3780 Bayberry Lane - Site Survey XA1 * * }C 2422 Enterprise Drive *PIONEER LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEERS Mendota Heights, MN 55120 en ineerin LAND PLANNERS . LANDS CAPE ARCHITECTS 9 * 1 (612) 681.1914 Certificate of Survey for: Joseph M. Miller Construction._,Ine. Model Name: Vanderbilt 2 NV / o ' lot. try / rr ph r0~ /\°sa % ~t- V .o \ O R = 10.00 / V rg~= r \ \ so. / A = 89°57'20" L = 15.70 \ s /,yo 0 70 ( yer( ® PR P o 70 /~a° L`~r so 3~0~ O Oo t \ s \ \ \ \ 891.3 \ \ `1 A \ \ \ \ \ \ \ aw.o Denotes Existing Elevation PROPOSED HOUSE ELEVATION eoo Denotes Proposed Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation:_ Denotes Drainage & Utility Easement Top of Block Elevation: Denotes Drainage Flow Direction Garage Slab Elevation: -o Denotes Monument ci Denotes Offset Hub Bearings shown are assumed LOT 13, BLOCK 1 THE WOODLANDS THIRD ADD. DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby rel tlfy that this ;&a true end correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the ebo ad;es'fribed tend, and of tha-tncet'of of all buildings, thereon. and all visible encroachments. if any, from or on mid land As surveyed by me this ssthY oil A0. 19 J./--s- * L.S. T+EC. NO- 1.1095 s.~ ROBERT 6, SIKICH S C C) I pp inch 629 1 92041.00 Jl fee, r_,'-a I ricer iris 6S 1945:r F'. U2 S~ a } PIONEER 2422 Enterprise Drive LANG SURVEYORS• CIVIL ENGINEERS Mendota Heights, MN 55120 engineering., LANOPLANNERg-LANDSC APE ARCHITECTS 1V12)681 197b ic V V *Y* Certificate of Survey for: ,Joseph M. Miller Construction, Inc. Model Name: Vanderbilt 2 / / / / / / / / O° D x•37 / hD'en~ / / l}~ ~i Oh rpm obi L 0T/ o~ ?s 9 sjwa tK '/40 / \ / R = 10.00 A = 89°57'20" L = 15.70 990, \ f \ ti ~r a ` / D \ ~J \ r Y0 0 0 < \ s s \ 0 .~/?~7 \ ~ry o r'A 1~fn.kOy6 \ \ 891.3 F ~X A\j EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPT 900.0 Denotes Existing Elevation PROPOSED HOUSE-FLEVA11ON 900.0 Denotes Proposed Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation: +'1 Denotes Drainage & Utility Easement Denotes Drainage Flow Direction Top of Block Elevation:, -o~- Denotes Monument Garage Slab Elevation:-_; o Denotes Offset Hub Bearings shown are assumed LOT 13, BLOCK 1 THE WOODLANDS THIRD ADD. DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of the above des ribad land, end of the IocatlOR of ;II h ' buildings. thereon. and all visible encroachments, if any. from or On said and As surveyed by me this day A.D. 19-31 a I Scale: Iinch-30fee ROBERTS. 51KICH L 5. REG. NO. 1,1891 F 62-R 92041.00 F' I C.r,eer Er.3 l rteer r n-s * 2422 Enterprise Drive * PIONEER LAND SURVEVOR$-CIVILENG1NEEHS Mendota Heights, MN 55120 engineering., LAND PLANNEFw • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT' ~f* k (612) 681-1914 Certificate of Survey for: Joseph M. Miller Construction Inc. Model Name: Vanderbilt 2 / J J / °s 9 47 A 10' arv Co / / r / / `~s, Uf`r •a \ ,mob/ R=110.00 / \ / ` / / Q = 89°57120" 90.- L = 15.70.90. 41 1) \ \ \ / 1° \ `L~ rjorcp /,tiV \ o`~g>z ~O \ / / p 11 \ ? \ / ° Dc0 \ \ \ \ \ 891.3 \ ~J \ \ 1 A \ o \ \ \ \ \ \ 900.0 Denotes Existing Elevation PROPOSED HOUSE Et_EVAl10N 00a. Denotes Proposed Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation: Denotes Drainage & Utility Easement Top of Block Elevation: Denotes Drainage Flow Direction --p- Denotes Monument Garage Slab Elevation: i.?, Denotes Offset Hub Bearings shown are assumed LOT 13 , BLOCK 1 THE WOODLANDS THIRD ADD. DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby certify that this is a true end correct tepleentetion of a survey of the boundaries of the abov'ee~~dges~~gribed land, and of the-Iocatlon of all buildings, thereon, and all visible encroechrnentt, if enY, from or on said land As surveyed by me thls___~'fl'Syday ol,A.D. L a llrw,.j Scale: 1 inch-3Of0et ~ . . ROBERT B. 5IKICH L.$. REG. NO. 11- 1891 629, 92041,00