2785 Pilot Knob RdMECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee ? i l u I ?' y J fi!l in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prini /egib/y TCYL , ? t -?`- 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address (3(l.-OT 4Gk.l? Lot Blk.l 1 Tract ?r 4. Owner Uci Z-` ? i 5. Contractor?? A rnone 6. Address I_7G9 &jc • 7. City W?(Wi-- State J'YI J Jl? 2ip ? 8. Building Type: Residential P? 9. Work Description: New 0 Commercial ? Institutional ? Add 14 Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe `Jt ?n GOQZ R,+w • Fuel Type GAZ ? 11. No. ? E.quinment STU - M. Ea. Forced Air??0313 ` No. EQUipment CFM Air Handling: Mfg. l ? f ?J - Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mf9• Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. 1 hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply wII ordin1 ces a d cr} odes governing this type of work. Signed : ?? 4.-- t' `,? for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 J 1 CIY OF EAGAN '?"' 1830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 ' SITE ADDRESS: I . N ` 10 "y ? ,,I 4: ! 1 uN 4 PERMIT SUBTYPE: PERMIT TYPE: `J" " "' Permit Number: ui " ?"' Date Issued: 0'' ' ? ' i •' " y 0 "4S° APPLICANT: M F31 ( t ? ? ? i , ?a? TYPE OF WORK: i?f ?,i F? iNl'ION nl Anr % 1 1 1 1., ; ,,,fi MR1 '?t1i1Nl? 1 ?l'.111 ?t I 1 f1P1 INSPECTION . . . ? , ;.; ? . . . f RkMARKS.s S14PARATE 151 itplit'. RFli!!IRl0 FOR l;it-r1R tr,q1 UR t'IlIMN1NA WaR/ ? 1' - ? . Permk No. Permft Holder Oate 7elephone # ELECTRIC 9Cj ? PLUMBING HVAC C g/ 9(/ g3 5 Inspecdon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIHEPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL MTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FlNAL BSMT R.I. 85MT FINAL DECK F7G DECK FINAL CITY OF EAGAN Remarks /.c - Addition SeCtion 4 Lot 4 elk 3 Parcel 10 00400 040 03 Owner ? a?s f ff.q,'er L{ 6 i street 2785 PilOt KtZOb Road state Eagan? MN 55121 .jC(.,Q - -k Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, f?? 1984 146.78 10 STREET RESTOR. GRADING ? sa,rv sEw TRUNK 1968 147 . 00 4.90 30 PAID ti SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN L 2 .R : . WATERLATERAL j 1972 $7 26.00, 20 PAID WATER AREA STpRM SEW TRK ST4RM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK /") 61) yva ayo cL3 Towrr or EAcAN 3795 PiPot Knob P.oad Eagan, Piinnesoea 55121 PERAfIT N0. 117 The Board of Supervisors hereby grants to {deieabce ?renchiag & Eseevstiaa Co, of 660 Cliff HoBd, £Baee, MN 55123 aCES3P00L Permit for: (Owner) Jewt M Det6r at $785 Pilot Knob Aoed. BBgSn 55130 , Pursuant to application dated 8/lb/72 Fee Paid: $10.00 Dated this 16th day o£ AusuBt , 1912-. .5o s!c Bus.lding Inspector l i EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Owne= y...-...-....r.?...Q.Zti...'......_-----...------------.......--'-- Address (Present) ...?7.?:.5._s?.?"-?- - - ................... Suilder .......-........... ....................-----.....-------------........... Address ........................................................... --------------------...------- DESCRIPTION N° 2194 Eagan Township Town Hall Data ........................ Sioxies To Be Used For Froni Dep1h Heigh! Esf. Cos! Pexmit Fee Remazks 3 '2- / °""? G• ?° K Sireex, xoaa or oiner uescapxion ox Location I 1.0= I niocx I AGQ1IlOt1 O! "1'SeCI ? 1 -Sef -n0A-) " l This pezmit does nat auYhorize the use of slreeffi, roads, alleye or sidewelks nor doas it give the owner or his agen! the righl to aeale anp siluation which is a nvisanee or which presenfs a hasard fo the heallh, safeSy, conveaienee and general welfare fo anpone in the eommuniYy. THIS PERMIT MUST SE KEPT ON THE PR£MISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. . This is !o cerlify. !hal.... 3? -.---64:? ..._ ....................._---haspermission !o the above described premise subjee! !o the provisions oi the Buildinq Ozdinance for Eagan Towns ip a opied April 11, 1955. `?? -'........-------._ ...... ..............., j...?-t-:..................... Per -------- _........ .__.--t`•`•---•--"-=-=-?---•?:t.....?P?.._""'---'---... Chairm9it oi Tnw ?Board Huilding InspecSor EAGAN TOWNSHIP Owaer Addsess (pxeseni) Builder Address PER T ITi/lL} / 3 ?L 1 1/- 1 F- =_ . N° Eagan Township Town Hall c Dete 2195 ? This permii dcea not autharize us of c2raeis, roads, alleys or sideaVauks nor does it give the owner or his agenf the righ2Yo ereale aap sifuaiion which u a nuisanee os whieh psesenSS a hezasd fo the healfh, safefy, convenience and general weltare !o anpone ia the eommunifp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON TFIE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGAESS. Thia is !o ceriify. !hal.... ...._.....has permission !o ---?a_?"......: .?.'... ....._upoa ?J...-?- ---...._.-'-------. . -•...... .. . . . . . ° !he above described premise eubjecY !o the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan Township adople April 11, 1955. p u? .................... ....... ..............rJ '.t... ...................... Per ....... ...'...... ?7?f ........ ?..._p ?"_""'...... Chairmdn of Tnwn Soard Suildin Ina ecfos ?i EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT h^._?....Q..L:? ./....?..?. .?---------------------' [ owne= 7 Address (Preseni) "'.......!..1../.....R...Y...........?/.l.t?_?....?7) t) U Builder .--'-----°-v..l?..l.............................................................. Address N° 2290 Eagan Towaship Town Ha11 De:a a..7 ........3f1q..70 Sioriee To Be Used For d ? Froni Depth 2 Hefghi Esi. Cos! s b o P-armiY ,Fee? Re rarks / ft I i v,? d 16 y ? I? _?? This permit does not au2hori:e the use of sireels, roada, alleys or sidewalke nor does it give the owner oc his agent !he sigh! !a ereafe anp aifuafion which is a auisance or which presenfc a hasard fo the healih, safely, eonvenience and genesal welfare fo anpone in the communily. THIS PERMIT MUST BE PT OIf TH R E WHILE THE WOAK IS IN PRO???ggg E This is So eerlifp, ihal... I. _Qe!rM iY.k.. .?? .............has permission 3o erect a__• .................. ................ --.._upon the abave described premise jee! Yo the pzovisians of the Buildia Ordine ee for a Township adopled April 11, 1955 . I ....... ...A ------ - -- -------=---------------------- Pei ....L?....... ---??[/X.Y-Y••..............--........ .....-----. ? C mrmen of Tnwn B- oard HuIIding Inspeclor ad 18 months from 004<)6 64J 03 Date of this Request_.2 326321 1, as 0 Licensed fllectrical Contractor ? Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal wering installed at: Street Address or Route No.?. /c"rJ ?Z-i/.,sr/'SNo,L /?-4 City N Section Township Range County Which is occupied by ?Gr / (Name of Occupant) Is a roughin inspection re uired on this job? No ? Yes Ready Now D Will Cali)g? Power Supplier ?y ?/0 Address -?ZLXi4 ci / ? ..?? Electrical Contractor ? n tvsc? Contra"cCor's Compa fV e) Mailing Address t? jElttt al C 6tr? rr owner ak n9 ThIS?IhOneatl Authorized Signature (Elxtfital ContfeClof o1 OwnBI Mtkln9 Thid Initallatlon) (? ?j (?aj?1lj This inspection reqP Pwill nPt 6e aceepted by ffie !n1 L g ? l,?U?{?' U State Board unless ra er ins eetion fee is endosed. Minnesota State Board of Elactricity niversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104-Phone 645•7703 9QUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION MWffEEK BELOW WOAK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST /?z-408 R_. 26.321 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances W'ved Foc Check Equipment Wved Fbc Home ? ? ? Range ? Temporary W'ving ? Duplex 13? ? Watei Heater ? Lightmg Fixtures ?' Apt. Bldg. ?? ? Dryec ? Electric Heanng ? Comme[cial 81dg. ? ? ? Fumace ? Silo Unloader ? IndUStrial Bldg. ?? ? Air Conditionei ? Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? List List Othec ? ? ? p HeheTSf_ p Heiels? COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW Se`viceE ize: # F eedera&Subteedecs: # Fee Crtcuits: # . Fee 0 100 Am 101 to 2DU mps. Above 200_Amps. 0 t m s 31 t -0 s Ab ? 0 A s 0 to 30 Am eres 31 to 100 Am xes Above 100 Amps. Transfocmers Re teC ro Partialorotheifee S' ns Special lns ction Minimum Pee 55.0 Remarks TOTAL FEE 1, the Electrical Inspectoe, hereby cer at t?/ po? e?nspec ion has been made. ? (Rough-in)_ Date (Flnal) Date 3- lY` Z J This request void 18 months from ` ?- 3'? 9_ g?l 3 1 0 OFFI OSE NLY This request void I e momhs (rom validation dore pnnled in Ihis bov 77 9?f9? C? 5G5 ? PLEASE PRINT OR TVPE Reqoes/l D7ok ?? ' Roogh-In inspenon reqwred2 ? Yas d ErNa r Inspecbon OtherThon ftoo9h-In ? Reody Naw Will Call R d p -)- J Voa must mll tFe inspeclor when reo y) ea y. ofe I, ? licensed conhodor ? owner hereby request mspecfion of ihe a6ave elecfnml wark at: Jo6 Pddress (St n? 1 Boi, Ro?1e Na ? J' " S 1l -.?. Gry ?? _ Zp Code ? Sedion No. Township Name or No Range No Fire N. Cwnry Occupapi i--? ? ?Oin Phane N. ? PowerSupplier ^ NS I J Addrexs f /5 Elecinml Comrocmr ?Compony Name) ?/ / ' I`: Conkador Licen e No. Mesten cc Na (Plant Eletl Only) I? p qdd ss (CThador or pwnar Pedorming Insrolimian ? z ? ??il? ?.? Authanzed tro or O Pe In Wllaho ? 7 Phone No. A E13-0000IA"1'6/95 ?? STATEBOAHOCOPY-SEEINSTRUCTIONSONB?A ROfYELLOWCOW I II I(?I?II ?II? I III III III I III I?I REOUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Y??7 Minnesofa State 8oard of Electricity g, * 0 3 University 7? 9 9 4 3 7 * PBone (E72) 642 V-0900 m 9 28'C//_ ? MN 55104 ???y? ?/ y. Home Duplex Apt. Bldg. Other: New Addn Commercial Industriol Form Remod Re air Air Cond. Hlg. Equip. Water Wr. Load Mgmt Ofher: D er Ron e Elec. Heat Tem . Service "X" obove the wolk covered by this request. Enter remarks in this space and on fhe bock of the white copy only. LGL(/ik. 14 /C? Colculote Inspection Fee - This Inspedion Requesf wJl not be acrepted without the correct fee: Other Fee # Serrice Enkance $ize Fee Circviis/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Park Stall 0 to 200 Amps 0 0 100 Amps $ireet Llgffroffic Sig. A6ove 200 Amps, A ve 100 Amps Tronsformer/Generator INSPECTOq'SUSEONLY TOTAL L Sign/Outlina Lig. Ximr Alnrm/Remote Confrol $wimming Pool ? I hereb cem ele IlaM1On d hemin on Aa datee smled Irngotion Boom Ro„ Om? Special Inspedion x D Investigatrve Fee o THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN /8 M THS. ,. .?. ?,._. 22 %K)nIi::;t1781X(11:; ' r ?.? :961Y)8* ;;:3)X ,')';?Y);n:;: . . . ::S,i;, . -.a. ...: .. . .. . .. .. , . .. . (:IT4' [?F t=ArAN C?SN:CF:!:t: S P'E!:MTMAL I.Q- 93ct DATI:: 09/17196 ?_'t'i'i•.-: ;.Sr19;01 rii . NA"iE:' F.:E'VIN Tlibt"!='SCt, un1fF5 :% 300 9001 27B5 F'T.L_OT I'.i\!I;Et cFir'„r:'i W?P JLU! 2785 F'T_I.GT F;"JUTt 14-3.63 245:5 3011l 2785 F'i.I..UY I(NOT' 0.00 3210 3001 042 L'1EA1 RICE ] 287.05 3422 9001 Ws2 BFFarh:tr..r s; i4s.6; ?iSS 9D%)J. J042 =':.N7FiICE j 0W 32,n 9001 037 tsr:A°<,:a.r.,r s 274.73 2422 9001 1037 C3k.t1"7-R:: Sc 1 137.30 ^!•? .lc; G. '. i??]r _ ?.L , ?.??i)( r_ r C A?.1?1I.ICI: ?I :>n uJO :x:?i0 900i i.Ok:; tiE391147T}{ 37 20.71 CROO6 S39 .... 1',CNT'(Fq ;iC U5E6 7:Dc NAN_r,Y :n>k?'WA?h(%:?'%?(7kY,tYoYiYFA'FX?1XkC?(i??'(?kYMW.MW?'?k'MyK COhCi'l.Nl1= Czrv Or f':AGAN (:ASHTF_Re S . TET?iMSNAL N0; 80 DA1'F_, 0017/96 l"'EMLv 1509:25 TIi s NAM1=? KEV1N 1'HONF'SUt: FlOi'iFS ThC; 3422 9001 104; I:LNNL:7!{ S'T' 0083 205 9001 9.U45 K}'_'NNl_'i'!-I ST' 'c;.`.ip Tota1 F'ncr9.pt Amour,i;e 1,68raeS2 CFi064S39 lJ5F_R :f.Li. MANCti' %k ?c>r;t",::$V:.? ?Y?n:?Yd$?YF?X??k?X>'F%K"k?:#?)?pF?M?kh':$Pk?:Yd>Rh?7Kkt4S , CIT.Y OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 2785 PILOT KNOB RD LOT: q BLOCK: 3 SECTION 4 P.I.N.s 10-00400-040-03 DESCRIPTION: MAC SOUND Buildin9-,Permit Type °?Buildit?g 4?o,rk Type `.fCensus Code a }? 1 y ?. ....- ?t.;_ v-• x,,,,fu` .?, -y 4 yrl; ?.r?? INSULflTION SF (MISC.) ALTERATION 434 ALT. RESIDENTIAL }t? ? >'1 +( :1 „- ? ? ? BUILDING 028831 09/17/96 REMARKS: SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL OR PLUMBZNG WORK FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge Tptal Fee $287.25 $143.63 $10.00 $440.88 CONTRACTOR: KEVSN THOMPSON HOMES 14769087 P 0 BOX 794 WAYZATA MN 55391 $20,000 OWNER: DRENCKHAHN 2785 EAGAN - Applicant - ALAN PILOT KNOB RD MN I her,eby acknaaledgethat I have a^ea-d tMis:-appl3.c?ation end state that t,he informatian is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of'Mn. SEatutes and City bfi"Eagan.Ordinanees. • L ?? ?_ APPLIC /PERMITEE SIGNATURE ? ISSUED B: SIGI ATURE i I 3830 PIL'OT KNOB RDN 55122 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-d675 New Gonstrucfion Reaulroments RemodeUReoair Reauirements ? 3 regislered ake surveys ? 2 copies ot plan ? 2 copiea of plans (inWude Deam 6 window s¢es; poured fnd. design; etc.) ? 2 site surveys (exterior.eaditions & decks) ? 1 energy ealcUlafions ? 1 energy calculations for healed addilions ? 3 copies of tree preaerveUon plan H lot platted afler 711193 required, _ Yes _ No State: DATE: 'I `? D ? 9 IF CONSTRUCTION COST: / ? ?gp" " 6 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -Sl• • • 1 _1 1=9 J41 b - STREET ADDRESS: ? ?gs LOT --j1- BLOCK llren CO h)) L Name: ?61-,..+ /9 fA N Phone #: IAbT RNSi SUBD./P.I.D. #: . PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR 5treet City: E494 . .a ? State: N ' Zip: Company: P one #: r-? 83r??? o,? Street Address: PO /'?? 'License #: City: Z4? 2=& State:?A l ` Zip'1-3 IT/ ARCHITECT/ Company: ENGINEER Name: Phone Registration #: Street Address- City: Sewer 8 water licensed plumber: change are requested once permit is issued. ??D . kpl Zip: Penalry applies when address change and iot I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with ali applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of ApplicanY. ?.?? ? RFECEdMEDD OFFICE USE ONLY SEP 12 199E Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes No _? Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes No OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE s, . r. ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish Rf 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. 0 17 Swim Pool n 03 SF Addition o 08 8-piex ? 13 Garage/Accessory o 20 Pu61ic Facility ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 05 5F Misc. ? 10 = plex o 15 Deck WORK TYPE n 31 New Rf' 33 Alterations o 36 Move ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL lNFORMATION Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. MCNVS System ? (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. PRV # of Stories sq. ft. Booster Pump Length sq. ft. Census Code. -! Depth Footprint sq. ft. SAC Code 121 Census Bldg i Census Unit O APPROVALS Planning Building l"t^3 Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ '20, ovn.?`" Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit SMV Pertnit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units CITY USE ONLY L ? BL ?- RECEIPT#: LZf-2 7 SUBD. t- DATE• 9/P'/f G 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 P1LOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit New construction Add-on fumace ? Add-on air conditioning Add-on airexchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: ?