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4078 Baffin Bay N - Site Survey 24 A-1 Ae* ft 2422 Enterprise Drive * PIONEER Mendota Heights, MN 55120 ng eer ng.. 0I612) 681.1914 CENTEX NOMES Certificate of Survey for: NottTN MoyEI 4 700 w ~ 132.45 ~6°;2'3Z"w is "k, ~N a h O' VO / 0' ~ °'h N Q~ N 0 4~ 7riO 4~ 97r Ile<r 4~ / p~ Sg~^ •s r v / 3zb 7/.1i / die LAGAN ENGINEERING DEPT goo.o Denotes existino Elevation -PROPOSED E ELEV~ ArIQN soo.o Denole5 prop Ned Eleval'iori towed Floor E eva ion asa.z, Denotes Drar'na e `Uli(iy Easement Top o; Block Elevation s 1.36 Denotes Draind~e now Arrows Gara,We Slab Elevation 99 i.o3 o Denofec monument o Deno es Dorset flub Bearings shown are assumed Su ject to Easemen{s of Reco1-rd LOT 18 , BLOCK 1 , HILLS OF STONEBRIDGE PLAT 2 DAKOTA COUNT`' I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or tinder my direct supervision and that I am duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this day of A.D. 19 Scale: I- ROn R IF R. SIKIC L.S. REG. NO. 1-891 `70//7,0L * * * .'7 / TJ - / 41' - ---24 Enterprise Drive * PIONEER Mendota Heights, MN 55120 eng*neer ng.. (612) 881-1914 Certificate of Survey for: CENTEX f-/0M[5 wofltN H°vF1, 4 -700 $ W /5245 6°31'32"v1 At s ti 00 / ~OC ~O ter ? I o 019 a n ti / e / < 1 t<e 2.0 32 .1R ~C 8' •1 FAGAN ENGINEERING DEPT . 900.0 Denotes exist j4 Elevalion PROPOSED HOUSE PLEVATION soo.0 Denotes propdJed Elevation towed floor eva ion 9R, -Z Denotes Draina6e(Ufiti/y Easement- lip of Block EJevation 8 1.36 Denotes Drain plow ,4rrows Gara e Slab Elevation rn i,oi o Denotes monument o Dena es Vtlt set Nub Bearings shown are assumed Su ject to Easements of' Record LOTS, BLOCk I if HILLS OF STONEBRIDCE PLAT 2 DAKOTA CouNTY I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report wet pre Bred by me r under my direct superqvislon and that I am duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of tiro State of Minnesota. Dated this day of n.0. 19 -91- -419 cale: 1 1 °40 L S RO Ir o~ _ "08 1-! t R. SIRIC i L.S. REQ. NO.14a 1