELEPHONE #: I l ? ( TA C E) INSTALLER NAME: /] ?Y'?//) 9 TEL^PHONE #: ( / -??? i / / STREET ADDRESS: Vif I CITY: STATE: ZIP: SD y 14 .. I J ? . SICsid"ATURE OF 1?S all commerciaUindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate building petmits are not required for each dwelling uni[ insfallation of backflow preventer in commercial areas or residential boulevards ciTY usE oivi.Y DOMESTIC METER SIZE: COMPOUND TURBO • Contact Utiliry Billing Division for price: 651- 681-4631. IItRIGATION METER SIZE: • 2" turbo unless approval for smaller meter granted by Public Works. • Contact UtIlity Billing Division for price: 651-681-4631. FRV: Yes No PRIOR TO SELLING A METER: • On Permit Entry screen, enter site address to look up sewer and water permit #. Select S&W Permit and check that hydrostatic and conductivity tests have been approved. If not, do not issue meter. Miscellaneous • Meter larger than 518" - ask plumber to wait while you call Central Maintenance (ext. 300) and verify that one is in stock. • To schedule inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer, cal1651-681-4675. • To schedule water turn-on, ca11 65 1-6 8 1-43 00. CD/Permit forms/plbg permit (comm) 2000 TO: KENT THERKELSEN, CffiEF OF POLICE dAMIE VERBRUCGE, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Bill Adams ELECTRICALINSPECTOR PUBLIC WORKS/ ENGINEERINC DIVISION /UTILITIES/STREETS GENE VANOVERBEKE, FINAPiCE DIItECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER GREGG HOVE, SUPERVISOR OF FORESTRY ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES FROM: CRAIG NOVACZYK, BUILDING INSPECTOR nnTE: NOVEMBER 5,1999 File "D" RE: PLAN REVIEW: 2781 Pilot Koob Rd C L2. B3, Section #4 1 The preliminary X construction plans for Collectors Paradise aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to Dale Schoeppner with your signed comments and the date of review. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that aze to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ZONING? ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No Signature Date CD/FORMS/PLAN ItEVIEW CRAIG N /Jm? 174 r MEMORANDUM TO: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES FROM: ACTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIItECTOR HOHENSTEIN DATE: MARCH 19, 1993 RE: SIGN QUESTIONS In follow-up to the Mayor's request relative to the Wunderbar Gift Shop at 2781 Pilot Knob ? Road, Donna Rollins prepared the attached memorandum indicating that the pylon sign for Wunderbar has received conditional use and sign permit approval on the dates indicated. As you can see, the conditional use permit for the pylon itself was originally approved in April 1984. In June 1991, the sign was modified and shortened. In addition, the sign is now backlit, rather than being illuminated by other lighting as appears to have been the case in the past. The sign does meet all city requirements and does have appropriate approvals in its current condition. In addition, you and I had discussed the E-Z Stop pylon signage at the corner of Cedar Avenue and Diffley Road. That sign had likewise received conditional use permit approval approarimately 18 months ago and was only recently erected. It appears, therefore, that it is also a properly-approved sign. The surprise associated with its construction results from the time period between its approval and installation within the past several weeks. If you have any other questions re]ative to these matters, please let me lrnow. gme?? Acti g Community Development Director JH/js attach. cc: City Planner Sturm Sign Inspector Rollins T_ r Y MEMORANDUM TO: ACTING COMMUNTfY DEVELAPMENT DIRECI'OR HOHENSTEIN FROM: SIGN INSPECTOR ROLLINS DAT'E: MARCH 17, 1993 RE: WUNDERBAR GIFTS/BAERBEL C ANSRI 1. Conditional Use for pylon was approved in April 1984 (height 23'6"). 