1637 Ashbury Pl - Site Survey
* * 0 2422 Enterprise Drive
* PIONEER Mendota Heights, MN 55120
engineering..- (612) 681-1914
Certificate of Survey for: LOLL (CE CITY CONST
~Qw 19.9
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Date ro ~9 r._ .
EAGAN goo-0 Denotes exicfin4 Eleva/ion PROPOSED NOOSE ELEVATIONS
. 900.o Denotes propv ed Elevation Lower Foor E eve ion g1 7.o
Denotes Drainatef Utiti/y Easement Top or Block Elevation 820.0
-sa-Denotes DrainccYY3ie F/ow Arrows Garage Slab f/evation sig. s
0 Denotes monument
Bearings shown are assumed Subject to Easements or'Record
1 hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was per/veered by and y direct sup I ion and that I am duly Registered Land Survey"
under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this -9¢1~day of A.O. 19
Scale 1 Jnc _4O_,G f
ROBERNICH L.5. G. NO. 14191
* * 2422 Enterprise Drive
* PIONEER Mendota Heights, MN 55120
engineering_ (612) 681.1914
Certificate of Survey for: C0LL EQE CITY CONST
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9ao.o Denotes existin Elevation PRo SE N u F FLEVATI~NS
• soo.o_ Denotes prop&ed Elevation Lowes Floor Eleva ion g17.3
Denofes Draino e ( (ltili jy Easement- Top o, Block Elevation 820,0
Denotes DrainccYYSe Flow Arrows Garage Slab Elevation 8/9.8
0 Denofes monument
Bearin¢s shown are assumed Subject' to Easements of Record
LOT 4, BLOCk 4, 9LACA9AW!<' G4 [A/ 2ND ADD.
1 hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was Pr red by me undo y direct rup,111vi/JJtan and that I am duly Registered hrM Surveyor
under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this day of A.O. 19T.
Scale : 11z _4O of ~~{9
ROBERT S, flEG. N 0.14891