-k-qtV FFFS ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) $20.00 ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @ $3.00 each) ? State Surcharge .50 TOTAL ? ?' SITE J OWNER NAME: fl?aVl bYQ?1CIL?'10„f'14?1 PHONE #: 4?2 UT2+ INSTALLI STREET 1 ?- CITY: pJ7",t1???r STATE: tJi N Zlp: VAI?01 PHONE #: ( L (2 ) 193 "4r;'L (iC SJGNAT CITY USE ONLY L BL _ RECEIPT #: SUBD. DATE: .:,,, 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for. ? all commerciaVindustrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are ngi required for each dwelling unit. DATE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION Gf'NTRACT P"RICE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT FEES: ?$25.00 minimum fee gr 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of pgmjt fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL CITF pl'fnRFS$; OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLI) TELEPHONE #: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CIIY: - PHONE #: STATE: ZIP• SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR i ? v ? D ? J? ?rtt? z> TO; Tom Hedges, City Administrator Tom Colbert, Director of Public Works FROM: Annette Margarit DATE: September 13, 1993 RE: A2iz Ansari Our File No. 206-11672 /v - ovyoo - 0 440 -03 Mr. Aziz Ansari, owner of Wundexbar Gifts located at 2781 Pilot Knob Road contacted Tom Colbert in mid-1992 concerning two trees that were recently planted by Mr. Ansari's next door neighbor. Mr. Ansari claims the trees obstruct the visibility of the sign for his store. Tom Colbert responded to Mr. Ansari's complaint by sending a letter to the tree owner demanding removal of the trees. Attached please find a copy of a drawi.ing -?repared by Bruce Allen, showing the location of the gift <hup sign and the location of the two trees. According to Tom Calbert's lekter, the location of the trees violates Section 7.08, Subu. 1.il.1, which prohibits trees from being planted within ten feet horizontally of any utility line. On August 31, 1993, I drove up and down Pilot Knob Road several times to observe how much the trees interfered with viewing the sign. At this point, the height and fullness of the trees do not hide the upper part of the sign which is red in color. As the trees grow taller, they may do so. One of the trees, a pine tree, appears to be rather brown and not very healthy. Neither tree is particularly full. The trees are several feet to the west of the trail along Pilot Knob Road. Mr. Ansari has made repeated requests to the City that the City enforce its Code Section 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1., to enforce the removal of the trees. I believe the City may have a great deal of legal difficulty in doing so as the City would have to defend allegations (1) of discriminatory enforcement; and (2) that removing the trees would serve no public purpose as required for a valid ordinance. 2. The Citv of Eaaan has affirmativelv avoided removina trees in the past- a The ordinance at issue, 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1, provides as follows: D. The placement of trees streets rights of way following City standards: 1. Trees shall not horizontally, of driveway, or within sidewalk. and shrubs in public places, and shall be in compliance with the be planted within ten feet, any sewer line, water line or four feet of any public trail or Tom Colbert has told me that the City has not removed a tree under 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1. since the adoption of the ordinance on July lo, 1990. Presumably the ordinance would only apply to trees planted after the adoption of the ordinance. Mr. Colbert said that the City has always tried to work with the tree owner if a tree was found to be an obstruction for a utility line. At times, City staff have asked property owners to let the City approach the line at some other spot along the property so that the City could preserve the tree, which presumably violates the ordinance. Additionally, I spoke to Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities, regarding enforcement of the ordinance. He also stated the City does not remove trees unless it is necessary to protect the utility line. Importantly, he said the City permits planting of trees on top of the utility line in new developments so long as the tree is of a type that has shallow roots. The Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution protects persons accused of an ordinance violation from intentional discrimination in enforcement. See State v. Vadnais, 295 Minn. 17, 202 N.W.2d 657, 659 (1972). The Minnesota Supreme Court in Vadnais, however, distinguished between inaction and intentional discrimination: "A conscious exercise of some select activity in enforcement, based on a rational exercise of police or prosecutorial discretion or a mere laxity in enforcement, does not itself establish a constitutional violation." Id. at 659. The Court, however, continued to say: "An intentional or deliberate * * not to enforce penal violators expressly included regulation does, in our viel the constitutional guarantee laws." decision by public officials * regulations against a class of within the terms of such penal a, * * * constitute a denial of of equal protection of the -2- ? Id. Eagan has affirmatively chosen to not prosecute persons who have violated the express 10-foot prohibition of the ordinance and even permits trees to be planted on the utility lines. The City has not merely been lax in enforcement but has chosen to allow violations as long as the violating trees do not harm the utility lines. Issuing a citation for violation of Section 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1 in this case would single out the tree owner for prosecution when other known violators are not prosecuted. Pursuant to Vadnais, the City's past enforcement practice and interpretation of this ordinance will make prosecuting the improper planting of these two trees difficult. II. The City's practice of enforcing the ordinance only when there is a problem with the line is supported by the minutes for the July 10, 1990, City Council meeting during which the ordinance was adopted. At that time City Administrator Hedges informed the Council that the ordinance grew out of community concern for landscaping of boulevards. Specifically the residents of Fairway Hills had concerns about the overabundance of concrete remaining after the upgrade of Pilot Knob and Cliff Road. The ordinance provided a change from previous City policy in that it permits people to plant trees along the boulevard. Section 7.08, Subd. 1, Paragraph D.I. appears to serve the purpose of preserving the City's ability to maintain its utility lines. The remainder of Paragraph D. discusses other requirements for the placement of trees which deal with such items as distance from gas lines and electric lines; number of feet back from the curb or sidewalk; and preventing trees and shrubbery from harming the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Trees and shrubs cannot be planted to "block the visibility of any regulatory, warning, or street identification sign, or block the illumination of street lights." The placement requirements have the obvious pubiic purposes of safety. Wayne Schwanz is familiar with the trees complained of by Mr. Ansari. He understands the pine tree has shallow roots and will not present a problem to the line. He is unsure what may result from the linden tree. Mr. Schwanz is of the opinion that the trees do no harm to the line so he sees no reason to remove them. -3- A The focus of 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1 is to enable general public use of the trail, roadway, and