2. Application to upgrade sign in June 1991 (height 18'6"). Sign Inspector DR/js CITY OF EAGAiV - t • APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/ CONNECTION NOTG': PAYMFW OF FEE AT 1ZME OF APriscazzoN noFS Nar oorsMTM APPROVAL OF PII2I41T. uaseEcrzoN oF sEMM Aem/ox MM ?rsATTONS WIIS. NOr BE SCHID- ULID UNr1I, PII2MIT HAS SFFEQ APPR(SVFD. . . ---- - -- - - P ease Print 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: C?;) 7> K--l RJ 4 pT W !VD TL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: " Lot Block Subdivision or Tax Parcel ID ) IF E}QSTING STRL'CiT.'RE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BOILDIN^u pERhIIT ISSL'71NCE: ' (Mon Year PRFSENP 7ANING/PROPOSID L'SE: 4SCONP'IERCIAL/RE1`AIL/OFFICE ? R-1 SINGLE FAMILY Fl IAID[.'STRIAL ? R-2 DL'PLEX (ltvo C?nits) n INSTIZ['TIONAL/GOVIItiZg,'NT ? R-3 70WNiOL?SE (Three + Units) ( Linits) . ? R-4 APARZMEN'P/CObIDOMINlOM ( Units) 2) rmrE: 1?1rKa -n-?- PL(? ADoREss: y ou3o .. ' Rur CZTY. STATE, ZIP: PFtoNE: L-I EEL- (o Cn y s; 3) u c?• For City Ose . NAh?:_ Plimbers License: Active ADDRFSS: t= A b --?= - - cpired CITY, STATE, ZIP: Not recorded PxorrE: MASTER LICEbISE# jD ,,JQ D? 11 / St Initlal 4) ?? NAME: _ Az _ ]wDRESS: C-) 7 ,? 1 /' i c DT CITY. STATE, ZIP: -? /1-7L,/ PHONE: • •§) '.? v ' 1 M• • ?• ' ? • p? U' 1?Yy? ?coNrEcrioH To ciTSC sEWER ? wrmrcx.Tiocv zv czTY wATm ? aT3ER . 6) ?'? ?' •??' E] PLEASE HOLD APPROVID PERPIIT F'OR PICK-UP BY ONE OF ABOVE ? PLEASE MAIL ApPROVID PERMIT TO 1, 2, 3, 4 ABpVE n ? r /? (Cixcle one) 7) C ?• u• • (?.1? ? ??.?, . , ,? . . s:sm-7m C-, X-'- F. FOR CITY USE ONLY - PERMIT # ISSCED Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ g io S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . $ / / $ $ $ $ $ ? S3 3 RECEIPT RECEIPT SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE S[JRCfiARGE) . WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) SEWER TAP ACCODNT DEPOSIT - SEWER ACCOL[VT DEPOSIT - WATER WAC SAC TRONK WATER ASSESSMENT TR[!NK SEWER ASSESSMENT LATERAL BENEFIT/TRCNK SEWER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK WATER WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE OTHER: TOTAL ? ,. DOES UTILITY CONNECTION REQLIRE EXCAVATION IN PC'BLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC Q ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSL?ED BY THE ENGINEERING NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: 0 ???? EAGPN TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Rosd St. Paul, Minnesota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PER241T FOR WATER SERVICE CONNECTION Date: August 23, 1972 Billing Name:MYlan Iialash Coanection Chg. 300..00 gd 8/23/72 s- 7a Permit Fee , To s/e_ Acct. ARMW Dep. 15.00 pd 8/23/72 Add'1 Chg. 8.00 pd 8/23/72 copper- horn Total Chg. Owner: sazne Billing Addreas Plnmber: Weierke Trenching & ESccavating Location of Connection Meter Size 5/8 _ .-S 3..1 Meter No..?a/45/ea Meter Reading O Meter Sealed: Yea_ NO Building is a: Residence xy I2ultiple go. Commercial Industrial Other Inspected by Date Remarks: Number: 953 /O ppyQQ U ZO o 3 Site Addreas:2781 Pilot Knob Road, Eagaz 55720 $25.00 RE•INJi'ECror? F-HE FOR IMPfDFEi2LY 1V:iTALLED N!E'I'ER5. Hy: Chief Inspector In consideration of the issue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regaLaCions of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minnesota. Weierke Trenching & ESccavat9ng PZease notify the above office when ready for inspection and connection. ; • i rrJ e Ho vSE ; ?7,9 ?(Z • 5nFRor1 Bf?s%??c Dec*? TO FRa,?T ?? 'Ft2o P?'M Lf t?G P•A?LL M4y7TrLIALS l6 E?G TReA.