1283 Promenade PlHALLMARK , t . ? ._:?.-a•- . KQL`ttfiCQte 0f CCClIpQ1iCv wio of ftgan meparhneut af ZxiUbing axdpecfiou This Certifcate issued pursuanr to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying dwr aa thc time af issuance this stnuture was in compGance wirh the various ordinances of the Ciry regulatirtg building consrructioa or use. For the following.• ux aassirwation: 1NT 1MPR sag. PerrMt No. 30866 occurancr TYx r C)qUo „" - cons?. R?N RD .P1TKK: , MN 5534 ????ldina A55 L, B2, EAGAN PROMENADE Building Add 1283 PROMENADE PL ?a L.odiry , Dace: / d?i Bmldin& Otficial POST IN A CONSPICIJOUS PLACE r' \ ? . .. INSPECTION RECORD .CITIf OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 oir t [ to t roI+ 03 ANfif, Ay/1tij17 SITE ADDRESS: ? t w • : 10-2= 472,-*80- 0 APPLICANT: toT3 fe etOcF ! 11114 k.t:) PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: it1 .? 1. ! ! 1 ( i?f9 rr-rtANt r• rMi ! 11t11 F MAI'rk 3 INSPECTION j ;.littl+;•: i i •A • ?.: ii. DA ?•?:. ? ???? ! P? /'i 1 ? , ? ? -1 I Permk No. Permit Holder Date Telephone A ELECTRIC ? • g ?'l -6o0 +w,as PW . . ?. . q S???o7G? Inspectlon Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFIN(3 ROUGH PLUM8ING G Z- T ? PLBG AIRTEST Q? ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FiNAL PLBG FINAL HT(3 ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL SSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FlNAL GTY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number. Date Issued: BUILOSNG 030566 09/26/97 SITE ADDRESS: 1283 PROMENADE PL LOT: 8 BLOCK: 2 EAGAN PROMEMADE P.I.N.: 10- DESCRIPTION: 22472-080-02 (HALLMARK) Oui-1'dirct} ? rmit Type ?ui1'cf.lrrg Wa?Type ? ;0 COMM./IND. ?-- T.ENANT FINISH II-N 437 ALT. NONRES. .. ??tv OF eagan REMARKS FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION B85E F@E Plan Review 5urcharge Total Fee . f'1 $1,562.25 $1,015.46 $117.50 $2,695.21 $235,000 CONTRACTOR: _ ppplicant - OWNER: OPUS CORPORATION 29364444 OPUS NOR7HWE5T LLC 9900 BREN RD E 800 9900 BREN RD E MINNETONKA MN 55343 MINNETONKA MN 55343 (612) 936-4444 (612)936-4558 , ,t '?? ? ? : ?' '?•r ?•x ? `q? ?t ?ma?n?g ? a?¢ ?y?gyu??r e r ? ?e ? eNF?i f ? t € y '? 01y n L e.?4vdv? LR??dK? 5l?L?e W? L???? 4F????eMl?alL55?tt# u 4,m? ? avd v? m ??a , mXP,.t?. t h ..e, J `: ?._. . <.-i.d c,..... .,... fhW :.: < ..... _ . } . ..? APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE ata RjiAf m8- SSUED B: SI AT R 1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) 5, 06L CITY OF EAGAN 681-4675 cofl&O-A? The tollowing are requiretl with appropriate certification tor all p@y,r construction: • 2 each: architectural plans; mech. & elec. plans; fire spnnkler plans; atructural plans; site plans; landsceping plans; gretlingfdrainagNerosion control - plan; utifiry plan ? 1 each: set of specificatlons; set of energy wlailationa; electrical power 8 lighting form; Speoial Inspediona 8 Testing Schedule ? Letter from MCrWS (phortelJ222-8423) indicating SAC detertninaNon ? Code enalysis indicating: codes usad; occupanq dessifications; setbadcs; meuimum eNOwable area aa per Building and CHy Codes along with sq. ft. per floor; type of construction (synopsis of cenatruaion componenta) 8 arry occupancy ar area separation welis; occupancy loads: exit synopsis with a diagram iMicating exiting loads from each room or area, havel paths 8 all retad 111 SOIL'S aorritlors; plumbing fixtures; and parking. REPORT DATE: Se??te?er 18. 1997 WORKTYPE: X New ReMOOeL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: TenMt 7r!mmvemnts for Tenant Snace ?-5 of the :-zg n Prrnrenafla CONSTRUCTION COST: "234,944.00 TENANT NAME: Ha1lmark SITE ADDRESS: 1283 '?ranenade nlace mm m. LOT ? BLOCK ?3' SUBD. F.anan nramenadP P.I.D. # 10-22472-080-07 PROPERTY OWNER ' CONTRACTOR ARCHfTECT! ENGINEER Name: 0ous Nortrnaest Lr,c Phone #: ?3ti~na?.n. ?I Street Address: 7019 rADuS Centex• 990f) 13ren ?