utility lines. The sole purpose of requiring removal of these two trees which do not interfere with public uses would be to enable a private person's sign to be more visible. Removal of the trees would not be for a public purpose. This raises a question as to the validity of the ordinance as applied to this situation. The ordinance may lbe overbroad, requiring the loss of private property unnecessarily. An ordinance must bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety, morals or general welfare. Countv of Freeborn v. Claussen, 295, Minn. 96, 203 N.W.2d 323, 326 (1972). An ordinance must "tend to accomplish the purpose of its adontion." Fairmont Foods Co. v. Citv of Duluth, 260 Minn. 323; 110 N.W.2d 155, 157 (1961). Enforcement of Section 7.08, Subd. 1.D.1. requiring removal of these two trees would bear no relationship to health, safety or welfare concerns nor accomplish the purpose of the ordinance. Enforcement is not likely to be upheld by a court. APII4/wkt cc: James F. Sheldon, City Attorney 1The ordinance in the future by as to interfere ? Bruce Allen told with "modern" pipes could perhaps be amended to avoid this problem prohibiting trees from being planted in such a way aith any sewer line, water line or driveway, etc. me that roots of trees generally are not a problem as the pipes are so deep. -4- 1 _ city of eagan MEMO TO: THOMAS L HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 19, 1993 SUBJECT: TREE ENCROACHMENT IN UTILITY EASEMENTIPARCEL 10-00400-040-03 You have forwarded to my attention a letter sent to the Mayor from Mr. Aziz Ansari who owns the Wunderber Gitts & Collectors Paradise located adjacent to the above-referenced parcel. Mr. Ansari has requested the Mayor's intervention before he proceeds with other legal recourses. Subsequently, you have requested some background information and a current status report regarding this sRuation. Mr. Ansari brought to the attention of the Engineering Division a sRuation where his next door neighhor, Mr. AI Drenkhahn (2785 Pilot Knob Road), has planted two large trees that were obstructing the visibility of the advertising sign for Mr. Ansari's business located at 2781 Pilot Knob Road. During Engineering's investigation of this complalnt, ft was discovered that the trees were planted wkhin a CRy sanitary sewer easement. Subsequently, a certNied letter was sent to Mr. Drenkhahn's attention on June 15, 1992, informing him of the violation and requesting his compliance with the attached City Code. In the interim, I had cornersations wkh Mr. Ansari informing him that the City is hesitant to becoming invdved in a neighbor dispute through a request to enforce a City Ordinance. I informed him that we would work wfth Mr. Drenkhahn to try and obtain compliance. However, I cannot justify the legal expense to ensure conformance unless spec'rfically directed by Council action. On October 7, Mr. Ansari again requested the City's involvement and efforts to obtain compliance. On October 9 and again on December 2, letters were seni to Mr. Drenkhahn's attention. Beyond Mr. Drenkhahn's verbal commitment to correct the problem "sometime", we have not received any positive action or subsequent response from Mr. Drenkhahn. Copies ot all this correspondence has been attached to this memo for your information. Please advise as to what extent the City staff and/or attomey's office should pursue this issue and/or Code enforcement. ?--?tI Director of P??ublic Works TAC/jj ? / cc: Bruce Allen, Engineering 7ech Enclosure: Correspondence Dated 4-5-93, 12-2-92, 10-9-92, 10-7-92 & 6-15-92 Mr. Thomas Egan Mayor City of Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN. 55122-1897 ? ME--??'--??-`-?- April 05, 1993 AF'R 1 3 I f, ??'?------ . RE: Parcel # 10-00400-040-03 Landscaping Encroachment into Utility Easement Code Violation. Dear Mr. Egan: We have made repeated requests to the City of Eagan to remove the two trees from the above referred propeRy, Mr. Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. issued a formal notice on June 15, 1992, granting 60 days to comply, again a second notice was sent on October 09, 1992 but so far there aze no signs of any intent to comply by the notices. We had expressed our concern and the urgency to remove these trees in our last letter to Mr. Thomas A. Colbert dated September 05, 1992. Almost a year has passed by since these trees were first put here Uut nothing has been done about this situation, these trees were put here on purpose, and we intend to seek legal help if the city is unable to enforce its ordinance, however before we do so we want to bring this matter to your knowledge, so that you may instrument your good offices to resolve this situation. Very truly yours, Wunderbaz Fine Gifts & Collectibles aZiZ A. Ansari :ity oF eegan MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681•4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 MAINTENANCE FACILRY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 661-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 THOMASEGAN Mayor December 2, 1992 ALDRENKHAHN 2785 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN. 55123 RE: Tree Encroachment in Utility Easement Parcel #10-00400-040-03 Dear Mr. Drenkhahn: PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENiY iHEODORE WACHTER CoUncll Members THOMAS HEDGES Ciry Admininsirator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Clerk I am writing you to follow up on the letter we sent you on October 9, 1992 regarding the two trees planted within our sanitary sewer easement. As we said in that letter, the placement of trees is in conflict with our conditions for utility easements which prohibit trees from being placed within easements. As we discussed in our October 9th letter, these trees should be transplanted this year. We observed on December 1, 1992 that these trees are still sitting within the utiliry easement. We will still insist that these trees get moved and we would like to know when you plan to have this done this year. Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding this matter. Sincerely, 1!?? Bruce Allen Engineering Technician 8A/jf THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Actlon Employer :ity of eaqan MUNICIPAL CENTER 9830 PIlOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-7897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (672) 681-4612 October 9, 1992 MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55722 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 fAX: (612) 681•4360 ALDRENCKHAHN 2781 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN. 55123 RE: TREE ENCROACHMENT IN UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL #:10-00400-040-03 Dear Mr. Drenckhahn: THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHTER Councll Memberc THOMAS HEDGES Cify Atlminlnslmtor EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Ctly Clerk I am writing to you regarding the trees we have asked you to remove from within the sanitary sewer easement over your property along Pilot Knob Road. in discussing this with the City Forester, we understand that October is an ideal month to transplant trees of this type. We are, therefore, requesting that you arrange to have these trees moved this year instead of waiting until spring. Please contact me with any questions you may have regarding this matter. Sincerely, <T?>? Bruce Allen Engineering Technician cc: Wundebar Gifts BA/jf THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/AtNrmative Action Employer wvrtDERSAx ?ECcIVjEo B,T FINE GIFTS & COLLECTIBLES October 7, 1992 Mr. Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works City Of Eagan, Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Rd., Eagan, MN. 55122-1897 9 1992 RE: Parcel # 10-00400-040-03 Landscaping Encroachment into Utility Easement Code Violarion. Deaz Mr. Colbert: As per your letter of June 15, 1992 a formal notice was issued to Mr. Alan Drenckhahn to remove the two trees within 60 days. As of today 81 days have passed by, and there are no signs of these trees being removed, in order to eliminate the current violation. Each day we are loosing in sales and advertising and thus ]oosing potential customers in fuhue. We strongly request the City of Eagan to look into this matter, as due notice period of 60 days has lapsed and we as a small business cannot afford to loose Sales/Promotion due to intentional planting of these trees to obstruct the view of the reader board sign. This sign is changed every week to brings in new customers, and keep our regulaz customers posted of sales and other specials. For the last 110 days messages on the South end of the reader board have not been changed because of the tree obstructing the view of the reader board for North bound uaffic on Pilot Knob road. I hope the City of Eagan will recognize the urgency of this matter as the Holiday season is upon us, needless to say this is the busiest and most important Ten Weeks for our survival. Very truly yours, Wunderbar Fine Gifts & Collectibles Aziz A. Ansari 2781 Pilot Kno6 Road, Eagan, MN. 55121-1119 (612) 454-2156 ?\I?vL1iL.u vvn 1 p W,L ACIY V CR: • ComOlete irems 1 and/or 2 for atldkionel aervices. I 8130 wl5h to reCBiv¢ th¢ • • Comple[e itema 3, and 4a & b. fOIIOWIfIg services (for an extr6 • Print your neme and address on the reverse ot this torm so that we cen fee): " return this card to you. ' _ ? ' • Attach thia form to the tront of the mailpieca, or on the back if spaee 1. Addressee s Address daes not permit _ • Write"fletumRaceiOtflequeated"onthemailpiecabelowtheerticlenumber. 2. ? R85tricted DellVery • TheRetumRecaiptFeewillprovideyouthesignatureafthepersondelrvere ? to and the date af dalivery. Consult ostmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: -nlp CtA?w acKb1rti c,2,9r! loi?1- 7fnzb 44 ? y?,,n ?siaa {??93 d53 S?Y 4b. Service Type ? Registered ? Insured Certified ? COD ? Express Mail ? Return Receipt for 8. (Only if requested 6. UNITED 5TATES POSTAL SERV? . ; ? QM? Z . . oniciei eusiness 'P ,? ;•.?ri ?? - ?040 • , ?e. Print your name, address and ZIP Code here r`? • ;; , •:; "? .";!ot';n.o'? ^oud I .... rG. _... VJT 22-1p PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, 5300 yi,ur? P k`t3 E?53 448 Certified Mail Receipt No Insurance Coverage Provided ? Do not use for International Mail „q,k?;„? (See Reverse) O ? m m c ? O O W P1 E l1 y a S`?e7?m m?? ?? ?>,, ? [? / /tn [-c-?-CVn i(!/VCK/wLl/J Street 8 No --7811 F?ial e,ob 161A0 PO , Slate & ZIP Code Postage $ Cerlified Fee Spenal Oeingry Fee Festnctatl Oelivery Fee Raturn Receipt Shaving to Whom 8 Date Delivered ReW rn Receipt Showin9 ta Whom. OatB, 8 PAtlress of Oelrvery TOTAI Postage d Fees ? Posimark or Oate 6/JI%Z S71CK POSfpGE SfpMPS 7D ARfICLF. TO COVER FlRST CLASS POSfAGE, CERfIfIEU MAIL FEE, RNO C14A9GE& FOR ANY SELECiEO OPTIUNAL SEINICES (see fivnt). 1. If yrou want this recei0'• Wstmarketl, s[ick the gummed stuh m the nph+af the retum aAAre.ss leaving the receipt atlached ana presentthe articie at a post oi/ice service vnn0ow or hantl it ro your rwal camer (no extra charge) 2. If you do no[ want [his receipt postmarked, snck the gummed stu6 to the nghi of the 2tum address of the article, tlate, tlc[aCh and re;ain the rece.pl, and matl the article 3 If you wam a re[um receiot, wnte the certified maii number antl ynur name and a00ress an a retum receipt card, Porm 3811, antl attach it ro the fmnt ot the articie try means of the gummed ends d space permits Otherwise, atfix to the back ot article. Entlofse 1roM of al6cle RETURN RBCEIPT REqUESTED atljacent to the number d: ? ¢ 0 m m N ? ? 4. It you xant aelrvery resirictetl ro the adOressee, or ro an authonzea agem of the adaressee, . p entlarse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the irorrt o1 the article. ? 5 ErRer fees for the services 2ques(ed in the appropnate spaces en the front Mihis receipt fl E reWm receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Porm 3817 LL 6 Save this receipt an0 presen[ it if you make inquiry. ;: V.S.c.ro. 1ss0-270-159 - d - city of eagan MUNIqPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122•1897 PHONE: (612) 689-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4672 MAINTENANCE FACILRY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(672)681•4380 CERTIFIED MAIL THOMASEGAN Mayor June 15, 1992 MR ALLAN DRECKHAHN 2811 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN MN •55122 Re: Parcel #10-00400-040-03 Landscaping Encroachment Into Utility Easement Code Violation PATRICIA AWADA PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWIENTY THEODORE WACHTER Counctl Members THOMAS HEDGES CHy Aamininstiator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Clry Clerk The City has been made aware of the recent planting of two trees in the front yard area of the above-referenced property. Upon researching the location of these trees, it was discovered that they lie within the 20' utility easement located parallel with and adjacent to Pilot Knoh Road (County Road 31) public right-of-way which is your front property line. Enclosed is a copy of an Ordinance adopted on July 10, 1990, that contains Section 7.08, Subd. 1, Paragraph D.1, which states that "trees shall not be planted within ten feet, horizontally, of any sewer line .... or within 4 feet of any public trail or sidewalk". As shown by the sketch of the recent field survey, these two trees are currently in violation of this City Code and must be removed. Therefore, please consider this letter formal notice to remove those trees within 60 days to eliminate this current violation. If these trees are to be transplanted, please note that they,will have to be located closer to your house as there is no space closer to Pilot Knob Road that can comply with these code requirements. Also, please remember to ca11 Gopher State One Call at 454-0002 for underground locations by all public and private utilities to ensure safety and setback requirements. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in correcting this violation. Sincere y, /V ?.t??-'?`v`cvr .. Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj cc: Wayne Schwanz, Superintendent of Utilities Tom Schuster, City Forester Mike Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OppoAunity/Attlrmative Action Employer NO. 10(c 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 6 ENTITLED ^OTHER BUSINESS REGULATION AND LICENSING" BY ADDING SECTION 6.44 REGARDING TREE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS' LICENSING AND CHAPTER 7 ENTITLED °STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" BY AMENDING SECTION 7.08 REGARDING REGULATION OF GRASS, WEEDS, TREES AND.LANDSCAPING AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CEiAPTER 1 AND SECTIONS 6.99 AND 7.99. The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Eagan City Code Chapter 6 is hereby amended by adding Section 6.44 to read as follows: SEC. 6.44 TREE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS' LICENSING Professional contractors hired to perform tree maintenance services within the City of Eagan shall be required to obtain a license. This procedure shall comprise the following steps: A. Application. Application for a license under this ordinance shall be made at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer. B. Application Form. The application for a license shall be made on a form approved by the City which shows, among other things, the name and address of the applicant, the number and names of employees of the applicant, the number of vehicles of applicant, together with a description and license number of each, and the type of equipment proposed to be used. C. Liability Insurance. No license or renewal shall be granted nor shall the same be effective until the applicant shall file with the City Clerk proof of a public liability insurance policy covering all operations of such applicant under this ordinance for the sum of at least One Hundred Thousand and 00-100 ($100,000) Dollars, against liability for bodily injuries to one person from one accident, Three Hundred Thousand and 00-100 ($300,000) Dollars for the injury of two or more persons, and for at least Two Hundred Thousand and 00-100 ($200,000) Dollars, against liability for damage or destruction of property. Said policy shall provide that it may not be cancelled by the insurer except after ten (10) days written notice to the City, and if such insurance is so cancelled and the licensee shall fail to replace the same with another policy conforming to the provisions of this ordinance, said license shall be automatically suspended until such insurance shall have been replaced. D. Bond. Before being allowed to engage in business, the applicant shall give a Twenty Five Hundred Dollar ($2,500) bond to the City which shall be approved in form as to security by the City. E. Worker's Compensation Insurance. Each license applicant shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer a Certificate of Insurance of Worker's Compensation when such insurance is required by state statute. F. Chemical Treatm_r.t Requirements. Applicants who propose to use chemical substances in any activity related to treatment or disease control of trees and shrubs shall file with the City Clerk-Treasurer proof that the applicant or an employee of the applicant administering such treatment has been certified by the Agronomy Division of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture as a"commercial pesticide applicator". Such certification shall include knowledge of tree disease chemical treatment. G. Fees. The annual license fee shall be determined by resolution of the City Council. Section 2. Eagan City Code Chapter 7 is hereby amended by changing Section 7.08 to read as follows: SEC. 7.08 REGULATION OF GRASS, WEEDS, TREES, AND LANDSCAPING Subd. 1. City to Control Landscaping and Irrigation. A. In no cases shall prohibited species be planted within street rights-of-way. Prohibited species are defined as the following trees: Gingko (female only) Box elder Non disease resistant elm species Non hybrid cottonwood species B. The City shall have control and supervision of planting shrubs and trees upon, or overhanging, all City streets or other public property. The City shall establish and enforce uniform standards relating to the kinds, types, and sizes of trees to be planted, installation standards, and the placement thereof. Said standards shall be on file in the office of the City Foreslter. C. Any owner or occupant of a lot or land parcel abutting a public street shall, prior to the planting of trees and shrubs or installation of irrigation systems, within the street right-of-way, obtain written permission from the City. Permits, when so issued, shall identify the species to be planted, size, location thereof, and timeline for installation. The City shall retain the suthority to regulate, authorize or deny any request for said permit in the interest of ensuring the general orderliness of improvements within street right-of-ways. D. The placement of trees and shrubs in public places, and streets rights of way shall be in compliance with the following City standards: 1. Trees shall not be planted within ten feet, horizontally, of any sewer line, water line or driveway, or within four feet of any public trail or sidewalk. 2. The placement of trees and shrubs within public right-of-way shall not disturb any ground within two feet, horizontally, of any gas lines, electric lines, phone lines, or cable television lines, except in those specific cases where utility easements provide for wider setback requirements. 3. Any new trees planted within a street riqht of way shall be spaced no closer than 20 feet apart and must be at least 10 feet from the back of curb in an urban section or 20 feet from the edge of pavement in a rural section. 4. Trees, shrubbery, and other plant materials shall not be planted or maintained, on public or private property, in such a manner as to obscure or impede the visual sightlines required to ensure the safe and efficient circulation of vehicles and pedestrians on streets, intersections, trails; and sidewalks. Trees, shrubbery or other plant material shall not be planted as to block the visibility of any regulatory, warning, or street identification sign, or block the illumination of street lights. The City shall have the authority to determine the minimal amount of required setback and clear 2ones in such circumstances. Property owners in violation of said requirements shall be given written notice, which notice shall be given by mail to their last known address, to remove, relocate, or trim all related plant materials in compliance with the directives given therein. If any owner or occupant Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication accordinq to law. ATTEST: CITY GAN -City cil By: . Vanoverbeke ' omas A. Egan Its: Clerk Its: Mayor ? Date Ordinance Adopt-e.d--' Julv 10 1990 Date Ordinance Published in Legal Newspaper: Julv 26. 1990 .-i 03 va Mt1A 3bi ? :SN lie rx 3CH ? Z? OW9- HW o , ? r w ? r 20C ? J. cn -? ? s n- ? m N a z N m m m . - --• - s30in83s ' ?? ? 1 •• c z v , 3J?AA bx„8 m t I n ?? N ? o ? C T 1 -4 r y ? S < O m IV n y m 3 Z 18LZ? -i i ? ? ? - - I A ih ? ? T ? ? x O ? ? c? z ?I . 0 -? -? ? • 1 ? 100 _ m7' y? - Z t i .L9SZ1'b£ = 0. ? . ,S£'89 = 1 • y £0-010 V ? . 1/ lO11f10 611 ? - -? _.-- -S-}?y? ? --- ? .? ??M" - J6_/ L T ??- a.s a ?g ssa s7=s}m7=a a r i C) , PILOT !.KNOB ?--3nv woivnv 'fA'o•a 'N ol ,os'¢ee ,VV 4Gt i ? EAGFN TOWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minneaota 55111 Telephoae 454-5242 PER4-ILT FOR WATER SER1iICE CONNECTION Date: August 11, 1972 Billing Name:Janet M. Oster Owaer: same Plnmber: Weierke Trenching & Excavating Connection Building is a: Residence xx Multiple Ko. Units Commercial Industrial Other Number: 930 16 do?/Od 61/0 _6,3 Site Address: 2785 ilot Knob Road P 120 Billiag Fddress Meter Size 5/8 Connection Chg. 300.00 8/11/72 Raeder: 5324301 Account Deposit 15.00 pd 8/11/72 Meter No22136812 Permit Fee 10900 pd 8/16/72 Meter Reading Meter Dep. .50 pd 8/16t72 s/c Meter Sealed: Yes Aff'1 Chg. 8.00 pd 8/16/72 NO 1bta1 Chg. Inspected by Date Remarks: $25.00 RE-I,,,SnE;TiON F?[ FOR IiVIPROPEE:LY UNSinLLED PriETrP,S. By: Chief Inspector In consideratiott of the isaue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Sagaa Township, Dakota County Minnesota. , By: Weie e Trenching & Excavating Please notify the above office when ready for inspecCion and connection. R cirr oF eacaN 1992 SEWER & WATER CONNECTION CHARGES EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Sewer connectlon charges SAC $800.00 Date previously paid Receipt # Accourtt deposit 15.00 Sewer permit and surcharge 15.50 Subtotal $830.50 + Sewer tap Date previously paid i Receipt?