-?j ?z ? R?Uworx?.ot? csDA"Q., ? •(?o Ib. ?i?rG P? _OPIID MIN{MUM ? ?o? DELI<. •? ? ? N C. la EL-- ? MINIMUM Or 41?' iN NEibHT ' C-7uARprz,P1L5 To B? SpacetD ? MAxIMLIM oF (,," A-P/.t:.T, /Vco/? /I/ G !S -----? <oT Gif,?' SLOP,. OF NANCIC?t?' ?M? NoT 'T73 CxcEL-p I ' IN '?2'. ' ?OTTor^ D= Fa?TirtGS TO B? P,--)C-X ?o????.? ?7/ 73 V , 2007 COMMERCIAL BUILDING rERMiT nreLrcaTioN City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Pians are considered public information unless you state they are trade secret and why?, • Structural Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) • Certificate of Survey (1) • CodeAnalysis (1) . ProjectSpecs (1) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schetlule " • SoilsReport (1) . Meter srze musl be established 1 1 1 J 1 ? • SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 • Archdectural Plans (2) set • Structural Plans (2) • Crvtl Plans (2) • Landscaping Plans (2) • CodeAnalysis (1) " . Certifcate of Survey (1) • Spec.Insp.BTestingSchedule (7)" • Meter size must be established • Prqec[Specs (1) • EnergyCalcula4ons (1) " . Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) . Emergency Response Site Plan (1) • Soils RepoA (7) • SACdetermination-ca11 651-602-7 000 . Fire Stopping Submittals . Architedural Plans (2) sets • CotleAnalysis (i) " . PmjectSpecs (1) . Key Plan (7) • Mas[er Exit Plan (1) . Energy Calculalions (1) not always" • Elec. Power 8 Lighting Fortn (1) not always" . Meter size must be established-if appliwble IIAR 082001 J ) . SAC determinalion - call 651-602-1000 Cull MN Dept of I fealth at 651-201-4500 for details regarciing food & beveragc or lodging facilities. •" Contacl Building Inspections for sample and if required '*' pcrmit fur new building or udditinn will no[ be processed wiffioul Emergency Response Site Plan. Date 0z_ Site Address 2 /gl A140% Tenant Name (:?7j¢? ?-r Construction Cost 60-146_ UniUSte # /'T?L Former Teoant Name ?- Description of Work ?/c ?!/P/C? Proper[y Owner ? ??4e7Mr1 6 ?46/w ew"10 Telephone # (b (2- 4 1S ?O ?? 7I f4Z Applicant is: _ Owner Contractor 4P&11 ?j Contractor yfJ 6n&ST,P Contac[ #: (6/2) (/ ( '7 ?QN Address ?qY 7 Sta[e /,W/(/ ? ? f? TV Zip ? A,/ City /F!t/(?L44 Telephone #(6//,2], 8 TU ??'Y'?J Arch/Engr "SA Address /_OeW Sta[e M 1- /? sT672"N?.7 /?G ?K?v0 cST Zip 6 S/19 Registration # ?pQ,39 City 57- Telephone t! ( fp.S? ?73 ;??d tf Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service Phone #: () i hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowledge tha[ the informa[ion is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of [he City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; 1 understand this is no[ a permit, but only an application for a permi[, and work is not to s[art without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. 11aC-OR M- sCJ1- ApplicanPs Printed Name ?t,A licant's Signature • T A D O NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE . Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 30 Accessory Building ? 14 AparCments )< 27 Commercial/Industria] ? 32 Ext Alt-Apartments ? IS Lodging E. 28 Greenhouse ? 34 ExtAlt-Commercial ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext AIt-Public Facility ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demalish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addi6on ? 36 Move Bldg ? 42 Demolish (Foundati on) ? 45 Fire Repair X 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)" ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition Bullding • Give PCA handout to applicant lw. Valuation Type of Const Width ? Plan Rev 100%_ 25%_ Occupancy ? MCES System SAC Units ? ?-. ?7 Zonmg 057 City Water ? Nbr of Units ? Stories ? Booster Pump - Nbr. of Bidgs ? Sq. Ft PRV Fire Sprinklered /1/0_ Length Required Inspections Footings (new bldg) Fireplace ? R.I. ?Air Test kFinal - Footings (deck) ? Insulation Footings (addition) Sheetrock _ _ Founda[ion ?. FinaVC.O. Drain Tile FinaUNo C.O. Driveway Apron Other Roof Ice Pr Decking lnsul ? Final Pool Ftgs AidGas Tests Final ? Framing _ _ Siding _ Stucco Latt? _ Stone Lath _ Fioal Windows l C/O I Fi ti S h Fi l / na nspec on. c e re edu Marshal to be present. _ Yes No ?. , Approved By: Planning -------------- ?`?`?j?uilding Inspector ri? ?° Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review SAC-MCES SAFCity SNV Permit SM! Surcharge Treatment Plant Treatment Plant (Irrigation) Park Dedication Trail Dedica6on Water Quality Water Supply & Storage (WAC) Financial Guarantee Storm Sewer Trunk Sewer Lateral Street Water Lateral Other Total Sewer Trunk Water Trunk Metropolitan Council March 22, 2007 Da1e Schoeppner Building Official City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Dear Mr. Schoeppner: The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) Division has determined SAC for the Contractor Capitat Corporation to be tocaied at 2781 riiot iuioo Roau within the Ciiy oi Eagan. This project should be charged no additional 5AC Units, as determined below. SAC Units Chazges: Office 1415 sG. ft. @ 2400 sq. ft./SAC Unit Conference 350 sq. ft. @ 1650 sq. ft./SAC Unit Credits: Retail (2/2000) 0.59 0.21 Total Charge: 0.80 1.00 Net Credit: 0.20 or 0 The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. 1t is the City's responsibility to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or size, a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions, call me at 651-602-1378. Sincerely, Jessie Nye SAC Technician Environmental Services Division JN:kb: 070322A3 ? [E (?? LEE ?,V [ED MAR 2 6 2007. cc: S. Selby, MCES Cazolyn Krecfi, Finance, Eagan Patricia Filip, Contractors Capital Corp. ?.metrocoUnCil. org 390 Rober[ Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 •(651) 602-1000 • Fax (651) 602-1550 • TTY (651) 291-0904 An Fquat Oppartmrty F.mptoyer jls 76?,- 2007 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 ?a. 5v / Date 5 ! L / -0-:7- 5iteAddress ru/( l)O Rd• Unit# Tenant Name Former Tenant Name Property Owner Telephone # ( ) Contractor ? Q1 ? ?( Um A'J ???Q `? `? L ?y . S T l Y u? G?S Address Al uj City State Zip Telephooe # (-7&& Z License # l40`7l4 Pn& Expires: 12?, k 0-7 The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ O[her Work Type New Bldg Modify Space _ Irrigation System*• Yes No Work in public r-o-w / easement? _ RPZ _ PVB: New _ RepaidRebuild _ Replace _ Remove Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation s stems Description of Work h To inquire rfP ssure Reducing ve is required on new service, enll 51-675-5646 ?-?? S1 ?? • Meters - Call 651-675-5646 to verify that hydroswtic, wnductivity, and bacteria tesls passed oriur to oickine uo meter. Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM 2" turbo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" meter 174.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 minimvm (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $ -{OOD, W x 1% S? PermitFee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard imeation s, st? $ Radio Meter Read $ State Surcharge Ifcertnit fce is less than 51,000, surcharge is $ 50 If cermrt fee is more Ihan $1,000, surcharge is $.50 far each $1,000 owed. ' ' "' _ ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' ' "' ' ' ' ' _ _ ' _ _ ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' ' ' ' ' _ _ _ _ ' ' ' ' "' ' ' ' "' -" -' _ ' ' _ ' ' _ ' ' -' ' ' _ _ ' ' _ ' ' ' "' ' ' _ ' ' ' _ ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' ' -' ' ' _ ' _ ' ' ' ' ' _ ' Following fees apply when installing uew lawn irrigation system $ Water Permi[ Call the Ciry's Engmeenng Department, 65I-675-5646, for reqwred fce amounts $ Treatment Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ State Surcharge $ Total Fee 1 hereby apply for a Commemal Plumbmg Permit and acknowl«Ige that the mfortnation is complete and accurace; that the work will be m conformance with the ordmances and codes of the City of F.agan and wrth the Plumbing Codes; [hat [ unders[and t i not a permu, but only an applica[ion for a permit, and work is not to start without a permrc, that the work wdl be m accordance with the approved plan m the case f wo k which require view and ap ? v oCplans + P Acaninted Name pl' unCs ignature i?j?' U "7 gcoo 2007 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL rEiuvnT nrrLtcATTOrr City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telep6one # 651-675-5675 Please complete foc commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-famil buildin when wwrale rmits aze n t re uired for each dwellin unil Date _?5_ / Site Street Address 27 it -Rw-r 4we> Rc> ? Uoit # ) Tenant Name (ff applicable) 5 OAOF"v _ Previous Tenant Name /', ?? / ProperlyOwner (?