-' Fa= t City: M=nnet:onka State: 1td Zip: 55343 Company: Qous c'Axporation Phone #: ?? C)-"•11dn PRST Street Address: voo Orius center, 9900 aren r.oac; East City: 'linnetonka, NIId Zip: 55343 Company: OIDus Architects & Flzqineers, znc.Phone #: 930-4660 Name: Grant reterson Registration #: 124913 Street Address: 700 opus center, 9900 Bren Pcaa East City: Minnetonlca State: "IN Zlp: 9s14-1 Sewer & water licensed plumber (only rf instafting sewer 8 water): (' .R. Mechanical read this appiication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with al,l rtes and City of Eagan Ordinances. r? Signature of Applicant: p ? OFFICE USE ONLY 4A . "Nt. BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 21 Miscellaneous ia( 18 Comm./Ind. ? 20 Public Faci{ity WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 33 Alterations b( 35 Tenant Finish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) IL nl Basement sq. ft. MC/WS System ? (Allowable) First Floor sq. ft. City Water .? UBC Occupancy sq. ft. Fire Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft. Census Code tl37 # of Stories sq. ft. SAC Code -?,o Length sq. ft. Census Bldg. a f Depth Footprint sq. ft. Census Unit ? APPROVALS Planning Building AA42-,., Engirieering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ 23 S, ooc.?• - Surcharge Plan Review MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. SNU Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Traits Ded. Water Qual. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Meter 5ize ? OPUS, September 26, 1997 Opus Corporation 800 Opus Cencer 9900 Bren Road East Minneronka. Minneso[a ;5333 6129364444 Mr. Michael J. Bazck Building Ltspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55 1 22-1 897 Re: Hallmark Eagan Promenade Dear Michael: Mailing Atldress P.O. Box 150 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-0150 Fax 612-936-4529 Please consider this letter as Opus Corporation's confumation that the cash wrap in the Hallmazk at Eagan Promenade will be handicap accessible. Per our conversauon, the cash wrap will have at least a thirty inch wide azea where the counter height is no greater than thirty-four inches. In addition, if this azea is not wheelchair accessible from a perpendiwlar angle, there will be a seventeen inch clearance underneath it. Thank you for your cooperadon on this matter. Sincerely, OPUS CORPORATION Matt Hamilton Associate Projea Manager cc: Dan Boie Jerry Esfeld - Hallmark Tom Siebenaler Jeff Stockman - HC Kiover Architect Opus Corporatiun is an affiliate of the Opus grcup of mmpanies-Architects. Contracrors. Developers AUanla, Chicago. Culum6us, Dallas. Denvec Ft. Lauderdale. Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Odandu. Pensamla. Phoenin, Sacramento, San franciseo, Sea[de, Tampa, Washington O.C. . ? A OOPUS. Mailing Address P.O. Box 150 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-0150 Fax 612-936-4529 ? Liz- Z 3eptember 26, 1997 Opus Carporation 800 Opus Center 9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 612-936-4444 Mr. Michael J. Bazck Building Inspector City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Re: Hallmark Eagan Promenade Dear Michael: j Z- '3 "3 ?c7r- Ex1 w-fJc 4_?_ -- 2,Z? Please consider this letter as Opus Corporation's confirmation that the cash wrap in the Hallmark at Eagan Promenade will be handicap accessible. Per our conversation, the cash wrap will have at least a thirry inch wide area where the counter height is no greater than thirty-four inches. In addition, if this azea is not wheelchair accessible from a perpendicular angle, there will be a seventeen inch cleazance undemeath it. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, OPUS CORPORATION ? -3 ?/? Matt Hainilton Associate Projut Manager cc: Dan Boie Jerry Esfeld - Hallmark Tom 3iebenaler Jeff Stockman - HC HIover Architect pL Opus Corporation is an affiliate of Ne Opus group of companies-Architects, Contracmrs, Oevelopers Atlanta, Chicago, Colum6us, Dallas, Denver, Ft. Lauderdale, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Orlantlo, Pensacola, Phoenix, Sacramento, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, Washington D.C. FROM :OPUS CORPORRTION vr V.7 OvUSCOflPORATION 800 0?! ClntOL ?900 Brvn Road 8ast Mlnne onke, Mlnnesafa 65349 612-936-4494 TO . 661 4694 1997,09-30 08:24GM p490 P,01/03 blalll?p AddraeB: P.O. 9ox 150 Mlnnaepolla, Minnoeota 86440 FACSIMILE TELEPHONE NUMBER: ro: CAMPANY: #! OF PAGES: (inciuding cover) FROM: RE: lq4lG ,_ h e cl cac_r esf,'6/e yUr? •7 f6C? FACSIMILE COVER SHEET e- I zu', RM, uk - 3 -?of} H?m?l?orti ;s MESSAGE: ?I'7!' G N'{ S H ee+ o'n Gtis/ 2. <*, cv r.Y Yo r r.