#< ACCOUnt deposit 15.00 Water permit & surchar e 15.50 Water meter ? 95.00 Treatment plant fee 300.00 Plumbing permit,and sursoarge 15•50 Subtotal / \$1,116A0 Total g830.50 oa 1-7 s? + Water tap SAC Date previously paid _ Water connection., Date previously paicl,_ Account deposit Sewer & water permit and Water meter Treatment plarrt fee Plumbing permit and surcl Subtotal + Sewer?& water taps Receipt # "Z j 675.00 Receipt # 30.00 iarge 30.50 95.00 ??- 300.00 ?., 15.50 $1,946.00 OFFICE USE ONLY PRV h0t ?trl? y Property owner //, ?.1 I-e/ ? C/? ?M / f)?L No. of taps hLLnfx0< /Teephone no. 6' / y 7 z 7 Assessments ?o ?? i ?X 7 o ? f ? //i / ?I1?0 /? /?S- Waiver Afp4 G '1yiy1yi,Lot 4 Bik 3 Sect sECTZON a P I D # 10-00400-040-03 . - ' SPECI AL AS SESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 11/19/1 992 PROPERTY ID: 10-00 400-040-03 S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 100040 SAN SW TRK 1967 30 6.0000 147.00 0.00 0.00 CL 100139 WATER LAT 1971 20 8.0000 726.00 0.00 0.00 CL 100805 STREET 1983 10 12.5000 1467.84 0.00 0.00 PP 101378 SAN SEW LAT 464 1987 10 8.5000 5170.42 517.04 2585.22 ------ Si7MMARY OF LEVIED 5170.42 517.04 2585.22 ****** 1992 P&I CERTIFIED 780.74 ------ SiJNIIQARY OF DEFERRED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ STJFIIMARY OF PENDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 2340.84 Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, F8 /o oo?/oo dyo 03 0 LOCATION MASTER CARD ..S ?_ STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS (fr r? LI L Permit BUILDING No. 2 Issued 3• Issued To Coniracfor Owner / PLUMBING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELKTRICAL ' HEATING GAS INSiALLING SANITARY SEWER i OTHER I OTHER I Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Disiance From Well FOOTING 70 SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING FINAL ELECTRICAL ? • ?,1 I TILE FIELD FT. DEPTH ' HEATING OF WELt GAS INSTALIATION SEPTIC TANK CFSSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WEIL SANITARY SEWER 1- Violations Noted on 8ack COMMENTS: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION ftEPORTS TO BE USED ONLY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS i PERMIT NO. DATE OF INSPECTION CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. NON{OMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUIIDER WILL COMPIY WITHOUT DELAY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DEIAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. AND DESCRIBED AS ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE OF REINSPECTION • REINSPECTION REVEAIED CERTIFICATION -I certify that I have carefully inspected the abwe in which I have no interes[ present or prospective, antl that I have reported herein all significant conditions observed to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved Plans and specifications, end any specific requira menu for off-site improvements relating to 2he propetty inspected. 7 ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTA6LY COMPLETED BUILOING INSPECTOR 11D. 9. Z4-'/'&-3i ,Clt? 4 FEB.-06'98fFRl) 15:30 DAKOTA CO ENV MGT TEL:612-891-7588 Municipat Notice of Welt Permit Applicatiou Dakota County Environmental Maaagement Department Water and Land Management Section 14955 Galaxie Avenue West Apple Valley, MN 55124 Tel(612)891-7011 Fax(612)891-7031 DATfi: Fe6ruaty 6, 1998 TO: Tom Colbert/Wayne Schwenz Fax #: (612) 681•4612 FROM: Watar and Land Management RE: WellPecmit#: 98-T-I119354 Municipality: Eagan zWell T}Pe: Sealetl Environmeirta) Speoialist: Rutten P. 001 Tt1e W ater and Lat?d ManagemenL Section of flie Dakob County F.nvlronmental Managemant Deparhment has receivcd ihe followins pennit applicstion far t1+e well described. If you require further rovlew of the applicarion or lf you have any questions or eoncems about it, wntact tha Environmental Specialist lirted above or our office at (612) 891-7012. If there is no response from yauu of&ce within 24 IiOCTR5 (excluding weakends snd holidays), we will essume that you have no objeotions to the issuance oY the pemih. Please note that permit isvuance is always conditionad on the permit applicanPs abserveuce of and complianca with all applicable state, county, and municipal laws and codes• R+ell Contractor. Carlson Well Drilling Date appliastion ieceived: Fe6ruary 5, 1996 Anticipated Drilling Date: Time: Anticipated Groutiag Aate: I! Time: Property Owner: ;Alae DrncYhabii? , Well Owner: Alan Drenckhahn WELL LOCATYOriI: PLS Coordinates: 1l4, ne 114, se 114, ne 1/4, Sec 4, Town 27, Range 23 Street address L785 Pilat Knob RdZ PIN Num6er: WELL INFORMA biameter: ,Cusmg deptk- _- cTotal-iiepth: -- - - cStatto Watec LeVel: pquifer: CONIMENTS: TION: c5y - - 295=- 295 153? SG Peter Sandstone ? R=9fi% 612 891 7588 02-06-98 04:40PM P001 #01 _ A/ REQUEST FOR UTILITY IPHPROVEMENTS i I(We hereby requeat of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, I4innesota, utiliry improvements on and over property owned by me/us as follows: (Mention ty¢e of improvement; e.g. water, sanitary sewer, etc.) WATER LATERAL The location of Gaid utility improvements shall be geneially as follows: SECTIOP 49 27 239 Pamel 3062-B Janet M. Oater ' 2785_Pilot 8nob Eoad 1321 ati 5,,50 per foot = $726.00 .... , ...? I/We hereby waive notice of tiny and all hearidgs neceesary for the installation of said improvements and further con'sent to any assesaments necessarily levied hy the Township of Eagan for such improvementa. IIWe further agree to grant to the Township of Eagan any easements necea- sary for the fnstallaYion of such improvements. It is Further understood that this request sha1Z be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors of Eagan Township or its agent and I/we will be given reasonabi.e notice as to whether this request is poaslble under present utility planning as to timing, location, etc. ? / Dated: Ayaur?t 11. 1972 ' C??l'-.?' ????. ,( ?C 7i -` b, Request accepted by DaCe V>1 /7 2, $agan Township Request referred to Town Engineer: Date Copies: 1. Township 2. Town Engineer 3. Applicant - - ,o -- . 27 ?314Gl DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made and enterea into this 17th day of June, 1986, by and between JANET M. VERICK, a single person as Grantor, and the CITY OF EAGAN, Dakota Coun[y, Minnesota, as Grantee, WITNESSETH WHEREAS, said Grantor, is the owner of the tracts of lanG in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, legally deacribed as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Government Lot Five (5) in Section Four (4), Townahip Twenty Seven (27), Range Twenty Three (23), running thence North along the Eaeterly line of said Government Lot Five (5), 264 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be aescribed; thence from said point of beginning West 330 feet more or less to the Westerly line of [he East 10 acres of said Government Lot Five (5), thence North 56 feet, thence West 28 feet, thence North 76 feet, thence East 358 feet more or Less to the Easterly line of said Government Lot Five (5), thence South along said Easterly line 132 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.05 acres more or lesa accoraing to the Governmen[ Survey thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the saia Grantor, in consiaeration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to her paid by Gzantee, receipt of which is hereby acknowleuged, hereby grants an easement to the above premises to said Grantee, its heirs and assigne, for permanent Arainage purposes, including the