4739 Beacon Hill Rd - Site Survey Farrel } 1.:na(i DELMAR'H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVFYOR Rrg,t*'ed Un0.. L.wl Of 1F• St 'If Of MmnesOb 2878 - 148TH STREET W. - BOX M ROSEMOUN7. MINNESOTA 55068 PHGNE 612 423.1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE "CAT-` 1 lrirn = 31 Qi - v bl - / 'iq p fj I f notes PrDpnncti ~i I I,fo I'lnirt}te''- grad!, boo --~_o% ft c t. •t AOP Ie . ?:1.4R P 'F.,2 ."wi of ??')r,; •t r.. n 1197 s, 1, 'nt f 1 our 1 I T t' ti) fi}l'?1J I1r't7i~')zed i1.1'JJr :'t•:1:- t,tl^ 11 d3-• of S(.T If 1,11 I }u'r'•.•t:•, crrtliv UI-It f.hIr. .i:. }{j! err rf't Tel i 1', r`4~, '.AC 1:,:,. j j 47,7 M!'N( `PTA fit (IS' nAT,UN NO RG75 Certificate for: P1 -4 Centex Homes Midwest Inc. 8601 Darnell Road Eden Prairie, Mn. 55344 a DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYOR Registered Under Laws of The State or Minnesota 2978- 145TH STREET W. - BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 56068 PHONE 612 423-1769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE SCALE: 1 inch = 3) feet fit i a; X40 53. l ;.not~c, Fr>: uc,c'i SoFinioheC (r u(- 1 3ENC},2 A' K: !.yr"t :r.t bet-.-won i•ltL~ 4 ]k. - ' 472 Elc.'v. 9^7.43 s.~C Top of F1 )c't tl J / G rage f1 x>r 54 ZD Friscnent f l: Dr LOT Revised to show proposed 1-11 r, / c., staked this 11 clay 'if S; nt , ~ ^J I hereby certify that this true find cDrrect rrpmnr-nt,:.t: or Lot 3, illnck 3, 1 :AC it: HI_.I„ to the rec'>rded a' -it thr:1 County, rinnesota. Dated: June 11, - 47 f er 41.4 11-17 /4 'H' j c! 4 7.7 =ic, 3T IL4 6x t Brr,aft ' MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NO.8625 r