-+ r ?+•.a <. .v , •.{ ? ' i Facsirnile number: (617) 936-4529. We are sending from an outomntic NEGINetax noo If you have troublo receiving, please call (612) 93G-4444 612-936-4494 • FROM :OPUS CORPORRTIDN TO . 681 4694 1997,09-30 09:24GM k490 P.02/03 ?• FaCSimile Message To: 4p Comparly: Phone; Fax: From: Dopartment• Phone• tllre f Fax: (818] 2744743 - Date: Pages (includfng this cover pags): If you have any questi0ns regsrding a 1e{eoopy you have recelv6d, pieese call th9 person that sent thls fax. M 0 M D a e m v a i Q N N W 9 m ? a r m m ? a m ? v ? ro Ln v m a v i M m i N •• ti lD 0 F d11YWMIqL . ADA CASWEAOMG 640DiRCAT10N r RIGFtr SERNCE EOUNfER K2670 2 34.00 z 0 ? a ? 0 a ? 0 u ? ? a 0 'o rc ?LL SIDE 9,LOD i - 2554 --1 v L d BL ,2.. CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #: dI,50 J SUBD. (O?n. Is?/[UYxLKCd? RECEIPTDATE: 91.2 ?,Y,7 1997 PLU1418INfi P£ii1HIT (COM14lERCirtL) C1TY Of EAfiAN S$SO PILOT KNOS RD F-AfiAN, MN 55112 (612)681-4675 Please complete for: all commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate building permits are not requ'ved for each dwelling unit backflow preventer to be installed in commercial areas or residential boulevards Date: Work Type: New Bldg. A Add-on _ Repa'v _ U.G. Sprinkler Is Water Meter Required? Yes No Water Flow GPM To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11681-4646. P$ES 1% of contract price or $25.00 minimum Contract Price: $ x 1% _ $? COMPLETE THIS AREA IF INSTALLING UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEM Service: _ Existing (if coming offdomestic line) OR _ New Backflower Preventer Permit Fee $ 25.00 Water Meter I" rr $185.00 or 2" Turbo @$846.00 If "new service"add Water Permit $ 50.00 = WAC $ 780.00 = Water Treatrnent $ 420.00 = City Installed Tap $ 300.00 = $ Permit Fee $ ? ?6 . It lt?? State surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of ep rmi! fee or minimum of $.50 per permit State Surcharge Total Fee I hereby acknowledge that I have read this app(icaNon, state that the information is correcY, and agree to comp]y with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanYs responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liabiliry for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: I :D, o ? QWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADD$F.SS: l-? b 5" T- P) ?n lS?f' TELEPHONE #: r ? ? q 6 6 3 CITY: STATE: ZIP: ? -3 -? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY USE ONLY COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT -1997 METER SIZE PRV _ Yes ? No Domestic Irrigation UTILITY CONNECTION (APPLIES TO NEW SERVICE ONLl) REVIEWED BY: ?Building Inspector Da[e To determine meter size • See if it is indicated on back of Building Inspections card • Enter address in PIMS Screen 301 to obtain S&W permit # ' Check P1MS Screens 110 (Remazks) * If gallons per minute are less than 25, a 1" meter will be required [f gallons per minute aze more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required. This information is to be supplied by the designer of the system. ConsWt with Plumbing Inspector if Licensed Plumber does not know GPMs. Before seliine meter Check PIMS Screen 320 for aproval of inspection results. No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections aze complete on a new service. If new service lines aze not required, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Write meter type and size on receipt, code to 3716-9220 (meter portion only), and forward copy to Utility Billing Clerk. * Enter meter size, type, receipt #, date c& amount paid on PIMS Screen 110. Copy of receipt should be given to Urility Billing Clerk. Miscellaneous Information • The instafler is to contact Building Inspections at 681-4675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Central Maintenance Division may be reached at 681-4300 for water tum-on. * If ineter is over 518", notify Central Maintenance so they can tell you if there is one in stock hefore plumber goes over there. JS/Forms.61d7p1bg permi[ (comm) 1997 ? CITY USE ONLY L ? BL ? SUBD??. -? 