-/I?J?'FQ-j? CAPIA'L l , Telephone#(g?"?p ) M11 Contractor V` n 1 N,4A Street Address 4-M vz? 5- City State I'! 10)4? Zip 3Z*10 Telep6one # ( I0/1 ) ( I ? g?S U 6 Bond #: ?QLI 5'6597(Q Eapires: The Applicant is _ Owner A Contractor _ O[het Work Type New Construc[ion A Interior Improvement _Install Piping _ - t' Processed ?Gas Exterior F[VAC Unit'* d " HVAC units must be screene - I / ? .-r2r . l?G'?1? . UndedAbove ground Tank Install Remove , ! ll for inspection by Fire Marshal and Plumbing Inspector When installing/removing tank(s), ca ! Nature ofWork: T1W c-4*6 t4IKG l? VE.'OFMIQ Permit Fees $70.50 Underground ank mstallatioNremoval $50.50 Minimum (imludes S[ate Swcharge) r Contract V alue $x 1% _ $ ? Permit Fee $ State Surcharge To calculate surchsrge If Permit Fec is less than $1,000, surcharge is 50 cents. If Permit Fee is 1 $I,000, surcharge increases by $.50 for each $ I,000 Permit Fee (i.e a$1,001-$2,000 Permit Fee requires a $1.00 suroharge). Total Fee I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and aceurate; that [he worK will De m coniormance wiin Lno o,?jual[w? .u- codes of the CiTy of Eagan and with ttie Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, hut only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accord e with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ? ?c? btG?. ApplicanYs Printed Name ApplicanPs Signature ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------- --------- ------------ ------------------ -- Approved By, J!r /0 3` ' 3 d- 0 '? , Inspector Date: Required Inspec lions: _ U.G. 'Y"-R.I. _KAir Test _ Gas ServiceTest _ Infloor Heat d Final ? s- ; , " }',? ?,nv?iNq fh-cA ? Q I ? ( ? f-n ? ol 0 m? z ' ' , ? `""Gl ? ?--? n 58.00--- ? ?? ? ? ^ ? /? .... .... ...... . iV .... ......... . e ? i? ?_- E?a? i' 1 I ? PROPOSED t BUILDING ? ; ? ? I I io % ? ! ? I 1 I cW*? 10 I , • I ? • f ' ' uramr u?ert PARCIM6 FOR 22 CARS ? --28 0-- 23 _ eumam, ie,Mgc ?a,c,? --- ? . •1Q•• , ___-`- • - - - - -_ --- _? -- - ? _. nn ` _ LANDSCAPE LEGEND O 3.3' BREEN A3H 0 ? O ? 6' BLACK HZLLS SPRUCE 2 1/2' LZNDEN 'GREENSPIRES' CRAB 'SPRING SNOW' LANDSCAPE= PLAN AF80RVITAE. TECHY OR MISSION HEOGE T % U ? 1yi`il J?'_ 1 $ FtECEI 2??1 e ip 1 hweby arilfy thet thb speeltiation. m np?rt wat ?ytne a under my de?RrM au and that 1 ter lawa ?fkke Su e of A undec Wle ? -?"don No. M12M 0 ?•?• D'-0' _ ? _ f7'-0' EIIIT(& ? r MECH. X ?o ? a ? RETAIL STORAGE ? O ? O PC ?EXIT ? O s•o• e. .,a• MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN su p ua' • f'- e' Y6R1lATIO! tu wem awuinar aavieo w NwW rwi a ww= iarx 1% lwvm*c&Lr aawim eram awM.e a aistirm 1% mmm ar se asic mu m imum a aneme Am atx ATrn vertnarme NpM Att[C YBRlLATIPI AT A Mi! CF ! BaMI[ POOf CP YBR?IB wn uyen uo eawc rar a aaon AWA aovW ?r LBsr aei v vortnama ac LxAim a ne wM vWM as ne xov At LFA6t ! FHi AlOY[ M GY! OI OONIQ2 YBIIl. MIOF EAY! YBIIB AIE 110fMJP0. LORAiIGN 91At1 NDT BLGf7t M ? FiLM 0P AIN. PIOYIOH 1 f• A1R iVJM DE11M TE TW. MO BIIY aeernter.: aacrosrAL rrxnre ? ao auminucrta m: vaovm[o er ne aM,•••- aMPucta wo aerxi m oooe. xuene omta uo aenuunax m e[ nnrmeo er ne nueawi OOIINACIW MD DBGIlAD 10 EmE. MEMUMMAL. IltlYMCLL fY6161! TO !E 0!lliO NO n6IlLllD !? M 1lOMLICM. C011MCIOR TO OOOE. DM ELEVATIQNS arxc us• • r- o• DOOR SCHEDULE Ili .= s? ?W? ew CM. ? T= DOOR TYPES ? A B (NOOD) / C (STEEL) Se.a