normal practice of filling with water the above tlescribed premises from atorm sewer runoff, and for utili[y line purposes. Said easement is aescribea as follows: The Wes[ 20.00 feet of the Eas[ 70.00 feet of the above aescribea parcel. Together with a temporary construction easement over the West 10.00 feet of the East 80.00 feet of the above aeacribed parcel. Saia temporary easement to expire Tune 15, 1987. The Grantee shall have the right to do whatever is necessary for the en3oyment of the rights herein gran[ea, incluaing the right of clearing the easement area to allow for the use of the land as stated herein, and for ingress and egress to and from said tract of lana and over and acroes said easement only for [he purpose of constructing ana maintaining, operating and repairing said arainage facilities and utility lines. And the said Grantor, for herself, her heirs, executors, aeministra[ors and assigns does hereby release'the said CITY OF EAGAN, i[s successors ana assigns, from all claims for any and all damages resulting to said land by reason of the location of said arainage easemen[ ana u[ili[y lines. By acceptance of these easemen[s, the Grantee agrees that i[ shall restore the property located outside the anticipated perimeter of moving water to as near the exiating grade as is reasonably possible and further agrees to replace exis[ing cultivated shrubs or sod anA to aeea all other areas not coverea with moving water. . , . , i i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, [he Gran[or hereto ha5 hereun[o aet ticr hana_ ana seal_ the aay ana year firs[ above written. ? ? STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) f- On this 17 aay of C:L#I,2.. , 19%, before me a No[ary Pubtic within and for said County, personally appearea ,?/?eifEf /?l• /?CcricK to me personally known to De the peraon tlescribeA in ana who execu[eu the foregoing inetrument ana acknowledgea that ?he ecutea the same as he?- free act and aeed. (SEAL) ' Notary Public THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Hauge, Eide d Keller, P.A. 1200 Yankee Dooale Roaa Water View Office Tower, Suite 303 Eagan, MN 55123 (612) 456-9000 ? DAYID O.KELLEp y?p, c?eTw? eOsro w? 1M? EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX STAMPS Exempt trom Dakota County DeedTax .?' hokv?n? v ,no.,a,+L. lH 4 ..Q.l,- Dakofe County Tro"uret ?- DRAWING OF: Addltlonal dralnage and utility easements and atreet easement aver the piat of WYNDHAM CORPORATE CENTER and proposed dralnage and utlllty easement over 3 propertfes to south ot the plat. _ . ? V? ? ? ? O V V ` C u ? ? Q R ? V c Q e w 3 ?. / ?OOOvQ. P? P? ? " "' `:` "• , r^d /90.OO ? NB9•3 '4? E ?'' 6c7 ?w ? 7.331 , 11 ? x ? w ? a w 7 8I : i Sw/6 /.be ?T Wyn.I.laer C??v{a Ceh{?? ! soe.ao N89•5'J'38 E(.n) 3SB.00 '?? se?'IS39'C(a? pNif.in f.R srt i +'?f•? ? JONNSON . PR°r'?2TY ,.,, ?? - - - - ss? - - - - I? o° P?cor?tirY V ?^, ?(ALASK ?P?o ry Doa. N'e. ssr _ _ Y '? P??neRTY ??' .'/ OSTE/L 3qpz44 ?Z . ?L_ - - - - ?Je- - - - •:7: ? ?. • ?+ ? ? .SL ?•a ' ---- 0: y ?r f3.pp 5p.0o-•i ?14\ ' ^ e°. I M p n? : u O d g 2 m ZZ C 6 E 'n Y Q q ? A I Vi 0 N o ? . 2 J Cj a g x : ;.:t. I sa.oo o + I » I ? a ? vlwee%I ; ti?Q , O ? ? ? _. ?CSM ?\w V' I "' ?-? y a ?, I =? 1 i _ \1v,,? „ :(: ? . ? 2O ? 1 I ? I ? - ? A • ? ' ? ? . ?/?i YSee." ef ?iirf L.t s, -rdr. s-ss-u i1 I HansenThOrp --. I Pellinen Olson Inc. I hereby certlly that this survey, pian or report was prepared by me or under my dlrect supervislon Oct 27 2015 11;13AM Wagner Sod 6514574430 page 1 Uee BWE or B1,ACK Ink ✓ �� �----------------� 7 � Fe�o�lia u�s � f • � � �,� {1 VJ �Q � Pennit�E �-��/ � � (l� � � I L � � J6S0 Pibot Knob Rosd i �n��: � C? j l_...� Gpx�NN i51?,Z � Date Reoetvad: � Phone:(661)67li�3�T9 Faa�(864)875�b'�4 i Staf� i f � ������r��������Yl���V 2015 RESIDENTIAL BUILQING PERMIT APPLICATION �: si�a�a,+ess: a��s P;\o� 1rCv, ,b �oc��. �a�c►�u��i�: �.��..�,,,. �,..._.�.,:.��..�.....� � �,�___�,,,,�� , , � � Name: �`s��r��a��,�c�� :� l- : l o�n�F-ti,;� L tn c.�o�v►n_Phone: �1� y��a-S lO5 � '�:`,:., .� 2 '.�,-•:�.::.:;,,, Addroas/CiiylZip: �o� 1�A� �ierr 1 �1a c\ ���vhc �c�L A►��(y ''�_ � �+PA�h�amt�: _Owner CoMredor :..�.�.�.... ._�..�_�. � �,��:..� Description otwork: �e.�h.a\i �'�O V'� ��.. ': :.. Consbudion Co�t: MuMi-Family B�ildin9:(Yaa /No :�:...: - � �COfi(�flyl: _ V�JGlO�1f�e.�l' �O� 01Mv�alh, C011�C1: �C`�t] ��1Q�1nPf /� �'� � . �Addresa:_��SC� �. CouY'r�a ,.� �\� c1 C;�y: �in�e� �vnve �eC�1��C 'V���'.�� s i" ' S1ate:�Zip: SS�Phone: �nS I�lS~I-�3�1: Ybr�C�.u!G�er S�c�� Co��n `� �;..: I.icMse�: Ls�d Cer'tlflclrl�� .`'r��..�:�.:r-- � �F the project is exempt trom Nod cerdikation,please explain�why: �Y\�S 1S �:.JC_1lhn 1�•�:r��1 \1)� CAYE Y'e�h'�i)LI�yo� �Ne ��l�uS� � ""„`*��...r+.�..�.. .��,����.�....�_��+....�.........�.....��.a....�,�. COMPLETE THIS ARFJ4 ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW 6UtLDfNG In bre Vst 1Z modtlti,l�as U»CiL�r pf�ap�n Issued a p�nnit fiDr a simlt�r pl�n b�sed on a maslsr plan? Yes No .If yes.dat�and add�ess oi n�asier ptan: IJcensrd Piumbw: Phone: Mkhs�lcal Contrac�bor: Phone: Sew+sr�,Wwlrr Contr,acbor: p�: , Flts 9upp►e�siw�Contr�cxor: Phon�: �TE:�PI(�r1�;a�if: ,. ,. .: . { ,..,...-.�.,... .R., .�.�«�.��...��.,�..�.. ..�........��..� .,� .�+��:�l�s++��f�r�r ca�a�dl��,pu0iic Mib+�Mrlloa. P�q�o�t.M �e�r'A:w��.�s�d M��ra�'P�b�C K;y+ar Pio!qkfe��C�s`NNt r�ld�tfht t:�rto. � •- �cJ�r�m��iat��liay�►+s.�raa�as�r�Mi�. � . '� ,�. . . .. CALI,BEFORE U D1G.Cal�Ooplwr 8ta6�ona c�li at(,61)�64�000Y!or prvleallo�n�rM�t underyround ul�r d�. Cau�S daws bslbra�ro�tnl�nd in dip to rxeMe be�e�of nnda�ro�md uHIIHe�. I he�ebY admowle�e tAot lhls i�fortnafk�n b canplebe a�d�7 f!W O�s wodc wiB be in ao�nrwnoe wl�tl�e o�ass ad oode�o(tha d!y of E�p�;Nat t unaer�nd thi�I�ea e�e�mff,Dut oay an appintlon tor e pem�, .nd work�e not lo shrt�w�1►atR a pertr�ilwt ths wo�k wi Ds in acrradarae wNh tlfs�PP�P�1�!ho ase d wOrit xA�c�t�aquYes a revk�w Ynd app�w�l of pWnE. �P+�It�tijr�bulidinp p�mN!hswd lo aaoo�o�whh tlM Mk�►�oh iEe��Buddhq Code musl b�aompi�al wipi�1e0 x �b� � ,Y�� . ApplicanCo Prin�ed Nams 14ppliw g Page 10!a Oct 27 2015 11;13AM Wagner Sod 6514574430 page 2 LJas BLUE or BLACK Mk �� �---------...�_____-� i For filric�uN 1 � � I�ermR#. � � /� Cl Of�� 8ll ' � � PertnR Fas: �`� I � 9830 Pllat Knob Road � ! Espan MN 86i22 � Dots Reaebed: � Phone:(6S1j 675�6676 I � Fix:�65t�676-68�t � Sta1f: � �----------------- 2015 SEWER aND INATER REPAIR ! DI�CONNECT PERMli' oetg: t C�-�� I� . .� �: a �Cily Sewar �_City Waisr Rapal� _�dlswnnx! Ces�ltpbon Or Work: �'(ro���COKI � ��l.� 8treetAddrea for Prc�ro�ed Work c���S �� r,�3C V�O r � Neme:��('Y�Av�O i F�\n�rtinphci Ca�IG!a n� PIt6f�;_C���I ���-S�oS�j a�,r�,Z�p; 1 a C�as�,��-�a �aa , �����Ora N y �o� a3 - AppGcant is: Owne�r Coabactot Lioensed P1Pe�ayer Mastar Plum� Prope�ty t� Name: - 2 .� �� Phone: � � /� - J�_ / --� �/ �II] AddroealCilyJap: ���[1 - /1�.i;IZT�V l��.S� �l� � .1--� t�" /Yt/� `���7 � ,� G.S/~ �{57-(�D �� Pipelayer Traininp Cert'+�ic�tion Gsrd#: or Master Plumba I.losrns 1�: 1 admow�tedes tl�at ihs ir�ormetlon is compla�and eoauMe and tF�e!�e wotk willl 6e in cor�iorm�nce wltllt ihe adineu�caa and oode� of�e City of Eap■n and tlie 9t�te of MN StseWes. �u�derslar►d tlds is�t a pertrik,but ony an eppNcaticn fcr s penNt,m�d w�aic ie not ta siart witliou�a pennri. `C�o�� l��.r� ? RPPricsnt{Print N�ne) icanCs g�retir S�LL BEFORE YOU DIG. Ceu Gaphsr 8E�1e One Cail et t651)�4-0002 tor pio�a�i�rot unde�pround utll�y dama�e, Call 48 houn 6eb�e you Intiend t�dip to r�eoelve locsles of isttlsrgrounq ut'NNhs. www. B_ern