1997 M£CHPtNICAL PERM1T (COMM£RCIAL) CITY Of E+kfiRN S$SO PILOT KN08 iiD E,e?sAN, Mv 551Qa (612) 691-4675 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: a T- '--L-7 CONTRACT PRICE: ) p ,S p ,? o` WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION vl' INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT DESCRIPTIONOF WORK: 17csa-24?-nm? ??^- a- L`? sT, ,2,,?rTai°J FEES: 1% of contract price OR $25.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Processed piping - $25.00 CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING PERMIT FEE STATESURCHARGE TOTAL --------------------------------------- siT'E a,DDxESS: I OWNER NAME: a? Cx5r. 1 ?j 1 0'e' ??- V20 -.., u - R o V RECEIPT#: RECEIPT DATE: ($.50 per $1,000 of cermit fee due on all permits.) AJC PHONE #: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY): INSTALLER: r?SS??-•f+?-Ep lA.n <.-.,.-.aR.r.. Cy?-f ? 1^'\6 aDDxESS: Pd> - 3- x a1'7 rxoivF, #: CITY: 5W'°"F" P ec`' 3TATE: Y-'+^J SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE ZIP: S?? -r -7 9 /??/ CITY INSPECTOR CITY USE ONLY LOT BL SUBD. RECEIPT #: _ RECEIPT DATE: 1997 MECH!l1VICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) crrY oF EAsAN S$SO PILOT KNOB SD £A6AN MN 551 EE (61E) 6$1-4675 Date: Complete this section onlv if you are instaliing HVAC in single family, townhomes or condos under construction and not owner /occupied • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 • Gas outlets ( minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) . State Surcharge: .50 • TOTAL: Complete this section onlv if you are remodeling, adding to, or repairing existing single family dwellings, townhomes, or condos. Note: Mechanical permit is not re uired for alteration/add-on to ductwork in existing residential units; but is required for the following: _ Install fumace _ Install air conditioning _ Install air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. _ Other Minimum fee applies to all remodei or add-ons of existing residences $ 20.00 State Surcharge .50 Total: $ 20.50 SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: 1NSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CIT'Y: STATE: ZIP: SIGNATCTItE OF PERMITTEE PHONE #: PHONE #: JS/FORMS BLDlMECH PERMIT (RES) - 1997 For Office Use Permit#: , II'� N E AGA Permit Fee: ► Staff: L J 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 Payment Recvd: Yes No (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 Email:buildinginspectionsacitvofeaaan.com Plans: Electronic Paper Plan Submittal:eplansecitvofeagan.com DEC 3 1 2018 2018 COMMERCIAL ME ANICAL P MIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set of the submittal,submitted via email,CD or flash drive Date: t2. z. (eI Site Address: 1 Z8?, -Fru Ak.tion.00rk4aCL Tenant: A// rt to Suite#: OwnerName: 11/118 .h(.e v i Q (2.€ I-t�J/4 k Phone: ?52- 6T-0-4-l�ls 01, Address/City/Zip: '"�b'3 (Axel Z' is eif'. 4 Name: ()-1 t t law+ /tt.0.4 Iz r w/ License#: 94//606 5-601 Contractor Address: G2S1 L,,. '7 ft- 5/, City: ices. r i State: 1I kf Zip: act Phone: 952---.63.5"- 2$l 0 Contact: ta 'j:Kk(94r-r. Email:d-h gve*t @ ✓i,/ .✓f vw-cdk- New ✓ Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Type',of Work Description of work: Izo.Pwet to -fn,n f//C p`iu milt let wew v41'1- ca,r i'NOTE:'llRoof mounted rind`ground mounted mechanical equipment is required to be screened-by City Code-1 Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for informationyon permitted screening methods. . , ,, COMMERCIAL New Construction Interior Improvement permit-Type Install Piping /Processed V Gas Exterior HVAC Unit IUnder/Above ground Tank ( Install/ Remove) COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ /1 210 x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ 11'2.,1,0f Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 =$ S' �`, Surcharge If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ lit • 34 TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x ( cw fete Ed at hl�.•r x 7-•�- Applic is Printed Name App 's Signature FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Reviewed By, .t � Underground 4: Rough In Air Test Gas Service Test In floor Heat 'Opal HVAC, creening