3565 Baltic Ave - Site Survey SIGMA HO SE CERTIFICATE FOR: HOME BV4nEBS SURVEYING EANG OEVEEnntRS AMMMON~ REALTORS SERVICES "R `"10'w¦ 3808 Sibley Memorial Highway FRO COMPANIES Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: 1612) 452.3077 p,S MODEL: HARTFORD -L- yc.AL 6 lu;4 I I ~a Q ` o 24 I r 5r-• ILO.cr lIEA•<.~' DRA1~ AeE@ ? t a \I S ~ ~g!k w U ~ TILITr ; t ~T 12. 'r p T s~. Lo s a51y LOZ S 1 s * CORDES i i E 14675-_~ S U uR 1 PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= S&O.O -LEGEND 0 Denotes Iron Mou,eent PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVATION- ~6D.3 A De p,~~•3 Denotes Wood Nub Set PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION e(,o.o Denotes Existing Spot Elevation NOTE. Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. DA Denotes Proposed Spot Elevation '--Denotes Drainage Direction ~q~pyEYJi5 IFICATICI- I hereby certify that this survey, Plan or report _PIr(pERTr DESCRIPTION- was prepared by me or order my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Lad Surveyor LOT SS1.CCK 3 under the laws of the State of Minnesota. HAMPTON HFIGHTS n 8/L f$6 according to the recorded plat thereof, 4/, lp~lcL Date; Dakota County, Minnesota Mayne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14575 SIGMA HOSE CERTIFICATE FOR: SURVEYING bioMELAND DEVELOPFNS SERVICES NEM TONS Air 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway FROG Nr TIE COMPANIES Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452-3077 MODEL: HARTFORD -L- L.: f 3 ' , -4 4. I - I " 2 Sim 4-i "I D}~RAIN Aa%@ , i A Teps? 11~7~ 4df,`'~ N' °o I „ ,..f 7 x~8 LIT' '12- ! O ; LOT 5 SAX gi`i K _ Soo) I I NI L SA 10.0 H O ? I r b x --a .tea- N_ 9-41 w. yx xe LoZ 4l rid WAYNE CORDES j '-14675-J~ 7y -LEGEND- PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION= 8(00.0 0 Denotes Iron Monurent PROPOSED Top of Block ELEVATION- f"5/o0.3 = Denotes Word Hub Set PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION= 5513 9861.1 Denotes Existing Spot Elevation NOTE: Verify all floor heights with Final House Plans. Denotes Proposed Spot Elevation Denotes Drainage Direction 9Jm. Yi~ts CIRTIFICE10rl_- I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report -PAOFERIY CEXAIPTILri- was prepared by me or order my direct supervision LOTS BLax and that I am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor order the laws of the State of Minnesota. HAMPTON HEIGHTS accordirg to the recorded plat thereof. Date. 8IZlSt. Dakota Canty, Minnesota Wayne D. Cordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14575